22-8075 VFW Solicitation in Rights-of-Way.. ,.. .. r "' "' z "-w "' .!: (ij en ~ 31 Si c 0 () RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8075 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A PERMIT PURSUANT TO STANDARD TRAFFIC ORDINANCE SECTION 69 IN RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST OF THE SALINA VFW POST #1432 AUXILIARY (VFW) FOR THE PURPOSE OF AUTHORIZING VOLUNTEERS TO COLLECT CONTRIBUTIONS SOLICITED FROM THE OCCUPANTS OF VEHICLES IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE "VETERAN'S DAY POPPY DRIVE" TO BENEFIT THE SALINA VFW POST #1432 AUXILIARY. WHEREAS, Section 69, subsection (b), of the Standard Traffic Ordinance ("STO"), as adopted by the City of Salina, Kansas ("City"), provides that: "(b) No person shall stand on a highway for the purpose of soliciting employment, business or contributions from the occupant of any vehicle;" and WHEREAS, Section 69 , subsection (d) of the STO further provides that: "(d) The soliciting of contributions under subsection (b) shall not be prohibited if such person or organization has first obtained a permit authorizing such soliciting from the City;" and WHEREAS, the Salina VFW Post #1432 Auxiliary ("VFW") has submitted the attached application to the City dated August 26, 2022 ("Application") seeking approval of the "Veteran 's Day Poppy Drive" to benefit the Salina VFW Post #1432 Auxiliary in which voluntarily participating persons approved by the VFW would solicit contributions from the occupants of vehicles on City right-of-way for the benefit of VFW on November 5, 2022; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body desires to authorize the City Manager to issue a permit in accordance with STO Section 69(d) authorizing volunteer participants to collect contributions from the occupants of vehicles on City right-of-way in conjunction with the "Veteran's Day Poppy Drive" to benefit the Salina VFW Post #1432 Auxiliary in accordance with the guidelines set forth below; SO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to issue a permit in accordance with STO Section 69(d) authorizing volunteers approved by the VFW to collect contributions from the occupants of vehicles on City right-of-way in conjunction with the Veteran's Day Poppy Drive to benefit the VFW upon the following conditions: a. The permitted activity shall occur only during daylight hours. The permit shall specify the times of collection per the Application. b. The permitted activity shall be conducted only by volunteers approved by the VFW. c. The permitted activity shall be conducted only at signaled intersections approved by the City Manager per the Application. d. Any solicitation of contributions from occupants of a vehicle shall occur only from behind the curb line or on the median and not from the street adjoining the signaled intersection. Upon acknowledgement by the occupant of a vehicle of a desire to respond to the solicitation with a contribution, the contribution may be collected by volunteers approved [SEAL] by the VFW by stepping onto the street alongside the vehicle, but only while the vehicle is stopped at the signaled intersection . e. Prior to the event, VFW will provide the City a Certificate of Liability Insurance listing the City as a Certificate Holder and showing evidence of a minimum General Liability per occurrence limit of $1M and a minimum $2M general aggregate. In addition, VFW shall endorse the City as an Additional Insured under their General Liability policy. f. A Special Event Permit Application shall be completed and signed by the Salina VFW Post# 1432 Auxiliary in order to satisfy the written contract requirement for the Additional Insured Endorsement. Section 2. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect following its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 3rd day of October, 2022.