22-8077 Aero Plains 2022 MIH ApplicationRESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8077 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION AND SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE KANSAS HOUSING RESOURCES CORPORATION (KHRC) FOR THE 2022 KANSAS MODERATE INCOME HOUSING GRANT PROGRAM, SUPPORT FOR AN APPLICATION BY BUILDING KANSAS, LCC FOR THE HB 2237 TAX CREDIT PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE GRANT AGREEMENT, DIRECT ANY ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS, AND EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the Kansas Moderate Income Housing (MIH) Program authorizes any city incorporated in accordance with the laws of the State of Kansas (the "State") with a population of less than 60 ,000 to apply for loans or grants to cities for infrastructure or housing development in areas that do not qualify for federal housing assistance ; and WHEREAS, the City has an estimated population of less than 60,000 and , therefore, constitutes an eligible city as said term is defined by the MIH program; and WHEREAS, on Jul y 12 , 2021 the City Commission adopted Resolution No . 21-7970 adopting the Live Salina Plan-2021 Supplement and supporting its implementation ; WHEREAS, the Live Salina Plan-2021Supplement recommends increased housing and adoption of a housing economic incentive policy to encourage new developments and infill housing opportunities ; WHEREAS, this MIH application is being prepared in partnership with Building Kansas LLC; and WHEREAS, Building Kansas , LLC is worked with the City to create a Rural Housing Incentive District (RHID) over the Aero Plains Housing Development; and WHEREAS, the Building Kansas , LLC Aero Plains RHID will contain 150 units of townhome duplex owner-occupied homes and townhomes for moderate income families; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Salina, Kansas (the "City") adopts this resolution making certain findings as the basis for the City's application for and participation in the MIH program; and WHEREAS, HB 2237, was enacted by the Kansas State Legislature on May 5, 2022 , (effective July 1, 2022) created an economic incentive referred to as "The HB 2237 Tax Credit Program"; and r ,.., ,.. Ill "' "' z (l. LU "' .s <ii Ul "' ~ :l2 0 "' c: 8 WHEREAS, in order to implement The HB 2237 Tax Credit Program in a timely manner for the year 2022 only MIH applicants are eligible and must apply simultaneously with the applicants MIH application; and WHEREAS, documented support for an MIH applicant's simultaneous application for the HB 2237 Tax Credit Program is required. SO NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: SECTION 1. The governing body hereby finds and determines that there is a shortage of quality housing of various price ranges in the City despite the best efforts of public and private housing developers. SECTION 2. The governing body hereby finds and determines that the shortage of quality housing can be expected to persist and that additional financial incentives are necessary in order to encourage the private sector to construct or renovate housing in the City. SECTION 3. The governing body hereby finds and determines that the shortage of quality housing is a substantial deterrent to future economic growth and development in the City . SECTION 4. The governing body hereby finds and determines that the future economic well-being of the City depends on the governing body providing additional incentives for the construction of quality housing in the City. SECTION 5. The Governing Body hereby authorizes the preparation and submittal of an application for the 2022 Moderate Income Housing Program to the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation. SECTION 6: The Governing Body herby authorizes support for Building Kansas LLC's application for HB2237 Tax Credit Program in coordination with the MIH 2022 application process and further authorizes the City Manager to further document such support as may be required. SECTION 7. The City authorizes the City Manager to approve the terms and conditions of the Grant as set forth in the Grant Agreement proposed by KHRC and to execute the Agreement. SECTION 8. The City Manager or the City Manager's designee is authorized to direct any administrative actions and execute any documents necessary to implement the terms of the Grant Agreement. "' "' z a. w "' -~ o; en ~ :g 0 "' c:: 8 2022. SECTION 9. The City Clerk is directed to file and retain the original agreements according to the City of Salina Records Management Policy. SECTION 10. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 26th day of September, Trent W. Davis , M.D., Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST :