22-8071 Staffing Table, Position Classification and Salary Schedule"' "' z Cl. w "' .!: iii Cl) ,,, ~ :!l g c 0 () RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8071 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE STAFFING TABLE, POSITION CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY SCHEDULE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES CREATED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-51 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8060 AND ALL PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS, MOTIONS OR ACTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. The Staffing Table, as provided for by Section 2-52 of the Salina Code as attached hereto is approved. Section 2. The Position Classification and Salary Schedule of city employees, as provided for by Section 2-51 of the Salina Code as attached hereto is approved. Section 3. The effective date of the 2023 Position Classification and Salary Schedule for all classified and certain unclassified employees of the City of Salina, Kansas shall be January 1, 2023 and the effective date of the 2023 Position Classification and Salary Schedule for all classified and certain unclassified employees of the City of Salina, Kansas shall be January 1, 2023. Section 4. The policy of the city is that the salary provided for all employee positions is for the purpose of attracting, employing, retaining and motivating competent individuals to deliver necessary services required by the residents of the city. Within sound fiscal policy, salary ranges are established on the basis of internal equity, external competitiveness and job content, based on analysis and review by the City Manager. The City Manager is authorized to make implementation guidelines, interpretations, modifications, reclassifications or other appropriate adjustments to said classifications; salary plan and employee pay levels within budgetary funding limits. Section 5. A current copy of the rules and regulations governing appointment and employment to positions in the Position Classification and Salary Schedule, together with salary ranges, shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Manager, Human Resources Department and City Clerk's office, in accordance with Section 2-52 of the Salina Code. Section 6. Resolution Number 22-8060 and all previous resolutions, motions or actions in conflict with the Position Classification and Salary Schedule are hereby repealed effective December 31, 2022. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 19th day of September, 2022. Trent W. Davis , M.D., Mayor