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1992 Budget Certificate
e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form A 1992 NOTICE OF HEARING 1992 BUDGET The governing body of City of Salina, Kansas will meet on the 12th day of August , 1991 at 4:00 P.M., at 300 West Ash, Room 200 for the purpose of hearing and answering objections-or-taxpayers relating to the proposed use of all funds and the amount of tax to be levied. Detailed budget information is available at 300 West Ash. Suite 206 available at this hearing. and wi 11 be BUDGET SUMMARY The Expenditures and the Amount of 91 Tax to be Levied (as shown below) establish the maximum limits of the 1992 budget. The "Est. Tax Rate" in the far right column, shown for comparative purposes, is subject to slight change depending on final assessed valuation. lqqO 1 qql 1 qQ~ Actual Budget or Actual Amount of Est. Actual Tax Estimate of Tax 91 Tax to Tax Fnnrl . to"....... R~t"p* . . * . . I hp T.p,,; Pt'l Rat"p* General 10.777,366 6.136 12,944,555 4.085 14,844,520 1,315,958 8.219 Employee Benefits 1 902.841 9.198 2,274,288 14.171 2,637,946 1,796,956 1.223 Uti 1i ty 647.298 3.420 728.000 4.110 774,000 514,953 3.216 Special Liability 244,564 1.502 249,907 1.421 121,662 47,264 .295 Recreation 764.955 2.387 725,329 2.570 12,602 -- -- Business Improy. Dist. 60.368 -- 75,890 -- 75,000 -- -- Tourism & Conyention 257.797 -- 300,000 -- 450,000 -- -- Special Parks 69,433 -- 71,504 -- 82,284 -- -- Special Alcohol 69,432 -- 71 ,504 -- 82,285 -- -- Street Machinery -- -- 63,681 -- -- -- -- Special Gas Tax 799,596 -- 1,241,932 -- 1,467,541 -- -- Bicentennial Center 771 902 -- 764.711 -- 1.100037 -- -- Bond & Interest 2.470.826 7.372 2.299.799 3.671 3.007.993 1,132.714 7.075 Risk Manaoement 722.208 -- 685.831 -- 444.496 -- -- Workmen's Como. Resy. -- -- -- -- 424.000 -- -- Central Garaqe 631.703 -- 692.857 -- 817,999 -- -- Data Processinq 172.711 -- 209,603 -- 308,476 -- -- Sanitation 679 702 -- 823.702 -- 1.397.289 -- -- Solid Waste 252.597 -- 827 47'l -- 787.820 -- -- Golf Course 439 157 -- 436 54:6 -- 558 966 -- -- Water & Seweraqe 14 315.246 -- 6 227 817 -- 12.945.083 -- -- Totals 36.049.702 30.015 31 714.879 30.028 42,339,999 4,807,845 30.028 Less: Transfers 2,564,858 2,372,964 2,430,994 Net Expenditures 33,484,844 29,341,915 39,909,005 * Total Tax Levied 4.693.364 4.502.345 XXXJUuuuuuucx Assessed Valuation 156.367.292 149.938.231 160.112.079 - Outstand1ng Indebtedness, January 1, G.O. Bonds No-Fund Warrants Revenue Bonds Temporary Notes Total 1989 11.825.000 -- 4.110.000 1.125.000 17.060.000 1990 11.295.000 -- 6.720.000 1.835.000 19.850.000 1991 10.040.000 -- 7.865.000 3,030.000 20,935,000 *Tax Rates are expressed in mills. ** Note: Net expenditures for 1992 include anticipated reserves at t ose re~erves anticipated 1992 expenditures total $27,225,179. ~ ' E..u u......- Jacquelin Shiever, ~ity Clerk Without . . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B 1992 CERTIFICATE TO THE CLERK OF Sa 1 i ne COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of The City of Salina, Kansas certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached proof of publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1992; and (3) the Amount(s) of 91 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. 1992 ADOPTED BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS: Amount of Adopted Budget Page 91 Tax to County Clerk's N/"I "rllrpc:; hp Lpuied 1!c:;p Onlv Lpvv T;m;t-c: fnr T.:lY FlInnc:; 2 Comn /"If Aaa Tax Levu Limirarinn 3 S ,t- nf T,.,,;I 4 Sr::!rpmpnr /"If f',,"~; to; /"In::!' T.p~se p!-,. 4a General 'i 14 820 795 1 291 245 Utility 6 774.000 I 514.953 Recreation 6 12.602 - I AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION 3.389.504 Employee Benefits 7 2.637.946 1.796.956 Speci a 1 Li abi 1 itv 7 121.662 47.264 Business Improvement District No. 1 8 75.000 - Tourism and Convention 8 450.000 - Special Parks and Recreation 9 82 284 - Special Alcohol 9 82.285 - Street Machinery 10 - - Special Gas Tax 10 1.467.541 - Bicentennial Center 11 1.100.037 - Bond and Interest 12 3,007,993 1,132,714 Risk Management 13 444,496 - Workmen's Como. Reserve 13 424.000 - Central Garaae 14 817 999 - Data Processina 14 308.476 - Sanitation 15 1.397.289 - Solid Waste 15 787.820 - Golf Course 16 558.966 - Water and Sewer 16 12.945.083 - I"''''''ATC' 42.316.274 4.783,132 Prnnf /"If PlIhl;,.."t-;,," 17 Final Assessed Valuation Municipal Accounting Use Only Received Reviewed by Follow-up: Yes No Assisted by: Not Assisted Attest: 0u.~~.~~ \~. 1991 J ~ ,1...1.... .. ~ \..1 W UU Cit Clerk (If not assisted, so state) Page No. 1 . e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Bl 1992 LEVY LIMITS FOR TAX FUNDS For The City of Salina (name of municipality) Estimated Assessed Tangible Valuation July 1, 1991 A B C 88 Levy Lmt D 160,112,079 156,367,292 = 1.02395 \Y Factor E F G H Bud Levy Less: Plus: Mtr Lmt Amt LA VTR Vehicle Levy ** Final Assessed Tangible Valuation for 1989 A (1) x x * Rates are expressed 1n mills. ** Use the factor in this computation only if it is greater than 1.00000. (1) Multiply the rate times the estimated assessed valuation July 1, 1991 (moving the decimal 3 places to the left) to determine this fund's "Budget Levy Limit Amount." ADJUSTMENTS TO TAX LID Possible adjustments to tax lid: 1. Functions transferred in (K.S.A. 79-5027) + 385,280 2. Functions transferred out (K.S.A. 79-5027) o 3. Adjustment for elimination of gross earnings tax for elections after July 31, 1988 (K.S.A. 79-5020) + 0 4. Calculation of Motor Vehicle Tax Decrease 4a. 1990 Estimated Motor Vehicle Tax for funds under the Tax Lid in this budget (page 3, line 4) 4b. 1992 Estimated Motor Vehicle Tax for the same funds (page 3, line 4) 4c. Decrease in Motor Vehicle Allocations (Use ~ if this is a positive number) + 611.030 340,575 + 270,455 5. Total Adjustment to Tax Lid (indicate + or _) 655,735 Page No. 2 ~~ -~-----.,..._---:--~ - ....-~_._--.--._~--.--:~~~~"~"~,;.;~.;-~'... ~~ e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1992 COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) K.S.A. Levy Authority 88 Tax Levy Amount 1. Total tax levies in budget 4,269,460 2. Tax levies for purposes exempt from the Tax Lid: Bond & Interest 10-113 158.946 No-Fund Warrants Employee Benefits 12-16,102 * 1,289.789 Home for Aged 19-2122 Community Mental Health 19-4004, ** Purposes 19-4011, ** 65-212, ** 65-215 ** County Hospital 19-4606 ** District Court Budget 20-348, 349 Out-District Tuition 71-301 Judgments & Tort Liability 75-6101 II ~. 158,951 Home for Aged 79-1947b Infrastructure Loan Pmts 79-5028 Payments to Public Bldg Comm 79-5028 Library Board Levy 79-5032 ** Recreation Commission Levy 79-5032 ** Juvenile Detention 79-5032 Total 1,607,686 3. Total tax levies for purposes under the Tax Lid (1. minus 2.) Use the larger amount, either 88 or 89, on page no. 3a, line 1. 2.661,773 89 Tax Levy Amount 1992 LAVTR Amount 4. List all tax levy funds below, with the statutory authority for each, that are not shown in item 2. These are the funds that were subject to the Tax Lid. ~ K.S.A., C.O., or C.R. Levy Authori tv KSA 79-1948 Ch.12 Article 5 KSA 12-1933 General Uti li ty Recreation (Use a continuation page if more lines are needed) Total 1990 Motor Vehicle Tax Estimate 486,864 124,166 611.030 1992 Motor Vehicle Tax 1992 LAVTR Estimate 210,545 130,030 Amount 333,077 340,575 333,077 * Employee Benefits can include employer contributions for social security, workers compensation, unemployment insurance; health care costs, employee benefit plans, and employee retirement and pension programs. ** Compute limit on Form Bl, page no. 2. Page No. 3 , _"""~,:::-',_......-:-:::__:n:"":" ...~+.:;~~ __.. ". ~~'-:;-:W--~0""""::=:.'-:-;-.~':---'~-- --. "::~"-""'-~;:.-;~r:;!'::~::~~T~ .>'> '~l,I:'?:'/i7-'-:r;:~, - ..:.:}.. .~: :', ~_/'~?),.;". '" . ,J.: .;:;./ ~:,;. _,;,:,~:~,<'~ , _ e - STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Cl 1992 COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) (Contd) 1. Total tax levies for purposes under the Tax Lid (page no. 3, line 3) for the base year + 2,661,773 2. Adjustment for territory added: 2a. Valuation of territory added 1990 2b. Valuation of territory added 1991 2c Subtotal 2d. 1991 est. assessed valuation 2e. Total valuation excluding territory added (2d-2c) 2f. Factor (2c+2e) 2g. Adjustment (2f times line 1) + 3. Adjustment for territory excluded: 3a. Valuation of territory excluded 1990 3b. Valuation of territory excluded 1991 264 3c. Subtotal 3d. 1991 est. assessed valuation 159,289,079 3e. Total valuation excluding terr. excluded (3d-3c) 3f. Factor (3c+3e) 3g. Adjustment (3f times line 1) 264 159.288.815 .000002 5 4. Adjustment for new improvements and personal 4a. New Improvements for 1990 4b. New Improvements for 1991 4c. Personal property total for 1991 + 4d. Personal property total for 1989 4e. Change in personal property (4c-4d) + 4f. Less: New imp and pers prop included in added terr (line 2a and 2b) 4g. Plus: New imp and pers prop included in excluded terr (line 3a and 3b) + 4h. Net value of new imp and pers prop (4a+4b+4e-4f+4g) 4i. 1989 assessed valuation 4j. Factor (4h+4i) 4k. Adjustment (4j times line 1) property: 1,347,881 2,767,767 13,190,754 13 .783 ,824 o (use only if > 0) o o 4.115.648 152.131,938 .02705 + 72 .001 5. Adjustments to tax lid (page 2, line 5): 655,735 6. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) FOR BUDGET YEAR 1992 3,389,504 7. List any purposes included in the general fund in this 1992 budget which are exempt from the tax lid (see page no. 3, line 2): + + + + 8. MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF LEVIES.FOR FUNDS UNDER THE AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) IN THE 1992 BUDGET 3.389.504 =========================================================================================== Suspension or adjustment of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation (Tax Lid) authorized by: a. Board of Tax Appeals Order dated b. Election Held on c. Charter Ordinance/Resolution Page No. 3a ':.,." ;'. <;!'~) ~ :,,~~~"'-":~\--',,''::''rl.,7\~;:;~- ". .. <);~liI-" .".~;~.,.. <;:'':;;:-:'~~;~;.:..I.,:"..;.~:;.' . ",-.-"';",~,- . e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C2 1992 Allocation of Motor Vehicle Tax 1991 Budgeted Funds Actual Amount of 1992 Budget (QO T~x-Lpv;p,c:;) gO Levv Ratio A11nr::>t-inn General 612,498 22.163 210,545 Recreation 385,341 Emolovee Benefits 2,124,775 47.193 448,330 Util i ty 616,246 13.687 130,030 Speci a 1 Li abi 1i ty 213 ,062 4.732 44,955 Bond & Interest 550,423 12.225 116,140 TOTAL 4.502.345 950,000 NOTE: Do not allocate to new or discontinued funds, see Instructions. * * * * * C~utation of Delinouency Amount of 89 Taxes Uncollected 33.363 divided by amount of 89 Taxes Levied 931' .465 = Actual Delinquency for 89 Taxes 3.578% Rate Used in this Budget 4.00 % Page No. 3b en < enQ ~ e o ~~ o tz:l H < H en ~ lU bON ~C\ ::lC\ I:Q .... e e en en = Q tz:l H = ~ ~ H lZ. o s:: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (l) '.-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;:j I-< .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. 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Q) u .~ > ~ Q) CI) "- LLJ e :z: 0 Q) :z: 4.) 1-1 ~"_o-- III -:t o Z Q) bO III ~ Q) .... .c III .... .~ III > III ~ .~ Q) 4.) III ~ 4.) U) Q) ~ Q) 4.) c: .... Q) > .~ 4.) U Q) ~ ~ Q) .... III ::s c:: c: III Q) In ~ -Ie e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1 1992 Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Code A,.t-.."l or Es t im;:I t"!. 1992 rvpn Fund B"'l"'n,.... 1 /.J. 1q/.J. Rq7 4 208 443 2,559,840 Taxes and Shared Revenues: An V;:I lnn>m T;:IX 898 512 587,198 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Dplinnllpnt T;:IX 44 505 6,630 12,900 Motor Vehicle Tax 512,354 196,685 210,545 Lnc;:I1 Alcohnlic Linunr Funn 65,404 67,713 71,200 Local Ad V::llnrpm Tax n . 'nn Fund 319 295 329.281 333,077 COllntv and Cit-v R Sh::lrinp Fllnd 254 343 263,442 270,692 In Lip11 of Taxes (I. R B ) Minpr::l.l n -' 'nn Tax ( nnlv) Sales Tax 3,716,291 3,468,000 3,630,000 Franchise Tax 1,515,361 1.470.000 1,470,000 Bingo 11,252 11,406 11,500 Intergovernmental 455,154 446,128 350,577 Fees 488 681 524,000 788,900 Fines 366,279 384 000 384,000 Permits and Inspection 224 952 210 000 180,000 Reimbursements 52,765 11 0 ,000 55,000 Transfers in 437 284 451.514 557,469 Sales Tax-KCT -- 2,250,000 2,250,000 Miscellaneous 476,738 20,500 20,500 Use of Money and Property: I on ld1!" 'J;'l1nilC! 952,597 499,455 425,000 Miscellaneous: Revenue in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes: Die:: Funds Ixx No' Fund W;:I rrant: Fund c;:, , Reim Cancellation of Prior Yrs ~ ,,"- TOTAL RECEIPTS 10,791,767 11 ,295-,952 11,021,360 R AVATTADT'C' 14,~!jb,bb4 15,504,395 13,581,200 Page No. 5 ." 5' .::.-: -'--:-;7~::~.;"'-' .:;:'~~: ~_:-:'?~,.:.:.P,,:~;~"~:.:;;.~~~~~~~;</';.~:5_"cr_<...~~, '7',-, "., ,:.',;" ",';..:': ,:,';:, ~~..-'~,~ -~".~---.~:-'--. ~.~ -~"-.'.~-:-~~~._---~ -:----:"':"'~ e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El, Continued 1992 Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND (Contd) 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Cnrlp b.~....~1 n r F. ~ 1'" im:'If''' p 1992 R AVATTAJ:l.T'I:' 14 986.664 15,504,395 13 ,581 ,200 Expenditures: General Government: City Commission 525,012 556,285 500,512 City Manager 148.532 182,289 217,200 Leaal 84,477 92,970 93,020 Finance 301.247 348,118 272,920 Personnel -- -- 90,200 R";lrlinnco 221 146 206.243 215,510 Human Relations 98,723 102.028 101,649 Total General Government 1,379,137 1.487.933 1 ,491 ,011 Public Safety: Police 1,985,389 2.083.194 2,206,992 Municioal Court 95,426 106.587 110,595 ';'. Mct-crco 30 258 31.052 31,093 Fire 2,493,156 2,488,092 2,591,638 Permits & Inspection 136,612 156.218 139 934 Total Public Safety 4,740,841 4 865.143 5,080,252 Public Works: l:.nglneerlng 146,573 170,419 171,600 Street 644.534 693.706 705,970 Flood Works 71.830 79.270 81,670 Traffi c Control 119,861 126.263 125,800 Total Public Works 982.798 1.069,658 1,085,040 Culture and Recreation: Parks 586,645 625,000 629,759 Swimming Pools 62 000 59 900 60.150 Neiohborhood Centers 88,031 86,636 88.454 Recreation -- -- 703,121 Arts & Humanities 137,383 145,567 152,634 Smoky Hill Museum 181 331 187.052 167.888 Total Culture and Recreation 1,055,390 1 ,104,155 1,802,006 Economic Development: Plannino 106.827 115.781 11 8 ,940 Heritaoe Commission -- 7,300 7,300 Total Economic Development 106,827 123,081 126,240 Health: Cemetery 74,265 70,273 75.550 LJK.!'.:"! .. Fnnrl R::ll::lnt"P ~ ~1 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) nf Ql T::lY' rn h.. T.P'\7; PM Page No. Sa e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1, Continued 1992 Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND (Contd) 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET r.nrl.. A,.. t"11::11 nr Fc:t"im::lt".. lqq2 RJi" AVf.TTf.UTl:' Expenditures: Contingency: Other 756.117 202.500 1,654,746 Transfers 816,074 837,535 720,950 KSU Sales Tax -- 2.250,000 2 250.000 Total Contingency 1.572.191 3.290,035 4,625,696 Capital Outlay: 866.772 934,277 535,000 - 10,778,221 12,944,555 14,820,795 .. . J;'..nrl R::Il :In..... 11 4,208,443 2,559,840 Non-Appropriated Balance ---- Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 14.820.795 TAX REQUIRED 1.239.595 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 51.650 . nf Q1 T::I'Y ton h.. T....~4..l 1 291.245 Page No. Sa e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1992 Adopted Budget Uti li ty FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Con.. AC"t"II::ll or EC:t";m::lt".. 1992 !Tn l<"nrl D~l~_~~ T"n"" rv 1 142 059 153,740 136,615 Arl V::llnr..m T::lY 500 720 590,792 XXXyxxyxYYxxx Dp 1 ~ T::lY 11 471 3,940 13,000 Mnt"or Vph;C"l.. T::!y 131 788 101,143 130,030 In 1 5 000 15,000 -- In on Tn1.. FlInnc:: TnTAT. l<'li"~li"TlJ"S 658.979 710,875 143,030 R AUATT 41H,l< R01 _mR 864.615 279,645 Expenditures: General Government 647.298 728,000 774,000 TOT AT, FYPl<N 647,298 728,000 774,000 !Tnrpc:prv",rl l<"nrl B::ll::!nC"P r 11 153.740 136.615 xx x Non-Appropriated Balance -- Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 774.000 TAX REQUIRED 494,355 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 20.598 of q1 T::!y t"o hp T",,,;,,,rl 514.953 Adopted Budget Recreation FUlm 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Con.. Ar 11::l or F.C::t";m::lt"p 1992 ITnr"C:Pr'T..n Flinn D., 1 .,..,~.. T"n""\Tv 1 53.037 10 949 12 602 Ad V"lnT",m T::lY "4Q 479 369.406 XYXYXYYXYYYYY Dp1;-~..~-P T::lY 8,362 1 ,980 -- . V..h;C"lp T::!y RC; 596 100 737 -- Fees 240.277 253.000 -- Reimbursements 14,096 1 0,000 -- I nn Tn1p lO'....,~.. 9.916 7.000 -- TOTAl, 'TS 722.867 726.982 -- AVATT41l.TlO' 775.904 737.931 12 602 Expenditures: Transfers Out -- -- 12,602 Cultural & Recreation 764 955 725.329 I TnT AT 764 955 725,329 12 602 Inn -, l<"nrl JI"l",n,.", '11 10,949 12.602 Non-Appropriated Balance -- Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriaten Balance 12.602 TAX REQUIRED -- Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) -- nf q, T::IY t"n h.. T...v;",rl -- Page No. 6 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1992 Adopted Budget Employee Benefits FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Est"im::r.t"p 1992 Unreserved Fund R::Il::1n,..p . 1 124 410 64 769 256.738 Ad V::Ilnr.,m Tax 1,346,674 2 037,202 xxxxxxxxxxxxx np 1 . T::l.x 27,660 9,427 44 800 Motor Vpnirlp Tax 314,598 273,061 448,330 Inter~overnmental 146 567 146 567 1 63 000 Reimbursements 366 ---- ---- Transfers In 7 335 ---- ---- Interest' nn Idle FlInrh: TOTAL I<~: :~' I-"~ 1,843 200 2,466,257 656,130 R AVAILABLR 1 967 610 2 531 026 912 868 Expenditures: General Government 1 902.841 1 983.600 2 264.000 Transfers Out ---- ?af'l t::QQ .7. aJ.t:: TOTAL EXPEND .1 U1U'.:"l 1 af'l? Qh 1 ? ?7/, ?QQ 7.6'l7.946 vpn FlInd ll,,,,1,,,",.., T\ 11 64.769 ?E:;t:: 7.Q x x Non-Appropriated Balance ---- Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 2.637.946 TAX REQUIRED 1 725 078 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 71 878 of 91 Tax to hp T.p'\Ti.,rl 1 7Qe; QE:;e; Adopted Budget Special Liability FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET ICode Art'''::I1 or F 1992 n ~rved Fund Balance ,. 1 9 761 26,829 26 844 Ad Va1nrpm T::l.x 719.907 ?f'lb. ??? xxxxx Delinauent Tax 3,028 1,300 4,490 Motor Vpni,..lp Tax 38 697 44 400 44.955 Il - on Idle Funds TOTAL /( 261,632 249,922 49,445 AVATT.ART.F 271.393 276.751 76,289 Expenditures: Transfers Out 244 564 249.907 101 .667 General Government ---- ---- 20.000 I TOTAL 244 564 249 907 1 21 . 662 n, Fund JI",'",",.., T\ 11 26,829 26.844 Non-Appropriated Balance ---- Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 171 662 TAX REQUIRED 45 'l7'l Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 1 ,891 of 91 Tax to be T ....~...1 47.264 Page No. 7 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1992 Adopted Budget Business Improvement District FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET !Cnrlp A,.t-l1~l or Estimate 1992 IUn J;'lInn R::ll::lnrp ,T::lnuarv 1 497 890 ---- Revenues: Special Assessments 60,761 75,000 75,000 TnTAT :"l 60,761 75,000 75,000 I< A1TATTAflT'I;' 61.258 75,890 75,000 Expenditures: Transfers 17 000 1 7 000 1 7 000 General Gov ,~ 43,368 58,890 58,000 A 60.368 75 890 75 000 :rved Fund R::ll::lnrp 31 890 ---- ---- Adopted Budget Tourism & Convention FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Code A~tu::ll nr E~ 1992 .., ... Funn R::ll::lnrp 1 ---- ---- ---- Revenues: Transient Guest Tax 257.797 300 000 450.000 .A 257 797 <nl'l 1'11'11'1 lJ."n nl'll'l R AVATTAflT'I;' 257 797 300.000 1J.c:.1'I 1'11'11'1 Expenditures: Economic Develooment 257 797 300 000 270_000 Trans'fer Out --- ---- 1RO 000 I TnT A T. 257.797 <1'11'1 I'Inn 1J.c:.1'I 1'11'11'1 1..- Fund R::ll::lnt'P ~ -. 31 ---- ---- ---- Page No. -lL- ,~ ,..".. .'~ .oj-. < -~,' . .;:.... ,...-_~~~- ',. .~, 1):,'. ;:;:r; 1"':;' ',". .... ~ - - " --.,--~--,-\:..~--. " ~ ,.- -'. ,_.~:. ...-~-._.-;---...,...~-,...._._. e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1992 Adopted Budget Special Parks & Recreation FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET r.l"ln.. A~t:11..1 or E!': 1992 .. Fl1nrl R..1..n,.... T.,_"., TV 1 1 [) ,107 1107R 11 .07R Revenues: Liquor Tax 65.404 71.504 71.206 ,.n,.A T, t<~::~: I I.r 'S 65.404 71.504 71.206 AVATT ART.. RO <;11 R7 <;R? R2 284 Expenditures: Transfer Out &::Q h."l"l 71,<;04 82 284 Tn,.AT, 69 433 71 504 82 284 Fl1nn R..1..n,.... n..,.. 11 11 078 11 078 ---- Adopted Budget Spec; a 1 Alcohol FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET lr.nnA A,..t-"..1 nr - ,f- '" lQQ? .. Fl1nn R..1..n,.... 1 1 <; 107 1107Q 11 .07Q Revenues: Liquor Tax 65.404 71.504 71 206 : ..."... A T 65 404 71 504 71 206 R A"4 T T 4 R T .. 80 511 82.583 82 285 Expenditures: Health 69 432 71 504 71 504 T Out: ---- ---- 10.7R1 -~_.. 69 432 71.504 82 285 lit< ~:s F"nn R.. 1 ..n,.... 11 11.079 11 079 ---- Page No. ~ ~.:.~'_~.:~:~(C~,'::~~;!_:_' . _-~~l~~':~:!~~"~-T- , ~,-......,.......,--. ~-- ..-....---..,--- , . -. .' . .. ~ , . e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1992 Adopted Budget Street Machinery FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Ir.nn., A...h'::ll or ...,~~~,tp lqq2 . Fl1nn F\;::J1::lnt'p ~ 1 63 380 63 380 ---- Revenues: '4 ,:'> ---- ---- ---- AVATT4RT.... 63 380 63 380 ---- Expenditures: Caoita1 Outlay ---- 63 380 ---- I TnTAT. ---- 63.380 ---- I .. , Funn R:ll:1,.,,... ~ 11 63.380 ---- ---- Adopted Budget Spp.~i<ll G<lS T<lX FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET !r.nn.. AA~...,l nr .....,~~_..~A lqq? Fund B:l1:1,.,,... 1 218 481 509.473 367,541 Revenues: Gas Tax 1.060.024 1.100.000 1.100,000 Reimbursements 30,564 TnT AT. 10.1;~. I fJ' :"\ 1 090 588 1.100 000 1 100 000 R AVATTART.... 1 309 069 1 609 473 1 467 541 Expenditures: P"hl il' W"r-!",:; 799 596 1.016.932 1 242.541 Transfer Out --- 225 000 225.000 ___ ,9 799 596 1.241 932 1.467,541 . Fund B;::Jl;::JnC'p 11 509 473 367 541 ---- Page No. 10 ~. - -...... ,'-,-; :''::''~~':'> ' '--~~~-:'.~' '-_-~:~'.7':'-.7'""?"r~---_-:--' e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1992 Adopted Budget Bicentennial Center FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET I Cod!> AI"'t-,,::al or F.c::t:imat!> 1992 ITTnrpc::pr\Tpri Funri R::lI::a"l"'p Tanuarv 1 2m 411 212 748 220 037 Revenues: Fees 573.584 570,000 590,000 Reimbursements 7.653 2,000 ---- Transfers In 200.000 200,000 290,000 TOTAL K1'. .1'..1,1" :"l 781.237 772,000 880,000 AVATT.ART.F. 984,648 984,748 1,100,037 Expenditures: Recreation 771.900 764,711 1,100,037 1'n'T'AT, 771,900 764,711 1,100,037 Unr~s!>rvp.d Fund !l.::al::a..,,... .... 31 212.748 220 037 ---- Adopted Budget FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Cod!> A,.t-,,::al nr F.c::t-;m~t:!> 1992 :Unr~s!>rved Fund B::al::a"I"''' . 1 Revenues: _A K~ ;~.I.Y:::I R A1TATT AtlT,F. Expenditures: l1'n1'A T. I.. Fund ~ . .... _L 31 Page No. 11 "':.:,".. . '..:..; "l':;~.,:"".r.;~~~~>_,,:::,;~;:-'~'~_-- . _:'r~~~.~~:-,: ,~_'_~' e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1992 Adopted Budget Bond and Interest FUND 1990 M S ecial Assessment Miscellaneous Transfer In 562 876 790 566 737 950 R Expenditures: Debt Service 2 577 209 2 815 106 2 213 945 2 558 225 662 162 920 588 2 470 826 2 299 799 3 007 993 2 470 826 2 299 799 3 007 993 44 28 xxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Instructions) Adopted Budget FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or ... 1992 n -' Fllnrl R"l"nr-.. T"n"~rv 1 Ad V"lnr..m T"y XXXXXYYx DF'li Tax . Vehicle Tax Interest on Idle Fl1nrlc: iU..I\.L. Kr>Lr, 1"' 1:-> R AVATT.ART.F. Expenditures: I TOTAL Ul'-L. IUn Fund R"l"nr-.. 31 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) of 91 T::IY rn h.. T.pv;pr! Page No. .....lL. e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1992 Adopted Budget Risk Manaqement FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET r."rl.. Arh,,,, 1 "r J;'c:r;m"r.. lClCl? TTnr..c:.........ri ~"nri J:l.., 1 ""'''0 1 37.982 32.373 86,158 Revenues: Reimbursements 83 1 88 391 ---- Transfer In 633,411 7'~q.?25 '<<:;R '<'<8 ,.n,.A r- ~1i"1i"TlJ"" 716 599 7'~q 616 158.338 AVATTART.. 754 581 771 989 444 496 Expenditures: General Government 722.208 ,QR 831 444 496 Transfer Out 287,000 I I ,.n,. AT. TIIIo/~:S 7?? ?OR 685.831 444.lf96 ""nri J:l..,l......,.o 'r 11 32.373 86.158 ---- Adopted Budget Workmen's Compo Reserve FOND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET r.nrl.. 4,.+0....1 nr ......;........0 19C1? TTnr ~"nil R",1"'n,... T",n""T"V 1 ---- ---- 112.000 Revenues: - In ---- 287,000 312.000 ,.n,. AT 10/ ~:r:~: ""'S ---- 287 000 312.000 R AVATTADT'C' ---- 287 000 424.000 Expenditures: General Government ---- 175,000 424,000 I ___. . 17<:; nnn 4?4 000 LJT A I. ~. J{ 1110/ ~::"I ---- ~ ~,,"i1 Balanl'!" 11 ---- 11? 000 ---- Page No. -1.L ",.&.{~~~::..~t:,,'~'f rr:~J.'''':'':'J..~'':::~',7r:_: -:'- ,- - --------~----::---~-~~, ----,. .-----:--~:._..r___-- o .' ..".., .,.,' ...:--_,....".._:<f:.,': '_'{".~..~."",~;. ,_,_ '.~, ,")<.,'~'" . e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1992 Adopted Budget Central Garaqe FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET r.nnp Arj-1I:l1 nr E<::j-;m;:trf> lqq2 Fund H:l :lnrp 1 (21 932) (11 6891 41.079 Revenues: Reimbursements 641 946 745 625 776 920 --- ,~ 641 946 745.625 776,920 AUATT AIHl:' , 620 014 733 936 817.999 I< Expenditures: General Government 631,703 688,037 813,179 Transfer Out ---- 4 820 4 820 lIJ/(I',~ 631 703 692.857 817 999 . FI1nn - . - . 11 ( 11 689) 41.079 ---- Adopted Budget Data Processinq FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET r.nnp .&.........1 or Est";m"'.... lqq? ved Funn B~l~n('p T"'""",rv 1 47 065 25 103 48.339 Revenues: Fees 1 560 2.000 1,500 Reimbursements 42 153 32.400 82 600 Miscellaneous 1 211 800 800 Transfer In 105,826 197,639 175,237 .- 150,750 232,839 260,137 AVATTAlH1<' 197 815 257 942 308 476 Expenditures: General Government 172,712 207.273 306,146 Ollt- ---- 2 330 2 330 172 712 209.603 308,476 'n . Fund R~l~n..p - 11 25 103 48.339 ---- Page No. 14 .:;::_~t..'.i;/';,,',.".;/l~~?,~~.'''';..~ ~~_~- .--:-:~~;-~~--. ---:"''''~rt---........-..-. T'_," ..-:____:-.~ ._:- _: _..---,_~__ e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1992 Adopted Budget Sanitation FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or F.~r;m~tp 1992 lO',,"n Bal;:rncf'> T"""",, rv 1 567 127 678.857 635 989 Revenues: Fees 744,883 749,484 730,000 Interest 46 610 30.000 30.000 ... " 1 "nQn,"c 1 _ 711 1 . ':\00 1 .300 792 704 780.784 761,300 AVATT,ART,lO' 1 359.831 1.459.641 1,397,289 Expenditures: Health 639,474 736,382 1,306,261 Transfers Out 41,500 87.270 91,028 I TnTAT UKl'.:"l 680.974 823,652 1,397,289 Fund R"l"...,... n..,............ 31 678,857 635.989 ---- Adopted Budget Soli d Waste FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET Code At' hl;:r 1 nr F.~t:imate 1992 I.. lO',,"n B;:r1;:rnrp 1 804,479 935,143 447,820 Revenues: Fees 312,785 290,000 315,000 Interest 65 568 50,000 25,000 Miscellanceous 4,906 100 ---- TnT 4 T I(~: 383 259 340.100 340.000 R AVATT4RTlO' 1.187.738 1.275.243 787,820 Expenditures: Health 238,795 797,423 754,509 Tr<lnif..r"- Ollt: 13.800 30 000 33,311 I TnTA T lUKl'.:"l 252,595 827,423 787,820 Funn R::I1::lnt"P 31 935,143 447,820 ---- Page No. 15 . :;--~LZ'::": ~'':.,{f/~'"''';'~:\f'":''' ;:./ !:;;,,:,::,'H:'''F'''~':-:: ";-~-'--~~--::-;;-:'" .,.,--/'--;------.-- e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1992 Adopted Budget Golf Course FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET 1 ("nrl" A,.!-"", 1 1"\,. "''''''~~~t-" lClCl? 'TVPr! ];'"",, ]:1.",1",",... - 1 '>1 .h?~ <:0 <:()<: u.A oe:;e:; Revenues: Taxes - Sales 8 615 7.000 9.000 Fpp<: u.<< Ao() /,1 <: ()()O /, at: '''''' I ---- ---- ?ooo 523 < ()()() ?,OOO 1 ""<>n"" 4.011 1 ,007 ?OOO TOTAT, RIO :IO PTS 1,{,"7 /"1')0 /.?c. ()()7 '>10,()()() .t.1T.t.TT .1I:\J,"- 4oA,hh2 4R'>.512 cco nee Expenditures: Recreation 439.157 4<< 626 '>14_59~ Transfers Out ---- 2.920 44.~7< - ,.0,. A J 439 157 436 546 558 966 Flinn D~t~___ - . ~1 59 505 48 966 ---- Adopted Budget Water and Sewer FUND 1990 1991 Budget BUDGET ("^"'.. . nt" 1:'.,..~......... 1QQ? TT"r 1:'"",, J:l~ 1 ~___ 1 < A?? ?<4 3 979 812 4.988,958 Revenues: Fpp<: 6 254 005 6 536 963 7.556,125 I nh>re<:t 225.295 300.000 300.000 Reimbursements 18.598 300.000 ---- Miscellaneous 1 07 680 1 00 000 100.000 Transfers In 2 266 ---- ---- Bonds 7.R65 000 ---- ---- · TOTAL 14 472 844 7 ?<h,063 7.956.125 R .t.~T.t.TTART1:' 18 295 078 11.216.775 12 945 083 Expenditures: Pub li c Works 4,179,474 4,344,882 10,664,776 Debt Service 1.104.730 952.945 1 349.400 C;mit:;,l ()"+-l "\1 1 082 871 400 000 400.000 T, 1.132 000 529.990 530.907 Bond Escrow 6 816 191 ---- ---- ,.nT A T 14.315 266 6 227 817 12.945,083 . 1:'"",, ]:1.",1",".... - .1 3 979 812 4.988.958 ---- Page No. 16 _..- ~ ". - .;.~, , ' :..t.~;~'.:~r::,.~.t.'\'f.o~'~~:'~':':!';'-;C"',7.:~:'-: ~- -;~ .,... .,_1. ,: ,: '.. --., --- " ---,-----:.-,...-.-- . .' -..,-_.,w-",~"-:-;",:",,-,-<t-..;...;,.;..-.-,,:,,,.v~~~__->.