1990 Budget Certificate . e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B 1990 CERTIFICATE TO THE CLERK OF SAL I NE COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of The City of Salina, Kansas certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached proof of publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1990; and (3) the Amount(s) of 89 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. 1990 ADOPTED BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS: Amount of Adopted Budget Page 89 Tax to County Clerk's No Exnend' hp Lpviprl TJ~P On1v Cornn of At;It;I T::l'lC Lpvv T,m,t-"lt-;nnq 2 & 3 ~. nf In-' .L -'ness 4 ~t-::lt-prnpnt- of Condit-;nn::al Lpase Pt-C' 4::l ~ .1 Ii 13,212,994 959,468 Uti lity , 6 761,659 534,731 Recreat'i on 6 708,218 373 199 Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations 1,867,398 Employee Benefit 7 2,017,750 1.438.305 Special Li abi lj ty 7 268,181 234 873 Business Improvement District 8 111,000 Tourism and Convention 8 270,000 Spec'ial Parks and Recreation 9 69,433 Special Alcohol 9 69,432 Street Machinery 10 63,681 Special Gas 10 1,212,600 Bicentennial Center 11 850,571 Bond and Interest 12 2,697,359 1,152.742 Risk Management 13 695,225 Central Garage 13 711,455 Data Processing 14 185,720 Sanitation 14 1,253,395 Solid Waste Disposal 15 1,243,060 Golf Course 15 444,000 Water and Sewerage 16 10,005,083 TnTATC:: 36,850,816 4,693 318 prnnf nf Pllhl,,."'t-;nn 17 Final Assessed Valuation Municipal Accounting Use Only Received Reviewed by Follow-up: Yes No Assisted by: Page N;o. 1 Attest: L \IoA..\ 2, , \ J~~~ ~\uuv~ L....'F\ C 1 e r k , 1989 (If not assisted, so state) - e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1990 COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) 1. Total 1988 tax levies in 1989 budget 2. 1988 tax levies for functions exempt from the Tax Lid (K.S.A. 79-5028): Bond & Interest No-Fund Warrants No-Fund Warrants Judgments Tort Liability Employee Benefits District Court Budget Special Assessments Law Enforcement (Junction City/Geary Co.) Industrial Development Ambulance Mental Health Mental Retardation Mental Health Building Mental Retardation Building Economic Development Law Enforcement (Riley County) Out-District Tuition Infrastructure Loan Agreement Library Board Appropriation Recreation Commission Approp. Hospital Board Appropriation Total K.S.A. Levy Authoritv 10-113 79-2938 or 2939 79-2941 or 2951 75-611 0 75-611 0 12-16,102 * 29-348 or 349 79-5028 12-11a01 12-1617h 65-6113 19-4004 0 r 4011 19-4004 0 r 4011 19-4004 or 4011 19-4004 or 4011 19-4102 19-4443 71-301 79-5028a 79-5032 79-5032 79-5032 3. Total 1988 tax levies for functions under the Tax Lid (1. minus 2.) Use this total on Page No.3, line 1. 88 Tax Levy Amount 4,269,459 158,946 158,951 1,289,789 1,607,686 2,661,773 LAVTR Amount 4. List all tax levy funds below, with the statutory authority for each, that are not shown in item 2. These are the funds that were subject to the 1988 Tax Lid. Ewlii General Utility Recreation Authority K. S .A. 79-1948 Ch. 12 Article 5 Constitution K.S.A. 12-1933 (Use a continuation page if more lines are needed) LA VTR 301,592 * Individual employee benefit funds for social security, worker's compensation, unemploy- ment compensation, and retirement, are exempt also. Health insurance will be exempt in the 1990 budget. NOTE: Levies for independent hospital boards, library boards, and recreation comm1SS1ons will be limited to the amount levied in the 1989 budget. Page No. 2 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C1 1990 COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) (Contd) 1. Total 1988 tax levies for functions under the Tax Lid (Page No.2, line 3) + 2,661,773 2. Adjustment for territory added for 1989: 2a. Valuation of territory added 2b. 1989 est. assessed valuation 2c. Total valuation excluding territory added (2b-2a) 2d. Factor (2a+2c) 2e. Adjustment (2d times line 1) + 3. Adjustment for territory excluded for 1989: 3a. Valuation of territory excluded 3b. 1989 est. assessed valuation 3c. Total valuation excluding terr. excluded (3b-3a) 3d. Factor (3a+3c) 3e. Adjustment (3d times line 1) 4. Adjustment for new improvements for 1989: 4a. Valuation of new improvements 872,908 4b. Less: New Imp included in added terr 4c. Plus: New Imp incl uded 1n excluded terr + 4d. Net value of new improvements 872,908 4e. 1989 est. assessed valuation * 150,000,000 4f. Total valuation excluding new improvements ( 4e-4d) 149,127,092 4g. Factor (4d+4f) .00585 4h. Adjustment (4g times line 1 ) + 15,571 5. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) FOR BUDGET YEAR 1990 2,677,344 6. List exempt functions included in funds under Tax Lid in the 1990 budget: + + + + + 7. MAXIMUM LEVIES FOR FUNDS UNDER THE AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) IN THE 1990 BUDGET 2,677,344 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suspension or adjustment of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation (Tax Lid) authorized by: a. Board of Tax Appeals Order dated b. Election Held on =========================================================================================== * Estimate of City Staff. Assessed valuation not available from Saline County at time of preparation of this form. Page No.3 e e Allocation of Motor Vehicle Tax 1989 Budgeted Funds Actual Amount of (88 Tax-Lpvip!=;) RR Levv R~t-in Al1oc~tion General 2,121,069 486,864 Employee Benefits 1,289,806 296,058 Util i tv 540,941 124,166 Special Liability 158,824 36,456 Bond and Interest 158,824 36,456 TOTAL 4,269,464 980,000 NOTE: Do not allocate to new or discontinued funds, see Instructions. * * * * * Computation of Delinquency Amount of 87 Taxes Uncollected $54,886 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C2 1990 Actual Delinquency for 87 Taxes ~i. divided by amount of 87 Taxes Levied$1,885,207 = Rate Used ~n this Budget 7.00 i. Page No. 3a en <: en Q ~ e \.0 0 .... .... 0 .LJ ~ III r- 000 <: "Cl 0'1 H :l0'l en !Xl..... e e en en ~ Q r.:l E-1 !Xl ro:l ~ H .... o a a a a a a a a s:: a a a a a a a a ~ a a a a a a a III '.-4 n n n n n ::s \.0 LI'l a a LI'l a LI'l a a Qc p.. <Xl <Xl a N <.0 r-- <Xl r-- r-- ,.... LI'l ,.... ,.... N J.la- s:: ::s- <Xl a a <Xl a LI'l (V") r-- 0 ~ <.0 a a (V") a ,.... r-- ;;; ~ r-- LI'l <.0 a r-- CT> J.I n n n n n s:: LI'l CT> (V") .::t (V") r-- LI'l CT> H r-- <Xl LI'l <.0 N a CT> ,.... N N ,.... ,.... ,.... N a a a a a a a s:: a a a a a a a ~ a a a a a a III '.-4 n n n n ;::l \.0 a a a LI'l a LI'l LI'l (V") LI'l a N LI'l r-- <.0 QO'I p.. CT> ,.... LI'l ,.... N .LJ00 s:: :l- LI'l a a LI'l <Xl N r-- 0 r-- LI'l LI'l N (V") N N ~ N N ~ ~ CT> r-- (V") .LJ " n n n n (V") <Xl .::t .::t a N <Xl s:: .::t CT> <Xl r-- (V") a <Xl H (V") N ,.... N ,.... s:: '.-4 LI'l ~ \.0 ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ~ ~ ,.... p.. .......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ~ .::ta N N N N a a ,.... ,.... ~ ,.... ,.... ,.... ~ Q .LJ s:: ,....,.... ,....,.... ~,.... ,....,.... LI'lLl'l H ,....,.... ,....,.... .......... .......... .......... .......... ,....,.... .......... .......... .:t"a <.ON <.0 N <.ON .......... .::ta .::ta ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... Nex) ,.... ,.... "Cl 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a .LJ s:: 0'1 a a a a a a a s:: ell 00 n n n " n ::s .LJ I a a a LI'l a a a ('f') <Xl a ,.... (V") <Xl a 0 en ..... .::t r-- ~ '": LIl LI'l a ~ .LJ I n n " n n ;::l ..... .::t ,.... .::t ,.... ,.... N ('f') 0 4-l a a a a a a a a 0 a a a a a a a a en 'C a a a ~ a a a a .LJ "Cl Q) n " n " n n LI'l (V") a LI'l a a a a s:: s:: ::s ,.... <Xl a ,.... a r-- LI'l a ;::l 0 en ,.... CT> a ,.... <.0 r-- <.0 a 0 !Xl en n n n " n n n n ~ H <Xl ,.... LI'l ,.... ,.... N N (V") ,~ a r-- <.0 Q) . . . I I I CT> LI'l <.0 LI'l .LJ .LJ I I I ,.... LI'l U'VI a LI'l s:: "' N LI'l N ,.... . ,.... ...,... U'I . H ~ . . . <.0 . . . r-- . CT> r-- LI'l <.0 <Xl r--CT> CT> Q) LI'l <Xl <.0 r-- <Xl CT> .::t r-- CT> Q) :l ..... <Xl <Xl <Xl <Xl <Xl <Xl <Xl .LJ 4-l en LI'l ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... "' 0 en ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ~ LI'l ,.... ,.... 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Q) 4-l ::l OQ .j..J1/)0\ S::.j..JOO ::lS::0\ 011I..... ~ ~ 11l g,. 00 s:: .j..J ..... 0\ S::"ClOO ::l s:: I Ol1l..... 8 .j..J I <I/)..... .j..J ::s o .j..J .j..J u s:: 11l ::l 4-l I-< o 0 .j..J ~ g u Q) J.I.j..J s:: l1lN Hl:t: .j..J u 8 11l I-< 4-l I-< Q) 0 .j..J r- s:: o u .j..J u Q) 11l .j..J 4-l I-< 11l 0 .j..J Q s:: o u "Cl III I/) 11l ..c: u I-< ::l J:l.! III U en ..... < ..... > (I) Q I-< ~ III 8 (I) I-< " 0 8 r... r... III 0 .j..J .j..J H III r:.:l Q) c E-t 000 0 < "Cl0\ z r- ;::10\ en l'Q ..... e e 11l ..j' o Z Q) 00 11l g,. e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1 1990 Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET ('",..lo Act-nal or Estimate 1Q90 Tlnrpc::prvprl Fl1nrl B::t1:::1nC'.p Jannarv 1 2.273.638 2.794 833 3 654 211 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad V:::IIl"lrpm T"x 1,839,744 2,068,337 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Dplinnl1pnr T"x 26,289 41 000 45 503 Mot-nr Vphir1p St-:::ImTl T:::Ix 9 766 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Mot-or VphiC'.lp T",.. 401 959 412 000 486 864 Lr\l"'" 1 AIC'.nhn 1 if' Linl1nr Fllnrl 53 466 51 150 58 117 Lnr:::ll Ati Valnrpm T:::Ix Rednct-inn j:;'''nti 292 880 301 592 ., /. C "'", ~ :::Inri r.'L tv RpvpnllP Sharina j:;'l1nrl 229 984 ?I:;Q Q<.n 235 616 In I;",,, nf T:::IXP" (T R B ) Minf>r:::ll Prl"lrll1f'r; nn T::tx (r.nllntv I"Inlv) Feedlot- r.:::It-t-Ip T"'" xxxxxxxxxxxxx Sales Tax 3 393.573 3 330 000 3 4'{4 nnn Franchise Tax 1 268 658 1 451 000 1 1,1:;1 (V,f) Bingo 11 , 1 85 11,000 11 000 Highway Maintenance 0 3, too 0 Intergnovernmenta1 - Sa li ne County 337,560 423,000 450 127 EMS Fees 169,757 200,000 218 000 Cemetery Fees 19,750 23 000 20 nnn Rental Fees 5,785 6,700 6.000 Fire Protection Outside City Limits 105,582 130.000 130.000 Plats and Rezonino Fees 9,426 8.000 8 000 Weed Cuttino Fees 300 12.000 0 Alarm Monitoring Fees 27,625 25,000 27.000 Enoineering Fees 148,790 200,000 0 Street Cut Repairs 50,550 40,000 44 000 Swimmino Pools 19,527 18 000 18 000 Imooundina Fees 11 ,359 10 000 11 000 Administrative Fees 57,253 57 000 0 Fire Conference 3,069 0 0 Municipal Court Fines 350,694 360,000 360.000 Permits and Licenses 105,638 110,000 11 0 .000 Building and Inspection 82,911 120,000 100 000 Reimbursements 98 , 1 63 76,500 75 000 Miscellaneous Sales 20,971 28 600 20 500 Transfers in 250,019 339 550 377 433 Use of Money and Property: In I"In Irllp Funds 549,205 325,000 600,000 Miscellaneous: Revenue in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes: ~. Fl1nrl" I yyyyYXXxxxxxx X NI'\--F"..ti FlInn n . ~4; _'L r.",n,.", 1 . nf D,.; ^,. Yrc:: .... TnT A T IHoT I( T l>TS 9.951.438 10.417 145 Q c.c.c. b.7Q R AVATT.ART.F 12,225,076 13,211.978 12 320 689 Page No. 5 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El, Continued 1990 Adopted Budget GENERAL F1JND.-.Contd. 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET .C:orlp Actual or Estimatf' 1990 RE~mmr.E~ AVAILABLE Expenditures: CITY COMMISSION Personal Services 500 4,200 6,000 Supplies 7.536 25.000 32,000 Contractual 386.176 420.404 443.573 Other Services & Charqes 54.836 53 200 57 200 Total Citv Commission 449.048 502 804 538 773 CITY MANAGER Personal Services 70 626 120.700 129.056 Suoolies 2 997 4.000 4.000 O~h~r S~rvices & Charqes 8, qr;l 12.900 14.900 Capital Outlay 468 0 1.500 Total City Manaqer 83.042 137.600 149,456 LEGAL Personal Services 51 1 99 51 200 54.800 Suoolies 2 749 2.500 2.500 Contractual 17 676 16.000 16.000 O~h"r S~rvices & Chilraes 47 0 0 Total Leqal 71 .671 69.700 73.300 FINANCE Personal Services 184.844 199 800 220.642 Supplies 5.289 4 700 5.500 Contractual 10 242 22.500 17.000 Other Services & Charqes 23 575 20.700 24.600 Caoital Outlav 2 529 4.200 6.000 Total Finance 226 479 251 900 273 742 BUILDINGS Personal Services 81,964 88 620 91,680 Supplies 23,286 8,550 16,000 Contractual 77 ,013 98,500 104,500 Other Services & Charaes 495 13 .070 13,600 Total Buildinas 182 758 208 740 225 780 HUMAN RELATIONS Personal Services 64.048 85 900 75 876 Supplies 1 866 2 170 2 170 Contractual 3 100 2 500 2 500 Other Services & Charqes 13 019 14 450 17.900 Caoital Outlav 0 0 1 200 Total Human Relations R? In. 111<; 11?11 99.646 TO'T'AT. Un . Fnnn ~ Dpt"pmhpr 31 x Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) of 89 T::lX to hI" To..~o..l Page No. 5a e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El, Continued 1990 Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND--Contd. 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET r.nnp Ar 1-11"11 nr E<:rim:lrp 1990 RESOTrnr.ES AVAILABLE Expenditures: POLICE Personal Services 1 452.654 1.514,480 1,600,908 Supplies 184,931 210,350 208,450 Contractual 18,283 21,600 31,740 Other services and charges 68,733 70 150 75,300 Capital Outlay 11,669 22.650 28.985 Total Police 1.736 270 1 839 230 1 945 383 MUNICIPAL COURT Personal Services 48.982 47.000 54.160 Supplies 1.595 2 000 2.100 Contractual 6.597 25 000 25.000 Other services and charqes 9 658 18 300 18.300 Capital Outlay 0 855 0 Total Municipal Court 66,832 93,155 99,560 PARKING METERS Personal Services 0 36.560 39,552 Suoolies 0 5.350 5,350 Total Parking Meters 0 41,910 44,902 FIRE Personal Services 1,947,741 1,984,240 2,115,846 Supplies 1 04, 155 134,130 125,720 Contractual 41 ,619 64,230 63,000 Other services and charges 57,784 58 , 1 00 57,960 Capital Outlay 45 964 100,400 11 6,000 Total Fire 2.197 263 2,341,100 2,478 526 PERMITS AND INSPECTION Personal Services 97.700 110.084 118.344 SUDDlies 5.230 2.100 2.700 Contractual 2,630 13 , 000 13 ,000 Other services and charges 6.946 9.250 9,565 Capital Outlav 258 1.000 1.250 Total Permits and Inspection 112.764 135.434 144.859 ENGINEERING Personal Services 126 647 140.630 154.728 Supplies 8.234 7.380 7.380 Other services and charqes 4.183 5,250 5,250 Caoital Outlav 521 450 450 Total Enaineerinq 139.585 153.710 167 808 TOTAL Fund B:ll:lnrp Dprpmhpr 31 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) nf RQ T::lY rn hp Tp".;p,.l Page No. 5a e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1, Continued 1990 Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND-Contd. 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET r.nnp A.-t-""l nr Est-im;::!t-p 1QQn RE!':nmu'E!': AVAILABLE Expenditures: STREET Personal Services 434.499 460,000 491,240 SUDDlies 165.240 146.110 176,830 Other Services & Charqes 3.274 3 940 4 040 Canital Outlav 10 724 9.800 3 200 Total Street 613 737 619 850 675.310 FLOOD WORKS Personal Services 51.350 51,370 58.200 SUDDlies 9.403 9.950 10,570 Other Services & Charaes 889 800 950 Capital Outlay 781 800 820 Total Flood Works 62 423 62,920 70,540 TRAFFIC CONTROL Personal Services 70.395 73.350 88,360 SUDnlies 18 518 22.150 21.900 Contractual 4 278 5 600 7 100 Other Services & Charqes 3.956 4,900 4,950 Capital Outlav 721 1 000 1,300 Total Traffic Control 97 868 107.000 123 610 PARKS Personal Services 347.526 382.600 395,046 SUDolies 117.010 107.800 133.200 Other Services & Charaes 13.320 12 600 27 400 Canit"l Olltl"v 4 hhQ 7.nnn '.nnn Total Parks 482.525 510.000 558.646 SWIMMING POOL Personal Services 27 570 28 000 29 000 <;lInn1;",,, 1 n A?':l lLt ,nn 1':l h<:;n Contractual 1 064 1 500 1 500 Other Services & Charges 3.306 3,150 3,000 Capital Outlay 0 1 ,850 1,500 Total Swimmina Pool 42.763 48.800 48.650 I TnTAT, . Fllnil D~1~_~~ Del"pmhpr .~ 1. Non-Appropriated Balance " Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 1'\1' RQ 'T'",,,, t-I'\ h.. T~..~~...1 Page No. Sa e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1, Continued 1990 Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND--Contd. 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET r,,,.-1p Actual "r Ec:t-im:::ot-p 1990 RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS Personal Services 67.538 52,600 67,578 Suool-ies 4 839 4.000 4,000 Contractual 3 595 4.600 4,000 Of-her services and charaes 7 690 9 700 9,400 C:"n;+"l Oll+l"v 996 1 000 2,000 Total Neiahborhood Centers 84,658 71,900 86,978 ARTS AND HUMANITIES Personal Services 93,413 97,200 106,700 Contractual 26,225 28,400 28,900 Total Arts and Humanities 119 638 125 600 135,600 SMOKY HILL MUSEUM Personal Services 62 878 93 500 100,656 Suoolies 33 267 36 200 36.200 Contractual 9,041 5,000 5,000 Other services and charges 28,848 1 6,600 19,600 Capital Outlay 9.741 5 000 5,000 Transfers Out 13 ,500 14,000 15,000 Total Smoky Hill Museum 157,275 170,300 181,456 PLANNING Personal Serv-i ces 117 479 89 400 98,420 SUDolies 1 379 2 550 2 200 Contractual 993 600 0 Other services and charaes 3 231 3 750 4 500 Canit:al Outlav 94 400 200 Total Planning 123,176 96,700 105,320 HERITAGE COMMISSION Supplies 0 0 300 Contractual 0 0 3 500 Total Heritage Comm-i ss i on 0 0 3,800 CEMETERY Personal Services 53 506 53.830 59.640 Supplies 5.971 6 860 6.850 Other services and charaes 366 450 500 C:"ni+'ll Outlav 2 550 2 000 2 000 Total Cemetery 62.393 63 140 68,990 TOTAL ITnrf'!'lf'rvpn Flinn B:::olanrp Decf'mhpr 11 xxyx xv Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) of RQ T:::ov t-" hI" 'P";P.-1 Page No. 5a e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1, Continued 1990 Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND-Contd. 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET (",.....:10 Actual or Estimate 1990 RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: CONTINGENCY Medical 1,648 1,000 1 , 600 Transfers Out 1 157.879 872 000 848,740 Reserves 48 040 3,296,965 3,226,019 Total Continqency 1 207 567 4 169,965 4,076 359 CAPITAL OUTLAY Reserve 0 0 100,000 Capital Outlay 924.298 1 285 500 736,000 Total Capital Outlay 924 298 1 285 500 836,000 TOTAT. E 9 326 066 13 211 978 13 212,994 Unreserven Flinn B"1,,,.,...0 December 11 2 ROO n1n 0 xx xx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 13.212.994 TAX REQUIRED 892,305 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 67,163 A of 89 Tax to he T.evien 959,468 Page No. Sa e e Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1990 UTILITY FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET rnNP Actual nr E.,timate 1Q90 UnreserVPN Fl1nN Ba1;:!ncp .Tanll;:trv 1 188,737 144,736 113 ,593 Ad Va1nrpm T;:tx 441,228 527,264 xxxxxxyyxxxxx De1in011pnr T::lx 7,300 9,500 11,600 Motor Vphi~lp T::lx 110,597 100,000 124,166 Transfers In 13 500 14,000 15,000 Interp.,r nn IN1p Fundc:; 2,000 0 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS 574,625 650,764 150,766 RESOlffiCES AVAILABLE 763,362 795,500 264,359 Expenditures: Other services and charqes 635,033 665,500 693 000 Reserves 0 130,000 68,659 TOTAL EXPENDITTffiES 635,033 795,500 761.659 UnreservPN FlinN Ba1ancp Derpmhpr 31 128,329 xxxxxxyyxyxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 761,659 TAX REQUIRED 497,300 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 37,431 Amount of 89 T::lx rn be LeviPN 534,731 Adopted Budget RECREATION FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET ~ , AI"~"",l or Ec:;t-imate 1990 ITnrec:;erved Fund B::ll::lnce T::ln1''''rv 1 0 0 68 233 Ad V;:!lorem Tax 20,345 xxx xx De1innl1pnr Tax 603 0 14,580 Motor Vphirle T;:tx 29,428 0 84,780 Fees 90,948 0 176 550 Reimbursements 0 0 7 000 In nn Irllp Fllnds 473 0 10 000 TOTAL R~ ;~: ... 'S 141,797 0 292 910 RESOURCE~ A1TATT JlIl.TE 141,797 0 361 143 Expenditures: Personal Services 49,490 0 267 732 Supplies 6277 0 56 000 Contractual 6 805 0 122.500 Other services and charaes 17 796 0 109 320 ~apll:al UUl:lay ::.,~uR H 1~Y,22Q TOTAr. 86,274 0 708 218 Unreserved FlinN R",l",nl"p D 31 55,523 0 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 708.218 TAX REQUIRED 347.075 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 26.124 of 89 T::lY 1"0 he Lo"~o,l 373,199 Page No. 6 e e Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1990 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET Corlp .4 C' t-11;1.1 or E!';t"imate 1QQO Unreserved Fund Bal::lnce Tanl1"'rv 1 277 225 175 525 160 451 Ad Valnr"m Tax 974,456 1,257,725 xxxxxxxxxxxxx De1inal1pnr 1''''x 16,725 21,000 27,600 Mot-or Vph,C'lp T",x 244,418 220,000 305 508 Intergovernmental 0 137,000 146,567 Reimbursements 100,231 40,000 0 Transfers In 48,861 60,200 40 000 Inten>!'; r nn Inlp Fund!'; 16,447 0 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,401,138 1,735,925 519,675 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1,678,363 1,911,450 680,126 Expenditures: Personal Services 1,323,324 1,447,000 1,687,000 Contractual 200,000 284,450 210,750 Reserves 0 180,000 120,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,523,324 1,911,450 2,017,750 IlTnrp!,;prvprl Fl1nn Balanc!" Dpcpmbpr 11 155 039 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 2,017,750 TAX REQUIRED 1.337.624 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 100.681 Amonnt" of RQ T::lX t-n h!" Lpvipn 1 418.101) Adopted Budget SPECIAL LIABILITY FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET ICnrlp Artual nr E!';t";mate lQQn Unreservpn Fl1nn Ba1anrp .T"'nl1"'rv 1 0 15,376 9,893 Ad Va1nrpm T"''' 65.950 155,000 x xx Delinnllpnr T",x 2 630 1.400 3 400 Motor Vphi("l" Tax 46,681 15,000 36 456 I :r nn Idle Fl1nn!'; TOTAL I< 115,261 171,400 39,856 R .l\1TA TT .1\ RLE 115 261 186,776 49,749 Expenditures: Transfers Out 152,700 178,144 244,564 Reserves 0 8,632 23,617 ITOTAl ~:X""~:ND 152,700 186,776 268,181 Innr . Fl1nn R", 1 .....~O Dprpmhpr 11 14,937 0 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 268,181 TAX REQUIRED 218,432 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 16 .441 of 89 1'",.... rl'\ be T...v;..rI 234 873 Page No. 7 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1990 Adopted Budget BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET r."rl.. Actual "r E~t-;m::lt-p 1QQO TTnrp~pr"prl Fund B"''''''''4 1 22 , 085 19 586 0 Revenues: Special Assessments 17,534 104,889 111.000 TOTAL Rli'r.li'IPTS 17.534 104 889 111 000 A""TT"tl,l:' 39.619 124 475 11' nnn Expenditures: Contractual 2,399 107,475 94,000 Other services and charges 101 0 0 Transfers out 17,000 17,000 17.000 TOTAr. li'11"'Pli'NDITURES 19,500 124,475 111 ,000 TTnTP~pr"prl Fl1nrl B::ll::lnrp Decemh"T 11 20.119 0 0 Adopted Budget TOURISM AND CONVENTION FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET I r.l'\rl.. Actual or J;'.........,te lQQO n. 'PT"..rl 1O'I1nrl R::I,,,,.,"4 , 1.482 0 0 Revenues: Transient Guest Tax 215,622 250,000 270 000 TOTAL R 215.622 250.000 270.000 A"ATTAtlTl:' 217 104 250.000 270 000 Expenditures: Contractual 217,104 250.000 270.000 I TO'T'A T 217 104 250 000 'l7n nnn In 1O'unrf n.' ~ 'n 0 0 () Page No. 8 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1990 Adopted Budget SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET r.nnp Art-1.::l1 nr 1QqO TTnrpc:prvprl Fllnn B."1.,,..."4 Janll:lrv 1 0 2 000 11 316 Revenues: Liquor Tax 53,466 51,150 58,117 TOTAL REr.F.IPTS 53,466 51,150 58,117 R A1TATTARTli' 53 466 53 150 69 433 Expenditures: Transfers Out 45 000 53,150 69.433 I TnTAT EYP1<'N 45,000 53,150 69 433 I ._ Funrl R",1."..."", ~ , '1 0 0 8 466 Adopted Budget SPECIAL ALCOHOL FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET - . A "t-..." 1 nr - lQQn TTnr Flln'" R",1"'''''4 1 769 2.770 11 315 Revenues: Liauor Tax 53.466 51 150 58 117 TnTAT 'S 53,466 51,150 58.117 AVATT.ART1<' 54,235 53,920 69.432 Expenditures: Contractual 45,000 53,920 69,432 TilT A I 45.000 53 920 69 432 .. Fnnn ft . 11 9.235 0 0 Page No~ 9 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1990 Adopted Budget STREET MACHINERY FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET !r.nrlp Ac.t:nal Dr Estimate loor) ITnrp~prvprl Fllnrl B~ 1 ~nce ,Jannarv 1 38,681 0 63 681 Revenues: Transfers In 25 000 TOTAL RF.r.F.IPT~ 25,000 0 0 AUATTARTJ;' 63,681 0 63.681 Expenditures: Capital Outlay 0 0 63,681 TOTAl 1<'XPRND 0 0 63 681 TTnr----. ... Fnnrl B"""....... Decemh..r 11 63.681 0 0 Adopted Budget SPECIAL GAS FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET 1r.l'\rl.. A,..t-"", 1 nr E"''';''''''''' lQQO TTnrp Fnnd R"'l"'....... .l~n''':l.rv 1 72 460 R7.<Aq 1'? t:fVl Revenues: Gas Tax 808,088 820,000 1 100.000 TOTAl. 'S 808,088 820 000 1 1 00 000 R AVATT.ART.1<' 880 548 907.<RQ 1 'l1'l enn Expenditures: Personal Services 68 665 72 020 77 A?t\ Supplies 158 331 154 700 1 r:.J. nnn Capital Outlav 372 978 564 600 "7nr:. nnn Transfers Out 150,000 0 0 Reserves 0 116,069 275,780 I TOTAl. 749,974 907,389 1.212.600 In Fl1nrl R..,1..,__a n 11 130,574 0 0 Page No. 10 e e Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1990 BICENTENNIAL CENTER FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET Code .1,......"'1 or E~ 1990 Unreservf'rl Fllnrl R:l1:lnr.. 1 160.046 169 141 193 571 Revenues: Fees 354.973 455 000 455.000 Reimbursements 1.532 2 000 2.000 Transfers In 200,000 211,375 200.000 TOTAL 556.505 668 375 657 000 AVATTART ,.. 716.551 837 516 850 571 Expenditures: Personal Services 334.964 366 400 399 171 Supplies 40.885 40 000 47 100 Contractual 7,422 3 000 2 000 Other services and charges 139.854 183 200 190 200 CaQital Outlay 19,379 30,340 12,085 Reserves 0 214,576 200,015 I TOTAL 542.504 837 516 RSO.S71 -' F1Inn R"'1".,,.... ~ 11 174.047 () () Adopted Budget FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET ICndf' Art-"", 1 or 1990 F1Inn R:l1:lnr.. .. 1 Revenues: AVATTARTt;' Expenditures: I TOTAL F"n" R", 1 "'nt".. ~1 Page No. 11 e e Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1990 BOND AND INTEREST FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET r.nnp A"t-,,,,, 1 nr F.",t-imate 1000 Ilnreserverl Fllnn B::Ilance J::Inu::Irv 1 304,245 421,905 118 353 Arl Valorem T:=lx 768,310 154,995 XXXXXxxxxxxxx Delinauent T::Ix 13,016 17,000 3,400 Motor Vphi"le T::Ix 193,005 173,000 36,456 Special Assessments 922,020 990,000 872 857 Other 0 0 35,504 Transfers In 605,081 982,000 558,739 Interp"'t- nn Irlle FlInds 23,949 0 0 TOTAL REr.EIPT~ 2,525,381 2,316,995 1,506,956 RESOTTRCES AVAILABLE 2,829,626 2,738,900 1,625,309 Expenditures: Debt Service 2.477,668 2.638,900 2 558,027 Reserves 0 100,000 139,332 TOTAL EXPENDITTffiES 2,477,668 2 738,900 2 697 359 Unreserved Funrl B:=ll::lnce Decemhpr11 351,958 0 XXXXXXXXXxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 2.697.359 TAX REQUIRED 1.072 .050 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 80 692 Amn1lnt- of 89 T::IX t-n hp Levipn 1.152 742 Adopted Budget FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET (,^.-lo Actual nr Estimate 10QO IlJnrpsprverl Funrl B::Ilance .Tanll::lrv 1 Arl v::J1nrpm T::lX xxxxx Del; T::IX Motor Vehiclp T::lx In nn Tnlp Funds TOTAL R RESOURCE~ AUATT 4RT.1i' Expenditures: TUTA FlInrl R",l",nl"o D . .. 31 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) of 89 Tax to he Levipn Page No. 12 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1990 Adopted Budget RISK MANAGEMEllT FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET 1"-"- A"r11",1 ",- F.c::r;m::lrp 1QQO IlTnrpc::prvpn F11nd Ba1anc.p ,T:lntt:lrv 1 87 689 19 739 61R11> Revenues: Reimbursements 18 796 0 0 Transfers In 512 650 h'n.u01 h'l.'l. u11 TOTAl RECEIPTS 531 446 633.401 633.411 ES AUATT411.LF. 619,135 653,140 695,225 Expenditures: Personal Services 35.202 37.500 38,890 Sunnlies 542 2 100 2.100 Contractual 552,761 553,000 553,000 Other services and charges 3,867 3,300 3,300 Capital Outlav 209 500 500 Reserves 0 56 740 97 435 TOTAL EXPENDITTTRES 592.581 653 140 695 225 ~rved Fund B",1"'01"4 Dpt"pmhp,- 11 26.554 0 0 Adopted Budget CENTRAL GARAGE FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET Codp Art-t1::l1 1'\" 1O'~..~_~..o 1990 Unrpc::p,-vpn Fund p'",l",01"" r,,01""',-v 1 (28.214) 0 0 Revenues: Transfers In 640,561 0 711,455 TOTAL RF.CETP'T'~ 640,561 0 711.455 AUATTAll.T1O' 612,347 0 711.455 Expenditures: Personal Services 131,487 0 164,555 Supplies 462,102 475,800 Other services and charqes 7,882 11 ,1 00 (" .~< -~ 0,,+-1 "V 8 633 0 Transfers Out 0 0 60.000 TlIT A I h10 101> 7111><;<; .. . F11nn R::a1"'''''4 11 ? ?I>'l. ('\ ('\ Page No. 13 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1990 Adopted Budget DATA PROCESSING FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate lqq() TJnrp~pr'U"pil Fllnil B::. 1 ::.nce .r::.ntt::.r'U" 1 48,605 47 442 44 694 Revenues: Fees 1,663 2,000 2,000 Reimbursements 34,315 32,400 32,400 Other 782 750 800 Transfers In 104,500 103,500 105.826 TOTAL RF.r.EIPT!=; 141,260 138,650 141,026 R A1TATlARTti' 189,865 186,092 185.720 Expenditures: Personal Services 88,006 126,912 143.460 SUDDlies 4,387 5,000 3.250 Contractual 0 0 1,500 Other services and charges 32,699 31,000 32.400 Capital Outlay 0 0 4.000 Reserves 0 23,180 1.110 TOTAl EXPENDITURE!=; 125,092 186.092 185.720 n . Fund B",1",,,,... D 31 64,773 0 0 Adopted Budget SAN I TAllON FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET Ir.nilp Ar.t"n::ll nr .. 1QQO n ,_____.J "'"nil p,,,, 1 ",..,... T.,....., -.. 1 326,159 366,060 513.895 Revenues: Fees 717,000 704,000 708 000 Interest 3,000 20,000 30 000 Other 1,336 3,000 1 500 Transfers In 0 50 000 0 TOTAl. 721,336 777,000 739 500 A1TATl A1Uti' 1,047,495 1,143,060 1 253 395 Expenditures: Personal Services 367,374 401 800 455 500 Sunnlies 98,090 100 700 100 710 Contractual 33,054 39,340 12.940 Other services and charges 55,284 56,850 63 100 Capital Outlay 38,232 42,260 41 200 Transfers Out 30,000 45.000 54.500 Reserves 0 457.110 525 445 TIITAI 622,034 1,143,060 1 253.395 Fnnd R",1",..,.", ~ 31 425 461 0 n Page No. 14 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1990 Adopted Budget SOLI D WASTE FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET r.nnp Art-1l::l1 nr E~t-im::lt-l" 1990 Unreservl"d Fllnn R",l"n,.", ,T::lnll::lrv 1 413 740 4?R1>7q Rh? qhO Revenues: Fees 332,688 285,000 330,000 Interest 0 23,000 50,000 Other 2,124 100 100 Transfers In 0 193,025 0 TOTAL RECEIPT~ 334,812 501 125 380,100 R AVATT.A1UlO' 748.552 929 604 1 243.060 Expenditures: Personal Services 103,662 109,750 139,200 SUDPlies 56,765 76.600 77,220 Contractual 1,500 4,085 2,500 Other services and charges 9,487 1 2, 1 80 12,350 Capital Outlay 6,788 0 105,600 Transfers Out 60,000 13 ,400 13,800 Reserves 0 713 .589 892,390 TOTAL EX 238,202 929,604 1 243.060 IJnr Fllnn R",l",n,.", D .L ~r 31 510,350 0 0 Adopted Budget GOLF COURSE FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET ro. ... Actual or Es 1990 IJnr Fllnn R::ll",n,... 9 1 55,018 55 016 15.000 Revenues: Fees 366,030 417,000 425,000 Reimbursements 6,785 2,000 3,000 Other 455 2,000 1,000 TOTAL REl;l'.l t'T:-i 373,270 421,000 429,000 AVATTARTto' 428,288 476,016 444,000 Expenditures: Personal Services 136,825 183,145 210 040 SUDDlies 86,486 78,000 89 500 Contractual 24.806 31 480 0 Other services and charqes 79.756 78 500 79 000 Capital Outlay 44,342 21,000 41.220 Transfers Out 0 16,000 15.200 Reserves 0 67,891 9,040 TOTAL 372,215 476 016 444 000 , F\md R", 1 "'''''4 n _L 31 56.073 0 0 Page No. 15 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E5 1990 Adopted Budget WATER AND SEWERAGE FUND 1988 1989 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate lQQO Unreserved Fund B"'''''''''' Januarv 1 1.168.184 1.813 708 3 173 943 Revenues: Fees 6.005 765 6 243 580 6 506 140 Interest 229 781 250 000 300,000 Reimbursements 350,004 0 0 Other 0 12,000 12 000 Transfers In 13 ,253 13 ,000 13 ,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 6,598,803 6,518 580 6.831.140 RESOTTRr:ES AVAILABLE 7,766,987 8,332,288 10 005.083 Expenditures: WATER Administration 809,554 1,188,880 943 224 Customer Accounting 344,788 3,263,734 4 722 670 Distribution 441,723 712,120 503 680 Pumping 194,211 199.100 207.294 Softening and Treatment 975,909 884.120 1.089.162 Supply 97 442 124 584 216 478 Service 0 0 150.388 Debt Service 728 350 871,750 948 505 Capital Outlay 2,501 508 400,000 400 000 Total Water 6 093 485 7 644 288 q 1R1 1>01 SEWER Collection and Treatment 614.970 688.000 794 463 Pretreatment 0 0 29,219 Total Sewer 614,970 688,000 823.682 Transfers 717 000 0 0 TOTAT, 7,425,455 8,332,288 10,005,083 F11nn R::ll::ln,... 11 341,532 0 0 Page No. 16 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form A 1990 NOTICE OF HEARING 1990 BUDGET The governing body of the City of Salina, Kansas will meet on the 14th day of August , 1989 at 4:00 P ,M., at 300 West Ash Street for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers ~lating to the proposed use of all funds and the amount of tax to be levied. Detailed budget information 1S available at available at this hearing. 300 West Ash Street, Room 206 and wi 11 be BUDGET SUMMARY The Expenditures and the Amount of 89 Tax to be Levied (as shown below) establish the maximum limits of the 1990 budget. The "Est. Tax Rate" in the far right column, shown for comparative purposes, is subject to slight change depending on final assessed valuation. 19RR 19R9 PROPOSED BUDGET 1990 Actual Budget or Actual Amount of Est. Actual Tax Estimate of Tax 89 Tax to Tax Fund Exnf>ndirllrpc; R;:!rp* Exnpnrlirllrpc; R;:!tf>* Exnenditures be Lf'viprl Rat'p>< General 9.349.048 16.311 13,211 978 18.064 13 21 2 994 959 468 6 396 Employee Benefits 1,469,286 ~.btl'+ I,~II,'+JU IU.~tl't L ,UlI, /50 1,438,305 9.589 Utility 635,033 3.932 795,500 4.604 761,659 534,731 3.565 Special Liability 152,700 .586 186,776 1.354 268,181 234,873 1.566 Recreation 86,275 781,233 708,218 373,199 2.488 Bus"iness Improvement Di t. 19,500 124,475 111,000 Tourism and Convention 217,104 250,000 270,000 Spec"i a 1 Parks 45,000 53,150 69,433 Special Alcohol 45,000 53,920 69,432 Street Machinery 63,681 Spec"j a 1 Gas 749,974 907,389 1,212,600 Bicentennial Center 542,503 837,516 850,571 Bond and Interest 2,477,668 6.847 2,738,900 1.354 '-,697,359 1,152.742 7.685 Ri5k Manaaement 592,605 653.140 695 LZ5 Central Garaae 610,105 111 455 Data Processina 125,092 186,092 185 720 Sanitation 621,333 1,143,060 1 253 395 Sol id Waste 238,202 929,604 1,243 060 w~~Lc~~~se ~ ~~t,tB A H~'~A~ 10 ~~~'K~~ Totals 23.883 086 36.360 33 572.487 36.360 36 850 816 IJ. hQ< <1i< <1 ?QQ Less: Transfers 1,349,881 1 ,785,904 1.558.737 Net Expenditures 22,533,205 31,786,583 35.292.079 Total Tax Levied 4,163,313 4,269,464 xxxxxxxxxxxx Assessed Valuation 114,502,579 117,422,015 150.000.000 Est. Outstanding Indebtedness, January 1, 1987 G.O. Bonds 8,703,000 No-Fund Warrants Revenue Bonds Temporary Notes Total 1988 12,350,000 1989 11.825.000 1,970,000 3,000,000 13,673,000 4,410,000 300,000 17,060,000 4,110,000 1,125,000 17,060.000 *Tax Rates are expressed in mills. Page No. 17 ~a~~ Jos A. Warner, Mayor SL, Clerk