1991 Budget Certificate STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form A 1ac: BOTICE OF HEARING 1991 BUDGET The governing body of the City of Salina, Kansas will Auqust , 1990 at 4: 00 J:.,M., at 300 West Ash and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed of tax to be levied. meet on the 13th day of for the purpose of hearing use of all funds and the amount Detailed budget information 1S available at 300 West Ash Street, Suite 206 and will be available at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY The Expenditures and the Amount of 90 Tax to be Levied (as shown below) establish the maximum limits of the 1991 budget. The "Est. Tax Rate" in the far right column, shown for comparative purposes, is subject to slight change depending on final assessed valuation. fQjfQ loon 100 Actual Budget or Actual Amount of Est. Actual Tax Estimate of Tax 90 Tax to Tax Fund I~",....* I~ , . 1'0........* ,- I~ to"......, h.. T.pv;..rl I'R"'....* General 9 853 851 18.064 13.212 994 6.136 14 628 170 612.430 4.083 Uti 1 ity 642 746 4.605 761 659 3.420 788 000 616 179 4.108 Recreation 779 934 708 218 2.387 680.729 385 280 2.569 Emolovee Benefits 1 732 653 10.984 2.017 750 9.198 2 534 288 2 124 741 1 4. 1 65 Soecial Liabilitv 178 144 1.354 268 1 81 1.502 269 907 212 997 1.420 Business Imorovement Dis 80 897 111 000 75 GOO Tourism and Convention 249 126 270 000 300 000 Soecial Parks 53 150 69 433 71.504 Snecial Alcohol 53 920 69 432 71 504 Enuinment Reserve 113 661 Street Machinerv 0 63 681 63 681 Snecial Gas Tax 771 599 1 212 600 1.476000 Bicentennial Center 645,940 850,571 1,009,231 Construction 4,483,335 0 0 Bond and Interest 2,506.995 1.353 2,697,359 7.372 2,558,355 550,486 3.670 Economic Development 332.433 Community Development 192.389 Special Law Enforcement 29.620 --- . --.. "-...- Parking Meter 35 I Revenue Collected in Adv Eince 43,235 Citizenship Trust 1,000 Fire Insurance Proceeds 2,336 Sanitation 669,421 1,253,395 1,285,882 Solid Waste 220.877 1,243,060 1,162,559 Golf Course 431,720 444,000 472,000 Water and Seweraoe 8.135 065 10 005 083 11 062 371 Ri,;k Mananem..nt 727 850 695 225 758 791 Central Garaqe 608.818 711 ,455 739,457 Data Processinq 159.883 185.720 232,839 I 30.0151 Totals 33.700.633 36.360 36.850 816 30.015 40.240 268 4,502,113 Less: Transfers 2,803,607 1 ,558,737 2,363,964 Net Expenditures 30,897,026 35,L92,079 37,876,304 Total Tax Levied 4,269,464 4,693,364 xxxxxxxxxxxx Assessed Valuation 117,422,015 156,367,292 149,995,4~ Outstand1ng Indebtedness, January 1, 1988 G.O. Bonds 12,350,000 No-Fund Warrants Revenue Bonds Temporary Notes Total 1989 11,825,000 1990 12,070,000 4,410,000 300,000 17,060,000 4,110,000 1 ,1 25 .000 17,060,000 6,720,000 395,000 1 9 , 1 85 , 000 *Tax Rates are expressed in mills. j~~~ ~~'UlfAJ \ City Clerk ~//? Page No. _ . . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B 1991 CERTIFICATE TO THE CLERK OF Sa 1 i ne COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of The City of Salina, Kansas certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached proof of publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1991; and (3) the Amount(s) of 90 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. 1991 ADOPTED BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS: Amount of Adopted Budget Page 90 Tax to County Clerk's Nn . . ........... h.. T ___~ _..J n.... n"1'\7 T,nnr T ~ -~.... fnT" Tax li'11nrJ.. ? r.n"",, nf Aaa T"v T.l!!VV T ~-~ ':\ - nf - .. 6. - nf r.nnrJ;";nn"l T........ ....,. 6." - ,1 '5 14.628 170 612.430 Utilitv 6 788 000 616 179 Recreation 6 680 72q "0" ')0" Annrenate Tax Levv Limit--"t-i"n<; '2. '2.?A242 - Employee Benefits 7 2,534,288 2,124,741 Special Liability 7 269.907 212.997 Business Improvement District 8 75.000 - Tourism and Convention 8 300 000 -. Speci a 1 Parks 9 71 504 - Special Alcohol 9 71 504 - Street l1achinerv 10 63 681 - Snecial Gas Tax 10 1 i.J.7h nnn - Bicentenni-"l rpnrpr 11 1 (\(\Q ?'2.1 - Bonrl "nrl 17 ') ""0 .,,,,, ""n I,OC Sanitation 13 1 285 882 - Solid Waste 13 1 16? c;c;q - Golf Course 14 ,It 72 .000 - Vlater anrl 14 11 (\c,') ., 71 - Rid. , 1<; 7"0 701 - ('pnrr,,] r."r"no 1<; 7.,0 I,,,, - Data ProcessinG 16 232 839 ,; 40.240.268 'I- 502 113 l'T"nnf nf 1).... 1 ~ 17 Final Asse~s@d Valuation -- Not Assisted Municipal Accounting Use Only Received Reviewed by Follow-up: Yes No Assisted by: ~.ttest : ':\lItju 5 t 20 I 1990 (If not assisted, so state) - \" ~ -~\~~~'UJ0\.-' ~ty Clerk Page No. 1 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1991 COMPtlUTIOB OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY I.IMI'UTIOH (TAX LID) K.S.A. Levy 88 Tax Levy 89 Tax Levy 1991 LAVTR Authoritv Amount Amount Amount l. Total tax levies in budget 4,269,460 4,693,505 2. Tax levies for purposes exempt f rOIll the Tax Lid: 158,946 1,152,739 Bond & Interest 1~113 No-Fund Warrants Employee Benefits 12-16,102 * 1.289.78~ 1,438,266 HOllle for Aged 19-2122 County Hospital 19-4606 District Court Budget 2~348, 349 Out-District Tuition 71-301 Judgments & Tort Liability 75-6101 ~ KSI,. 158,952 234,864 HOllle for Aged 79-1947b Infrastructure Loan Pmts 79-5028 Payments to Public Bldg Comm 79-5028 Library Board Levy 79-5032** Recreation Commission Levy 79-5032** _ Hospital Board Levy 79-5032** Total 1,607,687 2,825,869 3. Total tax levies for purposes under the Tax Lid (1. lIlinus 2.) Use the larger amount, either 88 or 89, on page no. 3a, 1,867,636 line 1. 2,661,773 4. List all tax levy funds below, with the statutory authority for each, that are not shown in item 2. These are the funds that were subject to the Tax Lid. llmll K.S.A., C.O., or C.R. Levv Authoritv KSA 79-1948 KSA 12-1933 Ch 12, Art 5 Constitution 1991 LAVTR G~nll!ra.l Recreation Amount 333,781 Uti] i tv (Use a continuation page if more lines are needed) * HB 2700 exempts from the tax lid employer contributions for social security, workers compensation, unemployment insurance, health care costs, employee benefit plans, and employee retirement and pension programs. ** Compute limit on Form 81, page no. 2. Page No.3 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C1 COMP1lTA7IOlf OJ' AGGREGATE TAX LEVY I.IMITA:rION (TAX LID) (Contd) 1991 1. Total tax levies for purposes under the Tax Lid (page no. 3, line 3) for the base year + 2,661,773 2. Adjustment for territory added for 1990: 2a. Valuation of territory added 2b. 1990 est. assessed valuation 2c. Total valuation excluding territory added (2b-2a) 2d. Factor (2a+2c) 2e. Adjustment (2d times line 1) + 3. Adjustment for territory excluded for 1990: 3a. Valuation of territory excluded 3b. 1990 est. assessed valuation 3c. Total valuation excluding terr. excluded (3b-3a) 3d. Factor (3a+3c) 3e. Adjustment (3d times line 1) 4. Adjustment for new ~rovements and personal property for 4a. Valuation of new ~rovements for 1990 1,347,881 4b. Personal property total for 1990 + 13,255,349 4c. Personal property total for 1989 13,783,824 4d. Change in personal property + 0 4e. Less: New ~ and pers prop included in added terr (line 2a) 4f. Plus: New imp and pers prop included in excluded terr (line 3a) + 4g. Net value of new ~ and pers prop (4a+4d-4e+4f) 4h. 1989 assessed valuation 4i. Factor (4g+4h) 4j. Adjustment (4i times line 1) 1990: 1,347,881 152,131,938 .00886 + 23,58:3 5. Possible adjustments to tax lid: 5a. Functions transferred in (K.S.A. 79-5027) 5b. Functions transferred out (K.S.A. 79-5027) 5c. Adjustment for elimination of gross earnings tax for elections after July 31, 1988 (K.S.A. 79-5020) 5d. Adjustment for decrease in motor vehicle tax estimate from page no..3b 5e. Total adjustments (Sa-Sb+Sc+Sd) + 385,280 + + 257,606 + 642,886 6. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) FOR BUDGET YEAR 1991 3,328,242 7. List any purposes included in the general fund in this 1991 budget which are exempt from the tax lid (see page no. 3, line 2): + + + + 8. MAXIMUM AMOtnrr OJ' LEVIES FOR FONDS UNDER THE AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) IN THE 1991 BUDGET 3,328,242 =====.=.a......................................==.=====._=_.========...==_======_========== Suspension or adjustment of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation (Tax Lid) authorized by: a. Board of Tax Appeals Order dated b. Election Held on c. Charter Ordinance/Resolution Page No. 3a e e Allocation of Motor Vehicle Tax 1990 Budgeted Funds Actual Amount of 1991 Budget (RQ 'T'::ay_T 4..'; 4<\) RQ T.PVV ~"'t-.;t'\ A 1 . ~'t'\.. General 959,468 181,685 Employee Benefits 1,438,305 272,083 Util i ty 534,731 101,143 Special Liability 234,873 44,400 Recreation 373,199 70,596 Bond and Interest 1,152,742 218,093 4,693,318 * 888,000 TOTAL NOTE: Do not allocate to new or discontinued funds, see Instructions. * * * * * Calculation of Motor Vehicle Tax Decrease 1990 Estimated Motor Vehicle Tax for funds under the Tax Lid in this budget (funds shown on page 3, line 4) 1991 Estimated Motor Vehicle Tax for the same funds Decrease in Motor Vehicle Allocations (Insert on page 3a, line Sd ~ if this is a positive number) * * * * * Co~utation of Delinquency Amount of 88 Taxes Uncollected 78,968 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C2 1991 + 611,030 353,424 257,606 Rate Used in this Budget 4.12 divided by amount of 88 Taxes Levied 2,121,105 :: Actual Delinquency for 88 Taxes 3.73 % Page No. 3b * Individual fund allocations were provided by the Saline County Treasurer % en <Q ~ e o ra.,ra., o 4..l [oJ III E-< 00 - <'CO' E-<::SO' enCIQ- e e en en ~ ~ ~ E-4 CIQ ~ ~ ~ .. o L1 i ~ ~ en C a a <&:> a a a a I I I I a a a a a a a II - a a a a a a a ::s ... n n n n n n n Q Ao LI'l a a LI'l a a a 4..l~ N ,.... a N N a N <.0 N LI'l ,.... ,.... ,.... N C ::s- a a a a LI'l a a .::t I I I 0 ~ . LI'l .::t LI'l LI'l <.0 a a CT> LI'l .::t N .::t r-- LI'l <.0 N 4..l n n n n n n n n C r-- CT> N .::t LI'l r-- <Xl LI'l ~ ,.... r-- N LI'l <.0 <Xl <.0 CT> N N .::t ,.... I . a a a a a I a a a C a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a II .... n n n n n n n n ::s ... LI'l a a LI'l a LI'l a a ~~ Ao <Xl <Xl a N N r-- <Xl r-- r-- ,.... LI'l ,.... ,.... N S- I I 0 ~ . <Xl a a <Xl LI'l LI'l (V") r-- 4..l <.0 a a (V") ,.... ,.... r-- ,.... <.0 r-- LI'l <.0 N r-- CT> <Xl C n n n n n n n n ~ LI'l CT> (V") .::t LI'l r-- LI'l CT> r-- <Xl LI'l <.0 r-- a CT> ,.... N N ,.... ,.... N C ! '004 ... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... LI'l ,.... ,.... ~ Ao ,......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ,.... ..... ..... .....a N N N N a a ..... a a .::t,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... N ,.... ,.... ~ 4..l C ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... LI'l LI'l ,.... ,.... I-l ,......... ,......... ,.... ..... ,......... ,.... ..... ,.... ..... 1<-..... ,.... ,.... ,......... ,......... .....a .....N ..... N .....N ..... N ..... a p~ ..... ..... .....a .....a .::t ,.... <.0,.... <.0 ,.... <.0 ,.... <.0 ,.... .::t ,.... N <Xl .::t ,.... .::t,.... I I 'C a a a a a a a a a a a J.I CO a a a a a a a a a a a C 11I0' a a a a a a a a a a a ::s J.I I n n n n n n n n n n n a a a a LI'l a LI'l LI'l LI'l a a 0 ili- a (V") a CT> r-- <Xl a (V") CT> <Xl <.0 ~ J.I( LI'l <.0 a CT> ,.... N LI'l CT> (V") .::t CT> ::s- " n " n n n n 0 (V") ,.... .::t ,.... ,.... N N .... 0 a a a a a a a a a a a III ." a a a a a a a a a a a 4..l'C III a a a a a a a a a a a n " n n n n n n n " n C c ::s LI'l (V") a LI'l LI'l a LI'l a a a a ::s 0 III ,.... <Xl a ,.... r-- a LI'l ,.... r-- LI'l a OCIQ III ,.... CT> a ,.... ""'n a <.0 N r-- <.0 a ~ I-l n n n n n n n n n n <Xl ,.... LI'l ,.... ,.... ,.... LI'l N N N (V") a N LI'l LI'l LI'l~ III LI'l . r-- ,.... LI'l ,....LI'l <Xl r-- a LI'l <Xl J.I J.I . CT> LI'l . <.0 .,.... . <Xl a . a ,.... N . aLl'l . <.0 r-- LI'l <.0 ..0 <.0 LI'l . r-- . . . CT> . . r-- <.0 C 11IM <Xl r-- <.0 r-- r-- r-- r-- CT> <.0 I-l Ill: II LI'l II ::s <Xl <.0 r-- <Xl CT> a .::t r-- <Xl CT> CT> J.I .... III ..... <Xl <Xl <Xl <Xl CT> a a <Xl <Xl <Xl CT> <Xl <Xl III 0 III LI'l ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... CT> CT> ..... ..... ..... <Xl ..... ..... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ..... ..... LI'l ,.... ,.... ..... ,.... ,.... Q I-l ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ,.... ,.... ,.... ..... ..... ,.... ..... ..... a N N N N N ..... ..... ..... a N ..... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... r-- r-- <.0 ,.... ,.... .::t ,.... ,.... III .::t (V") 'C N (V") N LI'l C (V") (V") I (V") 0 N N 0- N CIQ I I ....J I ,.... N (V") 0- 0- l.1.. 0- en en a a a c c ,.... ,.... ,.... .... c c c c c .~ .~ I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 -c -c l- I- I- .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ c c 0- 0- 0- III +' +' +' +' +' :J :J en .~ .~ "' .~ "' 'tfc 4- III III III III c en en III +' +' +' 0 .~ .~ .~ n:: n:: 0 0 0 Cl. -c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (/) z z z ... C .Q .Q .Q .Q .Q L.. III L.. L.. L.. L.. :J 0 0 0 a a III ~ III III III III >, >, >, ::s 4- +,L.. +' +' +' +' L.. L.. L.. Ao III ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ '" '" "' "' "' "' "' n:: "' "' "' "' "' 3: 3: 3: == L.. L.. L.. L.. L.. L.. L.. L.. 0 0 0 LI'l III III III III III a a .::t r-- <Xl Cl. Cl. Cl. <Xl C C C C C CT> CT> <Xl <Xl <Xl E E E CT> III III III III III CT> CT> CT> CT> CT> III III III ,.... '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... l- I- I- o Z III 00 ell g,. -:t ! rab~ en!il :3Q" ..:II-l to) .~ ~a :3Q" ..:I.. :20 !~ ~~ E-4~ ~.. =~ ZE-4 o Ill: to)~ ..to) 0= fZ~ ~~ E-4~ fSC3 en! Q" II .... ::s 0= 4..l1ll_ CJ.lO' ::SCO' 011- ~l III Q" III .... ::s 0= J.lIlIO CJ.lO' ::SCO' 011- ~e. III Q" 110 C J.I .... 0 C'CO' ::s C ( 011I- EJ.I' <11I_ J.I ::s o J.I U ....11I11I o J.I ... C4..l J.I III C S l8 o III ~Q,,~ f&c . II J.IJ.I CIIIN I-llll: J.I U E III ....... ... III 0 J.I E-4 C o t,) J.I U III III J.I.... ... III 0 J.I = C o to) ." II III III .c u ... ::s Q" III U en -004 <- > enQ ... ~ e III en " 0 E r... r... III 0 4..l J.I I-l III ro:l III c 0 r- OO- z < 'C 0' r- ::sO' ena:l- e e III -:t o Z III 00 III g,. e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1 1991 Adopted Budget r.1nI1nI AT FtJBD 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET C~d~ .&.__....1 "'~ - . 1 QQl -- . 1O'"nd 11..1"'...... - 1 2,839,238 4,195,531 3,317,329 Taxes and Shared Revenues: A~ l1.. 1 ""....- 'T'::ay 2.0\5 22\ 89~.,305 n_" 'T'JllY 39.819 38,5Cl3 .19..b30 M""t-",,~ .V.h....l. c:!....._ ~ 1.532 ~ V.h....l. 'T',.y 465,624 486,864 181,685 T"'.....1 '" __1._1 .; _ T.; ...._.. v,,"~ 59.792 58.117 67.713 T ""......,- A~ l1..1_.._ 'T',.y 10',,"~ 301.592 33(1. 000 333.781 - .."~ /"!;t-.... ......- -~ -- v""rt 239 923 258 934 263.442 T.. T..;." "', - IT 'D 11 , - - . ,1 - . ~ ""1,,.) - - 17__.11__ - . . 'T',.y - Sales Tax 3 435 320 3 434 000 3.468.000 Franchise Tax 1 379 636 1,'+77 ,OQO 1.477 000 Binao 11 200 11 l51 11 251 Interaovernmental 4n 500 450 127 450 127 Fees RQu A1h 482.000 494 000 Fines 304 691 400.000 400.000 Permits and Inspection 223 621 210.000 210.000 Reimbursements 158 443 75 000 75.000 Miscellaneous 24 977 20 500 20.500 Transfers In 334 Q19 377 433 451 514 Sales Tax - KCT 2.250.000 Use of Money and Property: 837,921 - "'.. Ttfl. 11',,".1. 750 ,000 550,000 Miscellaneous: Revenue in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes: n~ : _.._.I FnYld!lll .. - . 11'"..", - ., - . . - n~h.~ ,.."'.....1 . nf 'D...;...... v;:;;; 17.596 11 210 146 9,752,034 10.723,643 &l1"TT "liT 11' 14 049 384 13.9'1:7 .~ 14.040.972 Page No. 5 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget FOnD E1, Continued 1991 Adopted Budget r.1nI1nI A T i'lDf>>-COlltd.. 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET I/"!",~. A,.t-",.l ~r - lQQl AVATT "llT 11' 14,049,384 13,947,565 14,040,972 Expenditures: General Government .- Citv Commission 486 553 538 773 556.285 City Manager 141,069 149,456 186,689 Public Information 24 633 - - Leqal 83 050 73 300 78.020 Finance 280 360 288 742 348.118 Buildinas 202 171 225 780 206.073 Human Relations 93,708 99,646 102,028 Total General Government 1 311 544 1,375,697 1,477 ,213 Public Safety Police 1,851,140 1,953,1.83 2,079,194 Municipal Court 96,945 99,560 106,587 Parkinq Meters 39,015 44,902 31,052 Fire 2 389 310 2,484,526 2.491.192 Permits and Inspection 136,557 144,859 150,218 Total Public Safety 4,512,967 4,727,030 4,858,243 Public Ilorks Enaineerina 141,447 167,808 170,419 Street 601 ,529 675 310 692.306 Flood Works 63,712 70,540 74,870 Traffic Control 108,340 123,610 1 25 , 263 Total Public Works 915,028 1,037,268 1 062.858 Culture and Recreation Parks 514,258 596,646 619,500 Swimmina Pools 51,306 52,150 55,400 Neiohborhood Centers 76,518 86,978 86.636 Arts and Humanities 129,035 135 600 145.567 Smoky Hill Museum 176,198 186 ,456 187,052 Total Culture and Recreation 947,315 1,057,830 1,094,155 Economic Development Planning 98,715 1 O!$ ,tl2 0 116,481 Heritaae Commission - 3,800 7,300 Total Economic Development 98,715 112,620 123,781 Health Cemeterv 63,765 68,990 69,993 . I ""''T' AT . 1..- ~ 11',,"14 1l..1"'...... - 'n NOD-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX JUlQU.uD Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) ~f gO Ta.:lr t~ h~ ., Page No. Sa e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget FOnD E1, Continued 1991 Adopted Budget C1fIIInIAL FORD-Colltd. 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET C~d~ A...~..,.l ~r 1l'.~......_.. lQQl AUATT "DTll' Expenditures: Continoencv 961 767 1,038,340 2,879,927 - Capital Outlav Caoital Outlav 1,042,752 1 212,461 812,000 KCT 2,250,000 . 9 853.853 10,630,236 14 628.170 - V,,"rt D"" 1 .._...... - . 11 4.195.531 3.317,329 NoD-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and NoD-Appropriated Balance 14,628,170 TAX BEQ1JIDD 587,198 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 25,232 ~f gO Tll'llr ~n lu~ T _.:....1 612,430 Page No. Sa e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1991 Adopted Budget UTILITY FtJBD 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET I r.t'ltf. A...~....1 t'l~ - 1 QQ 1 1O'01nrt - 1 128.330 142,U~9 70,125 A~ 'T':ilY 519 865 497 300 n.1.; 'T',.y 9 933 9 600 10 940 - ~y_...~ -'... 'T',.y 112,678 124,166 101,143 Transfers in 14 000 15,000 15,000 1'\" Ttfl. --- .- 656.476 646 ,066 127,083 "'VA TT A liT 11' 784.806 78~. 1 25 197,208 Expendi tures : General Government 642,747 71 8 ~ 000 788,000 --- - 642 747 71~,u()O 788.000 10'01".1 11..1........ 'H 142,059 70,125 NOD-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and No~ppropriated Balance 788.000 TAX REQUIRED 590.792 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 25.387 I'\~ an 'T'",.. tot'l h,. T4..';4.f 616 179 Adopted Budget RECREATION PURl) 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET - A..~....1 t'l?" - ..... 1 aQl -- 1O'01ntf 11..1......... ,,--..--- 1 55.422 <;1> n111' 6,247 A~ ".. 1 '" ....- 'T'::ay 424.718 347.075 n...1 . T,.y 10.684 6,980 6 980 MI'\t-I'\?" "...1.'; _1... T2Y 119,282 84,780 70,596 Fees 189.350 197?35Q 202,500 Reimburs..m..nt:s 16 239 10.000 10,000 t'lft Tdtlll! 11'....... 18.254 15,000 15,000 778 527 661185 305,076 "'VA TTA liT 11' 833 949 715. f99 311,323 Expenditures: 708,952 Cultural and Recreation 779,935 680,729 I Tm-4T 779,935 708,~:'z 680,729 1_- . ll'01"tf R..1...._... -=- 11 54 014 6 247 No~ppropriated Balance Total Expenditures and NOD-Appropriated Balance 680.729 'l'AX REQUIRED 369,406 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 15,874 I'\~ an T",.. t't'l h. T..........f 385,280 Page No. 6 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1991 Adopted Budget EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FtJBD 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET ,"...1 .s....~.... 1 n~ 1 QQl .. ~ 1I'..nrt 11...1......... 1 155 041 12lj:.410 49,009 Ad v.. 1 I'\~.'" 'T',... 1,240,019 1,337,624 n",1 . '1",... 21,049 23:,15.0. 29 427 - V.h....l. '1".... 249.777 305 508 272 083 Interaovernmental 148.724 146,567 146,567 Reimbursements 2 673 - - Transfers In 39,782 40,000 - 1'\" T~l. Fund!ll 'T'nTAL 1 702.024 1,852.849 448,077 "U"TT AlIT1I' 1 857 065 1,977,259 497,086 Expendi tures : 1,732,655 1 .928.250 2,534,288 General Government TOTAL 1,732,655 1 ~928 250 2,534,288 .. 11'.."~ 11,. 1 ,.",.. - -~ :H 124,410 49,009 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 2.534.288 TAX REQUIRED 2.037.202 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 87.539 ~f gO T:'lx t"n hIll Tau';4r1 2,124,741 Adopted Budget SPECIAL LIABILITY I'OBD 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET IC~d", A,.t-",.1 nyo lQQl I.. 11'.."~ .... 1 14,936 9 ,7:.6-1 16,485 Ad V",l,,~.... '1",... 152.864 218,432 n.1 ; T:'lx 2.302 T ,400 4 800 V~hi~l~ TJlx 17 803 30,456' 44 400 nn Till. 1O'..nrt~ 172 ,969 25~ ,288 49,200 AU"TT A liT 11' 187,905 26~,049 65,685 Expenditures: General Government 178,144 244,564 269,907 l.Ul.AJ. 178 144 2.4.Lf ,564. 269,907 .. 1I'und 11,.1........ .. -~ 11 9,761 1 6,485 No~ppropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 269,907 TAX REQUIRED 204,222 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 8,775 . ~f QO T::ax t"n h. T.IIlv;.n 212,997 ~ Page No. 7 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1991 Adopted Budget .. BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FtJBD 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET r."d... A......... 1 n,. - 1 QQl . 11'01"" 11..1....... - 1 9,814 4qR - Revenues: Special Assessments 71,580 111,000 75,000 71,580 111,000 75,000 """ TT ".T" 81 394 l11 498 75.000 Expenditures: 111 ~498 General Government 80,896 75,000 ". 80,896 111 ,4GG 75,000 . 11',,".1 .... 1 ..._... ''H 498 - - Adopted Budget TOURISM AND CONVENTION PURD 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET 't'!,,~. A...r,..., n,. 1 QQl . 11'"...~ ....1..___ 1 - - - Revenues: Transient Guest Tax 249,126 270,000 300,000 . 249,126 270,000 300,000 "VATT.AR'lI' 249,126 270.000 300,000 Expendi tures : Economic Development 249,126 270,000 300,000 - 249,126 270,000 300.000 -- v,,"~ 11,.',.".... - 11 - - - Page No. 8 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1991 Adopted Budget ,. SPECIAL PARKS FtJIm' 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET - . A...",.. 1 ~r . lqql - 10'.."", 11..1......... 1 8 466 15 t 07 3,791 Revenues: Liquor Tax 59,791 58,117 67,713 .,.".,. A T 59 791 58,117 67,713 AVATT.AlIT.... 68,257 73..224 71 504 Expenditures : Culture and Recreation 53,150 69,433 71,504 - . 53 150 69,433 71 .504 -- V.....rt ....1........... ~1 15,1 07 3,791 - Adopted Budget SPEC I AL ALCOHOL PIJlID 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET Ir."",. 4,.+,....1 n~ 1 QQl -- v.."~ 11..1..",.. 1 9,235 15 .1 06 3,791 Revenues: Liauor Tax 59,791 58,117 67,713 '1'n'I" AT. 59,791 58,117 67,713 "17.1. TTA.T" 69,026 73;223 71.504 Expenditures: Health and Sanitation 53,920 69,432 71,504 """"AT - 53 920 69.432 71 .504 -- v"...~ 11,.1.....,.. - . 'H 15,1 06 3,791 - Page No. ~ e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1991 Adopted. Bwiget ., STREET MACHINERY PUlID 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET Ir."". "..._....1 I'\~ 1 QQl . v"",, - - 1 63 681 63 681 63 681 Revenues: AVA TT.A aT.... 63.681 63.681 63.681 Expesulitures: Caoital Outlav - 63,681 .. I 'T'tYI' AT. ,. - . 63.681 I- v"",, - . - ':n 63 681 63,681 - Adopted Bwiget SPECIAL GAS TAX PUlID 1989 1990 Bwiget BUDGET 'r.,,~. A...p"..l n1"" - 1 QQl ,-- v,,"~ - . 1 130.575 218.48Q 376.000 Revenues: Gas Tax 859.505 1,100,000 1,100,000 I_a. 859 505 1,100.000 1.100,000 .&U"TT "aT" 990 080 1.318,480 1.476.000 Expend.itures: _942~48Q Public Works 771,600 1,476,000 - 771 600 ~'+Z,4l::SU 1 476 000 1_- V""rt 11,. 1 ..".... 11 218.480 376 000 - Page No. -1.Q - e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1991 Adopted Budget .. BICENTENNIAL CENTER POBJ)' 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET - ......to1,.. 1 n,.. 1 QQl . ll',,"d 11.. 1......... - 1 173 045 2U3,411 237 231 Revenues: Fees 463,098 455,000 570,000 Reimbursements 10.284 2,000 2,000 Transfers 202.923 200,000 200,000 676,305 657,000 772,000 "U" TT "liT" 849,350 860,411 1,009,231 Expendi tures : Culture and Recreation 645,939 623.180 1,009,231 - '1'n'r AT. 645,939 623..180 1,009,231 -- ll',,"~ 11..1..".... ~t 203.411 237,231 - Adopted Budget POBJ) 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET - ......~.,..1 n,.. 1l'.~.;_.._. 1 QQl 1__ ll',,"~ 11..1..".... 1 Revenues: I '1'n'r AT. """ TT "liT" Expenditures: 1....-.... -. 1O'nnd R.. 1 ........ - ~1 Page No. 11 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1991 Adopted Budget BOND AND INTEREST F1JlID 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET Cod~ 40_......1 ~r .. 1991 Fund 11,.1,.".... 1 351.958 '1.37,897 290,410 Ad V,.1nrlllm T2x 152 747 1,072 050 n.l.; T2x 16.342 7.150 23,585 ~ M~ror V.h.;...l. T::Ix 196 200 76 456 218,093 Special Assessments 911,364 772 857 704 673 Miscellaneous 39 189 35 504 33 222 Transfers 982 000 558,739 760.566 nn Tdll11 FlIftdll 95 092 - - 2 392 934 2 522.756 1 740.139 "VA TTA lIT.1l' 2 7/01. QQ'J 2 Z60 653 2 030 549 Expendi tures : 2,470,24;3 Debt Service 2 506.995 2 558.355 TU'.LAJ. 2,506.995 2.470.243 2 558.355 1O',,"tl ...1...___ - 31 237 897 290,410 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 2.558.355 TAX REQUIRED 527 806 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 22.680 nf 90 T::IY ~n be T . 550,486 Adopted Budget F1JlID 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET IC~dlll A......... 1 n7' ." 1991 .. ..I Fund 1I1111,.".... . 1 An V.. 1 ,,~.... T2x n.l . T::IX M.otor Vehit'l... TlllY . 1'\" T~l. 'II'.."~.. TOTAL "U4oTT ".TV Expenditures: Fund Jl"'l"'...... 11 No~ppropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 90 Tax ro b~ Levied Page No. --12... e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1991 Adopted Budget ,- SAN I TAT! ON P1JlID 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET - . ".......... 1 ,,~- . lQQl v,,"'" 11..1....... - , 425,459 571,532 546 582 Revenues: Fees 731,911 708,000 708,000 Interest 31,705 40,000 30,000 Transfers 50,000 - - Miscellaneous 1 878 1 500 1 300 815,494 749 500 739.300 UU?Y.".T" 1,240,953 1,321 032 1,285,882 Expenditures: Health and Sanitation 669 421 774,450 1 285.882 I --..;;;.~;;:-_ ~L' 669,421 774 11"50' 1.285.882 I_- a v,,"'" - . " 571,532 546.582 - Adopted Budget SOLID WASTE :rmm 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET - 1...........1 1'\7" - 1 QQl I__ a V"ft~ .... 1 ...___ 1 510 20'\ .823 029 822 459 Revenues: Fees 288,130 290,000 290,000 I nh>rp<d' 48 948 60.000 50 000 Transfers 194,213 - - Miscellaneous 2.412 100 100 I'n'"I' ... 533,703 350 ,100 340,100 ""A.?T ...". 1.043.906 1,173,129 1,162,559 Expenditures: 350_,670 Health and Sanitation 220,877 1,162,559 TTITAI 220.877 350,670 1,162,559 V,,"d D_'____ ':U 823 029 822,459 - Page No. 13 . . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1991 Adopted Budget .- GOLF COURSE PUlID . 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET - ~!" lCJCJl .- . '1O',."d 11..1.."... . 1 55 771 51..623 %,000 Revenues: Fees 413.645 425.000 422,000 Reimbursements 11 .594 3.000 3.000 - Miscellaneous 2,333 1,000 1,000 1_69 427.572 429,000 426 000 "V" TT "'liT" 483.343 480,623 472 000 Expenditure.: Culture and Recreation 431.720 434~623 472,000 - , ' 431 720 ,+j,+ ,623 472 .000 - '10'",,04 - . - 11 51.623 46,000 - Adopted Budget WATER AND SEWERAGE PUlID 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET - . "_.......1 ~!" 1 QQl -- . '10',,"04 11..1.......... - 1 (132 507\ 1.8if3,371 3 832.371 Revenues: Fees 6331,257 6,376,140 6,605,000 Interest 516.181 300.000 300,000 Reir.1bursements . 3 .146 - 300.000 Bonds ":l ()(,}':l 51!; 2,222,767 - ~li <;,....11 "n..",,<; 251 297 1 2 000 25.000 Transfers 5 546 13,000 - 10 110 943 8,923,90'l 7.230.000 .aU"TT "aT" 9 978 436 10.767.278 11 062.371 Expenditures: Public Works 4 227.618 4,686,402 9.770,471 Debt Service 916 653 948.505 891,900 Capital Outlay 2,990,794 1,300,000 400,000 - 8 135 065 6,93~,907 11.062.371 -- v,,"~ '11..1..___ - -~1 1.843.371 3,832,371 - Page No. -1.i . . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1991 Adopted Budget ,. RISK NANAGEMENT PU1ID 1989 1990 Budget BUDGE'!' C~dll! . . n1'" . lQql - . 12'01"d.1I..1.."'..... 1 26 554 37 983 19,175 Revenues: Transfers 633,414 633,41~ 739,225 Reimbursements 105,865 - 391 739,279 633,4 H. 739,616 """ TT "llT" 765,833 671,,}94- 758,791 Expenclitur.. : 652 ,.21 ~ General Government 727,850 758,791 - :'1'. t. 727,850 'S2:~1i9 758,791 1O',,"d 'n 37,983 19,175 - Adopted Budget CENTRAL GARAGE PU1m 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET Ir."d.. A,.t'01", 1 ~1'" - 1 qql . 1O'"nd - . 1 130 (21 932)- - Revenues: Transfers 584,992 711,455 739,457 Reimbursements 1,764 - - I 'T'n'T'.T:" 586 756 711,455 739,457 """ TT "llT" 586 886 689,523 739,457 Expenditures: General Government 608,818 689,.523 739,457 l'T'nTAT. 608 818 689,523" 739,457 I.. . 1i'o1"~ "'" 1 ,.",... 31 ( 21 ,93:2)) - - Page Mo. ~ . . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1991 Adopted Budget " DATA PROCESSING PUlID' 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET - . A__._ , ,,~ lqql . 1O'"nd 11.,. 1 .,........ - 1 64.774 47,065 - Revenues: Fees 2,030 2,000 2,000 - Reimbursements 34,997 32,400 32,400 tvliscellaneous 1.647 800 800 Transfers 103.500 105,826 197,639 142,174 141 026 232,839 " """ TT "aT" 206.948 188A091 232,839 Expenditures: General Government 159,883 '1i8i3" a9:l 232,839 - " 159.883 188,09) 232 839 1O',,"d a...1...._... ~1 47.065 - - Adopted Budget rmm 1989 1990 Budget BUDGET r.,,~. - ,,~ lqql v,,"~ 11..1..".... 1 Revenues: l'T'n'I'At. A~'4. TT "aT" Expenditures: . I TOTAl. - ~ Fund 11..1.......... - 11 Page No. 16