1989 Budget Certificate STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B 1989 CERTIFICATE TO THE CLERK OF Sal ine COUNTY. STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of City of Salina, Kansas certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached proof of publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expendi- ture for the various funds for the year 1989; and (3) the Amount(s) of 88 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. .. 1989 ADOPTED BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS: Amount of Adopted Budget & Financial Statements Page 88 Tax to County Clerk's No. txnenditures be Levied Use Onlv Levv Limits for Tax Funds 2 Como. of Aaa. Tax Levv Limitations 3 Statement of Indebtedness 4 General 5 13,211,978 2,121,067 Emolovee Benefit 6 1,911 450 1.289.789 Utility 7 795,500 540,706 Bonn ann Intprest 8 2,738.900 158.946 Special Liabilitv 9 186 776 158 952 Risk Manaqement 11 653 140 Equipment Reserve 11 121 174 Special Parks and Recreation 12 53.150 Special Alcohol Programs 12 53 920 Sanitation 13 1 143 060 Data Processinq 13 186 092 Parking Meters 14 0 Golf Course 14 47h01h 50ecial Ga" Tax 1<; q07 ~Rq Business Imorovement District 15 124 475 Solid Waste Disposal 16 929.604 Tourism and Convention Promotion 16 250 000 Bicentennial Center 17 837 516 Water and Seweraqe 18 8 332 288 TOTALS 32 912 428 I> ?hq I>hO Proof of Publication 20 Final Assessed Valuation Municipal Accounting Use Only Received Reviewed by Follow-up: Yes No Assisted by: Page No. 1 Attest: , 1988 (If not assisted, so state).~----- County Clerk STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B1 1989 LEVY LIMITS FOR TAX FUNDS For Ci ty of Sa 1 i na, Kansas (name of municipality) Estimated Assessed Tangible Valuation July 1, 1988 117,422,015 (page 3a, WS #2, column D, line 1) 1. 88 83 Budget Less: G Le 'V Limi t Levy Limit Levy Limit LAVTR Levy Fund Authoritv Rate* Amount Amount Amount Amount Limit General N/A N/A Increase for Loss of Intanaible Tax 12-1 101 Total 1 & 2 -------------------> N/A N/A 301,592 N/A Emolovee Benefits CO #17 N/A N/A N/A Util i ty CO #17 N/A N/A N/A Bond and Interest KSA 10-113 N/A N/A N/A Special Liability KSA 75-6110 N/A N/A N/A * Rates are expressed in mills. 1. For county's use only because cities have no statutory rate limit on General Fund. 2. Loss must be due to an election. Amount of increase is limited to the amount of Intangibles Tax received in the year prior to elimination of such tax. This amount is also used on page 3, line 15. Election held , 19 - . Footnotes: Resolution dated/Election held , 19 - for - mills for _ years. First levy , 19 - . A B c D E F .. 2. Page No. 2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1989 COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION Check Base Year Used: (Taxes levied in 80 for base year 1981) (Taxes levied in 81 for base year 1982) 1981 1982 X 1. Aggregate Levy Limitation computed for base year 1981 or 1982. 2,030,044 2. Estimated assessed tangible valuation for 1980 or 1981 (WS #2, col. D, line 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 99,238,903 3. Tax Levy Rate of the Base Year (line 1 divided by line 2). .02046 4. Net Change from Base Year of Personal Property (From page 3a, WS #2, line 10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 10,379,552 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate (From page 3a, WS #3, line 12). + 8,767,640 6. Total (lines 2 + 4 + 5). . 118,386,095 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation (line 3 x line 6). 2,422,180 ..... : ! 8. Adjustment for Territory Added (From WS #4, line 5) .00069 x line 7 1 ,671 9. Adjustment for Territory Excluded (From WS #4, line 10) x line 1. . . . . . . . . . -0- 10. Adjustment to Basic Aggregate Limitation for (See Form C2 for possible adjustments) -0- 11. Functions exempted from Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations by Charter Resolution/Ordinance: Function CR/CO No* Amount * Total. Attach copy to budget. Use this only if the exempt function is included in a fund under the aggregate limit. -0- 12. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1989 (lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11) Show this amount on Certificate, page 1. 2,423,851 Suspension of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation authorized by: Election held ,19_ Charter Resolution/Ordinance No. (Attach copy to budget.) of , 19 Page No. 3 WORKSHEETS STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Cl 1989 WS 1#1 - Assessed Tanqib1e Valuation of Territorv Added (Excluded) since the Base Year Total New Improve- Real Personal State Tangible ments on Year Estate Pronertv Assessed Valuation Real Estate 1981* 1982 40,520 40,520 1983 11.090 70 11.160 1984 4,740 li,740 1985 24.430 24.430 1986 -0- -0- 1987 -0- -0- 1988 -0- -o- DED 70 -0- 80 850 CLUDED -0- -0- -u- .u- (WS #~, co1 B (WS 1#2, co1 C (To WS 1#4, (WS 1#3, A B 1- 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. . . . . . 7. . . . . . . 8. . . . . . 9. TERRITORY AD 10. TERRITORY EX C D E lines 6 & 7) lines 6 & 7) lines 1 & 6) lines 10 & 11) * Don't fill in if 1982 is the Base Year. " WS #2 - Net ChanQe From Base Year of Personal Property Total Real Personal State Tangible Estate Procertv Assessed Valuation 71,441,070 35,215,115 10,765,830 117,422,015 hinery -0- Aircraft 1,046,530 n 62 591.050 26.389.680 10,258,173 99,238,903 I . . . . . . 9.871.965 507,657 (WS #1), . . 70 -O- ed (WS #1) . -0- -0- . . . . . . 9 871 895 507.657 . . . . . . 507.657 <----, SONAL PROP . 10,379,552 **(To page 3, line 4) A 1. 1988 Est. Assessed Valuation 2. 1980/1981 Valuation from Farm Mac 3. 1980/1981 Valuation of Business 4. 1980/1981 Est. Assessed Valuatio 5. Difference (lines 1 + 2 + 3 - 4) 6. Adjustment for Territory: Added 7. Exclud 8. Subtotal (lines 5 -.6 + 7) . 9. Add State Assessed. . . . . 10. NET CHANGE FROM BASE YEAR OF PER ( li nes 8 + 9) ** If this is negative, see instructions. B C D WS #3 - Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 1981* 2. ...... . . . . . 1982 3. . . . . . . . 1983 4. . . . . . . . . . 1984 5. . . . 1985 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1986 7. . . . . . . 1987 8. . . . .. ........ 1988 9. Subtotal . ..... . . . . . . 10. Adjustment for Territory: Added. . . 11. Excluded . 12. INC.BY NEW IMP.ON REAL ESTATE (lines 9-10+11) Page No. 3a 982,160 573,590 1,063,730 1,097,470 1.346.790 2 .130 .560 1.573.340 8,767,640 -0- -0- 8.767.640 (From WS #1, col.E, line 9) (From WS #1, col.E, line 10) (To page 3, line 5) STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C2 1989 WS #4 - Computation of Adiustment for Territory Added, Excluded 1- 2. 3. 4. 5. Valuation of Territory Added (From WS #1, col D, line 9). . 1988 Est. Assessed Valuation (From WS #2, co1 D, line 1) Valuation of Territory Added (Same as line 1) Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (line 2 - 3). . . ADJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY ADDED (line 1 divided by line 4) 80,850 117,422,015 80,850 117,341,165 .. 6. Valuation of Territory Excluded (From WS #1, col D, line 10). 7. 1988 Estimated Assessed Valuation (Same as line 2). 8. Valuation of Territory Excluded (Same as line 6). . 9. Total Valuation including Territory Excluded (lines 7 + 8). . 10. ADJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY EXCLUDED (line 6 divided by line 9) (To page 3, line 8) -0- - (To page 3, line 9) POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS TO BASIC AGGREGATE LIMITATION New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. Amount determined by the County Clerk (See K.S.A. 79-5010) . . . .. ................. + Increase authorized by election years, voted first levy year (See K.S.A. 79-5012) . . . 19 + Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals Order No. years; first levy year (See K.S.A. 79-5013) for .......... + Functions transferred: In (from another taxing subdivision) . . . . . . . . . + Out (to another , taxing subdivision). . . .. .... ..... (Amount levied for any function or service for which a tax levy is specifically authorized and provided by law in the year preceding the transfer. See K.S.A. 79-5009) Elimination of Tax on Intangible Personal Property pursuant to an election (not to exceed the amount received in the year prior to elimination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Note: The General Fund Levy may be increased by this amount. See K.S.A. 79-5020.) + TOTAL POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS - (To page 3, line 10) Page No. 3b Allocation of Motor Vehicle Tax 1988 Budgeted Funds Actual Amount of (87 Tax-Levies) 87 Levv Ratio Allocation General 1,867,627 412,084 Employee Benefits 994,333 219,362 Utility 450, 196 99,301 Bond and Interest 783,986 173,064 Special Liability 67,179 14,789 . TOTAL 4,163,321 918,600 NOTE: Do not allocate to new or discontinued funds, see Instructions. * * * * * Computation of Delinquency STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C3 1989 Actual Delinquency for 86 Taxes 2.55 % Amount of 86 Taxes Uncollected 42,485 divided by amount of 86 Taxes Levied 1,667,729 = Rate Used in this Budget 2.486 % Page No. 3c Q) ::s Q en ,j,JCO c:en ::S.-4 ~ Q) ::s Q co 4..lCO c:cn ::l.-4 ~ en en ro:l :z: Q 4l r- a:l 4l Q :z: I-< c: 0004 Q) ... ::lQ.. Q Q) ,j,J <<I Q . ,j,J c: I-l "C ,j,JC:CO c: <<I CO ::S,j,J1 j~! o to. o E-< :z: 4l :c 4l r- < r- en .... o 1Il"C ,j,J"CQ) c: c: ::l ::l 0 III ~lXl~ . Q) ,j,J,j,J C:<<IH I-< IX Q) Q) ::s ,j,J .... III <<I 0 III Q I-< S8S1 a w.:zOj ~a15png SVSNV)l .m 3~V~S c: 0004 104 g,. ,j,J c: I-l c: 0004 104 Q.. ,j,J c: I-l o +> ~~ ~ (1' III "C c: o lXl .... o Q) III o Co 104 ::s g,. ~ ~ LI'l r-- N (V") 4- (V") o o o o N o <Xl (V") N 4- :; '- Cl.+' U < U III o 0 al '- +> c U Cl.U :J III <0 ,0 ~ ~ U" ~ ~ I' N r-- LI'lLl'l LI'l co ..... CT> N ..... o .... C'l C .- -c c :::J .... III ~ C o .~ +> 10 en ~ .a o ~ 10 '- <I) III "0 C C III 0 '-'aJ o o o " o LI'l ,.... o LI'l N " <Xl CT> o o o .. o N ,.... o CT> o .. LI'l o ,.... o o o .. o o CT> .. ,.... o o o .. ....., <Xl CT> " ,.... o +' o LI'l ,.... \Ll . . <.0<.0 <.0 co ..... o ..... N ,.... '" +' C III E al > o '- Cl. E +' III III '- +' V'l N ....., N I c.. ~ ~ ~ r- ~ ~ ~ g o <.0 ,.... ....., U III o III C U :J III ,0 o o o o o o LI'l -c o alO o +'0 o 100 E n o '_0 o +'LI'l o "'0'\ UJ .. LI'l ,.... r-- <Xl ...... o ...... N ,.... '" +' C III E al > o '- a. E ~ 10 C '- III +' c ....., (V") N I c.. o o O. o co .... o o ~ ,.... LI'l .... co <Xl ..... o ..... N .... III :::J '" '" <: III Z o o o .. o <.0 r-- .. ,.... LI'l r-- N n r-- r-- co o o o .. o 4- <.0 " ,.... <Xl N (V") n LI'l ....., <Xl o o o .. o LI'l (V") .. N ,.... o o o .. (V") o 4- .. 4- ,.... o 0 LI'l +> +' N LI'l LI'lO . '" t-U") ,..... . . . 0'\ r-- CT> ....J < I- o I- al :::J C III > III 0::: III en "' '- '" III "0 <: c III 0 V'laJ -c en c c IO'~ -c '- c III :::J +' 4- 10 al 3:0::: Page No. 4 g ~ <Xl N o ,.... (V") ,.... o o o o (V") N o 4- r-- ,.... LI'l .... .a +' III U U. 0 -g g lit l.1..< <0 o o o o <.0 r-- o o o o r-- r-;. N 4- co ...... LI'l ,.... ...... <.0 o o o o .. LI'l r-- N N r-- .. N o N o o o .. o r-- ,.... r-- (V") .. CT> o N o o o .. o LI'l <.0 n N o o o .. o LI'l <.0 .. N "00 III 0 +'0 10 EO ._ 0 t;": UJN r-- co ..... .... o ..... o ,.... III en 10 '- al <: III V'l -c C '" "'"0 C '- 0 lIlaJ +' 10 III ~:::J C l'-1Il <Xl> CT>1Il ,....~ III C'l 10 '- III <: III V'l -c c '" IO-c C '- 0 lIlaJ +' 10 III ~ :::J C <Xl III <Xl > CT> III ,.... ~ ~ ~ o o o " co r-- (V") ~ ~ o LI'l r-- .. (V") CT> 4- o o o .. o o (V") ,.... ,.... ,.... .. ~ ....., o o o .. o ,.... 4- .. 4- ~ ",0":" o o o .. o N 4- n LI'l ....J < I- o I- STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1 1989 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget .. ~ GENERAL FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 1.707.293 2 325 365 2 794.R~~ Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax 1.629.184 1.849 000 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinauent Tax 35.468 35 000 41 000 Motor Vehicle Stamo Tax 13 695 14 000 -0- Motor Vehicle Tax 356.014 400 000 412.000 Local Alcoholic Liauor Fund 45.770 47.000 51 150 Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund 266.026 300 000 301 592 Countv and Citv Revenue Sharina Fund 200.171 220.000 235 616 In Lieu of Taxes (I.R.B.) Mineral Production Tax (Countv onlv) Feedlot Cattle Tax Bingo 10.996 11 . 1 85 11 000 Sales Tax 3.391.776 3 300 000 3 330 000 Licenses, Fees and Permits 106.345 108.000 110 000 Buildinq and Inspection Fees 90 007 100 000 120 000 Municipal Court Fines 333 309 350 000 'lh() ()()() Franchise Tax . 1 115 407 1 .~76S00 1 uC;1.000 Hiohwav Maintenance -0- 3.100 3 100 Ren ta 1 Income 6 538 6 500 6 700 Enoineerino Fees 50 000 100 000 200 000 Cemetery Fees 21 .305 23.000 23,000 Swimminq Pool Admissions 15.347 17.000 18.000 Fire Protection Outside the City Limits 129.214 130 000 130 000 Ambulance Fees 148 422 175.000 200.000 Miscellaneous Service and Sales 193 624 185 900 180 600 Transfers 195 770 195 000 322 550 Intergovernmental 333,370 337.560 423,000 Other Revenue 64.499 77 .000 93.500 Use of Money and Property: Interest on Idle Funds 433,700 400,000 325,000 Miscellaneous: Revenue in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes: Discontinued Funds xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx No-Fund Warrant Fund Suro1us xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx Reimbursed Exoenses xxxxxxxxxxxxx Other xxxxxxxxxxxxx Cancellation of Prior Yrs. Encumbrances xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx TOTAL RECEIPTS 9 185 957 q 7C.rI 7hr:. R ":lLLR RrlR RESOURCES AVAILABLE 10.893.250 12.086.110 11.143.641 Page No. 5 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El, Continued, 1989 GENERAL FUND-Contd. 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 10,893,250 12 086 110 11.143.641 Expenditures: CITY COMMISSION Personal Services 500 500 4,200 Contractual Services 401 104 441 100 460 104 Sundry Expenditures 12 182 13 .000 13 500 TOTAL CITY COMMISSION 413 786 454.600 477,804 CITY MANAGER Personal Services 73 326 80 900 114 400 Contractual Services 4.7~7 8.500 42 800 Materials and Suoolies ~ 17R 4 000 4 000 Sundry Expenditures 1 351 1,400 1,400 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 84 612 94.800 162,600 CITY CLERK Personal Services 176 515 180 800 195.000 Contractual Services 28.613 30,700 46,200 Materials and Supolies 4.550 4,500 4,700 Sundrv Exoenditures 925 1,800 1,800 Caoital Outlav 1 .291 2.100 4,200 TOTAL CITY CLERK 211 894 219.900 251.900 LEGAL Personal Services 25.399 51,200 51,200 Contractual Services 44.638 15.000 1 6,000 Materials and Suoolies 2 856 2.000 2,500 TOTAL LEGAL 72 893 68.200 69.700 - MUNICIPAL COURT Personal Services 46.850 47,000 47,000 Contractual Services 6.461 7,300 27,300 Materials and Suoolies 1.633 2.000 2,000 Sundry Exoenditures 15 460 15.000 1 6 .000 Capital Outlay 0 0 855 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 70,404 71,300 93,155 BUILDINGS Personal Services 27 370 32.590 RR h?O Contractual Services 72 373 q~ lnn 111 C:;7n Materials and Supplies ? h80 'I c:;nn R ~~o TOTAL BUILDINGS 10? a?'l 1?q 1 qO 1Ml .740 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 88 Tax to be Levied Page No. Sa Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form El, Continued. 1989 GENERAL FUND-Contd. 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: ENGINEERING Personal Services 122,127 125.607 138 230 Contractual Services 3 800 3.950 6 900 Materials and Suoolies 6 984 8 120 7 380 Sundrv Exoenditures 580 700 7<;0 Canital Outlav 709 550 450 TOTAL ENGINEERING 134 200 138.927 153.710 FIRE Personal Services 1. 484 880 1 587 000 1 548 240 Contractual Services 59 073 42 000 52 480 Materials and Sunnlies ROI>4~ 79.<;00 9R<;E-;0 Sundry Expenditures 287 500 350 Capital Outlay 31 302 29.390 37 600 TOTAL FIRE 1 655 985 1.738 390 1 737 230 PERMITS AND INSPECTION Personal Services R6917 97 <;10 100 484 Contractual Services h 7?1> 1? .015 '\1 .<;1'\ Materials and Supplies 3 184 5.000 2.100 Sundry Expenditures 285 250 500 Caoital Outlav 2 780 0 1 000 TOTAL PERMITS AND INSPECTION 99 890 114 775 135 434 PARK Personal Services 327.873 377.600 382 600 Contractual Services 9 515 15 200 12 600 Materials and Supolies 79 126 88 400 107 800 Caoital Outlav 39 099 5 300 7 000 TOTAL PARK 455 61~ 486.<;00 510 000 POLICE Personal Services 1 412 560 1 453 480 1 514 480 Contractual Services 79 298 85 950 90 400 Materials and SUDDlies 178 465 196.350 209.'\50 Sundrv Expenditures <;1 .470 <;1.'\50 1 ."1'\ Capital Outlay 66.470 1 8 .1 00 23.650 TOTAL POLICE , 7AA. 'E-;~ , AI'\" ?I'\ , l'l':lQ ?':In TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 88 Tax to be Levied Page No. 5 b I' Financial Statement and Adopted BUdget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1, Continued. 1989 \..... GENERAL FUND-Contd. 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: STREET Personal Services. 417 013 449 000 460 000 Contractual Services 4 070 2 870 ,,!.q40 Materials and Supplies 142,676 143.630 146 110 Sundry Expenditures 25.000 0 0 Ca~;tal Outlav 17 Q1"! 10 C;10 Q AOO TOTAL STREET 601 672 606 010 619.850 HUMAN RELATIONS Personal Services 60.,:!01; 1;4.<;00 83.500 Contractual Services 14 366 1 6,950 19 350 Materials and Supplies 1 978 2.170 2 170 Capital Outlay 1 362 0 0 TOTAL HUMAN RELATIONS 78 012 83 620 105 020 EMERGENCY MEDICAL-SERVICES Personal Services 310.752 355 000 436 000 Contractual Services 48.004 52 100 63 800 Materials and Supplies 38 139 40 050 40 070 Sundrv Expenditures 200 900 1 200 Caoital Outlay 8 .1 73 2 747 62,800 TOTAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LLOC; ?t:A u<;0.7Q7 hm.870 TRAFFIC CONTROL Personal Services 54~999 69,760 73,350 Contractual Service~ R .402 . 10 c;nn 10.500 Materials and Supplies 16 299 16.990 22 150 Capital Outlav 5 723 800 1 000 TOTAL TRAFFIC CONTROL 85 423 98 050 107 000 SWIMMING POOLS Personal Services 26.586 27 750 28.000 Contractual Servir~~ 8.947 4 050 4 650 Materials and Suoplies 12 818 13 000 14,300 Capital Outlay 0 1 850 1.850 TOTAL SWIMMING POOLS 48 351 46 650 48 800 ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING Personal Services 105,031 117,900 87.000 Contractual Services 2 807 3.100 6 000 Materials and Supplies 2 057 2 300 2 550 Sundrv Exoenditures 734 700 750 Caoital Outlay 1 . A1 A unn 400 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING 112 447 124 400 96.700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 xxxxxxxxxxxxx . TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 88 Tax to be Levied Page No. 5 c Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El. Continued. 1989 i.~ -: GENERAL FUND-Contd. 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: NON-DEPARTMENTAL Contractual Services 687 1,000 1,000 Sundry Expenditures 234,452 208,860 70,000 Reserves 0 0 978.780 Transfers to other funds 290.000 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 235,139 209,860 1,339,780 ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION Personal Services 86,182 94,800 94,800 Contractual Services 32.350 26 725 30,800 TOTAL ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION 118.532 121 525 125,600 CEMETERY Personal Services 49,892 52,800 53,830 Contractual Services 357 450 450 Materials and Supplies 9 444 6.860 6,860 Capital Outlav 900 4,000 2,000 TOTAL CEMETERY 60 593 64.110 63 140 GENERAL IMPROVEMENT Personal Services 49,391 54,070 0 Contractual Services 311 420 0 Materials and Suoolies 5.814 4.1 00 0 TOTAL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT 55.516 58 590 0 PARKING METER . Personal Services 0 0 36,560 Materials and Supplies 0 0 5,350 TOTAL PARKING METER 0 0 41.910 SMOKY HILL MUSEUM Personal Services 55,493 65,400 93,500 Contractual Services 33 873 44 200 21 600 Materials and Supplies 29,906 31,250 36 200 Sundry Expenditures 12 000 13.500 0 Caoital Outlay 23 189 4.870 5 000 Transfer ,to other funds 0 0 14 000 TOTAL SMOKY HILL MUSEUM 154,461 159,220 170,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 88 Tax to be Levied Page No. 5 d ,...": Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E1, Continued. 1989 GENERAL FUHD-Contd. 1987 1988 BUdget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: FLOOD WORKS Personal Services 48.691 51.280 51 370 Contractual Services 615 800 800 Materials and Supplies 9,467 9,950 9,950 Capital Outlay 748 800 800 Total Flood Works 59.521 62,830 62,920 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS Personai Services 64 258 66 000 52.600 Contractual Services 9 383 14 300 14 300 Materials and Supplies 3 16:4 3 500 4 000 Capital Outlay 2,400 1,000 1,000 TOTAL NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS 79.205 84.800 71 900 CAP I TAL OUTLAY Capital Outlay 1 383 782 1 799,003 1 285.500 Reserves 0 0 2 248.185 . Transfers to other funds 0 0 582 000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 .,0., "70., 1 799 003 4 11 5 685 , TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8.567 885 9 291 277 13 211 978 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 2.325 365 2 794 833 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 2 068 337- Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 52.730 Amount of 88 Tax to be Levied 2,121,067 Page No.5; e . ~ .~;. Financial Statement and Adopted BUdget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 1989 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance, Januarv 1 427,949 277 ,225- 175,525 Ad Valorem Tax 978.008 984 400 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinquent Tax 26,452 21,700 21,000 Motor Vehicle Tax 269.289 240,000 220,000 Intergovernmental 104.223 98,000 137 000 Transfer from other funds 59.226 59 200 60 200 Reimbursements 0 0 40,000 Interest on Idle Funds 17.990 18,000 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1.455 188 1 421 300 478,200 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1,883,137 1,698,525 653,725 Expenditures: Contractual Services 1.605.912 1,523,000 1,731,450 Reserves 0 0 180 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1.605.912 1 523 000 1 911 450 Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31 277 225 175 525 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 1.257.725 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) . 32,064 Amount of 88 Tax to be Levied 1,289,789 Page No. 6 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E2 1989 ~', ~.-. UT I LI TV FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 199.033 188,736 144.736 Ad Valorem Tax 455,349 446,000 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinquent Tax 9,887 9,500 9,500 Motor Vehicle Tax 92.265 11 0 ,000 100,000 Transfer from other funds 12 000 13 .500 14.000 . Interest on Idle Funds 2.006 2,000 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS 571,507 581,000 123,500 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 770 540 769 736 268.236 Expenditures: Contractual Services 581 804 625,000 665.500 Reserves 0 0 130.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 581,804 625,000 795.500 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 188.7~6 141>,736 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 5')7 ,264 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 13 .442 Amount of 88 Tax to be Levied 540 706 Page No. 7 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E2 1989 , . ',-. BOND AND INTEREST FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 358 428 304.245 421.905 Ad Valorem Tax 774 524 776 000 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinauent Tax 18 671 17.000 17.000 Motor Vehicle Tax 197,177 190.000 173,000 Special Assessments - Current 641 261 870.000 850.000 Special Assessments - Delinauent 124 419 11 0 000 140 000 Accrued Intpre~~ 12 701 0 0 Transfer from other funds 126.000 605 000 982 000 Other Assessments 2 829 6 000 0 . Interest on Idle Funds 1 2 643 20.000 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1 910 225 2.594 000 2 162 000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 2,268,653 2,898,245 2,583,905 Expenditures: Debt Service 1 964 408 2 476 340 2 638 900 Reserve 0 0 100 000 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 964 408 2 476.340 '.738.900 Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31 ~()I> 'I>t; 471ClOS xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 154.995 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) . 3 ,951 Amount of 88 Tax to be Levied 158.946 Page No. 8 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E2 1989 .': ': ~ SPECIAL LIABILITY FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 133 157 52.376 15 376 Ad Valorem Tax 193 760 66 500 xxxxxxxxxxxxx De1inauent Tax 801 3.500 1,400 Motor Vehicle Tax 8 059 48.000 15.000 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS 202 620 118.000 16.400 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 335 777 170 376 31 776 Expenditures: Contractual Services 22 308 0 0 Sundry Expenditures 261 093 0 0 Transfers to other funds 0 155 000 178 144 Reserve 0 0 Rh'l? TOTAL EXPENDITURES 283 401 1C;C; nnn 1 Rh . 77h Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 52.376 1 <; 'l7h xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 155,000 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 3,952 Amount of 88 Tax to be Levied 158.952 Page No. 9 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E4 1989 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 Entitlements U.S. Treasurv xxxxxxxxxxxxx Interest on Idle Funds xxxxxxxxxxxxx TOTAL RECEIPTS xxxxxxxxxxxxx RESOURCES AVAILABLE xxxxxxxxxxxxx Expenditures: Financial & General Administration xxxxxxxxxxxxx Libraries xxxxxxxxxxxxx Hosnitals xxxxxxxxxxxxx Health xxxxxxxxxxxxx Roads xxxxxxxxxxxxx Police xxxxxxxxxxxxx Fire xxxxxxxxxxxxx Cemeteries xxxxxxxxxxxxx Parks and Recreation xxxxxxxxxxxxx Seweraae xxxxxxxxxxxxx Garbaae Collection xxxxxxxxxxxxx Debt Service xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx TOTAL EXPENDITURES xxxxxxxxxxxxx Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 xxxxxxxxxxxxx . .:.7.... SPECIAL MACHINERY FUND 1987 K.S.A. 68-1410 Actual Unres Fund Bal. Januarv 1 66.587 Transfer from Road and Bridoe Fund Transfer from other funds 40 138 Interest on Idle Funds RESOURCES AVAILABLE 106.725 Expenditures: Capital Outlav F.7 qRh TOTAL EXPENDITURES 67,986 Unres Fund Bal. December 31 38 739 Page No. SPECIAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT FUND 1987 K.S.A. 68-590 Actual Unres Fund Bal. Januarv 1 Transfer from Road and Bridne Fund Interest on Idle Funds RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unres Fund Bal. December 31 10 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1989 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget .... ~ -.~, . ,\' RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 1987 1988 BUdget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 0 87 689 19,739 Revenues: Transfer from other funds 599.343 479 950 633.401 Reimbursements 33,112 0 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS 632,455 479,950 633,401 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 632.455 567 639 653 .140 Expenditures: Personal Services 34 181 35 100 35 100 Contractual Services c;oo 1?O C;OIl llnn c;c;7 200 Materials and Sunnlies ':l ?q1 ? oon ? 1 00 Sundrv Exnenditures C;4? 1.500 1 500 Canital Outlav 6 632 500 500 Reserve 0 0 56.740 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 544,766 547,900 653,140 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 87.689 19,739 0 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND 1981 1988 BUdget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 0 130.530 121.174 Revenues: Transfer from other funds 200 000 188.000 0 Interest on Idle Funds 8.000 7 000 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS 208,000 195,000 0 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 208 000 325 530 121 174 Expenditures: Capital Outlay 77 470 204.356 121.174 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 77 .470 204,356 121.174 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 130 530 121.174 0 Page No. 11 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1989 .~".\ ::,"~. SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance January 1 0 0 2,000 Revenues: Liquor tax 45,770 47,000 51,150 TOTAL RECEIPTS 45,770 47,000 51,150 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 45.770 47,000 53,150 Expenditures: Transfer to other funds 45.770 45,000 53,150 45,770 45,000 53,150 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 0 2 000 0 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND 1981 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance January 1 0 770 2 770 Revenues: Li quor tax 45 770 47.000 . 51 1 50 TOTAL RECEIPTS 45 770 47 000 "1 150 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 45 770 47,770 53,920 Expenditures: Contractual Services 45 000 45 000 53 920 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES 45 000 45 000 53 920 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 770 2 770 0 Page No. 12 STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E6 1989 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget ~ \-'. SAN ITAT! ON FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 299.146 326,150 366,060 Revenues: Service Fees 709 165 704 000 704.000 Miscellaneous 1 822 3 000 3.000 I nn Inl" Fllnn<:- 3 000 3 000 20.000 Transfer from other funds 0 0 50,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 713 ,987 710,000 777,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1,013,133 1,036,150 1,143,060 Expenditures: Personal Services 281.275 315 230 316,230 Contractual Services 155.707 164,900 181 ,760 Materials and Supplies 83 718 100 700 100 700 Sundrv Exoenditures 134.000 50 000 0 Caoital Outlav 32 283 39 260 42 260 Transfer to other funds 0 0 45 000 R () 0 457 110 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 686,983 670,090 1,143,060 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 326.150 366 060 0 Financial Statement and Adopted BUdget DATA PROCESSING FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 66 060 48 417 47 442 Revenues: Service Fees 37 804 34 400 34 400 Transfer from other funds 104.<;00 104.500 103 500 Reimbursements 1 108 750 750 TOTAL RECEIPTS 143,412 139,650 138,650 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 209,472 188,067 186.092 Expenditures: Personal Services 75 585 83 860 103.642 Contractual Services 81 739 52 265 .54 270 Materials and Supplies 3 731 4 500 5.000 Reserves 0 0 23 1 80 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 161 055 140 625 186 092 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 48.417 47 442 0 Page No. 13 I STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E6 1989 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget PARKING METERS FUND 1987 1988 BUdget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 1,140 (1,317) 0 Revenues: Transfer from other funds 38 000 43 067 0 TOTAL RECEIPTS 38.000 43 067 0 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 39,140 41 750 0 Expenditures: Personal Services 35 078 36 500 0 Contractual Services 0 0 0 Materials and Suoolies 5.379 5.250 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 40.457 41 750 0 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 11.317) 0 0 Financial Statement and Adopted BUdget GOLF COURSE FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 15 107 55 016 55 016 Revenues: Fees 348 023 345.000 413 .000 Miscellaneous I> 7A? c: nnn A 000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 352.805 350 000 421 000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 367 912 405 016 476 016 Expenditures: Personal Services 128 733 137.500 lS7 000 Contractual Services 46,570 SO.SOO AC: h?C: Materials and Suoolies h~OR7 7<; <;00 7Q nnn Sundry Expenditures 44,334 45,500 50,500 Capital Outlay 30,1 72 41,000 21,000 Reserves 0 0 67.891 Transfer to other funds 0 0 1 6 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 312 896 350 000 476 016 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 55.016 55.016 0 Page No. 14 STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E6 1989 Financial Statement and Adopted BUdget ~.~ SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 69.772 72 449 87,389 Revenues: State Cas Tax 782.790 820 000 820.000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 782.790 820 000 820.000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 852,562 892,449 907,389 Expenditures: Personal Services 68.008 71,220 72,020 Contractual Services 398.864 400,000 550,000 Materials and Supplies 146.512 161.490 154.700 Sundry Expenditures 150,000 150,000 0 Capital Outlay 16,729 22,350 14,600 Reserves 0 0 116 069 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 780.113 805.060 907 389 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 72 .449 87 389 0 Financial Statement and Adopted BUdget BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND .1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 7 412 22 086. 1 9 586 Revenues: Assessment Fees 17.001 17 000 104 889 TOTAL RECEIPTS 17 001 17 I1Ml 10LL RAQ RESOURCES AVAILABLE 24 413 39 086 124 475 Expenditures: Contractual Services 2 319 19 500 17 000 Materials and Supplies 8 0 0 Sundry Expenditures 0 0 107.475 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2 327 19 500 124 475 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 22 086 19586 0 Page No. 15 ~ Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1989 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 315 717 413 739 428 479 Revenues: Service Fees 320.287 280,000 285,000 Reimbursements 20.089 0 0 Interest on Idle Funds 0 0 23 000 Miscellaneous 5.472 100 100 Transfer from other funds 0 0 193 025 TOTAL RECEIPTS 345.848 280.100 501.125 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 661.565 693.839 929,604 Expenditures: Personal Services 82,241 86,200 87,550 Contractual Services 30.726 31,980 38,465 Materials and Supplies 54,1859 77 .1 80 76,600 Sundry Expenditures 80 000 70.000 0 Reserves 0 0 713 .589 Transfer to other funds 0 0 13 400 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 247,826 265.360 929,604 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 413.739 428.479 0 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget TOURISM AND CONVENTION PROMOTION FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 64 644 1 481 0 Revenues: Transient Guest Tax 146 837 225 000 250 000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 146,837 225,000 250.000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 211 481 226 4A1 2"0 000 Expenditures: Contractual Services 210.000 226 481 250,000 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES 210.000 226 481 250,000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 1 .481 0 0 Page No. 16 STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E6 1989 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget .,,' ~.~ BICENTENNIAL CENTER FUND 1987 1988 BUdget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance. .Januarv 1 116,176 159,981 1 69,141 Revenues: Fees 384.782 445.000 455,000 Transfer from other funds 200.000 200 000 211,375 Reimbursements 1.196 2 000 2.000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 585.97.8 647 000 668,375 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 702.154 806 981 837 516 Expenditures: Personal Services 321 906 355 000 364 000 Contractual Services 62.278 69.400 86.700 Materials and Supplies 44.322 52 940 51 500 Sundrv Exoenditures 88 133 101.600 101 900 Caoital Outlav 25 534 58 900 18 840 Reserves 0 0 214.576 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 542 173 637 840 837.516 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 159,981 1 69,141 0 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance .Januarv 1 Revenues: TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 Page No. 17 , STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E5 1989 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget WATER AND SEWERAGE FUND 1987 1988 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1989 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 181,918 573,579 1 .813,708 Revenues: Water Revenue 3 289 884 3,980,760 4.737.440 Seweraae Revenue 741.420 1.290.000 1 .327.140 Other Revenue 142 862 199.500 204.000 Interest Income 163.512 170.000 250 000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 4,337,678 5,640,260 6,518,580 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 4,519,596 6,213,839 8,332,288 Expenditures: Water Supply Expenses 118,059 102.200 124,584 Softenina and Treatment Exoenses . 934.679 865.000 884.120 Pumoina Exnenses 189 865 195.500 1 99 .1 00 Distribution Exoenses 372,359 314,450 712,120 Customer Accountino and Collection Expenses 332,158 345.800 385,565 Administrative - General Expenses 809.740 810,780 1.188.880 Sewaoe Treatment and Collection Exoenses 609,290 645.290 688.000 Debt Service 179.867 661 111 871.750 Capital Outlay 400 000 400.000 400 000 Reserves 0 0 2 878.169 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3 946 017 4 400 131 8 332 288 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 573 579 1 813 708 0 Page No. 18