1988 Budget Certificate STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form B 1988 CERTIFICATE TO THE CLERK OF Saline COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached proof of publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expendi- ture for the various funds for the year 1988; and (3) the Amount(s) of 81 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. 1988 ADOPTED BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS: Amount of Adopted Budget & Financial Statements Page 81 Tax to County Clerk's No. Exoenditures be Levied Use Onlv Levv Limits for Tax Funds 2 Como. of Aaa. Tax Levv Limitations 3 2,318,636 Statement of Indebtedness 4 General 5 10,517,860 1,867,627 Employee Benefits 6 1,548,000 994,333 Utilitv 7 675,000 450,196 Bnn~ ~n~ Interest 8 2 451 000 783,986 Special Liability 9 155,000 67,179 Risk Management Reserve 10 510,700 EauiDment Reserve 10 225,700 SDecial Parks and Recreation 11 45,000 Snecial Alcohol Proarams 11 45,000 S"nit-"tion 12 648,550 Data Processina 12 167,970 Parki na tvleters 13 42,410 Golf Course 13 420,820 Snecial Gas Tax 14 803,000 Bu~iness Imnrovement District 14 19.500 Solid Waste 15 259,210 Tourisn and Convention 15 266,000 Bicentennial Center 16 667,510 Water and Seweraae 17 5,633.560 TOTALS 25,101,790 4,163,321 Proof of Publication 18 Final Assessed Valuation Municipal Accounting Received Reviewed by Follow-up: Yes Use Only Assisted by: )::~ " /' ., ~.k.-,," / ."'"' /' \. ..<i A. (/, . / /( _L-.._ /'/ ,.// /t;<f, ,{..! .L--- ,. (If not assisted, so state) No Attest: , 1981 County Clerk Page No. 1 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Bl 1988 LEVY LIMITS FOR TAX FUNDS For City of Salina (name of municipality) Estimated Assessed Tangible Valuation July 1, 1987 $114,502,579 (page 3a, WS #2, column D, line 1) 1. 87 83 Budget Less: G Levv Limit Levy Limit Levy Limit LAVTR Levy Fund Authoritv Rate* Amount Amount Amount Amount Limit General Increase for loss of Intanaib1e Tax 12-1.101 Total 1 & 2 -------------------> General NA NA NA 292,880 NA Employee Benefits CO #17 NA NA NA Utility CO #17 NA NA NA Bond and Interest KSA 10-113 NA NA NA Special Liability KSA 75-6110 NA NA NA * Rates are expressed in mills. 1. For county's use only because cities have no statutory rate limit on General Fund. 2. Loss must be due to an election. Amount of increase is limited to the amount of Intangibles Tax received in the year prior to elimination of such tax. This amount is also used on page 3, line 15. Election held , 19 - . Footnotes: Resolution dated/Election held , 19 - for _mills for years. First levy , 19 - . A B c D E F 2. Page No. 2 COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION Auditor's Copy STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1988 Check Base Year Used: (Taxes levied in 80 for base year 1981) (Taxes levied in 81 for base year 1982) 1981 1982 x 1. Aggregate Levy Limitation computed for base year 1981 or 1982. $2,030,044 "2:'.- Estimated assessed tangible valuation for 1980 or 1981 (WS '2. col. D. line 4) . .,. ._. . . .. . . . . . . + 99,238,903 '3:: Tax Levy Rate of the Base Year (line 1 divided by line 2). 20456 4. Net Change from Base Year of Personal Property (From page 3a. WS '2, line 10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 6,834,226 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate (From page 3a, WS '3, line 11). + 7,194,300 6. Total Assessed Tangible Valuation (lines 2 + 4 + 5). 113,267,429 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation (line 3 x line 6). . 2,316,999 -8. Adjustment for Territory Added (From WS #4. line 5) .070660 x line 7 1,637 9. Adjustment for TerritQry Excluded (From WS '4, line 10) x li ne 1. . . . . . . . . . -0- 10. Adjustment to Basic Aggregate Limitation for (See Form C2 for possible adjustments) -0- 11. Functions exempted from Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations by Charter Resolution/Ordinance: Function CR/CO No* Amount " . . tc Total. Attach copy to budget. Use this only if the exempt function is included in a fund under the aggregate limit. -0- 12. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1988 (lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11) Show this amount on Certificate, page 1. .......... 2,318,636 Suspension of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation authorized by: Election held , 19 Charter Resolution/Ordinance No. (Attach copy to bUdget.) of . 19 Page No. 3 WORKSHEETS STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C1 1988 WS #1 - Assessed Tanaible Valuation of Territory Added (Excluded) since the Base Year 1. 2. :3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total New Improve- Real Personal State Tangible ments on Year Estate Prooertv Assessed Valuation Real Estate 1981* 1982 40.520 40 520 1983 11,090 70 11 160 1984 4.740 4 740 1985 24,430 24 430 1986 -0- .0- 1987 -0- -o- DED 70 .0- AO RO:;O CLUDED -0- -0- -0- -0- A B C (WS #2, co1 B (WS #2, co1 C lines 6 & 7) lines 6 & 7) * Don't fill in if 1982 is the Base Year. TERRITORY AD TERRITORY EX D E (To WS #4, (WS #3, lines 1 & 6) lines 9 & 10) WS #2 - Net Chanae From Base Year of Personal Property A Real Estate 1987 Est. Assessed Valuation 72,066,960 1980/1981 Valuation from Farm Machinery 1980/1981 Valuation of Business Aircraft 1980/1981 Est. Assessed Valuation 62,591 050 Difference (lines 1 + 2 + 3 - 4) . . . . . . Adjustment for Territory: Added (WS #1). . . Excluded (WS #1) . Subtotal (lines 5 - 6 + 7) . . . . . . . . . Add State Assessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . NET CHANGE FROM BASE YEAR OF PERSONAL PROP . (lines 8 + 9) ** If this is negative, see instructions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. '. 8. 9. 10. B 6 208 210 626,016 6,834,226 C D Total Tangibh, Valuation 114,502,579 State Assessed 10,884,189 10 258 173 626 016 -0- 99 238 903 626 016 <----, **(To page 3, line 4) WS #3 - Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. . . 1981* . . 1982 . 1983 1984 1985 . 1986 . . . . 1987 Subtotal . .... . . . . . . Adjustment for Territory: Added. . . Excluded . INC.BY NEW IMP.ON REAL ESTATE (lines 8-9+10) Page No. 3a 982,160 573,590 1,063,730 1,097,470 1,346,790 2.130.560 7,194,300 -0- -0- 7,194,300 (From WS #1, col E, line 8) (From WS #1, co1 E, line 9) (To page 3, line 5) STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C2 1988 WS #4 - Computation of Adjustment for Territorv Added, Excluded 1- 2. 3. 4. 5. Valuation of Territory Added (From WS U. col D. line 8). 1987 Est. Assessed Valuation (From WS #2. col D, line 1) Valuation of Territory Added (Same as line 1) Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (line 2 - 3). . ADJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY ADDED (line 1 divided by line 4) 114,502,579 80,850 80.850 114,421,729 . 070""0 (To page 3. line 8) .~~. Valuation of Territory Excluded (From WS #1. col D. line 9) . . . . 7. 1987 Estimated Assessed Valuation (Same as line 2). -0- 8. Valuation of Territory Excluded (Same as line 6). . -0- .a~ Total Valuation including Territory Excluded (lines 7 + 8). . . . . . . -o- lD. ADJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY EXCLUDED (line 6 divided by line 9) · -0- (To page 3. line 9) POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS TO BASIC AGGREGATE LIMITATION: New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. Amount determined by the County Clerk . (See K.S.A. 79-5010) . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . + Increase authorized by election years. voted , first levy year (See K. S .A. 79-5012) . . . 19 + Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals Order No. years. first levy year (See K.S.A. 79-5013) . for + Functions transferred: In (from another taxing subdivision) . . .. .... .... Out (to another taxing subdivision). . . .. .... .... (Amount levied for any function or service for which a tax levy is specifically authorized and provided by law in the year preceding the transfer. See K.S.A. 79-5009) + E1imination of Tax on Intangible Personal Property pursuant to an election (not to exceed the amount received in the year prior to - elimination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Note: The General Fund Levy may be increased by this amount. See K.S.A. 79-5020.) + TOTAL POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS . -0- (To page 3. line 10) Page No. 3b Allocation of Motor Vehicle Tax 1987 Budgeted Funds Actual Amount of (86 Tax-Levies) 86 Levv Ratio Allocation General 1,643,730 .2178 358 100 Employee Benefits 990,818 215 800 Utility 451 571 98 400 Bond and Interest 784,686 170.900 Special Liability 196,284 42 800 TOTAL 4,067,089 886,000 NOTE: Do not allocate to new or discontinued funds, see Instructions. * * * * * Computation of Delinquency Amount 85 Taxes Uncollected divided by amount of 85 Taxes Levied Actual Delinquency for 85 Taxes _____, Rate Used in this Budget Page No. 3c STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C3 1988 = % . ~CD~ i! . .. ~ .... . ~ ~ roo ~CD f\ . .5i ~ct I ! g. s ~ I . ,', J~ ~!~ "B~ .... jll '11 00 ~ ~ L1"\k:) .s!iW~cn !~I ! .... '-+' Cl.U <(0 '-+' Cl.U <(0 o o o " o N o n ,.... <Xl (V") N n .::t :; o o o n o r-- N n ,.... LI'l r-- CT> (V") CT> .::t o o o n o N .::t n r-- o o o n LI'l ,.... ,.... n <Xl LI'l <Xl ..... CT> N ..... o o o ~ o N ,.... o CT> ~ LI'l o ,.... o o ~ (V") <Xl ,.... N <Xl CT> o ,.... U III Cl III CU :Jill """"lCl o o o (V") <Xl CT>n o o o (V") <Xl CT> n ,.... <.0 <Xl ..... ,.... ..... N ,.... o o o o LI'l M o o o n o CT> .::t n ,.... o o o o o .::t <Xl N (V") n CT> 0:; -co III 0 +'0 "' EO .~o +'0 (/) WLI'l r-- <Xl ..... ,.... ..... N ,.... t 'ON a6ed o o o o (V") N o .::t r-: ,.... LI'l ,.... o o 0" o ,.... N r-- ,.... ,.... o r-- ,.... ..a III l.1.. ilg l.1..<( o o o o r-- r--n N LI'l.31) Nr-- ~~ .::t <Xl ..... LI'l ,.... ..... <.0 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El 1988 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 2,616,724 1,707,293 708,193 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax 1,490,635 1,643,730 xxxxxxxxxxxxx DelinC1uent Tax 33,227 22,000 25,000 Motor Vehicle Stamo Tax 14,518 14,000 15.000 Motor Vehicle Tax 356,214 357,800 358.100 Local Alcoholic LiC1uor Fund 44 496 46.000 45 000 Local "Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund 238,031 266,800 292,880 County and City Revenue Sharina Fund 173,585 203,400 224,630 Local Sales Tax 3,142,336 3,250,000 3,300,000 Bingo Gross Receipts 11,042 16,000 16,000 ~icenses, Fees and Permits 241 372 206,550 212.000 Municipal Court Fines : 379,578 365,000 370,000 Franchise Taxes 1,190,765 1,240,000 1,250,000 Administrative Services 57,220 57,000 57,000 Fire Protection Outside City Li mi ts 130,433 156,000 141,500 Ambulance Fees 148,376 154,000 160,000 Reimburse Ambulance Expenses (Countv) 219,991 251,730 258.530 Reimburse Museum Expenses (County) 83,000 65,070 65,000 Transfer from Other Funds 194,947 196,000 195,000 Miscellaneous Service and Sales 186,570 205,100 276,900 Reimbursement of Expenditures 90,786 55,000 79,500 . . Use of Money and Property: Interest on Idle Funds 455,371 670,000 600,000 Miscellaneous: Revenue in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes: Discontinued Funds xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx No-Fund Warrant Fund Suro1us xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx Reimbursed Exoenses xxxxxxxxxxxxx Other xxxxxxxxxxxxx Cancellation of Prior Yrs. Encumbrances xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx TOTAL RECEIPTS 8,882,493 9,441,180 7.942.040 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 11,499,217 11,148,473 8.650.233 Page No. 5 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1, Continued 1988 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget GENERAL FUND-Contd. 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 11,499,217 11,148,473 708,193 Expenditures: City Commission 320,468 388,590 442,920 Ci ty ~1anaqer 75.260 74,610 76,650 City Clerk 198 244 202.300 206,730 Legal 55,578 56,460 62,600 Municipal Court 72,345 60,450 73,410 Buildings 136 505 108,000 123,190 Enqi neeri nq 141 429 144 110 136.610 Fire 1 627 019 1 715.780 1 745 510 Permits and Inspection 99,194 101,100 104,030 Park 424 004 437.940 472.410 Police 1 836 411 1.782.620 1.829.790 Street 579,980 592,640 613,750 Human Relations 51,390 74,470 78,700 Emergency Medical Services 379,673 436,400 454,690 Traffic Control 80,321 84.290 100.910 Swimminq Pools 50 566 43.850 1~3. 850 Administration and PlanninQ 107 111 123 200 127,920 Non-Departmental 1 77 .91 7 165,360 204,420 Arts Commission 99 852 117,860 119,260 Cemeterv 56 094 57,720 58.690 General Imorovement 58 143 58 900 61 710 Smoky Hi 11 Museum 118,184 153,200 155,950 Flood Works 58,600 60,980 61,950 Neighborhood Centers 70,464 79,450 84,210 Capital Improvements - Sales Tax 2,917, 172 3,320,000 3,078,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,791,924 10,440,280 10,517,860 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 1,707,293 708,193 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 1 .867 ,627 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 87 Tax to be Levied Page No. Sa Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E2 1988 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND 1986 1987 BUdget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 355,727 427,949 173 867 Ad Valorem Tax 1 ,1 25,146 990.818 xxxxxxxxxxxxx De1inauent Tax 25.826 15.000 15.000 Motor Vehicle Tax 261 246 271.100 215.800 Reimbursement of Exoenditures 125 549 131.000 91.000 Transfer from Other Funds 40 000 40 000 40.000 Interest on Idle Funds - J 8 040 1 8 .000 1 8 ,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS - 1595'.807 1.465.918 379.800 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1.951.534 1.893.867 553.667 Expenditures: Officials and Employee Li abi 1 ity Insurance 48,194 50,000 60,000 Social Security 202,845 225,000 240,000 Police and Fire Retirement 603.915 638 000 498 000 Employees Retirement . 104,566 150,000 95,000 Group Insurance 416 335 470 000 450 000 Unemolovment Insurance 17 054 25 000 25 000 Worker's Compensation 111,437 122,000 140,000 Earned Leave 19,239 40,000 40,000 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,523,585 1,720,000 1,548,000 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 427 949 173.867 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 994,333 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 87 Tax to be Levied Page No. 6 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E2 1988 ;J UTILITY FUND 1988 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 133,851 199,033 104,404 Ad Valorem Tax 426 496 451 571 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinauent Tax 8.751 5,000 5,000 Motor Vehicle Tax 94,376 102,800 98,400 Transfer from Other Funds 13,688 15,000 15,000 Interest on Idle Funds 2,275 2,000 2,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 545,586 576,371 120,400 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 679,437 775,404 224,804 Expenditures: Gas Service 36,693 80,000 80,000 Li oht and Power Service 118,618 210,000 210,000 Water Service 25.699 43,000 47,000 Traffic Control Sionals 34 303 38,000 38,000 Street Liqhtinq 265 091 300,000 300,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 480,404 671,000 675.000 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 199 033 104,404 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 450,196 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 87 Tax to be Levied Page No. 7 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E2 1988 BOND AND INTEREST FUND 1986 1981 BUdget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 366.245 358 428 137.114 Ad Valorem Tax 830,262 784,686 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinauent Tax 17,413 15,000 15,000 Motor Vehicle Tax 162,175 200,000 170,900 Current Special Assessments 632,256 625,000 770,000 Delinquent Special Assessments 105,713 40,000 50,000 Accrued Interest 6,711 2,000 3,000 Special Assessments 37,507 6,000 6,000 Transfer from Other Funds 134.200 126,000 495,000 Interest on Idle Funds 20,637 20,000 20,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1 946 874 1.818.686 1.529.900 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 2,313,119 2,177,114 1,667,014 Expenditures: General Bond Principal 697,500 635,000 510,000 General Bond Interest 275,484 247,000 207,120 Curb. Gutter & Pavinq Principal City Share 145.080 132,000 310,500 Curb Gutter & Pavinq Principal Prop Owner Share 552,420 502,900 669,510 Curb Gutter & Pavina Interest City Share 57.301 51,400 341,950 Curb Gutter & Pavina Interest PrOD Owner Share 218.183 195,700 370,280 Fiscal Aaencv Commission 8.723 1 , 000 1,640 Estimated Interst - Bonds to be Issued 275,000 40,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,954,691 2,040,000 2,451,000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 358,428 137,114 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 783.986 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 81 Tax to be Levied Page No. 8 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 1988 SPECIAL LIABILITY FUND 1986 1981 BUdget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 190 052 133 157 44 421 Ad Valorem Tax 33 687 196 284 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Delinauent Tax 832 600 600 Motor Vehicle Tax 7 844 8 300 42 800 Transfer from Other Funds 48 186 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS 90,549 205 184 43.400 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 280,601 338 341 87 821 Expenditures: Insurance - Liability 142,581 -0- -0- Other Professional Services 4 863 -0- 35 000 Transfer to Other Funds . . -0- 293 920 120 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 147,444 293 920 155 000 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 133.157 44 421 xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED 67 . 179 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 81 Tax to be Levied Page No. 9 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1988 Financial Statement and Adopted BUdget RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 -0- -0- 32 770 Revenues: Transfer from Other Funds -0- h1" q70 1,70 oc:(\ TOTAL RECEIPTS 611 970 479.950 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 611.Q70 C:1? 7?(\ Expenditures: Personal Services -0- 36,000 35,700 Contractual Services -0- 87,000 88,000 Materials and Supplies -0- 2,000 2 900 Sundrv Expenditures -0- 452.950 383 600 CaDital Outlav -0- 1 250 500 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES -0- 579,200 510,700 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 -0- 32 770 2 020 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 -0- -0- 122.000 Revenues: Interest from Investments -0- 8 000 8 000 I Transfer from Other Funds -0- 200 000 200 000 TOTAL RECEIPTS -0- 208 000 208000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE -0- 208.000 330 000 Expenditures: CaDital Outlay -0- 86 000 7:1<; 700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 86 000 225 700 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 -0- 122 000 104 300 Page No. 10 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1988 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget Special Parks & Recreati )n FUND 1986 1981 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance January 1 451 - 0 - 662 Revenues: City Liquor Tax 44,496 45,662 45,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 44,496 45,662 45,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 44,947 45 662 45,662 Expenditures: Sundry Expenditures 44,947 45,000 45.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 44 947 45 000 45 000 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 - 0 - 662 662 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget Speci~l Alcohol Program FUND 1986 1981 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance January 1 382 - 0 - 663 Revenues: City Liquor Tax 44,496 45,663 45.000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 44.496 45 663 45 000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 44 878 45,663 45.663 Expenditures: Contractural Services 44 878 45 000 45 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 44,878 45,000 45 000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 - 0 - 663 663 Page No. 11 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1988 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget Sanitation FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 339,649 ?qq .1Uh ?71 . nAh Revenues: Interest frnm I 1 107 3.000 3 000 Miscellaneous Sales & Service 1,707 2,000 2,000 Service Fees 672,110 704,000 704,000 Reimbursement of Exoenditures 2.153 1 000 1 000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 677 ,077 710,000 710,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1,016,726 1,009,146 981,086 .Expendi tures : Personal Services 284 925 301 500 309.870 Contractural Services 159,534 164,130 1 65,720 Materials & Supplies 92,787 91,180 100,700 Sundry Expenditures 122.200 134.000 30.000 Capital Outlav 58.134 47,250 42.260 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 717,580 738,060 648,550 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 299,146 271,086 332,536 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget Data Processing FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 . 68,921 66,060 37,610 Revanue-s: Sale of Commodities 595 750 750 Fees - Schools 3,450 - 0 - - o - Fees - Water & Sewerage 54,500 54,500 54.500 Fees - County 66.315 55,000 32.400 Fees - General 50.000 50,000 50.000 Computer Programming Services 3.575 4.000 3 000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 178.435 164.250 140 650 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 247.356 230,310 178.260 Expenditures: Personal Services 70,608 75.600 83.860 Contractural Services 106.843 11 2,1 00 59.110 Materials & Supplies 3.845 5,000 5.000 Sundrv Exnenditures - n - - n - ?n.nnn TOTAL EXPENDITURES 181,296 192,700 167,970 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 66 060 37 610 10 290 Page No. -1.L- Financial Statement and Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E6 1988 PARKING METERS FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 3,402 1 140 440 Revenues: Parking Meter Permits 8.170 38 000 -0- One Day Permits 103 300 -0- Reimbursement of Expenditures 29,000 -0- 42,000 -. TOTAL RECEIPTS 37 273 38,300 42,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 40,675 39.440 440 Expenditures: Personal Services 34,433 35.000 36.520 Contractual Services -0- 800 800 Materials and Supplies 5,102 3,200 5,090 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 39,535 39.000 42,410 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 1,140 440 .30 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget GOLF COURSE FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv t 33.193 15 107 68 077 Revenues: Membership and Green Fees 213,964 222.000 237 500 Cart Rental 67,435 74.000 79 500 Cart Storage and User Fees 12 419 11 500 12 000 Driving Range 10 928 12.500 15 000 Snack Bar 39 816 40.000 45 000 Miscellaneous 3 083 3 500 4 000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 347 645 363 500 393 000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 380,838 378,607 461,077 Expenditures: Personal Services 114 757 124 400 140 420 Contractual Services 56 174 46 900 5q 400 Materials and Supplies 72 .608 50 200 76,000 Sundry Expenditures 68 941 54 460 104.000 Capital Outlay 53 251 34S70 41000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 365,731 310,530 420 820 Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31 15,107 68.077 40 257 Page No. 13 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1988 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget SPECIAL GAS FUND 1986 1981 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 102,689 69,772 48,032 Revenues: State Gas Tax 720.072 780,000 780.000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 720,072 780,000 780,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 822,761 849,772 828,032 Expenditures: Personal Services 63 962 69,390 69,1 60 Contractual Services 394 900 400.000 400.000 Materials and SUDDlies 132 139 165.350 161.490 Sundry Exnenditures 150 000 150 000 150 000 Capital Outlav 11.988 17,000 22,350 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 752.989 801.740 803.000 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 69.772 48 032 25.032 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 7,642 7,412 7,312 Revenues: Assessment Fees 8.989 20 000 19.500 Transfer from Other Funds 24.120 15 000 -0- TOTAL RECEIPTS 33.109 35 000 19 500 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 40,751 42,412 26,812 Expenditures: Personal Services 20 867 24 000 -0- Contractual Services 10 1 07 8 650 1q "nn Materials and Supplies 2.050 1 . 600 -0- Sundry Expenditures 315 350 -0- Caoital Outlay -0- 500 -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 33,339 35,100 19.500 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 7 412 7.312 7 .1? Page No. ~ Financial Statement and Adopted BUdget STATE OF KANSAS BUdget Form E6 1988 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 215,231 315,717 323,157 Revenues: Income from Leased Land 1,002 100 100 Service Fees 297,268 265,000 265,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 298,270 265,100 265,100 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 513 501 580.817 588.257 -Expendi tures: Personal Services 73,095 86,000 89,000 Contractual Services 28,199 34,420 33,030 Materials and Supplies 76,490 77 , 240 77 , 1 80 Sundry Expenditures 20.000 60,000 60,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 197,784 257,660 259,210 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 315,717 323,157 329,047 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget TOURISM AND CONVENTION FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 63,161 64,644 39,644 Revenues: Transient Guest Tax 132,983 185,000 266,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 132.983 1 85,000 266,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 196.144 249,644 305 644 Expenditures: Contractual Services 131,500 210,000 266,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 131,500 210,000 266,000 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 64,644 39,644 39,644 Page No. 15 Financial Statement and Adopted BUdget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1988 Bicentennial Center FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance. Januarv 1 78,145 116,176 119,436 Revenues: Rent 174,856 130,000 197,590 Food/Beverage 228,578 215,000 ZbU,::>tsu Reimbursement of EXDenditures ~ "0" 3,000 4.000 Transfer from Other Funds .1"\1"\ 1"\1"\1"\ ?I"\I"\ nnn ?oo.ooo TOTAL RECEIPTS 706 939 <:;b.Q 1"\1"\1"\ 662.170 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 785,084 664,176 781.606 Expenditures: Personal Services 318 613 324 050 374 670 Contractural Services 183 240 64 600 69 900 Materials & Supplies 47 000 44.200 51.700 Sundry Expenditures 103 700 86 600 124.600 Capital Outlav 1h <<:;<:; ?".?qO Uh.hUO TOTAL EXPENDITURES 668,908 544,740 667 510 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 116 176 l1g.43fi 11 U .0% Financial Statement and Adopted Budget FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance. January 1 Revenues: TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 Page No. 16 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E5 1988 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget Water & Sewerage FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 493,273 181,918 48,468 Revenues: Water Revenue 2,927,062 2,989,200 3,219,900 Seweraqe Revenue 701,997 730,400 772,200 Sales Tax Revenue 52,252 46.000 48,300 Miscelleanous Income & Repair 66,696 55,000 52,000 Meter Deposits 36,925 34,000 32,000 Service Charqe - Sanitation Department 12,780 12,500 12,500 Interest Income 97,214 93,900 95,000 Sanitation Fees Collected 691.000 704.000 710.000 Reserve for Depreciation and Emergency - 0 - 400 000 400.000 Reserve for Extension and Bond Retirement 114,114 400,000 400,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 4,700,040 5,465,000 5,741,800 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 5,193,313 5,646,918 5,790,268 Expenditures: Water Suoolv Exoense 99 552 97 400 97.400 Softenina and Treatment Expense 857,165 852,950 852,060 Pumping Expenses 191,124 215,990 220,700 Distribution Exoenses 408 702 364.240 374.950 Customer Accounting & Collection Expenses 320,111 323,350 350,640 Administrative - General Expenses 1,386,257 805,720 800,780 Sewaae Treatment & Collection Expenses 597,213 645 200 645,290 Bond Ordinance Reserve Requirements 192,164 389,600 381,740 Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department 691,000 704 000 710.000 Capital Expenditures 153,993 400,000 400,000 Extension & Bond Retirement - 0 - 400 000 400.000 Depreciatian and Emergency 114,114 400,000 400,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,011,395 5,598,450 5,633,560 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 181,918 48,468 156,708 Page No. 17 (Published in The Salina Journal July 15, 1987) STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form A 1988 NOTICE OF HEARING 1988 BUDGET The governing body of July hearing and answering (including the use of budget). the amount of City of Salina, Kansas will meet On the 2~ day of 1987 at 4:00 -!....M.. at Room 200, City-County Bld~or the purpose of objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed use of all funds the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund and its relationship to the entire tax to be levied. and to consider amendments. Detai led budget information is available at . available at this hearing. City Clerk's Office and will be BUDGET SUMMARY The Expenditures and the Amount of 87 Tax to be Levied (as shown below) establish the maximum limits of the 1988 budget. The "Est. Tax Rate" in the far right column. shown for comparative purposes. is subject to slight change depending on final assessed valuation. 1986 1987 PROPOSED BUDGET 1988 Actual Budget or Actual Amount of Est. Actual Tax Estimate of Tax 87 Tax to Tax Fund Exnenditures Rate* Exoenditures Rate* Exoenditures be Levied Rate* General 9,791,924 10,440,280 14.6950 10,517,860 1,867,627 16.3108 Emolovee Benefits 1.523.585 1.720.000 8.8580 1.548.000 994.333 8.6839 Util i tv 480.404 671 .000 4.0371 675,000 450,196 3.9318 Bond and Interest 1.954.691 2.040.000 7.0151 2.451,000 783,986 6.8468 Soecial Liability 147,444 293,920 1.7548 155,000 67,179 0.5867 Risk Management -0- 611,970 510,700 Equipment Reserve -0- 86,000 225,700 Special Park and Recreat on 44,947 46,000 45,000 Special Alcohol Programs 44,878 46,000 45,000 Sanitation 717,580 738,060 648,550 Data Processina 181 296 192.700 167 970 Parkinq Meters 39.535 41.400 42,410 Golf Course 365.731 310.530 420.820 Special Gas Tax 752.989 801,740 803,000 Business Improvement Dis rict 33,339 35,100 19,500 Solid Waste 197,784 257,660 259,210 .Tourism and Convention 131,500 210,000 266,000 Bicentennial Center 668,908 544,740 667,510 Water and Sewerage 5,011,395 5,598,450 5,633,560 ,Revenue Sharing 465,979 -0- Totals 22.553,909 24,685,550 25,101,790 4,163,321 36.3600 Net Expenditures Total Tax Levied 3,951,529 4,067,089 xxxxxxxxxxxx Assessed Valuation 108,677,882 111,856,170 114,502,579 Outstanding Indebtedness. January 1, 1985 G.O. Bonds 10,144,000 No-Fund Warrants Revenue Bonds 2 ,770,000 1986 8,115,000 1987 8,703,000 2,280,000 1,970,000 Total 12,914,000 10,395,000 10,673,000 *Tax Rates are expressed in mills. ..", \"'lu..L~ 'S,l.'t..ntJu Deputy Cit Clerk ~ Page No. 18 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E4 1988 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget . " FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 1986 1987 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1988 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 Entitlements U.S. Treasurv xxxxxxxxxxxxx Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: Financial & General Administration Libraries HosDitals Health Roads Police Fire Cemeteries Parks and Recreation Seweraae Garbaae Collection Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 xxxxxxxxxxxxx SPECIAL MACHINERY FUND K.S.A. 68-141 Unres Fund Ba1 1 Transfer from Road and Brid e Fund 1986 Actual 69,172 SPECIAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT .FUND K.S.A. 68-590 Unres Fund Bal Januar 1 'transfer from Road and Brid e Fund 1986 Actual Interest on Idle Funds 554 Interest on Idle Funds RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: E ui ment 69,726 RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: 3 139 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Un res Fund Ba1 December 31 3,139 66 587 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unres Fund Bal December 31 Page No. 19