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1971 Budget Certificate
. . C E R T I F I CAT E -----------.- TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF Sf\L I NE COUNTY, STATE OF KMJSAS: We, the undersigned, duly elected, qual ¡ficd and acting officers of the City of Sa I i na, Sa line County, Kansas, do hereby ced i fy that the PI'oposed Budget and Financial Statement, as shown herein, was duly publ ished as required by law, and that a hearing was held on the 10th day of August, 1970, and that after such hearing the adopted budget of expenditures as shown herein was duly approved and adopted as the maximum amounts to be expended for the ensuing budget year, and further certify that the amount of levy determined as necessary to raise by Ad Valorem taxation for the ensuing budget year for each fund as shown herein, is as fo II ows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FUNDS ADOPTED BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES General Operating Nox i ous \veeds Firemen's Pension Policemen's Pension Flood Works and Levee Tree Maintenance Social Security Pub! ic Employees Retirement Bond and Interest Bond and Interest - No-Fund Warrants Genera I and Spec i a I Improvements Sanitation Service Parking Meters Special Gasol ine Tax Go I f Course Water and Sewerage $2,244,905.00 6,500.00 79,080.00 53,750.00 23,080.00 10,745.00 122,000.00 106,000.00 1,229,330.00 13,000.00 .00 202,375.00 96,155.00 282,592.27 66,360.00 1,334,055.00 TOTAL $5,869,927.27 AMOUNT TAX LEV I ED 17 . 5938 0.0725 0.7598 0.4353 0.2904 0. 1511 0.5000 0.4826 10.5436 0.2009 1.0000 32.0300 ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We further certify that the foregoing statements are true and correct as shown by the minutes of the Governing Body of said City. r=---7 ~~.. ..---: - // '. 0- C. . / ~-- / / // \ 'oj ~ .' / I ./;/"/ . <-<//) ';~ / - ~._h~(:~Co~ .o" .. Robert C. Caldwell ---- Dated this 10th day of Augu~t, 1970 ~JbJ ~~ D. L. Harrison, City Clerk Æ' '-~ c¡ ~~ ) "~ ,'f. ~... /11 .I'~~Ç"-c ..,.' Æ1../~'lé"-¿'<'lo._'~ ~ ( Leon-L. Ashton / ? /? ¡f) /./ ì;J; ~ì - . ./(l ft¿2~¿¿[/ /'l/£,¿/¿A. {;~~-. Donald D. Mi II ikan ~.. . ( ",// -/-----')/----) 'c-'--' -'-"- . F ¡led th i s c:2.!I: day of August, 1970 =~-'h:~i«;/ ~ /f, u / )..ç;~",vl . - - . ~~. ,~:'rl R. Rùndquis.-f""""-->1~ --7' ' ( G'. ¿p.L f>-', h-l-F .~ ~)I + . Q- / W '¿I'/I-{-/j/W~Y~t ~ ~r'I", Couniy Clerk.. I lam. °0 1970 TAX LEVY FOR 1971 BUDGET e Fund Ad Sales Levy Valorem Tax Sales Tax Limit Tax Mills Mills 58,870.70 General Operating 20.0000 18.50'35 0.9097 331.74 Noxious Weeds 1.0000 0.0776 0.0051 1,065.66 Flood Works & Levee 1.0000 0.3069 0.0165 448.68 Tree Maintenance 1.0000 0.1580 0.0069 .00 2,227.36 977. 78 2,026.86 1 i 431. 65 SUB-TOTAL General and Special Improvements Firemen's Pension Policemen's Pension Social Security Public Employees' Retirement 0.7942 0.4504 0.5313 0.5047 0.0344 0.0151 0.0313 0.0221 2.0000 2.0000 None None 67,380.43 1.0411 Bond and Interest Bond and Interest - No-Fund Warrants TOTAL e Tangible Valuation (City of Salina minus Airport Industrial Area) Tangible Valuation for Airport Industrial Area (Levy @ 12.75 mills) .. TOTAL VALUATION Population - Preliminary Count of 1970 Federal Census Population - Preliminary Court of 1970 Federal Census City County 1970 Levy Net Ad Valorem Total Levy Ad Valorem 1969 Mills Tax Dollars Levy 17.5938 1,138,577.51 17.0065 0.0725 4,689.31 0.0953 0.2904 18,792.80 0.3062 0.1511 9,776.80- 0.1289 18.1078 1,171,836.42 17.5369 1.0000 64,714.37 0.7598 49,171.26 0.6399 0.4353 28,172.29 0.2809 0.5000 32,353.97 0.5823 0.4826 31,230.6ú 0.Ld13 10.5436 .2009 11.2987 682,096.76 13,000.00 32.0300 30.7500 2,072,575.71 64,714,370.00 802,885.00 65,517,255.00 37,095 45,911 I-' . ' C:!TY TO BE ~~DE A PART OF BUDGET FOR~ NO.5 OR 8 DETERMINATION OF MAX:~UM OPERAT:NG EXPENSE BUDGET FOR. 1971 To-¡-a ¡ budgc-¡' of expend itllres for a:! purpo5esfor 1970 . . $ 5,632,600.00 86 ~639. 72 . . . 2. AmounT 6u'¡"hor i zed by II-C of ATTorney Genera 's memorandum. . . . . . . 3. To'~ðl (J ine I plus I ¡r,e 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loss fol lowing amounts included in ine I which were budgeted for purposes cxc¡uded from operating expenses: a. Principal and interest on bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. Prirlcipal and interest on tempor~ry notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. No-fund warrants Ðnd interest thereon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d. Judgments and interest thereon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e. R2í17 cue under :<.S.A. 1969 Supp. 12-1757 to 12-1768 . . . . . . . . . . . f. Special assessments. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g. Pension funds under K.S.A. 13-14,100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n. Police Dnd f¡rE:~men's pensions under K.S.A. 13-14éJ02. . . . . . . . . . . ¡. Soc iù: ~ocur ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . j. i<.Qiî:.<J$ Pub! ic Employe0s Ibtirernent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k. ro!¡ce and firemen'::; pensions ùnder K.S.A. 79-4967............ I. Capital irnprovcmcròts from srccia1 building fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . ffi. C~p¡t~: improvements fro~ oth~r non-tax supported funds. . . . . . . . . n. CQr¡t~1 improvements from fûdoral funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o. Operation of é'J municipally o\/;¡ed uti! ity [15 doí'ined in K.S.A. 10-1201 if such uti! ¡ty derives no reve;¡ue from tangible property taxes. . . . . . p. Programs financed from federal grants or aid (except to extent local shùre of federally assisted projects must be budgeted by :aw) . . . . . q. Golf Course . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . r. Parking Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. Sanjta t ion - --. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. $------143.410. J4 ~ fume. :fume. - None 22.8,049.6L None 96,165.00 118,320~ 96.900.QQ None -- None ìiQ~ None 1..JL2....~5.....9.L None 66,360.0Q 101,900.00 178~865.00 ¡O"~i); deduct ions. . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 5. 70.;-,,1! \)perÐtirI9 expense budgùt for 1970. (J ino 3 minus line 4) . . . . . . . . Maximum a~crating expense budget for 1971. (I ine 5 x 105t) . . . . . . . o. $ 5 ~ i'1~ 239.72 . " tr' .., 3~2i'b865.00 In cG7crmining the maximum operating expense budge~' for 1971 include é)S a deduction in item 4- at I ë:Jr"..oun'~s budg,:;-¡-ed for any of the purposes enumerated in 79-4408 õnd 79-4415 of compo~¡Te H.B. 1825 and !i.8. 2051 \'!he7her such amounts 'r',cre budge'red in separate funds or as 1 ine items with in ~'ho genera I or sor,ie other fund. NCT::: !'oJ e 8 ..... AMOUNTS Gcncrñ! operating. L i ;)r ë: í '/ . . . . i/;l1nicipõl band Noxious Weeds Flood Works & Levee Tree Maintenance Špecial Gasoline Tax CITY BUDGETED FOR OPERATiNG EXPENSE FOR T07ôj amOLIr.1' budgeted for operating expense for 1971 (cannot exceed " . line 6, 1971 page I). $ 2.244.905.00 .00 .00 6,500 00 ?1)O80 00 10,745.00 282.592.27 . . $2,567,822.27 UJ , " 8 8 '" CiTY DETERMINATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR 1970 , . . Total -:-ano¡ble taxes levied for the base year fer al I purposes. . . . . . . . (from county clerks tax rol) as may be adjusted, 1<.$./',. ï::>-iô()3) 2. Less arr.ou¡y;"S included in I ine I levied for purposes excluded by law from ~ugrcoaTe levy ¡ imitation: (I. Fo;.'.;s and in-;"crcst. . . . . . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .1- D. ¡cmporary nOtes. . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 . . '0 c. No-fund warrants. . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . d. Judgmcnts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . c. Rent due under ¡(.S.A. 1969 Supp. 12-1757 to 12-1768 . . . 0 0 . . . . . . f. Special assessments . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . 0 0 . . .. 0 . . . . 9. PQ~sjon funds undGr K.S.A. 13-14, 100. ~ 0 0 . . . . . . 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 . r.. ?olicc ar,d f¡rcmcnls pensions under K.S.A. 13-!4a02 o. ... i. 50.:iol scl.Jrity . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . . 0 j. K.JI1sôsPubjicEmployeesRetirement.......... 0 0"" 0 k. Polico and fircmen's pensicn under K.5.A. 79-f.967...... 0" 1. hiIR~horitv-Schillin~~~b-division under K.S.A..21-J12 to.27-~2G . . ffi. n. . . . . ........... . . . . ........ Toi"a ¡ deduct ions. . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . .. . 3. Toi-al amount levied for base year for purposes within aggregate levy ¡ ¡mite (I ine : minus ine 2) . 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 4. ASSHssod tangible valua'~ion for the year 1969. . ¡ . . ~S~e.A~t~cJ:eç1.{>ta.tE'lIle.nt.) 5. Rate ne~c5sary to produce amount on I ino 3. (I ¡no 3 dividçd by I ¡no 4) . 6. Asscssed valuation for 1970 of .new improvements to real estate and added peisonalproperty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 7. Increase in aggreg3to lovy I imii' for new improvements 70 real estate and added persona ¡ property. (I i ne 6 x ¡no 5) . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 8. Aggregûtc levy I imitation for 1970. (I ¡no 3 plus ¡ ine 7) . . . . . . . . . . . $ 727.708.07 None None None .None Not included in None 59,305.35 37,503.80 26,490.32 -Ro.n.e - 9 ~ 6 9.L..9.l $ 1.9.90 1 R7 . ?9 County Clerk's Certificate 8 6 0....6 9.9....lú --k129...A87.84 6 2-,~ 6~L..QD- 18.J07_8 2, 33~,--693. 00 42,~48.58 <' .. 1,171,836.42 .¡::... cO " 8 8 '" CITY ADJUSTMENT IN AGGREGATE LEVY L!MITAT!ON FOR TERRITORY ADDED OR EXCLUDED 9. Total assessed tangible valuation for !970 before addition or exclusion of territory. . . . . . . $ !O. Assessed tang i b 1 e va I uat ion for :970 of ':'err itory õdded . . . . . . . . . . ..... 1 . Assessed tangible valuation for 1970 of territory excluded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Tota! assessed tangible valuation for 1970 after addition of territory. (I ine 9 plus line 10) . . 13. Percent¿Jgc of' adjustment in aggregate! evy 1 im itat ion for terr itory added or exc uded. a. For territory added. (line 10divideå by line 12)...................... b. Fo:--tcrritoryexcluded. (line ¡I divided by line9>..................... ¡ l¡.. Ar;.ount of adjus~'men.¡' in âgoregato k:vy : im i~'at ion for 7err itory added or excluded. (I ino 8 x I ino 13a or 13b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 5. Aogregato levy limitation for 1970. (I ino 8 plus or minus I ino 14). . . . . . . . .....$. AMOUNTS LEVIED WITHIN AGGREGATE LEVY LIMITATION FOR THE YEAR 1970 GÐncral. . . . '. . . . . .......... ......... ..... L1brary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¡V:Uil i c i pa I band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nox i ou S ItJeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flood Works & Levee Tree Maintenance ........... ............... ..... . . . . ........"......." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ........... .... ...... ....... . . . . .............. ..... ............. .......... . . ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . . . . . . . . . . " . ............... .............. . ~ 1 )11R)511-51-- __-..J2L .00 _..iL..689.31 18.792.8Q 9.n6.80 " TOï:;L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 1,171,836.42 (cannot exceed I ¡no 8, page I or 1 ¡no 15 above) VI e 8 " 8 e ) . / 6 RE-CAP OF 1969 and 1970 REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENTS AND APPRAISAL ACTIVITY TO DETE&.'1INE "NEW IMPROVEMENTS TO REAL ESTATE AND ADDED PERSONAL PROPERTY" APPLICABLE TO 1970 LEVY 1969 Real Estate Assessed Valuation (Before Re-appraisal) $44,986,040.00 Can be certified by County Conunissioners $47,728,210.00 Can be certified by United Appraisal Compan) 1969 Real Estate Assessed Valuation (After Re-appraisal) Increase of $ 2,742,170.00 County Conunissioners cut United Appraisal Valuation by 10% $ 4,772,821.00 Authorized by County Conunissioners ResolutioI Net Decrease in Assessed Valuation $ 2,030,651.00 II "," 1969 Real Estate Assessed Valuation by County Clerk Certificate $64,406,328.00 Less Difference in Re-appraisal and 10% Cut $ 2,030,651.00 $62,375,677.00 , , ~, ,7~" i,' , 1970 Real Estate Assessed Valuation as per County Clerk $64,714,370.00 .New Construction and added Personal Property $ 2,338,693.00 8 (Published in The Salina Journal 8 , 1970) 1971 BUDGET PROPOSED TAX LEVIES BY FUNDS fl.:!:'y_O£. ~All]iA..L .!S.A]iS.6..S- - - _NQT1CI QF _B~DQ.EI.!iE.6..R1NQ. Publ ic Notice is hereby given in compl iance with the provisions of K. S. A. 79-2929 that the Governing Body wi II meet on the 10th day of August, 1970, at 4:00 o'clock P.M., in the City Commissioners' Meeting Room, City-County Bui Iding, 300 West Ash Street, for the purpose of hearing objections and answering questions of tax payers relating to the following budget and proposed tax levy and considering amendments relating thereto. D. L. Harrison, City Clerk Robert C. Caldwell, Mayor PROPOSED TAX LEVIES BY FUNDS Funds 1970 Tax Requirements General Operating Noxious Weeds Flood Works & Levee Tree Maintenance $1,197,448.21 5,021.05 19,858.46 10,225.48 Sub-Total 1,232,553.20 Firemen's Pension Pol icemen's Pension Social Security Employees' Retirement Genera I & Spec i a I Imp rovement Bond and Interest Bond and Interest - No-Fund Warrants 51,398.62 29,150.07 34,380.83 32,662.29 64,714.37 682,096.76 13,000.00 Tota I All Funds 2, 139,956. 14 Less: 1970 Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction $ 58,870.70 331.74 1 ,065.66 448.68 Total 1970 Ad Valorem Tax Requirements $1,138,577.51 4,689.31 18,792.80 9,776.80 1,171,836.42 49,171.26 28,172.29 32,353.97 31,230.64 64,714.37 682,096.76 13,000.00 2,072,575.71 Tax Rate Levy Mil I s 17.5938 0.0725 0.2904 0.1511 18.1078 0.7598 0.4353 0.5000 0.4826 1.0000 10.5436 0.2009 32.0300 COMPARISON OF INDEBTEDNESS, VALUATION, TAX LEVIES AND TOTAL EXPENDITURES Genera I '.b I i gat i on Bonds Outstand i ng Temporary Notes - Construction Unpaid Purchase Orders Bond & Interest - No-Fund Warrants Total Revenue Bonds Outstanding 60,716.78 2,227.36 977.78 2,026.86 1 ,431 .65 .00 67,380.43 Jan. 1, 1968 $10,326,000.00 289,763.88 125,913.74 80,000.00 $ 1 0,821 , 677. 62 $ 2,950,000.00 Jan. 1,1969 $9,774,490.26 .00 102,846.20 .00 $9,877,336.46 $2,835,000.00 Jan. 1,1970 $9,064,689.07 .00 81 , 725.27 10,000.00 $9,156,414.34 $2,715,000.00 Tangible Valuation $62,079,372.00 $64,406,328.00 $64,714,370.00 Tangible Valuation (Sa I i na Ai rport Industrial Area Levy 12.75 mills) 637,770.00 760,150.00 802,885.00 Total $62,717,142.00 $65,166,478.00 $65,517,255.00 Funds BUDGET AND TAX LEVY SUMMARY YEAR 1969 YEAR 1970 YEAR 1971 ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED BUDGET Tax Levy Expenditures Tax Levy Expenditures Tax Levy Expenditures 17 .5821 1,922,099.55 17.0065 2,138,005.00 17.5938 2,244,905.00 0.0873 5,113.17 0.0953 6,500.00 0.0725 6,500.00 0.3258 35,077.01 0.6399 56,325.00 0.7598 79,080.00 0.3563 29,298.78 0.2809 39,840.00 0.4353 53,750.00 0.3070 20,238.37 0.3062 21,985.00 0.2904 23,080.00 0.2360 14,105.00 0.1289 10,745.00 0.1511 10,745.00 0.5373 104,300.98 0.5823 1 18,320. 00 0.5000 122,000.00 0.3942 84,236.58 0.4113 96,900.00 0.4826 106,000.00 9.9654 1,329,324.96 11.2987 1,301,460.00 10.5436 1,229,330.00 1.3692 .00 .00 0.2009 13,000.00 0.7394 45,705.34 .00 1.0000 .00 169,642.34 178,865.00 202,375.00 72,866.30 101,900.00 96,155.00 .00 326,670.00 282,592.27 .00 66,360.00 66,360.00 930,541.36 1,312,895.00 1,334,055.00 31.9000 4,762,549.74 30.7500 5,776,770.00 32.0300 5,869,927.27 e General Operating Noxious Weeds Firemen's Pension Pol icemen's Pension Flood Works and Levee Tree Maintenance Social Security Publ ic Employees Retirement Bond and Interest Bond and Interest - No-Fund Warrants General and Special Improvement Sanitation Service Pa rk i ng Meters Special Gasol ine Tax Go I f Course Water and Sewerage Total 8 8 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget 1969 1970 1971 $1,307,921.01 $1,497,980.00 $1,665,575.00 395,335.10 426,815.00 425,960.00 92,569.54 101,690.00 86,530.00 57,380.51 35,985.00 36,540.00 68,893.39 75,535.00 30,300.00 1,922,099.55 2,138,005.00 2,244,905.00 Expenditures Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenses Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Rece ipts City Treasurer's Unencumbered Balance 1-1 187,652.59 Current Tangible Tax 1,060,554.67 Current Tangible Tax-Airport Industrial Area Current Intangible Tax Delinquent Tangible Tax Cigarette Tax Gasoline Tax Liquor Enforcement Tax Sales Tax Highway Maintenance Licenses, Fees and Permits Municipal Court Fines Franchise Taxes Rents and Concessions Service and Sales Fire Protection Outside City Limits Reimbursement of Expenditures Interest of Investments Transfer from Special Gasoline Tax Fund Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 12,868.97 52,106.49 15,282.00 46,423.11 60,133.68 13,591.68 62,908.07 12,046.48 68,843.36 127,989.21 190,235.51 5,882.64 93,697.52 54,251. 70 18,100.76 13 ,864. 91 .00 2,096,433.35 1,922,099.55 174,333.80 8 174,333.80 121,298.99 1,078,420.19 1,138,577.51 9,600.00 10,230.00 53,000.00 55,000.00 22,200.00 21,000.00 53,000.00 60,000.00 27,440.00 .00 13,800.00 14,500.00 48,865.00 58,870.70 12,000.00 12,000.00 57,735.00 57,620.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 215,000.00 215,000.00 24,810.00 24,810.00 113,090.00 101,740.00 53,800.00 60,800.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 139,210.00 130,457.80 2,259,303.99 2,244,905.00 2,138,005.00 2,244,905.00 121,298.99 .00 8 8 GENERAL OPERATJNG FUND DEPARTMENTS Departments City Commission - Personal Services City Commission - Contractual Services City Manager City Clerk and Treasurer City Attorney Municipal Court City Building City Engineer Fire Department Inspection Park Police Street Waste Disposal Street Lighting Traffic Control Swimming Pools Administration and Planning Insurance and Contingencies Band Cemetery General Improvement Memorial Hall Public Health Industrial Development Total Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget 1969 1970 1971 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 28,959.57 33,170.00 33,770.00 34,504.69 27,145.00 27,010.00 79,453.29 79,940.00 88,715.00 17,889.30 18,985.00 19,750.00 15,772.27 16,935.00 17,590.00 32,438.51 46,910.00 42,720.00 58,220.70 62,695.00 75,490.00 467,089.19 536,280.00 575,655.00 37,255.46 43,350.00 47,685.00 78,195.77 112,880.00 97,335.00 488,543.57 529,395.00 576,020.00 190,479.76 229,190.00 227,605.00 29,107.34 29,460.00 34,120.00 79,066.69 80,500.00 82,500.00 35,450.81 33,550.00 31,175.00 17,511.10 19,250.00 17,560.00 29,890.79 49,270.00 55,960.00 85,773.49 66,305.00 70,170.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,674.28 20,685.00 21,110.00 16,121. 79 23,655.00 25,555.00 7,937.34 10,105.00 9,060.00 36,710.00 37,850.00 37,850.00 24,553.84 20,000.00 20,000.00 $1,922,099.55 $2,138,005.00 $2,244,905.00 8 8 Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget NOXIOUS WEEDS 1969 1970 1971 Expenditures Personal Services $ 3,464.26 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Contractual Services 1,100.11 1,100.00 1,100.00 Materials and Supplies 548.80 1,400.00 1,400.00 Total 5,113.17 6,500.00 6,500.00 Rece ipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 1,032.22 1,654.62 1,418.95 Current Tangible Tax 5,304.91 5,988.58 4,689.31 Delinquent Tangible Tax 83.66 60.00 60.00 Sales Tax 347.00 215.75 331. 74 Total Receipts and Balance 6,767.79 7,918.95 6,500.00 Less Expenditures 5,113.17 6,500.00 6,500.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 1,654.62 1,418.95 .00 FIREMEN'S PENS ION Expenditures Pensions Paid Refunds Reserve Total 34,262.25 44,890.00 52,580.00 814.76 1,000.00 1,500.00 .00 .00 25,000.00 35,077.01 45,890.00 79,080.00 6,123.61 4,432.39 13,551.40 19,771.51 40,224.23 49,171.26 161. 56 200.00 100.00 669.57 814.78 2,227.36 12,783.15 13,770.00 14,029.98 39,509.40 59,441. 40 79,080.00 35,077.01 45,890.00 79,080.00 4,432.39 13,551.40 .00 Rece ipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 Current Tangible Tax Delinquent Tangible Tax Sales Tax Contributions by Employees Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 ,,¡ 8 8 Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget POLICEMEN'S PENSION 1969 1970 1971 Expenditures Pensions Paid $ 27,504.50 $ 26,750.00 $ 26,750.00 Refunds 1,794.28 2,000.00 2,000.00 Reserve .00 .00 25,000.00 Total 29,298.78 28,750.00 53,750.00 Rece ipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 6,652.89 9,723.21 11,758.02 Current Tangible Tax 21,609.28 17,654.68 28,172.29 Delinquent Tangible Tax 222.52 250.00 100.00 Sales Tax 922.28 880.13 977 .78 Contributions by Employees 9,615.02 12,000.00 12,741.91 Total Receipts and Balance 39,021.99 40,508.02 53,750.00 Less Expenditures 29,298.78 28,750.00 53,750.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 9,723.21 11,758.02 .00 FLOOD WORKS AND LEVEE Expenditures Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Capital Outlay Total 16,262.55 17,275.00 19,340.00 2,209.89 2,350.00 2,150.00 1,544.93 2,220.00 1,590.00 221.00 .00 .00 20,238.37 21,845.00 23,080.00 2,621.28 3,881.25 2 ,621. 54 18,600.52 19,246.95 18,792.80 288.13 180.00 200.00 1,193.69 758.34 1,065.66 1,416.00 400.00 400.00 24, 119 .62 24,466.54 23,080.00 20,238.37 21,845.00 23,080.00 3,881.25 2,621. 54 .00 Receipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 Current Tangible Tax Delinquent Tax Sales Tax Miscellaneous Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 8 8 Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget TREE MA rnTENANCE FUND 1969 1970 1971 Expenditures Removal and Treatment of Trees $ 14,105.00 $ 10,745.00 $ 10,745.00 Total 14,105.00 10,745.00 10,745.00 Rece ipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 2,174.95 2,396.86 479.52 Current Tangible Tax 14,319.82 8,104.71 9,776.80 Delinquent Tangible Tax 1.37 140.00 40.00 Sales Tax 5.72 582.95 448.68 Total Receipts and Balance 16,501.86 11,224.52 10,745.00 Less Expenditures 14,105.00 10,745.00 10,745.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 2,396.86 479.52 .00 SOCIAL SECURITY - F. 1. C. A. Expenditures Payment to Social Security Total 104,300.98 118,320.00 122,000.00 104,300.98 118,320.00 122,000.00 2,339.29 6,082.27 5,603.56 32,572.88 36,604.05 32,353.97 141. 32 350.00 150.00 74,744.55 79,560.00 81,865.61 585.21 1,327.24 2,026.86 110,383.25 123,923.56 122,000.00 104,300.98 118,320.00 122,000.00 6,082.27 5,603.56 .00 Rece ipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 Current Tangible Tax Delinquent Tangible Tax Employees Contributions and Others Sales Tax Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 8 8 Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 1969 1970 1971 Expenditures Payment to State $ 84,236.58 $ 96,900.00 $ 106,000.00 Total 84,236.58 96,900.00 106,000.00 Receipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 23,348.87 19,817.90 9,843..90 Current Tangible Tax 23,904.52 25,859.98 31,230.64 Delinquent Tangible Tax 71.07 250.00 75.00 Employees Contributions and Others 56,436.07 59,842.27 63,418.81 Sales Tax 293.95 973.75 1,431.65 Total Receipts and Balance 104,054.48 106,743.90 106,000.00 Less Expenditures 84,236.58 96,900.00 106,000.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 19,817.90 9,843.90 .00 BOND AND INTEREST Expenditures Bond Pr inc ipa 1 Bond Interest Fiscal Agency Interest on Bonds to be issued Total Rece ipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 Current Tangible Tax Delinquent Tangible Tax Special Assessment Tax Delinquent Special Assessment Tax Parking Meter Revenue Miscellaneous Special Assessments Reimbursement of Expenses Interest on Investment Sale of No-Fund Warrants Water and Sewage Revenue Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 1,012,000.00 990,490.26 925,680.52 315,612.37 302,326.93 272,048.94 1,712.59 1,582.00 1,600.54 .00 .00 30,000.00 1,329,324.96 1,294,399.19 1,229,330.00 111,024.68 3,217.62 4,711. 54 604,408.48 710,000.00 682,096.76 1l,183.62 7,000.00 7,000.00 486,685.12 439,267.41 426,894.70 34,301. 26 40,000.00 20,000.00 50,300.00 49,200.00 47,600.00 4,348.42 2,000.00 2,000.00 617.66 .00 .00 19,673.34 15,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 .00 .00 .00 33,425.70 - 27,027.00 1,332,542.58 1,299,1l0.73 1,229,330.00 1,329,324.96 1,294,399.19 1,229,330.00 3,217.62 4,711. 54 .00 8 8 Ac tua 1 & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget GENERAL AND SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS 1969 1970 1971 Expenditures Capital Outlay $ 45,705.34 $ .00 $ .00 Tota 1 45,705.34 .00 .00 Rece ipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 852.51 .00 433.56 Current Tangible Tax 44,852.83 .00 64,714.37 Delinquent Tangible Tax .00 433.56 .00 Total Receipts and Balance 45,705.34 433.56 65,147.93 Less Expenditures 45,705.34 .00 .00 Unencumbered Cash Ba lance 12-31 .00 433.56 65,147.93 SANITATION COLLECTION SERVICE Expenditures Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Capital Outlay Cash Balance 12-31 123,342.14 134,915.00 148,205.00 37,827.68 35,720.00 40,105.00 7,952.52 8,870.00 8,765.00 520.00 2,000.00 5,300.00 169,642.34 181,505.00 202,375.00 35,283.10 54,638.83 72,593.83 15,157.92 .00 .00 20,125.18 54,638.83 72,593.83 204,155.99 199,460.00 201,350.00 224,281.17 254,098.83 273,943.83 169,642.34 181,505.00 202,375.00 54,638.83 72,593.83 71,568.83 Total Receipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance 1-1 733 Service Fees and Miscellaneous Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures ~ 8 8 Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget PARKING METER FUND 1969 1970 1971 Expenditures Personal Services $ 21, 130 . 11 $ 26,575.00 $ 31,195.00 Contractual Services 657.52 12,865.00 10,330.00 Materials and Supplies 778.67 970.00 1,150.00 Capital Outlay 50,300.00 62,365.00 53,480.00 Total 72,866.30 102,775.00 96,155.00 Receipts Cash Balance 1-1 72,163.89 94,352.48 79,977.48 Parking Meter Revenue 83,853.73 70,000.00 84,000.00 Interest on Investments 2,010.41 200.00 200.00 Parking Meter Permits 8,790.75 7,200.00 8,700.00 Misce 11aneous 400.00 11,000.00 .00 Total Receipts and Balance 167,218.78 182,752.48 172,877.48 Less Expenditures 72,866.30 102,775.00 96,155.00 Cash Balance 12-31 94,352.48 79 ,977 .48 76,722.48 SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX FUND Expenditures Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenses Capita 1 Outlay .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Total .00 Receipts City Treasurer's Unencumbered Balance 1-1 Special Gasoline Tax .00 36,446.38 Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures 36,446.38 .00 Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 36,446.38 7,725.00 16,860.00 112,960.00 100,274.47 9,000.00 13,500.00 196,985.00 150,457.80 .00 1,500.00 326,670.00 282,592.27 36,446.38 2,469.27 292,692.89 280,123.00 329,139.27 282,592.27 326,670.00 282,592.27 2,469.27 .00 8 GOLF COURSE FUND Expenditures Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay Total Receipts Cash Balance 1-1 Membership and Green Fees Cart Storage Concessions Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Cash Balance 12-31 STREET MACHINERY Expenditures Machinery Total Receipts City Treasurer Balance 1-1 Transfer from Street Department Interest on Investment Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 8 Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget 1969 1970 1971 $ .00 $ 8,170.00 $34,425.00 .00 2,380.00 7,370.00 .00 1,150.00 6,850.00 .00 760.00 2,270.00 .00 12,170.00 15,445.00 .00 24,630.00 66,360.00 .00 6,004.10 6,874.10 .00 25,000.00 72,500.00 .00 200.00 700.00 .00 300.00 1,500.00 .00 31,504.10 81,574.10 .00 24,630.00 66,360.00 .00 6,874.10 15,214.10 27,610.94 .00 27,610.94 .00 51,645.61 31,124.67 5,000.00 .00 2,090.00 .00 58,735.61 31,124.67 27,610.94 .00 31,124.67 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 e WATER AND SEWER UTILITY Expenditures Water Supply Expense Softening and Treatment Expense Pumping Expense Distribution Expense Customer Accounting & Collection Expense Administrative and General Expense Sewage Treatment Expense Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department Capital Improvement Transfer to Bond and Interest Reserve Net Cash Transferred to other Cash Assets Total Expenditures City Treasurer's Balance - 1-1 Less: Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance - 1-1 Receipts Water Revenue Sewage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping Service Service Charge from Sanitation Department Cash collected for Sanitation Department Capital Improvement from Bond Retirement and Extension Total Receipts Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 Actual 1969 17,139.21 180,654.81 51,809.85 86,555.94 102,857.63 130,441.11 140,887.81 204,000.00 129,710.10 220,195.00 10,948.89 1,275,200.35 126,285.48 16,048.56 110,236.92 611 ,469.61 351,640.15 34,697.70 6,169.36 3,019.27 204,000.00 65,000.00 1,275,996.09 1,386,233.01 1,275,200.35 111,032.66 8 Actual & Estimated 1970 12,900.00 198,030.00 49,440.00 86,480.00 116,095.00 146,895.00 157,235.00 198,000.00 128,000.00 216,295.00 .00 1,309,370.00 125,571. 24 14,538.58 111,032.66 618,000.00 356,000.00 10,000.00 6,500.00 3,005.00 198,000.00 90,000.00 1,281,505.00 1,392,537.66 1,309,370.00 83,167.66 Proposed Budget 1971 15,900.00 203,900.00 53,475.00 106,485.00 126,015.00 150,600.00 175,285.00 200,000.00 90,000.00 212,395.00 .00 1,334,055.00 83,167.66 625,000.00 360,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 3,060.00 200,000.00 80,000.00 1,284,060.00 1,367,227.66 1,334,055.00 33,172.66 8 8 COMPUTATION OF CITY TREASURER'S UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1, 1970 Funds - General Operating Noxious Weeds Firemen's Pension Policemen's Pension Tree Maintenance Bond and Interest General and Special Improvement Flood Works and Levee Social Security Public Employees Retirement Sanitation Parking Meters Special Gasoline Tax Golf Course Water and Sewerage City Less City Treasurer's Unpaid Treasurer's Balance Purchase Unencumbered Jan. 1, '70 Orders Cash Balance $240,898.55 $ 66,564.75 $174,333.80 1,654.62 .00 1,654.62 4,432.39 .00 4,432.39 9,723.21 .00 9,723.21 2,396.86 .00 2,396.86 3,217.62 .00 3,217.62 .00 .00 .00 3,881.25 .00 3,881.25 6,082.27 .00 6,082.27 19,817.90 .00 19 ,817 . 90 54,668.83 30.00 54,638.83 89,352.48 .00 89,352.48 36,446.38 .00 36,446.38 .00 .00 .00 122,253.58 14,538.58 107,715.00 CURB. GUTTER & PAVING BONDS P-182 P-183 P-184 P-185 P-188 P-189 OFP-190 P-191 P-192 P-194 P-195 P-197 P-198 P-199 P-202 P-204 P-205 P-207 P-208 P-211 P-212 TOTAL SEWER BONDS S-181 S-187 S-196 TOTAL GENERAL BONDS FL-178 FL-186 FL-193 LB-200 CB-201 PK-203 G-206 G-209 AS-2l0 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REVENUE BONDS Water and Sewage Series 1961 - BOND PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST DUE For 1971 Budget Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1970 Amount Payable PRINCIPAL $91,000.00 20,000.00 45,000.00 27,000.00 32,000.00 30,000.00 68,000.00 23,000.00 39,000.00 49,000.00 80,000.00 65,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 10,000.00 35,000.00 3,267.56 36,222.70 0.00 0.00 738,490.26 10,000.00 27,000.00 3,000.00 40,000.00 33,000.00 55,000.00 13,000.00 35,000.00 55,000.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 212,000.00 990,490.26 120,000.00 INTEREST $ 2,295.23 7,956.30 2,158.75 10,337.50 2,640.00 12,450.00 24,927.50 8,225.00 3,960.00 21,913.62 10,838.55 9,693.75 6,977.50 7,667.50 11 ,000. 00 5,585.00 10,922.50 2,421.88 14,799.46 8,967.72 2.993.97 188,731.73 253.15 2,220.00 316.24 2,789.39 8,310.00 21,600.00 5,765.59 18,412.50 38,775.00 4,875.00 3,085.00 3,085.00 6.897.72 110,805.81 302,326.93 96,295.00 8 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1971 Amount Payable PRINCIPAL 0.00 20,000.00 45,000.00 27,000.00 32,000.00 30,000.00 68,000.00 23,000.00 39,000.00 49,000.00 80,000.00 65,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 10,000.00 35,000.00 3,000.00 40,000.00 15,813.64 3.481.71 670,295.35 0.00 27,000.00 3.000.00 30,000.00 33,000.00 55,000.00 13,000.00 35,000.00 55,000.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 13 .385. 17 225,385.17 925,680.52 120,000.00 INTEREST 0.00 7,275.00 921. 25 9,595.00 1,680.00 11 ,550.00 23,057.50 7,592.50 2,887.50 20,504.87 8,538.55 7,906.25 6,482.50 6,512.50 9,250.00 5,160.00 9,435.00 2,283.00 13,260.00 8,967.72 4.491.50 167,350.64 0.00 1,410.00 229.99 1,639.99 7,466.25 19,950.00 5,391.84 17,257.50 36,025.00 4,125.00 2,972.50 2,972.50 6.897.72 103,058.31 272,048.94 92,395.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL BOND INDEBTEDNESS Date Amount of Maturity Previous Outstanding Issued Series Purpose Issue Interest Rate Date Payments 12/31/1969 5/1/1958 FL-178 Flood Control $ 666,000.00 4, 3, 3~, 3, 2, 2~, 2t, 2 3/4% 9/1/1978 $369,000.00 $ 297,000.00 5/1/1961 FL-186 Flood Control 1,132,000.00 3L 3, 3 3/8% 9/1/1981 457,000.00 675,000.00 11/1/1963 FL-193 Flood Control 260,000.00 3L 2. 78, 3, 3 1/8% 11/1/1984 65,000.00 195,000.00 11/1/1965 LB-200 Lib ra ry 675,000.00 3.30, 3L 3.30 t:ll 3.376% 11/ 1 / 1 986 105,000.00 570,000.00 0.;:,.. 11/1/1966 CB-201 Governmental 3.80, 5, 3 3/4 Center 1,100,000.00 3.80% 11/1/1987 1 10,000. 00 990,000.00 11/1/1966 PK-203 Lakewood Park 150,000.00 3.80, 5, 3 3/4% 11/1/1977 30,000.00 120,000.00 12/1/1967 G-206 Mun.Golf Course 75,000.00 4.21% 12/1/1986 1 ,000.00 74,000.00 10/1/1968 G-209 Mun.Golf Course 75,000.00 3 3/4, 4~% 10/1/1986 1,000.00 74,000.00 12/1/1969 AS-210 Ash Street Sewer Separation 131,385.17 5.25% 12/1/1980 .00 131,385.17 TOTAL $4,264,385.17 $1,138,000.00 $3,126,385.17 0 " Schedule of payments on the foUOùJing 9 pages. 8 8 " CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS . CURBING, GUTTERING, AND/OR PAVING INDEBTEDNESS Date Amount of Maturity Previous Outstanding Issued Ser i es Purpose Issue Interest Rate Date Payments 12/31/1969 12/1/1959 P-182 Curb,Gutter,Pave $910,563.15 4, 3 3/8, 4% 12/1/1970 $819,563.15 91,000.00 12/1/1959 P-183 Curb,Gutter,Pave 402,737.72 4, 3 3/8, 3t 3 3/4% 12/1/1980 182,737.72 220,000.00 11/1/1960 P-184 Curb,Gutter,Pave 452,725.10 3L 2 3/4% 11/1/1971 362,725.10 90,000.00 8 1 1/ 1 / 1 960 P-185 Curb,Gutter,Pave 551,385.64 3L 2 3/4, 3~, 3t% 11/1/1981 227,385.64 324,000.00 11/1/1961 P-188 Curb,Gutter,Pave 320,706.83 2 3/4, 3% 11/1/1972 224,706.83 96,000.00 11/1/1961 P-189 Curb,Gutter,Pave 605,942.89 2 3/4, 3, 3L 3t% 11/1/1982 215,942.89 390,000.00 11/ 1 / 1 962 OFP-190 Parking Lots 1,375,365.60 2L 2 3/4, 2 7/8, 3% 11/1/1982 483,365.60 892,000.00 11/1/1962 P-191 Curb,Gutter,Pave 456,283.76 2L 2 3/4, 0) 2 7/8, 3% 1 1/1 / 1 982 161,283.76 295,000.00 ~ 11/1/1962 P-192 Curb,Gutter,Pave 388,683.19 2L 2 3/4% 11/1/1973 234,683.19 154,000.00 t 11/1/1963 P-194 Curb,Gutter,Pave 986,218.15 3L 2.78, 3, 3 1/8% 11/1/1984 245,218.15 741,000.00 11/1/1963 P-195 Curb,Gutter,Pave 803,072.90 3L 2 7/8 11/1/1974 406,072 . 90 397,000.00 11/ 1 / 1 964 P-197 Curb,Gutter,Pave 630,000.00 3L 3~, 2.75% 11/1/1975 260,000.00 370,000.00 11/1/1965 P~198 Curb,Gutter,Pave 265,000.00 3.30, 3~, 3.30 3 3/8% 11/1/1986 45,000.00 220,000.00 " 8 11/1/1965 P-199 Curb,Gutter,Pave 360,000.00 3.30, 3~% 11/1/1976 115,000.00 245,000.00 1 1/ 1 / 1 966 P-202 Curb,Gutter,Pave 340,000.00 3.80, 5, 3.75% 11/1/1977 70,000.00 270,000.00 1 1 / 1 / 1 967 P-204 Curb,Gutter,Pave 155,000.00 4L 3.70, 4% 11/1/1988 10,000.00 145,000.00 11/1/1967 P-205 Curb,GDtter,Pave 325,000.00 4L 3.70% 11/1/1978 35,000.00 290,000.00 11 / 1 / 1968 P-207 Curb,Gutter,Pave 58,267.56 4L 3.90, 4~% 11/1/1989 .00 58,267.56 11/1/1968 P-208 Curb,Gutter,Pave 376,222.70 4L 3.90% 11/1/1979 .00 376,222.70 12/1/1969 P-211 Curb,Gutter,Pave 170,813.64 5.25% 12/1/1980 .00 170,813.64 TOTAL $9,933,988.83 $4,098,684.93 $5,835,303.90 '" CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS SEWER BOND INDEBTEDNESS Date Amount of Maturity P rev i ous Outstanding I s s ue d Series Purpose Issue Interest Rate Date Payments 12/31/1969 12/1/1959 S-181 Sewer $105,502.41 4, 3 3/8% 12/1/1970 $ 95,502.41 $10,000.00 11/1/1961 S-187 Sewer 276,297.60 2 3/4, 3% 11/1/1972 195,297.60 81,000.00 1 1/ 1 / 1 963 S-196 Sewer 27,803.21 3L 3 7/8% 11/1/1974 .__1 5 , 803. 2_1 .J2.. 000.00 TOTAL $409,603.22 $306,603.22 $103,000.00 0) ~ . " 8 8 '" . . ) "" / CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS - WATER DEPARTMENT WATER AND SEWAGE SERIES 1961 Date Issued: Amount of Issue: Interest Rate: Maturity Date: Previous Payments: Outstanding Balance: J u I y 1, 1 961 $3,600,000.00 5, 3~, 3L 3. 60, August 1, 1986 $ 885,000.00 $2,715,000.00 3.70% Schedule of Payments YEARS BOND BOND DUE PRINCIPAL INTEREST 1970 $120,000.00 $96,295.00 1971 120,000.00 92,395.00 1972 125,000.00 88,495.00 1973 125,000.00 84,432.50 1974 130,000.00 80,370.00 1975 135,000.00 75,820.00 1976 140,000.00 71,095.00 1977 150,000.00 66,195.00 1978 155,000.00 60,945.00 1979 160,000.00 55,365.00 1980 170,000.00 49,605.00 1981 175,000.00 43,485.00 1982 185,000.00 37,185.00 1983 195,000.00 30',525.00 1984 200,000.00 23,310.00 1985 210,000.00 15,910.00 1986 220,000.00 8, 1 49..:.22- TOTAL $2,715,000.00 $979,567.50 78