1973 Budget Certificate .. - --.' W"'-- 8 . f.I.B.llf..lf.~II TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF SALINE COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS: We, the undersigned, duly elected, qual ified and acting officers of the City of Sal ina, Sa! ine County, Kansas, do hereby certify that the Proposed Budget and Financial Statement, as s~own herein, was duly publ ¡shed as required by law, and that a hearing was held on the 7th day of August, 1972, and that after such hearing the adopted budget of expenditures as shown herein was duly approved and ~dopted as the maximum amounts to be expended for the ensuing budget year, and further certify that the amount of levy determined as necessary to raise by Ad Valorem taxation for the ensuing budget year for each fund as shown herein, is as follows: ----------------------------------------- FUNDS ADOPTED BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES AMOUNT TAX LEVIED General Operating Noxious Weeds Firemen's Pension Pol icemen's Pension Flood Works and Levee Tree Maintenance Social Security Publ ic Employees Retirement Bond and Interest No-Fund Warrants - Fire Equipment Sanitation Service Parking Meters Special Gasol ine Tax Gol f Course Water and Sewerage $2,468,610.00 6,350.00 108,415.00 53,750.00 27,625.00 8,725.00 157,000.00 128,000.00 1,112,000.00 40,000.00 232,230.00 99,475.00 304,000.00 53,020.00 1,841,150.00 18.6490 0.0913 1.5403 0.5298 0.3977 0.0581 0.6340 0.6830 8. 1860 0.6108 TOTAL $6,640,350.00 31 . 3800 ----------------------------------------- We further cert i fy that the forego i ng statements shown by the minutes of the Governing Body of said City. J)¿I)~I"",Y~'~'~-J D. L. Harrison, City Clerk >--- Original Cortificate dated this 7th day of August, 1972. Original Certificate fi led th i s ;;l;;..~ day of Augu st, 1972. . . AFFidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of ORDINANCE NUMBER 8236 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDA vir I, Fred Vandecrift being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am thp Advertiaina Direetor I~r of the Salina Journal a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attachec'/ ORDTNÄ.NÇ¡t N11MRRJ( 8236 and that said ORDINANCE NUMBER. 8236 was correctly published of the date of Subscribed and sworn to before mp AU&U8t 22 .a. M.. £" ABBOTT STATE NOTA Saline CountY. Klnsa. MY. Comml$slon Explr.. April 2. 1976 My Commission expire~ ,1972 Notary Public .,ril 2.1976 CONSOLIDATED.SALINA (Published in The Sall';-Á'J-bÖi"8I, Aug, 21, 1972) 'i" '. ORDINANCE NUMBER_, ' AN ORDINANCE MAKING.', ' ~' OF TAXES FOR GENERAL U t AND OTHER PURPOSES,BY I, OF $<ALINA, KANSAS, FOR T'HE'VØR' lW~ ", BE ,IT ORDAINED bY, theýovernlng" Body olthe City of S8l1ná, ,Kan$8s: . ' Section 1, That the s(¡n¡;Øf3t38Oq mil" on the dollar be and the 5àrhe Is'hereby If-: vied on real, personal onet mbc.. prllperty 01 whats()ever kind anet mitUfe (ex<:epUn- tangi,ble property otherw.. t-.xed 01'.,- sessed according to law) It'I the City of S. IIn",'KansH, which IS,a city of the'Fifst Class having 8 populatlón of less' m... 50,000 for thlt)',ear 1972,lqr t,he purpo" hereafter Si!'flfiltth 611\:1 /tØportfoned and divided as followJ: " ,'. , For G!!neral Operating' runct Levy ,........""..,...............,,18,6490 FO( NgxlÓus.Wetld'ruñd ...,....",....¡.0.1I913 For flren>el1:S Pen,sfpn, " F:'IIP'~jcë;;;ë~;i'pëiiši;;ii,.,.....""....,I.~ Fund ,........,¡.,;..;.......".,........,...'::O,529t For FlooCI Worl<s'8nd " , ',', , Levee Flunet"..";"",....,,.., ".....;'.;.. "AI.arn For Tree Maintenance Fund """"'..,0.- For Socla .spcurlty Funet""""""~',A" " .6340 For PullfI'ç ~mploy"s ' : Rellrenfent Fund .....................,;;o.b For Bond and Interest FOnet...........:8ji6Q No.Fund Warrants:- Fire' ' Equip",ent ............",..:..:.....,..I....Ck.,08 TOTALI_EVY,.' 31:.' Section 2, That the valuation óf: the proper.,.. ùpon which th~ fore¡jblng fáxes are levied and assesseet be In all eIIses tak!!n ,fro.t1'1 the assessment rolls for :the present year In thl! Office of ~,CoiÏntV Clerk ot SaJine County, Kania's, a11é11t ,shall be the et,l/typf'hepty ".k>ot Sail- !III,' Kansas, Immediately on and afle,r the passage onet tal\.ltl9 effect,fIIf thls'...dl- lJ8./1ce, on or befo(e the 25th day of..Au- I/4I$t, 1972, to trensmil a cluly certlflecl copy of this oretin.nce to the County Clerk ., Saline County, ,Kansas, 50 that f!Ie levy "'-, taxes hèreln ,provIded for mey be ~1~f!!J upon the, tax rollsanet the taxes <:0 "",ted according to law, ,~ktn 3. This ordinance shall betn full fcitb anet effect from and after Its .etop- tJôiT'.ctnd.,pu!Sllçalion once In the ~f clal city newspaper, " / Introduced: August 1, 1972 Passed: August 14,1972 ~8ck Waisgerber, ,Mlllyor ATTEST: D.L, Harrisontly M, E, Abbott CIty CIePJ< ' ' (SEA,L) "., JtH) 8 8 --,...-" m ---, -- --'--- ----"---------..,-........- ..._----------------------,------.. - '------'- -..,-----...--- ---'-----~------'- ,--- [)AT1:D-SAUtiA ORD I NM~CE ~JUr'.1l3m 8236 , ".. ---------..-,..-..,--------, ..---....-'-..--..--..,..--,-"---....---- ---,.. -----" "'__n,___,__..,- -, _m ---..--......- """------""""-- ......--".., -'--..-- - .......,,-....... - ..,- ,.._--_...,--,--,- -' ,-"..._----,- ...-.. ,.... .... ......_--, ---,...., --.....--.....-,,-.. '...."".._--,-,..- -..- .(Publ ished in The Sal ina Journal 1972) AN ORDINANCE MAKING A LEVY OF TAXES FOR GENERAL REVENUE AND OTHER PURPOSES BY THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, FOf< THE YEAR 1972. BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Sal ina, Kansas: Section 1. -- That the sum of 31.3800 mi lis on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied on real, per-sonal and mixed property of whatsoever kind and nature (except intangible proper'~y otherwise taxed or assessed according to law) in the City of Sal ina, Kansas, which is a Ci-ry of the First Class having a population of less than 50,000 for the year 1972, for the purpose hereafter set forth and apportioned and divided as follows: For General Operating Fund Levy 18.6490 For Noxious Weed Fund 0.0913 For Firemen's Pension Fund 1 .5403 For Pol icemen's Pension Fund 0.5298 For Flood Works and Levee Fund 0.3977 For Tree tJ1a i ntenanceFund 0.0581 For Social Security Fund 0.6340 For Publ ic Employees Retirement Fund 0.6830 For Bond and Interest Fund 8.1860 No-Fund Warrants - Fire Equipment 0.6108 TOTAL LEVY 31.3800 Section 2. That the valuation of the property upon which the foregoing taxes are levied and assessed be in all cases taken from the assessment rolls for the present year in the Office of the County Clerk of Sal ine County, Kansas, and it'sh~ll-~e't~e duty of the City Clerk of Sal ina, Kansas, immediately on and after the passage and taking effect of this ordinance, on or before the 25th day of August, 1972, to transmit a duly certified copy of this ordinance to the County Clerk of Sal ine County, Kansas, so that the levy of taxes herein provided for may be placed upon the tax rolls and the taxes collected according to law. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publ ication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: August 7, 1972 Passed: August 14, 1972 J! /( /;{[?/LJ~~:~" h:- /n If a/kr- D. L. Harrison, City Clerk /' , r! a.(" &1-I/ ~ ¿C:L. £l~ / (~ Jack we¡S7r, Mayor t (SEA L) Attest: Sales Tax Funds 59,240.00 General Operating 8 280.00 Noxious Weeds 1,118.80 Flood Works and Levee 467.00 Tree Maintenance SUB-TOTAL 3,019.10 Firemen's Pension 1,885.12 Policemen's Pension 2,366.70 Social Security 1, 746.~2. Public Employees' Retirement 70,123.27 Bond and Interest ',' . No-Fund Warrants - Fire Equipment ,8 TOTAL 1972 Tax Levy for 1973 Budget 1972 Levy Net Ad Fund Ad Sales Valorem Total Levy Valorem Tax Levy Ad Valorem 1971 Limit Tax Mills Mills Mills Tax Dollars Levy 20.0000 19.5538 0.9048 18.6490 1,221,110.02 18.6399 1.0000 0.0956 0.0043 0.0913 5,979.75 0.0885 1.0000 0.4148 0.0171 0.3977 26,040.07 0.3536 1.0000 0.0652 0.0071 0.0581 3,802.09 0.1476 19.1961 1,256,931.93 19.2296 2.0000 2.0000 None None 1.5864 0.5586 - 0.6701 0.7097 0.0461 0.0288 0.0361 0.0267 1.0710 Tangible Valuation (City of Salina) Tangible Valuation (Airport Industrial Area-Levy @ 15.00 Mills) 1. 5403 0.5298 0.6340 0.6830 0.9542 0.5959 0.7480 0.5520 100,870.98 34,687.94 41,510.41 44,723.32 8.1860 536,044.36 9.4203 .6108 40,000.00 31.3800 2,054,768.94 31. 5000 65,475,933.00 617,457.00 I-' .- . ST AïE OF KANSAS Budget Form No. 5B or 8B e '" . .8 1973 MAXIMUM OPERATING EXPENSE BUDGET CITY OF Salina J. Tota I budget of expend itures for 1972............................... '," ...... .. .. . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . 2. Less amounts legally excluded (79-4415 as amended) 3. a. b. Princ:pal and interest on bonds................................................. Pr i nc i pa and interest on temporar y notes....................................... No-fund warrants and interest thereon........................................... Capital improvements from special building funds................................ Capital improvements from other non-tax supported funds......................... Cap ita I improvements from federa I funds......................................... c. d. e. f. g. h. Judgments....................................................................... Operation of a municipally owned uti I ity as defined in K.S.A. 10-1201 if such uti I ity derives no revenue from tangible property taxes.................. Expenditure of money derived from gifts or bequests............................. Rent pledged to retire bonds under K.S.A. 1971 Supp. 12-1757 to 12-1768......... i . j. k. I . See ia ¡ secur ity................................................................. Kansas pub I i c emp loyees ret i rement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All other employee retirement and pension programs.............................. Federal grants and aids......................................................... Spec i a I assessments................,............................................. m. n. o. p. q. r. Si'Jniti1tion Golf Course Parking Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ...... ....... ... ...... ...... ........ ..... ............. ..... Total deductions... ........ .......... ..... ......... .... .................. Total operating expense budget for 1972 (line 1 minus line 2).........~............. 4. Total operating expense budget for base year 1970 budget form)........................................... ............................. 5. (I ine 5, page I, 1971 supplemental Max!mum operating expense budget for 1973 (I ine 3 or line 4 whichever is greater x 105%).............................................................. .............. TH IS FORM IS TO BE MADE A PART a= BUDGET FORM No.5 or 8 $ 351.z...li2.45 None None None None None None 1 ,391 ,925.00 None Nõñë . 155,000.00 124,000.00 135.385.00 None 815,854.5~ 240,270.00 63,975.00 99,935.00 $6.0'18.7"1R.88 $ 3,377 ,490.00 2}68L248.88 2,446,374.72 $...2t 815 , 3 11 . 32 N CITY AMOUNTS BUDGETED FOR OPERATING EXPENSE FOR Genera I operat i ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special city and county highway fund................... Nox i ous 'tleeds ¡ree Maintenance Flood Works e ............... 1973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ ....... ................................. . .................... .................. . . . . . . ........ ................. ......................... . . . . . . . ...... .............. ..................... (cannot exceed line 5, page ..................... .......... ........ ................... ......................... . ........... .... ............ ... .......... ........... Total budgeted for operating amount expense tor 1973 '1' .8 ............ ....... ..................... ......... ..................... ............. .............. I')............. . ... . $ 2,468,610.00 304,000.00 6,350.00' _,8,725.00 .. 27.625.00 \ \ \ $ i. 815.310....0_0 w 8 'I' . .8 Assessed valuation for 1972 of new improvements to real estate since the base year {excluding such new improvements to real esta~e' in added territory)................. . $-.2_.].35----33.6300 Assessed valuation for 1972 of increased or decreased personal property since the base year {excluding such increased or decreased personal property in added territory)... t, CITY AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR 1972 For 1973 Budget I . Total amount levied in 1969 for purposes included within the aggregate levy limitation {line3, page 3, 1971 supplemental budget form)..................... Assessed tangible valuation for 1969 (I ine 4, page 3, 1971 supplemental budget ~orm).. 2. 3. Rate necessary to produce amount on I ine I {I ine ( divided by line 2)................. 4. 5. 6. Total net assessed valuation for 1972 due to new improvements to real estate and added personal property {I ine 4 plus or minus line 5)..................................... 7. Increase in aggregate levy I imit for new improvements to real estate and added persona I property (I i ne 6 x line 3). .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Aggregate levy I imitation tor 1972 {I ine I plu,s ,I ine 7).......................°........ 9. Total assessed tangible valuation for 197? before addition or exclusion of territory since the base year................................................................. 10. Assessed tangible valuation tor 1972 of territory added since the base year........... II. Assessed tangible valuation tor 1972 of territory excluded since the base year........ 12. Assessed tangible valuation for 19'72 after addition of territory (I ine 9 pl,us line 10) 13. Percentage of adjustment in aggregate levy I imitation for territory added or excluded. a. For territory added {I ine 10 divided by line 12)..........................;..... b. For territory excluded {I ine I divided by line 9).............................. 14. Amount of adjustment in aggregate levy I imitation for territory added or excluded since the base year {I ine 8 x line 13a or 13b)...................................... 15. Aggregate levy limitation for 1972 (line 8 plus or minus line 14}...........:......... 3...2.49J9BO~DO $.-1. ,129-,~4B7.,B4 62..íl2... ill .&Q. 18.107B $..2z.285, 316.00 108,380.91 1,237,868.75 64,466,723.00 1,009,210.00 None 65,47_5,933.00 1. 54 None 19.063.18 $--_L256.931.93 .¡:,. ( CITY AMOUNTS LEVIED WITHIN AGGREGATE LEVY LIMITATION FOR THE YEAR 1972 General operat i ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nox ious weeds........................................................................................ Flood Works ........... ........ ..... ....... ...... .... ....... ... .... , Tree Maintenance ... ........................................ .,........... . ... ...... .... ............... .......................... 8 .... ............... ... ............ ........... .......... .. ................. ......... ....... ...... ....... ... .... ........ ....... ............ .'........................... .............................. ......................... ...... ... ........... .... ...... ...... .......... ......... ...................... .... ......................... .... ............ ......... ... ................ ..... ..... ..... '1' . ...................................................... -8 ...... ....... ....... ...... .......... .......... ......... Total amount levied within aggregate I im itat ion levy (cannot exceed line 8 or 15, page 3)...... line The individual statutory fund levy I imitations appl ¡cable to any taxing subdivision to which K.S.A. 79-1440 was appl ¡cable in the base year as a result of an increase or in its total assessed valuation due to a countywide reappraisal are suspended, but such city shall be subject to the aggregate tax levy I imitation. decrease All funds that are exempt from the tax I id, which subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 79-1440. have a statutory levy limit, are $. 1.22l..110.02 5~979.75 26~040.07 3.802.09 $ L25.6...9 3J......93 U1 "', '."', 8 8 (Publ ished in The Sa! ina Journal July 26 , 1972) 1973 BUDGET - PROPOSED TAX LEVIES BY FUNDS .£ITY _Of. SA.!:.' NA.L KANS~S - - - _N.Q.T lCI .Q.F _BQ.DGET HE~R lNQ. Public Notice is hereby given in compl iance with the provisions of K. S. A. 79-2929 that the Governing Body wi II meet on the 7th day of August, 1972, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., in the City Commissioners' Meeting Room, City-County Building, 300 West Ash Street, for the purpose of hearing objections and answering questions of tax payers relating to the following budget and proposed tax levy and considering amendments relating thereto. D. L. Harrison, City Clerk Jack Weisgerber, Mayor PROPOSED TAX LEVIES BY FUNDS Less: 1972 1972 Local Ad Total 1972 Ad Tax Valorem Tax Valorem Tax Tax Rate Funds Requirements Reduction Requirements Levy Mills General Operating $1,280,350.02 $ 59,240.00 $1,221, 110.02 18.6490 Noxious Weeds 6,259.75 280.00 5,979.75 0.0913 Flood Works and Levee 27,158.87 1 , 118.80 26,040.07 0.3977 Tree Maintenance 4,269.09 467.00 3,802.09 0.0581 Sub-Total 1,318,037.73 61,105.80 1,256,931.93 19.1961 Firemen's Pension 103,890.08 3,019.10 100,870.98 1 .5403 Pol icemen's Pension 36,573.06 1,885.12 34,687.94 0.5298 Social Security 43,877.11 2,366.70 41,510.41 0.6340 Employees Retirement 46,469.87 1,746.55 44,723.32 0.6830 Bond and Interest 536,044.36 0.00 536,044.36 8. 1860 No-Fund Warrants-Fire Equipment 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.6108 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2,124,892.21 70,123.27 2,054,768.94 31.3800 COMPARISON OF INDEBTEDNESS, VALUATION, TAX LEVIES AND TOTAL EXPENDITURES Jan. 1, 1970 Jan. 1, 1971 Jan. 1, 1972 General Obi igation Bonds Outstanding Temporary Notes - Construction Unpaid Purchase Orders Bond and Interest - No-Fund Warrants $9,046,689.07 $8,300,782.33 $7,620,962.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 81,725.27 151,726.67 74,311.68 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total $9,138,414.34 $8,452,509.00 $7,695,274.49 Revenue Bonds Outstanding 2,715,000.00 2,595,000.00 2,475,000.00 1970 1971 1972 Tangible Valuation Tangible Valuation (Sal ina Airport Industrial Area Levy 15.00 mi lis) $62,020,110.00 $62,260,300.00 $65,475,933.00 811,885.00 ,302, 700~OO 617 ,457.00 Total $62,831,995.00 $62,563,000.00 $66,093,390.00 . BUDGET AND TAX LEVY SUMMARY Funds YEAR 1971 YEAR 1972 YEAR 1973 ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED BUDGET Tax Levy Exoenditures Tax Levy Expenditures Tax Levy Expenditures 18.3622 2,196,647.42 18.6399 2,357,150.00 18.6490 2,468,610.00 0.0756 6,182.99 0.0885 6,200.00 0.0913 6,350.00 0.7928 51,880.97 0.9542 81,635.00 1.5403 108,415.00 0.4542 28,338.36 0.5959 53,750.00 0.5298 53,750.00 0.3030 22,797.10 0.3536 24,505.00 0.3977 27,625.00 0.1576 7, :36.88 0.1476 10, 720 . 00 0.0581 8,725.00 0.5216 134,896.20 0.7480 155,000.00 0.6340 157,000.00 0.5035 111,820.80 0.5520 124,000.00 0.6830 128,000.00 10.9999 1,205,650.04 9.4203 1,167,000.00 8.1860 1,112,000.00 0.2096 0.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.00 0.6108 40,000.00 202,320.03 240,270.00 232,230.00 88,263.70 99,935.00 99,475.00 280,277.90 282,673.88 304,000.00 55,317 .29 63,975.00 53,020.00 1,393,977.03 1,391,925.00 1,841,150.00 32.3800 $5,785,506.71 31 .5000 $6,058,738.88 31 .3800 $6,640,350.00 8 General Operating ~~ox¡ous Vieeds Firemen's Pension Pol icemen's Pension Flood Works and Levee Tree r~a ¡ ntenance 8 Social Security Employees Retirement Sond and Interest Bond and Interest - No-Fund Warrants No-Fund Warrants - Fire Equipment Sanitation Service Pë rk i ng Meters Special Gasol ine Tax Golf Course Water and Sewerage TOTAL 8 8 GENERAL OPERATING FUND Expen..s!i tu res. Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Suppl ies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay Total Expenditures City Treasurer's Unencumbered Ba lance Januar-y 1 st Rece ~p-ts Current Tangible Tax Current Tangible Tax - Sa I ¡na Airport Industrial Area Current Intangible Tax Del inquont Tangible Tax Del inquent Intangible Tax C i garetle Ta>, Liquor [nforcemen'~ Tax Sales Tax Highway Maintenance Licenses, Fees and Permits Municipal Court Fines, Franchise Taxes Renls and Concessions Service and Sales Fire Protection Outside City Limits Reimbursemenl of Expenditures Interest on Investments Transfer from Special Casol ine Tax Tota I Rece i pts Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 .. -~ ---_..-- Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget 1971 1972 1~1l- $1,548,724.88 $1,714,190.00 $1,779,780.00 443,745.41 452,610.00 465,035.00 95,695.51 94,105.00 94 , ~)40. 00 29,05(\.72 44,670.00 98,475.00 --1~~]d- .90 51,575.00.. _?.O, 9£W.'.9..9.. 2,196,647.42 2,357,150.00 2,468,610.00 134,146.53 121,981.57 85,742.48 1,118,212.25 1,156,942.03 1,221,110.02 5,908.04 8,000.00 8,302.50 59,350.53 121 ,000.00 121,000.00 15,048.70 17 , 000 . 00 17,000.00 402.45 1,000.00 1 ,000.00 66,88~5.21 69,000.00 69,000.00 16,656.93 18,000.00 18,000.00 58,706.86 61,710.00 59,240.00 14,241.48 14,200.00 0.00 67,554.45 68,515.00 70,515.00 143,854.0') 170,000.00 170,000.00 233,982.90 245,000.00 245,000.00 21,784.49 24,810.00 24,810.00 141, 117.18 107,710.00 107,710.00 69,405.23 74,000.00 74,000.00 10,460.79 11 ,000.00 11 ,000.00 10,452.92 12,000.00 12,000.00 _130J...:1-60.00 .--L4.L_Q.?:5 . 8 §. 153,180.00 2,184,482./]6 2,320,910.91 2,382,867.52 2,318,628.99 2,442,892.48 2,468,610.00 2, 196~47 .42 L 35],Ll..2°. OQ. ~..68 , ~~Q..Q. $ 121,981.57 $ 85,7/]2.48 $ 0.00 8 Depa_!:~men ts City Commission C dy Manager City Clerk and Treasurer City Attorney Mu n i c i pa ICou d City Sui Iding City Engineer Fire Department Inspection Park Po I ice Street Waste Disposal Street Lighting Traffic Control SV; i rnrn i ng roo I s Administration and Planning Insurance and Contingencies Band Cemetery Genera I I rnprovernent Memor i a I Ha II Public Health Industrial Development Total Expendiiur8s 8 GENERAL OPERATING FUND --------"'-----'--'-'---'-----'-- DEPART1H~NTS ----- Actual 1971 -------- Actual & Estimated 1972 Proposed Budgct 1973_- $ 29,388.32 $ 33,180.00 $ 33,:510.00 27,923.21 28,465.00 2E3,7~)5.00 85,757.10 84,725.00 89,975.00 19,620.40 20,335.00 20,335.00 17,674.74 18,575.00 18,600.00 37,899.71 38,540.00 41,530.00 77,849.96 81,725.00 86,100.00 531,281.18 543,930.00 550,215.00 42,566.39 48,215.00 52,860.00 109,67:5.90 97,565.00 101,200.00 598,702.5:5 685,420.00 691,520.00 216,:)43.41 237,040.00 240,610.00 40,nO.88 41 , 135.00 44, 130.00 80,824.28 82,900.00 96,380.00 38,229.88 29,955.00 29,845.00 18,442.5:5 24,185.00 18,910.00 47,826.45 51,330.00 55,240.00 60,634.9:'.> 79,850.00 138,640.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 21,287.98 23,245.00 2:5,140.00 17 ,247 .09 23,305.00 25,955.00 11,492.26 13,785.00 9,625.00 37,850.00 39,745.00 41,735.00 _l'L&Ç2.~2.. _.-2.Q., OQ9..:_00- ~...J..9_QQ..: Q~~ $2,196,6-17.112 $2,35-1,150.00 $2,468,610.00 8 8 Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget NOXIOUS \,!EEDS __,-.l~l~._..__- __~72 '- 1973 ----,- ExpCè..!ì_cli tu res Personal Services $ 3,734.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 4,000.00 ConiTac-ruô I Services 1,257.58 1,225.00 1 ,225.00 Materials ancl Supplies __LJ..9J_~ ,~Lt 975.00 -Í! 125 ...QQ -_.._--- Total Expend i tUí(~S 6,18?99 5,200.00 6,350.00 City Treasurer Balance 1-1 1,508.69 335.25 40.25 Receipts Curren-r Tangible Tax 4,597.15 4,600.00 5,979.75 Delinquent Tangible Tax 84.35 50.00 50.00 Sales Tax 328.05 255.00 280.00 -------- ------ Total Receip-rs 5,009.55 4,905.00 6,309.75 Total Receipts and Balance 6,518.24 5,240.25 6,350.00 Less Expend i tu¡-es _~J.§]~--9 9 .....2J.: 0 O~ 0 Q -g-~O. 00- Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 $ 33~). 25 $ 40.25 $ 0.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION -,- -- Expend i tLlr~~ Pensions Paid Refunds Reserve Total Expenditures $ 48,~582.00 69,425.00 81,415.00 3,498.97 1 ,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 -12&QQ . ° 0 -------- ----- 51,880.97 70,425.00 108,415.00 16,90:).88 30,044.92 36,709.92 City Treasurer Balance 1-1 Receipts Current Tangible Tax Del inquent Tangible Tax Sales Tax Interest Contributions by Employees Total Receipts 48,279.29 59,000.00 100,870.98 566.24 400.00 400.00 2,202.78 2,650.00 3,019.10 0.00 0.00 1,375.00 -12!3.l..L:J...9- ~Q~O . OQ ~&49~Q 65,020.01 77,090.00 121,705.08 81,925.89 107,134.92 158,415.00 ~~QO. 9I -.1Q! 1125.00.., .L°8, 4 1 5 .00- $ 30,044.92 $ 36,709.92 $ 50,000.00 Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 8 . Actual & P I'Oposed Actual Estimated Budget POLICEt\EtJ'S PENS I O1J 1971 -~-- 1973 ---_.'----- E x e.~~J1..I!...r=~~ Pensions PéJ i d $ 26,742.00 $ 26,750.00 $ 26,750.00 Refunds 1,596.36 1,000.00 2,000.00 Reserve 0.00 0.00 25,000..00 -,--- ----,- Total Expendituros 28, 33EL 36 27,750.00 53,750.00 City Treasu I-er Balance 1-1 10,276.18 23,541 .94 49,561 .94 Receipts Cu nent Tangible Tax 27,6T1.69 37,000.00 34,687.94 De I i nqueni Tangible Tax 24E\.43 T50. 00 200.00 Sales Tax 966.96 1,520.00 1,885. 12 Interest 0.00 0.00 1,375.00 Con-rributions by Employees ...J2,11l:...(!1 _L~020.00 - 16,9_40.00 T oh I Receipts 41,604.12 53,770.00 54,188.06 To-ral f\oce i p-rs and Balance 51,880.30 Tl, 311.94 103,750.00 Less Expend i tu I-es 28, 3~_:,}6- -1;1 , 7 5Q..~.Q_Q. ,,23,750.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 $ 23,541.94 $ 49,561.94 $ 50,000.00 TREE HA I NTENANCE --------,- Expend i t~~ Personal Services $ 6,864.75 $ 9,000.00 $ 8,000.00 Contrac-ruùl Services 246.98 520.00 525.00 Materials and Supp lies 25.15 200.00 200.00 ----- Total Exrendi-rures 7, 136.88 9,720.00 8,725.00 City Treasu ror Balance 1-1 1, 366 . 48 4 , ~590. 91 4,405.91 Receipts Current Tangible Tax 9,6ü=S.55 9,125.00 3,802.09 De I i nquent Tangible Tax 114.01 80.00 50.00 Sales Tax 443.75 530.00 467.00 ---- ------- ---- Total Receipts 10, 161 .31 9,735.00 4,319.09 Total Receipts and Balance 11 ,527 . 79 14,125.91 8,725.00 Less Expenditures -L-Ll.9~8 8 _9,720.0Q 8 , 72 ~.QQ Unencumbered Cash Balanco 12-31 $ 4,390.91 $ 4,405.91 $ 0.00 e 8 Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Bud~le t BOND NJD INTEREST _1911___- 1972__- _._~LL-- . Expe..!.~_~i!.L.!..res Bond fJr i nc i pa I $ 925,680.52 $ 887,101.81 $ 851,1361.00 Bond Inter-est 278,737.11 257,139.55 228, 824 . 22 Fiscal Agency 1,232.41 1,498.64 1,314.78 I nte I-est on Bonds to be issued 0.00 0.00 ~Q.Z..Q 0 o~~g- -------' - .------ Total Expenditures 1,205,650.04 1,145,740.00 1,112,000.00 City Treasurer Balance 1-1 99,112.2tì 154,901.14 72, 166. 1tì Rec~_! pts Current Tangible Tax 669,75:5.23 575,000.00 536,044.36 De I i nquent Tangible Tax 9,998.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 Special Assessment Tax 427,18f3.79 373,605.00 396, :509 . 50 De I i nquent Special ASSGSSmorlt TéJX 38, 189.86 20,000.00 15,000.00 Parking Heter Revenue 47,600.00 47,200.00 46,000.00 Hiscellanoous Special Assessments 9,917.21 3,500.00 3,500.00 Interest on Investment 19,764.85 12,000.00 12,000.00 TréJnsfer from Gal f Course 12,000.00 11 ,gOO. 00 11,480.00 Transfer from vJa-t e r and Smverage ___Zl-,!!Z,L:...OQ _..-12,_29_9 . ° Q. ____~1 2 , 5.9Q_:9_Q- Total Receipts 1,261 , 43g. 94 1,063,005.00 1,039,833.86 Total Receipts and Balance 1,360,551.18 1,217,906.14 1,112,000.00 Less Expenditures J.1Z_Q2,_~~Q.. ° 4- 1,¿J 4 5 , li..°~_Q Ll1£~ 0 O_~-Q..Q. Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 $ 154,901.14 $ 72,166.14 $ 0.00 FLOOD \o/ORKS AND LEVEE -_._----,- Expend i tu r_cs Personal Services $ 19,46f3.17 $ 2O, 22 5 .00 $ 20,830.00 Contraciual Services 2,111.38 2,675.00 2,690.00 Materi]ls and Supp lies 1,217.55 1 ,605.00 1,60:).00 Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 ~..._.:')_O 0 . QQ- ---- Total Expenditures 22,797. 1O 24,505.00 27,625.00 City' Treasu rer- BaléJnce 1-1 3,393.12 556. 13 66.13 Receipts Current Tangible Tax 18,447.04 22,000.00 26,040.07 De I i nquent Tax 271.01 300.00 200.00 Sales Tax 1 ,054.06 1,015.00 1, 118.80 Miscellaneous 188.00 700.00 200.00 ---~-- Tota I Receipts 19,960.11 24,015.00 27,558.87 Total Receipts and Balance 23,353.23 24,571 . 13 27,625.00 Less Expenditures -1J~13LlQ _.21., 50~ 00 -1l.L6 2 5_~_0_0- Unencumbered Cash E3a lance 12-31 $ 556. 13 $ 66.13 $ 0.00 8 8 '----'-'---- Actual --~~]J- - Actual & Proposed Estimated Budget -..-J21~___- ----_.! 9 7 3 -- SOCIAL. SECURITY - F, I. C. A. ~~2 e nii..!...u..!=-~ Payment to Social Security Total Expenditures $ ---.J] 4 L§ 9 Q.~ :7 0 $ -.-L5.2.z. OOQ.. 00 $ ~OOQ.OO 134,896.20 150,000.00 157,000.00 12,137.87 8,417.89 8,922 . 89 City Treasurer Balance 1-1 Receipts Current Tangible Tax Del inquent Tangible Tax Employees Contributions and Others Sales Tax Total Receipts 31,750.61 46,500.00 41,510.41 515.36 260.00 200,00 96,905.76 102,000.00 104,000.00 ~004._49 1,745.00- ~,366.}Q 131,176.22 150,:-)05.00 148,077.11 143,314.09 158,922.89 157,000.00 134 LFf:J.!J. 2Q. ..1 5Q.? 000. Q.Q. 1.57LQiJQ_,--Q.9.. $ 8,417.89 $ 8,922.89 $ 0.00 Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 Et1PLOYE ES RET I RU1ENT --,-,----,-- Expen..il. tu re~ Payment to State $ 111,820.80 $ 122,990.00 $ 128,000.00 Refunds 0.00 10.00 0.00 ----- ---- Total Expenditures 111,820,80 123,000.00 128,000.00 City Treasurer Balance 1-1 15,166.93 7,245.13 380.13 .!\cceipts Current Tangible Tax 30,675.59 34,200.00 44,723.32 Del inquent Tangible Tax 363.79 250.00 150.00 Emp I oyeE~s Conh'i but ions and Others 71,443.77 80,000.00 81 ,000.00 Sales Tax 1,415.85 _J,685.00 1 ,746.55 'Total Receipts 103,899.00 116,135.00 127,619.87 Total Receipts and Balance 119,065,93 123,380.13 128,000.00 Less Expenditures l.lLi320.'§Q 1.2),000.00 .@h.Q..Q.9-:QQ. Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 $ 7,245.13 $ 380,13 $ 0.00 . . ActLlé11 & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget SAN I TATI ON COLLECTION SERVICE --]JL..- _J_2- Z?~,--- --_..13.])-- ,--------- Expenditures Personal Services $ 148,534.06 $ 155,610.00 $ 160,815.00 Contractual Sel-v ices 39,424.50 44,165.00 46,790.00 Materials and Suppl ¡es 8, 066 . ~) 7 8,505.00 8,625.00 Capital Outlay _~_~~2-.:JQ 22..L800.,:..9_Q. _Léi.LQQ..0~.9 0 Total Expenditures 202,320.03 231,160.00 232,230.00 City Treasurer Balance 1-1 81,770.93 89,991.35 66,131.35 Rece~ Service Fees and 1"1 i sce I I a neou s 209,000.00 206,000.00 208,000.00 Interest on Investments 1,485.52 1 ,300.00 1,300.00 M i sce I I a neou s Sales and Sorv ice 54.93 0.00 0.00 ---- ---- Total Receipts 210,~51J0.45 20-/ , 300 . 00 209,300.00 Total Fçece i pts and Ba I (mco 292,311.38 297,291.Y5 275,431.35 Less Expend i tu I"E)S 20;( L~?"Q..j)_~ 2~_.LJ_90. 0°- 232,230.00 Cash Balance 12-31 $ 89,991 .35 $ 66,131.35 $ 43,201.35 PARKING ~1 ET E R FUND E x pen ..i!-.!.u.I e s Personal Services $ 25,446.06 $ 32,485.00 $ 33,460.00 Contractual Services 7,877 . 16 16,500.00 18,375.00 Materials and Suppl ies 965.68 1,020.00 1,640.00 Cap i -ra I Outlay ~)-1 9 7 _4..~Q ~l_Q..Q..._QQ ~_l...Qg~Q.Q. Total Expend i'lu res 88,263.70 97,205.00 99,475.00 City Treasurer Balance 1-1 89,326.99 89,521.93 76,441.93 Rece i ~ Parking Meter F~evenue 78,065.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 Interest 011 Investments 613.64 625.00 625.00 Pa I' kin g Meter Permits 9,710.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 Miscellanouus 70.00 0.00 0.00 ------- ---,-------- ------ T o-ra I Receipts 88,458.64 84, 175.00 84,125.00 Total Receipts and Balance 177,785.63 173,61]6.93 160,566.93 Less Expenditures ~29)~}Q ...12J.2,,0) . OQ- ~475..:..00 Cash Balance 12-31 $ 89,521.93 $ 76,441.93 $ 61 ,091 .93 . 8 Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget SPECIAL GASOL I NE TAX FUND 1971 1972 __!1D- -----___..,-0,- Expendl~ Personal Services $ 13,471.28 $ 16,610.00 $ 17 , 595 . 00 Contractual Se¡-v ices 103,058.31 101,OtîO.00 100,000.00 Materials and Suppl ¡es 13,6tJ6.79 15,000.00 24,225.00 Su nd ¡-y Expenditu¡-es 14'/,460.00 ltîl,023.88 153,180.00 Capital Our I ay __L§AL...5 2 __2J..QQQ.~().Q.. __2LOOO~00 Total Expenditures 280,277.90 282,673.88 304,000.00 City Treasurer Balance 1-1 3,024.38 13,600.67 16,926.79 Rec~.~pt s Special Gasoline Tax 29 .Q.,- 8 5_4_~2- -286 ,.Q9_~ 00 ~900~..Q_Q. Tota I Receipts 290,854.19 286,000.00 288,000.00 Total Reco i pts and Balance 293,878.57 299,600.67 30tî,926.79 Less Expenditures .-2~Q.., 277 . 90 -If22-,- 6 7 :3 ~~ _...~-Q..thQOO . OQ.. Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 $ 13,600.67 $ 16,926.79 $ 926.79 GOLF COUf~SE FUND --'-- Expend,ltu rcs- Personal Services $ 22,785.39 $ 24,065.00 $ 26,855.00 Contr-actua I Services 16,635.92 8,295.00 8,895.00 Materials and Suppl ies 2,684.36 :3,255.00 3,525.00 Sundry Expenditures 1,211 .62 1 , 6 1 0 . 00 1,765.00 Cap i '~a I Outlay ..J..1~.Q..Q..JLQ.. ~_21 )..QQ..J2Q ...JJL9 8 Q..~99- T ota I Expenditures 55,317 .29 52,525.00 53,020.00 City Treasu rer Balance 1-1 4, 131 .98 4,147.71 3,772.71 Re~e iyt s Annual Memberships and Green Fees 33,425.99 45,000.00 48,000.00 Cad Rental 3,890.48 ~) , 000 . 00 6,000.00 Cart Storage 203.94 400.00 500.00 CI ub Storage 46.37 50.00 100.00 Cad User Fees 221.00 200.00 300.00 OJ I vIe I I Lease 1,475.93 1,500.00 1,500.00 Transfer from Constr-uct ion Money ~, 0 6 c¿,._l.-l. 0.00 0.00 -----,--, Total Receipts 55,333.02 5/,150.00 56,400.00 Total Receipts and Balance 59,465.00 56,297.71 60,172.71 Less Expenditures ~2.Lz..~Z3... -.s...zcz2 2 5 . 00 ..2~.920. QQ Cash Balance 12-31 $ 4,147.71 $ 3,772.71 $ 7,152.71 8 e Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget STREET W\UI I ¡'JŒY _,.1 91.~- _J1l~_. _197}_- -------- Expenditul-es Mach i ne,-y $ 0.00 $ ~-f¡ 9 8 ---4_~ $ 1 ~), OO~-Q. ---,--- Total Expenditures 0.00 9,698.43 15,000.00 City Treasurer Balance 1-1 23,456.48 24,328.43 15,000.00 Receipts Interest on Investments 871.95 370.00 0.00 ----- ------- Total Receipts 871.95 370.00 0.00 Total Receipts and [3ôlance 24,328.43 24,698.43 15,000.00 Less Expenditures 0.00 .........5}J.. 69_8_._4.:~ _1 5,000-,- 00 ------- Cash Balance 12-31 $ 28,328.43 $ 15,000.00 $ 0.00 SPECIAL RESERVE FUND ----------- Expenditures Street Improvement $ 0.00 $ _20 ,..900 ~_O- $ -} 0 , ..Q.Q..C2.:...9_Q. ----- Total Expenditures 0.00 20,000.00 30,000.00 City Treasu rer Balance 1-1 33,000.00 50,000.00 30,000.00 Receipts Transfer from Special Gasol ine Tax _17,OOQ.OO 0.00 0.00 -----' --------- Total Receipts 17 ,000.00 0.00 0.00 T o-ra I Receipts and Balance 50,000.00 50,000.00 30,000.00 Less Expenditures 0.00 -1.Q." 0 Q.9_&Q. ~,OOO.OO Cash Balance 12-31 $ 50,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 0.00 - WATER AND SEWERAGE UTILITY Expenditure2-. Water Supply Softening and Treatment Pumping Expense Distribution Expense Customer Accounting and Collection Adm in i s'ITal- i ve and Gener~a I Expense Sewage Treatment Expense Transfer to Bond and Interest Reserve Reserve for 1973 Salary Adjustment (3% of December 31, 1972 Base) Sub-Total Actual 1971 8 Actual & Estimated _.]972_- Proposed Budget _.12]-2_--- 0.00 984,6'ß.58 Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department Capital Improvements Transfer to Bond Retirement and Extension Reserve Capital Improvement from New Bond Issue Net Cash Transferred to Other Current Assets Total Expenditur-es City Treasurer Balance 1-1 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance 1-1 Receipts Water Revenue Sewerage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping Service Service Charge from Sanitation Department Cash Collected for Sanitation Department Capital Improvement from Bond Retir'ement and Extension and Construction Reserves Proceeds from New Capital Improvement Bond Issue Total Receipts Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance 12-31 $ 9,702.80 $ 13,100.00 $ 13,350.00 201,504.52 220,915.00 222, OO~j. 00 50,794.10 57,695.00 60,625.00 84,171.57 92,740.00 109,635.00 114,801 .61 124,960.00 127,980.00 147,250.74 1.65,785.00 164,940.00 163,779.26 171 , 82') . 00 192,415.00 212,668.98 213,495.00 209,435.00 209,000.00 199,554.27 0.00 0.00 749.18 1,393,977.03 113,775.15 _4QJ..§..Ll..L 73,013.44 0.00 12,765.00 ------ 1,060,515.00 1 , 113, 150.00 202,000.00 208,000.00 95,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,357,515.00 1,841,150.00 34, 141 .93 34,630.62 _~09~~ 0.00 13,045.62 34,630.62 651 ,739. 39 685,000.00 760,000.00 372,516.99 372,000.00 372,000.00 13,684.33 12,000.00 12,000.00 11,607.85 10,000.00 10,000.00 3,124.26 3,100.00 3,100.00 209,000.00 202,000.00 208,000.00 72,336.39 95,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 ~Q.¡..Q..~ 5!Q 1,334,009.21 1,379, 100.00 1 ,885, 100.00 1,407,022.65 1,392,145.62 1,919,730.62 ~93, 977~03 _J.L~:ZJ 515.00 -L, 84 LJ.J 50.00 $ 13,045.62 $ $ 78,580.62 34,630.62 8 . COMPUTATION OF CITY TREASURER1S UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1, 1972 Funds City Less City Treasurerls Unpaid Treasurer's Balance Purchase Unencumbered -~~~-~ 7 2, Ol'clcrs Cash Balance ---,---- ----- 173 , 689 . 89 51, 708.=S2 121,981.57 335.25 0.00 335.25 30,044.92 0.00 30,044.92 23,541 .94 0.00 23,541 .94 4,390.91 0.00 4,390.91 154,901.14 0.00 154,901.14 556. 13 0.00 556. 13 8,417 . 89 0.00 8,417.89 7,245. 13 0.00 7 ,2t15. 13 89,991.35 0.00 89,991 .35 89,867.88 345.95 89,521.93 4,147.71 0.00 4,147.71 14, 738 . 27 1 , 137.60 13,600.67 34,141.93 21,096.31 13,045.62 General Operating Nox i ous Viee-ds Firemen's Pension Pol icemen's Pension Tree Maintenance Bond and I rl'ferest Flood Works and Levee Social Security Pub I Ic Employees Re~¡rement Sanitation Pa rk i n9 Meter-s Go I f Cou I~se 'Special Gasol ¡ne Tax Water and Sewerage Sales Tax Funds 59,240.00 General Operating 8 280.00 Noxious Weeds 1,118.80 Flood Works and Levee 467.00 Tree Maintenance SUB-TOTAL 3,019.10 Firemen's Pension 1,885.12 Policemen's Pension 2,366.70 Social Security 1~74~.)2 Public Employees' Retirement 70,123.27 Bond and Interest No-Fund Warrants - Fire Equipment ,8 TOTAL 1972 Tax Levy for 1973 Budget 1972 Levy Net Ad Fund Ad Sales Valorem Total Levy Valorem Tax Levy Ad Valorem 1971 Limit Tax Mills Mills Mills Tax Dollars Levy 20.0000 19.5538 0.9048 18.6490 1,221,110.02 18.6399 1.0000 0.0956 0.0043 0.0913 5,979.75 0.0885 1.0000 0.4148 0.0171 0.3977 26,040.07 0.3536 1. 0000 0.0652 0.0071 0.0581 3,802.09 0.1476 19.1961 1,256,931. 93 19.2296 2.0000 2.0000 None None 1.5864 0.0461 1.5403 0.5586 0.0288 0.5298 0.6701 0.0361 0.6340 0.7097 0.0267 0.6830 1.0710 8.1860 .6108 31.3800 31.5000 100,870.98 34,687.94 41,510.41 44,723.32 0.9542 0.5959 0.7480 0.5520 536,044.36 9.4203 40,000.00 2,054,768.94 Tangible Valuation (City of Salina) Tangible Valuation (Airport Industrial Area-Levy @ 15.00 Mills) 65,475,933.00 617,457.00 I-' , 5T A'IE OF KANSAS Budget Form No. 5B or 88 8 .8 I . 1973 MAXIMUM OPERATING EXPENSE BUDGET CITY OF Sal ina $ 6. 05P, . 7 ~P.LL3FJ Tota 1 budget ot expend itures for 1972............................... ',""""""""""""""""'" 2. Less amounts legally excluded (79-4415 as amended) a. Princ:pal and interest on bonds................................................. Principal and in7erest on temporary notes....................................... No-fund warrants and interest thereon........................................... Capital improvements from special building tunds................................ Capital improvements from other non-tax supported funds......................... Capita! improvements from federal funds.................................~....... 3. b. c. d. e. L I . g. h. Judgments....................................................................... Operation of a mun icipally owned uti I ity as def ined in K.S.A. 10-1201 if such 'uti! ity derives no revenue from tangible property taxes.................. Expenditure of money derived from gifts or bequests............................. Rent pledged to retire bonds under K.S.A. 1971 Supp. 12-1757 to 12-1768......... i . j. k. Social security................................................................. 1 . m. Kansas pub! ic employees .retirement............................................. AI f other employee retirement and pension programs.............................. Federal grants and aids......................................................... Special assessments............. ...'.. ... ......... ..... ........ .... ..... ..... .... n. o. p. q. r. C;F1l1itôtioQ Golf Course Parking Meters .............. ....................... ...... .... ... ...... .......... ........ ......... ...... ..... ... ...... ........ Total deductions........ ..... ....... ...... ............... ......... ....... Total operating expense budget tor 1972 (line I minus line 2)....................... 4. Total operating expense budget for base year 1970 budget form)........................................................................ 5. (1 ine 5, page I, 1971 supplemental Max!mum operating expense budget for 1973 (I ine 3 or line 4 whichever is greater x 105%).............................................................. .............. THIS FORM IS TO BE MADE A PART OF BUDGET FORM No.5 or 8 $. 351,145.45 r~one None Ì'~one None None None 1 ,391,925.00 None None 155,000.00 124,000.00 135,385.00 r~one 815,854.55 240,270.00 63,975.00 99,935.00 $ ..l..,)Jl, 49 0 . 0 0 2M..L248.88 2,446,374.72 $_L815,311.32 IV CITY BUDGETED FOR OPERATING EXPENSE FOR AMOUNTS 1973 $ 2,468,610.00 30~ 00-9.00 6,350.00 _8.72S.0Q 27~625.00 GeneÎa¡operating...................~................................................................ Special ciTY and county high't!ay fund..................................................""""""'" Noxious vleeds I ree ¡Via I ntenance """Flood \Yorks .............................. ............. . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . ~ ~ '\ '\ \' \ -s: -\ ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................... ............... ......... . . . . . . . ............................... . . . . . . 8 ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ ........ Total for operating $ 2,815.310....00 amount budgeted expense for 1973 (cannot exceed I-)................. . line 5, page 8 w 8 ,8 t CITY AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR 1972 For 1973 Budget I . Total amount levied in 1969 for purposes included within the aggregate levy ¡ imitation (I ine 3, page 3, 1971 supplemental budget form)..................... 2. Assessed tangible valuation for 1969 (! inc 4, page 3, !97! supplemental budget form).. 3. Rate necessary to produce amount on line I (line I divided by line 2)................. 4. Assessed valuation for 1972 of new improvements ~o real estate since the base year (excluding such new improvements to rea! estate in added territory)................. 5. Assessed valuation for 1972 of increased or decreased personal property since the base year (excluding such increased or decreased personal property in added territory)... 6. Total net assessed valuation for 1972 due to new improvements to real estate and added personal property (I ine 4 plus or minus line 5)..................................... 7. Increase in aggregate levy I imit for new improvements to real estate and added personal property (line 6 x line 3).................................................. 8. Aggregate levy limitation for 1972 (line I plu,s,line 7).......................'........ 9. Total assessed tangible valuation for 197~ before addition or exclusion of territory since the base year................................................................. 10. Assessed tangible valuation for 1972 of territory added since the base year........... il. Assessed tangible valuation for 1972 of territory excluded since the base year........ 12. Assessed tangible valuation for 1~72 after addition of territory (I ine 9 plvs line 10) 13. Percentage of adjustment in aggregate levy I imitation for territory added or excluded. a. For territory added (1 ine 10 divided by I ¡ne 12)...........................'..... b. For territory excluded (I ine I divided by line 9).............................. 14. Amount of adjustment in aggregate levy 1 imitation for territory added or excluded since the base year (line 8 x line 13a or I3b)...................................... 15. Aggregate levy limitation for 1972 (line 8 plus or minus line 14),..........:......... $ 2.7"3").3'36.00 3..249_.980.00 $Jd,l 29, L187 . At, ~5... 677. Qi) $ 5,985,316.00 108,380.91 1,237,868.75 64,466,723.00 1,009,210.00 65,475J933.00 19,063.18 $--" 256, 93 1 . 93 .¡::,. 18.107í) None 1. 54 None < CITY AMOUNTS LEVIED WITHIN AGGREGATE LEVY LIMITATION FOR THE YEAR 1972 General operating................................................................................... Noxious weeds.... ................. ... ........ ........ ........ ............ .... ...... ..... .... ..... ... Flood Works ... ..... ... ............... ....... .... ........ .......... , Tree Maintenance .. ............. ... ..... ............ ........ .,... .... .... .......... .......... ......... ...... ......... ... ... 8 . .... ....... .......... ... .......... ....... ... ....... ... . ...... .... .......... ........ ............ ...... .... .... ........ ..... ..... ... ..... ........ ....... ..... ... ...... ..... ................ ................ ..... .......... ... .. ............ ... .... ... ... ........... ............. .... .. ..... ............... .......... ..... .... .............. . ........... ..... ...... .......... ... ................... . ........ ........... .... .............. ........... ...... 8 ........... ...... ... ... .... ............. ........... .... Total amount levied within aggregate levy ! imitation 15, page 3)...... (cannot exc~ed 1 i ne 8 or line The individual statutory fund levy I imitations appl ¡cable to any taxing subdivision to which K.S.A. 79-1440 was appi icable in the base year as a result of an increase or in its total assessed valuation due to a countywide reappraisal are suspended, but such city shall be subject to the ðggregate tax levy I imitation. decrease AI! funds that are exempt from the tax I id, which have a statutory subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 79-1440. levy I imit I are $ 5,979.75 1,221...110.02 26,040.07 31802.09 \ '. \ =; $ L25...6....931 .93 U1 r 8 BOND PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST DUE For 1973 Budge t Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1972 Amount Payable ,g~ R.12_L..GUTT F:lz...~_l'=^,-~y'!!\J G~O ND_~" PRINCIPAL ----'- ',,---- 1'-183 1'-185 1'-188 1'-189 OFP-190 1'-191 P-192 1'-194 1'-195 1'-197 1'-198 1'-199 P-202 P-204 1'-205 1'-207 1'-208 1'-211 1'-212 P-213 1'-214 $20,000.00 27 ,000.00 32,000.00 30,000.00' 69,000.00 23,000.00 38,000.00 51,000.00 79,000.00 60;000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 10,000.00 35,000.00 3,000.00 110,000.00 15,000.00 4,000.00 12,101.81 0.00 ~--"'- TOTAL $633,101.81 SEìvER BONDS ----- S-187 S-l96 $27,000.00 _bOOO .00 TOTAL $29,000.00 GENERAL BONDS -~--- FL-178 FL-186 FL-193 LB-200 CB-20l PK-203 G-206 G-209 AS-2l0 $33,000.00 55,000.00 13,000.00 35,000.00 55,000.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 13,000.00 $225,000.00 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL $887,101. 81 REVENUE BONDS Water & Sewerage Series 1961 $125,000.00 INTERES'j' ----'.._-,- $6,562.50 8,817.50 720.00 10,650.00 21,173.75 6,960.00 1,828.75 19,081.7!+ 6,238.55 6,187.50 5,991.25 5,362.50 7,500.00 1+,790.00 8, UIO.OO 2,166.00 11,700.00 8,137.50 4,300.00 6,687.08 ~_83 7.,..4...7.... $161,832.09 $ 600.00 158.12 ----- $ 758.12 $6,558.75 18,300.00 5,018.09 16,107.50 33,275.00 3,375.00 2,860.00 2,860.00 ~5.0Q $9/1,549.311 $257,139.55 $88,495.00 8 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1973 Amount Payable PRINCIPAL -------- $20,000.00 27,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 69,000.00 23,000.00 38,000.00 51,000.00 79,000.00 60,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 10,000.00 35,000.00 3,000.00 40,000.00 15,000.00 4,000.00 15,000.00 20 , 861. (~Q.. $624,861.00 $ 0.00 ~OOO .OQ $2,000.00 $33,000.00 55,000.00 13,000.00 35,000.00 55,000.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 })_&QQ......QQ $225,000.00 $851,861. 00 $125,000.00 INTEREST -,----- $5,812.50 7.9/fO.OO 0.00 9,750.00 19,276.25 6,327.50 783.75 17,615.49 3,967.30 4,537.50 5,503.75 4,225.00 6,187.50 4,420.00 6 ,8/¡5 .00 2,049.00 10,lLfO.00 7,350.00 1¡,080.00 6,1/12.50 ~J3..}1..~, $ll¡ 1 ,790.51 $ 0.00 100.62 --".._-- $ 100.62 $5,651.25 16,650.00 4 , 61111. 3/¡ 14,970.00 31,212.50 2,812.50 2,71¡0.00 2,740.00 Í>..2l.?.'.:) 0" $86,933.09 $228,8211.22 $84,432.50 INDEBTEDNESS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL BOND DAïE ISSUED Ai'íO U ~n 0 F ISSUE SERIES PURPOSE 8 5/ 1/1958 FL-178 Flood Control $ 666,000.00 5/ 1/1961 FL-186 Flood Control 1,132,000.00 11/ 1/1963 FL-193 Flood Control 260,000.00 11/ 1/1965 LB-200 LIbrary 675,000.00 11/ 1/1966 CB-201 Governmental Center 1,100,000.00 11/ 1/1966 PK-203 La kewood Pa r k 150,000.00 12/ 1/1967 G-206 ìv'lun. Golf Course 75,000.00 10/ 1/1968 G-209 Mun. Golf Course 75,000.00 12/ 1/1969 AS-210 Ash Street Sewer Sepa rat ion 131,385.17 TOTAL $4,264,385.17 ,8 INTEREST R.4TE MATUR ITY DATE OUTSTANDING 12/31/1971 PREVIOUS PA YMEiHS 4, 3, 3i;, 3, 2, 2L 2L 2-3/4% 9/ 1/1978 $435,000.00 $231,000.00 3L 3, 3-3/8% 9/ 1/1981 567,000.00 565,000.00 3L 2.78, 3, 3-1/8% 11/ 1/1984. 91,000.00 169,000.00 3.30, 3L 3.30, 3.376% 11/ 1/1986 17 5,000.00 500,000.00 3.80, 5, 3-3/4, 3.80% 11/ 1/1987 220,000.00 880,000.00 3.75, 5, 3.80% 11/ 1/1977 60,000.00 90,000.00 4.21% 12/ 1/1986 7,000.00 68,000.00 3-3/4, 4, 4~% 10/ 1/1986 7,000.00 68,000.00 5.25% 12/ 1/1980 13,385. 17 í 18,000.00 $1,575,385.17 $2,689,000.00 e CITY OF SALINA,- KANSAS SPECll\L ASSESS1-'IENT SONDS CURBING, GUTTERING, j\ND/OR PAV I NG iNDEBTEDNESS DATE MWUNT OF INTEREST I"¡ATUR I TV PREVIOUS OUTSTANDING ISSUED SERIES PURPOSE ISSUE RAïE DATE PAn\ENTS 12/31/1971 12/ 1/1959 P-183 Curb,Gutter,Pave S 402,737.72 4, 3-3/8, 3t 3-3/4% 12/ 1/1980 $222,737.72 S180,COO.OO 11/ 1/1960 P-185 Curb,Gutter,Pave 551,385.64 3L 2-3/4, 3~, 3~'% 11/ 1/1981 281,385.64 270,000.00 11/ 1/1961 P-188 Curb,Gutter,Pave 320,706.83 2-3/4, 3% 11/ 1/1972 288,706.83 32,000.00 11/ 1/1961 P-189 Curb, Gutter, Pave 605,942.89 2-3/4, 3, 3~, 3t% 11/ 1/1982 275,942.89 330,000.00 11/ 1/1962 OFP-190 Po rk i ng Lots 1,375,365.60 2L 2-3/4, 2-7/8, 3% 11/ 1/1982 619,365.60 756,000.00 11/ 1/1962 P-191 Curb,Gutter,Pave 456,283.76 2L 2-3/4, 2-7/8, 3% 11/ 1/1982 207,283.76 249,000.00 11/ 1/1962 P-192 Curb,Gutter,Pave 388,683.19 2L 2-3/4 11/ 1/1973 312,683.19 76,000.00 11/ 1/1963 P-194 Curb,Gutter,Pave 986,218.15 3L 2.78, 3, 3-1/8% 11/ 1/1984 343,218.15 643,000.00 11/ 1/1963 P-195 Curb,Gutter,Pave 803,072.90 3L 2-7/8% 11/ 1/1974 566,072.90 237,000.00 11/ 1/1964 P-197 Curb, Gutter, Pave 630,000.00 3t, 3~, 2.75% 11/ 1/1975 390,000.00 240,000.00 11/ 1/1965 P-198 Curb, Gutter, Pave 265,000.00 3.30, 3L 3.30, 3-3/8í~ 11/ 1/1986 75,000.00 190,000.00 11/ 1/1965 P-199 Curb, Gutter, Pave 360,000.00 3.30, 3,!;% 11/ 1/1976 185,000.00 175,000.00 11/ 1/1966 P-202 Curb,Gutter,Pave .340,000.00 3.80, 5,3.75% 11/ 1/1977 140,000.00 200,000.00 11/ 1/1967 P-204 Curb, Gutter, Pave 155,000.00 4L 3.70, 4% 11/ 1/1988 30,000.00 125,000.00 11/ 1/1967 P-205 Curb,Gutter,Pave 325,000.00 4L 3.70% 11/ 1/1978 105,000.00 220,000.00 11/ 1/1968 P-207 Curb, Gutter, Pave 58,267.56 4,!;, 3.90, 4~% 11/ 1/1989 6,267.56 52,000.00 11/ 1/1968 P-208 Curb,Gut-;-er,Pave 376,222.70 4L 3.90% 11/ 1/1979 76,222.70 300,000.00 12/ 1/1969 P-211 Curb,Gutter,Pave 170,813.64 5.25% 12/ 1/1980 15,813.64 155,000.00 4/ 1/1970 P-212 Curb,Gutter,Pave 79,481.71 5L 6.0% 4/ 1/1990 3,481 .71 76,000.00 12/ 1/1970 P-213 Curb, Gutter, Pave 147,101.81 4L 4.625, 4.7% 12/ 1/1981 .00 147,101.81 12/ 1/1971 P-214 Curb,Gutter,Pave 245,861.00 3-3/8, 3t, 3.6% 12/ 1/1982 .00 245,861.00 TOTAL $9,043,145.10 $4, 144, 182.29 $4,898,962.81 ,8 DATE ISSUED 11/ 1/1961 8 11/ 1/1963 .8 SER!ES PURPOSE S-lS7 Sewer S-196 Sewer TOTAL CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECiAL ASSESSMENT BONDS SEWER BOND INDEBTEDNESS AMOUNT OF INTEREST ISSUE RATE $276,297.60 2-3/4, 3% 27,S03.21 3L 3-7 /S% $304,100.Sl MATURITY PREVIOUS OUTSTAP:DING DATE PAYMENTS 12/31/1971 11/ 1/1972 $249,297.60 $ 27,OGO.OO 11/ 1/1974 21 , S03. 21 6,000.00 $271,100.S1 $ 33,000.00 YEARS DUE -- 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 TOTAL . . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS - WATER DEPARTMENT Þlatel' and SeùJel'age BondE) - 1961 Date of Issue: Amount of Issue: Interest Rate: Maturity Date: Previous Payments: Outstanding Balance: July 1, 1961 $:),600,000.00 5, 3!Lí, 31.z, 3.60, August 1, 1986 $1,125,000.00 $2,475,000.00 3.70% Schedule of Payments BOND INTEREST -----,---- $88,495.00 84,432.50 80,370.00 75,820.00 71,095.00 66,195.00 60,945.00 55,365.00 49,605.00 43,485.00 37,185.00 30,525.00 23,310.00 15,910.00 __~.?.1tlO.OO $790,877.50 BOND PRINCIPAL $125,000.00 125,000.00 130,000.00 135,000.00 140,000.00 150,000.00 155,000.00 160,000.00 170,000.00 175,000.00 185,000.00 195,000.00 200,000.00 210,000.00 220, O°CL:,QQ $2,475,000.00