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1995 Budget Certificate
.s' CKRT:IP:ICATE TO THE CLERK OF Saline COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned'Tctuly.~lected'lqualified and acting officers of he Clty ot Sa rna, Kansas certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1995; and (3) the Amount(s) of 94 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B 1995 1995 ADOPTED BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS: Amount of Adopted Budget Page 94 Tax to County Clerk's No EY'r"lenditures be Levied Use Only Levv Limits for Tax Funds 2 Comn of Aaa Tax Levv Limitation 3 Statement of Indebtedness 4 Statement of Conditional Lease etc. 4a General 5 17,966,824 283,924 Utlllty 6 947,000 b~J,Jb!J Aqcrecate Tax Levv L imitati on 3,6~6,307 Er.m 1 oyee Benefi t 6 3.227.490 2.126.743 Speclal Liablllty 7 437,000 346.799 Buslness lmprovement 01 strl ct 8 75,OUO - T CUrl sm ana Tonventl on if b!JU.UUU - -SpeclaT r-arks y 86,268 - Speci~l Alcohol 9 86,267 - Special Gas 10 1,616,612 - Bicentennial Center 10- 1,345,868 - Bond and Interest IT 3.414.575 1,850,003 Risk ManaGement 12 703,718 - ~lorker IS Comoensation Reserve 12 1,198,760 - Central Garaae 13 8b{j,It>~ - Dc:tc: ProcessinG .1 ': 395.110 - ... Sanitati on 14 1.561,254 - Sol id l>/aste 14 2,160,657 - Go If Course 15 716,183 - l~at2r i:nd Se'fler b 14,755,1S-q - Toti:ls 52,210,497 5,230,834 " . . Public2tio.l1 , 26 .. ., Assisted by: Municip~.lAc.ecimt:~9 ,Use:Q%lly . Reee.i ved Reviewed :cby- Fc:)llow~up': Yes ~ .No, _ . (J~)(2_~. (If not assisted, so state) f'"~~-v~ overning Body'" Attest: , 1994 County Clerk Page No. 1 LEVY LDaTS POR TAX PONDS STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B1 1995 Estimated Assessed Valuation July 1, 1994 Final Assessed Valuation for 1989 Libra Board Library Board 10 ee Benefit 12-1220 C 88 Levy Lmt Amount I Y D Factor For: A B 94 Le Limit Authorit Rate* F Less: LAVTR Amount G Plus: Mt Vehicle Decrease H Le Levy Limit Corrununity Mental Health Purposes 12-16 102 19-4004, 19-4011, 65-212, 65-215 (1) Home for A ed 19-2122 (1) Hos ital Board 19-4606 Recreation Corrunission 12-1927 Rec Corrun Employee Benef & S ec Lia 12-1927 1.00 * Rates are expressed in mills. ** Use the factor in this computation only if it is greater than 1.00000. (1) Multiply the rate times the estimated assessed valuation July 1, 1994 (moving the decimal 3 places to the left) to determine this fund's "Levy Limit." HOTOR VEH:ICLE COHPAR:ISON POR PtJNDS W:Im LEVY LDaTS Fund 1990 Motor Vehicle Tax 1995 Motor Vehicle Tax Decrease PONDS ONDER TAX L:ID K.S.A. , C.O. , 1995 Motor Difference or C.R. Levy 1990 Motor Vehicle Tax 2990 Less 1995 LAVTR Fund Authoritv Vehicle Tax Estimate Amount General KSA 79-1948 486,864 170,053 344,328 Utility ch.12, ilrticle 5 124,166 :59,459 (Use a continuation page if more lines are needed) Total 611.030 329,512 281,518 344,328 *** Enter on page no. 3, Line 4c if "Difference" is a positive number. Page No. 2 ALLOCAT:ION OP MOTOR VEH:ICLE TAX STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B2 1995 1994 Budgeted Funds Actual Amount of 1995 Budget (93 Tax-Leviesl 93 Levv Ratio Allocation Gp.neri::l 802,220 170,053 Employee Benefit 1,924,735 408,000 Uti 1 it.y 752,246 159,459 Speci21 Li ~bil i ty 299,348 63,455 Bond ilnd Interest 1,080,457 229,033 TOTAL 4~859,006 1,030,000 NOTE: Do not allocate to new or discontinued funds, see instructions. * * * * * COMPOTAT:ION OF DEL:INQtJENCY Amount of 92 Taxes Uncollected 15,983 divided by amount of 92 Taxes Levied 548,374 Actual Delinquency for 92 Taxes ~% Rate Used in this Budget 4.0 \' Page No. 2a COHPtJTAT:ION OP AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LDaTAT:ION (TAX L:ID) STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1995 1. Total base year tax levies for purposes under the Tax Lid, see 1994 budget, page no. 3, line 1 4. Possible adjustments to Tax Lid: 4a. Functions transferred in/out (K.S.A. 79-5027) (indicate + or -) 4b. Adjustment for elimina~ion of gross earnings tax for elections after July 31, 1988 (K.S.A. 79-5020) 4c. Decrease in Motor Vehicle Tax Allocation 4d. Total Adjustment to Tax Lid (indicate + or _) 2. Adjustment for territory added/excluded: 2a. Valuation of territory 1994 2b. Valuation of territory 1993 2c. Valuation of territory 1992 2d. Valuation of territory 1991 2e. Valuation of territory 1990 2f. Subtotal (2a to 2e) 2g. 1994 estimated assessed valuation 2h. Total valuation less 2f 2i. Factor (2f+2h) 2j. Adjustment (2i times line 1) 3. Adjustment for new improvements and increased 3a. New Improvements for 1994 3b. New Improvements for 1993 3c. New Improvements for 1992 3d. New Improvements for 1991 3e. New Improvements for 1990 3f. Personal property total for 1994 3g. Personal property total for 1989 3h. Change in personal property (3f-3g) 3i. Less: New imp and pers prop included in added territory 3j. Plus: New imp and pers prop included in excluded territory 3k. Net value of new imp and pers prop (Sum 3a to 3e+3h+3j-3i) 3m. 1989 assessed valuation 3n. Factor (3k+3m) 30. Adjustment (3n times line 1) +2,661,773 Added 2,64U 270,552 Excluded 264 264 180,616,492 180.616,228 .000001 3 4,030 273,192 180,616,492 180.343,300 .001515 + 4,033 personal property: 3,675,819 1,214,356 2,203.868 2.767.767 1,347,881 +21,075,373 -13.783.824 + 7.291.549 (use only if > 0) -0- + -0- 18,501,240 152,131,938 .121613 + 323,706 + + 385.280 -0- 281,518 666,798 3,656,307 5. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) FOR BUDGET YEAR 1995 6. List any purposes included in the General Fund (or other funds under the Tax Lid) in this 1995 budget which are exempt from the Tax Lid: + + + 7 . MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF LEVIES FOR FUNDS UNDER THE AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) IN THE 1995 BUDGET 3,656,307 =======------------_.=====-=--------=====--======--=----=======-======--=====--============== Suspension or adjustment of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation (Tax Lid) authorized by: a. Board of Tax Appeals Order dated b. Election Held on c. Charter Ordinance/Resolution Page No. 3 en ~ enCl ~~ o tz..tz.. o .u til Q) E-o OWl ~'OO\ E-o:3O\ enalr-t en en I!I!l :z: Q I!I!l fo4 III I!I!l ~ H .. o u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q) c: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :3 .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c::. Q l-l .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. III 0. 0 0 0 U") U") 0 0 0 U") 0 U") 0 0 0 .u 0\ \.0 0 0 ~ '<:t" ('V) '<:t" CO N '<:t" \.0 0'\ N N c: 0\ N U") ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '<:t" ~ ~ ~ :3 r-t .u 0 en E CV 0 0 CO U") 0 0 0 0 ('V) 0 :;:) 0'\ ('V) 0 ~ l-l U") U") ('V) I"'-. 0 I"'-. ~ ~ \.0 '<:t" I"'-. I"'-. '<:t" 0 CV 0'\ N CO 0 N CO 0'\ '<:t" U") ~ U") 0'\ N c::. .u .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. c: 0'\ CO '<:t" U") \.0 ~ \.0 ~ ('V) ('V) U") CO N ('V) 1-1 N 0'\ N ('V) ~ U") U") <.0 U") N N \.0 CO 0'\ U :;:). 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CV c: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,;::) :;:) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ I I :3 .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Q "" l-l 0 0 0 0 U") 0 1.."> 0 0 0 U") 0 0\ 0. 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Q) 'E-4 ~ ~~ r3~ J.J tJ ~Illo CJl III ~O ~ Q) ~ Q) 0'lJ.J ~Jl/l .c:: l-4 !:: OE-4 .u III 0 H~ 0 .c::U U 0 E-4H !:: ~ HIllo H ~H Q) 0E-4 J.J Q) tr Ugf .c:: CJl Ctl r-f O'llll Q) C; IllotJ III 'n .c:: tJ .u ~ tJ on ~~ 0 J.J ~ ~ E-4 =' ::s Cl.o 0 p., IZII1Q i< Q) Q) ~tf.l J.J J.J rl E-4:2 !:: III dP ..Q H ll: I1l ~tJ rl tf.lC: -M ~ J.J III ~ tJ :> E III III ~ \i.4 ~ Q) 0 J.J .... E-< !:: 'M 0 U Q) J.J J.J III tJ ~ Q) III J.J \i.4 ~ J.J III 0 J.J CJl Q !:: Q) 0 ~ U Q) .w C -M "0 Q) Q) CJl :> III 'M ..c:: .w tJ u ~ Q) =' .... Cl.o .... CJ) Q) o:I;n Q) CJ)Q tJ rl ~~ -M I1l :> :l ~ 0 Q) 0) c c..c.. ~ I:: ru 0 0 .w E Z Q) Ul (l) (l) UJ I E-< 0'11/1 oW :J 0:1;"00\ ...... E-<:10'1 .. CJ)aln STATE OF KANSi Budget Form E 199: Adopted Budget GENERAL PtJND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 2.184,753 3,357,127 3,694,346 Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax 532,366 770,139 '.""."~.~'.!fi,'.'.'. . ...... Delinauent Tax ~4,U69 11 , JUO Motor Vehicle Tax ;U~, 130 111,!J/l 170.053 Local Alcoholic Liauor Fund 74.462 77 . 701 86,268 Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund 334,845 337,510 344,328 County and City Revenue Sharina Fund 272,174 293,032 313,758 In Lieu of Taxes (I.R.B.) Mineral Production Tax (County only) Countv-wide Sales Tax 4.200.295 4 500.000 4 680 000 City Sales tax 2 941.180 3.050.000 3 172.000 Franchise tax 1 680.386 1 662,000 1.655.000 Bin ~'O 14.729 14.800 15,000 Interqovernmental 373,333 386,000 434,000 t-ees 1,051.310 1,072_,800 1,066,200 Flnes 557,421 824,000 824,000 Permits and Insoection 254.364 270.000 230.000 Reimbursements 29,959 35,000 40,000 Miscellaneous 111,938 78,500 48,500 lre.nsfers HI 498,706 548,301 453,904 Use of Money and Property: Interest on Idle Funds 454,101 480,000 450,000 Miscellaneous: Revenue in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes: Discontinued Funds NO-Fund Warrant Fund Surnlus '" '.. .', Reimbursed Expenses '.'""" '. Other '"," Cancellation of Prior Yrs Encumbrances ' .." 13.680.768 114" 522.654 .. .... ".. 13 999~911 TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE 15,865.521 17.879.781 17 694.257 Page No. 5 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1, Cont~nued 1995 Adopted Budget GENERAL POND (Contd) 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 15.865,521 17,879,781 III ,M4,~t>1 Expenditures: General Government: C1ty Comm1ss1on 4/1,3JU ~b,jUU 98.800 C1 ty I"lanager 189.925 205,096 221.228 legal 69.048 85.800 90.900 F1nance 285,509 318,601 320.888 Personne 1 86 166 92 880 95.500 BU1ld1ngs 210,871 228,512 277 ,876 Human Relations 107,486 113,510 112,008 lotal l:ieneral Government 1,426,335 1,140,699 1,217,200 Publ1C Safety: Police 2.495 173 2.667 493. 2.R97.809 Municipal Court 210 578 470--,-968 633.309 Parking Control 33 351 37 120 38.696 Fire 2.918,076 3.011 ,346 3,250,832 F1re/Pol1ce Transfers 52.000 87.330 135.000 Perm1ts and Inspect10n 166,148 174,737 207.144 Total Public Safet" 5.875.326 6.448 994 7.162.790 Public Works: Enqineerinq 175.308 182_.353 1Qfi.?RR Street 741 303 746 410 924.923 Fl ood l~orks 83.917 90.887 102.965 I ratt1 c Contro I 128,635 147 246 143.757 lotal Publ1C Works 1.129.163 1.166.896 1.367.933 Culture and Recreation: Pi),rks 648.698 669,~816 721.146 Swimming Pools 59.906 66.000 68.200 i'\e1 ghborhoOd Centers 72,188 67,503 74,570 Kecreat10n 829 561 866 637 909.155 Arts and Humanities 161,139 163,099 200.067 Smoky Hill Museum 188.539 189.809 205,400 lotal Culture and Recreation 1,960.031 2,022,864 2,178,538 Economic Development: Plannina 121,372 133.716 155.588 Heritage Commission 9.523 - - Total Economic DeveloDment 130 895 133.716 155 58R TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 94 Tax to be Leyied Page No. Sa STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1, Continued 1995 Adopted Budget GENERAL POND (Contd) 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: Hea lth : Cemetery 80.592 85.313 88 961 Health - 361.207 382.947 Total Health 80.592 446.520 471. 908 Continqency: Other 118,394 355,292 3.292.867 Transfers 675.334 678.454 110.000 KSU Sales tax 493.452 - - Total Continqency 1,287.179 1.033.746 3,402,867 Capl ta 1 uutl ay 618,873 1,792,000 2,010 ,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12.508.394 14.185.435 17.966.824 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 3.357.127 3.694.346 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 17.966.824 TAX REQUIRED 272.567 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 11.357 Amount of 94 Tax to be Levied 283,924 Page No. Sa STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1995 Adopted Budget Utility POND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 99,364 121,696 173,311 Ad Valorem Tax 626,508 722,161 Delinauent Tax 11.670 10.250 15~800 ' Motor Vehicle Tax 111.247 131.404 159,459 Miscellaneous - I,HOO - Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS 7/;9,425 865,615 175,259 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 848,789 987,311 348.570 Expenditures: General Governr.lent 727.093 814,000 947,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 727,093 814,000 947,000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 121,696 173,311 .. ...... ........ ........................ . .... .. .",. ... . . . . . . . . . . .. .......... ... . -. ............. Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance lJ4/,UuU TAX REQUIRED 598.430 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 24,935 Amount of 94 Tax to be Levied 623,365 Adopted Budget Er.lploype Benf~fi ts POND Code 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 233,717 539,590 552,217 Ad Valorem Tax 1.958.191 1.847.756 Delinauent Tax 40.739 3~.500 4U~600 Motor Vehicle Tax 388. GC,b ["lJ0\711 408,000 I r:tPj:~O\lprr:r.lentG.l 175,000 175,000 185,000 ReimLursements 5,995 7,600 - j\~i SC2 i I J.neCLiS ,;,llr,lJtJ 139,/00 - Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS 2, 7 ~2 .106 2.613.267 633.600 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 2.975 823 3,152.857 1,185,817 Expenditures: Genere.l Government 2,106,244 2,260,640 2,847,490 Trr:nsiers out 323,080 340,000 380,000 Ce. 0 itc. 1 Outl a'l 6 909 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,436,233 2,600,640 3,227,490 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 539,590 55?,217 I,..", ",',',', ,"'. "..... ., Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 3,227,490 TAX REQUIRED 2,041,673 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 85,070 Amount of 94 Tax to be Levied 2,lL6,743 Page No. 6 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1995 Adopted Budget Special Li abil i tv PtJND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 24,563 26.363 34.318 Ad Valorem Tax 362.657 287.337 ............................... ...... ... ... . -'." Delincment Tax 2.391 5.360 6~300 Motor Vehicle Tax 11 ,378 76.064 63,455 Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS 376,426 368,761 69,755 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 400 989 395.124 104.073 Expenditures: Transfers out 374.626 360.806 437,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 374,626 360,806 187,000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 26,363 34,318 ' , .......... Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 437,000 TAX REQUIRED 332,927 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 13,872 Amount of 94 Tax to be Levied 346.799 Adopted Budget POND Code 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 Ad Valorem Tax Delincment Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 " Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 94 Tax to be Levied I Page No. 7 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1995 Adopted Budget Business Improvement District POND 1993 ~994 Budget BUDGET "'ode Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 2.459 771 - Revenues: Special Assessments 60,908 75,000 75,000 t-lnes 445 TOTAL RECEIPTS 61.353 75.000 75.000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 63 812 711 ,771 7l:i.OOO Expenditures: General Government 46.041 58.771 58.000 Transfers out 17.000 17.000 17.nnn TOTAL EXPENDITURES 63.041 75 771 711.000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 771 - - Adopted Budget Tourism and Convention POND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 - 41.173 - Revenues: Transient Guest Tax 4q1 171 111q If)O 650.000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 491.173 519.160 650 000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 491.173 560.333 650.000 Expenditures: Economic Development 270.000 336.200 390.000 Iransters out 180,000 224.133 260.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 450.000 560.333 650,000 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 41. 173 - - Page No. 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1995 Adopted Budget Special Parks POND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET rOde Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 16.180 - - Revenues: Liquor Tax 74.462 n . 701 86,268 TOTAL RECEIPTS 74.462 n.701 86,L68 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 90.642 n . 701 86.268 Expenditures: Transfers out 90,642 n . 701 - Cultural and Recreation - - 86,268 """"''' ,. EXPEND S 90 642 n.701 86.268 Un'l"'fl'served Fund Balance December 31 - - - Adopted Budget Special Alcohol Pmm 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Bala.nce Ja.nuarv 1 24.181 3.838 - Revenues: Liquor tax 74,462 n , 701 86,267 TOTAL RECE:IPTS 74,462 n .701 86.267 RESOURCES ....'""~,. ""'LE 98.643 81. 539 86,267 Expendi tures : Hea lth 94.805 81 539 86.267 - TOTAL .I. JK.I:. S 94.805 81.539 86.267 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 3,838 - - Page No. 9 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1995 Adopted Budget Special Gas POND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET r-ode Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 409.073 528.114 316,b12 Revenues: Gas Tax 1,205,344 1,250,000 1,300,000 Mi sceTl aneaus 5,UOO - - TOTAL RECEIPTS 1 210.344 L 250 000 1. 300.000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1.619.417 1. 778 .114 1.616.612 Expenditures: Public Harks 866 303 1.216 502 1 6160612 Transfers out 225.000 225.000 - rrn'l'nT EXPEND..LTUK.I!;S 1 nq 1 1m 1.461.502 1.616.612 Unreserved Fnnn Balance December 31 528,114 316 612 - Adopted Budget Bicentennial Center nnm 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code At"tual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balan~e Januarv 1 334.572 268 502 312.868 Revenues: Fees 713 .004 660.000 663.000 Transfers in 2qn nnn 114 111 170-.0no Reimbursements 1.000 - TOTr..r RE~'I'l'TS 1. 004.004 994 113 1 033 000 RESOURCES AV.7\TT7\1:lLE 1.338 576 1.262.635 1.345.868 Expenditures: Recreation 1.070.074 949 767 1. 345.868 TOTAL ExpnmI~~S 1.070.074 949.767 1.345.868 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 268.502 312.868 - Page No. 10 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E3 1995 Adopted Budget Bond and Interest FOND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 jjJ,~l~ 539.B87 516.739 Ad Valorem Tax 1 216 986 1 037-1240 ... ........ .. .. Delinauent Tax 18.353 20.300 " 22~800 Motor Vehicle Tax 238.778 255.250 229.033 Soecial Assessments 873 850 715--,800 870,000 Miscellaneous 29,750 30.000 - Transfers in 731,922 840,161 - Interest on Idle Funds 1.538 TOTAL RECEIPTS 3.111,177 2.898,751 1, 121 ,833 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 3.447.092 3.438.638 1.638.572 Expenditures: Debt Service 2.907.205 2.921 899 3.414,575 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,907,205 2,921,899 3,414,575 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 539 887 516 739 ......................'..................................... ..... ....... .... .. .... .-....,-.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H........ Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 3-1414 575 TAX REQUIRED 1, 776 .003 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 74,000 Amount of 94 Tax to be Levied 1 850.003 Adopted Budget POND Code 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 Ad Valorem Tax ................................. ...... ... .. Delinauent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Interest on Idle Funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQU:IRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) _ZUnoun t of 94 Tax to be Levied Page No. 11 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1995 Adopted Budget Risk Manaaement POND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET hode Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balanro~ Januarv 1 29.175 167,619 19I,JtlU Revenues: Tra ~ in 4RQ Q44 476.124 512,338 Miscellc:neous 26.819 TOTAL RECEIPTS 516 763 476.124 512.338 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 545.938 643.743 703.718 Expenditures: General Government 378,319 452,363 703,718 TOTAL EXPENDTTORES 378.319 452.363 703,718 Unreserved Fund Balanroe December 31 167,619 191.380 - Adopted Budget Worker's Compensation Reserve rmm 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Cod~ Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balanroe Janua'I""V 1 321 744 471.876 684.224 Revenues: Transfers in 442 923 474.348 514.536 TOTAL REC'F.Il'TS 442,923 474,348 5T4,536 RESOURCES AVATLABLE 764,667 946,224 1,198,lbU Expenditures: 1,198,760 General Government 292,791 262,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 292.791 262 000 h -198 760 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 471.876 684 2?4 - Page No. 12 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1995 Adopted Budget Central Garage POND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET hode Actual or FSr;ma~e 1995 Unreserved p',nrl Ba' "'-...- Janu...,...., 1 1,205 13,995 42,950 Revenues: Fees 740 698 823-535 823,802 Reimbursements 7.402 - - TOTAL RECEIPTS 748.100 823.535 823,802 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 749,305 837.530 866,752 Expenditures: General Government 728,810 788,080 860,252 Trc.nsrers ouf b~ 6.500 6,500 TOTAL EYPENDITmmS n~ .:f10 7qiL ~80 866 752 Unreserved Fund Bal...nce December 31 13.995 42.950 - Adopted Budget Data Processing J'UHI) 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Cod" Actual or Esrimate 19Q5 Unreserved Fund Balan~e J;:anu;:a'I'"V 1 161 548 14.144 68.115 Revenues: Fees 91.638 121,500 326,995 Miscellaneous 888 - - Transfers in 152 261 202-586 - TOTAL REC'F.IPTS 244 787 324-086 326.995 RESOURCES nvn IIABLE 406.335 338.230 395.110 Expenditures: General Government 389.631 267.423 392,210 Transfers out 2,560 2.692 2,900 TOTAL EXPFm'lI~FS 392 191 270.115 395 110 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 14 144 68 115 - Page No. 13 Adopted Budget STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1995 Sanitation P1JND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET hode Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 650,104 645,350 520 254 Revenues: Fees 869 149 880.000 1. 020.000 Interest 20.034 20.000 20.000 Miscellaneous 1 045 1.300 1,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 890.228 901.300 L041. 000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1.540.332 1,546.650 1,561.254 Expenditures: Public Works 800.336 923.402 1.462.612 Transfers out 94.646 102.994 98.642 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 894.982 1.U26.396 1.561.254 Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31 645.350 520 .254 - Adopted Budget Solid Waste P1JND 1993 Code Actual 1 152,818 Unreserved Fund Balance Janua Revenues: Fees Interest Miscellaneous ther F1nanc1n Sources Inter overnmental 705 088 19 908 2 589 210,000 23 500 TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: Public Works Debt Service Tr~ fers out 961 085 1 613 903 979 173 44 4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES I Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31 1 023 797 I 590.106 Page No. 14 1994 Budget BUDGET or Estimate 1995 590,106 7,657 1 230 000 1,440,000 22 000 22,000 300 000 1 52 000 2 142 106 1 743 000 2 160 657 1 552 307 560 585 47 7 5 1 724 449 I 417,657 2 160 657 I STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1995 Adopted Budget Golf Course POND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET ....ode Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 46,539 74,292 104,483 Revenues: Fees 489,573 605,000 607,000 Interest 2.024 2.000 2.500 I Reimbursements 150 200 200 ! Miscellaneous 66.505 2.000 2,000 , TOTAL RECEIPTS 558.252 609.200 611.700 I RESOURCES AVAILABLE 604.791 683.492 716.183 Expenditures: Recreation 526 449 532 059 662.270 Debt service - - 9.142 Transfers out 4.050 46.950 44.771 TOTAL EXPENDITURES !i1n.4Qq !i7Q_nnQ 71 h 1 R1 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 74,292 104,483 - Adopted Budget Water and Sewer POND 1993 1994 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1995 Unreserved Fund Balance Januarv 1 6 019.329 5 569 940 5 252.159 Revenues: Fees 8.248.633 8.840.000 9.203.000 Interest 234.976 200.000 200.000 Reimbursements 1 136 Miscellaneous 62.116 100 000 100.000 Other Financinq Sources TOTAL RECEIPTS 8.546 8nl q un _nnn q 503 000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 14.566.190 14.709 940 14.755.159 Expenditures: Public Works 4.075.652 5.170.892 10.777 .209 Debt Service 2.068.184 2.402.400 2.507.000 Capital Uutlay 1,278,005 1,302,350 1,001,750 Transfers out 1.574.409 582.139 469.200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8qqn,?~n 9.457.781 14.755.159 Unreserved Fund Balance December 31 5 569 940 ~ ?~? l~q - Page No. -1L.. :lTAn: OF KANS;..s Budqee Form ;.. ::'995 NOT%c:z or HDJUJl'G 1995 BODaZT The qoven11ng, boay 01: Sa];na. Kansas Wll1 m..e on eb. 8th day of AUQust 1994 ae ~~.M.. ae 300 WP~t A~h 1:or eb. purpo.. 01: b.&iinq ana anawer1Dq obj.celona of eaxpayer. r.lae~q eo eb. propo..a U.. of all 1:UDda ana en. amoune 01: tax eo b. levl.cl. o.eal1ecl buclq.e informacion lS ava11abl. ae The Cit! Clerks Office .ava11abl. ae eM. b_r1nq. 300 W. s h. Koorn ,Wb and will be .=an SUllllAlly The Expencl1eure. ana eh. Amoune 01: 94 Tax eo be Lev1ecl la. .hewn below) eseab11.h tbe maximum limie. 01: tb. 1995 budqee. The -Est Tax Raee- in ebe far r1qhe column is .ubjece eo s11qhe chaDq. depencl1ng on final a......d v.aluae1on. 199' '9<<14 :ennrn:-r 1995 Actual BUclqee or Aceual Amoune of Est Actual Tax Eat1maee of Tax 94 Tax eo Tax I""n1'4 . ~. R..",... " ....- D....... E:n...nd' b.. L"v'l..d Rate. Ir,pneral 12 508.394 3.381 14.185.435 4.l:lb4 i/.~bb.8 283.!:/Z4 1.~/2 Emnlovee Henefit 2.436.233 12.446 2.600.640 iJ..b/U 3..::, . " ~.iZb./43 11. 775 Utility 727.093 3.982 814 000 4.561 9 . (J bZ3.Jbtl 3.451 Soeclal Liability 374.626 2.305 360.806 1. 815 4: . u j4b./~~ 1. nu Business lmpr. Oist 63.041 - 75.771 - . u - - Tourism & ConventiOI 450.000 - 560 333 - 650 000 - - Soecial Parks 90 642 - 77 701 - 86 268 - - Soecial Alcohol 94.805 - 81.539 - 86.267 - - c_ ,-- 1 Gas 1-0g1 303 - 1.461 502 - 1 616 612 - - Bicentennial Center 1 070 074 - 949.767 - 1 345 868 - - Other Soecial Rev. 1 380 829 - - - - - - Capita 1 Projects 5 019.365 - - - - - - Bond & I ?90720li 7 ~735 ?g?1.1199 6.551 3 414 575 1 850 003 10.243 Exoendable Trust 166 817 - - - - - - Sanitation 894.982 - 1 026 396 - 1 561 254 - - I<:nlirl W~c:t" 1 n?1 797 - 1 724 449 - 2.160.657 - - Golf Course 530.499 - 579 009 - 716.183 - - Watpr P, Sewer Q oo&: ?<:;n - Q 41;7 7111 - 14 7lil; l1;Q - - , Water & Sewer P&I 2 352.803 - - - - - - Hc:I, M~n~opmpnt 378319 - 452 363 - 703 718 - - I c:: r.nmn, Re~ 292.791 - 262.000 - 1.198 760 - - :ent ra 1 Garace 735 310 - 794.580 - 866.752 - - Data Processinl1 392 191 - 270 115 - 395.110 - - Nonexoendable Trust 2,172 - - - - - - Totals 43 979 541 29.849 38 656.086 9.461 52.210 497 5 230.834 28.961 Less: Transfers 3 664,471 2,940,983 1,968.778 Net Expendieures 40.315.070 35.715.103 50.241.719 ** Total Tax Levied 4 882 255 4 858 992 Assessed Valuae10n 163 565.120 164.930 152 180 616 492 T' ," OUtac.andiD9 IndebteciDess. Jazmary:,1. "", .', t,o~~9~nn lJUJ '1994:,' G 0 Bonas '12.255.000 '12'575 000 NO-Fund Warranes - - - Revenue Bonds 7.645.000 22.380.000 25.120.000 Lease Pureh Prine - - - Temporary Notes 607.000 1.021 000 1.028.000 Total 21.164.000 35.656.000 38.273.000 . Tax Raees are ~ressed ~n m~lls. ** [nc 1 Ud:S S 11. 7V. .36~~:eserves. U 1lji Clerk~ j?~ d /ff'~~ Mayor Page No. 16 . Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDAVIT I, Jeanny Sharp sworn, declare that I am the Advertising Manager of THE , being duly SALINA JOURNAL, a daily newspaper published at Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of general circulation in said county, which newspaper has been continuously and unin- terruptedly published fcir five consecutive years prior to first publication of attached notice, and that the attached _ 1995 BUDGET HEARING times, has been correctly published in said newspaper 29 the first publication being given ,19~. day of A.D. 19 Iii II (-"cd",. I Notary Public 1995 BUDGET HEARING 1 ~ .J" :!<I F;VBA .. f'!o,,~_.., ~- ~;,r,... S:J.I,~ 0:, Ka(1Sas :;.:~;. ,.:/p.",; r;s ;.'-.)J.-'ft..- NOTICE OF HEARING 1995 BUDGET The g<MImlng body of Salina. Kansas wiN meet on 1he 8th day 01 AugUIl, 1994 at 4:00 p.m., at 300 West Ash for the purpose 01 haaring end answering objectIona 01 taxpaye.. relating to the propoeed use 01 all lunda and 1he amount 01 lax to be levied. Detailed budget Information Is available at The City CI8fkI 0lfIce. 300 W. Ash Room 206 and will be available at this heating. BUDan SUMMARY The Expendttu- and 1he Amount 0194 Tax to be levted (..shown baIowl_1ah 1he maximum Ilmill1 01 the 1995 buclget. The "Est. Tax Rate' In 1he far right column Is subject to slight change depending on final _ valuation. 1183 1l1N Actual Budget or Actuat Actual To EetImIIta of To ExpendlturM Rete" Expendltu.... Rete" 12,508,394 3.381 14,185,435 4.864 2,438,233 12.446 2,600,640 11.670 727,093 3.962 814,000 4.561 374,628 2.305 380,606 1.615 83,041 75,n1 450,000 560,333 90,842 n,701 94,605 61,539 1,091,303 1,461,502 1,070,074 949,767 1,380,629 5,019,385 2,907,205 166,617 894,962 1,023,797 530,499 8,996,250 2,352,803 378.319 292,791 735,310 392,191 2,172 43,979,541 29.849 38,856,086 29.461 3,864.471 2,940,983 40,315,070 35,715,103 4,882.255 4,856,992 183,585,120 184,930,152 Outatendlng IncIebtecIMu, January 1, 1912 1983 12,912,000 12,255,000 7,845,000 22,380,000 607,000 1,021,000 21,184,000 35.856.000 Fund General.. .................... .................. Employee Benefi!......................... Utility ............................................ Special Uabillty ............................ Buslness Impr. Dial. ..................... Tourism & Convention.................. Special Parka............................... Special Alcohol............................ Special Gas.................................. BIcentennial Center...................... Olher SpecIal Rev. ....................... Capital projects............................ Bond & Interesl............................ Expendable Trust......................... Sanitation.. .............._................... Solid Waste.................................. Golf COUI8ll...........,...................... Waler & Sewer............................. WIlter & Sewer P&I...................... Rial< Management........................ WoI1<e(s Comp. Res..................... Central Garage............................. Date Processing........................... Nonexpendable Trust................... Totals............................................ Lass:Transfens.............................. Nel Expenditures ......................... Total Tax Levied............................ Assessed Valuation...................... GO Bonds................................... Revenue Bonds............................ Temporary Noles.......................... Total............................................. 'Tax Rates are expressed In mills. "Includes $11,784,384 in ....rws. Judy Long City Clerk 7.735 2,921,899 1,026,396 1,724,449 579,009 9,457,781 452.363 262,000 794,580 270,115 Joeeph A. Warner Mayor PROPOSEDBUDGET1~ Amount of Eat. 94 Tax to Tall ba LAvIed Rete" 283,924 1.572 2,126,743 11.n5 623,385 3.451 346,799 1.920 Expenditure. 17,966,824 3,227,490 947,000 437,000 75,000 850,000 66,268 66,267 1,618,612 1,345,866 6.551 3,414,575 1,850,003 10.243 1,561,254 2,160,657 716,183 14,755,159 703.716 1,196,760 866,752 395,110 52,210,497 1'966,n8 50.241,719 .. 160,616,492 1994 12,575,000 25,120,000 1.028,000 38,273,000 5,230,834 26.961 COUNTY CLERK BUDGET INFORMATION City of Salina Judy Long, City Clerk 300 W. Ash Salina, KS 67401 The following information is provided for the preparation of your 1995 budget: 1. July 1, 1994 estimated assessed valuation: Personal Property $ 145,495,857 $ 21,075,373 $ 14,045,262 $ 180,616,492 $ 3,607,935 Real Estate State Assessed Total 2. 1994 increase of new improvements to real estate: 3. Estimated assessed valuation of territory added/~~ for 1994 (city only) : Real Estate Personal Property State Assessed New Improvements Total 4. Gross Earnings (Intangibles) Tax estimate: 5. The delinquency percentage for (use the largest levy) 1992 ad valorem tax uncollected General 15,983 1992 ad valorem tax levied 548,374 = 2.9 % 6. 1992 percentage of delinquency for special assessments % June 27, 1994 Date Provided by, ,~, ~ CO C RK (April 1994) Taxing District ABSTRACT OF TAXES LEVIED - 1993 SALINE COUNTY Tangible Valuation STATE 229,746,512 Educational Bldg. State Institutions Bldg. TOTAL STATE COUNTY General Road & Bridge Public Health Mental Health Center Economic Development Parks Election Expense Vegetation Management Extension Council Appraiser's Cost Employee Benefits Occupational Center Junior College Tuition Ambulance Service Services for Aging Soil Conservation TOTAL COUNTY CITIES SALINA General Employee Benefits Utility Special Liability Bond & Interest TOTAL SALINA ASSARIA General BROOKVILLE General Employee Benefits TOTAL BROOKVILLE GYPSUM General Employee Benefits Utility Library Bond & Interest TOTAL GYPSUM NEW CAMBRIA General SHOLAN General 229,746,512 164,930,152 1,258,111 507,029 595,190 246,299 328,781 Tangible Tax 229,726.91 114,863.45 344,590.36 308,062.00 1,885,357.91 191,820.87 105,444.05 58,350.30 107,511.58 39,283.08 155,983.68 243,279.40 266,481.68 1,226,275.19 225,131.08 159,659.28 488,626.33 170,456.39 10,797.10 5,642,519.92 802,143.68 1,924,551.14 752,174.62 299,319.65 1,080,354.29 4,858,543.38 Finance Co. Tax 25.75 25.75 421.70 421.70 505.81 505.81 Page 1 Total Tax 229,752.66 114,863.45 344,616.11 308,483.70 1,885,357.91 191,820.87 105,444.05 58,350.30 107,511.58 39,283.08 155,983.68 243,279.40 266,481.68 1,226,275.19 225,131.08 159,659.28 488,626.33 170,456.39 10,797.10 5,642,941.62 802,649.49 1,924,551.14 752,174.62 299,319.65 1,080,354.29 4,859,049.19 18,359.36 9,397.96 1,199.90 10,597.86 11,085.81 3,547.29 6,498.90 883.70 41,927.18 63,942.88 1,069.25 1,855.06 NOT:Ia OF HKAR:ING 1995 BUDGET The qovern~nq body of Salina. Kansas 1994-at ~ ~.M., at 300 West Ash object~ons of taxpayers relat~ng to the be levied. Deta1led budget information ~s available at The Cit~ Clerks Office ava1lable at this hear1ng. 300 W. sh, Hoom lUb STATE OF KANS;..s Budget Form ;... :995 ....ill meet on the 8th day of Auqust for the purpose of hear1ng and answer1ng proposed use of all funds and the amount of tax to BtmCBT StJllllARy and will be The Expenditures and the Amount of 94 Tax to be Levied (as shown below) establish the maximum limits of the 1995 budget. The "Est Tax Rate" in the far right column is subject to slight change depending on final assessed valuation. Fund General Emnlovee Benefit Util itv Soecial Liability Business Imor. Dist Tourism & Conventior Soecial Parks SDecial Alcohol SOF'cii'll Gas Bicentennial Center Other Snecial Rev. CaDi ta 1 Pro.iects Bond & IntF'rF'st Exnendable Trust Sanitation lC:;nlirl Wi'lc:tp Go If Course Watpr JI. St"WI-' Water & Sewer P&I Ri c:k- Mi'lnaopmpnt . . I c: rnmn Rec: Central Garaae Data Processino Nonexoendable Trust Totals Less: Transfers Net Expenditures Total Tax Levied Assessed Valuation G 0 Bonds No-Fund Warrants Revenue Bonds Lease Purch Princ Temporary Notes Total lq93 Actual Actual Tax '''ures Rate* 12.508.394 3.381 2.436,233 12.446 727.093 3.982 374.626 2.305 63,041 - 450.000 - 90.642 - 94.805 - 1 091 303 - 1.070-074 - 1.380.829 - 5.019.365 - 2q07 205 7 735 166.817 - 894 982 - 1 n?':l 7q7 - 530.499 - ~ qq~ ,,,n _ 2.352,803 - 378 319 - 292 791 - 735-310 - 392.191 - 2.172 - lqq4 Budget or Actual Estimate of Tax F.~"nditur"s Date* 14.185,435 4.864 2 . 6UU , b4U :T :om 814.000 4.561 360,806 1.815 75,771 - 560.333 - 77.701 - 81.539 - 1 461 502 - 949.767 - PRnl)n~ED 'Ruor:1="T' , q q 5 Amount of 94 Tax to be L"'vied 283,924 2 ,"TZO,7lrJ 623~J65 ~, 79'9'" F.Y'I"'lenditures 11,966,824 3,22 .490 94 ,OUO 43 .000 15,UUU 650.000 86.268 86,267 1 616 612 1.345.868 - - - - - - 2 921 899 6.551 3.414.575 - - - 1.026 396 - 1.561.254 1. 724.449 - 2.160.657 579.009 - 716,183 Q 4t;7 7A1 - 14 jt;t; 1t;q - - - 452.363 - 703.718 262 000 - 1.198.760 794.580 - 866.752 270.115 - 395,110 - - - 43 979 541 29.849 38.656 086 ~9.461 52.210.497 3.664.471 2.940.983 1. 968,778 40,315,070 35,715,103 50,241,719 4 882.255 4 858 992 I ,', 163 565.120 164.930.152 180.616A92 .....!..j...........:.!.i~92~tSt;an.diri9:.!...I~;;:~ss~.:';....JanuarY:....1..~..i~~~..;,:;...;,;,;'.';"'" T~Qr2" 000 '... ..". '/It.2SS .OOO"N'12"575:~OOO 7 645 000 607.000 21.164.000 · Tax Rates are ~~ressed in mills. ** I nc 1 udes S 11. 7)).,364 in reserves. Ci Clerk 22.380 000 25.120.000 Est Tax Rate* 1.~2 11. 775 3.451 1. 920 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.850.003 10.243 - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.230.834 28.961 ** JL~ d- QrAA--n~ Mayor 1.021.000 135.656.000 1,028.000 38.273.000 Page No. 16