1994 Budget - Amendment STATE OF UNSAS Budget Form Amend 1994 BUDGET AKERDMERT INSTRUCTIONS Budget amendments as authorized by K.S.A. 79-2929a are pe~itted to lncrease the original budget for " previously unbudgeted increases 1n revenue other than ad valorem property taxes." AMENDMENT PROCEDURES 1. Publish the Notice of Hearing on Amending the 19 94 Budget. see fo~ below. Include only those funds being amended. At least ten days must elapse between Steps 1 and 2. 2. Hold the hearing on amending the budget as scheduled in Step 1. J. File two caples of the following fo~s with the county clerk: Certificate showing only the amended funds. Individual fund budget for each fund being amended. Proof of publication. Before amending the budget. be sure it lS necessary. Certain revenue lS exempt from the budget law. Also, remember that a budget cannot be amended after the year lS completed. NonCE OF HEARING ON AMENDING THE 19 94 BUDGET The governing body of The Citv of Salina. Kansas will meet on the 18th day of April . 19 94 at 4: 00 .E..H., at 300 West Ash. Suite 200 for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to th~ proposed amended use of funds. Detailed budget information is available at 300 W~st Ash, Suite 206 and will be available at this hearing. SUllMARY OF AKERDMERTs Funrf Tourism and Convention Adopted Budget Proposed Amendment 19 19 - Actual Amount Tax of Tax to Expendi- R::rt"P hp J_u' t"llrp"l - i~....... -- -- 1$475.000- $560,333 ~d-+ [J. ~,/ " ,~Ci tJ(J Clerk 6 :t IS recommended that these ~ave to amend your budget. L~ ",," r,\ '.'..~t- ~~.~:~ ,l\:. ' ........::" "\,'i /;;i.., I. " Nl.. ''', j, '- . ~ ~:J : ~.1 ; , I i,. -= I . 'J' ~! inscruc1:i:..oas"&II4.oal1e s~t "',-:".... .~ ;/ '~~_ ,-5 ~.;;/ ~~ of forms be saved to use 111 case ~ou STATE OF KANSA~ Budget Form Amend 1994 BUDGET AMEHDMEHT INSTRUCTIONS Budget amendments as authorized by K.S.A. 79-2929a are permitted to increase the original budget for " previously unbudgeted increases in revenue other than ad valorem property taxes." AMENDMENT PROCEDURES 1. Publish the Notice of Hearing on Amending the 19 94 Budget. see form below. Include only those funds being amended. At least ten days must elapse between Steps 1 and 2. 2. Hold the hearing on amending the budget as scheduled in Step 1. 3. File two copies of the following forms with the county clerk: Certificate showing only the amended funds. Individual fund budget for each fund being amended. Proof of publication. Before amending the budget. be sure it is necessary. Certain revenue is exempt from the budget law. Also, remember that a budget cannot be amended after the year is completed. NOTICE OF HEARING ON AMENDING THE 19 94 BUDGET The governing body of The City of Salina, Kansas will meet on the 13th day of December 19 93 . at 4:00 E-.M.. at 300 West Ash, Suite 200 for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed amended use of funds. Detailed budget information is available at 300 West Asn, Suite 206 and will be available at this hearing. StlMHARy OF AMENDMENTS Actual Tax Adopted Budget Proposed Amendment 94 94 Amount of Tax to Expendi- I Tourism and Convention Ci ty Clerk It is recommended that these instructions and one set of fo~ be saved to use 1n case you have to amend your budget.