1994 Budget Certificate e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form A 1994 NOTICE OF HEARING 1994 BUDGET The governing body of 1993 at ~ ~.M.. at object~ons of taxpayers be levied. Salina, Kansas will meeton the ~ day of Auaust 300 We!it A!ih for the purpose of hear~ng and answer~ng relat~ng to the proposed use of all funds and the amount of tax to Deta~led budget lnformation is available at the C:tv Cle~k's office, 300 W. Ash, #2Qfnd will be ava~lable at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY The Expenditures and the Amount of 93 Tax to be Levied (as shown below) establish the maximum limits of the 1994 budget. The "Est Tax Rate" in the far right column is subject to slight change depending on final assessed valuation. 10Q2 I lOa) I PROPOSED BUDGET 1004 Actual Budget or Actuall Amount of Est Actual Tax Estimate of Tax 93 Tax to Tax Flinn IF . . to"~ r.." ~"t"..* Fv''''..rl; t"'lr.." R"t"..* Fv"'''...rl; t""rpc; h.. , n......1 Ratp* Gene~al 13.975.A50 R.052 12,668,601 3.381 I 14 878.346 R02.228 4.928 Emplove.. Menef1 t s 2,418.762 11.206 2,514,960 1 2.446 I 2 860 640 I .924.746 11.824 Uti! i tv 694,40R 3.211 781,000 3.982 914,000 752,251 4.621 Special Liabilitv 101 .662 .295 374,626 2.305 385.806 299.309 1.839 Business Impr-ove. Dist. 75.000 -- 75,000 -- 77 459 -- -- Tour-ism & Convention 441,359 -- 450,000 -- 475,000 -- -- Special Par-ks 82.284 -- 106,805 -- 86.937 -- -- Special Alcohol 74.283 -- 114,805 -- fl6 938 -- -- Special Gas 1,268,518 -- 1,227,905 I -- 1 531 168 -- -- Bicentennial Center- 745,702 -- 976,892 -- 1 157 680 I -- -- Other- Special Revenue 933,452 -- -- -- -- -- -- Capitill Pr-oiects 21,828,123 -- -- -- -- I -- -- Rand & Inter-est I 4.425.739 I 7.064 2,901,190 I 7.735 2 997 250 I I 080 458 I 6.637 Expendable Tr-ust 428,lR5 -- -- I -- -- I -- I -- Siln1tatlon fl60,781 I -- A98,070 I -- 1 604 634 I -- I -- Solid Waste 432,316 -- 977,284 -- 2.289.534 -- -- Golf r.our-!ie 589 202 -- 514,575 -- 677.139 -- -- Wate~ .t. Se_~ I 7 342 952 -- fl,876,569 -- 13,355;415 -- -- Water- & Sewer- f> &. I 784.236 -- -- -- -- -- -- Risk M<lnaaement 389.102 -- 401,970 -- ')93.273 -- -- Wor-ke~'~. Compo keser-ve 191.331 -- 262,000 -- 977.015 -- -- Cent~al Gar-<lqe 661,108 -- 757.080 -- fl44 SAO -- -- Data Pr-oc:essina 177.983 -- 242,680 -- 4AO.115 -- -- Nonexpendable Tr-ust 5.087 -- -- -- -- -- -- Totals SR_977_4?S 29.828 35.122 012 I 29.849 46.272.929 I 4.AS8,992 29.849 Less: Transfers 5.029.836 2,664,021 2 713.0B" Net Expenditures 53,897,589 32,457,991 43.499.843 - Total Tax Levied 4,783,117 4,8B2,255 xxxxxxx~xxxx Assessed Valuation 160,356,603 163,565,120 162,785,794 Outstand1ng Indebtedness, January 1. G 0 Bonds So-Fund Warrants Revenue Bonds Lease Pur Principal Tempor-ar-y Notes Total 1991 10.040.000 1992 12.912.000 1993 12.255.000 7.865.000 7.645.000 22.380.000 3.030,000 20,935,000 h07,OOO 21,164.000 1.021.000 35.656.000 ~ Tax Rates are expressed in mills. ** Includes 59,997,402 in r-ese~ves. -J.. u... \.:. 0 s'L...u \ Ci ty Cle.rk (J/f;:, +~~ Mayor e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form' 0 1994 \;.LIU.LE ~CAD TO THE CLERK OF SALINE COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We. the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of THE CITY OF SALINA certify that: (1) the hearing mentioned in the attached proof of publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1994; and (3) the Amount(s) of 93 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. 1994 ADOPTED BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS: Amount of Adopted Budget Page 93 Tax to County Clerk's Nn - 1;~lIT""'" hI' T..,,;..~ IT"", nnl'\T T..."", T ;'";..., fnT" T~y Flinn'" ? rnm.. nf A"" T~X' Lpvv T;m;~~~;n" , - nf - .,np' , l... nf rnnrt;~;n"~l T.P;:lc;p .. .. ,. 4~ - 1 " 14 878.346 802.228 Ut il itv 6 914.000 752.251 Aanreoate Tax Levv Limitation -- 3.666.678 Emolovee Benefits 6 2.860.640 1.924.746 Snecial L i abil itv 7 385.806 299,309 Business Imnrovement District 8 77 . 459 -- Tourism & Convention 8 475.000 -- Soecial Parks 9 86.937 -- Snecial Alcohol 9 8fi.93R -- Snecial Gas 10 1,531,168 -- Bicentennial Center 10 1 157.680 -- R~n-;.j !I. T _I-'-t-'st 11 2 997.250 1 080.458 Ri c;k u. 12 593.273 -- ; Ie; r :ion Reserve 12 977 .015 -- c'pn "ill ,... .- 13 844.580 -- Di'lta P inn 13 480.115 -- Sanitation 14 1. 604,634 -- Solid Waste 14 2.289,534 -- Golf Course 15 677 , 139 -- Water and Sewer 15 13,355,415 -- .,.n.,.&TC: 46 27'2..929 4.858.992 PT"nnf nf P"hl;,."t-;nn 16 Final Assessed Valuation , Municipal Accounting Use Only Received Reviewed by Follow-up: Yes No Assisted by: Page No. 1 Not assisted Attest: . 1993 (If not assisted. so state) County Clerk e e STATE OF KAlfSAS Budgee Form 81 1994' LEVY LIHITS FOR TAX FUNDS For CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS (name of municipality) Estimated Assessed Valuaeion July 1 , 1993 + Final Assessed Valuation for 1989 = 'V A B C D 93 88 Levy Lmt Factor H (1) (1) * Rates are expressed in mills. ** Use the factor in this computation only if it is greater than 1.00000. ,1) Multiply the rate times the eseimated assessed valuation July I, 1993 (moving the decimal 3 places to the left) to dete~ine this fund's RLevy Limie.R FUNDS UNDER. TAX LID K.S.A. , C .0. , 1994 Motor Difference or C.R. Levy 1990 Motor Vehicle Tax 1990 Less 1994 LAVIR I..u.Iu1. Authoritv Vehicle Tax Estima.te 1094*** Amount: General K.S.A. 79-1948 486.864 111.571 375.293 339.510 Utility Ch.12 Article 5 124.166 131. 404 7.238 (Use a continuation page if more lines are needed) Total 611,030 242,975 368,055 339.510 -c~ Ulter en page no. 3, Line. 4c if -Difference- 1.5 a positive number. Page No. 2 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budge~ Form 82 1994 Allo~ation of Motor Vehi~l~ Tax 1993 Budgeted Funds Actual Amount of 1994 Budget (q? T::ly_r.."...,,) q? T.p"" l?"t-.n AI' : "'.. Genera 1 553,014 111,571 EmDlovee Benefits 2,035,731 410,711 Ut il itv 651,316 131,404 5 pe cia 1 L i a b il it y 377 ,018 76,064 Bond and Interest 1,265,176 255,250 TOTAL 4,882,L55 985,000 NOTE: Do not allocate to new or discontinued funds, see instructions. * * * * * Comoutation of Delinauencv * Amount of 91 Taxes Uncollected 43.781 divided by amount of 91 Taxes Levied 1,258,876 = Actual Delinquency for 91 Tax~s 3.47~ Rate Used in this Budget 4.00 i. Page No. 2a e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1994 CtllPU'J:ATIOlf OP ACCRECATE TAX LEVY LlHITATIOH (TAX LID) 2. Adjustment for territory added/excluded: 2a. Valuation of territory 1993 2b. Valuation of territory 19~2 2c. Valuation of territory 1991 2d. Valuation of territory 1990 2e. Subtotal (2a to 2d) 2f. 1993 estimated assessed valuation 2g. Total valuation less 2e 2h. Factor (2e+2g) 2i. Adjustment (2h times line 1) Ja. Jb. Jc. Jd. 3e. 3f. 3g. 3h. 3i. New Improvements for 1993 New Improvements for 1992 New Improvements for 1991 New Improvements for 1990 Personal property total for Personal property total for Change in personal property Less: New imn and ners nrop added territory Plus: New imn and ners nrop included in excluded territory Net value of new imp and pers prop (Sum 3a to 3d+3g+3i-3h) 1989 assessed valuation Factor (3j+3k) Adjustment (3m times line 1) 1. Total base year tax levies for purposes under the Tax Lid, see 1993 budget, page no. 3a, line 1 + 2.661,773 Added 270.552 Excluded 264 27~. 5~~ 162,78 ,7 162,515,242 .001665 4,432 264 162,785,794 162,785,530 .000002 5 + 4,427 + 3. Adjustment for new improvements and personal property: 1.214,356 2,203,868 2,767,767 1,347.881 +20,375.225 13,783.824 + 6,591.401 4. Possible adjustments to tax lid: 4a. Functions transferred in/out (K.S.A. 79-5027) (indicate + or -) 4b. Adjustment for elimination of gross earnings tax for elections after July 31, 1988 (K.S.A. 79-5020) 4c. Decrease in Motor Vehicle Tax Allocation 4d. Total Adjustment to Tax Lid (indicate + or -) 1993 1989 (3e-3f) included 1n (use only if > 0) -0- + -0- 3j. 3k. 3m. 3n. 14,125,273 152 .131. 938 .092849 + 247,143 + 385,280 -0- 368,055 + + + 753,335 5. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) FOR BUDGET YEAR 1994 3.666.678 6. List any purposes included 1n the general fund (or other funds under the tax lid) 1n this 1994 budget which are exempt from the tax lid: + + + 7. MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF LEVIES FOR fUNDS UNDER THE AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION (TAX LID) IN THE 1994 BUDGET 3,666,678 ============================================================================================= Suspension or adjustment of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation (Tax Lid) authorized by: a. Board of Tax Appeals Order dated b. Election Held on c. Chaner Ordinan.c:.e.llLesolution Page No. J STATt: OF KANSAS Budge t Form D 1994 e / e OF IHDEBTEDNESS Date Int Amount of Amount Amount Due Amount Due of Rate Bonds Outstand Date Due 1993 1994 Purpose of Bonds Issue r. Issued 1-1-93 Interest Prine Interest Prine Interest Prine 5.2- 6/1 & General Obliaation P-232 12/01/86 5.7 1,983,00C 1,020,00C 12/1 12/1 56,66C 240,000 43,700 250,000 6.1- 6/1 & General Obliaation P-233 12/01/87 6.65 5,OOO,00C 2,500,00C 12/1 12/1 161,25C 500,000 130,000 500,000 6.15 6/1 & General Obliqation FLP-234 12/01/88 6.65 1 , 115 ,OOC 615,00C 12/1 12/1 38,951 125,000 31,138 100,000 5.8:" 67T & General Obligation P-235 12/01/89 7.875 1 , 17 5, ooe 815,00C 12/1 12/1 49,355 120,000 42,675 120,000 5.75 6/1 & Generdl Obliaation B-236 12/01/90 7.75 455,00e 360,00C 12/1 12/1 21 ,48E 45,000 18,788 45,000 5.25 47T & General Obliqation P-237 4/01/91 7.25 1,300,00e 1,170,00C 10/1 10/1 66,820 130,000 58,695 130,000 5.4- 4/1 & General Obliaation P-238 7101191 7.4 1. 417 OO( 1.270.00C 10/1 10/1 75,615 145,000 64,885 145,000 4.5- 4/1 & General Obliqation C-239 12/01/91 6.5 1,785,00( 1,605,00C 10/1 10/1 82,20C 180,000 70,500 180,000 3.75 4/1 & General Obliaation P-240 4/01/92 5.9 1,240,OO( 1,240,00C 10/1 10/1 89,395 120,000 58,602 120,000 3.5- 4/1 & General Obliqation P-241 5/01/93 5.5 685 ,OO( -0- 10/1 10/1 -0- -0- 41,289 65,000 3.5- 4/1 & 4/1 & 1992 RefundinCl R-240 4/01192 4 9 1 660.001 1 .660 OOf 10/1 lOll 92 95F 560 000 43 478 500 000 General Obliaation 12/93 600.00 -- 27 000 60.000 6.0- 4/1 & ~ 1990 Water Refunding A 7/01/90 7.0 5,655.001 5,170.00( 10/1 10/1 345.51' 285.000 327.845 300 000 7.0- 4/1 & 1990 Water Revenue B 7/01190 7.1 2.210 .001 2 210.00( 1011 10/1 156.23' -- 156 235 -- 5.4- 4/1 & 1992 Sewer Revenue 7/01/92 7.4 15 ,000.001 15.000.00( 10/1 10/1 1.179.39' 385 000 3150/0 L1.1~ nnn 4/01193 3.200 ooe i? & 1011 /1 C) on 1993 Sewer Revenue -- 10 1 90.000 Page No 4 STATEMENT STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form D .994 e I e STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Date Int Amount of Amount Amount Due Amount Due of Rate Bonds Outstand Date Due 1993 1994 Purpose of Bonds Issue ~ Issued 1-1-93 Interest Prine Interest Prine Interest Prine Temporary Note PT-lll 9/01192 3.6 211. 000 211 000 Temporary Note PT -113 5/01193 3.5 197.000 -- ! Page No 4 STATEMENT OF CONDITIONAL LEASE. LEASE- PURCHASE AND CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION STAll:: OF KANSAS Budgel form 01 1994 Total Total Date Term lnt* Outright Other Amount Principal of of Rate Purchase Charges Financed Balance Due Payments Due Payments Due Item/Service Purchased Contract Contract % Price In Contract (Beg Prine) 1-1-93 1993 1994 None i , 4a. No Page available if rate nlerest ve effec ua sc ann II * e e STATE OF ~SAS Budget FOIlD E1 1994 Adopted Budget GERERAL FUND 1992 1993 Budget BUDGET ICode A,.,.."" 1 or E<;t"i.m~rp lQQ4 2.991,797 2 184.753 2.064.056 1 211.930 530.882 4 55 27.000 5.300 211 6h' 249 701 111.571 In ,44 92.861 84.701 ::nO?l1 336 500 339.510 267 778 280.500 293.032 3,744.290 3 850 000 3.850.000 -n- 2.150 000 2 750.000 2 .55~ 902 493.451 -0- 1 537 17fl 1.585 000 1 549,000 12 282 12 300 14.800 335.555 355.000 386.000 924 548 972 350 1.025.200 353.168 424,000 424.000 233.735 195.000 220.000 34.414 102.500 35,000 392.526 17,300 48.500 547.958 573.559 557,537 .. 'rved Flinn R" 1 "n,." Tanuarv 1 Taxes and Shared Revenues: An V~lorpm T"y npl; T.1.X V,,),;,.lp T:lY J.(H"" I A lcoho 1;,. T ' Flinn Local Ad V"lnrpm T~x ~ "nn "'linn (' ::t nn C i tv M Flinn In Lieu of (TR B ) 11 ~ ',... T::tY (~ nnl,,) Countv-wide Sales Tax City Sales Tax City Sales Tax - KSU-Salina Franchise Tax Binqo Interqovernmental Fees Fines Permits and Insoection Reimbursement Miscellaneous Transfers In Use of Money and Property: I .~ on Till" Fllnnc: 347.671 300,000 350,000 Miscellaneous: Revenue in Lieu of Ad Valorem Taxes: D; . n,,,'n ""nn c: Nn- Flinn Wa.l. Fund C::urnlus R.. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx Cancell",..;n" nf P..-inr Yrc: ~ TnTAJ. Kr,l.r r-TC; RESOURCES AVAIL~BLE xxxxxx ~ '" s 13,168.806 16.160.603 I 12,547,904 14.732.657 12.044,151 14.108.207 Page No. 5 e e STATE OF KA.~SAS Budget Form El. Continued 1994 Adopted Budget GERERAL FUND (Contd) 1992 I 1993 Budget BUDGET Ir.nrlp Act"lI:'ll nr F<:t";m~r.. Iqq4 AVATT,ART,~ 16 160 603 14.732.657 14,lOU,LUI Expenditures: n~Ant. 1 f', Citv rnmmic;c;;nn 492.560 500 300 Yb,JUU C1ty Manaqer 1 II , '( 187.816 205, '96 Leaa 1 . q~ 7' 85 800 85, :00 Finnnrp ? 111 ,..- 296.432 Jll, ,U1 Personnel 87.494 93.295 Y~,I3I3U Buil di nqs 211 061 220 328 i:::L13,!:>U Human Relations 100.504 103.975 lOY, !J1O Total General Government 1. 469.729 1.487.946 1,lL~,b~~ Public Safety: Police 2,350.786 2,575,826 2,b!:>/,4~j Municipal Court 98.634 187 666 176,868 Parkinq Control 33.248 35.538 37,120 Fire 2.676.180 2 872.414 2.961,346 Fire/Police Transfer 17 000,. 17 000 87,330 Permits and Insoection 161.584 148,691 174,737 Totn 1 Public Safety 5.337 432 5.837 135 6.094,894 Pllhlir Works' Enoi neeri no 162.354 176 586 182,353 Strflflt 703.705 728,340 746,410 Flood Works 84.067 90.406 YO,13137 Traffic Control 124.954 140,228 14/,1-4b To ta 1 Public Works 1.075 080 1.135 560 1 166.896 Culture and Recreation: Pa rks 621.393 655 610 685.816 Swimminq Pools 59.273 66.300 66.000 Neiqhborhood Centers 95.150 66,190 67,503 Recreation 791.336 846,818 866,637 Arts and Humanities 156,459 158.210 163,099 Smoky Hill Museum 181,452 171.276 189 809 To ta 1 Culture and Recreation 1 905.063 1 964.404 2.038.864 Economic Develooment: Planninq 114.401 123.516 133.716 Heritaqe Commission 8.707 9 250 -0- To ta 1 Economic Development 123.108 132,766 133.716 , I I TniA T :"'l I TI....."'.,...n.pd Fl'"M R", 1 ~",.p " 11 x XXXXXXI Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance I , TAX lU:QUIRD I Delinquency Compueation (See Instructions) ! ~ "" +' 0' T 3. X r ~ b p ,,,,..' .. i . Page No. Sa e Adopted Budget e STATE OF KA.~SAS Budget Form El. Continued 1994 CERERAL FUND (Contd) 1992 I 1993 Budget BUDGET r.,.,rlp . -~- 1 ,.,.. ""''";m''.... 1 004 .\UATT .\IH1:" Expenditures: Hpi'llth' ~ 7r:. ?1n 83.055 85.313 1 tv-County Hea lth Deot. -0- -0- 345,207 Tota 1 Hea lth I 75 230 83 055 430.520 Continqencv: ther 145.155 162.500 2,6JU,303 ransfers 720.950 675.334 678,454 :SU Sa I es I ax 2 r:,r:,7 om r:.nn 000 -- To ta 1 Continnencv 1 .4?4. onA 1 117.R14 I 3 308.757 I Caoitill Outlav I '\fifi 1'00 6Aq qnf 575.000 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I . I I I I I I I I I ., 1:"VPJo-1\l T '>l1:"~ I 13 975 850 12.668 601 I flf.A78.346 Unre~~r\.~d F'...!!1d E31an~e ne~emoer 1 1 I 2.184.753 2.064.056 I-v:xxx~~xxxxxxx . Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Com~utat~on (See Instructions) ~"" u..,.. .....; o~.,..~ Page No. Sa 14.878.346 770.139 32.089 802 228 e e STATE OF ~SAS Budget Form 1:3 1994 Adopted Budget Utility FUND IC1'ldP 1992 1993 Budget BUDCET A.t'~t!="l or F~t";m="r.. Iqq4 I:'llnrl R"I",",... T:'1""~r" 1 I 159,798 99.364 54 185 Art V:llor T:'1Y 483.226 625.244 n.. 1 ; T~v 11. 949 11 .000 6 250 Vpt'!;r-!,. T:lY l1R 799 99,577 131.404 T t: on Tnl,. FlInrtc; -- -- TOTAt 633.974 735.821 137.654 AVATTAIl.T';- 793,772 835.185 191.839 Expenditures: I '" 11 Gnvprnment 694.408 781.000 914.000 Tn,. AT 694.408 781.000 914.000 .. J;',,"A R~l",",... ,1 99 364 54.185 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 914,000 TAX REQUIRED 722.161 Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) 30.090 nf q, ":l'll' t'n hp T.....~....l 752.251 Adopted Budget Employee Benefits FUND 19 500 410 711 175 000 1992 1993 Budget Reimbursements Miscellaneous 27 L 362 5 2 2 652 479 -0- 2 688 916 2 922 633 605 2 1 012 88 520,640 40 000 Expenditures: General Government Transfers Out I:' 2 418 762 I 2 514 960 2 860 640 lTn!"!,.".~.....1j F"~d !33.1anc!" n"c!""'b~~.1 233.717 I 407.673lxxxxxxxxxxxxx Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 2.860,640 TAX REQUIRED 1.847.756 Delinq~cy Co~utation (See Instructions) 76.990 ~ ....;: 01 't"- 1 924 746 Page No. -L e e Adopcect Buclgec STAn OF 'UHSAS Bwlgec Form E3 1994 Special Li abil i ty Fmm 1992 I 1993 Buctgec BUDCET ~f'I"''' 1 f'lT" F"~ . 1 Qq4 rr"T""~..rv..ti \:'.."" R", 1 "'",... f:1nll::lT"v 1 29.362 24.563 22,045 Ad V::llor~m 1':111' 44.648 361. 960 n.. 1, 1'''Y 4.864 1.000 360 V..h;,.].. 1':111' 47,351 9.148 76.064 Tnf""T""~f" nn TrillO Funds -0- TnT AT 96,863 372,108 76,424 AVATTA1HV lL6,225 396,671 ~m, 46~ Ex]Jenditures: 101,662 374,626 385,806 Transfers Out 1'niAT 101,662 374,626 385,806 .. 'rv!"d F,,"ti R::Il ::In,... 11 i4,!JbJ 22,045 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance 385,806 TAX REQUIRED 287,337 Delinquency Compucation (See Instructions) 11. 972 nf 93 i::lY rn h.. T.pv;..n 299 309 Adopted Budget FOHD 1992 1993 Budget BUDCET I~n"'.. . 11 nT" F' ... lQQ4 ,.. F,,"ti R",l::l""" 1 An V::Ilnr..m 1'::IX n..l ; 1',.". Motor Veh;,.l.. 1':111' Tn~"T"""!r n" Tti'. F,,"ti~ -~ I<~l:~ ' '''' AVATT,UU1:' Expenditures: I TnT AT ~ 11<:1'. I I lTn r~ ~,. .....~~d F'...!'"!d 8alanc!" n~e~~b~'" .. 1 I I lxxxxxxxxxxxxx . Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance , TAX REQUIlUJ1 Delinquency Computation (See ~ ....: O~ ".~ Page No. 7 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Eo 1994 Adopt:ed Budget Business Improvement District FUND 1992 1993 Budget: BUDGET r.onp A~t"tt~l or 1='c:t-;..."'.t:1' lQQ4 '",d !:'"nri R", 1 "n,... .r~n""r'-' 1 863 2.459 2,459 Revenues: Special Assessments 76 261 75,000 75,000 Fines 335 TOTAl HF. :FTPTS 76.596 75.000 75,000 dU.!l.TTdRTl:' 77 459 77 ,459 77 ,459 Expenditures: 58.000 58.000 60,459 General Government Transfers Out 17,000 17 ,000 11 ,UUU ~'A 75,000 Itl,UUU 77 .459 'Hnr",c;",rvpri 1='llnn R", 1 ",n,... - 11 2.459 2.459 -0- Adotted BUdtet ourism Convent1on FUND 1992 1993 Budget BUDGET Ir./'In.. A,.r"""l or E~t";m~te lQQ4 'rvpn. Flinn R" 1 "n,... T I -- -- -- Revenues: Transient Guest Tax 441,359 450,000 475,000 I TOTAL IU:C~:P'S 441,359 450.000 475,000 AVATT.!l.RTl:' 441. 359 450.000 475,000 Expenditures: Economic Develooment 280.128 270.000 285,000 Transfers Out 161.231 180.000 190,000 I I I I I I .T ~1='<= 441,359 450 000 475 000 i IrnreC'a!"'V'~d F"!'!d Balan~~ f'I~c~"!'!oer .1 Page No. ~ e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1994 Adopted Budget Special Parks FUND 1992 1993 Budget BUDGET r.nnp Art'lI::11 nr F.c:t';m~tp 1994 lInrpc;pr....pn Fllnd R::Il ::Inr.. J~ 1 17 022 1 n 1 80 2.236 Revenues: Liquor Tax 81.442 92,861 84,701 TOTAL R ~~' I-''''i 81.442 92,861 84.701 ;) AVATTART'J:' 98 .464 109.041 Rf\ ,937 Expenditures: R/ ./R4 Transfers Out 106.805 86,937 TOTAL 82.284 106.805 86.937 nnrpc;prvpn Flinn R",l ",n,... 11 16.180 2.236 I -0- Adopted Budget Soecial Alcohol FUND 1992 1993 Budget BUDGET , r.nrl p Art'lI::11 nr F.c:t";m~te 1 QQ4 .. 'rv!"rl Fllnrl R::Il ::Inr.. T::I 1 17,022 24 181 / .237 Revenues: Liauor Tax 81,442 92,861 84,701 TOTAL KI':C~' I-'T'i 81,442 92 861 84.701 AVATT ART'!:" 98,464 117.042 86.938 Expenditures: 63,502 94,805 Hea lth 86,938 Transfers Out 10 781 ?n nnn -0- I I I I I I I I 74,283 24.181 114,805 2,237 86.938 -0- ITOTAL EXPENDIT~~ES L.n:-e~iOr\,"Jl:IId F"~d Balance necJl:II!"'!oer ~l Page No. ...L e e Adopted Bwlget STATE- OF ~SAS Budget Form E6 1994 Speci a 1 Gas FORD 1992 1993 Budget BUDGET lr.nA.. .1........,1 or - 1 qq4 .. Fund. R::Ii::ln~p 1 561.763 409 073 356 168 Revenues: 1 l1~R?R 1 175 000 Gas Tax 1 175.000 TOTAL IH, .r.ll" :'1 1.115.828 1.175.000 1. 175 .000 AVATTART,'F 1,677.591 1584.073 1. 531 168 Expenditures: 1.043 SIR 1 002.905 1.306 168 Public: Works T ::> Out 225.000 225.000 225,000 - -, J\ 1-.268.518 1.227,905 1.531.168 Unrf'! Fnnrl R,.l",n,... 1 t 409.073 356.168 -0- Adopted Budget Bicentennial Center FORD 1992 1993 Budget BUDGET r.nrlp At-ton::! 1 or 1qq4 .-- ... Fund R", 1 "'nr.. 1 265,057 334,572 247 680 Revenues: Fees 543,986 600,000 610,000 Transfers In 2/1 ,~Jl 290 000 300.000 TOTAL 815,217 890.000 910,000 AVATt.A RT,'F 1.080.274 1,224,572 1.157.680 Expenditures: 745,702 976,892 1,157,680 Recreation I TOTAL I 74~ 70? 976.R92 I 1 157 680 r'nrf'!~"r'V"'; Fl!nrl R,., ,.nr.. ., 1 j34,~/~ 247.680 I -0- ~ Page No. -1Q.. e e STATE OF '!U.HSAS Budget Form E3 1994 Adopted Budget Bond and Interest tlnrpc:prv"'~ !:'''n~ R" 1 ,,",..... At! V::.ll'\Y"...... T::IY Df>l' T::IY V..h;,.l.. T::IY Snpr;nl ^---- Miscellaneous Transfers In Other Fi nanci na I it"' nn Tnl p F,.n~.. ITOTAt I? :.. FUND 1992 1993 Budget BUDCET r.nrlp AI"t"'t1~l I'\Y" J:'c:t-1m::lt"'1O 1 qq4 - 1 304 2 2 335.915 360 499 In/;? 1 214.627 22 22.000 100 12 9 219 063 /' )')0 80~ 88 725.000 61),000 .) ),45 29.750 10 000 737 950 715.334 /;92 161 1. 660,000 -0- -0- 4 04 -0- -0- 4 457./02 2.925.774 1 ')qq 511 4761.1,54 3 261.689 L goO 010 4.425.739 2.901.190 L,997,250 6-\1ATTART1=' Expenditures: Debt Service TnTA T .. 'rv"~ 1='11n~ 1l.,1,,",.... - 4 425 739 2.901.190 ~l 335.915 360.499 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance TAX REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) nf q, 1'::.11' t"'n tI.. T",.....~ 2,99/,~!JU 2,997,250 1.037 .240 43.218 1.080.458 Adopted Budget FUND 1992 1993 Budget BUDCET r.nrlp A,...."" 1 nr 1='.,......"..", 1 qq4 Unr~c:"~"'~ F"n~ R::I1 ::In,... 1 At! V::Ill'\Y"..... T;JY Df> 1; T::IY Mnt"'nr V",h.,.l", T;:!y - n" Tn1.. F"nnc: 1 I TOT AT R liT jO' PT" AVATTAllT1=' Expenditures: TnT A r II ..1 F11nri R"l"n,... n 11 Non-Appropriated Balance Total Expenditures and Non-Appropriated Balance I TAX. REQUIRED Delinquency Computation (See Instructions) ~ ...F Q1 T".". ..,.. h.. r..u.;..~ I Page No. 11 e e STATE- OF ~SAS Budget Form E6 1994 Adopted Budget Risk Managemen FORD 1992 I 1993 Budget I BUDGET Act:ual or- Estimat:e 1994 (Jnres..",..ri Fund R",l",",... T I 6.067 29 175 117.149 Revenues: Transfers In 410 111 489 944 476,124 Miscellaneous 2.099 -0- -0- I TOTAL H ~ 412. nu 489,944 476.124 AVATLARTl=' 41R .277 519.119 593.273 Expenditures: 389 102 Genera 1 Government 401 970 593.273 -- - TOTAL . 389.102 401,970 593,273 , .. Fund R:ll:lnr.. 31 29.175 117.149 -0- t w Adopted Budget Worker's Comoensation Reserve FDHD 1992 1993 Budget BUDGET 'C~de A -I nr Fc:r-im:'lt"f> 1994 TT, Fund R",l~",... T~""~rv I ~5~,8t>U 321. 744 502 667 Revenues: Transfers In 260.225 442.923 474.348 I :"l 260,2~t> 442,9L3 474 348 AVATT,ART.F. 513.075 764.667 qn ,015 Expenditures: 191,331 262,000 977,015 General Government I I I I I I I I I ! I r ~~~~e~~~~~~lance December 31 191.331 321,744 262,000 502.667 977 .015 -0- Page No. 12 e e STAn-OF ~SAS Budgn Form E6 1994 Adopeed Budgee Central Garaqe FUIm 1992 1993 Budgee BUDCET Cod!" A '" ~'''' 1 nr 1994 IInrpc;.......~ Fund R", 1 ",n,".. 1 (803) 1.205 I 21 045 Revenues: i<eimbursements -- 776.920 823.535 Transfers In 662 679 -- -- Miscellaneous 437 -- -- I TOTAl I{~,;~, I t" I :'> 663 116 776 920 823.535 AVATT ART.F 662 313 778.125 844.580 Expenditures: 661 108 757.080 844.580 General Governmpnt I - - !TOTAL ~ -661,108 75/,080 844 !)Rn n , Fund R"'l"'n'"... .. 31 1 .205 21 .045 -0- Adopted Budget Data Processinq FUIm 1992 11993 Budget BUDCET !Cod!" A,"~"",l or . :e 1 qq4 ,n ... F"n~ R:ll"'n,". I 84.326 I 161. 548 156 029 IRevenues: Fees 79,678 1,500 1.500 Reimbursements -- 82.600 I l?n nnn Miscellaneous 290 800 -- Transfers In 175.237 152.261 ~n? .SHE) 255 205 237 161 324 086 AVATTART.F. 339 531 398.709 480.115 Expenditures: 175,653 240,120 477 ,423 General Government Transfers Uut 2.330 2.560 2.692 I I I I I I TnTAT 177 ,983 I ~42,btiU I 48U.115 I ,1 I 161,548 I 156,u~~ I -0- i (I F...... A..l....,... Page No. 13 - Adopted Budget Sanitation e e STATE-OF ~SAS Budget Form E6 1994 FUND 1992 1993 Budget BUDCET ("1'\14. A......"'1 ..... ~.,..;-"'r,. 1 QQ4 , 683,35T 650 104 608.334 An? A46 835.000 975.000 /1 F.7P. 20 000 20.000 1.008 1,300 1.300 I 827 . 532 856,300 I 996.300 1.510.885 L 506 .404 1 604.634 769,753 803,424 1,501,640 9'1,028 94 646 102.994 I " .-... J;',,"ri 11.",1","... . Revenues: Fees I II LtA r' M1scellaneous ...,..-. . :-, 4"ATT4RT~ Expenditures: Public Works Transfers Out I TnTAL . J;',,"t4 11.""1,,,,"..,. - ~, 860.781 650.104 898.070 608.334 1 604 614 -n- Adopted BUd~et Solid Was e FUND 1992 1993 Budget BUDCET ("1'\14. A......"'1 nr l':c::r;m:H'" 1QQ4 .. , J;',,"ri R~I","... T",""",.." 1 644 305 I 652.818 717.534 Revenues: Fees 374,538 650,000 1. 300.000 Interest 25.474 22.000 I 22.000 Miscellaneous 40.802 370.000 ~50.000 Reimbursements 15 -- -- TnTAT 440.829 1,042,000 1 .57/ .000 4"ATTART~ 1.085.134 1 ,094,818 7,289,534 Expenditures: 1QQ.00J:i Public Works 932.660 2.243.250 Transfers Out 33.311 44 624 46 284 I I I I TOTAL EXPENDITURES I I 432,316 I 977.284 I 2.289.534 I Unr~!l~~~rl Fund Balan~~ Deeember -I 652.818 717.534 -0- Page No. 14 e e STATE-OF ~SAS Buclget Form E6 1994 Adopted Bwlget Go If Course FUHD 1992 1993 Budget BUDGET ~,.,t4.. 4,.~....1 l"l"" 1='e: ' 1 QQ4 .. 'TVPrl P"..tf A.. I....... . 1 38.532 46.539 F.7 q1q Revenues: Taxes - sales 15.026 14.000 ll=i.OOO Fees 576.122 515.975 l)qonnn Interest 3.447 2.000 2.000 Reimbursementc:; 226 2.000 200 MiscellaneolJs 2.385 2.000 2.000 ,.n,. AT, 597.206 535.975 609.200 411ATTAAT1:" 635.738 582.514 677 .139 Expenditures: Rer:rRation 544.829 468.778 630.189 Tranc:;ferc:; Out 44.373 45.797 ilk a~() -- - 589,202 514.575 677.139 TTn,..p~--'_..I 1:".....14 A..1........ - 'n 46.539 67.939 -0- Adopted Budget Water and Sewer FORD 1992 1993 Budget: BUDGET i /",,14. A..~....1 ,.,,. J"e:~;m..~.. 1 QQ4 rr____ --.-... P".." R:ll :I..,.. 1:1n":I"'" 1 4 ~ 17n 4.Q?F;qH4 4.215.415 Revenues: Fees 7,256,940 7,865,000 8,840,000 Interest 253.23 200noo ?nn Inn Reimbursements 1 -0- - - Miscellaneous 171. 22 100,UOO 1M 00 Grants ~90,35 ,.n,. A T ... 7 .971 7F;6 8.165 000 9 140 000 Al1ATTAAT1:" l? ?f\Q Q~6 13.091. 984 13.355.415 Expendit:ures: 3,945,796 4,916,590 9,747,776 Public Works Debt Service 1 293.910 2.195.830 2.402.400 CaDi tal Outlay 1. 572.339 1.233.100 623 100 Transfers Out 530.907 531.049 582.139 t I ,.nT AT I 7 342.952 8.876 569 113.355.415 I - 11 I I 4.926.984 4.215 415 I -o- j , 1:".....14 R..l....... I Page No. 15 tit e Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of NOTICE OF HEARING 1994 BUDGET (Corrected Version) together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDAVIT I, Jane A. Glenn , being duly sworn, declare that I am the Advertising Manager of THE SALINA JOURNAL, a daily newspaper published at Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of general circulation in said county, which newspaper has been continuously and unin. terruptedly published for five consecutive years prior to first publication of attached notice, and that the attached NOTICE OF HEARING 1994 BUDGET has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 times, the first publication being given in the issue of August 2 9;A< 19 93 '-' (/~ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3rd day of August A.D.19 93 D~~. \MdIO Notary Public ---"--"-<"- ~ D;~\;'~~"! s. 1-:=::\T~'l '.~~'I";l;~~~:' t-;;:)t3ry Pul:~lc - State of Kansas -,"'.," Iviy App~, EXplre(l 11'.)1. -'11.\.. NOTIeE OF HEARING. The governing body of' Salina, Kansas will ~eet .on the 9th day of AugtJst 1993 hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed use of an Detailed budget informatiort is available at the City Clerk's office, 300 West Ash, BUDGET SUMMARY The Expenditures and the Amount of 93 Tax to be levied (as shown below) estal "Est. Tax Rate" in the far right column is subject to slight change depending on . 1992 1993 Aotual Budget or , Actual Tax EotImate of Fund EXpendltunt Rate' Expenditures General Employee Benefits Utility Special Liability Business Improve., Dist, Tourism 6< Convention Special Parks Special Alcohol Special Gas Bicentennial Center Other Special Revenue Capital Projects Bond 6< Interest Expendable Trust Sanitation Solid Waste Golf Course Water 6< Sewer Water 6< sewer P 6< I Risk Management Worker's Comp. Reserve Central Garage Oat a Processing Nonexpendable Trust Totals Less: Transfers ' . Net Expenditures 1'Iotal Tax Levied Assessed Valuation Outstanding Indebtedness. January I, G.O. Bonds Revenue Bonds Temporary Notes Total -Tax Rates arc expressed in mills. ulncluacs $9,997,402 in reserves. /s/]aoquelioe Shiever, ~' 13,975,850 2,418,762 694,408 101,662 75,000 441,359 82,284 74,283 1,268.518 745.702 933,452 21,828,123 4,425,739 428.185 860,781 432,316 589,202 7,342,952 784,236 389,102 191,331. 661,108 177,983 5,087 58.927,425 5,029,836 53,897,589 4,783,117 160,356,603 8.052 1\.206 3.211 ,295 12,668,601 2,514,960 781,000 374.626 75,000 450,000 106.805 114.805 \'227,905 976,892 7.064 2,901,190 898,070 977 .284 514,575 8,876,569 401,970 262,000 757,080 242,680 29.828 35,122,012 2,664,021 32,457.991 4,882.255' 163,565,120 1991 10,040,000 7 ,86~,OOO 3.030,000 20,935,000 1992 12,912,000 7,645,000 607,000 21,164,000 I City Clerk e e IlKB tl/6/93 CITY 01- SALINA SCHEDUU: L (!J4IHANSf 1994 BlJDGI:TED T RANSFEAS PAGE PAGE NO, FROM NO. TO AMOUNT DESCRIPTION - -.- - -- - -- - - - - .+ ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - - -- -- ---------------- ~6 POLICE POLICE GRANTS $70,330 CITY MATCH OF DARE AND DRUG GRANT: 39 FIRE - - EMS 149 RISK MANAGEMENT $17,000 LIABILITY AND PROPERTY INSURANCE 84 GENERAL-CONTINGENCY 144 BOND AND INTEREST 467,161 DOWNTOWN PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST 84 GENERAL-CONTINGENCY 137 BICENTENNIAL CENTER 110,000 SUBSIDY TO BICENTENNIAL CENTER 84 GENEIlAL-CONTlNGENCY 160 DATA PROCESSING 101,293 DATA PROCESSING CHARGES 111 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 340,000 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 118 SPECIAL LIABILITY 149 RISK MANAGEMENT 360,806 LIABILITY INSURANCE 121 BUSINESS IMPR DISTRICT 5 GENERAL 17,000 DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE 124 TOURISM AND CONVENTION 137 81CENTENNIAl CENTER 190,000 BICENTER CONVENTION SUPPORT 127 SPECIAL PARKS 5 GENEIlAL 86,937 HElPS FUND THE PARK BUDGET 134 SPECIAL GAS 144 BOND AND INTEREST 225,000 STREET PROJECT PRINCIPAL & INTEREST 158 CENTBAL GAIlAGE 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 6,500 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 162 DATA PROCESSING 49 & 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 2,692 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 168 SANIlATION 5 GENERAL 66,600 ADMINISTRArlVE OVERHEAD 166 SANITATION 49 & 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 36,194 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 172 SOLID WASTE 5 GENERAL 35,600 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 172 SOLID WASTE 49 & 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 10,684 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 177 GOLF COUIlSE 5 GENERAL 42,900 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 177 GOLF COURSE 49 & 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 4,050 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 162 WATER & SEWER 5 GENERAL 306,300 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 182 WATEIl & SEWER 49 & 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 89,733 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 164 WATER & SEWER 160 DATA PROCESSING 101,293 DATA PROCESSING CHARGES 184 WATER & SEWER 149 & 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 12,600 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 186 WAIER & SEWER 149 & 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 18,009 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 190 WATER & SEWER 149 & 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 22,138 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 196 WAlEn & SEWER 149 & 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 30,066 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI ------ IOIAl IIlANSFERS IN AND OUT $2,773.086 Irdnsters show up in the budget as bolh a revenue and exptmditure causing a double accounting in the total budgeted amounts. This schedule details the individual transfers, These are deducted Irom the LlJdgetto arrive at the !;.II antiCipated expendl es tor 1994.