1977 Budget Certificate STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form No.5 1977 For Cities of all Classes BUDGET AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT 8 AND TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1976 CITY OF Salina Saline COUNTY, KANSAS STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79-2926 and 79,2927 require the governing body of all cities to prepare an itemized budget and financial state- ment, prior to August first each year, on forms prescribed by the Director of Accounts and Reports and distributed by the Division of Property Valuation. K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79-2929 requires that the proposed budget be published in at least one issue of a weekly or daily newspaper having general circulation within the county, that the publication shall contain a notice of a hearing to be held on such budget, and that publication shall be made not less than ten days prior to the date of said hearing. K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79-2930 requires that a copy of the published budget, together with proof of publication thereof, be attached to this form when certified to and filed with the County Clerk. K.S.A. 79-1801 and K.S.A. 1975 Supp, 79,2930 require that this form shall be certified to and filed with the County Clerk on or before August twenty-fifth. At the same time a certified copy must be filed with the Director of Accounts and Reports, State Office Building, Topeka, Kansas 66612. K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79,2930 provides that the governing body shall not certify a levy to the County Clerk which will raise an amount in excess of that portion of the adopted budget to be derived from said tax levy or which will exceed the maximum levies prescribed by law. K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79-1965 requires the County Clerk to reduce any excessive or illegal levies certified to him, and to notify the taxing subdivision in error seven days before doing so. K.S.A. 12-1671 provides that investments and time deposit certificates authorized by law and held by municipalities as defined in --.S.A. 10-1101 shall be considered cash for purposes of the cash-basis law. Use purchase price only, not maturity value. .. K.S.A. 12-1672 provides that moneys disbursed by such municipalities for investments and time deposit certificates authorized by law shall not be considered expenditures for purposes of the budget law. INSTRUCTIONS Prepare this budget on or before August 1, 1976. Latest date for publishing budget is August 5, 1976. Latest date for hearing on budget is August 15, 1976. At least ten days must elapse between date of publication and date of hearing. Insert adopted budget figures in column provided, fill in certificate on page 2, attach Supplemental Form 5B, Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations for 1976, and file this form with County Clerk not later than August 25,1976. It is recommended that same be filed much earlier if possible-:-- Do not overlook attaching copy of publication and proof of publication to this form before filing with County Clerk. INFORMATION KS.A. 1975 Supp. 79,2927 requires the budget to show actual revenues received by source separately stated for the preceding budget year, actual and estimated for the current budget year and also the amount estimated to be received for the ensuing budget year. This budget form should be used by cities of all classes. Budgets submitted on forms other than this prescribed one shall coincide with the prescribed form as to style and content. Such forms shall contain no less information than is required in prescribed budget forms. 8 ORDINANCE NO. _-,f€'.~_r_---- APPROVING, ADOPTING AND APPROPRIATING BY FUND THE BUDGET OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1917 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF __'m_--_,.._-,----_?~H!!~____-------------------------------- , KANSAS: Section L The proposed budget and financial statement as shown on standard state budget forms and wbsequent to notice of hearing and a public hearing is approved, arloptecl and ¡¡ppropriated by fund as the ma.ximum amounts to be expended for the budget year starting January 1, 1977; and Section 2., The governing body certifies that the amounts shown to be raised by ad valorem property tax levies are v-ithin statutory or duly adopted charter ordinance limitatiorul. Subtotal....,.."".",..... Debt Service Funds-Not Subject to Tax Lid Bond and Interest Fund. . . . . . . . . . . Fund Subtotal """"""""""1 405:667.94 Total Taxes Levied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.540 601. 29 Budget Hearing 8-2-76 Budget Approved 8-2-76 Ordinan~ed by the g°1]'ng~dY, the._1.6_---_day oL_.Aug._._-------------. 1976. ATI'EST: 'U --------:-- r¡--~-~-~-------'._- -------------- City Clerk. Filed this_.,L~__- day ~L.. . ' .- ----------------____-.1976. ---------4-~L - - --- --------------------------- .J.N County Clerk I -~ FUNDS Funds-levies Subject to Tax Lid General Fund ."..,......,..... -.. ~ Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Subtotal......,............. Funds-Levies Not Subject to Tax Lid Social Security Fund ..,.,........ Employees Retirement Fund. . . . . . . . Workmen's Compensation Fund. . . . . . ,~ Pension Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Amount of I Adopted Budget, Tax Levied of Expendit~1 FUNDS I II Enterprise (Utility) Funds 1.674,129.92 I 3,444,280.00:1 Water& Sewerage 0 -, j II Sanitation . . , J, Paper Recycling.. 0 II Parking Meters Golf Course '¡ s.Qlid Waste Disposal I Adopted Budget of Expenditures .~o~ -" 2,145,830.00 393,230.00 23,060.00 104,100.00 83,120.00 102.465.00 3.444.280.00 79.833.80 70.128.79 83.119.29 102.612.39 80.027.40 45.081. 76 Subtotal 0""""", I ntragovernmental (Revolving) Funds 2,851,805.00 237,000.00 163,000.00 84,000.00 116,585.00 77,875.00 781000.00 Subtotal............ Intergovernmental Funds Revenue Sharing Fund. . . . Special Highway Fund. . . . 631,095.00 366.050.00 6D_.OO 405.667.94 J 997,145.00 920.500.00'1 Subtotal............ I Total Adopted Budget of 920.500.001 Expenditures- b 8,970,190.00 All Funds.,..,............ Mayor BUDGET AND TAX LEVY SUMMARY ~ Preceding Year (Actual) Current Year (Actual & Estimated) Budget Year (Proposed) FUNDS 1974 1975 1975 1976 1976 1977 Levy, Mills Expenditures Levy, Mills Expenditures Levy, Mills Expenditures Funds-Levies Subject to ifax Lid General Fund. . . . . . .. 20.4831 2 - 766.641. 33 19.5635 3,131,710.00 19.5056 3,444,280.00 Subtotal 20.4831 2.766,641. 33 19,5635 3,131,710.00 19.5056 j,444,L~U.UU . . . .. . . .. . Funds-Levies Not Subject to ifax Lid Social Security Fund. .. 0.8835 182 881.40 1.0000 215.000.00 0.9670 237.000.00 Employees Retirement Fd, 0.8078 145 825.46 0.8784 152.000.00 0.8494 163.000.00 Workmen's Compo Fund. 0.4463 31 405.00 0.6335 49.000.00 1. 0067 84.000.00 Firemen's Pension 1. 2367 68.714.38 1.1991 81. 010.00 1. 2429 116.585.00 Policemen's Pens. 0.8357 40 119.26 0.8818 46 555.00 0.9693 77.875.00 Police & Fire Reti .0.3078 33 281.18 0.3098 55.000.00 0.5460 78 000.00 Subtotal .......... L" 5178 r:¡02 226 68 4 q026 5q8565.00 5.5813 7"6 460.00 Debt Service Funds-Not ubject to Tax Lid r:¡ 7011. qr:¡r:¡ 160 r:¡1 5 130q Bond and Interest Fund. qoq 500.00 4.Q111 Q20 r:¡00 00 No-Fund Warr.-Fire 0."""8 39 840.00 0.5330 41 000.00 0.0000 n nn Subtotal (.. ?c;Ol QQr:¡ ?OO q 'i.661Q Q"O 500.00 4.Q131 920,500.00 . .. .. . ... . Enterprise (Utility) Funds Sanitation XXXXXX 321 054.90 xxxxxx 344,155.00 xxxxxx 393,230.00 . . -IT, 060.00 Paper Recycling... XXXXXX 10 950.03 xxxxxx 14,370.00 xxxxxx Parking Meters... XXXXXX 110.385.65 xxxxxx 103,670.00 xxxxxx 104,100.00 Golf Course xxxxxx 64 569.88 xxxxxx 73,210.00 xxxxxx -BT,T21r. UO C:,., 1 .; rI T.1" C! r <> -.. 102,465.00 X)~XXXX 74.992.45 xxxxxx 91,195.00 XXXXXX T.1", '<>1" F., ~p",praO"e xxxxxx 2 017 876.17 xxxxxx 1,966,800.00 xxxxxx L, 145,1DU.OO xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx Subtotal xxxxxx 2.599.829.08 xxxxxx 2,593,400.00 xxxxxx 2,851,805.00 .... .. .. . . I ntragovern mental (Revolving) Funds .... xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxx Subtotal xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx ... . ... .. . Intergovernmental Funds Revenue Sharing Fund.. XXXXXX .387.677 .05 xxxxxx 518,454.00 xxxxxx 631,095.00 Special Highway Fund.. XXXXXX 312.026.83 xxxxxx 306,810.00 xxxxxx "3OF, U:'U. UU xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx XXXXXX Subtotal XXXXXX 699,703.88 XXXXXX 825,264.00 xxxxxx 997,145.00 .. . .. .. ... 31. 260C 7,563,601.50 30. 130C 8,099,439.00 30.0000 8,970,190.00 II Funds ........... 8 " (3) COMPUTATION OF CH'Y TREASURER'S UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 1976 (Schedule 1) T (1) City Treasurer's i Balance i 1-1,76 I FUNDS Funds,Levies Subject to Tax lid General Fund """"" Subtotal............ Funds-Levies Not Subject to Tax Lid Social Security Fund. . . . . Employees Retirement Fd. . . Workmen's Compo Fund. . . Firemen's Pension Policemen's Pension Police & Fire Retir . Subtotal............ Debt Service Funds-Not Subject to Tax Lid Bond and Interest Fund. . . Subtotal............ Enterprise (Utility) Funds Sanitation ... .. . Paper Recycling".... Parking Meters..... Golf Course..... ... Solid Waste Subtotal............ Intragovernmental (Revolving) Funds Subtotal............ Intergovernmental Funds Revenue Sharing Fund. . . . Special Highway Fund. . . . Subtotal............ All Funds ............. ¡- (2) I Less: Warrants ¡Outstanding 1-1-76 I I 266,788.27 I 266,788.27 39,606.20 15 801.21 680. 71 234 552.61 168.917.60 24.838.24 484.396.57 149.919.54 149.919.54 149.589.29 14.352.12 38.095.29 19.855.62 4.180.43 226.072.75 335.638.06 36.429.58 372.067.64 1.499.244.77 (3) Less: Unpaid Purchase Orders 1+76 32,583.19 32,583.19 15.440.00 15.440.00 96.196.31 4.425.31 100 621. 62 148.644.81 (4) Total Deductions 32,583.19 32,583.19 15.440.00 15.440.00 96.196.31 4.425.31 100- 621. 62 148.644.81 (5) City Treasurer's Unencumbered Cash Balance --- 234,205.08 234,205.08 39,606.2 15 801. 2 680.7 234 552.6 168.917.6 24.838.2 0 1 1 1 0 4 484.396.57 149.919.54 149.919.54 134 149.2 14.352.1 38.095.2 19 855.6 4 180.4 9 2 9 2 3 210 632.75 239.441. 75 32.004.27 - 271 446. 1 350.599.96 Note: The City Treasurer's Unencumbered Cash Balance, as determined above, plus the County Treasurer's balance on hand on December 31, if any, is the amount which should be entered in each of the respective city funds as the City's Unencumbered Cash Balance at the beginning of the current year. (4 ) 8 I (1) ~2) (3) FUNDS Total Deduct Percent 1975 1975 Tax for Delinquent Tax Available Levied Taxes 1976 Funds-Levies Subject to Tax Lid General Fund .................... 1.569.440.92 31,388.82 1,538,052.10 Subtotal ...................... 1.569.440.92 31,388.82 1,538,052.10 Funds-Levies Not Subject to Tax Lid Social Security Fund ............... 77.538.73 1,550.77 75,987.96 Employees Retirement Fund. . . . . . . . .. 68.234.08 1,364.68 66,869.40 Workmen's Compensation Fund. . . . . . " 48.849.40 976.99 47,872.41 Firemen's Pension 93.046.47 1,860.93 91,185.54 Policemen's Pension 68.234.08 1,364.68 66,869.40 Police & Fire Retirement 24.037.01 480.74 23,556.27 Subtotal ...................... 37q Q39. 77 7.598.79 372.340.98 ebt Service Funds-Not Subject to Tax Lid Bond and Interest Fund. . . . . . . . . . . .. 397 773.68 7.955.47 389.818.21 1\T....., -1i'11n ~ I r" F;ro 41 870.91 837.42 41,033.49 Subtotal ...................... 41Qh44.59 8.792.89 430.851. 70 TotaIAIIFunds................... 2 389 025.28 47.780.50 2,341,244.78 TAX ACCOUNTS-JANUARY 1, 1976 (Schedule 2) 8:. I 1974 Tax Levied ' Amount Distributed Amount Uncollected % Uncollected General Fund '" ""'" L486.468.68 1. 456.735.27 29,733.41 2% Special Assessment Fund. . . COMPUTATION OF PERCENTAGE OF TAX DELINQUENCY 8 (5) ~ m COMPUTATION OF 1976 AD VALOREM TAX REQUIREMENTS, MILL LEVIES AND TAXES PER $100.00 (Schedule 3) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7T 1976 Tax Less: Qualification 1976 Add: 2 % 1976 Ad valorem Rates Taxes FUNDS Requirement As for Ad valorem Tax for Delinquent Tax To Be Spread of Levy Per Shown In Fund 1 Requirements Taxes 2 (Mills) $100.00 L. Ad V. T. R. On Tax Rolls Funds-Levies Subject to Tax Lid General Fund .......... 1,775,316.97 134,000.00 1,641,316.97 32,812.95 1,674,129.92 19.5056 1. 9506 Subtotal............ 1. 77 5. 316.97 134.000.00 1,641,316.97 32,812.95 1,674,129.92 19.5056 1. 9506 Funds-Levies Not Subject to Tax Lid Social Security Fund. . . .. 78.269.06 78,269.06 1,564.74 79,833.80 0.9670 0.0967 Employees Retirement Fd... 68.754.27 68,754.27 1,374.52 70,128.79 0.8494 0.0849 Workmen's Compo Fund. .. 81,490.15 81,490.15 1,629.14 83,119.29 1. UOb 7 0 .-1007 Firemen's Pension 100,601.19 100,601.19 2,011.20 102,612.39 1.2429 0.1243 Pnl;('pmpn'q Pension 78.458.86 78.458.86 1.568.54 80.027.40 0.9693 0.0969 P"l;,...{:.> & Fire Pens 44 198.15 44.198.15 883.61 45.081. 76 0.5460 0.0546 Subtotal............ 451 771. 68 451 771. 68 9,031. 75 460,803.43 5.5813 0.5581 Debt Service Funds-Not Subject to Tax Lid Bond and Interest Fund. .. 'N7 716.85 xxxxxxxxxxx 397 716.85 7.951.09 405.667.94 4.9131 0.4913 Subtotal............ 1q7 71F. 8'1 397 716.85 7.951.09 405.667.94 4.9131 0.4913 Total All Funds.. . . . . . .. 2,624.805.50 134,000.00 2,490,805.50 49,795.79 2,540,601.29 30.0000 3.0000 1 Qualifying amounts for local ad valorem tax reduction receipts need not be spread to each fund (K.S.A. SuPP. 79,2961). 2County Clerk must notify city officials of any changes made under the provisions of K.S.A. Supp. 79-1965. I I COMPUTATION OF LEVY LIMITS LEVIES SUBJECT TO TAX LID 8 1976 City Valuation General $ ...§?',.§V.,.9.).).,.9.9....... Fund h . . 1 I r.h::¡rh:>r n....r1 #q ut onzatlOn ........~. ocal Ad valorem Tax Red. $ 134 000.00 levyLimit(Mills)........ None less: lAVTR (Mills) . . . .. 1.5613 New levy Limit (Mills) . . .. None Rates levied (Mills) ...... 19.5056 A h . , 1 ut onzatlOn .......... 2 local Ad valorem Tax Red. $ levy Limit (Mills) ....... less: LAVTR (Mills) .. . .. New levy Limit (Mills) . . . . Rates Levied (Mills) ...... Authorization 1. . . . . . . . .. 2 Local Ad valorem Tax Red. $ LevyLimit(Mills)........ Less: LAVTR (Mills) ... .. New Levy Limit (Mills) . . . . Rates Levied (Mills) ...... , Bond and ' Social Workmen's KPERS P~Wttšund Library 82,561,430.00 Interest Security Compensation h . . 1 10'113 40-2305 74-4920 44-505c 74-4951 12.1220 tonzatlOn.......... 2 XXXXXXXXXX none none none none "" Local Ad valorem Tax Red. $ levyLimit(Mills)........ none none none none none "" Less: lAVTR (Mills) ... .. XXXXXXXXXX none none none none "" New levy Limit (Mills) . . .. none none none none none "- Rates levied (Mills) ...... 4.9131 0.9670 0.8494 1. 0067 0.5460 "" Noxious Firemen's Policemen' 1 Weeds Pension Pension Authorization 1. . . . . . . . .. 2-1318 13-14201 13-14201 local Ad valorem Tax Red.2$ "" none none levy Limit (Mills) ....... "" 2.000 2.000 less: lAVTR (Mills) . . . . . "" none none New levy Limit (Mills) . . . . "" none none Rates levied (Mills) ...... " 1.2429 0.9693 A h . . 1 ut onzatlOn .......... 2 local Ad valorem Tax Red. $ levylimit{Mills)........ less: lAVTR (Mills) ..... New levy Limit (Mills) . . . . Rates levied (Mills) ...... LEVIES NOT SUBJECT TO TAX LID 1CITE STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION FOR ALL LEVIES, ALSO CHARTER ORDINANCE NUMBER WHERE APPLICABLE: ATTACH COpy OF LEGAL PUBLICATIONS WHICH WERE REQUIRED BY LAW TO AUTHORIZE NEW FUNDS OR TO 8 CHANGE LEVY LIMITS ENACTED SINCE LAST YEAR'S BUDGET. 2QUALIFYING AMOUNTS FOR LOCAL AD VALOREM TAX REDUCTION RECEIPTS NEED NOT BE SPREAD TO EACH FUND (KS.A. SUPP. 79,2961). (7) ==~-7-=('mÑ-ERAÏ, FUND--- RECEIPTS Preceding Year 1975 (Actual) County Treasurer's Balance on Hand, Dec.31 ...............'....... $ Taxes Current Ad Valorem Property Tax I 1 I, -, ') (SeeNote1) .................~-_-L..~_~1/008.53 BackTaxColiections............ 27.787,99 Intangible ................,. 157,889.49 Franchise................... 347,689.93 Bingo ..................... 0.00 TotalTaxes ............... Intergovernmental Revenue Cigarette Tax ................ Liquor Control Enforcement. . . . . . Highway Connecting Links. . . . . . . Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction. . . Total Intergovernmental Revenue. Licenses and Permits License, fees & permits Total Licenses and Permits. . . . . Charges for Services Rent, .~QI1.~~s.s... .&. .u"s.e.r. f..e.eE Service & sales Total Charges for Services. . . . . . . . Fines, Forfeitures & Penalties Municipal court fines Total Fines, Forfeitures &Penalties................ Use of Money and Property Interest on Investments. . . . . . . Total Use of Money & Property. . 0.00 $ ? nn!'; 17'1,Q4 74 ?R7 11 24 864.67 2 602.50 106.420.00 208.174.18 105,732.62 105.732.62 49 786.65 33.921.17 83 707.82 151. 082.50 151.082.50 25.506.93 25.506.93 .. Current Year 1976 (Projected) Proposed Budget 1977 Adopted Budget 1977 0.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX 1,541,310.00 $ 22,000.00 225,200.00 365,000.00 14,000.00 2 167.510.00 72.000.00 24 000.00 2.600.00 123.510.00 222.110.00 116,040.00 116.040.00 62.655.00 26.030.00 88.685.00 155.000.00 155.000.00 22.000.00 22.000.00 (8) 1,775-316.97 $ 28 000.00 244.012.95 436.000.00 14,000.00 2.497.329.92 74.000.00 25 000.00 2.600.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX 101 600.00 114,790.00 114.790.00 61. 915.00 25.530.00 87.445.00 155.000.00 155.000.00 22.000.00 22.000.00 1 77 5 3.li.....9L 2ROOO.OO 244.012.95 436 000.00 14,000.00 2.497.329.92 74.000.00 25.000.00 2 600.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX 101 600.00 114,790.' 114.790.00 61 915.00 25 530.00 87.445.00 155.000.00 155.000.00 22.000.00 -- 22 000" 8 GENERAL FUND Preceding Year Current Year 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget RECEIPTS (Continued) (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 Miscellaneous Transfer from Utilities .......... $ 34.574.05 $ 36,700.00 $ 38.575.00 $ 38,575.00 Transfer from Discontinued Funds. .. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Reimbursed Expense. . . . . . . . . . .. 15,938.47 15.000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 Fire Protection-Outside Ci :y 106.479.90 105, 000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 Transfer from Special Gas 170,950.00 165.000.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 Sale of Real Estate 9,923.70 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Miscellaneous ................ Total Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . .. 337.866.12 322.700.00 269.575.00 269.575.00 Total Receipts .................. 2.918,446.11 3,094,045.00 3,247,739.92 3,247,739.92 City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . .. 82.400.30 234.205.08 196,540.08 196.540.08 Total Available Cash .............. $ 3,000,846.41 $ 3,328,250.08 $ 3,444,280.00 $ 3,444.280.00 NOTE 1: Col. 1 show amount received from County Treasurer. Col. 2 show 1975 tax available at 1-1-76 as computed in Schedule 2. Col. 3 show 1976 Tax Requirement, which will be same as Schedule 3, Col. 1. 8 GENERAL FUND Preceding Year Current Year 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget EXPENDITURES (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 City Commission Personal Services .............. $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 39 569.69 47 74').00 48.335.00 48 335.00 Commodities """""""" 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CapitaIOutlay................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sundrv ExDenditures 6 IN8 51 7 300.00 7.480.00 7 480.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . . .. 47 06R.20 55,545.00 56,315.00 56,315.00 City Manêger Personal Services .............. 35 187.20 38,445.00 40,360.00 40,360.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 2 713 42 2,825.00 3';185.00 3,185.00 Commodities ................ 1 189.85 1,025.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 Capital Outlay................ 53.00 390.00 0.00 0.00 Sundrv ExDenditures 390.63 355.00 365.00 365.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . . .. 39.534.10 43,040.00 45,160.00 45,160.00 City Clerk Personal Services .............. 78 799.03 87,880.00 91,980.00 91,980.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . 801. 85 20,380.00 21,870.00 21,870.00 Commodities ................ 1. 931. 54 1,850.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Capital Outlay................ 720.65 870.00 0.00 0.00 Sundry ExDenditures 587.97 675.00 675.00 675.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . . 99.841. 04 111,655.00 116,525.00 116,525.00 City Attorney Personal Services .............. 19 849.82 22,730.00 25,825.00 25,825.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . 2.781. 50 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 Commodities ............... 335.92 250.00 250.00 250.00 Capital Outlay................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 22.967.24 $ 26,480.00 $ 29,575.00 $ 29,575.00 8 (9) GENERAL FUND Preceding Year Current Year 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget EXPENDITURES (Continued) ( Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 $ $ $ $ Municipal Court Personal Services ......."...... 21.184.54 23,940.00 25,970.00 25,970.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 2 310.23 2.430.00 2,710.00 2,710.00 Commodities ............... 737.14 700.00 865.00 865.00 Capital Outlay """"""'" 630.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sundry Expenditures 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . .. 24 861. 91 27.120.00 29,595.00 29,595.00 Buildings Personal Services ............. 13.985.97 15.635.00 16,800.00 16,800.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . " 41 394.45 52.685.00 63.510.00 63,510.00 Commodities ............... 2.927.96 3.550.00 4,400.00 4,400.00 Capital Outlay ............... 0.00 165.00 0.00 0.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . .. 58 308.38 72.035.00 84,710.00 84,710.00 Engineering Personal Services ......,...... 100.840.56 117.075.00 127,435.00 127 , 435 .00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . ., 4 800.92 4.800.00 4,965.00 4,965.00 Commodities ............... 3 267.78 3,465.00 3,785.00 3,785.00 Capital Outlay............... 524.95 820.00 4,450.00 4,450.00 Sundrv Expenditures 267.00 720.00 375.00 375.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . 109.701. 21 126,880.00 141,010.00 141,010.00 Fire Personal Services ............. 563,548.70 628,445.00 675,845.00 675,845.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 21,993.11 27,530.00 28,255.00 28,255.00 Commodities ............... 21,039.52 22 435.00 22.820.'00 22.820.00 Capital Outlay............... 13,792.72 22 785.00 11. 965 .00 11. 965.00 Sundry Expenditures 112.50 130.00 130.00 130.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . .. 620,486.55 701 325.00 739.015.00 739,015.00 Inspection Personal Services ...."......... 47,217.39 53 460.00 56.665.00 56.665.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 4,756.83 4.540.00 3.705.00 3.705.00 Commodities ............... 1,994.62 2.620.00 2.335.00 2.335.00 Capital Outlay............... 194.60 1.325.00 175.00 175.00 Sundry Expenditures 210.00 415.00 225.00 225.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . .. 54.373.44 62.360.00 63.105.00 63.105.00 Park Personal Services ............. 98 635.37 107 290.00 129.725.00 129.725.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 16.644.24 20 200.00 20.255.00 20 255.00 Commodities ............,.. 13 811.15 15 030.00 19 660.00 19.660.00 Capital Outlay............... 4.383.53 2 630.00 12 450.00 12.450.00 Sundrv Expenditures 201. 00 75.00 185.00 185.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . .. 133.675.29 145.225.00 182.275.00 182.275.00 Police Personal Services ............. 613,267.33 685 750.00 759.445.00 759.445.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 74,293.47 75.445.00 86.540.00 86.540.00 - Commodities ............... 59,188.69 62.515.00 72.445.00 72.445.0G Capital Outlay............... 6,898.38 13.500.00 15.300.00 15.300.00 Sundry Expenditures 190.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Department Total .......... $ 753,837.87$ R37 710.00 $ 934.230.00 !Ii 934,230.00 (10) I I GENERAL FUND I Preceding Year Current Year 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget EXPENDITURES (Continued) (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 $ $ $ $ e.reet Personal Services .......'...... 203,694.70 251,740.00 288,125.00 288,125.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 35.932.96 38.685.00 41. 565.00 41,565.00 Commodities ............... 29,849.22 35,560.00 34.555.00 34 555.00 Capital Outlay ............... 7,245.39 1,150.00 15,900.00 15,900.00 Sundry Expenditures 0.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . .. 276,722.27 327,160.00 380,170.00 380,170.00 Street Lighting Personal Services ............. 93.018.55 115.350.00 132.000.00 132 000.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Commodities ............... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Capital Outlay............... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 " Department Total. . . . . . . . . .. 93,018.55 115,350.00 132,000.00 132,000.00 Traffic Personal Services ............. 28,971. 88 31,870.00 37,085.00 37,085.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 15,942.59 17,925.00 18,250.00 18,250.00 Commodities ............... 4,026.57 4,445.00 4,325.00 4,325.00 Capital Outlay............... 0.00 105.00 715.00 715.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . 48,941. 04 54,345.00 60,375.00 60,375.00 . Swimming Pool 8':,ersonal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15,302.52 15,500.00 16,275.00 16,275.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 4,650.00 4,670.00 4,420.00 4,420.00 Commodities ............... 3.684.25 2,710.00 2.590;00 2,590.00 Capital Outlay............... 554.63 0.00 1,900.00 1. 900.00 Sundry Expenditures 302.41 320.00 320.00 320.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . .. 24,493.81 23,200.00 25,505.00 25,505.00 Administration & Planning Personal Services. . . : . . . . . . . .. 68,607.78 79,580.00 86,040.00 86,040.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 3,427.14 3,330.00 3,870.00 3,870.00 Commodities ............... 1,455.73 1,700.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 CapitaIOutfay............... 0.00 1,305.00 0.00 0.00 Sundry Expenditures 263.00. 410.00 420.00 420.00 Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . 73,753.65. 86,325.00 92,080.00 92,080.00 Insurance & Contingencies Personal Services ............. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . .. 45,174.56 59,605.00 72,040.00 72,040.00 Commodities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ... ............ CapitaIOutlay............... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sundrv Exuenditures 55.647.34 55 000.00 45 000.00 45.000.00 - " I. I D"partment Total. . . . . . . . . . . Band Personal Services ............. ~ontractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . WCommodities ............... Capital Outlay............... Department Total. . . . . . . . .. $ 100 821. 90 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 $ 11 114 605.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000. 00 $ 117 040.00 0.00 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 117 040.00 0.00 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 19,000.00 -- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES (Continued) _metery ° Personal Services .......0...... Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . Commodities ............... Capital Outlay............... Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . General Improvement Personal Services ............. Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . Commodities ............... CapitaIOutlay............... Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . Memorial Hall Personal Services ............. Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . Commodities ............... Capital Outlay............... Sundry Expenditures Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . Public Health 8ersona' Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . Commodities ............... CapitaIOutlay............... Department Total Industrial Devei~;~~d¿"" Personal Services . ... .... .. .... Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . Commodities ............... Capital Outlay............... Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . Noxious Weeds Personal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . Commodities ............... Capital Outlay............... Department Total. . . . . . . . . . . Tree Maintenance Personal Services ............. ~ontractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . Wtommodities ............... Capital Outlay............... Department Total. . . . . . . . .. $ Precedin~ Year 1975 (Actual) Current Year 1976 (Projected) Proposed Budget 1977 $ $ $ 25,479.36 2,198. 0 1 380.50 0.00 28,100.00 2,2 0.00 2,785.00 735.00 29,585.00 2 , 5 . 00 2,190.00 375.00 29,058.66 33,880.00 34,595.00 31,225.17 809.35 484.31 37,665.00 895.00 635.00 39,685.00 995.00 685.00 41 36 .00 8,105.00 5,520.00 375.00 0.00 200.00 6,742.23 4,779.18 618.33 0.00 365.00 7,335.00 5,025.00 375.00 0.00 205.00 Adopted Budget 1977 $ 29,585.00 2,4 5.00 2,190.00 375.00 34,595.00 29,685.00 995.00 685.00 41 365 8,105.00 5,520.00 375.00 0.00 200.00 12,50 . 0.00 20 165.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24 050.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26 250.00 0:00 0.00 20 165.00 26,250.00 24,050.00 0.00 19 988.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 19,988.38 20,000.00 . 20,000.00 7 642.09 2,409.22 1,663.23 0.00 9,630.00 1,475.00 1,830.00 0.00 8 810.00 1,350.00 1,650.00 0.00 11 714.54 11 810.00 12 935.00 7 370.51 3,209.09 61.34 0.00 8,200.00 1,400.00 225.00 0.00 8,500.00 1,500.00 225.00 0.00 --- 10,640.94 $ ~~25.00 $ 10,225.00, 12 0.00 26 250.00 0.00 0.00 26,250.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 9,630.00- 1,475.00 1,830.00 0.00 12 935.00 8,500.00 1,500.00 225.00 0.00 10,225.00 GENERAL FUND Preceding Year Current Year 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget EXPENDITURES (Continued) (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 $ $ $ $ Flood Works Personal Services . .... .. ....... 25,852.28 28,855.00 30,840.00 30,840.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 3,150.30 2,290.00 2,540.00 2,)40.00 Commodities ................ 3.046.21 3 , 505 . 00 3,645.00 3,645.00 Capital Outlay................ 595.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department Total ........... 32,643.79 34,650.00 37,025.00 37,025.00 Personal Services .............. Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . . Commodities ................ Capital Outlay................ Department Total ........... Total Expenditures .............. 2.766.641. 33 3,131,710.00 3,444,280.00 3,444,280.00 Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . . . $ 234.205.08 $ 196.540.08 0.00 0.00 8 Preceding Year Current Year Firemen's Pension FUND 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand. December 31 ............ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX Ad valorem Property Tax (SeeNote1.Page9)............ 88.206.81 91,305.00 $ 100,601.19 $ 100,601.19 Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. .. 0.00 0.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX Back Tax Collections. . . . . . . . . .. 2.079.61 1,350.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 Int. & Contr. bv Emn1ovees 46 368.93 49.865.00 54,921.20 54,921. 20 Total Receipts ................. 136.655.35 142,520.00 156,872.39 156,872.39 City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . . . 166.611. 64 234,552.61 296,062.61 296,062.61 Total Available Cash ............. 101 ?hh qq 177,072.61 452 935.00 452.935.00 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services .............. 66 529.25 77.010.00 89,585.00 89,585.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Commodities ................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Capital Outlay................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sl1Tlr'lrv ~, ,'. t'l1r""" 2 185.13 4 000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 Total Expenditures .......... 68 714.38 81 010.00 116 585.00 116 585.00 Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . " $ 214 ')52 61 $ 296.062.61 336 350.00' 336.350.00 8 13 Policemen's Preceding Year Current Year Pension FUND 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 - RECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand, December 31 ............ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX Ad valorem Property Tax (SeeNote1,Page9)............ 59,745.82 67,170.00 $ 78,458.86 $ 78,458.86 Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. .. 0.00 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx - XXXXXXXXXXXXX Back Tax Collections. . . . . . . . . .. 733.14 915.00 900.00 900.00 Int. & Contr. bv Emu1ovee~ 38.991. 06 41,100.00 45,198.54 45,198.54 TotaIReceipts.................. 99,470.02 109,185.00 124,557.40 124,557.40 City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . .. 109,566.84 168,917.60 231,547.60 231,547.60 TotaIAvailableCash.............. 209,036.86 278,102.60 356,105.00 356, 105 .00 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services .............. 35,814.75 43,555.00 50,875.00 50,875.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Commodities ................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Capital Outlay................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sundrv Exuenditures 4 304.51 3.000.00 27.000.00 27,000.00 Total Expenditures. . . . . . . . . .. 40.119.26 46.555.00 77,875.00 77,875.00 Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . . . $ 168.917.60 $ 231,547.60 278,230.00- 278,230.00 _. Police Preceding Year Current Year & Fire RetireFUND 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget KP&F (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand, December 31 ........,... $ 0.00 $ 0.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX Ad valorem Property Tax (SeeNote1,Page9)............ 22.057.26 23.590.00 $ 44,198.15 $ 44,198.15 Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. .. 0.00 0.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX Back Tax Collections. . . . . . . . . .. 674.73 340.00 150.00 150.00 Contributions bv Emu10vee 11.869.29 17.500.00 22.383.61 22.383.61 TotaIReceipts.................. 34.601. 28 41. 430.00 66.731. 76 66,731. 76 City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . .. 23.518.14 24 838.24 11. 268.24 11.268.24 TotaIAvailableCash.............. 58.119.42 66.268.24 78.000.00 78.000.00 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services .............. 33.281.18 55.000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Commodities ................' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Capital Outlay................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . 33,281.18 55,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . .. $ 24,838.24 $ 11. 268.24 xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXX' 14 ~ Preceding Year Current Year FUND 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget .......... (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS, ~ County Treasurer's B ce on hand, December 31 ...... ..... $ $ xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX Ad valorem Property Tax (SeeNote1,Page9)............ '- $ $ Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. .. ~ XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX Back Tax Collections ........... ~ ~ TotaIReceipts.................. '- City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . . . '""-... TotaIAvailableCash.............. '""-... EXPENDITURES: ~ Personal Services .............. '-.. Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. ~ Commodities ................ ~ Capital Outlay................ ~ '-.... ~ Total Expenditures. . . . . . . . . .. ~ Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . . . $ $ xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx~ 8 Preceding Year Current Year SOCIAL SECURITY FUND 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand,December31.............$ 0.00 $ 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX Ad valorem Property Tax (See Note 1, Page 9) """""" 62 591. 92 76,105.00 $ 78,269.06 $ 78,269.06 Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. .. 0.00 0.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX Back Tax Collections. . . . . . . . . .. 959.05 955.00 500.00 500.00 . hll1'"' nn<> hv Emn 1 ovees 12R10Q.Q3 127 000.00 129.564.74 129.564.74 TotaIReceipts.................. 191 860.90 204,060.00 208,333.80 208,333.80 City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . .. 30 626.70 39 606.20 28.666.20 28.666.20 TotaIAvailableCash.............. 222.487.60 243.666.20 237.000.00 237,000.00 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services (Employers Contributions) . . . . . . .. 182 881.40 215.000.00 237,000.00 237,000.00 Total Expenditures. . . . . . . . . .. 182 881. 40 215.000.00 237,000.00 237,000.00 nencumbered Balance Forward. . . . . . $ 39 606.20 $ 28.666.20 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx (15) EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND Preceding Year Current Year 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget (KPERS) (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand, December 31 ............ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX Ad valorem Property Tax (SeeNote1,Page9)............ 56,899.73 66,800.00 $ 68,754.27 $ 68,754.27 Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. .. 0.00 0.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX Back Tax Collections. . . . . . . . . . . 1. 031. 24 870.00 400.00 4UU.UU Contributions bv Emn10yees 82.193.08 79,000.00 ðJ,J/4.)¿ 83,374.52 TotaIReceipts................. lz,o 1 ?/, 0<; 146 670.00 152,528.79 .l)L;, )¿ð. /'3 City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . . . 21. 502.62 15.801. 21 10,471.21 Total AvailableCash.............. 161 626.67 162.471.21 163,000.00 163,000.00 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services 145 825.46 152 000.00 163.000.00 163,000.00 (Employers Contributions), . . . . . . . Total Expenditures .......... 145 825.46 152 000.00 163.000.00 163,000.00 Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . .. $ 1'1 ROl 21 $ 10 471.21 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX - WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Preceding Year Current Year FUND 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand, December 31 ............ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX Ad valorem Property Tax (SeeNote1,Page9)............ 32.085.71 48,200.00 $ 81,490.15 $ 81,490.15 Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. .. 0.00 0.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX Back Tax Collections. . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 500.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 Mi~ce11aneous 0.00 0.00 1. 029. 14 1. 029. 14 TotaIReceipts.................. 32.085.71 48.700.00 83.619.29 83.619.29 City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . .. 0.00 680.71 380.71 380.71 TotaIAvailableCash.............. 32 085.71 49 380.71 84.000.00 84.000.00 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services (Insurance) ....., 'n 6.0<; 00 49.000.00 84.000.00 84.000.00 Total Expenditures .......... 11 ,40'1 .00 84 000.00 84 000.00 Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . . . $ f\RO.71 $ 1RO.71 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx - (16) Sanitation 8 RECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand,December31............. $ FUND Interest on Invest~ßPt.... Service Fees . . .... . . .. . TotaIReceipts.................. City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan, 1 . . . TotaIAvailableCash.............. EXPENDITURES: Personal Services .............. Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . . Commodities ................ CapitaIOutlay................ -- Preceding Year 1975 (Actual) xxxxxxxxxxxx 3 045. 13 344 000.00 347 045.1 108 159.6 455 204.19 203 053.94 84 359.64 17 376.32 16 265.00 Total Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . 321 054.90 Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . . . $ 134 149.29 -- -- Paper Recycling FUND RECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand,December31 ............ $ Sale of Commodities.. "'" Transfer from Other Fun4~. .. . . . . . . . . . TotaIReceipts.................. City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . . . TotaIAvailableCash.............. EXPENDITURES: Personal Services .............. Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . . . Commodities ................ Capital Outlay................ Sundry Expenditures Total Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . encumbered Balance Forward. . . . . . $ --=.=. - I Preceding Year Current Year ~ - 1975 1976 hoposed B11dget Adopted Budget (Actual) (Projec!~~.._.__L- 197':___~~ 1977 XXXXXXXXXXXX ~Xl<XXX!<X=X I xxxxxxxxxxxxtxx XXX X xxxxxx 7 655.94 12,000.00 -Í=$ 12,000.00 J,$ 12:000.00 0.00 _0.00- ~OOO.OO-J 5.000.00 ------- -- I If.1..00"O.'9cl,- . -. 1,,7.0,00,00-.:1=..-17:.000:.00 14 35~.~~2~_.g~Wb12 + 11_982_H ~'§.~}~.~,J2,. '.. 282,982.12 I ' 28.982.]2 -L.it80.00- -.láJ70.00 J 14,770.00 2 240.00 3. 63JhOO_J 3,610.00 - 65~:~~ -j- 66~:~~ ,~I - 66~~ _4,000.00 -1 4.000.00 ~, 4,000.00 14 370.00- ¡ 23.060,00 " _~3..>-060.QQ- $ 11 982.~_., - -2 2 ~- 5.922.12 7 655.94 17 646.21 25 302.15 3 330.85 2 404.95 454.00 1 260.23 3 500.00 10 950.03 14 352.12 Current Y ~~;:-~I~==~==~---- 1976 Proposed Bl<ðget Adopted Budget (Projected) 1977 1977 I I $ XXXXXXXXXXXX ! XXXXXXXXXXXXX I xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1-- ~ 3 045.00 $ 3 000.00 $ 3,000.00 338.400.00 342.000.00 1- 342.000.00 341.445.00 _13~1. .2 475 594.29 345.000.00 13],.&-4.39.29 476.43.9 ._29 345 000.00 131.439.29 476,439.29 , ¡ I I I I I 216. 510-!.,QQ---..L__240, 820.00 I 103.285.00__+- 113-,_2..8.2~JLJ ____J,2.s.86Q~_,-_L2-.J25. OO-J -~.oO. OQ~1L.O 00 . OQ ~ 344.155.00 393.230.00 I $ .131,439.29 83 . I 240,820.00 113,285.00 22,125.00 17,000.00 17 '-.--,---- "-'-,-- ---------. BOND AND INTEREST FUND Preceding Year Current Year 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget (General Obligation) (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS: I County Treasurer's Baiance on I I hand, December 31 $ nno 1$ 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX . .. . , .., .. . . Ad valmem Property Tax (See Note 1, Page 9) . . . .. .... , .. /,()<; /,':¡<; ')(; ~8n 605.00 $ 397.716.85 $ 397,716.85 Back Tax Collections. . . . , . . . . . " q ~lq (;1 7000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 Special Assessments ..,......... /, ')(1 /.(It:.. 07 ~')n q~n.oo 3_66,743.61 366,743.61 Unused Proceeds n nn n.oo -- .... . .. .... . .. 0.00 0.00 ~ Interest Qn.¡1;lV~$t:IP~1;lt:$ 21. 996.53 20.000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 Prepaid Special Assessments. . . . . .. 4 730.53 6.000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 ~nterfund Transfers ............ 67.000.00 60,380.00 61,705.00 61,705.00 .---..- ---- TotaIReceipts,....,.,.......... 928 889.20 824,915.00 855,165.46 855,165. 4b' City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 ... 176 390.87 149.919.54 65,334,54 65, JJ4. 54- TotalJ'.:,¡;\ìlé\hleCash .......,.,.... 1 105.280.07 974.834.54 920,500.00 920,500.00 EXPENDITURES: BondPrincipal.........".,... 762.736.00 714,620.00 708,000.00 708,000.00 Interest Coupons ........... ... 191.754.96 193,628.38 161,017.71 Ibl,Ul/./l Commission and Postage .... . . . .. 869.57 1,251. 62 1,482.29 1,4~;¿.;¿~ Amount Rcquired to Remain on CiJsh Basis ..............,. XXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxx 50,000.00 50,000.00 Total Fxpend ¡tures . . . . . . . . . .. 955,360.53 909,500.00 92 o-,5Uo-.-au ~¿u,JUU.UU ~nencumbered Balance Forward. . . . . . $ 149,919.54 $ 65,334.54 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx ~ INTERES: FUND Preceding Year Current Year 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget enue Bonds) (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS: """, IntPrfund Transfers ."::~"'-t...,... $ $ $ $ " .Accrued Interest. . . . . . . . >.... . . . Unused Proceeds, . . . . . . . . . :~'>. interest on Investments, . . . , . . . .. >......~""" ""'-",,-, TotaIRf'.ceipts...,.,............ ""'<""'- City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 .. . ">- >, Total.A,"i'ilnbleCash........,..... ""<;,,-,,- EXPENDITURES: """""'"^,."'",.,,, BondPrincipal.......,........ Interest Coupons .............. ",."",..... Commission fInd Postage """'" ~ Amount Requir!'.d to Remain ""- '" on Cash Basis ........,....... XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX ..",~,», Totai ExpRnditures . . . . . . . . . .. "', Unencumbered Bnlance Forward. . . . . . $ $ xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXxx:~XXX .. .. """ NOTE. It IS better accounting practice to service Revenue Bond Debt directly from the Enterpn-se (Utility) Fund rather than from a Revenue Bond Fund. For example see Page 21, Debt Service. 18 Parking Preceding Year Current Year Meters FUND 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 ECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand, December 31 $ XXXXXXXXXXXX $ XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX ... . .... .... Parking Meter Revenue..... 66 303.04 69.500.00 $ 69,000.00 $ 69,000.00 Interest from.InvestmentEì. 1. 710. 45 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 Parking Meter Permitq.. ... 20.620.13 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 Total Receipts ................. 88.633.62 91. 300.00 90,800.00 90,800.00 City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . " 59 847.32 38.095.29 25,725.29 25 725.29 Total Available Cash ............. 148.480.94 129,395.29 116,525.29 116,525.29 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services .............. 37.532.50 38,425.00 41,025.00 41,025.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 16.029.17 19,475.00 20,895.00 20,895.00 Commodities ................ 1.918.56 2.370.00 2,580.00 2,580.00 Capital Outlay................ 10.905.42 400.00 400.00 400.00 Sundry Expenditures 44.000.00 43,000.00 39,200.00 39,200.00 Total Expenditures .......... 110.385.65 103,670.00 104,100.00 104,100.00 Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . .. $ 38.095.29 $ 25.725.29 12,425.29 12,425.29 8 Golf Course Preceding Year Current Year FUND 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS: County Treasurer's Balance on hand, December 31 $ XXXXXXXXXXXX $ XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX . .. .. . ... . .. Oil Well Lease 3,550.10 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Membership & Green Fees 66,591. 55 67,000.00 $ 69,000.00 $ 69,000.00 .. ... .. Cart Rental 541. 68 550.00 ' 600.00. 600.00 ... Car Storage .... .. 1,594.45 1,300.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 Car User Fees 2.365.25 2.000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total Receipts ................. 74,643.03 73,850.00 75,500.Lm 75,500.00 .. City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . .. 9.782.47 19.855.62 20,495.62 20,49).62 TotaIAvailableCash.............. 84 425.50 93,705.62 95,995.62 9),995.62 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services .............. 29,146.15 39,760.00 41,460.00 41,460.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 14.132.22 11,900.00 13,300.00 13,300.00 Commodities ................ 7.489.50 8,305.00 9,755.00 9,7)':J .00 Capital Outlay................ 578.00 445.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Sundry Expenditures 13,224.01 12,800.00 12;6U5.00 12,60).00 Total Expenditures .......... 64.569.88 73.210.00 83,120.00 83,120.00 $ 19.855.62 $ 20.495.62 12,875.62 12,875.62 - nencumbered Balance Forward. . . . . . 19 Preceding Year Current Year Solid Waste FUND 1975 1976 Proposed Dudget Adopted Budget (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS: C:>unty Treasurer's Balance on hand, December 31 ............ $ XXXXXXXXXXX $XXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX Income from Le,a.s~. :L;:lJ:1.d. . . 177 .15 18,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Service Fees ... 71.989.50 75,000.00 100,000.00 IUU, UUU. 0--0-- '......... TotaIReceipts.................. 72.166.65 93,000.00 110,000.00 lIU,UUU.UU City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . .. 7.006.23 4,180.43 5,985.43 5.QR').41 Total Available Cash. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 79 172.88 97 180.43 115.985.43 11') QR'){,.1 EXPEN DiTU RES: Personal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32.104.70 ,, 40,750.00 46,715.00 46,715.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 27.823.23 32.455.00 35,695.00 35,695.00 Commodities ................ 7 064.52 7.990.00 10.055.00 10,055.00 CapitaIOutlay................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sundrv ExDenditures 8.000.00 10.000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Total Expenditures .......... ,74 992.45 91.195.00 102.465.00 102,465.00 Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . .. $ 4.180.43 $ 5.985.43 - 13.520.43 13.520.43 . ~ Preceding Year Current Year FUND 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget "'-- (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 RECEIPTS, ~ County Treasurer's ce on hand, December 31 ...... ..... $ $ xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX Ad valorem Property Tax (SeeNote1,Page9)........... $ $ Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. . . r--.. xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX Back Tax Collections. . . . . . . . . .. "'- --- TotaIReceipts.................. '" City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . .. ............ TotaIAvailableCash.............. ............ EXPENDITURES: ~ Personal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . '-..... Contractual Services. . . . . . . . '. . .. "- Commodities ................ ~ Capital Outlay................ '-... "- "- Total t::xpenditures .......... "- Unencumbered Balance Forward. . . . .. $ $ xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX~ 20 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 110 Maintenance - Well Pumps - Equipment 120 Well Power 130 Well House Signals 140 River Intake Power 150 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 160 Maintenance - River Basin TOTAL SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES 205 Supervision 210 Salaries 215 Electric Power 220 Gas Service 225 Building Operating Supplies 230 Chemicals 235 Maintenance - Equipment 240 Maintenance - Buildings 255 Electric Power - Calcining Plant 260 Gas Service - Calcining Plant 270 Supplies - Calcining Plant 275 Electric Power - Studgeline TOTAL PUMPING EXPENSES 305 Supervision 310 Salaries 315 Electric Power 320 Gas Service 325 Lubricants 330 Building Operating Supplies 335 Maintenance - Electrical Equipment and Pumps . 340 Maintenance - Station Building and Grounds 345 Wearing Apparel TOTAL ActuaJ Previous Year 1975 5,170.80 10,602.50 2,402.38 2,411. 30 32.86 725.10 21,344.94 35,188.00 48,709.10 27,535.47 5,316.08 66.89 152,614.78 8,954.63 45.79 5,840.68 11,544.16 3,828.78 0.00 299,644.36 21,192.93 44,205.10 13,158.07 391.02 193.55 643.97 43.56 238.15 1,351. 98 81,418.33 21 Adjusted Current Budget 1976 7,000.00 11,760.00 3,000.00 3,025.00 100.00 1,000.00 25,885.00 38,500.00 60,655.00 32,000.00 6,300.00 200.00 162,250.00 10,000.00 300.00 7,010.00 21,500.00 4 ,775 . 00 0.00 343,490.00 23,125.00 51,120.00 15,000.00 560.00 200.00 650.00 200.00 250.00 1,200.00 92,305.00 I ¡ Proposed Budget 1977 7,500.00 14,310.00 3,300.00 3,600.00 100.00 1,500.00 30,310.00 40,430.00 72,805.00 36,000.00 7,560.00 200.00 172,000.00 10,000.00 300.00 8,410.00 25,800.00 5,000.00 7,500.00 386,005.00 24,300.00 55,340.00 18,000.00 675.00 200.00 700.00 200.00 250.00 1,300.00 100,965.00 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL " .,: ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1975 Adjusted Current Budg,e t 19/6 Proposed Bud.get 1917 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 405 Supervisi~n 410 Salaries 415 Meter Maintenance - Salaries 420 Meter Maintenance - Supplies 425 Vehicle - Equipment Expenses 430 Tapping Supplies 435 Maintenance - Distribution Mains 440 Maintenance - Storage Tanks 450 Maintenance - Hydrants 455 Miscellaneous Materials and Labor 19,048.13 16,010.00 20,955.00 53,099.07 55,895.00 57,565.00 8,872.69 9,775.00 10,265.00 1,683.29 1,800.00 1,900.00 7,035.92 8,000.00 8,000.00 9,899.16 8,000.00 9,000.00 10,247.36 10,000.00 11 ,000. 00 3,241.13 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,349.41 4,500.00 1,500.00 1,070.31 1,500.00 2,000.00 116,546.47 116,480.00 123,185.00 TOTAL CUSTOMERS. ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 510 Office Salaries 58,697.37 66,405.00 76,355.00 515 Servicemen and Meter Readers Salaries 63,267.17 71,510.00 75,220.00 520 Servicemen and Meter Readers Supplies 167.60 400.00 400.00 525 Collection Station 1,841.35 1,900.00 1,900.00 530 Maintenance - Office Equipment 2,335.18 2,200.00 2,200.00 535 Office Supplies 5,253.80 4,500.00 4,500.00 540 Vehicle Expenses 6,176.47 6,000.00 4,000.00 545 Lease Electonic Data Processing Equip 13,806.00 13,860.00 14,700.00 550 Postage 17,058.67 20,000.00 21,000.00 555 Wearing Apparel 363.04 450.00 450.00 TOTAL 168,966.65 187,225.00 200,725.00 . 22 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTI1ENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1975 Adjusted Current Budget 1976 Proposed Budget 1977 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 605 Supervi s fon 17,392.80 19,040.00 19,995.00 610 Salaries 7,690.89 8,810.00 9,240.00 615 Telephone Expenses 3,936.70 4,000.00 4,320.00 620 Office Supplies 990.22 500.00 500.00 625 Special Engineering 675.00 750.00 750.00 630 Soci a 1 Security 29,640.89 34,000.00 40,000.00 635 Insurance - Buildings 6,008.35 7,500.00 13,500.00 640 Sales Tax 783.72 980.00 1,000.00 645 Property Taxes 45,000.00 50,000.00 55,000.00 650 Accounts Charged Off 769.44 800.00 800.00 655 Long and Short Cash 1,346.35 100.00 100.00 660 Employees Retirement 33,970.34 38,000.00 44,000.00 665 Workmenls Compensation and Liability 13,994.00 22,440.00 22,440.00 666 Group Insurance 14,114.63 18,125.00 21,750.00 670 Auditing Expenses 1,100.00 4,770.00 5,000.00 675 Contracting Services 3,247.50 4,300.00 2,700.00 680 Organizational Dues and Membership 274.12 500.00 500.00 685 Maintenance - Government Center 9,381.00 10,880.00 12,000.00 690 Services Performed - Other Department 20,977.50 22,700.00 24,060.00 695 Car Mileage and Travel Expense 1,605.55 3,950.00 1,500.00 TOTAL 212,899.00 252,145.00 279,155.00 SEWERAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 705 Supervision 32,415.43 32,975.00 43,990.00 710 Operating Salaries 119,397.86 146,890.00 155,310.00 715 Electric Power 47,284.68 58,650.00 71 ,000. 00 720 Gas Service 4,667.52 9,600.00 11,520.00 725 Plant Operating Supplies 1,905.96 2,000.00 2,000.00 730 Maintenance - Equipment 23,007.39 20,000.00 18,000.00 735 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 1,413.60 2,950.00 2,500.00 740 Maintenance - Pumping Stations 10,060.98 10,500.00 11 ,000. 00 745 Maintenance - Sanitary Sewer 4,489.04 7,000.00 6,000.00 750 Vehicle Expenses 16,162.21 17,970.00 19,770.00 755 Wearing Apparel . 632.53 800.00 800.00 760 Q's TV Expenses 88.37 2,500.00 3,000.00 765 Pump Station Monitor 0.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 TOTAL 261,525.57 313 ,035.00 347,290.00 23 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT - . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1975 Adjusted Current Budget 1976 Proposed Budget 1977 ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIRE~ENTS TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 135,000.00 140,000.00 150,000.00 76,091. 97 71,095.00 66,195.00 211 ,091. 97 211,095.00 216,195.00 1,373,437.29 1,541,660.00 1,683,830.00 810 Bond Principal Payments 815 Bond Interest Payments . 24 I FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPAf(ïNENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L AC~OUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES Water Supply Expenses Softening and Treatment Expenses Pumping Expenses Distribution Expenses Customers' Accounting and Collection Expen es Administrative and General Expenses Sewerage Treatment and Collection Expenses Transfer to Bond and Interest Reserve Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department Capital Improvements Net Cash Transferred to Other Current Assets TOTAL EXPENDITURES City Ty'easurerls Balance January 1st Less: Unpaid Purchase Orders UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE January 1st REVENUE Water Revenue Sewerage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping and Front Footage Service Service Charge - Sanitation Cash Collected for Sanitation Service Capital Improvement from Bond Retirement and Extension and Construction Reserv s Improvement from Depreciation and Emergency Fund TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures . UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 Actual Previous Year 1975 21,344.94 299,644.36 81,418.33 116,546.47 168,966.65 212,899.00 261,525.57 211 ,091. 97 344,000.00 284,417.39 16,021.49 2,017,876.17 355,225.45 68,659.64 286,565.81 1,041,120.65 399,484.57 20,354.16 13,250.57 5,734.05 344,000.00 59,893.23 25,219.26 1,909,056.49 2,195,622.30 2,017,876.17 177 ,746.13 25 Adjusted Current Budget 1976 25,885.00 343,490.00 92,305.00 116,480.00 187,225.00 252,145.00 313,035.00 211 ,095.00 338,400.00 86,740.00 0.00 1,966,800.00 311,294.16 133,548.03 177,746.13 Proposed Budget 1977 30,310.00 386,005.00 100,965.00 123,185.00 200,725.00 279,155.00 347,290.00 216,195.00 342,000.00 120,000.00 0.00 2,145,830.00 161,896.13 1,141,750.00 1,418,000.00 435,000.00 540,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 5,800.00 5,800.00 338,400.00 342,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,950,950.00 2,335,800.00 2,128,696.13 2,497,696.13 1,966,800.00 2,145,830.00 161,896.13 351,866.13 8 FEDERAL GENERAL REVENUE Preceding Year Current Year SHARING FUND. 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 Receipts: Payments from U. S. Treasury $ 311 335.00 $ 437.917.00 $ 448,190.00 $ 448,190.00 .. . . . Earnings from Fund Investments. . .. 14.050.80 12.000.25 12,000.00 12,000.00 TotaIReceipts.................. 325 385.80 449.917.25 460,190.00 460,190.00 Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . . . . . .. 101 733.00 239.441. 75 170,905.00 170.905.00 TotaIAvailableCash.............. (,27 118.80 689 359.00 631,095.00 631. 095.00 Expenditures: Operating/Maintenance Expenditures: Public Safety ................ 105.874.23 125,000.00 124,695.00/ 124,695.00 Environmental Protection. . . . . . . . Public Transportation .......... 3,291. 45 90,499.00 ~j,uuu.uu . 95.000.00 Health .................... 20.000.00 60,000.00 b;¿,OUU.uu;, 62,000.00 Recreation .................. libraries.................... Social Services for Aged and Poor. .. 37.500.00 46.755.00 37.400.00/ 37,400.00 Financial Administration ........ Capital Expenditures: Multipurpose & General Govt. "'" 28.443.18 36.900.00 50.000.00" 50.000.00 Health .................... Transportation ............... Social Development. . . . . . . . . . . . Housing & Comm. Dev. . . . . . . . . .. Econ.Dev................... Environmental Conservation ...... 43.739.80 33.000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 Public Safety ................ 45 060.45 76 500.00 92.000.00/ 92.000.00 Recreation .................. 103 767.94 30 000.00 110,000.00 / 110,000.00 Other (specify) :r..:i.1~t;ép~:i,~1'! . . . . .. 19 800.00 Total Expenditures .......... 387 677. 05 518.454.00 631. 095.00 631. 095.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance Forward.. $ 239 441. 75 $ 170 905.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 8 * Note: Complete this form in accordance with Federal General Revenue Sharing Planned Use Report insofar as appropriate. ~ SPECIAL HIGHWAY FUND [Use for Construètion, Reconstruction, Preceding Year Current Year Alteration, Repair and Maintenance - 1975 1976 Proposed Budget Adopted Budget KS.A. Supp. 79-3425c] (Actual) (Projected) 1977 1977 Receipts~ County Treasurer's Balance on hand! December 31 ............ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX State Payments ............... 282.697.77 282.000.00 $ 295,500.00 $ 295,500.00 County Payments ............. 33.126.55 33 000.00 34.500.00 34,500.00 TotaIReceipts.................. 315 824.32 315 000.00 330 000.00 330,000.00 City's Unencumbered Balance, Jan. 1 . .. 28 206. 7 8 32 004.27 40 194.27 40.194.27 TotaIAvailableCash.............. 344 031.10 347 004.27 370.194.27 370.194.27 Expenditures: Personal Services .............. 22 833.96 22.685.00 23.500.00 23.500.00 Contractual Services. . . . . . . . . . .. 233 400.00 240.000.00 255.000.00 255.000.00 Commodities...........'...... 41 284.58 44 125.00 57.550.00 57.550.00 Capital Outlay................ 14 SOH 2q 0.00 30 000.00 30 000.00 Total Expenditures. . . . . . . . . .. 312.026.83 306.810.00 366.050.00 366.050.00 otal Receipts ................. 344.031.10 347.004.27 37U,194.27 j/U,1~4.n less: Expenditures .............. 11? 026 Hi 1()6810.00 366.050.00 366.050.00 Unencumbered Balance Forward $ 32 004.27 $ 40 194.27 4 144.27 4 144.27 26 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF STREET MACHINERY AND BRIDGE BUILDING (RESERVE) FUND 'I I' 1-1.75 to 12.31.75 1.1-76 to 6-30-76 Receipts: Transfer from Street Fund (K.S.A. 68-141g) . . . . $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Interest from Investments 1,268.75 . . .... ..... .. . Total Receipts ......................... 1,268.75 625.00 .-- --- City Treasurer's Balance, Jan. 1 .............. 26.353.69 27.622.44 TotaIAvailableCash...................... 27.622.44 28.247.44 Disbursements: Machinery and Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -----, 0.00 25,000.00 Bridge Building .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .... . .. 0.00 0.00 Transfer to Street Fund (K.S.A. 68,141g) . . . . .. 0.00 0.00 TotaIDisbursements.................. 0.00 25, OOO_~ QO , - - Cash Balance, December 31, 1975 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 27,622.44 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Cash Balance, June 30, 1976 ................ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~$ 3,247.44 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF SPECIAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT (RESERVE) FUND .,. ---,. 1-1,75 to 12-31-75 1'1-76 to 6-30-76 ---- Receipts: Transfer from Street Fund (K.S.A. 68.590). . . .. $ Transfer from Special Highway Fund (K.S.A.68,590) ..................,... TotaIReceipts.......................... City Treasurer's Balance, Jan. 1 .............. TotaIAvailableCash...................... Disbursements: Construction .......,................ Reconstruction ....................... 0.00 $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.158.72 33.158.72 0.00 0.00 33,158.72 33,158.72 - 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15, 000.00 -----_._- -_.----- TotaIDisbursements.................. 0.00 30,000.00 Cash Balance, December 31,1975. . . . . . . . . . . .. $ .D, -Dð. / L XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Cash Balance, June 30,1976 ... .. .. .... .. ... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX $ 3.158.72 .- 27 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS BONDED INDEBTEDNESS Purpose and Type Amount Date Due Amount Due Amount Due of Bonds Date Interest Amount of 1.1,76 to 12-31-76 1'1-77 to 12-31-77 (General Obliga- of Issue Rate Bonds Issued Outstanding .on or Revenue) 1-1-76 Interest Principa Interest Principal Interest Principal Flood Contr. 5-1-51 3% 666,000. 99,000. M-S M-S 2,/4). jj,UUU. .1,/)). jj,UUU "li'1nnrl í'nnt-.... 1<;.1 J.. 1Y.. 1 11? nnn 1L..<; nnn M-C: M-C: 11 iQ'~. '1'1.000 9.590. 55.000. Flood Contr. 1-1-6 3~ 260-000. 117.000. M-N M-N 3.502. 13.000. 3.112. 13.000. Librarv 1-1-6' 3!-: 675 000. 360 000. M-N M-N 11.557. 35 000. 10.420. 35 000. Citv-Co B1dQ 1-1-6f 5 1 100-000. 660 000. M-N Nov 25 025. 55.000. 22 962. 55 000. Park 1-1-6f 5 150-000. 30 000. M-N Nov 1.125. 15.000. 562. 15.000. Golf Course 2-1-6 4 75 000. 56.000. J-D Dec 2.380. 3.000. 2.252. 3.000. Golf Course 0-1-6 4 75.000. 56.000. A-D Oct 2.380. 3.000. 2.252. 3.000. Storm Sewer 2-1-6< 5!¡; 131. 385. 66.000. J-D Dec 3.465. 13,000. 2,782. 13.000. Park 4-1- 7l 4.2 100.000. 90.000. A-O Oct 6,227. 10,000. 3,744. 10,000. Sub-Total 4.364.385. 1.879,000. 69,799. 235,000. 59,431. 235,000 Curb. QU t . pav 2-1-5< 3~ 402.737 100,000. J-D J-D 3,562. 20,000. 2,812. 20,000. 1-1-6( 3!¡; 551. 385. 162,000. M-N M-N 5,307. 27,000. 4,430. 27,000. 1-1-6 3!¡; 605.942. 210.000. M-N M-N 6,956. 30,000. 5,981. 30,000. 1-1-6 2.75 1. 375.365. 482,000. M-N M-N 13,583. 73,000. 11,609. 69,000. 1-1-6 2.75 456,283. 157,000. M-N M-N 4,430. 23,000. 3,789. 23,000. 1-1-6 3 986.218. 443,000. M-N M-N 13,316. 47,000. 11,906. 47,000. 1-1-6' 3 265.000. 130.000. M-N May 4,041. 15,000. 3,553. 15,000. 1-1-6 3~ 360.000. 35.000. M-N M-N 812. 5,000. 1-1-6t 4 340.000. 60.000. M-N Nov 2.250. 30,000. 1,125. 30,000. 1-1-6 4 155 000. 85 000. M-N Nov 3.310. 10.000. 2,940. 10,000. 1-1-6 4 325.000. 90 000. M-N Nov 3.330. 30.000. 2,220. 30,000. 1-1-6E 4!-: 58.267. 40 000. M-N Nov 1. 698. 3.000. 1,581. 3,000. 8- 1-1-6~ 4 376-222. 140 000. M-N Nov 5.460. 35.000. 4.095. 35,000. 2-1-1)< ')!-: 170 813. 95 000. J-D Dec 4.987. 15.000. 4.200. 20.000. L..- 1 - 7 ( I) 7q 481. 60 000. J-D Dec 3.420. 4.000. 3.200. 4 .000 . ?-1- 7/ 4Y.. 1L.. 7 1 n1 90 000. J-D Dec 4.117. 15.000. 3-442. 15.000. ? .1 .7 iY.. ?I,<; AF.1 17'1.000 J D Dec 6 343. 25.000. 5 437. 25.000 1 .1 .7. L..Y.. ?'10 71f.. ??<;,OOO .T-n Dec 9.525. 25 000. 8.337. 25-000 n -1 .7 '1 L.. ? A nn 7 L..?A.OOO, T-n D<>c 27 ,iR3. 23 000. 20,9,30. 45 000. c:....h-'T'r-.t-!:I1 7 <;70 1.1Q 11 ?n7, 000 11?1 Q~n II. ~<; .000 101 587 L.. 71 000 ~r,:¡nrl 'T'nt-,:¡1 An nn~....B..o.1Lds11 QL..1 An1 <; nAf.. 000 193 629. 720.000. 161.018. 708.000 - W,:¡r<>r ¡;, SPT,7 RpTTPnup Bond 7-1-6 1Y.. 3 600 000. 1 960 000. 71.095. 140.000. 66,195. 150,000 (Cents ha~ been droDDE d from sever 1a1 figures d lIe to he si e of th column .) SubWtal GO Bonds XXXX XXXX 11 QL..1 801 <; 086 000. xxxx xxxx 193 629 720.000 161,018. 708,000 Subtotal Rev. Bonds XXXX XXXX ~ F,nn nnn 1 Qf..n 000 XXXX XXXX 71 095 140 000 66.195 150.000 TOTAL. . . .. XXXX XXXX 1<; <;L..1 801 7.046 000. xxxx xxxx 264.724 860.000 227,213. 858,000 NOTE: Please list general obligation and revenue bonds in separate groups. 28 STATEMENT OF INBEBTEDNI<:SS OTIH~H INDEBTEDNESS: Temporary Notes, No Fund Warrants, or Others (Exclude Industrial Development Revenue Bonds) -, =~_o~-~~-===c====-'=- ,'=",,0=== --c~-,= _.=~=","c==,,= Nature of Indebtedness Date of Issue Rate of Interest Original Amount of Indebtedness Amount Unpaid 1,1.76 To be Paid 1.1.76 to 12,31-76 To he Paid 1-1,77 to 12,31-77 In terest Principal In terest No-Fund Warrant 10-16-7 5% 147,970.00 ---- 38,000.00 1,900. 38,000. o. Principal 0.00 ,------,_._.._,. ~§!.!!!P.."___}¡9tes___- - 2- 2- 7 4.75 265,969.49 0.00 ~- ~~--- 10,732. 265,969.49 ------,--, TOTAL XXXXXX XXXXXX 413.939.49 38.000.00 1,900. 38,000. 10,732. 265,969.49 COMPARISON OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TAX LEVIES AND INDEBTEDNESS Year 1975 Year 1976 Year 1977 (Actual) (Projected) (Adopted Budget) Total Expenditures-All Funds. . . . . $ 7.563.601.50 $ 8.099.439.00 $ 8,970,190.00 Year 1974 Year 1975 Year 1976 (Estimated) Tangible Valuation ............ $ 73,163,422.00 $ 79,593,936.00 $ 85,827,935.00 Total Taxes levied ............ $ 2,240,923.98 $ 2,369,570.44 $ 2,540,601.29 Taxes Per $100.00 $ 3.1260 $ 3.0130 $ 3.0000 .. . . . . . . . .. . Jan. 1,1974 Jan. I, 1975 Jan. 1, 1976 Outstanding I ndebteclness General Obligation Bonds ........ $ 5.882.000.00 $ 5.420.736.00 $ Revenue Bonds ............... 1,960,000.00 TemporaryNotes.............. 247.592.60 325,263.14 0.00 No.FundWarrants """""'" 107.000.00 75.000.00 38.000.00 Total Indebtedness .......,.... $ 8.461,592.60 $ 7.915.999.14 $ 29 " CITY THIS FORM IS TO BE MADE A PA~OF BUDGET FORM NO.5 * AGGREGATE' TAX LEVY LIMITATIONS FOR TAX Y~R 1976 (BUDGET YEAR 1,977) CITY OF Salina ~ . STATE OF KATsAS Budget Forfu No. 58 ' ,I. Total adjusted tangibl~ taxes' levied for the base year 1969 or 1970 for purposes included within the aggregate Ilmttatlon.** (line 3, page 1, 1973 supplemental budget form) Check year used: Taxes levied in 1968 or for 1969 ..L-; Taxes levied ,in 1969 for,1970 --) . . . . .$ 8 1....1],h634.39 2. Assessed tangJble valuation for 1968 or 1969 whichever year used above. (line 4, page 1, , 1973 supplementàl budget form) . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ .$ 62,717,142.00, 3. Rate necessary to produce amount on line 1. (line 1 divided by'line 2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4., Assessed valuation for 1976 of new improvements to real estate sInce the base ,year. (Excluding such new improvements to real estate in added ter:ritory, see 1 ine 10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 9~45.276.00 5. Assessed valuation for 1976 of increased,:personal property since the base year~ (excluding such increased personal property in added territory, see line 10) . . . .$ 17,658.323.00 6. Total assessed valuation for 1976 of new improvements to real estate and increased personal property. (line 1+ plus line 5) ~.' ',' . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . '.$ 2 7 120~-,599. 00 7. Increase in aggregate limit for new improvements to real, estate and increased personal property. (1 ine 6 x line 3).. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' .$ 509.931. 46 '8. Basic aggregate levy limitation (dollar amount) for 1976., (line "plus line 7) .'..........$ 9. Total assess~d tangible valuation for 1976 before addition or exclusion of terti tory since the base year.,. . . . . . . . . . . .', . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . $, . . . $ 84.793~ 415.00 1L034. 520. O(), 10. Assessed tangible valuation for 1976 of territory added since the base year~ . None 11. 12. Assessed tangible valuation for 1976 of territory excluded since the base year Percentage of adjustment tn aggregate 1 imitation for territory added or excluded since the base year. ' , , a. For territory added (1 ine 10 divided by Une 9) . . ;, . . . . . . . . . . . b. For territory excluded (line 11 divided by line 9)... .'......... 1.22 18.745 mills 1,685.565.85 %' % * This form has been prepared for use in applying the so-catted t'tax-lid law" contained in K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79-5001 to 79-5017 inclusive. ' ** Do not include on line I tax,es levied by the city for .political subdIvisions not under the "tax lid", such as \~ libr,ary boards or recreation commiss¡ons~ (See K.S.A. 1975Supp. 79-5015) -- CITY ter~ory added or exc1uded since 13. ; Amount o~adJustment In aggregate tevy 11mltatlon for the base year. ' - " ' a. For territory added (1ine 8 x tIne 12a) b. for territory GxGlu~e~ (llAe 1 )( llAÐ 12h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 14. New cities having no base year, or citIes which levied no tangible taxes In the base year. (amount determined by county clerk, see K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79-5010)*. . . . . . . .. .'. . . . . . . .$, . Increase authorized by e1ection. ( years, voted, 19 , first 1evy year 19 ).......$ , , -- 15. 16. ')ncrease authorized by Board of Tax Appeals. ( years authorized, first levy year 19--> . . . . .$ 17. Plus or minus functions transferred. (receiving subdivisions get Increase and sending sub- divisions get like amount deducted)**. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 8, 20,563.90 N/A N/A N!A N/A 18. Total aggregate tax limitation for 1976. (1lne 8 plus line 13a, minus 1ine 13b, plus lInes 15 and 16, plus or minus line 17). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1,706,129.75 * Cities qualifying under K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79-5010 'as amended by S.B.924 should start with line 14 'and add lines 15 & 16 plus or minus line 17 to determine their aggregate limitation on line 18. ** Add or deduct the total amounts 1evied for, any function or service that were levIed in the year preceding the trans- fer of such function or service~ ' ******************************************************************************************************************** AMOUNTS LEVIED WITHIN AGGREGATE LEVY LIMITATION FOR THE TAX YEAR 1976; BUDGET YEAR 1977*** General Operating. , , . . . . , .' ',.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ~ . .$, 1,674,129.92 Ai rport. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .'. . " . . , . . . . $, Fire Equ i pment . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . $, Band. . . . . . . . . , ,,' . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . , . . . $ Fores try. . . . . . . . . '. . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $' City Hall Maintenance. . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Special Imprpvement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Cemetery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . $, Street Lighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .$ Street Repa i ring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $, ........................ "....................$ .,...........................................$ ..................,.............................$ ...............,............................,.$ Total amount levied within the aggregate levy limitation. (cannot exceed line 18 above) . . . . . . . . .$ 1.674.129.92 ë:* Do not include any taxes in this part which are exempt from the tax 1id. See exemptions listed in K.S.A.1975 Supp. 79-5011; K.S.A. 2-1318, 12-1680, 12-1688, 12-4803, 13-10,143~ 1975 Supp. 44-5050; 1975 House Bilt 2779; and any other leols1atlonwhich miQht apply. '8 State of Kansas Budget Form No. 5A CITY OF Si'llini'l . Saline COUNTY, KANSAS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 1977 BUDGET For Cities of all Classes PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, in compliance with the provisions of K.S.A. 1975 Supp, 79,2929 thatjhe governing body wi,lI ~t on the 2nd dayot Auqust ,1976.at 4:00 o'clock P. M,.atCOmmlsslon Room. City - Co u n ty B u i I din CJ , 300 \'1. Ash for the purpose of hearing objections and answering Questions of taxpayer¡ relating to the following budget and proposed tax levy, and considering amendments relating thereto. Detailed budget infor. mation is available at the City Clerk's office and will also be available at the hearing. D. L. Harri son City Clerk Gerald F. Simpson AD VALOREM TAX LEVIES BY TAXING YEAR Un dollars per $100 of assessed valuation) 1974 1975 Levies Limited by the Tax Lid $ 7 04R~ $ I 9564 $ Debt Service Levies Not Limited by the Tax Lid 0 n759 0.5664 Other Levies Not Limited by the Tax Lid 0 4518 0.4902 Totals (Dollars per $100) $ ).1760 $ 3.0130 $ (Mill Rate) ) 7nOO Mills 30. I 300 Mills AD VALOREM TAX REVENUES BY BUDGET YEAR 1975 1976 Preceding Current Tax Revenue Limited by Tax Lid $ Debt Service Tax Revenue Not Limited by the Tax Lid I Other Tax Revenue Not Limited by Tax Lid Totals $ I 47<; AAn nn , A40,77n nn 301 QA<; nn , ?,?IA,I'I<; nn I: I <;'17 n'17 7'1 . 4~<; <;4q I, . ~7n qli4 On . 7.,m <;70 44 OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS 1974 1975 8 General Obligation Bonds, Jan. 1 Utility Revenue Bonds, Jan, 1 Temporary Notes, Jan, 1 No, Fund Warrants, Jan. 1 Totals $ <; . AA7 , 000 00 $ 5 470,7)6.00 7.77'1,nnn 00 7095,000.00 . 0.00 ---.l2.5. .263.41 147,Q70 00 75.000.00 $ R,754,970.00 $ 7.915.999.41 ASSESSED VALUATION BY YEAR 1914 1975 Mayor 1976 Proposed 1 95n6 0.4913 0.5581 3.0000 '0.0000 Mills 1977 Proposed I: :j¡~j~H~ I 1976 $ 38.000.00 $ 7 084 000.00 1976 Estimated Total Assessed Valuation $ ", In ),477 .00 $ 79.593.936.00 $ 85.827.935.00 PROPOSED CITY REVENUES BY FUND FOR THE BUDGET YEAR 1977 Estimated Ad Valorem Tax Rate" Ad Valorem Tax Revenue Other Revenues and Balances Carried Forward Total Available FUNDS WITH TAX LEVIES LIMITED BY THE TAX LID " ~ne~al.£~~~ '~~-- ,-~ 1_.9_~~ - ,$ -1Æ?.4, 129.9~. ,$ FUNDS WITH TAX LEVIES NoTurJfITËTfsY THE-TAX LID 1,770,150.08 I Soci~ Security runt! Fi ramen's Pafl~on r~~ ~~~Q?~~2- fulLCfL&..£lr.fLReí.Lr.JL..!: '!.!:'. ~ Emp I oyees' R,etÜe.r:neJ1L~:'!~':.'.. Wo.rkme ~s.....C.Q!!)¡L.__~',I! ~,~ $.0...0.%.1-- $ _Q.!.l141- ~Q.?~2.- -'hQ?4.~ .~&1L49_,- .Q,J9_QL_. 79 A"t;"t; An $ 1<;7 Inn 70 $---.2:!:ù.45 ,935. 102;612.39 .350:322.61 ' --'452 _~Q27.40 276,077.60 356,105.00 ~'2..°8~ --32,918.~ 78,ÕOO. 70, 128.79 --92;871.21 --r63;oõõ:Oo- ..~ -;-;_,~~8 3-'.):h~!'9.~.~=::=~~~~~I~.d:=' ~=': ~:-':'-::':-"'~: ~ ~=,..:~-~., .....--....._u.--, ,- _.h -....,.. ,-_..-, . 8 . ).2. ,$ 3,444,280.00 = .==~, DEBT SERVICE LEVIES (NOT LIMITED 'BY-iHCTAX" lrDf . Bond&'nt~rrstFund .$ 0.4913 ENTERPRISE (UTILITY) FUNDS ~nd Sewage Sanitation Paper Reeve I i na Parkina 1.1eters Gol f Course Sol i d Waste Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund .$ 40'; 667 94 .$ 514.832.06 .$ s 2,497 ,69_~ 476.439.29 28.982.12 116.525.29 95,995.62 115.985.43 I 920 . 500.00 ===' S ~497 ,696.~ 3 476 439.29 28 982.12 116 525.29 95 995.62 115 985.43 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Special Highway Fund I' I. ' ( 6~1 095.00 $ 370.194.27 I 631 :095.00 370 194.27 '" Total Budgeted Revenues $ 3.0000 $ 2.540.601.29 Less Estimated Cash Balances $ 7,528.131.86 $1 0 ,068,733. 15 1.098.543.15 "'In dollars per $100.00 assessed valuation EXPENDITURES BY BUDGET YEAR TOTAL 1975 1976 $ 8.970,190.00 1977 FUNDS WITH TAX LÈVIES LIMITED BY THE TAX LID Proposed General Fund Actual $ 2 766,641.33 .$ Actual and Estimated 3.131.710.00 .$ 3,444.280.00 , 81 ;010:00 ' Firemen's Pension Fund 68,714.38 Ilb,:Jo:J.vv Pol icemen's Pension Fund 40. I 19.26 46,555.00 II,tSl:J.UU Employees' Ret i rement (KPERS) Fund 14'5,87'5.46 1'57,00m 163000.00 Pol ice & Fi re Reti rement (KPERS) Fund 33,281.18 55,000.0 78,000.00 J«orkmen'~ren~ntinn Fund 31 .405.00 49.000.00 84 000.00 - FUNDS WITH TAX .LEVIES NOT LIMITED BY THE TAX LID Social Security Fund - DEBT SERVICE LEVIES (NOT LIMITED BY THE TAX LID) Bond and Interest Fund $ No-Fund Warrant - Fire Equipment Fund I Fuad $ 11'17 1'181 40 $ 215000 00 $ 237000 00 955.360.53 $ 39.840.00 I qnq '500 00 $ 4<000.00 I 920.500.00 0.00 ENTERPRISE (UTILITY) FUNDS' Water ;'rrri~øw"õø Sanitation Paper Reeve I in9 Park i nc:¡ Meters -Bol..L!:ourse - Sol id Waste FllIld $ Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund INTERGOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Special Highway Fund I~ , Fun!!, ~udgetcd Expcnditure~ ---~-,..,_._--- TRANSACTIONS OF RËSEhVCFUNDS 2017.876.17 $ 321,054.90 10,950.03 110.385.65 64,569.88 74,992.45 387.677.05 ~I?,n?h R~ $ 7,563,601 50 ~--=--,- .-.. ---- $8,970.190.00 I ~~Q. 800.QO- "44 1'5'5 00 14,370.00 103,670.00 71 210.00 91.195.00 $ --Íl.8.454.00 I 306.810.00 $ R.nqq,4~9.00 $ 631.095.00 I 366:050.00 Jan. 1, 1975,to June 30. Jan. I, 1975,to June 30, 1976, Heccipts 197G,Dishu,semcnts Balance June 30, 1976 Strect~~chin~_!ì<_!1_'~i<!.rr'~I_,i~I!II(Ll-ul~~_------ $ - ..-2..1;1.247 .~- $ -,~OOO.OO $ 3,247.44 .~~;~~;_I,__Hci ~hW~~~R~~e~~:f,u,~cl--==_-'--1 $~lt'~~~~~-1$~-~~6~~~~~--1 $ -_....,tro~~~--- ~ TBArJSr.CTIOf\!S or: r.hí'íTI\L Pr:U.JLCIS -----'---'-', -'"~~"=o,-' ~.. I ' . J¡II).I,l~ll~'.I(¡J' I,,<JO, J,ln,l,1'11!i.tn.lulI,'30 j¡9..'~o.._.!'i'~t~(~[S=.l):::) I'U;.;I :~; l!J1(j,BI""'¡>I',' 19/G,Lxl<l'lIditll"'S' Oalallcc jllllV 30,1'170 8 . ~t""'.!J!!!IJ ()V"m"nt f"~1i,:.:t'~~'~,d.. - .-, --'-'----- 1$ ___.1..65.4,.42..2._....3_9- $ --¡"':26ß QILO.9_- $ -386.. 351 30 I . I ,...,-"---, ~3 ~)\... Kansas Budget Form No. 5A CITY OF For Cities of all Classes SrJ I i nrJ , Sa line COUNTY, KANSAS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 1977 BUDGET PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, in compliance with the provisions of K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79,2929 that the governing body wi,!' mE¡?et on the 2nd day of Auqust ,1976,at 4:00 o'clock P. M.,atCOmmlsslon Room, City - County Sui Iding, 300 W. Ash for the purpose of hearing objections and answering questions a f taxpayers relating to the following budget and proposed tax levy, and considering amendments relating thereto. Detailed budget infor- mation is available at the City Clerk's office and will also be available at the hearing, D. L. Harri son Gerald F. Simpson Mayor City Clerk AD VALOREM TAX LEVIES BY TAXING YEAR (In dollars per $100 of assessed valuation) 1974 1975 levies Limited by the Tax Lid $ 7. 04fn $ 1.9564. $ Debt Service levies Not Limited by the Tax Lid 0.67'59 0.5664 Other levies Not Limited by the Tax Lid 0.4518 0.4902 Totals (Dollars per $100) $ 3.1260 $ 3.0130 $ (Mill Rate) ") 1 .7600 Mills 30. I 300 Mills AD VALOREM TAX REVENUES BY BUDGET YEAR 1975 Preceding 1976 Current Tax Revenue Limited by Tax Lid $ 1,475 RRn nn $ 1,"1'57 n"17 7'5 Debt Service Tax Revenue Not limited by the Tax Lid 440,270 nn 4")"1, ')4g I") Other Tax Revenue Not Limited by Tax Lid 30 1,985 00 ")7f" gf,4 Of, Totals $ 2,218,1'>5 nn $~")f,g ')70.44 OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS 1974 1975 General Obligation Bonds, Jan. 1 Utility Revenue Bonds, Jan, 1 Temporary Notes, Jan. 1 No. Fund Warrants, Jan. 1 Totals $. "1JRR7,OOO 00 $ 5,420.736.00 7,77"1,000 00 7,095,000.00 0.00 325.263.41 ----L~70.00 75,000.00 $ --'4254,970 .lliL $ 7.915..._999.41- $ ASSESSED VALUATION BY YEAR 1974 1975 1976 Proposed 1.9506 0.4913 0.5581 3.0000 30.0000 Mills 1977 Proposed : :~~~~j~~j~ I 1976 $ 5.086þOOO.00 -'....... 38.000.00 7 084 000.00 1976 Estimated Total Assessed Valuation $ T3, 1 6 ')~.Q..Q.- $ 79.593.936.00 $ 85.827,935.00 PROPOSED CITY REVENUES BY FUND rOR THE BUDGET YEAR 1977 Estimated Ad Valorem TiJX ¡-'¡ate" Ad Valorem Tax Revenue Other Revenues and Balances Carried Forward FUNDS WITH TAX LEVIES -----------'--- LIMITED BY THE TAX LID ---, --..----,----... Total Available ,~~e~~e,~al-:~~~~~~;~~,=,~===:;=,c:-;~ ,1L~~?~2-~-=- .~,-=:_. -~~62~~i.'-?~4~c:_. $ ~_~~~~,l?~-,.~~l2¿~~~-=_. $ ~c..~'-~~~-,-~~~-~2cO_- ~ FUNDS WITH TAX LEVI ES -"--.--.-,.. """-'-"""-...-.--,..,,---- NOT LIMITED BY THE TAX LID ------"- -------...-,..-,------ §.~~'!.!,_~ecurity_.r:unJ ------. $ .o....o9.Q..J..- Ure me n~J:.E;¿,n_~I..QJL___-~.u~2.'..~.. .Q~114¿_- F:Qlkeme n~_;¡..., P eD2L.9..lL___~.~ !~- ~.Q-~-Q~....- P .'.o.U-cfL&....£.irß.._Bsd.isSJ---J ~ .12 ~... I _Q.,,051~ EmpJ-Q4'.e..e.â.!_B~ílrilllle n t T !,1 ~.1:~ -Q... 9Ji49- - .--, \tiQr.krn..e[L',.~-ÇQ!I1j2L._, ,..__...X,il ~~(,~- .Q .1 Q.QL... $ -., 79,,83'> RO ---lQl.¿ '§J1.:l2- .-- _~Q_LQ?_Z-=-~ -....- ___4 ~ 08l.:_1Q...- ----~J1..Ih]_~- ..._.._-_.§~l,IJ_~:.?.?_, , $. 1'57 jf,f, ?O 350:322.61 ----2:76,077 .60 '----32:9T8~' 24- --"--'-9 2 ~87T:"2T'- "----""'880:71 ---'-.,...,..,,-.....----.--. ""'--"-"""'-. "-..,..-....,---...-..,.....-..,.,......,... .., -, ....-...-.. "-'... ....,.. "'-"""""-...,.....,..-. -.....'............--..,-...-.. .. --,.,.......,..--.--.., . "-....-. ...- ,.., - ", - '. ..'.. ,.. . _.. ,..""'",- . ' $ . 7')7 ~OO-- :~~i~[i~U~~ ,.~==,- DEBT SERVICE LEVIES (NOT LIMITED -BY TH-i: TÃXLTöT Bond & Interest Fund , ,$ 0.4913 ENTERPRISE (UTILITY) FUNDS Water and Sewage Sanitation Paper Reeyel inq Park i nq ~~eters Go I f Cou rse Solid Waste Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund ,$ 405.667.94 ,$ 2,497,696.13 $2,497,696.13 476.439~ I -476.439.29 28.982.12 28.982.12 116.525.29 I 116,525.29 95,995.62 95.995.62 115.985.43 I ' 115 985.43 514.832.06.$ $ I- .. 920.500.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Special Highway Fund 1$ 631.095.00 370.194.27 1$ 631 :095.00 370 194.27 * Total Budgeted Revenues $ 3.0000 $10,068,733.15 1,098,543.15 * In dollars per $100.00 assessed valuation $ 2.540.601.29 $ 7,528,131.86 Less Estimated Cash Balances EXPENDITURES BY BUDGET YEAR 1976 1975 TOTAL FUNDS WITH TAX LEVIES LIMITED BY THE TAX LID $ 8,970,190.00 1977 General Fund Actual $ 2.766.641.33 .$ Actual and Estimated 3.131.710.00 .$ 3,444,280.00 Proposed , . . . , F i reme n I s Pension Fund 68,714.38 81,010.00 Ilb,?è$?uu Po 1 i eeme n I s Pension Fund 40 . 1 I 9 . 26 46,555.00 77,1:S/?uu Employees' Retirement (KPERS) Fund 145,825.46 1'57,000.00 163.000.00 Pol ice & Fire Retirement (KPERS) Fund 33,281.18 55,000.00 78,000.00 ~orkmanl~mrAn~~tion Fund 31.405.00 49,000.00 84.000.00 .. I FUNDS WITH TAX ,LEVIES NOT LIMITED BY THE TAX LID Social Security Fund DEBT SERVICE LEVIES (NOT LIMITED BY THE TAX LID) Bond and Interest Fund $ JiQ.-Fund Warrant - Fire Equ i pment Fund I FU;ld $ 187 881 40 $ 215 000 00 $ 237 000.00 955.360.53 $ 39 ,840. 00 I ' q()q, '500 . 00 $ 41,000.00 I 920.500.00 0.00 1 ENTEBPRISE (UTILITY) FUNDS -----,-, Water 8n-rl"Sewi'1CJA Sanitation Paper Reeye ling Pa rk i nç¡ Mete rs --B.o.lt__CQurs.e, - ---- , So lid Waste Fund $ Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund --------- --_n- "---- INTERGOVERNMENTAL FUNDS -- --- federal f~evenu~harin(J Fund §pecial HìjJhwilY Fund 2.017.876.17 $ 321,054.90 10,950.Q3 110.385.?5 64,569.88 74,992.45 $ - 387 .677 .05 $ -I "i17,()711 8')-1 Fund ..------ ------------. --,---- T~!~ß__l!..dget~~i E~ee~diture~ -"""---------'- .,-,,- "----- ---..,.-..- -"'-"'---'--"---'",,---,- $ 7,563,601 50 1 .2~6. 800.00- ')44,155.00 14.370.00 103,670.00 73.210.00 91 , 195.00 518.454.00 306.810.00 $ R,Oqq,439.00 $ 631.095.00 I 366:050.00 _J ---- ,--=----==~~ ~-=====~-- --===c--- -=="--- - -----===-- $8.970,190.00 TRANS/\CTIONS OF ---,.,-,-..'- -,----- BESEHVE FUNDS Jan. 1, 1975,10 June 30, Jan. 1, 1975,to June 30, 1976, fieceìpts 1976, Disbursements Balance June 30, 1976 --------- _~!~e!:!_}V!~I~~lJ~(.:.cY_..I\(_!3_rì(~U.'Jf?_l!.~~~I,I~~~'!.::~_----_..,---- $ - -..-213.,247.44_- $ ____25,000.00 $ 3,247.44 ~;~~LlJL~..R~~,",,:==-~~ I$,::~ ~t~~~1 $ =::~~.:~~~-~ ~~-I $ ',... -~~~::_~ ~~~~1 l~~~~g;l~~~Z¡~~~i¡iD~:ri~j'f~)¿~/\~' i~i1g_~f~C}~. .., J<~;~- ~-'1~;~;í~o-~un(: ;0.==J~"~1-~,",1 f!;;~~:~:~~1-~'~~~='o"~'c- ... -=- ,~-- "'- --... ""'_".....,-,.. '-"""""-"',- ,. ), PCf'lpls 9/b,Lxpllllddunls ß¡¡lance June 3D, 1D7G ~t_lt'('l I '~lì)lny:!nì(~11 Fluid -"'-"-"'--"'" I $--'-+65_4_d22_,_~9--, $ --+ -26B,.D2LD9 ,~ 3Qh.35L3.0 I' - ,-' --.. "-'V- ',-. -"-"1