1979 Budget Certificate 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form I 1979 BUDGET, STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDmON, AND TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1978 CERTIFICATE TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF Saline COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of C i tv of Sa I i na, Sa line County, Kansas, do hereby certify the Budget and Statement of Financial Condition (Cash Position) as shown herein was duly published as required by law, and that a hearing was held on the 7th day of August , 1978, and that after such hearing the Budget of Expenditures as shown herein was duly approved and adopted as the maximum amounts to be expended for the ensuing budget year; and further certify the amounts shown to be raised by an ad valorem tax levy are within statutory or duly adopted Charter Ordinance limitations. FUNDS GENERAL SPECIAL REVENUE: Em 10 ee Benefits Fund Uti lit Fund Bond and Interest Page No. Amount of Tax Levied I 797 559.02 496 350.87 312 155.00 989 59-4.49 Sub-Total 7,230,715.00 3 595 659.38 504,875.00 19,290.00 130,96 . 98,720.00 126,430.00 2,965,445.0 Sub-Total 3,595,659.38 S ecial Gasol ine Tax Federal Revenue Sharin XXXXX X XXX Grand Total ATTEST: Filed this / ,f day of (Ç~A ..Ld?1 ~ dC t:,;;~t; <c'f~ , 197 I ~n c: -. ::s -+ -. ~ _. 0 'g-¡, ...... -'(J) ~OJ 00= z::1 ~ OJ :3 (1) - 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form III COMPUTATION OF LEVY LIMITS Assessed Valuation $ 97 581 024.00 General Authorization ;J> LAVTR 1$169,255.00 00 00 Levy Limit (Mills) 20.1539 (t) 00 00 Less: LA VTR (Mills) 1. 7345 (t) Discontinued Fund ----- xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx <: New Levv Limit (Mills) 18.4194 p:) I-' Rates Levied (Mills) 1. 8419 ¡: p:) r+ ..... Assessed Valuation 0 ::s 92.689 917.00 Employee Be 1efits Fund Authorization Ordinance if :S6-4-6 Attach ~d LAVTR $ ----- ~ Levy Limit (Mills) ----- Less: LA VTR (Mills) ----- ~ New Levy Limit (Mills) ----- Rates Levied (Mills) 5.3558 . Utilitv Fun:l Authorization Charter Ord °nance 1116 !\ttached LAVTR $ ----- .Q Levy Limit (Mills) ----- ¡: Less: LA VTR (Mills) p:) ----- New Levv Limit (Mills) ..... ----- 0 ::s Rates Levied (Mills) 3.3679 ~ Authorization LAVTR $ Levv Limit (Mills) Less: LA VTR (Mills) New Levv Limit (Mills) Rates Levied (Mills) Workmen's Unemploy- Social Compen- ment Noxious Security KPERS sat ion Insurance Library Weeds Authoriza tion 40-2305 74-4920 44-505c 44-710e 12-1220 2-1318 LAVTR $ Levy Limit (Mills) xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Less: LA VTR (Mills) xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx New Levy Limit (Mills) Rates Levied (Mills) Bond and Interest Authoriza tion 10-113 LAVTR $ xxxxxxxx Levy Limit (Mills) -- Less: LA VTR (Mills) xxxxxxxx New Levv Limit (Mills) ----- Rates Levied (Mills) 10.6769 a. -(¡R- \0 -...J lJ1 00 I-' 0 N -Þ- "tI I-' r+ -Þ- 0 0 0 0 Assessed V alua tion $ Authoriza tion LAVTR $ Levy Limit (Mills) Less: LA VTR (Mills) New Levv Limit (Mills) Rates Levied (Mills) OTHER FUNDS Note: Limitations on Tax Levies are found at K.S.A. 79-1901 et seq. x III - Affidavit of Publication 8 Following is a true and correct copy of ORDTNANC'.F. NTJMRF.R 8646 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDA vir I, Paul G. Webb being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am the Advertising than one year prior to the date of the attached i.""",.I þ,'"I.,ISh~eð"..,ln T..' ',',."I~IIJOUr,nlll'" :,',: OttDI ,E ER8646 c AN,9þOlN E ,ABLISHINGAN EMPL"YEE 'ITS CONTRlell' TlON FUND IN THE CITY OF SALfN.4t K"'NSAS, ' , BE IT ORDAINED by the GovertÌl\1O, Body of the City of SlIlInll, Kllnslls: ' , . Section 1. The City of Sallnll, Kllnsa.. ,In IIccordllflce with the provisions of leilli'e BUI NumÞllr 820 IInd Senllte 8111 Numw 97f, 1.e"'$.Of 1978, does , hereby IStllbl\¥! IIn employee benefits contribution tv lld for the purpose of> lIylng the city's slllft of, employe, ' n Its prucrlbed by ~, ' ", lion 1:Of t~I.f' rjf;e,' , " , StdIOt!..~T tY's~: .r.of'the co"" emø!oyllt",1 eut .1í!ld for ..,. meiitfròllff.t dcre 'by SectJ4lîll oHhlaorétr . shill! lude the fôll8w- ing: (e) 'So<:11I1 Security; (b) Kllnslls ,Public Employees Retb'e- ment System; (c) Workmen's Compensetlonþen,- e.flts; , ' " '" {d) EIriÄIoymen"Sèe\irlty, unemPI,o)'! ment compensetlon &eneflts; . . (e) Kenses Police end Fire Retlremeof System, ' ~1 II3. This ordlnence shell take ef~. fed' elîØ be In full force from end IIftlirl", a~tlon and publlcetlononce In the off ., Cllflèlty newspeper, '/ " ,: ',Introduced: July 10,',"" Pused: July 17.'1971 JACK WEISGERBER, " ^^-yor .. Attest: D. L.~ARRISON, City Clerk (SEAt.:) - . (1t~ , .. manager of thf' Salina Journal a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more ORDINANCE NUMBER 8646 and that said ORDINANCE NUMBER 8646 Subscribed and sworn to before me July 21 19 M4J'<AA ~ Notary Public 78 J; .... D.L IWIRIION Saline County. ~ My Appt. EIcp. Jutr31.1111 IlIa Jtfidavit of Publication. Following is a true and correct copy of C}~Awn:¡~ O::IìU:A?1CI. '1'~;~T:F 1(; together with proof of pub]ication of the same. AFFIDA vir (First published in The Salina Journal, 'I May 18, 1978) CHARTER ORDINANCE NUMBER 16 A CHARTER ORDINANCE EXEMPT- ING THE CITY OF SALINA, "KANSAS,! FROM K,S,A, 79.5011; PROVIDING SUB- STITUTE AND ADDITIONAL PROVI-: SIONS ON THE SAME SUBJECT; AND! AUTHORIZING THE LEVYING OF' TAXES TO CREATE A SPECIAL FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING UTlL.¡ (TY SERVICE COSTS, I BE IT ORDAINED by Ihe Governing! Body 01 Ihe Cily 01 Salina, Kansas: Seclion I. The City of Salina, Kansas. by the power vesled in il by Arlicle 12" Seclion 5 01 Ihe Conslilution 01 Ihe Sta"" 01 Kansas, hereby elecls 10 exempl itsell from and make inapplicable 10 il K.S,A.' 79.5011, and 10 provide subs'ilute and ad-I dilional provisions as hereinafter set. forlh in this charIer ordinance. K.S,A. 79-, 5011, is a part 01 an enactment of th" 1"9-; isla'ure eslablishing an aggregal" tax' levy limitation applicable 10 Ihis cily bul, no' applicable unilormly 10 all cilies. and' the legislalure' 'has nol "stablishedj classes of cities for Ihe purpo~ of impos- ing aggregafe limitalions under said con- stitulional prov.ision. Section 2. The provisions of K.S,A. 79- 5001 10 79.5016, inclusive, >ball not apply '0 or limil th" levy of taxes by th" City of Salina for ,the payment of: (a). Principal and inleresl upon bonds and temporary nol't!S; (b), No-fund warrants issued with Ihe approval of the Slale Board of Tax Appeals; (c). L"9al judgements rendered against Ihe Clly; (d). Special assessmen" charged against the cily.at-Iarge; (el. Utilily service costs. whelher paid Irom a separale properly tax levy¡ of Ihe city or from any other tax - supported fund. I Section 3. The provision 01 Artiel" SO of1 Chapler 79 of the Kansas Slatu'es Anno-I laled,shall not apply 10 any taxes levied I! by the City of Salina, levied under Ih" pro- visions of K,S.A. 40-2305, 74-4920, 74-4967'1 12.1617h and K.S.A, 13-14a02, or 10 any tax. levies required for the paymenl of em-' ployer contributions 10 any pension and, rellremenl program, or to any otller i laxes authorized by state law to be levied> In addition to or exempt Irom the aIl9r.,..' gate levy IImitaIJon of tile City of Salina. ì Amounts produced from any levy speci., fied or autllorized in Illis charter ordi-; nance, Including any levy or purpose au.: thorized to be levied in addition to or: exempt from tile ag9r"9ale levy limil of' the city, shall not be used in computing ¡ any aggregate limilation under Ar tiele SO'I' of Chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes An. notated, Section 4. The City of Salina Is hereby authorized to levy a tax for the purpose of paying ulilily service cosh. As used In I tills charIer ordinance, "utili'y service costs" shall include payme<1ts mad" by the city 10 a waler, eleclric or natural gas system, _company or utility for Ihe pur. I pose of oblain;ng street Ughting or: energy fo. traffic control signals or lor I the Ughling. heating, cooli~or supplying; of water service (ineludlng lire hydrant> rentals) or energy to any city building or facility or for Ihe opera lion or perform- ance of any funclion or service by the city. Section 5. This charter ordinance shall b" published once each week for two (2) con. I secu'ive W, eeks in the official cily ""ws-, paper. . Section 6. Tllis is a charter ordinance and shall lake effect sixty-one (61) days after its final publication, unless a suf.: ficien' petition for a refere<1dum is filed and a relerend,um held on Ihe ordinancej ~fvr~~~ld<,,:) iIMr~;I;II~' ~:¡ft~Jo~u~1 Kansas. in whlcll case Ihe ordinance shall I become effective if approved by th" ma- jori'y of the eleclors voting Ihereon, ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BODY by no' less than Iwo-third (~) of I the members elecl voling in favor Ihereof I and approved by the Mayor this 151h day! of May, 1978, I /s/ JACK WEISGERBER, ' Mayor Attest: ' ' /s/ D. L, HARRISON Cily Clerk (SEAL) :" "', (2Isp) I, Paul G. l;c:obb being first duly sworn according to law decIare that I am thf' ~\dvcrti5in"" manager of the Saline, JO11l'ùé'.l a newspaper published in the City of SaIina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a genera] circu]ation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attacheil CHARTER ORDINANCE /J16 and that said CHARTEP. ORDINANCE 1!16 , and fu er I say not. ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me &.\~ ,19 n Notary Public ¡>ii".AJf1I'JiI.! ; ilBA~ L-.:j¡¡:;; DoL HAr1RiSON Salina CO'Jl1ty. Ktme.,s My Appt. E>:p. July 31.1981 nIb , STATE OF KANSAS 8 8 Budget Form IV , BUDGET SUMMARY Precedine: Year Current Year Bude:et Year Levv* Exoenditures Levv* Expenditures Levv* Exoenditures GENERAL $, q<;n¡:; ~ L..~~ 77P.. L..'i 1 9728 3 994 390.00 " -. ~~ . SPECIAL REVENUE: I. i"'!'Î 1...// 0 (/ 5, ¡ ':,.r) Firemen's Pension 0.1243 437.646.12 0.0000 0.00 .0000 0.00 Policemen's Pension 0.0969 352.225.42 0.0000 0.00 .0000 0.00 Police & Fire Pension (KP&F 0.054E 73.880.99 0.4083 307 115.00 .0000 0.00 Social Security 0.0967 200 654.74 0.0713 248 000,00 .0000 0 00 Employees Retirement (KPERS 0.0849 156.244.16 0.0801 172 000.00 .0000 0.00 Workmen's Compensation 0.1007 52.842.00 0.0531 82 000.00 .0000 0.00 Unemployment Insurance O. OOO( 0.00 0.0192 17 500.00 .0000 0.00 Employee Benefit Fund O. OOO( 0.00 0.0000 0.00 .5356 1 171 100.00 Utility Fund O. OOO( 0.00 0.0000 0.00 .3368 312.155.00 Sanitation XXXX 383.665.44 XXXX 430.095.00 XXXX 504.875.00 Paper Recycling XXXX 15,911. 90 XXXX 16.630.00 XXXX 19.290.00 Parking Meters XXXX 96,909.56 XXXX 94 445.00 XXXX 130.965'.00 Golf Course XXXX 82 942.71 XXXX ql 520 00 vvvv QP" 720 00 Solid Waste XXXX 99 814.14 XXXX l4q 12') 00 xxxv l2/í 410 00 Water & Sewerage XXXX 2 207.317.76 XXXX 2 831 780.00 XXXX 2 q65 445 00 Special Gas Tax XXXX 362.493.93 XXXX 401 925.00 XXXX 479 910.00 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING: Police & Fire Salaries 128.254.72' 135,000.00 Emergency Aid Program 6.000.00 ASAP (Alcoholic Safety Acticn Prog. ) 18,000.00 Passport to Adventure 5,000.00 Meadowlark Day Care 1,500.00 S. E. Drainàge Study 10,026.00 10,000.00 Air Conditioning for Police Bldg. 22,361. 00 Health Department 63.000.00 63,009.00 Human Resources 45,000.00 5,000.00 119,138.00 Park Maintenance Building 43,400.98 Post for Landfill Fence 2.369.41 Paint Stripping Machine 14,472.16 Tractor - Park 2 700 74 Hustler mower - Park 4,650.00 Police Vehicles Baseball Complex Central Kansas Alcoholic Bicentennial Center Track type loader - Solid W ste 2-way Radios ~-ton Pickup - Street Dump Truck - Street 43,598.00 150,000.00 17,056.80 58,000.00 18,500.00 100,000.00 60 000.00 2,200.00 3,00.00 7,498.00 200,000. XXXX 0.00 XXXX 0.00 XXXX XXXX Tax XX 0 00 XXXX 0.00 XXXX XXXi{' DEBT SERVICE: Bond & Interest 0.4913 870 453.79 0.9842 1 710 000 00 42 000.00 xxxxx 0 46 2 0 xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx ., T¡'"",) xxxxxxxxxxxx J~ 95 27 093..00 3 354 222.68 1978 4 366 000.00 1 820 000.00 761 106.00 0.00 6,947 106.00 Expenditures by Budget Year Ad Valorem Tax Levies by Taxing Year Total Assessed Valuation Amount of Tax Levied Outstanding Indebtedness, Jan. 11976 GeneralObli ation Bonds - Revenue Bonds Tern orar Notes No-Fund Warrants Total xxxxx 9 404 170.92 xxxxxxxxxxxxx $3.0000 xxxxxxxxxxxx ----- $85 827 935.00 2 540 601.29 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 97 58 024.00 3~'~~.~£ ). :'(9 <. (",! '. .:~ r 11 296 000.00 4 670 000.00 825 345.00 0.00 16 791 345.00 197? 5 086 000.00 1 960 000.00 0.00 38,000.00 7,084,000.00 IV *Do11ars er $100 assessed a1uation. STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form V STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS <: Purpose Date of Interest Amount of Amount Date Due Due Current Year Due Bud! et Year Bonds Issue Rate Bonds Issued Outstanding- Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal "F1,...,...r1 .1 <;-1-10<;A ?'J r,... 1'J 1$ F,F,F, nnn nn 11 nnn nn M<>,...-C:",nr M<>,...-C:",nr 7F,<; nn 11 nnn nn - "F1ooti ,1 1)..1.1 q Ó 1 1'7'... ro 1k'7'... 1 11? nnn nn ?11) nnn nn M",.... .C:anr M"......C:anr 7 7?1, <;n <;<; nnn nn <; 77<; n( F,n nnn nn Flooti .1 1l.1.1qó1 1'J r,... 1k'J ?F,n nnn nn q1 nnn nn M"".,}.T,..." M""..}.T,...u ? 7?? I)n 1 1 nnn nn ? 1?A n< 11 nnn nn T,ihr;:¡rv 11 .1 -lQól) 1!.r'7'... ro 1 1/A ó71) nnn nn ?Qn nnn nn M.,u..1\T,...u M"u..M,...u 0 ?A? <;n 1<; nnn nn A 1 L..<; n( 1<; nnn nn Citv- HI 11.1 .1966 1.R'Yn ro '1'Yn 1 1 nn nnn nn '1'1n non nn M<>"..1\T,...u }.T,...u ?n ann nn 1)<; nnn nn 1 A A 1 n n( 1)1) nnn nn Golf ~ 1?1 .lQó7 1 1/á rn L,!-:'7'... 71) nnn nn I)n nnn nn T11n ",..])", I" ])",1" ? 1? I) nn 1 nnn nn 1 007 <;( <; nnn nn Golf 1n-1-196R 1 1/4 rO 4!-:'Yn 71) onn nn ')n nnn nn Anr-Of"r Of" f' ? 1? <; nn 1 nnn nn 1 007 1)( I) nnn nn Sewer SeDr 12 .1 .1969 5!-õ% 111 1AI) 17 L,n nnn nn T11n",-])",I" ])",1" ? 1 nn nn 1 1 nnn nn 1 L, 1 7 ')( 1? nnn nn Park Imnr 4.1 .1974 4 1n ro 4?n 1nn nnn nn 7n nnn nn An,...-Of"f' Of"r 1 11n nn 1nnnn nn ? <; 1 n n( 1n nnn nn Bicent Center 4 1 .1977 4.60 to') 2'1 Ó ')on nnn nn ó ')nn nnn nn Anr..Of"r (lI"r .7n 10? 7<; 1?<; nnn nn I?OA <;1? 1)( 1?I) nnn nn Park Tmnr 12-1')..1 Q77 4 '1n ro L, 71) ?I)n nnn nn ?I)n nnn nn M<>,.....C:",nf' M<>,... - -- - , A hAO /,( ?<; nnn nn 'rn f'<> 1 'I1n 0F,L.. ?A<;"17 A l~<;Q nnrinn - bl '>70 '><; <; I, r:; nnn nn l-:1e:;n 1 Q'>' I, <;I.e:; nn/Î nn- > > > > Sf'rppr ^' TTf'i1 1?-1.1Ql)Q 1 1)'7'... f'n L,'7'... L,n? 717 7? ón nnn nn T11n",..])",I" T11n",-])",I" ? nF,? I)n ?n nnn nn 1 11? <;( ?n nnn nn Street & Util. 11-1-1960 2.75 to 3.5% 551 385.64 108.000.00 Mav-Nov Mav-Nov 3 535.00 27 000.00 2 590.0( 27 000 00 Street & Util 11-1-1961 2.75 to 3.5% 605 942.89 150 000.00 Mav-Nov Mav-Nov 4 987.50 30 000 00 3937.5( 30 000.00 Off-Street Par .11-1-1962 2.5% to 3.0% 1.375 365.60 340.000.00 May-Nov Mav-Nov 9 626.08 68 000.00 7 650. O( 68 000.00 Street & Util. 11-1-1962 2.5% to 3.0% 456 283.76 111 000.00 MaY-Nov Mav-Nov 3 128.69 23 000.00 2 475. O( 22 000.00 Street & Util. 11-1-1963 3 1/8 to 3.5 986 218.15 349.000.00 May-Nov May-Nov 10.421. 25 52 000.00 8 921. 7{ 47 000.00 Street & Util. 11-1-1965 3.25 to 3 3/8 265 000.00 100.000.00 Mav-Nov Mav 3 066.25 15 000.00 2 578.7 15 000.00 Street & Util. 11-1-1967 3.70 to 4.25 155 000.00 65.000.00 May-Nov Nov 2 570.00 10 000.00 2 200. O( 10 000 00 Street & Uti1. 11-1-1967 3.70 to 4.25 325 000.00 30 000.00 Mav-Nov Nov 1 110.00 30 000.00 ---- ---- Street & Util. 11-1-1968 3.90 to 4.50 58 267.56 34.000.00 Mav-Nov Nov 1 464.00 3 000.00 1 347. O( 3 000 00 Street & Uti1. 11-1-1968 3.90 to 4.25 376 222.70 70 000.00 Mav-Nov Nov 2 730.00 35 000.00 1 365.0( 35 000 00 Street & Util. 12-1-1969 5.25 170.813.64 60.000.00 June-Dee Dec 3.150.00 20 000.00 2 100.0( 20 000.00 Street & Uti1. 4-1-1970 5.50 to 6.00 79 481. 71 52.000.00 June-Dec Dee 2.980.00 4.000.00 2 . 760. O( 4 000.00 Street & UtE. 12-1-1970 4.25 to 4.70 147.101. 81 60.000.00 June-Dec Dee 2.767.50 15 000.00 2 092. 5C 15 000.00 Street & Uti1. 12-1-1971 3 5/8 to 3 5/ 245.861.00 125,000.00 June-Dee Dec 4.375.00 25.000.00 3.500.0C 25 000.00 Street & Uti1. 12-1-1974 4.1 to 4.75 250.736.00 175.000.00 June-Dec Dee 7.275.00 25.000.00 62l2.5C 25 000.00 Street & Uti1. 9-1-1975 4.25 to 5 3/4 428,000.00 360,000.00 June-Dec Dee 18.675.00 45.000.00 l6.425.0C 45.000.00 Street & Uti1. 12-1-1977 4.40 to 4.7 888,000.00 888.000.00 June-Dee Dec 40.596.00 38.000.00 1A Aln nl'- 90.000.00 Street & Util. 6-1-1978 4.6 to 5 755.000.00 755.000.00 June-Dec Dec ---- ---- 54.656.20 80.000.00 'rn f' <> 1 A <;?? 1,1Q lA 1 AO? nnn nn '>1, <;1 Q 77 L,RI) nnn nn F,n 011 7f <;A1 nnn nn GRAND TOTAL 9.,...4 ~ 1 ? <; 12 n')l nnnnn L,I) 70A n?l n1n nnn nn i?l llF,?O 1?7 nnn n, TAT f\, c: 'R",u Rnnr A..1-10F,1 1 ?<; rn <;'J 1 F,nn nnn nn 1 F,7n nnn nn 11<'",]..,_11"" II",., F,n 0/,<; nn 1<;<; nnn nn <; <; ,<e:; <; nf 1 e:;n nnn nn T.T A. c: 'Rau R,...n 1...1.1077 5.50 to 6.0 ? nnn nnn nn '< nnn nnn nn (II"+- ? I) 7 1 L.. I) nn ' 171' I.?n nn I^~...._f'\n" - - - - W & S Revenue 5-1-1978 6.25 to 6.375 4 194 000 00 4'j94 000,00 1"F;"b-Am, "Ff'h n nn n nn 1AI) 7Ql) nr 1 nnn nn Refunding Bonds - 8 0 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form VI Less: Cash Unpaid Unencumbered Balance Warrants Purchase Cash Balance December 31 Outstanding Orders Jan. 1. Cur. Yr. GENERAL 1$ 473.933.20 1 12 392.22 36 I , 540 . 98 SPECIAL REVENUE: Bond and Interest 200.580.51 200,580.51 Social Security 74,485.07 74,485.07 Employees' RetirementCKpers) 14,249.66 14,249.66 Ks. Pol ice & Fire Retiremen 22,898.01 L2 , 89 e. 0 I Workmen's Compensation 40,831 .39 40 , e5 I . 5~ Sanitation 1 36,846. I 8 15b, e4b. Ie Paper Recyclinç¡ 20,696. II 153.99 20,542. 12 Parkinq Meters 17,596.52 :¿ e ,eo I I,?b I. I:¿ Gol f Course 15,206.85 15,206.85 Special Gas Tax 90,888.78 17,276.25 15,bl:¿.?5 So lid Waste 8,903.26 8,905.Lb Fede ra I Revenue Shari nq 66.630.71 56,640.00 9,990.71 Water and Sewaqe 475,495.35 53,222.19 422,273.16 Street Machinery 30,264.63 30,:¿b4.b5 Special Reserve 35,127.01 35 127.01 All Funds 1$ 1,724,633.24 239,713.45 I ,484,919. 19 COMPUTATION OF UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE (Schedule 1) VI 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form VII TAX ACCOUNTS - CURRENT YEAR (Schedule 2) GENERAL SPECIAL REVENUE: Soc i a I Se cu r i tv Emplovees' Retirement (KPERS) Workmen's Compensation Firemen's Pension Pol ice Pension Pol ice and Fire Retirement (KP&F) Total 1977 Tax Levied $ 1721.719.12 Deduct 3 % for Delinquent Taxes 56.566.58 82,248.92 72.074.02 85,640.69 105, 142.44 82,248.92 45,788.92 2,805.12 2,458.05 2,92 I . 38 3,586.00 2,805. 12 1 ,56 I . 78 14,201.70 Bond and Interest 416,325.08 Total All Funds $ 2,611,188.11 86,905.73 COMPUTATION OF PERCENTAGE OF TAX DELINQUENCY 1976 Tax Available 1977 1.665.152.54 79,443.80 69,615.97 82,719.31 101,556.44 79,443.80 44,227.14 402,123.38 2,524.282.38 19.1] Amount Amount Levied Distributed Uncollected Uncollected General Fund $ 1.721 719.12 1.665 152.54 56.566.58 3.0 % Bond and Interest Fund 416 325.08 402 123.38 14.20 I . 70 3.5 Special Assessments VII <: H H H ',. STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form VIII COMPUTATION OF AMOUNT OF TAXES LEVIED, RATES OF LEVIES, AND TAXES PER $100 (Schedule 3) Reserved Budget Year Add 2 % Amount of Rate of Taxes Ad Valorem for Delin- Tax Levy Per Valuation Requirement quent Tax Levied (Mills) $100 GENERAL $ 97.581. 024. 1.762.312.48 35.246.54 1. 797 .559.02 18.4194 1. 8419 SPECIAL REVENUE: Employees Benefits Fund 92,689,917 486,618.42 9,732.45 496,350.87 5.3558 .5356 Utility Fund 92,689,917 312,155.00 0.00 312,155.00 3.3679 .3368 Bond & Interest 92,689,917 970,190.52 19,403.97 989,594.49 10.6769 1. 0677 3,595,659.38 37.8200 3.7820 8 48 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1 RECEIPTS: TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Pro Back Tax Collections Intan ible Tax (Where A Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19U 19 78 Budget Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 1979 1,860,920.00 1,762,312.48 GENERAL FUND INTERGOVERNMENT AL REVENUE: Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Bin 0 Recei ts State Ci arette State Li uor Enforcement State Shared Taxes LICENSES AND PERMITS: Utilit Franchise Taxes Licenses Permits and Fees 501 135.29 130 281. 65 576 000 00 134 000 00 CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Fire Protection Outside City Limi s Administrative Services Engineering Fees Miscellaneous Sales & Service 109 948.70 116 000.00 47 000.00 32 610.14 37 525.00 38 965.00 15 000.00 40 000.00 40 000.00 73 007.81 73 990.00 84 390.00 153 565.39 165 000.00 195 000.00 FINES, FORFEITURES AND PENALTIES Court Fines USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY: Interest on Investments 24 402.03 25 000.00 30 000.00 15 137.49 15 000.00 16 000.00 147 373.69 160 000.00 180 000.00 Miscellaneous Co. Treasurer Balance Jan. 1 Dec. 31 0.0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOTAL REC EIPTS UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 CASH AVAILABLE Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD 3 485 287.10 310 032.3 3 795 319.43 3 433 778.45 361 540.98 186 505.98 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Page No. ~ G1 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form ala e EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: lures Department Total Eng i neeri ng Personal Services Contractual ServIces CommodItIes CapI tal Outla Sundry Expenditures Department Total Fire Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities CapltalOutla Sundr Ex entitures Department Total Inspection Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outla Sundry Expenditures Department Total e Code Preceding Year 1977 ( Actual) Current Year 1978 ( Estimated) $ 500.00 49,965.56 0.00 0.00 9,469.42 59,934.98 500.00 63,415.00 0..00 0.00 10,180.00 74,095.00 Adopted Budget 19 79 500.00 68,585.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 59,710.00 103,975.00 1 I 9,660. 00 3 150.00 2 260.00 750.00 750.00 136 140.00 152 330.00 26 050.00 29 310.00 4 000.00 4 000.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 30 550.00 33,810.00 26,995.00 2,320.00 700.00 340.00 0.00 30,355.00 1 7 , 850 . 00 18,505.00 94,034.80 3 429.61 I 102.00 126 700. 15 23 068.80 4 083. 16 650.20 0.00 27 802. 16 25,344.80 2,449.08 717.43 0.00 0.00 28 511.31 16,946.88 87 575.35 107 480.00 124,559.93 137,795.00 4,519.23 4,590.00 4,29 1 . 02 4,265.00 5, 145.40 6,700.00 426.50 430.00 138,942.08 153,780.00 608, 766. 12 680,260.00 35 204.02 44 475.00 24 472.37 25 045.00 10 428.00 81 950.00 122.50 145.00 678 993.01 831 875.00 '.~ 57,806.06 67,510.00 3,638.20 4,085.0 2,900.59 2,835.00 214.94 6,515.00 234 . 00 64 793.79 80,9 5.00 152,555.00 838,870.00 15,760.00 25,120.00 12,380.00 14 .00 892,75.00 77,220.00 Page No. -- !.o GLa 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1a Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 19 78 Budget Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 19 79 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT $ AND MAJOR OBJECT: Park Personal Services 125.760.91 149.210.00 167.900.00 Contractual Services 24 891 19 26 570 00 14925.00 Commodities ?o ?O1 ftR 17 17500 1R QftO 00 CapitalOutlav 12 517.40 11 110.00 21 4')') 00 ~ , °r"....""" ?OO 00 85.00 R') 00 Department Total 1R1 ,)7? QR 20fl 170 nn 2?') 1n5 00 Poli"e Personal Services 71R 297.96 780 9f10 nn qL..1 710 nn Contractual Services 9fi ill 00 1n? L..Qnoo R? ft')O 00 Commodities 72 282 11 72.0')') no 7L.. 7')<; nn Capital Outlay 1 9 ?4R. fift 100 10n.oo ?O ')90 00 °rl1rp!,: ,)L..,) 00 flOO no fino 00 Department Total 906 684.91 1 056.405.00 1.120 105.00 Street Personal Services 235 815.72 303.260.00 322.455.00 Contractual Services 52.394.43 49.825.00 52.790.00 Commodities 29.079.45 37,275.00 37.810.00 Capital Outlay 19.469.86 16.515.00 800.00 Department Total 336.759.46 406,875.00 413,855.00 Street Lighting Personal Services 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services 157,464.35 172,200.00 Com modi ties 0.00 0.00 CapItal Outlay 0.00 0.00 Department Total 157.464.35 172,200.00 Traffic Control Personal Services 37,476.10 40,270.00 44,060.00 Contractual Services 22,417.76 27,440.00 9,000.00 CommoditIes 3,707.88 5,700.00 5,885.00 CapitalOutlav 1,057.29 0.00 0.00 Department Total 64.659.03 73.410.00 58,945.00 Swimming Pools Personal Services 17,422.74 20,320.00 21,510.00 Contractual ServIces 6,579.48 8,695.00 7,080.00 CommodItIes 4.653.98 5.365.00 9,230.00 Capital Outlay 2.156.00 0.00 0.00 Sundry Expenditures 222.78 0.00 0.00 Department Total 31 034.98 34.380.00 37 820.00 Administration & Planning Personal Services 85.607.96 86,510.00 97,775.00 Contractual ServIces 4,855.80 13,395.00 5,760.00 CommodItIes 2,640.82 2,255.00 2,575.00 Capital Outlay 691. 30 350.00 0.00 Sundry Expenditures 439.52 515.00 545.00 Department Total 94.235.40 103.025.00 106,655.00 Insurance & Contingencies Personal Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services 76,878.91 85,065.00 92,935.00 Commodities 0.00 0.00 0.00 Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sundry Expenditures 108,322.71 40,000.00 85,420.00 Department Total 185.201.62 125,065.00 178,355.00 Band Personal Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services. 19.000.00 19 000.00 14 215.00 CommodItIes 0.00 0.00 0.00 Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department Total 19.000.00 19 000.00 14 215.00 Page No. 11 G1a 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1b Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1911 1978 Budget Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1979 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT $ AND MAJOR OBJECT: Cemete ry Personal Services 29,699.32 3 I ,470 .00 33, 100.00 Contractual ServIces 2,481.13 3,320.00 2,440.00 Com modI tIes I, 109. 18 2,095.00 I , 7"30-. 00 CapItal Outlay 275.00 400.00 710.00 Department Total 55,?b4.b5 5 J ,:¿~? . 00 3T,-g~0. 00 Gene ra I Imp rovement Personal Services 30 ,939 . 84 52,730.00 58,200.00 Contractual ServIces 9m.~0 I ,550.00 1,450.00 CommodIties 818.98 '::!40.00 ~!90 . 00 CapItal Outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department Total 32.737.62 55.000.00 60.420.00 Memori a I Ha II Personal Services 7 453.60 0.00 Contractual ServIces 9 303.65 20,535.00 CommodIties 744.90 I .400.00 CapItal Outlay 0.00 0.00 Sundr~ Expenditures 150.00 100.00 Depar ment Total 17 652.25 22.035.00 Pull I i c Hea I th Personal Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contractual ServIces 26 250.00 29.380.00 34 000.00 CommodItIes 0.00 0.00 0.00 CapItal Outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department Total 26 250.00 29 380.00 34 000.00 Industrial Development Personal Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services 20.567.66 20.000.00 15 000.00 CommodIties 0.00 0.00 0.00 CapItal Outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department Total 20.567.66 20.000.00 15.000.00 Noxious Weeds Personal Services 9.984.38 10,800.00 10,370.00 Contractual ServIces 2.018.48 2,225.00 2,435.00 CommodIties I .292.25 2,040.00 2, 1 45.00 CapItal Outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department Total 13.295. II 15.065.00 14 950.00 Tree Maintenance Personal Services 10.259.82 I I .980.00 12,460.00 Contractual Services 106,.08 860.00 660.00 Commodities 24.54 125.00 125.00 CapItal Outlay Department Total 10.390.44 12.965.00 13.245.00 Flood Personal Services 28. 110.36 31 930.00 33.195.00 Contractual Services 2.978.68 3,455.00 3,390.00 Commodities 3.599.04 3,960.00 3,915.00 DeDartment Total 34,688.08 39,345.00 40,500.00 Human Relations Persona I Services 23,725.00 25,360.00 Contractual Serv ices 3,505.00 3,900.00 Commodities 895.00 785.00 CaDital Outlav 500.00 0.00 Su~~ExDenditures 150.00 150.00 Department Total 28,775.00 30,195.00 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $3 433.778.45 3.964.390.0(1 ,005,460.00 --- -- *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ G1b 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 19 Budget Firemen's Pension Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: \ Current Ad Valorem Propertv Tax 101,593.78 Back Tax Collections 4,213.05 \ Interest 10,061.60 \ Contributions by Employees 35,012.81 \ \ \ \ \ TOT AL RECEIPTS 150,881.24 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 215b, /64.1515 r\ CASH AVAILABLE 43/,b46.IL \ Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 43/,646.12 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE xxx~xxxxxxxx FORWARD $ 0.00 EXPENDITURES: \ Personal Services 91,392.00 Contractual Services 0.00 \ Commodities 0.00 \ ~~~~ Refunds 7,108.32 \ Transfer to Ks. Pol ice & Fire 339,145.80 \ TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 437,646.12 * \ , Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 19 Budget Pol icemen's Pension Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: $ Ì\ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 79,474.16 Back Tax Collections 3,253.91 \ Interest 8,029.47 \ Contributions by Employees 31 ,945.32 \ \ \ \ \ TOTAL RECEIPTS 127 707 !in \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 229522 56 r\ CASH AVAILABLE 352 225 42 \ Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 352 225.42 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE xxx~xxxxxxxx FORWARD $ 0.00 EXPENDITURES: \ Personal Services 48,972.00 Contractual Services 0.00 \ Commodities 0.00 \ IDá'Øi ~ DOt:1à: X( Refunds 3,364.35 \ Transfer to Ks. Police & Fire 299,889.07 \ TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 352,225.42 * \ *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No.1..L G3 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 1978 Budget Kansas Po lice & Fire Retirement Code (Actual) ( Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: \ Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 44 257.45 368 . 360 . 00 Back Tax Collections I 683.72 I ,000.00 \ Contributions by Employees 28.961.94 108.000.00 \ \ \ \ \ \ TOT AL RECEIPTS 74 903. I I 477,360.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 21,875.89 22,898.01 \ CASH AVAILABLE 96 779.00 500,258.01 \ Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 73 880.99 260,000.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE ** xxxxxxxxx\xxxx FORWARD $ 22,898.01 240,258.01 EXPENDITURES: \ Personal Services 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services 73,880.99 260,000.00 \ Commodities 0.00 0.00 \ Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 \ \ TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 73,880.99 260,000.OCJl' \ **December 31, 1978 Cash Balance wi II be transferred to Employee Benefits Fund. Preceding Year Current Year \ Adopted 1977 1978 Budget Workmen's Compensation Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: $ \ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 82 776.68 47 860.00 Back Tax Collections 3, I 85 . 09 700.00 \ Reimbursement of Expenditures I 758.57 I . 800 . 00 \ \ \ \ \ \ TOTAL RECEIPTS 87 720.34 50,360.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 5 953.05 40 , 83 I . 39 \ CASH AVAILABLE 93,673.39 9 I , I 9 I . 39 \ Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 52,842.00 82.000.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE ** xxxxxxxxx~xxx FORWARD $ 40,831 . 39 9, 19 I . 39 EXPENDITURES: \ Personal Services 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services 52,842.00 82,000.00 \ Commodities 0.00 0.00 \ Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 \ \ TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 52,842.00 82,000.00* \ **December 31, 1978 Cash Balance wi II be transferred to Employee Benefits Fund. *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ G3 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year ~ Adopted 1977 1978 Budget Social Security Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: $ \ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 79 472. 47 66 105.00 Back Tax Collections 3 . 339. I 5 I 000.00 \ Contributions by Employees and \ Employer 137,152.76 140 000.00 \ \ \ \ \ TOTAL RECEIPTS 219,964.38 207,105.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 55,175.43 74,485.07 \ CASH AVAILABLE 275 , I 39. 8 I 281,590.07 \ Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 200,654.74 240,000.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE ** xxxxxxxxx~xxx FORWARD $ 74,485.07 41,590.07 EXPENDITURES: \ Personal Services 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services 200,654.74 240,000.00 \ Commodities 0.00 0.00 \ Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 \ \ TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 200,654.74 L'40 ,000.00* \ **December 31, 1978 Cash Balance wi II be transferred to Employee Benefits Fund Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 1978 \ Budget Ks. Pub I ic Employees' Retirement Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: System $ \ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 69.634.30 72.220.00 Back Tax Collections 2,928.75 1,000.00 \ Contributions by Employees and \ Emp 1 oye rs 84,382.34 88,000.00 \ \ \ \ \ TOTAL RECEIPTS 156,945.39 16 I ,220.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 13,548.43 14,249.66 \ CASH AVAILABLE 170,493.82 175,469.66 \ Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES I 56,244. 16 170,000.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE ** xxxxxxxxx~xxx FORWARD $ 14,249.66 5,469.66 EXPENDITURES: \ Personal Services 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services 156,244.16 170,000.00 \ Commodities 0.00 0.00 \ Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 \ \ TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 156,244. I 6 I 70,000. 00* \ **December 31, 1978 Cash Balance wi II be transferred to Employee Benefits Fund *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No.~ G3 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 \eceding Year Current Year \ Adopted , 19 1978 Budget Unemployment Insurance Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: $\ \ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 17,325.00 Back Tax Collections \ 0.00 \ \ 315.00 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ TOT AL RECEIPTS \ 17,640.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 \ 0.00 \ CASH AVAILABLE \ 17,640.00 \ Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES \ 11,000.00 \ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE \ ** xxxxxxxxx~xxx FORWARD $ 6,640.00 EXPENDITURES: \ \ Personal Services 0.00 Contractual Services \ I I ,000.00 \ Commodities \ 0.00 \ Capital Outlay \ 0.00 \ \ \ TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 1 I ,000. OU" \ **December 31, 1978 Cash Balance wi II be transferred to Employee Benefits Fund. \ceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Employee Benefits Fund Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 1979 RECEIPTS: $\ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 486.618.42 Back Tax Collections \ 9,732.45 Contributions by EmploYees \ 327,300.00 Contributions by Employer \ 42,000.00 RA i mhlJrC;AmAnt of Exnend i tlJrAs \ 2,300.00 \ \ \ TOTAL RECEIPTS \ 867 950. 87 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 \ 303 149. 13 CASH AVAILABLE \ I 171 100.00 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES \ I 17\ 100.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE \ FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: \ Personal Services 0.00 Contractual Services \ I 171 100.00 Commodities \ 0.00 Capital Outlay \ 0.00 \ TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES $ '\ 1 I 7 1 . I 00.00 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page N o. ~ G3 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 1978 Budget Special Gas Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 1979 RECEIPTS: $ ~~gS~ ~~" t< W4;vm ()ì'~ lfi< ~ ~ ~-V< ~ M~~){~~~H~~ State Payments 327 , 853. 84 336,000.00 34 I ,000.00 County Payments 5'j,bI5.U'J 4 I , U UU . uu 43,000.00 r>othole Money 'J¿, 11'J.uu TOT AL RECEIPTS 367,466.89 429.115.00 384.000.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 68,639.57 73,612.53 100.802.53 CASH AVAILABLE 436, 106.46 502,727.53 484.802.53 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 362,493.93 401,925.00 479.910.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 73,612.53 100,802.53 4,892.53 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services 19,781.87 24,700.00 26,425.00 Contractual Services 122,458.43 152,000.00 175,000.00 Commodities 52,569.44 64,025.00 57,985.00 Capital Outlay 27,684.19 1 ,200.00 40,500.00 Sundry Expenditures 140,000.00 160,000.00 180,000.00 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 362,493.93 401,925.CtY 479,910.00 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Uti 1 itv Fund Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: \ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 312 155.00 Back Tax Collections \ \ \ \ \ \ \ TOTAL RECEIPTS \ 312.155.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 \ 0.00 CASH AVAILABLE 1\ 312.155.00 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES \ 312,155.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE \ FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: \ P~~8~}(~~ Gas Service 30,620.00 ~H!~8~}(~~E 1 ect r I c 5e rv. \ 49,700.00 ~~~ Water Service \ 9,775.00 ~n:8J<~~ Traft I c ~ I gna I s \ 20,730.00 ~treet Light I ng \ 20 I ,330.00 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES ,$ *\ 312,155.00 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No..!L.- G3 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form D1 DEBT SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 80 ND AND INTEREST 1977 1978 Budget Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1979 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 402,274.89 887,890.00 970,190.52 Back Tax Collections 16,953.21 7,500.00 19,403.9T OTHER: Special Assessments 362,339. II 366,285.00 481,000.00 Unused Proceeds 0.00 0.00 u.uu Accrued Interest 39.007.91 0.00 0.00 Prepaid Special Assessments 12.665.45 6,000.00 7,000.00 Interfund Transfers 61 - 705.00 61,150.00 65,000.00 Interest on Investments 71 .485.33 295,000.00 55,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 966.430.90 1.623.825.00 1,597,594.49 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 104.603.40 200,580.51 144,405.51 CASH AVAILABLE 1 071 .034.30 1.824.405.51 1,742,000.00 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 870.453.79 I ,680,000.00 1,742,000.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 200.580.51 144,405.51 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Principal 709.000.00 I ,030 ,000 . 00 I , I 27 , 000.00 Interest Coupons 160,569.02 645,799.77 521,123.76 Commission and Postage 884.77 4,200.23 3,876.24 Cash BasIs Reserve xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 90,000.00 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 1$ 870,453. 79 1,680,000.Oryc 1,747,000.00 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted NO-FUND WARRANT 19 19 Budget Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: '., $ TAX ES: Current Ad Valorem Propertv Tax '., Back Tax Collections " " " ~ OTHER: ~ " "\.. " " " "\.. TOTAL RECEIPTS " UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 "\.. CASH A V AILABLE " Less: TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES " UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE " FORWARD $ ~xxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: ~ Principal Interest ~ " " TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES :þ ,* " *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ Dl e 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form S1 SPECIAL REVENUE: RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF SPECIAL ROAD, BRIDGE OR STREET BUILDING MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND BRIDGE BUILDING FUND Preceding Year Current Year to Code 1977 6-30-78 RECEIPTS: $ Transfers from Interest I ,32 I .07 650.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1.321.07 650.00 CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 28,943.56 30.264.63 CASH AVAILABLE 30.264.63 30.914.63 Less: TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 0.00 30 000.00 CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 30,264.63 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CASH BALANCE. June 30 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 914.63 DISBURSEMENTS: Machinerv & Equipment 0.00 30,000.00 Brid2'e Buildin2' 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1$ 0.00 30 000.00 NOTE: K.S.A. 68-141g. Any municipality by resolution may transfer, annually, from the road, bridge or street fund not to exceed 25% of the amount of money credited to any such fund, and subject to legal expenditure, in such year to this fund. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF SPECIAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT FUND Preceding Year Current Year to Snecial Reserve Fund Code 1977 6-30- 78 RECEIPTS: $ Transfer from Interest 1,911.06 1,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS I 911.06 , , CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 33.215.95 35 215.95 CASH AVAILABLE 35 127.0 I 36,215.95 Less: TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 0.00 36,000.00 CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 35,127.01 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CASH BALANCE June 30 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 215.95 DISBURSEMENTS: Construction 0.00 18,000.00 Reconstruction 0.00 18,000.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 0.00 36,000.00 NOTE: K.S.A. 68-590. Any municipality by resolution may transfer each year from the fund or division budgeted for roads, bridges, highways or streets an amount not to exceed 25% of such fund or division thereof and subject to legal expenditures, to this fund. Page No. ~ Sl 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNMENT AL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 1978 Budget Sanitation Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1979 RECEIPTS: $ Interest on Investments 4,227.32 3,200.00 3 200.00 Se rv ice Fees 359,000.00 403 , I 20. 00 454,500.00 Reimbursement of Expenditures I .396. 79 170.00 100.00 OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS 364,624. II 406,490.00 457,800.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 155,887.51 136,848. 18 123,356.18 CASH AVAILABLE 520,511.62 543,338.16 581,156.18 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 383,665.44 419,980.00 504,875.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ I 36 , 846. I 8 123,356.18 76,281.18 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 234,202.40 109,764.07 23,123.97 16 575.00 250,810.00 136,810.00 23,305.00 9 055.00 270,355.00 148,835.00 24,320.00 61 365.00 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 383,665.44 4 I 9 980. oCJ" 504 875.00 Is an annual audit required? YES NO Í- *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No.1JL E2 8 48 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVER NMENT AL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 19 78 Budget Paper Recyc ling Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1979 RECEIPTS: $ Sale of Commodities I 1 ,349.2 1 7 815.00 6,000.00 Transfer from other funds 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS . 16,349.21 7,815.00 I I ,000.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 Lo,104.81 20,542. 12 12,312.12 CASH AVAILABLE 36,454.02 28,357.12 23,312.12 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES I?, '91 1.90 16,045.00 19,290.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 20 542 12 12 312 12 4 022 17 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services 5 89 I . 36 7 245.00 9 030 on Contractual Services 2.877.42 3 100.00 3 460.00 Materials and SuDDlies 643.12 700.00 800.00 Sundry Expenditures 6.500.00 5 000.00 6 000.00 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 15,911.90 16.045.oCf 19 290.00 Is an annual audit required? YES NO -2L *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. PagR No. 21 - E2 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNMENT AL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 19 78 Budget Park i ng Meters Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19'79 RECEIPTS: $ Parking Meter Revenue 67.818.70 67 000.00 I 1 6 .400. 00 I nterest on 1 nvestment 660.53 400.00 600.00 fJa rk i ng fJerm i ts 19.626.36 20 000.00 35.000.00 OTHER: TOT AL RECEIPTS . 88, 1 05 . 59 87,400.00 152,000.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 26,37 I .69 17c¡567. 72 10,522.72 CASH AVAILABLE 114,477.28 104,967.72 162,522.72 . Less. TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services on rac ua ervlces a erla s an upp les Sundry Ex enditures Capital Outlay 96,909.56 94,445.00 130,965.00 $ 17,567.72 10,522.72 31,557.72 41 421.80 33 360.00 34005.00 14,366.93 16 740.00 15 905.00 1,920.83 5 345.00 17055.00 39 200.00 39 000.00 39 000.00 0.00 0.00 25 000.00 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES Is an annual audit required? $ 94 445.00* 96 909.56 130 965.00 YES NO x *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ E2 - >- . 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 . ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNMENT AL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted . 1977 19 78 Budget Go 1 f Course Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1979 RECEIPTS: $ Membership and Greens Fees 64,892.62 68 000.00 94.240.00 Cart Rental 2,089.52 2.000.00 3,135.00 Ca r Storage 2 , 1 2 I .39 2,000.00 3,180.00 Car Users Fees 3,549.00 3,500.00 3,550.00 Oi I Well Lease 3,712.33 4,000.00 4,000.00 OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS . 76,364.86 79,500.00 108,105.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 21 ,784. 70 15,206.85 3,816.85 CASH AVAILABLE 98, 149.56 94,706.85 111,921.85 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 82,942.71 90,890.00 98,720.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 15.206.85 3.816.85 I 3.20 I . 85 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services 37,715.86 40.805.00 44. 1 60.00 Contractual Services 20,080.80 22,380.00 24,895.00 Materials and 'Suppl ies 7,857.71 10,330.00 9,665.00 Sundry Expenditures 12,882.34 10,985.00 14,000.00 Capital outlay 4,406.00 6,390.00 6,000.00 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 82 942.71 90 890. 0c1 98.720.00 Is an annual audit required? YES NO x *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. n- E2 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 ENTERPRISEjINTR AGOVER NM ENT AL SER VIC E: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1977 19-1ß. Budget Solid Waste Code (Actual) (Estimated) 197q REC EIPTS: $ Income from Leased Land 2 689.69 R 1'1(\1"1 00 10 000 00 ::ìerv ice Fees 96 352.50 140 000 00 140 onn nn OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS . 99.042.19 148 000.00 150 000.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 9.675.21 8.903.26 13 273.26 CASH AVAILABLE 108.717.40 156 903.26 163 273.26 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 99.814. 14 143.630.00 126.430.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 8,903.26 13.273.26 36.843.26 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services 46 550.28 t:JR LI.?'1 nn n4 4nn nn Contractual Services 45 227.56 nO ~ ~n ' nn 40 ~ot:J, 00 Materials and Supplies 8.036.30 9 875.00 10 Q40 00 ~undry expenditures 0.00 15 000.00 10 000 00 Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 725 00 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 99,814.14 143,630.0CJl' 126,430.00 Is an annual audit required? YES NO x *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page N o. ~ E2 IIIII"" 8 - STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G2 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 -Zl 1978 Budget Federal Revenue Sharing Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 1979 RECEIPTS: $ TAX ES: Current Ad Valorem Proper tv Tax Back Tax Collections INTERGOVERNMENT AL REVENUE: OTHER: Grants From Federal Government 451 321. 00 399.998.00 382.138.00 Interest from Investments 6 238.87 3 190.51 2.680.78 TOT AL RECEIPTS UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Jan. 1 CASH AVAILABLE Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT WHERE APPLICABLE): Police & Fire Salaries Emer enc Aid Pro ram Alcoholic Safet Action Pro ram Pass ort to Adventure Meadowlark Da Care S. E. Draina e Stud Air-conditionin for Police BId. Health De artment Human Resources Park Maintenance Bui1din Posts for Landfill Fence Paint Stri in Machine Tractor - Park Hustler Mower - Park Police Vehicles Baseball Com lex Central Kansas Alcoholic Found. Bicenetnnial Center Tractor t e Loader - Solid Waste 2-wa Radios ~-ton Picku - Street 457 559.87 129 820.65 587 380.52 577 389.81 403 188.51 9 990.71 413 179.22 399 998.00 384,818.78 13,181. 22 398,000.00 382,138.00 $ 9 990.71 13 181. 22 15,862.00 128 254.72 135 000.00 6 000.00 18 000.00 5 000.00 1 500.00 10,026.00 10,000.00 22 361. 00 63 000.00 60,000.00 45 000.00 5,000.00 90,845.00 43 400.98 2 369.41 14 472.16 2 700.74 4 650.00 43,598.00 58,000.00 150,000.00 17,056.80 18,500.00 10,000.00 100,000.00 219,293. 60,000.00 2,200.00 3 800.00 7 498.00 2 000.00 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ G2 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 110 Maintenance - Well Pumps - Equipment 120 Well Pumps 130 Well House Signals 140 River Intake Power 150 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 160 Maintenance - River Basin TOTAL SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES 205 Supervision 210 Salaries 215 Electric Power 220 Gas Service 225 Building Operating Supplies 230 Chemicals 235 Maintenance - Equipment 240 Maintenance - Buildings 255 Electric Power 260 Gas Service - Calcining Plant 270 Supplies - Calcining Plant 275 Electric Power - Sludge Line 280 Maintenance - Sludge Line TOTAL PUMPING EXPENSES 305 Supervision 310 Salaries 315 Electric Power 320 Gas Service 325 Lubricants 330 Building Operating Supplies 335 Maintenance - Electrical Equipment and Pumps 340 Maintenance - Station Buildings and Grounds 345 Wearing Apparel TOTAL 8 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT Actual Previous Yea r 1977 8,716.41 15,628.46 3,979.83 5,195.36 199.14 1,575.38 35,294.58 27,958.01 71,565.18 43,895.23 11,838.96 328.61 141,961. 23 8,272.70 295.33 10,746.74 30 , 320 . 19 2,991.83 0.00 0.00 350,174.01 14,171.27 47,592.52 23,006.05 639.84 194.35 584.50 616 . 39 334.17 1 ,309. 88 88,448.97 Adjusted Current Budget 1978 7 , 500 .00 17,500.00 4,000.00 5,820.00 385.00 1,000.00 36,205.00 26,945.00 98,430.00 49,165.00 13,750.00 330.00 150,000.00 10,000.00 2,400.00 12,035.00 35,200.00 5,300.00 5,200.00 700.00 409,455.00 24,855.00 44,320.00 25,775.00 750.00 200.00 600.00 700.00 600.00 950.00 98,750.00 , ¡. Proposed Budget 1979 7,500.00 19,780.00 4,000.00 6,575.00 200.00 1,000.00 39,055.00 29,670.00 117,310.00 55,550.00 16,500.00 350.00 155,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 13,600.00 42,200.00 5,500.00 15,500.00 2,000.00 463,680.00 27,390.00 44,715.00 29,100.00 900.00 200.00 600.00 700.00 325.00 1,300.00 105,230.00 Is an annual audit required? YES NO Í- *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ El r 8 -- STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1977 1978 1979 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 405 Supervision 12,282.66 12,680.00 13,820.00 410 Salaries 52,445.80 70,235.00 75,115.00 415 Meter Maintenance - Salaries ( 10,322.20 10,920.00 11,215.00 420 Meter Maintenence - Supplies 5,636.30 5,830.00 6,200.00 425 Vehicles - Equipment Expenses 10,700.77 9,800.00 10,500.00 430 Tapping Supplies 8,971.12 9,000.00 9,000;00 435 Maintenance- Distribution Mains 7,087.81 9,000.00 9,000.00 440 Maintenance - Storage Tanks 854.39 1,000.00 3,000.00 450 Maintenance - Hydrants 868.16 1,500.00 1,500.00 455 Miscellaneous Materials and Labor 2,478.35 2,000.00 2,000.00 , TOTAL 111,647.56 131,965.00 141,350.00 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 510 Office Salaries 66,211.56 72,780.00 82,340.00 515 Servicemen and Meter Readers Salaries 74,073.14 82,625.00 84,730.00 520 Servicemen and Meter Readers Supplies 162.91 200.00 300.00 525 Collection Stations 1,867.80 1,900.00 1,900.00 530 Maintenance - Office Equipment 2,693.24 1,900.00 2,200.00 535 Office Supplies 6,685.05 6,000.00 6,000.00 540 Vehicle Expenses 6,468.67 6,000.00 6,000.00 545 Lease Electronic Data Processing Equipment 1 3,798.50 13,645.00 15,000.00 550 Postage 21,952.14 23,400.00 24,500.00 555 Wearing Apparel 635.54 500.00 500.00 TOTAL 194,548.55 208,950.00 223,470.00 I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Is an annual audit required? YES NO ~ . *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. 'lJ...- E1 I STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El 8 e FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGË DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1977 1978 1979 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 605 Supervision 20,197.60 21,270.00 22,190.00 610 Salaries 9,434.52 9,795.00 9,970.00 . 615 Telephone Expenses 3,847.54 4,000.00 4,200.00 620 Office Supplies 747.94 900.00 900.00 625 Special Engineering 675.00 1,000.00 2,350.00 630 Social Security 32,472.26 42,000.00 45,600.00 635 Insurance - Buildings 25,280.74 26,300.00 27,100.00 640 Sales Tax 1,426.08 1,600.00 1,600.00 645 Property Taxes 55,000.00 65,000.00 67,500.00 650 Accounts Charged Off 799.63 1,000.00 1 ,200 . 00 655 Long and Short Cash 103.44 100.00 100.00 660 Employees Retirement 35,566.99 41,000.00 45,900.00 663 Unemployment Insurance 0.00 2,800.00 3,700.00 664 Liability Insurance 8,159.00 9,200.00 9,500.00 665 Workmen's Compensation 11~628.76 20,000.00 20,000.00 666 Group Insurance 22,402.61 26,500.00 37,300.00 670 Auditing Expenses 5,150;00 5,400.00 5,500.00 . 675 Contracting Services 2, 144. 30 5,000.00 3,000.00 680 Organizational Dues and Memberships 521.03 . 525.00 525.00 685 Maintenance - Government Center 11,484.00 10,200.00 12,000.00 690 Services Performed - Other Department 24,060.00 26,625.00 27,955.00 695 Travel Expenses 1,254.31 1,500.00 1,500.00 TOTAL 272,355.75 321 ,715.00 349,590.00 SEWERAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 705 Supervision 30,852.68 50,535.00 57,260.00 710 Operating Salaries 125,630.61 160,505.00 186,840.00 715 Electric Power 82,587.80 92,500.00 104,525.00 720 Gas Service 8,879.55 11,500.00 13,800.00 725 Plant Operating Supplies 1,325.22 1,500.00 1,650.00 730 Maintenance - Equipment 11,715.97 15,000.00 16,000.00 735 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 741.24 1,200.00 1,300.00 740 Maintenance - Pumping Stations 11,821.17 12,000.00 15,000.00 745 Maintenance - Sanitary Sewers 4,483.09 5,000.00 5,500.00 750 Vehicle Expenses 15,915.45 21,000.00 . 23,000.00 755 Wearing Apparel 584. 1 5 700.00 800.00 760 TV Expenses - Sanitary Sewer Lines 517.09 2,000.00 2,500.00 765 Pump Station Monitor 0.00 1,600.00 3,600.00 TOTAL 295,054.02 375,040.00 431,775.00 , CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS , -~---- Is an annual audit required? YES NO -L *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ El r 8 e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E1 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L Actua' Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1977 1978 1979 ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIREMENTS 810 Bond Principal Payments 150,000.00 155,000.00 0.00 815 Bond Interest Payments 66,441.95 60,945.00 0.00 820 Bond Principal Payments - 1977 Issue 0.00 0.00 0.00 825 Bond Interest Payments - 1977 Issue 0.00 261,500.00 0.00 830 Principal and Interest - 1978 Bonds 0.00 0.00 386,795.00 TOTAL 216,441.95 477,445.00 386,795.00 GRAND TOTAL 1,563,965.39 2,059,525.00 2,140,945.00 .- I CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS Is an annual audit required? YES NO -À- *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ E1 r STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El 8 8 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES Water Supply Expenses Softening and Treatment Expenses Pumping Expenses Distribution Expenses Customer Accounting & Collection Expenses Administrative and General Expenses Sewerage Treatment and Collection Expenses Bond Ordinance Reserve Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department Capital Improvements - From Bond Money Capital Improvements Sales Tax Remitted Customer Deposit Refunds TOTAL EXPENDITURES City Treasurer's Balance January 1st Less '- Unpaid Purchase Orders UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE January 1st REVENUE Water Revenue Sewerage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping and Front Footage Service Fire Hydrant Revenue Service Charge - Sanitation Department Environmental Protection Agency Grants Sanitation Fees Collected Net Cash Increase on Current Assets Sales Tax Collected Meter Deposits TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 Actual Previous Year 1977 35,294.58 350, 1 74.01 88,448.97 111,647.56 194,548.55 272,355.75 295,054.02 216,441.95 359,000.00 147,413.40 136,938.97 0.00 0.00 2,207,317.76 284,293.60 102,896.31 181,397.29 1,371 ,267.37 591,959.32 4,187.28 20, 193. 54 81,134.54 5,980.14 7,658.00 359,000.00 6,813.44 0.00 0.00 2,448,193.63 2,629,590.92 2,207,317.76 422,273.16 Adjusted Current Budget 1978 36,205.00 409,455.00 98,750.00 131,965.00 208,950.00 321,715.00 375,040.00 477,445.00 403,120.00 0.00 240,000.00 60,000.00 40,000.00 2,802,645.00 475,495.35 53,222.19 422,273.16 1,460,000.00 610,000.00 7,500.00 1 5 ,000 . 00 40,000.00 6,000.00 540,000.00 403,120.00 0.00 60,000.00 40,000.00 3,181,620.00 3,603,893.16 2,802,645.00 801,248.16 Proposed Budget 1979 39,055.00 463,680.00 105,230.00 141,350.00 223,470.00 349,590.00 431 ,775.00 386,795.00 454,500.00 0.00 260,000.00 60,000.00 50,000.00 2,965,445.00 -. 801,248.16 1,518,400.00 634,400.00 7,500.00 16,000.00 30,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 454,500.00 0.00 60,000.00 50,000.00 2,779,800.00 3,581,048.16 2,965,445.00 616,603.16 Is an annual audit required? YES NO -L *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ El 8 . ORDINANCE NUMBER 8650 - CO"~'C,"^,," ... ,., (Published in The Salina Journal , 1978) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING, ADOPTING AND APPROPRIATING, BY FUND, THE BUDGET OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1979. BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. The proposed budget and financial statement as shown on I- standard state budget forms and subsequent to notice of hearing and public hearing is approved, adopted and appropriated, by fund, as the maximum amounts to be expended for the budget year starting January 1, 1979; and Section 2. The Governing Body certifies that the amounts shown to be raised by ad valorem property tax levies are within statutory or duly adopted charter ordinance limitations. Funds Amount of Tax Levied Adopted Budget Of Expenditures Funds - Levies Subject to Jax Lid General $1,797,559.02 $4,005,460.00 $4,005,460.00 Sub-Total $1,797,559.02 Funds - Levies Not Subject to Tax Lid Employee Benefits Fund Utility Fund 496,350.87 312,155.00 1,171,100.00 312,155.00 Sub-Total 808,505.87 1,483,255.00 Debt Service Funds - Not Subject to Tax Lid Bond and Interest 989,594.49 1,742,000.00 Sub-Total 989,594.49 1,742,000.00 TOTAL TAXES LEVIED $3,595,659.38 Enterprise (Utility) Funds Water and Sewerage Sanitation Paper Recycling Parking Meters Golf Course Solid Waste $2,965,445.00 504,875.00 19,290.00 130,965.00 98,720.00 126,430.00 Sub-Total $3,845,725.00 Intergovernmental Funds Revenue Sharing Special Highway Fund 382,138.00 479,910.00 Sub-Total , .~ 862,048.00 $11,938,488.00 TOTAL ADOPTED BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS ¡ Ii 31 ~ 8 8 CO'~"O"<D "-,,,^ Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city ne\vspaper. Introduced: August 7, 1978 Passed: 14, 1978 (SEAL) Attest: ~ D. L. Harrison, City Clerk '.j I I II " 32 e . Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of ORDINANCE NUMBER 8650 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDA VII I, Paul G. Webb being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am the Advertising manager of thp Salina Journal a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attachecl ORDINANCE NUMBER 8650 and that said ORDINANCE NUMBER 8650 Subscribed and sworn to before me ø;¡,s..!.. 1&., . 19 .~-y-- Notary Public 78 A-: D.L fWUUSON ;; Saline County. K8nsu - ""'AS .J My Appr. Exp. July 31, 1981 33 . . .- (Published In Thf Salina J,oumel. AQ{ ustI7, 1978) *, ORDINANCE NUMt&IU6SO :¡, .' AN ORD'INANCE APPROVING. AQOPTING AND APPROPRIA1'ING. BV FUND. THE BUDGET OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1. 1979, . , ' , BE IT O,RDAINED by the Go..arnlng Body of the City of S,allna, Kansas:' ' s.ctlon 1. The proposed budget and fln_nclal stateìnent 'as "shown on standalld ste'e budget forms end subsequent to notice of ne,.rlng end, pullilc hMrlngb . proved. adopted end appropriated. by fund. es the maxImum amounts to lit'.., ' pended for the bUdget year starting January J. 1979; and ' SeCtion 2. The Governing Body certifies that the amoums sho~n t9 !:Ie raised by ad "aloretnproperty tex levies are within statutor"'\!I'~ir"dIII*4c"'r,ter QI1Øo.' netlce ~:~:tI$n" "r= :.-=- ,FuniI,. Le..1tt SUbtec:t to Ta. Lid' ' ' Gen.rei' .Sl,797.5tt.G:I ",005,0160 ~ Sub.Total S'1.197,S59;," $4,OO5.~:tP Fund' . Levie, Not Subject to Tax Lid Em~lovet BeneflfsFl/nd,; 496,~.1l lJ.71,lGO.Oe um ~~~¥~.I '", ~~:~ dä:m:: Debt setvlca Fund' . Not ,"Iect to Tax Lid ' 1,"" '=' ' Bond and Interest' 1,5,..'" <~.., Sub.Total .S9U9 1,7~,ooo.. TpTAL TAXES LEVleb , 53.$95,659,31 ~ enf8rt rIU fUtltftyl Fund' ' . ~a:I~,~",~,'~'~ Se- age S2.~;~ '~:'I' Peper Recycling ',1'.290. Parkin" Meters 130.965, Golf Course 98,720. ,I Solid Waste 126.<130. Sùb- Total " $3.845,725. IntergovernmaMell'U1ICI' ' ",¡" Revellue Snaring' " . 382.138.!! spe<:la~:~\~~:,y Fund" ,,": Ut:::, TOTAL ADOPTED BU, DGET OF EXPENDITURES. '" . ALL FUNDS , $11.938,...1ID s.ctilltl 3. Tnlsordl,..n~e shall take effect end ,bl'ln full tor~"from and after I~ adoption end publl~atlon on~e-In tile offlClel city newspaper; 1 , 'fttroduced:August 7. 1971 .- Pes_: Augu'tI4,1971 Jadt w,¡1!OfI1I8r, MeYor ATTEST: D. 1.., Harrison. City Clerk (SEAL) °1>