1980 Budget Certificate STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form 1-79 . . 1980 BUDGET, STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION, AND TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1979 CERTIFICATE TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF Saline COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of Ci ty of Sa 1 i na , Kansas, do hereby certify the Budget and Statement of Financial Condition (Cash Position) as shown herein was duly published as required by law, and that a hearing was held on the 6th day of August , 1979, and that after such hearing the Budget of Expenditures as shown herein was duly approved and adopted as the maximum amounts to be expended for the ensuing budget year; and further certify the amounts shown to be raised by an ad valorem tax levy are within statutory or duly adopted Charter Ordinance limitations. Page Adopted Budget Amount of FUNDS No. of Expenditures Tax Levied GENERAL $ 4.461 090 1 .816 752 SPECIAL REVENUE: Federal Revenue Sharinq 406.200 Special Gas Tax 466.310 EmD1ovees. Benefits Fund 1 .410 .260 752.510 Utl Ilty !-una 4C1? .4~O ~a~ ~ ~n SDecia1 Liabi1itv Fund rñ .000 60.000 Special Park & Recreation a 000 Soecial Alcohol Proaram 0.000 Bond & Interest 1 .896 380 qqq .70? Sanitation 511 .600 Pacer Recvclina 1 3, 360 Parkina Meter 1n~ ~hn Golf Course 106 1?O Solid Waste 1 7F. ~?O Water & Sewaae 1 ~1QO10 13.708.680 / 4.027.494 ./ , 1979 ATTEST: Filed this.,~ c( day of C~~'-'~ f~\ A " j' . ~ "'-. (/ \ " ',' ,'-4<,,',.;...\1 .(/i ,r,>.:. County Clerk \ ( 1-79 ;; State of Kansas Budget Form City /County-79 8 . City of Salina, Saline COUNTY, KANSAS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 1980 BUDGET PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given in compliance with the provisions of K.S.A. 79-2929 that the governing body of City of Salina will meet on the 6th day of August , 1979, at 4: 00 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of hearing oral and written objections, comments, and answering questions of taxpayers relating to the following budget and proposed tax levy, including the proposed expenditure of Federal Revenue Sharing funds, and considering amendments relating thereto. Detailed budget information is available at City Clerk's Office and will be available at the hearing. D. L. Harrison Karen M. Graves Ci ty Clerk Mayor BUDGET SUMMARY (Attach a copy of Budget Form IV here. Edit with scissors to eliminate blank areas or lengthen the form as necessary.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS - DO NOT PRINT - This form has been prepared in accordance with K.S.A. 79-2929 and meets the Federal Revenue Sharing requirements for ~ cities and counties. The Proposed Use Hearing requirements of Section 51.13 of the Revenue Sharing Regulations apply only in those cities and counties when the governing body responsible for preparing the budget pursuant to K.S.A. 79-2927 is not the same governing body or official responsible for enacting the budget. These cities and counties are required to publish a NOTICE OF 1980 PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND HEARING. This Proposed Use Hearing shall be conducted not later than ten days after publication of the notice and not less than seven days before the budget is presented to the legislative body. A suggested wording of the Planned Use Hearing follows: "Public notice is hereby given that the governing body of County, will meet on the day of , 1979, at M., for the purpose of determining the use of Federal Revenue Sharing entitlement funds. Estimated unappropriated entitlement funds as of December 31, 1979 in the amount of $ , and entitlement funds anticipated during 1980 in the amount of $ will be discussed. Oral and written comments and suggestions regarding the possible use of these entitlement funds will be heard and taken into consideration at this hearing." WARNING: Each fund of the adopted budget filed with the County Clerk in no event shall exceed the amount of such fund in the proposed budget as originally published. K.S.A. 79-2930. 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form IV BUDGET SUMMARY Precedin~ Year Current Year BudlZ'et Year Levv. ExDenditures Levv. EXDenditures Levv. ExDenditures GENERAL $1 ,9728 ~ Q6~ 228 1 8419 4.005 460 1 7986 4 502 090 SPECIAL REVENUE: Emp10vee Benefit Fund .6340 721. 008 .5356 1. 055.370 . 7151 1. 410.260 Utilitv Fund .3368 312.000 .3787 402.450 Special Liability Fund .0570 76.000 Special Parks & Recreation 70 000 Special Alcohol Program 70.000 Sanitation 413.318 504.350 511. 600 Paper Recvc1insz 16.821 12.010 13,360 Parking Meters 91. 283 96.130 103,560 Golf Course 89.813 98.720 106,120 Special Gas n 399.186 470.190 466,310 Solid Waste Disposal 139.965 126,430 176,320 Water & Sewerage 4,833.122 2,945,440 3,539,030 REVENUE SHARING Police & Fire Salaries 136,844 Central Kansas Alcoholic F lnd 18,500 10,000 Salina Bicentennai1 Center 100,000 219,293 250,000 Dept. of Human Resources 5,000 90,845 71 , 200 S. E. Drainage Study 10,000 Prevention of Child Abuse 4,000 Capital Equipment 121,008 47,500 Passport to Adventure 3,000 Bikeways 6,280- Health Department 60,000 Abused Women's Task Force 2,000 14,000 Reserve 10,220 Total REVENUE SHARING 391,352 382,138 406,200 DEBT SERVICE: Bond & 'Interest .9842 1. 678.166 1. 0677 1. 650 .140 .9500 1,896.380 Expenditures by Budget Year xxxxx 12.737.262 xxxxx 11.658.378 xxxxx 13.749.680 Ad Valorem Tax Levies xxxxxxxxxxxxXJ! xxxxxxxxxxxxXJ! ~xxxxxxxxxxx by Taxing Year $3.5910 XXXXXXXXXXXXD 3.7820 XXXXXXXXXXXXXJ! 3.8994 ~xxxxxxxxxxx Total Assessed Valuation $ 95.272.093 97,581,024 105,233,894 Amount of Tax Levied 3.354.223 3,595,659 4,103,494 Outstanding Indebtedness, Jan. 1 1977 1978 1979 General Obli~ation Bonds 4,366,000 11,296,000 11,021,000 Revenue Bonds 1,820,000 4,670,000 4,394,000 TemDorarv Notes 761,106 825,345 1,'+49, 8ŒZ No-Fund Warrants -0- -0- Total 6,947,106 16,791,345 16,864,802 *Dollars per $100 assessed valuation. IV . Affidavit of Publication . Following is a true and correct copy of :~oti ce Of Budget Uea ri ng :-NO'nCËòf.;uê=~., .... i i.a~f ~~Yarl;'~t~~~'.~ rJl~OL~= being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am tt::~.,:. =.' ~,.;¡~,'~ ..¡.. ,t'nø-;.:".,'" t':, . the Advertising . D.LH~.CityClerk., a p" . , ~OO.~~'~å~~ , u.,oPreced~.r.:: 'LwyO C~tÎJinite pnf« GENERAL................................ '1.912813.963,228 11.8419.. over iJI'8 GENERALRIVENUE: ! "-Spb\-Off se~ a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline fid&'iFuM~~'~~':::::::::,::::::: .634ð 721.011 :~ ,.,i~,,'~, ' bÞa,' Special Liabili7 Fund .................. ',." and sOmE County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, ~=~=~:::::::::::: ~ry Tylef ] Sanitation """""",""""""""~"" 413,318' "If co-etar oftb and continually and uninterruptedly published for more pa,IJf!R=........................"" ~~~ '~,' . Her ow ~~~.:::::::::::::::::~::::::::: 89,813, .'-" spun-òff than one year prior to the date of the attached SpeèiaI Gu ..........................,..... 399,186 ¡ Iirper tnòviDg Solid Wute DiepoIaI.............;~..... ,139.965 ,,!White doing t :i~S:šíi1RïÑG"""""""" UG3,I22 0': I PO/ide a rire SIIIrieI................... 136,844 ':14oreover, ø Central ~ AIeohóIic ~ , ~i¡;';¡::':~ïë;;;::::::::::::: :~: :~~= Depa, of 1,1lilii8ii Reeourœa............ 5.000 l/!Øded to stipp ~~J::Y""""""""'" IUIJOO :<' . AIMøe...............;..................... .,;¡ven Ted 'K Capital EquipDJeDI,...................... 121,oœ ~ anchor ma PII8Iport to Ádventun! .................. :.t' his BikewaYJ................................... ~, own seJ Health Department...................... . _b. , Abuaed W~'. Tuk FORe......... ?kondbaD8JI ~:;~~.~.::::::::::::::::: 391,352 \! ct~'Barney Mil DEBT SERVICE: ' -. Bend ainterlllll.......................... .9842 1.6i8,166 UJ677~*****, Excu.~.~..~~................ 12.737.262 Ad V~ Tax Leviee \ byTaxmg Year ...............:........ '13.5910 Total A-' Va!1IIÛoII............... Amount of Tax úvied..............:.:-: OullWldiog Iudebtedneet, Jill. 1.... Gæeral Obliption ' Bonds ......;............................. Revenue Bonda ................i.......... Temporary NoteI......................... TttaI..............................;.......... -Doll... per sUJO -.I vàluation together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDA VII I, Paul G. ¡¡ebb manager of the Salina Journal ;íoti ce and that said Notice Subscribed and sworn to before me July 26 ,19 79 ~,tA..~:'- Notary Public A-: 0.1.0 HARRISON ;;;; Saline County, Kansas ...... My A¡,rJL EKp. July 31.1981 ~----~....- 195.272.093 3.354.223 ' .!m I . 13.- '.366.000 1,820,000 761.106 6>947.1Ô6 PI - STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1 8 GENERAL FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Bin 0 Gross Recei ts State Shared Revenue State Ci arette Tax State Li uor Enforcement Tax Cit Li uor Tax LICENSES AND PERMITS: Utilit Franchise Taxes Licenses' Fees & Permits Iml s USE OF M NEY AND PROPERTY: Interest from Investments Miscellaneous Co. Treasurer Balance Jan. 1 Dec. 31 BALA Code Preceding Year 19 78 (Actual) I ,860 ,229 25, 337 445 8 Current Year 19 79 (Estimated) Adopted Budget 1980 150 108 169 255 186,420 8 060 9,180 9,300 112 455 128,460 77 , 736 33,263 70,000 582,374 653,910 746,500 126,010 20,000 262, 120 34,708 15,469 160,000 3 916 202 367 I 09 4 283 311 3 963 228 320 083 Page No. -L 40,000 60,000 235,000 - -z¡ 40 35,000 40,000 16,000 21 000 180,000 250 000 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3,855 965 320,083 4 176 048 4 005 460 4 170,588 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx G1 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1a Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 78 1979 Budget Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 1980 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: 500 500 500 59 843 68,200 10 233 10,180 11,090 70 576 78 880 53 170 60 428 52,450 4,401 4,660 I ,339 1,700 419 2,000 436 400 67 023 61,210 98,763 106,830 138,270 26 031 28,260 30,930 5 335 8 000 6 000 671 650 700 32 037 29,927 27,960 2 , 835 ,6 0 580 630 340 8,602 17 812 18 480 19 810 71 445 59 860 65 620 3 528 2 700 2 500 81 040 87 930 131 040 I 39 880 5 570 5 510 4 630 6 060 350 350 450 450 142 040 152 250 645 446 824 130 950 490 46 753 20 620 3\ 160 25 523 31 540 41 440 109 788 16 400 33 090 194 180 350 892 870 I 056 530 77 800 85 390 4 880 4 680 3 960 4 790 400 I 050 260 260 87 300 96 170 Page No. -L Gla STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1a 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Code (Actual) ( Estima ted) 19 80 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: 138 601 I 58 880 205 680 32 335 16 210 18 280 17 944 21 480 28 480 16 030 23 460 17 240 47 90 100 204 957 220 120 269,780 747 ,985 915,760 I ,031 ,500 105 188 85 390 91 000 71 550 83 540 95 660 153,537 30 410 85 330 998 500 1 000 I 079 258 I 115 600 I 304 490 279,775 324,290 367,040 57 499 56 570 61 680 39 564 45 290 57 140 17 994 800 394 832 426 950 23,718 25,400 28,820 3,955 3,000 4,030 747 1 050 I 150 355 240 250 100 150 150 28 875 29 840 34 400 170 015 170 015 38,787 26 756 5 619 .. 7 162 57 660 65 290 18 508 21 510 23 070 8 681 7 180 2 710 4 311 9 880 4 180 960 86 585 98 430 114 170 14 690 5 850 7 010 2 361 1 970 4 050 793 1 250 386 400 600 1 4 815 106 650 127 080 I, 0 52,303 85 420 137 914 222 730 Page No. -Ì Gla STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1a 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19~ 191.2.. Budget. Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 19 RO EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT $ AND MAJOR OBJECT: Band Personal Services Contractual SerVIces 19,000 14,210 CommoditIes Capital Outlay Department Total 19,000 14,210 Cemete ry Personal Services 3 I ,698 32 ,930 35,420 Contractual Services 3,441 2.290 2,370 Commodities 1,747 1,750 2,180 Capital Outlay 525 710 400 Department Total 37 411 37.680 40.370 General Improvement Personal Services 45 587 48 750 52.080 Contractual Services 942 \ .460 1.680 Commodities I, \50 1.030 1.340 Capital outlay Department Total 47 679 5\ 240 55 100 Memorial Hall Personal Services 8 609 Contractual ServIces 13 122 Commodities 818 Capital Outlay Sundry I:xpendrtures 16 . Department Total 22.565 Pub Ii c Hea I th Personal Services contractual Services ?Q ~A() <;Ll ()()() 100()()() CommoditIes Capital Outlay Department Total ?Q <;A() <;Ll ()()() 100.000 Industrial Develooment Personal Services Contractual Services 20 .860 \5.000 20 000 Commodities Capital Outlay Department Total ?() Ah() I~ ()()() ?() ()()() Noxious Weeds Personal Services II 966 I() ~7() ContractUal Services I 789 2 44() commodities 846 I' QR() Capital OuUav Department Total 14 601 14 790 Tree Maintenance Personal Services 9.493 II 660 Contractual SerVIces 262 260 Commodities 25 150 capital Outlay Department Total 9 780 12 070 Flood Works Personal Services 32.135 32.100 34 .980 Contractual Services 4 412 3.440 3.730 CommoditIes 2 784 4.810 6.020 Capital Outlay 270 Department Total 59 331 40.350 45,000 Page No.-i- Gla 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1b Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19 80 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT $ AND MAJOR OBJECT: Human Resources Personal Services 15 700 Contractual ServIces 7.740 CommoditIes 3.420 Capital Outlay Department Total 26 860 Arts Commi ss ion Personal Services Contractual SerVIces 45 210 CommodItIes Capital Outlay Department Total 45.210 Personal Services Contractual ServIces CommodItIes Capital Outlay Department Total Personal Services Contractual SerVIces Com modItIes Capital Outlay Department Total ." Personal Services Contractual ServIces CommoditIes Capital Outlav Department Total Personal Services Contractual ServIces CommoditIes Capital Outlay Department Total Personal Services Contractual Services CommodItIes CapItal Outlay Department Total Appropriations: Total ApproprIatIons TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES :¡¡ 3,963,228 4,UU:J ,4bU '" 4 46 I .090 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. l G1b STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G2 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Revenue Shari nCJ Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem ProDertv Tax Back Tax Collections INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: OTHER: Grants from Federal Government 399,969 382 , 1 I 5 384,425 Interest from Investments 3,191 TOTAL RECEIPTS 403, 160 .)¡jL, I I' 384.425 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 Y,YYU 'LI,/Y'd L I , TT':J CASH AVAILABLE Lli ~ 1110 403 9 I 3 406-200 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES -z;o I -Z;I')? 382 138 406.200 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 71 7q8 21 775. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES (BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT WHERE APPLICABLE): Pol ice & Fire Salaries 130,844 Centra I Ks. A I coho I i c Foun d. 18,?UU IU,UUU Bicentennial Center TOU,uuu LI'::I,L'::I') L:JU,UUU Human Resources 5,000 90,845 71 ,200 S. E. Drainaae Studv 10,000 Can ita I E(]uiDment 12 I ,008 117 770 Prevention of Chi Id Abuse 4,UUU PasDort to Adventure 3,000 Bikewavs '6,LffiJ' Health Deoartment 60,000 Abused Women's Task Force 2,000 14,UUU TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 39 I .352 382, I 3~ 406,200 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. í G2 ^. STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G2 8 S ecial Gas Tax RECEIPTS: TAXES: ~~ø~~ ~~~ Gasol ine Tax Pothole Mone INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: x OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Jan. 1 CASH AVAILABLE Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT WHERE APPLICABLE): Personal Services Contractual Services Materials & Su lies Sund Ex enditures Ca ita! Outla TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES 8 Code Preceding Year Current Year 19 78 1979 (Actual) (Estimated) Adopted Budget 1980 $ 385 484 52 113 394,000 37,400 437 597 73 613 511 210 399 1 86 431 400 400 000 112 024 73 234 543 424 473 234 470 190 466 3 1 0 73 234 6 924 27,030 29,220 $ 112 024 399 I 86 470 I 90 * 466 3 I 0 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. -2- G2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Em 10 ees' Benefits Fund Code Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Pro ert Tax Back Tax Collections Contributions b Em 10 ees Contributions b Em 0 r Reimbursem nt of E i s Interest on Investments Auto Dealers Stam Tax TOTAL RECEIPTS 937 160 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Jan. 1 153 598 CASH AVAILABLE I 090 758 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 721 008 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 369 750 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services 721 008 1 055 370 1 410 260 Commodities Ca ital Outla TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES 72 I 008 I 055 37 1 410 260 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Uti I i tv Fund Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Proper tv Tax 310.040 398 530 Back Tax Collections I nte rest on Investments 2 . 880 . 17ïR Auto Dealers Stamn Tax I??? TOTAL RECEIPTS 312,920 40 I .530 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 . 920 CASH AVAILABLE 312.920 402.450 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 312.000 402.450 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 920 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services 312,000 402,450 Commodities Capital Outlay TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 312,000* 402,450 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No.~ G3 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Special Liability Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 60 000 Back Tax Collections Transfer From Other Funds 16.000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 76.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 CASH AVAILABLE 76.000 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 76.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services 76,000 Commodities Capital Outlay TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES $ * 76,000 Preceding Year. Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax Back Tax Collections TOT AL RECEIPTS UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 CASH A V AILABLE Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual ServIces Commodities Capital Outlay TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ * *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No.~ G3 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Soecial Parks & Recreation Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Prooertv Tax Back Tax Collections City Liauor Tax 70 000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 70 000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 CASH AVAILABLE 70 000 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 70 000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities CaDital Outlav ~undry Expend I tures 70 000 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 1$ * 70 000 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Special Alcohol Program Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Prooertv Tax Back Tax Collections Cliy liquor lax 70,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 70.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 CASH AVAILABLE 70.000 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 70.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORW ARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services 70.000 Commodities CaDital Outlav TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES $ * 70,000 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No.-2.9- G3 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form S1 8 8 SPECIAL REVENUE: RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF SPECIAL ROAD, BRIDGE OR STREET BUILDING MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND BRIDGE BUILDING FUND Preceding Year Current Year to Code 1978 6-30- 79 REC EIPTS: $ Transfers from Interest 1,321 700 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,32\ 700 CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 30,264 3 I ,585 CASH AVAILABLE 31,585 32,285 Less: TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 32 285 CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 31 585 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CASH BALANCE. June 30 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DISBURSEMENTS: Machinerv & Eauioment 32 285 BridEre BuildinEr TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1$ 32 285 NOTE: K.S.A. 68-141g. Any municipality by resolution may transfer, annually, from the road, bridge or street fund not to exceed 2596 of the amount of money credited to any such fund, and subject to legal expenditure, in such year to this fund. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF SPECIAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT FUND Preceding Year Current Year to Code 1978 6-30 - 79 RECEIPTS: $ Transfer from Interest I ,911 1,100 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,911 1,100 CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 35, 127 37,038 CASH AVAILABLE 37.038 38.138 Less: TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 38.138 CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 37.038 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CASH BALANCE. June 30 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DISBURSEMENTS: Construction 19 038 Reconstruction 19, 100 TOT AL DISBURSEMENTS 1$ 3 8, 1 38 NOTE: K.S.A. 68-590. Any municipality by resolution may transfer each year from the fund or division budgeted for roads, bridges, highways or streets an amount not to exceed 2596 of such fund or division thereof and subject to legal expenditures, to this fund. Page No. -1J Sl STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form D1 8 8 DEBT SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted BOND AND INTEREST 19 78 19 79 Budget Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19 80 REC EIPTS: 1$ TAXES Current Ad Valorem ProDertv Tax 885,880 979,670 979.708 Back Tax Collections 9,305 ¡),UUU [9,994 t1,,-I-~ n",::>I",rc: C-I-_-- T::>y 3.873 OTHER: SDecial Assessm en ts 359,907 470,000 649. , 27 Unus~d Proceeds Accrued Interest -I ,786 L,UUU Z ,uau PreDaid SDecial Assessments 3,210 4,000 4,UUU Interfund Transfers OT ,255 b?,4UU oo,,)csu Interest on Investments 363.631 55.000 30,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1.684.954 1 .584,070 I , 75-5,1)82 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 ?nn C)P,n 207 1/")8 141 2Q8 CASH AVAILABLE I p'p'C) C)<¡4 I 7QI 438 I 896 380 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES I f..7F\ IfIfI I 650 140 I 896 380 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ ?n 7 ~flF\ 141 298 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITU RES: Principal I .031 .000 1.127,010 1,231,010 Interest Coupons 645.468 52 I , I 30 618,370 CommIssIon and Postalfe 1.698 2,000 2,000 Gasn BasIs Reserve xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 45,000 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES I 1$ 1.678.166 1,650,140* 1 ,896 ,38D PrecedIng Year Current Year Adopted NO-FUND WARRANT 19 19 Buçget Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19 REC EIPTS: 1$ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem ProDertv Tax Back Tax CollectIons OTHER: TOT AL RECEIPTS UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 CASH A V AILABLE Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Principal Interest TOTAL FUND hüPhNDI1URE--s $ '" *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. lL D1 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNMENT AL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 78 19 79 Budget San; t¡:¡t; nn Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ Interest on Investment 4,227 3,200 3,700 Miscellaneous Service & Sales 552 100 100 Service Fees 403.000 460,000 472 .500 OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS 407,779 463.300 476.300 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 136.846 131. 307 90.257 CASH AVAILABLE 544.625 594.607 566.557 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 413 318 504.350 511.600 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 131.307 90.257 54.957 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: ~ II Servi ces 244.461 264.700 309.700 r ... 11 <;prv; C'.pe; 136.724 143.620 159.060 'ale; & 'SuDD1ies 23.086 32.810 42.840 . CaDita1 Out1av 9.047 63.220 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 413,318 504,350 * 511 ,600 Is an annual audit required? YES NO x *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. 12- E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNM ENTAL SER VIC E: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Paoer RecvclinG Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ Sale of Commodities 15.553 5.000 5 000 OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS 15.553 5 000 .00! UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 20.542 19 2 4 1 _?hl CASH AVAILABLE 36.095 24.2' 74 1 ?hl Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 16.821 12.0 10 11 .1hO UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 19.274 12.264 1.Q04 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services 7.239 9.030 9.Ql0 Contractual Services 2.666 2.660. 3.080 . Materials & Supplies 916 320 370 Sundry Expenditures 6.000 - Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 16,821 12,010 * 1 3 , 360 Is an annual audit required? YES NO -L *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ..lA.... E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNM ENT AL SER VIC E: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 78 1979 Budget Parki ng Meters Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: 1$ Parki ng Meter Revenue 61.206 75.000 85.000 Interest From Investment 732 Parking Pennits 19.098 20 000 22.000 Relnbursement of Expendltures 1 .040 OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS 81 .036 96.040 107.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 17.597 7.350 7 ?fiO CASH AVAILABLE 9R.633 In':l ':Ian 114.2ñO Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 91 .283 96 30 ln~ !:\fin UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 7 350 7.260 10.700 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services 31.823 33.140 ~fi ?An Contractual Services 11 .737 1 100 '1 7 .850 M;¡tpr;;¡ls & Sunn1;ps 2.546 .( ~90 In n4n Sundrv Exnenditures 39 000 31 000 38 810 Caoita1 Out1av 6.177 2 500 580 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 91.283 96.130 * 103.560 Is an annual audit required? YES NO -L- *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. -12. E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNMENT AL SERVICE: OTHER: Jan. 1 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Trans ers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES Is an annual audit required? Code Preceding Year 19lß.. (Actual) $ 6 881 8 Current Year 19J!L (Estimated) 99 870 6 881 106 751 98 720 8 031 98,720 x *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. $ 89,813 YES NO Page No. J.£... Adopted Budget 19 3 261 * 106 120 E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 Solid Waste RECEIPTS: Income from Leased Land Service Fees Code Preceding Year 19E.. (Actual) Current Year 19ZL (Estimated) Adopted Budget 19 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGO VERNMENT AL SER VIC E: OTHER: Jan. 1 143 993 8 903 152 896 139 965 12,931 $ 36 501 11 181 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Trans ers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 139,965 126,430 * 176,320 Is an annual audit required? YES X NO - - *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No..-ll.. E2 . . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Water & Sewerage 90 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Bud eted Pro'ected Mana er Commission! WATER SUPPLY EXPENSE 110 Maintenance - Well Pumps & Equipment $ 8,716 $ 1,510 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 8,000 120 Well Pump Power 15,629 17,028 19,780 20,950 24,100 130 Well House Signals 3,980 6,597 4,000 7,060 7,550 140 River Intake Power 5,195 5,804 6,575 7,140 8,210 150 Maintenance - Building & Grounds 199 291 200 200 250 160 Maintenance - River Basin 1,.575 453 1,000 500 500 Subtotal 35,294 31,683 39,055 43,350 48,610 SOFTENING & TREATMENT EXPENSES 210 Salaries 99,523 114,058 146,980 141,550 158,500 215 Electric Power 43,895 49,874 55,550 56,500 65,700 220 Gas Service 11,839 17,238 16,500 20,170 23,570 225 Building Operating Supplies 329 323 350 350 400 230 Chemicals 141,961 185,376 155,000 270,610 220,000 ,235 Maintenance - Equipmen 8,273 9,107 10,000 10,040 15,200 1240 Maintenance - Building 295 631 500 9,600 12,450 I 255 Electric Power 10,747 11,117 13,600 10,000 15,000 260 Gas Service - Ca1cinin .' Plant 30,320 32,247 42,200 28,000 42,000 270 Supplies - Calcining Plant 2,992 6,790 5,500 5,500 3,500 275 Electric Power - Sludg Line -0- 3,425 15,500 15,500 14,400 280 Maintenance - Sludge Line -0- 1,111 2,000 2,000 2,000 Subtotal 350,174 431,297 463,680 569,820 572,720 PUMPING EXPENSES 310 Salaries 61,764 69,706 72,105 72,690 79,270 315 Electric Power 23,006 23,309 29,100 28,670 32,970 320 Gas Service 640 854 900 ' 1, 000 1,170 325 Lubricants 194 -0- 200 200 220 330 Building Operating Supplies 585 353 600 600 600 : 335 Maintenance - ! Electrica~ Equipment I & Pumps 616 544 700 6,000 3,500 I ! 340 Maintenance - Station I Buildings & Grounds 334 728 325 600 750 ! 345 Wearing Apparel 1,310 905 1,300 1,550 1,500 I Subtotal 88,449 96,399 105,230 111,310 119,980 ! ! ! ~ OF SAUNA t KANSAS 93 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET , CJTY . Is an annual audit required? YES -Å. NO *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. Jß. E2 Acct. No. 410 420 425 430 435 440 450 455 510 520 525 530 535 540 545 550 555 610 615 620 625 630 635 640 645 650 655 660 663 . . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 FUND 8 Water & Sewerage DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES Salaries Meter Maintenance - Supplies Vehicles - Equipment Expenses Tapping Supplies Maintenance - Distribution Mains Maintenance - Storage Tanks Maintenance - Hydrants Miscellaneous Materials & Labor Subtotal CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING & COLLECTION EXPENSE: Salaries Servicemen & Meter Readers Supplies Collection Stations Maintenance - Office Equipment Office Supplies Vehicle Expenses Lease EDP Equipment Postage Wearing Apparel Subtotal ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL EXPENSES Salaries Telephone Expenses Office Supplies Special Engineering Social Security Insurance - Buildings Sales Tax Property Taxes Accounts Charged Off Long & Short Cash Employees Retirement Unemployment Insurance 1977 Actual 75,050 5,636 10,701 8,971 7,088 855 868 2,478 111,647 140,284 163 1,868 2,693 6,685 6,469 13,799 21,952 636 194,549 29,632 3,848 748 675 32,472 25,281 1,426 55,000 800 103 35,567 -0- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Is an annual audit required? 1978 Actual 88,257 3,755 10,449 11,891 6,676 2,387 2,142 -0- 125,557 143,592 187 1,834 1,879 5,837 6,142 13,103 25,773 445 198,792. 31,169 4,001 1,430 1,862 36,456 25,790 445 65,000 1,487 20 31,272 1,761 95 Bud2eted 100,150 6,200 10,500 9,000 9,000 3,000 1,500 2,000 141,350 167,070 300 1,900 2,200 6,000 6,000 15,000 24,500 500 223,470 32,160 4,200 900 2,350 45,600 27,100 1,600 67,500 1,200 100 45,900 3,700 YES NO -L 8 1979 Proiected 96,500 4,000 12,000 16,380 18,000 3,500 4,090 2,000 156,470 166,930 500 1,900 2,200 6,000 8,190 15,000 26,900 770 228,390 38,700 4,400 . 1, 600 2,350 43,000 27,100 1,800 67,500 3,300 100 38,000 2,800 . FUND NO. 90 1980 Mana~er Commission 109,130 4,500 15,500 16,000 18,000 3,800 4,000 2,000 172,930 186,050 300 1,900 2,300 6,200 8,270 15.,000 27,900 800 248, 720 44,350 4,700 1,600 1,500 51,000 28,000 2,000 70,250 1,200 100 46,000 3,300 1980 ANNUAL 8UDGET .Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. J.2... E2 Acct. No. 664 665 666 670 675 680 685 690 695 710 715 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 755 760 765 810 815 825 830 835 840 ~ :.' . STATE 0 F KANSAS Budget Form E2 FUND 8 Water & Sewerage DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description Liability Insurance Workmen's Compensation Group Insurance Auditing Expenses Contracting Service Organizational Dues & Membership Maintenance - Government Center Services Performed - Other Departments Employee Development Training Programs Subtotal SEWAGE TREATMENT & COLLECTION EXPENSES Salaries Electric Power Gas Service Plant Operating Maintenance - Equipment Maintenance - Building & Grounds Maintenance - Pumping Stations Maintenance - Sanitary Sewers Vehicle Expenses Wearing Apparel TV Expenses - Sanitary Sewer Lines Pump Station Monitor Subtotal 1977 Actual 8,159 11,629 22,403 5,150 2,144 521 11,484 24,060 1,254 -0- 272,356 156,483 82,588 8,880 Supp1iE s 1,325 BOND ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Bond P.rincipa1 Payment~ Bond Interest Payments Bond Interest Payments '77 Issue Sinking Fund Expenses Issuance Costs Interest Expenses Subtotal 11,716 741 11,821 4,483 15,916 584 517 -0- 295,054 150,000 66,442 -0- -0- -0- -0- 216,442 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Is an annual audit required? 8 1978 Actual 1979 Budgeted Pro;ected 9,192 21,774 25,917 5,650 5,161 599 10,221 26,625 434 -0- 306,266 188,253 82,857 11,071 1,799 10,529 4,434 11,899 3,780 20,370 729 601 2,092 338,414 111,500 30,099 90,000 -0- 1,116 187,445 420,160 96 9,500 20,000 37,300 5,500 3,000 525 12,000 27,955 1,500 -0- 349,590 244,100 104,525 13,800 1,650 16,000 1,300 15,000 5,500 23,000 800 2,500 3,600 431,775 -0- -0- -0- 386,795 -0- -0- 386,795 YES NO -1- 9,800 11,500 30,000 5,500 3,000 740 12,500 27,960 1,000 1,000 333,650 211,800 101,920 12,950 1,650 14,000 1,050 15,000 5,500 24,940 980 1,200 4,180 395,170 1,000 -0- -0- 110,000 -0- 290,000 401,000 . FUND NO. 90 I 1980 i Manager Commission! 10,780 13,920 49,500 6,000 5,000 740 13,750 29,920 1,000 1,000 385,610 252,960 117,200 15,150 1,820 15,000 1,300 16,000 6,570 27,430 1,550 2,500 4,480 461,960 1,000 -0- -0- 115,000 -0- 280,000 396,000 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ..lQ.. - E2 , ' STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Water & Sewerage 90 SUMMARY OF EXPEND I TURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Bud eted Pro ected Mana er Commission Cash Remitted to Sanitation Departmen 359,000 403,000 454,500 460,000 472,500 Capital Improvement - Bond Money 147,414 1,667,500 -0- -0- -0- Capital Expenditures 136,939 199,063 260,000 136,280 150,000 Extension and Bond Retirement -0- -0- -0- -0- 200,000 Net Cash Transfer to Other current Assets ~4,991 -0- -0- -0- Depreciation & Emergency -0- -0- -0- -0- 200,000 Sales Tax Remitted -0- -0- 60,000 60,000 60,000 Customer Deposit Refunds -0- -0- 50,000 50,000 50,000 Transfer to Bond Retirement and Extension Fund -0- 600,000 -0- -0- -0- Grand Total, $2 207 318 4 833 122 2 965 445 2 945 440 ,3 539 030 CJTY OF SAUNA, KANSAS 97 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET Is an annual audit required? YES NO Î- *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. 1.L E2 " . . . , . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 FUND 8 Water & Sewerage D EP ARTMEN'r . SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. No. Description 1977 Actual 8 1978 Actual 1979 Budgeted Projected FUND NO. 90 1980 Manager Camœission 910 915 921 930 $1,371,268 $1,530,516 $1,518,400 ~1,570,000 1,620,000 591,959 602,658 634,400 625,000 650,000 4,187 5,361 7,500 8,000 8,000 950 Water Revenue Sewerage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping and Front Footage Service Fire Hydrant Reimbursement Service Charge - Sanitation Department EPA - Grants Interest Income Sanitation Fees Collected Extension and Bond Retirement Proceeds from Bond Iss e Proceeds from Bond Sale - Depreciation & Emergency Net Cash Increase on Current Assets Sales Tax Collected Meter Deposit 970 980 990 20,194 81,135 5,980 7,658 -0- 359,000 19,745 33,702 6,634 545,100 64,513 403,000 -0- -0- -0- 1,667,500 -0- 6,813 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 16,000 30,000 9,000 -0- -0- 454,500 -0- 60,000 50.000 -0- -0- -0- 18,000 30,000 7,000 40,000 50,000 460,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 60,000 50.000 Grand Total $2,448,194 $4.878.729 $2.779.800 S2.918.000 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash . Balance December 31 $ $ 181,397 $ 422,273 2,448,194 4,878,729 2,629,591 5,301,002 2,207,318 4,833,122 CITY OF SALJNA, KANSAS Is an annual audit required? 422,273 $ 467,880 98 YES NO ~ 467,880 2,918,000 3,385,880 2,945,440 19,000 30,000 7,000 -0- -0- 472,500 200,000 -0- 200,000 -0- 60,000 50.000 3.316.500 440,044 3,316,500 3,756,940 3,539,030 ~ 440,440 ~ 217,910 1980' ANNUAL BUDGET - - *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. .R E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form V < Str. & Util. Str. & Util. Str. & Util. Parking Lots Str. & Util. Str. & Uti!. Str. & Util. Str. & Util. Str. & Util Str. & Uti!. Str. & Util. Str. & Util. Str. & Uti!. Str. & Util. Str. & Util 12-1-59 11-1-60 11-1-61 11-1-62 11-1-62 11-1-63 11-1-65 11-1-67 11-1-68 11-1-68 11-1-69 4-1-70 12-1-70 12-1- 71 12-1- 74 9-1-75 2-1- 78 3.5 to 4 2.75 to 3.5 2.75 to '3.5 2.5 to 3 2.5 to 3 , ' 3 1/8 to 3.5 I/" 3.25 to 3 3/ '3. 70 to 4.25 3.90 to 4.25 3.90 to 4.25 5.25 ' 5.50 to 6 4.25 to 4~70 3~ to 3 5/8 4.1 to 4.75 4.25 to 5 3 4.4 to ~ STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS mnt of Amount Date Due Due Current Year Due Bud et Year s Issued Outstandinf¡ Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal 132.000 180.000 Mar-Sept Mar-Sept 5.775 60,000 3,675 60,000 260 000 78 000 May-Nov May-Nov 2.328 13.000 1,922 13,000 675 000 255 000 May-Noy May-Nov 8.145 35.000 7.008 35,000 \, 1 nn oon 495 000 Mav-Nov Mav-Nov 18.810 55.000 16. 720 55.000 75-000 47 000 June-Dee June-Dee 1. 998 5.000 1,785 6,000 75-000 47.000 Apr-Oet Apr-bet 1.998 5.000 1,785 6,000 131. 385 27.000 June-Dee June-Dee 1.418 13 .000 735 14,000 100-000 60 000 Apr-Oet Apr-Oet 2.510 10.000 2,100 10,000 8 I 500 000 6.175 000 Apr-Oet Apr-Oet 98.513 325,000 83,563 325,000 '250 - 000 ~ 250 000 Mar-Sept Mar 18.689 25.000 9,506 25,000 /250.000 " )'\ -0- June-Dee Dee -0- -0- 21,272 25,000 7.614.000 ~hn lAb. f:..b.h nnn r:;n n7l r:;7b. nnn 402.738 40.000 June-Dee June-Dee 1,312 20,000 563 20,000 551. 386 81.000 May-Nov May-Nov 2,590 27,000 1,645 'IT ;umr 605.943 120,000 May-Nov May-Noy 3,938 30,000 2,888 '30' ,WO' ..375.366 -, 272, 000 May-Nov May-Nov 7,650 68.000 5,610 68,000 456.284 88,000 May-Nov May-Nov 2,475 22,000 1 , 815 - 22,000 986.218 297,000 May-Nov May-Nov 8,922 47,000 7,375 / 52,000 265,000' 85,000 May-Npv May 2,579 15,000 2,173./ 10,000 155.000 55,000 May-Nov Nov 2,2()0 10,000 1,800. -S- ,ODU 58.268 31. 000 May-Nov Nov 1,347 3,000 1,230 "'" 3,000 376,223 35,000 May-Nov Nov 1,365 35,000 -0- -0- 170,814 40,000 June-Dee Dee 2,100 20,000 1,050 LIT ;uuu 8 79,482 48,000 June-Dee Dee 2,760 4,000 2,540 4,000' 147,102 45,000 June-Dee Dee I 2,093 15,000 1,399 15,000 245.861 100,000 June-Dee Dee 3,500 25,000 2,700 25,000 250,736 150,000 June-Dee ,Dee 6,213 25,000 5,150 25,000 428 000 315 000 June-Dee Dee 16 425 45.000 14.175 45.000 888 000 850 000 June-Dee Dee 38 810 90.000 34.580 95.000 7'1').000 755 000 June-Dee Dee 54 656 80.000 31.574 75.000 - 286,000 -0- June-Dee Dee -0- -0- 09.354 116.000 1 ¿.n7 000 60 935 581.000 27.621 657.000 . - 11.021,000 )21,119 1,127,000 ,77 ,692 T ,L3T,-OOU 1,449.802 43,530 687,007 75,000 762,795 f 394.000 4.394.000 Feb-Aug Feb j85.795 1.000 80.000 1.000 Am 'Bond .,..-- 1 6 1 6.25 to 6.37 4 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form VI 8 8 COMPUTATION OF UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE (Schedule 1 Street Machiner S ecia1 Reserve All Funds Cash Balance December 31 548 738 207 368 369,750 131 307 19 274 14 113 6 881 116 364 13 187 76 208 557 196 31 586 37 038 2 129 010 Warrants Outstandin VI Less: Unpaid Purchase Orders 228 655 Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1 Cur. Yr. 320 083 6 763 4 340 256 54 410 89 316 3 586 37 038 383 740 1 745 170 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form VII 8 8 Deduct 2 % for 19 78 Total 19 78 Delinquent Tax Available Tax Levied Taxes 1979 GENERAL 1$ 1,824,918.24 36.49A 36 1 . 7AA .41 Q AA SPECIAL REVENUE: EmDloyees' Benefits Fund 504 070.50 10 .081 .41 4Q1QAQ.O9 Utilitv Fund 316 973.62 6.339.47 11n ~?A 1 c; Bond & Interest 1.004.846.40 20 096.93 -CfM.74Q .47 Total All Funds $ 3,650,808.76 73,016.17 3.577.792.59 TAX ACCOUNTS - CURRENT YEAR (Schedule 2) General Fund Bond and Interest Fund S ecial Assessments COMPUTATION OF PERCENTAGE OF TAX DELINQUENCY 1977 Levied $ 1 916 705.33 914 072.39 vn STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form II (80) 8 AGGREGATE TAX UMIT COMPUTATION (Schedule A) Check Base Year Used: Taxes levied in 1968 for budget year 1969 Taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970 x 1. Total tangible taxes levied for the Base Year for purposes included within the aggregate limitation. 2. Assessed tangible valuation for 1968 or 1969. $1.175.634 3. Rate (Line 1 divided by Line 2). 18.745 % 4. Assessed valuation for 1979 of: a. New improvements to real estate since the Base Year. (Exclude values in added territory.) b. Increased personal property since the Base Year. (Exclude values in added territory.) 8 $ 62,717,142 + 17.356.426 + 27.360.192 18.745 % X 107,433,760 = 5. Net increase in Total Valuation. 6. Basic aggregate limitation for 1979 7. Assessed tangible valuation for 1979: a. Before addition or exclusion of territory since the Base Year. b. Territory added since the Base Year. c. Territory excluded since the Base Year. 8. Percentage of Adjustment: a. Territory added (Line 7b divided by 7a). b. Territory excluded (Line 7c divided by 7a). 9. Amount of adjustment in aggregate limitation: a. Territory added (Line.6 multiplied by Line 8a). b. Territory excluded (Line 1 multiplied by Line 8b). 10. New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. (Amount determined by County Clerk. See K.S.A. 79-5010.) 11. Increase authorized by election. years, voted , 19_, first levy year 19_. 12. Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals. authorized, first levy year 19_. years 13. Functions transferred: a. In b. Out (Add or deduct the total amounts levied for any function or service that were levied in the year preceding the transfer.) 14. TOTAL AGGREGATE TAX LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1980 (Sum of Lines 6, 9, 11, 12 and 13. Cities qualifying under K.S.A. 79-5010 should start with Line 10.) II 101. 927.154 3.306.740 -0- 3.2442 -0- $ 2,013,846 % % 65,333 -0- NA None None None None $2.079.179 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form II (79) WORKSHEET FOR COMPUTATION OF NEW IMPROVEMENTS TO REAL ESTATE, INCREASES IN PERSONAL PROPERTY, AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF TERRITORY ADDED OR EXCLUDED SINCE BASE YEAR (Schedule B) Q New Improve- Valuation in Territorv Added <Excluded) ments on Real Personal State Total Real Real Personal State Total 1 New Imp. Estate Property Assessed Valuation Estate Estate Property Assessed Valuation Real Estate (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (to) 1. Base Year ~ Valuation 11111 111 11~( 111 1R7 1~' f.. (I(If.. I. ':t ,~') 7'7 '1. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 2. 1969 Valuation Delete if Base Year) xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 271.Q70 3. 1970 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 11.202.636 4. 1971 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 651 110 5. 1972 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 881 590 6. 1973 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 1 504 930 1 009 21C 1 (I(IQ 210 7. 1974 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 1 264 280 17 07C 17 070 8. 1975 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 1. 745 050 9. 1976 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2.021 710 8. 24( 8 240 ). 1977 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2.468 560 27. 7H 27 710 L. 1978 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2 896 650 68 3H 132,345 200 655 ~. 1979 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.316. 23( 37 ,4l6,24( 8.501 42l 105.233. 8C 4 2.445 9l 2 012 42( 31 435 2 043 855 J. Change from Base Year 25,028.98' 2.494 98 xxxxxxxxx 17 356 42( xxxxxxxxx 163.780 3 306 740 i. Less: Territory Added Since Base Year 163. 78( 3.306. 74( -0- >. Net Change 24 865 20' 2,494,98 101 927.1' 4 17 356) ~6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Line 13. Columns 2 and 3: Line 12 minus Line 1. Columns 5, 7 through 11: Sum of Lines 2, and 4 through 11. Column 9, Post total of territory added to 7b, Schedule A; total territory excluded to 7c, Schedule A. Line 15. Columns 2 and 3: Line 13, minus Line 14. Post sum of Columns 2 and 3 to 4b, Schedule A. Column 4: Line 12 minus Line 14. Post to 7a, Schedule A. Column 5: Line 13 minus Line 14. Post to 4a, Schedule A. Line 14. Column 2 equals Column 7. Column 3 equals Column 8. Column 4 equals Column 9. Column 5 equals Column 10. 8 8 - x STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form IX COMPUTATION OF TAX LIMITS AND RATE OF LEVIES Estimated Assessed Valuation $ 105,233..t894 Less: Amount of Less: Budget Year Levv Lirr it LAVTR T iX Limit T lX T ""..;""A 2 % Ad Valorem Fund Authoritv Mills $ Mills $ Mills $ Mills $ DelinQuent Tax ReQuire m en t General Charter Or . #9 186,420 7.262 1.816.752 36.335 1. 780.417 . A {1{11H'l1 A. TF. TAX LIMI' r. ,,^ ~^^.. 2.079.179 186.420 1.892.759 1.816.752 Emplovees. Benefi ts Charter Or<. 17 7 . 15m 752,510 15,050 737,460 Uti 1 itv II II 17 3.7871 398.530 -- 19R,510 Bond & Interest 10- 113 9 .499f 999.702 19 994 979,70R Soecial Liabilitv SB-76 0.570~ 60,000 -- 60,000 Tr\TA T. 186,420 38.27 4,027,494 x x x x x x x x 8 8 8 AFFidavit of Publication 8 Following is a true and correct copy of ORDT:iA:XT ~,P¡i.ï1~ ':777 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDA VII ¡;¡:y- . 19 79 N otar Public (Pl blllh8d In The Salina Journal. ~ 16. 1979)8717 .l!8ANORDlNANŒ =r-oß'olG. ADOPT- illiG AND, ""PROPRIATING. BY FUND. THE ,I\)DGIT OF.TJiIE CITY FOR THE YEAR BEGlNN, IN$ JA"U;MtY 1. 1980. ,BE IT OIIDAINIO by the Governing Body of "-, C, Ity of 5o1IN. KonIG"' S8dIort '..The /IrÒIIOI8d budget and fl. nolld" lto~",ì shown on ltandard -1Iiudpt ,~ond 8ultMquenHo n0- tice of ,*,tl"8~ publk hearing II op- -*. ~,.. opproprlofec , by tw.d,'ÒI the, ~úmo"!Ountl ta be ex- 118nd811 for the ~ .,.. ltartlng Jonu- ory I, )980: Clnd " I8cIIon ~. the ~' Body terllfl.. that tÍI8 amount'lfIOwn to 1IerolMd by ad valorem P~,' , . .';,' ,'l:k¡1 à.. within ltotutory or dulY' éhIiIrf8t ordl. nGl\Ce IImltotloAa. ' ,'.,~ .. ' Amoûnt of ~ 01 ......' ,'fÌIIILtt¥lllll'" '. ,.., """.~,~.f. General 'I.B";7" 4,«'1,090 i'lO.:"..:"S,ubtoIo", I' ,1,8,16.752""",4,.«'1,090 ,~'~ ....,181 .... ~ Ie fCÙi LId :;..~ Fu..4 752051°, 1,4\0.260 ,"""",,"Ity Funcl ,'. 398.53& . 402.450 ~I Liability. -60,000 . 76,000 ,.. ,lIIbtotol 1.211,040 1.-,710 '~ ..............-.. ta fox Lid Bondond ""'1'...999.702 1."'.380 Subtotal ,999.702 1.896.380 TOTAL TAXES,tEVIEO ,4,~,494 "......... (Utility) f'ùnd8 . "W1Iter ond ~. $3,539.030 Sanitation' ,511,600 P.,... Recycling 13,360 Pol'ldnll,""'"' 103.560 Golf eou... 106.120 SolId WCl1f8 , '176.320 Sólbtotol " $4.""',990 "".,.8m;:'" Fù- """"118 1"1 $406.200 Special Hltllwot,Fund 466,:110 SpecIal pofttloNiI8Cr8CItlol' 70,000 Spedal Alcohol P,-.gram . , ' 70.000 SubtoMl' , ""$1.012,510 TOTALADOPTID IUDGET OF EXPEDITURE5-AlL FUNDS $13.7Ø,680 S8ctIort 3. Thll ordinance lhall tOke ef. fect ondbe In full/force from and after I" odoptlorl cìnd pubIkotlon once In the oHIo cia! city I18W1 M1p8r. ) , Introduced: Augult 6, 1979 Poised:, AUllult 13, 1979 , pon S. ,Gell, Acllng,'Moyor "'TTE5T: - , Ø.L. Harrllon. City Clerk (SEAL) , (It) I, Paul G. ~;ebb being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am the AJvertisin" ., manager of the Salin;) .1ourn."] a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attachen ORDn,ANCE NUNBER 8727 and that said ORlJL.,\I1CE Nu:t-mER 8727 Subscribed and sworn to before me ;a; \.....~'NSAS D.L HARRISON Saline County, Kansas My Appt. Exp. July 31. 1981 Aidavit of Publication e Following is a true and correct copy of CHARTER ORDINANCE NUMBER 17 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDA vir I, Paul G. Webb being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am Advertising thp manager of thp Salina Journal a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attacheñ CHARTER ORDINANCE NUMBER 17 and that saki CHARTER ORDINANCE NUMBER 17 of the date of Subscribed and sworn to before mil" June 26 , 19 ~ Notary Public 79 ;{i '- D.L. HARRISON Saline Coumy. K.nsas My Appc. ~ July 31. 1981 (Flnt publisll'" in The Salina Jou,nal. J- 18. 1979) . CHoUTER oaDlNANa NUMIER 17 A CHARTER OROINANCE EXEMPTING THE CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS. FROM . K.S.A. 79-SO11; PROVIDING SU8STlTUTE ,AND ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS ON THE SAME SUBJECT; AND AUTHORIZING THE . LEVYING OF TAXES TO CREATE A 51'!!- CIAL FUND FOIl THE PURPOSE OF PAY- ING UTILITY COSTS AND EMPlOYEE BENE~ . FJfS; AMENDING CHARTER ORDINANa - NUMIER 16 AN". REPEALING SAID ORIGI. ~ MAL CHARTER OIIDINANCE. . ,IE IT ORDAINED by the Gove,ni,. 'Iody 01 ,he City of Salina. KaMaS; - 0 ~ $8ctfoft 1. The City of SoIlna. KonIGs: . by ,he powet' vest'" in i' by Article 12. . Sedion S of ,he Constitu'ion of lhe S'a'e . of Kansoa. he,eby eI- 10 e.....pt itself f,om and make inapplicable 10 it K.S,A. 79-SO11. and '0 provide substitute anct addit'-l pt""isions as ""'eina"" set. forth- in this charter o,dinance. KoS.A, 79". SOIl i. a part 01 lhe _t of ,"- levis*- .s'ablishi"9 an on,..ne tox ....., Ilmitatiaft applicable 10 "his city but not applicable uniformly' '0 all cities. anct lhe I..sla"'" has not ..tablished cJctw.. .. 01 cities lor the putpOM. 01 Imposin~ aggregate lifnilotlons under soid constitu- tional provision. $8ctfoft 2. The provisions 0" K.S.A. 79,1 5001 10 79.SOI6. inclusive. shall--t oppl1' 10 01' limit the I...., of"lax.. by lhe City of Salina. far the paymetlt of: (01. I"rincipal and in_t U9Oft and'Iempanlty not..: (bl. No-fund wanants iHU'" with lhe. appnMIl 01 the Slate Ioard of Tax . Appeals; (c). Legal judgments rendeNd .Inst ,he city: ' (d). R_t due under any 1- with a public buildi"9 comm~sion: (e). Special au...m.nts charged against ,he city.al-Ia.; (f). Utility service casts. whet"'" paid lram a separate property 10. levy fund of lhe city or from ....., other- 10. support'" fund; (gt. Employ.. benefit costs. ' $8ctfoft 3. The """,islons of Artlcl. SO 01 OIaptw 79 of lhe Kansas Statutes An. notated shall not apply '0 any 'a... I- i'" by the City of Salina, levi'" und.r ,he provisions of K.S.A. .o-230S. 74-4920. 74- 4967. 12-11003. 13-1441 01' 12-1617h-or 13- 14100. and K.S.A. 1m Suppl- 13- 14a02. 14-10002. or 'a any 'a.l...în ... qui"" far lhe paymen' of .mployer con- tributions ,. any pension and retl,.m8ftf If'OIJIOtft. or 10 any other tenc.. aulhor- Iz.. b'f s'ate láw ,.,.be I...i'" In addition 10 or e.....pt fr- lhe aggregate I"'f Ilmilotion 01 ,he City of SoIlno. Amoùnta ptoduc'" f""" any I...., speci- fI... or authorized 10 this chorter 'ordl.! nance. Includl"9 any I...., 01' purpose --, thorlz'" 10 be 1...1'" in addition 10 or' ......pt fr- ,he agg'egate I...., limit. of' the city. shall not be uMCI In computlngo any Oft'egate IImi,allon under Artlcl. 50 of Chapter 79 of lhe. Kansas Statutues An- notated.. . $8ctfoft ,. The CIty 01 Sanna I. herebyo authoriud 10 I...., a loX far the putJlCl88' of payt"9 utility ---ice casts. AI. ...... I... th18- chort8r ordinance. "utility I«Vice _IS" shall Include paym_ts made, b,i the city 10 a -tw. electric 01' ...,.",. gno ~. ~pany cw. utility far the put'-; ,.. 01 oDtaini,. sttMtligfttl"9 or traHk:4 -.01 signals or far "IIgì"I",. \)eotI"9;' -'1nIJ 01' supplying of -... or .~ 10 any citybui,lcfI"9 01' foc lity or far operwtlaAo or ~ 01 any funct 01' .",Ice by lhe. city. . , $8ctfoft 5. The Oty of Salina ~. ItetØyi authatinô 10 ....., . tai far- the, putpaM'. 01 paying ....ployee benefit caets. .... ...... In- this cftarter ordinance.. -....ployMi IIenefIt _b". shall inctude without linll.. tatIaIt. payments made by the City for ..,;. daf -.wfty. Kansas Public Em~ letnr¡::,:rt,""" ~'s compen- satton its. employment secu,ÎI'f.. -DIO¥ment compensatt«t benefits. Ka.... ;ala and Fire Retl- Sys- em. employee and offic8r liability pro;: 'ectlon and medical. health. hosp;.. . tDllzatlon and Hte i.-rane.. whether f- the ~'OI' hil; or her dependeftts. ' S8dIeft 6. OIapt... Ordinance Numb.> 16 01 the Oty of SoIIna. KaMas. ~ ~ ........... - , $8ctfoft 7. ThIs Chart... Ordlnanc. shall: be,publlshed once each -.It lor two> (211 ~ve ......, in the official city' _pap". $8ctfoft .. This Is G charter ord~ and shalt tab .Heet sixtv- (61) day. after Its flnaf publication. unl- a suf. flclent petition for a. referwndum I. filed GIld a ret.rwndum held on the ordinance - provided In Artici. 12. Section 5. ...0- ct"'ilion (cl (3) of the Constitution of Kan- Ma. in willcft COM the ordinance ~hall be-. - effective if opproved by Ihe mojOl'- ity 91 the .1ec1on votl"9 Ihereon. . ADOPTED IY THE GOVERNING BODY lor not Ins than _thirds ('hI of the m""be""¡eet voting in favor the...,f and.approv'" by ,he Mayor this 18th day 01 "-. 1979. KAREN M. GRAVES Mayor ATTEST: O. L. HADISON City CIeri< ,(SEALI l2tsp) : - 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form 1-79 1980 BUDGET, STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDmON, AND TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1979 CERTIFICATE TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF Saline COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of Ci ty of Sa 1 i na , Kansas, do hereby certify the Budget and Statement of Financial Condition (Cash Position) as shown herein was duly published as required by law, and that a hearing was held on the 6th day of August , 1979, and that after such hearing the Budget of Expenditures as shown herein was duly approved and adopted as the maximum amounts to be expended for the ensuing budget year; and further certify the amounts shown to be raised by an ad valorem tax levy are within statutory or duly adopted Charter Ordinance limitations. Page Adopted Budget Amount of FUNDS No. of Expenditures Tax Levied GENERAL $ 4.461.090 1 .Rlñ ,752 SPECIAL REVENU E: Federal Revenue SharinQ 406.200 Speci alGas Tax 466.310 Emplovees' Benefits Fund 1 .410,260 752.510 Ut, I' ty Fund AO? At:iO 1QR t:i~0 Soecial Liabilitv Fund 6~000 60.000 Special Park & Recreation 0 000 Special Alcohol Prooram 70.000 Bond & Interest 1 .RQñ 1RO QQQ .70? Sanitati on 511.600 Pacer Recvclina 11.1ñO Parkina Meter 10~ ~hn Golf Course 10ñ l?O Solid Waste 1 7F. ~?O Water & Sewaae 1t:;1Q010 13.708.680 / 4.027.494 ./ ATTEST: 4 ~ k/,~ /' 9?'-<~~ C &!~ Filed this ~ d day of ('iÆ í '- c:', .:'1 ,1979 " I /' . í, /\ I ( .' ,- : ..' C~~~t~ 1, él~rk /, /",/, - ~.- ( 1-79 / State of Kansas ,8 Budget Form City /County-79 8 City of Salina, Saline COUNTY, KANSAS NOTICE OF PUBIJC HEARING ON 1980 BUDGET PUBIJC NOTICE is hereby given in compliance with the provisions of K.S.A. 79-2929 that the governing body of City of Salina will meet on the 6th day of August , 1979, at 4: 00 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of hearing oral and written objections, comments, and answering questions of taxpayers relating to the following budget and proposed tax levy, including the proposed expenditure of Federal Revenue Sharing funds, and considering amendments relating thereto. Detailed budget information is available at City Clerk's Office and will be available at the hearing. D. L. Harrison Karen M. Graves Ci ty ,Clerk Mayor BUDGET SUMMARY (Attach a copy of Budget Form IV here. Edit with scissors to eliminate blank areas or lengthen the form as necessary.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS - DO NOT PRINT - This form has been prepared in accordance with K.S.A. 79-2929 and meets the Federal Revenue Sharing requirements for most cities and counties. The Proposed Use Hearing requirements of Section 51.13 of the Revenue Sharing Regulations apply only in those cities and counties when the governing body responsible for preparing the budget pursuant to K.S.A. 79-2927 is not the same governing body or official responsible for enacting the budget. These cities and counties are required to publish a NOTICE OF 1980 PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND HEARING. This Proposed Use Hearing shall be conducted not later than ten days after publication of the notice and not less than seven days before the budget is presented to the legislative body. A suggested wording of the Planned Use Hearing follows: "Public notice is hereby given that the governing body of County, will meet on the day of , 1979, at M., for the purpose of determining the use of Federal Revenue Sharing entitlement funds. Estimated unappropriated entitlement funds as of December 31, 1979 in the amount of $ , and entitlement funds anticipated during 1980 in the amount of $ will be discussed. Oral and written comments and suggestions regarding the possible use of these entitlement funds will be heard and taken into consideration at this hearing." WARNING: Each fund of the adopted budget filed with the County Clerk in no event shall exceed the amount of such fund in the proposed budget as originally published. K.S.A. 79-2930. 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form IV BUDGET SUMMARY PrecedinQ' Year Current Year Budsret Year Levv* Expenditures Levv* Expenditures Levv* Expenditures GENERAL $1 q728 1 q61 22R 1 841q 4.005 460 1. 7986 4 'i02.0qO SPECIAL REVENUE: Employee Benefit Fund .6340 721.008 .5356 1. 055.370 . 7151 1. 410.260 Utili tv Fund .3368 312.000 .3787 402.450 Special Liabi1itv Fund .0570 76.000 Special Parks & Recreation 70.000 Special Alcohol Pr02ram 70.000 Sanitation 413.318 504 350 511. 600 Paper Recvc1ing 16.821 12.010 13.360 Parkin2 Meters 91. 283 96.130 103.560 Golf Course 89.813 98.720 106,120 Special Gas .. 399.186 470.190 466,310 Solid Waste Disposal 139.965 126,430 176,320 Water & Sewerage 4.833,122 2,945,440 3,539,030 REVENUE SHARING Police & Fire Salaries 136,844 Central Kansas Alcoholic F ~nd 18,500 10,000 Salina Bicentennai1 Center 100,000 219,293 250,000 Dept. of Human Resources 5,000 90,845 71 , 200 S. E. Drainage Study 10,000 Prevention of Child Abuse 4,000 Capital Equipment 121,008 47,500 Passport to Adventure 3,000 Bikeways 6,280 Health Department 60,000 Abused Women's Task Force 2,000 r4',OOO Reserve 10,220 Total REVENUE SHARING 391,352 382.138 406,200 DEBT SERVICE: Bond & Interest .9842 1. 6 i8 .166 1. 0677 1.650.140 .9500 1,896,380 Expenditures by Budget Year xxxxx 12.737.262 xxxxx 11 658.378 xxxxx 13.749.680 Ad Valorem Tax Levies xxxxxxxx~ KXxxxxxxxxxxx~ KXXXXXXXXXXXXX by Taxing Year $3.5910 XXXXXXXXXXXXX~ 3.7820 KXXXXXXXXXXXX~ 3.8994 KXXXXXXXXXXXXX Total Assessed Valuation -$ 95.272.093 97,581,024 105,233,894 Amount of Tax Levied 3.354.223 3,595,659 4,103,494 Outstanding Indebtedness, Jan. 1 1977 1978 1979 General Oblisration Bonds 4,366,000 11,296,000 11,021,000 Revenue Bonds 1,820,000 4,670,000 -4,394,000 Temporarv Notes 761,106 825,345 1,449,802 No-Fund Warrants -0- -0- Total 6,947,106 16,791,345 16,86li,802 *Dollars per $100 assessed valuation. IV ',.,....<, .."."......, -~"""""""" 8 8 Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of ~a~i~ of Rudget Heðring together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDA vir than one year prior to the date of the attacherl ,",';7 ". .. .lCm OF SALINA. SALIm COUNTY. KANSAS "'--. NOTICE OF PUBLIC'HEARING ON 1980 BUDGET ,PUBLIC N<YI'ICE ÍI benby IÎft8 ia--- with the ~ ~ K.5..\. 19-1929 tIw the peniac body ~ City c Æ2 ,ia' will meet l1li the .6dt,daJ ~ AfIIIIII, 1m. I .at 4:iMI o'dock. ,P.1\1 P.M.. far the JIIII'P* ~ beum¡ oral aDd wriusJ obi« . eODIIIJeIIII, aDd IIIIWerÍIII q1II!IÛIIIII ~ taxpl1er1. reIaIÍDf Ie the foIIowiar hiadpt aDd I!ftIP*d tax Je,y. iDdudÎDI th espeuditure ~ Federal R- Shariaír f1IIJda, aDd CCIIIÍderiIIC ........ nIdc IbenIø. DeIaiJed budtet ÍII , IÌIIII ia available at City CJerIt', Offiee IIId will be.WIiIabIe at the beum¡. ! '. , ;~ l,ØarriIoD. City Clerk ','¡, '18m M. On-. Ma,ar /" 0' ' '0 BUDGET SUMMARY 0 , , "':'/;";;~'..:,:~ ...,!.~~~ í..,.C~~~Y~~I:'" 'GENERA!.;......:~..:.~;::".:.~, ,".9128 ,1S.9&3J28, SI.8tI9ø.ous.460 11.- 14.502.'" GENERALRlVENUE::..>.,>~ '.":.::,';"':" ",. .;,;:'., '..; ". ~-~=~=::::::"i~ ~: ~~:.:= };= ~ ' . 1.::~ '=~~"""'-"~':""'>bl"';;!;' \', ::](/"/\~H.,:J;; .E.~' !,,~: ~~~.::ig'",;:",::;;~""'l't,,;:3;;~:~i" . ,iæ ~~~..=::::"":::::. '.!~":'); "~lief:::' ,'..,:..:'1:,::g,., :.t Sp.;êiaI ~ ...:......:..._...~.:..,('::;ó ~ ,,"jp'S99.186 t>",'ml9t' 466,310 Solid "ute DÏIpaIaI............~._", ': " ,139,965 I»'Ø ' 1'1\320 ~~ =~~~~:=::'< ::r+:' " ~~;:t ~~.œo 'C;::.~:::..~.....;.....::~. ::.. ;:':;'?!ü» r "1',').",','",.",:,;".":~,,',',:,'~:!!;.~ Sah ~I C'.êaterh...........,.", ': ',', "'1OD,OOO , '. """""" 'óeot. ~ ~R-...._..... "1ïlttX<~>,'<5.OODr ',~ ô:',. ',84$ ,;.l.' i,:,f' S.t=Study....;.....~..-Thtfi'l,~:JUøo; .'~'::' .,r' i:;;'~::::'.' þ , ~~~'.~¡~'.':':~B;:f;i~Ý?;:~'::~t,~¡¡\:it.. "i! MIuøed"IIIIIItII'.T..F_..~~....., : ,,';'.<.,',,;,":11t<::: 'i) ,.':¡;,'.,\~.'t,', 14,1*1 ==.~::-~t:j:-!:>':;. ': ",";;.ll~~'t:..;i"i:"'-,!:3.f~J;'; T :: DEBT SERVICE:. '! "",' .' ,;,,",. ," "c'.:' , , ,:,. ",,> '1Ioad41......';.~.;;~.::',\., "r-' 'f.6'1BJ(¡6 ,U~1l~',i',1,650.t40, -,,"i......-l'-'- ~:::::~.~:..~;.L:"';;~';~"'~";~1;$>:;z.~~"'.f' "");;':"~J~.s.m.' ,'ffr~¿""Ì3;~1íIÌo ,AdV~TIILftÌllkÇ,:.:""":~,,-, ,:":;<""'>f!:'.";",.:':,;, ~:.",..' '~.., .brTUIIIIY_"""""_";'_~";';JS.59JO ".: 83."'.' ""'f'SS" Total "-"VaIudoa............... ',~" ~cm " , ., 191.581.09' "ii, " 1JOS.2S3.89t > Amouat ~ TII 1ftiecI..........~..:';; , ,;,:,~" ,~' "'- " \:\i>.3.S95,~ \~5:~ ~,,7 «'103.494 ~~lI1Ll"":',>L'}JflI.,'\<ì(,(",.:l978- '. J;..;,.,¡m: 'i~ ...;..;:.,~~..Y.k;.:;~.;~.,,~;';:t,~:Ú~eOO' " rJi{;['~ nJ96.oœ," 'tr,',', ':ít.Ó21.1*1 R-.Boack_":'""""~'7""'""""";"'::',, ),I.8'lO.OOD ';;"'i!- ",,\ f,6'l11.000 ,- ie:', .'" ",~080 : Te8IpCIr8f~7'(~"""'T"'!i;f~~,,/',:' ~j£.,j~761~~ . ~ ..B, ;..~'\:t:';} as.3G'\;'W%o.',l.449,11t í'Taàf.._--'--""";"'ft:- .i, ",i,.' .;;,,"'7.~" .,';\ilf."'f, ,i/' J..m~i.' ¡. \, '.¡) ,J""" l;;~~t~I=~~~~;b~~:'~t3~;.:¡,~;~il:",...i:i;:~ '~£i'::'~ ::~ ,.Ò . I, Pau1 G. l!ebb being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am thp Advertising Salina Jouma1 manager of thp a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more '~otice and that saici Notice Subscribed and sworn to before mp Ju1y 26 ~.~2- ,19 79 Notary Public ~ -- D.L. HARRISON Saline County, Kansas My A;lpt. Exp. July 31.1981 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted GENERAL FUND 19 78 19 79 Budget Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: 1$ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem ProDertv Tax I ,860,229 I , 76 I ,460 "17Ar\ .It, 7 Back Tax Collections 25,277 27,600 '"7\h ~~t:; Intamdble Tax (Where Aoolicable) 337.445 340 000 ~1iR. ?t::.t::. Auto Dealers Stamp Tax 7 034 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction 150.108 169,255 186,420 Binao Gross Receiots 8.060 9,180 9,300 State Shared Revenue 112 455 128,460 State CiGarette Tax 77 , 736 State Liauor Enforcement Tax 33,263 Citv Liauor Tax 70,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS: Utili tv Franchise Taxes 582,374 653,910 746,500 Licenses. Fees & Permits 126,0 m I¿B,20a 181,7W CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Enqineering Fees 20,000 40,000 60,000 Administrative Services 3T,75T jC$,;lb:J 4 r ;mm Fire Protection Outside City Liml s 126.540 42 .000 45,000 SwimminG Pools Admissions 9.078 10,000 10,000 Miscellaneous Sales & Services 55,034 56,940 57,790 FINES, FORFEITURES AND PENALTIES: Municipal Court Fines 262, 120 235,000 ¿Fit, 240 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY: Interest from Investments 34,708 35,000 40,000 OTHER: Reimbursed Expense 15,469 16,000 21.000 'fr-ansTers from: ~~~ Other Funds 160,000 180,000 250 000 DIscontInued Funds Miscellaneous Co. Treasurer Balance. Jan. 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dec. 31 K J Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOTAL RECEIPTS 3.916.202 3,855,965 4.?Q() ')()2 UN~.I\JI"IMBERED r'AC;;!U BALANCE, Jan. 1 367 . I 09 320 083 170,588 CASH AVAILABLE 4.283 311 4. 176 048 4 461 090 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 3.963.228 4.005 460 Ll Llhl oqn UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD ~ 320 083 170,588 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Page No. -L G1 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1a Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 78 19 79 Budget Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 19 80 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT $ AND MAJOR OBJECT: City Commission Personal Services 500 500 500 / Contractual Services 59.843 68.200 41 5An CommodItIes Capital Outlay Sundrv Exoenditures 10.233 10,180 11,090 Department Total 70.576 78,880 53.170 City Manaqer Personal Services 60,428 52,450 70,520 / Contractual Services 4,401 4,660 4,760 CommodItIes 1,339 1,700 1,880 CaPItal Outlay 419 2,000 Sundrv Exoenditures 436 400 480 Department Total 67,023 61,210 77,640 City Clerk & Finance 138,270 ,/ Personal Services 98,763 106,830 Contractual Services L4,o';lO LO,OLU Lb,öLU CommodItIes 4,737 4,520 4, 770 CapItal Outlay 4.158 1,770 600 SundrY Exoend i tures 616 770 770 Department Total 132.970 140,510 I 71 ,230 Leqal Personal Services 26,031 28,260 30,930 ' Contractual ServIces 5 335 8 000 6 000 CommoditIes 671 650 700 Capital Outlay Department Total 32.037 36,Y10 37,630 Municipal Court Personal Services 29,927 27,960 28,290 ./ Contractual ServIces 2 , 835 2,6')0 2 , 750 CommodItIes 580 630 800 Capital Outlay 340 SundrY Exoerid i tures 8,602 Ib,OUU 16,000 Department Total 42,284 47 240 47.840 Rlli Irlingc; Personal Services 17 812 18.480 19 810 Contractual SerVIces 71 445 59.860 65.620 CommodItIes 3 528 2 700 2.500 Capital Outlay Department Total 9? ,785 81 040 87.930 ~inAArin~ ersonal ervices 135 478 131 040 I 39 880 Contractual ServIces 5 049 5.570 5.510 Com modI tIes 4 213 4 630 6 060 Capital Outlay 7 842 350 350 c:.l1nrir\l f:'>(n~nri i +l1r~c:. 422 450 450 Department Total 153.004 142 040 152.250 FirA Personal Services 645 446 824 130 950.490 Contractual ServIces 46 753 20.620 31.160 CommodItIes 25 523 31 540 41.440 Capital Outlay 109 788 16 400 33.090 c:.'lnrir"\1 f:'>(n~nrii+llres 194 180 350 Department Total R?7 ,704 892 870 1 .056.530 PArmi+c; ~ In"rA~+ion Personal Services 66 657 77 800 85.390 " Contractual ServIces 4 521 4 880 4.680 CommodItIes 2 938 3 960 4.790 Capital Outlay 6 544 400 1.050 C;l1nrirv ExnAnriitures 250 260 260 Department Total An,glO 87 300 96.170 Page No. -L Gla STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G 1a 8 Code EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: .. 8 Preceding Year Current Year 19 78 1979 (Actual) (Estimated) 138 601 I 58 880 32 335 16 210 17 944 21 480 16 030 23 460 47 90 204 957 220 120 747 ,985 915,760 105 188 85 390 71 550 83 540 153,537 30 410 998 500 1 079 258 I 115 600 279,775 324,290 57 499 56 570 39 564 45 290 17 994 800 394 832 426 950 23,718 25,400 3,955 3,000 747 I 050 355 240 100 150 28 875 29 840 170 015 170 015 38,787 26 756 5 619 Adopted Budget 19 80 205 680 18 280 28 480 17 240 100 269,780 1,031,500 91 000 95 660 85 330 I 000 I 304 490 367 040 ,../ , 61 680 57 140 28 820 4,030 I 150 250 150 34 400 ..r 7 162 57 660 18 508 8 681 4 311 21 510 7 180 9 880 65 290 23 070 ./ 2 710 4 180 86 585 98 430 114 170 , " 14 690 5 850 7 010 2 361 I 970 4 050 793 I 250 386 400 600 104 815 106 650 127 080 1,300 52,303 85 420 13 914 222 730 Page No. ....J.. Gla STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G 1a 8 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: 8 Code Preceding Year 19.1ß ( Actual) Adopted Budget 19 Current Year 19:z2.. Estimated) 19,000 14,210 3 I ,698 32 ,930 35 ,420 -<' ~ 3,441 2 290 2 370 1,747 1,750 2,180 525 710 400 37 411 37 680 40 370 45 587 48 750 52 080 942 I 460 1 680 1,150 I 030 I 340 47 679 51 240 55 100 8 609 13 122 818 16 22 565 20 860 15 000 20 000 II 966 I 789 846 14 601 14 790 9 493 II 660 262 260 25 150 9 78 2 070 32 135 32 100 34 980 4 412 3 440 3 730 2 784 4 810 6 020 270 0 350 45 000 Page No. ~ Gla I STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G1b 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 19 80 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT $ AND MAJOR OBJECT: Human Resources Personal Services I 5 700 ,,' Contractual ServIces 7.740 CommoditIes 3.420 CapItal Outlay Department Total 26.860 Arts Commi ss ion Personal Services Contractual ServIces 45.210 CommoditIes CapIfBI Outlay ITepartment Total 45 210 Personal Services Contractual SerVIces CommoditIes CaPItal Outlay Department Total Personal Services Contractual SerVIces CommoditIes CaPItal Outlay Department Total Personal Services Contractual ServIces CommoditIes CaDi tar Outlay Department Total Personal Services Contractual SerVIces CommodItIes CapItal Outlay Department Total Personal Services Contractual Services CommodItIes Capìtal Outlay Department Total Appropria tions: Total ApproprIations TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 3,963,228 4,005,460 * 4 461 090 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. l Glb STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G2 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Revenue Sharinq Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax Back Tax Collections INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: OTHER: Grants from Federal Government 399,969 382 , I I 5 384,425 Interest from Investments 5, I ~ 1 TOT AL RECEIPTS 405, I 00 5¡jL, I I ~ 384.425 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 9 ,':::I':::IU L 1 , {':::I1j LT , TT':5 CASH AVAILABLE dl7í ¡tiC) 403 9 I 3 406 200 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 7íG I ~ti? ~R? 138 406.200 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 71 7G8 21 775. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES (BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT WHERE APPLICABLE): Pol ice & Fire Salaries 136 ,e44 Central Ks. Alcohol ic Found. le,~ou IU,UUU Bicentennial Center IUU,UUU L 1':::1 ,L':::I5 L:JU,UUU Human Resources 5,000 90,845 TI,Loo S. E. Drainaqe Study 10,000 Caoital Eauioment I 2 I ,008 t:¡777n Prevention of Chi Id Abuse 4, OUD Pasnort to Adventure 3,000 Bikewavs 6,LeO Health Denartment 60,000 Abused Women's Task Force 2,000 14,000 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 391 352 382, I 3~ 406,200 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. í G2 '. STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G2 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Soecial Gas Tax Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 1980 REC EIPTS: $ TAXES: ~~~JiJ~~ - X ~~~ Gasol ine Tax 385.484 394,000 400,000 Pothole Monev 52,113 37,400 ffiTERGOVERNMENTALREVENU& OTHER: TOT AL RECEIPTS 437 597 431 .400 400.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 73.613 112.024 73.234 CASH AVAILABLE 511.210 543.424 473.234 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 399 I 86 470 190 466 310 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 112 024 73.234 6.924 EXPENDITURES (BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT WHERE APPLICABLE): Personal Services 23,313 27,030 29,220 Contractual Services f35 ,000 175,000 1:5:5,000 Materials & Suppl ies 78,4-0-4 6:L,000 /'9,:5'90 Sundry Expenditures 160,000 ItjU,UUU 180;OUO Capital Outlay 2,469 26, I 60 . :L:L,:500 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 399 . 1 86 470 . 190 * 466 . 3 1 0 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ G2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 8 8 Code Preceding Year Current Year 19 78 1979 ( Actual) (Estimated) Adopted Budget 1980 $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOTAL RECEIPTS UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Jan. 1 CASH A V AILABLE Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities Ca ital Outla 937 160 153 598 I 090 758 72 I 008 $ 369 750 72 1 008 1 055 370 1 410 260 TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES 72 1 008 1 055 37 I 410 260 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget Uti I itv Fund Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Prooertv Tax 310,040 398.530 Back Tax Collections I nterest on 1 nvestments 2 880 f'7ïR Auto Dealers Stamn Tax I??? TOTAL RECEIPTS 312,920 40 I .530 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 920 CASH AVAILABLE 312,920 402.450 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 312,000 402.450 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 920 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services 312,000 402,450 Commodities Caoital Outlay TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES 1$ 312,000* 402,450 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page N o. ~ G3 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form G3 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Speci a I Li ab i I i tv Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 60 000 Back Tax Collections Transfer From Other Funds 16 000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 76.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 CASH AVAILABLE 76.000 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 76.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORW ARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services . Contractual Services 76,000 Commodities Capital Outlay TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES $ * 76,000 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 19 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax Back Tax Collections TOT AL RECEIPTS UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 CASH A V AILABLE Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay TOT AL FUND EXPENDITURES $ * *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page N o. ~ G3 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form 03 8 8 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Soecial Parks & Recreation Code ( Actual) ( Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax Back Tax Collections City Liquor Tax 70.000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 70.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 CASH AVAILABLE 70.000 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 70,000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay ~undry Expend I tures 70 000 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ * 70.000 Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 19 Budget Special Alcohol Program Code ( Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax Back Tax Collections CI ty II quor Tax 70,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 70,000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 CASH AVAILABLE 70,000 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 70,000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual ServIces 70.000 Commodities Capital Outlay TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ * 70,000 *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No..J.2.. 03 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form S1 8 " 8 SPECIAL REVENUE: RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF SPECIAL ROAD, BRIDGE OR STREET BUILDING MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND BRIDGE BUILDING FUND Preceding Year Current Year to Code 1978 6-30- 79 RECEIPTS: $ Transfers from Interest 1,321 700 TOTAL RECEIPTS I 321 700 CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 30,264 31 ,585 CASH AVAILABLE 3 I ,585 32,285 Less: TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 32.285 CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 31 585 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CASH BALANCE. June 30 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DISBU RSEMENTS: Machinery &: Equipment 32-285 BridQ'e Bui1din~ TOT AL DISBURSEMENTS $ 32 285 NOTE: K.S.A. 68-141g. Any municipality by resolution may transfer, annually, from the road, bridge or street fund not to exceed 25% of the amount of money credited to any such fund, and subject to legal expenditure, in such year to this fund. . . RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF SPECIAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT FUND Preceding Year Current Year to Code 1978 6-30 - 79 RECEIPTS: $ Transfer from Interest I ,911 1,100 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,911 I, 100 CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 35 , I :¿ / -37,038 CASH AVAILABLE 37.038 38.138 Less: TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 38.138 CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 37.038 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CASH BALANCE, June 30 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DISBURSEMENTS: Construction 19 038 Reconstruction 19,100 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1$ 38,138 NOTE: K.S.A. 68-590. Any municipality by resolution may transfer each year from the fund or division budgeted for roads, bridges, highways or streets an amount not to exceed 25% of such fund or division thereof and subject to legal expenditures, to this fund. Page No. -1.1 S1 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form D1 8 8 DEBT SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted DO ND AND INTEREST 19 78 19 79 Budget Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19 80 RECEIPTS: $ TAXES Current Ad Valorem Property Tax 885,880 979,670 979,708 Back Tax Collections 9 ,305 èj,UUU 19,994 A,,+I'"\ De¡::¡IArc:; C. ..-~~ T¡::¡x 3.873 OTHER: Special Assessments 359,907 470,000 649.J 27 Unustd Proceeds Accrued Interest 1,786 L,UUU L,UUU Prepaid SpecIal Assessments -',210 4,UUU 4,UUU Interfund Transfers 61,;¿3:> O',4UU oo,")ou Interest on Investments 363.631 55 000 30,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1.684.954 1,584,070 1,755,082 UNENCUMtit<.Kt<:D CASH BALANCt;, Jan. 1 ?OO tïRO 207, 36R 141 298 CASH AVAILABLE I RR5 5~4 I 7g I 438 I 896 380 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES I 678 166 I 650 140 I 896 380 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 70 7 ~68 141 298 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Principal 1,031 000 1,127,010 1,231,010 Interest Coupons 645 468 52 1 , I 30 6Ie,3/0 CommIssion and Posta~e I 698 2,000 2,000 Casn tlaslsReserve xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4:>,000 TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 1$ 1.678 166 1,650,140* I ,896, 3eo PrecedIng Year Current Year Adopted NO-FUND WARRANT 19 19 Buçget Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19 REC EIPTS: '$ TAXES: Current Ad Valorem Property Tax Back Tax CollectIons OTHt;R: TOT AL Rt;CEIPTS UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, Jan. 1 CASH A V AILABLE Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPENDITURES: Principal Interest TOT AL FUND ExpENDITURES I:¡¡ * *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. lL D1 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNMENT AL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 19 79 Budget S;:m; t~t; nn Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ Interest on Investment 4,227 3,200 3,700 Miscellaneous Service & Sales 552 IUU 100 Service Fees 403,000 460,000 472 ,500 OTHER: TOT AL RECEIPTS 407,779 463.300 476.300 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 136 846 131.307 90.257 CASH AVAILABLE 544.625 594.607 566.557 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 413 318 504.350 511 .600 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORW ARD $ 131. 307 90.257 54.957 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: n "'1.1 Services 244.461 264 700 309.700 ,. L 1Ji'l1~' . 136.724 143.620 " 159.060 u. ~ '",1<; & SuDD1ies 23.086 32.810 42.840 r~n;t~l OlJtli'lv 9.047 63.220 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 413,318 504,350 * 511 ,600 Is an annual audit required? YES NO x *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No.u..... E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNMENT AL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 1978 1979 Budget PaDer RecyclinG Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ Sale of Commodities 15.553 5 000 5 000 OTHER: . TOT AL RECEIPTS 15.553 5 000 5,000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 20.542 19.274 12 .264 CASH AVAILABLE 36 095 24,274 7.?ñ4 Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 16.821 12 010 3,360 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 19.274 12.264 3,904 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services 7 239 9.030 9,910 Contractual Seryices 2.666 ' 2.66(1 3.080 Materlals & Supplies 916 320 370 Sundry EXDenditures 6.000 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 16,821 12,010 * 13,360 Is an annual audit required? YES NO -L. *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. .J..L E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNMENT AL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19 78 1979 Budget Parkinc¡ Meters Code (Actual) (Estimated) 1980 RECEIPTS: $ Parking Meter Revenue 61,206 75,000 85.000 Interest From Investment 732 Parkinq Pennits 19.098 20.000 22 000 Relnbursement of EXDenditures 1 n4n OTHER: TOT AL RECEIPTS Rl ,n::lfi Qfi.n4n 107.000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 17.597 7.350 7,2fiO CASH AVAILABLE QA ¡:\':I':I 10::1 ::IQO "11 ?¡:\{) Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES ql .2R::I qfi 1::10 l{)':1 !:;¡:\{) UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 7.350 7.260 1 0 700 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services 31 823 33,540 36.2RO Contractual Services 1 . '37 1 5 .100 1 7 .850 Mi'lt~rii'lls & Sunn1i~s . ;46 5.990 10.040 Sundrv Exnenditures 3' 00 39 000 3R 810 Canita1 Out1av 6. 77 2.500 580 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 91.283 96.130 * 103.560 Is an annual audit required? YES NO --L- *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. -12 E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 ENTERPRISE/INTRA GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted 19lß... 19:a. Budget Golf Course Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19An RECEIPTS: $ Membership & Green Fees 67.625 86.000 87_000 Pull Cart Rentals 2 370 3.140 1 1"0 Car storage ??12 3.180 ~ nnn Car User Fees ~ 110 1~~0 ./I. nnn Oi 1 Wé 11 I Ø;¡c:ø 4 171 4.000 ./I. ?nn OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS 81.488 99.870 1 01 . 1"0 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 15.206 6.881 fL( CASH AVAILABLE 96.694 106 751 109 U Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 89.813 98.720 106 I' UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORWARD $ 6.881 8.031 3 261 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services 40 R3R 44,770 49-550 Contractual. Serv1ces 23.857 ?t:; ?OO ?O QAn Materials & Sunnlies R.h3? A hhO 11 n?n Sundry ExDenditures 10.985 1./1. nnn 1C:; C:;7n Canita1 Outlay 5.501 6.000 Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 89,813 98,720 * 106.120 Is an annual audit required? YES NO x *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ~ E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 ENTERPRISE/INTRAGOVERNMENT AL SERVICE: Preceding Year Current Year Adopted Solid Waste 191.§... 19zL Budget Code (Actual) (Estimated) 19 An RECEIPTS: $ Income from leased land 12.521 10.000 11 nnn Service Fees 1 ~1 11 7? ll1n nnn 1 I1n nnn OTHER: TOTAL RECEIPTS 143.993 11 ;0 )( 1"1000 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE. Jan. 1 8.903 ? ~h.~m CASH AVAILABLE 152 896 1 2 1 A7 . ~m Less: TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES 139.965 126.430 1 76 1?0 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE FORW ARD $ 12,931 36.501 11. 181 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AND MAJOR OBJECT: Personal Services 57.857 62 440 ñQ 1170 contractual SerV1ces 54.655 43 460 41 -¡mn Materials & SuDDlies Q 4"1 1? 7nn ?n n&::n Sundry ExDenditures 1 a nnn 1 n nnn CaDi tal Outlav 7A10 ~~ nnn . Nonoperating Expense: Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Reserve Accounts Total Nonoperating Expense TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 139,965 126,430 * 176,320 Is an annual audit required? YES NO x *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No...lL E2 . . 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 . FUND DEP AR'I'MENT FUND NO. 90 Water & Sewerage SUMMARY OF EXPEND ITURES , 980 1979 1977 Actual 1978 Actual Acct. No. Description BudSteted Pro;ected Manaszer Commission WATER SUPPLY EXPENSE. Maintenance - Well Pumps & Equipment Well Pump Power Well House Signals River Intake Power Maintenance - Building & Grounds Maintenance - River Basin Subtotal 110 $ 8,716 15,629 3,980 5,195 199 $ 1,510 17,028 6,597 5,804 291 $ 7,500 19,780 4,000 6,575 $ 7,500 20,950 7,060 7,140 200 $ 8,000 24,100 7,550 8,210 250 120 130 140 150 200 160 1 ,.5 75 35,294 453 31,683 1,000 39,055 500 43,350 500 48,610 SOFTENING & TREATMENT EXPENSES Salaries Electric Power Gas Service Building Operating Supplies Chemicals Maintenance - Equipmen1 Maintenance - Bui1ding~ Electric Power Gas Service - Ca1cinin~ Plant Supplies - Calcining Plant Electric Power - Sludge Line Maintenance - Sludge Line Subtotal 210 215 220 225 99,523 43,895 11,839 329 141,961 8,273 295 10,747 114,058 49,874 17,238 146,980 55,550 16,500 141,550 56,500 20,170 350 270,610 10,040 9,600 10,000 158,500 65,700 23,570 323 185,376 9,107 631 11,117 350 155,000 10,000 500 13,600 400 220,000 15,200 12,450 15,000 230 235 240 255 260 30,320 32,247 28,000' 42,200 42,000 270 2,992 6,790 5,500 5,500 3,500 275 -0- 3,425 15,500 15 , 500 14,400 280 -0- 350,174 1,111 431,297 2,000 463,680 2,000 569,820 2,000 572,720 PUMPING EXPENSES Salaries Electric Power Gas Service Lubricants Building Operating Supplies Maintenance - Electrical Equipment & Pumps Maintenance - Station Buildings & Grounds Wearing Apparel Subtotal 61,764 23,006 640 194 310 315 320 325 330 69,706 23,309 854 -0- 72,105 29,100 900 200 72,690 28,670 , 1, 000 200 79,270 32,970 1,170 220 585 600 353 600 600 335 616 544 700 6,000 3,500 340 334 1,310 88,449 728 905 96,399 325 1,300 105,230 600 1,550 111,310 750 1,500 119,980 345 93 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS 2L , Is an annual audit required? YES NO '*Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. l Page No. ...J.ß. E2 " . . . . . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 8 8 FUND DEP AR'IMENT FUND NO. Water & Sewerage 90 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Bud eted Pro ected Mana er CO1II!I1ission DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 410 Salaries 75,050 88,257 100,150 96,500 109,130 420 Meter Maintenance - Supplies 5,636 3,755 6,200 4,000 4,500 425 Vehicles - Equipment Expenses 10,701 10,449 10,500 12,000 15,500 430 Tapping Supplies 8,971 11,891 9,000 16,380 16,000 435 Maintenance - Distribution Mains 7,088 6,676 9,000 18,000 18,000 440 Maintenance - Storage Tanks 855 2,387 3,000 3,500 3,800 450 Maintenance - Hydrants 868 2,142 1,500 4,090 4,000 455 Miscellaneous Materials & Labor 2,478 -0- 2,000 2,000 2,000 Subtotal 111,647 125,557 141,350 156,470 172,930 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING & COLLECTION EXPENSE 510 Salaries 140,284 143,592 167,070 166,930 186,050 520 Servicemen & Meter Readers Supplies 163 187 300 500 300 525 Collection Stations 1,868 1,834 1,900 1,900 1,900 530 Maintenance - Office Equipment 2,693 1,879 2,200 2,200 2,300 535 Office Supplies 6,685 5,837 6,000 6,000 6,200 540 Vehicle Expenses 6,469 6,142 6,000 8,190 8,270 545 Lease EDP Equipment 13,799 13,103 15,000 15,000 15,000 550 Postage 21,952 25,773 24,500 26,900 27,900 555 Wearing Apparel 636 445 500 770 800 Subtotal 194,549 198,792 223,470 228,390 248, 720 ADMINISTRATIVE & G ENERAL EXP EN S E S I 610 Salaries 29,632 31,169 32,160 38,700 44,350 615 Telephone Expenses 3,848 4,001 4,200 4,400 4,700 620 Office Supplies 748 1,430 900 , 1, 600 1,600 625 Special Engineering 675 1,862 2,350 2,350 1,500 ! 630 Social Security 32,472 36,456 45,600 43,000 51,000 ! 635 Insurance - Buildings 25,281 25,790 27,100 .27,100 28,000 640 Sales Tax ~,426 445 1,600 1,800 2,000 645 Property Taxes 55,000 65,000 67,500 67,500 70, 250 650 Accounts Charged Off 800 1,487 1,200 3,300 1,200 655 Long & Short Cash 103 20 100 100 100 660 Employees Retirement 35,567 31,272 45,900 38,000 46,000 663 Unemployment Insurance -0- 1,761 3,700 2,800 3,300 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 95 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET Is an annual audit required? YES NO -L .Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. ..J.2... E2 Acct. ~o. 664 665 666 670 675 680 685 690 695 710 715 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 755 760 765 810 815 825 830 835 840 ~ :. . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 FUND 8 Water & Sewerage DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description Liability Insurance Workmen's Compensation Group Insurance Auditing Expenses Contracting Service Organizational Dues & Membership Maintenance - Government Center Services Performed - Other Departments Employee Development Training Programs Subtotal SEWAGE TREATMENT & COLLECTION EXPENSES Salaries Electric Power Gas Service Plant Operating Maintenance - Equipment Maintenance - Building: & Grounds Maintenance - Pumping Stations Maintenance - Sanitary Sewers Vehicle Expenses Wearing Apparel TV Expenses - Sanitary Sewer Lines Pump Station Monitor Subtotal 1977 Actual 8,159 11,629 22,403 5,150 2,144 521 11,484 24,060 1,254 -0- 272,356 156,483 82,588 8,880 SuppliES 1,325 BOND ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Bond P.rincipal Payment~ Bond Interest Payments Bond Interest Payments '77 Issue Sinking Fund Expenses Issuance Costs Interest Expenses Subtotal 11,716 741 11,821 4,483 15,916 584 517 -0- 295,054 150,000 66,442 -0- -0- -0- -0- 216,442 CITY OF SAUNA t KANSAS Is an annual audit required? 1978 Actual 9,192 21,774 25,917 5,650 5,161 599 10,221 26,625 434 -0- 306,266 188,253 82,857 11,071 1,799 10,529 4,434 11,899 3,780 20,370 729 601 2,092 338,414 111,500 30,099 90,000 -0- 1,116 187,445 420,160 96 Budszeted 9,500 20,000 37,300 5,500 3,000 525 12,000 27,955 1,500 -0- 349,590 244,100 104,525 13,800 1,650 16,000 1,300 15,000 5,500 23,000 800 2,500 3,600 431,775 -0- -0- -0- 386,795 -0- -0- 386,795 YES NO --L 8 1979 Proiected 9,800 11,500 30,000 5,500 3,000 740 12,500 27,960 1,000 1,000 333,650 211,800 101,920 12,950 1,650 14,000 1,050 15,000 5,500 24,940 980 1,200 4,180 395,170 1,000 -0- -0- 110,000 -0- 290,000 401,000 . FUND NO. 90 1980 Manager I Commission: 10,780 13,920 49,500 6,000 5,000 740 13,750 29,920 1,000 1,000 385,610 252,960 117,200 15,150 1,820 15,000 1,300 16,000 6,570 27,430 1,550 2,500 4,480 461,960 1,000 -0- -0- 115,000 -0- 280,000 396,000 1980 ANNUAL 8UDGET *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not ex~eed previously adopted budget. Page No. ...l9- E2 , ' STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 FUND 8 Water & Sewerage D EP AR'IMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. No. Description Cash Remitted to Sanitation Departmen Capital Improvement - Bond Money Capital Expenditures Extension and Bond Retirement Net Cash Transfer to Other current Assets Depreciation & Emergency Sales Tax Remitted Customer Deposit Refunds Transfer to Bond Retirement and Extension Fund Grand Total, CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS Is an annual audit required? 1977 Actual 359,000 1978 Actual 403,000 147,414 1,667,500 136,939 199,063 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ~4,991 -0- -0- -0- 600,000 $2.207.318 $4.833.122 97 YES NO 1979 Bud~eted 454,500 -0- 260,000 -0- -0- -0- 60,000 50,000 -0- 8 P'l'o;ected 460,000 -0- 136,280 -0- -0- -0- 60,000 50,000 -0- . FUND NO. 90 1980 Mana2er Commission 472 , 500 -0- 150,000 200,000 -0- 200,000 60,000 50,000 -0- 2,965,445 2,945,440 ~3,539,030 L.. 1980 ANNUAL 8UDGET *Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. Page No. 1.L E2 Acct. No. 910 915 921 930 950 970 980 990 ~.. . STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 FUND 8 Water & Sewerage DEPARTMENT Description Water Revenue Sewerage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping and Front Footage Service Fire Hydrant Reimbursement Service Charge - Sanitation Department EPA - Grants Interest Income Sanitation Fees Collected Extension and Bond Retirement Proceeds from Bond Iss e Proceeds from Bond Sale - Depreciation & Emergency Net Cash Increase on Current Assets Sales Tax Collected Meter Deposit Grand Total Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash . Balance December 31 . SUMMARY OF REVENUE 8 1971 Actual 1978 Actual 1979 Budgeted Projected FUND NO. 90 1980 Manager Co~ssion $1,371,268 $1,530,516 $1,518,400 ~1,570,000 )1,620,000 591,959 602,658 634,400 625,000 650,000 4,187 5,361 7,500 8,000 8,000 20,194 19,745 16,000 81,135 33,702 30,000 5,980 7,658 -0- 6,634 545,100 64,513 9,000 -0- -0- 359,000 403,000 454,500 -0- -0- -0- 1,667,500 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 6,813 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 60,000 50,000 . 18,000 30,000 7,000 40,000 50,000 460,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 60,000 50,000 $2,448,194 $4.878.729 $2.779.800 $2.918.000 . 19,000 30,000 ,7 , 000 -0- -0- 472,500 200,000 -0- 200,000 -0- 60,000 50,000 3.316.500 $ 181,397 $ 422,273 2,448,194 4,878,729 ~ 467,880 ~ 440,044 2,918,000 3,316,500 2,629,591 5,301,002 2,207,318 4,833,122 $ 422,273 $ 467,880 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Is an annual audit required? 98 YES NO - 3,385,880 2,945,440 3,756,940 3,539,030 $ 440,440 ~ 217,910 1980' ANNUAL au D GET . .Total Current Year's estimated expenditures may not exceed previously adopted budget. - Page No. .R E2 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form V STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS < Purpose Date of Interest Amount of Amount Date Due Due Current Year Due Bud. et Year Bonds Issue Rate Bonds Issued Outstanding- Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest PrinciDal Flood ront"ro1 5-1-61 3 to 3!.s ,$ 1.132.000 180.000 Mar-Sept Mar-Sept 5.775 60,000 3,675 60,000 Floor1 ront"rol 11-1-63 3 to 3!.s 260.000 78 000 Mav-Nov Mav-Nov 2.328 13,000 1,922 13,000 1;1-.....",...." 11 .1 -h'1 3!t. to 3 3/8 675 000 255 000 Mav. Nov Mav.Nov 8.145 35,000 7,008 35,000 ('; t-u. - --£1 11.1 ,hh 1 R t"o '1 1 1 00. 000 495 000 Mav. Nov Mav.Nov 18 810 55.000 16.720 55.000 ('.n1f ('nllrs¡:> 12- 1-6 7 3 3/4 t"o 41,; 75 000 47.000 June Dee June-Dee 1. 998 5,000 1. 785 6,000 ('.olf" 10..1 68 3 1/4 to 41,; 75 000 47.000 Apr Oet Apr Oet 1. 998 5.000 1,785 6,000 ~¡:>tJ¡:>r ~¡:>nRrat"i m 12-1-69 5!t. 131. 385 27.000 June-Dee June-Dee 1.418 13 , 000 735 14,000 PRrk Imnr. 4-1-74 4 10 to 4.20 100-000 60.000 Apr-Oet Apr-Oet 2.510 10,000 2,100 10,000 R, r r.ent:er 5-1- 77 4.60 to 5!t. 6.500.000 6.175.000 Aor-Oet Aor-Oet 198.513 325,000 83,563 325,000 Park Imnr. 12-15- 77 4.56 to 4.75 250.000 250.000 Mar-Seot Mar 18.689 25,000 9,506 25,000 Park IIDor. 6-1-79 5.375 to 6 250.000 -0- June-Dee Dee -0- -0- 21,272 25,000 Total 7.614.000 ~ (,.(\ ll:fK " M, 00 0 ~"O 071 "7T. '()()() Str. & Uti!. 12-1-59 3.5 to 4 402.738 40,000 June-Dee June-Dee 1,312 20,000 563 20, OOG Str. & Uti!. 11-1-60 2.75 to 3.5 551.386 81,000 May-Nov May-Nov 2,590 27,000 1,645 27,000 Str. & Uti1. 11-1-61 2.75 to 3.5 605,943 120,000 May-Nov May-Nov 3,938 30,000 2,888 30,000 Parking Lots 11-1-62 2.5 to 3 1 375.366 272 . 000 May-Nov May-Nov 7,650 68,000 5,610 68,000 Str. & Util. 11-1-62 2.5 to 3 456.284 88.000 May-Nov May-Nov 2,475 22,000 1,815 22,000 Str. & Util. 11-1-63 3 1/8 to 3.5 986.218 '297,000 May-Nov May-Nov 8,922 47,000 7,375 52,000 Str. & Uti1. 11-1-65 3.25 to 3 3/ 265.000 85,000 May-Npv May 2,579 15,000 2,173 10,000 Str. & Uti1. 11-1-67 3.70 to 4.25 155,000 55,000 May-Nov Nov 2,2QO 10,000 1,800 5,000 Str & Util 11-1-68 3.90 to 4.25 58.268 31.000 May-Nov Nov 1.347 3,000 1,230 3,000 Str. & Uti!. 11-1-68 3.90 to 4.25 376,223 35,000 May-Nov Nov 1,365 35,000 -0- -0- Str. & Util. 11-1-69 5.25 170,814 40,000 June-Dee Dee 2,100 20,000 1,050 20,000 Str. & Util. 4-1-70 5.50 to 6 79,482 48,000 June-Dee Dee 2 , 7tirr 4,000 2,540 4,000 Str. & Util. 12-1-70 4.25 to 4.70 147,102 45,000 June-Dee Dee 2,093 15,000 1,399 15,000 Str. & Util. 12-1- 71 3~ to 3 5/8 245.861 100,000 June-Dee Dee 3,500 25,000 2,700 25-, 'UOU Str. & Uti1 12-1-74 4.1 to 4.75 250,736 150,000 June-Dee Dee 6,213 25,000 5,150 25,000 !it"r Fv ITt";l <)-1-75 4 25 to 5 3/£ 428 000 315 000 June-Dee Dee 16.425 45.000 14.175 45,000 ~t"r Fv ITH 1 12-1- 77 4 4 t:o 4 7 888 000 850 000 June-Dee Dee 38.810 90.000 34.580 95.000 qt-.... ~ ITt";l h-l 7R 4,6 vo I) 7'1'1 000 755 000 June Dee Dee 54-656 80.000 31.574 75.000 ~t"r ~ TTt-;l h-1-7Q '1 17'1 t"o h 1 286 000 -0 June Dee Dee 0 -0- 09.354 116.000 'Pnt-R1 ~ 407 000 60.935 581.000 27.621 657.000 Grand Total 11.,021,000 52T,T19 1,127,000 in ,692 1,231,000 Temporary Note 1,449,802 43,530 687,007 75,000 /62,795 TJRt"¡:>r & Sewe al?e ~ e Refund ino 5 1-78 6 25 to 6.37 4 394 000 4.394 000 Feb Aug Feb 1385.795 1,000 80.000 1.000 8 8 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form VI 8 8 COMPUTATION OF UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE (Schedule 1) Less: Cash Unpaid Unencumbered Balance Warrants Purchase Cash Balance December 31 Outstanding- Orders Jan.!. Cur. Yr. GENERAL 1$ 548.738 228,655 320,083 SPECIAL REVENUE: Bond & Interest 207,368 207,368 Emo1ovees. Benefits 369,750 369,750 Sanitation 131.307 131.307 Paoer Recvclina 19.274 19 274 Parkina Meters 14.113 6,763 7 .~~n Golf Course 6.881 6.881 Soecia1 Gas 116.364 4,340 112 024 Solid Waste 13.187 256 12 _931 Federal Revenue Shari no 76.208 54.410 21 79A Water & Seweraoe 557,196 89,316 467.880 Street Machinerv 31.586 31.5R6 S6-eci a 1 Reserve 37,038 37.038 All Funds $ 2.129.010 383,740 1. 745 . 1 70 VI STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form VII GENERAL SPECIAL REVENUE: Em 10 ees' Benefits Fund Util it Fund Bond & Interest Total All Funds 8 8 TAX ACCOUNTS - CURRENT YEAR (Schedule 2) 73 016.17 3 577 792.59 COMPUTATION OF PERCENTAGE OF TAX DELINQUENCY 1977 Levied 1 916 705.33 914 072.39 General Fund Bond and Interest Fund S ecial Assessments VII STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form II (80) 8 AGGREGATE TAX LIMIT COMPUTATION (Sehedule A) Check Base Year Used: Taxes levied in 1968 for budget year 1969 Taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970 x 1. Total tangible taxes levied for the Base Year for purposes included within the aggregate limitation. 2. Assessed tangible valuation for 1968 or 1969. $1.175.634 3. Rate (Line 1 divided by Line 2). 18.745 % 4. Assessed valuation for 1979 of: a. New improvements to real estate since the Base Year. (Exclude values in added territory.) b. Increased personal property since the Base Year. (Exclude values in added territory.) 8 $ 62,717,142 + 17.356.426 + 27.360.192 5. Net increase in Total Valuation. 18.745 % X 107,433,760 = 6. Basic aggregate limitation for 1979 7. Assessed tangible valuation for 1979: a. Before addition or exclusion of territory since the Base Year. b. Terri tory added since the Base Year. c. Territory excluded since the Base Year. 8. Percentage of Adjustment: a. Territory added (Line 7b divided by 7a). b. Territory excluded (Line 7c divided by 7a). 9. Amount of adjustment in aggregate limitation: a. Territory added (Line.6 multiplied by Line 8a). b. Territory excluded (Line 1 multiplied by Line 8b). 10. New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. (Amount determined by County Clerk. See K.S.A. 79-5010.) 11. Increase authorized by election. years, voted , 19 -' first levy year 19 -' 12. Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals. authorized, first levy year 19 -' years 13. Functions transferred: a. In b. Out (Add or deduct the total amounts levied for any function or service that were levied in the year preceding the transfer.) 14. TOTAL AGGREGATE TAX LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1980 (Sum of Lines 6, 9, 11, 12 and 13. Cities qualifying under K.S.A. 79-5010 should start with Line 10.) II 101. 927.154 3.306.740 -0- 3.2442 -0- $ 2,013,846 % % 65,333 -0- NA None None None None $2.079.179 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form II (79) WORKSHEET FOR COMPUTATION OF NEW IMPROVEMENTS TO REAL ESTATE, INCREASES IN PERSONAL PROPERTY, AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF TERRITORY ADDED OR EXCLUDED SINCE BASE YEAR (Schedule B) ill New Improve- Valuation in Territorv Added (Excluded) ments on Real Personal State Total Real Real Personal State Total l New Imp. Estate Property Assessed Valuation Estate Estate Property Assessed Valuation Real Estate (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1. Base Year ~ V alua bon 1"-,,- 111 "-r::.l ~1 1 1R7 2,}' f.. OOf. l. l' ;(..? 717 1[, xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 2. 1969 Valuation Delete if Base Year) xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 273.970 3. 1970 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 11 202 636 4. 1971 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 651 110 5. 1972 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 881 590 6. 1973 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 1 504 930 1 009.21C 1 f\f\Q ?1f\ 7. 1974 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 1.264 280 17 07C 17 070 8. 1975 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 1.745.050 9. 1976 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2 021 710 8 24( 8 240 ). 1977 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2 468 560 27 7H 27 710 L. 1978 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2.896.650 683H 132 345 200 655 ~. 1979 Valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59,316,23C 37 .416.24( 8.501 42L 105 233.8c 4 2.445. 9~ 2.012 .42( 31.435 2 043 855 l. Change from Base Year 25,028.98' 2,494,98 xxxxxxxxx 17 356.42~ xxxxxxxxx 163 780 3 306 740 i. Less: Territory Added Since Base Year 163. 78( 3.306 74C -0- ). Net Change 24 865.20' 2 494 98 101 927 P 4 l7.356.~ 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 Line 13. Columns 2 and 3: Line 12 minus Line 1. Columns 5, 7 through 11: Sum of Lines 2, and 4 through 11. Column 9, Post total of territory added to 7b, Schedule A; total territory excluded to 7c, Schedule A. Line 15. Columns 2 and 3: Line 13, minus Line 14. Post sum of Columns 2 and 3 to 4b, Schedule A. Column 4: Line 12 minus Line 14. Post to 7a, Schedule A. Column 5: Line 13 minus Line 14. Post to 4a, Schedule A. Line 14. Column 2 equals Column 7. Column 3 equals Column 8. Column 4 equals Column 9. Column 5 equals Column 10. 8 8 - x STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form IX COMPUTATION OF TAX LIMITS AND RATE OF LHVIHS Estimated Assessed Valuation $ 105 :t.23J,894 Less: Amount of Less: Budget Year Levv Lirr it LAVTR. 'Tn Limit T i¡X T. .... 2 % Ad Valorem $ $ Fund Authoritv Mills Mills $ Mills $ Mills Delinouent Tax Renuirement General Charter Or . #9 186.420 7.262 tl.816.752 36.335 L 780.417 Ar,rHH'("'.ATF. TAX T.JMI' r. 7g.. ..^^~ 2.079.179 186.420 1.892.759 1.816.752 Emoloveesl Benefits Charter Orc. 17 7 . 150l 752,510 15,050 737.460 Uti 1 itv II II 17 3 787 3oa ~"Jn "Joa C:"Jn -- Bond & Interest 10-113 9 499f 999. '02 19.994 97Q70A Soecial Liabilitv SB-76 057œ 60 ( 100 -- &;:n.nnn TnT AT. X x 186,420 38.27 4,027,494 x x x x x x ,. 8 8 8 AFFidavit of Publication 8 Following is a true and correct copy of ORDT:¡M!("F mj}ftìF.R í~7,)7 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDA vir AU~U3t :7 ,19 79 »~~~ (PÙblish8cIln Ti;, Salina Jo~~i: ' " August 16, 1979) '- ' OIDINANCE NUMIIR .m ~OIIDINANCE PROVIDING, ADOPT" IllIG AND Al'PItOf'RIATiNG. IY FUND. THE BUDGET OF THE CITY FOR THE ,YEAR IEGlNNING JANUAltY 1. 1910, ' IE... IT oaDAINED by ,.... ~rnlng Iody--ctf the City of SaliN. K_" ...... '.The fIròpoMd budget and fI~ _1aI lta~ lIS -- an standard .... Itudget fbnna. and 8UbMquent ta no- flea 01 Moring cnII public hearing II ap. 1ItGV8It. adapted, and appraprlafec , by ,Iund.. Os the IIICII'lnium 'a_.... fa be n. ~ for the IM:Iget '-' star11ng -- :~"'i ~~'8ody C8tttf1~ ... the ~ showftfa1le ralMcl by ... ~ ~ '- --.. wIttII" atatutoIy or duly iIcIoPt8cf charter ardI- a~~~::~~æ ... . ...... WI ect fa 'a LIII. 0': Gen8ntI, 1,116'.112 """1.090 ;¡..., toW, ' ,UI6.752 ",."'1.090 , ~ &..- .,.. .1II[_uo 'et UIf ' .~, ' -- NMftts Funct 752.510 1."0.260 -utility FvAd 398.530' -.- ~ Llalllllty . 6O.CIOØ ' . 76.CIOØ - Mtatal 1.211.C1~" 1.-.710 ..... I8rvIc8 FuncII-Not SuItIed, Ie 'a UcI ,8oncI and 1ft""" 999.702 1,896.- " SItbtatoI, ,999.m 1.896.- .~ ~ TØTA&. TAX~~IEO i, ,',021.49" .~ (UtIlity) Âtnd8 ' , , and~, Þ.539.O» :'~ Sanitation- ",' <v.": .51.l.600 , P.,.elt8cycllng' ,0' " 13.360 " PorttIng,Meters "IO3.S60. "',GoIf eoun. . 101.120 , ,,$aIJd Waste ,'" 176.320 ScIbfotoI " : ,,':: """'.990 .....u.-... FUftde :' a-u. Sharing , $.06.- , $fI8cIa1 HIgh.., Fund .466.310 , ",SpecIcK Parks and It8creatlon 7O.CIOØ , . . ,SpecIoI Alcohol Piagram 7O.CIOØ ."" SuiIIotaI," $1.012.$10 , TOT A&. ADOPTED BUDGET OF EXPEDlTUltE5'.-&.L FUNDS 113.701.680 IectIon 3. This ardlnance shall toke ef. fect alldbe I.. full forc8 from and after Its .odoptfort and 'pubIièottaa - In ,... aHl~ cIaI'clty_spa.-., ",', .,' ' 1ItkacIuc8d: Augulf 6. 1979 Pfts8d:i, Augult 13. 1 pan 50 ;.GeI1. " ,ActIng;M8yoc t<TTEST'" " ' , '0' .D.L.~ofyØerk .'~..,.. ~c...;.í..;..-.;;ðIi""""~";';,$,,:iiÁ;l,,,. , , ----- I, Paul G. Webb being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am th€' Advert: is in" - manager of thp Sa! in;! .JDurn:!] a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attacheñ ORDI~ANCE NU}ffiER 8727 and that sakI ORDINAnCE r.."UMBER 8727 Subscribed and sworn to before mp ;e; ,..... Notal Public D.L. HARRISON Saline County. Kaf1S88 My Apøt. &p. July 31. 1981 A.davit of Publication 8 Following is a true and correct copy of CHARTER ORDINANCE NUMBER 17 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDA vir I, Paul G. Webb being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am Advertising th,. manager of th,. Salina Journal a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attachPñ CHARTER ORDINANèE NUMBER 17 and that sakI CHARTER ORDINANCE NUMBER 17 of the date of Subscribed and sworn to before m" June 26 , 19 ~~~ Notary Public 79 :& - D.L. HARRISON Saline County. ICIInsas My Apøt. EIq). Julv 31. 1981 (Flnt published in The Solina Journol. J- lB. 1979) . CMAITU ORDJNANCE NUMIIR 17 A CHARTER OROINANCE EXEMPTING THE CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS. FROM . K.S.A. 79.5011; PROVIDING SUBSTITUTE .AND ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS ON THE SAME SU8..IECT; AND AUTHORIZING THE . LEVYING OF TAXES TO OlEATE A SPE. CIAL FUND FOI THE PURPOSE OF PAY- ING UTILITY COSTS AND EMPlOYEE BENE. ,fJT$; AMENDING CHARTER ORDINANCE 'NUM.R 16 AN£rREPEALING SAID ORIGI- ~ MAL CHARTER ORDINANCE. . ,81 IT ORDAINED by the Governi"9 'Iocly of ,he City of Solina, Konsas: .' ~S8dIoft 1. The City of Solina. Konsa.,. . by ,he powe4' ...sted in it by Artida 12. "Section S of ,he Constitution of ,he State of Konsas. hereby eI- '° a.empt itself from ond make inoppllcabla '° it K.S.A. 79.5011. and '° pr_ida substitute and- add"l-' provisions os hereinafter set, forth In tftis char1er ordlnanca. K.S.A. 79~ 5011 I, . part of the enactment of the¡ !avislatura ..tablishingon Clfir89Q" tax: '-Y IImitaIion applicable ta,his city but not ""icabla unif_Iv' '0 oil eltI... anct the legislature has not ..tabllshed ~. .. of elt... for the pu.".,... of 1mp0ain9. aggregate IImlta'I_"'" said conatitu- 'lanai provlsi_. S8dIoft 2. The provisions 0'" K.S.A. 79J 5001 ta,79.5016. Inclusn... sholl.".t oppl.,. '° or limit the I...,. o"ox.. by ,he City at Satino. lor the paymen' at.. ' (01. PYincipoi ond in_t upon and.t....porary -; (bl. No-tund _rronta iaauacl with ,he 0 It0YGI of the State Boord of Tax , A9tMOls: (cl. Laval ¡.........ts rendered CI9CIlnst ,he city: (dl. Rent d... under emy 1- with a public building commiaai_: (al. Spacial ossassman's chargH agoinst ,he city.at.large: (f). Utility servica cOlts. whether paid from a saporota property '0. I...,. fund 01 ,he city or from ~ o,her' ... supported fund: (II}. Employ.. benefit costs. ' S8dIoft 3. The provision. of Artlda 50 of Chop.... 79 of 'he Ka..... Sta'ut.. An- notated sholl not apply '0 any '0... I.... ied by the City of Solino. 1...led under ,he provlsl- of K.S.A. .0-2305. 74-4920. 74- 4967. 12.11003. 13-1441 or 12.161711-or 13- 14100. and K.S.A. 1977 Supplement 13- 14002. 14-1D002. or to any ,a.l...îaa .. quiracl lor ,he payment of amployer con- 'rlbutlona ,. any pension ond ..tiram- program. or '° any other 'ox.. author. izacl. by ..... law ,rJ be levied in addition ta or a.ampt Irom ,he agllrago'a I"'f limitation of ,he City of Sallno. . Amoùnta produced from any I...,. spaci- flacl or authorized 10 'hi. chorter 'ordl-Ì nonce. including' any I...., or PUr 1C188 <»-i fhorized ta be 1...led in odditlon '0 or' a.-pt from ,he aggrava'a I...,. limit of- the city. shall not be usacl in computing' any Clfir89Q" liml!otion under Artlcla SO of CIMtptar 79 of the Ka..... Statutu.. An- notated.. ' , S8dIoft 4. The City of Sollno I.. herabr ............ '° J...,. a ta. for the JIUfPOM' of paying utility sarvlce costs. As uød i... ...... cho....- ordinance. "utility sarvic. coats" sholl Include pcrfftt8ftts made. byj the city to a -..... electric 01' natu'" go.. .,-. c_pony 01'. ut~1i for the pur.; ~ of obta'ni"9 st.- I 1t"9 Of' trofflci -- ...,.Is or lor Ii"'. \Ioot1"9.", cool.... 01' supplying of _tar 01' ~ 10 any city building. or focility or for CIfMI"II'- or ~ - of any or service by. ,he city. ; , SectIoR 5. The CIty of Solino fa .......,. authorIz8d 10 Iavy ct taX fOf' .... PUr lOl8< of paying employee benefit coats. .... uød i~ this c:faartw ordlno-.. "....pI~ ......,11 -"", sholl Include without limi- 1oficMt. ~ts rnocIa bot the City for ~ cIaf MCUrity. Konw8 Public Em~ let"'-l 6>'818m. -'<man'. compan- satt- banafi18. ....ploynoant Meurlty'., -DIO¥- componsotl- benefits. 1Co..... ;ala and Fira Retl........t Sy.. 8m. employee and offlcø liability pro-' 'action and- ...Hleal. ha.lth. hosp;.. . toIlzatlott and life i_ranee. whether f- the ampIoyaa,... hili or her dependents. ' S8dIoft .. Chop- Ordlnonc8 Number- 16 of the City of SoIlna. ltG_. is '--by fttIOCIlad. .. ; S8dIoft 7. ThIs Cbortar Ordinanca sholl', be.publlshacI once eocn weak for tw-> (21 -"- weaks, In the offlciol city _paplr. ~ ... this I. G cho....- ordlnanca and sholt toke effect 8i~ (611 days. after its final publication. unl- a suf- ficient pomlon for a. rafarendurn I. Iliaci GIld . ..fwandum held - the ordinonca - providacl in Article 12. Section 5. sub- cllvi8I- (cl (31 of the Constitution of Kan- -. In which c:osa the ordinanca lhall be- - effactha if apprcwacl by 'M maiOl'- ity 9f the alectors votl"9 ,he....... , ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BODY by not leu ,han two.'hirds ('hI of ,he ~ect votinll in '- the....,f and approved by ,he Miayor ,his 18th day of~. 1979. KAREN M. GRAVES Miayor ATTEST: D. L. HAlltlSOH City CI- ,( SEAl. 1 (2tap) ;