1975 Budget Certificate I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STATE OF KANSAS Bt1DCET FORM No.8 Cities of the Second Class and/ or Cities of the First Class 1975 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1974 CITY OF Salina Saline COUNTY, KANSAS STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS K. S. A. 1973 Supp. 79-2926 and 79-2927 require the governing body of all cities to prepare an itemized budget and financial statement, prior to August first each year, on fonns prescribed by the State Auditor and distributed by the State Deparbnent of Property Valuation, K. S. A. 1973 Supp. 79-2929 requires that the proposed budget be publishedi~ at least one issue of a weekly or dai1y newspapC'r hèning general circulation within the county, that the publication shall contain a notice of a healing to be held on such budget, and that pubJication shall be made not less than ten days prior to the date of said hearing, K. S. A. 1973 Stipp, 79-2930 requires that a copy of the published budget, together with proof of publication thereof, be attached to this fann when certified to and ß1ed with the County Clerk. K. S. A. 79,1801 and K. S. A. 1973 Supp. 79,2930 require that this fonn shaH be certified to and filed with the County Clerk on or before August twenty-fifth. At the same time a certified copy must be fì1ed with the State Auditor, State House, Topeka, Kansas 66612. K. S. A. 197.3 Supp. 79,2930 provides that the governing body shall not certify a levy to the County Clerk which will raise an amount in excess of that portion of the adopted budget to be derived from said tax levy or which wiJI exceed the maximum ledes prescribed by law. K. S. A. 1973 Stipp. 79,1965 requires the COUi1ty Clerk to reduce any excessive or illegal levies certified to him, and to notify the taxing sub- division in elTor seven days before doing so. K. S. A. 1973 Supp. 12-1671 provides that invcshnents and time depos1t certificates authorized by law and held by munídpalitiö as defined in K. S. A. 10-1101 shall be considered cash for purposes of the cash basis law. Use purchase price only, not maturity value. K. S. A. 1973 Supp. 12-1672 provides that moneys disbursed by such municipalities for investments and time deposit certificates authorized by law shall not be considered expenditures for purposes of the budget law. INSTRUCTIONS Prepare this budget on or before August 1, 1974. It is recommended that £.'lJ.e budget be prepared and published as soon after July 1, 1974, as possible to insure compliance with the law. Latest date for publishing budget is August 5, 1974. Latest date for healing on budget is August 15, 1974. At least ten days must elapse between date of publication and date of hearing. Insert adopted budget fiQ;ures in column provided, fin in certificate on page 2 and file this fonn with County Clerk not later than August 26, 1974. It is recommended that same be filed much earlier if possible. Do not overlook attaching copy of publication and proof of publication to this fonn before filing with County Clerk. INFORMATION K. S. A. 1973 Supp, 79-2927 requires the budget to show actual revenues reœived by source sep¡rately stated for the preceding budget year, actual and estimated for the current budget ye:¡r and also the amount estimated to be received for the en suing budget year. The General Operating Fund for cities of the second class shall include the following activities: General Government; Police Department; Fire Department; Health and Sanitation, including Refuse Collection and Disposal; Highways (all public traveled ways, including bridges); Sewer MaintenaI'.ce, Sanitary and Stonn; Sewage Treatment and Disposal; Parks; Cemeteries; Street Lighting; Rest Rooms; Hydrant Rental; Forestry; l\Iilitary Memorial Maintenance. The funds for cities of the first class shall be submitted in accordance with applicable statutes. This budget fonn should be utilized by cities of the first class. Budgets submitted on fonns other than prescribed shall coincide with prescribed fonus as to style and content. Such forms shall contain no less infonnation than is required in prescribed budget fonns. " ".. I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I ,I CERTIFICATE TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF Sa line COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS: We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of the City of Sa I i na in Sa line County, Kansas, do hereby certify that the Proposed Budget and Financial Statement as shown herein was duly published as required by law, and that a hearin~ was held on the 5th day of Auqust 1974, and that after such hearing the adopted budget of expenditures as shown herein was duly approved and adopted as the maximum amounts to be expended for the ensuing budget year, and further certify the amounts shown to be raised by an ad valorem tax levy are VI.'Íthin statutory tax limitations. . I .- 1975 Total Ad Valorem Tax FUNDS I Adopted Budget Requirements of Expenditures (from Schedule 3, Column 5) Genml Operating, . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. , .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , $ 2..l.6.8. 875.00 1$ 1 .468.563.92 í/o/!r/.. .. , . F, i.r.~r¡1~,I').'.~. p'E;)f1.~ J qr).. , , . , . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . , .. , .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. , 9~ 145.00 88,667.82 f,iultlc-/p£.liin41. . , , , . ,~.<? !.i.ç~.rT)~n ~? ,~.~':1,~! ?,~. .. . ... . . . . . . , . . , . . . . .. .. . . . ' , . , .. . . , . 56,670. 00 59,916. 10 Social Security, . . .. .. .. .. .. .. " " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . , . 195,000.00 - 63, 343.47 Employees Retirement. . . . . (~~~,~?>.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 155, 000 . 00 57,919.42 Special Highway"",....",.,."..,..,...".".......... .."......."..............,.", -_XXXXXXXXXXXXXX)(X Pol ice a~d Fire Retirement (KPFRS) 55,000.00 , 22,070.00 j';onm¿s Compensation ~2,OOO.00 I 32,OOQ._00- Bond and Interest 986,000.00 I 408,603.25 No-FuJ:l.d ~':arrant ", ,"'" 39,840:00 39,840.00 San ¡tat ion Servlfe - . 352; 125. 00 b~õb-' Paper Rpryrlirt.g._. 47,,175.90 0.00 PQLking ~.1eters - 112,605..Q~1- 0:00- BQ1f Course 65,765.00 I 0.00 , .special Ga~ol ine Tax ~12,301.00 J 0.00 ,Sol id--YLa~te_D[sposal 93,990.00 I 0.00 ylater::. an_d S,§)weraqe 2,772,830,-00 1- 0.00 1- ---I :::~o:;'~:~~~¡.....,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I Water Utility. . . . "" ... .. ... . ... . . ...... ..... ......... "" . . . , .. .. .. . . ,. , . . . .. .. , . . .. . . X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X ElectricUtiJity......,...........................................,.............:...:::..:' " '0'" XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx X SewageDisposal....,.,.,................................,...,........,....,........:'...: "_x'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GasUtility",.......,............................................,....,.,..........,...." , x xx xxx xxx xxx xxx x "Utility....................................,......,..,............. xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx x Utility.....................................,...,.,."..""""'" xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx x Utility..........................,.....",.,.....,.,.,....,........ Ixxx xxx xxx xxx xxx x 'Ve further certify thatn fOI, foregoing staœments are true and correct as, sh()\YIl by the /JIlinutes of the governing b~ said city. , ATTEST: ~~ ' ' Þ<~ City Clerk. W. M. Usher,J>1ayor Filed this ::.. 0 day of ~ 1974. tP.J.-~ ~ ' County Clerk. I ,",,", 35,%455.5.8.63 (2) I I I I I ", , wi. I 1 1 I I 1 too 1 ¡: ~ 12. 1 1 ,~ ** I ,r. 1 -.-" v, I, TH ¡ S nni.¡ ! ,S TO Bt: ~;.~DE A P!;J'tT OF ÐJDGET FOO:.1 NO. 5 (X~ 8 * 1\C!3REG;\7~ TAX LEVY LlMITATIO>1S FCR 1974 C¡Tl' 0:: -~~:~~~;~,,:=,_..._. I. Tdr:! adjusted tD;tgitl:; icv¡Gd for tho base yr::ð:- 1969 or !970 for 9urpasGs iiìCi:.Jdsd \¡(.¡;,h¡n "H';0 . ..: ¡:t:1!,¡~n:~:: r~~¡¡;') 3, p.,':r ;,};'73.,~:l2Çpj. " J.bL!d'~~-; :Cií:1}".." " "'-,.. ',', Cn¿,ç!(yc:;-USC;i::!: ¡;.;1><ç::j;C,l~(;C (¡;:;;c>d . 1;'0;;1 ~.,~¡¿X(;::,;¡ovt::.d¡nl>c9Tci"hu(), )""""...i.; ,'" .,," :O'I';"C:'-"" ;y c/,:; !jt:u~-J 1,AJ' }'pr'au"'p of errc" -ín~ëó';""¡)utinb'" base )'ear (2.S Per Ccunty'"'CT'è~¡:;,-) L.£. ,- .J~,~L.t;;~ J Y~.J,'J " J_- J~ -, - ~ ", ;,ssessed tðr.ç;iblo VaiU¡:;1-¡O:1 fo; 1968 or !969 \¡,hîchever year e~6d above. (I Ine 4" PðJÐ lot ¡r;73 stJ?p;c:-:-.cni"a¡ cudSJt 'form) G . G ~ Q . . ~ .. . . . .. 6 .. . . . .. '" " .. " " $ e " " .. .. .. " .. 01> .. ~ 2. Rutû r:øC'3ssar"y "(0 PíC<:]¡lC'J ~Tr:)lm-'¡ or, I ¡ nc !" 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('" r::; ~'~ ~£) ':~ :[:5 <1 ;.; . ~} , é" . -~) . ~:: ,.... :¡.: :.: c: d Ò .,: L,' '>' ;j~ f': '::) no> ;::: Ö 0 ....... .c N ....... c: . t,' ,~) " ...... . c: 0 'f- " ;\) .¡~ (') "(J) i.. '. "J ::1 :,i t:: >, . :> ,¡) , ,~~ -(~ ;;4 ..' C'} J.,. ,~ 'L ,,- (i¡ 'J:" .;:). tr ,'~ ~:! ~) . íh +. . ,;! ¡;-, . Ö ",. . OJ 0) . 0 'r, ,,' ~"" . \'J .C . .(,. . c v) () -". " JI 'Q :?:; <') 1;) .:, (J..-.. ,,) ;y; ('2 ':¡ .:);; .:..: ~~N {) .- . co "1::, . HI ,.. .~ ::x c: ~ "- 0 I cT) Q ¡-;;f,,) C"'\.1) . - - I I I' I, 1 . 'I I I I I I' I 1 I BUDGET AND TAX LEVY SUMMARY YEAR 1973 YEAR 1974 YEAR 1975 ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED BUDGET Funds Tax Levy Expenditures Tax Levy Expenditures Tax Levy Expenditures . ~ Genera 1 Operat i ng ,X 18.6490 2,366,878.45 19.0892 2,563,550.00 20.4831 2,768,875.00 \Nox iou,s' Weeds / 0.0913 6,065.56 . 0.0897 7,350.00 0.0000 0.00 ' À F10~d Works and Levee\/ 0.3977 26,144.70 0.3951 '28,695.00 0.0000 0.00 ,Tree Ma i ntenance \ 0.0581 7,341.94 0.1090. 9,785.00 0.0000 0.00 /,Firemen's Pension/ 1.5403 68,969.43 1 .5040 69,]45.00 1,2367 94,'145.00 /Po1icemen's Pension 0.5298 26,51] .23 0.4827 28,025.00 0.8357 56,670.00 ~SociaJ Security v / 0.6340 160,206.50 0.6611 172,000.00 0.8835 195,000.00 ,-Employees Retirement (KPERS) ~ 0.6830 118,443.23 0.7294 136,000.00 0.8078 155,000.00 Police & Fire Retirement (KPRFS)v 0.0000 0.00 0.5624 29,900.00 0.3078 55,000.00. ' ,Workmen's Compensation 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.00 0.4463 32,000.00 Bond and Interest / 8.1860 1,081,780.]7 6.6065 1,024,200.00 5.7033 986,000.00 -No-Fund Warrants 0.6108 40,000.00 0.4809 32,969.00 0.5558 39,840.00 Sanitation Service../' 226,295.95 322,265.00 352,;25.00 "Paper Recyc 1 i ng"/ 0.00 39,415.00 47,175.00 Parking Meters v 97,544.52 103,770.00 112,605.00 ,Golf Course ,/ 49,756.97 55,900.00 65,765.00 Special Gasoline Tax/ 303,843.00 340,467.63 312,301.00 ..->Sol id Waste Disposal'/ 0.00 80,840.00 93,950.00 Water and Sewerage 1,412,146.75 2,476,425.00 2,772,830.00 TOTAL 31.3800 5,991,928.40 30.7100 7,520,701.63 31.2600 8,139,321.00 Taxes per $100.00 $3.138 $3.071 $3.126 OJ I COMPUTATION OF I FUNDS I GeneraIOperating.......,.,.,..."".,.,.. rfj'61a1l.. .NR~.i Q1,J~, ,W.E¡~,d.~.. , . . ... ., . .. lI1Üié¡f.I.1MaJ..l. .f.i.re[1J~It'.s..P~)JJs,i.on I floiïh.Ý'irk.Jrit!-l., , ,f?Ç),1. j .c;~[11.e[ì.'.s, .Pe,ns.i. Jir/,¿¡£/ekliltirlJIr!r!t. Tree. ,M.ê1 j Ittenan .flrkUIhi.¡J:rfvlJ¡l, .89,nd. .ç nd. .I.r:¡t.en:¡st. I FI ood i~orks Social Security Pub! ic Employees Retirement I Sanitation ParkinÇJ Meters Special Gasol ine Tax I Go! f Course Water and Sewerage I I I I Noxious\Veed....................,..,...., Bondandlnterest...,.................,... WaterUtility.............................. I ElectricUtility............................ . Sewage Disposal Utility.... . . .. .... .. .... ,.. GasUtility...,......"................,... I Utility.............. Utility.............. Utility.............. TotaIAliFunds.............""......, I 1ñe City Treasurer's Unencumbered Ca5 at the beginning of the Current Year. I I I CITY TREASURER'S UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 1974 (Schedule l) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) I (6) I City Treasurer's Less: Warrants Less: Unpaid Total I City Treasurer's Balance Outstanding Purchase Orders Deductions Unencumbered 1-1-74 1-1-14 I 1-1-14 Cash Balance R3.,11'1.46. 1,272.041/ 95'397.1ß..1.....!. n 73.573.90 '- 2....803.89 / 204.,,5 66. 75.1 ": 1 . 597.94 ./ 23.30L..U4 12.015.58 I _! 109,241.96i.L 83,008.971 ý 56,596.78 / 2,644.50 " 291,163.13f7 I I 1,040,297.211 0.00 0 . OQ.. ,O...QQ.. O. OQ.. 0.00 O.OQ 0.00 0.00 Q,OO ~ QL.Ql p.OQ 0.00. Q.., 00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0',,00,1' 0.00, ¡ 0.00 14,153.24 0.00 8,500.00 0.00 1.178.15 0.001 0.00 0.001 64,715.52, I . I I J 0.001 117,447.921 28,90LillJ 0.00 I -I 0.00 I 0.00 54,212.45 1,272.04 ~5,397.18 73,573.90 I 0.00 2 , 803 . 89 0.00 204,566.75 0.00 1,597.94 1- 0.00 I 23,301' , 3 O. 00 1_11~...? 14, 153,241 95,088:72 8,500.00 74,508.97 1,17Jh.l5_! 55,418.63 0.00 I 2,644.50 -¡--" _I 64,715.52 i--..22£5,447. 61 I I 1 i ¡ -I- I i 117,447.92 ¡ h Balances, as determined above, should be entered in the respective city funds as the City's Unencumbered Cash Balance 922,849.29 35.2455.~.8.U (4) TAX ACCOUNTS-JANUARY 1, 1974 (Schedule 2) FUNDS (1) Total 1973 Tax. Levied (2) - .2...:...J> er cen t for Delinquent Taxes (3) Total Deductions (4) 19ï3 Tax Available 19ï4 1,329.411.20..1 2~:~~~:~1 26.588.22 ]24.635.13 2.492.70 6.267.52 125.351 125.35 104.458.71 /,089.12 2.089.17 33.426.79 668.54 668.54 27.855.66 55IJ.L 557.11 I 7.660.31 1 153.21 1 5 7j ..2l.1 General Operatjng, Tangible...... """"""""""""""'" Intangible.................................... liJr'r/y!....,t:J9):(.i.QI,J.S..W.Ei~.q$................................ UfriJr/J É£.rlr/. . ..F i r~I)1.E)r:1,'.$. Pens.i.Qt1. . , . . . . . .. ........ .. . BórAf.Jdlulú/.I . . .PQ.I. ¡ ç.E)fJl~r).'.S. Pen$ j .Qr:1. . . .. ... , . . . . . . . . , IFinlrid-y£¿lriJiJnlJi . . F.I,Q9Q, .W9.r:k~....,.,.,....."..,.".. Tree Maintenance Sac i a I Securi ty-- Pub! ic Employees Retirement Pol ice and Fire Retirement Bond and Interest No-Fund vlarrants Schil UB~~~~2jon 1.5.961. 831- 50,836.57 .:28.997.92 460.314.72 33.426.79 14 ~12_8.22 Noxious\Veed.......................,.........,............,.,. BondandInterest.......................................,""", Total All Funds. . . . , . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..1--u77 . 381 . 74 I 919.241 L.D..l.6....l3-1 779.96 9 , /06.291 668.54 282..5LI I 1 ,302£2.98 I 122. 142...AL ! 6. 142. 17 I 102,'369.3L '3 2 , 15.ß...2..2- I ?7. 293..55 'I 7,507. 1D- 919.24 ~QA2.59 1,Ql6.731 49,819.aL 779.961 )8.217.9~ 9,206.291 451; 108.43 668.541 )?758.~~ 282.571 13.846.02 -I . I --I' I I I I I I I I 45.547.63-1 I i -I 45 547.631 , ,..m,_--__, 2,2) 1, 831....ll- COMPUTATION OF PERCENT AGE OF TAX DELINQUENCY 1972 Tax Levied I Amount DistributBd Amount Uncollected I % Uncollected General Fund. . . .. .. Xr.q~..~~t ..~9j Y?'t~.CL J~~..~~! .I.:? . .. 1,236,524.88 1 ,211 , 134.85 25,390.031 2% .SpeclalAssessments..,.....,................................... I I , 35-2455.5.8.65 (5) I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMPUTATION OF 1974 AD VALOREM TAX REQUIREMENTS, MILL LEVIES AND TAXES PER $100.00 (Schedule 3) FUNDS (1) 1974 Tax Requirements General Operating. . , .. . T,L.5..1.U.ß.l...22.. Firemen's Pensi~~ 88,667.82 Policemen's Pen~lon 59,916.10 63,343.47 57,919.42 Social Securityc KPER'S r Emrloyees Rebremeilt. , . Po ice & Fire Retirement(KPFRS) 22,070.00 Workmen's Camp. I 32,000.00 Bond and Interes~. ,408,603.25 ¡~a-Fund vlarrants , Fire EQu iQ. ."" 42,000.00 (2) (3) Net 1974 Ad valorem Tax Requirements (4) AdrJ % for Delinquent Taxes Less: 1974 L. Ad V. T. R. 1.Q6. 42Q., 00 ¡.LA6S, 563.92....: 0.00 88,667.82 0.00 59,916.10 0.00 63,343.47 0.00 57,919.42.... 9.00 1---1.£. 070.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.00 I 40~603.25 2 .1QQ~,OO :39 ,840,00 I I I I I I -I -I I -- . NoxiousWeed,...,.....1 I . Bond and Interest. . . . . . . X X X X X X X X X Total All FundS......!2...l.49,503.98 , 108,580.0012,240,923.981 (5) Total 1974 Ad valorem Tax Requirements 11,468,563.921 88,667.82 59,916.10 63,343.47 57,919.42 I 22,070.00 I 32 ,000.00 I -,~~'Ó03.251 39 , S40 . 00 I 1- ! -1-- -- I I 1~240,923.981 County Clerk must notify city officials of any changes made under the provisions of K. S. A. 1973 Supp. 79-1965. 35.2455.5.8.85 (6) (6) ¡ (7) Rates II Taxes of Levy Per ("'!ills) I 8100.00 20.4831 I 2.0483 1.2367! 0.1237 0.8357 0.0836 G:883S--¡ 0.0883 0.8078 I 0.0808 I 0.3078 I 0.0308 0.4463 I 0.0446 5.7033 0.5703 I I 0.5558 i 0.0556 I I I 31.2600 1__~1260 ,-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMPUTATION OF LEVY LIMITS LEVIES INSIDE AGGREGATE TAX LID - General I Operating I Statutory Authorization.................... Charter Ord ç Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . -LQ'§'¿ 420.00 LevyLimit(Mills)...................,..... None ~: ~:;alL~i:~l~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~i~~. ~~~,s~1 None 1 .4843 1974 City Valuation $.. 7.1..99.E?,.41?..QQ,.1 RatesLeyjed...,..."..............,...... 20.4831 Statutory Authorization.. ...... ... .... ..... Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. . . . . . . . . . . , LeVYLimit(:\lillS)..,.,....,.............., Less: Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction (Mills) NewLevyLimit"......................... Rates Levied..".............".,.........! LEVIES OUTSIDE AGGREGATE TAX LID Judgments \ Bond and Interest Statutory Authorization. . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . 10-113 Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction-.. .. ., .. ... . NonA LevyLimit(Mills)...................,..... NnnA Less: Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction (Mills) l\1nnp New Levy Limit. . ... . .. .. .... .. .. .. . .. . .. . _-----.None RatesLevied.....,.,...................". 5.7033 Industrial Development Statutory Authorization.. .................. Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . - Levy Limit(:\lills)...,........ ...,.......,. Less: Local Ad valorem Tax Reduction (Mills) NewLevyLimit........................... RatesLevied.........,.,..................! L'b 'J- B d J N"io", I 1 rary an Weed - See COPs. ,f Charter Or,inancR on Pi1gl.26.i.aJ Temporary Notes 1'\ ¡ IKP&Fpension Fund I 74-4951 I None None ~ None o.13.QI8 No-Fund VÝarrants 12-1103 00n.~ lli2ne lli:u:J.e None 0.5558 Special Assessments ~ I- I I ¡Workmen's rnmrpnc;?lti<{o I S.B.1715 I None I=: None Social Security 40,2305 None lfune llilœ tloo e I I I I I I I I I I I JL883.5..1 , Firemen's PAnc;inn 13.=...lA.aOJ None ~-L N QIlB None 0 44031 J 7"\1'\71 .. KPRS 74-4920 tioofL.-- N.o.n.a None None -.o.....3o..1B.. Po I icemen IS Ppnc;inn 1)-14;:;01 None 2 1'-J01"1.8 NODS ...D.......8..3.5l CITE STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION FOR ALL LEVIES, ALSO CHARTER ORDINANCE NUMBER WHERE APPLICABLE: ATTACH COpy OF LEGAL PUB. LICATIONS WHICH WERE REQUIRED BY LAW TO AUTHORIZE NEW FUNDS OR TO CHANGE LEVY LIMITS ENACTED SINCE LAST YEAR'S BUDGET. 35.2455.$.8.65 (7) . ~ ~T[D ACTU~ A~ . - - - - ~ _ENT "Of'O~- - - I88'REV 1- -- ~~(~ YEAR WOOEr 1\1f)(',[f YEAR Wrx;ET [UOGE r 1913 Iq7~ 1?7~ 1973 1?7~ 1c)75 CITY C~1MISSION . - , 2!.!MMI~~:QS1..1,i Persun" I S..rvlces S 500.00 S 500.00 S 500.00! Po"'",,n," :;orvlces S 11,579.23 S 13,395.00 S 14,015.00 Contractual Services 29.527.35 30,020.00 34,7'15.00' Conh'ncl U.1 I Sorvlcos 3,,247.36 3,070.00 3,800.00 Sundry ExpendItures 3.454.52 6,~35.00 --!..J.~ I M,1t"rl.11~ end Supplies 1,410.6~ 1,5~0.00 2.980.00 TOTAL 33,481.87 37,0;5.00 42,450.00 Sundry E'xpondltures ~0.03 350.00 400.00 . I Copl tal Outloy 0.00 450.00 --.Q....QQ . CITY MANAGER ! TOTAL 16,657.27 19,605.00 21,285.00 Person~1 S..rvlcos 26,302.05 31,550.00 34,415.00 I Contractual Services 2,701.69 2,490.00 2,575.00 AOMINISmATION AND PLANNING Mðtorlals ðOd SupplIes 1,079.27 770.00 780.00 l'er'lon"I $orvlcos 40.408.16 57,115.00 69,205.00 Sundry Expundltures 202.25 200.00 100.00 Controletu" I Sorvlces 6,466.51 3,900.00 2.690.00 TOTAL 32.285.26 35,010.00 37,970.00 I Materials and Supplies 1,123.62 1,485.00 1,500.00 'I Sundry Expondltures 115.00' 260.00 310.00 CITY CLERK Capital Outlay 0.00 130.00 0.00 , Personal Services 62.259.24 70,455.00 76.840.oo! TOTAL 48.115.91 62.89O:õõ 73.705.00 Contractual Services 34.071.61 17,930.00 17,890.00 Materials and Supplies 3,344.19 2,500.00 2.800.00 INSURAN('.E AND CONTINGENCIES Sundry ExpendItures 545.50 645.00 645.00 Contrdctu, 1 Services 45,639.37 53,690.00 42,790.00 Capital Outlay 1.988.60 .--!...Q.!5.00 ~O.OO. Sundry Expondltures 36,697.40 25,000.00 ..l2...Q.00.00 TOTAL 102,209.14 92,545.00 98,975.00 ¡ TOTAL 82,336.77 78.690.00 81,790.00 CITY ATTORNEY BAND Personal Services 16,405.73 16,100.00 19,515.00 COntractual Services 10,000.00 12.500.00 15.000.00 Contractual Services 7,589.90 4,500.00 4,500.00 TOTAL 10.000.00 12,500.00 15,000.00 Materials and Suppl les 406.75 250.00 250.00 TOTAL 24,402.38 22,850.00 24,265.00 CEMETERY : per;;onal Services 19,594.94 22,135.00 24,565.00 MUNICIPAL COURT I Contractual Services' 2.979.89 3,295.00 2,435.00 Personal Services 15,211.50 18,540.00 20,820.00 Materials and Suppl ios 864.34 1,280.00 1,495.00 Contractual Services 3,241.69 2,270.00 2,075.00 Sundry Expenditures 35.00 35.00 35.00. Materials and Supplies 461.00 510.00 475.00 CapItal Outlay 1,038.95 1.470.00 200.00 Sundry Expenditures 4.00 50.00 50.00 TOTAL 24,513.12 28,215.00 28.750.00 Capital Outlay 0.00 ---1J5.00 --.2?°.OO TOTAL 16,918.19 21.595.00 23,970.00. GENERAL U~PROVn.1ENT I I;'ersonal Services 23,423.58 28,585.00 30,540.00 BUILDINGS Contractual Services 551.18 465.00 455.00' Personal ServIces 10.393.16 11,905.00 13,695.00 MaterIals and Supplies 375.84 515.00 595.00 Contractual Services 27,482.79 28,865.00 30,015.00 TOTAL 24.350.60 29',565.00 31,590.00 Materials and Supplies 1,901.31 . 2,575.00 2,900.00 Capital Outlay 905.35 250.00 0.00 MEMORIAL HALL TOTAL 40,682.61 43,595.00 46,610.00 Personal Services 5,605.02 6,345.00 7,190.00 Contractual Services 8,938.78 4,685.00 3,435.00 ~. Materials and Suppl ies 176.48 250.00 225.00 Personal Services 78,371.00 85,435.00 98,070.00 Sundry Expenditures 300.00 400.00 400.00 Contractual Services 3,756.09 3,620.00 3,670.00 TOTAL 15,020.28 Jï;680.00 11,250.00 Materials and Suppl ies 2,125.48 2,485.00 2,685.00 Sundry Expenditures 269.00 260.00 280.00 PUBLIC HEALTH ...-.. Capital Outlay .3,260.38 1,650.00 550,00 Contractual Services 41,135.00 41.735.00 20.165.00 !!J TOTAL .87,781.95 93,450.00 105,455.00 TOTAL 41,735.00 41,735.00 20,165.00 FIRE INDUSTRIAL OEVELOPMENT -personal Services 507,925.37 574,160.00 589,120.00 Contractual Services 20,268.28 20,000.00 . 20.000..:..92. Contractual Services 20,043.12 19,025.00 17,350.00 TOTAL 20,268.28 20,000.00 20,000.00 Materials and Supplies 12,979.63 17,245.00 15,805.00 Sundry Expenditures 107.50 110.00 110.00 NOXIOUS WEED~ Capital Outlay . 5,791.74 2,750.00 1,465,00 Personal Services 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 TOTAL 546.647.36 613,290.00 623,850.00 Contractual Services 0.00 0.00 1,350.00 Materials and SupplIes 0.00 0.00 ~~Q. INSPECT 10iJ TOTAL 0.00 0.00 7,835.00 Personal Services 37,401.37 45,320.00 50,315.00 Contractual Services 3,488.40 3,875.00 4,130.00 TREE MAINTEt¡ANCE Materials and Supplies 1,956.28 2,010.00 2,160.00 Personal Services 0.00 0.00 9,000.00 Sundry Expenditures 2\0.00 2\0.00 2\0.00 Contractual Services 0.00 0.00 565.00 Capital Outlay 0.00 100.00 100.00 Materials and Suppl les 0.00 0.00 250.00 TOTAL 43.056.05 51,515.00 56,915.00 TOTAL 0.00 0.00 9,615.00 PARK FLOOD ~IORKS AND LEVEE -p(,rsonal Services 69,533.04 90,665.00 111,035.00 Personal Services 0.00 0.00 25.695.00 Contractual Services 11,499.75 11,390.00 13,215.00 Contractual Services 0.00 0.00 2,410.00 Materials and Supplies 7,838.86 7,945.00 12,280.00. MaterIals and Supplies 0.00 0.00 2,700.00 Sundry Expenditures 145.00 50.00 50.00 Capital Out lay 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 CapItal Outlay 4,809.27 --L.QQO.OO 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 0.00 30,805.00 TOTAL 93,825.92 111,050.00 136,580.00 WASTE 0 I "POSAL POLICE rerson"lšõrvlces 30.693.95 0.00 0.00 Personal Services 542,860.70 622,1ü0.00 642,780.00 Contr~c1uiJl Sp.rvlces 9,670.89 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services 61,214.44 61,625.00 62,100.00 Materl,,!s and Supplies ......2,.,RP.42 0.00 0,00 MaterIals and Supplies 42,897.46 51,775.00 56,925.00 TOTAL 44,177.26 0.00 0.00 Sundry ExpendItures 425.00 450.00 450.00 Capital Outlay 20,357.67 ~}5.00 5,O'JO.0Q. TOTAL 667,755.47 739,(\05.00 767,305.00 GENERAL OPERAT ING STREET GRANO TOTAL $2,366,878.45 $2,563.550.00 $2,76R,B75.00 Personal ServIces 169,511.90 204,345.00 244,155.00 Contractu,)1 Services 36,909.55 37,985.00 34,8fJO.00 Materials ~nd Supplies 18,072.14 23,280.00 26,4Wi.00 Sundry I"pcndlturos 15.00 15.00 15.00 Cap I ta lOut I ay _O':!}Q -~.Q. ---2(~O.:.QQ . TOTAL 224,508.59 260,6;15.00 305.755.00 smrrr L!r;HT U {; . -(;-O;~:' u, 1 :;'~rvlco5 _ß'>... 7~~..:.4Q. .32..9()9_~°.9. _'!.~,.OQ()~()O . WfAL 06,1')9.40 ')0,000.00. 90,000.00 TrIArf IC f,;:;r::õ""'1 ';orvlco5 21.2ß7.~( '¡,,71'1.00 ~2."("),OO Coril rncl.", I ',r,rvlc(I; 10,311.~1 \I,(,'J',.OO .11,11/0.00 11.,1",1,,1', nnd ';"ppllo~ ~.%O.41 4, './n,fJO 4,IJO.OQ Cnr,¡t..'¡O'¡ .I'! _.1....:'JO..2',~ ...J..."^',:O2 -----!,!,,()I), ¡(JIM, 3J,11'J./I 1',,/W,.()(¡ 4U,I1i1'J.OO :>pted GENERAL OPERATING FUND Actual & Proposed Actua 1 Estimated Budget Expenditures 1973 1974 1975 Personal Services $1,691,268.12 $1,927,445.00 $2,119,265.00 Contractual Services 488,156.57 466,390.00 452,440.00 Materials and' SupplIes 104,846.14 120,785.00 138,945.00 ~xxxx Sundry Expenditures. 42,885.20 34,570.00 49,310.00 Capital Outlay 39,722.42 14,360.00 8,915.00 Total Expenditures 2,366,878.45 2,563,550~00 2,768,875.00 City Treasurer's Unencumbered Balance January 1 53,632.94 54,212.45 22,550.08 Receipts Current Tangible Tax .1,210,650.69 1,308,500.00 1,468,563.92 Current Tangible Tax- Airpo~t Industrial Area 9,535.69 13,400.00 22,000.00 Current Intangible Tax 133,426.08 128,000.00' 130,000.00 Delinquent Tangible Tax 23,689.76 20,000.00 20,000.00 Delinquent Intangible Tax 80.23 200.00 200.00 Cigarette Tax 67,895.09 70,000.00 72,000.00 Liquor Enforcement Tax 18,626.75 22,000.00 23,000.00 Sales Tax 59,236.24 62,415.00 106,420.00 Highway Maintenance 5,496.62 2,485.00 2,485.00 Licenses, Fees and Permits 76,488.87 76,845.00 76,820.00 Municipal Court Fines 127,711.73 160,000.00 160,000.00 Franchise Taxes 255,720.57 255,000.00 255,000.00 Rents and Concessions )8,164.75 2.1,110.00 2i, 110.00 Service and Sales 110,086,84 105,005.00 103,275.00 Fire Protection Outside City Limits 71,&00.91 77,000.00 77,000.00 Reimbursement of Expenditures 6,572.92 7,500.00 7,500.00 Interest on Investments 21,254.22 20,000.00 20,000.00 Transfer from Specia) Gasoline Tax J51,220.00 182,427.63 180,951.00 Tota) Receipts 2,367,457.96 2,531,887.63 2,746,324.92 .. Total Receipts and Balance 2,421,090.90 2,586,100.08 2,768,875.00 Less Expenditures 2,366,878.45 2,563,550.00 2,768,875.00 -- Unencumbered Cash BaJance Dec. 3~ 54,212,45 22,550.08 0.00 Tax Dollars 1,22),110.02 1,308,122.00 1,468,563.92 Tax Levy Mll1s 16.6490 19.0892 20.4831 Taxes Per $100.00 1.9089 2.0483 un n..US.S.!.17 I I I I I I I I I opted Departments GENERAL OPERATING FUND Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget 1973 1974 1975 $ 33,481.87 $ 37,055.00 $ 42,450.00 32,285.26 35,010.00 37,970.00 102,209.14 92,545.00 98,975.00 24,402.38 22,850.00 .24,265.00 18,918.19 21,595.00 23,970.00 40,682.61 43,595.00 46,610.00 87,781.95 93,450.00 105,455.00 546,847.36 613,290.00 . 623,850.00 43,056.05 . 51,515.00 56,915.00 93,825.92 111,050.00 136,580.00 667,755.47 739,805.00 767,305.00 224,508.59 260,625.00 305,735.00 44, 177.26 0.00 0.00 86,799.40 90,000.00 98,000.00 '37,149.77 46,285.00 48,805.00 16,657.27 19,605.00 21,285.00 48,115.91 62,890.00 73,705.00 82,336.77 78,690.00 81,790.00 10,000.00 12,500.00 15,000.00 24,513.12 28,215.00 28,750.00. 24,350.60 29,565.00 31,590.00 15,020.28 11,680.00 11,250.00 41,735.00 41,735.00 20,165.00 20,268.28 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 7,835.00 0.00 0.00 9,815.00 . 0.00 0.00 30,805.00 $2,366,878.45 $2,563,550.00 $2,768,87~.OO <xxxx <xxxx . , City Commission City Manager City Clerk and Treasurer City Attorney Municipal Court City Building City Engineer Fi re Department Inspection Park Pol ice Street Waste Disposal Street lighting Traffic Control Swimming Pools Administration & Planning Insurance and Contingencies Band Cemetery General Improvement Mernor i a 1 Ha 11 Pub 1 i c Hea 1 th Industrial Development Noxious Weeds. Tree Maintenance Flood Works and Levee -- -- I I I I I I -- Total .- ><xxxx . . (10) FIREMEN1S PENSION Expenditures Pensions Paid Refunds Reserve Total Expenditures City Treasurer Balance Jan. 1 Receipts Current Tangible Tax Delinquent Tangible Tax, Sales Tax Interest on Investment Contributions by Employees Total Receipts Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance" Dec. 31 Tax Dollars, Tax Levy Hills Taxes per $100.00 :>pted Actual 1973 Actual & Estimated 1974 Proposed Budget ,1975 $, 67,143.00 $ 67,145.00 $ 67,145.00 1,826.43 2,000.00 2,000.00 '( X X X x 25,000.00 (XXXX 68,969.43 69,145.00 94,145.00 43,995.87 95,397.18 163,477.18 100,040.90 101,100.00 88,667.82 1,206.11 1,090.00 400.00 3,019.10 5,130.00 0.00 1,412.50 2,905.00 6,600.00 14,692.13 27,000.00 40,000.00 120;370.74 137,225.00 135,667.82 164,366.61 232,622.18 299,145.00 - 68,969.43 69,145.00 94,145.00 95,397.18 163,477.18 205,000.00 100,870.98 103,064.32 88,667.B2' 1.5403 1.5040 1.2367 0.1504 0.1237 :XXXX -- :XXXX -- :XXXX " , :xxxx ( 11) I I I I I I I I I POLICEMEN'S PENSION Expendi tures Pensions Paid Refunds Reserve Total Expenditures City Treasurer Balance Jan. I Receipts I .. Current Tangible Tax Del inquent Tangible Tax Sales Tax Interest on Investment Contributions by Employees Total Receipts, Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures I I' I I I I Unencumbered Cash Balance" Dee, 31 TaX' Dollars Tax Levy Mills Taxes per $100.00 opted Actual 1973 Actual & Estimated 1974 Proposed Budget 1975 $ 24,114.00 $ 26,025.00 $ . 29,670.00 2,397.23 2,000.00 2,000.00 25,000.00 26,511.23 28,025.00 56,670.00 . :<xxxx 48,398.76 73,573.90 108,038.90 >(xxxx -- 34,399.75 32,420.00 59,916.10 743.73 I¡OO.OO 200.00 1,885.42 1,765.00 0.00 1,412.50 2,905.00 5,515.00 >(xxxx 13,244.97 25,000.00 ~000.00 51,686.37 62,490.00 103,631.10 100,085.13 136,063.90 211,670.00 26,511.23 28,025.00 56,670.00 -- 73,573.90 108,038.90 155,000.00 34,687.9.4 33,078.24 '59,916.10 0.5298 0.4827 0.8357 0.0483 0.0836 .. ><xxxx :<xxxx >(xxxx Ql) Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget SOCIAL SECURITY - F. I. C. A. 1973 1974 1975 - Expenditures Payment to Social Security $ 160,206.50 $ 172,000.00 $ 195,000.00 Total Expenditures 160,206.50 .172,000.00 195,000.00 City Treasurer Balance .Jan. I 19,778.4 I 23,301.13 10,256.13 Receipts Current Tangible Tax 41,165.56 44,400.00 63,343.87 Delinquent Tangible Tax 929.60 440.00 400.00 Employees Contributions and Others 119,267.36 112,000.00 121,000.00 . Sales Tax 2,366.70 2,1 15.00 0.00 .. Total Receipts 163,729.22 158,955.00 184,743.87 . Total Receipts and Balance 183,507.63 182,256.13 195,000.00 Less Expenditures 160,206.50 172,000.00 195,000.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31 23,301.13 10,256.13 0.00 Tax Dollars . 41,510.41 45,306.59 63,343.87 Tax Levy Hi 11 s 0.6340 0.6611 . 0.8835 Taxes Per $100.00 0.0661 0.0883 35.2451.5.8.18 (13) ~opted 5 xxxxx --- '" xxxxx , xxxxx xxxxx )pted Actual & Prpposed Actual Estimated Budget EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT - (KPERS) 1973 1974 1975 --- Expenditures Payment to State. $ 118,433.17 $ 136,000.00 $ 155,000.00 Refunds 10.06 0.00 0.00 Total Expenditures 118,443.23 136,000.00 155,000.00 . . :xxxx City Treasurer Balance Jan. 1 4,468.20 12,015.58 9,780.58 Receipts :xxxx . Current Tangible Tax 44,344.80 48,990.00 57,919.42 Delinquent Tangible Tax 705.07 500.00 300.00 . Employees Contributions and Others 79,194.21 82,000.00 87,000.00 " Sales Tax 1,746.53 2,275.00 0.00 Total Receipts 125,990.61 133,765.00 145,219.42 (XXXX Total Receipts and Balance 130,458.81 145,780.58 155,000.00 Less Expenditures 118,443.23 136,000.00 155,000.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31 12,015.58 9,780.58 0.00 . Tax Dollars .44.723.32 49.993.80 57.919.42 Tax levy Mills '0.6830 0.72~4 0.8078 Taxes Per $100.00 0.0729 0.0808 '" (XXX X :xxxx -- :xxxx 11.2411-1.1.18 (1.f) I I I I I 'I I. I I I I I I I I >pted Actua 1 & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget POLICE AND FIRE RETIREMENT - (~PFHS) 1973' . 1974 1975 -- Expenditures Payment to State $ 0.00 $ 29,900.00 $. 55,000.00 Refunds 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 Total Expenditures 0.00 29,900.00 55,000.00 . - City Treasurer Balance Jan. I 0.00 0.00 18,630.00 :xxxx . Receipts :xxxx Current Tangible Tax 0.00 38,100.00 22,070.00 Delinquent Tangible Tax 0.00 0.00 50.00 . Employees Contributions and Other 0.00 10,430.00 14,250.00 " Sales Tax . 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Receipts 0.00 48,530.00 36,370.00 :xxxx Total Receipts and Balance 0.00 48,530.00 55,000.00 less Expenditures 0.00 29,900.00 55,000.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31 . 0.00 18,630.00 0.00 , --- Tax Dollars 0.00 38,550.00 22,070.00 Tax levyH 111 s 0.5625 0.3078 Taxes Per $100.00 0.0563 0.0308 '" :xxxx xxxx -- xxxx n.un.J.I.II (10;' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :: WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Expend itures L. . Workmen's Compensation Total Expenditures City Treasurer Balance Jan. 1 Receipts Current Tangible Tax Delinquent Tangible Tax Sales Tax Total Receipts Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31 " Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills' Taxes per $100.00 . II.IUS.I.I... (16) Actual 1973 Actual & Estimated 1974 Proposed, Budget 1975 2.:.QQ. 0.00 $ 32,000.00 0.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.4463 0.0446 fopted 5 -- xxx xx xxxxx -- -- xxxxx -- -- xxxxx xxxxx -- xxxxx -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o' . '" n.2'3£-'-8-11 BOND AND INTEREST .- Expenditures . Bond Principal Bond Interest Fiscal Agency Interest on Bonds to be Issued Total Expenditures City Treasurer Balance Jan. I ReceiDts Current Tangible Tax Delinquent Tangible Tax Special Assessment Tax Delinquent Special Assessment Tax Interest on Investment Miscellaneous Special Assessments Parking Meter Revenue Transfer from Golf Course -Transfer Water & Sewerage Total Receipts Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenses Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31 Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills. Taxes per $100.00 No Fund Warrants - Fire Equipment Tax Levy Hills Taxes per $100.00 >p:cd Actual 1973 Actual & Estimated 1974 -- Proposed Budget 1975 $ 851,861.00 $ 812,000.00 $. 762,736.00 228,824.22 211,094.15 191,829.96 1,094.95 1,105.85 1.434.04 30,000.ao .1,081,780.17 1,024,-200.00 986,OOO.CO :x~<xx 179.634.38 204,566.75 ¡17,956.75 :xxxx 531,626.66 446,000.00 408,603.25 21, I ¡ 1. 25 7,000.00 7,000.00 383,431.81 356, ìOO.OO 344,440.0D 64,738.61 32,000.00 15,000.00 22,700.76 23,000.00 21,000.00 J3,123.45 5,000.00 5,000.00 46,000.00 45,coo.00 44,000.00 11,430.00 11,240.00 ¡l,CeO.Co 12,500.00 12,250.00 12,000.00 1,106,712.54 937,590.00 868,043.25 1,286,346.92 1,142,156.75 sSG,oeo.co 1,.081,780.17 1..024,200.00 - SED.OOO.OO 204,566.75 117,956.75 0.00 536.C44.36 452,795.62 408,603.25 - - 8. 1860 6.6065 -, z:; 7(:" ,. , ~~-' 0.660] 0.5703 40,000.00 32,969.00 39,8110.00 0.6108 0.4809 0.5558 0~048J O.O~~6 :><x~<x - :xxxx :xxxx -- -- :xxxx (tor, 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SANITATION COLLECTIÒN SERVICE Exoenditures Personal Services Contractual Services Hateria1s and Supplies Capital Outlay I' Total Expenditures Cash Balance Jan. I Receipts I ... Service Fees and Miscellaneous Interest on Investments Mlsce~Ianeou5 Sales and Ser\lces Total Receipts Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Cash Balance Dec. 31 ):?',,¿ Actual 1973 Actual & Estimated 1974 Proposed Budget 1975 -- $ 154,316.42 $ 197,395.00 $ 237,500.00 47,903.37 76,395.00 . 85,880.00 9,922.92 16,975.00 18,195.00 14,153.24 31,000.00 10,550.00 226.295.95 322,265.00 . 352,125.00 :xxxx 76,662.68 95,088.72 122,538.72 : >~:< x x 243,000.00 348,000.00 355,800.00 J ,669.29 1 ,600.00 1,GOO.CO 52.70 115.00 0.00 :x;<xx 244.721.99 349,7]5.00 357.400.00 321.384.67 444,803.72 479.938.72 226,295.95 322,265.00 352,125.00' 95.088.72 122,538.72 127,813.72 ~ -- :xxxx xxxx --- . . xxxx H'HU.J.e.u f1." I Jpte¿ I I Actual 1973 Actual Estimated 1974 Proposed Budget 1975 PAPER RECYCLING -- I Expenditures I Personal Services Contractual¡S~rvices Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay 0.00 $ 12,390.00 $ 23,275.00 0.00 7,695.00 5,385.00 0.00 5,010.00 1,675.00 0.00 9,740.00 16,840.00 0.00 4,580.00 0.00 -- . <xxxx 0.00 39,415.00 47.175.00 (XXXX 0.00 0.00 12,535.00 I Total Expenditures Cash Balance Jan. I I Receipts . ... I Sale of Paper Transfer from Other Funds I Total Receipts and Balance less Expenditures 0.00 26,950.00 46,200.00 0.00 25,000.00 (XXXX 0.00 5],950.00 46,200.00 0.00 51,950.00 58,735.00 0.00 39,415.00 47,175.00 0.00 12,535.00 11.560.00 Total Receipts Cash Balance Dec. 31 I I I I I I .. (XXXX . <xxxx -- -- :xxxx U,UU,I.8.U (19) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'pted ] , Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget ~ PARKING METER FUND 1973 1974 1975 -- ] - -- Expenditures Pefsonal Services 28,540.04 36,975.00 41,785.00 Contractual Services 20,379.79 15,385.00 . 16,530.00 Materials and Supplies I ,30 J .82 1,810.00 I ,990.00 J Sundry Expenditures 46,000.00 45,000.00 44,000.00 ( Captial Outlay 1,322.87 4,600.00 8,300.00 ( . . :xxxx Total Expenditures 97,544.52 103,770.00 112,605.00 --- XXXX Cash Balance Jan. I 86,274.31 74,508.97 54,438.97 --- Receipts -- , " Parking Meter Revenue 71,747öOO 68,500.00 68,000.00 xxxx Interest on Investments 732.18 700.00 700.00 Parking Meter Permits 13,300.00 14,500.00 14,500.00 Total Receipts 85,779.18 83,700.00 83,200.00 -- Total Receipts and Balance 172,053.49 158,208.97 137,638.97 -- Less Expenditures 97,544.52 103,770.00 JJ2,605.00 Cash Balance Dec. 31 74,508.97 54,438.97 25,033.97 xxxx ] , -- -- xxxx (20) 'I I I I I GOLF COURSE Expenditures Personal Services Contractual Services . Materials and Suppl ies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay I I Total Expenditures Cash Balance Jan. 1 Receipts . , Annual Memberships Cart Rental Cart Storage Club Storage Cart User Fees Oil Well Lease and Green Fees I I Total Receipts I Total Receipts and Balancé Less Expenditures . Cash Ba1ance Dec. 31 I I I I I "V""""'Al""""U"""""'""""""""""""""""""",..,; U.Z455.I.O.70 Actua 1 1973 Actual & Estimated 1974 Proposed Budget 1975 $ 16,805.39 $ 26,485.00 $ . 30,565.00 13,620.12 10,795.00 10,170.00 3,904.76, 5,100.00 9,380.00 12,950.95 12,740.00 12,650.00 2,475.75 780.00 3,000.00 49,756.97 . 55,900.00 65,765.00 1,728.53 2,644.30 5,144.50 42,372.72 51,000.00 55,000.00 4,652.03 4,000.00 4,000.00 241.02 350.00 400.00 7'.73 50.00 50.00 116.00 500.00 500.00 3,283.44 2,500.00 2,600.00 50,672.94 58,400.00 62,550.00 52,401.47 61,044.50 67,694.50 49,756.97 55,900.00 65,765.00 2,644.50 5,144.50 1,929.50 ('~J "¡ , . )pted -- -- " I ,.1 I I I I I I I = J ( SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX FUND ~ ] ] Expenditures 1.. Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenditures Captial Outlay Total Expenditures City Treasurer Balance Jan. 1 Receipts . , Special Gasoline Tax Total Receipts Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31 I I I I I I Actual 1973 Actual & Estimated 1974 Proposed Budget 1975 $ 16,605.48 $ 19,760.00 $ 22,080.00 100,000.00 93,860.00 63,120.00 27,811.01 33,160.00 33,690.00 151,?20.00. . '182,427.63 1.80,951.00 8,206.51 11,260.00 12,460.00 303,843.00 340,467.63 312,301.00 41,467.63 55,418.63 16,751.00 317,794.00 301,800.00 295,550.00 317,794.00 301,800.00 295,550.00 359,261.63 357,218.63 312,301.00 303,843.00 340,467.63 312,301.00 55,418.63 16,751.00 0.00 (22) pted -- -- ... <xxxx I I I I I ---,-,"-- --- I I" Actua 1 & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 1973 1974 1975 - Expenditures Personal Service~ 0.00 $ 36,160.00 $ 39,900.00 Contractual Services 0.00 33,780.00 33,290.00 Materials and Supplies 0.00 4,900.00 4,800.00 Sundry Expenditures 0.00 6,000.00 16,000.00 Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenditures 0.00 80,840.00 93,990.00 City Treasurer Balance Jan. I 0.00 4,857.59 9,017.59 Recei pts" . 85,000.00 \. Service Fees 0.00 90,000.00 Total Receipts 85,000.00 90,000.00 Total Receipts and Balance '. 0.00 89,857.59 99,017.59 less Expenditures 0.00 80,840.00 93,990.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31 0.00 9,017.59 ~.9f7.?9 I I I I I I I I U.2U5.S.I.71 (23) ¡opted -- WATER AND SEWERAGE Expenditures ~ater Supply' Softening and Treatment Pumping Expense Distribution Expense Customer Accounting and Collection Administrative and General Expen~e Sewerage Treatment Expense Transfer to Bond and Interest Reserve Sub-Total Actual 1973 $ 10,220.67 $ 204,009.68 52,493.63 103,615.66 128,068.96 161,242.28 , 196,502.41 209,702.65 1,065,855.94 Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department 243,000.00 Capital Improvements 97,446.55 Net Cash Transferred to Other Current Assets 5,844.26 Capital Improvement From Bond Issue Total Expenditures City Treasurer's Balance Jan. 1 Less: Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance -Jan. 1 Receipts Water Revenue Sewerage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping Service Service Charge from'Sanitation Department Cash Collected fo~ Sanitation Department Capital Improvement from Bond Retirement & Extension & Construction Reserves Proceeds from New Capital Improvements Bond Issue Total Receipts 1,412,146.75 43,696.54 14,411.27 29,285.27 965,012.73 390.624.31 2,086.08 6,ßJo.33 .3,275.64 243,000.00 0.00 1,610,809.09 Total Receipts and Beginning Balance 1,640,094.36 Less Expenditures ...J..,~J2, 146.75 Unencumbered Cash Balance' Dec. 31 ~27,9~7.61 , (24) Actual & Estimated 1974 13,560.00 $ 263,780.00 63,640.00 101 ,195.00 163,525.00 195,070.00 217,285.00 210,370.00 1,228,425.00 348,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 800,000.00 2,476,425.00 292,663.13 64,715.52 227,947.61 965,000.00 390,000.00 6,000.00 . 10,000.00 5.520.0Ò 348,000.00 ' 38,000.00 800,000.00 2,562,520.00 2,790,467.61 2,476,425.00 31~,042.6' Proposed Budget 1975 18,560.00 '267,100.00 71,965.00 108,175.00 175,505.00 212,530.00 252,375.00 210,820.00 1,317,030.00 355,800.00 100,000.00 0.00 1,000,000.00 2.772,830,00 314,042.61 965,000.00 390,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 5,580.00 355,800.00 21,000.00 1,000,000.00 2;753,380.00 3,067,422.61 2JZ2,830.0o ?94.592,61 [opted -- -- .. >(xxxx >(xxxx >(xxxx ;1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I . \. H.H SS.J,8, 73 --..- -- " . "', opted STREET MACHINERY Actual 1973 Actual & Estimated 1974 Proposed Budget 1975 Expenditures . Machinery. Total Expenditures $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 26,405.39 0.00 0.00 26,405.39 24,518.38, 25,455.39 26,405.39 City Treasurer Balance Jan. I Receipts Transfer from Street Department Interest on Investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 937.01 950.00 0.00 937.01 950.00 0.00 25,455.39 26,405.39 26,405.39 0.00 0.00 26,405.39 ~5,l¡55.39 26,405.39 0.00 Total Receipts Total Receipts and Balance Less Expenditures Cash Ba' ance De~. 31 ' -- , ,^:' , -- !opted . , Actual & Proposed Actual Estimated Budget SPECIAL RESERVE FUND 1973 1974 1975 Expenditures . Street Improvement $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $~ '33,158.00 Total Expenditures 0.00 0.00 33,158.00 Cash Balance Jan. I 33,158.00 33,158.00 33,158.00 Receipts Transfer from Spec,ial Gas Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Receipts and Balance 33,158.00 33,158.00 33,158.00 Less Expenditures 0.00 0.00 33,158.00 Cash Balance Dec. 31, 33,158.00 33,158.00 0.00 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ~' " , " (26) STA IE OF r~ANSÞ.S Supplementc I Budget Form Counties, Cities and Townships 1974 GENERA.L REVENUE SHARING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET FOPJA Note: This form should be used by all counties, cities cnd townships which did not budget federal general revenue sharing mQneys within their regular budget for 1975, 1975 Proposed Budget--Notice of Hearing n¡6#t;I)/(Ciiy) lfJ:/.irj.~tlj/} of Sa I ¡no Public Notice is hereby given that the governing bcdy of the (Qdt/tiì~i~/(City)ßt>t/N}'\j'P') of Sa! ¡na wi!! meet G~ ~he 19+n' ,r, "':'(',.0 II' . C"I" t S'ld' t. , fh' ".' -, . " " coì' o~ J-'..ugu~t, OT"V 0 ClOCk, at IT' -\..,oun Y UI Ing or tne purposes 0, ¡.¿-Gring o:J¡ect¡ons one: answer;"9 CU'.:S':'::~ .-' ",,',-i"""""'; +""""""'" ",¡rot:,.,... t ,,1'0. h "',~,,,c ~rrl'~L. v'n-l.:ÆI:,!¡jl,~., )lm"",.Ir/,I,l,l.Yj "r! - ".c":"";"'" ".,.,~, ~~:o-,i '¡-"'Co-,... "'",,- ~-",'~". uT leolv'..,," cn~ ""Y.:~~ìl:;rs ,~,-, ¡'¡èj 0 Ifì"" ¡"ua;;;¡V' vT OJ_II J.,'i-'/.J'f.' 'I),¡ \---Iry I "V-1'/'I-:¡:Y/f-'¡J a.,~ ,-O".lv_I",::: c",~nv"'-¡',S ",~r_,-..I. I..... ~---.:'" 'I' , " I 'd' '/'hj' h J1251974' f'. d" I¡'" '.'- be ow :$ $LJ:J:JlemenìOJ to trlE: reou,or our oet DUO IS lea In T. e u 'I, Issue ° th IS ncwspaoer an rne PUG IC n,,:Jil~,:' sC:-'êC -;¡:-':: A '10 . .~' I ,v'd"" 'I' . '1'" A '~ Th" I ~I" I""". ,~ ",'" 1""",-+ - ...,. < t'~~,'O,.,~""..,Co/¡"" ,...,~ri r',,"'~ c "'. -",o-'~ ,,---,'.; on ",::o;USi i. J'~ppl~,îL!I,(J und ae. ltoonal 10 ,,'~ t,çenl.,:o: p¡-.\,O-Jv-Y s~!,,::.~u¡ea on "U::;~SI../ . 10 SU~?,,-rr._r.I-' t_~:;:._, «,I not change or affect any of the proposed tax Jev¡es of rr,e/:.tidjrli~/I;I(City)/f(:h!:/;l$l!.~Y, Feddal Revenue Sharing Fund I r-----=" --_..:::-:-:-. : '" I I JC;~;;' c~~:~: f\ctUQ I 1973 Estimated --~J 974 Proposed 1975 Þc:s:)'e.::: Exc:::ncitures: ¡ i - I ! $205, L,2~,,}0 -.I -------,.._---,-- --_..-- -- ::;7: r>,"era+'ng X "'a'¡ntenanrç. $ "'0\ 41';9 02 ! V!""II"~'-, ,_....... .J../,u. I C 't ' 0 ,. 4"17 6-z, 70 í ap! 'a: IJTlay .......... v,...JI. i -'--'1' - -~-- -' ---, Ivlt\L. ..."..... .)461,100.72 I $182,640.48 4,1','" , 779 , 80 $627,420.28 !::JO ..J;)OO .:-JO - ---_._,--- --- ç¡n::;',/7 ,~r. ';;""V-', '..L. vU . ¡ .- ---- -- I --------¡ . 1 Kece:pts: Ur,encu:nberec cash balance.., . . ! , , , I; $J]l¿\32.~2 -_. -..-----.--..---- 5,000.00 .-,-------- ----------..-.--'-.-- $203,120.00 16,37-6. Li9 $295,922.77 \ -15,701,43 I 4~~ /29 O~ i--- -T'J,- .~-'.:: 760,853.20 627,420.28 $13"3-~432. 92 Earni'lgs troin fund investments.. . Paymen~s fro:n U. S. Treasury,.. iotal Receipts.,..,.,...... ~ess Expenditures.........,. Bciance Forward.......,.... 40'i L/'/ 00 ___.-:'L__~'::...=-':'._--- ,. ...------.--- "'i-' P"'Li q~' "J,) '~.;_:...:.l::.- ,----,--------- 405,422.00 , ' -------- ~138,432.92¡ -,,------- i ¡ , , 'd , ì : ¡ ¡ ¡ I í I $8,13~?-1'C~ 11. ¡ 4(;"4'//(1" '} .v..', -_._~ . ~-8 5-7,'717.A 3-ëJo-¡ , ..., .,. / ..., . . 537,527.00 70::,,/0"-0--7---¡-;"'-9- I..' , L../. , ¿CSDõõ:72 $295,922 . 77 Arnendcd Com?crison of ToTo! Expenditures ï ota I as Pub! ¡shed on July 25, 1974 --- I $7,520,~01.63 ¡ 627,420.28 L $8,148,121.91 $5,991,928.40 - 461, 100. 72 $6,453,029.12 Total this Supplement .............. Tofol Expenditures, Â,!! Funds"..... -,---- ; , , ¡ ! '"'\\/(': r i \' ,,- - , : (Do not publish information below) CERTIFICA TE TO "THE COUNTY CLERK OF ;g~/ COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS: We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of ( County) (the City of Ja..4.~~._- or Township or , County), Kansas, do hereby certify that the above proposed a;T¡::;i~(;¿ budget for the inclusion or the revenue shoring fund was duly published and that a hearing was held on the /~-Æ... dc)!07 lli.cðy()/vt- 1974, and that after such hearing the adopted budget or exp3nditures as shown herein VlCS duly o;:::'(:O'i:d d'#"" h . bit Vlf' ,.r!, ¡ . j d' ' , an cuvptec tor t e ensuing 'J0ge year. 'e urtner GerrITy tnat tne lorego!r:g sta,emcnts are true an correct ai,a as SrìG','/,ì 'J/ the minutes of said (&eard of Count)' Co.1ln,i53;v"ç(s) (City Governing Body) (.TO'dIJS!dp ßuard). STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS BONDED INDEBTEDNESS Amount Dat D I Amount Due I Amount Due Date I Interest Amount of Outstanding e ue 1-1.74 to 12-31-74 J-I-75 to 12-31-75 of Issue Rate Bonds Issued 1-1- 74 , I ~I~I~I~ ~!~ P-183 C,B,&Pavinq!12-1-5914-3 3/8402,737.72, 140,000.OO¡Jun&Dee ~un&Deel 5,.cL62-.51i2().000.od~312.5d20.000.00 P-185 C,G,&PavinqllJ-1-601L....75-3+ 551,385.641 216,OOO.OO¡May&Nov ~' 7.Jl.6].....5Dn,OOo.oq 6,185.0027,000.00 P-J89 C,G,&PavinqIJl-1-61 2.75-3ð 605.942.89, 270,00O.00IMay&Nov "îay&Nov 18,RSO.0~30,OOO.OO 7,931.25Ji4.QG.O.....D...O Œ~I~ ~~.~~I-I~lu~ lm.%.~ I 618.~.OOI-~~ ~~- h7,~?,~~:=:~15.m.~~.~,OO P-191 C,G,&PaVinQnl-1-6212+-3 I 456,283.761 203.000.001~1ay&Nov ¡,ay&Nov 5.695.0017 ,5,06?5C)?3,noo.OO P-194 C,G,&Pavingrl-1-63 ,27/8-3-}! 986.218.15! 541.000.00Ir,1aY&NOV May&Nov 16,14q.741S1,OOO.Oq14,726.?~47,()()O.OO P-195 C,G,&Paving~1-1-63127/8-3-} 803,072.90 79.000.00~~ay&Nov ~J1ay&Nov 1.696.osI79,OOO.00 O.OJ 0.00 P-197 C,G,&Paving~1-1-64123/4-3+ 630,000.00 120,000.00IMay&Nov aY&,i~OV !, 2.887.50!óO.000.o.q 1.237.5060.000,-,ltO P-198 C,G,&paVing,1-1-65133/8-3ir 265.000.00 160.000.001~1ay&Nov,~ -! 5,01(').7S'15,000.00 4,528.751S,OOn.oo P-199 C,G,&Paving 1-1-65 3.30-3irI360.000.00 [105.000.00!, .1cy&Nov 13,087.sol,')s,000.00 l,Qr:;0.OO,,35,OOO.CD P-202 C,G,&PavinqI1-1-66 :3.75-5 340.000.00 1130.000.00iMaYM~ov ItjOV 4.87S.00:')s,ono.od 3,5S2.5n~.iliLQD P-204 C,G,&PavinoI1-1-67 1",3. 70-MI155.000.00 10S.000.001¡May&NOV I Nov 1.4,OSO.00110,OOO.O~.3.Jí8.Q..,DQ.1,O,O()n.()() P-205 C,G.&Paving11-1-67 ,3.70-4&1325.000.00 1-150,OOO.Cill..,my&NO\! ~Jov ,5,')So.oohin,OOO O(j~MiLD.O~lliLOO P-207 C,G,&pavingI1-1-68!3.90-4+! 58.267.56 I 46.000.00!Hay~,Nov Nov l,937.0013,OOO.Oq 1.815.00 3,000.00 P-208 C,G,&Paving!1-î-6813.90-4}1376.222.70 I 220.000.00!May&Nov Nov 8.')80.00140,000.OO~.020.00Ao,onQ...ill) P-211 C,G,&Paving!2-1-69 15ir ¡ 170.813.641 125.000.00IJun&Dpe: ,Dee: 6.562.50:15,000.00 5,775.0015,0(10.00 P-212 C,G,&Pavingi4-1-70 15+-6 I 79.48î.71 1 68.000.00IJur~Wee: iDee: 3,8ón.(ìiÎ!-A.Jlllil...Qd--.3...Ji1~ 4.000.00 P-213 C,G,&Paving12-1-70 !4-}-4.7 ,î47.îO1.81 1 î20.000.0011..un&Dee iDee 5.L167.50,15.000.0cJ 4,792.5015.00Q....Q0 P-214 C,G,&Pavinoj2-î-71 13}-35/si245.861.00 I 225.000.00IJun&Dee Dee 8.156.2512s....Dllil..iliJ 7.250.0025.000.00 P-215 C,G,&Pavina!1-1-74 14.1- 1250.736.00 Jun&Dee Dee 19,851.901 0.OdîO,7L17.4625,736.QO Sub-Total I I . ~584,491.08 ,38~;73?0Q..1;131,784. lQISB..5"flOO.....oD114..17S. 71577,736.00 S-196 Sewer 11-1-633-}-37/sl 27,80').711 2.000.00IMAy&Nov MAy&Nov 4').17I-.2..,.OOo....oD 0.00 n nn Sub-Total I I !--22.803.21 'I 2,000.001 1 4') 1717,oon.oo n.(jC1 ..lLD.o FL-178 Flood Cont !5-1-58 !2-3 16n6,OOO.OOiñ5.000.00 MAr&Sp['1 IMAr&Spr 4,7?r:, OO~~:~~~:~~ '\,7'\5 no'\'\,non on FL-18S Flood Cant !5-1-61 13-3)/8 tL3~OOO.OD . Ll55,000.00 IMnr&Spr M?r¡?,Spr n4,gn8.7'5, 11'1,181 ?'1'5"i,n(ìn,fìO FL-193 Flood Cont 11-1-6327/8-')t 260,000.00! 14'),000.00IMny&Nov MAy&Nnv 4,770 SgI1'l,OO() ()() '\,Rg? 5Cíl.3..,ilQQ....DD LB-200 Librar,¡, 11-1-6513,-33/8 675,000,00 i~ooo,oO IMay&Nov Mav&Nov l-3.832.50~12,695.0035,OOO,Oo C8-201 Govt Bldg ~ 1-1-66 1,33/4-5 ~ 100,000.00 I 770,000.00 IIMaV&NOY ,Nay' lli9,150o00!5S,OOOoOQ27,O87o5055o0,,)O.oo PK-203 Lakewood Pkjl-1-66 133/4-5 1150,000.00 I 60,000.00 May&Nov !Nov 2,250.00' '15,OOO.Od 1,687.5015.000.00 G-206 Hunk Golf 2-1-67 133/4-;4~1 75,000.00 I' 62,000.00jJUn&Dee IDee 2.620.0013.000.00 2,500.00 3.000.00 G-209 ~1unie Golf 0-1-68133/4-4~1 75,000.001 62,000.00 Apr&Oct Oct 2,620.00 3,000.00 2,500.od_~.000~0 AS-210 Ash Sewer 2-1-68 ~.25 1131,385.17 ¡ 92,000.00 iJun&Dee IDee 14,830.00,13.000.00 4.147.5013.000.00 PK-216 Pk So. Sa! ina4-1-74 ,4.1-4.2,100,000.00 /100,000.00 !Apr&Oet IOct I 0.001 o.od 6,225.00îO.000.OO Sub-Total I -I 4,364.385.17 tz.339.000.00 I I 17...9.766.84225DOO.OO77651.25 i235nOO.OO TOTAL............,.! ! 12S76.679.46 :6232.736.00 I ?11D94.15Bl2.000.0d191ß29.961762,736.00 Purpose of Bonds 35.2455.5.&.74 (27) I I I I I I I., I I I I I I STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS OTHER INDEBTEDNESS Nature of Indebtedness Rate of Interest Original Amount of Indebtedness Amount Unpaid 1-1-74 Date of Issue I vlater & Sewerage_Series 1961 7-J-_611 5-2.6013,600,000.00 2,225,000.00 -, .,. I I I [3,600,000.00 þ,225,000.00 TOTAL..,.,.......,..,."......,...,! I To be Paid 1.1-75 to 12,31,75 Interest I Principal I Interest I Principal , I ' 80¿20_..Q°1130,o00.00 rz 5,820. oq 1 35, 000.00 . , I I I. I I Î -, I ! I : I I ! ì To be Paid 1-1-74 to 12-31-74 I I I I 180~70.00~30POQOO 75 ..82Q...Od_J22..000. co COMPARISON OF TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TAX LEVIES AND INDEBTEDNESS Year 1973 (Actual) Total Expenditures-All Funds........"..... .'...,....,.....,..,. ,.. ,1$ 5,991 ,928.40 IS I Year 1972 I TangibleVaJuation.,........................:":.'......."""""",,1$ TotaITaxesLevied...............,.......,..............."""""'1$ TaxesPerSl00.00..,...........,.,.............,......,............. $ ~ ~ I I BondsOutstanding........................................"""""I!$ No-Fund Warrant~Outstanding.............................,......... AllOtherlndebredness................,.,....,.........,..."""""1 TotalIndebredncss.....,......,..........,.......,...........,...1$ 66,093,390.00 1$ 21_Q24., 768.94 ,$ 3.15 is I I I I 7 1_6~Q...2§L§.L!$ I 74.311.68 I 7,695,274.49 1$ Jan. 1, 1972 35.2455.5.8.74 MI...' (28) i I 7,520,7010631$ Year 1974 (Projected) Year 1973 69,426,332.00 1$ 2 LL04 , 570. 37 15- 3.0710 is I- i I I 6 ,Tþ'3 ,861 .00 :5 I 143.898.88 I 6,21 7 , 759.88 Is , Jan, 1, 1973 Year 1975 (Adopted Budget) 8, i39, 321 .00 Year 1974 (Estimated) 73,163,422.00 2,240,923.~ 3.1260 Jan, 1, 1974 5,882,COO.OO 32,969.00 365,040,52 6 .]80 ,009.52