1987 Budget Certificate . CERTIFICATE TO THE CLERK OF Saline COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B 1987 We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of City of Salina, Kansas certify that: ( 1) the hearing mentioned in the attached proof of publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year 1987; and (3) the Amount(s) of 86 Tax to be Levied are within statutory limitations. 1987 ADOPTED BUDGET Amount of 86 Tax to Expenditures be Levied TABLE OF CONTENTS: Adopted Budget & Financial Statements Levy Limits for Tax Funds Compo of Agg. Tax Levy Limitations Statement of Indebtedness General AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION Employee Benefits Utility Bond and Interest Special Liability Risk Management Reserve Equipment Reserve Special Parks and Recreation Special Alcohol Programs Sanitation Data Processinq I Parki nq Meters I Gol f Course I Special Gas Tax I Business Improvement District I Solid Waste Disposal I Tourism and Convention I Bicentennial Center I Water and Sewerage I I I- I- I I TOTALS IProof of Publication IFinal Assessed Valuation I I IPagel I No.1 I 2 I I 3 I I 4 I 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 1.] IMunicipal Accounting I Received IReviewed by I l~'U"U',# FqJ.~.~o~.:>~_es ..-,""..) .......J:t....' ": '-'" /~test : l\(r ;-. .~:;l- ?l \,) I: ~_ : c ~ .} Use Only Assisted by: No , 1986 (If not assisted, so state) Governing Body pa e No. 1 10,440,280 1,720,000 671 ,000 2,040,000 293,920 611,970 86,000 46,000 46,000 738,060 192,700 41,400 310,530 801,740 35,100 257,660 210,000 544,740 5,598,450 24,685,550 County Clerk's Use Only 1,643,730 2 265 104 990,818 451,571 784,686 196,284 14.695 8.858 4.037 7.015 1. 755 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 ,067 ,089 36.360 e e LEVY LIMITS FOR TAX FUNDS STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Bl 1987 for City of Salina (name of municipality) Estimated Assessed Tangible Valuation July 1,1986 111,856,170 (page 3a, WS #2, Coluw~ D, Line 1) A B C D E F 86 I 83 I Budget Less: G I Levy Lind t ILevy LimitlLevy Limit LAVTR Levy Fund IAuthoritylRate*1 Amount Amount Amount Amount Limit I 1 I I 1. General I I I Increase for loss I I I 2. of Intangible Taxi 12-1,1011 I Total 1 & 2 ----------------->1 I I General I NA NA NA 266,800 NA 1 Employee Benefits C 0 #1 7 I NA NA NA NA I Utility C 0 #1 7 I NA NA NA NA I Bond and Interest KSA 10-113 I NA NA NA NA I Special Liability KSA 75-6110 NA NA NA NA I I I I I I 1 I I I I * Rates are expressed in mills. 11. For county's use only because cities have no statutory rate limit on General Fund. 2. Loss must be due to an election. Amount of increase is limited to the amount of Intangibles Tax received in the year prior to elimination of such tax. This amount is also used on page 3, line 15. Election held , 19 Footnotes: Resolution dated/Election held First levy , 19 , 19 for mills for ____ years. Page No. 2 e e COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1987 Check Base Year Used: (Taxes levied in 80 for base year 1981) (Taxes levied in 81 for base year 1982) 1981 1982 X 1. Aggregate Levy Limitation computed for base year 1981 or 1982. . 2,030,044 2. Estimated assessed tangible valuation for 1980 or 1981 (WS #2, Col. D, Line 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . + 99,238,903 3. Tax Levy Rate o~ the Base Year (Line 1 divided by Line 2). . . . 20456 4. Net Change from Base Year of Personal Property (From Page 3a, WS #2, Line 10). . . . . . . + 6,347,887 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate (From Page 3a, WS #3, Line h~ + 5,063,740 6. Total Assessee Tangible Valuation (Lines 2 + 4 + 5) 110,650,530 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for Budget Year V~~~ (Line 3 x Line 6) 2,263,467 8. Adjustment for Territory Added .07233 x Line 7. . . . . . . . . (From WS #4, Line 5) 9. Adjustment for Territory Excluded x Line 1 . . . . . . . . . (From WS #4, Line 10) 1 ,637 -0- 10. Adjustment to Basic Aggregate Limitation for (See form C2 for possible adjustments) -0- 11. Functions exempted from Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations by Charter Resolution/Ordinance: Function CR/CO No* Amount * Total. . . . Attach copy to budget. Use this only if the exempt function is included in a fund under the aggregate limit. -0- 12. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1986. (Lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11) Show this amount on Certificate, page 1. 2,265,104 Suspension of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation authorized by: Election held , 19_ Charter Resolution/Ordinance No. (Attach copy to budget.) of , 19 Page No. 3 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Cl 1987 WORKSHEETS WS #1 - Assessed Tangible Valuation of Territory Added (Excluded) ABC since -0- 70 -0- -0- 40,520 11 ,1 60 4,740 24,430 -0- 80,850 the Base Year E INew Improve-I I ments on I IReal Estate I I I I I I I I I -0- (WS #3, Lines n & iii) 8 9 1. 2. . . . . 3. 4. . 5. . . . . 6. 7. TERRITORY 8. TERRITORY Year 1981* 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 ADDED EXCLUDED Real Estate Personal Property State Assessed D Total Tangible Valuation 40,520 11,090 4,740 24,430 -0- 70 -0- -0- -0- (WS#2, Col B (WS#2, Col C (To WS #4, Lines 6 & 7) Lines 6 & 7) Lines 1 & 6) * Don't fill in if 1982 is the Base Year WS #2 - Net change from Base Year of Personal Property ABC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I I I Estate 1986 Estimated Assessed Valuation I 69,906,890 1980/1981 Valuation from Farm Machinery 1980/1981 Valuation of Business Aircraft 1980/1981 Est. Assessed Valuation 62,591,050 Difference (Lines 1 + 2 + 3 - 4) . . . . . . Adjustment for Territory: Added (WS #1) . . Excluded (WS #1). Subtotal (Lines 5 - 6 + 7) . . . . . . . . . Add state Assessed . . . . . . . . . . NET CHANGE FROM BASE YEAR OF PERSONAL PROP. (Lines 8 + 9) ** If this is negative, see instructions. Real Personal Property 31,405,020 -0- 1,046,530 26,389,680 10,258,173 6,061,870 286,087 70 -0- -0- -0- 6,061,800 286,087 286,087 I (----' 6,347,887 ** 1 (To Page 3, State Assessed 10,544,260 D Total Tangible Valuation 111 ,856,170 99,238,903 Line 4) WS #3 - Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate 1. . . . . . . . . . 1981* I I 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1982 I 982,160 I 3. 1983 I 573,590 I 4. . . . . . 1984 I 1 .063.730 I 5. . . . . . . . . 1985 I 1.097.470 I 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1986 I 1,346,790 I 7. Subtotal. . . . . . . . . . . . I 5,063,740 I 8. Adjustment for Territory: Added. I -0- I (From WS # 1 , col. E, Line 7) 9. Excluded . I -0- I (From WS # 1 , col. E, Line 8) 10. INC. BY NEW IMP. ON REAL ESTATE (Lines Kf-f7lIrtf1) I 5,063,740 I (To Page 3, Line 5) 7-8+9 Page No. 3a e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C2 1987 WS #4 - Computation of Adjustment for Territory Added, Excluded 1. Valuation of Territory Added ( From WS # 1 , Col D, Line 7) . . . . . . . 80,850 2. 1985 Est. Assessed Valuation (From WS #2, Col D, Line 1 ) . 111,856,170 3. Valuation of Territory Added (Same as Line 1 ) . . . . . . 80.850 4. Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (Line 2 - 3 ) . . . . . . 111,775,320 5. AJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY ADDED (Line 1 divided by Line 4) .07233 (To Page 3, Line 8) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Valuation of Territory Excluded (From WS #1, Col D, Line 8). 1985 Estimated Assessed Valuation (Same as Line 2) Valuation of Territory Excluded (Same as Line 6) . . . . . Total Valuation including Territory Excluded (Lines 7 + 8) . ADJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY EXCLUDED (Line 6 divided by Line 9) (To -0- -0- -0- = -0- -0- Page 3,' Line 9) POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS TO BASIC AGGREGATE LIMITATION: New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. Amount determined by the County Clerk (See K.S.A. 79-5010) . . . . + Increase authorized by election ____years, voted , 19____; first levy year (See K.S.A. 79-5012) . . .. + Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals Order No. for years; first levy year (See K.S.A. 79-5013). + Functions transferred: In (from another taxing subdivision). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . out (to another taxing subdivision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Amount levied for any function or service for which a tax levy is specifically authorized and provided by law in the year preceding the transfer. See K.S.A. 79-5009) + Elimination of Tax on Intangible Personal Property pursuant to an election (not to exceed the amount received in the year prior to elimination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Note: The General Fund Levy may be increased by this amount. See K.S.A. 79-5020.) + TOTAL POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS -0- (to Page 3, line 1 0 ) Page No. 3b e e Allocation of 1987 Motor Vehicle Tax 1986 budgeted funds Actual amount of (85 tax-levies) 85 levy Ratio Allocation General 1,504,243 .2379 357,800 Employee Benefits 1,139,954 .2379 271,100 Util ity 432,079 .2379 102,800 Bond and Interest 841,169 .2379 200,000 Special Liability 34,084 .2379 I 8,300 TOTAL 3,951,529 940,000 NOTE: Do not allocate to new or discontinued funds, see Instructions. * * * * * Computation of Delinquency Amount 84 Taxes Uncollected divided by amount of 84 Taxes Levied Actual Delinquency for 84 Taxes % Rate Used in this Budget Page No. 3c STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C3 1987 = % "'" . o z Q) b"I III A< e - I 7.25to' Combined Water & Sewage Refundng Bonds I 6/15/84 19.75 I 2,770,000 I 2,280,000 I Feb-Aug I Feb tnOl' .:C co tnSO'\ ~~.... :>::Ii:.. Ii:.. +J o Q) 0> ~'Cl 8 ~ I<l; r:Q 8 tn Purpose of Bonds General Obligation Refunding Bonds STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Date Int. IAmount ofl Amount of IRate I Bond s IOutstand Date Due - Issue I % I Issued I 1-1-86 Int Prine 15.75 I - 0/29/85 I 9.00 to I 8 .115~OQQ 8. 115 ~OOO A Amount Due Amount Due 1986 1987 - - Int. prin Int. prin ~ 395,000 493,975 270,000 - - - 90,853 310,000 170,177 210,000 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El 1987 IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I I IUnreserved Fund Balance, January Taxes and Shared Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Stamp Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Local Alcoholic Liquor Fund Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund County and City Revenue Sharing Fund Bingo Gross Receipts 'Local Sales Tax Highway Maintenance Licenses, Fees and Permits Municipal Court Fines Franchise Taxes Administrative Services Fire Protection Outside City Limits Ambulance Fees Reimbursement Fair Housing Expense Reimbursement Art Commission Expense Reimbursement Museum Expense Reimbursement Ambulance Expense Reimbursement of Expenditures Transfer from Other Funds Miscellaneous Services and Sales I I I Code I I I I I 1,553,404 22,109 13,766 301 ,589 45,382 223,980 165,704 15,362 3,205,156 3,090 196,240 318,389 1,154,385 53,917 133,238 136,710 -0- -0- 83,000 230,160 111,289 195,000 147,119 GENERAL FUND 1985 Actual 2,764,038 1986 Budget or Estimate 2,610,467 1,504,243 25,000 12,000 323,300 45,000 245,280 176,480 15,000 3,100,000 3,100 206,200 340,000 1 ,170,000 47,000 165 ,000 140,000 -0- -0- 83,000 219,990 10,000 195,000 167,300 BUDGET 1987 999,100 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 22,000 14.000 357.800 46,000 266.800 203,400 16,000 3,250,000 3 ,100 206,550 365,000 1,240,000 57,000 156,000 154,000 1 9 ,000 21 ,000 65,070 251,730 15,000 196,000 202,000 US? of Money and Property: Interest on idle funds 673,199 670,000 530,460 Miscellaneous: Revenue in lieu of ad valorem taxes: Discontinued Funds No Fund Warrant Fund surplus Reimbursed Expenses Other Cancellation of prior yrs. encumbrances TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 8.982.188 11,746,226 Page No. 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx -0- -0- Ixxxxxxxxxxxxx I 8.723.353 I 11,333,820 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 7,797,450 8,796,550 e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form El, Continued 1987 I 1985 1986 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1987 11,746,226 11,333,820 8,796,550 310,492 316,270 388,590 74,057 74,020 74,610 188,252 197 ,770 202,300 50,106 53,110 56,460 59,537 58,310 60,450 122,225 135,470 108,000 143,299 140,670 144,110 1,538,542 1,644,430 1 ,715,780 92,791 107 ,330 101 .100 396,605 426,900 437,940 1 ,638,534 1,800,880 1 ,782,620 553,122 582,300 592,640 50,614 52,200 74,470 353,983 406,600 436,400 79 ,651 83,430 84,290 43,502 44,600 43,850 92,904 113 ,430 123,200 139,575 189,000 165,360 93,192 96,370 117,860 53.609 56,270 57,720 58,191 58,580 58,900 94,295 118,500 153,200 59.869 61 .630 60.980 73,428 75.400 79.450 2.775.384 3.441 .250 3.320.000 e I I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE IExpenditures: I City Commission I City Manager I City Clerk I Legal GENERAL FUND-Contd. Municipal Court Buildings Engineering Fire Permits and Inspection Park Police Street Human Relations Emergency Medical Traffic Control Swimming Pools Service I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ITOTAL EXPENDITURES Iunreserved Fund Balance, December 31 I I I Administration and Planning Non-Departmental Arts and Humanities Commission Cemetery Genera 1 Improvement Smoky Hill Museum Flood Works Neighborhood Centers Capital Improvements - Sales Tax 10,334,720 I 10,440,280 999 , 1 00 I xxxxxxxxxxxxx TAX REQUIRED I 1,643,730 Computation (See Instructions) I -0- Amount of 86 Tax to be Levied I 1,643.730 Delinquency Page No. Sa 9,135,759 2,610,467 e Financial Statement and Adopted EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Budget I I FUND I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1985 Actual 142,444 1,125,757 15.533 257.474 15,0011 7 258 16,242 11,884 6,392 397 1 86 .105 40.000 e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 1987 Iunreserved Fund Balance, January lAd Valorem Tax IDelinquent Tax IMotor Vehicle Tax I Interest on Investments IPolice and Fire Retirement - Em 10 ee ISocial Security - Employer IEmployees Retirement- Employer IEmployees Retirement - Employee IUnemployment Insurance IReimbursement of Expenditures ITransfer from Other Funds I I I I I I I I I I IInterest on idle funds ITOTAL RECEIPTS IRESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: Officials - Employees Liability Social Security Police and Fire Retirement Employees Retirement Group Insurance Unemployment Insurance Worker's Compensation Earned Leave 1986 Budget or Estimate 355.728 1,139,954 1'i,000 235,400 18,000 -0- 14.000 20.000 -0- 1,000 95.000 40.000 I I I 2'i4,OA? Ixxxxxxxxxxxxx I I I I BUDGET 1987 1 c; nnn - ?71 ,1 nn 18,000 15.000 12.000 -0- 1,000 103.000 40.000 1,682,050 1,578,354 475.100 1,824,494 1,934,082 729,182 Insurance 32,208 32.900 50,000 189,053 220,300 225.000 578,900 620,400 638.000 114 ,080 1 60 ,1 00 150.000 420.899 475,000 470,000 9.406 20.000 ?'i,000 99.696 111,300 122,000 24.524 40.000 40.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31 1,468,766 355,728 1.680.000 254.082 TAX REQUIRED Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 86 Tax to be Levied Delinquency 1,720,000 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 990,818 -0- 990,818 Page No. 6 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 1987 Financial Statement and Adopted UTILITY Budget I I FUND ~ I I I I I I I I I I I 1985 Actual 91,175 409,804 5,301 78,101 2,067 -0- 1986 Budget or Estimate 133,850 432,079 5,000 75,700 2,000 15.000 I 1 94,629 I xxxxxxxxxxxxxl 5,000 I 102,800 I 2,000 I 15,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUDGET 1987 Iunreserved Fund Balance, January I Ad Valorem Tax IDelinquent Tax IMotor Vehicle Tax 'Interest on Investments Transfer from Other Funds Interest on idle funds TOTAL RECEIPTS 495,273 529 ,779 124,800 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 586,448 663,629 219,429 Expenditures: Gas Service 44,693 67,000 80,000 Li ght and Power Service 89,739 133 ,000 210,000 Water Service 21,106 42,000 43,000 Traffic Control Signals 33,387 37,000 38,000 Street Li ght i ng 263,673 290,000 300,000 569,000 94,629 TAX REQUIRED Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 86 Tax to be Levied 452,598 133,850 I I I I I 671 ,000 I xxxxxxxxxxxxx/ 451,571 I -0- I 451,571 I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES Iunreserved Fund Balance, December 31 I I Delinquency I Page No. 7 e Financial statement and Adopted BOND AND INTEREST Budget I I FUND ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 1987 Iunreserved Fund Balance, January lAd Valorem Tax IDelinquent Tax IMotor Vehicle Tax ICurrent Special Assessment Taxes IDelinquent Special Assessment Taxes Ilnterest on Investments IAccrued Interest ISpecial Assessment ITransfer from Other Funds I I I I I I I I 1 I I I IInterest on idle funds ITOTAL RECEIPTS IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I Expenditures: 1 General Bond Principal I General Bond Interest I S ecial I S ecial I Special I Special Assessment-interest-Property I Fiscal Aqency Fees I interest - Bonds to be issued I I I I I I 1 I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES IUnreserved Fund Balance, December 31 I I I 1985 Actual 456,397 692,093 1 2 ,631 194.865 632,111 55 325 20,229 23,119 8,723 142.200 1986 Budget or Estimate 366,245 841.169 20,000 144.700 625,000 30 000 20,000 2,000 4,000 134.200 I I 221 ,314 I xxxxxxxxxxxxxl 15.000 I 200,000 I 625.000 I 40 000 I 20,000 I 2,000 I 6,000 I 126.000 I I I I I BUDGET 1987 1,781.296 1 .821 .069 1,034,000 2,237,693 2.187.314 1 .255,314 637,000 fin J 000 635,000 347,618 270,400 247,000 99 844 127 800 132,000 577,156 552,300 502,900 25,270 121,900 51,400 Owner 162,023 181,100 195,700 22,537 500 1,000 -0- 40,000 275.000 1,966,000 221,314 TAX REQUIRED Computation (See Instructions) Amount of 86 Tax to be Levied 2,040,000 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 784,686 -0- 784.686 Delinquency Page No. 1,871,448 366,245 8 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E2 1987 Financial Statement and Adopted SPECIAL LIABILITY Iunreserved Fund Balance, January lAd Valorem Tax I Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Transfer from Other Funds Budget I I FUND I Code I I I I I I I 1985 Actual 174,909 33,505 636 9,310 6,640 1986 Budget or Estimate 190,052 34,084 600 7,000 7,000 BUDGET I 1987 I I 88,736 I xxxxxxxxxxxxx/ 600 8,300 -0- 1 I / I I I I I I 8,900 I 97.636 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 150,000 I 293,920 I 88,736 I xxxxxxxxxxxxx I TAX REQUIRED I 196,284 I Computation (See Instructions) I -0- I Amount of 86 Tax to be Levied I 196.284 I 50,091 225,000 48,684 238,736 Interest on idle funds TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: Insurance - Liability Other Professional Services Transfer from Other Funds 28,154 6.794 -0- 130 ,000 20.000 -0- -0- -0- 293.920 ' I I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES Iunreserved Fund Balance, December 31 I I Delinquency I 34,948 190,052 Page No. 9 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1987 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget I I RISK MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND I Code I Unreserved Fund Balance, January Revenues: Transfer from Other Funds 1985 Actual -0- 1986 Budget or Estimate -0- BUDGET 1987 -0- -0- -0- 611,970 TOTAL RECEIPTS -0- -0- 611,970 RESOURCES AVAILABLE -0- -0- 611 .970 Expenditures: Personal Services -0- -0- 36,000 Contractual Services -0- -0- 87,000 Materials and Supplies -0- -0- 2,000 Sundry Expenditures -0- -0- 485 ,720 I Capital Outlav -0- -0- 1 .250 I / I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES -0- -0- 611,970 IUnreserved Fund Balance, December 31 -0- -0- -0- Financial Statement and Adopted Budget EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND 1985 1986 Budget BUDGET Code Actual or Estimate 1987 IUnreserved Fund Balance, January -0- -0- -0- IRevenues: I Interest from Investments -0- -0- 8.000 I Transfer from Other Funds -0- -0- 200,000 I I I I ITOTAL RECEIPTS -0- -0- 208,000 IRESOURCES AVAILABLE 208,000 /Expenditures: I Capital Outlay -0- -0- 86,000 I I I I I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES -0- -0- 86,000 IUnreserved Fund Balance, December 31 -0- -0- 122,000 Page No. 10 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1987 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget I I FUND/code I 1985 Actual 69 1986 Budget or Estimate 451 BUDGET 1987 338 SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION Unreserved Fund Balance, January Revenues: City Liquor Tax 45,382 44,887 45,662 TOTAL RECEIPTS 45,382 44,887 45,662 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 45,451 45,338 46,000 Expenditures: Transfer to Other Funds 45,000 45,000 46,000 I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 45,000 45,000 46,000 Iunreserved Fund Balance, December 31 451 338 -0- Financial Statement and Adopted Budget I I 1985 1986 Budget BUDGET I SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND Code I Actual or Estimate 1987 I IUnreserved Fund Balance, January I -0- 382 337 I IRevenues: I I , Citv Liauor Tax I 45,382 44,955 45,663 I I I I I I. I I I I I , ITOTAL RECEIPTS 45,382 44,955 45,663 I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE 45,382 45,337 46,000 I I Expenditures: I I Contractual Services 45,000 45,000 46,000 I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 45,000 45,000 46,000 I I Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31 382 337 -0- I Page No. 11 e e e Financial Statement and Adopted Budget I I FUNDlcodel I I I I I I I I I I I I I e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1987 PARKING METERS IUnreserved Fund Balance, January IRevenues: I Parkinq Permits lOne Day Parkinq Permits I Reimbursement of Expenditures I I I ITOTAL RECEIPTS IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I Expenditures: I Personal Services I Contractual Services 1 Materials and Supplies I I I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES IUnreserved Fund Balance, December 31 1985 Actual 666 1986 Budget or Estimate 3,402 BUDGET 1987 3,152 37,893 243 9,000 47,200 300 -0- 38,000 300 -0- 47 ,136 47,500 38,300 47,802 50,902 41,452 33,490 34,300 35,000 5,845 7,650 800 5,065 5,800 5,600 Financial Statement and Adopted GOLF COURSE Budget . 1 I FUND I Code I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IUnreserved Fund Balance, January IRevenues: I Green Fees I Cart Rental I Cart Storage and Fees I Driving Range I Snack Ba~ Sales I Oi 1 Well Lease ITOTAL RECEIPTS IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I Expenditures: I Personal Services I Contractual Services I Materials and Supplies I Sundry Expenditures I Capital Outlay I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES Iunreserved Fund Balance, December 31 44,400 3,402 47,750 3,152 41,400 52 1985 Actual 16,910 1986 Budget or Estimate 33,190 BUDGET. 1987 40,730 162,105 49,325 9,553 8,877 31,043 5,352 266,255 283,165 191,100 46,400 10,000 9,000 30,700 4,800 292,000 325,190 186,000 53,000 10,500 9,000 31,000 5,000 294,500 335,230 95,482 41,160 52,725 58,972 1 ,636 119,160 40,500 46,100 51,200 27,500 124,400 46,900 50,200 54,460 34,570 Page No. 249,975 33,190 284,460 40,730 310,530 24,700 13 e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1987 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget I I FUND/code I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I II I I I I I I I I I 1985 Actual 154,894 1986 Budget or Estimate 102,689 BUDGET 1987 59,829 SPECIAL GAS Iunreserved Fund Balance, January IRevenues: State Gas Tax 672,958 720 ,000 780,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay 672,958 720,000 780,000 827,852 822,689 839,829 63,542 70,510 69,390 398,757 400,000 400,000 112,864 130,350 165,350 150,000 150,000 150,000 -0- 12,000 17,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31 725 , 1 63 102,689 762,860 59,829 801,740 38,089 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget 1985 Actual 690 1986 Budget or Estimate 7,643 BUDGET 1987 6,673 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IUnreserved Fund Balance, January I Revenues: I Assessment Fees I Transfer from Other Funds I I I I ITOTAL RECEIPTS IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I Expenditures: I Persona 1 Servi ces Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay FUND Code 38,613 -0- 11,000 24,000 20,000 15,000 38,613 39,303 35,000 42,643 35,000 41,673 23,195 7,411 689 365 -0- 23,570 9,700 1,600 300 800 24,000 8,650 1 .600 350 500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31 31,660 7,643 35,970 6,673 35,100 6,573 Page No. 14 e Financial Statement and Adopted SOLID WASTE Budget I I FUNDlcodel I I I I I e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1987 Unreserved Fund Balance, January Revenues: Income from Leased Land Service Fees Reimbursement of Expenditures 1985 Act ual 86,567 163 301 .567 125 1986 Budget or Estimate 215,231 100 265.000 -0- BUDGET 1987 276,281 100 265.000 -0- e Financial Statement and Adopted BICENTENNIAL CENTER Budget I FUNDlcode I I I I I 1985 Actual 89,450 IUnreserved Fund Balance, January IRevenues: I Rent I Food/Beverage Reimbursement of Expenditures Transfer from Other Funds 133,426 183,889 2,037 265.000 e 1986 Budget or Estimate 78,101 130,000 215,000 3,000 300,000 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E6 1987 BUDGET 1987 44,931 130 ,000 215,000 3,000 200.000 584,352 673,802 548,000 592,931 TOTAL RECEIPTS RESOURCES AVAILABLE Expenditures: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Suoolies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay 289.537 200.215 39,976 61 ,365 4,608 648,000 726,101 314.170 217.000 44,500 96,300 9,200 324.050 64.600 44,200 86,600 25,290 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31 595,701 78,101 544,740 48,191 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget 681,170 44,931 FUND WATER AND SEWERAGE I Code I I I I I I I I I 2,812,450 695,584 282,335 676.000 -0- 39,972 4,506,341 5,075,072 1985 Actual 568,731 IUnreserved Fund Balance, January I Revenues: I Water Revenue I Sewerage Revenue I Miscellaneous Fees and Services I Sanitation Fees Collected I Reserve for Extension, Deoreciation & Emerqencv I Net I ncrease on Current Assets ITOTAL RECEIPTS IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I Expenditures: I Water Supply Expenses , Softening and Treatment Expenses , Pumpinq and Distribution Expenses I Customer Accountinq and Collection Exoenses I Administrative and General Expenses I Sewage Treatment and Collection Expenses I Bond and Interest I Cash Remitted to Sanitation Deoartment I Depreciation Expenses I Capital Expenditures I Extension, Depreciation and Emergency ITOTAL EXPENDITURES IUnreserved Fund Balance, December 31 93,024 843.768 536.690 305.471 711,217 592,753 226.395 676,000 596 ,481 -0- -0- 4,581 ,799 493,273 Page No. 16 1986 Budget or Estimate 493,273 3 ,041 ,760 732,160 234,900 704.000 600.000 -0- 5,312,820 5,806,093 97,400 859 .130 586.090 321 .340 757,570 640,300 510.400 704,000 -0- 400,000 600,000 5.476.230 329,863 BUDGET 1987 329,863 2,989,200 730,400 241,400 704.000 800.000 -0- 5,465,000 5,794,863 97.400 852.950 580.230 323.350 805 ,720 645,200 389,600 704,000 -0- 400.000 800.000 5.598.450 196,413 e . Affidavit of Publication together with proof of publication of the same. Notice of Hearing on 1987 Budget CITY OF SALINA SALINE COUNTy, KANSAS NOTlCEO.F HEARINGO,N I987BtJl),GET:'~ The governing body of City of SaliDa, J{ansaswiII meet on'tile- 1lt,h claro! A~l.t 4:00 P.M.. at Room 200., C. i~.. .county Building for the .pUI"JlOi;e Of..h. eann.' g.and'linilW.... en. '~.' A;.. ' jections of taxpayers relatJJl$ to the proposed use .of~ll ;fundS (il)c1udii1g-~e~; , Federal ~venue Shari~g fUrid and its relationship to tile entire h~. . the am. O\mt;. ~f" to tie leVied, artg to consider amendments. 'n... .;...! ..'-'. . . .' ~.jjS;.., .L-SUlJ..: ..11 ..~9' C.....I.t.. ;,~~\c .C. J~ffI. .l!t!tter, .. ; . BUDGETS .' . "'~" ~Expenditures .~nd the Am()unt of 86 '1'iix sworn, declare that I am the Advertising Manager of TI maximum limits of the 1987 B~t, 'I'bfil Esti 1985 Following is a true and correct copy of AFFIDAVIT I, Jane A. Gl enn , being dl in the issue of Jul y 29. ,19J:iL ~4~~J 45,000 45.000 6M,941 162,287 , 44,4(j0 249.975 725,1 t;.'J .31,660 H3,191., ~1.200 '~5,701 4'!~11,7!l!I ~. BUDG Actual ,A ., . :4lileuiltm rd, T..$":~. .' ... '..r.*f ~Ie' Expenditure. ~'Expeliiltt_ "" te~~:.,. 14.7641 10,334,720 13.8'U3 10,440,280 1,643.73(F1'ill9lil 10.7516 1.680,000 10.4893 1.720.000 99O.818."858il 3.9136 569;000 :J.9'fS8 ",,1671.0lI0.M<'451,57!' j,Qa11' ~:~~ i.~: ~:~: 2,::~~~::t:ill . ,,;;61l~ .... '.. -,)1'''' '.', ,.~. 86,000'.~. ;:.~;:.: ~:,,~ ~45,~t.. 46.,000. .,;,.<" "'...... ".-. -......'...' 45,tlOO~,; 46,000"': "",f"'. 732,400 : 738,060, .j.' ,.J. ...; .~,520 ;.192,700 :-'t .:!";; ~ 47.750 .. 41,400J.." 284,46()310.~3Q.f.C. .~ 762,860 : 801,740,;:;" '...... 35,970 , 3~,100., -' !f)4,050:t;251.660:' . ' : i<:J.: 145,fll)lJ . .21O,0Q0" ; f';:~,U 6Hl.170 544.740 5,476,230 5..';98,450 Notice of Hearing on 1987 Budget SALINA JOURNAL a daily newspaper publiShed at Sali F' Jd' Ae~.a1 , U.. Expendjtures GeneraL.......,.... ......... 9,135,759 Saline County, Kansas, and of general circulation in s EllIP10yee Benefits........... 1,468,766 Utility:.............. .... ...... 452,5,'18 county, which newspaper has been continuously and urs Bo n~'alndL.lllb~I'e$L......... ,1.871,448' . pecm la ;lity.....:...:.... 34.948 Risk :Management Reserve terruptedly published for five consecutive years prior to f EquiPment Reserve $pecialParks & Recreation Special Aicohol Progr,uns publ ication of attached notice, and that the attached - Saniuition........::......:...... Data Processing............:. Pllrklng Meters............ ;., (lolf COUr:5e....,.:.. .,.:.'... .,. has been correctly published in said newspaper ~ :::~~:~;.xDi~i;i~~.:....~,.. ~olid Waste DisJlllSllL:'...... the first publication being gi Tljllrismal'ldConvertt'fim.... Bicentennial Center......... Water and Heweral(e......... I~venue HharilJj.( J-'inanee & Gen. Adm..... 2(..,(NN) Health...........,.....,.... :lX,fNNJ [(oads....................... !)2,fi12 - Fire ..............,......... 17,:.~J P-drk and Ik-credtioll...... 211,2fJii It"llefi/" & Auditinl( ...... :I,Ii4H TotaIK,.... .........,,'.......... 2(J.X1fl.liW A. D. 19 - Total .~x l..cviL~l............. iI,!Nj(i~!/!!X A!ll;Cl;.'l(.~1 ValualioD.......... 1ff7;147,lifi!1 llutMariding Ind"hll"J~"ss'-'. .. Notary Pu~ .lahU'dfY J ............... 1_' I;.(J, 11I.liIls.......;;............ 1fI,449.!~ ) It"~~'nl/(, 11Imd"..~,.......,..... '4,:~ 'Tofai.. ...~.......... .~. ..,....~ H,~:fitiff~.;;~~. 'Tax Ral.. are e.pre...d.ln mUl.. times, day of July 29 t a,J{t~ ~4;'~ :lfi.:llj .;lIMJ.OOO 2X,r"NJ 70.lfMJ HI,INMI '.lii,INIO 4,41MJ . 2:1,li7x,f:lO ;lfj, :llj . :I,!Iiil.ii211 IOX,Ii17~ .'tl.'lii' 1~' HI,144,11fll1 . 2,77If,l~ !12,!11.j~io' - :'+ . , ; 24,liXii,iif>lJ . 1 j; " ,.. . I 4,11(;7 ;oi!!l :u;.~ lL .r' I , 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ftl,~lfp11J. 1986 X,llii,fMlI) 2.2X1(INM'. HI,:I!lii.lNKJ . D. L. HARRISON NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF vM4S/\S MY APPT. EX""" . p.~-..- 17 .TICE OF HEARING 1987 BUDGET e The governing body of City of Salina, Kansas '....ill meet on the 11th day of August ,1986 at 4.:00 ~.y,., at Room 200, City-County Building for :.he ;mrpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed use of all funds (including the use of the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund and its relationship to the entire budget), the amount of tax to be levied, and to consider amendments. Jetailed budget information is available at Ci ty Cl erk I s Offi ce at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY and .....ill be available :'he Expenditures and the Amount of 86 Tax to be Levied (published below) establish the :naximum limits of the 1987 Budget. The Estimated Tax Rate is for comparative purposes. Fund [ Genera 1 iEmployee Benefits I Ut i 1 i ty I Bond and Interest is ecial Liabilit IRisk Management Reserv~ I Equipment Reserve I ISoecial Parks & Recrea ion [Special Alcohol Proqra~s ISanitation IData Processinq IParking Meters IRevenue Sharing I I Finance & Gen. Adm.1 I Health I I Roads I Fire I Park and Recreation I Reserve & Auditinq I Totals I Total Tax Levied I \.ssessed Valuation I Outstanding Indebtedness, I I I I Actual .1 Ex'Cendi tures I 9,135,759 1,4.68,766 4.52,598 1,871,4.48 34 94.8 1985 4.5 000 4.5,000 684,94.1 162,287 4.4,4.00 265.000 38.000 52,612 17,309 20.205 3.648 20 840 610 3,906,988 107.4.47,669 I 1984 I 10,4.40,000 I I I I 14.829.000 I expressed in mills. I Go 1 f Course 24.9,975 I I 284,4.60 I 310,530 I I J ISpecial Gas Tax 725 ,1 63 I I 762,860 I 801,740 I J IBusiness Imor. Distric~ 31 660 I I 35.970 35.100 I ISolid Waste Disoosal 173 191 I I 204 050 I 257,660 I j ITouri~m and Convention 14.1 200 I I 145 000 210.000 I I J !Bicentennial Center 595 701 I I 681 170 544 740 I I jWater and Seweraae 4. 581.799 I I 5 4.76 230 5 598.4.50 I I J I - - . - I . --.- January 1, G.O. Bonds ~o-Fund Ivar:=am:s Revenue Bonds Total Tax Rates are E>>~ 4.,389,000 City C':'er:< 1986 Budget or 4.5 000 4.5,000 732,4.00 181 ,520 4.7,750 300.000 28.500 70.100 19,000 15.000 4.400 23 678 130 3,951,529 108.677,882 1985 10,14.4,000 2,770,000 12.91'+.000 17a I PROPOSED BUDGET 1987 I I Amount of lEst. I 86 Tax to ITax I be Levied IRate*1 1,54.3,730 /14.6950j 990,818 8.85801 4.51,571 4..03711 784.,686 7.0151/ 196,284 1.7548/ I I J I J I j 1986 8,115,000 2,280,000 10.395.000 r~~ ~ e Financial Statement and Adopted Budget FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND IUnreserved Fund Balance, January IEntitlements U. S. Treasury IInterest on idle funds ITotal Receipts IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I Expenditures: I Financial & General Administration I Libraries I Hospitals I Health I Roads 1 Police I Fire I cemeteries I Parks and Recreation I Sewerage I Garbage Collection I Debt Service I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES IUnreserved Fund Balance, December 31 SPECIAL MACHINERY FUND K.S.A. 68-141g IUnres Fund Bal January ITransfer from I Road and Bridge Fund I Transfer from Other Funds IInterest on idle funds I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE IExpenditures: I Equi pment I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES IUnres Fund Bal December 31 1985 Actual 86,116 -0- 7,500 554 94,170 24,998 24,998 69,1 72 e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E4 1987 I Codel I I 1985 Actual 1986 Budget or Estimate SPECIAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT FUND K. S .A. 68-590 Iunres Fund Bal January ITransfer from I Road and Bridge Fund I IInterest on idle funds I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE IExpenditures: I Equi pment 1 I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES Iunres Fund Bal December 31 BUDGET I 1987 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxl 1985 Actual 43,933 -0- -0- 43,933 43,933 Page No. 18 43,933 -0-