1982 Budget Certificate e NonCE OF HEARING ON _ 1982 BUDGET .. The governing body of City of Salina will meet on the 3rd day of Auaust , 1981 at 4 P.M., at Room 200, City-County Buildinq, 300 West Ash for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed use of all funds (including the use of the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund and its relation- ship to the entire budget) and the amount of tax to be levied, and to consider amendments. Detailed budget information is available at City Clerk's Office and will be available at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY I I I I I 1980 Actual I 1981 Estimated I PROPOSED BUDGET 1982 I I I I lEst. Amount I I Tax I Tax I I Tax of Tax to Proposed I Fund IRate Expenditures IRate I Expenditures IRate be Levied Expenditures I I General 11. 726 4,387,493 1. 5021 4,737,000 11. 658 1,645,300 5,171,730 I IEmployee Benefits I .715 1,313,665 .9881 1,553,600 I .982 974,990 1,736,800 I I Utility I .379 342,667 .3251 435,000 I .353 350,020 440,000 I IBond & Interest I .950 1,810,242 1.0661 2,065,180 '1. 036 1,028,080 2,286,700 I I Special Liability I .057 51,709 .064 78,000 .055 54,270 75,000 ISpecial Parks & Rec~ 51,303 35,540 55,000 Special Alcohol I 51,303 35,540 59,300 Sanitation I 495,316 615,830 658,210 Parking Meters I 91,935 105,080 109,670 Golf Course I 105,767 122,830 143,340 Special Gas Tax I 427,061 375,000 375,000 Solid Waste Disposa~ 135,481 187,450 259,780 Bicentennial Center I 530,481 590,000 612,990 Water and Sewerage I 4,243,176 3,770,700 4,241,870 Revenue Sharing: I Bicentennial Cent~r 250,000 250,000 225,000 Public Safety I 5,548 69,800 54,200 Parks & Recreatio~ 0 27,500 80,000 Reserve 1 3,290 2,000 25,520 Domestic Violence 1 18,000 10,000 5,000 Capital Equipment I 58,529 15,700 60,700 Human Resources I 33,000 I I , I I I I I I Total13.827 I 14,405,966 13.9451 15,081,750 4. 084 xxxxxxxxxxx 16,675,810 Total Tax Levied 4,027,494 I 3,843,772 4,052,660 Assessed Valuation 105,233,894 I 97,437,930 Est. Assessed Val 99,238,903 Outstanding Indebtedness, January 1, General Obligation Bonds Special Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Temporary Notes No-Fund Warrants Total 1979 11,022,000 o 4,394,000 1,449,802 o 16,865,802 1980 11,430,000 o 4,393,000 762,795 o 16,585,795 1981 11,899,000 o 4,392,000 o o 16,291,000 Tax Rates are expressed in Dollars/SlOO assessed valuation. D. L. Harrison, City Clerk iSSion~ 2:~~ Commissioner Charles B. Roth ~~N (;L e ~ If not assisted. so state Rates are expressed in Dollars/$100 assessed valuation. a 1981 Assisted by Proof of Publication and NOTICE OF HEARING 1982 BUDGET Proof of Publication and NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS 12 Subtotal from Continuation ,___ 131 TOTALS I 215,870 I I 14_1 4,052 ---- -- ----...- .. ,Statement of Indebtedness 3 1982 ADOPTED BUDGET . IAdopted Budget and Financial Statements: Levy Limit LAVTR Tax Amount of Tax Less % Tax 1982 IGovernmental Funds: K. S .A. IRate 10ther Rate Amount Limit to be Levied Delinquency Required Appropriation I General (ATL 2,030,044) 4 Charter prd # 09 .217 215,870 /'c:'S'l 1,645,300 1,645,300 5,171,730 I Employee Benefits 5 Charter prd # 1L7 . 9'(:L 974,990 974,990 1,736,800 I utilitv 5 Charter brd # b.7 . !>$:: 350,020 350,020 440,000 I Bond and Interest 6 10-113 I I. 0 !>c. 1,028,080 1,028,080 2,286,700 I Special Liability 6 SB-76 I .05S' 54,270 54,270 75,000 Special Parks and Recreation 7 79-41a041 55,000 Special Alcohol 7 79-41a04 59,300 STATE OF KANSAS ...., / (Name of City or County) Budget Form B "- 1982 TO THE CLERK OF SALINE COUNTY, STATE OF KANSAS - We, the undersigned, duly elected; qualified and acting officers of the City.of Salina , certify that the hearings mentioned in the attached proofs of publication were held; that after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum appropriation for the various funds for the year 1982; and further certify the amounts of taxes to be levied are within statutory or duly adopted Charter Resolution/Ordinance limitations. Maximum Allowance for Delinquent Taxes Estimated Assessed Valuation: ,99, 238, ~ 1979 General Fund Amount uncollected $ 81,080 Divided by amount levied $1,876,865 ... 4.319 % e TABLE OF CONTENTS Ipage +5.000 % Computation of Aggregate Tax Levy I No. Maximum allowance 9.319 % I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I '{. "'ll( 660 6,851,280 16,675,810 ~ . o Z QJ 0'1 n::I 0... ----- ---- -- STATE OF KANSAS 1 Budget Form B-1 1 1982 1 CERTIFICATE--Continued I Ipagel 1 I TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ 1982 ADOPTED BUDGET 1 Adopted Budget and Financial Statements: 1 1 LevY Limit LAVTR Tax I Amount of Tax Less: %1 Tax 1 1982 I L-J K.S.A. Rate IOther Rate I Amount Limit I to be Levied Delinquency I Required 'Appropriation Sanitation 8 I I I : i 658,210 Parking Meters 8 I I I I 109,670 Golf Course 9 I I I ~ : 143,340 Special Gas Tax 9 I I I 375,000 Solid Wa~te Disposal 10 I I I i I 259,780 Bicentennial Center 10 612,990 Water and Sewerage 11 4,241,870 Revenue S ar1ng ~I , I I I 450,420 , , I I I , I I I i , I I I I : L--' I : , I I I I I I I , I : I , I . I I i L--' I I I i I , I I I I , I L-J I I I , I , I I I I L-J I I i , I : : I ~ '----.J , , I l----.J I : : L-I I L-J I ~ I I I , I I L-J I I I L-J I L-I I I , : L-J I I I L-J I I i , I I I i I SUBTOTAL 1 16,851,280 Rates are expressed in Dollars/$lOO assessed valuation. ~ 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I e . - STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1982 COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATIONS Check Base Year Used: (Taxes levied in 1968 for budget year 1969) (Taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970) 1969 X 1970 1. Total tangible taxes levied for the Base Year for purposes included within the Aggregate Limitations . .. .. . 1,175,634 2. Assessed tangi~le valuation for the Base Year .. . .. .. . .. .. . .' .' . 62,717,142 3. Tax Levy Rate of the Base Year (Line 1 divided by Line 2). . I .8745 % 4. N~t Change from Base Year of Personal Property - from Line 10, WS #1 . . 31,605,859 20,194,276 114,517,277 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate - from Line 8, WS #2 . . .. . 6. Total Assessed Tangible Valuation (Line 2 + 4 + 5). . . .,. .. . 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for Budget Year 1982 (Line 3 x Line 6) 2,146,626 , , I Amount of Adjustments of Aggregate Limitation: 8. Territory added: 9. Territory excluded: Line 7 x 3.552 % - from. Line 5, WS 13 Line 1 x -0- % - ( from Line 10, WS 13 76,248 -0- ) 10. New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. Amount determined by the County Clerk .. . '.. . e .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. e e. . . .. . . . .. -0- 11. Increase authorized by election __ years, voted , 19_; first levy year 19_. . . . . . . . . . . . -0- 12. Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals Order No. for __ years; first levy year 19_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0- Functions transferred: 13. In ... . . . . .' . .. . . . . ~ . . .' . ." . . . . . . . 14. Out...,...-.......,............ e.. . . (Amount levied for any function or service in the year preceding the transfer.) . . . . ,- . . ( -0- -u- ) . . . . . . . 15. Elimination of Tax on Intangible Personal Property (not to exceed the amount received in the year prior to elimination) . . . . . . . . . -0- 16. Estimated amount of Motor Vehicle Taxes which will be allocated to those funds within the Aggregate Limitation in 1982 - from Line 7, WS #5 . . . . . . . . . . ." . ( 192,830) 17. Total (Lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 - 14 + 15 - 16) 2,030,,044 18. Total Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations for Budget Year 1980 2,079,179 19. Estimated amount of Motor Vehicle Taxes which will be allocated to those funds within the Aggregate Limitation in 1982 - from Line 7, WS #5 . . . . . . . . ( 192,830) 20. Total (Lines 18- 19) . . . I ,886,349 . . . . . . . . . . 21. TOTAL AGGREGATE TA.'{ LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1982. (Use the larger Total amount, Line 17 or 20.) This amount appears on the Certificate. See Budget Form b, INSTRUCTIONS 2,030,044 Suspension or substitution of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation authorized by: Election held , 19_. Charter Resolution/Ordinance No. (Attach copy to budget.) of , 19_. Page No.2 e IVORKSHEETS e Budgee Form Cl 1982 WS 11 - Net chan~e from Base Year of Personal Property I I Real Personal I Estate Pro ert 1.1981 Est. Asses.. Valuation. o.. .1 62.591.050 126.3 9.680 I 2. 1980 Percentage Factor. . . . . .. . . . . . I 66.131 %1 3.. Adjusted Equalized Assessed Tangible I 1 Valuation of Personal Property for 1980 I I (Line 1 divided by Line .2) .. .' I 39,905,158 4. Base Year 1969. Assess.ed Val. .1 (44,323,450) I (12,387,255) ( 5. Increase' · . . . · . . .' . . . . . . . .' . . I 2 7 . 51 7.90 3 * 6. Adjustment for Territory: Added...... I ( 163.780) ( 7. Excluded ..-.". I 8. Subtota~ (Lines 5 - 6 +- 7) .. . .. .. . .' ... .. . I 9. Add State Assessed . . .. . . .. ." . .. .. .. ... . 1 10. NET CHANGE FROM BASE YEAR OF PERSONAL PROP. 1 (Lines 8 + 9) * (Personal Property, Lines 3 - 4); (State Assessment ~ Lines State Assessed 10,258,173 I I I I xx I 6,006,437) 1 (62,717,421) I 4.251.736*1 -0-) I (Line 6 WS f14) -0- I (Line 7 WS 14) 4,251 ,736 I xx 27.354,123 4.251.736 31.605.859 <--' 1 - 4) WS 12,- Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate 1,504,930119771 2,468,560 1,264,280119781 2,896,650 1.745.050119791 2.445.940 2.021.710119801 1.855.880 119811 981 .970 for 1969 thru 1981) I 20.194.276 I Added. . . . ... I( -O-)I(Line 6, WS 114) Excluded. . . . . I I (Line 7, WS #4) INCREASE BY NEW IMPROVEMENTS ON REAL ESTATE I 20,194,276 I (Lines 5 - 6 + 7) * Don't fill in if 1970 is the Base Year - (taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970) 1. . . *19691 2. .. 19701 3. ..- 19711 4. ... 19721 273,970119731 1.202.636119741 651.110119751 881 .590119761 5.. Subtotal (Add all amounts 6. Adjustment for Territory: 7. 8. WS 13 - Computation of Percentage of Adjustment 1. Val. of Territory Added (Line 6, WS 114). . . . . . . . . . 2. 1981 Est. Asses. Valuation (Line 1, WS 111) . . . . 99,238,903 3. Val. of Territory Added (Line 6, WS 114). . . . . . .. . .' . ( 1r404,2QO) 4. Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (Line 2 - 3) . . . . . . .". . <35.834.613 5. PERCENTAGE OF ADJUSTMENT for Territory Added (Line 1 divided by Line 4) - 3.552 % 3.404.290 +- 6. Val. of Territory Excluded (Line 7, WS 114). . . . .. .. . . 7. 1981 Est. Asses. Valuation (Line 1, WS #1) . . . . . . . . 8. Val. of .Territory Excluded (Line 7, WS #4) . . . . . . . .' -0- 9. Total Valuation including Territory Excluded (Lines 7 + 8) . . . . 10. PERCENTAGE OF ADJUSTMENT for Territory Excluded (Line 6 divided by Line -a- +- -0- 9)- -0- io WS #4 - Assessed Tangible Valuation of Territory Added (Excluded) since the Base Year I I Total INew Improve-I I Real I Personal State Tangible I ments on I Year 1 Estate I Property Assessed Valuation Real Estate I 1. . . .' . . .. 19 77 I 1.062.2301 1.062.230 I 2. . . 19 78 I 68.3101 132.345 200.655 I 3. . . . . 19 79 I 2.012.4201 31 .4 35 2.043.855 I 4. . . . . 19 80 I 19.6701 19~670 I 5. . . . . 19 81 I 77.8801 77.880 I 6. .' . . . . . Territory Added I 163.780 3.404,290 I 7. . Territory Excluded I I WS #5 1982 Motor Vehicle Taxes Revenue Estimates for Funds under the A~gre~ate Tax Levy Limitation Fund Amount 192,830 Fund Amount 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . . . 6. 7. General . . . Total (Add all amounts.) 192.830 Page No. 2a STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form D 1982 I STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Date Interest I Amount of I Amount I of Rate I Debt I Outstanding I Name and Purpose of Debt % 1 Issued I 1/1/81 I Interest I Flood Control 3 - 3.5 I 1,132,0001 60,000 I Mar-Sept I Flood Control 3 - 3.5 1 260,0001 52,000 I May-Nov I Library 3.25-3-3/8 675,000 185,000 May-Nov I C1ty-County BU11d1ng 3-3/8-5 I 1,100,0001 385,0001 May-Nov I Golf Course 3.75-4.25 I 75,0001 36,0001 June-Dee I Golf Course 3.75-4.25 I 75,0001 36,0001 Apr-Oet I Park Improvement 4.1-4.2 I 100,0001 40,0001 Apr-Oet I. Bicentennial Center 4-6-5.2.5 6,500,.000 5,525,000 Apr-Oet I Park Improvement 4.25-4.75 1 250,0001 200,0001 Mar-Sept I Park Improvement 5.375-6 1 250,0001 225,0001 June-Dee I Bridge Improvement 5.7-6.75 I 250,00,01 250,0001 June-Dee I Sanitation & Solid Waste Impr. 7.25-8 I 900,0001 900,0001 Mar-Sept I Fire Truck 7.5-8 J 280,0001 280,0001 Mar-Sept I Subtotal (General Bonds) 1 11,847,0001 8,174,000 I I I I 1 I Streets and utilities 2.75-3.5 I 551,3861 .- 27,0001 May-Nov I Streets and utilities 2.75-3.5 605,943 60., 000 May-Nov I Parking Lots 2.5-3 1,375,3661 136,0001 May-Nov I Streets and Utilities 2.5-3 456,2841 44,0001 May-Nov Streets and Utilities 3-1/8-3.5 986,2181 198,0001 May-Nov Streets and utilities 3.25-3-1/8 265,0001 60,0001 May-Nov Streets and utilities 3.7-4.25 155,0001 40,0001 May-Nov Streets and utilities 3.9-4.5 58,268 25,000 May-Nov Streets and Utilities 5.5-6 79,482 40,000 June-Dee Streets and Utilities 4.25-4.7 147,1021_ 15,000 June-Dee Streets and utilities 3.5-3-5/8 245,8611 50,000 June-Dee Streets and utilities 4.1-4.75 250,7361 100,000 June-Dee Streets and utilities 4.25-4.375 428,,0001 225,000 June-Dee Streets and utilities 4.4-4.7 888, 0001 665,000 June-Dee Streets and utilities 4.7-5 755,000L 600,000 June-Dee Streets and utilities 5.375-6 1,286,0001 1,170,000 June-Dee Streets and Utilities 5.7-6.75 1,450,0001 1,450,000 June-Dee Streets and utilities 7.5-8 836,000 836,000 June-Dee Subtotal (Specials) 10,819,646 5,741,000 Grand Total I I 22,666,6461 13,915,000 I I I I 1 Water & Sewerage Rev. Refundin~ 5/01/781 6.25-6.375 4,394,0001 4,392,0001 Feb-Aug eb ov ov ee ec ec ee ec ec ee ee ee ee ay-Nov ay-Nov ov ay-Nov ay-Nov ay-Nov Due rincipal ar-Sept ay-Nov ay-Nov Amount Due 1981 Amount Due 1982 Interest IPrincipal 1 Interest Principal 1,575 60,000 I 0 0 1,516 13 , 000 1 1,109 13 , 000 5,865 35,000 I 4,793 30,000 14,630 55,000 12,540 55,000 1,530 6,000 1,275 6,000 1,530 6,000 1,275 6,000 1,680 10,000 1,260 10,000 268,613 325,000 253,663 325,000 8,319 25,000 7,178 25,000 12,981 25,000 11,181 25,000 22,763 25,000 13 ,488 25,000 0 0 61,908 190,000 0 0 32,080 20,000 341,002 585,000 401,750 730,000 700 27,000 0 0 1,838 30,000 788 30,000 3,570 68,000 1,530 68,000 1,155 22,000 495 22,000 5,828 47,000 4,281 52,000 1,845 10,000 1,515 10,000 1,600 5,000 1,400 5,000 1,103 3,000 975 3,000 I 2,320 4,000 2,100 4,000 705 15,000 0 0 1,800 25,000 907 25,000 4,125 25,000 3,075 25,000 11,925 45,000 9,675 45,000 30,115 95,000 25,650 95,000 33,188 75,000 24,938 75,000 65,942 130,000 58,143 130,000 132,023 145,000 78,228 145,000 0 0 95,058 71,000 299,782 771,000 308,758 805,000 640,784 1. 356, 000 710,508 1. 535, 000 - - 277,828 1,000 277,828 1,000 - ec ept ept .) . e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E-l 1982 IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I I GENERAL IUnreserved Fund Balance 1 TAXES AND SHARED REVENUES: -I Ad Valorem. Tax I DelinQuent Tax I Motor Vehicle Stamp Tax I Motor Vehicle Tax I Local Alcoholic LiQuor Fund I Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund I City and County Revenue Sharin~ Fund I Current Intangible Taxes I Bingo Gross Receipts I Licenses, Fees and Permits I Franchise Tax I Municipal Court Fines I Interest on Investments I Engineering Fees I Fire Protection Outside City Limits I Administrative Services 1 Miscellaneous Services and Sales I Transfer from Other Funds l Reimbursement of Ex enditures ~ RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I EXPENDITURES City Commission City Manager City Clerk Legal. Municipal Court Buildings Engineering Fire Permits and Inspections Parks Police Street Human Relations Animal Shelter Traffic Control Swimming Pools Administration and Planning Contingencies Arts Commission Cemetery General Improvement Flood Works Neighborhood Centers I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES IUnreserved Fund Balance. December 31. I 1 I FUND I Code I I I '-I I I I I I I I I Page No. ~ I r I I I 1,795,785 I 41,023 I 3,553 I AJ< x x x x .....JCCtXXX I 51,303 I 184,081 I 130,903 I 399,754 I 10,259 I 147,114 709,058 308,108 176,148 o 61,751 41,735 128,663 231,303 18,988 4,781,886 1980 Actual 342,357 162,359 75,724 169,039 39,540 44,849 92,281 122,540 1,049,361 75,553 239,010 1,296,108 484,742 34,952 o 59,058 31,330 107,400 114,092 43,978 41,370 33,558 43,691 26,958 4,387,493 394,393 1981 ESTIMATE 394,393 1,463,307 31,000 7,200 207,700 35,540 199,780 138,000 450,000 10,400 162,020 691,500 414,000 200,000 200,000 55,000 39,680 84,730 215,540 17,000 5,016,790 171. 830 66,330 182,420 40,800 57,820 103,950 125,570 1,172,230 75,500 289,510 1,353,840r 467,870 39,810 41,890 64,710 36,400 111 t 960 70,300 55,430 52,450 36,650 50,840 68,890 BUDGET 1982 279,790 194.880 69,860 194,750 46,460 40,540 114,770 133,880 1,296,160. 93,910 327,460 1,490,200 508,760 41,430 61,290 70,450 39,970 103,450 71,200 61,050 5l,380 40,080 53,000 66,800 ? ., ., I 1 . i j . i e IFinan~ial Statement and Adopted Budget I EMPLOYEE BENEFITS . FUND Code IUnreserved Fund Balance I TAXES AND SHARED REVENUE: I Ad Valorem Tax I Delinquent Tax I Motor Vehicle Stamp Tax 1 Motor Vehicle Tax I Interests on Investments 1 Reimbursed by Employer I Reimbursed by Employer I Reimbursment of Expenditures I I I I I I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I EXPENDITURES: I Public Officials & Employees Liability I Social Security I Police & Fire Retirement Employees Retirement Grou Insurance Unemployment Insurance Worker's Conpensation e 1980 Actual 222,924 743,921 12,227 1,472 xxxxxxxxxxxxx I 19,476 I 395,226 I 49,916 I 5,696 I I I 1981 ESTIMATE 137,193 962,667 7,000 2,930 86,040 18,000 415,000 33,400 1,000 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E-2 1982 I I . I I I I xxxxxxxxxxxxX I 7,000 I 2,930 I 126,850 I 18,000 455,000 41,400 1,000 BUDGET 1982 109;630 I 1 I FUNDICodel I I I I I I 393,962 I I 7 , 190 I 780 1 xxxxXxxxxxxxx 8.790 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31, Financial Statement and Adopted Budget -, UTILITY I IUnreserved Fund Balance ITAXES AND SHARED REVENUE: I Ad Valorem Tax I Delinquent Tax I Motor Vehicle Stamp Tax I Motor Vehicle Tax I Interest on Investments I I I I I 1 I I I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I EXPENDITURES: I Gas Service I Light & Power Service I Water Service I Traffic Control Signals I Street Lighting I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDI'I'U'RES IUnreserved Fund Balance. December 31, I I Page No. .2- 1,450,858 7,123 291,874 639,540 .150,510 160 158 4,111 60,349 1,313,665 137.193 1980 Actual 58.590 449,312 23,265 62,668 18,496 20.419 217,819 342,667 106,645 1,663,230 9,800 360,000 689,500 215,000 199,000 12,300 68,000 1,553,600 109.630 TAX REQUIRED 1981 ESTIMATE 106.645 316,545 2,400 1,550 45.570 3.000 475,710 52,000 80,000 16,000 28,000 259,000 I I I I I I 435,000 I 40.710 TAX REQUIRED 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, 736,800 I xxxxxxxxxxxxx I 974,990 I I I I I I I xxxxxxxxxxxxx I 3,000 1,550 41 , 720 3,000 761,810 BUDGET 1982 40 ,710 89,980 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 440,000 I I xxxXxxxxxxxxx I I 350,020 I I 40,000 82,000 27,000 26,000 265,000 ..~ e e STATE OF KANSAS ; Budget Form E-2 1 i 1982 1 1 j IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I I BOND & INTEREST 1980 1981 I . BUDGET I FUND Code Actual ESTIMATE I 1982 IUnreserved Fund Balance 162.171 119.887 I 48.560 I TAXES AND SHARED REVENUE: I I Ad Valorem Tax 988,282 1,038,353 1 A.&AAAAAAAAAAA I Delinquent Tax 22,939 12,000 18,000 I Motor Vehicle Stamp Tax 1,956 3,900 3,900 1 Motor Vehicle Tax xxxxxxxxxxxxx 114,300 136,840 I Special Assessment Taxes 617,505 725 ,450 .. 700,000 I Interest on Investments 62,275 30,000 30,000 I Accrued Interest 7,166 2,000 2,000 I Special Assessment Prepaid 5,455 3,000 4,000 I I Transfer from other Funds 62,380 64,850 315,320 I I I I I I I I I I I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE 1,930,129 2,113,740 1,258,620 t EXPENDITURES: 1 General Bond Principal 574,000 585,000 I General Bond Interest 350 070 343,550 I Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal 657,000 771,05 I Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest 228,488 314,580 I Fiscal Agency Commission & Postage 684 1,000 I Estimate Interest - Bonds To Be Issued 50,000 I I I I I I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,810.242 2,065,180 2,286,700 I Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31, 119.887 48.560 xxxxxxxxxxxxx I TAX REQUIRED 1,028,080 I I Financial Statement and Adopted Budget I I I I I 1980 I 1981 BUDGET I .1 SPECIAL LIABILITY FUNDICodel Actual I ESTIMATE 1982 I Unreserved Fund Balance I I -0- I 19.080 30,080 I TAXES AND SHARED REVENUE: I I I I Ad Valorem Tax I I 59,298 I 62,900 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 Delinquent Tax I 146 I -0- 200 I Motor Vehicle Stamp Tax I 117 I 240 230 I Motor Vehicle Tax I xXXxXxxxxxxxx 6,860 8,220 I Transfer from other Funds I 11,229 19,000 12,000 I I I 70,790 108,080 58,000 I 20,000 I I I I I I I I I I 78,000 I 30,080 TAX REQUIRED 50,730 RESOURCES AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES: Insurance - Liability Other Professional Services Contingencies , 48,232 3,478 55,000 20,000 30,000 I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES IUnreserved Fund Balance. December 31, I I I. I I I I I I 51 , 710 19,080 I I I I I I I I I 105,000 I I xXxXxxxxxxxxx I I 54,270 I I . Page No. ~ e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E- 3 1982 . . ~ I I IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I I (Unreserved Fund Balance IREVENUES: I City Liquor Tax I I I I I I I I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES: Transfer to other Funds SPECIAL PARK & RECREATION I I FUND Code 1980 Actual -0- 1981 ESTIMATE -0- BUDGET 1982 -0- 51,303 35,540 55,000 51,303 51,303 35,540 .35,540 55,000 55,000 ., TOTAL EXPENDITURES 51,303 35,540 55,000 IUnreserved Fund Balance, December 31, -0- -0- -0- I June 30, xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx I I I I Financial Statement and Adopted Budget I I 1 I 1980 1981 BUDGET I SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND I Code Actual ESTIMATE 1982 ., IUnreserved Fund Balance I -0- "4,300 4,300 IREVENUES: I I City Liquor Tax I 51,300 35,540 55,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I RESOURCES AVAILABLE . 51,300 39,840 59,300 EXPENDITURES: Other Professional Services 47,000 35,540 59,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31, June 30, I I I I I I 47.000 I 4,300 I xxxxxxxxxxxxxl 35.540 4.300 I I I I 59.300 I -0- I xxxxxxxxxxxxxl Page No. L e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E-3 1982 IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I I I I I SANITATION FUND Code IUnreserved Fund Balance REVENUES: Interest on Investment Miscellaneous Sales & Services Service Fees Reimbursement of Expenditures 1980 Actual 106,430 1981 ESTIMATE 107 ,561 4,430 895 490,000 1,122 5,000 300 579,700 -0.... BUDGET 1982 81,631 4,500 8,500 644,100 -0- RESOURCES AVAILABLE 602,877 692,561 738,731 I EXPENDITURES: 337,050 1 Personal Services 291,840 272,770 I Contractual Services 122,236 149,490 156,390 , Materials & Supplies 81,240 101,390 79,050 I Sundry Expenditures .150,000 I Capital Outlay 23,000 , I I , I I I I I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES I 495,316 610,930 658,210 I Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31, I 107,561 81,631 80,521 1 1 June 30, I xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx I I , I , I I 'Financial Statement and Adopted Budget I I , I 1 1980 I 1981 , BUDGET I PARKING METERS FUND I Code Actual I ESTIMATE I 1982 -, IUnreserved Fund Balance I 5,050 6,314 I 4,234 I REVENUES: I I I Parking Meter Revenue , 72,350 88,000 , 90,000 Parking Meter Permits 20,849 15,000 20,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 98,249 109,314 114,234 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services 32,022 39,670 42,580 Contractual Services 14,357 20,060 20,810 Materials & Supplies 6,746 6,960 9,510 Sundry Expenditures 38 , 810 37,790 36, 770 Capital Outlay -0- 600 -0- TOTAL EXPErIDITURES Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31. June 30, I I I I I I 91,935 I 6,314 I I xxxxxxxxxxxxx I 105,080 4,234 I I I I 109,670 I I 4,564 I Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxl Page No. ~ '-1 "'"j - ! e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form. E- 3 1982 I i i IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I 1 I I I GOLF COURSE FUND I Code IUnreserved Fund Balance I REVENUES: I Membership & Green Fees Cart Rentals Cart Storage Cart User Fees Oil Well Lease 1980 Actual 3,489 95.365 887 . 3,192 9,365 6,520 1981 ESTIMATE 13,051 107.900. 3,500 4,800 9,000 5,000 BUDGET 1982 20,421 112.000 1,000 3,200 10,000 7,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 118,818 143,251 153,621 (EXPENDITURES: I Personal Services 54.979 -55.910 60.840 I Contractual Services 27,003 25,330 27,590 I Materials & Supplies 12,215 23,300 25,500 ( Sun ry Expenditures 11,570 I 15,060 . 25,060 I Capital Outlay I 3.230 4.350 I I I f I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I (TOTAL EXPENDITURES 105,767 I 122,830 143,340 (Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31. 13.051 I 20.421 10,281 1 June 30, xxxxxxxxxxxxx I xxxxxxxxxxxxx I I I IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I 1 I 1980 1981 BUDGET 1 ! SPECIAL GAS FUND Code I Actual ESTIMATE 1982 ., IUnreserved Fund Balance I 48,701 1,682 1,682 IREVENUES: I ( State Gas Tax , 380,042 375,000 375,000 I I I 1 I I ( I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE 428,743 376,682 376,682 I EXPENDITURES: ( Street Maintenance 427,061 375,000 375,000 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 427,061 I 375,000 375,000 I I Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31, I 1,682 I 1,682 I 1,682 I I June 30. I xxxxxxxxxxxxx I Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxl Page No. ~ e e STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E-3 1982 IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I I SOLID WASTE IUnreserved Fund.Balance REVENUES: Income from Leased Land Service Fees I 1 I FUND I Code I I I 1980 Actual 54 195 913 134.494 . 1981 ESTIMATE 21 438 BUDGET 1982 36 188 15,000 175.000 19,000 219.000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 189,602 211,438 274,188 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services 63,961 .68,100 61,500 I Contractual Services 22.298 26,620 24 , 920 I Materials & Supplies 39,222 60,530 57,260 . I I Sundry Expenditures 10,000 20,000 .116,100 I Capital Outlay 32,683 I I I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 168,164 175,250 259,780 I Unreserved Fund Balance. December 31, 21,438 36,188 14,408 I June 30, xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx I I I 1 Financial Statement and Adopted Budget I I I I 1980 1981 BUDGET I BICENTENNIAL CENTER FUND Code Actuai ESTIMATE 1982 .1 Unreserved Fund Balance 97,411 127,518 97,518 REVENUES: Rent 126,082 110 , 000 121,000 Food/Beverage 167,091 200,000 238,000 Reimbursement of Expenditures 17,415 Revenue Sharing 250,000 250,000 225,000 RESOURCES AVAILABLE 657,999 687,518 68l!,518 EXPENDITURES: Personal Services 215,151 239,100 273,470 Contractual Services 170,440 189,700 206,320 I Materials & Supplies 24,814 33,750 29,600 I Sundry Expenditures 85,695 127,450 103,600 I Capital Outlay 34,381 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES I 530.481 590,000 612,990 I I Unreserved Fund Balance, December 31. I 127,518 I 97,518 68,528 I I June 30. I xxxxxxxxxxxxx I xxxxxxxxxxxxxl Page No. 1.Q.... -I ~ 1 e. j I I 1 j c,~ j ~ j i , j j ~ - -, I I FUND Code IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I I WATER & SEWERAGE IUnreserved Fund Balance I REVENUES: I Water Revenue I Sewerage Revenue I Miscellaneous Income I Sanitation Fee Collected I Reserve for Extension & Bond Retirement 1 Proceeds from Bond Issue I Reserve for Depreciation & Emergencv I Deposits & Sales Tax I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I EXPENDITURES: I Water Supply Expense I Softening & Treatment Expense I Pumping Expense 1 Distribution Expense I Customer Accounting & Collection Expens~ I Administration & General Expense I Sewage Treatment & Collection Expense I Bond Ordinance Requirement I Remitted to Sanitation Department I Capital Expenditures I Extension & Bond Retirement Reserve I Depreciation & Emergency Reserve I Deposits & Sales Tax ITOTAL EXPENDITURES IUnreserved Fund Balance. December 31. I June 30. I 1 I IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I I REVENUE SHARING IUnreserved Fund Balance I REVENUES: 1 Revenue Sharing Fund I I I I I I I I IRESOURCES AVAILABLE I EXPENDITURES: I Bicentennial Center I Public Safety I Parks & Recreation I Reserve 1 Domestic Violence I Capital Equipment I Human Resources I I I I I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES IUnreserved Fund Balance. December 31. - I June 30. I I FUND Code .1 e 1980 Actual 396,829 1. 778.839 642.223 . 53.947 490,000 770,359 489.947 -0- 4,.622,144 56,571 637,282 129,442 133.401 239.843 407.864 431.040 393,516 490.000 539,144 770.359 14.714 I I I I 4.243.176 I 378,968 I xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1980 Actual 15,640 382, 117 397.757 250.000 5,548 -0- 3,290 18,000 58.529 33.000 I I I I I , I I 368.367 I 29.390 I xxxxxxxxxxxxxl Page No. 11 1981 ESTIMATE 378,968 2.025.000 680.000 31,000 472,500 200,000 -0- 200.000 70.000 4,057,468 .55,420 573,950 127,420 188.700 238.470 481,450 468.790 394,000 472.500 300,000 200.000 200.000 70.000 3.770.700 286,768 1981 ESTIMATE 29,390 375,000 404.390 250.000 69.800 27.500 2,000 10,000 15.700 375.000 29.390 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form E-3 1982 BUDGET 1982 286,768 2.450.000 700.000 63.000 598,500 200,000 -0- 200.000 70.000 4,568,268 72 ,550 652,350 161,420 .215 .510 288.060 507.730 518,450 407,300 598.500 350,000 200.000 200.000 70.000 4.241.870 326,398 xxxxxxxxxxxxx I I BUDGET I 1982 29,390 421,030 450.420 225,000 54.200 80,000 25,520 5,000 60.700 I I I I I I I I I I 450.420 I -0- I Ixxxxxxxxxxxxxl