1981 Budget Certificate STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form A-I e e , NOTICE OF HEARING ON 1981 BUDGET '!he governing body of City of Salina, Kansas will meet on the 4th day of August, 1980 at4:00~.M., at Room 200, City-County Building, 300 West Ash for the purpose of answering and hearing objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed use of all funds (including the use of the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund and its relation- ship to the entire budget) and the proposed tax levies, and to consider ammendments. Detailed budget information is available at City Clerk1s Office and will be availab le at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY I enera /tmployee Benefits IUtility IBond and Interest /Special Liabil ity ISpecial Park and Recreation ISpecial Alcohol Program IRevenue Sharing: I Sal ina Bicentennial Center I Department of Human Resourc s I Capita Equipment I KA & Passport to Adventure I B i keways I Health Department I Prevention of Chi ld Abuse I Abused Women I Reserve I Public Safety I Parks and Recreation ISan i tat ion IPark i ng Meters IGolf Course ISpec i a 1 Gas ISol id Waste IBicentennial Center IWater and Sewerage Actual 1980 Estimated PROPOSED I BUDGET 1981 I I ro riationl , 93,000 I 1,590.600 I 435.000 I 2 .065. 180 I 78.000 I 35.540 I 35.540 250,000 Fund Total13.782 Total Tax Levied Assessed Valuation Outstanding Indebtedness, January 1, General Obligation Bonds Special Obligation Bonds Revenue Bonds Temporary Notes No Fund Warrants Total *Tax Rates are expressed in dollars per $100 of assessed ISTATE OF KANSAS IBudget Form B I , , I IWe, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified and acting officers of lin the attached Proofs of Publication were held; that after the Budget Hearing this Ition for the various funds for the year 1981; and further certify the amounts shown Iduly adopted Charter Ordinance/Resolution limitations , IEstimated Assessed Valuation $97 , , , ITABLE OF CONTENTS IComputation of Aggregate , Tax Limit IStatement of Indebtedness 'Adopted Budget and , Financial Statements: Governmental Funds: General AGGREGATE TAX LIMIT Employee Benefits Ut i I i ty Bond and Interest Special liability Special Park and Recreat Special Alcohol Program Filed-LL ,-t I Enclosures 'Copy to I I I *Rate ex~resse~ in Director, Municipal Room 1058 Topeka Divison of Accounts Accounting Section W, State Office Building Kansas 66612 and Reports Assisted by Dollars per $100 assessed valuation ___Subtotal from continuation 1980 80 e on 5 .2 .2 2 2 6 001 Charter Charter 10-113 SB-t6 79- 1 aO 79-ltlaO Old Old Z 7 2 4 f 3 e I Page No. 1978 Genera Amount Uncollected of Amount Levied .. Delinquency $ $ 1981 437 ,930 COMPUTATION FOR ty of Sa ~ certify that the hearings mentioned budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum appropria- to be raised by ad valorem tax levies are within statutory or TO THE CLERK OF Sa ne CERTIFICATE C <. COUNTY STATE OF KANSAS , ...... . ~ QI 00 ~ .' Le Authodt Charter 0 Limit Rate* d 9 Other Rate* 205 Limit Amount 1980 Rate* 1.502 Tax Levied Amount 3,307 ADOPTED BUDGET % I Allo~ce lAd Valorem for Tax 1981 % ALLOWANCE FOR DELINQUENT TAXES *Rate e~pressed in Dollars per $100 assessed valuation. e e I I I I I SUBTOTAL 6,141,890 TABLE OF CONTENTS Amount Amount Amount ro riation Revenue S arlng 375,000 Sanitation 615,830 Parking Meters 105,080 Go If Course 122,830 Special Gas 375,000 Sol id Waste 187,450 Bicentennial Center 590,000 Water and Sewerage 3,770,700 imi LAVTR T Limit 1980 T Levi 1981 ADOPTED BUDGET I % I I Allowance lAd dl for I Valorem Tax 1981 1\1 ...... . ~ QI 00 1\1 Po. STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form B-1 CERTIFICATE--Continued ," State of Kansas Budget Form C . e COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LL'1ITATION Check Base Year Used: (Taxes levied in 1968 for budget year 1969) (Taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970) 1969 X 1970 1. Total tangible taxes levied for the Base Year for purposes included within the Aggregate Limitation . 1,175,634 2. Assessed tangible valuation for the Base Year . . 62 , 717 , 142 3. Tax Levy Rate of the Base Year (Line 1 divided by Line 2). . 1 .8745% 6. Total Assessed Tangible Valuation (Line 2 + 4 + 5). . . . 30,648,263 19,212,306 . 112,577,711 4. Net Change from Base Year of Personal Property - from Line 10, WS #1 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate - from Line 8, WS 02 . 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for Budget Year 1981 (Line 3 x Line 6) 2,110,269 Amount of Adjustments of Aggregate Limitation: 8. Territory added: Line 7 x 3.535% - from Line 5, WS 113 74,598 9. Territory excluded: Line 1 x % ... ( from Line 10, WS {}3 NA ) 10. New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. Amount determined by the County Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NA 11. Increase authorized by election __ years, voted , 19___; first levy year 19___. . . NA 12. Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals Order No. for"_ years; first levy year 19_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NA 13. 14. Functions transferred: In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Amount levied for any function or service in the year preceding the transfer.) ( NA NA ) 15. Estimated amount of Motor Vehicle Taxes which will be apportioned to those funds within the Aggregate Limitation in 1981 - from Line 7, WS U5 . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 207,695) 16. Total (Lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 - 14 - 1~) . . 1 ,977,172 17. Total Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for Budget Year 1980 2,079, 179 18. Estimated amount of Motor Vehicle Taxes which will be apportioned to those funds within the Aggregate Limitation in 1981 - from Line 7, WS U5 . . . . . ~ . ( 207,695 19. Total (Lines 17 - 18) . . . . . . . 1,871,484 1,977,172 20. TOTAL AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1980. ~se the larger Total amount, Line 16 or 19.) Suspension or substitution of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation authorized by: Election held ,19 . Charter Ordinance/Resolution Ro. of , 19_. Page No. f: State of Kansas Budget FOr:!! Cl e e WORKSHEETS WS #1 - Net chan~e from Base Year of Personal Property I I I 1. 1980 Est. Asses. Valuation . ..1 1, 72,7 2. Taxable Valuation of all Motor Vehicles subject to K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 79-5101 . . 3. Adjusted Equalized Assessed Tangible Valuation of Personal Property for 1980 (Line 1 + 2) . . . . . . . . . 4. Base Year 19M. Assessed Val . .1 5. Increase ............... 6. Adjustment for Territory: Added 7. Excluded . . . . 8. 9. 10. Subtotal (Lines 5 - 6 + 7) Add State Assessed NET CF~jGE FRCM 3ASE YEAR OF PERSONAL PROP. (1.ines 8 + 9) (personal Property, Lines 3 - 4); (State Assessment, Lines 1 - 4) WS tJ4) WS iJ4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , 106 , 108 30,648,263 * WS H2 - Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate 1. . . *19691 273,970 119731 1,504,930 119771 2,468,560 2. .. 19701 1,202,636 1197411,264,280 119781 2,896,650 3. 1971j 651,110 1197511,745,050 11979/ 2,445,940 4. .. 19721 881,590 1197612,021,710 119801 1,855,880 5. Subtotal (Add all amounts for 1969 thru 1980)1 19,212,306 I 6. Adjustment for Territory: Added. . . . . . I ( -0-) I (Line 6, WS 114) 7". Excluded. . . . . I -0- I (Line 7, WS 114) 8. niCREASE BY NEW IMPROVEMENTS ON REAL ESTATE I 19,2 I 2 , 306 I (1.ines 5 - 6 + 7) * Don't fill in if 1970 is the Base Year - (taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970) WS #3 - Computation of Percentage of Adjustment 1. Val. of Territory Added (Line 6, WS #4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,326,410 2. 1980 Est. Asses. Valuation (Line 1, W'S 111) . . . . 97,437,930 , 3. Val. of Territory Added (Line 6, WS 114) . . . . . . . . . . ( 3,326, 41 0 ) + 4. Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (Line 2 - 3) . . . . . . 94 , 111 ,520 s. PERCENTAGE OF ADJUSTMENT for Territory Added (Line 1 divided by Line 4) - 3.535 % 6. Val. of Territory Excluded (Line 7, WS 114 ) . . . . . . .' . . . . -0- 7. 1980 Est. Asses. Valuation (Line 1, WS 111 ) . . . . . . -0- 8. Val. of Territory Excluded (Line 7, WS 114) . . . . . . . . -0- .. 9. Total Valuation including Territory Excluded (Lines 7 + 8) . . . . . . -0- 10. PERCENTAGE OF ADJUSTMENT for Territory Excluded (Line 6 divided by Line 9)- -0- % WS #4 - Assessed Tan~ible Valuation of Territory Added (Excluded) since the Base Year Total INew Improve-I State Tangible I ments on Year Assessed Valuation Real Estate 1. . . . 1 ~n fi 197 I ,026,280 I 2. . . . 1 ~7Q ~ 1977 35,950 I 3. . . . . . . 1978 132,345 200,655 I 4. . . . . . . 1979 31 ,435 2,043,855 I 5. . . . . . . 19,670 I 6. . . . . 163,780 3,326,410 I 7. . . . . . I WS 15 1981 Motor Vehicle Taxes Revenue Estimates for Funds under the A~~re~ate Tax Levv Limitation Fund Amount 207,695 Fuud Amoun t 1. . . . 2. . 3. . . . 4. . . . 5. . . . 6. . . . 7. Total General (Add all amounts.) 207.695 Page No. 2a I I I , I e: , I I I I I I I I I , I I I el I I I I I I I I I I I I STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form D Streets Streets Streets and Utilities Subtotal Grand Total Gen Streets Streets Streets Streets Streets Streets Streets Streets Streets Streets Streets Streets Streets Parking Streets Streets Course Course Ash Street Improvement Park Improvement Bridge Improvement Subtotal Name and Purpose Flood Control Flood Control Library City-County Building Golf .. Golf Park Improvement Bicentennial Center Park Lots ai1dUtilitles and Utilities and Utili ties and Utilities and Utilities and Utilities and Utili ties and Utilities and Utilities and Utilities and Utilities and Utilities and Utilities and Utilities and Utili ties and Utilities and Utili ties Sewer Se2.aration e Revenue Refundi Obligation of Deb t ~/' -:7 '/ - ." '- / " Bond 12/1/195~ 11/1/196C 11/1/196] 11/1/196~ 11/1/196~ 1l/1/196~ 11/1/196! 11/1/196~ 11/1/1961 12/1/196! 4/1/197( 12/1/197( 12/1/197] 1/1/197L 9/1/197 12/1/197 ~1/197 6/1/197 6/1/198 Date of 6.25 to 6.3715 4 5 5 5.5 to 4~ to 3!j to 4.1 to 4~ to 4.4 to ~ 3 5 3-3 3-3 5~ 4.1 to 4.6 yo 4.56 to 5.375 to 5.7 to 6 3.5 to 2.75 to 2.75 to 2.5 to 2.5 to 3-1/8 3~ to 3 to 3 to 3~ to 3-3/8 4 4 Interest Rate % 7 to 5 375 to 6 7 to 6.75 7 9 25 to to ~ 3~ 3-3/8 to 5 4 70 3-5/8 4.75 4.375 4.7 to 3.~ 3-1/8 1k 4!j to 4~ to 4!.i 6 4.2 5~ 4. 3 3 6 75 7: Amount Debt 1 100.000 _ 75,000 _ 75,000 _ 131.385 _ 100,000 6,500.000 250.000 250.000 250.000 104. 798.385 Issued 1.132.000 260.000 675.000 4.394 402.738 551.386 605.943 1,375,366 456,284 986,218 265.000 155,000 58.268 170.814 79,482 147,102 245,861 250.736 428,000 888,000 755,000 1....286,.000 STATEMENT of Amount Outstanding Date 1/1/80 'Inter;Bt . 120.000 I Mar-Sept 65.000 I May-Nov 220,000 May-Nov 440.000 May-Nov 42,000 Jun-Dec 42,000 Apr-Oct 14.000 Jun-Dee Apr-Oet Apr-Oct Mar-Sept Jun-Dec Jun-Dee OF INDEBTEDNESS 1 -0- 7.L318.Li5'OO 5 75 125 000 270,000 760.000 675,000 286....000 20,000 54,000 90,000 204,000 66,000 250,000 70,000 45,000 28,000 20,000 44,000 30.000 000 50.000 850,000 225,000 250,000 Jun-Dee May-Nov May-Noy May-Nov May-Nov May-Nov May-Noy May-Nov May-Nov Jun-Dec Jun-Dee Jun-Dee Jun-Dee Jun-Dee Jun-Dee Jun-Dec Jun-Dee Jun-Dec Due Amount P~cipal I Interest Mar-Sept I 3,675 May-Nov I 1.922 May-Nov 7.008 May-Nov 16,720 1. 785 1.785 735 100 Feb Dee Dee Dec Dee Dee Dec Dec Dee Dee Dee Jun-Dee May-Nov May-Nov May-Nov May-Nov May-Nov May Nov Nov Jun-Dee Apr-Oct Jun-Dee Apr-Oet Apr-Oct Mar Dee Dec 1 2 5 I "7 "2 1 1 1 l 1 2 5 14 34 31 109 ill 2 283,563 9,506 21,272 -0- 350,071 563 I 645 I 888 610 815 375 173 800 230 050 540 399 700 150 175 580 574 354 -0- Due 1980 Principal 60,000 I 13.000 35.000 55.000 6.000 6,000 14,000 10.000 325.000 25,000 25,000 -0- 574,000 -0- 657.000 ,000 ,795 ,000 75,000 116.000 45,000 95.000 20,000 27.000 30,000 68,000 22,000 52,000 10,000 ~OOO 3,000 20,000 4,000 15,000 25,000 25.000 Amount Interest 1,575 1.516 1 268 ~ 12 22 m 277 33 65 132 - 299 640 1 4,125 11. 925 30 ~ 11 1 1 2 1,600 1.L.103 1 3 I 5 I 115 188 942 I 023 782 784 ':1): 828 -0- 320 705 800 865 630 530 530 -0- 680 613 319 981 763 002 -0- 700 838 570 155 828 845 Due 1981 Principal' 60.000 13.000 35,000 55,000 6.000 6.000 -0- 10.000 325,000 25,000 25.000 25,000 585,000 I -0- 27.000 30.000 68.000 22,000 47,000 10.000 5,000 3.000 -0- 4,000 15.000 25.000 25.000 45,000 ----gs ,000 I 75,100 I 130,010 I 145,00'1 I 771,000-' 1.356.000 I - -0- State of Kansas Budget Form F . IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget 1 I GENERAL t IUnreserved 'Fund Ba1ance/ I Retained Earnin~s. January 1 I REVENUES: ITAXES: I Ad Valorem Property Taxes I Delinquent Taxes I Intangi e Taxes I II NTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE I Local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction I Bin 0 Recei ts I State Shared Revenue I Cit Li uor Tax I Highway Maintenance County I Auto Dealer Tax Stamp I Vehicle Tax I ILICENSES AND PERMITS I Util ities Franchises I Licenses Fees and Permits [ ICHARGES FOR SERVICES I Fire Protection Outside City Limits I Administration Services I Enqineerinq Fees I Miscellaneous Sales and Services I IFINES FORFEITURES AND PENALTIES I Court Fines I IUS OF MONEY AND PROPERTY I Interest on Investment I 10THER I Reimbursed Expenses I Transferred from Other Funds I I RESOURCES AVAILABLE IEXPENDITURES: I City Commission I Office of City Manager I City Clerk and Finance I Legal I Municipal Court I Bu i 1 din s I Engineering I . Fi re I Permits and Inspection J Pa rk I Pol ice t Street I Human Relations I Animal Shelter r Traffic I Swimminq Pools I Administration and Plannin I Contingencies r Arts Commission I Cemetery I General Improvement J Public Health I Industrial Development I Noxious Weeds & Tree Maintenance I Flood Works I Nei hborhood Centers I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December 31 I e I I I FUNDICodel I I I I I ! I I I I I ,711 ,650 I I I 214,603 I I I xxxxxxxxxx I I I I I I I I I I 7,200 I 207,700 I 601 !720 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 171 ,830 I 66,330 I 182,420 I 40,800 I 57,820 I 103,950 I 137,7 0 I 1,147,810 I 90,500 I 263,510 I 1 ,344,260 I 464,460 I 39,810 I 54,150 I 64,710 I 36.40~1 111 960 I 70,300 I 55.4'30 I 52.450 I 48,870 I I I I I I I I 1979 Actual 1980 ESTIMATE 342,293 ADO PTED BUDGET 1981 321,472 186 420 9 300 12, 0 70,000 3,000 397, 1 !:SO 82,816 62,078 141,798 38,549 47,888 86 179 13 ,023 870,946 87,087 206,082 1 ,121 ,207 400,564 30,828 53, 170 77,640 171 ,230 37,630 47,840 87,930 132,250 I ,006,530 96 , 170 269,780 1 ,244 , 490 467,860 34,400 65,290 ~ 29.960 127 080 31 ,300 45.210 40 . ~ 70 55,100 100,000 20.000 Page No.4 e AOO PTED 1979 1980 BUDGET Actual ESTIMATE 1981 -0- 222,923 2],563 491 .280 752.510 xxxxxxxxxx 8.755 -0- -0- 1 ,978 2,930 86,040 18 000 415,000 4 J ,400 408 82 9,800 360,000 9,500 215,000 199,000 12,300 ,000 1,553,600 -0- 7 -0- 65,935 308.931 397.750 xxxxxxxxxx 979 -0- -0- 1 ,243 1 ,400 1 ,550 45,570 2,871 6,200 5,400 314.024 443.935 118.455 State of !{ansas Budget Form F e I I I FUNDICodel I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I jEMPLOYEE BENEFITSl IUnreserved Fund Ba1ance/ I Retained Earnin~s, January 1 I REVENUES : I Ad Valorem Property Tax I Delinquent Tax / Auto Dealers Tax Stamp I Vehicle Tax I Interest on Investment I Reimbursed by Employee I elm urse y mp oyer I Transfer from Other Funds I RESOURCES AVAILABLE /EXPENDITURES: , Public Officials & Employees Liabil ity I Social Securit I Police and Fire Retirement I mp oyees Retirement ~KPERS I roup Insurance I Unemployment Insurance I or er s Compensation I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December I I 1UTILITY FIINnl IUnreserved Fund Balance/ , Retained Earnings, January IREVENUES: I Ad Valorem Property Tax I Del inquent Tax , Auto Dealers Tax Stamp I Vehicle Taxes I Interest on Investments I RESOURCES AVAILABLE 'EXPENDITURES: , Gas Services , Light and Power Services , Water Service I Traffic Control Signals I Street Lighting I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December I I OND AND INTERES IUnreserved Fund Balance/ , Retained Earnings, January IREVENUES: I Ad Valorem Property Tax I Delinquent Tax I Special Assessment Tax I Auto Dealers Stamp Tax I Vehicle Tax I Interest on Investment I Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold I Transferred from Other Funds I RESOURCES AVAILABLE IEXPENDITURES: f General Bond r General Bond , Curb utter avin I Curb. Qutter. DavinQ. I Curb, Qutter, pavinq. I Curb, gutter, paving, Interest I Commission and Postage I lnterest on Bonds to be issued I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December I I I , I I I I I : I I I I AD 207,370 162,167 989.720 -0- 659.860 3,900 979.350 14.277 447.808 3,943 1 , 141 ,327 xxxxxxxxxx Page No. 5 2 o State of Kansas Budget Form F e IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I ISPECIAL LIABILITY] IUnreserved Fund Ba1ance/ I Retained Earnin~s, January 1 I REVENUES: I Ad Valorem Property Tax I Transfer from Other Funds I Auto Dealer Tax Stamp I Vehicle Tax I RESOURCES AVAILABLE lEX NOI URES: I Insurance I ~ther Professional Services I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December 31 I I I I PECIAL PARKS AND RECREATIO I Un reserve un a ance I Retained Earnings January IREVENUES: I Li uor Tax I RESOURCES AVAILABLE IEXPENDITURES: I Transfer to Other Funds I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December I I I 'SPEC IAL ALCOHOL PROGRAM r IUnreserved Fund Balance! I Retained Earnings January IREVENUES: I Li uor Tax I RESOURCES AVAILABLE IEXPENDITURES: I Other Professional Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December 31 t.SANITATION r Unreserved Fund Balance! Retained Earnings January REVENUES: Interest on Investments Miscellaneous Sales & Service Service Fees RESOURCES AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES: I Personal Services I Contractual Services I Materials and Supplies I Ca ital Outla I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December I f r I I I r I I I I I I e I I I FUNDICodel I I I I I I I I I I I I 1979 Actual 1980 ESTIMATE AOOPTED BUDGET 1981 -0- 18,000 60',000 15,700 300 48.000 10 000 000 18 000 REQUIRED VALOREM TAj -0- -0- 47 700 7 700 -0- -0- -0- 131 ,307 106,430 71 , 130 1---1 I I l--' , I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I __I I Page No. 6 State- of Kansas Budget Form F e e IFinancial Statement and Adopted I 1 PARK I NG METERSl IUnreserved Fund Ba1ancel I Retained Earnin~s, January 1 I REVENUES: I Parking Meter Revenue I Parking Permits I Miscellaneous I RESOURCES AVAILABLE IEXPENDITURES: I Personal Services I Contractual Services I Materials and Suppl ies I Sundry Expenditures I Capital Outla I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNR SERVED FUND BALANCE December 31 I I I 1GOLF COURSE! /Unreserved Fund Balance/ I Retained Earnings, January REVENUES: Membership and Green Fees Pull Cart Rentals Car Storaqe Car User Fees Oil We 11 Lease RESOURCES AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay I TOTAL EXPENDITURES /UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December I I I ]SPEC IAL GAS TAXi IUnreserved Fund Balance/ I Retained Earninqs, January /REVENUES: I Special Gas Tax I Pothole Money I RESOURCES AVAILABLE lEX NDITURES: I Personal Services , Contractual Services I Materials and Suppl ies I Sundr Ex enditures I Capital Outlay I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December I I J I f r I , I I I I / I I I Budget I I I FUNDICodel I I I I I I I I I I 1979 Actual 1980 ESTI}f.ATE AtOPTED BUDGET 1981 7,350 5,050 8,490 85,000 22,000 88,000 15,000 36.280 17.850 10,040 38,810 580 39.670 20.060 6,960 37,790 600 6.882 3.366 2.5'16 49,550 29 980 11,020 15,570 55,910 25 330 23,300 15,0 0 3,230 122 0 I 0 1 12 ,024 48.702 375,000 2.392 375,000 25.822 174,394 74,765 180 000 2 21 79, 02 02 29.220 110,000 79,590 180 000 22 500 21,310 2 2 33.850 80.000 81 , 150 180 000 375,000 2 2 '_I I I I I '_I , I I I I I I~ I I I I Page No. 7 State of Kansas Budget Form F e IFinancia1 Statement and Adopted Budget I {SOLID WASTE DISPOSALI IUnreserved Fund Balancel I Retained Earnin~s, January 1 IREVENUES: I Income from Leased Land I Service Fees I RESOURCES AVAILABLE IEXPENDITURES: I Personal Services I Contractual Services 1 Materials and Supplies I Sundry Expenditures I Capital Outlay I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December I I I IBICENTENNIAL CENTER! IUnreserved Fund Ba1ance/ I Retained Earnings, January IREVENUES: 1 Rent- I- Food and Beveraqe I Revenue Sharinq I Bond Mone for Ca ital Outla I RESOURCES AVAILABLE IEXPENDITURES: I Personal Services I Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenditures Ca ita1 Outla TOTAL EXPENDITURES UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December 31 I I I FUNDICodel I I I I I j I I e I ADOPTED 1979 I 1980 BUDGET Actual I ESTI}f..ATE 1981 I 12,931 I 54,195 28,875 I I 61 ,63 I 44,037 12,929 69,470 41 ,800 20,050 10 000 35,000 176,320 28 8 78 , 100 26,620 62 , 730 20 000 97 ,411 0,291 1 I 0 . 000 200.000 2S0.000 2~q. 100 189.700 ~~.7S0 127.450 JFEDERAL REVENUE SHARINGI Unreserve Fund Balance/ Retained Earninqs, January 1 REVENUES: Grant from Federal Government I RESOURCES AVAILABLE IEXPENDITURES: I Bicentennial Center I Department of Human Resources 1 Capital Equipment I CKAF and Pass ort to Adventure I Bikeways I Health Department I Prevention of Child Abuse I Abused Women I Reserve I Publ ic Safet I Parks and Recreation I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESE VED F BA D I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I 22.328 15.642 -0- I I I I i 219.291 250.000 I 90.845 I I 10 000 I I 60 000 I 10,000 I 2.000 I I I I 0 '---.J I I I--.-J I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Page No. 8 State of Kansas Budget Form F e IFinancial Statement and Adopted Budget I I IWATER AND SEWERAGEI FUNDlcOdel IUnreserved Fund Balance/ I I I Retained Earnin~s, January 1 I I I REVENUES : I I I Water Revenue I Sewerage Revenue I Miscellaneous Income I Tappinq and Front Footaqe Service I Fire Hydrant Reimbursement I Service Charges - Sanitation Dept. I EPA Grants I Interest Income I Sanitation Fees Collected I Revenue for Extension and Bond I Proceeds from Bond Issue I Reserve for De reciation and Emer I Sales Tax Collected I Meter De osits I RESOURCES AVAILABLE IEXPEND I TURES: I Water Supply Expenses I Softening and Treatment Expenses I Pumping Expense I Distribution Ex ense I Customer Accounting & Col ection Expe se I Administration and General Expense , I Sewage Treatment & Collection Expense I I Bond Ordinance Re uirements I Cash Remitted to Sanitation Dept. I Ca ital 1m rovement - Bond Mone I Capital Expenditures I I Extension and Bond Retirement Reserve I et Cas Trans er to Ot er Current As ets I epreclation and mergency Reserve I Sales Tax Remitted I Customer Deposit Refunds I Transfer to Reserve for Extension I and Bond Retirement I TOTAL EXPENDITURES IUNRESERVED FUND BALANCE December 31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Re t i rerien t I e I ADOPTED 1979 I 1980 BUDGET Actual I ESTIMATE 1981 467,880 I 396,830 I 174,300 I 6,346 35,000 77,777 471 ,000 7,000 695. I 39 472,500 200.000 200 000 60,000 50 000 3 713 330 472,500 200.000 150,000 200,000 00,000 0,000 50.000 300,000 200,000 200.000 3.570 , 145 396 830 3,53~,030 17 300 3,7~0,700 2 100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I __I Page No. 9