22-8053 Repeal of 98-5276 Special Assessment Installment Time PeriodRESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8053 A RESOLUTION REPEALING RESOLUTION NUMBER 98-5276 WHICH ESTABLISHED A POLICY FOR THE INSTALLMENT TIME PERIOD ALLOWED FOR THE PAYMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS PRIOR TO THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NUMBER 17-7505 ESTABLISHING AND RESOLUTION NUMBER 18-7556 RESTATING THE POLICY OF THE CITY OF SALINA FOR THE FINANCING OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS THROUGH THE USE OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS. WHEREAS , the City of Salina (the "City") regularly uses the General Improvements and Assessments Law, K.S.A. 12-6a01 , et seq., (the "Law") for the construction of certain public improvements to serve subdivisions ; and WHEREAS , K.S .A. 12-6a10 governing the payment period for special assessments allows those payments to be made in not more than 20 equal annual installments , as determined by the governing body; and WHEREAS , on May 18 , 1998 , the governing body formalized the City 's policy regarding the payment period for special assessments through adoption of Resolution Number 98-5276 , which established the City 's general policy to provide for special assessments to be paid in either ten (10) annual installments , or fifteen (15) annual installments ; and WHEREAS , on December 11 , 2017 , the governing body established the City's policy for the financing of public improvements through the use of improvement districts pursuant to the Law (the "Policy") through adoption of Resolution Number 17-7507 , which provided at Section 12(b) that: "The term of bonds issued by the city to finance improvements may extend up to twenty (20) years , but absent special circumstances should not exceed fifteen (15) years;" and WHEREAS, on May 21 , 2018 , the governing body amended and restated the Policy through adoption of Resolution Number 18-7556 without modification of Section 12(b) of the Policy; and WHEREAS , while Resolution Number 17-7505 established and Resolution Number 18-7556 restated the City 's policy for the financing of public improvements through the use of improvement districts, including the term of bonds issued by the City under the Policy (thus effecti vely superseding Resolution Number 98-5276), neither formally repealed Resolution Number 98-5276; therefore , in order to complete the historical record regarding the status of Resolution Number 98-5276 ; BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. Section 2. adoption. Repeal of Prior Resolution. Resolution Number 98-5276 is repealed . Effective. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 23rd day of May , 2022. Trent W. Davis , M.D., Mayor {SEAL} ATTEST:---.. JoVonna . Rutherford , City Clerk