22-8045 Stone Lake Improvements- (Published in the Salina Journal on tl}a'jJ1 '2022) RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8045 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ON THE ADVISABILITY OF AND AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO KS.A. 12-6a01 et seq. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the City Clerk for the City of Salina, Kansas (the "City") on April 20, 2022, proposing certain improvements pursuant to KS.A. 12-6a0 l et s eq. (the "Petition "); and WHEREAS, the Petition sets fo1th: (a) the general nature of the proposed improvements ; (b) the estimated or probable cost of the proposed improvements; (c) the extent of the proposed improvement district to be assessed for the cost of the proposed improvements; (d) the proposed method of assessment ; (e) the proposed apportionment of the cost between the improvement district and the City at large ; and (f) a . request that such improvements be made without notice and hearing as required by KS.A. 12-6a04(a); and WHEREAS, the owners of record of 100% the prope1ty I iable to be assessed under the Petition have signed the Petition ; and WHEREAS, no signatures have been withdrawn from the petition before the Governing Body began consideration of the Petition; and WHEREAS, KS.A. 12-6a04 provides that the Governing Body may authorize and order public improvements without notice and hearing after a sufficient petition has been filed ; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body has reviewed and considered the Preliminary Engineering Estimate and Feasibility Repo1t prepared by the City Engineer and agrees with the conclusions set forth therein . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Governing Body hereby finds that the Petition is sufficient, and further finds and determines that it is necessary and advisable to make the following improvements: (a) The nature of the improvements are as follows: The curb , gutter, pavement, and grading for approximately 1,460 lineal feet of Crystal Lake Drive, 980 lineal feet of Shoreline Drive and 220 lineal .feet of Crystal Place (the "Street Improvements"). The installation of approximately 1,330 lineal feet of storm sewer pipe , inlets , manholes and all appurtenances thereto (the "Storm Drainage Improvements"). The installation of approximately 1,490 lineal feet of eight-inch water main , fire hydrants, valves , fittings, and all appurtenances thereto (the "Water System Improvements"). - L - .. "' "' z 0.. w "' _!;; -.; en i :'2 g c: 0 u (b) (c) The installation of approximately 1,520 lineal feet of eight-inch sanitary sewer main , service connections for sewer lines , manholes, and all appurtenances thereto (the "Sanitary Sewer Improvements"). (collectively, the "Improvements"). The estimated cost of the Improvements is: One million seven hundred eleven thousand eight hundred ninety dollars and four cents ($1,711,890.04). The extent of the improvement district to be assessed are: Block 4, Lots 16 through 20, Block 6, Lots 2 through 6, Block 7, Lots 1 through 7 and Block 8, Lots 2 through 21, all in the Stone Lake Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. (the "Improvement District"). (d) The apportionment of cost between the Improvement District and the city at large is: (e) One hundred percent (100%) of the total cost of the Improvements shall be assessed to the Improvement District and zero percent (0%) shall be paid by the City at Large . The method of assessment against property within the Improvement District shall be : The costs of the Improvements shall be assessed to the Improvement District as shown below (shown as a percentage of the total actual costs of the Improvements assessed per lot): Lots to be Assessed Lots 16 through 20, Block 4 ; Lots 2 through 6, Block 6 Lot 1, Block 7 Lots 2 through 7, Block 7; Lots 2 through 21, Block 8 % ofCost Assessed Per Lot* 3.650% 2.737% 12.711% 2.129% *Computation intended as follows : Total cost of Improvement x % of Cost Assessed Per Lot Cost to be assessed to lot In the event all or part of the lots or parcels in the proposed Improvement District are replatted before assessments have been levied , the assessments against the replatted area shall be recalculated on the basis of the method of assessment set forth herein. Where the ownership of a single lot is or may be divided into two or more parcels, the assessment to the lot so divided shall be assessed to each ownership or parcel on a square foot basis. 2 "' "' Section 2. The Governing Body hereby declares that the Improvements described in this Resolution are necessary, and authorizes them to be made in accordance with the Petition and the findings set forth in this Resolution, and further authorizes the levying of assessments and the issuance of bonds therefor, all in accordance with K.S.A. 12-6a01 et seq. Section 3. The City expects to make capital expenditures from and after the date of this Resolution in connection with the Improvements described herein , and intends to reimburse itself for such expenditures with the proceeds of one or more series of general obligation bonds and temporary notes (collectively, the "Bonds") of the City in the maximum principal amount of $1,711,890.04. The Bonds may be issued to reimburse expenditures made on or after the date which is 60 days before the date of this Resolution, pursuant to Treasury Regulation 1.150-2. Section 5. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Register of Deed s of Saline County, Kansas. Section 6. city newspaper . This Resolution shall take effect after its adoption and publication once in the official ADOPTED AND PASSED this 23rd day of May, 2022 Trent W. Davis , M .D., Mayor (SEAL 3