22-8036 Moderate Income Housing Grant ApprovalRESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8036 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT AND APPROVING A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH KANSAS HOUSING RESOURCES CORPORATION (KHRC) FOR THE 2021 KANSAS MODERATE INCOME HOUSING GRANT PROGRAM, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE GRANT AGREEMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DIRECT ANY ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS AND EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, on July 12 , 2021 the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 21-7970 adopting the Live Salina Plan-2021 Supplement and supporting its implementation; WHEREAS, the Live Salina Plan-2021 Supplement recommends increased housing and adoption of a housing economic incentive policy to encourage new developments and infill housing opportunities; WHEREAS, On July 19, 2021 the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 21-7971 creating a Housing Economic Incentive Policy that included Rural Housing Incentive Districts ("RHID ") as an economic incentive tools to encourage residential development; WHEREAS, on May 3, 2021 the City Commission heard a request from South View Estates LLC to form an RHID, waive building permit fees, and assist with submitting a Moderate Income Housing ("MIH") grant application on behalf of the a housing development to be located in the Ryan Addition ; WHEREAS , on May 3, 2021 the City Commission took the first step in the RHID process by adopting and sending to Kansas Department of Commerce Resolution No. 21-7955 establishing the need for housing within the City and setting forth the legal description of real property within the Ryan Addition proposed to be designated as a Rural Housing Incentive District within the City , as follows: Lots 1 through 26 , Block 2, Lots 1-10 , Block 3, Lots 1 through 26, Block 4, and Lots 1 through 13, Block 5, in the Ryan Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas (the "Real Property"); WHEREAS, The Kansas Department of Commerce approved the formation of an RHID in Salina, acknowledged receipt of Resolution No. 21-7955 , and concurred with the City 's findings that a shortage of affordable single family housing exists within the city and that the shortage can be expected to persist ; - "' "' z a. w "' £ iii Cf) -0 ~ :>1 0 "' c: 0 (.) WHEREAS, on July 26, 2021 the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 21-7972 declaring the intent to establish within the City an RHID within the boundaries of the Real Property referred to as the South View Estates Rural Housing Incentive District (the "South View Estates RHID") and establishing the date and time for public hearing; WHEREAS, on October 18, 2021 the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 21-11090 creating the South View Estates RHID and approving the plan for development of housing and public facilities in the RHID; WHEREAS, also on October 18, 2021 the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 21-7994 which waived the residential building fees associated with the activities of the South View Estates RHID development plan; WHEREAS , the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation ("KHRC") manages the MIH grant program to address the shortages of safe, affordable housing and infrastructure in Kansas communities with populations fewer than 60,000 people; WHEREAS , on September 13, 2021 the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 21-7986 authorizing the City to apply for an MIH grant in partnership with South View Estates LLC in the amount of $400,000 for the South View Estates RHID (the "Application"); WHEREAS, the City was notified of an award up to $400,000.00 by letter from KHRC dated December 17, 2021 for the South View Estates RHID, subject to certain conditions set forth in the letter. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. The City accepts the Grant of up to $400,000 ("Funds") for use solely for treimbursement of the actual cost of Eligible Activities as set forth in the Application approved by IKHRC. Section 2. The City approves the terms and conditions of the Grant as set forth in the Grant !Agreement proposed by KHRC and authorizes the Mayor to execute the Agreement. Section 3. The City Manager or the City Manager's designee is authorized to direct any administrative actions and execute any documents necessary to implement the terms of the Grant Agreement. Section 4. The City Clerk is directed to file and retain the original agreements according to the tity of Salina Records Management Policy. Section 5. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 21 st day of March, 2022. Trent W. Davis , M .D., Mayor (SEAL)