Budget - 1958 ~10A~"''' . CURRENT YEAR , I I <<--~ I ~ ;6:U- Account AlMA r;= ~ UHUt ~- ~ ~ Mtltl:OOC mIIIt ~ ~ Sales Fund Levy Ad Valorem Sales Tax Net Ad Valore!! Net Advaloren Add 2~ "'otal Advalore~ 1957 '1'0 v "",...,.10 . T~,"H' ''''ov M~"a 101-111", T 0,"," "'~" 0 Levv nolillrs ,,-, .. t Tax Dollars Levy !}1r.hR41 1'~"'6~' , 11. ~()11 12 4122 o 8581 11.~~10 548587.<;<; 10071.75 559559.30 9S506 <;"lh.?? "<"M O. <;000 0.206? o 0111 0.1956 9286.60 18S.71 9472.33 0.1232 hA<;.l\h l'e'""'te1"V 1'\. ?<:I\O 0.1611 o 01.4.2 0.1471 6981.67 139.61 7121.)0 0.1574 1628.61 General Imnrovements 2.0000 0.8986 0.0749 0.8237 39112.16 782.24 39894.40 0.8337 <;111 10 T.H,,.,,,,,,, . nI"IIV\ o lMO 1.1789 827 40 Memorial Hall 1\ 2~00 o 2149 0.0171 0.19'78 9191.11 187.83 9579.14 0.1901 . A"""'e:1"ate 14 . ()()()() 14 0000 1 OB15 12.9181 611159.29 12267.18 625626.47 12.0339 . lM.h4 Non ous Ween", 1.()()()() 11.02?0 o 0022 o 0248 1176.40 21.<;, 1199.93 0.0245 ?02 .01 Firemen's Pension 2 011110 o 1114 o 014'i 0.1169 SSSl.61 111.01 5662.66 0.1615 812.18 Policemen's Pension 2.0000 o l'i26 o 0172 0.11<;4 6426.80 128.54 6555.34 0.1912 1556.86 Public Health o. <;000 0.1161 0.0,22 o .2841 11488.74 269.77 13758.51 0.3577 ;~~?~.41 Sub-Total 1 1476 11.4791 640002.86 12800.05 652802.91 12.7688 Bond and Interest None 8.4194 400709.25 8014.19 408723.44 6.1395 General and Soecial Imnrovement 1.0000 0.9313 . . 44231.98 884.64- 4~116.62 0.9517 (In Lieu of Bonds) Total 22.8S00 1084944.09 21698.88 110664-2.97 19.86 Tan2ible Valuation 48 4,0.170.00 PoP. Citv 1<;127 Intan~ble Valuation 27.892.560 00 pon. Countv 42194 #1 4 5.. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-13.5B- Page Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--.1958.- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page Acc't. I Actual I CURRENT YEAR Current Budget ;w;.;:;;o~~ ~ No. Account I Previous ! Actual Estimate Total Budget Request ~ ~ I Year 4 Months ;:; Months Cncrea se Over Cncrease Sl1mm.<lMr r.ana~" 1 ;;'11n" 10~" 1 o~" 10<;7 10~7 1 O~A ?e~,l"r 1CJ~7 Over ~evised 2udget 1957 Budget M~"",. ~n" r"mM; ".,..,.., ", <027.08 816? 02 120Q~. 00 16115.00 1184'5.00 15510.00 19750.00 Citv Mana"e" P"01 ,," 11R() 41 "O<;!J. ~" 1^^^' ^^ '"'''''',, "" 111'\<;1'\ 1'\1'\ /)8'i 00 71 'i.OO City Clerk and Treasurer 41224.CJO 128?'1 10 22'<81 81 '1~2<;~.00 16806 25 49080.00 12271.7'5 13825.00 ^; +" 7P44 . 10 ^o..,.^ ,,~ ~O? ~ ~? ..,""~ "" ..,,,^.. ^^ o..,,.,^ ..,,, ,<I'i~ 00 16'i.OO City Court 11'i217.!'l8 'itS21.l'i1 10A28"l0 1~<;0 00 16000.00 164'iO.00 4~0.00 .00 Police Court 2468 00 877.0Q 174?01 2h2~.00 ?'>4n.00 272~. 00 18~.00 100..o.~ Citv 3uildinO's 11'\'7?4 ~.h '<A?I'i.1? "",,., "" 1 O~1~.OO 1040~.()() 12363.00.. ~1870~0 1.8JO~ En~ineerin" ~eoartment 26811.14 I Q2~<;.q7 ??lJ.n4 /"IA ~1l'ih/'\/"I<; ?0t:JJ.7. ~/"I ..,,.,01^ "^ 81h2. 'i0 614<. . 9. 5.- Fire Deoartment 144202.l'iR q1~2 <;4 1?lMR.41'i 1?~1l'i1.n() 17?1h1.nn ?1^""'''' "^ 11772.1'10: 1 'i7?2.n:<L- Inspection Deoartment oh24 67 4?R~. 40 OO?? .nt '1420'" <;/"1 oR1n.()n 1R170.()() 8]40.00 lo62.~0 Park Deoartment 41081'i 47 121h~.M ,<~,<.q7.l;.~ 47~~?_ 'i0 61574.0~ ..,..,..,^^ "'0 0?2~.0~ 25747.50 Police Deoartment 160288.80 6~~ <;~.60 11Q110.4O 18460~.00 166268 80 20619'5.00 40126.20 21700.00 Streets. Alley and Sewer 72943.29 29167. '57 48167.41 7711~.00 7711'5.00 796,'5.00 2300.00 2300.00 Garba~e Collection 119670.84 4100~.10 080~0 . Q() 110146.00 119980.65 141'500.00 21519.15 4354.00 Waste Disposal 102'58.41 1178.06 7871.94 112'iO.00 11363.80 11770.00 406.20 520.00 Sewage Disposal 38429.08 11865.32 26104.68 38170.00 38545.00 39060.00 515.00 890.00 Street Lighting 33516.00 10984.2.~ 23490.75 34475.00 34475.00 35750.00 1275.00 1275.00 Traffic and Parking 53735.52 15608.81 28741.19 44350.00 64595.00 67100.00 2505.00 22750.00 I Airport 2346.00 745.51 1104.49 40'50.00 4050.00 14050.00 10000.00 10000.00 Swimming Pools 11174.58 1<;.41 11 7~0. ~o 1177~.00 11775.00 1267'5.00 900.00 900.00 Totals 827890.74 290910.78 618116.27 00Q027.05 909027.25 10819,3.00 172905.95 172905.95 .. ;J,? -,<- eO!'ol~'Q.tl.no-_........ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date Page Acc't. Actual CURRENT YEAR Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual .B.. ~stimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance All Fnnrl" 1Q~'" 1 0~'7 1Q~'7 1Q~'7 10~A Gene,.a 1 0t'lA,.,. tiruz 827890.74 290910 .78 618116.27 909027.05 . 909027.05 1081911.00 Band 1'>170.00 20no.on 417n.Dn "'170 00 1'>170 00 0060 00 Cemetery 1102S.98 1660.86 82'14.14 11895.00 1189S.00 12575.00 General Imn"ovAment h?117 10 1 ,,,,,.., .,,, 1114"'."'~ 4??()o.()0 42200.00 41400 00 Library '54159.02 10000.00 10160.00 60160.00 60160.00 580S.42 Memorial Hall 12292.06 )3,50.06 10424.94- 13775.00 14275.00 '13959.00 Noxious Weeds 1201.S4 1410.00 1410.00 1410.00 1500.00 Firemen's Pension 10529.10 3340.00 7430.00 10770.00 20770.00 20770.00 Policemen's Pension 10833.02 3800.00 8350.00 12150.00 21650.00 22150.00 Public Health Fund 210'14.71 187~0.OO 18750.00 18750.00 1'5,98.00 Bond and Interest 487798.16 177251.20 191811.48 571086.68 975'511.48 711348.00 General and Soecial Imurovement 41500.00 41~00.00 41500.00 43500.00 45000.00 (In Lieu of' BOnds) Industrial Develonement 11054. ,2 11054. ,2 Water Deoartment ,55507.49 101470.97 280629.01 182100.00 182100.00 399100.00 Totals 1884259.21 626939.22 1456154.51 208299,.7, 2118472.85 2413946.74 .. frJ eoHeauDA,..,.....Ll_ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year.l95L GZl'iERAL OPERATniG Fund Function Department Submitted By Date C;:O~D"'.....-a..__...... Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .l9Q.. Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate .-8...... Months A~~lI .lL-Months 195n Actual Previous Year Page , 4 r;.@ne:r;al One~nlT 42,346.98 548.587.55 46,487.60 ~.000.00 100.00 20,000..00 50,000.00 6,000.00 41,568.41 5,000.00 36,380.00 53,000.00 6,500.00 95.000.00 40,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1.350.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 500.00 24.822.29 427.62,.2<; 46.564.78 3,000 00 <;0.00 ::>0 000 00 50, 000 00 1>,000 00 31'\,444 09 L.,500 (')() 35,?R5 ()() 40.000.00 h , 000 M 90, MIl 00 ' 40,000 00 ; 500.00 1,000.00 ! , hl1l1 IYI 66.017.68 10,711. 77 55.,05.91 427.62~.2'i 1.~ ~i ~ I <(')()ool 00 46,564.78 6.500.00 100.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 6,000.00 ..181. 444.09 4,500.00 37,861.00 45,000.00 7,000.00 95,000.00 40.000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1.600.00 1.350.00 ,00.00 ~ 936.55 6,soo.00 100.00 13.338.99 19,909.70 3,951.12. 00 126 1,996.16 ~272..&2.. 29.907.00 4.526.77 90.820.00 40.000.00 ~51. 64 680 .00 850.00 810.00 225.00 100.00 100 . 00 300.00 'i00.00 300.00 492.5Q ~01 S<4. ,0 4S,;)?A ~n 00 .00 6,661.01 ,0. OCJO. ,0 2.048.81 ~8 . 444 . OCJ 2.<;0,.84 25.<;81.95 15.09~.OOI 2.47,.211 L.~ 7 C;O 59.115.76 26,028.26 3~.087.S0 I ~ , I "<d2 701.5'.) ~ ~ I ;);? c;41 10+ 1 C:+. Account r"'t~. ~o:l. '1"'~"'" 'O~,~..,t"P T~,., T p~~ 'P11r('y.,;=u:;,P ()rei Fir:=:. TTr1p!i('1rmnprpr1 ~I=l ~'h ~~ 1 ~n("'p .T~T"l r.11~rOn+ ~n~ihlp t"f'1:lxp~ rll"",""'Ont Tn.;........,,.,..;)...,"'" ~xP~ Acc't. No. 2<; .883.72 59,9hO 7;) I'\,OO? ;)1'1 40, ,"U ?3 u ?O" ()() , ll-:! ")").Q lie:: 53,5?7 (')() 9,rR7 n5 911,114' 71 ~5)(')()() ()O 445 rR 91>0 00 ?,250 00 1,395 00 .JQO....OO.. ~9- ~ ooo.()O np 1 ; T"l '1" pn..... rr~n'1 ~i 'h' ..T.a.x.e.S- T;plir:qllPnt Tnt.:=!n[i'r.lp ~YP<=: State Ci~arette Tax Stat~ ~.clo::.f"'\1-1......... ~v %v l T;~o:l.n~p~J Fpp~ ~nn pprm1t~ Pf'lli ('"P r.r'!l1,...t Fi np.:::: ) ("'f"lc::h::. R... ~ r.1 tv r.olJrt 'Pi np~, r()~t~ ~ Fnrf'p; tllrpC! C:P %VPQ MptpT" 'Rpovpnl1P tl."i'M"lf"lrt. "P,l1i lniT'1g~ ..... ~..,...t"'l'll"ln Rpn+J:ll TooC!~ .Rent.. Rent - 10 ~.,..k l=I.ll-f'ni1'll"'P'C! rt",L.A...,... 'o."....\, ^" _ ~mmiT'l~ Pnn' Blue Jav ~rk ~o~+~, 1lQ.. ..J2Q.. J3O- .l!ill.. .2lQ. 22Q.. .23.Q. 2!ill.. 26.0.. .JlD- Ju.o.. 420 .wm. JQn. -5QL ..502- -5.03- .5Q!L -52L ~ -S23- c::h, II:. 'Ta; n,..t. ~.,..nllrH" "''''''+ U!:lF'l,.,.O.... Stoat.'" U( StA.t," SA' q,+J:lh::. l-fi A' ReD.i:....::. ReD.i:....::. 1<on+. _ Page .I. Qet... 'OC:h ,n1:7 ,0<:A ~~-~.-.... ...- Acc't. Actual ,,,....,. CURRENT YEAR ,,,....,. Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous ActUal Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -1L-Months ...8..- Months. Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 71'1' F...." ?t:. 1:1:1, 1:'" M 4<; {y\1'I.1'I1'I 4~ """ "^ u <; ""^ "" I. ~ """ ^^ 7"'" 'C'~60 C:U., IYI ?"A "" 47.00 <7'i.00 -:>C:I'I 1'1/"\ 2'i0.00 7n'l and n """S 1'\/"\ .()() .00 .00 1'\/"\ .00 ..,....1, I,,~,_ _~ ".. ~" o. "'__..." "'--........-^...^^ nl:n ",.., ,,/"\ "h <89.66 <;M.M I: "" "" <;00.00 7i'1n ^"'_<00<"'"0 _ '0"''''0 ,t:. ,.,,.,,, t:.", .00 15.000 .00 15.000.00 ,t:. ""^ "" 1'i000.00 7" "'^--' .6 "'., ~<-- ',..,.1, ~^ IYI .00 .00 C:/"\/"\ ,..,/"\ .00 7'" ".. -- - ~.~ ~ ..."^ "'. ..... H_....^ " '<:7 AA , l'I<:h ?L 44'3.76 1. 'ioo .00 ann M 1.500.00 7'" ,...___... ro..... ~".....<_o , Am ,,<; <"4.71 1 145.2Q 1.500.00 , <;/"\/"\ /"\/"\ 1500.00 7,1, "'77 /"\/"\ "'M 00.00 l'iO.OO , IV"t ,..,,.., 100.00 7'''' ,_.,-- "'-. ",,/"\ /"\/"\ .00 . .00 .00 1M M 100.00 7'" ,-, - -~ '7A ",/,,\ Ae "" 10.80 100.00 ,/"\/"\ IYI 100.00 7"'''' ., .D "",.., .,'" I,? <;'l 'i6.47 100 . 00 , /"\/"\ ",.., 100.00 7'l' '" !'l",....,.i".. "nn !'lAl.." 10'l.14 c: A, 44.!..19 'iO.OO <7.64 1 262.46 QQ" "'-,- ^~ "'^-^ /"\/"\ .,Uu? 15..<;8 <;0.00 I: """ "" <;.000.00 n,e: '0 1"\"",^0<"'0 /"\/"\ M .00 .00 /"\/"\ .00 Ou< '0 (n+h"... ("",.,+.,." I/. lV>n+" 1\ M M 1'1/"\ ./"\/"\ .00 .00 .oe:., nf' ~.<;q.<;4 ",Ae ", CllO .70 1. 'i00.00 1. 'i00. 00 1.500.00 c'i2 A IAirnort Income 10.000.00 ImtvnAT A"n H'" ,.. h7A .,h".i1A 417.<26.04 806 068.12 I'll'll. "",. 7h 0":\9.586.02 ImtvnAT ^,m 88<.106.6'i o'i1. <74.03 909.027.05 081.933.00 IT___ 827.8QO.74 000.027.05 909.027.0'5 081.933.00 .... "'-- '" e:<: .",..,c: e, 42.'l46.08 1l\T6+ 'T'ov ?Q,.., 7.,,, ,,<: 427.62":\ 2'i 'i48.587.55 'T'ov <:tl 7 h'U h/"\ A c:<;? h7 10. 071 .7'5 m^~ - u .,AA .,uu Ac: u'lh.17<; 7? I:"n <:<:n.<o T "'^. "." 0 o /,,\c:,..,., 0.'\'\011 11.5539 lroeneral Onera 1= '5 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING 2. Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ,,,-., 'U-'u -~_....... ..-.......... Acc't. Actual 10C:7 CURRENT YEAR '0C:7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual -8- Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year ...lL-Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ":I" ,..,---~, M.., + I, "...,.. f'\f'l ), 1,7" N' ()() ), 1,7<: ()() ), <:"" ",.., ) , c: "" "" <1< Retail Liouor Licenses O. ,00 00 .., """ "" 4 "IV"> IV"> 7.""" "" 6 e:M IYI 7 "IYI N1 <1<; Wholesale T.i nunr H ~_no_o ., C:N1 M " <: "" "" .00 2.'iM.OO 2.<;00.00 2'i00.00 ":I'" "'--... --- n.I_...._" _..._ , 7"" IV"> 6117.<;0 687.'30 1. ,7'3. ()() , .. "" IV"> , <;()().M ?"., ^_~o"'_ ":I C:" "" .00 .00 .00 "" .00 ":I~<: ....--..- "" .()() .00 ()() "" "" .,~ ""n^_ 0.,,,,. ^ _ ,.,,,), "" 2<;4 00 46.00 ,00.00 , "" IV"> 1<;0.00 'l20 M...,..,.."._Rr._R""nt'! ()() 00 .00 .00 IV"> 00 'l'l' M"".."m ()() .00 .00 .N1 "" .00 ":1":1'2 M"oi~ H _____ , ,Ac: "" 6'l0.Oo 6<0.00 1.260.00 , ,,"" "" 1200.00 <'l4 Pn,,' """,_ .. "'"'".....'_""0..... , ,A" IV"> 6'i0 00 600.00 1 250.00 ' NV.. "" 1 100.00 .,.,,, n__' u_" ""'........'6'-_~..... ^_'" ,,_..H__ ^',_. 77" ",.., ":107 <:() ,97. 50 705.00 A"" "" 800.00 ":1.,7 ...-" --. "" .00 .00 .00 "n .00 ":I ":I A Rinlr 7<; (),.., 'iO.OO .00 'i0.00 <: " "" '30.00 <<0 I 'l'hea tr" and On"....... Hn""" <7<; . ()() ,7'i.00 .00 ,75.00 .,7C: "" <7<;.00 ":Ill' A,....nn Clo'_o , ",.., "" ,<;()()() .()() 1'30.M , "" "" 100.00 'la'l , ()() ()() 'i0.00 'iO.OO 100.00 '"'' "" 100.00 'l4<: , 0<: IYI 160.00 .00 160 .00 ,,,,, "" 1'i0.00 'l47 I"" T.i ~..no_o O<:ll ,..,,.., 828.00 .00 828.00 ""n "" 750.00 <40 Th>..,,,,. T A~c; N1 .00 700 . 00 700.00 I. "" "" SOO.OO <<:, In.." ",i+.+"""" 1 , () "" 110.00 .00 110 . 00 ,?" "'" 100.00 ":IC;":I hit,.., "" u'l()M .00 4,0.00 I. "" "" 400.00 ":Ic:c: .T..n" T'I_o' 6... ",,'"'6''' on'" - .. ,f'V'\ 2.00 .00 2.00 "" .00 <'i7 .T"nk Th>" 1 ",.. Ant.n on'" 0.....+0 U<;().1V"t 4'i0.00 .00 4<;0.00 1._... "" 4so.00 ""n 7"" "" 6()().()() .00 hf'l" "" t:. "" "" 600 . 00 'lh' <;OO.()() 'i40.00 .()() C;Ur\.M t:. "" "n <;"".00 Licenses. Fee~ & Permits 6 Page 1 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING LICENSE, FEES AND PERMITS Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ...... '......n ----------- -----...- Acc't. Actual 10<;7 CURRENT YEAR 10<;7 Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual .B. ~stiqlate Budget Request Recom- Budget Year ..1!:..-Months Months Total mendation Allowance 'lh'l ~,,~ "" '00: fY'I ?OO.OO ~o<; .00 hM.M 400.00 ~6'5 ~.9o .00 ?<;O.M '50.00 ":\00.00 'l70:.M ~oo.oo . 7'5.00 ~h7 ' ~+.,.....+. ?70 . M 7?M 28.00 100.00 7C: 1111 ~hO .~+,.....+ ..nA ~+A,.,A" .m 1111 .00 .00 '111'\ .00 'l71 r...mTl" .00 .M .00 .00 O:I1M .00 .,7., . "",""^,,, ..,.,A ~11 IYI L c: 111'\ .l1n u<;.M 'On "^ 'l0.00 ~7C; 'V..n~n.,.. P..AA,..... ..nil 11.7.00 'la M .00 ,0.00 , 1111 11,.., 50.00 ":\81 '1' V P".,.",i +.. ",.,A "... 1? .1URhc; t:. "nA t:.~ 4. 701. ~S 11.000.00 '11 NV\ 1111 10 4S0.oo ,.9, ~""".. M",rl,.,.. hRm ~" IV"t .00 ,2.00 c;n.m SO.oo <01 Fend e.nd Mi 1k 1 4013..90 1 .~lR.Ro 81. 20 1 400.00 1 "',," "" 1 400.00 <0< Oil e.nd r.e... W,,] 1 .00 .1111 .00 .00 ,..,,.., .00 . ~oc; R.."".,. .M m .00 .00 "" .00 ~07 Ri <m .l1n M .00 .00 "" 00 'loa nn", '11"0:" 00" C:11 1()7 . <;0 , , IVI 111'\ Q"" "" 800.00 /. , '1'CYT'AT~ FRRR A NT) u'l.'l?R.uo: ,,~ ~A, nc: 1??70.0<; 'l7.Ah' IYI ?~ "A~ "^ ~6.~80.00 - . "'...." 7 Page ? CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ COtor8oLID"'~."'Lt"'''' Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget 151 Total CURRENT YEAR c Estimate ~Months GENERAL OPERATING MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS ~ Actual Previous Year Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Page 1 Account .7<;.M ":\7<;.00 ,7<;.00 250.00 12<;.00 ,7<;.00 and Dent. Heads llQ .7<;.00 .00. .zs.a..oo. ..6&.00.. --!lO... 1 ,500 00 1 00 00 6,OM 00 l4500 . on. R /'''11 M 1 0, ()()() 00 '11 ll711 f'\ll 'l7<; 1111 .00.. ~ ~ --!lO... 1 . 500 00 100 00 2.500.00 3,5M M 7. ()()(). 00 ,75.00 ..QQ.. .5QQ...QQ.. 620.00 ---0..00.. ..5.QQ..OO.. .lOO....QQ.. 3,'i00 00 .00 6.'i00.00 250.00 QQ.. .5QQ...QQ.. -1Q...QQ.. -,QQ. 3.l3..23. ~ ..5.lL22.. ---00.. h <;1YI.f'\ll l?<;.M ...00.. ...00.. .ss.o...oo.. -----.OQ. . ~ ., oAA$ .00. 1'\1'\ 'l7<; 1111 .18...00. l,qL.A 90 h?O 00 ?h 1111 , ,]?A 55 :n 51'l AhA 6L. .00.. ,..,,.., 'I'()'I'A T. ~ ~ ~Rvp.l;na RYMpn~~ .2ll "'. ~ 2Q5.. ?m 1 <; Oll" M 11. 7?0 .00 7.0]7.0::' 'l All? 0.'1 ..047.<;'<; TOTAL 8 nntQ'rR MRVnT" Anli ,2,.845.00 lh.'ll<; IYI ...... ,'=' ,..,00: IYI A 'h" "., ., 0?7 cA 4..22.<;1) TOTAL EXPENDITURES Page 1 ,,,,,,t:. '0"7 Acc't. Actual 'n"'7 CURRENT YEAR ")"'7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual .-L Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -1LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance " " "a'a_4ao _ --.. T'I..~.. tl"6a"'a e: "'"" ,,( , Q"" N' ":\.780.00 C;h7n.M .. ..",.. ,..,. C; h7f'\ "" ,?n ".., ..,.i.... ..nil T.Ta _ao _ ' t:.A,.., N' <;80.N 1 160.00 l.74D.00 ' .t:.A,.., fV' 17Unf'lf"l .-J.3Q. ,,_,^...^^ ..nil T.T____ _ "",-.. 'l'im.. <;h . IV' ()( 100.00 100.00 'lull IV' '1Un.M 'OC: "+ha... .()C '1<; 00 46<;.00 <;on.oo C:IYI IV' 'iOO.nn , 'l'l'VT'd T. 7'''<;h IY ? c:"c: IV'\ <;,<;0<;.00 8 010.00 Q nl,,.. "" Q. "c:n nn "", n..a 'lM.nn ,,,0: 110 17<;.00 ,00.00 ..,"" "" ,00.00 ?Il<; - ..nil "FI'l ?h ??O.OC; 'i20.0<; 7'i0.00 7"'f'\ "" 7'i0.M ?117 m.. "4n", "'--.--- =., "(1 "', nC: 48.0'i l00.M ,,..n "" 1M.M ?M 'D~,,"a ",a IV'\ 00 2'i.OO ?C;M ~c: IV'\ .,C; IYI ,..,,,, - Ilf'f'i,.." "'--^ 7?n IV'\ 'i0.00 <;" ",.., , ",n "" 1M.M ""'1 _ Cl"_a+,, tl"......" .,n IV'\ .M 2'i.00 2'i.00 "e: "" 2<;.00 ".,t: "__'a' - .. 7t: ~, I"~ 7t" c;FI. 'In 'OO.M ,,..,,, fV'I lM.1V"t ,..,"'" 'Da :_ _ ""'_"'''_6 ^_.. "".... fV' fV' 17'i M '7C;.00 7'" "" ~'iD.OO mt'Yl'dT ' ",..,p, A7 UJ.A t:f'\ 1!176.Un , C;2":00 , "'''''' "" 1 6'io.00 "4 ..... n CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING CITY MANAGER Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date GENERAL OPERATING CITY OF SALINA CITY MANAGER BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-192L. ~ ..l9.51.. 19'58 OOH~ID"'T'CO-aALl"'. Actual CURRENT YEAR .l951.. Current Budget Manager's Final Previous Estimate Recom- Budget Year -B- Months Total Budget Request mendation I Allowance : - - - - - - - - - 76 40 7":\.60 200.00 - - 1::>3 03 26.97 200 .00 - - . - - 109.4'\ 100.'57 400 .00 - - - - - ~ - - - '?1 R5 ::>fI ]5 ~ - - - - - - - - ]R 71'1 "1 3Cl - - foh R5 133 15 - - - - : - - 63.50 "'5 5~ ::>44 45 - - - - .a. 7qlnh 'l ,flo.u' h$5.!L..5'L .l.O. 'l"l<:;.oo '1'1 "lh<:;JY1 1l.0'i0.OOu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~i t:v Mana"~ 10 Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ - Page - - - Acc't. Account No. - - - .MA T." A NT'l "TTPPT TF.'" .32Q.. Offi~e ""pp1i.." ..3.ll- Bnok" Rna P..rindi~R1" - - - - TOTAL - - - - - - .c!JrolRY EXPENDITURES: - .!ill.. Oritfl-ni 7.,,-ti en m"." - - - - - - rAPTTAT, CllJ'l'TAY' - ..5.Q9.. Furni ture and "" xtl.lr. - .5l7 Qtt1.c.e M~ , H'~ neD - - - - - - TOTAL.. - - - - - l'1Yl'AT. - - - - - - Page , , "",," 100:- 'Oc:~ Acc't. Actual 10'i7 CURRENT YEAR --,-0<:;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual 8 Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year --!LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 110 Salaries - Officials and Dent. Heads " ...c" ...... 'l 'hl1 ()(' 6 ,'~20.oo 9.480.00 n N:.r. "" 0.480.00 , ~" ,,_, __, __ __~ u_ ___ ,"u"" I:;h 4.780. ex 0.620.00 14 400.00 " fY}h "c: l'i 000.00 ,~" 1 "o'o~<oo o~" T.1o~oo _ -o,,~+ I'T'<mo f'lIl .<')( '50~.<:;0 <=;0'l.'i0 , """ "" 1 000.00 '"-11 o~" ^",,'+,~~ 1 O<:;O.M .ex 1.500.00 1 500.00 1 Of'lll f'lIl 2.000.00 '71'1 T..~ ___ O~" ", __1,0 _ ", "" 1. ,7' 7" .00 ' , 72 . 7<; U fV\n fV\ .00 '7C: T",'! ~o" o~" ,.., ",,.1.-0 _ ", 0"" "+0+0 "'0' A "'" A., .ex .00 00 fV\ 10 000.00 10<:; nt.ho" ,---, - 1'11'1 .0( '500.00 '500.00 1 IYII'1 IYI 1.000.00 I'T'lYT'A T. .,,.., ~~" _" 0.112.7<=; . 18 44<.'i0 27.'i<=;6.2'i "A ,..,,,,t:. ,,'" <8 480.00 20~ Freiaht and 'OJ,,, ),..., , "-O?, 2<;0.70 400.00 ). fV\ "" 400 . 00 20<=; Telenhone an" ~-, .. ?.,n nl ,<:;, hl'1 208.40 4'i0.00 .,..n "" 4'io.00 207 Travelha Fvnense oA ,A 16. <? 8<.68 100.00 lM.M 100.00 .,110 1"...,,,+...,,.. 1,,,1, "n ,-:>, A~ 'l78.17 <=;00.00 "''''' "" 'ioo.oo 221 I P1-i nt-!" '" f'tf'<"< ^O ""'''''''0 , ",t:.7 <::I. uoo 7' 'i00.20 1 000.00 1 <:1".' IYI 1.'500.00 222 P1-i nti na fV\ IYI .00 .00 t:.1YI fV'I '500.00 22<; Leaal Advertisina "11 All u? C:7 'i7.4< 100.00 l00.M 100.00 ?<< Tn"ura""o _ <::"~o+,, """".. Uh., ,..,n '<=;I'l.M 200 . 00 4<=;0.00 -:>C:11 IYI 450.00 2<6 Tnsurance _ <::",,{o' .,A" aA ?'<:;.L.? 224.'i8 4<:;0.00 -:>IV\ fV\ 4'50.00 ?<:;, R"'n" i,. _ .....-< +"_0 .. fit'T'i,... .,n "" M <'il'l.oo '1<:;0.00 .,"'" "" <'50.00 ?OO 10+"",,. " - , C:, UI:; 'hh Oh 'l'l.1'l4 200.00 , n,.., N'\ 100 .00 Iml'\lTln .., 0...... ..0 , t:.-:>., t:." ., ."h .A 1. ..."" "" I, I,,,,n N'\ 4.ClOO.00 ik-!ri.':1:. Il'i +" 1'1.....1r " CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING CITY CLERK Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page - nn IU......{ -rUIO.;"M -- .~......-, ...-."'........ Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR 1957 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous L. Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year Months .....8.... Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance "'=~T',T A~m ~ 120 Office Smrolies :::> .7hO. s, 7::xl.7'l 'i20.27 , ?<;(') 1'\(') , ~'7<; IV\ , "cil'l 1'11'1 ~~1 'Rooks and p", , ?07.()<; I ?7('1. ,0 ::>0.111 'l(10.00 ?:::><;.(')('I ~M.('I(') 'l'l7 Election Sunn'ie~ 2.200,04 44.8.l1s .00 4LR.h<; R(')(')(')(') ? "IV\ 1111 IOther Qperati~Su~nlies I 'l'iQ '7(')<; 47 130.20 i 'i6o.81 7S0. , () , """ "" 7<;().1111 TarAL {:, "71 n7 , h~R ('Ih I , ,'('1 (:,O ?748.7C; ., hlV\ IV\ ), Ann "" , - .. SUNDRY EXPEl 4,5 Or~anization Thles ,R 'l? .00 4so.00 4S0.DO uC;D.DD 4C;D.M CAPT'1"AT, ml'T'T.Av, 'soo Irorniture and Fixtu~s 178.oc; .(')0 .00 (')(') , IV\ ('1('1 ,IYI M 'i17 Office Mechani",,-' <;Rh.hQ uoR 7h , .,h <;1'\('1 (1("\ ~c:,.., IV' 'lC;().()() TCfI' AL 7h" (:,J. 4oR.7h , ?u <;M IV\ u<;(') IV\ u<;,.., IV\ . '1"IYl'A T. 41.:::>24.00 ,? R7., '0 ?2 'lR, .R, ~" "c:c: "" ~{:, R,..,t:. .,,, J,n "An nn .' City Clerk 12 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year.J35lL. 2 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page , ,OC:" 10<;, IU<;l'I Acc't. Actual ,0e;7 CURRENT YEAR 10<;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year .....!L- Months -----8- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 110 - <Inn ,,__.. U__A_ ? AI'V'\ "" , ~"I'\ 1'\1'\ 2600.00 'l.onn.M ~ f11Y1 IYI ~ ON\ I'V'\ 1::>0 _ PO~"<I'" ? AAI'\.N\ , 1'\1,1'\ I'V'\ 2 080.00 ., '''1'\ "" ., AAI'\ I'V'\ ., ,.,,, "" ,Rn 'o~l , (1(11'\ N\ ,,1'\(1 "" 160.00 6h1'l."0 , """(1 ,," , N\I'\ "" lO'i Other Professinna 1 Serv~ "',,, 'OhO "(1 100 . 00 100.00 ,,,,, "1'\ 100.M rrOTAL 7 hOO hO " A1,(1 ,," u..olu'1.n" 7 7F\n (11'\ 7 7A,.., I'V'\ R ,,"1'\ N\ ?117 ' <; (1(1 I'V'\ .00 .M ?C; N\ I'V'\ ?"-lh - ,,--,-, 1::>0.h1 .,,, J,Q "-l'i.~2 7'i.00 'io.no 'M N\ roTAL , u.u. h' ,O.LR <'i.<;? 7<; "" 7<;.1'\" 1mM ""(1 )f'fice Runnl;.." .00 N\ <;1'\ (1" "" N\ 'i0.00 <;0"" ~1'VT'6 T. 7 !'\uu ~I'\ 2 870.48 <: ".,e;. e;? 7 n"" "^ 7 o,..,e; IYI o ""'^ ..." - . ,< +" 1"l CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1958- GENERAL OPERATING CITY ATI'ORNEY Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page 1 'CC:h 10C:7 'C'lc:P. COl\l9OLIO"~."'l.l"'" Acc't. Actual 19'37 CURRENT YEAR 10<;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ...8.- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year 1L-Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 110 nf" ,..,......,^'O,,, "n~ n..,,+ H.."~,, l?hM.()() L ,,"" ,..".., 8t4oo.oo l2.L 600.00 ,., r::.,..".., ,..".., 12,.600.00 1,0 _ p",.,.+. 'l'im.. "'- ., , .'l1lC <;n uhO.M 751. 00 1,200.00 , fVV'1 IYI 1.2oo~00 10" Il1+h..,. ., " ?" hn .00 500.00 500.00 C:N'\ ,..".., 500.00 'l'n'l'AT. 'u ,,,,, "n ), hi,,, "" 9.651.00 14,300.00 ,). ,,..,,, ,..".., 14300.00 ?()<; o~" ':>117 .,~ 7f...<;() 173.50 250.00 ?<;".()n 250.00 . 207 . 1.()<;0.<;0 ,Rn. <;1 619.49 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 ?::>1 nf'f'i..... 11'...,..."" 'l7h ::>A 'l,4 h~ 85.55 400.00 'lM IYI 400 .00 ?<< C:",...h, P...,.,,,, ,..".., ,A.<;() 31. 50 50.00 <:n ,..".., 50.00 ::><h _ Rn"i ,,1 ?hR , C 7A.h? 171. 38 250.00 , "" "" 250.00 I'I'()'I'AT , .Ao,?o Af..A.'i8 1,081. 42 1,950.00 , 7n" ,..".., 1,950.00 A~m /' <?n Clf'f"i".. 170.<;0 7<;.h'l 74.37 150.00 , <;,.., ,..".., 150.00 ,'U P"n Ie" "nn P..,.i nti i ,.." 1 '" ?<; O() ::>A.u() 21. 60 50.00 c:" "" 50.00 ",n"'AT. .,,,C: ho ,nh n~ 95.97 200.00 ?M IV'I 200 .00 '3()q "n~ IYI ()() IYI fr()'I'AT. 16.?'7 hA <; h?' h' 10.828.,9 16,"-:50.00 , t:. """ "" 16,450.00 . , r I ICi tv CC'lllM: I 14 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--.lS58- GENERAL OPERATING CITY COURT Fund Function Department Submitted By Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ me" "..."'''' 10<;" --------- Acc't. Actual 10<;7 CURRENT YEAR ,Q<;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year --.lLMonths ...B.- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance pm ,TI"R ('()1TR'T'n PERSONAL SERVTI"RS' 110 Salaries - Officials and Dent Head" ? 400 00 1'140.00 1 680.00 2.520.00 ., UfV\ fV\ 2,'i~.M 180 legal Services 00 17.0< 'l?117 "11.1111 , fV'I fV'I 1 "(LM 10" 1'1+),0" . , 1 " .1111 .00 .M 'i'l'Yl'AT. ... I" ~ "" AC:7 n~ 1.712.07 2."70.M ., C:IV\ IYI 2 670.00 ""..~ ,,_... 221 p,..;nHn", Off'1"" ",,,,,,,,,,, 1'1I'I 1'1I'I' .00 .00 IYI .00 2<< _ Rll,.",t.v 'Rnn<'l" <;1111 C:fV\ .1111 ".00 1 <; 1111 5.00 ?<h - "",,'~, hAl1I1 ,), ,::. .~fl,u "11.M ,.,.. "" "11.00 'l'()'T'AT, c:. 1'1I'I '0. 'h .,,, fl,L. <;<;.IYI UI'I IV\ 'i'i.00 'T'CYl'A T, "," ,., ),t:.A "" fl,77.11O , 7L.7 0' ? h?" IV"t ., c:L.,.., IV\ 2,72'5.00 Pnl1l"e ('n",.t 10: - -- - ... - ~_::.. -~--_. - - - - GENERAL OPERATING - - POLICE COURT - - Page 1 Fund ---: Function Department Submitted By Date YQM CITY OF SALINA Function GEIZ'~L OPERATING Department CITY F.ALL BUILDTIIG BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By ~- Page 1. For the Fiscal Year ~ - = = 1956 .1951- 1958 Acc't. Actual CURRENT YEAR Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous ~ Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -1L- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance = : ... ,.... 1\1 ,. ,...,.. i ,c:. - - - - - 60.00 1 380.00 2 Go.d 4 140.00 4 140.00 - " .00 .00 220.00 220.00 00.00 - .00 00 .00 .00 - - ',3KO (\() -2,.98Q....QQ 4 - - , em T 1 , - - 95.05 1.404.95 1 00.00 2 000.00 - .- - ----23...28- 76.72 - 9AI1 <15 511.15 00.00 - '33 100 166.40 00.00 - 77 50 22".50 00.00 - 351 11 298.89 00.00 - f'-f,..A '5 900 66.00 - i Po 49 100.00 33 75' 91. 51 - - - - 5,OrYr> 47 1,1084 118 1,040. 12 6 200.00 - ",..,'" .IJ' . onA ",~, pL"n'"A'nn 00 ?, <;Or ')1.')0 75.00 - '" /'VV) u7 , 7nA ,A ? 1'\0' A" I, Atv'I IYI U A,,, ,..".., 6.27'i.00 - - - - - - ~itv Hall ~uilding 16 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-.l958- GENERAL OPERATING CITY HALL BUILDnl'G Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ragli:: ~ .L'I'K -- - Acc't. Actual 10C;7 CURRENT YEAR ~ Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year --1L-Months --13- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ANn '10 Ex-oendable Tools R'l.11O ,,<; Ah 19.14 75.00 7C;M 75.00 ,4, .Tani t.nT" 'IT1I1 '1'"n..t: - . , ,nco "7 ':lhA = "1. 71 700.00 OIY\ M 800 .00 ,67 E1el't.T"i ca' '''"1 - . ""',.t" ,<:<; 74 "':l" COh 117.44 ,'i0.00 .,e:11 rY\ 400.00 171 Ltnnber and Lumber Products 224.70 26 64 2,.36 50.00 .M 75.00 ,81 Pa.int A.nd '7'7 1'\1, I,,, J,t:. '17.'14 'N\.OO , "" nn ?<'lO.M 'l'Nl' A T 17'lc;RL. 7?<; A, '140.10 1.27'i.00 , ':l?" IYI 1.550.00 CAPITAL OUTIAY: '100 Furniture and Fixtures & Rnuinm..nt: ,)h.')<; h? << 17.67 100.00 N\ ~G5i AEi"~.~A"'- . ---"'. 00 "".CO" QQ TOTAL EXPENDT'T'T1'RR~. '11 7.,I, e:h 'l87h ':l? 6 6,,8.68 10C;'lC;.00 ,,, l,ne: "" 12.165.00 '. - . . I'i +.v Hall 'Rl,.! din", 17 2 Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING ENGINEERING Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ,u...,., Acc't. Artual "0';'7 . CURRENT YEAR .'0C:;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Recom- Budget No. Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year ~Months -B.-Months mendation Allowance lll'l ,,", ., - Offi dals and Denartment Head, <:'..1M . M ,., f'VV'o ^" 4L999..!.oq 6,000.00 10 7"" IV> 6,000.00 120 ,,~,~~<~~ - 'A t:.", "'10 h ,"U c:,.., , <;t"loR.~" ::>, .?I'l'lM '0 "C:" (')(\ "t:. f'VV'o IV> '<I'l "..,..,.<"'.. _ "",,,,,,_IN.,,,,,'" . "" N'I 1'\" "" <;M.M C:IYI (')(\ lQC; Other Professional Services 21.00 ?? "" 288.00 'l10.oo ' fVV'I "^ 1.000.00 '1WPAT. "L 1.,? ?c: A ,,,t: C:^ '0 <Rh <;" ?7 <;'':l ,..,,, ,.,t:. ,.,"'^ ^^ ~ ~ c:"^ "" "1:'0"""''''''. 201 TT"", .. 7C: "" 7C:.M ,,,c: "^ "^,'I "" .I'll'l ::>I'l1'l.M ?rY7 140.70 c:, .,,, oil. t:A , c:" (')(\ ,<:." M l'iI'l.M ??O 741. 04 l,on "',., 'lM hR R"t"l"" UC:,.., (')(\ RM.t"l" ::>2' wi nH n ~ Off; "". l"nM'''' 118.0<; .,,, "" h7 R<; 'M IYI 'M.M 100.00 225 Legal Printinll u, 7" fY1 C:;t"l.t"lt"l 'i1'l.00 c:" IV1 'i0.00 ::>'l' Tn""""n"'" - M""'",, 1? 'lR "" "c: ^^ "C: f1f1 "c: ,..,,, ?'i.M '. 2'\2 Insurance - Motor Vehicles PL and Pn 20 . I'l7 28 P hR7 'lC:;.M 'l<:'M ":\'5.00 2":\'\ Insurance - Surety Bonds .00 12.<;0 J'" ,,, c:,.., 1., <;" l'i.M 2'\6 Insurance - Social Security 421.17 l'i1.1<; "oA Ac: UC:" f'\rI ?<:." f'\rI 600 .00 252 1l.......i,. _ ..",A N'<"< ^~ <~.OO .00 'nf1 "" , f'\rI ('\f1 'f'\rI IYI 100.00 ?<;'l ll"'T'lAi,. _ ~nA .00 .00 7<;"" 7C:;.M 7C: (')(\ 75.00 ?c:u o~..... <,. _ M"+",,. .. . . <;6 61 22 11 , 77 Ro ?M.""" ?M.M 200.00 "c:c: lo~~~<~_ M,,+,,~ . IN ~"''' "nA m.."^" 'l 70 1.2<; oA 7<; , "" (')(\ ,(')(\ M 100.00 I TOTAL 1 h7u 4? 8T'l.1< , u,,1. .,.,. " ':>07 <:." 1. '547. 'iO 2 450.00 En"ineerin" 18 Page 1 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year...l$S8- GENERAL OPERATING ENGINEERrnG Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. ~IOATCD-8N.JN" Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 1958 Budget Request 1957 Current Budget ~7 Total CURRENT YEAR 1L Estimate Months - .l95L. Actual 4__Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page 2 Account 250.00 50.00 450.00 175.00 -:.QQ. 25.00 75.00 100.00 200 .00 .335.00 250 00 50.00 ..2QQ..QQ 1.":\25.00 150.00 50.00 550.00 165.00 ---,.,00 25.00 75.00 100.00 200 .00 325.00 132.94 50.00 425.72 100 . 38 _,00 ~ 75.00 100.00 176.30 u...a6.. ---.00.. '.2.!L..28.. ~ .J.O..OO.. .J&nB... -----00.. --00. ?':l 7,.., .18...89- ~ 3.l!L.5:Z- l69....5.3.. .lO...OQ.. ---L.2fL ---.QQ I 28...!t5.. hU w:; lliIl.. Office Supplies "Rn"it'~ Ann 'Po.,.'" f'lni,.,Q 1 Q n,."f'Hng "n~ lCngin",,"'i ~l1pp1i"" Motnr VeM clef! - Fuel and T,ubrican+" M,,+rr1'" U~'hi",,',aQ _ Ti....'O'nQ,Q ~gQ T~rmhp..,.. Ann Tnmnp,. p,.nih]t"':t:~ Machinery and F.~lipment Parts Mntnr V"hi~le Part." Mot.or Vehic'"'' _ '1'\,..." ..n~ 'I'l,,,,,,, .3.2Q.. JJL ~ .m.. Jl4- 3ll- 3ll. J:a- ,70 ~JIJI t:.'7 1 1 1.068.66 ~c::,< .,J, 'lYYT' AT. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES T'n,e:.Q 25.00 "c: M 25.00 25.00 f'If'I 11111 Inc; ;00.00 C:IV> ..oa. fY'I 499.55 499.55 .00. IYI .00. M f"t^ 'DTtT'l^ T "TTl"I"tT.AY.:. v:j f""rf'f"4",.t:l>. :-i -.,,,1,,, 500.00 ~ fY'I IV> 499.55 499.55 M 1111 rm'l'AT. 19 Engineerinll: ?O hh7 ~f'l1 37.810.00 05 ":\1.660 404.08 22 n t:)C't:' ("1'7 ?h Ac:l' 'lL. TOTAL CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GEnERAL OPERATING FIRE CONaaUD"~_ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation J.958- Budget Request ..lS51. Current Budget - .l95.1. Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate --B- Months - .l951.. Actual -1L-Months 195,'; Actual Previous Year Page , Account Fund Function D~partment Submitted By Date _. Acc't. No. S.700'001 6,000.00 ]u2.,o6.42 ~7,672.00 001 .00 , mo c;A 5.400.00 6.000.00 lS~.~ O() ..QQ .00 4.000.00 106.72,.00 00 00 2,000 00 4C;.7~ O().DQ. .00 5,700 00 '?h ?.29-82. ? Ii .00. ()() Heads and Dept C;1CEYI.CES..;. Qfficials PERSQ\\lAI Salaries - Salaries and ~a~e5 ~edicial S~~rices Other Professional 110 JgQ.. l2Q. 195 Services 20 Fire Illn ""Its:::: r"V"\ I I'VV\ ",.,'" fV'lt .6QQ...QQ.. 1.140.00 ~SO.oo 40.00 3'i.00 700.00 345.00 ,75.00 2,0.00 1. ,06.00 750.00 4so.00 "1'50.00 ~ ..lli..QQ.. l25....QQ. ?'i.oo .6??...oo. 1,1?5 (')() ?5() lY\ u() (')() 35 M 700 M 3u5 00 375 ()() 'A~ 00 " '711 M 750 00 435 (')() 350 00 .lSQ..OO. .J..:l5....OO. ,~ 25.00 158, '51 "I. SQ 00 .m..oo ,7'5.00 240.00 1.1'56.00 71'5.00 436.35 200 . 00 ..l.J.Q...QQ. ~ lJ.9.,2Q. ?C;.M 600.00 1.051.00 m..m M..oo. ,'i.00 47.700. S() I llCt.72'l.m 32Q.J2Q ..122.....Q2 ~ .!&..oo. ,5.00 00 m...oo. 108. ,8 191.81 660."10 S11.80 ,85.00 200 .00 100.00 12'5.00 , QQ...QlL .,C;.I1" 25.Q....QQ.1 .29.L95.. --5JWlO. --.00. --.00. ----00.. ---00. 26.6....62.. ~ ~ ?JU.,.2Q. ~, '<C; .00. ..l6......cn ZW5- 1 0 .20.. .()() l'l? I1m.A? .2QQ...QQ. 701 .06 J 37 ?5 18 9? 94.05 ---.QQ. ..22.5..-!i5- ~ J.6i.m.. .B5.6...9.5.. .5J2...3.Q.. ~ ~ , 6J-6o- ~ , ~ ..00. M '" PLu<lnd PD nh Buildinl< ~rotor Vel: Motor Vehicles Social Securi:t.v T.OTATI1 SF.RVTCRS' 2Ql. 1" rr~" ~"""" i=1:::: :.::.~ ??l Printin~ Of~i~" Forms Insurance - TnsurancF' - g!i3. 2'51 Qg 2ll ~ ?c:c; Insurance - Insurance - Gas Service I.. Repair - -R.e P,Q~.eti.,.. ~ m 51 ~ ~ 241 242 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING FIRE Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. ~DA~_ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .J.257 Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate ...1.1..- Months i5l Actual ~Months .l9s.6.. Actual Previous Year Page 2 Account l25....OO... B25...oo.. ,<;,.., M ::J ,,,n.M .l.25....QQ.. .8oo.....m. lS0.00 ~ 5.83.....00. 1.07.51 o~ .00.. 1l88.25- , un.' <; 1'()1Il'l' R":r""" - R,,~in R ..,., + - F.i.J::e....Hd Ql1n 'T'n'tJ'pl eC'.. ~ 2+3 ?Ru A ~?, IV"t 7.0<".001 h R~?l1n 8'\8.85 4 1.0R'l.,c:1 " ,R?A7 '1'I1'1'~T. 21 300.00 200.00 9n 00 450 00 45n nn 7'i0.00 ?MM 5 ()()() 00 . 375 00 325.00 275.00 '11 4h<;.M Fire 375.001 340.001 300.001 Ann 001 hMMI o O~C: IYI 3l!h2l. ~ .J3Loo.. 3QQ.Jl8.. 406.871 .39l....66.. -----DO... 4,200.30 251. 38 207.82 267 '-5"8 650.63 424 ::>0 ??? 35 ?O 11 '?7 ,A no 8.06'\.12. ~ .l2Q...QQ. ...1.2...QQ... .3QQ...QQ.. 35.Q...QQ.. 225..QQ.. -----00.. ',750.00 ] 75 .00 150.00 265.00 450.00 400.00 2OO...OD. -2Q..ll.. 11111 1111 00 4. ~o, QO ~:~ 166.66 ---..QQ. 2.450.'\0 76. '\8 57.82 2.58 209.6'\ .00 'l '7'l 7? ~ .2Ol...6J- --6.lI..+6.. ~ ~ .1.6o...Z2... ~ ":\.171.00 287.7"i 289."i7 17"i.49 '\7":\.":\":\ 246.42 n8.91 16.26 1 3A err 56 79 f, c:,..::: "" MID.. ...Tal2l.a. Off; ce Forms ~nnk~ Ann pp~inni~~1~ Chern; CA] s, Drugs ,,-nd F.tc ,T"-n; tor "-nil '1'n; 1 et 8u1)1)1 i Motor Vehicles - Fuel, tubr. & Anti_freeke .qoo.A et P1 Ql"l+C!: J:111"'\n m,...~Ae ~7a Mnt.n-r V,::.h"'~' oc!! _ '1'i:r.e.S- Antl_'T"n'hPA Pain+ Ann ,._""~, ~ 1)".-1 i" Eatl.a... c...,,"r"t.T"I'" A~ C,'...__, ~ a... .38J.. .385... JW.. <oa~ I '1'()'I'~T. .3lQ.. .32Q.. .33.L 333- 3.U .ill. <", , 0--' CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1958- GENERAL OPERATING FIRE Fund Function Department Submitted By Date '0"" lOr:;.7 "'"'' <;OfItWOl..lD-'TCD-8AL,INA Acc't. Actual N'57 CURRENT YEAR 1957 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Pr'!vious Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year -1L-Months ....8- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ';TTI\TnRV 4"lC; Thl"" m " m 14.00 25.00 .,c:m 2'5.00 '1'()<l'A T. (V'\ 11.00 14.00 25.00 "" 1\1\ 2'5.00 CAPITAL OUTIAY: c;m Fi,.." .,t:.J "" .,.,., .,7 0'7.61 , "C:I\ oA 7 fV'II\ fV'I 2.C;00.00 C:11O F".,.ni+",."Q ..nil ".,J, 7c: t:.I\ AI\ u~C;J)() 48c; . Rf'l C:IYI 1\1\ u<;I1.M C;11 f'.".,."~,, m 1\1\ .1111 fV'I ,,"" IV"t .00 C;~C; 'l'M,,,k,, 1\11 1\,.., 1111 .m ? <;M.m .00 'I'O'1'H. <:00.71\ 'lOh.17 1. ,42.6 1. 7":\6. 78 ,t'\ """ "" ,.150.00 'l'm'AT. ,1,1, ",," t:.A C;'l.'lC;~.<;h 121 808. 4E 175.161.00 '77 ,t:., fV'I 2J.O.Q":\i.OO Fire 22 Page 'I CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING INSPECTION Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page 1 l;;;t:;!(' ..L'-1"""JI J..'-1..,U --"----.--. ----~- Acc't. Actual 10'i7 CURRENT YEAR . ,0"7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance PtmQ"NH 120 Salaries and Wages - Regular 7.o04.'i< 'l ':lA;'; ,,, 7.Q08.8<; 11.28'i .00 7 71,n "" ,h. t:.,n N'\ 10<; Other Professional Services .()() .()() 21'i.00 21'i.00 ), "" "" 'i00.00 ~ TOTA T. 7 ""I, ...., < 286.1'i 8 21,.8'i 11.500.00 A lUn IYI 15,200.00 , 201 Automobile II"" Ah" (1(1 ,<<n N'l 7'i2.'i0 1 102.'i0 Ahl1 M , "hC: IYI 207 TravelinO' ~ ?0.7" .00 'i0.()() 'iO.M c:: " fV'I <;11.M 221 Printing: Office Forms ,A? ,,, 481 40 218.60 700.00 200.00 700.00 2" Tn"uran<"" - ~1"'''t.V 1'\nnn" .M 'i.00 .00 'i.00 . M 'i.00 2<6 Tnsurance - Snci,,-l 'c:, 0" <;1... 7h. , u,,?L 200.00 'M M 'lOO.M 252 Renair _ Furni tll.,...'" "-nn .~M ~ 100.h? .00 100.00 100.00 , fV'I fV'I lM.lY'l ::>OO~ Pn",t."-"" IY hO A':l Bo.1R l'iO.M IV': , <;11.M TOTAL , <;11h ,7 -9w-9B ' ,h.h ,,? ? ,,,7 <;" , ""n N'\ " C:7n "" MATERIAIS AND SUPPLIES: ,20 Office ~""''''' i '''' ,,,, 77 .,A ,t:. 61. 64 100.00 , "" "" 100.00 331 Books and Periodicals M N'\ 7'i.M 7'i.M 7<: IYI 7'i.00 TOTAL 1::><.77 ,8.,6 ''lh.hU '7<;.M '7C: "" 17<;M ml1<'Q. U,,, ",.. n"oe 1111 M .,,, N'l ., c: fV'I "" M "".M 2~ Fund Function Department Submitted By GENSRAL OPERATING I:{SPECTION Page 2 ~""r' lU""{ ''-'''1'1 ----------- ..~- Acc't. Actual 10q CURRENT YEAR lG'i7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance CAPT'T'A T. nT1'1'T AY' 'ioq Funniture Fixtures and Office Equin~en .00 IV'! 200.00 200.00 ?()().()() 200.00 'l'(Yl'l> T. ","O'Cl.c;TmT11>;;'Q. o '<0L h7 " .-,p" "0 0.022.01 14 207. ')0 o p,<(\ n~. ' 18.170.00 . Ins'Pection 24 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST ..JS.58- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1958.- GENERAL OPERATING PARK Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date CON9CM"IO.Tta-aNo.I_ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l958.. Budget Request l.951... Current Budget 1957 Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate --""- Months 12.21. Actual -LMonths ~ Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account Acc't. No. 6.000.00 22.500.00 500.00 13.000.00 'i00.00 5.700.00 ?(),5M ()() 5 ()() ()() 10 .5QQ...QQ.. hlV'\ IV'\ 6.000.00 21. 000 ..QQ.. .00 10.000.00 hM . ()() 4.000.00 '6,098.40 .00 8..3.5Q&Q.. 'lO? C;() ? ,()()() M 4,9m h() M' ,~~ 7. C;() I 5.700.00 , 0 P "" c.8Q.. M 9 . 6.32...QQ ~~ ti~ Heads From Other Dents Part-Time Employees and Dent T,r.''''H'~I''\l\lfl T Salaries Officials Salaries and Wa~es Salaries and \oIa~es Salaries and Oth"'''' Hall:el? , , llO 120 15- llQ. 195 42.500.00 'l7 hM.M OQ ,7..!Ioa A <;c;A c;<;1 ?R.R41.4c; ,c;.266.80 TOTAL 60.00 200 .00 100.00 25.00 .00 50.00 150.00 750.00 150.00 300.00 4,000.00 400.00 150.00 50.00 ..60...00. ..J.+S-..OO. ~ ~ --00.. ~ .l25...QQ.. QQQ...QQ. 150.00 'l00.00 <.~ .3QQ...QQ.. lS.Q...QQ.. C;().oo 60.00 175.00 50.00 25.00 .00 45.00 125.00 600 .00 150.00 200.00 2,500.00 300.00 150.00 50.00 60.00 12'l.2O 2Q.. 00 25.00 00 45.00 ~ 480.23 ~ 131.50 1~ 166.61 148.41 50.00 .00. c:, Q" .00. .00. .00. ..00.. ~ ~ ~ ....68....s.o.. , , 222....JOJ ,?~ .,n i '$ IV'\ 00 .J.25....B8.. -----.00.. -----.00.. -----.00.. -22....R --SlL..n. .613....l9.. .-B6...J8.. -96...9a. ~ ~ -.:wa. ''1 7<: 91 and PD Light and Power Service Repair - Buil~tn~s Repair - Repair - Renair - ADd.. Motor Vehi ".,le" Motor u. ,. 201 gQ5.. NL 221 m. ~ ~ ~ 241 242 251 51.. ~ 255 25 "",..k 6. ,85.00 5.0'l0.00 4.4":\0.00 2.630.99 1 700 m 1."007? Tires and Tubes TOTAL CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--19.2L GENERAL OPERATING PARK Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 1958 Budget Request 1957 Current Budget i5.: Total CURRENT YEAR 8 Estimate _Months 1957 Actual LMonths .l956- Actual Previous Year Page 2 Acc't. No. Account .l2Q...QQ ~ 100. 00 100.00 750.00 70.00 175.00 600.00 600 .00 250.00 100.00 300.00 450.00 150.00 200 .00 300.00 100.00 2'5.00 100.00 .J.5.Q...OO.. -+00.00- ...1Q..QQ. 11.2...QQ. '500.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 JQQ...QQ.. .!illQ...QQ... 100.00 .2.00...00.. ?(,)(l.M 100 .00 25.00 100.00 150.00 650.00 ..lL29. 175.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 100 ~ 22.00 ~ 150.0 510.01 .00 133.06 g90.20 230.44 141.03 100.00 130.10 161.60 87.05 141.40 60.23 ~ -J.-OO.- -2..B9- -DO.. ~ ~ ~ ,no PI) 269.'56 l.ili.9L --.QQ. J.69...9Q. , .3B....lill.. J.a..95.. .....8....6.0.. ,0.77 .lO9....65.. -.l5....OO. -1.2...6.L ~ .!t3!WU.. --55....QQ.. 44.88 531...99.. 178.41 ~ ..!lB...o:L 281...8.3- 39B....09- lJ.8...J5.. ...6.o...s)+. ?q A7 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES: '1'nnl" Books and. WL r.h~m~~~l~. ~,~q ~nn R+~ Janitor and Toilet Supplies Motor Vehicles - Fuel Tllbr. P" Atlt.i..;r,.....' Motor Vehicles - License Tags Recreational Supplies Blue Jay Park Seed. Plants and Trees Other Operating Supplies Electrical and Lightin~ Parts Lumber and Lumber Products ~~chinerY and Eauipment Parts Motor Vehicles Parts Notor Veh;i"'"'' - '1'1,..,,, Anil '1'1,,,.,,, Paini.and ..3.lQ.. .33l.. .3li. .3!!.3.. .3lt5.. .ill.. .3.!t2. .32Q. .3.2l. .lli.. .321.. ..m.. .3.ll .31l .319. ,81 4,320.00 ':l 7?11 IYI 1.697.'50 2.324.86 1 . ,7' . ~ ? A'7 nn TOTAL 26 Park 25.00 ?<;.M 25.00 25.00 M nil Th.,p~ :;!JNT)1'lV 4,'i , CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING PARK Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. COIoolSOl.ID..TYO-aAL..... Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation ~ Budget Request J.251.. Current Budget - ~7 Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ---'-'-- Months 1957 Actual -1L-Months .l95.6.. Actual Previous Year 3 Page Account ..00.. ?500 M :> ,000 lY\ 1.600.00 , I. r'IrIr\ rv'l m ..00.. ? ,000 00 1.600.00 1'\ "nn f'lC: .00. .00.. 1 000.00 . .00 , . ()()() . ()() m m $..J.5.. ---.QQ. , 1V"t() f'lf'l m J)Q U 'lL..B.s. ...QQ.. ()() 00 ..QQ. flhn.74 .00 1 'lu' 'l1 CAPITAL OUTIAY: Buildings Park Equipment - MowerI' Recreational F.nuipmen~ Trucks lands.c.ane - 502 ...5.J& ~ 22. C;7C; ?fl. 'M.M 17 . , 00 f'lC: " f'l1V"t IYI 1. S6'i.] c; L.<h A<; 2.202.0'i TOTAL - Z7 Park 7'l.'lM.M 6,.<:7U ()<; 47.C;C;?c;n 1? 'h" ()<; I ,,< <A7 U" 47 41. 986 EXPENDITURES TOTAL - - Page - -=-- v"" .L"'1 10C:,., ~lg"TEO-."""'I"'''' Acc't. Actual lGS7 CURRENT YEAR ,0e;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual --L Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year --1L-Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance PERSONAL SERVICES: 'Hl ,,~, ~-< 00 _ Ilff< C'i als and DF'nt HF'ads 'i.700 00 ?()()().()() 4 000.00 6 000.00 .. '"'..." "^ 6 0011.00 '8 122 000.01l "t:. ,..,"" ,..,,.., 1,7001l.00 120 Salaries and \-laces - Rpgu1"r lC".rolnvpes 116.1l08 2<; ':l9 .s.C4... 7() 82 01<;. 'l0 PO So:1aries and Hages - Part-'!';me E~nlovees 4.040.00 L. aL.(].()() 7 060.00 12 000.00 e; iY'l iY'l 1? 000.00 100 l.\edica1 Service 861.84 1GI1 oS lO1.05 500.00 <:00 011 <;00.00 1O~ Other Professional Services .00 'One; iY'l 70<;,00 , "",.., ,..,,, " ,..,"" "^ e; /"1/"1"".11/"1 TOTAL 127.600.00 1.7 L.,A I';c: q4 081. ~'5 141.500.00 , ?7 7 ()() ()() '160.<;00.00 CONTR~CTJAL S&qvrCES: . ?n1 1101" ". , , 7,A e;,.., 7e;/"I 11/"1 l..Q<;O,OO 1 800.00 ' CQ" "" 1 800.00 20" "nli ,"0' ON_O_" , hK' ':l/"l h?/"I 77 1 .1::>0.::>, 1. 7'i0. iY'l 1 7""" ,..,,.., 17<;0.00 no 207 Travelinc EYTlense 7711.'l'l '''':l , /"I 'l76.oo SOO.OO ' 7"" "" 1.700.00 2()q Postai<e C;'<7 ';:>e; inh.1<; ,q,.8'5 '500.00 <;iY'l /"if) SOO.OO 217 I "'--~<-O' ]:),-<e"no,.o , ne;n 7" 0,<;.78 1 814.22 2.7'i0.00 ? <:/"if) ,..,,.., 2.7<;0.00 ?'O 1- .00 .1l0 SO.1l1l e;1'\.1111 e;,.., "" <;0.00 ?",.., In'"o_"-<_+<nN ""~ ?1. 1.0 1C;0 ::>oR.c;o ':liY'l iY'l ?"^ n,.., ,00.00 "", I "-<" H n N I'\f'-f'< ~o 1<'".,.",,, 77?0<; ,08 8s ,01.1'i 700 .110 7 iY'l /"1/"1 700.00 ""',, T~N"' .1111 .()() ,1l.00 ,0.00 .,,.., "" ,0.00 ,,~, _ 'A~+~- .. '/"I':l K' , /"I ()() 00.00 100.00 '1111 11/"1 100.00 "~,, 'l'"_,,,,___^ _ v^~^- .. , 'OT R. 'On 'n/"l ?7 ':l':l/"l ,<'"' hO.h~ 4()().1l0 L./"I/"I /"if) 400 .00 "':l':l - ",,--+.. "-,,," /"1/"1 iY'l '<;.1111 l'5.M , e; iY'l 1'i.00 ''':It:. - "^^< ~, I 'l,R.7'l lL.1 .::>2 21l8.78 '<<;11.1111 , "" "" 'l<;O.OO ,,}," T< N"+ ,,__., ^O 7<;U "0 ,0,?R 'lI1R.7? <;1l0.iY'l """ "" 'i00.00 ?<;, _ n,,<1A<nN" 1 022.02 ?e; 0<; ??L. .11e; "C:" /"1/"1 ".." "" "<;/"1 00 ?C;., _ ",",-", +"_0 and I1ffi ce Rnui n. lS8.S8 20.00 ,,<n nil ,,,,.., "" ,..n "" '<;/"1 ()() 28 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ OPERATTIm GENERAL POLICE 1 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date .- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ GENERAL OPERATING POLICE Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget i51 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate -B-Months .92i Actual -.lL-Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page ? ..25Q...OO. c; . QQQ...QQ.. .3QQ....QQ... 250.00 -----00. 'iQ....OO ..lQQ...QQ.. J, .0??....oo. :J -------OQ. <;().M 250.00 'i ..QQQ...QQ.. "\00.00 250.00 ~ 'i0. 00 74.00 "\.~ 2"\1.60 130.20 -----....QQ. 4"\.19 -U6.....OO. 1 . 33.5..JtS- ..68..JI.O.. 11.9....fuL ---DO. h A, ~ '7~ 1>,4 15 2il2...5B- ~ ,4 ?A Account CONTRll.CTUALSER1TTCES Con t. : M: ry ~nn 'F:n,d'rm"t:lI,.,+ pl-.-r ^'Oc::!' ..T:i.I:e.s ,q. nn rr" n p ~ TllbTication .Mo.t.or.. Mnt.n'r Repairs {ash and Repairs - Radio F.q LaundrY and ~oylP1 Qo,,..'wf,-,o. Repairs - Repai,.s - RatJairs - Acc't. No. 51 .25..!L .52. .f.5i. gs.I 284 ,,, u?<; lY\ " 'h' u, ,A M!': h, 17.1Q'i.00 lQQ....QQ '500.00 350.00 -12.QQ 200.00 100.00 7.500.00 100.00 4.500.00 500.00 50.00 2 ?Q Pt"\1; ,..c 100.00 1.'500.00 , ()(')().()() l.OO...OO... 1,500 00 100.00 75 00 200.00 100 . 00 6.000.00 100.00 ), 000.00 500 00 50.nO 00 300 00 h()() 00 l'i.QQ'i.OO 12...QQ.. 200.00 100.00 7. '500.00 100.00 4.000.00 'i.QQ....QQ 'iQ~QQ 100.00 2.'500.00 "\50.00 10,6,,\,.57 100.00 1,500.00 , f'VV'I "" ~ 1.4~ 78.00 60.82 145.00 100.00 4.642.06 11.05 1.928.15 ~ ~ ~ 693..5.0... 6::>?Qo 40.~ 1. 00"\ .24 272 00 1 h 1A 55 00 00 >',857 94 AA 95 ?~ 28.0...00.. ~ ~ B.cl6...5o. '>.77 ('\1 ~ ?,h1" >'h 99 72- '7 55 ?A7 >'5 111 ()5 7,hnh h? 77 45 3,'??1 3Q 1~4.'5~ 1RR 77 114.69 399 '7 1 . 0c;11 . hA TOTAL 1.1ATERIALS SxPendable Office SUP:Jlies Rooks an~ pt:llr;nni~~l~ Chonic1l1 8, Drll":8 llnn F.tl" Food for Anim1l18 Janitor and Toilet Supplies Motor Vonil"~e - nas andOi1 .,. Tof,...o,.,C!,o, ~_.D"~ AND SUPPLIES '1'9-'21 8 1Q.:t.QJ::. " wearing ~ Other Operating Supplies 3J.Q "\20 .3.3l. 33l 339.. 3.ll ..ill.. .M. ,'iC; and Tubes Electrical and l'~ntina PA,.te ~lachinerY and Eo Mot.or 1'011;1"108 - '>Iotor Vehicles Po::a.,..f-t:'! Tires 359 '>.f-:'7 .l:2.L .313.. JTL. 379 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year --l.$l.58- OPERATING GENERAL POLICE Fund Function Department Submitted By Date IU",'{ 10"1-1 COl<oSOl..IC...T1I:D-..I..I...... Acc't. A~tual 19S7 CURRENT YEAR 10<:;7 Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget Year Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 'A - ^,m "^~.... ~A, ?";n'" ~~A ?";nHn~ ,,~..__.~,~ 16.04 '4 60 10.40 25.00 .,c: 111''1 25.00 ~A? p"^..^~<>~,, -, - ~~" .' ,1 ~ <;Ah.O? ,?u.<;? 375.48 500.00 C:M . ()(, 500.00 'lA~ R8<'H" ?~-t.q 17.<:;1 ?Ac: 0' 214.09 500.00 'l1111 M 500.00 - 'TwrAL 17'lc;44<:; R ul1" u 10,698.86 19,100.00 ,I. I,~" "" 19,600.00 . smiDRY EXPEr~ITURES: 4,<:; Or~anization Dues 120. so ~11 C:11 69.50 100.00 '1111 M 100.00 CAPITAL CUTIAY: SO'i Automobiles and Motorcvcles , 660.00 4 247.68 2 252.32 6,500.00 7 nn'> A" 7,500.00 509 Furni ture and Fixtures 1667.,C; g6.20 653.80 750.00 7<;11 1111 750.00 C;10 Radio Eauinment Ac;I1.1111 1111 750.00 750.00 ..,"'" "" 750.00 TOTAL h.177.'C; 4.,4'.88 3 656.12 8,000.00 A <;o~ All 9,000.00 TOTAL E'APENDITUR1<R' ,t:." "AA Q" hC;.C;C;<;.h0 119.B9.40 184,695.00 ,cc "co 0" 206,395.00 , 1"(')1-1 ce , ":\Q.. Page " Page 1 1.::1:20 1951 19'i8 eO...IIOI..IO"TltD-....I...N... I I Actual I 19S7 CURRENT YEAR '0<::7 Manager's Final Acc't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual -1L Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -kMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 'O"O"('\NH f;"'R\JTr~f;. 120 Salaries and \Ja"es ~ ., . es 47C:'77() 'A.7()?M ,<6. ,7,.00 'i'i.07'i.00 <::c: ('\7C: ('\,.., <:c: 1"l7C: I"ll"l 1~0 Salaries and Ha"e;; - Part_rpim" 1<'m~' ""....'" .00 ()() 'iOO.OO 'iOO.M , <::('\('\ fV'\ , .<;11111111 NO Medical S"rv;~..;; hM.m ?<::() ()() 'lc:().oo 600.m 600.00 600.00 195 Other Professional Services .00 QO 500.00 500.00 'i00 00 1.'i00.00 TOTAL ~() 'A~ ,7.72'.00 56.67S.00 <;7 h7C: ()() sF\.h7S.m , CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 201 "'''m~'';'" !T",.. ,411 n'"'''' ".. ()O .00 .1111 .00 ()() .1111 20S ""n "'o,,,~~o~,, Ihl"l <4 7':>.7S 77.2'i IS0,()() '<;I1.M 1'i0.00 ':>10 J..1'f"'IQ.'l"'Ii.l- ,,('\ .00 .()() . ()() .00 .00 ::>::>1 0' ()f'f';~" 1<'"","", ?'h 4h on 200~ 200.00 200.00 200.00 ?'?7 _ t:hd,/li"o- ""n N'I ()() .00 .00 .M .M 2,1 IInsurance - Com ?OO.?C .00 SOO.OO SOO.OO 'i00.00 SOO.OO ?<? " _ M,,+,,~ \T..hi~l..", 'OT ^~" '0" _">.72.S' ?<() ('\('\ 1(;1.()() ~()().()() <;1Yl ()('\ <;M ()() 236 Insurance - Social Security 047.0'i -:nL. ,7 S85.6, 000 .00 000. M 000.00 241 Gas Service . 501.16 <()? h() 147.40 4'i0.00 4c:I1.m 450.00 242 Li"ht and Power Service 74 26 2",0 S1. 70 75.00 7<;.M 75.00 243 Water Service ?lh.<::() <;':l.10 146.00 200.00 ?11() IYl 200.00 251 Repairs - Ruildina 6,.81 , .?c: g8.7S lOO.()O 100.M 100.00 2'i2 Repairs - Furni t"r" ann Of'f'; ".. 114.7? ()11 'iO,OO <;0.1111 <;0.011 'iO.OO 2S, Rereirs - Machinerv and Eou; nm..n+. 4110.?1 , h7 h< 252.'i7 400 .00 Ur\() ()Il 400.00 254 Repairs - Motor Vehicles 4oo.F\o , <:: <L. 100.66 12'i,OO ,'?<; (),.., 125.00 2'i'i Reuairs - Motor ,,-~ ., 'Pi,....'" R, 'l'"h..", '?Oh.hL. 68,40 l'l1.110 ?011 Jlll ~ 200.00 6('\('\ fV'\ 258 Repair;; - f;..w..,..", ou h(,\ .00 l()().O() , 1111 ()Il , 11" m 'm.M , I Street ~1 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ---195B-. GENERAL OPERATING STREET Fund Function Department Submitted By Date .--- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year .1.95B.- GENERAL OPERATING STR~ET Fund Function Department Submitted By Date , ,n"", ,,,,,,, Ig.TIO-..~'''''' Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR 1957 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 1'1'\~.:'J11'l~"'11;,^ T ~ " 1'"",;' . ""n "O~~" "'0 _ Q;.",,,,,,,;.o - . " "' R- ?,.i iI cro~ hP.?n? ()(1 """ "" ?,," n" ?,," "" ?nl1.1111 . nlL Jl",,,,;. _ "O^"""'O,." ~nrl 'C nn ()(1 <;0.00 <;n 1'\11 r::r, fV\ <;0.00 ?7<:: ]:)",,,,;. _ 1,1";',,,. 1T"},~~,,,,~ .on nn <;n.nn "" PI" .." N' 'i0.00 TO'1'AL 4.nhO.<i- , <'l7 <;4 --2..9' ? . 46 4 250.ClO u ,,~^ "" 4 2<;0.00 l.jA'1'?tlT i\ r." ANn , . <10 Exnendable Tools <64 4< ::;0 <::7 -:no 4< 4QO.00 un" "11 400 .00 <20 Office Quon11t>s ()() hB8- __ltJ..,.12 SO.OO "" "" <;0.00 <4< To"'~ ;.",. 0"'.1 '1',,"' "';. ",,~~, ~ "'0 7() U, ?O <;0 e:: U, 'IS.ClO 'l<:: IYI 'lr:;.oo 'lh<; Mot",. Vehicles -Gas and Oil U e::'7~ 7" ).......!!.2.:;.J2o ? ,557-.?O 4.0<;0.00 4 IYI() 011 4 00;0.00 'l47 Motor Vehi cl"'~ - T.i '"''''n~''' '1'<>,,~ ,"" n" 39D.OO .00 <00 "11 ,c:" "" <00.00 ,'iO Other Oneratincr Suoolies <40. r:;< <<;<;.04 ulL.06 400.00 100. ()() 400.00 ,6' ,--,,-,+ Onrl ""0.1 I'\n " <;<;<; hh ah<.~? <::3h hA , ~11() "" , """ fV\ 1 . <;00.00 <6< Bricks and Va~('''''''v "" .00 .00 1111 IV\ .00 <6<; Cement and l'e1"ent (ov,",,,,,,,;, '1'-l' '" \ 1.?O<;.Ol ,06.<;2 a'l un 4M.00 4nn 00 400.00 <67 Electrical and Li~hting PRrt.~ ?hlL 8.7<; lL, .?<; 50.00 <;11 00 <;0.00 ,60 Hardware (Rout)'h and Fi"'i<::h\ ,<:: fl., 21. 61 28. <0 '10.00 <;1) ()(') 50. 00 ,71 Lumber and Lumh".,. - " <;?7 ()1 1<0.68 , nO . <? <00 nl) '"'' "" ,00.00 ...J13 Machinerv and 1;' p",.;.", ? ?'7 hI) 7,4 20 ~h<;. 7, , .,t'V\ nn , AN' t'V\ 1<00.00 <7<; Metal and Metal Produ"t.~ 1()~.'l' <; .8'i alL 1<; , t'V\ t'V\ ,nn ()(') 100.00 ,77 Motor Vehiclex Parts ' 'On., ,-::., q4.61 Uhe:: .,0 , 111(1).nn , """ fV\ 1 000.00 ,70 1",,,;.1'''' 170"""'''' '1'i.,.",~ "''''rl 'Ii,,,,,,,,, , hF\h c:u ?'l<;.oR , ",I, 0" , "<;1) ()(') , 7"" "" 1 2<;0.00 ,81 Pa i nt. ",nil ., - ,"0 7), 4'l 41) <;h {.n , nn t'V\ 100.00 'M.M Street 32 ? Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year...l9.58- GENERAL OPERATING STREET Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ,...", ,..."co --,.~_..........' ..--....,.... Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR 1957 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year -LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ~~A'1'SRTAT.s AIm r.ont . i87 Sand Gravel Rock and Chat 1. i70. 74 ??h hO 275.31 500.00 1.500.00 1,500.00 i8a SewerPTne and 'T'ile 4,'37 1111 50.00 ~.OO lC;I1M 50.00 iOO 51.Teener Parts 2 499.84 ? 471.ClI'l 228.92 2.700.00 , 111111 1111 2 000.00 iai ,'Ielding Materials 1'30.17 i9.8'3 60.15 100.00 ?(,)(,).I)(,) :roo.OO l'1'O'NT. ,0<;0'< 'l'l '7 oib '71 6 6'i1.2Q l!l, 6i'3.00 ,h h'<" 1111 15.0i5.00 . "n;:"RY ';;'v h'lC; I I'\~O'~~< ~~ H ~~ ""'00 .11(') ^ nil 25.00 25.00 "" nil 25.00 1,),'7 + ,,+~~~+,,~ ^' . ~~- ^ ^^^"'~+ 1111 .()() nil '1'N"~T 1111 m 2'i.00 25.00 2'3.00 25.00 . UAPT'T'AL 01l'T'IAY' '3og Office Eauinment .00 (')(') .00 .00 .00 .00 511 Garage Eauipment 262.88 2'30.fi6 449.i4 700.00 7111'\'1111 700.00 525 Trucks .00 .()() .00 .00 M .00 '327 Street Eauipment 27.66 C;(')C;P.7 244.li 7'30.00 .00 700.00 '381 Street and Sidewalk Imnrovernent 81. i6 ''l7.70 162.21 ,00.00 <;0.00 250.00 TOTAL ,71.a() P.04 . 'l? 8'3'3.68 1. 7'30 .00 7<;0.()() 1,650.00 '1'O'1'AT. 1<' '7'" ,.,1, ~ ,..,,., "0 ''<::7 C:7 48 167.4, 77.ii'3.00 77.'i35.00 79,635.00 street " Page 3 -----' CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year..l95L GENERAL OP&ttll.TING GARBAGE Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page 1 1[11-., ,~....( __ __~__._. ____-._m_ Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR '0<;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months .....L Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance c .1 ""RVTf'",,' 120 "a1aries and Haqes - Reml1ar ,"c """ 'i() ,4 6'19.20 90 840.80 125,500.00 ,nAr-;A()h<; 125,500.00 100 ',l~rli ~~, S~~"; ^"~ 170.<;C; 8.04 91 96 100.00 c;()() ()() 500.00 10<; nt,,,,,,,, inn~l ",,~,,;^,,~ La.' () .00 1M.00 100.00 , ()() ()() '5,000.00 - 'i'O'T'AT. ,N:; ,?() ()o; "I, k;::'7 ,,1, 0' ()<?7h 1?<;.7()().O() d..0'9 "An <::c 1,1.000.00 I c'1, -)g~.U Cm,TRACTUAL SERVICES' 221 PrintinCt Of'fice Fnrms .00 . nor .00 .00 ()() .00 2,1 Insurance . Motor Vehicles f'omn"'ehensiv ,0<;.7P ()() 100.00 100.00 1 ()() ()n 100.00 2"2 Tnsurance - notal' Vehi"lp" PT. ~nrl PTl ?7' 1, "kn n), :'l9.96 "00.00 ,00 00 ,00.00 2,6 Insu"'ance - Social C:p"".,.it" ? n."'. ,<; <;78 1? 1 421. 88 2 000.00 1. ,00.00 2 000.00 2<;< Renair - !.lachinp-rv ann Rnlli"mpnt. ?4?77 .00 100.00 100.00 1 ()().OO 100.00 ~4 Reuair - r.lotor Vehicles "" c;<; 4<.46 1'i6.<;4 200.00 ,,()() n() 200 .00 2'5'5 Repair - Motor Vehicles Tires and Tubes <;62.<0 42.'50 457.'50 '500.00 '100.00 '500.00 . TOTAL h 22}....~' 024.12 2.275.88 , 200.00 2.<;00.00 , 200.00 MA'l'lCRTA r.c: ANn ~rpPT.mc:' 'l'() ~ " 'l'nn'" 'h~ h() .00 100.00 100.00 , ()() ()I'\ 100.00 'lhc; M"t".,. 1T"h1 ,,',,~ . li'"p' T"h,. R. AnH . {'",po" <;. C;'l7 O() 1.080.06 <.010.04 e; 000.00 c; ()f1() ()() 6.000.00 ,47 Mntnr H.U ., . ., 'I'"",a 'O() ()I'\ 400.e;0 .00 400.'50 ho()()() '500.00 'co ()t.hpr """''''';pa ?OO c7 n 6.07 4,.49 40.'56 C;() ()() '50.00 17< M~^h;~"~,, ~~rI "o.,.+~ 7"'7 on ??'l C;'l 4?h.47 h<;().()() 6<;0.00 6'10.00 'l77 11nt.l'\r H.u ., . Parts 1.40' Q7 e;97 64 402. <6 1.000.00 1 000 00 1 000.00 . Garball'e ,4 CO...SOl.IO..TEO'.....l.',.... Final Budget Allowance = .l.951.. ..lS58- Current Budget ,Manager'S Budget Request Recom- - = mendation - - 1 ('\('11''''' r,I"'I , f'vv.... "'" ~ ~ 7C::::() ^^ CITY OF SAL BUDGET REQU For the Fiscal Year_ lS56- Actual 1957 CURRENT YE Previous Actual Estimat, Year ~Months -8-Months - - nn 7~n.nn GENERAL OPERATING GARBAGE t - _ Page 2 Account t~, 70? n? ..con es and '1'1,,,, - t 00 q. ,00 ~ 200:00 8 t 7.QC;0.00 4'742'26~ < ""2....8. - .00 2~~ 00 2222.4 98.050.90 ~146.00 "" oP" Cc L _9 ...lL~ Hotor Vehi.cl.e_!L - "'" TOTAL T-Q. ~l'm ~TTT"lT OUTIAY CAPITAL Trucks - Acc't No. -.312.... 1 - - I 35. - I I I 'l<; i 11"0, --1 I I I , t I t I - t=f= --l I I - tAL EXPSlmlTURES - - f = t - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST ~ GENERAL OPERATING WASTE DISPOSAL Fund Function Department Submitted By Date 'n~'7 ,oe:>< CONSOI..IOAT~o.."'1..1""'" Acc't. Actual 19'i7 CURRENT YEAR 10<:;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -LMonths ---B- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance I~T^MT" Ali'P1TTI"li'Q. 120 balar;eo and \oIa""o - Re",.la1" F.l1mlovees A UO?7n ?A07.1n 'i.022.90 8,820.00 8<:;6<.80 8.820.00 , ?~ k:;~,~-;~" "nn \-Iacrp", _ !i',.nm nt.I1M' npnt.'" '2.00 .00 280 .00 280.00 ,00.00 300.00 1 m"m^ T A C:;?U 7(1 ~ . 807 . 1 0 6,202.90 9,100.00 A At:.., A/"I 9,120.00 [""", Qli'P1TTI"F'Q. 20<:; Telenhone and Tele~anh .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 228 Insurance - E~uinment .00 ~nn 50.00 50.00 c:;n M 50.00 2<6 Insurance - Social Security 168.68 40.17 100.00 150.00 l<:;nnn 150.00 2';, Repair - Eauinment 770.'0 , c:;L.1.8..-. 342.82 500.00 , 0(1 (1(1 250.00 282 Haste r.ollection and Di"'nnsa1 Aprvi"e nn IY'i .00 .00 (1"" .00 TOTAL 047.08 0'(1;.,<:; 493.65 700.00 ":IfYl (1(1 450.00 ~lATERIAr.s AND SUPPLrnA. <4<; Motor Vehicles - Fuel Lubr and Anit-Fre.ze 42<:; 07 lL.? hn ":I'i7.40 'ioo.nn c:;"" /"I"" ';00.00 '<7, Machinerv and E"uinment Parts 'l60 66 u?h1 707 . ,0 7<:;0.00 , <; IYI IV"t 1.<:;00.00 ,87 Sand. Rock Gravel and Chat _no Ao hn 110.60 200.00 "(1/"1 1"1I"I 200 . 00 TOTAL 7Ac:; .7, ?7U.h' 1.17<:; ,0 1 4<:;n. 00 " "fYl 1"1I"I 2.200.00 l'1'I'\'1'^ T '/"I "e:A J" ":I ":1'71< rv-; 7 A7' oiL " "<:/"1 (1/"1 " .,t:..., Q/"I " TIn . n" , W!'~te OJ~~UV"Q~ ":\h Year For the Fiscal Page 1 Final Budget Allowance ---Mana~ Recom. mendation _.~958- Budget Request 19<;7 Current Budget CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1']<:;8 G.s:JERP,L O?SR;.TIIiG o~..vti..0:. - -T----=== Acc't, No. I, - .,_~____ I ___~_l_K~l~LQU~i.L ~~1Yl~;;S:_ , .J. Account Page Fund Function_ Department Submitted By Date _ _.-iQQ.o~r~'~-~o .O~__ . ..375.00 315 ..212.. ~._------ - --- 50. 001---....5~.:.99- --- --~_._~~-o:::L----=~:- --..- --- 25.00 _22.._.00 on _ ',.. _ __ ______--+_ _ ____ 35..00 __ 0]5 .00_ ---.- ._... ' __ 400 , 00 400.00 _. 75.00 ___.~15-:;r.' ' 0_11&00,00 ~1,000~~-[--= 600 .00 375.001 5o.aof' 10.,0C) L 125.00 .00 35.00 400.00 75.00 1l,000.00 __295 35 19' _._._---~._----~_..-----_._--------- ~--_._--------_._---- 18~" CURRENT YEAR 1057 . Actual I ~ Estimate I :-~____J~I_~p}l1s _=~~~=__~~~~l~~~~=-~~~~ota~_-===- I I I ; _____.......___. "n...__..._...__.___L..,....... "0__']___ _.____ ; I 120 .Ji":L2.JJ..?_5...2.".d "!2..~~~. ?.,"'-g:l1.l2.r 2m;219..:L."'-'"- ___1.,..100..00.,. t.--.1L., 200 .0. 0'11, _21,390~()Q... ---2o.,.SB.o...o4 21, ~OO .00 no ~'J.=jg'.@d "ii'" ":2""'''.' '>"0'0" .. __...QOI____5.90.00~~Q~_ ..-,00.00 --=-rtbff~':"i=Ui'Y~~_= -,_~-::::':'J~n-"01".' .... ~QQ.L-=-t- 500 .00 f=., m .___m____I~_ =-~<,QQ:~Ql~- ;4:~OQ,;~I'.;;-;:t~~~~T~ 300.00 I i------ .____....L --------.L--t _L______ _.____L_~. I crWTR' C""U T "'-;;'R1TT(,"'~' L i I --, ; ~,'-'L-. "V.~_';>_0,.G--"",,.Q~_.._.. .-,-.------ I --.. t----- ----..------T-..-......-.... L__. 201 I .Cutomobile US~..i\n.9;!2.nce ._.__~_sGD..ocl ..2jO.COJ.._____ 350..00 I . i . 2')') . 'C,=leDhone a:1G. TeleR:raDh o~i 11').50 I 258.50 ----r-----------u ',' "'-1'" 221 ! ?rintinc: Office _;'9rms__ 001.00 1_ 50.00 I I I ~- I -- I ~ 0,...,' I ~" 1""..... -''-,'; C __, _n,,~r2.u~e'", v. 2U .I J. 76 ~ I 228 I Insurance OC 106.28 ! 18.72 ~ .col .00 932 I Insuranc~ l~ 18. u5 I 16.55 2,'" - :,,, 119.76 ! 280.24 241 ~,: .00 I 75.00 .. I 242 "0 ,.447.10 i 7,552.90 24 00 . . .OCl! 75 .00 )J12.13 ! ~31.87 I 1_n~.7~ : 470.27 00 1?,()~ ! 56.00 .00 ! 50.00 180.r~ I 270.00 i , .._ .. I" . --. --'.'--'''[----- 4:~8S.19 9 _4 17 l2.uj,ldi.ngs_ EJ1J.1Dm~})~__~_ Vehic~~L_~Or.1.prehensi V~ Vehicles ?L a~d PD ______.n ,.-'______ '___'__'_~ >\otor r',~otor un L I -.-- ,J.. TnSl1Y'RY"\('P -:' ,C::(jr1.2...1 SPi'""ll""; ty ServL~~_.~___~___ and e~----.S~"C:l:ic~_ Ge.s 407 11 Li ah t L ,- I R~:O'~ ~ - M~;nr Vpbicl~ ;:><:;c; ;:>R7 I1,JAstP n TOrrAL 1- - 75.OO-L-----1.5.--COr. 75.00 -1- 450.00-1---~5Q'OOr--- 450.00_1_ 5~:':1 ~5::::..t. -5~::;r- '50.001 50.00 ---- , ------n~50.00 l- ..~_o_.. O~< .) I _, 80') '7 r- I r J SerRc..f'e..--______~__~___ 2<;1 I Rpna1. u'] I --'- ?<;, l;lpnA.' ,., ~-----..:3J"1' TIPYV_-"IlcLE',Q,W.!)J'!l.ent_, :1, ;1i~-",'l,___n._ Ha..tex 50.00 I lu _I.... .....1 ,958.81 1',345,00 .....1U3 5 . pdr 14,235.00 I I I 37 Sewage --, 450.00 L.50.00 ~reEi3,r;.d__rnlbes S,!lo.L-__ 375 ...., " 50.00 .00 .00 25.00 35.00 400.00 ~ 000:..00 -- 75.00 450.00 575.00 75.00 50.00 .00 .00 Sewap;e !~~ 21 21.800.00 00 ______JJ~ 50.00 10.00 00 600 125.00 ------'-QQ. _ ...3.2. . 00 __75~0 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST ~ Fiscal Year 19~7 CURRENT YEAR Actual I Q Estimate L. Mo_nt~~iMonths "0 (;" >L.:r----~l---.. (;n! (;0 --~~~1-----~ .-C--- OO"eo c~l~olJWOO'Q9: 1---- _~---o L____.._____l - I I 6no OQL_____..-00-'_Q~29.0( __.-295..-Qif.1_.--..J.1?-, 5QJ___~5.~21 ----35..ooI------.ooJ--- 5..9~~ 196,32;_ ~6,2lt.l__..-h7 00 . ~06. ~91._____1Q 14,200.00 00.00 00 For the G2,'fERfl.L OP2RATII;G ....~T. .....-, ":;~,v.i-\lj:.. 52 Actual Previous Year ---. -P -1- -=~ Acc't. No. ---- =- 1.-.----..-- --t p2FSm",L S2:\VICSS: ~i- S"'l9.rj,_~lU;.r..d ~'!ag.e~Z\.!,,1 ar ~?~ 1;0 I Sala.....ie:_;;j_~nd \ie..{:'Q:; - pQ'r"t_'i'~l"P1P~ + ""f==.L ,.,", ,'~-~- ___. .----L- ~J,],9_'i.~M~______ Forms Buildi.ng1L.___. Te),~:<rt;l.'ph ___ CO::TR)CTUAL SEE'l!Q~~_. , ,l. Account agt: .~.utot:'.obile Use 20S ~~le~hone and I 222. I ?rintin2: Office ')"-- 1- _~: lDsurar.ce 228 Insurance 'T'('.r:"1 Fund F;J.nction _ De?"rtment Submitted B) Date 201 28o~2,*-- ___75.00__. ____.-1~ QQ- ,.~5_ 1.19.79 QO 18_ _____.4-...5 0 00 4.2. So J,7_3~ 4U =-5.D.c...i 1::11 c.p("'",..., ty__ ~--_._-_. wet' Sprv1 ~p .__~___________.~I--_,___ll E:1uipment Motor Vehic1~~c__~omPL~hensiY otor Vehic1e~ PL.__~~ci p~ Ir:surance nSll"".c:lrc~ Gas Insurance I; Servi 231 ?32 2'<:'; 241 0___,00 . _373 .55\0 ___806 .80 I .7 .021 I . p.ul . . . I .G50.00! ~~~---"'''--'--'- oJ..lt.....817..81 4,385 9.9513....2>1.. ___:LJ,JOOO.oo .00 75.00 ----[---------.- &L ____~2Q.~00 447 .lo_-L52.?~9.9-- 0___-'15_ ~31 47.Q.?L 515.90_ __.22..:...<2Q _L.:20 .00 00 ___1!l;,J4 13. 00 73 50.00.. 027Q~QO__ 18 lOL. 00 00 19 3, lrQ7 and S~Y.ice __________._______ ?C; 1 I R~na.~JiiDS'l. ?5.3. KPr.P.;'" - MarOn; ,.H~,..v.2.ruLEQ.ui;\2ment---- C;u TKPn~;,.. 'ok't.m:.Jlehicle.5..-___ 00 )' 8.0 LiQ'ht --1'.ire s..3. r~_:rU Q eS1n no~.L--.__ n_ _. --~--==.:..:..;.~:.::..-..::.;..-:--. 242 24 M"t.,,'" r"., ,.. TOT!>. L - I ?PT"lP vJR~to ?~C; ?R7 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -lli.8.. OPERATING GENERAL sewage Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 19'58 Budget Request ~ Current Budget 1251 Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ..>.L.- Months 122l. Actual ~Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page :::> Account 75.00 .J.5...QQ.. ~ ~ 450.00 10.00 100.00 1 ,2'50.00 ~ .J.50.00 200.00 .15.....QQ. ..l5....QQ.. 2QQ...QQ.' ~ ..!l5.O....OO. --1Q...QQ.. ~ lli...QQ1 ~ .l5.Q...QQ. ?M 1111 75.00 .l5....QQ. ..2OO..1lO. ~ Jo5O...OO.. .....lO..OO.. 100 .00 .15Q...QQ.. -5.Q....QQ.. ..l.25....QQ. ?I111 ()(1 61. 99 .l.2..OO.. .u.6..22. _:n . 80 ~ ---.00. --55..Jl .5.5.3..J:t9.. -2Q...lQ. ..l2i....QQ.. ?1111.1111 .ll.Jll. --.QQ. .21...1a. ~ $I..lt6.. .J.Q...QQ. ~ 1s6...5.L ::>q ..9Q.. ..00.. M .1.2.....l.l!. --...QQ. ~ ~ .3.5$l..58.. ....J.Q....QQ. ~ 2.026.16 2'5. 'l4 .l22.....QQ i 'h'l <;, E Books and Periodicals ~h"mi~~l~. Drurrs and ~~" ANIl. " 'J'nols Janitor and Toilet Supplies I M"+,,,. V..hi~'.." ",,,, Tl1h,. R,. An+.i _f',."". ansi...T!J.bes. , - Motor Vehicles - License TagS Electrial and Lighting Parts Machinerv and + Pa,.~s Motor Vehicles-Parts I~otor VehLe1,,~ - Tires P~in~ and .3J.Q.. 33L ..33.3.- ~ .3!:t5- ..3.!!L .32L .31.L .JIL ]7!L 3~'- 00 2.500 2.7()e; MI 00 2.000 1.620.8.7 'l7Q.1, 'l.m1.':>7 TOTAL ~ .s11!lDEY. (),.""ni ?"+.i nn Dues g.'lc; 25.00 00 ~ ~"vag.. .1'< 'lA <:he; MI 'lQ.()60.oo 'lR.17().M 1, .Rh<;. ,:::> I .,h <nIL hI'< 'lR u?a rlR '1'()'1'A T. :::>0;.00 M 2').00 . .00 ?e;.()() ()(1 M .00 ()(1 ()I'\ CAPITAL OUTIAY' 'I'ru"k~ e;2'i CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST -195L Fund Function Department Submitted By Date GENERAL OPERATING STREET LIGHTING ... "b- ~ . ,,"'. c ",x --~--....'...~'............,..... Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR ,~ Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual -L Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 242 T.; D"nt. ".nn Pn1.rp,," ':1':1 r." h ':1(\ ,,, t:.e:e: Ah ':1" """ "" 35,000.00 SUNDRY , 44<; CharD"es to Accounts Rpf"piV""'P 1,(1('\.7n "28.41 n7t: "" 750.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ':1'l <;1h (\(\ ,,.., "AI, "e: ?'luon.7<; 'llu7<;.M .4 47<;. on .<;.7<;0.00 treet Li.cilitir iF. 39 Year For the Fiscal 1 Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1958- GENERAL OPERATrnG TRAFFIC AND PARKING ", Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation l.95.8.. Budget Request J.957... Current Budget l227 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~Months 1221. Actual --.lLMonths ~ Actual Previous Year Page 1 Acc't. No. ,0.000.00 '5.000.00 -...&Q 000 .00 29,000.00 5.000.00 00 2.000.00 000 . 00 4.000.00 .00 2.000.00 ,0 19.565.75 2.69'i.l0 .00 1.212.00 10.4,4.2'5 , 'lOlt.2Q 00 00 Account PERSONAL SERVICES: Salaries and Wages - Regular Employees 28.88,.4d Salaries and W~Ees - Rmpll'\YpPs Othp~ np~tq h,3h1 ?O Sa.la.ri C~ !::::il""'~ T&':I.qp..s........:... PRr+:_",-rmo ll'mn1 r"\"'rt:>~ ()() Other , ~. , hhh 00 2 'lh 000 oo! ":\7.000.00 425.00 125.00 25..00 ~ ~ 300.00 2...QQQ....QQ 500.00 25.00 ~ 100.00 100.00 220...00. ,~ ?<; 100.00 ~,OOO 00 500.00 2'i.001 .00 100.00 100.00 !!.25.00 125.00 2'5.00 ~ ~ 300.00 ?,000.00 500.00 25.00 .00 100.00 100.00 325.00 125.00 25.~.QQ. 00 00 .2.2~ , .l.65..E3. 418.86 25.00 .00 100.00 02.....8., ~ ~ -----------00.. ~ -----------00.. ....19..J3.. 83.!L.51.. 8J.....l!L ------00.. ........00. --....QQ. 7.17 ? -3L6.6. ---L.Jil ~ 'l0? ~o , I 2Ql. le llse Allmran~e ::>07 I '!'1^ave1 i ng R>cppnse 22L p,..-( T'l+i nO' ()f'f'; r"P 'Pn'Y"m~ 23J- - Mntl'\r Vph;~1es ~'<? _ M"t."r "o1-d~'",o (PT. P, JOn) Insurance - Social Securitv T.; (Tn+- ~n,.., Po"'\T.t,01" .Qo1:Y.i.ce .R_Ilr1 23Q. ~L.~ .Mo.iol:.. If", l--d ~ , 0 lL Ml'\tnr _ ~;~eq ~no Tubes .RMJ.o. '!'1^"ff'i ~ T.; ",hts. Rulhs "-110 et~ 40 king Fa ~affic and ,.600.00 ,.100:;MI 00 ,.600 2.407.00 '.'0~.()1 4..D52.... '< 0 I TOTAL 120 .l25.. l3Q. loe; 000 .00 ,6 2,.772.8'i 488 J2 . 22.7.L 10:; ~h AAA hn 'T""l'~ T. Repair - Ropairs ~ir.s.. Renairs 'Oo.'I"'Io{.,..o 2.53.. 251L 25.5... ill 26.1 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ....l958... GuiERAL OPER~TING TRl\FFIC AND PARKTIm Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ? - ~ 0 .7 J I .l..-:-lU Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR '0"'7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual .-1l...-- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance MATERT",IS fu"rD SUPPLIES: 'no ExPendable Tools S~.7" .00 'iO.OO 'i0.00 'i0.00 50.00 <41 Fuel and Lubricants (expent Hotor Vehs) .00 .00 .00 .00 llll .00 ~4s Motor Vehicles - Gas and Oil .00 .00 .00 .00 !V'I .00 147 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 "l<;'l Si ernc ' '7'" "I, R71.94 628.76 1.')00.00 o,,() ()() 1.500.00 <h7 ~ 'l',o"ff'i,.. Ti ~},t p".,..tc , (),..,'< ?;-:o 2'70.70 179.21 650.00 1 1 llll . llll 1,000.00 181 Paint. ann ?ainHnc- Ma-t",.i<llc , ReR 20 272.'74 577.26 850.00 Rc;() ()() 1.000.00 'lRc; R"ili" P".,..tc (.C;7 11. 1'l6 41 26<.'iQ 400.00 u,..,() nn 400 .00 <01 Parking ),I"t."1" P"-1"t." 0'l7.7ll <66. (J7 233.93 600 .00 t:.n" n" 600 . 00 <00 llt.ho1" R""ai1"c anil , I,,, "Q 20 40 70.60 100.00 ,()() ()() 100.00 'iYYl'A T. h '0"''' ,::" , "I,':: '::.. 2 20<. <5 4.150.00 ), ,..,e:n !V'I 4.650.00 ()!l'l'TAV' 'iOl T"nil p"nilin~c "n 00 .00 .00 ,C; I'YY'I ()" 1,500.00 'iO'i ^"t"m""'i1o~ n" .O() .00 .00 M .00 ')oq Furniture and Fivt".,..oc "" .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 'i1'i Hotorcvc1es ()() IYI .00 .00 7'i0.00 150.00 ')21 Si=s ' e:-:oR. ,<n 'l 'l 'l !Y'I 267.00 600 .00 600.00 600 .00 'i20 Traffic rC'lnt.rnl 1:;',.."inmont uR7'l (., ()() .00 .00 e: f"If'l() !Y'I 5.500.00 TOTAL h . 4m .01 ,<'l. no 267.00 600 .00 9' .'l<;ll.()() 21,850.00 '1'll'1'AT. 1:;'<::. ,,'< 7'<" ,,? 1 C; 6llf\.R, 28 141.19 44.350.00 '::;J, "ne: "r 67,100.00 Traffic and F rking 41 Page ~ ..., ~ ~, -.--,," ~ '~K""'" - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ on GENERAL OPERATING AIRPORT Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request !m Current Budget l~ Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estiqtate ~Months - .l951.. Actual ~Month. ~ Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account PERSONAL SERVICES: Salaries and Wal<es 00 300.00 Mh.OOO .00 10.300.00 00 .00 'i00.00 .00 300.00 00 00 .QQ.. QQ 00 Regular Employees - Frnm Othpr ~nt~ _ 120 ~ ~E"C"f'",,"""~ lQ'i b " ~. TOTAL 'lMOO 300.00 300.00 .00 450.00 .00 100.00 850.00 650.00 650.00 00 .6so...oa.. he:11 IYI 300 .00 450.00 .00 100.00 850.00 650.00 6'50.00 00 450.00 .00 ~ 472.00 ~ 616.91 .00 .00.. .ClQ.. .ao.. lu...3.a.. ~ ~ .,., no .00 .lJ.3..&8.. -----.QQ.I .JI:9.....l!l:. .912..QQ.. ..7.5..!1-....0 , ~7 l? 20 ? :::>c:;~ P.::tT\"=lI ~"'t:! _ M'.:I ,..J.,"; ",a,."u ~ nn " L TelphQne and Telegraph _ Pll;l(HnO'~ 2.700.00 550.00 100.00 100.00 ?7M M .5SQ....OllJ ~ 2.700.00 . . 550.00 100.00 100 .00 2.172.00 ~ ~ Q7.'i2 e:?A IYI "'3-.SQ. L.S3. 2.48 ? 04<;_Q7 ?92..18.. 3..!l3.. L. ?? l'a..l:::ts. EaI::t." ,,, 'lVYI' ~ T. :=t Aml. w....and T . ~ ~~~hinery and ~F\, p"f,nt ..nr'l 4.2._ ~~n.,..+ 7'50.00 7e:11 IYI 1 7<;0.00 'i~2.4Q ?'7 <;1 ")""" ,,~ """"^ T Page -~---... 10e:1'; '0e:7 10<;P. CO...Ql...O...TII:O_......,.... Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR '0e:7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous ..JL. Actual ...lL- Esti'1late Recom- Budget No. Year Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance CAt:lT'T'AT. nll'T'HV. c;O~ Eauinment ()() .00 .00 .00 IY1 .00 c;7c; !.andscane Tmnr",{pmpn-r. rY\ "^ 'l00.00 "l00.00 'lM.1Y1 <00.00 TO'l'AL "" IY1 <00.00 ":\00.00 'lM.M <00.00 / . 'l'()'l'A T. =1> ? ~),t:. rY\ 74<;."1 <,<04.49 4.050.00 I. "..." "" 111,.050.00 . , iA:!nrort ---'G.. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year..1358.- GENERAL OPERATING AIRPORT 2 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING S'NIMMING POOLS Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Bu~get 12.21 Total CURRENT YEAR o Estiqlate ~Months 1221.. Actual -1LMonths ~ Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. SERVICES and Wa"es PERSONAL Salaries n ..OOQ...QQ.. <;lY\.M 8 ..15Q....QQ. l<;(L lY\ 8,750.00 1<;n_MI 8,750.00 1'50.00 QQ 00 Po ..315....91. -,e:, .00 Re~ar Employees ~'~~;p~ ~nn U~ap~ _ A.~~_ n~~.~ 120 ,,<; 8.900.00 8.QOO.001 8.726.07 9.500.00 25.00 -12..&Q ~ ~ .lOO....QQ.. ...5Q'~QQ.. .m.oo... ~ 3QO...QQ. ,100.00 100.00 25.00 ..:z.s.....oo --00 --00 J..Q(W)Q J..Q(W)Q 1 IYl IYl 100.00 fL Q()(). M .22...QQ.. ..75..00- ------.QQ., ------.QQ., J.CXWXl. 500001 .lO!l....OO.. 35Q....QQ.. JOOflO- J.CXWXl. T lY\.lY\ 00 00 .QQ.. 00 .QQ.. .QQ.. .QQ.. .QQ.. m. .00. ..QQ.. 00 ~ llW.5J ~ .:m1L.+n o~ d 17.46 __--1 '1'I'l'1'AT. mN'l'RA~'I'lJAT. ~,o' Anhnnp......and 'iliI prrr~T'lh. ,q.nn (nP-f'O( ~oCl ~1"'t.,..",C!' Te=l - 'R1,i lclings _ ~n,.i R 1 ~f=Io"r'll'" +." r,.R.~ ~P,...-V'''f,..P T.1 eht ~nn ?nvp"" _C::o~d ,",Ole! tJ~ +.Pl'" ~p,-vi',..p _ RllniHng~ Repairs - Machinery and Eq~i~ment laundrv and Towel Services 2Q5.. 22L 225- 22:L ~ .2kL 2!t2.. .2ll ~ .a.5J. 284 44 3wilmlliop; Pools 1.450.00 1.200,00 1 """ N'\ I 1:,?iY'I.f"II1 00 'l._lmL4"!1 'l'm'A T, ~--- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING SWJ>>IING POOLS Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation l.958.. Budget Request ]957 Current Budget - .l.9ll' Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estiqlate .l.L Months 1957 Actual ~Months ~ Actual Previous Year _ Page 2 Account Acc't No. 25.00 .2Q.&Q. 400.00 50.00 ...5Q..QQ 50.00 50.00 ----:.QQ ~.OO ~ .5.Q...QQ.. !!QQ...Q.Q.. 50.00 ----.00.. -5.Q....QQ.. ..5Q...QQ.. ---..QQ <00.00 25.00 50.00 ~oo.oo 50.00 .lQQ...QQ. 50.00 50.00 ~ ":\00.00 25.00 50.00 300.00 ~ ~ 50.00 50.00 ~ ":\00.00 00 m.. ..QQ .00 1 c:; . ul 00- 00 00 00 ~ 60.60 .Q9.ill. 58.70 ....8.....00. 39-.QQ. 24 .K .QQ. 00 I-lATERL<\IS E=endable Office Supplies Chemicals. Drugs and Etc Janitor and Toilet Supplies Rec"eational Sup~lies Electrical and Lighting Parts Machinery and Equipment Parts Concession Paint and Bainting Materials AND S Tools --31Q ~20 .3.ll. N 3!a. .32L .ill. ~ <81 1<;.41 C:;?7.00 TOTAL Q75.00 O?C:;.OO. 92'5.00 QOQ.5Q SUNDRY EXP: ~ Sal~s ann b.nm'i e cd f"\n 'T'A.xes 421 4'50.00 ":\00.00 uC:;11 M 'lM IY\ 450.00 300.00 4'io.oo 'l00.00 00 .M c;hQ C::~ 7) .hh CAPITAL...Q.UTIAY : nt ~IT 'iO< 4<; s ~wimm1ng Poo 12.67'i.00 11. '7'7e: fY'I , , '7'7e: M " '7e:o <;0 , <;. ul l<.'l7h <:A 'T'I1'1'6 T. ----~' .-_._~.""---'--"-" ...-.-,-----. Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date BAND ~ .l."',U I~"'I .l~'lt\ <;;oo.l..'I1.IO..,-.O'....\.,..... Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR 19'57 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months -.a Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 1<"FOt:'1l"'TmlrD1<''' . ?lO "nn t:. '71'\ fV' ,., nr.n nr. u.1711.M ? ,7n "" t:. '7"" (\(' o Ohr. fY'I P1<'I'1<'TP1'''' Hm I!T'I'V .T~~T 1.+ , '1171 14~.':;7 <;6.4c 87.18 110 I',,~,.o~" 'T'<>vo" .. 1.<:.., I" ':l.Mo.L.<; : 1 h"U P., c; c;,L..% C; .e:, L. ?{: o ."P.? hr. 130 Delinquent Taxes lm.ac .00 <;n.1YI c:t'IlYI <;o.oc 'iO.OO 240 Sales Tax h~ U,q <;40.2<; .00 <;4o.?<; c;L.0 ?<; 'i':l6.22 957 Hall nr. .00 .00 'T'O'T'AL h ?11?8q 4 4,8.70 , h7U R, h ".,. <;1 t:. "., ", Q.B72.82 'lY'l'I'~T. ~ ~NT1 OH^M"'" h ."., h7 ? ."e:", ,A h ,"'11 N' 0.060.00 T1<'''''' h '711 ()(1 6.170.M ? '7n fV' o Ohr. IYI ur\J'"RI'~ " r.ASH ~. T ,~. DF:r. ,ht ,),., ?" P.7. 1 R , !'i.-t. 'TRY tlo",d ~on <; 4,8.2, <;."14.26 0.?86.6o Delinquent 108.76 110.2<; 18<;.7":\ <;.<;46.0<; . . <; 624.'i'i o 472.'':l Tax Dollars Tax leVY Mi 11s O.l?O':l 0.12':l2 ".10<;':; 0 Rand 46 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year~ 1 _ Page Page 1 .l.,"'rJU l.Y'''' lq5~ eo..SO,-'O..TCO .....,.... Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR 10C;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year -!L. Months ...8...- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance EXPENDITURES: PERSONAL SERVICES: 120 Salar.ies and Waqes - Re~11ar Emnlovees 9,'59'1.40 ., """ Q" 6.'527.20 9.780.00 a e:11I1 1111 0_780.00 , ?<; 1- . R..".", p_ !<'m,." ""....c !'\+1-,.._ n..,.,+c . nil 1111 .00 .00 M '500 .00 no Ann \';pf''''~ P","+.-'1'imp 41'i.00 .M 220.00 220.00 C;M.M 500.00 1'1'1Yr~ T. ,,, "'" I." .., ,.,,,,., Q" 6.747.20 10.000..00 ' n """ nr. 10.780.00 1 I'm' Q1;>RVTf'!<q. ?!'\~ Im_'__'-___ an" '1'..'..~p",h 1'l0.1C; <;A 'l11 116.70 175.00 17C; 00 17'5.00 ??, 100000,,.HnO' t"\-r<'<^", "'n_~ IY\ IYI 2'5.00 25.00 ?<; M 2'5.00 ?-::l~ IT..~, 0' ,n A" ()(1 10.00 10.00 ,!'\ !'\,.., lQ.OO ""7 - 1:l";'~'n_ 1111 "., ?e: 'lh.7'i 1'iO.00 c;n M .00 "9A _ "'~,,',.~"',.+ "n~ n -'- "" ()(1 .00 .00 1111 .00 ?'l' _ M"+,,,. .. . -, ,!'\ "1'\ !'\!'\ .00 .00 .M .00 ,.,.,., IT__.._---- U_-'-__ ,r.. '.' 1:lT O. "" '0 A7 'n n" C; .10 2<;.00 ? <; 1111 2<;.00 ,,~,:; _ Qnn'O' - "1111 -::l!'\ <;h.7A 14'5.22 200 .00 ,e:!'\ !'\!'\ 200 .00 ,,1,., It.r..+",_ c",_.; ^'" O?ul1 ~!'\ A,..,' 44.20 75.00' 7<; M 75.00 .,.., - ~.< ,,!'\ 1111 100.00 100.00 , IYI 1111 100.00 ,.,,,., - I pn~ ,An ?h 'h 0" 8,.08 100.00 ?1111 1111 100.00 ,,<"I. u_-'-__ .. . , !'\!'\ "fV\ 48.00 <;0.00 e:!'\ !'\!'\ 50.00 "~c:: _ Mn+,,_ ""''', ^,..~ "" _..~ ..n~ m"h",< "" M 2'i.00 2<;.00 "" nn 25.00 '1'l'\'1'dT. hoA <;<; =" nc:: h~O 11<; O"lC;.M AAc::"" 78'i.00 I'...':'~~~~ 47_ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CENETERY , Fuad _ Function _ Department Submitted By Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CrnETERY Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page ? 'n"t:. '0<:;7 lQC;A cO..sO...'O...,.lO"....LI... Acc't. . Actual 19'i7 CURRENT. YEAR lQ'i7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous 4 Actual -L Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year Months Months Total Budget Req~est mendation Allowance Hm 'no Exnendable 'l'rTl s 26 . 2'7 8.on 41.10 '50.00 <;n.M 50.00 ,41 Fuel Lub";"an+s Mnt,n,. Flle' ) .00 .M 2'i.00 25.00 .,., <:;n 25.00 ,4'i Motor Vehicles - Fuel Lub. and Anti-free e 122.76 M 150.00 150.00 , ",.., fV\ 150.00 ,47 Motor Vehicles - License Taas 11.'50 10.00 .00 10.00 11.'50 10.00 ,'il Seeds Plant'" 'l'>-ees and Rt.". ,M M 2'i.00 2'i.00 . ~e: IYI 25.00 '165 Cement and Cement Products 8.64 00 .00 .00 .M :;00 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts '1. 81 5":\.21 21. 79 75.00 7<;.M 75.00 '179 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes .00 M 75.00 75.00 7C;.lY\ 75.00 381 Paint and Paintina SunnUes 22.57 .00 'i0. 00 50.00 <;n(Y\ 50.00 387 Sand Gravel Rock and Chat .00 00 50.00 50.00 c;n.M 50.00 TOTAL ?;:>,.c;c; 7? " 4":\7.89 510.00 ",,, ",.., 510.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: 4":\'i Cr~anization Dues .M .M .00 .00 IYI .00 4,0 IYI u" fV\ .00 40.00 IYI .00 G.O\PITAL, OUTIAY: ""7 , o~-' 0':1 hA fV\ 210.00 210.00 ":\00.00 300.00 <;7" T '" ...--,. "" N'I 200.00 200 .00 ,,"" tv' 200.00 dh "...- o~-' <::,-,,,,,",,,", Tmnrnvem..nts 00 "" nr TOTAL 0':1 hA IYI 410.00 410.00 e:""nr 500.00 '1'0'1' AT. " "..,,, nA , h'::::" Ah A ".,1, 'U " Q"" "" 11.895.00 12 ,57'5.00 . Cemetery 48 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CEMETERY Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation 1958.. Budget Request ~ Current Budget 1.~7":\.27 6.981.67 '50.00 685.06 2.700.00 ~ ~ 10.00 J.22...QQ.. ~ ~ ..3.2Q.,QL 1'i0.,QQ 00 00 ~ 7.049.01 511 M 434 '4 ., 000 00 50 lY'l 75 O() ~ ~ M 5lY'l 00 "IVI 00- .00. "" .l$l5l... Total 2.992.":\":\ 742.21 2,250.12 7.049.01 50.00 ~4~.14 2.700.00 50.00 75.00 10.00 150.00 .00 ---00.. .32Q...QQ. ] "i0 .00. ..QQ. .00 CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~Months 1957 Actual ..2!..- Months .l95..6.. Actual Previous Year Page ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date_ Acc't. No. 2.079.83 50.00 .00 1.750.50 44.00 .00 10.00 8'5.00 _.00. .00 2..J.5..W. "i 'i ..QQ.. ..QQ. .00 ~ ---0..00.. 4~4.14 9!a.5Q. --.6.....QQ. ~ ~ ...6.5....QQ. ---.QQ. ---...QQ.. lli...QQ.. 0<; ..QQ. ..QQ. ()() u 6.51,.9J 2,403.75 I I :'/:::'~j "F\ 57 Goo 61 , ..Q5L.QQ. ...1$...QQ. ----..00. ..25--00. ..1!llL...oo. --.OD. --00. -5Q(WlQ. ., , /"I ..00. ..00. n/"l Account R1<'r.1<:TP--rq A'TTI R1<'t':HmTNI": RATANr.R' ~irrv /'TTQl;",II,c::rTQ17R T"lATAU,.-,,:'l .TAN_'~t: I~~~ PurC'h.a~.. Orilpr~ .T,..,.o,..,,,,,""''h.4......on Ca.sh ~J:l 1 ~""'.o .Ta.n. 1 g;t.. ..1Q5... 'T'it.'p ..lll -12L .1.25. :J2l .:t2S- ..9ll o<;? Eee.s. lJpkppp ~PMri ,..p~ ~~lp nf r.nmmonit:;o~ ~A'P nf' ~'''Aap Sale fa Lots ~n'p n~ n~~vp ~r~rp P..,.,..t"A' C':R.,.... 'Roof mh",..o::::.,=aol'!'lAnt- of 11 Qn~ IVI 12.575.00 11.018.15 1":\,268.27 'l.895.00 1. ,7,.27 ?Ao."l'l ~ t:.,7"Q Q" ~ Cemetery 6.981.67 1,9.6~ ~O 0.1471 7,114$ m. I 7 .::~:I 0.1<;74 0._":1.':: - 9"G594 13,276.10 " . 11?5 9,q 2,250.12 4 J'97 9R 85.96 .!!:....38.3..94 o. ,n?? +.',""Q.Q ..TOTAL. .TOTAL 11lU'1<'TprrlC! A~m T_c:C! .cASH...B.!lT ^""'" nRr.. "l1 "t.. .He.:t. ~y R,on,,-f ""Ampn+_ .Del; Tax Tax Dollars Levv Mills Page 1 ''''''c, 'n<:7 'n,,'" ~D_OI..'D"'T.~'''L,.t,... Acc't. Actual 19'57 CURRENT YEAR 1Q'i7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual -8--- Estiqlate Recom- Budget No. Year -LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 1<''''' . , "n - "~,, 1./" ~..a _ Rnrol nvpes .00 ':l c:h., I':A 1.206. "\2 "l "7.", fY'I .00 ., "7e:1"I "" Other Depts. ,?<; "'-nil l,r"".." _ 1'lP" ","~,,,......~T 'l?c:;4().'l0 h.<;"7h71l , 7 1...,.,. 'lO "I. ^^^ ^^ 2<:;-000.00 "I. ^^^ "" '':In Anil WAD''''' _ P",.+_'1';m.. .00 IYI .M .M 1 000 00 "7fY'1 IYI 160 Enaineer and Architectural Services .00 .M .00 .00 .00 .M ,00 I.. - .M "" .M IYI fY'I "" . TOTAL ":\2.'540.10 o,.,Il.'lA ,R t:."", t:.... ,.,.. .."n ^^ 26 000.00 ,,0 I."n ^^ ".,h - q"~;,,, he:"" A, ,e:u ?O 'i4'5.71 "7M.M 'lM.1YI "7M.M "c:' _ 'D,,<1"<~~~ ., .,t:., J,,, , nr:." ", 1 1..':1"7 00 2 <:fY'I IYI ... R"" "" ':l <;/Y'\ IYI ",,':> - --" 87.62 07.<;h , 0,..," u1.. ':l fVV'l IYI ., ^^^ "" ... ^^^ ^^ 2<;4 Renairs - Motor Vehicles 00 7A ':lA U':l1.7? e:"" "" c: "" "" <:"" "" 2'i'i Renairs - Motor Vehicles. Tires and Tubes .00 M ?DO.oo ':IN'l IYI ':lIY\ IYI ':IN'l . IYI ?<;il ..--<-- _ "'...J..,.a M '1"1 IYI ?OIl.M .,,,,, "" ?"" "" 'OIYI "" 2~O Re""irs - Strppt" qi~pwlAk" R. ':l C:;'h A'l ':I <;h , t:.nt:. I'), 1 "71Y1 tV\ , .."" "" " ^^^ "" 274 Ren+ - Machinel"V and Rauinm"nt. .M IYI 'lM.M .,IYI fV'I .,"" "" c;oo. M -27'i ~ent - Motor Vehicles M IYI .00 .00 fY'I .00 d 1'1VV1'~ T. h h'h hh , J,n" 7n h.7Q4."lO R """ "" n , "" IYI o """ "" r....np,.'" Tm"'''" ement <;0 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year~ GENERAL IMPROVEMENT Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date - Page_ :L- 1.0<;fi , ,,~~ 10C;P. CO"'OL'O" T ~o."..... ,"'. Acc't. Actual 10C;7 CURRENT YEAR 10<;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual -8- Estif1late Recom- Budget No. Year -1L-Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ...---..- "m """"~T""""'. <111 ""'"'--"~'-'" '1'",,'~ 1? .14 n ~ Ou Q7.06 100.00 100.00 100.00 "uc: '.!"+~~ uc'^<^'C_ _ t:'"c' T",-_ .. ^~"'<_f'...""." ()() "" 500.00 500.00 "M IYI 500.00 .,'::, ^~~",o,... "nil R,,~.., I'\{' <;<ll ~ "^ 700.00 700. 00 71Y\ IY\ 700.00 <h< 'K...{ "ko o~" 1.10 ~"n..." .00 IYI 200.00 200.00 ?M_M 200 . 00 .,,~c: f'c~c_+ n_" f'Q~Q~+ , <h , h "" 'i00.00 500.00 c: "" "" 500.00 .,hO '-l (p",,~\, ',' 7.47 1,7 <, l'i2.6Q 200 .00 "IV\ N'\ 200 .00 . 'l7' Tn",h"... ~~il T",.,h",. . 1.17<;.41 .,.,7 '7 662.8":\ 1.000.00 t:."" "" 1.000.00 <7" '\,f; " o~il 1<' -c.,~..._ 'lot 7<; "^ 1 000.00 1 000.00 Co"" "" 1.000.00 <7<: 1.1"+0' 0 nil M,,+~' '4,.'l< , n t:." 184.40 200 .00 , c" "^ 200 . 00 .,77 ',<~+~~ ""h{ ",,, p",.+o ()I'\ IY\ .00 .00 ",.., .00 ~..,,, I ',-'" .. . , '1"< .__ __~ m..'-_ IY\ ,,"^ "" "^ 200 . 00 200.00 200. 00 ---JA' Paint ar,d Paint in" SUlJnlies 4i.2Q "^ 150.00 150.00 , """ "" 150.00 'l87 Sand r.ravel Rock and Chat 478.<;0 A~ c, 1.1l6.4Q 1 200.00 , ,,"" "" 1 200.00 ,8Q Sewer Pipe and Tile ~~.12 IY\ 200.00 200 .00 .,,,,, IYI 200 .00 'l00 nt.h..,. ','n< ~+ R- P"...+o .00 .,1, 71, 1<;.26 50.00 "^ 50.00 """"^ T " oc:A "., c"c "7 'i 674.7":>. 6 200.00 c. """ ^" 6 200.00 C!T "'"'0 V " J,.,c: I t>c~ ,~,.,_ "IY\ ,,"^ 48.00 50.00 ",,,,.., fV' 50.00 f'^OT"'^T "'lmT^v. ~'''' C::i ,.",~ "" "^ .00 .00 7"" fV' .00 "''''''^T t:'VO,," h", "7 '0 " ()c:., .,C: ." ,ht:. t:c: ~2,200..fY'I I. " """ "" 4":>..400.00 General Imp~ ement 51 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-l958... GENERAL IMPROVEMENT Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page 3 ...1..."1'",)U ~,."" ,.,,-' . J.Q'H J.Y')O CON~IO"T.I>."I.IN" , Actual 1957' CURRENT YEAR 1957 Manager's Final Acc't. Cun'ent Buda:et Account Previous 4 Actul!l : '>..8. ~~tlI11ate Recom- Budget No. Total Budget. Request Year Months . Months mendation Allowance ..' RECETPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE CITY TREASURER BALANCE JAN. 1st. 2.486.04 2. 484. ':l7 T...~~ TTn,.,,,dn P,'.,."na~o t'\.,.no.,." 760.7'\ 1 406.00 I',,~n lOa'an .TAn , ,,+0 1.72".29 1.078.28 'lho.07 ?I'lO. ':I' 110 1'".,..,. a,., + '1'<>vo" .,.. 0/,,., 1,0 "t:. .,,,, n~ 11.008.51 37,330.4'1 '1'7 .,.,t'\ L.":l ':\9.112.16 ,.,t'\ 110' l n-"on+ 'T'avo~ 7'" ,t:. IYI 150.00 150.00 c tv'\ tv'\ roo.oo ,,1111 ~A'O" '1'<>v L. ?Ao: .74 ., t:."" c:t'\ .00 'I.6oo.'i0 'l 600.<;0 ":\ 628.6'1 7,0 IJ",,,,n 6??Rn ?11A <;11 41. 50 250.00 400.00 250.00 7-:>C: ~""o ".p M .m .00 .00 .00 .00 'T'11'T'6 T. ~ L., 470.18 'l11.13I1,O? 11.200.01 41.'l'l0.Q, la 8'l0.o< 4":\.190.79 'T''''T''T ,., ^,m m 4, 1Q'i.4 42 409.21 42 200.00 4'l.UM.00 T",,,,~ ];'vnonni+l1,.",,, I,,, "7 , n 42,200.00 4? """ tv'\ 4, 400.00 ",n r."-a" ne". <l"t 1 078.2e 209.21 ~To+ '1<>v 1'lon,,{ ,.omon+~ .,,, t:..o ,,) 'l7. 'l'l1l.4'l 'l9.112.16 '7' 'I. ,~ 7/,1:; h' 782.24 '1<>v rv-,,, ",." ":lh ":l'7' ':II' .,A f'l77 ,..,It ":\9.8Q4.4o '1<>v Tom. M{"~ " AJ,7t:. " A":l":l7 0.82<7 h . r.pncr.!l.1...IIr.pro. ~ent 52 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST . Far the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL lliPROV!MENT Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page 1 ~"I..1 0<;7 .I."""" ~--- -. - ------- Acc;t. Actual 1.95'{ CURRENT YEAR laC:;' Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year --1L-Months 8 Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance exPE::DITU?SS: .' 210 Approuriation Budget <;4.<<;0.02 ., " """ "" "l:t.."~5:05 "ll. I,~" "c: c:A J,':::c: "c: c: l:tr.ll. I." # M<~"o11""o"""" !)!) ()() , '::,,), "" , ~"I. oc: , '<:;ah ac: TO"'AL ~;{I'~::DT'1"J?ES: c:;4.<<;0.02 .,,, "N'I N'I .,,, ,~" "" ,:::,.. ,,:::,.. "" hO ,,<:;(\ N'I c: l:tr.ll. I,,, "'1';:;'Tt>'T'<:: I'm R""r1"'i'~,TnJr. ~ ,. T 'U"" CITY TREASURER 'RAIi\11C'" .TAN 15'" .".,,, "" , (\~7 ,a ':lR(U~7 h77.':l? no Curren'" Advalorem '!'ax 40 1741'\1 <7,2:::>1 <;2 ,,, ,,~., Q, c:" '7Qc: ';1';1 c:o 7Ac: << .00 no Delin~uent Taxes 77<;.:::>7 .m .,c:" (\" ., C:(\ (\(\ <c:;n , !)!) .00 240 Sa.les Tax 4744 11 4.O<Q.8c:; .00 4.939.85 Lo':lol'\<; 5,131.10 7Cf7 ~H ",,,, Fi n"." ,,,,n Fpo"" ()() (\(\ 1 694.95 1.694.95 , hah ac: .00 TOTAL RFf:FTP'rC; d, 10:1"", ,,, 4?lh1':l7 17 608.76 59.770.13 c:a 77(\ , ':l 5,131.10 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND ):\t;'I:Tl\;l,!T1ITr. t:lAT ,'>T"'''' 55.426.21 60.837.32 60,160.00 5,808.42 T ",," ]i'v,-,,,~A; +"'""" d, "c:" "" 60.160.00 ~" ,,;:,, "" 5 808.42 ro"",., J:U>'''n"" n" " ';I' ,,+ 1067.19 677 .32 Net 'rax Re"uirempnt" I,Q ""... ..,), <;:) 7P.<;,<< 07P..47 lOC:;C:;.71 rr;, y n,.,,, ",.." I,,, """ ", <;':l AIL' nIL "",-y Tpvv Mill" .. , '':::'''0 , , 7P.a Librarv f{.3 '!:3 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ LIDRA."iY Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page 1 ..L.'"1"")U l.Y'}{ l.Y')O CON~IDAT1l:~."'"""", . Actual 1.957 CURRENT YEAR Manager's Final Acc't. 19<;7 Current Budget Account Previous Actual --1L- Est~ate Recom- Budget No. . Total Budget Request Year LMonths Months mendation Allowance IEXPEr' PERSONAL SERVICES: 120 Salaries and \,a&l:es - RellUlar Employees ~ 1,10:1'\ "" , a(\(\ (\(\ <.800.00 <= """" f'\f'\ C:;~?().()() c; ?fV1 fVI 130 Salaries and Wa&l:es - Part-'l'ime ~. .. ()() 00 .00 .00 .,A" f'\f'\ ~()().oo 195 Other Professional Services ,()() 10.00 90.00 100.00 , fVI ()() 100.00 TOTAL " }.;::I'\ N'I 10'(\.()() < 890.00 <; 800.00 '" o^^ "" 6.100.00 1'0NTRAC'1'ITAL 20<; 'relenhone and Teleuranh , ILP. . ':In hn.7(,) B9.~0 200 .00 ~()() ()() 200.00 ??l ()ff; "p l"nrm" p.()() ()() .00 .00 ,00 .00 ~~7 - , nnO J,., (\(\ .00 .00 .o() .00 :::>?R - Rnd (\(\ m .00 .00 n(') .00 ~,L. _ PT. ..nn PT\ ()() fVI .00 .00 fVI .00 :::>.6 ITn""1'"n"F" _ s",,;.., , IVl 0(\ <?1(') 67.90 100.00 , ()() rm 100 .00 ~1L1 ..~ ~ c~_.<~" , , "'." .,,:: Q." "'1'\ <;18. ,0 , . <"0.00 , ';Ic:r'l fVI L~"O.OO o::>uo::> Iri ".},+ ..~A P"u,,~ q,,~rl ~a 0.,,, ,.0. ",::: N'I <<4.00 450.00 1Lc;(') ()() 4<;0.00 ~IL~ W",-t-.p1' ".,., .,,, 7~ 1Lc;. 202.55 27'i .00 ?7c:()() 275.00 0::><;, - o = c:A ho ':17 2.950.6, , 000.00 <.c;()().()() ,.,75.90 ~<;~ Rp",.,.,,..,, _ ",,,1'''''; +",.." ,,~A ()f'fi "p " ."" 7hn 492.40 500:00 c:()() ()() 500.00 1'O'T'A T. ? , a., , (\ , ,?'n ao 4.705.08 5.875.00 ~ "'7<= fVI 6.250.00 Mpmn,..; a 1 Hal r'" L/- <<> / CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year...195L MEMORIAL HALL Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page - -g- .L~"'lu ,nc:'7 l.""O COt\l.Ol..lO...TI:D-....I..,..... Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR 1957 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous -1L.. Actual ~ Estiqlate Recom- Budget No. Year Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance !1A""'RTATS ACm -nO Sxnendable Tools 26.'>1 h.C:;C:; 43.45 50.00 C:;O.OO 50.00 ,4':\ Janitor and Toilet Sunulies 46.2Q C;0.7< 140.27 200 .00 200.00 200 .00 'C:;l Seeds Plants Trees and Etc. .00 ()() 50,.00 50.00 C:;O.OO 50.00 '107 Electrical and Li!Zhtin" Parts 80.91 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 <oq Hard'..are (Roul1h and Fi ni sh ) .00 N'I .00 .00 ()() .00 ':\~l Paint and Painting Materials 17<.2':\ ~';I Ah 66.14 100.00 100 00 100 .00 TOTAL ':\26.96 '(\1'1 1L 399.86 500.00 C:;OO.OO 500.00 SU!!DRY EXPErmI1URES 413 Public Address System <12.00 17(\ ()() 4':\0.00 600 .00 h()().OO 600 .00 CAPITAL OUTLAY: <;0':\ Land Buildings and Fixed -:auinmt'>nt (1(\ ()() .00 .00 ()(\ .00 c:;oo Furniture and Fixtures 00 ()() 1.000.00 1 000.00 , (\N'I N'I 500.00 TOTAL ()() N'I 1.000.00 1 000.00 , "N'I fV'1 500 .00 TOTAL EXPENDITURF.S' ,,, """ r..:: < ':IC;()nh 10.424.94. 13. T75.Oi ,), 'Y7C: ()() 13.950.00 Memorial HaJJ .,rr57 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ MEl>lORIAL HALL 2 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page ~ 19'ib 19<;7 19'58 CO"".OL.IO....CO'S.......I""... Acc't I I Actual 19<;7 CURRENT YEAR 10,,7 Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ...8...- Estil11ate Current Budget Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance RECEIPTS ftlfl) BEGINNING BALANCE CITY TREASURER BAlANCE JAN. Is t. 88,.86 ~.607.06 Less Unuaid Purchase Orders 8<6.06 2,654.89 Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1st. 46.90 952.17 560.88 116.29 110 Current '!;,nai}'1" '1'<>xes R.?'l?O? h N'I' 0' 2,510.15 8,512.06 p. c:'o t'\h 9,391.31 1 ':In J'),,1i~r"'''~+ '1'<>v,,~ ,~p. ?O N'I <;0.00 50.00 C:I'\ N'I 50.00 ~4o ""1p,, '!;,y oh., ,<::;), R27.06 .00 827.06 A0'7 n.::: 827.40 <;11 Office Suace RF"ntal" URn . ()() 100.00 140.00 240.00 lL<;n.oo 240.00 C;1? A"";+r,,-;,,," R~~"'~'~ <:> Q..,..... ......, 1. ,<;0.00 1.150.00 2.500.00 ';I (\N'\ N'I 2.500.00 <;1' Conce".; "n" 1he; 7h , nL 011 . 95.06 200 .00 OC:I'\ N'I 200.00 7::>1 ",,-1.. M' 1'","m""'H"o ,h c:n Q c:" 1.50 10.00 <:>c: ()() 25.00 017 1'",..,1;" . ,~. .'h,,,+,,," ,,,,A .,,;:, <:>c; ",,0 "" ~92.00 600 .00 ':::iV1 iV1 600.00 cc;<:> D .; . o,""n+ ,,<, nn N'I .00 .00 iV1 .00 TOTAL R"'f'RTt>'T'<:: 1< 107 ':1':1 A'::"" )., 4..338.71 12,939.12 ,,, '7,), , 0 13,833.71 'T'n'T'H l>4'f't;'TP'T'<O ^^m 1<.244.2, L1.891.29 14.275.00 13.950.00 . T",,, , 0 ono n.::: 13. TI5.00 , J, ~c: (\(\ 13,950.00 1'",,1-, TlP... 'l1 "T, Q"2.17 116.29 1\',,+ 'i'ax A ,,.,,, ':IlL A.e;,~.f"lh 9,391.31- D 'l'ov 'h':l P., ,.,,'" ",). 187.83 '1'ov n,."1o,..,, A .,c:I, , c: A hP.<:> <n 9.579.14 Tax Levy Mills 0.1047 n '0(\' 0.1978 IMemorial Hall I ,-f . , I o '0 qJ:l CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-lliL MEJ.IORIAL HALL Fund_ Function _ Department _ Submitted By Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ WEED FUND NOXIOUS Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget - .l95Z Total ~ CURRENT YEAR I. Actual I 0 Estimate ~Months ....>L-Months ~ Actual Previous Year 1 Page Acc't No. Final Budget Allowance Account ..QQ 7m 00 00 .00 00 011 .Ro RXPE)tDITURES: PERSONAL SEHVICES Salaries and Wa~es - Re~lar Employees Depts' . Sa1arj"'ll ,and rLaQ''''s - R..", ~. ,-, Ot,hF"1 700.00 700.00 700.00 TOTAL 700.00 20.00 180.00 .00 00 ,7", 200 .00 200.00 300.00 100.00 120 12<; 7QO.00 .lQ...QQ. 100 ..QQ. ..QQ. ...QQ. . ()() 110.00 .2QQ..QQ. .3QQ..QQ , ()() ()() 700.00 10.00 100.00 00 00 110.00 200 .00 300.00 100.00 700.00 10.00 100.00 00 00 110.00 200 .00 300.00 100.00 .00 QQ PO 00 m .00 00 cOO. ..QQ. .00 0" A(\ 18.2, 19,JQ ..QQ ..QQ. , ()() 3.2....lQ.. ..lJ&.li , n';l <h l'. and Supplies Fu~.~d Anti-freJ7.'" Pg.,...+C1: TOTAL NATERIALS AND Chemicls. .J2nlLs Hotor Vehicles and - If,achinerv and EQuipment Machinery and EQuipment Motor Vehicle" Eradication.SlOrvic'e<; CONTRACTUAL SERVIGr:S1 Social Secur.liv Repairs RlOnt Rent .lll .ill. ,7, 232 .53. 274 215... 28<; 600 .00 hfY\ ()() 600 .00 E)oo . QO ()() "'c:o -:>, 'T'()'T'A T. ell PT'1'A L OU'l'LA Y, u_ ~",,",I' Rnn -- ,) 7_;1)_ tJppn 't>J, 00 1,500.00 ()() , lL,n nn 00 00 1.410 00 00 1.410 .00 00 ()() , ?n, <;L. EXPSNDITURES: TOTAL <;0< Page - -...~ -// 10C:7 10<;/-\ CO...O..IO..TI:D.'.....'.... Acc't Actual 10C:7 CURRENT YEAR '0C:7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -1L-Months 8 Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ,. RECEIPTS ArID BEGINNING BAIANCE CITY TREASURER BAIANCE JAN. 1st. ~'o <::" Less Unpaid Purchase Orders .00 I"'o~" ,,-,---- Ton ,~... 219.<;, ,87.27 171. <, 196.96 110 I'''''''''ent '1;, nO'; ble '1;,vp" , ~,p. (\, 77" 7C: 'l22.61 1.ClQ7,.6 , f'rI': ., .: 1.176.40 ,,,,, n"l' '1'ov,,~ ..,,., ,,, N'I .00 .()() "1'\ "" 20.00 ~4() c;"l P" '1'",- , ';I' , 7 '00 .,., .00 122.'< ,,.,,., .,., 106.64 721 Sale nf I"'~~~^" < ... "" ()() N'I .00 .00 "" .00 O<;~ 1:>_; ,,~ -. ,..-- ()() (\f'\ .00 .()() "" .()() TO'T'AL 1<RI't;'TP'l'<:: , "lO:n oA QnlO: t'\ll. ':I2?6' 1 210.ho , ".,Q ,::" 1 . ';I()';I.04 'T'()'rA T. 1>!C"RTP'l'<:: A NTl 1.<;88.81 1 606.06 1 41O.()() 1,<;00.00 T",o" Rvn"n..1;+",.."" , "'", c:), 1 410.00 , I. ,,, "" 1 <;00.00 llnpn r.",,}, "o'on~" T\,,~ ",~... ,87.27 196.06 I Npt. 'r"v , .." (\ ~, , (\Q~..6 1 176.40 '1'0 v ~IL ~, ?1.0< 2,.5'l I rr"" n,." 10,.." 1 .?':l4.R? , 118.20 1.199.9, I fTlov T".~_ Mill" (\ (\'.)AA () t'\?4<:: 0.0248 I .- ------- ----- ------~------ -- -- -~ -. 1'ir)vi ......11<:: rJpp_..=lc: J-) ~, 6 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-19.sa.. WEED FUND NOXIOUS 2 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page 1 19'iu ,,,,,.,, 10e;P. CO....O\.'OATI:O-....l..'..... Acc't. Actual 10C:;7 CURRENT YEAR 10C:;7 Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual ~ Estiqlate Budget Request Recom- Budget Ye'1>r ~Months Months Total mendation Allowance EXPENDIT'llBES SmIDRY EXPENDITURES: 432 f:1ai",~ c~..1 ~.~~..1" ()() m fV'\ fV'\ ()() "" h':l7 P~nd..,n" P<.i..1 ,(\ (\0(\ fV'\ , .,,1,(\ (\(\ ~ ':A" "" 1 (\ 1'\"" "" , (\ (\0(\ fV'\ , (\ (\')('\ "" # 4,0 R"t'tmd" e;()Q.1(l ()() 7C:(\ N'I '7C:(\ N'I 7C:(\ ()() '7C:1'\ (\(\ P""",...,r" (\(\ (\(\ (\(\ (\(\ , (\ fVVl N'I '1'\ f'\f'\f'\ "" 'T'(l'T'AT ,(\ c:on ,(\ ,."h(\'N'I '7 ),.,,, N'I , (\ '7'71'\ (\(\ 0(\ 7'7" N'I ')('\ '7'71'\ fV'\ Hm P,1" ,1 roT'l'V '"'"'A<::ITP''''' t:l^'^""1" .TAN 1,,+ 0.040.77 1(\ <;4e; ." " "."" ll.c: 1 1 (\~<; I,':: 1 1 () m..,~0',,,,- '1;,v"" h C:':''7 ':I':' <; rv;ll. "ll. '" ,." I,ll. '7 ",.,1'\ I,'" '7 "'.,,, ILh c: c:", .::., no n"Hn_""n+ %v,," , 'Y7 ll.7 m .00 .00 c:(\ (\(\ C:;(l.()() ?1L(l "" 1 "" '1;,v 714 oe; I':c:n ':'n .00 6c:;0 60 t:c:n t:o 7('1?Ql 041 ,., ,.. lw - . " '7,1, 1.1': 1. ,47 17 2 0'12.8< ~.400.00 ., ",,1'\ fV'\ '1.400.00 I 'T'()'T'A T, P",I'l<'T'D'1'C: " , 01, t:1, 7 ,nc: Ah 4184.<1 11 290.1<; " ""'1'\ 1 e; 9.704.<;4 I '1'CYl'A T. ^,m T 21. 074 . 41 2l.8~5.46 2O.770.OC 20.770.00 IT",~~ 1"vn" 1() <;?Q 1() 10.770.00 ?(\ 77(\ (\(\ 20.770.00 ('c"" n"" ,1"t: 10,'>4'>.<1 11 065.46 N,,+. '1;,y t: c:"" ,." 7.?<o.46 <;,'1<;1.6< n"H'".",,,n+ '1;,y 1<0.70 :l1L4_~:l 144 61 111. 0< '1;,y n,.,"c,.." I': 1':,:::" ll.., 7. <7C:;_Cfl 5.662.66 '1'<!y Tpvv "<"D (\ 1<;<;':1 (\ 'hl" 0.1169 . Firemen' 5 Pen ion c.0~ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ PENSION FUND FIREMEN I S Fund Function Department Submitted By Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-.1958- S PEHSIOii ?miD ?CLICE:r<S:' Fund Function _ Department_ Submitted By: Date_. Manager's Recom- mendation .l95.8. Budget Request 1957 Current Budget - 19.51- Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~Months 1957 Actual -.JLMonths UsQ Actual Previous Year 1 _ Page Acc't. No, Final Budget Allowance Account .E}2::'::;~.:: ST.JIS'~:,Y E:'(p::'i":TI;.jlUR?,~ ""-;ai'!~s ~i .:'~J'[3.::"ds - 11.400.00 750.00 000,00 .00. 10, n<O 00 75t) OCl , t"'j 1"'1",", "'" 11.400.00 750.00 00 7.600.00 750.00 .OQ ill 800 .00... .QQ. nn ., - ..00 ln7~ ;7..D2. (\(\ !i3g 4~'7 I:JQ-sion" :J~'c I~"" ~-- l~ 3':' iSel".md.s ".-~ ::;e""'~..-,':) JQ - ,.800.00 TOTAL EXPEFDITUBE.s: 22.150.00 11,416.02 6.426.80 75.00 20 _ 770.1'''' 9.456.39 R,5h() 115 ---$-00 c:c:A ,;:: 12.150.00 11.047.41 8.560.~ 00 16 832.18 .00 ..400.00 ..QQ. '2 f'V'\f"I fV'\ <;<;8 00 ..400..00 8.150.00 2.524.07 .00 .00 .00 2.Q52.64 f'i,03h 31'\ ()() 55B~ 1 h .00 1 ,In 'h In g" (\-:l 11.490.~5 5.55h hCl --ll6..i:l1 ' ht:;7 7A 8ECETPTS Aim EEGTFNnrG BALANCE ~T'1'Y TREASURER BTAI,n:r:R .TO!, 1 d rrpl"\t. ThnC'i'i:1p fuxp~ ~al)P'1t. 'T\]vPC:: ~a~s .J&.os ,.A7Cl (\1 'l'E!A Sale of Corr~odities ~nnt:rinllt:innc: r'u Emplovp~c J.lQ. l3.Q. 240 ill 041 10,733.98 22,150.00 22.150.00 1:::>,103 hl 21,650.00 ~ 21,650.00 12,518.61 23,566.02 12,150.00 11,416.02 4.576.71 7.041.on ]0 3Qo.08 21.880.4~ lCl,i'l33 Cl:::> 1l.047,41 TOTAL REC":IPTS 'T'()'T'~ T. ]<t;'("t;'TP'1'<:: ~ em f\1C .........,...TT1\r,.-, 'P.f1T f1loTf'l1;l ILess "X;>f>nd; tll''"e, rTn.e~f"'''~-;''''~''''eci r'::l:.~n MB.' ~'l""\"":::' no.... ~1 ~t. 63 pdnsion 5 Policemen 6.426.80 128. 54 2,222.34 0.1354 R, 5h() 1L5 171 ?l 8.7<1.66 0_1012 Q "'7"'>' 5,5:::>9 :::>h 11Cl 59 4ill..&i 0..l3.J..4 'f>t '['p.y RPG.' Del i n~lf>nt ""'-l< I'a:L.Dollal:s- rax Leyy Mills CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ HEALTH PUBUC Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Manager's Recom. mendation J.958... Budget Request 19<;7 Current Budget t51 Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate -5.1.- Months ~ Actual _.4 Months l2.26. Actual Previous Year Page ] Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Account County Board c+.f' ""'_ ~ t.vl EXPE~I!2IT!.JEl:& . 15.398.00 15.398.00 lP. 7e;(\ ()() 11'L 7c:;0.ool 18.750:"00 7'i0.00 18 18.7'i0.00 18.7'iO.00 ()O ()() 21.0~4.71 21.0~4.71 TOTAL 'EXPENDITURES: 210 352.40 13.488.74 .00 1.556.86 7b 16.017.30 .00 ? l?'l $. ()()! 600 ~ ~.017.30 .00 2.~ 129.<;9 ~ ~ ~ 129. <;9 4 l' ?0<.36- ()() ? ,?< $. 00 21~46'4 hM ()() RECEIPTS MID BEGllINING BAlANCE CITY TREASURY BAIANCE JANUARY 1st ~~ Current Tangible Delinquent Taxes Sales Tax M;~t"'Pl'~n~I""I"~ Taxes no UQ 240 7'U 15.045.60 15,398.00 15. 3ge ;'00 ~ ~8.7'i0.OO 18,270.83 19.102.40 , A .TIQ...QQ <'52.40 4..853. <;< 1. u17..() :'1, El48. ?ElI 21.848.28 21.~ R'll,C:;71 TOT.<\L RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGnmING BAlAL'lCE Less Expendit.1Ires ~~ncumterF"n r.~s}, RA1 np" .1"t. 6/ 61 Public Health 13,488.74 269.77 1~51 0.2841 ~ () .C:;77 ~ (\ <;1VV1 Net Tax Requ Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levv Mi 1 1" CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ AND INTEREST BOND Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation lq58 Budget Request .l95.1. Current Budget 195I Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estiqlate ..J.L- Months J,25.1 Actual --1L- Months 1222 Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account 164.000.00 19.00;.19 80.;77.72 179,094.09 a.8;1.27 23,772.13 111.100.99 22..4,6.46 1! 6 106.89 ,~ ~O.~ 000.00 ;0 134,()()oool 1 OJ 515 err h9JR9o 44 140.785.17 h,l1'\7 95 13,3h4 55 73,385.84 81,lh1 41 8,803 48 hJ717 57 700 00 ':I (\ (\()(\ ()() 1,4.000.00 16.000.15 69,890. ;4 140.785.27 10.208.01 26.595.1; 1'l,;85.84 81.161. 41 10.770.58 7.~ 7,<; ..1!L ~OO 57.000.00 10.425.<;5 47.008.06 95.691.94 4,997.J 3 li.()Ol... 7;.i85.84,1 77 .000.00 5,574.60 22.882.28 45.09,.33 5;?1(l RP. ,., C:1"\"..80.. .00.. ()() 121.000.00 11,hRI'\ 31'1 1'10 ??O ?4 . 117.r1h? <;4 EXP":':'TDITURES: General Bond Princiua1 ~l ~ond Tntorp~t rllr'n r;uttp't" 8, P?ving Prin. (r.;t.y''') G~tter ~aying Prin. (Prl"\n. ',,) 6, i69.0; 4,195.85 C:;07 .3!r.. .()() 4,4m 55 ':1,358 31'1 ':l':lA Jill.. N'I 7,"() 11 15 :'33 77 62.5,4.14 74,465.flt) o AhL. L.() Curo Sewer Se'..rer Sewer Bond Interest (Citv's Share) Se~{er Bond IntITest (Houertv Owner's Sha,.Jp) Fiscal Age~ nn R.- P,,~t..q,q:p ~'h.C'~ isce11aneQJ,lS. (I'i~ Prnn . " ) C;'lt.t.pr p, P"ving Tnt C;utter p., Pav;n". Tnt. Curb r,1,....~ L Bond Principal (Citv's) Bond PrincipQ1 (Prnn',,) 7 .189..J.6.. ..62tL2J. :::>nl c::c: 601 .QQl 2Qs. 9!IL ~ 511 513 515 617 619 6~1 Acc't. No. Bond and.J=nterjeJ=L {'/~I:.. C:;71.,..Q~ ':ll. I C:'7C:: C:" ),ll. I 7,1.348.00 '77 ?c:;.,:::>O I .,n., ll..,., ~ 1LF\7 '7I"\Q .,.: TOTilL CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year..l958- INTEREST BOND AND Fund Function Department Submitted By Date CO....Ol..IO..TI[O'...l.I.. Final Budget Allowance .J.25.a Budget Request J.951. Current Budget - ~ Total '7 CURRENT YEAR 8 Estiqtate _Months 1957 Actual -LMonths ~ Actual Previous Year Page 2 Acc't. No. Manager's Recom- mendation 70,988.75 400,709.25 1,500.00 257,650.00 .00 00 00 00 77,610.73 274.890.75 1 . c:oo 00 oon nc:(\ ~ 84,m 284,890 34 .75 500.00 2QO,630.50 ~ 965 .00 .00 311.84 81; 052 56 500.00 74,017.87 .00 .00 .00 .00 ~ ----.00. 186 ..6l2....63.. --DO.. ol':c: (\n ffi ':I" All 65,602.21 :::> 19"\ ? .1<7<; Account RECEIPTS ~WD BEGINNING BALANCE CITI TREASURER BALAlICE JAN. 1st ("llrrp.-.t i"p.qng"ihlp I'f1$lVj::)t:: T'lol-t t"l,.."on+ ~voc. ..Tax. ~mo~ ..QlJ 'RClDJis...... Sn 1 n P._~c1 Mi ~f'pl \0.1"\11<: C'lrr~nt P,peci Fll nO~t"l+ ~po~;~' ....,...110,,1 ~~"'IP('\i .!:ll 660,359.25 731,348.00 7311348.00 497,900 75 575,511.48 "7,,.,,11 ILP. 2.57,298.09 642.075 . !!3. 68 75 571,086 70,988 155.570.4"\ 506,.973.49:.~1 7?7hh 572,<;7S.70 487,7911 311 84.777.,4 'T'ON T. R,r<'TP'CC; ~O~AT. R<'rFTP'CC; Arm RF.r.TN~TNr. RATANrF. ...Le..s.~ ~""''''''''~r..d; t1Jre~ TT,.,,o <:)1'1 r.;:u:~h ,..,-, Dp(" _ ~lst, .::' 6:1 / ~ond and Interest :::>1'\(),3M 57 408~ 44 h 1':10e; 8.4"\94 ?59.0:::>1 :::>h 5,180 43 '.:>h!L,..2QL..6.o ::::; , t:;7' "Jet 'T'ax "Rt= i..J:.emo:::r.n+ 1)" 11 nquent ""'-Y '1'ax Dollars rr.;.lV Tpvv M'i" c: .llO.. -4D- J.5.Q.. .16.0. .6.3.Q. .l3l Q?O Fund______~__ ~_ Fu:.ct:on _._____ Department__ Submitted By: Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ SPECIAL n.lPROIfEMENT GEN1:,nAL AIm u.,,, -'-'1')' I""" ~ . ~- Acc't. I Actual 1'1'i7 CURRENT YEAR 10C;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ---8- Estil11ate Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 1CYV"';':)T'TTi";","O Pu~cna3e 01:"" land N'I (\(\ .00 .00 (\(\ .00 T ~1;.,....?~" .()() .00 .00 .00 (\(\ .00 I Sewers ()(' ()() .00 .00 ()(' .00 I ,~ ". 4-:\."0000 .00 .00 .00 h':l C:"" N'I 45.000.00 -,. .....t2"'t '-"'r~'~""'l.n"':' ~~~.J.'-.... ~--, I- I TOTAL 4'\ <;00.00 00 L. ':I C;(\(\ "" 4<; .000.00 REr:;:TpTS A7'D ""r1T'''';T';r; "^T.^FN' CITY TR<-:ASU2E" PA1.I\?JC" .TA~l l"t. 21.062.72 l,".\6Q.82 551.80 618.02 J.10 Current Tan~ible Taxp" ?? Ac;C:~<;7 '\0.047.rR 12.6'i1.12 42 6'18.20 1,0 ':::"A 01"1 44.2~1.98 ..J':I(1 n",1i>:n1Jo"t Tpv"o 0<;1 ';';1 (1() 'i0.00 'i0.00 -:>C;(\ N'I 1<;0.00 21,0 Sa]"" Ta,.- (\(\ (\(\ .00 .00 (\(\ .00 TOTAL RECEIPTS ?<.8Cf7.10 ,0.047,(\0, 12,701.12 42.748.20 h-:> ohA '>(\ 44 381. 98 ffi'T'AT, "R"7T't>'T'C AIm .1 44 PJ::o Ao 44 118.02 4~.500.00 45.000.00 Less "XTIendit."rF"- L. ':I " "" "" 4,. 'i00.00 4 ., " "" "" 45.000.00 TT~o I'p,,'" "~l"~A_ n"" ';11,,+ ~,~6q.82 618.02 tJ"t '1'''v Ron,,; ~","ent ??7<o,oA 1.0 l':oA 01"1 44,231.98 ""l;nn",,~t L.<;IL 71'\ p.c:~ Oh 884.64 '1'<>v n"lh~" -:>';1 10~ Ah ),., c:c:o ,.: 45.n6.62 'fuv T",,,. ',<<110 0.<;40" () O<;<h 0.9~13 Gen1.& Specia Impr. 61 ~} -- 1 __ P.gc ~ ~ ---....- ,,-,-. ..-..J .. ,/ ,. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ -. .' L ~ . r ~ " ~ Fund _ Function _ Department Submitted By Date INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT .. -D- ..7.J'-' ..7 J I .47JV Acc't. A~l 10<;7 CURRENT YEAR 10e;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual -1L- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ..JLMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 1Q'i Other in,.,,,' "nn ~,..,p"i,,1 ()() "" (\(\ (\(\ .~ .00 Miscellaneous 00 "" .00 .00 11 oc:;4. R~: 11.0c:;4,<2 TOTAL ()() "" .00 .00 11 "c:L .,-;, 11.054.,2 RECEIPTS AND 1 CITY TREASURER BALANCE JAN 1st. " .nc:;4. <? 11.0'i4. ~ 11,054.3~ 11 054.32 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGTNNrnn ~.. 'u~ " ,,<:I, .,,, 11 0c:;4. ~ 11 054.,~ 11.054.,2 LEss ExPenditures XK'/-.. 11.054.~ 11.054.32 Unencumbered Cash Ba1",.,,,p T'\p~ ':11,,+ " 1'\<:1. .,,, ".oc:;4. ,~ II..... ial deve1o'J:::1ent Q,.J ~ 1 Page ... . ..., .... -. ., ..., :.'rJ ~' .. ,_.---~ It.:_ ,'. J -, .. ~,"...~.._ __.,.-.-< """-""IofI. '" ,. L _,J ~~:-"--"':}+ ".,. r,;~'"'''' If -, ... ,.!......'..~ . - - - - WATER DEPAR'IMENT - - - - Page 1 I '0' ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year..l95L ~ ~ Acc't. Actual 1957 CURRENT YEAR -ioc:;7' Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual R Estiqlate Recom- Budget No, PR . Year 1L-Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance Repair Well !)mnns 1 <00.40 .00 1 000.00 ' fVV\ tv'I 1.000.00 1.000.00 .' ReP8.ir Electric Eauinnent ,.7Q8.1O 271.45 q.728.<;<; 4.000.00 5.000.00 4 000.00 Power 7.009.06 91'.1<; ,.086.8<; 4.000.00 7.000.00 5.000.00 Power- River Pumn ,02.00 004.12 2.nac:;.88 <.000.00 .00 4 000.00 Well House Sill:nals 44,.00 220.<;0 419.50 700.00 400 .00 700.00 Pumo Station Labor n. ,04.<;0 4.<;14.6<; 0.48c:;.<c:; 14 /'VV).OO 14.000.00 1<;.000.00 Electric Power 1<;.168.82 ,.06<;.79 ll.9,4.21 1<;.000.00 1<;,000.00 16 000.00 Fuel 46<;.04 202.67 107. << 400.00 200 .00 500.00 Station Ooeratinll: SupPlies 162.26 .00 <;00.00 <;00.00 4 000.00 q.OOO.OO Repair Electric Equi-pment 1 <61. 02 .00 2 000.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 3.000.00 Repair Station BuildilUl: and Grounds 1. 771.14 21. << 728.67 7C:;0.00 750.00 1.000.00 Chemicals 2.0<<.06 .()() .()() .00 '1.<;00.00 .00 '!'OrAL 47,<nR.<0 10.11<.66 <C:;,2<6.:<4 4<;.<<;0,00 52 8<;0.00 <;,.200.00 Treatment Plant : Labor 28 214.2<; 10.7<;4.7<; 10.24<;.2<; ,0.000.00 ~.OOO.OO 32.000.00 Electric Service o , n", ),(\ , 1?h ILP. ';I.?7<.C:;? h fVV\ I'V\ q.ooo.oo 4.000.00 Gas Service <.7C:;0.?? ] ,60<; .04 <.804.cl6 <;.<;00.00 5.500.00 6.000.00 BuildiOll OoneratiOll SUnnlies 1 7?O.nP. ?4c:;.?':I 1 7c:;4.77 2 000.00 2.000.00 2 000.00 Chemicals ]12.240.07 20 .78o.C:;7 87.710.4, 108.<;00.00 10<;.000.00 llO.OOO .00 ReP8.ir Buildinll:s .00 2<0.80 760.ll 1 000.00 .00 1.000.00 Renair Electrical "" 1 <?O.m 68<;40 ?<14,6o ., fVV\ tv'I <;,000.00 ,.000.00 TOTAL 11L0.4h4.0< <C:;.O<7.<h 118 .Oh? .h4 1c:;4.000.00 150.500.00 158 000.00 , Distrubuttnn : Salaries <.720.00 ' "l:tr. "" ., ~~~ ~" 4 c:;on.oo .4,500.00 15,000.00 I lAAt",. TAn",. I, ,::"" "" , ,:,1'\ ~~ o .,Q(\ (\(\ I. f'\f'\f'\ "" I, f'\f'\f'\ "" 4, <;00.00 Ilh>t...,. L. 7P. 00 lRh ':In , .()h';l. 7() . , oe;n tv'I 1 250.00 1.500.00 iR",.,air :::>:::>.104,hC:; A .l!l9.J..,?4 '4 =8.7h :::>:::>c:;oo.oo 20 000.00 21.000.00 1/ C .? 8 . " ~ . ~ .... . '~1 .... '" CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -1S5B- ~ . .. , r \. " l ''';AT'~ DEPA."t'll-SNT ,~ w- .' ~ "' Fund Function Department Submitted By Date_ Acc't, No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 1958 Budget Request 2.000.00 4.000.00 40.000.00 1951.. Current Budget 2,000.00 ,.600.00 ,'1.,<;0.00 l25L Total 2,000.00 ,.600.00 ,7.a'10.OO CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate --!.L Months L.<;01"l? 000.00 4,1. 48 .l .? 24 122j Actual ..!i- Months ~ 1.600.00 13.418.52 1956 Actual Previous Year 2.142.0, 4.800.00 ,7.80C:;.67 Continued ? Account Distribution of Expenses Expense ~irs TorAL Page Truck ~ter 7.000.00 8.000.00 10.000,00 10.000.00 7.500.00 21. 000.00 12.000.00 1.500.00 5.500.00 2.500.00 --3.JlQQ.. QQ.. 2. <;00,00 400 .00 ,7.500.00 10.000.00 1,500.00 ,0,000.00 10.ooo~00 5,090.00 14.157.03 8.42i.40 950.00 4.05,.28 1.804.66 2.600.00 1.700.00 -2la.. 'll. 2<;.500 .00 6,664.00 843.47 20.000.00 10.000,00 2.410.00 .6.842.97 ,.576.60 550.00 1.446.72 695.,4 400 .00 800 .00 187.27 12.000.00 ,.,,6.00 656.53 , (\ """..QQ... ,00 7,080.00 19.073.82 10.744.21 1,364.00 5.648.87 2.215.60 1.400~00 2.3~.9<; 1i6.81 39,.~ 10.000.00 844.64 24, hm..QQ.. .00 Salaries Office Salaries ~ter Readers Salaries Traveling Expense Office Supplies Of'f' Social Security Insurance Printinp; Sales Tax Interest Exoense Property Taxes Accounts Char~~d Depreciation Miscellaneous GENSRAL EXPENSE Supt. and Engr ,/~ j ;' J.47.900.00 382,100.00 I .,Ao,/VI /VI I ,qq.l00~OO 14'1.400.00 QOO ~ 00 144 10J..998.57 101,470.07 1"Qr.':'>n ()':I 4, 42. om 8,8.'>0 i5<;.507.40 120 TorAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES ". .. _ Page 3 .I.~"'O .1.'1') f .1.'1')0 .._~_.....~. .......-.....- Ace't. Actual N<;7 CURRENT YEAR 10e;7 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual -B- EstiI11ate Recom- Budget No. Year ---1LMonths Months Total Bud&et Request mendation Allowance RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES: Ci tv 'l'reasurv 'R<l1 Me" 1 ,,~ e:t:.'7 I,ll." ~!:I ~ ""00 o~ , I." ll.ll." '::ll. 1'" ,,= ll." , t\onds TSS1lpn ..nn ~1 n """ fVV\ "" /'\I"l ()() "" ()() ()() anA , h.,';I hP. A e; (\(\ 1 0' e: (\(\ " """ "" " """ "" '" """ "" Water Revenue 48,.Q,Q.6"i 121. 78Q .87 ,O,.2~O.1' 4?C:; ()()() . rv'l I, "e: fVV\ "" 4 ,<; fVV\ "" ~. ",e: "'he: A., " ,::,,1, ", e: .,ILe: '7n ,,, """ "^ ')n, rv'l(\ (\(\ , 1'\ """ "" TarAL RECETlYT'S urn lldT. , 'Y7A "'11 . AL. ~,:::" ~ l:te: e:,,~ All.'" hP. l;<;oc:;AARe; i.FoSS '''5.C:;()7.L.o .,ll." , "" "" ';IA., 1 ()() rv'l ';100 1 rv'l rv'l CASH "AT ^M""" n.." <1,,~ """ '7")'. <"i . ~o~.".oo 0". ",), ~'" hP. ,~ hAA Ae: Tpss Canital ~e hoe: (\1e:.c:;() ,."" """ "" , "" """ "" , "" """ "" .-."-- ~ss """ fVV\ "" ()() ,()() "" .m "" , CASH nJ;'(".';I1 st ='7 ~.8<; "" e:= !:I" 114 ?Po? t:.A 60.488.8<; . . I I :, . --. . . ~..j ~. ./ ,. .. . ., ., ~ D .. t OW" CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year~ ~ ~ ... . " . WATER DEPAR'lMENT r"'" '. ......' .,,'. .. . Fund Function Department Submitted By Date