Budget - 1971 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page Letter of Transmittal ------------------------- i 1970 Tax Levy for 1971 Budget ----------------- 1 Determination of Maximum Operating Expense Budget for 1971 ----------------------------- 2 Amounts Budgeted for Operating Expense for 1971 ------------------------------------ 3 Determination of Aggregate Tax Levy Limita- tion for 1970 ------------------------------- 4 Amounts Levied Within Aggregate Levy Limita- tion for the year 1970 ---------------------- 5 Re-cap of 1969 and 1970 Real Estate Assessments 6 Revenue - General Operating Fund (Summary) ---- 7 Licenses, Fees and Permits ---------- 9 Expenditures - General Operating Fund (Summary) 10 Tax Levy Summary for General Operating Fund --- 11 Expenditures - All Funds (Summary) ------------ 12 GENERAL OPERATING FUND (Detail-Fund Summary-Commentary-Personnel Data) City commission ------------------------------- 13 City Manager ---------------------------------- 15 City Clerk ------------------------------------ 18 City Attorney --------------------------------- 21 Municipal Court ------------------------------- 24 City Building 27 City Engineer 30 Page Fire ------------------------------------------ 33 Inspection ------------------------------------ 37 Park ------------------------------------------ 40 Police ---------------------------------------- 44 Street ---------------------------------------- 48 Waste Disposal -------------------------------- 52 Street Lighting ------------------------------- 55 Traffic Control ------------------------------- 57 Swimming Pools -------------------------------- 60 Administration and Planning ------------------- 63 Insurance and Contingencies ------------------- 66 Band ------------------------------------------ 68 Cemetery -------------------------------------- 70 General Improvement --------------------------- 73 Memorial Hall --------------------------------- 76 Public Health --------------------------------- 79 Industrial Development ------------------------ 81 OTHER FUNDS Noxious Weeds Expenditures ----------------------------- 83 Revenue ---------------------------------- 83 Firemen's Pension Expenditures ----------------------------- 85 Revenue ---------------------------------- 85 Policemen's Pension Expenditures ----------------------------- 87 Revenue ---------------------------------- 87 Tree Maintenance Expenditures ----------------------------- 89 Revenue ---------------------------------- 89 Page Bond and Interest Expenditures ----------------------------- 91 Revenue ---------------------------------- 91 Flood Works and Levee Expenditures ----------------------------- 93 Revenue ---------------------------------- 94 Social Security Expenditures ----------------------------- 97 Revenue ---------------------------------- 97 Employees Retirement Expenditures ----------------------------- 99 Revenue ---------------------------------- 99 Sanitation Expenditures ----------------------------- 101 Revenue ---------------------------------- 102 Parking Meters Expenditures ----------------------------- 105 Revenue ---------------------------------- 106 Special Gasoline Tax Expenditures ----------------------------- 109 Revenue ---------------------------------- 110 Golf Course Expenditures ----------------------------- 113 Revenue ---------------------------------- 114 Water and Sewerage Expenditures ----------------------------- 117 Revenue ---------------------------------- 120 General and Special Improvements -------------- 125 Central Garage -------------------------------- 126 . WluuftU~;{"~=tP;'~it and 'ilia; ,). ,. )' 'I COMMISSIONERS NORRIS D. OLSON CITY MANAGER AREA CODE 913 823-2277 CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 ROBERT C, CALDWELL, MAYOR LEON L. ASHTON CARL R. RUNDQUIST DONALD D. MILLIKAN WILLIAM W. YOST July 15, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Salina, Kansas Gentlemen: Pursuant to the statutes of the State of Kansas and the Ordinances of the City of Salina, this proposed budget for 1971 is being submitted for your consideration and review. The document represents a plan for the many municipal operations to illustrate in financial terms the achievements of the previous year, the efforts of the present year, and the proposed accomplishments for the coming year. It is the result of the best thinking of the City's administrative staff. It is not a license to spend but a blue print for the future. We submit the document as being realistic and accurate. The budgeting process as prescribed under the 105% tax lid (imposed by the 1970 State Legislature) initially appeared destined to become "an exercise in futility". We are pleased to report, however, that we were able to accomplish the mission with a net levy increase of only .28 of a mill. (30.75 in 1969 and 31.03 in 1970) Our arithmetic takes into account the 10% reduction in assessed valuations of Real Estate recently authorized by the Saline County Commissioners (see page 6). If the assessed valu- ation of your property did not change during re-appraisal, your out-of-pocket tax dollar to support all municipal functions should be reduced by $2.82 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation. As an example, for every $1,000.00 of 1969 assessed valuation times 30.75 mills, your out-of-pocket expenditures would equal $30.75. If this same property were then reduced in valuation to $900.00 for 1970 tax purposes times 31.03 mills, your out-of-pocket expenditure would be $27.93. Pages 2 and 3 represents the arithmetic to determine the budget lid for 1971 by fund and dollar amount. Pages 4 and 5 provides the tax dollar limitations applicable to these funds. Salina continues to occupy an enviable position among cities as we annually relate her growth in assessed valuation of new construction and added personal property. During the past four years this growth has totaled $6,433,109.00. f.'l. I, F/' MllN If)^I_ITllC~_'; u hi>,'! jUI~/\I_ I_l"/\C;UL Or'" Illt-~L REVENUES Revenue sources for 1971 remain the same as for the current year. The adjusted amounts for the current year, after reviewing them with to-date experience, show a modest increase over the estimates submitted to you one year ago. Principal adjustments were made in the Special Gas Tax Transfer account (made possible by a recent Attorney General's ruling), the Saline County reimbursements for: night dispatching service provided the sheriff's department and use of the city land fill, plus an estimated modest return from the recent tax foreclosure sale. Revenue estimates for 1971 have been considered as carefully as possible. They should generally approximate the adjusted figures for the current year. The increase in tangible taxes will be absorbed by the new growth within the community. State collected- locally shared taxes (cigarette, liquor and sales tax) are estimated to be increased approximately $18,000.00. Remittance for fire protection to Rural Fire District #4 will commence next year. EXPENDITURES The proposed expenditures for all funds for 1971 exceeds those for the current year by $161,154.00. Of this amount, $106,900.00 is related to the General Operating Budget. The major portion of these increases are reflected in the 6.1% cost- of-living increase (based on the Central Region, U. S. Department of Labor Index) together with the normal merit increases that will become effective throughout 1971. Salary and Fringe Benefit Surveys recently completed by the State of Kansas and the Kansas League of Municipalities dramatically illustrates that municipal salaries continue to lose ground in their effort to remain competitive with private enterprise as well as the more removed governmental and quasi-governmental agencies. Such is generally true throughout the State of Kansas and particularly true of Salina, regardless of job classification. The proposed budget does not call for any additional employees for 1971. It does call for the re-classification of six positions within the fire and police departments to that of Public Safety Officers. As you are aware, this change will be an attempt to provide the community with the highest level of public safety possible within these two departments. Our objective is to provide a quicker response and action to emergency situations that may involve either or both departments. Government must always remain available to change from the conventional, if public services are to be improved. An increased emphasis has been placed on street maintenance as a result of the increased gas tax revenue received from the State. In addition to being able to provide more resurfacing throughout the city than ever before, we have this year initiated a crack sealing program that should be able to be continued for probably 8 months of the year, depending on weather. ii This budget does reflect a reduction in school crossing guards from 44 to 22, effective September of this year. This program is one that has been questioned on many occasions in the past. The merits of the program are not denied, but the question of level of service and priority for the tax dollar, are of concern. Of the 34 cities in Kansas having over 10,000 population, only Kansas City, Kansas with 30 crossing guards approximate the number employed in Salina. Of the remaining cities, one employs 11, one employs 9, three employ 7 and thirteen employ 1 to 6 crossing guards. Thirteen of the 34 cities do not participate in a school crossing guard program. Although we have been able to prepare this document within the limits of the 105% budget and property tax lid, with but very minor problems, it appears the task may be much more difficult in subsequent years. We appreciate the past efforts of the State Legislature to provide property tax relief but we have seen little results. Our plea to the next governor as well as to both the federal and state legislatures remains the same as it has been in previous years -- let's "get with the program" and develop some meaningful "tax reform" or revenue sharing legislation. Certainly the cities are entitled to more than a token return of those revenues directly relating to community economics (the sales and income tax). Land ownership has for years been an obsolete criteria on which to base one's ability to pay for the conventional, local governmental services. Again I must compliment and thank the Department Heads for their fine work in preparing their budget estimates. Special recognition is also given to Director of Administration, Bill Harris and City Clerk, Don Harrison for the many hours they devoted to the review and preparation of this document. It was a difficult job, well done. Respectfully submitted, ~ Norris D. Olson NDO:mk iii 970 Tax Levy for 97 Budget September 21 970 1970 Levy Net Ad Fund Ad Sales Valorem Total Levy Valorem Tax Levy Ad Valorem 1969 Sales Tax Limi t Tax Mills Mi II s Mi II s Tax Dollars Levy 58,870.70 Genera Operating 20.0000 19.2719 0.9097 18.3622 1,138,577 .51 17,0065 331.74 Noxious Weeds 1.0000 0.0807 0.0051 0.0756 4,689,31 0,0953 1,065.66 Flood Works & Levee 1.0000 0.3195 0.0165 0.3030 18,792,80 0,3062 448.68 Tree Maintenance 1.0000 0,1645 0,0069 0.1576 9,776.80 0,1289 SUB-TOTAL 18.8984 1,171,836.42 17.5369 2,227,36 Firemen's Pension 2,0000 0.8272 0.0344 0,7928 49, 171 .26 0,6399 977 .78 Policemen's Pension 2.0000 0.4693 0.0151 0.4542 28, I 72 . 29 0.2809 2,026,86 Social Security None 0.5529 0.0313 0.5216 32,353.97 0.5823 1,431.65 Public Employees' Retirement None 0.5256 0.0221 0.5035 31,230.64 0.4113 67,380.43 1,0411 Bond and Interest 10.9999 682,096,76 11,2987 Bond and Interest - No-Fund Warrants 0.2096 13,000.00 TOTAL 32.3800 2,007,861,34 30.7500 Amended by State Tax Appeal Board Tangible Valuation (City of Salina Minus Airport Industrial Area) 62,020,110,00 Tangible Valuation for Airport Industrial Area (Levy @ 12.75 mills) 811.885,00 TOTAL VALUATION 62.83 995,00 Population Pre minary Count of 970 Federa Census City 37,095 Population Pre minary Count of 970 Federa Census County 45,911 ....... CITY 8 5 OR NO. FOR~v1 BUDGET OF A PART BE tvlJl.C E TO 97 OPERATING EXPENSE BUDGET FOR OF MAXIMUM NATION DETER!vl 5.632.600.00 s 970 or i purposos for a res u 8xpcndit 01' budged- Toh'l 86.639.72 s memorandum Attorney Genera of -C horlzed by aUT Amount 2. 3. 4 72 5.719.239 $ rle 2 us p no S--l4 for purposes were budgoted which bonds . . . . . temporzry notes eres-r therE:on ni" thoreon. 969 Supp and Interest unde. :<.S.A iJsscssmeni-s flnds Judgments R~3117 due . . 768 . 2- . . . 2.-1757 to .. . 3-14, .00. . . ons under K.S.A. ne amounts nCluded n cperatlns oxpenses and interest on and interest on \'/QiTants znd ng 'Om f Princ pa Pr ir,c pa No-fund fa 0\'1 uded . . .S.A pens To'~a Less cxc a. b. c. d. c. .. I 9 h . . . . 3-14a02 bu non-ta> funds . ut ty as tang or aid must . . . 79-4967 fund . A. ng . supporTed . S d . K . . . rament under . fbt onS spCCla o'i-Inr -' I - None None . . . funds O.L 1 f . 20 . . oca . 0- . . dai- n K b e p.operty except to extent budgeted by aw) S.A. taxes . ned from grants projects f.:dora Oilned no revenue federa sted y rens L I rom f :- oa'j from c pa V0S Pub and mprovemcnts mprovemcnts mprovements of from y ass mun der f.l -ty nanced federa on ut Programs f share of SpCCIQ . Pension under K Pol ice and f remen's Socio S0cur ty . . . . ic Em;:> I aye cs fjremen's (\ansas Po Ca CD Ca Op co i-lita p:tn rita crat such j '" k i . m. n. o. NQ.!!g 360.00 900.00 865.:.~ 66 lOl l78 be Golf Course Parkin~ter .fu!E.i:tation q r s S--.l.t27b865.00 --1...-lli , :31 4. n $- deductions Tota ne 4) nus no 3 m 970. for budDot expense n~1 ,-:>peraT 7 o~~. d 5 o N am()iJn'~s 8. 205i other fund 4 and . or 50r;18 a tom 825 dedl/c'r Ion te H.B. ho genera n jde oS a 5 oT compos tems within nc 79-44 no 97 and as 05,:& budge~- for r. 79-4/i-08 tunds or x ne 5 n9 expens0 enumerated n separate ( 97 for mum operat purposes budgeted budget max the \'/8re ense n determining the bud9~ted for any of whether such amounts p ng ex MaXimum o[ierat NeTt: $ 2,244.905.00 .00 .00 6,500.00 ::'1} ORO 00 10 . 745 . 00 282,592.27 $,2.567.822.27 w CiTY AMOUNTS BUDGETED FOR OPERATiNG EXPENSE FOR 971 Genera operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L i brei'/_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'';U n i c i po I band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noxious Weeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flood Works & Levee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- Tree Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Gasoline Tax -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tota amouni' budgeted {'or operat ing expense for 97 (cannot exceed ne 6, page I ) . . "" ~ -roo,.! l:..LLl.. DETERMINATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR 970 To'ra ~'an9 i b I e taxes eVled for the base year fer al I purposes . . . . . . . ~ (frcm county clerks tax roll as may be adjusted, i<.S.t.. 79-io03) 2. Less amau il';-S incluC:ed in Ilne ( levied for purposes excluded by law from 3g9r093to levy I imitation: C1. FO..':5 and j n-;~crest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $. b. .~. ~ lcmperary no,os . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. No-fund warrants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None d. Judgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None e. Rent dUG under K.S.A. 1969 Supp. 12-1757 to 12-1768 . . . . . . . . . . None f. Special assessments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not__inc hIded in_ County Clerk's 9. Pension funds und8r K.S.A. 13-14,100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Certificate h. Pol iCG and firemcn1s pensicns under K.S.A. 13-!4302 . . . . . . . . . . r. Social seLJrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. K~nsas Publ ie Employees Retirement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k. Pol ice and firemen's pension under K.S.A. 79-4967 . . . . . . . . . . . I. Airport A~thority-Schillin~ Sub-division ~nde~ K.S.A..2l-312 to.27-12Q . m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total deductions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ..-aGO, 699.45 3. Total amount levied for base year for purposes within aggregate levy limit. (I ine 1 minus line 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---L.129,487.84 4. Assessod tangible valuation for the year 1969. . i . . !S~e.Att~c~eq~~temenG) 62.375.677.00 - 5. Rate necessary to produce amount on I ino 3. (line 3 divided by li;'lo 4) . 18.1078 ,- Assessed valuation Tor 1970 of new improvements to roal estate and added o. personal property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,338,.6~3.00 7. Increase in aggregate i 8VY I im i1' for new . , ,J.. estate and improvemenTs .0 rea added personal property. (line 6 x ne 5) . . . . ~.l}48 .58 8. Aggregate ovy mitation for 970. ( ne 3 plus no 7 $ 1.171. 836.42 +:- -- ~ ~ $ 1, l1R,511-5.l_ __-!..QL .00 _~689.31 18.792.80 9 776.80 $ 1.171.836.42 V1 c r['c ADJUSTMENT N AGGREGATE LEVY LlM1TATlON FOR TERRITORY ADDED OR EXCLUDED 9 TOTa assossed tangible valuation for 1970 before addition or exclusion of territory. . . . 0 Assessed tangible valuation for 1970 of territory added. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I Assessed tangible valuation for 1970 of territory excluded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '? Total assessed tangible valuation for 1970 after addition of territory. ( line 9 plus line 10 .... 3 Percentage of adjustment in aggregate levy 1 imitation for territory added or excluded. a. For territory added. e line to divided by line 12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. For territory excluded. ( line j I divided by line 9). . . . . . . . . . . . . . fro A~ount of adjustment in aggregate levy: imitation for territory added or excluded. ( I ina 8 x I in e 13a or 13b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Aggregate levy I imitation for 1970. (I ine 8 plus or minus line (4). . . . . . . . . /\MOUNTS LEV I ED I'll TH I N AGGREGATE LEVY L HJ. : TAT ION F OR THE YEAR 970 GC;1erai. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rv',unicipa: band . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noxious weed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flood Works & Levee - - . . . . Tree Maintenance . . . . - - - - . . . . - - . . . . -- - . . . . - - . . . . - - . . . . . - - . . . . - - . . . . - - . . . . TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cannot exceed no 8, page or ne 5 above RE-CAP OF 1969 and 1970 REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENTS AND APPRAISAL ACTIVITY TO DETERMINE "NEW IMPROVEMENTS TO REAL ESTATE AND ADDED PERSONAL PROPERTY" APPLICABLE TO 1970 LEVY 6 1969 Real Estate Assessed Valuation $44,986,040.00 Can be certified by (Before Re-appraisal) County Commissioners 1969 Real Estate Assessed Valuation $47,728,210.00 Can be certified by (After Re-appraisal) United Appraisal Company Increase of $ 2,742,170.00 County Commissioners cut United Appraisal Valuation by lO% Authorized by County $ 4,772,821.00 Commissioners Resolution Net Decrease in Assessed Valuation $ 2,030,651.00 1969 Real Estate Assessed Valuation by County Clerk Certificate $64,406,328.00 Less Difference in Re-appraisal and 10% Cut $ 2,030,651.00 $62,375,677.00 1970 Real Estate Assessed Valuation as per County Clerk $64,714,370.00 New Construction and added Personal Property $ 2,338,693.00 -- CITY OF SAL I NA, KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ] Actual Previous Year 1969 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 110A 120 130 140 210 220 230 240 260 310 410 440 511 512 521 522 523 524 541 610 70l 702 703 704 705 709 711 712 712A 713 714 717 719 720 721 723 725 727 731 732 810 917 Current Tangible Taxes Current Tangible Taxes-Airport Industria] Current Intangible Taxes Delinquent Tangible Taxes Delinquent Intangible Taxes State Cigarette Tax State Gasoline Tax State Liquor Enforcement Tax State Sales Tax State Highway Maintenance Licenses, Fees & Permits Municipal Court - Fines Franchise Taxes Office Space Rental Auditorium Rentals Rent - Buildings Concessions - Oakdale Park Concessions - Swimming Pool Concessions - Lakewood Park Memorial Park Stadium Interest from Investments Engineering Fees Impounding Fees Removal and Burial Fees Grave Marker Permits Title Transfer Fees Admissions - Swimming Pools Administrative Services - Other Departmen s Fire Protection Outside City Limits Fire Protection Outside City Limits- Schilling Manor Street Cut Repairs Concrete Sawing Upkeep Services Weed Cutting Services Plats & Rezoning Fees Sala of Commodities Sale of Ordinance Books Sale of Salvage Sale of Lots Miscellaneous Sales & Service Miscellaneous Services - County Sale of Real Estate Public Address System ANNUAL BUDGET l87,652.59 1,060,554.67 12,868.97 52,106.49 15,183.21 98.79 46,423.11 60,133.68 13,591.68 62,908.07 l2,046.48 68,843.36 127,989.21 1.90,235.51 360.00 2,167.50 60.00 37.71 257.77 2,899.66 100.00 13,864.91 35,000.00 3,298.00 6,086.00 96.00 15.00 12,202.82 18,019.27 3,691. 70 50,560.00 3,588.16 768.25 8.00 3,255.04 1,205.00 2,088.93 262.50 51. 76 2,710.50 2,396.29 2,220.00 .00 426.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTH8JT ------- Adjusted Current Budget 1970 174,333.80 1,078,420.19 9,600.00 53,000.00 20,000.00 2,200.00 53,000.00 27,440.00 13,800.00 48,865.00 12,000.00 57,735.00 140,000.00 215,000.00 360.00 2,500.00 .00 50.00 300.00 3,500.00 100.00 15,000.00 40,000.00 3,500.00 6,000.00 100.00 20.00 18,000.00 23,000.00 3,800.00 50,000.00 4,000.00 500.00 20.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 300.00 200.00 1,000.00 8,500.00 10,950.00 6,400.00 400.00 Page 7 Proposed Budget 1971 ------_._.~-~ , "------. 121,298.99 1,138,577 . 51 10,230.00 55,000.00 20,000.00 1,000.00 60,000.00 .00 14,500.00 58,870.70 12,000.00 57,620.00 140,000.00 215,000.00 360.00 2,500.00 .00 50.00 300.00 3,500.00 100.00 15,000.00 40,000.00 3,500.00 6,000.00 100.00 20.00 18,000.00 23,000.00 8,600.00 52,200.00 4,000.00 500.00 20.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 300.00 200.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 11 ,000. 00 1,000.00 400.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTHEffr '"--- ---- - C I TV OF SAL I NA KANSAS Page 8 , DETA I L -- - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Year Budget 1969 1970 - - . REVENUE - continued 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 18,100.76 8,000.00 953 Rewards .00 200.00 957 Transfer from Special Gasoline Tax Fund .00 139,210.00 TOTAL REVENUE 1,908,780.76 2,084,970.19 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 2,096,433.35 2,259,303.99 -- ANNUAL BUDGET -- --,,-- Proposed Budget 1971 -=----'==-1 I 8,000.00 200.00 130,457.80 2,123,606.01 2,244,905.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARn1ENT --".-----.-.-.----.- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL 9 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS 311 Cereal Malt Beverage 313 Retail Liquor Licenses 315 Wholesale Liquor Licenses 321 Amusement Device - Pinball & Etc. 323 Entertainment Licenses 327 Dances - Public 333 Music Machine Licenses 334 Miniature Pool Table & Shuffleboard 335 Pool Hall & Bowling Alley 338 Skating Rink Licenses 339 Theatre & Opera House 341 Auctioneer & Auction Sales 343 Billboard Advertising 345 Concrete Construction 347 Electrician Licenses 35l Gas Fitters Licenses 353 Tree Trimming & Spraying 357 Junk Dealers, Auto & Parts 359 Pawnbrokers 361 Plumbers Licenses 363 Taxicab Licenses 365 Taxicab Drivers Licenses 367 Street Advertising 369 Elevator Contractor Licenses 371 Mobile Home Court Licenses 375 Vendor, Peddler & Itinerant 377 Refuse Haulers Licenses 381 Building and Inspection Fees 383 House Moving Permits 391 Food & Milk Permits 393 Bail Bondsman Licenses 395 Merchant Police Licenses 399 Dog Licenses TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Page -..-.- < . '....~~,~~-- Actual Adjusted Previous Current Propose Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 , - .- 6,800.00 8,000.00 8,000. 8,100.00 8,700.00 8,700. 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500. 800.00 750.00 750. 375.00 410.00 410. 320.00 200.00 200. 922.50 920.00 920. 1,350.00 1,610.00 1,600. 630.00 630.00 630. 100.00 50.00 50. 300.00 300.00 300. 575.00 400.00 400. 305.00 205.00 205. 260.40 250.00 250. 935.30 755.00 750. 893.10 275.00 275. 215.00 250.00 250. 615.00 625.00 625. 300.00 300.00 300. 1,138.90 875.00 875. 365.00 425.00 425. 300.00 100.00 100. 54.00 50.00 50. 50.00 100.00 100. 1,153.00 1,500.00 1,500. 145.00 125.00 125. 922.00 1,200.00 l,OOO. 19,560.41 20,000.00 22,000. 13,981.00 2,000.00 2,000. 3,326.00 3,100.00 1,200. 25.00 30.00 30. 200.00 200.00 200. 1,326.75 900.00 900. 68,843.36 57,735.00 57,620. -- d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 __ GENF:RAT. OPF:RArTNG DEPARTMENT -- L NS '. - , DETA I L Page 10 Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 _.____v.. .-.---- EXPENDITURES City Commission - Personal Services 500.00 500.00 500.00 City Commission - Contractual Services 28,959.57 33,170.00 33,770.00 City Manager 34,504.69 27,145.00 27,010.00 City Clerk and Treasurer 79,453.29 79,940.00 88, 715. 00 City Attorney 17,889.30 18,985.00 19,750.00 Municipal Court 15,772.27 16,935.00 17,590.00 City Buildings 32,438.51 46,910.00 42,720.00 City Engineer 58,220.70 62,695.00 75,490.00 Fire Department 467,089.19 536,280.00 575,655.00 Inspection 37,255.46 43,350.00 47,685.00 Park 78,195.77 112,880.00 97,335.00 Police 488,543.57 529,395.00 576,020.00 Street 190,479.76 229,190.00 227,605.00 Waste Disposal 29,107.34 29,460.00 34,120.00 Street Lighting 79,066.69 80,500.00 82,500.00 Traffic Control 35,450.81 33,550.00 31,175.00 Swimming Pools 17,511.10 19,250.00 17,560.00 Administration and Planning 29,890.79 49,270.00 55,960.00 Insurance and Contingencies 85,773.49 66,305.00 70,170.00 Band 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Cemetery 20,674.28 20,685.00 21,110.00 General Improvement 16,121.79 23,655.00 25,555.00 Memorial Hall 7,937.34 10,105.00 9,060.00 Public Health 36,710.00 37,850.00 37,850.00 Industrial Development 24,553.84 20,000.00 20 000.00 TOTAL 1,922,099.55 2,138,005.00 2,244,905.00 I .- CITY OF SA INA KA AS ANNUAL BUDGET FUND __q~ERAL OPERAT~__ DEP/\lnNEtH C I TV OF SAL I N!\, KANSAS _.._._~--_.._--_. SUNW\RY Page 11 , '--- f-- - .._.,::::.:,.-:-.--_._---=. CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969_ Adj us ted CUl'rent Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 197L-__ PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAP ITAL OUTLAY 1,307,921.01 395,335.10 92,569.54 57,380.51 68.893.39 1,497,980.00 426,815.00 101,690.00 35,985.00 75,535.00 1,665,575.00 425,960.00 86,530.00 36,540.00 30,300.00 TOTAL EXPEND ITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 1,922,099.55 2,138,005.00 2,244,905.00 l87,652.59 174,333.80 l21,298.99 l.908.780.76 2,084,970.l9 2,123,606.01 2,096,433.35 2,259,303.99 2,244,905.00 1,922,099.55 2,138,005.00 2,244,905.00 174,333.80 l21,298.99 0.00 1,070,111.83 1,069,114.56 l,138,577.51 21,402.24 2l,382.29 .00 l,09l,5l4.07 1,090,496.85 1,l38,577.5l l7.582l 17.0075 17 . 5938 BEGINNING BALANCE January lst TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay ANNUAL BUDGET , CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES General Operating Noxious Weeds Firemen's Pension Policemen's Pension Tree Maintenance Bond and Interest Bond and Interest - No-Fund Warrants General and Special Improvement Flood Works and Levee Social Security Public Employees' Retirement Sanitation Service Parking Meters Special Gasoline Tax Golf Course Water and Sewerage TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1969 1,922,099.55 5,113.17 35,077.01 29,298.78 14,105.00 1,329,324.96 .00 45,705.34 20,238.37 104,300.98 84,236.58 169,642.34 72,866.30 .00 .00 1,275,200.35 5,107,208.73 ANNUAL BUDGET , FUND ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT Adjusted Current Budget 1970 2,138,005.00 6,500.00 45,890.00 28,750.00 10,7450.00 1,294,399.19 .00 .00 2l,845.00 118,320.00 96,900.00 181,505.00 102,775.00 329,139.27 24,630.00 1,309,370.00 5,708,773.46 Page 12 Proposed Budget 1971 2,244,905.00 6,500.00 79,080.00 53,750.00 10,745.00 1,229,330.00 13,000.00 .00 23,080.00 122,000.00 106,000.00 202,375.00 96,155.00 282,592.27 66,360.00 1,334,055.00 5,869,927.27 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMETn_ City _CoIE~{ssIo~__'_ --- CITY OF SALINA, KJ\NSAS DETA I L Page 13 _____ -r- ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 . 01----..-..---- - - ----.,------.---. Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 19 7Jl -=-~~c ~?,1 c:;..= PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries 500.00 500.00 500.00 TOTAL 500.00 500.00 500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses 211 Contributions 225 Legal Advertising 299 Other Contractual Services 299A Revision of Ordinances 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 4,741.12 5,000.00 5,000.00 12,620.00 14,670.00 14,670.00 3,405.08 4,500.00 4,500.00 3,298.37 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,716.43 2,000.00 2,000.00 281. 00 .00 300.00 26,062.00 30,170.00 30,470.00 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 2,897.57 3,000.00 3,300.00 TOTAL 2,897.57 3,000.00 3,300.00 GRAND TOTAL 29,459.57 33,670.00 34,270.00 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, V~NSAS SUHMARY FUNDGENEPAL OPERATING DEPARTI1ENTCi ty Commission -- Page 14 -- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 500.00 500.00 500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 26,062.00 30,170.00 30,470.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 2,897.57 3,000.00 3,300.00 TOTAL 29,459.57 33,670.00 34,270.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION A board of five City Commissioners serves as the legislative and policy-making body of the City. They are the elected representatives of the citizens of Salina and are responsible for the passage of all ordin- ances necessary to promote the welfare of the City. The Commission shall anually choose its own Mayor. Public Commission Meetings are held every Monday (4:00 p.m.) in room 200 of the City-County-Board of Education Building. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #211 - Includes appropriations for 1971 as follows: National Guard $500.00; Americanization Center $120.00; Civil Defense $7,000.00; and Cultural Arts $7,050.00. Account #299 - Provides $3,000.00 for publication of Annual Report and $1,000.00 for special studies. Account #435 - National League of Cities $730.00; League of Kansas Municipalities $2,052.57; U. S. Conference of Mayors $100.00; Management Information Service $115.00; National Rivers and Harbors Congress $150.00; Mo-Ark Basins Flood Control and Conservation Assn. $150.00. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPA-RTMENT City-Manager-=--==-~= CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS-' DETA I L Actual Previous Year 1969 ,-.- Page 15 I .:=--.- '----==.=:.::::::.:]. Adjusted Current Prorosed Budget Budget 1970 1971 =::"-:====--', ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 120 Salaries - Department Heads Salaries - Regular Employees 16,751.59 13,096.20 17,500.00 5,895.00 17,500.00 6,250.00 23,750.00 TOTAL 29,847.79 23,395.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicle 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 253 Repair - Motor Vehicle 255 Repair - Motor Vehicle - Tires 1,270.06 l,OOO.OO l,OOO.OO 760.53 750.00 750.00 lO1.55 100.00 100.00 100.40 70.00 70.00 18.00 20.00 20.00 101.75 100.00 50.00 4l8.64 250.00 250.00 4.50 10.00 10.00 2,775.43 2,300.00 2,250.00 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES TOTAL 505.10 250.00 250.00 337.40 200.00 200.00 299.60 200.00 200.00 33.50 15.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 40.72 60.00 60.00 1,216.32 725.00 710.00 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr. 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tag 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 258.25 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 258.25 300.00 300.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 517 Furniture & Fixtures Office Mechanical Equipment 207.90 199.00 425.00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL 406.90 425.00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 34,504.69 27,145.00 27,010.00 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUHMARY UND-GENF.RA.L OPEPA.TING DEPARTt-iErn _Ci ty Manager Page 16 ,- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 29,847.79 23,395.00 23,750.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,775.43 2,300.00 2,250.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,216.32 725.00 710.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 258.25 300.00 300.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 406.90 425.00 00.00 TOTAL 34,504.69 27,145.00 27,010.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Manager lS responsible for executing all administrative affairs of the City in accordance with established laws or policies deter- mined by the City Commission. He shall see that all laws and City Ordin- ances are enforced; appoint and remove heads of departments or subordinate employees; negotiate and administer agreements and contracts; represent the City at meetings, conferences, and on committees as directed. The Manager shall prepare the annual budget for the City and administer the details of same after its approval and adoption by the City ~ommission. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Decrease in 1970 was the result of transferring the Director of Administration and 1 secretary to the Department of Administra- tion and Planning in 1969. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 - Filing cabinets and credenza for new offices. ANNUAL BUDGET rI'rtS 'o)i~~~" r~"~~ S;::~ ;~~'\~'~~_'~: ""-'--~"--,"~,-'-"-~-"-' ","~".--".~~~-,. -.. ,.' -'.' FC~D ~:.Ii.ERAL OPERATI~__ D:t'Xil~l'lE:\l:[ ,~ty Hanager _ -.-----'------..-j rage 17 Cl~';' 0:: ~.\~,::!\.\: l<.,\.\8A~ Cl - . Employees POSITION TITLE r--vrr&/7! PtVj705ul . . .8ud~ f!vd:2."f 'ty Hanager 1 1 'ty Hanager's Secretary 1 1 rt Time 1 1 TOTAL .'T :1"r'" J=-===~' '===-,- j Rsnge l --====-- -~~--::::==:::;=;:::=:;;;:::=---=--=--::::::_- Adjusted Current Budget 1970 PropJsed Budget 1971 17,500.00 17,500.00 Cl 454 4,895.00 5,450.00 Pa 1,000.00 800.00 23,395.00 23,750.00 A~N-,dL B::-DS:;I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DE P AR H1E Nl=---C i tv C 19x..k.__ SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Page --- ~:--- Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Propos Year Budget Budge 1969 1970 19]1 - PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 19,350.00 22,250.00 23,988 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 27,618.75 30,000.00 31,822 TOTAL 46,968.75 52,250.00 55,810 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,236.37 1,135.00 1,150 207 Traveling Exp ens es 235.89 250.00 700 209 Postage 878.59 600.00 840 221 Printing Office Forms 1,095.35 1,500.00 1,000 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 300.00 300.00 300 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment l,470.57 900.00 680 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 14,922.05 15,300.00 15,600 291 Auditing & Accounting Services 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200 292 Election Expenses 6,001.94 .00 6,000 295 Other Professional Services 424.78 500.00 300 299 Other Contractual Services 8.00 .00 TOTAL 29,773.54 23,685.00 29,770 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 1,334.70 2,000.00 2,000 331 Books & Periodicals 189.55 150.00 150 TOTAL 1,524.25 2,150.00 2,150 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 217.50 220.00 220 439 Refunds 571. 00 600.00 600 TOTAL 788.50 820.00 820 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 398.25 300.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment .00 735.00 165 TOTAL 398.25 l,035.00 165 GRAND TOTAL 79,453.29 79,940.00 88,715 CITY OF 18 cd t .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMt1ARY FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPAR1FIEIH Ci ty Clerk Page 19 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 46,968.75 52,250.00 55,810.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29,773.54 23,685.00 29,770.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,524.25 2,150.00 2,150.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 788.50 820.00 820.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 398.25 1,035.00 165.00 TOTAL 79,453.29 79,940.00 88,715.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Clerk and Treasurer are responsible for the financial admin- istration of the City in accordance with legal requirements and general policies established by the City Conunission. The Department maintains all records of financial transactions. It also issues authorized bonds, invests all surplus funds, processes all payrolls and purchase orders and issues all City licenses. The department registers voters and records all births and deaths occurring within Saline County. The City Treasurer also serves as Director of Personnel and Purchasing Agent. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - Increased in 1971 to permit the City Clerk to attend the National City Clerk's Conference. Account #292 - For 1971 represents the cost of the primary and general Ci ty Elect,ions. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 - Provides for the purchase of two secretarial cabinets in 1970 adjusted. Account #517 - The 1970 adjustment provides for the replacement of a calculator. One electric, typewriter to be replaced in 1971. ANNUAL BUDGET ,...-. F=== POSITION TITLE City Clerk - Director of Finance City Treasurer - Director of Personnel - Purchasing Agent Secretary-(Official RecordE) Personnel Clerk Bookkeeping Machine Operator II Accountant Clerk I Clerk-Typist II Clerk-Typist I Extra Time TOTAL FtN D _G.~NFJ{AL~J)~RA'!'l.I$___, IE';"\K=i-E.'\,~J:.t:.y CleE!<:____ C:;:YJT' ~Y:~::S.\, l(;\);SA~- '--------.----1 n:~.?_?.!~":;_.~~~.:: I:~~L~_:~'-:~ ___==__ ,_,_~,Fag~~~ ~i2=-I E:np::'oYE:es Adjusted Prop;)scd I R Current Budget urr-tPl7fPIV?OS0 ange Budget 8ac7q<J>f Budg&-I _-=-'---- _,_ 1970 ---=-~1]'_--==c 1 1 819 - 1096 12,400.00 I 13,152.00 1 1 709 - 903 9,850.00 10,836.00 1 1 375 - 479 5,415.00 5,748.00 1 1 375 - 479 5,415.00 5,748.00 1 1 375 - 479 5,415.00 5,748.00 1 1 340 - 414 4,680.00 4,968.00 1 1 325 - 394 4,450.00 4,728.00 1 1 308 - 358 3,710.00 3,882.00 9l5.00 1,000.00 52,250.00 55,810.00 AN.!\:~~1.L B~DGET N D r. F.NF.R AT, OPERATING ___ DEPARTMENT _G.:!..!L_LLtJ:orp~~_ C I OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa Actual AdjUst~~ ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current I Pro Year Budget Bu 1969 1970 1 '.. - .. PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 7,476.00 7,860.00 8, 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 5,685.00 6,300.00 6, TOTAL 13,161. 00 14,160.00 15, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses 15.00 50.00 296 Legal Services 4,257.30 4,500.00 4, TOTAL 4,272.30 4,550.00 4, MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 331 Books & Periodicals 451. 00 250.00 TOTAL 451.00 250.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 5.00 25.00 TOTAL 5.00 25.00 GRAND TOTAL 17,889.30 18,985.00 19, - TY ge 21 posed dget 971 340.00 685.00 025.00 50.00 500.00 550.00 150.00 150.00 25.00 25.00 750.00 ANNUAL BUDGET I C I TV OF SAL I NA, KANSAS SUMMARY FU N D --GE}TERAL OP E RAT ll:iG-.___ DEPARniENT City Attorney ___ Page 22 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 13,161.00 14,160.00 15,025.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,272.30 4,550.00 4,550.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 451. 00 250.00 150.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 5.00 25.00 25.00 TOTAL 17,889.30 18,985.00 19,750.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Attorney acts as legal advisor to the City Commission, City Manager and department heads on legality of all actions. In this supporting role, the City Attorney and his assistant prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, bond indentures, legal actions and miscellaneous documents. In addition to the above, he also represents the City of Salina in all actions at law. BUDGET COMMENTS Personal and legal services performed by the City Attorney and his assistant constitute virtually the entire budgetary requirements of this department. ANNUAL BUDGET FC~1J GENERAL OPERATING '-,,_.1. ... , ~ ':'.1"';', PERSjXYi:'=.. ~5 .......~'.~~._.,,-,~--, Employees POSITION TITLE "'urrG'l7l IplV?osEd -,: buc;lqc? I Bud,,cl6'~ City Attorney 1 1 Assistant City Attorney 1 1 TOTAL . I ANN""CAL D:;PAjCl>'lEl':r_Gity Attorne~ (1'-',' J1:' ~:\". i\:\. :K.:\~;~AS.._.-----'--'-'--- ,------ _~'~;:.~),~:~~3~ rage 23 Range :.===-----=::::::::...-=====:=---........::=....- -- - --=-~- -=~-':::.-~~-:::::.::. ;,:;::-:::===::::::-=::::::::"'~ Adjusted Current Budget 1ll.L. Pr.::>posed Budget ----- ,illL- 695 - 7,860,00 8,340.00 557 6,300.00 6,685.00 14,160.00 15,025.00 B:3DG;;r -. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicle 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 253 Repair - Motor Vehicle 255 Repair - Motor Vehicle - Tires 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tag 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 505 Car, Radio & Equipment 509 Furniture and Office Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year 1969 3,948.00 6,503.04 10,451.04 314.48 .00 350.00 .00 10.00 .00 .00 756.50 1,430.98 127.58 .00 .00 .00 .00 127.58 184.00 184.00 2,401. 00 1,177.67 3,578.67 15,772.27 GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMEIYr ~IUCcipal Court Adjusted Current Budget 1970 5,400.00 8,390.00 13,790.00 360.00 100.00 300.00 80.00 lO.OO 265.00 20.00 800.00 1,935.00 125.00 230.00 10.00 100.00 60.00 525.00 l50.00 150.00 .00 535.00 535.00 16,935.00 Page 24 Proposed Budget 1971 5 , 725 . 00 9,145.00 14,870.00 360.00 150.00 300.00 80.00 10.00 300.00 20.00 800.00 2,020.00 125.00 250.00 .00 100.00 75.00 550.00 150.00 150.00 .00 .00 .00 17,590.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPART11EtHMunicipS!-1 Court Page 25 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 10,451.04 13,790.00 14,870.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,430.98 1,935.00 2,020.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 127.58 525.00 550.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 184.00 150.00 150.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,578.67 535.00 .00 TOTAL 15,772.27 16,935.00 17,590.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge, hears misdemeanor cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - The Account Clerk I had been shown, by error, in the original 1970 budget as a Clerk Typist II. The vehicle operated by the officer assigned to serve as Bailiff - Processor was purchased at the close of 1969. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 - Provides for the purchase of 2 tables and replacement of the Judge's chair in the 1970 adjustment. ANNUAL BUDGET n..~~D GENERAL OPERATING . _. ~l: ~. :\..'~ ' , : .'-L .. -'....... , PERS]:\~':2~. S(;t.~~',D".~~..S ~._._.,-..-..,~_..~._- ~'......-,.--..__~O"". --~---- Employees POSITION TITLE 1/'01"/&'/71 P/V?osEd Ran - b'uclqe f Bl/clg6'f .. Judge 1 1 477 Accountant Clerk I 1 1 340 Clerk-Typist I 1 1 308 TOTAL ,y~" \ -- 1 ,",1""":-:"! (,. ,- OT' C:\ -- ~ \. K '~.sA~~, Dr ;:'.,\ K I'M:::1" '~_.M.unici p ;:11 l. o.l.lr1:- Fage 26 -,---~..-J._====--=-~-- Adjusted Pr~p0sed ge Current Budget Budget _,1970 _=-_ 12.lL_ 5,400.00 5,724.00 - 414 4,680.00 4,968.00 - 358 3,710.00 4,178.00 13,790.00 14,870.00 M~~dL hvD'-'.~d. FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPAkTMEtrr ~)uildings._.__-'-:"~ -------- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL -. .'-:= -:::~- - - Actual Adjusted LASSIFICATION Previous Current Pr Year Budget B 1969 1970 - == ---- lar Employees 9,590.76 9,190.00 lO 9,590.76 9,190.00 10 e 4,058.00 4,000.00 5 1,716.81 1,000.00 1 ervice 1,980.68 1,400.00 1 505.78 200.00 ngs 2,888.l8 3,000.00 1 Service 38.09 20.00 nal Services 4,690.70 200.00 al Services .00 22,200.00 20 15,878.24 32,020.00 29 s 116.96 50.00 t Supplies 1,679.55 1,700.00 1 Products 1.55 .00 ghting Parts 262.59 300.00 Products 119.30 200.00 g Materials 9.25 100.00 2,189.20 2,350.00 2 tures 4,780.31 3,350.00 4,780.31 3,350.00 32,438.51 46,910.00 42 - ACCOUNT C 120 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regu 227 Insurance - Fir 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power S 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildi 284 Laundry & Towel 295 Other Professio 299 Other Contractu MATERIALS & SUPPLIES TOTAL 310 343 365 367 371 381 Expendable Tool Janitor & Toile Cement & Cement Electrical & Li Lumber & Lumber Paint & Paintin 509 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Furniture & Fix TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Page 27 oposed udget 1971 -'--- ~--_. ,200.00 ,200.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,400.00 200.00 ,000.00 20.00 200.00 ,700.00 ,520.00 50.00 ,700.00 .00 300.00 200.00 100.00 ,350.00 650.00 650.00 ,720.00 J CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FUND ~F.NF,RA To OPF.RArpTN~ DE P.L\ R TH E N T BJ.l.iN.i.n.g.~_ -~._~--~--~---., CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 PERSONAL SERVICES 9,590.76 9,190.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,878.24 32,020.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,189.20 2,350.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,780.31 3,350.00 TOTAL 32,438.51 46,910.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 28 .- Proposed Budget 1971 -- 10,200.00 29,520.00 2,350.00 650.00 42,720.00 This department provides for the maintenance and repair of the police building, restrooms and pedestrian arcades located in the Central Business District, Carver Center, 2 voting precinct buildings and the former South Park School cottage presently being used as the Americanization Center. The City's share of operating the City-County-Board of Education Building is also included in this. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #227 - Increased to allow for additional cost of fire insurance expected to result from re-evaluations and acquisition of the South Park School cottage. Account #241 - The 1970 adjustment provides for adding electrical circuits at Carver Center to accommodate fluorescent light fixtures and replacement of a forced air furnace serving a portion of the utilities building. Account #299 - The City's share of operating the City-County-Board of Education Building has been set at $2800.00 per month for the first 4 months of 1970 and $2300.00 per month for the balance of the year and in 1971. The Water and Sewerage Department pays 1/4 of the cost. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 - Provides for storage cabinets, metal shelving and other furni.shings for City offic'es in 1970. The City Attorney's office, room 202A is to be furnished in 1971. ANNUAL BUDGET cr-.." or ,,\- :.?\\, ]()..:\~A>';--.- '.......1. .... .. ,.. ,--, PERSD?\"\'i.',o ,,",,'-"'-~~-'-~",' _.C"'~'-~.a_ Empl:,yees T POSITION TITLE /'(/1"16'/71 P/'/??05Hi buo'qc? f BudgC'1 .. ~= = Custodian 2 2 TOTAL . 1'.... . 5(:.~~~'D"~."_,:S Range 379 - 425 rC~D GENERAL OPERATING mPAJUl'1!,,;-JT~uildin~__ A:t~d~-- ;,ge - _29 r Proposed Current Budget Budget . lQ7n __ 1971 ~__ 9,186.00 10,200.00 9,186.00 10,200.00 AN~L.\J.: B::DGz!;I _. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS- DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 220 Blueprints 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 335 Drafting & Engineering Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Engineering Equipment 509 Furniture & Office Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year 1969 ... 11,016.00 41,657.93 52,673.93 557.76 94.76 15.98 152.39 48.40 153.46 l8.00 370.09 418.70 11.75 186.00 83.36 2,110.65 190.74 113.50 940.83 658.87 60.00 51. 26 96.77 2,111.97 171. 00 171. 00 .00 1,153.15 l,153.15 58,220.70 , __...G.ENER.ALJll?E.RAT.lN.G_,~_. ,_ DEPARTMENT ~ing Adjusted Current Budget 1970 8,900.00 47,795.00 56,695.00 745.00 200.00 50.00 330.00 25.00 l50.00 20.00 200.00 300.00 50.00 300.00 145.00 2,515.00 175.00 50.00 1,000.00 700.00 60.00 200.00 200.00 2,385.00 150.00 150.00 700.00 250.00 950.00 62,695.00 Page 30 r'-.--- ----- Proposed Budget = 197L= l2,235.00 57,925.00 70,160.00 700.00 600.00 50.00 350.00 25.00 150.00 20.00 200.00 300.00 50.00 300.00 l50.00 2,895.00 175.00 50.00 800.00 700.00 10.00 100.00 50.00 1,885.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 400.00 75,490.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SU~tMAR Y FUND -.GIDTERAL OEERAT.I.NG___ DEPARTNEliT _E.ngineerin.9:...- -..----.., Page 31 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 52,673.93 56,695.00 70,160.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,110.65 2,515.00 2,895.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2, Ill. 97 2,385.00 1,885.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 171.00 150.00 150.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,153.15 950.00 400.00 TOTAL 58,220.70 62,695.00 75,490.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Engineering Department is responsible for preparing plans, specifi- cations and estimates for all public improvements. This includes field surveys, sewers, water mains, streets, etc. This department maintains maps showing all utility installations in rights-of-way, acquires right-of-way, and supervises the installation of all municipal improvements, whether performed on a contract basis for the City or privately by sub-dividers. In addition, the Engineering Department is responsible for the maintenance of all master maps of the City which includes the City Limits and land record maps, the complete sanitary sewer system, water system and fire hydrant locations. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #110 - The reduction in the 1970 adjustment results from our being without a City Engineer for over 3 months of the year. Account #120 - Reduced for 1970 due to vacancies. During the last half of 1970 add one Engineering Aide IV and change one Engineering Aide I to Engineering Aide II. Account #205 - The necessity of converting to a call director type telephone accounts for the increase in 1970. ANNUAL BUDGET UND DEPARTti;::iH CITY OF SALINA, V~NSAS SUHt-1ARY Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adj us ted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 31 a CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Provides for replacement of level in 1970; range poles and level rod to be purchased in 1971. Account #509 - Provides for a map rack in 1970 and two file cabinets in 1971. ANNUAL BUDGET POSITION TITLE City Engineer Assistant City Engineer & Traffic Engineer Engineering Aide IV Engineering Aide III Engineering Aide II Engineering Aide I Clerk-Typist II TOTAL Cl':;:'"' :fF SA-_.::~~~ ~ K\."\"2AsL_- Fr~D ._Q~NERAL OPERATI]':Jg_ DE i:'c\iCM E:':;~__._B.Ilg i ne.ering PI:'RS2~'?:~~;.~ .f;~~,~.IE:'~ F:lge 32 ~~O:;:5<d"~C~-R:':~~-J-- Am~~~~~~.;Ei~:~~- 8udq_~ BC/d9'?L -=._. 19 70 -F==~1L--- 1 1 780 - 1044 8,900.00 12,235.00 1 1 708 - 94-7 10,716.00 11,364.00 1 1 642 - 744 2,420.00 7,828.00 1 1 582 - 673 6,912.00 7,704.00 2 2 528 - 611 13,032.00 14,148.00 2 2 454 - 528 10,575.00 12,153.00 1 1 325 - 394 4,140.00 4,728.00 56,695.00 70,160.00 ANN'.:'.;'L B'CDGET - CITY OF SAL I NA, KANSAS--- DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 196 Salaries - Operators TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 254 Repair - Motor Vehicles 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 284 Laundry & Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubrs. 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supplies 355 Wearing Apparel 359 Other Operating Supplies 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 373 Macbinery & Equipment Parts 375 Metal & Metal Products 377 Motor Vehi~les - Parts 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 382 Photograph Supplies 393 Welding Supplies 399 Other Repairs & Maintenance TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year 1969 9,205.00 406,843.25 7,859.52 423,907.77 1,787.72 233.00 59.20 44.30 760.18 3,058.02 1,395.60 440.60 795.11 65.33 33.79 240.00 21. 00 2,290.92 670.45 1,160.09 346.25 13,401.56 423.19 580.11 431. 89 757.52 4,557.03 .00 7,253.39 493.55 262.64 202.16 463.93 594.63 482.46 120.52 585.52 147.63 122.75 184.43 17,663.35 D GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMUn=- Fire-====~ Page 33 Adj us tfTe'--=-===== Current Proposed Budget Budget 1970 1971 -~~~ 18,665.00 464,370.00 .00 483,035.00 2,600.00 200.00 75.00 50.00 1,150.00 2,700.00 2,500.00 550.00 11 , 600.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 1,800.00 15.00 400.00 .00 23,940.00 650.00 450.00 350.00 900.00 2,400.00 160.00 7,500.00 500.00 400.00 300.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 540.00 900.00 150.00 150.00 250.00 16,850.00 21,600.00 519,525.00 .00 541,125.00 2,600.00 500.00 75.00 100.00 1,200.00 2,700.00 2,500.00 550.00 700.00 165.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 2,000.00 .00 400.00 .00 13,740.00 500.00 450.00 350.00 900.00 2,400.00 100.00 7,500.00 500.00 400.00 150.00 250.00 100.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 250.00 14,900.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Fire C ITV OF SALI NA, KANSAS DETA I L Page 34 -..-.... ==r=--.:'. Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 90.00 120.00 50.00 TOTAL 90.00 120.00 50.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 993.05 620.00 .00 505 Automobiles 3,649.47 2,550.00 .00 507 Fire Fighting Equipment 3,590.20 2,900.00 4,800.00 509 Furniture & Fixtures 964.66 500.00 640.00 514 Personnel Protective Equipment 1,865. 13 785.00 400.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment .00 300.00 .00 519 Radio Equipment 964.00 4,680.00 .00 TOTAL 12,026.51 12,335.00 5,840.00 GRAND TOTAL 467,089.19 536,280.00 575,655.00 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUNMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 423,907.77 13,401.56 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 17,663.35 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 90.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,026.51 TOTAL 467,089.19 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION FUND --.G.E1illRA To OPF-RATING DEPARTt-iENT Fire Page 35 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 483,035.00 541,125.00 23,940.00 13,740.00 16,850.00 14,900.00 120.00 50.00 12,335.00 5,840.00 536,280.00 575,655.00 The Fire Department is charged with the responsibility of preventing fires, thereby protecting lives and property, through effective inspection and public education programs. Further, to provide the citizens of Salina fast and expert service in extinguishing fires, rescue, evacuation, first aid and salvage operations. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #110 - The 1970 increase over the 1969 expenditure reflects the salary of the Director of Safety in addition to the Fire Chief being paid from this account. Account #120 - Provides for the implementation of the Public Safety Officer program during the last quarter of 1970 within the present authorized complement of personnel within the Fire and Police Departments. Account #196 - Beginning in 1970 this account has been eliminated as a part of the plan to transfer all Fire Department communications to the Emergency Operation Center in the Police Building. Account #205 - The 1970 adjustment is based on $180.00 per month for present system plus $35.00 per month for direct lines from the Emergency Operation Center in the Police Building to each of the four fire stations. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTt1EtH CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page -~ CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adjusted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #207 - In the 1970 adjusted budget permits one officer and four firefighters to attend the 4-day annual fire school in Topeka in October. In 1971 it permits the same number of people to attend the fire school in Topeka, also four Inspectors to attend a 3-day seminar at the University of Oklahoma in April. 35 a Account #231 - Adjusted to allow for rate increase plus coverage on one additional station wagon to be purchased in 1970. Account #242 - Had to be increased in the 1970 adjustment due to air conditioning installed in Station #1 and Station #4 is all electric heating and cooling. Account #251 - Includes for 1970 wiring for air conditioners at Stations #1 and #3, sewer repair at Station #2, replacing the heating system at Station #3, replacing the roof of Station #1, two new counter tops and ceramic wall tile .at Station #2. The 1971 request is for no specific item but normal maintenance. Account #257 - Based on present maintenance contracts amounting to $143.50 per month plus installation of a radio in the additional station wagon. The 1971 request provides for the same maintenance contracts plus installation of the primary alerting system between the Emergency Operation Center and all Fire Stations. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTNENT - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ,- .--...... SUMMARY Page - Actual Adjusted CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) 35 b Account #284 - This expenditure has been eliminated by the purchase of a washer and dryer. Account #310 - Provides for the purchase and replacement of small hand tools and batteries and a 6' heavy duty step ladder for Station #3 in 1970. Account #345 - Reflects a sizeable decrease realized by the detection and repair of the underground leak in the storage tank. Account #351 - Has been increased in order to reseed and fertilize Station #4 lawn in 1970 and to maintain the lawns of the four stations in 1971. Account #371 - Increased in the 1970 adjustment to permit the building of a storage room in the basement of Station #1 for used clothing and pro- tective gear. Account #375 - Provides for the replacement of the water tank on Engine #41, 1958 Ford in 1970. Account #379 - Has been increased in the 1970 adjustment in order to purchase four tires for the rear tandums of the GMC Squad and to purchase suburban tires for 1964 Ford car and two station wagons. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTt1ENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adjusted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) 35 c Account #381 - Increased in the 1970 adjustment in order to repaint the outside and finish painting the interior of Station #3. Also to paint the trim and doors of Station #2. Account #435 - Has been increased in the 1970 adjustment to provide for membership in the National Safety Council. This expenditure will be alternated between the Inspection, Police and Fire Departments from year to year. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - In 1970 provides for Ultra-Sonic visi-bar equipped with red lights, siren and speaker to be installed on the new station wagon and one battery charger for Station #3. Account #505 - Provides for replacement of the 1959 Chevrolet station wagon. Account #507 - Provides for the purchase of 100 gallons of foam, 500 feet of l~" hose, purchase of a 35 foot extension ladder as a replacement, two ABC extinguishers, two rescue blankets and one hand lantern in 1970. The 1971 appropriation provides for replacement of 2,000 feet of 2~" hose, 100 gallons of foam for replacement and one Scott Air Pak. Account #509 - In 1971 provides for replacement of kitchen stove at Station #1. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTHENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adjusted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY (Continued) 35 d Account #514 - Provides for the purchase of protective clothing for new personnel and some replacement in 1970. The 1971 request is strictly for replacement items. Account #517 - Reflects an actual expenditure for two manual type- writers called for in the original 1970 budget. Account #519 - Increased in the 1970 adjustment to permit installation of the primary alerting system in the Emergency Operation Center for contact with all Fire Stations, one mobile unit to be installed in the additional station wagon, and four portable receivers to be carried by the Chief, Assistant Chief, and Inspectors and one five unit charger. ANNUAL BUDGET ----,----J- Employee:: />l./rr&IJflPlV?056d I b've7'ql$' f B~.:.iJ FDm _..Q.J1:.R:[~I" OPERATHIG...._. m';:'.\iCM;:::N~.__.Jire ______._ Cl'j':," 0:5' SA":.I!\.\, ](:\'-:8 \~_..._,-------------- Kr~1i~2~;.~T~ f:L'i7~;?':~-o:;:. Fag e 36 . ~= Adj us te~~[ Fr ::>posed Current Budget Budget 1970 _ 1971. r- POSITION TITLE Range Director of Safety 1 1 Fire Chief 1 1 Assistant Fire Chief 1 1 Captain 6 6 Fire Prevention Inspector ] 4 4 Lieutenant 12 12 Firefighters 48 48 Clerk-Typist II 1 1 Public Safety Officer 6 6 TOTAL 819 - 1096 10,172.00 11,320.00 708 - 947 9,194.00 10,280.00 642 - 780 9,692.00 9,360.00 554 - 673 45,648.00 48,456.00 503 - 611 27,081.00 29,067.00 503 - 611 80,055.00 86,592.00 452 - 541 283,453.00 304,273.00 325 - 394 3,760.00 4,709,00 494 - 592 13,980.00 37,068.00 483,035.00 541,125.00 ANN':AL B:JDC;::Y , FUND _~-.EB.ATlNG.....___ DE PAR TM E n IIl.Q.lLe.d:.iQJ:l_____ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L Page 37 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 r-- _. - ------------ Proposed Budget ..' --==-1211..,,=_ .PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL 33,031. 94 33,031. 94 6,630.00 27,620.00 8,285.00 33.140.00 41,425.00 34,250.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 817.78 1,130.00 1,135.00 115.22 100.00 100.00 193.06 200.00 250.00 234.25 450.00 300.00 264.00 300.00 360.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 435.26 1,025.00 1,200.00 5.50 25.00 25.00 407.50 325.00 380.00 2,482.57 3,575.00 3 ,770.00 TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas and Oil 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 382 Photograph Supplies 403.77 500.00 400.00 154.93 525.00 235.00 686.33 800.00 960.00 67.50 70.00 15.00 46.17 50.00 50.00 0.00 125.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 300.00 1,358.70 2,170.00 2,060.00 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 245.00 155.00 295.00 TOTAL 245.00 155.00 295.00 CAP ITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL 0.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 137.25 0.00 135.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 137.25 3,200.00 135.00 37,255.46 43,350.00 47,685.00 503 Equipment 505 Trucks and Cars 509 Furniture. Fixtures and Office Equipment 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 519 Radio Equipment TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMt1ARY FUND -GillJF.RA To OPF.RATING DEPARTI1E1H -I..nspection Page 38 ----- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 33,031.94 34,250.00 41,425.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,482.57 3,575.00 3,770.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,358.70 2,170.00 2,060.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 245.00 155.00 295.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 137.25 3,200.00 135.00 TOTAL 37,255.46 43,350.00 47,685.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The primary responsibility of this department is protection of life, property and property values by rigid administration and enforcement of the zoning qrdinances,minimum housing, building, plumbing and electrical codes. To achieve this goal, the department issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions when not in accordance with the codes and public safety, inspects construction sites to insure that all the standards of the City are being complied with, and maintains accurate records of all permits issued and inspections made. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #110 - Reflects the fact that the department has been without a Building Official since April 16. Previous to this his salary has been included in Account #120. During the absence of the Building Official, a former employee has been utilized on a part time basis. Account #120 includes $1,270.00 for his 'compensation. Account #205 - Has been increased in the 1970 adjustment in order to provide a telephone for the Director of Safety, conversion to the Call Director type telephone and a telephone for the 2nd Building lnspector. Account #209 - Increased for 1971 in anticipation of increased postal rates. ANNUAL BUDGET UND DEPARTNENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUM~\ARY Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adj us ted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 38 a Account #221 - Expected increase in inspection volume as a result of adding the Director of Safety and second Building Inspector necessitate the increase in 1970 in this account as well as Account #320. Account #231 - Allows for coverage on an additional vehicle in 1971. Account #253 - Increased in the 1970 adjustment and for 1971 in order to allow for an additional vehicle plus increased costs in parts and labor. Account #257 - Is based on a service contract for 6 mobile radios @ $4.50 per month per unit and installation on one unit. Account #331 - Provides for purchase of Building, Plumbing, Electrical Code Books and Fire Prevention Manuals for sale to engineers, architects and contractors. Account #382 - Prior to this time all film, paper and other photography supplies used by this department have been provided by the Police Department. Account #435 - For 1971 includes the International Conference of Buildinq Officials, International Association of Electrical Inspectors, International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and the National Safety CounciL ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTt-1ENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMt1ARY -'" Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adjusted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 38 b CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Includes in the 1970 adjustment two polaroid "Swinger" cameras in order to enable inspectors to take pictures immediately of violations and hazards, one electrical load tester and one ABC all purpose fire extinguisher. Account #505 - Provides for an additional vehicle to be used by the Director of Safety and in the Public Safety Officer program. Account #509 - Provides for purchase of a five drawer, legal size file cabinet in 1971. Account #519 - Provides for the purchase of one mobile radio for the additional vehicle to be purchased in 1970. ANNUAL BUDGET POSITION TITLE Building Official Plumbing Inspector Electrical Inspector Building Inspector Secretary Part Time TOTAL c!.':;:~' O~. SA~.::!:\c\, K;');SA~. ITR3)~:-"[':J j(~:: D"'...s Employees ;;; v r Ie" 17 ;IP/voo s M:f I b'uc!q<? f B",dgt>! Range 1 611 - 708 1 1 1 554 - 611 1 554 - 611 1 2 2 554 - 611 1 358 - 433 1 1 o FeND '-- GEN~RAL_OPERATING D:PAR'::,m~T_ __Inspec t ion Page 39 - ------~._----- ------------"---".----- . Adjusted Pr-:Jp.Jsed Current Budget Budget 197L 1971 6,629.00 8,268.00 6,912.00 7,332.00 6,912.00 7,332.00 8,514.00 13,993.00 4,013.00 4,500.00 1,270.00 0.00 34,250.00 41,425.00 ANN'..7.'l.L B:D2-:LI I I I ___--l FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTME-NT-----p;rk --- --..------.- - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L Page 40 .- - 0-.---------- - ~..- - ---. -- .-. AdjU5ccd Current Proposed Budget Budget 1970 ____ 1 ~Z-L-,,-=-- Actual ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year ___-=---=-==--=-.c==_ ==.;. 1969."=",,,,== PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 5,410.70 37,009.67 12,200.38 8,175.00 50,375.00 15,065.00 73.615.00 9.110.00 57.100.00 15.505.00 TOTAL 54,620.75 81,715.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 518.79 600.00 600.00 207 Traveling Expenses 25.95 100.00 100.00 227 Insurance - Buildings Liability - Grandstand & Boats 316.00 320.00 320.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 230.31 345.00 350.00 241 Gas Service 1,033.48 900.00 900.00 242 Light & Power Service 942.55 1,000.00 1.000.00 243 Water Service 30.48 35.00 35.00 251 Repair - Buildings 232.78 500.00 500.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 2,816.68 3.200.00 2,500.00 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 35.26 150.00 150.00 299 Other Contractual Services .00 400.00 100.00 TOTAL 6.182.28 7,550.00 6,555.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 684.00 400.00 250.00 320 Office Supplies .00 30.00 50.00 331 Books & Periodicals 40.00 35.00 35.00 333 Chemicals. Drugs & Etc. 53.46 200.00 250.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubrs. 915.70 1,000.00 1.200.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 105.00 105.00 10.00 349 Recreational Supplies 763.17 300.00 300.00 350 Memorial Park Stadium 984.18 800.00 1,000.00 351 Seeds. Plants. Trees & Lawn Supplies 611.01 2,500.00 1.000.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 412.38 300.00 300.00 365 Cement & Cement Products 54.74 400.00 200.00 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 193.69 300.00 300.00 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 378.00 200.00 200.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 344.19 100.00 200.00 381 Paint & Painting Materials 410. 71 350.00 400.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat 48.65 200.00 200.00 TOTAL 5,998.88 7.220.00 5,895.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPAR1!1Et~f-"--Park .-------.. CITY 0 F SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Page 4 1 "' "' - - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 --::r -. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax Remitted (7/1/1970) 435 Organizational Dues .00 50.00 25.00 35.00 50.00 80.00 TOTAL 50.00 60.00 130.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buildings 3,609.50 .00 .0 0 516 Park Equipment - Mowers & Etc. 1.793.90 1.435.00 590.0 0 525 Trucks 2,465.50 2,000.00 .0 0 575 Landscape Improvements 3,000.00 21.000.00 1,550.0 0 576 Tennis & Horse Shoe Court Improvements 474.96 .00 300.0 0 Shuffleboard Replacement .00 .00 600.0 0 TOTAL 11,343.86 24,435.00 3.040.0 0 GRAND TOTAL 78,195.77 112,880.00 97,335.0 0 ANNUAL BUDGET -.- ....._- FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTt-1ENT Prlrk CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMt1ARY Page 42 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 -- PERSONAL SERVICES 54,620.75 73,615.00 81,715.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,182.28 7,550.00 6,555.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5,998.88 7,220.00 5,895.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 50.00 60.00 130.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,343.86 24,435.00 3,040.00 TOTAL 78,195.77 112,880.00 97,335.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department is charged with supervising, maintaining and repairing all park lawns and flower beds, planting and maintaining shrubs and trees, repairing park buildings and equipment as well as maintaining all parkways, boulevard and median strips in the City of Salina. Beginning in 1970 the department was also given the responsibility for technical supervision of the cemetery, swimming pools and Municipal Golf Course. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #253 - Increase in 1970 adjustment permits repair to two water skeeters at Lakewood Park. Also major repair made to a Toro 3-gang mower. Account #351 - Increased in 1970 in order to replace numerous trees lost to disease and storm. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #516 - For 1970 includes purchase of one Flail mower, one electric generator, one roto tiller and one chain saw. For 1971 it includes one chain saw, one air compressor and the replacement of one small mower. Account #525 - Provides for one pick-up truck to be used in Sunset Park as a replacement for 1958 Chevrolet. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTi1ENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SU~\t'iARY Page .......- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adjusted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 42 a Account #575 - Provides for replacement of the water system in the south portion of Oakdale Park and in Sunset Park. The lights for the north tennis court in Oakdale Park to be replaced in 1971. Account #576 - Permits the extension of the hadite wall in Oakdale tennis courts so that it can serve as a dual purpose for hand ball and warm up court. Also the old shuffleboard court to be resurfaced. ANNUAL BUDGET D:.::;I~~ICI.'-:lE:~\1 (;Li.~.- D? ~A-,.:LSA, 1(\.\;2.A~-------- ITRS J~:-'-L-::" S(:~~:D'_"_..s rum ~ENERAL OPERATING Park --. ---- ~I :rage ~ FrJPQscd Budget 1971 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 POSITION TITLE Emf: loy,:::e 8 /'t/rle"of P/V?05Ed __ b'uc!q<? I Bt/dg"'.I. Range Superintendent 1 1 673 - 819 Foreman I 3 3 479 - 611 Maintenance Worker II 1 1 452 - 494 Maintenance Worker I 5 5 440 - 482 Part Time TOTAL 8.175.00 9,110.00 19.376.00 22,368.00 5.449.00 5.928.00 25,550.00 28,804.00 15,065.00 15,505.00 73.615.00 81.715.00 ANN::AL BS'DGST FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT -.Police ------. CITY OF SALINA, K/\NSAS- o ETA I L -- -----.--.---- - 1 Adjusted us Current Budget 1970 - .- =,.. .33 8,920.00 .59 400.670.00 .00 21.540.00 .92 431,130.00 .33 6.300.00 .19 900.00 .81 950.00 .83 8.800.00 .05 2,000.00 .38 850.00 .00 40.00 .58 2,100.00 .26 2,400.00 .72 250.00 .64 800.00 .38 1.000.00 .28 15.000.00 .15 300.00 .78 2,400.00 .19 2,500.00 .00 300.00 .99 1.500.00 .51 2,000.00 .17 1,945.00 .24 52,335.00 .08 300.00 .43 1,625.00 .60 275.00 .02 200.00 .79 14.000.00 .50 105.00 .49 6.100.00 .97 250.00 .86 100.00 .15 250.00 .71 2,100.00 .08 75.00 .68 1,000.00 .36 26,380.00 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actua Previo Year 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 7,512 352,528 27,714 TOTAL 387,754 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 217 Feeding Prisoners 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 241 Gas Service 242 Light Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 284 Laundry & Towel Service 290 Medical Services 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services 6,783 801 822 8,786 1.094 804 40 2,680 1,997 200 305 986 15,377 283 2,069 2.545 282 927 1,081 260 TOTAL 48,130 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 339 Food for Animals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 355 Wearing Apparel 359 Other Operating Supplies 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 382 Photography Supplies 688 1.282 305 218 12,618 177 5.653 176 40 98 2,599 24 906 TOTAL 24.790 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 44 J -==~===.::==--=': Proposed Budget 1971 ----..----..-- --_._~.--~_.-. 10,795.00 452,150.00 15,840.00 478.785.00 6.800.00 900.00 1.000.00 8,800.00 1.200.00 900.00 40.00 2,100.00 2.400.00 250.00 1.000.00 1.000.00 16,000.00 300.00 2.400.00 2,000.00 300.00 1,500.00 2.000.00 1.900.00 52.790.00 350.00 1,400.00 275.00 200.00 15.000.00 25.00 7.620.00 250.00 100.00 200.00 2.100.00 75.00 700.00 28.295.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DE P AR-n1Elfr Police-----'-.,-~ --------.- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DnA I L Page 45 J - -- ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1~ Adjusted Current Budget 1970____ Proposed Budget __~92L___=-~ SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 309.00 350.00 350.00 TOTAL 309.00 350.00 350.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 505 Automobiles & Motorcycles 509 Furniture & Fixtures 514 Officers Service Equipment 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 519 Radio Equipment TOTAL 672.02 1,000.00 250.00 18,148.14 11 , 830.00 15.000.00 7.607.42 220.00 .00 1,011.97 2.000.00 550.00 119.50 1,000.00 .00 .00 3,150.00 .00 27,559.05 19.200.00 15.800.00 488.543.57 529.395.00 576.020.00 GRAND TOTAL I ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMt1ARY FUND GENER~ T. OPF.RA'T'TNG....- DEPAR T1-1ENT ----PC) 1 i r.p ~---""" Page 46 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 387,754.92 431,130.00 478,785.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 48,130.24 52,335.00 52,790.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 24,790.36 26,380.00 28,295.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 309.00 350.00 350.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 27,559.05 19,200.00 15,800.00 TOTAL 488,543.57 529,395.00 576,020.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Police Department is charged with the responsibility of protecting lives and property within the City of Salina. The prevention of crime and traffic offenses is the department's first obligation. Investigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, maintaining reliable records and communications are all important functions involved in the task of keeping Salina a safe and enjoyable community in which people will want to live, work and play. The department provides numerous other services in the interest of public protection, safety, comfort and convenience such as: maintaining close liaison with other law enforcement agencies; providing effective aid in the event of disaster; and working with parents and juveniles in an effort to control juvenile delinquency. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #110 - Reflects the fact that the former Chief of Police re- signed at the end of October, 1969 and the present Chief was appointed February 1, 1970. Account #120 - Provides for the implementation of the Public Safety Officer program during the last quarter of 1970 within the present authorized complement of personnel of the Police and Fire Departments. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEP,I\RTHENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMJ.i.RY Page CLASSIFICATION Ac tua 1 Previous Year Adjusted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS {continued} 46 a Account #130 - In view of preliminary budget discussions, beginning in the fall of 1970, 22 School Crossing Patrolmen will be provided by the city as compared to 44 during the last school year. It is recommended the salary for the 22 Crossing Patrolmen be increased from $70.00 to $80.00 per month. The last pay increase for this job was January 1, 1966. Accounts #241 and 242 - Are based primarily on the expenditures to April 30 since the 1969 expenditures included, for a portion of the year, the expenses on both the old and new buildings. Account #290 - The increase in the 1970 adjustment provides for blood alcohol tests being taken at the Police Administration Building. In the past they have been performed at the hospitals. Account #295 - Provides for the Police Department share {$150.00 per month} of the salary for the Building Authority Maintenance Engineer who has supervision over the building maintenance and operation including all mechanical equipment. Also provides for recharging fire extinguishers and service of veterinarians in observing animals involved in bite cases for symptoms of rabies. Account #299 - Provides funds for additional exterior lighting of the Police Building in 1970 and $40.00 per month for each of three Ambulance employees doing work in the Police Records Division. It is recommended that this be increased to $50.00 per month in 1971. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adjusted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) 46 b Account #355 - Due to the increase in the cost of uniforms, it is recommended that the clothing allowance for each commissioned officer be increased from $100.00 to $125.00 in 1971. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Includes six visi-bars for patrol cars authorized in the original budget and film strips and movie screen for the training program. The 1971 request is for additional film strips. Account #505 - The 1970 adjusted budget provides for the replacement of two detective vehicles, one additional vehicle to be used by traffic staff officers and to replace patrol cars when out of service for main- tenance. It also provides for the replacement of two pickup trucks used for the Humane Officers. The 1971 request provides for the replacement of six marked patrol cars. Account #509 - Adjusted 1970 budget provides for one legal size file cabinet. Account #514 - In 1970 provides for purchase of pistols, holsters, badges, belts for regular officers and to implement the planned Police Reserve Program. The 1971 request will permit purchase of additional guns for officers. Some of the officers are presently providing their own. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adj us ted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 46 c CAPITAL OUTLAY (Continued) Account #517 - Provides for the replacement of two electric type- writers in the Records Division, one manual typewriter in the Juvenile Division and two case numbering machines. Account #519 - The 1970 adjustment includes the purchase of two radios for solo motorcycles and one radio for the additional vehicle requested. ANNUAL BUDGET POSITION TITLE Chief Assistant Chief Captain Uniform Lieutenants Detective Lieutenants Uniform Sergeants Detective Sergeants Juvenile Officers Bailiff and Processor Patrolmen Secretary Accountant Clerk I Clerk-Typist II Clerk-Typist I Humane Officer II Humane Officer I School Crossing Patrolmen Extra Time TOTAL Cll':" 03" Sj.-_:l~:\, l(\;-:8A~~- PER S :)0;-:0-' t:':::.- 5 (: LJ.::D"'_.:-; Employee,; <,vrle"l7fIPIV?OS('O b"'L/c!q<? f B(/d$'t>~ _'= Range 1 1 744 - 995 1 1 673 - 819 3 3 611 - 744 4 4 554 - 673 3 3 554 - 673 5 5 528 - 642 3 3 528 - 642 2 2 528 - 642 1 1 494 - 592 33 33 494 - 592 1 1 358 - 433 1 1 340 - 414 o 1 325 - 394 5 4 308 - 358 1 1 379 - 415 2 2 401 - 440 44 22 80 - FeND GENERAL OPERATING ---- Police ---;-- DE.PAj::;;vrSt;"T___u________ -~-:::::::::==-....::::.===;=-- Fs.ge 47 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 8.920.00 8.719.00 25.331. 00 30,389.00 22.476.00 35.911.00 20.520.00 14.520.00 6.696.00 190,268.00 4,882.00 4,680.00 .00 18,349.00 4,812.00 8.115.00 21.542.00 5,000.00 431,130.00 PrJposed Budget 1971 ==--: 10,795.00 9.789.00 26.802.00 32,304.00 24.228.00 38.474.00 22.740.00 15.408.00 7.104.00 224,212.00 5,101.00 4,968.00 4,614.00 16,328.00 5,280.00 9.798.00 15,840.00 5,000.00 478,785.00 A?-;"'N:'"_\L B:;DGET FUND ~..ENERAL O~_lNlL__ DEPARTMENT Street CITY OF SALI~A KANSAS ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Director of Services 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 274 Rent - Machinery and Equipment 284 Laundry and Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. 341 Fuel and Lubrs. (except Motor) 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 361 Asphalt and Road Oil 365 Cement and Cement Products 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 375 Metal and Metal Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt and Chat 390 Sweeper Parts TOTAL I , DETA I L Page 48 Actual Adjusted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1 QhQ lQ711 1 Q71 - -.. 10,678.92 11,260.00 11 , 940 .00 126,580.67 160,455.00 168.450.00 137,259.59 171 ,715.00 180,390.00 319.38 350.00 350.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1,238.60 1,520.00 1,650.00 978.65 1,000.00 1,000.00 240.96 250.00 300.00 74.80 100.00 100.00 354.00 100.00 200.00 21,767.78 21,000.00 22,000.00 696.80 1,600.00 700.00 698.15 700.00 700.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 19.04 20.00 20.00 5.00 50.00 50.00 26,393.16 26,890.00 27,270.00 392.11 600.00 300.00 3.80 50.00 50.00 30.00 800.00 1,000.00 621. 37 600.00 600.00 7,913.03 8,300.00 8,500.00 448.50 470.00 30.00 221. 20 300.00 300.00 1,882.12 1,000.00 500.00 4,042.40 4,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 272.60 500.00 600.00 462.61 100.00 100.00 738.39 2,000.00 400.00 1,590.08 2,500.00 3,000.00 3,178.80 5.000.00 2,500.00 21,797.01 26,270.00 19,930.00 ... ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERAIl[~. DEPARTNENT____Street - ALINA, KANSAS DETA i L Page 49 Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget . 1969 1970 1971 - SUNDRY EXPEND ITURES 435 Organizational Dues 30.00 15.00 15.00 439 Refunds 0.00 0.00 0.00 447 Transfer to Street Machinery Account 5.000.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 5,030.00 15.00 15.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 525 Trucks 0.00 3,300.00 0.00 527 Street Equipment 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 4,300.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL 190,479.76 229,190.00 227,605.00 .- CITY OF S ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMt1ARY FUND -.-G.E~ERAL OPERATING DEPARTNENT Street CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 PERSONAL SERVICES 137,259.59 171,715.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 26,393.16 26,890.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPL IES 21,797.01 26,270.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 5,030.00 15.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 4.300.00 TOTAL 190,479.76 229,190.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 50 Proposed Budget 1971 180,390.00 27,270.00 19,930.00 15.00 0.00 227,605.00 Responsibilities of the Street Department include: Maintenance of all trafficways for the transportation of vehicles and persons, consisting of day by day maintenance and patching of streets, sidewalks, alleys, bridges and gutters; maintain the complete storm sewer system to prevent undue dam- age to street surfaces and avoid inconvenience to vehicles and pedestrians; clear streets of dirt and other debris by machine or handsweeping; clear streets of snow when and where necessary. This department also works with the City-County Health Department in the control and elimination of mos- quitoes, as well as providing necessary weed cutting activities throughout the city. Other departments rely heavily on the Street Department for use of equipment and manpower. BUDGET COMMENTS Accounts #120, 130, 361, 365 and 375 all reduced in the 1970 adjustment and 1971 request by transferring one Foreman I, one Equipment Operator I, the part time employees and a portion of the materials used in street maintenance to the gas tax fund. Account #231 - Provides for the increased rates in the 1970 adjustment (medical coverage increased from $500.00 to $2,000.00). One truck added for street sealing will increase 1971 rate. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTHEiH CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY -.... Page .-. CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adj us ted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) 50 a Account #255 - Recapping of 10 motor grader tires and 16 truck tires in 1970 requires increase in adjusted budget. Account #379 - The $1,400 increase in the 1970 adjustment provides for the purchase of 4 tires for the 545 loader at $309.00 and 2 tires for the John Deere loader at $65.00 each. Account #387 - Increased $500.00 over current budget for 1971. Additional material will have to be purchased to offset that. previously obtained by crushing concrete and brick. The old rock crusher is no longer serviceable. Account #390 - The 1970 adjustment has been increased to purchase pickup and gutter brooms for the new sweeper placed in service last year. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #525 - Provides for the replacement of a 1963 Dodge 1 1/2 ton dump truck. Account #527 - Provides for the purchase of a 5' rotary mower in 1970 in addition to the 2" pump and mower authorized in the original budge t . ANNUAL BUDGET -! POSITION TITLE Director of Services Foreman II Foreman I Equipment Operator II Equipment Operator r Laborer Extra Time TOTAL r''-~,) _.-GENERAL Ql'.E.RATING__ D::: l'A[e~1E:;-';!.'_~ t ~~~____ _ _____u. FER S ()I\~~L::~' c:;';c 0::: SA=.;:\~ ~ l(i\~f:A~ Employee" '--'vrl&,17flPmf'osHi b'uc!q<? f Bvdot>! - L C=FC 1 1 1 1 1 o 7 7 18 17 2 2 i:~:2l~J!.:~<'~:~ rage 51 .---- --------~-----~===-,~==-==~~=~- Adjusted Pr-:JpJsed Range Curren~ Budget Budget 1 9 7 0 ......l.2l1 _ 774 - 995 11,256.00 11 , 940 . 00 503 - 642 7,112.00 7,704.00 479 -611 3,980.00 0.00 463 - 509 39,144.00 42,756.00 452 - 494 94,460.00 100,757.00 425 - 463 10,224.00 11,090.00 5,539.00 6,143.00 171 , 715 . 00 180,390.00 A]')'N:,O.1.L BS'DGET , _J 1.697.47 1,800.00 1.600.00 198.25 500.00 400.00 .00 300.00 300.00 46.66 100.00 100.00 1,942.38 2,700.00 2.400.00 29,107.34 29,460.00 34.120.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 18,518.52 18,518.52 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 228 Insurance - Equipment 253 Repair - Equipment 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 177 . 33 8.428.15 40.96 TOTAL 8,646.44 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 387 Sand. Rock. Gravel, Salt & Chat TOTAL GRAND TOTAL FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMni"f Was-te-=D_~1?.P~sal-== Page 52 1--- _..:=-=--==1-_ --::c=-:::=::::::=- Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 19 79===~,.=_l~7}_-==_oc 18,340.00 19,800.00 18,340.00 19,800.00 320.00 8.000.00 100.00 320.00 11,500.00 100.00 8,420.00 11.920.00 --- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FUND~EBAL OPERATING DEPI-\RTfltEiHWaste Disposal Page 53 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 18,518.52 18,340.00 19,800.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,646.44 1,942.38 8,420.00 11,920.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,700.00 2,400.00 TOTAL 29,107.34 29,460.00 34,120.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Operation of the City landfill for the final disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials. The City has never refused to allow use of the landfill by persons from outside the City. Saline County in 1969 agreed to pay the City $200.00 per year, which partially defrays the cost of making the facility available to residents and businesses outside the corporate limits of the City. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #253 - Increased for 1971 to allow for major overhaul of the D6B Dozer and undercarriage repair to the 955 loader. Account #345 - Reduced for 1971 since it will not be necessary to move dirt as far as previous to excavating the new pit in 1970. The reduction in the 1970 adjusted budget was the result of not making the planned move to the Camp Webster site. ANNUAL BUDGET Ft:ND GENERAL OPERATING --- .;....l. .:. ... ~ ,. _c. I'ERS)]\\r-::.., '-"-~"-~"'--"--.'" ~- ~r Emp l~)yee-; POSI TI ON TITLE /'vrlG'nf P/vFosM:f- b'0!s.<? I. I!t/05Jl'/ -- Heavy Equipment Operator 2 2 Laborer . 1 1 Extra Time TOTAL j'...... ~ ~ D:::;:'.,'\K::~n:SI c VJaste Di::mosal__ C"7'< 0"[' <';:\-1:'\:\. Y.\.~f:.:\s-_------------------- ~Q::~;X!.:<;-~~ rage 54 _mn Range ---~A1~~H~~-I-~ F~:~;':~d nn - 19 70 cc~~L-==--=- 494 - 541 11.920.00 12.955.00 425 - 463 5.120.00 5.545.00 1.300.00 1.300.00 19.800.00 18,340.00 A'Nl\ _.:i.u B"JDG;;r F U I~ D __...GENF.R AT. () 'PF.'RAT.ItiG-___ __ DEPARTMENT Stree.LJ,ightiQ.g__ 0 - OF SALINA, KANSAS ._--.~ DETA I L Page 55 I - - '-._:::-~~ Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970- 1.9.11 -- -- -- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 242 Light and Power Service 79.066.69 80,500.00 82,500.00 GRAND TOTAL 79,066.69 80,500.00 82,500.00 - CITY ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FUND GENER~L OPERATTN~ DEPARTt/,ENT-S_rrl;'PT Lighti.n.g. Page 56 .- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 TOTAL 79,066.69 79,066.69 80,500.00 82,500.00 82,500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 80,500.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation pays the cost for electricity, pole rental, lights and reflectors for all street lights within the corporate limits of the City of Salina; Kansas Power and Light Company installs and maintains all street lights which are rented to the City in accordance with a contractual agreement. BUDGET COMMENTS The 1970 adjustment which is a reduction of $4,500.00 results from our not being able to accomplish the North Ninth Street lighting because of federal requirements for break-a-way type poles. This requirement makes the cost prohibitive. Also lights added for the benefit of downtown parking lots were considerably less per month than the original proposal. The 1971 proposal being $2,000.00 above the adjusted 1970 figure allows for additional miscellaneous lighting throughout the City, and North Ninth Street for part of the year in the event federal requirements are relaxed. Also some additional lighting for downtown parking lots may be desirable. ANNUAL BUDGET UND __.GENERAL n"P"PRAT.ING___.o DEPARTNENT Traffic Control -.--------- CITY OF SALINA KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION I , Page 57 - .- - --- ---- Actual Adjusted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 -- -.. 1-===-0' = 16,281. 36 16,965.00 18,930.00 16.281. 36 16.965.00 18,930.00 330.30 300.00 300.00 198.00 100.00 100.00 91.30 160.00 160.00 2,207.81 2,500.00 2,800.00 545.78 700.00 700.00 20.95 10.00 10.00 108.00 110.00 110.00 322.07 1,000.00 1.000.00 .00 50.00 50.00 1,962.77 2,500.00 2.500.00 5,786.98 7.430.00 7,730.00 44.87 150.00 100.00 .00 10.00 10.00 417.47 400.00 400.00 30.00 30.00 5.00 2.495.07 2.000.00 .00 15.00 15.00 .00 1,108.51 600.00 1.000.00 35.07 50.00 50.00 19.68 50.00 100.00 3,787.19 3,000.00 .00 33.23 50.00 50.00 7.986.09 6.355.00 1.715.00 5,396.38 2,800.00 2,800.00 5.396.38 2.800.00 2,800.00 35.450.81 33,550.00 31.175.00 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 242 Light & Power Service 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 261 Repair - Traffic Lights, Bulbs. & Etc. 274 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 353 Signs 365 Cement & Cement Products 367 Electrical Traffic Light Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 399 Other Repairs & Maintenance TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 529 Traffic Control Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET FUND ~ERAL OPERATING DEPARTi1ENT 'T'ri'lffic CQntrol CITY OF SALI NA , KANSAS . SUMMARY Page 58 . - Actual Adj us ted CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 16,281.36 16,965.00 18,930.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,786.98 7,430.00 7,730.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 7,986.09 6,355.00 1,715.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,396.38 2,800.00 2,800.00 TOTAL 35,450.81 33,550.00 31,175.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The primary objective of the Traffic Control Department is to maintain and to obtain the highest possible utilization of the City traffic lanes, as well as the installation of all traffic control signals and signs, painting of all lane signs, center lines, cross-walks, parking stalls and directional arrows on the City's streets and parking lots, for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #231 - Increased for coverage on new paint stripper. Account #242 - Decreased in the 1970 adjustment to correct over estimate in the original budget. Account #253 - Reflects increase in cost of parts and labor. Account #261 - This account fluctuates extremely and is virtually impossible to forecast since it includes normal repair and replacement, by electricians, of equipment damaged by vehicles. Over $1,100.00 was spent in 1968 and only $322.00 in 1969. Account #353 - The decrease in this account has been made possible by utilization of the Special Gas Tax Fund. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTrtENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page CLASSIFICATION -- .-- - Actual Previous Year Adj us ted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 58 a Account #367 - This account has been reduced in the 1970 adjustment. The same circumstances apply here as in Account #261, except the actual expenditures here was $300.00 in 1968 and $1,100.00 in 1969. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #529 - Provides for installation of mast arms at Broadway and Crawford in 1970 and replacement of the 1962 Studebaker truck in 1971. ANNUAL BUDGET fTND .~jmRA~OP~RAT_I~G____ n!:"!:'.c\Il:'..;.EST____ Tr-:.~~i~__~_~~:_ro_l c' .-' ,.c.\J':' SA~~..:: ~.\., j(\ '\;.::\<< . 0" .1. ~. E'ER --~ _u --. Employe POSITION TITLE -;;;;;;::;~ 17 flP/V, b'ucl:l<? f BLI Foreman I 1 Maintenance Worker I 2 Extra Time TOTAL ~ ... -----------_.-._--_._----~---- rage 59 ..-- - - - ~~ Adj us tee PrDposcc1. ge Current Budget Budget 1970 1971 - - _u 611 6.248.00 7.330.00 482 10,532.00 11.400.00 185.00 200.00 16,965.00 18.930.00 I I I 3.)0'\ Z:" S ( ~l ~.1.T "_.'S: ----=r= e.; ; posed d'1...'!.!_ 1 2 ANN~OAi.., E"0DG=.;r Ran 479 - 440 - ITY FUND -.Q'.NJi~RAJ...-O.J?-E~~J\IG- . -,___ DEPARTtH:.ln Swimming Pools__ C OF SALINA, KANSAS ~- DETAIL Page 60 ----'- ---..-: Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969__ 1970 - - 1.971 - PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 11,350.75 12,300.00 12,800.00 TOTAL 11 ,350.75 12,300.00 12.800.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 17.34 20.00 20.00 241 Gas Service 28.40 30.00 30.00 242 Light & Power Service 554.60 550.00 550.00 251 Repair - Buildings 60.73 700.00 100.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 3.468.75 1.000.00 1,000.00 295 Other Professional Services 308.96 250.00 250.00 TOTAL 4,438.78 2,550.00 1.950.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 194.73 150.00 50.00 320 Office Supplies 31. 66 100.00 100.00 333 Chemicals. Drugs & Etc. 345.49 400.00 400.00 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 21. 70 50.00 50.00 365 Cement & Cement Products 11. 81 200.00 150.00 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 3.33 20.00 20.00 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 91. 93 50.00 50.00 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts 1.62 150.00 150.00 381 Paint & Painting Materials 1.019.30 1,300.00 100.00 TOTAL 1,721.57 2,420.00 1.070.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax Remitted .00 280.00 420.00 TOTAL .00 280.00 420.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment .00 1,700.00 1,320.00 TOTAL .00 1,700.00 1.320.00 GRAND TOTAL 17.511.10 19,250.00 17.560.00 " ANNUAL BUDGET -- CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and Carver Center. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #251 - Kenwood Pool roof to be repaired in 1970~ Account #253 - Reduction in the 1970 adjustment resulted from piping repair at Carver Center being accomplished in 1969. Underwater lights at Kenwood Pool had to be repaired after extensive damage by vandals. Account #295 - Includes plumbing services, winterizing and State Laboratory tests. Account #365 - Increas'ed in the 1970 adjustment for toilet stall re- placement and moving of shower entrance on men's side of Kenwood Pool. Floors and sides of both pools to be sealed in 1971. Account #381 - Both pools will require extensive painting after close of 1970 season. Account #421 - Beginning July 1, 1970 requires sales tax to be paid on admissions. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTI1ENT , ~ SUMMARY Page - ,~--, - - Actual Adj us ted CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 61 a CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Shower stalls, lifeguard chairs and umbrellas purchased in 1970. Eight ladders @ $165.00 each will have to be replaced in 1971. CITY OF SALINA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET POSITION TITLE C.!.'I~~ OE f,A::',}S\, K;':\~AS'- ITRS J~0i:':~ :;(:~J:'l)'''~'.':S ~mpl(Jyee:3-n- .,- I/'vrl&' 17 f iP/V?OS;;;; b'u~<?,L r/!%.'ii!t>! Range Swimming Pool Superintende pt 1 400 Municipal Pool Manager 1 350 Carver Pool Manager 1 300 Male Lifeguards 4 165 Female Lifeguards 4 150 Cashier 2 125 Basket Boys 7 US Basket Girls 4 100 Extra Time TOTAL FeND _Q.:E:l~Ri\.~_9PERATIN~__ D;:I.;'.\R~~1T~J: ._~~imming Pool~ --.--~ag~---~2-1 _O~O~~-C:L F~:9~jl:~d_] 1,200.00 1,050.00 900.00 1.980.00 1,800.00 750.00 2.415.00 1,200.00 1,505.00 12,800.00 ANN..-,;'L BS"DGBT FUND GENERAL OPERATING DE P AR T~t E N-T--A~-i-;tr..rti~- &- Planni~___ Page 63 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS L>ETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 303.88 520.00 410.00 647.92 1,000.00 1.000.00 274.81 150.00 150.00 .00 60.00 60.00 41. 28 160.00 100.00 85.91 1,100.00 200.00 .00 10.00 10.00 287.50 200.00 320.00 1.641.30 3,200.00 2,250.00 329.51 280.00 300.00 147.19 150.00 150.00 77 .28 150.00 150.00 .00 30.00 .00 34.00 50.00 50.00 .00 75.00 25.00 587.98 735.00 675.00 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees .00 26.455.45 .00 TOTAL 26.455.45 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr. 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tag 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 142.00 TOTAL 142.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Camera & Lenses 517 Office Equipment 300.45 763.61 TOTAL 1,064.06 GRAND TOTAL 29,890.79 23,245.00 18,895.00 1.900.00 44,040.00 175.00 175.00 150.00 970.00 1,120.00 49.270.00 ANNUAL BUDGET Proposed Budget ___-1.9.1.L . 25.190.00 25,070.00 2,600.00 52.860.00 175.00 175.00 .00 .00 .00 55.960.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMH;:\RY -- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 26,455.45 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,641.30 587.98 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 142.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,064.06 TOTAL 29,890.79 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTt1ErnAdminis tra tion -and- Plal11l111g ~, Page 64 -- Adj us ted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1970 1971 44,040.00 52,860.00 3,200.00 2,250.00 735.00 675.00 175.00 175.00 1,120.00 .00 49,270.00 55,960.00 The Department provides staff support to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals in guiding the growth and development of the City in order to achieve a more orderly, convenient and attractive community. The department assists other municipal departments, serves as the link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and sub-division regulations, rezoning requests, minimum requirements for proposed sub-division plats, traffic requirements, plus a multitude of additional services to influence the well-being of the community. Activities within this department are increasing steadily due to expanded involvement with various Federal Programs. The Department of Administration and Planning is the primary liaison with the Regional Office of Housing and Urban Development at Fort Worth, the Kansas State Park and Resources Authority, as well as the local Urban Renewal Agency. In addition, the department works continually with planning and engineering firms on projects such as the Community Renewal Program, Neighborhood Development Programs, park development projects and the many routine technical studies as they develop. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #110 - Salaries of the Director of Administration and the Director of Planning have been transferred from Account #120 to #110 beginning with the 1970 adjustment. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adj us ted Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 64 a BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #120 - In addition to the above this account was further reduced in the 1970 adjustment since we have been unable to fill the position of Administrative Assistant. Account #130 - Reduced for 1970 due to postponement of using college students in research and design work as provided for in original 1970 budget. Account #253 - Increase in 1970 was necessitated by major overhaul of 1964 Dodge when transferred from the Police Department. Account #295 - In 1970 includes Urban Design Study on Ohio St. between Pacific and Crawford and N. 9th St. between Euclid and Ash. Account #435 - Provides for membership in the American Institute of Planners, American Society of Public Officials, Urban Land Institute and the American Public Works Association. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Provides for the purchase of an additional 35 mm camera in 1970. This will permit one to be kept loaded with black and white film and the other with color since both prints and slides are essential in studies, programs and reports prepared by the department. Account #517 - Draft~ng table, chair and light purchase in 1970. ANNUAL BUDGET rr~m ~l~E~L O.lERATI~Q____ n ~". t':\ rCi>1 [;\T Administratio~__ -.- Cl.IY or S.:\.i3S \ , KA~?A~ --and-Plauulug -.----~ n:RS)?\\L~~' SC.~:':D.q Page 65 ""....,-,,,..."'"....,...~-"'-_.,,-~.~ '".~_.~._~.-.. - - _._-- .- I Adjusted - ----- ~~--- -. - -=---== = I - -------- ~---- Emp1,:;y-se:3 I Pr:>posed POSITION TITLE .-- Range Current Budg~ t I-'"'url&' 17 f :P/V'posM:f Budget b'uclq<? f 8::d2.t>~_ ._ _---1.9.l1L... .l 19~=-=- - - - Director of Administration 1 1 860 - 1152 13.032.00 13,824.00 Planning Director 1 1 708 - 947 10.212.00 11 .364.00 Planning Technician 1 1 528 642 7.144.00 7.704.00 Secretary 2 2 358 - 433 9.352.00 10,168.00 Administrative Assistant 1 1 600 2,400.00 7.200.00 Part Time 2 2 1.900.00 2,600.00 TOTAL 44,040.00 52,860.00 i L ANN~AL b:iDC:ST ._-------- ---- C I OF SALI NA, KANSAS o ETA I L Page 6 - - - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Propose Year Budget Budget - 1969 - - ---1.9. ZiL_ -- , )971__ -. - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 239 Group Insurance 21.586.00 24,400.00 26.220. 290 Medical Services 796.30 900.00 950. 294 Workmen's Compensation 16,504.00 11.005.00 13,000. TOTAL 38,886.30 36,305.00 40,170. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 404 Contingencies 46.887.19 30,000.00 30,000. TOTAL 46,887.19 30,000.00 30,000. GRAND TOTAL 85,773.49 66,305.00 70,170. - TY FUND GENERAL OPERATING OEPARTMENf~surance and Contingencies 6 d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SAL I Nt\, Kf.\NSAS SUt'\NARY FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTt-1EtH_In.surance__ an~ CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 -ccrrrr:trrgencies Page 67 [-reposed -- Budget 1971 .~- --- -- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 38,886.30 36,305.00 40,170.00 30,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 46,887.19 30,000.00 TOTAL 85,773.49 66,305.00 70,170.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS The Contingency section is designed as a hedge against unforeseen emergencies or needs that cannot be determined at the time of budget preparation. Present forecasts for the 1971 budget encompass a period of 18 months. Some examples of past expenditures out of this fund include: establishment of a revolving fund for purposes of Ambulance payroll, rental of equipment and labor for snow removal, professional studies relating to a Comprehensive Park Plan, annexation study, Community Renewal Program, Neighborhood Development Program, partial payment (for Welfare Office rental as an in-lieu-of-payment) for the new police administration building property, vehicle and equipment for an additional dog catcher, repair and/or replacement of damages caused by hail and wind, the purchase of 21 lots from FHA for expansion of Centennial Park, rental of air conditioners for Carver Center, work on emergency generator in the Police Building, rebuilding of the miniature Statue of Liberty in Oakdale Park, demolition of South Park School so the grounds can be used for a neighborhood park, installation of an accordian type partition in Carver Center. Account #239 - Provides for employee medical insurance paid by the City. A 10% increase in premiums is expected for 1971. Physical examinations, a prerequisite to municipal employment, are paid out of account #290. Account #294 - Decreased in 1970 as a result of our experience record over the past 3 years. However, it is expected to increase in 1971 due to numerous minor injuries during the past year. ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIl. FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Band -----.- (- ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriations TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 10,000.00 10.000.00 10.000.00 10.000.00 10,000.00 10.000.00 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 68 ~ ~--_._~.- . - I Proposed Budget 1971 10,000.00 10,000.QO 10.000.00 ____,_J FUND~iEPAL OPERATING DEPARTi"lEtITBand CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMt~ARY Page 69 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 TOTAL 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation provides support to the Salina Municipal Band. Annual activities of the band normally include 13 to 15 outdoor concerts, participation in the final City Recreation Commission Program, the Tri- Rivers Fair, Memorial Day Parade, Armed Forces Day Parade, Boy Scout Circus Programs, baseball games, indoor concerts, and the Independence Day cele- bration at Lakewood Park. ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS-- ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 351 Seeds, Plants & Trees 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement & Cement Products 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 387 Sand, Gravel. Rock & Chat TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 501 Land 527 Machinery & Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL DETA IL ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year ;l9..6L 15,713.44 15,713.44 218.86 81.39 84.70 178.58 14.80 92 . 40 750.97 1.497.28 45.04 46.41 3,010.43 23.42 54.74 411.38 15.00 8.18 100.68 .00 19.14 147.17 .00 61. 70 841. 41 60.00 60.00 285.00 764.00 1,049.00 20.674.28 UND-C~G.____. DEPARTHENT Cemetery Adjusted Current Budget ..l.9..Z.!L == _. 16,715.00 16,715.00 220.00 100.00 75.00 275.00 20.00 100.00 500.00 1,300.00 40.00 175.00 2,805.00 50.00 40.00 375.00 15.00 150.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 100.00 930.00 85.00 85.00 150.00 .00 150.00 20,685.00 Page 70 Proposed Budget 1971. 18,105.00 18.105.00 220.00 100.00 75.00 275.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 1.000.00 40.00 100.00 2.060.00 50.00 60.00 375.00 .00 .00 75.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 735.00 60.00 60.00 150.00 .00 150.00 21,110.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FUND GENEHAL OPERATING DEPARTt1ENTC~meterv Page 71 ---' CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 15,713.44 16,715.00 18,105.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,010.43 2,805.00 2,060.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 841. 41 930.00 735.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 60.00 85.00 60.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,049.00 150.00 150.00 TOTAL 20,674.28 20,685.00 21,110.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department is responsible for the normal routine maintenance of Gypsum Hill Cemetery. Area of the Cemetery approximates 70 acres and contains approximately 12,000 interments at the present time. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #241 and #242 - Larger furnace installed in mausoleum is expected to require more gas and electricity than the one which was replaced. Account #251 - Increased in the 1970 adjustment to permit replacement of numerous stained glass windows broken by vandals. Account #351 - Increased to purchase additional evergreen trees in 1970 to replace elms which have been removed. ANNUAL BUDGET '....,..l.. ..., PET< =--"..,.,..,.,." Emp J_oy"" POSITION TI TLE /(JrlG'~-:;; p;;~ b'uo'q<? f Bt/ Sexton 1 Maintenance Worker I 2 Extra Time TOTAL ('F'- 0:5' SAi,T~\, K:\..:'\8A8- 8:I,Jl:\)" t.~.;~~, E;(;'~?:n~c"~~_.E ~~ ,; pOSEd d'.lfl Range 1 433 - 528 2 440 - 482 ANN:~.;'L B:';DGET I FFt\'D GENERAL OPERATING nfYXRTME:~:!.__ Ceme t~IT-_____ 72 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 5.976.00 10,539.00 200.00 16,715.00 Page J .,= Pr-:Jp::Jsed Budget ---lJJ.ll-- 6.336.00 11.569.00 200.00 18,105.00 I I .J. FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT - G~neraT _Imp~~~~~ment CITY OF SALI NA, K.ANSAS DETA I L Page 73 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION - -l Actual'-- Previous Year 1969 - ------.: Adjusted Currer.t Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 ._-- ..- PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 13.139.03 2.424.55 17.480.00 4,775.00 19,585.00 4.775.00 TOTAL 15.563.58 22.255.00 24.360.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicle 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicle - Tires 71. 20 263.70 1.50 60.00 300.00 10.00 70.00 300.00 10.00 TOTAL 336.40 370.00 380.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tag 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 375 Metal & Metal Products 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 399 Other Repairs & Maintenance TOTAL 34.49 400.00 200.00 139.46 200.00 200.00 30.00 30.00 5.00 .00 50.00 50.00 2.56 50.00 50.00 .00 50.00 60.00 2.10 50.00 50.00 13.20 200.00 200.00 221. 81 1,030.00 815.00 16,121. 79 23,655.00 25.555.00 GRAND TOTAL - ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, SUMMARY FUNDGENERAL OPERATING DEPARTi1ErnGeneral Improve- KANSAS me&t . Page 74 Actual Adjusted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 15,563.58 22,255.00 24,360.00 336.40 370.00 380.00 221.81 1,030.00 815.00 16,121.79 23,655.00 25,555.00 CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This fund accounts for the normal repairs, maintenance and improve- ment type activities for the various city-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget, as well as non-recurring Street Department functions and activities. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #310 - In addition to replacement of small hand tools, includes a new table saw to be purchased in 1970. ANNUAL BUDGET = ---:c POSITION TITLE Foreman I Maintenance Worker II Extra Time Part Time TOTAL -- C!,:Y J"f:' ~,A-l.I!\'\, Y.\);5A-S---- FCND __~~NERAL OPERA]1.!'I.Q.__ Dfr'..\t~ T:'1E;'\l~ner a~_Impr~_~emen t EL~_S;.n.~~~'.~.~c: :"~"'-'~ Page 75 ~"r~~:'~O';;:5<d .... R:n:~~~T-A~~~~~~(~~;~~~~:~d-~ b'uc!g~~/!t,/dgt>~F==c-=----==_ _..J.270 _== =-.-!22_~_ 1 1 479 - 611 6,590.00 7.335.00 2 2 452 - 494 10.490.00 11.850.00 400.00 400.00 4 4 4,775.00 4.775.00 22,255.00 24,360.00 A1TN::-AL BJDG::'r ~ - C [TV OF SAL I NA. KANSAS DnA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 227 Insurance - Liability (3 years) 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 359 Other Operating Supplies 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 381 Paint & Painting Materials TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 413 Public Address System TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year 1969 4,269.67 4,269.67 187.01 .00 2,077.27 265.04 230.88 264.08 340. 71 .00 3,364.99 11.47 27.13 .00 1.08 39.68 263.00 263.00 7,937.34 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMEf\T MemoriilHall- Adjusted Current Budget 1979 3,640.00 3.640.00 170.00 .00 2.000.00 450.00 250.00 300.00 100.00 2,650.00 5,920.00 20.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 245.00 300.00 300.00 10,105.00 Page 76 Proposed Budget 1971 -- .. =-= ~65.00 4,965.00 170.00 280.00 2,000.00 450.00 250.00 300.00 100.00 .00 3,550.00 20.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 245.00 300.00 300.00 9.060.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FU N D.GE.NERAL 0 PE RA'll.N G DEPARTi~ElnMemorial Hall Page 77 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 4,269.67 3,640.00 4,965.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,364.99 5,920.00 3,550.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 39.68 245.00 245.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 263.00 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 7,937.34 10,105.00 9,060.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Memorial Hall serves the community and trade area as a multi-use facility accommodating meetings, entertainment, recreation, civic and service projects. A portion of the building is used for practice for the Municipal Band. Offices adjacent to the lobby house the Cultural Arts Commission and Veterans' Administration. A Civil Defense fallout shelter occupies most of the basement. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #295 - The 1970 adjustment provides for: (1) installation of an air conditioner in the Municipal Band practice room; (2) a study to determine the feasibility of remodeling and improving the building so that greater use might be made of the facility. ANNUAL BUDGET c.-'- J""' (,'".;'\\: K\:;;SAs.-;.. 11 ? ir....'..? -. .....j., : .. ., -:-1..-'-.: ,; FER3}~~\[':; fie:: "'OUOC"'".,~.._,....., .._-....~.. '_-'_'. -., _. Emp::"oyee5 POSITION 1'1 TLE - --- ,?,WY&' 0/ Prv?osM:f . b' u'!'s. c:..L Bt/dfi.t>! ..---=: Custodian 1 1 TOTAL _._-._---_. - i"~" , ~ : Rsmge 379 - 425 AN!L"-\..L BJDGET FT~W GENERAL OPERATING nS;;:J.\iC~r:~! _MeIll.,?r:!:...<!..lJ:!.?Jl__ --------------------'1 Iage 78 I --==---'====r~=-~~-===-~=~. Adjusted PrJpJsed Current Bud0et Budget 0 1970 ___ 1971..._ 3.640.00 4,965.00 3,640.00 4.965.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARH1E(n _-Public Jie~-ith___~~ OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ----. - - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Year Budget -. 1969 197_9 , 0.. . - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation - City 36.710.00 37,850.00 TOTAL 36.710.00 37,850.00 GRAND TOTAL 36.710.00 37,850.00 ,- CITY Page 79_~ Proposed I _ B~~~l~==~ 37,850.00 37.850.00 37,850.00 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMt1AR Y FUND..GENr..BAL OPEHATING DEPARn1EIHpublic Heal:th __ - .-------- Page 80 = CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971,_ CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,710.00 37,850.00 37,850.00 TOTAL 36,710.00 37,850.00 37,850.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This is a joint City-County function, designed in the specialty of preventive medical and public health. Its primary function is to prevent disease, prolong life and promote physical and mental efficiency for an organized community. In carrying out its charged duties, the department enforces City Ordinances for: unhealthful conditions, eating, drinking and food establishments, meat inspection in establishments that slaughter, process and package meat and meat products, milk, milk products, frozen desserts, food and beverage vending machines, as well as sew~r connections, cesspools and unhealthful structures. BUDGET COMMENTS Appropriation represents City share of maintaining the department. Support provided on 50-50 basis with Saline County. ANNUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 FUND GENERAL Ol:ERATIN_G__n D E PAR TM E NT Indus ttW______._.__ Deve 1 opmen t___..__ Page 81 I A~t~~~~~ r:po:,c=1 Budget Budget 1970 _ _ _,).97):_-== CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 295 Other Professional Services 24.553.84 20.000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 24,553.84 20,000.00 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUHf1ARY FUND GENERAL OPEBATI"N~_ DEPARTt1ENTIndus trial Bevefcpmeni: Page 82 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24,553.84 20,000.00 20,000.00 TOTAL 24,553.84 20,000.00 20,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This fund has been established for the purpose of assisting the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for use in industrial promotion. The intent being to help provide employment for Salina residents and to broaden the tax base. Expenditures from this fund must have prior approval by the City Commission. BUDGET COMMENTS Expenditures to date indicate that the 1970 appropriation should not exceed $20,000.00. A like amount is recommended for 1971. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND NOXIOUS WEEDS D EPAR mE rlC---.------- --, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals, Drugs, & Etc. 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax . TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALAN Page ~~J ......~ ..- -- _. Actual Adjusted Previous . Current Propos Year Budget Budge lqnq - lq70 1.911. - 3,464.26 4,000.00 4.000 3.464.26 4,000.00 4.000 959.46 1,000.00 1,000 140.65 100.00 100 1 . 100. 11 1.100.00 1,100 48.90 500.00 500 469.38 400.00 400 .00 300.00 300 30.52 200.00 200 548.80 1.400.00 1,400 5,113.17 6,500.00 6.500 1.032.22 1,654.62 1.418 5.304.91 5.988.58 4,689 83.66 60.00 60 347.00 215.75 331 5.735.57 6.264.33 5.081 CE 6,767.79 7.918.95 6.500 ed t .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .95 .31 .00 .74 .05 .00 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND NOXTOIJS WF.F.DS DEPARTtiEtH CITY OF SAL I NJ\, KANSAS SUMI1ARY ._----~-_._---- Page 84 -- .... CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 3,464.26 4,000.00 4,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,100.11 1,100.00 1,100.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 548.80 1,400.00 1,400.00 TOTAL 5,113.17 6,500.00 6,500.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 5,735.57 6,264.33 5,081.05 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 6,767.79 7,918.95 6,500.00 Less Expenditures 5,113.17 6,500.00 6,500.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Dec. 3ls 1,654.62 1,418.95 .00 Net Tax Requirements 5,311.55 5,988.58 4,689.31 Delinquent Tax 106.23 119.77 0.00 Tax Dollars 5,417.78 6,108.35 4,689.31 Tax Levy Mills 0.0873 0.0952 0.0725 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This fund, under the supervlslon of the Director of Services in cooperation with the Health Department, provides for the control and mowing of rank grass, weeds and other nuisance vegetation on lots and pieces of land within the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMENTS Street Department equipment and personnel costs are prorated to this fund for the services rendered. Account #125 provides for one inspector and 2 mower operators during the weed season. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND FIREMEN'S PENSION .--- DEPARTtiENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DET^ I L Page 85 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Adjusted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 - . . .- - EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 437 Pensions Paid 439 Refunds Reserve 34,262.25 814.76 .00 44.890.00 1,000.00 .00 52,580.00 1.500.00 25.000.00 TOTAL 35,077.01 45.890.00 79.080.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 6,123.61 4.432.39 13,551.4 0 110 Current Tangible Taxes 19,771. 51 40,224.23 49,171.2 6 130 Delinquent Taxes 161. 56 200.00 100.0 0 240 Sales Tax 669.57 814.78 2.227.3 6 941 Contributions by Employees 12,783.15 13,770.00 14,029.9 8 TOTAL REVENUE 33.385.79 55,009.01 65.528.6 0 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 39,509.40 59.441. 40 79.080.0 0 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND-EIBF.MF.N'S PENSION DEPARTNENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUHMARY Page 86 -- Actual Adjusted CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget -. 1969 1970 1971 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 35,077.01 45,890.00 79,080.00 TOTAL 35,077.01 45,890.00 79,080.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 33,385.79 55,009.01 65,528.60 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 39,509.40 59,441.40 79,080.00 Less Expenditures 35,077.01 45,890.00 79,080.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 4,432.39 13,551.40 00.00 Net Tax Requirements 19,827.72 40,224.32 49,171.26 Delinquent Tax 396.55 804.49 0.00 Tax Dollars 20,224.27 41,028.81 49,171.26 Tax Levy Mills 0.3258 0.6399 0.7598 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Account pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to employees who terminate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% have been withheld from salaries. In keeping with preliminary budget discussions, it is anticipated this con- tribution will be increased to 7%. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 has been levied in past years but is being increased in 1971 to $25,000.00. Increase in Account #437 due to eligibility of two Captains and one Lieutenant to retire during current year. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND POLICEHEl'~' S PENSION DE PAR mffTr-n--- .----- CITY OF SALINA, K~NSAS DETAIL pag:_87 J --.-.1 I I osed get 71 -- -~----~ --- ACCO ---..- --,.......--- Actual Adjusted UNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Prop Year Budget Bud 1969 1970 19 - S aid 27,504.50 26,750.00 26,7 1,794.28 2,000.00 2,0 .00 .00 25,0 29,298.78 28.750.00 53.7 ANCE January 1st se Orders Balance January 1st 6,652.89 9,723.21 11.7 ngible Taxes 21,609.28 17,654.68 28,1 Taxes 222.52 250.00 1 922.28 880.13 9 ons by Employees 9,615.02 12,000.00 12.7 REVENUE 32,369.10 30.784.81 41,9 REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 39.021. 99 40,508.02 53,7 ...- 50.00 00.00 00.00 EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURE 437 Pensions P 439 Refunds Reserve TOTAL 50.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BAL Less Unpaid Purcha Unencumbered Cash 58.02 110 Current Ta 130 Delinquent 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributi 72.29 00.00 77 . 78 41. 91 TOTAL 91.98 TOTAL 50.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND POL ICEHEr:r 's PENS I01L-. DEPARTfitENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMI1ARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 29,298.78 TOTAL 29,298.78 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 32,369.10 39,021. 99 29,298.78 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Dec. 31s 9,723.21 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 21,685.20 433.70 22,118.90 0.3563 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Adjusted Current Budget 197Q 28,750.00 28,750.00 30,784.81 40,508.02 28,750.00 11,758.02 17,654.68 353.09 18,007.77 0.2809 Page ~~--l - 1 Proposed Budget 1971 53,750.00 53,750.00 41,991.98 53,750.00 53,750.00 .00 28,172.29 .00 28,172.29 0.4353 Account pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to employees who terminate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% have been withheld from salaries. In keeping with preliminary budget discussions it is anticipated this contribution will be increased to 7%. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 has been levied in past years but is being increased in 1971 to $25,000.00 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SAL I NA, Kt\NStIS--- DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees - Other Dept . 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 228 Insurance - Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year 1969 8,949.40 4.290.00 13,239.40 41. 65 820.90 862.55 .00 3.05 3.05 14,105.00 FUND TREE MAINTENANCE DEPARTtIT"NT-- ---. Page 89 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 ._"'.'-"-'_.' --....,--.--...--,- 5.000.00 5,000.00 5.000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 45.00 500.00 45.00 500.00 545.00 545.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 10,745.00 10.745.00 2.174.95 2,396.86 479. 52 14,319.82 8,104.71 9,776. 80 1. 37 140.00 40. 00 5.72 582.95 448. 68 14,326.91 8,827.66 10.265. 48 16.501.86 11,224.52 10,745. 00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUM11ARY ---.. CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 13,239.40 862.55 3.05 TOTAL 14,105.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures J..4,326.9l 16,501. 86 14,105.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Dec. 3ls 2,396.86 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 14,361. 67 287.23 14,648.90 0.2360 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION FUNDTREE; HAINTENANC~_ DEPARTt1ENl Page 90 .- -- Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1970 1971 - 10,000.00 10,000.00 545.00 545.00 200.00 200.00 10,745.00 10,745.00 8,827.66 10,265.48 11,224.52 10,745.00 10,745.00 10,745.00 479.52 .00 8,104.71 9,776.80 162.09 0.00 8,266.80 9,776.80 0.1289 0.1511 Administered by the Director of Services, this fund provides for study, treatment and removal of diseased and undesirable trees located on City owned property. Owners are responsible for removal of dead trees on their property including those situated on adjacent parkings. When owners neglect that responsibility, and in particular where dead trees overhang sidewalks and streets, the Director is authorized to order their removal for public safety. If the owner fails to comply with an order to remove a tree, the Director contracts to have it removed by a licensed tree surgeon. That cost is paid out of this fund and in turn charged to the property. This enforcement program is extremely limited by available funds. BUDGET COMMENTS The 1969 expenditure for this fund consists primarily of monies necessary to allow for cleanup of trees and limbs damaged or destroyed by the tornado which struck Salina on June 21. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND BOl\'D AND IKTERE5..l.,_ DEPARntENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS J DETA I L Page 91 -- --. - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 == .- - EXPENDITURES 601 General Bond Principal 208,000.00 212,000.00 225.385.17 603 General Bond Interest 111,486.84 110.805.81 103,058.31 605 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (CS) 209.552.40 219.900.37 202.126.49 607 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (PO S ) 532,447.60 518.589.89 468.168.86 609 Curb. Gutter & Paving Interest (CS) 62.936.23 61,615.29 55.403.12 611 Curb. Gutter & Paving Interest (paS) 136.691. 84 127,116.44 111,947.52 613 Sewer Bond Principal (CS) 23,152.00 10.845.10 5,597.10 615 Sewer Bond Principal (PaS) 38.848.00 29,154.90 24.402.90 617 Sewer Bond Interest (CS) 1.203.43 593.07 292.29 619 Sewer Bond Interest (PaS) 3,294.03 2,196.32 1.347.70 621 Fiscal Agency Commission & Postage 1,712.59 1,582.00 1.600.54 Estimated Interest on Bonds to be issued .00 .00 30.000.00 TOTAL 1.329.324.96 1.294,399.19 1,229.330.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE 111,024.68 3,217.62 4.711.54 604,408.48 710.000.00 682.096.76 11 , 183.62 7.000.00 7.000.00 486,685.12 439.267.41 426,894.70 34.301. 26 40,000.00 20.000.00 19.673.34 15,000.00 12.000.00 10,000.00 .00 .00 4,348.42 2.000.00 2,000.00 617.66 .00 .00 50,300.00 49.200.00 47.600.00 .00 33,425.70 27,027.00 1,221.517.90 1.295.893.11 1.224,618.46 1.332.542.58 1.299,110.73 1,229.330.00 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 150 Current Special Assessment Taxes 160 Delinquent Special Assessment Taxes 610 Interest on Investments 901 No-Fund Warrants 929 Special Assessments 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 957 Transfer from Parking Meter Fund 957 Transfer from Water & Sewage Fund TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE I ANNUAL BUDGET FUND BOND AND INTEREST DEPARntENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 92 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 BOND PRINCIPAL 1,012,000.00 990,490.26 925,680.52 BOND INTEREST 315,612.37 302,326.93 272,048.94 FISCAL AGENCY 1.712.59 1,582.00 1,600.54 INTEREST ON BONDS TO BE ISSUED .O~ .00 30.000.00 TOTAL 1,329,324.96 1.294,399.19 1.229,330.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,221.517.90 1,295,893.11 1.224.618.46 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 1,332,542.58 1,299.110.73 1.229,330.00 Less Expenditures 1,329.324.96 1,294.399.19 1,229,330.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31st 3,217.62 4. 711. 54 .00 Net Tax Requirements 689.849.90 710,314.76 682,096.76 Delinquent Tax 13,797.00 14.206.30 .00 Tax Dollars 703,646.90 724,521.06 682.096.76 Tax Levy Mills 11. 3346 11.2987 10.5436 Tax Dollars - No-Fund Warrants 13 . 000 . 00 Tax Levy Mills 0.2009 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The anticipated tax requirement to support this fund for 1971 reflects a small decrease of 0.7584 of a mill, when compared to the current year levy. The unpredictable payment. or non-payment, of delinquent special assessment taxes continued to plague the accuracy of budgeting for' this fund. There is a levy of 0.2009 in 1971 for payment of No-Fund Warrants issued in 1969. ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SAL I NA, KANSAS DETA I L ---:.-.., ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES Personal Services 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 333 Chemicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement & Cement Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 387 Sand. Gravel. Rock & Chat TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Machinery & Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL L-.-_ ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year 19(>9 16.262.55 16,262.55 FUN D _ JLQ.QlLHQ.B...KS.J-LE.Y.EE_ . DEPARTt~ENT Page 93 -- ---=--.;...~:.:===-- -- Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget ~1 ....=--= 17.275.00 19.340.00 17,275.00 19,340.00 221.72 250.00 250.00 1.830.62 1,500.00 1.600.00 37.55 300.00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00 120.00 200.00 100.00 2.209.89 2,350.00 2,150.00 13.30 20.00 20.00 220.20 500.00 300.00 728. 13 750.00 710.00 100.00 100.00 10.00 11.88 100.00 100.00 387.78 200.00 200.00 45.45 300.00 100.00 38.19 50.00 50.00 .00 200.00 100.00 1.544.93 2,220.00 1.590.00 221. 00 221.00 20,238.37 .00 .00 .00 .00 21,845.00 23.080.00 FUND FLOOD WORKS AND LEVEE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS o ETA I L Page 94 -- ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE 2.621.28 3.881.25 2.621.54 18,600.52 19,246.95 18,792.80 288.13 180.00 200.00 1.193.69 758.34 1,065.66 1,416.00 400.00 400.00 21,498.34 20.585.29 20,458.46 24.119.62 24.466.54 23.080.00 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax 731 Miscellaneous Sales & Service TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ------------ SU~1MI\RY f-. CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,262.55 2,209.89 1,544.93 221.00 TOTAL 20,238.37 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 21,498.34 24,119.62 20,238.37 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Dec. 3ls 3,881.25 18,684.74 373.69 19,058.43 0.3070 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION FUNDFLOOD....YlO.RK5-AND LEVEE DEPARTt-1ENT -., Page 9~J .-- - Adj us ted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1970 1971 -- 17,275.00 19,340.00 2,350.00 2,150.00 2,220.00 1,590.00 .00 .00 21,845.00 23,080.00 20,585.29 20,458.46 24,466.54 23,080.00 21,845.00 23,080.00 2,621.54 .00 19,246.95 18,792.80 384.94 0.00 19,631. 89 18,792.80 0.3062 0.2904 The function of the Flood Works and Levee Department is one of maintain- ing, patroling and keeping in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood control system for the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMENTS The only significant change is in Account #120 for 1971 whereby the 2 men classified as Maintenance Worker I are to be reclassified as Equipment Operator I. Their assignments are very similar to those of Equipment Operators in other departments. ANNUAL BUDGET FeNJ _JU"OOD \{QRK1L.L1EVEJL_ '''~''-'~~ n;:-,i'ARJMT"l\!.____________. C'~"' or ,:\.-,:-.;\ K.-\.:;-SA!;---.-- ------------ 96 _'_..1. ... - ~~- . . , PER S ,]1\Y 2:. fiC:"<;:,U' ~~~..~_.. ~___.a-'.-"""...,._. ...~,.".~~ ._~._.~-" - ==--= Employee::; POSITION TITLE I/'orl&'ol Ip/V?osEd . - - b'uc!q<? f BL/dgt>! Foreman I 1 1 47 Maintenance Worker I 2 0 44 Equipment Operator I 0 2 45 Extra Time TOTAL ,"I'I "i"''' . "7cD":r Range 9 - 611 o - 482 2 - 494 ANN......1.L B..., ~-:T Adj us ted Current Budget __1970____ 6.588.00 10,537.00 .00 150.00 17.275.00 Fage Fr:>p0sed Budget _.-1211..____ _ 7.332.00 .00 11,858.00 150.00 19,340.00 ITY FUND SOCIAL SECURITY DEPART~rftrr----------' C OF SALINA, KANSAS -...-- DETAIL Page 97 - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 - - EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 426 Deductions Remitted 104.260.35 118.320.00 122,000.00 439 Refunds 40.63 .00 .00 TOTAL 104,300.98 118,320.00 122,000.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 2.339.29 6,082.27 5.603.56 110 Current Tangible Taxes 32.572 . 88 36.604.05 32,353.97 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 141. 32 350.00 150.00 240 Sales Tax 585.21 1,327.24 2.026.86 941 Contributions by Employees & Employer 74,744.55 79.560.00 81,865.61 TOTAL REVENUE 108,043.96 117.841.29 116.396.44 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 110,383.25 123,923.56 122.000.00 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FUND -SOCTA T. SF.C'TTRITY DEPARTt1EtJT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1~69 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 104,300.98 TOTAL 104,300.98 108,043.96 1.10,383.25 104,300.98 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 3] 6,082.27 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 32,704.21 654.08 33,358.29 0.5373 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Adjusted Current Budget 1970 118,320.00 118,320.00 117,841.29 123,923.56 118,320.00 5,603.56 36,604.05 732.08 37,336.13 0.5823 Page 98 Proposed Budget 1971 122,000.00 122,000.00 116,396.44 122,000.00 122,000.00 00.00 32,353.97 00.00 32,353.97 0.5000 Appropriation for 1970 represents City's share set at 4.8% of employee annual salary not to exceed $7,800.00. An equal amount is paid through employee payroll deductions. The rate for 1971 is set at 5.2%. ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KP,NSAS DnA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION -'I ..~~...._~ . --_.- - EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 428 Retirement Remitted to State 439 Refunds TOTAL REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributions by Employees and Employer TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE ANNUAL BUDGET FUND 81PLOYEES' RETIREMENT DEPARyEnrr----------~- Actual Previous Year 1969 AdjUS. t.e..d I Current Budget 1970 84,224.08 12.50 96.800.00 100.00 84,236.58 96.900.00 Page 99 Proposed Budget 1971 106.000.00 .00 106.000.00 23,348.87 19.817.90 9,843.90 23,904.52 25.859.98 31,230.64 71. 07 250.00 75.00 293.95 973.75 1,431.65 56,436.07 59,842.27 63,418.81 80,705.61 86,926.00 96.156.10 104,054.48 106.743.90 106,000.00 FUND EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT DEPARTHENT CITY OF SAL I Nil., KANSAS SUMMARY ---_.__.._--~-,~ Page 100 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 - -. --:: Adj us ted Current P t'oposed Budget Budget 1970 1971 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 84,236.58 96,900.00 106,000.00 TOTAL 84,236.58 96,900.00 106,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 80,705.61 86,926.00 96,156.10 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 104,054.48 106,743.90 106,000.00 Less Expenditures 84,236.58 96,900.00 106,000.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 19,817.90 9,843.90 00.00 Net Tax Requirements 23,993.45 25,859.98 31,230.64 Delinquent Tax 479.87 517.20 00.00 Tax Dollars 24,473.32 26,377.18 31,230.64 Tax Levy Mills 0.3942 0.4113 0.4826 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The 1970 and 1971 appropriation represents the City's share of 6.1% of employees annual salary after being employed one year. The employee pays 4% through payroll deduction. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND__ SAlUTATIOIL-_._____. DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 236 Insurance - Social Security 238 Employees' Retirement 239 Group Insurance 243 Water Service 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 284 Laundry & Towel Service 290 Medical Services 291 Billing & Administration Charges 294 Workmen's Compensation TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Materials TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 519 Radio Equipment 525 Trucks TOTAL GRAND TOTAL I DETA I L ANNUAL BUDG ET Page 101 -- Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed oudget 1971 123.342.14 .00 129,570.00 5.345.00 142.680.00 5.525.00 123,342.14 134,915.00 148.205.00 418.24 400.00 400.00 350.00 100.00 100.00 78.80 200.00 700.00 552,28 580.00 600.00 5.737.22 6.200.00 7,600.00 4,440.26 5,500.00 6.000.00 2,488.38 2.600.00 2.850.00 165.08 200.00 200.00 8,066.51 6.500.00 6,500.00 774.67 500.00 800.00 424.50 460.00 485.00 3,603.80 3,000.00 3,100.00 133.40 150.00 150.00 6,038.54 6.100.00 6.120.00 4,556.00 3,230.00 4.500.00 37,827.68 35.720.00 40.105.00 556.10 600.00 800.00 118.08 140.00 140.00 73.00 75.00 75.00 6.303.60 6.650.00 6,650.00 533.00 530.00 25.00 125.93 300.00 300.00 .00 25.00 25.00 242.81 500.00 700.00 .00 50.00 50.00 7.952.52 8.870.00 8.765.00 520.00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .00 5,300.00 520.00 2,000.00 5,300.00 169,642.34 181,505.00 202.375.00 FUND_ SA~TTATION DEPART~\nlT OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Page 102 -. ----'- Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 . 1_9 7 ~ REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 20,125.18 54.638.83 72,593.83 610 Interest on Investments .00 1,350.00 1,350.00 731 Miscellaneous Sales & Service .00 110.00 .00 733 Service Fees 204,000.00 198,000.00 200,000.00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 155.99 .00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE 204,155.99 199.460.00 201,350.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 224.281.17 254.098.83 273.943.83 I CITY ANNUAL BUDGET FUND SANITATION DEPARTi-\ENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUt1MARY Page 103 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 123,342.14 134,915.00 148,205.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37,827.68 35,720.00 40,105.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 7,952.52 8,870.00 8,765.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 520.00 2,000.00 5,300.00 TOTAL 169,642.34 181,505.00 202,375.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 204,155.99 199,460.00 201,350.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 224,281.17 254,098.83 273,943.83 Less Expenditures 169,642.34 181,505.00 202,375.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Dec. 3ls 54,638.83 72,593.83 71,568.83 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #130 - Provides for 6 part time men needed abou;t 3 months of each year when collections are extremely heavy. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #525 - Provides for replacement of the 1964 Ford in 1970. Replacement of the limb truck and foreman's vehicle in 1971. The present limb truck will be converted to a winch truck. ANNUAL BUDGET c,T.V OY SA-:,l):\ ~ 1'.:'1.);,5:\8---- S)?\~.:t.-:;" SC:ED':.~_,~ -,-"-~-._--,.,'"--,,,, _.....-'~ ~._"--~..-=-, - _.L_ PER e....""-.~ _ Employe. POSITION TITLE I/'orl&'/?I Ipro b'ucls.. <? f Btl I=: - - Foreman II 1 Equipment Operator II 7 Equipment Operator I 1 Laborer 14 Clerk Typ is t II 1 Extra Time Part Time 6 TOTAL =_"'-~-- --_-cc=.-- ___~_ e:,> posM:f Range c/g~! _________ 1 503 - 642 7 463 - 509 1 452 - 494 14 425 - 463 1 325 - 394 6 A~'"N:'-)'L B:JDGEI Fl7i\D SANITATION DE"t'.:\RTi'1I:;\il ___________ Iage 104 ==------~]--~--='-~=--=~. Adjusted Pr~p~sed Current Budget Budget ____ 1 q 70 . '.- 1 97..L . 6.912.00 7.704.00 38,824.00 42,756.00 5.448.00 5.928.00 70.091.00 77,554.00 4.452.00 4,728.00 3.662.00 4,010.00 5,526.00 5.525.00 134.915.00 148.205.00 ND _ PARHNG MET.ERS...-_.._ DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L Page 105 -- -- ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual PrE:vious Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 ,= EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL 21,130.11 26.575.00 31.195.00 229.90 425.00 310.00 45.65 55.00 60.00 178.97 200.00 225.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 200.00 12,175.00 9,725.00 657.52 12.865.00 10.330.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 299 Other Contractual Services MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tag 355 Wearing Apparel 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires & Tubes 391 Parking Meter Parts TOTAL 4.80 20.00 25.00 45.65 50.00 50.00 144.23 160.00 175.00 12.50 15.00 .00 198.50 350.00 400.00 52.74 125.00 125.00 71.30 .00 75.00 248.95 250.00 300.00 778.67 970.00 1.150.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 505 Traffic Scooters 513 Parking Meters Off-Street Parking - Bond & Interest TOTAL .00 .00 375.00 .00 6,000.00 2.500.00 .00 7.165.00 3,005.00 50,300.00 49,200.00 47,600.00 50,300.00 62.365.00 53,480.00 72.866.30 102,775.00 96,155.00 GRAND TOTAL -- ANNUAL BUDGET FUND PARKING METERS DEPARTI'IEtn OF SALINA, KANSAS -- DETA IL Page 106 -- -- ~- Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Cu r ren t Proposed Year Budget Budget I 1969 1970 1971 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 72,163.89 94.352.48 79,977.48 450 Parking Meter Revenue 83,853.73 70.000.00 84.000.00 610 Interest on Investments 2,010.41 200.00 200.00 707 Parking Meter Permits 8,790.75 7,200.00 8.700.00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 400.00 11 . 000 . 00 .00 TOTAL REVENUE 95,054.89 88,400.00 92.900.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 167,218.78 182.752.48 172.877.48 CITY ANNUAL BUDGET FUNDPARKIN~ METERS DEPARTi1ENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 107 -- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Propos2d Budget 1971 -- PERSONAL SERVICES 21,130.11 26,575.00 31,195.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 657.52 12,865.00 10,330.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 778.67 970.00 1,150.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 50,300.00 62,365.00 53,480.00 TOTAL 72,866.30 102,775.00 96,155.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 95,054.89 88,400.00 92,900.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 167,218.78 182,752.48 172,877.48 Less Expenditures 72,866.30 102,775.00 96,155.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 94,352.48 79,977.48 76,722.48 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department provides for the collection of monies, enforcement, service and maintenance for all parking meters located within the City. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Reduced in the 1970 adjustment due to Maintenance Worker I not being on the payroll a major portion of the year. Account #299 - Most of the $7,000.00 increase in the 1970 adjustment is due to the special election held in March which resulted in parking meters remaining in the CBD. Repair of the wall at the south side of parking lot #3 amounted to $1,977.69. This account includes $20.00 per month for Armored Car service and $5,000.00 per year to General Operating Budget for adminis- trative and legal services provided. $4,500.00 is provided in 1971 for repair of other walls adjacent to municipal parking lots. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Purchase of the coin counter originally budgeted for 1970 will be postponed until 1971. Account #505 - Provides for replacement of vehicle used by Meter Maintenance Technician. The 1970 appropriation is for replacement of 3 Meter Maid scooters. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTt-1ENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adjusted Current Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY (Conti~ued) Page Proposed Budget 107 a Account #513 - Provides for the replacement of 66 single and 23 double meters in 1970, and 47 single meters in 1971. The meters to be replaced are obsolete and parts for them are extremely difficult to obtain. ANNUAL BUDGET FCl'\D PARKING METERS ---"-------~~-- D::,;:'.'>.{"{ '~:?-lENI______._________ ",-..l. ... - ~.~ ,~".'".- , ,0\. ..... 0' ----~-------------- PE.:RSJX:':I:~., SCl!:::;T:~_.E Iage 108 _..-z-...,_,_ ,-=-~_.~~"".-,--, ~.~~------"",,-'-'-"-" - ;o=c=."- Employees Adjusted Pr~'pJsed POSITION TI TLE f--. R~nge Current Bpdget l2'orl6' /7 f1p/V?osM:f Budget _. b'udq<? I Bt/d~E'1 1970 - 1971 .- - Parking Meter Technician II 1 1 463 - 526 5,775.00 6.312.00 Parking Meter Technician I 1 1 452 - 494 5,463.00 5,928.00 Meter Maid 3 3 308 - 367 11.992.00 13.212.00 Maintenance Worker I 1 1 440 - 482 3,345.00 5.743.00 TOTAL 26.575.00 31,195.00 , I ~':"'... -- t':;;-~ -.'-'---- - (;1'" . 0"C' C;; - ., '\ \ }( , ;;;;;; ; c Ai\JN_"-\.L BvD"...,... FUND SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DE PAR m nn -------FUN"D OF SALINA, KANSAS DnA I L Page .- - -- -- Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Propos Year Budget Budge - 1969 197.9 __. 1,.971 .- EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees .00 4.125.00 13,260 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees .00 3.600.00 3,600 TOTAL .00 7,725.00 16.860 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 299 Other Contractual Services .00 112,960.00 100,274 TOTAL .00 112,960.00 100.274 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 353 Signs .00 3,000.00 3.000 361 Asphalt & Road Oil .00 1,000.00 1,000 365 Cement & Cement Products .00 2,000.00 6.000 375 Metal & Metal Products .00 1,000.00 500 381 Paint & Painting Materials .00 2,000.00 3,000 TOTAL .00 9.000.00 13,500 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 447 Transfer to General Operating .00 139.210.00 130,457 447 Transfer to Special Reserve Fund .00 57.775.00 20,000 TOTAL .pO 196.985.00 150,457 CAPITAL OUTLAY 529 Traffic Control Equipment .00 .00 1,500 TOTAL .00 .00 1.500 GRAND TOTAL .00 326.670.00 282,592 CITY 109 . cd t .00 .00 .00 .47 .47 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .80 .00 .80 .00 .00 .27 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DE PAR TMOfT----------PUND Cl OF SALINA, KANSAS -_. DETAIL - ,--- - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current P Year Budget 1969 1970 - - REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st .00 36,446.38 220 State Gasoline Tax 36.446.38 292,692.89 28 TOTAL REVENUE 36.446.38 292~692.89 28 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 36~446.38 329,139.27 28 - TY Page 110 T7;~-~~~~d - 1971 2,469.27 0~123.00 0,123.00 2,592.27 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FUND --B12.F~OLrNE TAX DEPARTt'lENT FUND CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTUAL SERVICE MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES .00 7,725.00 .00 112,960.00 .00 9,000.00 .00 196,985.00 - .00 326,670.00 292,692.89 36,446.38 329,139.27 326,670.00 36,446.38 2,469.27 TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Page III Proposed Budget 1971 16,860.00 100,274.47 13,500.00 150,457.80 282,592.27 280,123.00 282,592.27 282,592.27 .00 The 1970 State Legislature (HB 1747 and SB 642) provided a single formula (single but not simple) to replace all the existing several formulas providing for the distribution of fuel tax collections to counties, town- ships and cities. Basically the funds are now distributed on a per capita basis. Previously a portion of the revenue returned to cities had to be used fOI the construction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of main trafficways and trafficway connections, through highways and major streets or highways. Under the new law, effective July 1, 1970 all of the revenue from the state (except for connecting link payments) must be credited. to a separate fund. The revenue must be used for the "construction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of streets and highways." The net effect being a relaxation of the rules for the use of the money. It still must go for the same purposes but can be used on all streets and highways within the City. The accounts in the materials and supplies category reflect transfer from the Street and Traffic Control budgets. All of the items will be utilized on the construction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of street~ and highways. The transfer to the General Operating Fund indicated in account #447 provides tpis amount of relief to the ad valorem tax requirements. The transfer to the Special Reserve Fund will permit the City to build a reserve for major construction, reconstruction, alterations and repairs, such as street widening, intersection modification etc. BUDGET COMMENTS The $36,446.34 cash balance as of 1-1-70 was due to the increase in state gasoline tax effective July 1, 1969. One quarterly payment was received in 1969 but the budget laws prohibited the City from spending it until 1970. . ANNUAL BUDGE r FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS .~ SUt1t1ARY Page Actual Adj us ted CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 111 a BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Accounts #120 and #130 - Provides for the transfer of the salary of 1 Foreman I and 1 Equipment Operator I plus part time employees used in street sealing from the Street Department budget to this fund. This transfer if approved, will be effective for the last quarter of 1970. Account #299 - Reflects the resurfacing and resealing programs for 1970 and 1971. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #529 - Provides for signal equipment to be installed at the intersection of Roach and Crawford in 1971. ANNUAL BUDGET ITND ~PEG.IAL GASOLINE TAK-__ (;~TY J:S' SAI.IX\, 1('-:\0\,,--- HRSJ?o:YL::'" :,C::F.D ~..""",~-._~~-_...."~"",,,,,,-,_ ",u...-~_~._.__ D~; ;.'A)C:VH:.~; ~.'___________, Equipment Operator I 1/4 1/4 1 47 ..:1....'.: '. :...., 't:~ Page 112 ~. ._,.....;., .--~"--> = - - r - .~=. Adj us tee! P!:>p~sed Range Current Budget Budget n _ 19.1SL- ' ---.l~_l 9 - 611 2,140.00 7,332.00 2 - 494 1,985.00 5,928.00 3.600.00 3,600.00 7,725.00 16,860.00 ,., I POSITION TITLE - ~.. Empl()Y'2es i<--vrl&l7f1plV?OsM:f b'uc!q<? f Bt/<!2.t>! Foreman I 1 45 Part Time TOTAL AN!I1'~-AL B-jDC:J. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPEND lTURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 227 Insurance - Buildings 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 331 Books and Periodicals 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees and Lawn Supplies 359 Other Operating Supplies 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax Remitted 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL CAP ITAL OUTLAY 516 Park Equipment, Mowers and Misc. Equip. Payment to Bond and Interest TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDG.ET , Actual Previous Year 196q FUND GOLF COURSE DEPARTMENT Adjusted Current Budget 1970 6,170.00 2,000.00 8,170.00 40.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 300.00 300.00 1,000.00 200.00 0.00 440.00 2,380.00 50.00 0.00 350.00 400.00 0.00 150.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 1,150.00 760.00 0.00 760.00 0.00 12,170.00 12,170.00 24.630.00 Page 113 Proposed Budget 1971 25,925.00 8,500.00 34,425.00 200.00 50.00 0.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,200.00 700.00 50.00 1.070.00 7,370.00 300.00 50.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 400.00 6,850.00 2,220.00 50.00 2,270.00 3,500.00 11,945.00 15,445.00 66.360.00 C lTY OF SAL I NA, KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 550 Memberships & Green Fees 560 Cart Storage 565 Concessions TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE AN A ; FT Actual Previous Year 1969 FUND GOLF COURSE DEPARTMENT Page 114 ,- Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 6,004.10 6.874.10 25,000.00 72,500.00 200.00 700.00 300.00 1,500.00 25.500.00 74,700.00 31.504.10 81.574.10 FUND GOLF COURSE -.------ DEPARTriENT CITY OF SALINA, ~\NSAS SUMt'\ARY Page US f--. ---: ='.--====---'-:':::' CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 10'::0 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget lQ7() ] 9.lL __ 8,170.00 34.425.00 2.360.00 7.370.00 1,150.00 6.850.00 760.00 2.270.00 12.170.00 15,445.00 24.630.00 66,360.00 25,500.00 74.700.00 31,504.10 81,574.10 24,630.00 66,360.00 6.874.10 15,214.10 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 3~st Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS 1970 expenses shown are for the last 4 months of the year when the course is expected to be in operation. Prior to that period all expenses are related to the construction project. Without any prior experience to use as a guage, the various budgeted line items will probably show considerable variation a year from now. However, these estimates for both expenditures and revenue have been based upon data obtained from several golf courses which have similar operations. Account #299 - Is primarily for electrical repair work. Account #333 - Provides for fertilizers, fungicides and other chemicals essential to turf care and development. Account #351 - Provides for the purchase in 1971 of additional blue grass and fescue seed, Zoysia and U3 sod for filling in and replanting. Also for additional trees and shrubs. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #516 - Provides for a second fairway mower and aerator in 1971. ANNUAL BUDGET , FUND GOLF COURSE DEPARTMENT · . Jl, o. ~"L. -L11. d> 1. ~ ' .:;, .~I I PERS01\~'EL SCHEDULE Page 116 Employees Current Proposed POSITION TI TLE r'orl<!?l7f IPmj7os&d Range Budget Budget b'uc!q<? f Btldge-! 1970 1971 Golf Course Superintenden 1 1 503 - 642 2.400.00 7.705.00 Maintenance Worker I 3 3 440 - 482 5,770.00 17.020.00 Extra Time 1.200.00 Part Time 8,500.00 TOTAL 8.170.00 34.425.00 j' ~'.!' '1; i!1 CI-Y OF ~1\7 -N~ Kci\N-'A.S ANRbiL BDDG~T CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 110 Maintenance - Well Pumps and Equipment 120 Well Power 130 Well House Signals 140 River Intake Power 150 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 160 Maintenance - River Basin TOTAL SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES 205 Supervision 210 Salaries 215 Electric Power 220 Gas Service 225 Building Operating Supplies 230 Chemica 1s 235 Maintenance - Equipment 240 Maintenance - Buildings 255 Electric Power - Calcining Plant 260 Gas Service - Calcium Plant 270 Supplies - Calcium Plant TOTAL PUMPING EXPENSES 305 Supervision 310 Salaries 315 Electric Power 320 Gas Service 325 Lubricants 330 Building Operating Supplies 335 Maintenance - Electrical Equipment and Pumps 340 Maintenance - Station Building and Grds. TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET FUND WAIEK_.ANlLSEHE.~__ DEPARHIENT Page 117 -- -- .. ....:.:= Actual Previous Year 1969 Adjusted Current Budget 197.0 Proposed Budget 1971 ... -== 8,308.63 3,000.00 5,000.00 5,035.82 4,800.00 5,500.00 1,994.06 1,850.00 1,850.00 1,612.80 2,500.00 2,800.00 66.75 250.00 250.00 121.15 500.00 500.00 17,139.21 12,900.00 15,900.00 9,958.86 20,140.00 21,425.00 39,653.90 40,370.00 44,455.00 3,512.00 9,500.00 10,000.00 4,348.61 4,500.00 4,500.00 311. 27 400.00 400.00 105,258.92 100,000.00 100,000.00 8,705.96 12,320.00 12,320.00 217.12 300.00 300.00 3,065.60 3,000.00 3,000.00 4,658.98 6,000.00 6,000.00 963.59 1.500.00 1.500.00 180,654.81 198,030.00 203.900.00 10,657.14 12,230.00 13,345.00 21,646.80 22,210.00 25,130.00 17,981.08 12,500.00 12,500.00 416.99 400.00 400.00 154.25 200.00 200.00 260.08 1,000.00 1,000.00 565.11 700.00 700.00 128.40 200.00 200.00 51,809.85 49,440.00 53,475.00 FUND --RA.TER AND SEWERAGE__n___ DEPARn1ENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 405 Supervision 410 Salaries 415 Meter Maintenance - Salaries 420 Meter Maintenance Supplies 425 Vehicle and Equipment Expenses 430 Tapping Supplies 435 Maintenance - Distribution Mains 440 Maintenance - Elevated Tanks 445 Maintenance - Reservoirs 450 Maintenance - Hydrants 455 Miscellaneous Materials and Labor CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES TOTAL 510 Office Salaries 515 Servicemen and Meter Readers Salaries 520 Servicemen and Meter Readers Supplies 525 Collection Stations 530 Maintenance - Office Equipment 535 Office Supplies 540 Vehicle Expenses 550 Postage TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 640- 645 650 655 660 665 670 675 680 685 690 695 Supervision Salaries Telephone Expense Office Supplies Special Engineering Social Security Insurance - Buildings Sales Tax Property Taxes Accounts Charged Off Long and Short Cash Employees' Retirement Accident Insurance Auditing Expenses Contracting Service Organizational Dues and Membership Maintenance - Government Center Services Performed - Other Departments Travel Expenses TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year 1969 6,642.66 28,843.70 10,659.15 4,197.99 4,412.52 4,466.89 3,849.40 22,566.72 100.02 556.25 260.64 86,555.94 44 , 771 . 63 37,954.83 421.19 1,765.45 2,610.55 2,332.57 2,019.82 10,981.59 102,857.63 11,568.00 4;840.86 2,743.80 519.51 1,403.20 14,646.09 4,332.00 3,638.63 30,000.00 1,773.13 40.92 15,980.90 13,133.89 4,800.00 1,694.38 958.34 2,800.00 15,000.00 567.46 130,441.11 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 7,395.00 40,035.00 11,250.00 5,000.00 4,500.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 4,100.00 200.00 500.00 1.500.00 86,480.00 48,040.00 41,625.00 630.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 14,000.00 116,095.00 12,395.00 5,200.00 3,600.00 400.00 2,000.00 18,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 30,000.00 500.00 100.00 18,500.00 14,000.00 4,800.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 7,400.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 146,895.00 Page 118 -- Proposed Budget -1.2.21 8,185.00 47,985.00 12,315.00 5,000.00 4,500.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 11,500.00 3,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 106,485.00 52,830.00 45,685.00 700.00 1,800.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 126,015.00 13,150.00 5,500.00 3,700.00 450.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 4,500.00 30,000.00 500.00 100.00 20,000.00 16,000.00 4,800.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 6,900.00 15,000.00 1.000.00 150,600.00 _WATElLANlLSEWERAGE __ DEPAKnlENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETA I L Page 119 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year , q(;q Adjusted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget illl.. ____ SEWAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSE 705 Supervision 710 Operating Salaries 715 Electric Power 720 Gas Service 725 Plant Operating Supplies 730 Maintenance - Equipment 735 Maintenance - Building and Grounds 740 Maintenance - Pumping Stations 745 Maintenance - Sanitary Sewers 750 Vehicle Expense TOTAL 33,771.28 36,105.00 39,500.00 58,501. 99 64,440.00 78,125.00 27,554.49 27,565.00 28,500.00 2,755.61 2,800.00 2,800.00 575.86 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,363.92 10,000.00 6,000.00 1,402.16 450.00 500.00 4,277.85 6,375.00 9,360.00 1,753.55 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,931.10 6.000.00 7,000.00 140,887.81 157,235.00 175,285.00 BOND ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIREMENTS 910 Bond Principal Payments 915 Bond Interest Payments TOTAL 120,000.00 100.195.00 220,195.00 120,000.00 96.295.00 120,000.00 92.395.00 216,295.00 212,395.00 GRAND TOTAL 930,541. 36 983,370.00 1,044,055.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND WATER ~GL-____ DEPARTI'IErn CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPEND lTURES Page 120 -- Actual Previous Year , Qf,Q Adjusted Current Budget , Q7Q Proposed Budget _1.2.7-4.__ -----.-.----= Water Supply 17,139.21 12,900.00 15,900.00 Softening and Treatment 180,654.81 198,030.00 203,900.00 Pumping Expense 51,809.85 49,440.00 53,475.00 Distribution Expense 86,555.94 86,480.00 106,485.00 Customer Accounting and Collection 102,857.63 116,095.00 126,015.00 Administrative and General Expense 130,441.11 146,895.00 150,600.00 Sewage Treatment Expense 140,887.81 157,235.00 175,285.00 Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department 204,000.00 198,000.00 200,000.00 Capital Improvement 129,710.10 128,000.00 90,000.00 Transfer to Bond and Interest Reserve 220,195.00 216,295.00 212,395.00 Net Cash Transferred to other current asset~ 10.948.89 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,275,200.35 1,309,370.00 1,334,055.00 City Treasurer's Balance - January 1st Less: Unpqid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st REVENUE Water Revenue Sewage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping Service Service Charge from Sanitation Department Cash Collected for Sanitation Department Capital Improvement from (Bond Retirement and Extens ion) TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNEMCUMBERED CASH BALANCE - December 3 ANNUAL BUDGET 126,285.48 16.048.56 110.236.92 125,571.24 14,538.58 111,032.66 83,167.66 611 ,469.61 618,000.00 625,000.00 351,640.15 356,000.00 360,000.00 34,697.70 10,000.00 10,000.00 6,169.36 6,500.00 6,000.00 3,019.27 3,005.00 3,060.00 204,000.00 198,000.00 200,000.00 65,000.00 90.000.00 80.000.00 1,275,996.09 1,281,505.00 1,284,060.00 1,386,233.01 1,392,537.66 1,367,227.66 1,275,200.35 1.309,370.00 1.334.055.00 111,032.66 83,167.66 33,172.66 CITY OF SALINA, SUMt1ARY CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES PUMPING EXPENSES DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES SEWERAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSE BOND ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIREMENTS TOTAL FUND--WATER ANn SRWERAcE DEPARTt-1ENT KANSAS ...._" Page 121 -- --- -- Actual Adj us ted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1969 1970 1971 17,139.21 12,900.00 15,900.00 180,654.81 198,030.00 203,900.00 51,809.85 49,440.00 53,475.00 86,555.94 86,480.00 106,485.00 102,857.63 116,095.00 126,015.00 130,441.11 146,895.00 150,600.00 140,887.81 157,235.00 175,285.00 220,195.00 216,295.00 212,395.00 930,541.36 983,370.00 1,044,055.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget COIT%ents - Capital Outlay The water division of the Water and Sewerage Department is responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of all facilities necessary for supply, treatment, storage and distribution of water for the City of Salina. The billing and accounting division processes all orders for new ser- vices and disconnects, computes charges, and is responsible for the collection of all revenues due the Water and Sewerage Department. Service- men and meter readers install, remove, clean, check, and read monthly, all meters which record water consumption. Responsibility for the operation and maintenance of all facilities necessary for proper treatment and disposal of sewage from the City of Salina is the primary function of the Sewage Treatment Plants. The sanitary sewage collection division is charged with the responsibility of maintaining and keeping all sanitary sewer mains, laterals and sewage pump stations in the system in good operating condition. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #110 - This decrease is due to only pulling three (3) wells for observation and maintenance in lieu of the six (6) that were repaired in 1969. All of the wells are located at water plant #2 (Schilling). Account #205 - This increase over 1969 reflects 1/2 the salary of the water plant superintendent, as well as the full salary of the new assistant water plant superintendent. FUND DEPARTi''lENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUtit<lARY - = Page _J CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adj us ted Current Budget Proposed Budget -..----- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) 121 a Account #215 - This increase is due to K. P. & L. changing out our transformer and revising our metering system. The chemical and filter buildings and all high service pumps and motors except high service pump # 7 and 8 are in this account. A decrease in electrical power in Account #315 (Pumping --- Electric Power) reflects this change also as this covers only high service pumps # 7 and # 8. A~count #235 - This account reflects a small increase extensive improvements and repairs on existing equipment. equipment is over fifteen (15) years old. Account #315 - See Account #215 for explanation. due to more Most of this Account #330 - This reflects all building operating supplies (towels, soap, tissue, cleaning supplies) as well as uniforms for plant personnel. We conduct numerous groups (grade and high school, scouts, 4-H groups, and Marymount classes) through the plant every year. Account #410 - This increase over the 1969 expenditure is due to adding two additional members to the water distribution crew so as to maintain the Schilling Industrial Complex. This involves repairing of broken mains, fire hydrant and valve maintenance, locating and raising to grade, valves etc. The actual April 30 balance appears to be low, but we were unable to obtain any help to fill these vacancies until just recently. Account #435 - This increase is for several large taps to be made on our 16" and 24" mains. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTN[~--'---- CITY OF SAL I NA, KANSI\S SUHI~ARY Page -- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year -- Adjusted Current Budget Proposed Budget -:-,-------::-- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) 121 b Account #440 - The 1969 expenditure was unusually high due to replace- ment of the cover of the Camp Phillips Reservoir following the tornado. Over 13,000.00 was spent that year for painting the 1,000,000 overhead tank. The adjusted budget includes cleaning of overhead tanks, service contracts for our telemeter equipment (6 transmitters and 8 receivers) and installing high silicon anodes in our one million gallon tank. The 1971 figures include the installation of high silicon anodes for three other tanks, profile checks, telemeter service contracts and the painting of the Key Acres watersphoid. Account #530 - This reflects increased costs of maintenance contracts on all of our office equipment. Account #550 - This increase is based on the proposed increase in postal rates. Account #625 - This account includes a water and sewer rate survey and study. The last adjustment in water rates was in June of 1959. This account also includes special engineering studies in order to determine sewer use fees for commercial or industrial firms. Account #630 - This increase is a result of an increase of 4.8% to 5.2% of the total base salary. Account #660 - Is based on 6.1% of total salaries for participating employees. ~_. -ANNUAL BUDGEr FUND DEP!\Rn1ENT CITY OF Si\L I N/\, KJ\NSi\S SUr'lI~,ARY Page CLASSIFICATION ---=--~, Actual Adjusted Previous Current Year Budget ~-, 1---- Proposed Budget --_. Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) 121 c Account #665 - Includes both Workman's Compensation and employees medical insurance premiums. Account #675 - Includes compiling a procedure manual in 1970 and the armored truck service. Account #685 - The Water and Sewerage Department pays 1/4 of the City's share for maintenance and operation of the City County Building. Account #710 - Provides for 1 additional Maintenance Worker II in the Sewage Collection System for 1971. Account #730 - The 1970 adjustment provides for the installation of two (2) - 48" steel mixing propellers in the digester at Sewage Plant #2 (Schilling). These were inoperative at the time of acquisition of the plant and has resulted in the plugging of our sludge transfer lines, causing sewage to overflow on the ground. Account #740 - This account includes additional sewage pump station maintenance, as well as an alarm system for approximately nine (9) stations to alert our crews of any malfunction of the units. Account #745 - Includes 500 feet of replacement hose for the Myers flusher, as well as parts and material for replacement and rebuilding of manholes. ANNUAL BUDGET , FUND DEP/\RTr~ENT CITY OF SALINA, ~\NSAS SUI'H'lARv Page -- :r:==:- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adj us tcd Current Budget Proposed Budget -~--,:::"., Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 121 d BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #1020 - The actual total for the year 1969 includes approximately $30,000.00 received for insurance on our roof for the 1.6 million gallon reservoir damaged on 21 June 1969. ANNUAL BUDGET -- POSI TI ON 11 TLE C}~:';~ J~c sA~,::S\, K\)i~.\!?-- PET{S ",)~:>:L:', ;:)C::-!~' ,;)"-.'._.3 .-. = '" Employees /'i/r-/&nf Prv;'?osuJ b'udq(? f !!vdg6>! Range 605 Director of Utilities 1 1 819 - 1096 610 Account Clerk II 1 1 375 - 454 510 Office Manager 1 1 554 - 642 510 Clerk Typist II 3 3 325 - 394 510 Account Clerk I 1 1 340 - 414 510 Bookkeeping Machine Operator I 3 3 340 - 414 510 Clerk Typist I 3 3 308 - 358 515 Foreman I 1 1 479 - 611 515 Water Servicemen 3 3 482 - 526 515 Water Meter Reader 3 3 425 - 494 Extra Time Part Time TOTAL AN~'..;'.;'1 B:;DG:t~:: Fr.t-::D _,_-.W-AT.Ell...,ANlL.sEWEB.A.GLl_ D::::?ARJ"Mf'~2.__________ ----------_.- ---------1 Page 1J Adjusted Prc-p:>sed Current Budget Budget 1970 1971... ' . ,,= 12,395.00 13,150.00 5,136.00 5,448.00 6,264.00 6,984.00 13,356.00 14,184.00 4,680.00 4,968.00 13,488.00 14,052.00 9,478.00 11,958.00 6,588.00 7,332.00 17,280.00 18,936.00 15 , 8 92 . 00 17,461.00 2,368.00 2,337.00 335.00 355.00 107,260.00 117,165.00 I I _1 POSITION TITLE 205/305 Water Plant Supt. 205 Assistant Water Plant Superintendent 205 Plant Laboratory Technician 210/310 Water Plant Operator 11 305/405 Foreman II 410 Maintenance Worker II 7 410 Maintenance Worker I 1 415 Water Meter Repairman II 1 415 Water Meter Repairman I 1 Extra Time TOTAL 1 ---- ---~._----- Adjusted Frop;JSed Range Current Budget Budget 19-IL L2..71 673 - 903 10,212.00 10,836.00 642 - 780 8,820.00 9,360.00 528 - 642 6,192.00 6,648.00 1 1 1 1 1 11 482 - 526 69,088.00 62,160.00 2 2 503 - 642 13,824.00 15,408.00 7 452 - 494 40,836.00 33,375.00 1 440 - 482 5,784.00 5,268.00 1 482 - 526 6,312.00 5,760.00 1 452 - 494 5,928 . 00 5,448.00 2 , 571. 00 2,640.00 153,630.00 172,840.00 ANN:.'';'1 B:JDGSY FC!",;U ~TElL..AHILSEWEMGE III D [~) '\~ nvp;\,T C,7... D:'"' S..;';.::::.\\: KA.,,~SA8------ -....' ','. . :) jI\'\'::'" ~; ,::;..1:: :;:"',~ ::, ',;",..1.. : PER.: "--..,,~_,.v~. Emp 1..:JYE:: POSI Tl ON TITLE -;;ur/&I7/ Pm b'Lldq<? f 8t/ - 705 Sewerage Plant Supt. 1 705 Foreman II 1 705 Foreman I 3 710 Sewerage Plant Opr. 6 710 Maintenance Worker II 5 710 Plant Laboratory Technician 1 Extra Time TOTAL - es r'osuJ 0:9c<> / Range 1 582 - 780 1 503 - 642 3 479 - 611 6 452 - 494 6 452 - 494 1 528 - 642 ANN::-AL BZDGST · ---'-1 rage 124 ---.. -.---- ---.- 1 Adjusted Current Budget 1970 u Proposed Budget 1971 8,820.00 9,360.00 6,912.00 7,704.00 19,764.00 21,996.00 32,665.00 35,568.00 24,485.00 34,459.00 6,264.00 6,648.00 1,635.00 1,890.00 100,545.00 117,625.00 I I I _I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUNMARY FUND GENERAL AND SPECIAL DEPi\RTt.jf~~(=- Il1PROVE~EI~ Page 125 -- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 :::::::' --=~. --}-- Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 -- CAPITAL OUTLAY 45,705.34 .00 .00 TOTAL 45,705.34 .00 .00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 44,852.83 433.56 64,714.37 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 45,705.34 433.56 65,147.93 Less Expenditures 45,705.34 .00 .00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE Dec. 31s1 .00 433.56 65,147.93 Net Tax Requirements 45,000.00 .00 64,714.37 Delinquent Tax 900.00 .00 .00 Tax Dollars 45,900.00 .00 64,714.37 Tax Levy Mills 0.7394 0.0000 1.0000 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The last appropriation was levied in the year 1969 for the construction of a new fire cottage located near the intersection of Crawford Street and Marymount Road. This was completed and occupied in late 1969. NOTE City Commissioners, on July 20, 1970, authorized a 1 mill levy for improvement to Memorial Hall to be included in 1971 Budget publication. Approved at the Public Hearing August 10, 1970. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND CENTRAL GARAGE DEPART,'~EI:rr---'- ----- CITY OF SALINA, KANSi\S SU,'1HARY Page 126 -- CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1969 Adj us ted Current Budget 1970 Proposed Budget 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 29,937.00 32,235.00 34,870.00 TOTAL 29,937.00 32,235.00 34,870.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Personal services for this Department do not represent a budgetary item. They are paid by the various departments using the services of the Central Garage on a prorated basis. Appropriations are budgeted by each department for both parts and labor under account #253. ANNUAL BUDGET Fl~l\D ~EN'tRAL G}....B.A~___, ...'...., J.. ;, ~ \.. .;..1....., , "" " . ~ ". PER31T:\yr:::... f; C'~ ~~ Jl_.'~.~.~~~ rage ~"",.uOQ''''' ~~...~-.., a__ "'-~=-~. ._~._--~-',..,..- Empl()Yee~ -- " - 1 - Adjusted Pr::>p ;) Current POSITION TI TLE l/'i/r/&l7f p/V?O.5uJ Range BUd,et Budg Bvdq<? f Bvd9t' / 19 0 197 - .. Foreman II 1 1 503 - 642 6,912.00 7,7 Automotive Mechanic 3 3 494 - 541 17,856.00 19,4 Clerk Typist I 1 1 308 - 358 4,044.00 4,2 Auto Servicemen 2 2 $1. 25 an hour 2,953.00 2,9 (Part Time Extra Time 470.00 4 TOTAL 32,235.00 34,8 1--_0 .,. ~ :n7' ... ~;<::> ("1~' or (:\ - ~ '\ .\ m?AR:r'ME~T __ ]:(:\\":'\.,, 1;~'1 l sed et 1 04.00 30.00 96.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 AN::L.-u.. B~D~...,...