22-8030 Increase Certain Recreation Program and Rental Fees allowed by Parks and Recreation,.... .. ,... .. r- RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8030 J RESOLUTION TO INCREASE CERTAIN RECREATION PROGRAM AND RENTAL ::i 1 !!:ES ABOVE THE THRESHOLD ALLOWED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION z 1 EVENUE AND PRICING POLICY. 0.. w "' ~ WHEREAS, the City of Salina Parks and Recreation Department offers a wide range of ~ f cilities , programs, and services within the community; and :l1 g t: 8 WHEREAS, on January 14 , 2013, the City's governing body approved Resolution No. 13- E >68 adopting the City of Salina Parks and Recreation Revenue and Pricing Policy (the "Policy"); a 1d WHEREAS, the Policy is a mechanism for allocating the use of public funds, creating a j tnancially sustainable approach for recreational services and facilities, maximizing the use of I ograms and facilities, and ensuring affordable access to programs and services; and WHEREAS, Section IV.C.4 . of the Policy allows adjustments to fees and charges under the a !lthority of the city manager, with the limitation of no more than a 10% increase in one year ; and WHEREAS, staff has recommended that certain fees and charges be increased by more than )%, prompting the need for Governing Body consideration and approval of the proposed increases in t ose fees and charges; SO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the following certain fees and charges by the City of Salina under the Parks a 1d Recreation Revenue and Pricing Policy are hereby increased beyond the threshold allowed by t e Revenue and Pricing Policy, as follows: Fee Category Before After 1. Kenwood Cove Youth Daily Pass Fee $4 $5 IL Kenwood Cove Adult Daily Pass Fee $6 $7 111. Kenwood Cove Senior Daily Pass Fee $3 $4 IV. Kenwood Cove Youth Membership Fee $65 $78 v. Kenwood Cove Adult Membership Fee $95 $114 Vl. Kenwood Cove Senior Membership Fee $65 $78 VIL Kenwood Cove Group Membership Fee $195 $234 Vlll. Kenwood Cove Add Person to Group $35 $42 IX. Lifeguard Training Certification Class Fee $125 $150 x. Neighborhood Center Rental Hourly Fee $17 $22 XL Park Shelter Rental Fee Hourly Fee $11 $15 022. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 28 1h day of February, Trent W. Davis, M.D , Mayor