10.12.21 BAB Minutes (DRAFT) Page 1 of 3 MINUTES BUILDING ADVISORY BOARD CITY-COUNTY BUILDING, ROOM 107 October 12, 2021 3:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL The Building Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 3:01 p.m. Board Members Present: Mike McCall (Chair), Kevin Cool, Mark Frazier, David Holmgren, William McBride, David Miller, Gregory Nichols, Rick Walters. Board Members Absent: Scott Krous City Staff Present: Sean Pilcher, Building Official; Ashia Jacobson, Permit Technician 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (2.1) Approval of the Minutes of the October 13, 2020 regular meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2020 regular meeting by Mark Frazier, seconded by Rick Walters and carried by vote. 3. NEW BUSINESS Public Hearing Items The applicant or an appointed representative must be present in order for the Building Advisory Board to take action on an item.  Quasi-Judicial Matters Board members may not receive or engage in ex-parte contact with the applicant, other parties interested in the application, or members of the public concerning the application or issues presented in the application. (3.1) none  Legislative Matters BUILDING ADVISORY BOARD | MINUTES <Date> Page 2 of 3 (3.2) none Administrative Items (3.3) Election of Board chair and vice chair. A motion was made by Mark Frazier to nominate Mike McCall as chair. MOTION: Mark Frazier SECOND: David Miller VOTE: Carried A motion was made by Mike McCall to nominate William McBride as vice-chair. MOTION: Mike McCall SECOND: Mark Frazier VOTE: Carried 4. UNFINISHED OR OTHER BUSINESS (4.1) Lauren Driscoll, Director of Development Services, 300 W. Ash Street, stated study sessions are not normally conducted over zoom calls, and asked the Board Members who were attending via zoom if they planned to stay on zoom. Rick Walters stated he planned to attend the study session via zoom. Lauren Driscoll stated this was fine, and staff would screen share for Board Members attending the study session via zoom. Ms. Driscoll stated that in the future, if Board Members are going to be attending study sessions via zoom they will need to give staff a heads up so staff can prepare accordingly. 5. PUBLIC FORUM There were no members of the public who wanted to speak. There were no members of the public present on zoom who wanted to speak. 6. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by David Miller, seconded by Mark Frazier and carried by vote. The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m. BUILDING ADVISORY BOARD | MINUTES <Date> Page 3 of 3 Mike McCall, Chair ATTEST: Sean Pilcher, Building Official Record of this Meeting This public meeting was recorded by Access TV of Salina and available to view online free of charge at http://www.salinatv.org/index.php/city-of-salina. To receive future meeting packets by email, subscribe to Email Notifications at: http://www.salina-ks.gov/content/18160/23455/23473/default.aspx. Meeting DVDs and paper copies of meeting packets are available upon request (retrieval and/or duplication fees may apply). Please contact the Community and Development Services Department at building.services@salina.org or by phone at 785.309.5715 to request these open public records.