Facility Naming VanierDepartment of Finance & Administration
Office of City Clerk
Shandi Wicks, CMC, City Clerk
300 West Ash Street, Suite 206
P.O . Box 736
Salina , Kansas 67402-0736
TO: Salina City Commission
City of
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
JoVonna A. Rutherford, City Clerk
April 22, 2021
TELEPHONE (785) 309-5735
FAX (785) 309-5738
TDD (785) 309-5747
e-mail : shandi.wicks@salina .org
Website : www.salina-ks .gov
SUBJECT: Naming of the new lower level pavilion inside Dean Evans Stadium
On April 22, 2021, Salina Baseball Enterprises filed an application requesting to name
the new lower level pavilion located inside Dean Evans Stadium. The proposed name
of the facility is the John and Kim Vanier Family Pavilion.
Please accept this as notice to the City Commission and Parks & Recreation Advisory
Board as verification that this request is in compliance with the City of Salina Municipal
Facilities Naming Guidelines that was adopted by the City Commission on October 9,
Name of person/organization making request: 13yrc!> n Tot'1-tLJ >.) .S
.5A;LJiVA BAsZ::.B4LL tN/6RpR>-:>65
Address: Telephone:
P.o. Box J'13b
5~}11'\4 ~s: I to 1<J·O &
Municipal Namjng;_ This refers to the traditional naming of a facility for the sole
purpose of public identification (Le ., City of Salina Soccer Complex). Municipal
Naming requires no naming petition, may be applied at any time and is to be used at
the inception of the municipal facility or when no name exists .
Philanthropic Naming~ his refers to a person(s) or philanthropic organization ,
'm:cwiidiJ:MH!t-Sierlrifit::an1tG<o>rntribution towards a municipal facility of the City. This action
requires no naming petition if the naming initiative is directly related to and
coordinated with the proposed contribution. In all other circumstances , a naming
petition is required .
• Prior to commencing a philanthropic naming initiative which tends to solicit
donations from a broad donor base, the sponsoring person(s) or
philanthropic organization shall first develop a naming plan that must be
formally approved by the City Commission. The naming plan shall include
the facility and/or facility areas to be named, the target donation amount for
each facility and each named area, a description of the facility to be
proposed to the City and an overview of the approach to donor solicitation .
The approved naming plan shall be shared with potential donors prior to
donor sol icitation.
Honorary Naming~ This refers to a person of local , regional or national significance.
This action requires a naming petition . For honorary naming, the credentials ,
character and reputation of the individual for whom the naming of is being considered
shall be appropriately scrutinized. As such , nominations submitted fo r consideration
must be accom panie d by appropri ate supporting documentation.
Landmark Naming;_ This refers to a local resource, landmark or identifiable
community characteristic (i.e. Smoky Hill Museum) that is to be identified. It requires
no naming petition if used at the construction or acquisition stage of municipal facility
to replace a traditional municipal name or when no name exists. In all other
circumstances, a naming petition is required.
Commercial Naming;. This refers to a private business entity providing a significant
contribu t ion towa rds a municipal facility of the City. This action required no naming
petition ifthe naming initiative is directly related to and coordinated with the
contribution . In all other circumstances, a naming petition is required .
Is a petition required? (circle one) Yes ~at
is the proposed name?
' • In order to ensure proper identification for the public, all municipal facility names shall include a facility
identifier (i .e., NAME Fleet Maintenance Facility, NAME Park, or NAME Meeting Room). In addition, no
person or entity shall be considered for the naming of more than one municipal facility, unless expressly
authorized by the governing body. --r \ I/ I/' r I {) I
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Give a brief description and location of the facility to be named.
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List any credentials/supporting information for the naming. (additional pages may be attached).
'Tk-Vt11'1U Fa,Mily JS ;v-e,,JI knot,..JVJ 111-50.)1vJ,pt e,vid ~ e ,v-e(J
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Please list if there will there be any physical improvements. Describe the nature of the
improvements and the proposed funding source of the improvements. Attach preliminary
sketch of improvements if possible. Physical improvements may include a plaque, sign , or
other additions to the facility. TI n I . i L • ,_, I (l I . J
tU., rLlVtJlOYl. IS jv~T 1DVI..,.. a net tvn~
+'k~vs~v ~ vc;,r'>i-er' ~tt-fl~y,
Application attachments:
Petition of a minimum of 300 signature of City of Salina registered voters.
Documentation that supports the naming of the facility.
For office use only
Date request received : Petition Number:
I hereby that Petition Number meets the required 300 signatures of City of Salina registered voters
as outlined in the City of Salina Nam ing of Facilities Guidelines that were adopted by Resolution Number
OfX>343 on January 8, 2007 and amended by Resolution Number 17-7481 on October 9, 2017.
City Clerk
Does the proposed name meet the guidelines? o Yes o No List any City
of Salina citizen boards/commissions that may be involved.
Has this facility already been designated? D Yes D No If so, date
of qualification. _
WHEREAS, on January 8, 2007 the City Commission adopted Resolution Number 06-
6343 , which adopted the "City of Salina Municipal Facilities Naming Guidelines"; and
WHEREAS, on October 9 , 2017 the "City of Salina Municipal Facilities Naming
Guidelines" were updated to specifically address 'naming rights' via Resolution Number 17-7481 ;
WHEREAS , the City Commission adopted resolution 19-7722 on July 22 , 2019 expressing
conceptual support to enhance the baseball and softball experience in the City of Salina which
specifically includes the administration of naming rights ; and
WHEREAS, on August 19 , 2019 the City of Salina Department of Parks and Recreation
submitted an application to allow Baseball Enterprises to name certain portions of the East
Crawford Recreation Area as part of fundraising efforts to renovate the baseball and softball fields ;
WHERAS, on June 1, 2020 the City Commission voted 5-0 in concurrence with a modified
approach and authorized staff to coordinate with representatives of Salina Baseball Enterprises to
prepare a revised agreement specific to SBE fully funding proposed improvements to Dean Evans
Stadium ; and
WHEREAS, on July 20 , 2020 Baseball Enterprises informed City Staff of a naming
initiative to rename the East Crawford Recreation Area in the amount of $650 ,000 after a prominent
Salina family .
BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas:
Section 1. That the East Crawford Recreation Area be considered a qualified facility for
naming rights under the "City of Salina Municipal Facilities Naming Guidelines ." Specifically, the
East Crawford Recreation Complex name in its entirety, with proceeds being dedicated to the
refurbishment of Dean Evans Stadium located at 841 Markley.
Section 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to prepare a written verification as to the
compliance of the naming initiati ve and provide such verification to the City Commission and
applicable related boards for review during their consideration of the naming initiative.