Budget - 1986 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET OF TH E CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1986 CITY COMMISSION Mayor Merle A. Hodges, M.D. Commissioner John F. Burgess Commissioner Joseph lJi. Ritter Commissioner Stephen C. Ryan Commissioner Sydney S. Soderberg City Manager Rufus L. Nye TABLE OF CONTENTS BUDGET MESSAGE T AX LEVY Tax Levy Tax Levy Computation General Fund Revenue GENERAL FUND General Fund (Summary) City Commission Office of the City Manager City Clerk and Finance Department Legal Department Municipal Court Buildings Division Engineering Department Fi re Depa rtment Permit and I nspection Division Park Division Police Department Street Division Human Relations Department Emergency Medical Service Traffic Division Swimming Pool Division Administration and Planning Division Contingencies Fund Salina Arts and Humanities Commission Gypsum Hill Cemetery General I mprovement Division II IV 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 26 30 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Smoky Hill Museum Flood Works Division Neighborhood Centers Division Capital Improvements - Sales Tax SPECIAL FUNDS Special Funds (Summary) Employee Benefits Fund Utility Fund Bond and I nterest Fund Special Liability Expense Fund Special Parks and Recreation Fund Special Alcohol Prog rams Fund ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds (Summary) Sanitation Division Data Processing Department Parking Meters Division Golf Course Division Special Gasoline Tax Division Business Improvement District Solid Waste Disposal Division Tourism and Convention Bicentennial Center Water and Sewerage OTHER FUNDS Central Garage Division Revenue Sharing Fund 52 54 56 58 61 62 66 70 74 78 82 87 89 95 101 107 115 121 127 133 139 147 159 160 * * * * * * * THE BUDGETARY PROCESS The annual budget for the City of Salina is a one year plan for financing the operation and programs of the city government. The most significant elements in the budgetary process are: 1. The Salina Code requires the City Manager to prepare and present to the City Commission a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year. It is the responsibility of the City Commission, based upon the City Manager's proposed budget, to deliberate upon and to adopt an annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. The City's fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. 2. The City Commission approves the annual budget by city ordinance which authorizes the City Manager to proceed with the budget based upon the ordinance. Also, the Commission must adopt the annual tax levy which establishes city taxes for the coming year. The tax levy must be certified and filed with the Saline County Clerk by August 25th each year. It is characteristic of governmental accounting that the many and diverse activities of the city government are financed from a number of separate sources. This is the result of legal restrictions placed upon the use of public monies by State and local laws which, in essence, require that funds raised for one purpose cannot be used for another. The General Fund is the primary and parent revenue fund of the City and it provides monies for the operation and financing of most governmental prog rams. The Enterprise Funds include resources received from users of the sanitation, data processing, parking meter, golf course, special gasoline, solid waste, and water and sewerage operations and does not include tax funds. Other special funds of the city, such as special assessments and debt service funds, are used for specific purposes detailed in law. Many of these relate to the repayment of debt obligations of the city. The annual budget translates the city's municipal services into accounting terminology. Appropriations are divided into funds, departments, and divisions. These broad function and operation areas are further subdivided into personal services, contractual services, materials and supplies, sundry expenditures, and capital outlay. The City of Salina operates on what is commonly called a "line item" budget; however, the emphasis in the budgetary process is to analyze each program by its impact upon the citizens of the city. Once adopted, the annual budget serves as the work prog ram for the city government for the forthcoming year. It also serves as a tool for evaluating the continuity of city programs and services as well as a continual measurement of organization and efficiency. 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET 1984 T AX LEVY PER $1,000 14.7641 10.7516 3.9136 6.6107 0.3200 36.3600 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 985 TAX LEVY FOR 1986 BUDGET 1985 1985 TAX TAX LEVY FUND DOLLARS PER $1,000 General $1,504,243 13.8413 Employee Benefits 1,139,954 10.4893 Utility 432,079 3.9758 Bond and Interest 841 , 169 7.7400 Special Liability 34,084 0.3136 TOTAL $3,951,529 36.3600 Estimated Tangible Valuation for Fiscal Year 986 $108,677,882 COMPtl"l'ATIOlII OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATIOlII STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1986 Check Base Year Used: (Taxes levied in 80 for base year 1981) (Taxes levied in 81 for base year 1982) 1981 1982-X- 1. Aggregate Levy Limitation computed for base year 1981 or 1982. 2.030.044 2. Estimated assessed tangible valuation for 1980 or 1981 (WS .2, Col. 0, Line 4) . . . . .. ..... . + 99.238.903 3. Tax Levy Rate of the Base Year (Line 1 divided by Line 2) 20456 4. Net Change from Base Year of Personal Property (From Page 3a, WS .2, Line 10). . . . . . + 4.589.519 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate (From Page 3a, WS 13, Line 9) + 3.716.950 6. Total Assessed Tangible Valuation (Lines 2 + 4 + 5) 107.545.372 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for Budget Year 1986 (Line 3 x Line 6) 2.199.948 8. Adj ustment for Territory Added " 07445 x Line 7. 1.638 (From WS U, Line 5) 9. Adj ustment for Territory Excluded x Line 1. NA (From WS .4, Line 10) 10. New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year" Amount determined by the County Clerk . . " . . Nil. 11. Increase authorized by election years, voted , 19_ firs t levy year NA 12. Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals Order No. for years: first levy year ____ NA Functions transferred: 13. In (from another taxing subdivision). . . . . . . . . . . " " . . 14. Out (to another taxing subdivision) " " " " . . . . . . . . . . . (Amount levied for any function or service for which a tax levy is specifically authorized and provided by law in the year preceding the transfer.) NA NA 15. Elimination of Tax on Intangible Personal Property pursuant to an election (not to exceed the amount received in the year prior to elimination) . . " . . . . . . . . . . " . (Note: The General Fund Levy may be increased by this amount. See K.S.A. 79-5020.) NA 16. Functions exempted from Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations by Charter Resolution/Ordinance: Function CR/CO NO* Amount * Total. . . . Attach Copy to budget. Use this only if the exempt function is included in a fund under the aggregate limit. NA 17. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1986. (Lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 - 14 + 15 + 16) Show this amount on Page 1. 2.201.586 Suspension of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation authorized by: IUection held ,19_" Charter Resolution/Ordinance No. (Attach copy to budget.) of ,19_. WS il _ Assessed Tangible Valuation of Territory Added (Excluded) since ABC 0 Total Tang ible Valuation 40.520 11.160 4.740 24.430 80.850 NONF NnNF Col C (To WS #4, 6 & 7) Lines 1 & 6) lIORltSHD'1'S Real Estate I 1 State I . Assessed 1 1 70 1 1 1 70 I NONE I Col B (WSi2, 6 & 7) Lines Year 1. 1981* 2. 1982 3. 1983 4. 1984 5. 1985 6. TERRITORY ADDED 7. TERRITORY EXCLUDED I I Personal I Property I 40.5201 11 . 090 I 4.7401 24.4301 I I (WSi2, Lines * Don't fill in if 1982 is the Base Year STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Cl 1986 the Base Year E I New Improve- I I ments on 1 I Real Estate I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I NnNF I (WS i3, Lines 7 & 8) WS #2 - Net change from Base Year of Personal Property ABC State Assessed 9.942.497 o Total Tangible I Valuation 1108.677.882 I I 199.238.903 I I I I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I I Real I Estate 1985 Estimated Assessed ValuationI68.486.970 1980/1981 Valuation from Farm Machinery 1980/1981 Valuation of Business Aircraft 1980/1981 Est. Assessed Valuation 62.591.050 Difference (Lines 1 + 2 + 3 - 4) . . . . . . Adjustment for Territory: Added (WS ,1) . . Excluded (WS il) . Subtotal (Lines 5 - 6 + 7) ........ Add State Assessed . . . . . . . . . NET CHANGE FROM BASE YEAR OF PERSONAL PROP. I I I I I 1.046.530 I 26.389.680 I 4.905.265 I 70 I _()_ I 4.905 195 I (,1<; ..7..) (315.676) I <----. 4.589.51~*1 (To Page 3, Form C, Line 4) Personal Property 30.248.415 ** If this is negative, see instructions. 10.258.173 (315.676) -()- -0- WS #3 - Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate 1. 1981* I 2. T982 I 3. 1983 I 4. 1984 I 5. 1985 I 6. subtotal. I 7. Adjustment for Territory: Added. I 8. Excluded I 9. INC. BY NEW IMP. ON REAL ESTATE (Lines 6-7+8) I I 982. 160 I 573.590 I 1 . 063.730 I 1.097.470 I 3.716.950 I -0- I (Fran WS '1, Col. E, Line 6) -0- I (From WS .1, Col. E, Line 7) 3.716.950 I (To Page 3, Form C, Line 5) WS'.4 - computation of Adjustment for Territory Added, Excluded 1. Valuation of Territory Added (Fran WS .1, ColD, Line 6) 2. 1985 Est. Assessed Valuation (From WS i2, ColD, Line 1) 3. Valuation of Territory Added (Same as Line 1) 4. Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (Line 2 - 3) . 5. AJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY ADDED (Line 1 divided by Line 4) 6. Valuation of Territory Excluded (From WS .1, ColD, Line 7). 7. 1985 Estimated Assesessed Valuation (Same as Line 2) . . 8. Valuation of Territory Excluded (Same as Line 6) . . . . 9. Total Valuation including Territory Excluded (Lines 7 + 8) 10. ADJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY EXCLUDED (Line 6 divided by Line 9) (To 80.850 108.677.882 80.850 108 5Q7 03? n7l&.uC; (To Page 3, Form C, Line 8) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Page 3, Form C, Line 9) 1986 REVENU REQUEST 1:~EVENU 198~:=i I~CTUAL :1. <i>84 :1.986 C)l=~ r~EC~UEST ACTUAl. 1. 98:3 I:;:EVENUE ~3AL I NA'-"-' ON T CITY ACCOUNT DESCt': J: .n. ... .... AceT 1,504,243 o 25,000 o 15,000 12,000 323,300 3,100,000 176,480 45,000 245,280 3,100 25,000 7,000 o 7,000 200 200 900 1,600 15,000 1,400 100 1,000 2,500 1,200 500 1,900 4,000 500 3,600 1,500 600 4,000 1,800 500 586,399 o 25,000 500 15,000 12,000 260,000 ,950,000 172,100 45,000 226,900 3,100 23,000 7,500 1,250 9,000 400 300 900 1,600 14,000 1,400 100 1,000 2,200 1,000 500 1,700 3,600 400 4,000 1,500 600 3,750 1,500 ~o :~~ 021 o 55,965 1,953 19,412 12,335 331,817 ,140,349 165,076 49,613 223,920 3,090 28,478 6,720 o 6,475 1-"'0. ~~ o 1,150 1,620 15,215 1,350 100 1,025 2,650 1,830 495 2,105 4,209 696 3,587 1,463 L~~ O~,J 4,000 1,678 480 , 3~~6 .3 560,307 868,795 21,664 503 18,082 4,876 322,564 516,108 149,857 42,342 203,518 3,090 21,700 6,900 1,250 10,274 50 200 1,250 1,500 12,790 1,140 90 900 1,775 540 1,270 1,843 3,958 361 4,117 842 450 3,883 1,350 644 :I. :~? ON DJRRENT TANGIBLE TAXES CURRENT INTANGIBLE TAXES DELINQ~~NT TANGIBLE TAXES DELINQUENT INTANGIBLE TAXES BINGO GROSS RECEIPTS AUTO DEALERS TAX STAMPS VEHICLE TAX LOCAL SALES TAX STATE SHARED TAXES CITY LIQUOR TAX LOCAL AD VALOREM TAX REDUCTI HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE CEREAL MALT BEVERAGE RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSES WHC~ESALE LIQUOR LICENS~S AMUSEMENT DEVICE-PINBALL & ETC ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES CIRCUS,CARNIVAL,TENT S*~OWS DANCES - PUBLIC MUSIC MACHINE LICENSES MIN. POOL TABLE & SHUFFLEBOARD POOL HALL & BOWLING ALLEY SKATING RINK LICENSES THEATRE LICENSES AUCTIONEER & AUCTION SALES LIQUIDATION SALE LICENSE BILLBOARD ADVERTISING CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAN LICENSES MOBILE HOME CRAFTSMAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE GAS FITTERS LICENSES TREE TRIMMING & SPRAYING PRIVATE CLUB LICENSES JUNK DEALERS, AU'fO & ARTS PAWNBROKERS GENEI:~AL 30-110 30-120 30-130 30-140 30-150 30-170 30-180 30-190 30-205 30-215 30-240 30-260 30-311 30-313 30-315 30-321 30-323 30-325 30-327 30-333 30-334 30-335 30-338 30-339 30-341 30-342 30-343 30-345 30-347 30-349 30-350 30-351 30-353 30-355 30-357 30-359 v 986 REVENl REQUEST 1:i:EVENU 198::=.; ACTI.U~1 1.984 9136 Fm-;: 1:i:EQUEST ACTUAL. 1 (yi:!3 1:i:EVENUE CITY ) SALINA ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION I~CCT + ::: 3,400 600 400 300 200 4tOOO 300 3,000 500 90tOOO ~O 2,000 200 900 113,000 340,000 170,000 300 2,000 500 4t200 530,460 15,000 18tOOO 900 100 21tOOO 47,000 165,000 30tOOO 27,000 12,000 10tOOO 10tOOO 600 300 6,000 140,000 3t200 ~O 400 300 200 4,000 300 3,000 700 110tOOO 400 6,000 ~O 1,000 20,000 330,000 065,000 100 1,000 700 3,800 480,000 15,000 20,000 1,000 100 22,000 57tOOO 160,000 10,000 o 18,000 10,000 10,000 1,200 ~O 6t500 132,860 3,435 580 380 330 165 4t213 415 2,993 426 86,688 400 6,965 140 895 15,964 343,377 ,165,927 306 2,833 270 4,610 735,658 13,215 17,945 770 70 20,540 47,933 168t911 29,757 o 11,975 9t684 10,824 520 206 5t482 149,236 4,291 610 360 605 195 4t400 3~ 2t790 552 98t801 113 5,860 140 780 18,621 310t880 954,880 188 2t845 660 3t780 513,266 13,479 20,175 1,100 80 24,6213 51,586 162t306 9,776 o 17,002 9,730 14,331 1,337 o 6,670 155,016 PLUMBERS LICENSEE TAXICAB LIQ~NSES TAXICAB rn~IVERS LICENSES STREET ADVERTISING ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR LICENSES MOBILE HOME COURT LICENSES VENDOR,PEDDLER & ITINERANT REF~3E HAULERS LICENSES CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS BUILDING & INSPECTION FEES HOUSEMOVING PERMITS FOOD PEfi:M I TS BAIL BONDSMAN LICENSES MEFi:CHANT POLICE LICENSES I~NIi"lAI... I...ICENSE~:) MUNICIPAl... COURT - FINES ni:p,NCHISE TAXE!:> INCOME FROM I...EASED LAND OFFICE SPACE RENTAl... RENT - COMMUNITY THEATRE RENT - LAKEWOOD PARK INTEREST FROM INVEST~ENTS IMPOUNDING FEES REMOVAl... & BURIAL FEES GRAVE MARKER PERMITS TITLE TRANSFER FEES ADMISSION - SWIMMING POOI...S ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FIRE PROTECTION OUTSIDE STREET CUT REPAIRS AI...AF~M MONITDFi: FEE WEED CUTTING SERVICES PLATS & REZONING FEES SALE OF COMMODITIES SI~I...E OF BOOI"<8 SALE OF HAL.VAGI: SAI...E OF L.OTS At1BUI...ANCE FEES TY C 30-361 30-363 30-365 30-367 30-369 30-371 30-375 30-377 30-379 30-381 30-383 30-391 30-393 30-395 30-399 30-410 30-440 30-508 30-511 30-513 30-524 30-610 30-702 30-703 30-704 30-705 30-709 30-711 30-712 30-713 30-715 30-719 30-720 30-721 30-723 30-725 30-727 30-729 v 906 F;~EVENUI m::nUEST 000 400 03,000 219,990 10,000 195,000 C' 7 I:~E"'JENU :L90~:; 000 500 000 160 000 000 0, 03, 230, 0, :?OO, :1. '"12:'~, 3~:.i3 1,611,367 0,723,353 10,334,720 10,334,720 o 0, o , 404 , 4:1. 9 2,763,390 8,404,419 1,167,817 9,556,450 1,611,367 :ITY OF SALINA----- REVENL_ REnUEST Frn~ 1986 t.CCT . ::;: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl. 19~B :1. <;>84 3 ()......?3 :I. MISC. SALES & SERVICES 2 , 0~:n 10,103 30-7~52 MISC. SERVICES - COUNTY :')60 330 30....(jl50 REIMBURSE MUSEUM EXPENSES 0 0:"",) , 000 30....9~S :L REIMBURSE AMBULANCE EXPENSES 240,890 2:.:?'7,710 ::')O....9::i2 REIMB~~SEMENT OF EXPENDITlmE 7,064 43,7'12 30""9~57 TRSF FROM OTHER FUNDS 1 '}2 , 000 200,000 FUND TOTALS 8 , 64~:; , ::W3 B , 844 , 6~i() BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST :I. , O:..!7 , 94::?' 2,lB6,466 TOTI~L. F~EVENUE 8, 64:::i , 30::') B,044,650 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 9,673, :?4~j :1.1,0:'5:1.,1.:1.6 LESS EXPENDITURES 7,406,779 8,:?67,7:1.B UNENCUt1BERED ASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 2,:1.01.,,466 2, 76:"",) , 398 VI July 5, 1985 The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City of Salina 300 W. Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Mayor Hodges and Commissioners: In conformance with the requirements of K.S.A. 12-1014, I am pleased to submit to you the proposed 1986 Annual Budget. In addition to the General Fund, budgets for the Special Funds and the Enterprise Funds are included. Public presentation of the proposed Annual Budget is scheduled for Monday, July 22, 1985, a regular City Commission meeting. A public hearing will be held at the City Commission meeting on August 5, 1985. Once the City Commission approves a proposed budget for publication, which you should do on July 22, 1985, it may be reduced, however, it may not be increased. Kansas law requires the City Commission to certify the tax levy to the County Clerk. The deadline for certification is Sunday, August 25, 1985. The annual budgetary process presents the City Commission with an opportunity to review critically all the City's existing programs, services and priorities. This review allows an evaluation of the relative values and priorities of the present level of municipal services. It is also an opportunity to review, in a comprehensive way, proposed new public services. Comments on significant budgetary modifications are included in this budget message. Each individual budget account contains specific comments detailing the purpose of the activity and the proposed budget for the coming year with supporting statistical and written data. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 5, 1985 Page Two Budget In Brief The proposed 1986 Annual Budget as recommended herein provides for total expenditures for all funds, programs and activities of $23,678,130. This is $639,710 greater than the approved 1985 Annual Budget and is equal to a 2.8% increase. The City of Salina is a complex organization consisting of many different and often times unrelated programs and services. Because of that fact and the need to conform with State laws and generally accepted accounting principles, the City's budget contains numerous complexities and subtleties not easily reduced to simple statements, percentages or slogans. The General Fund, the major fund of the City which provides financing for most operating departments, is proposed to increase $778,270 or approximately 8.1%. The most significant item in this fund is the approximately $450,000 increase in capital improvements financed from the local sales tax. Minus these capital improvements, the operating budget portion of the General Fund is recommended to increase $327,020 or 5.0%. The proposed 1986 Annual Budget is based upon continuing the current City mill levy at 36.36 mills on each dollar of assessed valuation. The several budgets for the Special Funds, which finance activities specifically authorized either by statute or by home rule ordinance, for very specific purposes, are proposed to decrease $363,400. This 7.7% decline is caused completely by technical accounting adjustments mandated by State regulations. The City's Enterprise Funds, which generate either all or most of their funds from the fees charged users of the services, are budgeted to increase $193,840. This is an increase of approximately 2.3%. Goals for the 1986 Budget The proposed 1986 Annual Budget for all City programs and activities as contained herein is an extremely modest proposal. It provides for continuation of the present City services at a level very similar to the current one. It anticipates no significant changes in City programs or services. As promised to City voters in the August, 1982 sales tax major thrust of the 1986 Budget is capital improvements. capital improvements encompass a wide range of projects, street maintenance and renovation of downtown Salina. election, a Although these they focus on The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 5, 1985 Page Three A major objective of this Budget is to continue the City mill levy at the 36.36 mill rate. 1986 will be the fourth year the City has maintained this rate. This is done in spite of the fact that the City's assessed valuation has enjoyed little growth in recent years. The assessed valuation will grow about 1.1%. Budget Highlights The following pages of the proposed 1986 Annual Budget detail in statistical and narrative form a suggested program of municipal services for the calendar year commencing January 1, 1986. The Budget contains certain recommendations and assumptions, among which the following are the most significant: * The continuation of the City's mill rate. This Budget anticipates continuation of the City's mill rate at 36.36 mills. The 1986 tax levy of $3,951,529 is $44,541 or 1.1% greater than the 1985 levy. This tax levy is $209,493 less than the 1979 tax levy of $4,161,022. * 3% cost-of-living adjustment in the City's pay plan for all employees. In addition to the 3% increase, certain employees will be eligible for in grade adjustments depending upon job performance and length of service. $30,000 is included in Contingencies to reflect the uncertainties associated with a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision mandating that municipalities are subject to the conditions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. * * A significant reduction in the Employee Benefits Fund in the amount of $455,900. This is caused by the State requiring the City to pay the employee's share of Kansas Public Employee Retirement and Social Security contributions when received. In the past, the City accumulated these monies in the Employee Benefits Fund and remitted them to the State on a quarterly basis. Because the monies were paid to the State these funds had to be budgeted like all other expenditures. * An increase for capital improvements in the amount of $451,250. This is in keeping with the City's policy to have the maximum amount of sales tax funds available to finance capital improvements. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 5, 1985 Page Four * An adjustment in all playing fees at the Salina Municipal Golf Course. This proposal increases the cost for play for each category of participant. * An additional mechanic to work in the Parks Department and at the Golf Course to maintain golf carts and other equipment. Because the present vendor is out of business, the City has had to assume the complete golf cart program, thus, necessitating significant changes in the Golf Course budget including the necessity for municipal City maintenance of the vehicles. * Other than golfing fees no other fees are recommended for increases during 1986. However, during 1987 rate adjustments will likely be necessary in the City's Water and Sewerage Utility and, possibly, in the Sanitation service. The General Fund The General Fund finances most traditional City programs and services. The 1986 Budget recommends expenditures of $10,334,720. This is $778,270 or 8.1% greater than the 1985 Budget of $9,556,450. TABLE I compares the 1985 and 1986 Budgets for the General Fund. There are two significant adjustments to the General Fund this year. One, of course, is the increase of $451,250 in capital improvements. Without these sales tax financed improvements, the General Fund increases 5%. Also, in 1985 the Police Department did not replace police squad cars. That is budgeted at a cost of $99,000. Other proposed expenditures in the General Fund primarily reflect salary and merit adjustments required by the City pay plan and other modest increases caused primarily by inflation. TABLE I 1985 - 1986 General Fund Budget Comparison 1985 1986 Do 11 a r Percent Description Budget Budget Difference Di fference Personal Services $4,829,920 $4,983,530 $153,610 3.1% Contractual Services 819,220 804,330 (14,890 ) (1.8) Ma teri a 1 s & Supplies 634,340 638,460 4,120 .6 Sundry Expenditures 181,020 214,430 33,410 18.4 Capital Outlay 3,091,950 3,693,970 602,020 19.4 $9,556,450 $10,334,720 $778,270 8":1% The following illustration shows in a visual way the revenues and expenditures for the General Fund. REVENUES - GENERAL FUND - 1986 CASH BALANCE- 15.6% PROPERTY TAXES - 14.8 % REIMBURSEMENT 0 OF EXPENDITURES- 4.9 :to STATE AIDS-4.7% MISC. SERVICES a FEES-5.0% INTEREST -5.1% SALES TAX - 30.0% FRANCHISE a MOTOR -14 50;' VEHICLES TAX . 0 LICENSES, FEES a FINES - 5.4% EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUND-1986 COMMUNITY SERVICES-7.9% ADMINISTRATION - 8.0% CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS-33.3% PUBLIC SAFETY - 37.8 % COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-3.5% GENERAL SERVICES - 9.5 % The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 5, 1985 Page Five Assessed Valuation, Property Taxes The City's tax rate has not varied significantly in recent years. This is in spite of the very modest growth in assessed valuation. The 1985 valuation, for the 1986 Budget, will be up 1.1% or $1,230,598 over the 1984 level of $107,447,669 to $108,667,882. This modest growth is only partially caused by slower economic conditions. A contributing factor is actions taken by recent Kansas Legislatures. The Legislature has granted some well-publicized exemptions such as aircraft and farm machinery. Less well known are technical adjustments in assessing methods mandated by the Legislature. These changes, such as modifications in the trending factors, have the net effect of reducing taxable valuation. Two proposals adopted by the 1985 Legislature could have far reaching affects on property taxes in Salina and Kansas. The proposed Constitutional Amendment, to be voted on at the November, 1987 general election, will classify property for tax purposes. It will also exempt from property taxes merchants inventory and livestock. The Statewide reappraisal of property will likewise affect local property taxes. The scope and degree of these changes are at this time unknown. However, the net result will certainly be to shift taxes to different classes of tax payers. State officials and experts feel these proposals will result in an overall fairer and more equitable property tax system. They believe the proposal is, on a statewide basis, a theoretically and conceptually sound one. I do not share that optimism, although I hope it is correct. The pattern in recent years has demonstrated that most legislative proposals result in less income to local units of government. The City of Salina may be more fortunate than other cities in the State because Salina has slowly decreased its dependence on local property taxes. In 1980 approximately 50% of the General Fund was financed by property taxes. This budget proposes that less than 15% will be from that source. Of course, the sales tax has had a significant effect on those percentages. However, even without the sales tax, property taxes would, in 1986, account for slightly more than 20% of the General Fund's revenues. Improved cash management, planning and investments have resulted in that condition. Whether or not such techniques can continue to offset valuation practices is, of course, not possible to predict. Another barometer of the City's declining dependence on property taxes is the percentage of the local tax dollar going to the City. That percentage has declined from about 34% in 1980 to an estimated 25% in 1986. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 5, 1985 Page Six Bicentennial Center The Bicentennial Center, in my oplnlon, continues to meet the expectations of those who advocated its construction. One of the continuing problems of public arenas such as the Bicentennial Center, a problem present in all such facilities throughout the nation, is that of funding. To my knowledge, almost all facilities such as the Bicentennial Center receives subsidies in some form from public funds. The Bicentennial Center is subsidized from Federal Revenue Sharing. This budget proposes a continuation of that practice in the amount of $300,000. Developments over the last year or so point to greater problems for the Bicentennial Center in terms of competition from other facilities. Wichita's Century II, Sedgewick County's Kansas Coliseum and Topeka's proposed new Expo Center promise to offer growing competition. The City of Wichita is expanding Century II in order to attract more conventions and tourists, Kansas Coliseum has greatly increased their aggressiveness in the area of attracting these features. Furthermore, they have been helped when Wichita recently lost their professional hockey team, thus, freeing dates. The new Expo Center is scheduled to open during 1987 and that should affect the City's ability to attract customers from the Manhattan, Junction City, Fort Riley area. Enterprise Funds This budget proposes that fees at the Salina Municipal Golf Course be increased to continue to make the course as self-supporting as possible. Junior memberships would increase from $60 to $75, senior memberships from $120 to $150, member surcharge $.50 to $1 per day, a new ten play card for $40.00, green fees on weekdays from $4 to $6 and weekends from $6 to $7. No increases are recommended for the other enterprise funds. The enterprise funds are largely or totally self-supporting from fees charged users of the service. No tax funds are involved in these activities with the exceptions of the Bicentennial Center and the Municipal Golf Course. All of the self-supported enterprise funds will experience operating losses in 1986 with the exception of the landfill. Sanitation and Water and Sewerage will have operating losses of $185,000. Because of fund balances no rate increases are necessary in 1986. However, rate increases will probably be needed in 1987. If the City Commission decides to proceed with recommended capital improvements in the water and sewer areas and finance those improvements with revenue bonds, rate increases will be necessary. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 5, 1985 Page Seven Revenue Sharing This budget assumes the City will have $437,000 in revenue sharing funds during 1986. 1986 promises to be the last year revenue sharing will be in existence. Both houses of the United States Congress and the President have proposed the elimination of revenue sharing as part of their debt reduction plans. Thus, it is almost certain revenue sharing will not survive beyond the coming year. Even its fate in 1986 is uncertain. The Senate has proposed full funding during 1986, whereas the House has suggested a 25% reduction. This budget assumes full funding in 1986. Approximately 75%, $300,000 out of $437,000, of revenue sharing is devoted to subsidizing the operations of the Bicentennial Center. Needless to say, if revenue sharing is discontinued, some significant adjustments will have to be made in the 1987 budget. Capital Improvements This Budget recommends that $3,441,250 be set aside for various capital improvements. The capital improvements on the 1986 list are based upon recommendations in the City's proposed five year capital improvement program. Some of these projects have been begun in the past and this is a continuation of those projects. Acknowledgements I wish to express my great appreciation and thanks to all the City department heads who have been so cooperative and helpful in the preparation of this Budget. I would like to give special thanks to Don Harrison, Director of Finance and Jackie Shiever, Administrative Aide to the City Clerk. They were most helpful on all of the analysis and preparation of the various tables and exhibits. I especially want to thank Tyra Hansen, Administrative Secretary to the City Manager. I greatly appreciate Tyra's invaluable assistance and help in the budget process. I believe the proposed 1986 Budget will continue the City on a solid financial basis and at the same time allow the City to provide an excellent level of municipal services to the community. I present it to you for your careful consideration and adoption as you determine to be in the best interest of the City of Salina and all its citizens. Rufus L. Nye City Manager RLN:th 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET REQUEST 1986 ACTUAL 983 270 020 ,770 110 310 470 670 430 330 900 880 300 200 600 430 600 430 000 370 270 580 500 630 400 250 316 74 197 53 58 135 140 644 107 426 800 582 52 406 83 44 113 189 96 56 58 118 61 75 , ll41 $ OUDGET 985 307,060 73,690 192,010 51,570 56,620 131,520 141,530 596,550 104,200 397,960 652,880 554,180 50,680 385,930 80,990 l13,300 110,150 155,200 89,970 54,630 56,870 146,000 59,760 73,200 990.000 3 $10.334.720 $ $ ACTUAL 984 285,940 7ll,229 180,642 47,891 58,009 127,097 134,548 499,835 79,795 367,596 608,303 526,405 47,496 383,676 79,983 38,305 04,198 82,540 69,407 50,477 50,734 16,409 57,274 70,012 26.917 556.450 2 9 267.718 2 8 $ 7.486.779 GRAND TOTAL $ $ 917 983 690 284 567 867 485 612 742 050 357 551 595 779 800 178 313 052 440 283 371 o 496 443 924 271 77 172 47 52 119 129 401 77 369 534 507 42 343 71 36 93 ll3 62 51 47 54 67 710 $ CITY COMMISSIOt~ CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK LEGAL MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDINGS ENGI NEERI NG FIRE PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS PARK POll CE STREET HUMAN RELATIONS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE TRAFFIC CONTROL SWIMMING POOLS ADrvHNISTRATION AND PLANNING CONTINGENCIES ARTS COMMISSION CEMETERY GENERAL IMPROVEMENT SMOKY HILL MUSEUM FLOOD WORKS NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - SALES TAX 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 27 28 29 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY COMMISSION KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, 2 As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the leyislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances, resolutions, and other <.Jctions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brouyht before the Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advisory commissions, administrative staff, other political entities, or the general public. The Budget. Annua through the adoption of an authorities and commissions. The City Commission exercises budgetary control Commission also makes appointments to various boards are elected The thi I'd serve as to at large on a nonpartisan basis. Three Commissioners receiving the most votes each receive four-year terms. Annually, the Commission elects one of their members is elected candidates te I'm. The five-member Commission every two years. The two member is elected to a two-year Muyor. prepared by admlll agendas sSlon meet City Comm media. InformatIOn in support of regular avai lable to citizens and the news s The City Commission meets at 4:00 P.M. the first, second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 200 of the City - County - Board of Education Building. Items for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted in writing to the City ~1anager by noon of the Thursday preceding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public, except at those times when the Commission recesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose. nd a ve staff str<.Jt s ng t C League of ngs. National ties meet * attendance of Commissioners at professional meetings such as the S. Conference of Mayors; and various Kansas League of Municipal * * * * * * * #207 provides for Cong rcss; the U. es #211 - The Emergency Preparedness request is $36,780, which equals 31% of the $117,660 request. A total of $73,560 is requested from the City and County. State funding is estimated at $44,100 compared to $44,530 for 1985. Public Health is requesting $114,270, compared to $109,1l1O in 1985, or 14.0% of the total budget request from each the City and County. The balance of revenue comes from fees, grants, contracts, interest and cash carryover. The Health Department, under agreement with the City, began operation of the Animal Shelter on January 1, 1982. The 1986 Budget request' is for $74,270, compared to $70,940 in 1985. 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 500 500 24,250 265,320 10,000 3,000 700 303,270 12,500 12,500 316,270 BUDGET 1985 500 500 25,000 256,860 9,000 3,000 700 294,560 12,000 12,000 307,060 :ITY OF ~:;PII...INA""'''' ......BUDGET F~EW.JEST FOI;: 19B6 t-,CCT. ::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAl. :l.98:"~ :1. <184 CITY COMMISSION PERSONAl... SERVICES 0:1.....:1.20 SAL.AF~ I ES ~:500 ~:500 (~CCT''''TOTAI...S ~5()0 ~~j O() . CONTRACTUAl... SERVICES 0:1. ....207 EMPI...OYEE DEVEI...OPMENT 22,OOB 1::~, 406 o :1. .... ~.?:I. 1 CONTRIBUTIONS 2:;~8 , :1.00 242,820 o 1 ..- ::.~ :~~ ~5 L.EGAL. ADVERTISING 9, 0:':;;4 1 :.3 , 9 :1. ~:'i 01....29B REVISION OF ORDINANCES :1. , ~'iO() 4,:1.24 0:1.....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAl... SERVICES 610 489 ACCT .... TOT (.II...S 261 , 2~:j2 2"74, 7~54 SUNrn;:y EXPENDITURES () 1 "--4:':;; ~:j ORGANIZATIONAL. DUES 1 () , 16~:i :1. () , 686 ACCT....TOTAI...S 1 (), :I. 6~, :I.O,6B6 DEPT....TOTf.lI...S 27:1 917 2B!.:'i, <i>4() 3 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA t CITY COMMISSION continued In 1983, 1984 and 985, the City contributed $40,000 to the Chamber of Commerce for industrial promotion. The 1986 Oudget proposes the same amount. This funding will be used to assist in an expanded industrial promotion and employment program for the City. This program will include aggressively seeking new industries and encouragement and assistance to local industries to expand their employment opportunities. The objective is to increase employment opportunities for Salina residents and also to broaden the City's industrial and commercial tax base. o t s estimated 40 will be awarded, gavel and nameplate cards. keys, etc #299 is for plaques for retiring board and commission appointees. $10.00 each, equals $400. This also includes for the Mayor's plaque Some of these items have previously been charged to Contingencies. ($250); the Information Commission Management Planning ($8,300); Central Regiona of Municipalities City in the North the Kansas League Network ($1,390). #435 includes membership for the National League of Cities ($1,900) Service ($400); Product Information 4 5 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, The City Manager chief administrative MANAGER The Office of the City rvlanager is the general administrative unit of the City government. is appointed by the City Commission for an indefinite term and serves as the City's officer. As provided by State Statute and City ordinances, the City Manager supervises and directs the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include providing liaison between the City Commission and the administrative staff, preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, processing citizen inquiries and service requests, maintaining public relations with the news media, working with other governmental, school district and State and County governments, and representing the City at official meetings and conferences. The City Manager is responsible for the appointment and removal of all City employees. As chief administrative officer of the City, the City Manager s responsible for recommending measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legislative issues, financial programs, capital expenditures and improvements, as well as other administrative matters. The City Manager prepares a proposed budget for the City Commission. Once the Commission adopts the budget, it becomes the responsibility of the City Manager to see that it is properly adrniniste,'ed. * * * * * * * * strative Secretary meetings, conferences seminars and special training tems such as maintenance of office equipment. E CITY H OFFICE OF T n Adm an and ty Manager C me employees for participation In professlOna items not ncluded in other ine -t fu 2 nCludes budget #207 provides #299 covers ty Manager Account sessions. C The 6 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 62,600 62,600 4,000 3,000 400 7,400 800 2,000 2,800 1,220 1,220 74,020 BUDGET 1985 63,820 63,820 4,000 2,000 400 6,400 000 1,450 2,250 1,220 1,220 73,690 CITY IF SALINA -BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1(;'86 ACCT. ::l: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAL 19f:l3 1984 CITY MANAGEF~ PERSONAL SERVICES 02....120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 67 , 8:'50 6:'~, 00'"( ()CCT....TOTALS 67,8:::';0 6:.3,007 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES o::~ ..<.~ O~-) TELEPHONE 3,896 4,109 02-<W7 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 2, ~5~):I. 2,944 02....::.~(.i>9 ern-lEI:;: CONTF~ACTUAL SEF~VICES :.34:::; ::~:3 ~s (~CCT .... TOT ALS 6 , :'.';92 7,288 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 02..--:320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 717 64!,:-j 02....;3~;S :I. BOO/(S & PEl:;: I e}Il I CAU3 1,895 2,084 AceT .... TOT ALS 2,6:1.2 2 , 72(1 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES O:~~""43~5 O~;ANIZATIONAL DUES (129 1 , 20~'j (.~CCT .... TOT I~I...S 929 :1.,20::':; DEPT....TOTALS T1, (1f:r:.~ 74,229 7 8 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, the proper receivable, AND Under the supervIsion of the Finance Director and City Clerk, this Department provides for planning, accounting and control of all fiscal matters in the City. Accounts payable, accounts investment income, contracts, payroll, purchasing and billings are processed by this Department. CITY CL.ERK gov- with nated to other in accordance are also dlssen transactions is Fiscal reports records and Financial statements are prepared on a periodic basis. ernmental agencies. The documentation for all fisca generally accepted governmental accounting procedures. for City are for- cense is on Officer in voter registration. Various applications then audited for compliance with code requirements and such as the City Commission. After approval, a formal the County Elect to this office, are approving authority The City Clerk assists licenses are submitted warded to the proper issued. as of and acting processing Clerk is also responsible for taking the minutes of the City Commission meetings for all official City records. Central personnel records, advertising and for City employment are handled by this office, as well as the central purchasing. The City depository applications positions: Principal * 1986, which includes the following Administrative Aide/Word Processor Clerk and Senior Clerk. * full-time employees in Director of Personnel, Administrative Aide, Account * * * * * * This Department is budgeted for 7 Director of Finance and City Clerk, Data Processing Operator / Oookkeeper not reflect significant changes in programs or services. The two major which is for rental of the Xerox equipment, and #320, which provides for paper and supplies. Account #517 provides replacement for office chairs. The line items in this account do expenditures are reflected in #274, the purchase of Xerox 'and computer T 9Bb BUDG 1:~Em.JEST 151,750 4,500 156,250 2,bOO 2,500 2,400 2,500 2,BOO 15,000 6,000 2,800 36,600 3,620 3,620 600 300 900 400 400 197,770 BUDGET 19B5 146,910 0 146,910 3,100 2,500 2,400 3,000 3,100 15,000 6,000 2,BOO 37,900 b,OOO 6,000 ~O 300 BOO 400 400 192,010 :ITY OF SALINA--- BUDGET REQUEST FOR :1. (l86 ACCT. :1:: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL 1 98~3 1984 CITY CL.Ef;:I" PERSONAL. SERVICES ()~3""120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1~51 , 62<l 141,041 03'---:1.30 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 0 0 f='lCCT....TOTf='lLS :1.31,629 :1.4:1. , ()41 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES O;:~._~?O~) TELEPHONE 2,406 2 , ;:~~~4 03....::W7 EMPLOYEE DEVELrn~MENT :;~ , ~:i68 :;! t 4 ~:5 <;;- 03....209 POfHAGE 2, :1.62 1,996 03....221 PRINTING OFFICE F~)RMS 2, 47~3 2,673 o ~3 .... ~~ ~:.:;::.~ REPAIR-FURNITURE & OR~. EQUIP :1.,403 :.:.~ * ~~ 1 :.~ 03....::.~74 RENT - MACHINERY & EQUIP :I.~i,:L94 :L~),:I.:l.7 O~5""291 AUDITING & ACCOUNTING SERVICE ~5, :1.00 ~':; , 400 03 .... ~~ <l ~:i OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2 , 3~'i4 2 , ~36B ACCT....TOTALS ~5~5 , 660 ~34 , 5~5<l MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 03--320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,077 3, 87<;> f:)CCT-..TOTAI...S 6,OT1 3,B79 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 03'''A3~:i ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 5:1.0 ~7i 7 0 03....4~5<l F~EFUNDB :l.6~:'i 214 FleCT .... TOT ALS 675 844 CAPITAl... OUTL.AY 03,,-5:1. 7 DF CE MECHANICAl... EQUIP 64(y ;:~19 FreCT .... TOT ALS 649 3:1.<;' DEPT"':TOTI~LB 172,690 180,642 9 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, T services are provided by the egal department to the City Commission, City Manager, adminis- and advisory commissions on a variety of municipal matters. These services include: legal preparation of ordinances, resolutions, contracts and agreements. The City Attorney represents n litigation including condemnation action and prosecution. egal work connected with City are rendered at an hourly rate. The City Attorney and City Prosecutor work on a part-time basis for norma business and Municipal Court prosecutions. Other specific legal services Attorney normally attends all meetings of the City Commission and will attend adVisory commiSSion request when possible legal questions may be anticipated and advises the Planning Commission of Zoning Appeals. The City Prosecutor is the attorney for Municipa Court. The City meetings upon and the Board * * * * * * * * ty C the against ts fi led by or awsu and cases appealed th is account. cou rt LEGAL DEPARTMEN legal staff Genera trative opinions, the City on n depends fUll-time personne t as to predict t difficu There are no s #296 o 1986 BUD GEl REQUEST 28,700 16,410 45,110 6,000 6,000 2,000 2,000 53,110 BUDGET 1985 27,860 16,070 43,930 6,000 6,000 1,640 1,640 51,570 :ITY OF SALINA . BUDGET m::W.JEST OJ:;: :1.986 p.CCT . :, ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTU,~L ACTUAL. :1.983 :1.984 LEGAL. PERSONAL SERVICES 04....;I.:W SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 26,000 :?6, 8(;,'3 04....1 :~O SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOY8~S 1.4 , (;,'9(;,' 1~5,~:511 (~CCT'''"TOTALS 40,999 42,404 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 04....296 LEGAL SEF~VICES 4 r.:"r.:") :~, 60~:.:i t ....J....},.... ACCT....T()TAL~:; 4 t ~::;~:j:? ;'5 , 60~5 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 04..<5;'H BOOKS & PERIODICALS 1,733 1. , 88:;~ ACCT-'TOT(':\I...S 1. , 7 ;:r:5 1.,882 DEPT...TOTAU:> 47,284 47,89:1 11 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET MUN ICI PAL COURT The fAunicipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge, serving on a part-time basis, hears misdemeanor cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. The full-time staff and a process server budgeted in the Police Department are under the supervision of the Police Department's Administrative Division. The Municipal Court collects in excess of $340,000 annually in fines, court costs and fees. * * * * * * * * Full-time personnel include: Principal Clerk and Senior Clerk. #295 provides for periodic services of a Judge Pro- Tem and witness fees. #430 - $85 is collected on each DWI conviction and remitted to the District Court. These funds go to the Central Kansas Foundation for Alcohol and Chemical Dependency #503 allows for the replacement of electric typewriters 2 1986 BUDrn~T REQUEST 42,350 42,350 1,400 1,200 2,600 5,200 400 900 1,300 8,660 8,660 800 800 58,310 BUDGET 1985 39,370 39,370 1,400 1,300 2,400 5,100 700 2,000 2,700 9,000 9,000 450 450 56,620 CITY OF SALINA-' BUDGET REQ~~Sl' FOR :L (lB6 ACCT. :It- ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTU(.,I... ACTUAl. :1.983 19B4 MUNICIPAL. COURT" PERSONAl... SERVICES O~:;j..- :1. 20 SALARIES - REGUI...AR EMPLOYEES 38, HZ? 41 , 44:-~ ACCT _.. TOT ALS ::m, 1327 41,442 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES o ~:j .... :;~ () ~:;j TEI...EPHONE :1. , 0 ::.~ ~j 1. , O~:j() ()~:;"-::.~21 PRINTING OFFICE FORMS 1 , ::~60 B20 () ~j ..- 2 (j> ~'.i OTHER PROFESSIONAl... SERVICES 1,446 :~~ , 5t)::'~ ACCT....TOTALS 3,B31. 4 , 43::~ MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 0~.'j""320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 667 248 ()~:;i""344 MAINT -- VEHICLE ~~ EQUIP 1,337 :I., :1.8::.'; (.lCCT....TOTAI...S 2,004 1. , 43:"~ SUNDRY EXPENDITURES O~:5.'''43() FINES REMITTED-DISTRICT CO~~T 7 , 90~:;j 8 , ~58~'j i~CCT .... TOT AL.S 7 , 90~:j ~~ , ~:iB~:;j CAPITAL OUTLAY O~:i"":::iO~!S EWH 0 2, :1.:1.7 ACCT....TOTALS 0 ;2 , :I. :1."7 DEPT-..TOTAI...S ~'j2, ~::;67 ~:j8 . 009 3 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET CES BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERV BUILDINGS DIVISION This fund includes the City's share of operating and maintaining the City - County - Board of Education Building which was completed in 1969. The building is operated and maintained by a Building Authority comprised of elected representatives of each of the three agencies, plus one member at large selected by the other members. Operation and maintenance costs are shared by the three agencies pror<lted on the basis of square footage of floor space which each occupies. Saline County utilizes 61,016 square feet or 59.4%, the City of Salina 26,806 square feet or 26.1%, and USD #305 14,910 square feet or 14.5%. The Water and Sew- erage Department pays .k of the City's 26.1 %. the ty Theatre and Commun na the Sa maintenance and operation of The Building Fund also provides for the Police Building exclusive of utilities. * * * * * * * * is or Sewerage utility, The City's 26. 1 % appears in #299. Custodians Fire insurance on all City buildings, except those belonging to the Water and included in #228. Account #251 provides for normal maintenance of all City buildings. $72 ,000 for operation and maintenance of the City-County-Board of Education l3uilding KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, me -t fu two nCludes fund The 4 1986 BUDG REQUEST 26,670 26,670 25,000 7,000 2,200 72,000 106,200 600 510 590 600 300 2,600 135,470 BUDGET 1985 25,890 25,890 22,000 5,850 2,100 73,000 102,950 650 490 540 650 350 2,680 131,520 CITY OF ~:;ALINA' BUDGET REQL~ST FOR 1986 AceT + ::l: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl. 1 <y'8:3 1984 BUIL.DINGS PERSONAL SERVICES 01.)....120 SALARIES - REGUL.AR EMPLOYEES ::.~4, 1.)08 :~~ 4 f (i:~?!5 (ICCT .... TOT ALS 24,608 :~~..1 t (';''r :~~ ~::; CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 06....::.~28 INSURANCE - FIRE 18, 75:':~ :1.B,986 06....2~::;:t. REPAIR - BUILDINGS 4, ~:,)13 <; , T70 Of.)....29~~j OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 804 793 06....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I.) 9 , ::.~ ::.~ ~5 70,714 rlCCT .... TOT ALS 93, 09~::; :1.00,263 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06...<343 JANITCm & TOILET SUPPLIES ~5 07 ::.~ 4 ~'5 "7 06.<359 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES :;'~9~5 59~:j 06....367 ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS 83~:j 49"1 01.)....371 LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS :1.47 169 06....~58:L PAINT & PAINTING MA1ERIALS ~H~5 :1. 91 r:iCCT....TOTALS 2,164 1,909 DEPT .... TOT ALS :1.1 <; , 867 :1.27, 097 5 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA t a that ENGI NEERI NG DEPARTMENT of the Engineering Department s to protect the public int.erest by assuring and facilities are constructed in accordance with established standards. clpa The Engineering Department is responsible for coordinating al engineering services related to development projects during both the planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers is also done by the City Engineer and department staff. Proper engineering data s formulated to meet the requirements of project feasibility reports, design considerations, final plans and specifications, and other planning and engineering procedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal improvement projects which involves analyzing bids, supervising construction, certifying progress of construction and recommending acceptance of work done by a contractor. Depending upon the size of an improvement project, these services may be performed in-house or rendered by engineering consultants or a combination of the two. * The Department has 6 full-time employees: Assistant City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Engineering Technician (2), Senior Engineering Aide, and Senior Clerk. The City Engineer's salary is included in the Water and Sewerage Department because he also is Director of Utilities. The Assistant City Engineer also serves as Assistant Director of Utilities and a portion of his salary is included in that utility's budget. range ns cha survey as such equipment eng meermg aneous the replacement of mlsce and lettering equipment. provides for survey rods #503 poles, 6 The function improvements mUll * * * * * * * 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 126,600 126,600 1,920 1,250 550 500 4,220 540 2,000 5,960 8,500 900 900 450 450 140.670 BUDGET 1985 128.360 128.360 1,920 1,000 500 550 3,970 540 1.900 5.560 8.000 800 800 400 400 141,530 CITY OF SALINA-- BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1986 ACCT.~ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ~TUAl 1983 1984 ENGINEERING PERSONAL SERVICES 07-120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 118,090 123.213 ACCT-TOTALS 118,090 123,213 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 07-205 TELEPHONE 1,596 1,601 07-207 EMPLOYEE [~VELOPMENT 8~ 1,000 07-252 REPAIR - FlmNITURE.OFFICE EQUI 358 443 07-299 OTH~R CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 380 251 ACCT-TOTALS 3.184 31295 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 07-320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 390 4~ 07-335 DRAFTING & ENGRS. SUPF~IES 1,955 1,867 07-344 MAINT - VEHICLE & EQUIP 4.819 4.176 ACCT-TOTALS 7.164 6,501 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 07-435 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 717 745 ACCT-TOTALS 717 745 CAPITAL OUTLAY 07-503 ENGINEERING EQUIP. 330 794 ACCT-TOTALS 330 794 [ f-TOTALS 129.485 134.548 7 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA t ves and property Throu'gh rl- many hazardous conditions are s is of the utmost priority of the prompt and efficient response to FI RE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department shares n the oca responsibility for protection of spections, public education programs, en forcement of various codes, prevented or detected and corrected. The prevention of fires and explosion Fire Department. The Fire Department maintains a high level readiness for fires emergency medical calls and other types of emergencies The Fire Department operates from four fire station locations, providing rescue and fire suppression city- wide and into certain areas of the county by contract and on special assistance. The Emergency Medical Services, a paramedic level of care, is operated by the Fire Department on a county-wide basis providing both nonemergency and emergency care. Primary response units are located in 2 stations and the department assists with a fire first responder on life-threatening calls to reduce run time and for additional manning within the city The Fire Department is organized nto five divisions to carry out its multifaceted roles. The Division of Fire Prevention enforces fire codes, conducts inspections and reviews plans. The Division of Emergency Medical Services ensures proper medical patient care and liaisons with state and local medical groups for compliance with Emergency Medical Service standards, laws and local responsibi lities. The Division of Training ensures the training of all employees, both in-service and by attendance in out of department schools and seminars. The Division of Operations includes the daily delivery of rescue, fire suppression and emergency medical services to the citizens of Saline County and the City of Salina and maintenance and care of buildings, equipment and vehicles. The Division of Administration coordinates all of these activities into a unified effort. All divisions are supportive of the public education role of the Fire Department. * * * * * * * * Administrative Aide Public Educator Senior Clerk (22) me personne Captains (3) Lieutenants (18) Firefighter Engineers Firefighters (20) the of outside programs training and conferences severa n pa rticl pation for provides Account #207 depa rtment. 8 -t Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Special Projects Officer Training Captain has 70 fu The Department 986 BUDGET REQUEST :1. BUDGET 1. 98:'.'i ACTUAl :1.984 1986 Fm~ ACTUAl. 198:.3 I:~EQUEST T I NA.................... BUDG ON Sf-,1. I: VJ o DESCF~ CITY ACCOUNT f~CCT 1.44:.3,750 6,000 1,449,750 1,405,200 4,000 1,409,200 9<"19 478 ,30B, "j ~.. t 26::'i,6(";7 ;;~ , 028 FIRE PERSONAl SERVICES 08-120 SALARIES .. REGULAR EMPLOYEES OB-130 SALARIEf PART TIME EMPLOYEE ACCT-TOTALS ,150 ,150 600 700 ,600 ,100 ,200 ,400 ,BOO 8 8 9 31 :? ::3 c:" ,.1 9,800 8,400 700 500 B,500 35,500 1,600 3,000 6,100 4T? ~), ~)~?5 ::'i , ::r? :::i 46:1. 449 6, 1 ~.'i3 60,498 1 , ~366 1 ,840 2,BB7 , :1. , ~3 :1. ::.~67 , 7:;~~.'.i 4,745 6,974 4~~ ~~ 381 25:L 6,379 1,083 2,432 3,970 1 EQUIP OFF. P SEF~VI CONTRACTUAL I[ S TEL.EPHONE EMPLOYEE DEVI L.OP11ENT POSTAGE PRINTING CWFICE FORMS INSW~ANCE REPAIR - BUILDINGS REPAIR-FURNITURE & REPAIR - RADIO EQUJ OTH~R PROFESSIONAL SI::RV 08-205 08-207 08-209 08-221 OB-232 08-251 08-252 08-257 08-295 cn 69,100 1,BOO 1,300 1,000 5,100 33,100 2,300 21,200 3,600 900 1,000 3,300 700 800 4,500 6,500 800 00 1,600 1,300 l,O()O 4,700 30 , ~.'iOO 1.,80() 19,200 :3 , 000 900 1,000 ~3 , 000 700 800 4 , ~.:'jOO 6,000 800 74, ~.'i::'i4 1,558 2,113 966 3,675 28,023 8n 16,189 3,013 1,679 1,001 2,966 .620 1,033 3,769 5,44() 700 84, 26,670 1,615 1,930 1,226 4,605 34,193 681 16,071 3,588 1,132 848 1,986 535 884 5,425 6,347 567 TOTALS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP SEDDS, PLANTS, TREES, LAWN SUPP WEAF~ I NG APPAI:::EL OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS MACHINERY & EQUIP. METAl... & METAL. PFmDUCTS PAINT & PAINTING MATERIALS TRAINING EQUIP & SUPPL.IES FIRE PREVENTION & INSPECTION WEL.DING SUPPL.IES ACCT. 08-310 08-320 08-331 08-343 08-344 OB-351 08-355 OB-359 08-367 08-371 OB-373 OB-375 08-381 08-383 08-384 08-393 9 20 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, DEPARTMENT day #1 St<lt plumbing replace #4. (continued) replace front office window and and contract locker room in Station #251 includes n Station #2, FIRE Account window ruom ng advertis replace fire extinguishers, on n paks and air of Account #295 provides for several services, such as testing personnel vacancies, and testing of applicants for employment. Fire personnel. This is established for a two-year replacement of jackets. for al funds nsignia ncludes ng allowance and brass In addition, the account Account #355 provides a cloth <It $200 per person per year. es supp nspection #384 provides for fire prevention and Account toolS and other sma hazardous snow plOW adaptors, sma the purchase of a shop exhaust fan replacements, hose fire ows for for #503 a #507 allOWS and seal kits ts un contamment materia es, nozz ngs, coup sprmgs and mattress and Clothes dryer. box TV, table chairs, tchen k provides replacements of #509 for fire personne ve equipment protect Personne #51ll e. fi etter size computer stand and r of secretary cha ows for replacement 7 a #51 radio. mobile Purchase of 9 - #51 Van. basis to commercial and residential I generate approximately $160,000. Dodge services on a contract these fire contracts W 972 replace a request to protection In 1986, ng Revenue Shar fire ts. provides City lim n a The Fire Department property outside the nCluded s 800 9 $1 986 BUDGET REQUEST ,000 89,90() ~.:jOO ~5 0 0 3,150 14,610 5,350 8,120 1,550 1,800 ~:.:j80 430 ::.~ :::>;4 644 BUDGET 1985 1,400 82,200 500 ~o 2,100 11,400 4,800 6,950 1,300 4,000 30,550 1,596,550 CITY IF :'(-~JL I NA....... -BUDGET REQl~ST FOR 1986 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL. ACTUAL. 1 <;>83 1984 OT~~R REPAIRS - MAINTENANCE 960 1,004 ACCT .... TOT AI...S 82 , !':'j9:3 7~5 , 17::.~ SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ORGANIZATIONAl... DUES 70:::i :? <;.' 0 (~CCT .... TOT ALS 7()~::.i 290 CAP I TAL OUTI...A Y EWJIP. ;;.~ ~3 , T:'i4 2, <jl03 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIP 0 :I. 0,90::3 FURNIT~~E & FIXTURES 18!.:'i 4 t 0<;.'6 PERSONNEL. PROTECTIVE EQUIP. 0 6,903 OFFICE MECH. EQUIP. 0 ~398 I:~ADH) n~UIP 0 ~3,139 ACCT .... TOT AI...S 23,919 2B, ;:0)4~?' DEPT.... TOT J~I...S 1,401,612 1 ,4<1'9, B~3~.:i .n. 'n' 08....399 08''''4~3~i 08-503 08-507 08-509 08-514 08-517 08-519 ACCT 2 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND INSPECTION DIVISION This Division was previously called the Permit and Inspection Department. n 1982, this program became a part of the Department of Community Development in order to provide a more effective level of supervision and administration and to increase coordination between the permit and inspection activities and related func- tions. The Division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the City's zoning ordinance, mechanical, housing, building, plumbing, electrical and related codes. The Permit and Inspection Division issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions in codes, inspects construction sites to insure codes are complied with, and the division maintains complete records on permits and applications. The Division works closely with Police, Fire and Health Departments, and other public agencies in the area of public safety. The activities of this Division are under supervision of the Director of Community Development In 1983, the City created an enterprise zone. One of the ncentives n the enterprise zone is the wniver of building permit fees. We estimate these waivers will reduce building permit fees from $10,000 to $15,000 a year. This will vary considerably depending upon the building activity in the zone * There are 5 full-time employees Chief Building and Zoning Inspector, Plumbing nspector, Electrical Inspector, Structural Inspector, and a Senior Clerk. Although each of the inspectors specialize in their particular field, they are all cross-trained to fill in for each other to reduce travel throughout the City and to best utilize staff time. t perm building and other for s financed 000 or 84% nspector's car $90, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, * * * * * * * n Of this department's $107,330 budget, approximately fees. The remainder comes from the General Fund. radio of two-way Replacement #503 22 986 BUDGET REQUEST 93,730 93,730 3,000 1,200 450 500 500 700 6,350 1,200 500 4,350 6,050 300 300 900 900 107,330 BUDGET 1985 91,000 91,000 2,300 1,000 400 200 300 0 4,200 1,200 500 7,000 8,700 300 300 0 0 104,200 ;JTY OF ~:;ALINA BUDGET I:~E(~UEST For, 198b ACCT ~ ::f: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl. 19f:l3 1984 PERMITS & INSPECTIONS PERSONAL 5~RVICES 09...120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOY ~ 68,074 "('0,83:1. r..,CCT....TOTAI...S 68,074 70,831 CONTRACTUAl... SERVICES 09"<W~:j TEI...EPHONE :1. , 509 1 , ~~j9:3 09..--:W7 EMPLOYEE DEVE~OPMENT :~? t ~:5 "75 6<18 09....:?09 POSTAGE 429 411 09....22:1. PRINTING OFFICE FORMS 79 0 O/:~._. ::.~~.:;"? REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP. ~~9 9:~ ()9....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAl... SERVICES 0 0 I~CCT""T()TAI...S 4 , 6:3 :1. :? , 79~5 MATERIAI...S & SUPPLIES 09".~5:W OFFICE BlJPPI...IES 93:1. 797 09....3:.H BOOKS & PERIODICALS 167 67:1. 09..<544 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 3,704 4,49:1. ACCT....TOTALS 4,002 ~:i t 9~:i9 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 09...-4:35 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 2:'5~) 210 I~CCT""TOTt,I...S ~~ ~'5 ~:-i :?:I.O 09....~~i:l. <? I:~ADIC)S 0 0 ACeT.... TOT AI...S 0 () DEPT-TDTALS 77.742 79 . 79~5 23 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS SERVICES grounds and landscaping, including caring for the grounds, the Division These include the Lakewood Lodge, Parks and the former Stimmel School, playground equipment, etc. The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park parkways and landscaped median strips in the City. In addition to operates and maintains all buildings and facilities related to the parks. the Kiva in Thomas Park, maintenance buildings in Oakdale and Sunset and numerous facilities such as tennis courts, picnic shelters responsibility for supervision of the neighborhood centers, sWimming pools, and the The Division maintains the grounds of the Salina Bicentennial Center and the Smoky The Division has the Municipal Golf Course. Hill Museum. * * Garage Mechanic, that a great deal ime personnel are * * Supervisor, to the fact seasonal or part-t acres. * * * Parks Superintendent, Maintenance Worker (2), and Laborer (4). Due spring and summer months, ue Rever n nCluded seeder park projects DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PARK DIVISION KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, 61 630. * This Divisior has 13 full-time employees: Lead Maintenance Worker (4), Maintenance of the park work must be done during the used extensively. replace grass va rJous for totaling parks 23 y own s ty present C The and is $120,000 mowers. sweeper trucksters Included in the Capita mprovement Project Sharing is $15,000 for replacement of 2 riding of 2 for replacement provides #503 24 986 BUDGET REQ~~ST 215,100 84,200 299,300 1,200 600 2,400 1,500 1,000 4,000 10,700 1,500 400 6,000 2t100 34,400 6,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,200 76t600 39,600 700 40,300 426,900 BUDGET 1985 207,760 84,200 291,960 1,200 WO 3,000 2,800 1,400 5,000 14,000 1,500 400 6,000 2,100 30,000 8,000 8,500 7,000 8,000 2,000 1,200 2,000 1,800 78,500 12,000 1,500 13,500 397,960 ACTU~ 1984 185,62l 80,145 265,766 924 274 2,235 519 675 2,464 7,091 1,090 376 4,681 1,929 35,202 6,151 7,874 6,130 6,656 780 1t251 2,212 ~8 75,190 19,387 162 19,549 367,596 19B6 FOI;: I:~EQUEST ACTUAl, :1.!j.'8~~ :1. 7:~ , 062 BB, :'.'i::56 260,618 806 ~:i71 2 , :31.) 1 ::.:i,::50:1. 720 :3 , <j.':':j~~ :1.~~,("n2 1,6:1.8 ::505 ~5 , 487 ':> "':":)") Iori. I ..J......_ 30,778 9,2B8 9,413 7,491 7,418 1 , ~:i84 1 , (K:H 1,462 981 7<j.' , :57B 13, :260 1 , 68:"~ :1.4,942 31.8 , ()~:i() NA"~'-"""'--" BUDGET ERSONAL SERVICES SALAFUES -.. m::GUI...M~ ENPLOYEES SALARIES - PART TIME EM~_OYEE~ TOT (.,1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHONE EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT GAS SERVICE REPAIR - BUILDINGS SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCT-TOTALS ON /:)CC'T SAL DESCFUPT OF TY C ACCOUNT P A F~ '"' .D. '0' O....1.:.W 0....130 10-205 10-207 10-241 10-251 10-297 10-299 r-,CCT :I. :I. SUP MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIES CHEMICALS, DRUGS & ETC. JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHI(~ES & EQUIP RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES, LAWN OTHER rn~ERATING SUPPLIES CEMENT & CEMENT PRODUCTS ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS LUMBER & LUMBER F~ODUCTS PAINT & PAINTING i'iATEf?IAU: SAND, GRAVEL, ROCK & CHAT 10-310 10-320 10-333 10-343 10-344 10-349 10-351 10-359 10-365 10-367 10-371 10-381 10-387 ACCT-TOTALS ACCT-TOTALS r-~T-TOTALS OUTLAY EWHP CAPITAL EQUIP RADIO O....~503 O....::=.; 19 :I. :1 25 26 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, ENT The Police Department is responsible for the protection of life and property. The prevention of crime and traffic offenses is the Department's first obligation. Investigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, maintaining reliable records and the operation of an elaborate communication system are other important responsibilities. POLICE DEPARTM In addition to these primary activities, the Department performs nnumerable services in the interest of protection, safety and convenience to the public. The Department maintains close liaison with other law enforcement agencies throughout the State, Saline County, and neighboring communities. Police personnel respond to calls for medical assistance, industrial accidents, natural disasters, aids to other departments, house checks and other calls for service or aids to the public. The Department's Administrative Division supervises the non-judicial personnel in the Municipal Court. high visibility and frequent contact to a great extent on the degree of Both the public and the Department make Salina a safe and enjoyable In striving to make Salina a safe community, police personnel maintain with the general public. The success of the Department is dependent support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the general public. deserve credit for a good working relationship; one which continues to community in which to live, work, and play. * * * * * * * * ce officers Lieutenant (5 Sergeant (8) Police Officer po 58 nCluding me personne ce Chief -t II has 65 fu Police Chief Assistant Po Captain (3) Department ce The Po (40) Equipment Operator (6). requirement established by 9 months of the year and and Data Processmg . This training is a I crossing guard for Aide officers one schoo Other full-time personnel include: Administrative Account #120 includes funds for 40 hours training of the State Legislature. Account #130 provides for temporary clerical personnel during the summer. This has been increased sheets and pillow cases for prisoners. blankets, ne County Sheriff for the feeding of prisoner. This now includes clothing, is paid to the Sa $5.00 per day per Account #217 from $2.75 to the prisoners back of replacement and it a the side of ty C the n of five commodes replacement the nCludes Account #251 garage door. 986 BUDGET REQ~~ST BUDGET 1. <';;'B::'i 1,370,000 3,480 1,373,480 BOO 4B() :':m:l. 3 :1. ACTUAl. 1.984 :1 2:54,970 1. , 6 <j.' 6 :1, , 2::56 . 666 :1.986 F C)l:~ F~EUUE~:)r ACTUAL 1983 1,200,651 4,862 1.205.513 BUDGET BAL I Nf~"""" ON I DEBCI:UP'T OF CITY ACCOUNT ,", 'D' F.eeT POI...ICr: PERSONAL SERVICES 11....120 ~:)ALAF~ I E S REGUL.AF~ Ei'IPL.OYEES 1 :I. ....130 SAI...AF~IES :'(,rn' TIME EMPI...()YEE~ t.CCT....TDTALf 21,000 5,000 4,000 7,000 4,000 1.4t300 1.2,200 1.7,000 9,200 2,000 4,000 5,000 :2BO 21,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 9,350 7,000 10,000 9,200 1,000 4,000 3,000 , ~3~::j~:j 19,496 5,4B6 2,868 4,201 3,446 21,802 7,969 17,243 B,786 544 12,361 3,754 07,956 7,773 6:28 :? , 98<j.' 3,681 3, 4::-j~::j ~,:j, 44:'5 ~::j, B7:L 2,266 8,614 79~:; :03 t :~~ ::? 4 :'"OlO 1. 1. IF: Eel SERVICES SERVICES CONTRACTUAL TELEPHONE EMPLOYEE DEvr OPMENT POSTAGE FEED PRISONERS PRINTING OFFICE FORMS REPAIR - BUILDINGS REPAIR-FURNITURE & OFF REPAIR-RADIO EUUIP. RENT-MACHINERY & EQUIP MEDICAL SERVICES OTHER PROFESSIONAl OTHER CONTRACTU~ ICES m::J';:v 11-205 11-207 11.-209 11-217 11-221 11-251 11-252 11-257 11-274 11-290 11-295 11-299 700 1,500 7,000 1,400 1t700 98,000 34,800 3,500 300 1,600 300 5,500 20,000 , 04 :I. ~'.'j!:'.'iO 1,700 4,500 1,400 1,700 20,000 20,650 3,500 300 600 300 5,500 1.5,000 79, 1 , 4 <j.' 9 "1,231 :I. , :'.'j<;> 1 1,446 9:'~, :::j34 17,238 1,997 ~,:j13 27!j.' 6:1.6 4,08B :1.6,62B 46,660 67, 74<j.' 1,722 6,B31 1,298 1,786 13,648 18,049 1,479 11 975 9 6,630 15,201 1 TOTt~LS MATERIALS & SUPPLIE~ EXPENDABLE TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS JANITOR & TOILET SU~~LIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP WEARING APPAI:;:EI... cnHEf~ OPEJ';:ATING SUPPLIES ELECTRICAl... & LIGHTING PART~ LUMBER & LUMBER PRDI~~TS PAINT & PAINTING SUPPLIES PHOTcn3RAPHY MATERIALS TRAINING & TRAINING SUf ACC'l 11-310 11-320 11-331 11-343 11-344 11-355 11-359 11-367 11-371 11-381 11-3B2 11-3B3 7~:j , 600 ~:jO 17::,:j :1. 67, 6~59 ES TOTALS (.)CCT .., 27 28 II CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT (continued Account #355 allo~s for $350 for Police Officers' replacement of uniforms and $250 per year per officer for cleaniny of uniforms. Account #383 includes normal training items, plus will assist with the cost to Police Officers attending local colleges for credit hours toward their criminal justice degree. #503 - Replacement of 2 radar units, purchase of metal detector and riding mower for range. #505 - Replacement of 8 black and white patrol units and one Assistant Chief of Police vehicle. ( Pu rchase every other year.) #509 provides for chair replacements for desk sergeant. #514 provides for leather gear replacement and 40 bullet proof vests. #517 - Replacement of 3 typewriters for detectives, training officer and desk sergeant. #519 - Replace repeater allowing improvement in ca r-to-station transmissions. purchase sma console for back-up communication and replace 5 mobile radios. 1.986 BUDGET REQl~ST 9!50 <;' ~::j 0 o 5,750 99,000 400 17,000 2,000 22,000 :50 BBO 46, BOO BUDGET :I. '7'8::':; 9~:iO 9::50 500 15,250 o 1,070 9,160 :1.,500 14,470 <j.':'.'iO ElBO 41 6C..'" . ~.)A.:' , 1. CITY ) SALINA- BUDGET REQUEST OR 1986 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL 1983 1984 SUNI~Y EXPENDITURES ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 945 878 ACCT-TOTALS 945 B78 APITAL OUTI_AY BUILDINGS 7,500 0 EQUIP. 404 11,266 AUTOMOBILES 43,El97 81,341 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 191 0 OFFICERS SERVICE EQUIP. 5,135 2,115 OFFICE MECHANICAL EQUIP 26~754 1,421 RADIO EQUIP 8,630 0 ACCT-TOTALS 92,511 96,:1.43 I~PT-TOTALS 1,534,357 1,60El,303 ACCT.. 11-435 11-502 11-503 11-505 11-509 11-514 11-517 11-519 29 30 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES STREET DIVISION KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, The Street Division is the largest of the several divisions within the Department of General Services and frequently assists or supplements other divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects and activities of street cleaning and maintenance. Street, bridges, and storm sewers are costly to construct. The cost of maintaining and protecting these facilities has become increasingly burdensome. However, neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repairs become necessary. During the winter months, snow removal and ice control are the primary concerns of the Division. Snow removal is handled on a systematic bCJsis. Arterial and main trafficways are cleared first, followed by the collector streets which connect residential streets with the arterial and main trafficways. Finally, as time permits and conditions require it, residential streets are cleared of snow. Intersections, hills and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice. Salt and/or sand are applied as conditions dictate in an effort to help motorists start and stop as safely as possible. The first concern of the Street Department in coping with snow and ice on the streets has to be to clear the way for emergency vehicles such as ambulances, police, and fire vehicles so they are able to reach various areas of the community. ntendent, Super Street Services Clerk. * rector of Genera Worker (15), and * * * Division: D f\1aintenance * * * * -time employees in this Equipment Operator (6) There are 25 full Concrete Finisher, ncluding maintamers, such as power saws, The Street DIvISion has an inventory in excess of 50 pieces of rolling equipment, street sweepers, trucks, tractors, mowers, etc., in addition to numerous other items pumps, snowplows, and miscellaneous small equipment. to operation and relates slon Div the on of the operat n nvolved the expense Other than salaries, much of maintenance of this equipment street street of a street budget may be transferred to a be continued in order to provide funds for the unspent balance, up to 25%, recommended that that practice Under K.S.A. 68-141g, machinery fund. I t is equipment replacement. spreader. t sa Dump Truck and 1967 a replace radios to e s requested mob II of 00 for replacement $25,1 ng ow Revenue Shar A #503 - Under 986 BUDGET REQUEST 412,650 412,650 770 940 11,910 13,620 2,620 630 127,450 5,000 1,200 3,990 1,600 4,860 5,400 152,750 0 0 3,2BO 3,280 5B2,300 BUDGET 198::5 402, ::~::.~() 40:~~ , 320 820 9?O :'~BO 2, :r. 90 :.;~, ~:H)O ~520 1:U), ~:j:50 4,840 1,,200 2,760 :1. ,600 ~:; , 600 4 , :':WO :1.4<;', <S 70 0 0 0 () ~5::,:j4 , :I. 80 ACTUAl 19B4 1,9B6 FOI:;: ACTUAl. :1.<;'83 F\E(~UEBT BUDGET INA"- r I ON SAI OF nEBCF~I CITY ACCOUNT .D. ..' ACCT c; F~: ~3 F~EGULAI:~ 8EI;:V ES HH STm:::ET PEF,SONAL SALr-lf~ :~~ ~:s :~~ 36B 376, !.'.'i4<y El-1PLOYEES 20 ;,:.~..., :1, 1 ;.:.~ ~:=i ;.:~ ~i39 633 :1. ?::i 360, :'576,::54<j.' 50<j.' 736 9!54 TOTAl CONTRACTUAL TELEPHONE REPAIR - RADIO EQUIF. OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCT ICES BEf~V 12,,-205 12-257 12-299 , :~67 :1. 1<1''1 2 TOTAL~) ACCT 1,,1.99 1, O:::j 1,02 , ~542 1 , :';~6~~ 441, 1,,709 :r. , ()~,50 :;~,f:U9 ~~ , B~:;:~ 1.,70() ':>':)1::- A..'.......} 1 ,96:5 2, :349 ~'j99 1, , '7'2.7 7BB ~::; , ~:)4~.:j :3 , 90~5 CHAT MATERIALS & S~~PLIES EXPENDABLE TrnJLS CHEMICALS MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUI OTHER OPERATING SlWPLIES LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS MACHINERY & EQUIP. PARTS METAL & METAL PRODUCTS SAND, GRAVEL, ROCK, SALl SWEEPER PARTS 12-310 12-333 12-344 12-359 12-371 1,2-373 12-375 12-387 2-390 7B6 :1.4 :1, ::!.8 , 80:3 TOTALS ACCT SUNDRY EXPENDI1URES TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS 42,000 () 1,2...-447 ,()O() o o :526,40!5 4':) A.. () () o :::j07 , ~:i5 TOT ALf TOTALB TOTALS ACCT (.)CCT T DF.: CAPITAL OUTLAY RADIOB 1.9 2....~:.:; 3 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, relations. The ancestry, age public contracts human origin and T prevIOus ordinances dealing with sex, religion, color, national housing, public accommodations and defined for the filing Human Relations Department, time limits and procedures the forth Relations Commission ties. It further set the uman responsibil The ordinance established thei r respective roles and and processing of complaints * * * * * * * * Clerk. Human Relations and Selllor rector of D me employees -t has 2 fu Depa rtment This areas This age (3 provides agreement with H. U. D the Department has developed housing programs in three enforcement, and (3 technical assistance to landlord, realtors, and tenants. a referral agreement in processing housing complaints based on race, color sex The contract also provides $500.00 on a case by case basis. HUMAN RELATIONS DEPARTMEN Ordinance #8488 passed May 24, 1976, repealed a ordinance prohibits discrimination based on race, physical handicap or marital status in employment t which of service eve the or Department this anticipated in are changes Through a contract (1) education, (2) contract establishes and national origin. No significant 32 9B6 BUDGET REQUEST 40,020 40,020 3,500 4,000 1,000 800 1,220 10t520 700 960 1,660 0 0 52,200 BUDGET 1985 38,560 3B,560 2,400 4,000 700 BOO 1,000 8,900 700 920 1,620 1,600 1,600 50,680 CITY 0 SAL. I NA' ,.., BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1 <j.'86 ACCT. ::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl. 1983 1984 l'iUlvj('~N I:::E I... A T IONS PERSONAL SERVICES :I. ~~""1 :~~O SALAI:::IES ..,. I:::EGUL.N~ Ei'1PI...DYEE~ ~:,)4, ::'j42 3:5,9Tl ACCT .... TOT~II...S ~54, ~542 S,::j, 9~:~7 CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES l~5""20::'; TELEPHONE 2,335 3 , 4<j.'6 :I. :'),-207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT :3,~5:1.5 4,f.d,2 :1. 3,..,:W9 POSTAGE 41::'j 2<Ji 13....22:1. PRINTING OFFICE FORMS 0 172 1 ~5""2?~:i OT~ER F~OFESSIONAL SERVICES 660 1.,O:':W (lCCT..,.TOTALS 6 , 92~5 9 , 6~:,)O MATERIAL.S & SUPPLIES :J,~5""3:W OFFICE BUPPI...IES 324 768 l~,)""::'B:I. BOrn<S & PERIODICALS 804 994 ACCT.... TOTALS 1,:1.28 1. t 76'::!. CAPITAl... OUTLAY :1. :'5""~509 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 167 ACCT....TOTALS 0 167 It T....TOTALS 42 , :5<j.'~5 41,496 33 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS FI RE DEPARTMENT B.1ERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES The City and County signed an interlocal cooperation agreement December 14, 1982, to start an emergency medical system to be operated by the Fire Department. This service is funded by fees and a tax levy by Saline County. The cost to operate the Emergency Medical ServiCe amounts to $406,600 which is included in this budget. This account has been established to more clearly identify the cost of this program. Numbers for 1983 and 1984 have been extracted from the Fi re Department budget. * * * * * * * * ( 12 and EMS Personne n Capta me personne -t 3 fu The DiVIsion has and other stethoscopes censmg 4 cardeoscope EMS personne for protective equlprllent Personne #514 Purchase of 4 pagers The salaries n this activity have ncreased because a of the employees n this activity are eligible for both cost of iving and in-grade increases which average 8%. In addition, as additional ski lis are gained, more personnel become Emergency Medical Intensive Care Technician (EMICT). It is planned to have all the personnel become EMICTs or as they are better known, paramedics. A continuing problem in this activity is the staffing necessary for transportation to out of town hospitals. This requires payment of overtime and also bringing back other qualified personnel to man the in town services $97,840 n employee benefits made a total EMS budget of 27%, $140,000, and a contribution by Saline County of $364,440 or replacement program which is financed by Saline County at an I n addition to the $406,600 operating budget, $504,440. This is financed by fees collected, 73%. In addition, the ambulances are on a annual cost of about $34,000. 34 KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, director and EMS certification and A T parts MAST of sets 2 dummy medica rescue provides for one #507 provides for medical equipment. #295 Account #519 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 312,600 312,600 3,500 900 6,000 1,800 1,700 10,600 o 700 500 100 800 B,100 1,100 700 15,800 4,600 600 2,800 3,900 1,100 500 200 o 200 3 6 44 ::~(y BUDGET 1985 296,830 296,B30 3,300 900 4,800 2,800 1,400 9,000 0 600 3,500 15,900 42,200 7,500 1,000 700 15,500 4,500 400 2,500 3,500 1,000 500 37,100 0 200 ACTUAL 1984 236,860 236,860 5,270 931 5,538 1,177 1,610 7,341 1,029 245 2,743 14,842 40,726 5,822 618 762 15,054 4,141 1,404 2,200 3,321 774 2"75 34,371 4 20 70 986 For.: REPUEST ACTUAL 1983 230,356 230,356 7,3B2 0 2,937 1,131 1,356 5,321 12,296 0 2,709 12,722 45,854 5,751 0 0 15,184 2,600 472 2,135 0 0 0 26,142 40,027 0 BUDGET EMERGENCY MEDICA~ SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 14-120 SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEES ACCT-TOTALS IN'),.......... ON B(.)I. T TY DEscr~ ACCOUNT ACCT. ::: WJIP ICES TOTALS EC~U P MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS MAINT - VEHICLES & WEARING APPAREL OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES MACHINERY & EQUIP REPAIR TRAINING PUBLIC EDUCATION OTHER R8~AIRS & MAl CONTRACTUAL TEI...EPHONI: TF~ANSFER REItvlBURSEMENT EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT POSTAGE PRINTING OFFICE FORMS INSl.J1:~ANCE GROUP INSURANCE - EMS REPAIR-FURNITURE & OFF. REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP Crn'IEI~ PFWFESS I ON,~L SERV ICES ,:)CCT _. N'T BEI=i:V 14-205 14-206 14-207 14-209 14-221 14-232 14-239 14-252 14-257 14-295 14-311 14-320 14-331 14-344 14-355 14-359 14-373 14-383 14-384 14-399 TDTAI...S ACCT SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TRANSITIONAL ORGANIZATIONA~ DUE! 14...A04 :1. 4"'-4:3~:; 35 36 986 BUDGET REQUEST .:~oo ::.'i() 0 6,700 () 1,100 0 1,700 9,500 406,600 BUDGET 19B5 300 500 5,300 0 1,000 0 3,000 9,300 385,930 CITY OF SALINA.,.............,....BUItGET 1:~I:::m.JEST FOf~ 1.986 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTU(~L ACTU(~L :J.9R3 1.9B4 F,EFUNDS 0 :1.00 t,CCT.... TOT AI...S 40,027 4, <i>90 CAPITAl... OUTLAY EMERGENCY MEDICAL EQUIP :1.,400 :'.'.i , :'.'jf.S VEHICLES 0 :'.'i"?, 7~::;2 PERSONNEl... PROTECTIVE EQUIP 0 742 OFFICE MECHANICAL EQUIP 0 :1.0:5 F,ADIO EQUI 0 2,56:1. ACCT....TOTI~I...S 1,400 66,729 DEPT....TOTALS :::S43, 7'79 38~~ , 676 ,II 'II 14""4~39 14-507 14-510 14-514 14-517 14-519 37 ACCT 38 II CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES TRAFFIC DIVISION The Traffic Division is responsible for installation and maintenance of the multitude of traffic control dev ices, signs and signals. These controls and guides are essential for maximum utilization of trafficways and for the sa fety of pedestrians and motorists. Presently there are 77 electronically controlled intersections, school zones, mid-block crossings, etc. * * * * * * * * The Division has 3 full-time employees: Maintenance Supervisor, Senior Maintenance Worker, and Maintenance Worker. Account #207 provides for the Maintenance Supervisor to attend the Solid State Signal Light School sponsored by the Eagle Signal Company in Austin, Texas; two trips to MOVITE (Missouri Valley I nstitute of Traffic Engineers); and three trips to the Kansas Uniform Traffic Code meetings. Account #295 provides for lease of telephone nes needed n the synchronization of traffic signals n the downtown area. #503 Replacement of portable generator. 986 BUDGET REQUEST ~:5~~ f ";-'~::j() ~~j~:.~ t '?~.)O 600 770 ~~, 400 8,200 1 :~~ , 970 :Z:jO 9,000 ~':j 00 6,810 16,860 8::50 8''''0 : .:). 83 , 4~:W BUDGEl 1985 50,980 50,980 640 730 3,300 9,530 14,200 260 8,860 490 6,200 15,B10 0 0 80,990 CITY OF BAL. I NA. .. BUDGET I=t:EW.JEST 01;: 1986 ACCT. ::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION {~CTUAI... ACTUAl. 19B~5 1984 TF~AFFIC C[)NTF~OI... PERSONAL. SERVICES 1 ~:'j""l ~,~O SALARIES - REG~_AR EMPLOYEES 48 t 87~5 49, <j.'81 ACCT.... TOT AL.S 4B,873 4<,;',9B:1. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1. ~5""20~:i TELEPHONE 404 ~:=;~~~4 l~j..<W7 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 429 :::j86 :I.~5"<U):I, REPAIR - TRAFFIC LIGHTB 1 , <j.'09 :1, , 62~j 1.::5''''29~5 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,5:1.5 7 ,:J. :1, () ACCT....TOTALS 9, 2:'.'j7 <j> , 84::':; MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 ~~j"":31 0 EXPENDABLE TOOLS :?:~4 :1.74 :I.~:'i-'344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 8,27:1. 7,700 :L ~:j''''3::59 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES :1.47 148 :1,5....31.,7 ELECTRICAL TRAFFIC LIGHT PARTS ~'j , ()28 4,:516 f.1CCT....TOTAL.S 1:.~,67() :1. 2 , :::j:'~B CAPITAl... mrn..AY l ~:j"":::;O~5 EQUIP () 7,619 (.'eeT.... TOT AL.S 0 7,1.,1 <;.' DEPT....TOTALS 7l,800 7(; , <j.'83 39 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS SERVICES mmlng POOlS Sw two Munlclpa to malntalll and operate the This appropriation includes expenditures necessary located in Kenwood Park and Carver Center. paid s this operation of of the cost half thus about fees n 000 $24, 000 $20, generate ng POOlS The sWlmrn by users fOllows are as 981 n admissions adopted Current No Charge ter n Carver Ce an $10.00 985 25 through August 25 May Hours of operation are as fOllows y :00 to 8:00 P.M., daily 0:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. - Mother-Child SWim Wednesday and Saturday 4 Cashier Manager Poo * Manager (2), Assistant substitute guards. matting floor and system yea r. ng vacuum DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SWIMMI NG POOLS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, 12th grade by ed 25 pIUS tax. on tickets - da M P. to 5: 00 00 Center Kenwood Poo * * * Poo and s done every other k aqua hoses i accompan Carver * * 6 part-time seasonal employees: Also included in #130 are break This poo ng i nclud f $1 ss * * This division has and Lifeguard (9) repainting of both POOlS the purchase of replacement i Students up to 75~ plus tax. Pre-school chi adult - free. All other persons - Books of twenty admi plus tax and dren provides for the for Provides 2 3 4 Kenwood Poo 1 #38 #503 40 T (j.'Bb BUDG REQUEST 27,750 27,750 500 750 1,000 1,200 800 4,250 1,000 2,600 1,200 300 800 800 6,700 5,900 5,900 44,600 BUDGET 19B5 27,750 27,750 500 750 4,500 1,200 BOO 7,750 1,000 1,200 1,200 100 800 3,500 7,800 0 0 43,300 CITY OJ bi:~IL. I NA BUDrn~T REQ~~ST FOR 1986 ACCT. :g: ACCOUNT [~SCRIPTION ACTl.U~".., ACTUAL. :1.983 :1.984 SWIMMING POOLS PERSONAL SERVICES :1.6....:1. :...~() SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 24, 7 !.'.'i 6 26, Tn (.)CCT .,., TOT ALS 24, "1:~j6 26, T?7 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES :l.6..";'W;:;J TEI...EPI..IONE 243 44:1. 11.>,...227 INSURANCE - LIABILITY 0 0 16...,2~,:;:I. REPAIR - BUILDINGS 0 2:1. 16-,,,25:3 REPAIR P MACHINERY & EQUIP :I, , 2:57 40:3 16,...29~5 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES :I. , l~jf.) "182 ACCT.... TOT AI...~3 2 , 6:56 l,647 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 16""~533 C~EMICALS, DRUGS & ETC 72:3 431 16....3~59 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES l , 54~.'i 2 , 9~:;8 :I. 6....3f.)~5 CEMENT & CEMENT PRODUCTS 40 :1.:3 16,,,,371 LUMBER & LUMBER PRCIDUCTS "1 :1. c) 16'-37~5 MACHINERY & EQUIP PARTS ~:.'i , 873 3,991 :l.6..<5B:I, PAINT & PAINT MATERIALS ~:,:i7B 2,466 ACCT....TOTAI...S 8,7c)6 9,88l CAPITAl... OUTL.AY 16....~:i0:3 r:::CHJIP 0 () ACCT.... TOT I~L.S 0 () DEPT....TOTAI...S ;'56,178 ~:m , 30!.') 41 42 Ir-- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING DIVISION This Division provides planning and enforcement services related to various aspects of community development. The planning function provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Their goal is to help these bodies and the City Commission guide the growth and development of the City in order to assure a more orderly and attractive community. The planning division assists other departments as a link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers, and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, m'inimum requirements for subdivisions, traffic, plus a wide range of other services for the well-being of the community Development Community and * Director of Planning and a Prlncipa Cleric the of members for Planning Publication the Service, Reporter ncludes the Planning Advisory and the Community Development #331 - This account Planning Commission chair. of secreta ria replacement and Purchase of file cabinet #509 * * * * There are 4 full-time employees in this Division: Assistant Director of Planning, Admilllstrative Assistant * * * 986 BUDGET REQUEST 98,9BO 3,000 10:1.,980 BOO 2,350 1,200 1,000 1,200 6,550 1,700 1t300 600 400 4,000 500 500 400 0 400 113,430 BUDGET 1985 93,900 4,000 97,900 2,700 2,300 950 BOO 850 7,600 1,400 1,200 400 400 3,400 450 450 0 BOO BOO 110,150 CITY 01 SALINA-----BUDGET REQ~~ST FOR 1.986 f.ICCT . :g: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION I~CTUAI... ACTUAL. 1. 98~5 19f.l4 ADMINISTRATION & PLANNING PERSONAL SERVICES :1.7....120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 80,430 86,1:;?8 :l.7"<1.::~0 SAI...AFUEB .... PA/=(T' TIHE EMPL.OYEES 2,BB7 7,760 (lCCT....TOTAI...S 83,:317 9:'5,888 CONTRACTUAl... BERVICES 17....:W:5 TEL.EPHONE :1. ,874 :?, :.367 17....207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 2,937 1 , ~:;1~,:j :I. 7,..,209 POSTAGE 689 820 :I. '7 .... :~~ ~:; 2 REPAIR-FURNITURE & OFF. EQUIP 1,002 <j.'9 l7''''2<}>:'.'j OTH8~ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 736 :1. ,2B3 (.)CCT....TOTAI..S '7 , 2:~B f.) , 084 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES :1. 7'<~:;,~O OFFICE BUPPI...IES 1,220 :1, ,62:1. :1.7....331 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 89<}> 1 , :1..93 :1, 7'<3~7j9 OTHER OPERATING SLWPLIES 2:55 1 ~~:i9 :1.7....3S:;! PHOTOGRAPHIC S~~PLIES 3 391 f,CCT..-TOTAI...S 2 , ~5:'.'j7 ~!) , :'564 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 17....43:'.'i ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 401 6::,:;1 f.ICCT....TOTAI...S 40:1. 6~5l CAPITAl... OUTI...AY 1,7..-:'.'jO? FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 2:1.:1. :1. 7..-~:j:t 7 m ICE MECHANICAl... EQUIP 0 0 {-lceT _.. TOT AI...S 0 2:1.:1. DEPT...,TOTAL.S 93 t 3:1.3 104. :1.98 43 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CONTINGENCIES FUND KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, emergency situa- for able ava be me. " t These contingency funds w be anticipated at the present Contingency Fund tures which cannot Account #404 is the City tions or essential expend Division for to Employee Account #447 provides for transfers to the Department of General Services - Central Garage transportation costs associated with the General Fund; transfers to Data Processing Fund and Benefits Fund for earned leave. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that state and local governments are subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act reversing an earlier Supereme Court decision that exempted these units. The impact of that ruling is not known at this time and will depend to a great degree on regulations pertaining to police and fire work schedules. The U.S. Department of Labor has not issued those regulations, thus, $30.000 is included in #404 to fund potential expenses mandated by those regulations. . 44 19B6 BUDGET REQUEST 1,500 1,500 90,000 0 97,500 1B7,500 1B9,OOO BUDGET 1985 700 700 60,000 0 94,500 154,500 155,200 CITY ) SALINA .... BUDGET F,EW.J n FCm 19B6 ACCT.:J:: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL. ACTI...IAI :I,9B::'~ 1.9B4 CONTINGENCIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES :I.B....290 MEDICAl... SEF\VICE~3 !.'::;4'7 :1. ,047 fleeT ,.., TOT ALB ~'5 4 '7 1,047 ffiJNDRY EXPENDITlffiES 1. B....404 CONTINGENCIES ~:;<; , 986 49, O~B 18....406 CIVIL DEFENSE WARNING SYSTEM :1,9, 079 0 1B....447 TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS 6::'~ , 440 132,440 ACCT....TOTAI...S 142, ~,:;()~:i 181,49:3 DEPT....TOTAI...S 14~~, 0~:j2 182, ~:i40 45 46 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, The Director of Arts is employees are City staff 966 all SSION Humanities Commission was established by City ordinance in officer for the Commission. The Director of Arts and ES COMM UMANIT H NA ARTS AND SAL The Salina Arts & the administrative members. the development and development of the further cultura and encourages public programs to in connection with the artistic and The Arts and Humanities Commission promotes public awareness of and interest in the City City. VI. 211 ocated at Museum il H The Smoky is responsible for the operation of ocated in The Smoky Hill Museum. The Arts & Humanities CommissIOn Iron. The Commission offices are * * * * * * * * 986 is $96,370 and is approximately 81 % of the total Arts and In addition to the City contribution of $96,370, $12,000 is Kansas Arts Commission and $5,000 from Smoky Hi II River Festiva contribution to the Commission in Commission budget of $118,370. USD #305 and $5,000 from the The City Humanities received from Clerk. art a la carte, musica of these programs wil Coordinator and SenIOr tz, creative writing/poetry series, band for a total of $27,800. Some Projects Arts Educator, arts bli municipal Arts The 1986 prog rams include newsletter arts, artist in education program and have funding from various sources. rector, D me employees are -t Fu The annual Smoky Hill River Festival is the most visible of the Commission's programs. It is financed from several sources including numerous local businesses and patrons, sale of space and sale of Festival buttons. The Festival's budget varies from year to year and is approximately $165,000. No City funds are directly involved in the Smoky Hill River Festival. However, City crews do contribute to the Festival indirectly through park maintenance, police protection and administrative overhead. 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 76,370 0 76,370 20,000 20,000 96,370 BUDGET 1985 60,260 7,040 67,300 22,670 22,670 89,970 CITY 0 BAL I NA' "-BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1.986 ACCT. ::J: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL. ACTUAL 1983 :1. <j.'84 AFa !:; m1MISSION PERSONAL SERVICES 19"<1.20 SALARIES - REGULAR ENPLOYEES 47,882 ~,:;2 , 07~5 :1, <j.""'L50 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES ~:i, 964 6 , 3:,32 (.)CCT ..., TOT AL~:) :::;:3,846 ~:j8, 407 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,...21:1, C()NTI:~ I BUT )NS 8, ~:;<j.'4 :I.l,OOO ACCT...,TOTALS 8,:'::;94 l.l,OOO DEPT....TOTAI...S 62,440 69,407 47 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES GYPSUM HILL CEMETERY care, maintenance and operation of Gypsum Hill Cemetery, situated at The cemetery contains 70 acres and more than 12,000 internments at the space is expected to be available for at least another 25 - 30 years. This activity provides for the Marymount Road and Glen Avenue. present time. Based on present usage financed 5 50% ng rema III the ,000 $9 ots sa Ie of the from $19.000 and are collected from interment the General Fund. Fees from Services. Genera of DivIsIon of the Department s a Cemete ry H Gypsum * * * * * * * * 2 ty KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, C d Maintenance Worker the spaces for resale by 11 Sexton a bUYing back unused me employees: provides for -t The DivIsIOn has 3 fu #501 Account 48 1 <i06 BUDGET F~Em.JEST 46,740 46,740 380 ~O 5,730 1,970 700 8,400 750 () 750 56,270 BUDGET 1985 46,280 46,280 430 430 5,010 1,110 800 6,920 1,000 0 1,000 54,630 CITY OF SALINA, ---BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1'7'06 ACCT. ::l; ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAl. :I. <j.'El~3 :1.9B4 CENETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 20..,.l20 SALARIES - REGULAR ENPLOYEES 44,079 4:1.,786 ACCT...,TDTAU:> 44,07<j.' 41,701.) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2 0 ..--::~O 5 TELEPHONE 27<j.' :'569 ACCT"-TOTAL.S 279 36<j.' MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 20--:344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 4,5:1.:L 2 , ~:j46 ::.~0"<5~j9 OTHER OPERATING SlWPLIES ~:; 7 0 640 20....387 SAND t CmAVEL. t FWCI-( t.... CHAT ;::i<?4 7:1.0 ACCT....TOTALS :5, 67~5 :3, o <j.' f.) CAPITAl... OUTLAY 20....501. I...AND :I. , :::~50 ':>':>1:.... h..^.....J 20--503 EC~UIP 0 4,:W:r. ACCT....TOTALS :I. , 2:50 4,426 DEPT -, TOT AI,..S :'.'i:1. t 2B~5 :::jO,477 49 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DIVISION ty- the the various C are part of type activities for These activities for the norma maintenance and minor improvement and properties not provided for elsewhere. Department of General Services. This fund accounts owned buildings programs of the * * * * * * * * 2) Worker and Mamtenance period of three months. KANSAS CITY OF SAUNA, Mamtenance Supervisor, for a employees me employees or seasona me -t part-t fu The Division has 3 30 provides for #1 50 986 BUDGET REQUEST 50,540 3,310 53,850 3,130 1,600 4,730 58,580 BUDGET 1985 49,050 4,850 53,900 2t250 720 2,970 56,870 CITY 0 SAL.INA....... BUDGET REQUEST FOR :1.986 ACCT. :; ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUA 19B3 :1.984 GENERAl... IMPROVEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES :~:I.....:r.20 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 46,:1.14 47,767 21....1:30 SAL.ARIES-PART TIME EMPLOYEES 0 :1. , :::j4:::; ACCT..,.TOTALB 41.) , :1, 14 49,3:1.2 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2:1,,,,,344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EUIP :I. , 0B:.3 761 2:1 :3::59 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES :1.74 (!,)61 ACCT....TDTAI...S :I. ,2:57 1. , 42::,~ DEPT""TOTAI...~: 47, :'~71. ~:jO , 7:34 51 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, SMOKY HILL MUSEUM Resolution #83-3640, passed April 18, 1983, authorized the purchase of the Post Office at 211 W. Iron at a price not to exceed $250,000 for the purpose of establishing a museum. The Resolution also authorized an I nterlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Salina and Saline County. As part of the agreement, the County agreed to provide $83,000 annually during Fiscal Years 1984, 1985 and 1986 for initial start up expenses of the museum 985 7 June museum on for a the bui Iding ty acquired C The * * * * * * * * Aide and Custodian oca these services for to pay ty Fund the Ut transfer to s a This #447 museum. to a the building of tables the conversIOn a nto 1986. Building nlstrative the museum building during to convert the Post Office files and work Projects is $65,000 to complete City for 50% of these expenses Adm Exhibits Curator of maintenance and repair to are the anticipated costs chal rs desks the purchase of tal Improvement II reimbu rse the rector D of a sa la nes genera budget for Included in Cap Saline County W the for ows for in this ow A #509 52 20 allows #200 and #300 a Other expenses history museum. #1 Account 986 BUDGET REQUEST 6B,390 3,300 71,690 2,000 1,800 400 7t500 2,500 1,000 15t200 2,000 710 5,000 900 4,500 500 1,000 14t610 15,000 15,000 2,000 2tOOO 118,500 BUDGET 19B5 42,600 2,400 45,000 2,000 2,000 200 40,000 15,000 14,000 73,200 1,500 1,000 5,000 1,000 14,300 1,000 2,000 25,BOO 0 0 2,000 2,000 146,000 CITY ) SALINA ---BUDGET REQUEST FOR 19B6 ACCT.. ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL 1983 1984 SMOKY HILL MUSEUM PERSONAL SERVICES 24-120 SALARIES - REGULAR ENPLOYEES 0 8,500 24-130 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYf r 0 0 ~ ACCT-TOTALS 0 8t500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24-205 TELEPHONE 0 103 24-207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 B52 24-209 POSTAGE 0 0 24-251 REPAIR - BUILDINGS 0 0 24-295 OTHER PFORESSIONAL SERVICES 0 324 24-299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 5,810 ACCT-TOTALS 0 7,OB9 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 24-310 EXPENDABLE TOOLS 0 0 24-320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 24--325 EXHIBIT SUPPLIES 0 0 24-343 JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIES 0 24 24-359 OTHER OPERATING QJPPLIES 0 796 24-367 ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS 0 0 24-381 PAINT & PAINTING Sl~PLIES 0 0 ACCT-TOTALS 0 820 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 24-447 TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS 0 0 ACCT-TOTALS 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 24-509 F~;:NITlffiE & FIXTURES 0 0 ACCT-TOTALS 0 0 I T-TOTALS 0 16,409 53 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES FLOOD WORKS DIVISION Sa' ina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 and. approximately 13,500 persons were to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, for the construction of the City's present residential area of inundated subject impetus were had been provided the The flood of 951 affected about 50% of the commercial firms, 2 schools, and 3 churches evacuated. In the previous 50 years Salina including 6 major floods. The flood of 951 flood protection system. designed to protect the built by the Corps of funds and the balance replacement of 12 bridges is was local The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in City from twice the volume of flood water which occurred during 1951. Engineers at a cost in excess of $6,000,000, approximately 2.3 million n Federal. The project includes 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change and thousands of acres of land involved in rights-of-way easements. 961 It Flood Works and Levee account is to maintain, patrol and keep in good repair at all gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the Division has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent The function of the times the flood di kes, City of Salina. The condition of the system. * * * * * * * * 2) Worker ntenance and Ma Worker Lead Maintenance -time employees The DivIsion has 3 fu ze ut to better n order tractor and mower arger radio. In Revenue Sharing, $45,000 is requested to purchase a the manpower needed to maintain the system KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, Replace mobile #503 54 19B6 BUDGET REQUEST 48,420 4B,420 600 600 2,260 8.820 300 400 11,780 B30 830 61,630 BUDGET 198~'.'j 46,4BO 41.) , 480 650 I.) ~::;O 1 , T30 9,400 900 600 12, 6~50 0 0 ~59. 7bO CITY OF SALINA BUDGET I:~EUUEST Ol:~ :1, <j.'Bf.) f:rCCT . :Il: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl. 1983 19B4 FLOOD WDF~I"S PERSONAL SERVICES 27....120 SALARIES-REGULAR EMPLOYEES 4:'5, 636 44 , 64:'.'j ACCT,..,TOTAU:) 43 , 6~56 44, 64:::; CONTRACTUAL SERVICES :.U....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ::'j83 1, 0 '7 f~ICC"r''''TOTALS :'.'jB~5 1.07 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 27-3:33 CHEMICAL.S 7S0 1,140 :';~7""~544 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 8,440 9,808 ::,~7""3~:j<y OTHEF~ OPE::J=~ATING BUPPL.IES e) ~~~!':j :I. ,O:3<j.' 2'7....3B7 SAND,GRAVEL,ROCK & CHAT 432 5~~~:i ACCT"..TOTr-.LS 1 0, ;'~7'7 1. :~~ , ~j ::.~::.~ Cf.IPITAL OUTLAY 27....503 E(~UI 0 () {.)CCT ,..' TOT ALS 0 0 DEPT....TOTAL.S ~:i4 . 496 :'.'j7 t 274 55 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS The three Neighborhood Centers provide fac ties for use by persons iving in the areas. The largest Neigh- borhood Center is Memorial Hall, which was constructed in 1921, and provides numerous meeting rooms and recreational facilities. Both Carver Center and Friendship Center were constructed in the late 1970. s. and provide meeting places and limited recreational facilities for persons living in those neighborhoods. The Neighborhood Center facilities are available for use by community groups at no charge, on a first come first served basis The Recreation Commission frequently uses the Centers for conducting programs. staff the reduce to been possible has t 98 n Community ServIces of Department prog ram. With the creation of the and overhead n this Clerk Senior Worker MaIntenance * Recreation Supervisor TV cable fire extinguishers, Ha n Memoria the elevator on servIce contracts Account #295 provides for and pest control services. three centers the n tables and chairs Replace #503 56 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS * * * * * * nClude * fund this n The 4 full-time employees and Custodian 986 BUDGEl REQUEST ~:i8 t 'l70 3,600 ,370 900 200 1,200 500 3,600 6,400 1,800 1,000 2t800 3,B30 3,830 l5,400 62 BUDGET 1985 56,400 4,000 60,400 900 200 5,000 300 3,600 10,000 1,800 1,000 2,BOO 0 0 73,200 CITY ) SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST 01;: :1.986 /~CCT + i~: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl. 198:3 :1.9B4 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS PERSONAL SERVICES 28'''':J,::,~O SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES ~,:j:I" 42:1. ~.)4 , 632 28....130 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 3,B32 3,:::j20 f)CCT.... TOT ALS ~5 ~:) f :~~ ~::j~.3 58, :I.~:j2 CONTRACTUAL rn~RVICES ::,~B""20:::j TELEPHONE !S62 <"7'36 28,...:W'7 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT :35:1. 0 28'<~5:I, REPAIR - BUILDINGS :1" <j.':34 ~50 ~.~ 8 ._. :~~ ~:.) ~5 REPAIR-MACHINE & EQUIP 434 ::.~ t ~54~j 2B..<~<j>~:j OTH~R PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I.> , :~~62 4 , <j.'06 ACCT.... TOT AL.S <j> , ~,'j4:3 8, 4:"n MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 28,..,34:'5 JANITrn~ & TOILET SUPPL.IES 1. ,8:54 :1. , 7~~~'j 2B''''3~j9 OTH~R OPERATING SUPPLIES 7<;3 1,688 ACCT....TOTAU3 2,647 :'5, 42~5 CAPITAL. OUTLAY 28....~50:'3 mJIP 0 0 ACCT...,TOTAL.S 0 0 DEPT,..,TOTALS 6'7,443 70 t o:r.:;!. 57 58 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, State beyan in March of The ection MPROVEMENTS PROGRAM County approved a 1 % county-wide sales tax. with the city receiving its first monthly col CAPITAL Saline 1982, 1982, the voters of tax on November 1, On August 3, collecting this 1983. County and all incorporated municipalities share in the countywide sales tax. The tax s distributed governments based 50% on relative population and 50% on relative tax levies. The county receives for all persons living in the unincorporated areas. The City deposits the sales tax in its General The bulk of these funds are used to finance the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP). * * * * * * * * Saline to the credit Fund. me the budget was slough to the river clearly defined at the t and the extension of the ty projects that are not n the Holmquist pond flood control purposes the C for provides for the update of flood study #568 - There are several flood related prepared. These include design work channel. These funds are set aside for #567 - y $800,000 s spent annua the State of Kansas. Account #570 is for the on-going street annual maintenance projects. A total of $400,000 from the CIP and $400,000 from the Special Gas Tax Fund received from than This Center. the Bicentennla n ties fac restroom needed expansion of number of restrooms. #575 - Provides for double the present the more at w bridge Avenue the the repair of local funding let a contract for be 80% state and 20% KDOT w This w that 1986. It is anticipated crossing early in #576 - channe ron #580 - Park improvements are for general improvements of the Salina park system and include: site plans for neighborhood park ($10,000), storage building for Ivey Park ($20,000), Municipal Recreation Area - entry and streetscape ($38,000), senior citizen recreation area ($72,000), playground area ($39,000), passive recreation area ($41,000) for a total of $220,000 with $100,000 from Recreation Commission and $120,000 from the CIP. estimated cost IS be received in this Tota not ill . w #852 - Ohio Street will be upgraded on a two year basis in 1985 and 1986 $1,800,000. This project is eligible for KDOT funding, but we estimate funding century; thus, it was decided to go ahead with this project in these two years. of the This limlnation collected. e by the 298 was caused $869, revenue loss WdS in effect, the tax transfer to make up for ast year the intangible Fund the General In 1983 000. a #585 - ThiS is intangible tax. transfer is $675 9B6 Bum;ET REQUEST BUDGET :I.<j.'B~.'i ACTUAL. 1.9B4 19B6 FOI:~ ('~CTUAI... 1.9R3 F~EQUEST BUDGET SAI... I NA........,... ACCT.. ACCOUNT m~SCRIPTION CAPITAL IMPRVMNTS SALES TAX CITY ,000 ,250 ,000 ,000 o o o o 200tOOO 1BO,OOO o o o 120,000 o 000,000 o o 675,000 o o o o o o o o 400,000 7,000 13tOOO 77,000 40,000 65,000 60 124 BO 400 o o o 400,000 o 375,000 o o o o 600,000 o o 120,000 o ,000,000 225,000 o o o o o 100,000 30,000 90,000 40,000 10,000 o o o o o o :1, o o o 415t192 o 23 o 4,241 o 6,661 996,686 o o 161,B33 o o 225,000 200,000 o o 22,099 40t612 o o o o 12,900 41,670 o o o o o o o o 410,616 288,765 16,655 22,213 531,654 o 30,577 53,694 115,200 45,000 120,000 24,284 o 25,000 o o 27,266 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3::5 CAPITi:ljL OUTLAY FLOOD STUDY 4TH ST m..OUGH PLANS-BROADWAY OVERPAS STREET MAINTENANCE MAINT - CRAWFORD, 9TH TO OHIO - IRON INTERSECTION NINTH - CRAWFORD IN1ERSECTION SEWER SEPERATION B C CENTER-RESTROOMS IRON AT 4TH & CHANNEL BRIDGES SOUTH SALINA FII=i:E STATION PLANS....WIDE CF~WF1), Si~INT/:l)FE TO BI BILl... BURKE PARKING LOT PARK IMPROVEMENTS I;:EVENUE SHAI=i:ING SHORTFAL.L.. OHIO STI=i:EET IMPI:W1.JEMENTS MUSEUt-l PLJF~CHASE CRAWFORD - EAST TO CITY LIMITS GENERAL FUND TRANSFER KENWOOD PARK STORAGE BL[~ JOB 83-713 INSTALL F-P CONDUIl POL.ICE AL.AI;:MS SYSTEM MARKLEY ROAD PAVENENT ROOF REPAIR - COMMUNITY TH~ATF FIF~E EC~LJIP COMPUTEI;: EWJIP REHAB - OAKDALE FOOT BRIDGES DOWNTOWN REDEVEL(~'MENT C B [1,...8 I F~EN EMERGENCY GENERATOR-P D SALT STORAGE SHED B C CENTER LOBBY ROOF REPAIR MUSEUM CONVERSION 29-567 29-568 29-569 29-570 29-571 29-572 29-573 29-574 29-575 29-576 29-577 29-578 29-579 29-580 29-581 29-582 29-583 29-584 29-585 29-586 29-5B7 29-588 29-589 29-590 29-591 29--592 29-593 29-594 29-595 29-596 29-597 29-598 29-599 3,441,250 3,441,250 2,990,000 2.990,000 2,126,917 2,126,917 1,710,924 :I. 710,924 ACCT..nTOT(.:lL~: DEF'T TOTALS 59 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS (continued the to due ve noperat and old ty Commission years be w s Th building Department n POlice emergency power total of $26,000. 1941 generator for grant funding for #596 - Replacement of 50% City and 50% federa a months. the winter for and sand for storage of salt shed for the building of a salt ow A #597 s of th 50% museum. rubber roofing to a SALES TAX KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, MPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 8 S C which office building th a single ply the conversion of the old post to the City by Saline County. the ding w roof obby Center the Bicentenllla Provide funds to complete $32,500. wi II be refunded as authorized by Bu Un i ted on repair To #599 - amount, development siren #595 - Replacement of unavailability of parts. #598 60 downtown For #594 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET OUDGET BUDGET REQUEST 1985 1986 $ 2, 135,900 $ 1,680,000 546,500 569,000 1,896,000 1,966,000 50,000 50,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 $ 4,718,400 $ 4,355.000 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECIAL FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL 1983 1984 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 1,950,719 $ 1,802,040 UTI L1TY 435,780 477,876 BOND AND INTEREST 1,989,916 2,077,233 SPEC IAL L1Af31 L1TY 28,408 31,742 SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION 62,000 50,000 SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAM 66,705 49,667 GRAND TOTAL $ 4,533.528 $ 4,488.558 61 62 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND This Fund was authorized by the State Legislature n 1978. consolidation of employer and employee contributions to Social Systems, group health and life insurance, workers compensatior This permits one tax levy for all employee benefits instead 01 The consolidated fund has no effect on the levy or funds is a revolving fund. The fee-supported funds, Water and Sewerage, Sanitation, and Solid Waste, are excluded from this fund. They make payments from their separate budgets directly to the State. All other special funds make a transfer payment to this Fund to cover their costs in the appropriate account. The Employee Benefits Fund streamlines administrative procedures and defines accounting responsibilities. * State legislation changed the schedule for City remittance of Social Security and Kansas Public Employee Retirement Systems contributions. In the past, these were sent to the State on a quarterly basis, thus, they were held in this Fund until a warrant was prepared. These funds must now be remitted or received by the City, thus, there is no need to account for them in this manner. Because of the nature of municipal accounting and relevant State laws, a reduction in the budgeted expenses for this fund of $455,900 is possible. * * * * * * * sSlons nsurance for elected officialS and employees covering errors and om ty ab provides #227 salary ndividua per 900 $40 of maximum a to up 5% 7 of share 7.15%. #236 is based on an employee's The employer and employee each pay the employee 7%. and 9% 9 ty contributes The C #237 - Account modified whereby the City make a and to the dependent premium of will provide motivation for those nsurance. This plan will continue in the employee 4%. #239 - In 1985 the City's contribution to employee health nsurance was flat dollar contribution toward the individual employee premium of $72.91 $157.91. The additional premium cost is paid by the employee. This covered by individual employee contracts to better utilize health 1986. 3% and ty contributes 4 The C #238 - Account 986 BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET :1.98~:i ACTUAl 1.984 <j.'B6 F[)F~ ACTUAl.. :1.98:3 I:~EQUEST ............BUDGET SAL I NA' AeCT . 'U' ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EMPLOYEE BENI; ITS 'UNr- OF CITY 32,900 220,300 620,400 160,100 475,000 20,000 111,300 40,000 9,000 2B8,200 840,300 363,BOO 457,600 35,000 102,000 40,000 367 69:'.'i 437 8:29 442 4:1.6 :L92 66:~~ <; , :I. ~::i:I. , 9:1..4 , 220, 38:'.'j , 1.4, R3, ':)" 4_A.. , 8,8B1 371,561 932,655 210,259 320,137 29,146 70,205 7,875 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OFF-ENPLY LIAB INS SOCIAL SECURITY POLICE & FIRE RE1IRENENT EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT GRrnJP INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSlmANCE WORKMENS COMPENSATION EARNED LEAVE 38-227 38-236 38-237 38-23B 3B-239 38-292 38-294 38-297 :J.,68(),O()() 680,O()() 1. :'~~:j , 900 1. 3:::; , <j.'OO r) .,. , ::.~ 040 ,04() .~()2 80;;!. , <;:::;(), 71. 9 9:50,719 , :1, :1, ACCT-TOTALS DEPT lTITALS 63 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, BENEFITS (continued It is estimated the Blue Cross/ Blue Shield premium will be $80.64 compared to $76.80 in 1985. The optional dependent coverage is estimated to total $145.92 in 1986, as opposed to $138.97 in 1985. March 1, 1984, Health Care Plus was made available to all City employees. About 20% of the employees changed from Blue Cross/ Blue Shield to Health Care Plus. The Health Care Plus premium for 1986 is estimated to be $65.98 compared to $61.10 for 1985 for the employee. The optional dependent coverage for 1986 will be $151.51 compared to $133.13 in 1985. The City contributes $85 toward dependent coverage. Along with the group medical insurance coverage, the City also provides life insurance coverage for the employees equal to the annual salary, with a minimum of $10,000. It is estimated the City's total contribution for group medical insurance coverage would amount to $444,630 with an additional $30,370 for the life insurance. 984 n 26% 983 for 52% 982 n 2% from decreased rate #292 - Kansas Unemployment Insurance . 17% for 1985 and estimated .17% for 1986. resignation or upon eave sick unused for employees to pay fund reserve a for s $40.000 #297 - The reti rernent. 64 FUND EMPLOYEE 986 REVENUE REQUESl I:~EVEN l<;"B~:j CITY ( SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1986 ACCT.:!:: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl :I,<;.'!:n 1. <;.'84 ~:MI DYEE BENEFIT UNI:I 139,954 15,000 o 235,400 1B,OOO o 14,000 o 20,000 o 1,000 95,000 40,000 ,299 ,000 o 215,800 15,000 215,500 114,200 o 64,800 163,500 5,600 93,400 40,000 :L ~5 ~::j :1,2 :I. :1.43,325 34,328 o 191,:1.59 16,176 173,428 1B,157 o 9,078 126,531 72B 126,564 40,000 B97,875 11,567 2,B05 191,049 17,499 160,887 14,738 234,154 8,706 122,621 1,329 65,137 30,000 CURRENT TANGIBLE TAXES DELINQUENT TANGIBLE TAXES AUTO DEALERS TAX STAMPS VEHICLE TAX INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS P & F RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE SOCIAL SECURITY-EMPLOYER SOCIAL SECURITY-EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT-EMPLOYER EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE UNEMPLOYMENT INS-EMPLOYER REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES TRSF FROM OTHER FUNDS 38-110 38-130 38-170 38-180 38-610 38-941 38-943 38-944 38-945 38-946 38-947 38-952 38-957 ::578, 3:'.'j4 101.,646 ,578,354 ,6BO,OOO ,6BO,OOO o 1 1 :I. 1. 2,095,099 142,447 2,095,099 2,237,546 2,135,900 101,646 474 013 474 4B7 040 447 ,87<;.' 6~:i , ,879, , <j.'44, ,802, :1.4 :;~ , :1 :1 1, :1 ,367 ::~::'i7 , :36~,:j , 7::'j8, 367 , () 1. :::j, 73::~ , <j.'50, 7:1. 9 6!.'.'j , o:r. 3 7~58 1 2 1, FUND TOTALS JANUARY 1ST BEGINNING BALANCE BALANCF DECENBER 3l BEGINNING CASH BALANCE TDTAL. I:~EVENUE TOTAL REVENl~ AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CA!:>H 65 11 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET r.::: 66 BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, FUND A separate tax levy to cover gas, electric water, traffic, and street lighting is permitted under home rule provisions of the Kansas State Statutes. The City adopted Charter Ordinance #17 on June 18, 1979, to provide for this levy. This levy is outside of the City's general tax lid. This Fund finances the utilities for all General Fund buildings and programs. Similar expenses for the Bicentennial Center llnd Water and Sewerage Utility and financed by other funding sources. * * * UTILITY J lights. Kansas Power This account includes * Account #245 provides for street lights in the City and includes approximately 2,641 and Light Company installs and maintains the street lighting system for the City. $1,600 per year to upgrade street lights in Kenwood Park. * * * * L~ 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 67,000 133,000 42,000 37,000 290,000 ::':jf.8, 000 tOO() !569 BUDGET 19B5 59,000 123,000 40,000 34,500 290,000 546,500 546,500 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQU T m~ 1 <j.'B6 ACCT. :ll: ACCOUNT DEBCI;:IPTION ACTUAL. ACTUAL 19R'5 :1.984 UTILITY FUND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4:1,....241 GAS SEF~V I CE 42,309 48,392 4:1. ....::,~42 LIGHT & POWER SERVICE 93,B02 98 , 6:"j2 41....243 WATEI;: SEF~VICE 26,473 3~~ , !57!5 41.",.244 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS 29, :1.6:3 :34 ,7<j.'2 4l....:~45 STF~EET LIGHT I NG ::,~44, 033 262, 46:5 ACCT,...TOTAI...S 4:3~5 , 780 47'7,876 DEPT....TOTAI...S 435,780 47'7,876 67 68 <?B6 r,:E~)FNI r~EC~I.JE~:;T F~El.,JEN :I,9B::,:j (,cnJ(, :1.904 <;'U6 r~ r~EnUEST ACTUA :l.9B:3 F~:E'JENI. NA ON ('"~I T ) BCF;: ITY 1: ACCOUNT . ; t,CC"I 079 000 o 700 000 000 . , 4:":~::~ ~:5 "')1::" ( ...J ;.:.~ :I. ',::j :::;47 000 o 6!:5 , 000 :? ~ 000 o 4:Wt 7, ,74:1. ,186 o 186:1. ,641 o 344 12 70 ;.:.~ ~ ::.~ ~:.:; ::.~ , <;' ~~) :~~ ,042 ,776 1966 o 333 (? :I. , .., (:)1\.':. :1, CUF~HENT TrlNBI Tf~X > DELINQUENT TANGIBLE TAX AUTO DEALEHS TAX STAMPS VEHICLE Tt-,XES INTEREST ON INVl TMENTS ';n::8F FFWt1 OTI"u::R UNDS NI TY L. 110 -130 170 1BO 6:1.0 957 UT :1 :1 :I. :I. :1 :1 4 4 4 4 4 4 529,'7'79 39~221 529,779 569,000 569,000 o ~::j47 :1.74 :'.'j47 72:1, :::,;00 22:1. 4~j.'4, 9:1., 494t ~:jB~:'i 1 :::;46, 39, 42<1 130,621 430,429 569,050 477,876 91,174 4301 t <l('l ,403 t<;'98 ,40:1. t780 ,62:1. 40r 18,'.'j 400 !,::j74 ^1 :'5 ~::i :1.38 TOTf~IL.S 3 B/~,I.../:)NCI: DECEi"jBEI:~ BT UNI: ,JANI.U)HY NN BALANCE NG Btil...ANC BEG BEGINNING CAS~ TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE ANI LESS EXPENDITUREf UNENCUMBEREL ;AS 69 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, D The Bond and I nterest Fund provides for the payment of principal and interest on the various bonds financed out of the General Fund or under the City's general obligation bonding authority. The principal and interest payments corne from a variety of sources, including the property tax levy, special assessment payments by property owners (#607 and #611), and transfers from other funds. In 1986, $122,200 will be transferred from Sanitation to pay for the poly-kart system tota I debt the City's or of n 986, tota principa payments will be $1,352,100 and interest payments w be $613,900, service payments for outstanding debts of $1,966,000. This is equal to approximately 2% assessed valuation. The City, like other first class cities has no bonded debt limit. ~ The City's debt service includes such projects as the Bicentennial Center, numerous parks and street improvements, the City-County Bui Iding, the Library, numerous special assessment projects, the poly-kart system, three new fire trucks and the dike system. The 13icentennial Center is the largest single item included in debt service and in 1986, $325,000 for principal and $193,860 for interest, a total of $518,860 will be due. Approximately 4.9 mills of the City's anticipated 36 mills is due to this project. This is equal to 14% of the total City property tax evy. 70 N NTEREST FU BOND AND T 1986 BUDGE REQUEST 672,000 270,400 127,800 552,300 121,900 181,100 500 40,000 BUDGE: 1<~8::=j 662,000 306,600 99,90d 577,100 25,500 1B3,900 1,000 40,000 96f.>,OOO , <;>66tOO() 1. 1.,896,O()O , B<j.'6, OO() CITY 0 B(.)I,.. I N/~ ....BUDGET t:,:EWJEBT em 1986 ACCT.:ll: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAL 1.983 1984 BOND & INTE~';:EBT DEBT & I NTE:r~EBT 42....f.> 0 1 GENERAL BOND PRINCIPAL T30 t 000 740,000 42....1.)03 GENERAL BOND INTEREST 3::.50 , ~3:.3~:i 309, ::'j8:::j 42....60::'i c, G & P PRINCIPAL ("c::' :1.09,304 :1.1.4,896 ."..., 42..,.6()':? C, G & P PRINCIPAL POS ::'i64,696 6:34, :1,04 42....609 C, G & P INTEREST CS 32,697 3:3 , :~jT3 42....611 c, G & P INTEREST POS 201.,999 244,6:1.:1, 42"~621. FISCAL AGENCY COMM & POSTAGE 885 400 4~~''''62~~ EST INT BONDf TO BE I SSUEI, () 64 (lCCT....TOTAI...S 1,989,<1l6 2, OT? , 2~3~3 DEPT.... TOT AI...S 1. ,989, <n,6 2, 077 , :;~:.3:'~ 71 72 986 REVENUE REQUEST EVENUE :1.98::-; CITY 0 SALINA----- REVENl~ REQUEST FOR 1986 ACCT. :", ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl :1.<"18:3 :l.9B4 BOND & INTI::REST 84:1.,169 20,000 625,000 30,000 o :1.44,700 20,000 2,000 4,000 134,200 7:1.0,336 15,000 500,000 20,000 o 170,000 20,000 2,000 5,000 142,200 857,7B9 34,1B9 68:1.,742 45,275 o 191,9BO 20,033 2,667 3,891 233,700 B99,997 12,173 654,650 74,072 2,8:1.5 201,558 19,956 1,877 7,497 250,000 Cl.mm?::NT TANGIBLE Tt-,XES DELINQUENT TANGIBLE TAXES CURRENT SPEC ASSMNT TAXES DELINQUENT SPEC ASSMNT TAXES AUTO DEAI...EI:;:S Tf.,X ST/~MPS IJEHICI...E TAXES INTEREST FROM INVESTMEN'rS ACCRUED INTEREST SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TRSF-P M, W & S, G 42-1:1.0 42-130 42-150 42-160 42-170 42-180 42-6:1.0 42-630 42-929 42-957 (" , 06<j.' 144,931 ,821,069 ,966,000 ,966,000 o :1. :~~ ~.'i~~6 456,395 1,584,536 2,040,931 1,896,000 144,931 , :';jB4 21.>6 4b2, :,362 2,071 , :;~66 :2 , ::'j33 , 6::,~B :.:,~ , 077 , 2::B 4~56 , 3<';"::; ,07 :~~ ~,:j9~,:j 327,683 124,595 452,278 989,916 462,362 24 :I. :~~ ':) A':.. t ~~ , 1. , FUND TOT,:'.}LS BEGINNING C,:'.}S BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOTAl... REVENUE TOTAL. I:~EVENUE AND BEGINNING Bt,I...ANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED C(.,SI BALANCE DECEMBER 3l . 73 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS of legal defense, claims, and actll, for a IISpecial Liability SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE FUND The 1979 Kansas Tort Claims Act authorizes municipalities to pay the cost 1I0ther direct and indirect costs resulting from the implementation of this Expense Fundll. The act provides that a governing body which has created a Specia Liab ty Expense Fund may levy a tax therefore, without limitation CIS to rate and outside the property tax lid. In addition, monies received by the municipality IIfrom any source whatsoever which may be lawfully utilized for such purposell may be placed in the fund. The special fund may be a reserve fund, and monies once budgeted into the fund would not need to be annually rebudgeted for expenditure in the future. services. ega ,000 for $20 nsurance and ty ab for been budgeted has $30.000 Sewerage, Sanitation, Solid ability insurance can now be and All * from fee-supported services (Water pay their share of liability insurance. Expense Fund. II * * * * * * * #957 $7,000 has been transferred Waste, and Bicentennial Center) to paid for from one IISpecial Liability 74 986 BUDGET REQUEST 30,000 :,W , 000 ~:j() , ()OO ,O()O ~.':i() :I. BUDGET 1985 30,000 20,000 50,000 50,000 CITY (] SALINA BUDGET I:~EUUEST OR 1986 AceT. ::: ACCOUNT DESU;:IPTION ACTUAL. ACTUAL. :J.9B~~ :1.9B4 SPECIAL LIABILITY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4:3....2::,~7 INSURANCE - LIABILITY 24,54:1. ::.n, 703 4~5''''29~:; OTHEI:;: F\OFESS I DNAL SEI;:V J ( C' :3, B6'7 4 J O:3(l ,.) ACCT ..., TOT AI...S 213,40B 3:1.,742 [I T.... TOTAl... S 2B,40B 3:1.,742 75 76 1986 REVENUE REQUEST r:~EVENl 1. <j.'0~:i AC T U(.ll 1.904 906 DF~ I:~EC~UEST (.,CTUAI :1.90~5 I:,:EVENUF.: Nr~ ON S(.~L. T )F DE:::;CI~ TY c ACCOUNT .11. ..' ACCT 34,084 600 o 7,000 o 7,000 34,407 500 o 9,500 o 7,000 40,800 1,815 o 10,307 o 6,900 48,344 675 152 10,700 6,51.9 5,610 Tl.J1:~ES ABILITY CURRENT TANGIBLE TAXES DELINQUENT TANGIBLE TAXES AUTO rn~ALERS TAX STAMPS VEHICLE TAXES REIMBURSEMEN1. 0 TRSF FROM OTHER I EXPENI FUNDS AI SPECI 43-110 43-130 43-170 43-180 43-952 43-957 684 176,316 4B,684 225,000 50,000 175,000 40 407 174,909 51,407 226,316 50,000 176,316 ~:5 ~':;(7' t 8~?:;~ 146,02<;' :::8 , 82:;~ 206, 6!.::j:1. 31,742 :r. 74, <j.'09 ,000 103,237 72,000 175,237 2B,408 146,829 72 FUND TOTr:l)I...S BEGINNING CASI BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TDT AI... F:EVENUE TDTAL I:~EVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 3: 77 78 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS AND RECREATION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS has been that this ta:< has enforcement by the State and local governments. FUND of Legislative attention. The net result This has been a combination of inadequate whereas initially the funds went solely to SPECIAL PARKS This tax continues to be a subject not generated the funds anticipated. the State receiving some of the funds, be IN which of a revenue, n receive an estimated $45,000 the Park Department budget. Parks and Recreation Fund will to the General Fund to supplement The Specia transferred 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 45,000 45,000 45,000 BUDGET 1985 45,000 45,000 45,000 CITY 01 SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR :1.906 ACCT . :~: ACCOUNT I~SCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl 1983 :1.984 SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION SUNI~Y EXPENDITURES 47..-A47 TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS 62,000 :'50,000 ACCT....TOTALS 62,000 ::'jO, 000 D T',...TOTAI...S 62,000 ::50,000 79 80 9B6 REVENUE REQUEST BB7 '7 113 44,887 45,000 45,000 o t~H 44 44 HEVENU :l.9B!5 44, ::';44 44, !544 6<j.' 44,:::i44 44 t bl~5 44 , :::;O() :I.L5 CITY ) Br:~1... I Ni~ --- HEVENUE REQUEST FOR 19B6 ACCT. :Il: ACCOUNT m~SCRIPTION ACTUAL. I~CTUAL :I. 9B~5 1 <lB4 SPEC I (.11, PARKS & RECREATION 47-':;~:I.~,) CITY I...IOUCm TAX 4:;~, ~542 49,6:1.:'5 FUND TOTAU3 42 , 34~? 4<j.',6L5 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY lST 20, :I. :1, 4 4::,:jl.> TDT AI... I:~EVENUE 4~?, :'54::,~ 4<,:>,6:1.:3 lDTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 62 , 4~.'jl.> 50,06<j.' LESS EX~~NDITURES 6:.? , 000 :::j () , () 0 () UNENeUt,1BERED CAm,1 BALANCE DECEMBER ;:~ :1, 4~56 69 8 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, The pr"imary changes are two: 1) the means of enforcement has been tightened. received none the more strict enforcement fund. the they The 1982 State Legislature made substantial changes in this State will now receive 25% of the funds collected; and 2) Despite the State receiving 25% of the revenues when before should provide greater revenues to cities and counties. City of SalIna will related to activities revenue. The and services n $45,000 programs estimated finance receive an agencies to The Special Alcohol Programs Fund wil enter into contracts with local social allowable under this program. 82 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 45,000 45,000 45,000 BUDGET 19B5 45,000 45,000 45,000 ;ITY } SAL I Wl)"" BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1.986 ACCT . :~ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAL. :I. <j.'8~5 1984 1PECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS (: NTRACTUAL SERVICES 48""29!:.:; OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 61.), 70~,:; -l9,66'7 ACCT.... TOT(11...8 1.)6 , 70:::j 4<j.' , 667 DEPT....TOTAL.S 66, 70:'.'j 49,1.>6'7 83 84 9B6 REVENUE REQUEST f fy ~:.:; ~::.; <j.' ~,:;::5 4:::i 9'...'..' ..:)....} 000 000 o 44 44 44 4:'.'j 40::' ,.J F~EVENUE: 19B::':; 44 t <;.'4:5 44, 94~:i 0 44, 94~j 44,94::':; 44,900 40:." . ...J CITY OF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST F[~ 1986 ACCT. ::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTU(~1. :1.98:'5 19B4 SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS 4 B ..., ~,~ :1, :'.'j CITY LIWJOI:;: TAX 42,342 49, b:I.:'~ FUND TOT(~LS 42,342 49 t 1.>1:3 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST :N,418 ~::;~:.:; TOTAl... m::VENUE 42 f ::'~42 49,6:D TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 66,760 49,668 LESS EXPENDITURES 66 f 70!'::j 4<;.',668 UNENCUt1BEF~ED CASI B{~I...ANf D1:::CI:::MI:{ER 31 ~55 0 85 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET OUDGET [3UDGET REQUEST 1985 1986 $ 709,810 $ 732,400 172,610 181,520 55,910 47,750 226,170 284,460 740,640 762,860 35,280 35,970 178,440 204,050 150,000 145,000 666,400 681,170 5,422,310 5,476,230 $ 8.357.570 $ 8.551.410 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ENTERPRISE FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL 1983 1984 SANITATION $ 603,853 $ 667,732 DATA PROCESSING 131,L118 190,858 PARKING METERS 46,378 43,923 GOLF COURSE 151,887 219,995 SPECIAL GAS TAX 420,699 719,484 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 0 48,721 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 237,999 240,805 TOURISM AND CONVENTION 115,167 143,271 01 CENTENN IAL CENTER 633,431 660,607 WA TER AND SEWERAGE 4,179,572 4,622,057 GRAND TOTAL $ 6.520.404 $ 7.557.453 87 88 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $704,000 $732,400 28,400) 6,000 $ 22,400) CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT SANITATIOI~ 986 SERVI CE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $295,330 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 53,680 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 94,890 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 22,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY 66,300 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS 89 90 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES SANITATION DIVISION KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, This Division of the General Services Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. Commercial collections, including apartment houses, are handled by licensed, private haulers or by the individual business. The Division is supervised by the Sanitation Superintendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex, and triplex residential units on an optional basis. The Division operates four 20-cubic yard packer trucks, each with an assigned route to be served each day, Monday through Friday. These are supplemented by two shuttle trucks, which permit the crews to remain on the routes while a driver takes a loaded truck to the landfill. One dump-type truck is utilized for making special pickups for piles of tree limbs and items too bulky for the packer trucks, at an additional cost above the monthly service fee. The service fee is $5.40 a month and was adjusted January 1, 1984. tax monies are devoted No property paid by users of the service fees from ng self-support Division is s activity. This to th ntenance Ma Aide ve Admlnlstrat * Sallltation Superintendent, 2), and Laborer (10). * * * * * * * Full-time employees for the Division include: Worker (5), Laborer Assigned as Relief Driver month 10ct: per in #291. Sewerage Department and services. This is reflected and ve The Division is charged 10ct: per monthly billing by the Water per account is paid to the General Fund for general administrat and medical laundry and service, es, and andfi ncludes employee development, postage, printing office forms, water includes water coolers, ice coupon books, paper cups, first aid supp use of the slon for Div the s charges paid by #299 #359 Account service. towel service. #297 This ng pOly-karts purchas of cost to cover 200 Fund of $122 nterest #447 allows transfer to Bond and wi II be the fifth of six payments. 20-cubic yard packer trucks radios. nternationa two-way 1977 e mob ld 976 a four of of Replacement Replacement #503 - #525 986 BUDGET REQUEST 2'7~'5 t :I. 30 20,200 ,330 1,200 800 21,160 12,110 27,520 25,000 900 11,000 52,900 :1.,090 153,680 550 3,400 B6,760 4,1BO 94,890 122,200 122t200 3,300 63,000 66,300 732,400 29!.:.=j ~D~T 1985 266,320 20,200 286,520 :1.,440 900 20,200 12t280 23,050 25,000 1,100 10,000 52,900 1,350 148,220 290 2,680 79,400 4,300 86,670 :1.30,200 130,200 4,000 54,200 58,200 709,B10 :ITY OF SALINA--- BUDGET REQUEST FOR :1, <i>B6 ACCT. :, ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL f.iCTUAI. :1.983 19B4 dANITr~TION PERSONAL SERVICES ::;j7....1. 20 SALARIES - REGULAR EMF~OYEES 2~<)B , 929 :':!.39,637 ~:;7-"'L30 SALARIES-PART TIME ENPLOYEES 9,31.>0 18,376 f.',CC T.... TCnAI...S ;.?48,2B9 2~:j8 , 0:1. ~~ CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~H-205 TELEPHONE (j.'45 (157 :':i7....227 INSURANCE - LIABILITY B1.0 BOO ~57""2:36 SOCIAL SECUF~ITY 18,071. 1B,06:J. :';i7....238 EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 1. 1 , O:'.'i9 10 , :3:=:j~j 57....239 Gr-':OUP INSURANCE l8,474 ::,~4, T7l ~:j"?-291 BILLING & ADMINISTRATION CHGS 24,220 12,466 5.7....:.~9~.~ UNEMPLOYMENT INS~=i:ANCE :J. ,:540 746 :'.'j..('....294 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 11 , 18~-:j lj.',913 :37....297 DISPOSAL CHARGES 33,800 46 , ~:iO() :::;7,...299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SO=i:VICES 71.>2 :1, , 000 r~iCCT''''TOTAU:; 120,866 125, ~36<j.' MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 57,,-310 EXPENDABLE TOOLS 76 16 57-<320 OFFICE SUPPl.IES 8<j.'O 3 , 29~:j 57"":'344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 87,068 89 , 40:':i :'.'j7'''<~~59 OTHER OPERATING SUF11_IES :;~ , 664 4,988 I~CCT.... TOTAL!:; 90,698 9"1, 704 SUNI~Y EXPENDITURES :':i'7..A47 n-::~)F TO OTHER FUNDS 144,000 13:;'~ , 800 ACCT.... TOT ALS 144tOOO 132,800 CAPITAl... OUTL.AY ~:57""~503 EC~l.JIP 0 0 ~::j'7 .... ~:S ::~ ~.; H-,:UCI"S 0 :::j3,646 ACC..,..... TOT ALS () ~5:3 , 641.> 9 DEPT....TOTALS 60:3, 8::;i3 66'7, 7:.32 92 986 REVENU REQUEST 3tOOO 2,000 704,000 1,000 0,000 310,528 710,000 020,528 732,400 2B8,128 7 1:~EVENl.JE :I,98~.'i 3,000 2,500 673t920 1,000 680,420 339,918 680,420 1,020,338 709,810 310,528 CITY ( Sl~L.INtl"- REVENL~ REQUEST FOR 19B6 ACCT . :i~ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION (~CTUAL. ACTUAl. 1. <;'8~5 :1.984 SANITATION 57...,6:1.0 INTEREST FROM INVESTMENTS :.!S , 3:1. :~~ :I.,:l.OB ~:;7""7::!S:I. MISC SALES & SERVICE :1. ,689 :1. ,470 !.:'j7....7~!S:3 SEHVICE FEES 632,:1.69 6<'l9 , 27:'.'; ~:; 7.... 9 :'.'j ::,~ REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES <?O:l. 6:1.:1. FUND TOTALS 6:38,07 :I. 70;'?',464 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST 270,968 30:5, :1, B6 TOTAl... m::~.lENUE 638,07:1, 702,464 TOTAL REVENL~ AND BEGINNING BALANCE <j.'09 , O~5<'l :1 00"(' , 6~:;O LESS EXPENDJTURES 603, 8:53 667, 7::~2 UNENCUMBERED CAS~ BALANCE DECEMBER 31 30:'.'j, :I. 86 3:'!S9,9:1.B 93 94 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $163,500 $181,520 $(18,020 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT DATA PROCESSING 986 SERVI CE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 71,320 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 05,200 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5,000 OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN LOSS 95 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, to Saline County and the I BM System 34 computer printers 32 Data Entry DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT The City's data processing unit provides data processing and programming services County Sheriff in addition to various City departments. The Department ,operates an with 2 printers and 11 Data Entry Terminals, an IBM System 36 computer with 7 Terminals and an IBM 5525 word processor with 3 printers and 7 entry terminals. to the computer taneously, thus I the City-County means operators have direct access record keeping is performed simu ty is located on the first floor in the computer programs are on-line". This various functions and programs. The necessary up-to-the-second accuracy. The computer fadl All of and the providing Building. * * * * * * * * and Prog rammer and Prog rammer Processing Manager Data department this for me employees -t Fu change. that supportive equipment. reflects budget this 986 and provides for maintenance contracts on computers and n services City's computer the discontinue use of #299 w Account 305 USD 96 T 9B6 BUDGI I:~E(~UEST ,3::!.O o 3:;.~O , 1,000 3,000 5,000 3,100 4,000 250 200 88,650 105,200 2,500 2,500 5,000 181,520 'l 71 BUDGEl 19B5 65,240 0 65,240 1,000 3,000 4,700 3,100 5,850 570 200 B3,050 101,470 3,500 2,400 5,900 172,610 CITY m HAI...INA --BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1,<1'86 ACCT. ::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL. ACTUAl. 198:3 1.9B4 DATA m:lCESSING PERSONAL SERVICES f:.i8....120 SAL.ARIES - REG~_AR EMPLOYEES 4~5, 447 49,40() 58""1:~0 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 0 0 (.:,CCT ,... TOT AI...S 4:3,447 49,40() CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~58""20~'5 TELEPHONE ~59~~ 6~"5:? 58'''';,!O'7 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPNENT 2,281 1 , :m~:j :38....2:31., SOCIAL SECUraTY ~5 , 045 3 , 4~58 58....2:~8 EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT :1, ,6:31 1, ,616 ~3B''''239 mmup INSUt=~ANCE 3,262 :3,096 58....2<j.'2 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 28~~ :1..4 :~ ~58-'294 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 0 0 :::,i8-'299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 70 , 72~:j :r. 27 , ~~::5~5 ACCT....TOTAI...S 81,Bl9 :L5"? , 703 MAT8~IALS & SUPPLIES ~58""32() OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 , 39~~ ~~ , 48:3 :::j8....359 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES :~~ t "7 ~:j <j) 1 , :n2 t:)CCT....TOTALS 4, 1~.'j2 :3 , 7~i5 DEPT....TDTAI...S :1,31. ,418 1 ~JO , B::'i8 97 98 1.9H6 F~EVENU F~EOUEBT 1,000 o 54,500 50tOOO 50,000 H,OOO :'.'jOO 2:1.0 ~:iOO 7:1.0 ::.'i20 :1,90 6:3, ~~O , 6:.3, 9:3, B:I., 1.2, VENl 98:'.'i 1,000 26,400 54t500 35,000 47tOOO 10,000 17:.3,900 2B,920 17:.3,900 202t820 172,610 30t210 I:~E :I, CITY 0 ALINA, , REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1986 ACCT. ::: ACCOUNT DE!3CF~IPTION ACTUAL ACTU~ 1.9R3 :I. <j.'B4 DATA PI:mCESBING :"jB....72:1. SALE OF COMMODITIES 761.> :I. ,2:34 ~:'iB""740 FEES .... SCHOOl... 1~~, 71.0 1 .." "')1::"') . ( t ,,::......)11.:.. ~,:jB....742 FEES - WATER & SEWERAGE :50 , 000 ~54 , :'.'jOO ~:jB-"744 FEES .... COUNTY :.30, 15~.'i ~.'i:.?,O:I.4 ~,:;B..-"?46 FEES .... GENERAl... 26,000 B~::; , 000 ~,:;B""74B COMPUTER PROGRAMMING SERVICE 10,B"?4 9,6<j.':1. FUND TOTALS :r. 3:1. , :::jO~i 21.9,69:1. BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST 0 87 T()T,~l.. F,EVENUE 131 , :'.'jO:::; 21.9,69:1. TOTAl... REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE :I, ~~:1. , !.:i<X'.'i 2:1. 9 , T7B I...ESS EXPENDITURES :r.:U,4:1.B 190, B::-iB UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 B7 2B,920 99 00 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $ 47,500 $ 47,750 - - $ 250 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT PARKING METERS 986 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 34,300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,650 fvtATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5,800 OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN LOSS o 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS POLICE DEPARTMENT - PARKING METER DIVISION iJll the maintenance of supervised by s collection of monies, parking enforcement and within the Central Business District. The Division provided by the Traffic Engineer. the ties The Division provides for municipal-owned parking fadl Police Department with assistance were removed from streets and parking ots. The only source of available for purchase at the City Clerk's Office and the Greater month. All other parking is for 2 hours. On December 1, 1982, al parking meters income is from parking permits which are Downtown Salina Office for $10.00 per aw. required by State as Fund Genera the to goes rig viOlations park fines for from derived revenue A 3). * Checker KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, * ViOlations * * * * Meter * * this fund n me employees -t 3 fu There are 02 T 986 BUDGE REQl~ST 34,300 34,300 900 2,400 1,350 2,200 100 0 700 7,650 4,500 900 400 5,800 47,750 BUDGET 1985 33,320 33,320 3,350 2,380 1,650 5,340 140 1,240 1,000 15,100 6,000 750 740 7,490 55,910 CITY Of SALINA, --BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1,986 ACCT. :::: ACCOUNT rn~SCRIPTION ACTUAL. ACTUAL. :1.983 1 <j.'84 PAF,I';; I NG METEF,~) PERSONAL. SERVICES 60....120 SALARIES - m~GULAR EMPLOYEES 30, 62:';! 32,092 ACCT....TOTI~LS :30, 622 ~52 , 092 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6()....221 PRINTING OFFICE FORNS ~5, 1~~8 SOl f.) 0....236 SOCIAL SECURITY ::.~ , O:'.'j2 ::!. , 06:'.'j 60....238 EMPLOYEES F~ET I f:~EMENT 1,433 1,102 60"" 2:'5 <j.' GI:~OLJP INSLJI=i:ANCE 1,71.6 :~,1.20 60....:;!<j.'2 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 1.90 70 60,<?94 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 44:3 1. O:::j 60....29<j> OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 323 0 ACCT....TOTAI...S 9,29:::; 6, 26:3 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 60,,,<544 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 4,287 4 , ~~2:::; 60....;3::';!.:;; ~JEAr.;:ING APPAI:~EL. 898 834 60""3::S<;' OTHER OPERATING SUPPL.IES 1. , :.a6 409 (.)CCT""TOTI~I...S 6,46:1. 5 , ~5b8 r: T....TOTALS 46, :378 43, 92:3 03 104 1986 REVEN REQUEST o 47t20() ~:WO o 41, ~::iOO 367 47,500 41,861 47,750 117 F~EVENU 1 <j.'8~:i ~,:j 0 () O()() 20() o 700 667 54,100 55,361 55,000 ~1 :1, , ~53 , ::)4 CITY OF SP.I... I N,:lt.... I:~EVENUE 1:~E(~t ~:)T FOF~ :I. <j.'86 ACCT. or. ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAl. 1983 :I. <j.'B4 PAF~I,ING t'iETEI:O:S 6()""4~::jO PAI=i:!'.: I NG t-1ETEI:O: F,EVENUE 9:I.B ';1:::') 60....707 PARKING METER PERMITS 47,090 40 , B~~~5 60,,-708 ONE DAY PARKING PERMIT 7~~ 215 60.... <;1 :::; ::,? REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 0 0 FUND TDTAI...~:) 48,087 4 :~? , ()7 :':') BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST 80B 2,!.'.'i17 TOTAL F~EVENUE 48 , O~:r7 42, O"i'~3 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 48, 89:'.:; 44, ~.:j90 LESS EXPENDITW=i:ES 46,3"78 43, 9::?:3 UNENCUNBEI:~I:::D CASI BALANCE DECEMBER 3:1. 2,~:j:l.7 667 05 06 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $274,100 $284,460 (10,360 4,800 $ 5.560 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT GOLF COURSE 1986 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $119,160 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 40,500 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ll6, 1 00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 51,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY 27 ,500 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS 07 08 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - GOLF COURSE DIVISION KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, The Salina Municipal Golf Course is located on 137 acres of land and was organized in 1970. It is a modern, well maintained 18-hole golf course. Several recent improvements, including complete renovation of the clubhouse in 1984, make this one of the finest municipal courses in the State. The Salina Municipal Golf Course is operated by the City's Department of Community Services. The Golf Course Manager oversees the entire operation of the facility including maintenance. Approximately 42,000 rounds of golf are played here each year. the the The General Fund has paid for The golfing public supports s financed by both the general and the golfing public. initial construction and major capital improvements. such manpower and supplies need to maintain the course. The Golf Course land acquisition, operating expenses, ntendent, Cou rse Super f Go * Course Manager * Golf * * ows * * slon are as fo * * Div Three full-time employees of the and Senior Maintenance ~Vorker. partially to reflect a significant change in golf cart rental operations. responsibility for this activity and the City collected a percentage of the is out of business and the City must operate the system. This budget mechanic, to service the carts and other mechanical equipment. This budget is up about $58,000 In the past, a private vendor had fees. Unfortunately, that vendor shows one additional employee, a This budget anticipates an increase in the daily green fees. Fees will be raised effective January 1, 1986. This increase is necessary in the continuing effort to make as far as possible the operating budget self-supporting. Junior membership from $60 to $75; Senior membership from $120 to $150; member surcharge $.50 to $1.00 per day; a new 10 play card for $40; green fees weekdays from $4 to $6 per day; weekends or holidays from $6 to $7 per day. and on electnca at ~ rr and upg rade sprayer power a g reenmower of #516 will allow for the replacement valve system including new controls. T 1986 BUDG REQUEST 81,260 37,900 119,160 1,900 1,000 400 1,200 5,000 22,000 1,000 8,000 40,500 400 14,500 26,600 4,000 600 46,100 10,000 o 17,500 2,500 21,200 ::,~OO r.:o .J BUDGET 1985 57,880 37,900 95,780 1,800 0 300 600 5,000 22,000 1,000 6,000 36,700 400 14,500 26,600 4,000 600 46,100 10,000 0 17,500 1,200 17,000 45,700 CITY OF 8(,1... I NA'-' BUDGET REQl~ST FOR :I.9f:lb ACCT.:::: ACCOUNT DEscr~IPTION ('~CTUAI... AC TtJt-,I. l <j.'8~5 1. <j.'84 GOLF COUI=i:SE PERSONAL SERVICES b.1.....:I,20 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 62,412 76,626 61....:1,30 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 2,1.Bl l8,O:1.9 ACCT...,TOTAI...S 64, :'.'j93 <)>4,64:5 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6:1. "'0"" TEL.EPHONE 79~5 :I. , 6 :1.1. :>.. ....10... ....:, 61,....207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 () 61....:;~:n PRINTING OFFICE FORMS ~50 0 6:1....,227 INSURANCE - LIABILITY ~571 600 b:I.....241 GAS SEI:;:V I CE 3,l45 :~ , 780 f.)l....242 LIGHT & POWER SERVICE :;~ :1. , 4~"B 22,004 61....243 WATER ~3EF~VICE 768 1. , 6:'.'j~5 61....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES :3, 44b 1.:1.., :'.'j 7 4 ACCT....TOTALS 30,006 41,224 MATERIALS & SUPPL.IES 6:1.....3:1.0 EXPENDABLE TOCLS ~~1~5 ~5~5 b1<:~44 MAINT ..,. VEHICLES & EQl.JIP 11,675 14,206 61, ....:3~5:I, SEEDS,PLANTS,TREES,LAWN SUPP 1:3,:1.67 1"1,447 6 :1, '<~:::;<y OTHER OPERATING SLWPLIES 9, 2Il 8,ll2 6:1.....~5c)7 ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS :'.'j:1. 7 60 ACCT....TDTAI...S :34, <"'>::5 :1. ~5<j.', BOO SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 6:1....A04 CONTINGENCIES :I. 0 , 1.:1. 0 0 6:1. ...-420 PF<O SHOP 0 :-!:36 6:1....A2~5 SNACI" BAI:;: 0 9,0:1.0 61..--4:'50 DR I V I NG F,ANGE 0 1,096 6:1,....43~:i ~LECTRIC CART RENTAL 0 19,B:I.:I. I~C.CT''''TOTAI...S :I. 0 , :1.:1. B :'50 , 1. f.) 1. 09 o 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 27,500 27,500 284,460 WD~T 19B5 1,890 1,B90 226,170 CITY OF SALINA, -BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1 <iBb AC(~)UNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAL. 1<j.'8~5 1984 CAPITAl... OUTLAY MOWER & MISC EQUIP 12,219 :I. 4 , OS::) ACCT,...TOTALS 1:;?, ::?l9 14, OS!.':] DEPT....TOTAL.S 1~5:1 137 2:1. 9, 99~:i ACCT. ::: f., :1. -.. ~,) :1, I.> 111 2 11 986 REVENUE REQUEST F~E~)ENU :I. <j.'8!5 ACTI.J.~1 :l.9B4 986 em F~EUUEBT (.)CTUA :I.?R'5 F~E~JENUE N(.:l ON Sf,1 PT SCF:: TY r ACCOUNT .11. 'n' ~ICCT 23,000 45tOOO 44,000 2,400 5tOOO 5,000 9,000 10tOOO o 30,000 700 4tBOO 000 500 000 200 500 000 300 200 200 000 500 000 20, :I,b, 3!5, ,.) .,. t 4, 4, 6, 4, :I. , :n, :1, , !5, 1.7,7:1.4 l08 t <yeA 40 t 2!,:56 :,;~ , 16<j.' :'!;t6:I,6 ~5 , 3~:j~:'j 6t269 4,4<j.':3 o 23,844 :1.,:1.7:1. 4t!303 1t056 o 5,B80 o 3,05:1. 3,019 3,776 o 4t499 7,391 o 4.376 1 1. 1:)1 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP GREEN FEES ELECTRIC CART RENT PULL CART REN"fAI CART STORAGE CART USER FEES DRIVING RANGE MEMBER SURCHARG PRO SHOP SALES SNACK BAR SALES MISCELLANEOUS OIL WELL U~ASE :OURSE GOLF :1.-550 1-555 :1.-560 1-56:1. :1.-565 1-575 1-580 1-582 1-584 1-5B5 1.-590 1-599 6 6 f.) 6 t) 6 6> 6 6 6 6 6 ?7B,'JOO :1.4:1. 900 04:1. 41.>0 '.:581 18, 278. 297, 284, 12, 400 16,911 227.400 244,311 226,170 :l.B,141 ::.~ ::~ "l 4 :~!O t :?~5:~~ 2:1.6,6!54 :?::56 , 906 2:1. 9? <j.'9!5 :l.6t(.'.':I.:1. 6, b:::j ;!.:1. 153.04B 19,091 1.53t048 L72.139 1.51,887 20,252 UND TOTALS JANUARY 1ST BEGINNING BALANCE BALANCE DECEMBER 3:1. BEGINNING CASH BALANCE TOTAl... I=i:EVENUE TOTAL F~EVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 3 11 4 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $720, 000 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT SPECIAL GAS 1986 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 70,510 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 400,000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 30,350 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 50,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN LOSS $ 5 11 . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 6 11 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DIVISION ~he gas tax starting July 1, 1983; is dedicated to the special city and 1986, will be divided with 65% going in 2<1: 1 , In 1983 the State Legislation provided for a 2<1: per gallon increase followed by an additional lcl: increase on January 1, 1984. The first county highway fund. Any other increase in the gas tax after July to the State and 35% going to the city-county fund. Revenue derived from this source is used in street maintenance, such as asphalt overlay and slurry sealing, concrete and asphalt repair work, and for the purchase of traffic control equipment. This activity is performed under the general supervision of the Director of General Services as a part of the overall street maintenance program. Estimates of revenues from this source have been difficult in recent years because of the growing use of smaller, more efficient cars, changing travel patterns and, especially, by the dramatic use of gasohol. It is taxed at a current rate of 5 cents less per gallon than gasoline. However, on July 1, 1985 gasohol's tax rate will increase 1 cent and on July 1, 1986 will increase another cent. The City receives an estimated $14.69 per capita in direct payments in 1985. The City will receive an additional $1.56 per capita from the County's share in 1986. * * * * * * * * (3). Account #299 provides for resurfacing and sealing of streets. Another $400,000 is provided in the Capital Improvement Program, making a total of $800,000. These services are mostly performed by private contractors who do the work on a competitive bid basis. Streets are selected based upon a comprehensive analysis of the streets' needs and condition. Worker and Maintenance Maintenance Supervisor me employees -t II slon has 4 fu The Div department performed by Fund for street maintenance work performed by street and technical services related to street maintenance Account 447 is a transfer to the Genera crews and to offset other administr'ation other General Fund departments. 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 65,490 5,020 70,510 400,000 400,000 13,080 34,150 36,300 36,820 10,000 130,350 150,000 150,000 12,000 12,000 762,860 BUI~3ET 1985 63,550 4,B10 68,360 400,000 400,000 17,820 33,000 35,000 27,260 9,200 122,2BO 150,000 150,000 0 0 740,640 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET m~QUEST FOR 1986 ACCl .:; ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAl, 198~~ 1.984 ECIAL GAS TAX PERSONAL SERVICES 62....120 SALARIES - REGULAR ENPLOYEES :'~4 , 326 ~:i7 , 08: 62....:1. ~!S() SALARIES - PART TIME EMF~OYEES 0 1. , 1.40 ACCT ..., TOT AI...S ~!S4 , ~!S26 58,221 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 166, 4~!S() 4 1~:;, :';~4~~ t-,CCT....TOTAl..S 166,430 4:1.::,) t 24:,:~ MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 6:?""3~53 SIGNS 1(),2::!.7 8, 36:2 62....361 ASPHALT & ROAD OIL 2:7j , 20~!S :';~9 , 084 62....36:7j CEMENT & (~MENT PROrQ~TS :;~;;!. , 802 :..U ,422 62....:3B:I. PAINT & PAINTING MATERIALS 23 , 7:38 :1.9,:389 62..<587 SAND, GRAVEL, ROCK & CHAT 7,973 7,76:"7, ACCT....TOTAI...S 89,943 96,020 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 62....447 Tf~ANBFEI=i: TO OTHEf~ FUNDS :1.30,000 :1.~:i0, 000 ACCT....TOTAl..S 1 ::H), 000 1 ~:;O , 000 CAPITAL OUTL.AY 62....:7jO~5 ECUJIP 0 () (.)CCT.... TOT AI...S 0 0 I: T....TOTAI...S 420,699 7:1.9,484 117 118 986 REVENU REQUEST 7:?O,OOO 720,000 84,254 720,000 804,254 762,860 41,394 :1, F~EI"JENU 198::,) 670,000 670,000 154,894 670,000 B24,894 740,640 B4,254 CITY OF SAL.I NI~.""""""'"'''' F~EVENUE F~EmJEST Fm~ 1. <j.'86 f')CCT . ::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL P,CTlJAI,. 19R3 :1.984 SPECIAl. GAS TAX c)2....220 !;TI~TE GAS TAX ~.)4 ::.~ t ::~.(t~:; 662,1:33 FUND TOTALS ~::; 4 2 t :~~"7 ~::j 66:':,~ , 1 ~5:3 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST <j.'O,669 ;?:I.:~,;24::5 TOT (.\1... REVENUE ~:.;4:~ f :~~"?~5 66:~ , 1.3:3 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE b3::,~, 944 874, :3'78 LESS EXPENDITURES 420, b<j.'? 719,484 UNEN( MBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 3:1. :?12,:?4!5 1!54,894 9 20 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $ 11,000 $ 35,970 (24,970) - 24,000 $ 970) - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT BUSINESS MPROVEMENT DISTRICT 986 ASSESSMENT FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 23,570 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,700 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ,600 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 800 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS 2 - 22 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, ordinance This District. MPROVEMENT DISTRICT mprovernent ness Bus a established the district. BUSINESS 983 for adopted August 25, reviews and activities Ordinance #83-8971 created boundaries ,000 with raise approximately $1 Fund in accordance The District will from the Genera , , The District has one staff member: BID Development Director. from services fees, the remaining funds for this activity are Resolution #84-3734 adopted September 10, 1984. ~ 19B6 BUDGET REQUEST 70 o ~57 0 500 2,000 500 1,700 1,100 1,200 200 2,500 9,700 300 200 1,000 100 1,600 300 0 300 800 800 35,970 r.:o d 23, 2:'5, BUDGET 1985 22,880 0 22,880 500 2,000 500 1,700 1,100 1,200 200 2,500 9,700 ~O 200 1,000 100 1,600 300 0 300 800 800 35,2BO CITY m f:~AL. I Hi:)......' -BUDGET REQUEST FOR :1,<",.'86 ACCT . ::~ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTU(,L ACTUAl. 9K~ 1984 BUSINESS IMF~OVEMEN.r DISTRICT PERSONAL SERVICES 6 :'5 ....1. ;,:,~ 0 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 0 :~~o , 6:1. 0 63....130 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPL.OYEES 0 0 ACCT....TOTALS 0 20,6:1.0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES f.)~5""20:'.'j TELEPHONE 0 4:"~3 f.>:~'<W7 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 2,:1.23 b~~''''209 POSTAGE 0 "(~::j~~ 63-'236 SOCIAL SECUI:~ITY 0 1. , :38:3 b:3....;':?3B EMPLOYEES RETIRENENT 0 0 6:'5",-2:'59 mwup INSW~ANCE 0 <j.' ~~:'5 6 :'5'- ::.~ ~.:.i ::.~ REPAIR-FURNITURE & OFFICE EQUI 0 0 63 ,.,.29 !:',; OTHER F~rn~ESSIONAL SERVICES 0 21,0<7'1. ACCT....TOTALS 0 26, 71:':} MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 6~5.<320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 :1,0::; 63.<53 :I. BOOKS & PERIODICALS 0 1::~7 1.):3.... 3 ~,:; <'I OTH~R OPERATING SL~)PLIES 0 1. ")':' . ,:..;,..} <!):3....3S::? F~OTOGRAPHIC SUP~LIES 0 0 M,;CT....TOTALS 0 :367 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES I.> 3"" 4:3:::j ORGANIZATIONAL [~ES 0 0 63"'A:~9 F~EFUNDS 0 2:::-;0 ACCT.... TOT ALS 0 2~:j() CAPITAL. OUTLAY 6:3,,,,51. 7 0 [CE MECHANICAL EQUIP 0 7'79 ACCT.... TOT ALS () 7'79 DEPT....TOTALS () 48,721. 23 24 986 REVENUE REQUEST ,O()O o ,000 3::5, 000 410 OO() 4:J.O 970 44() 24 l, :'55, ~56 , 3!.':i, REVENUE :1.98::5 :'56,000 o o :',6 , O()O 690 36,()OO 36,6>90 ~5::.'j, 280 1.,4:1.0 CITY OF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR :1.986 r:':)CCT . :~: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL. :1. (i> 8 ~5 19B4 F.{UBINEB IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT b3-"734 ABf:,ESm1ENT FEES () 42,4:1.:1. b3.-(i>:5:? REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURE- 0 0 6:.5....<;>::57 TRSF FROM OTHER DEPTS 0 7,000 FUND TOTAI...S 0 4'? , 41l BEGINNING CABH BALANCE JANUAr~Y un 0 0 TOT AL. F~EVENUE 0 49 t 41.1. TOTAL. REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 0 4(;>,411. L.ESS EXPENDITUREB 0 48,721 UNENCUMBEI:;:ED Cf'ljf BALANCE DECEMBER 31 0 b(;>O 25 26 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $265,100 $204,050 $ 61,050 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 986 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 76,430 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 27 , 820 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 79,800 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 20,000 OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN LOSS 27 28 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIVISION KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, The City-owned and operated landfill, located southwest of Salina on Burma Road, provides solid waste dis- posal facilities for all of Saline County. The location and operation of the landfill are in accordance with the "Saline County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Plan" as provided by the Saline County Commissioners and subsequently approved by the State Board of Health. The service is solely financed from gate fees collected from users of the landfill, and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for landfill operations. No property tax monies are devoted to this activity. funds are devoted No from ected II fees from enterprise f-support The landfill this activity. to n- tation Super tax the San users. supervised by s co the operation Services. ng vision of the General Services Department, who is responsible to the Director of Genera se a s As a D tendent * * * * * * * * 2 and Gate Attendant (3 Operator EqUipment me employees -t II fund has 5 fu s Th sory services. superv ve and strat for admln Fund the Genera reimburses #291 on rent es, eased for farming purposes. supp aid first pa In t , shers, and of the fire extingu taxes on estate #359 provides for fire extinguishers, the service propane tanks, and other miscellaneous supplies. rea nsurance and il provides for crop ha #299 roads. andfi to extend and maintain replacement. ton o per rock at $1 equipment township for provides for a reserve fund tons of provides for 400 #387 #450 986 BUDGET REQUEST 76,430 7b,430 300 400 5,470 3,360 7,650 1,780 1,700 2,060 300 1,500 3,300 27,820 500 1,050 72,750 1,500 4,000 79,BOO 0 20,000 20,000 204,050 BUDGET 1985 72,580 72,580 420 400 5,170 3,370 B,700 1,620 1,b50 2,000 300 1,500 3,200 28,330 640 :1.,020 51,000 870 4,000 57,530 () 20,000 20,000 :1.78,440 CITY ( (.~LINA BUDGET Run ST Fm~ 1.9136 ACCT. ::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... (.iCTUAI 19iB 1?84 SCLID WABTE DISPOSAL. PERBONAI... SERVICEB 64....:1.20 BAI...ARIES - REGUL.AR EMPLOY (., b3,:l.61 6~:i , I70 ,:> (iCCT....TOTf.1LS b~~, :J.6:J. 6~.:i , TlO CONTRACTUAl... SERVICES b4.<W~.'j TELEPHONE 21.4 2613 64--227 INSURANCE - L.IABII...ITY :'560 4()() 64....231., SOCIAl... SECUF,ITY 4,2613 4,b04 64"-2~5B EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 2,886 :.:?, T?:':i 64....2:39 GROUP I Nr;)l.JI:~ANCE 6,438 6 , 9~53 64....24:1. GAS SEI:;:VICE 1.,477 1,4:1.:3 64....:;~42 LIGHTS & POWER SERVICE 1,487 :1.,744 64....291 BIL.LING & ADMINISTRATION 2,000 2,000 64....292 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 3?5 1.~:) :I. 64....2(;>4 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION :l.t(.n5 1. , 4~.l)6 64....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,H64 ~~, 267 r~)CCT .... TOT AI...S 24, :504 2~:'i , 0~5:1. MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 64....:.510 EXPENDABLE TOOL.S 0 20 64....:.l)20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3~:i7 498 64..-<:544 MAINT - VEHICI...ES & EQUIP 42, :302 46, :1.:I.~'j 64"":3 :::j9 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 3130 463 64..-:'5137 BAND,ROCK,GRAVEL,SALT,CHAT :'5,4?5 4,OOB ACCT.... TOT AI...S 46 , ~::;~.l)4 51,1.04 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 64....447 TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS 94,000 88, (100 64....450 F~ESI::RVE FOF~ Em. P F~EPJ...ACEi'1ENT 1.0 , 000 :J.o,ooo (.~CCT""T(nAI...S :1.04,000 9l3,900 Ii T....TOTAU:, 23'7 , ~:)99 240,80:::; 29 30 :1.986 REVENUE REQUEST :too 000 o 00 :1.60,127 265,100 425,227 204,050 221,177 ")(,1::' ",,"..(.)...1 26::) F~EVENUr:: :l.9B!.:'j :1.2,000 240,000 o ,OO() B6,5b7 252,000 338,567 1713,440 1bO,:l.27 :~~ ~.:; ::.~ CITY () nF,LINA - REVENUE REQl~ST FOR 1.986 MTT.::l: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAl. :I. (;>B:3 :1.(;"84 SOLID WASTE DIBPOSAL 64"-~iOB INCOME FROM LEASED LAND (;> , 723 :39 64...733 SEr~VICE FEES 2~56, 678 282 , ()~:i6 64..-(;>:::i2 REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 692 :1.,2813 FUND TOTAI...B 247 , ()9~5 203 , ~503 BEGINNING CABH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST 34, 89:7i 43,?89 TOTAl... r~EVENUE 24'"(' , ()9~5 2B::~ , :'503 TOTAl... F~EVENLJE ('~N[I BEGINNING BALANCE 2B:I.,98B 32"(' , 37:? LESB EXPENDITUm~S ::~T? , (;>(,9 240 t 80~5 lJNENCUMBEF~ED CASI BALANCE DE ~MBEF~ :3:1 43,989 B6, :::i67 31 132 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET II $145,000 $145,000 - - 0 - - - - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT TOURISM AND CONVENTION 986 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $145,000 OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN LOSS L 33 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, accommodations. sleepmg TOURISM AND CONVENTION A 2% transient guest tax is levied upon the gross receipts derived from hotel-mote The revenue is for the promotion of convention and tourism business. the Convention ty Commi ssion. the City of Salina, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce operates ten-member Convention and Tourism Committee appointed by the C the use of the funds. By written contract with and Tourism Bureau. A Advises the Chamber on on and Tourism Bureau operating budget for the Convent ty an annua the C to ts The Chamber subm 34 :J.9B6 BUDGET F~EW..JEST :t. 4::.:i , 000 1.4 ::.:; , O() () :J. 4~5 , O()() BUDGET 1985 :1.50,000 150,000 :1.50,000 CITY 0 B(.~L. I NA.....-. BUDGET REQl~ST FOR :l.9B6 ACCT. ::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... ACTUAl. 1 (;>B:.3 19B4 TOUR & CONVENTION PROMO CONTRACTUAL SERVICES '7 ~~.... :~ <j> ~::j OT~~R PROFESSIONAL SERVICES :1.:1.5,1.67 1.4:3,271- (.~CCT''''TDTAI...S :J.1.~.'i, 167 1.4~5, 271 DEF'T....TOTAI...B 1.1.~:'it167 :1.4:3,271. 35 36 986 REVENU REQUEST 145,000 :1.45,000 63,907 145,000 208,907 145,000 63,907 I:~EVENUE: 198:::i 130,O()() :J.30,OOO 83,907 :1.30,000 213,907 150,000 63,907 CITY OF S(.~L I Nr:':) ........ F~EVENUE m::m.. T FOR :I. (i>81.> ACCT . ::: ACCOUNT DESCr~IPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL. 198::~ 1()B4 TOUR & CONVENTION PROMO 7::.~-'240 STATE SALES TAX - MOTELS 1 17 , ~'j4 1 :1. :':~3 , 07:::; FUND TOTI~l..S 1 :1. 7 , :::i4 :1. :1.3~3, 07!5 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST (i> :1. , 72(i> 94,10:3 TOT r~L I~EVENUE 117, ::.:i41 :I.:33,07::-i TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 209,270 22'l,178 LESS EXPENDITURES :1.:1.::5, :1.67 :1.43,27:1. UNENCUMBI::RED ;Af:, BALANCE DECEMBER 31 (;.'4, :I. 03 8:':~, (i>07 37 138 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $348,000 $681,170 (333, 170 300,000 $(33,170 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT BICENTENNIAL CENTER 986 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $314,170 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 217,000 MA TERIALS AND SUPPLI ES 44,500 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 96,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,200 OPERATING EXPENSES SUnTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN (LOSS 39 40 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 13ICENTENNIAL CENTER The Center was formally opened on June 2, 1979. The building consists of an arena and exhibition hall, along with supporting offices, meeting room and other facilities. The arena has a maximum seating capacity exceeding 8,000 and over 21,000 square feet of unobstructed floor area. It is ideally suited for concerts I trade shows, expositions, conventions and meetings, circuses, and various types of sporting events. The exhibition hall, measuring 120' X 1531, provides in excess of 18,000 square feet for exhibition space and will seat 2,000 for a banquet. The responsibility of the Manager and his staff is to see the property is well maintained, contract for usage of the facility and keep operating costs to a minimum. The Center endeavors to provide good service to users of the building and to maintain a reputation where businesses, individuals, and organizations will want to return repeatedly to the Center for various functions. The Park Division of the Department of Community Services is responsible for the care and maintenance of the grounds surrounding the building. from ,000. $130,000; revenue sharing fund of $300 rent, revenue including from the of sou rces , a contribution variety 000; and funded from a operations of $215 s food The Center beverage and Manager, l3everage Worker, concession * The Bicentennial Center has 13 full-time employees: Assistant City Manager/Bicentennial Center Assistant Manager/Event Coordinator, Operations Manager, Food and Beverage Manager, Food and Supervisor, Stage Manager / l3uilding Engineer, Lead Maintenance Worker, Senior Maintenance Administrative Aide, Secretary and 3 Senior Custodians. $20,000 is for overtime. #130 includes stand supervisors, bartenders, and supplemental custodial and maintenance help. * * * * * * * incurred by members of the staff attending technical schools and seminars, as meetings of the International Association of Auditorium Managers and League of also includes travel expenses incurred in Center business other than employee #207 provides for expenses well as district and regiona Municipalities meetings. It development. T 19136 BUDG REQUEST BUDGET 19B~.) ACTUAL. 1984 (i> El6 o I=<: F~E(~UEST ACTUA 19B:.~ I Ni:~'-"''''''''u"u, BUDGET ON B(.~1. p'J CITY DESCI:~ ACCDUNT .D. 'Ir ACCT 170 000 2B9, r}I::' A',...,} 1 2'7:3,OO() :32 , 000 ;;?::;J6, :'.'i66 19,7:U> 2~5!:.'j , 036 29,769 BICENTENNIAL CENTER PERSONAL. SERVICES 73-120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 73-130 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES ACCT-TOTALf 70 7,000 5,500 1,600 600 15,000 2B,OOO o o o 125,000 2,300 o o 3,500 o o ,500 ,000 314, :"5 :~~ ~:5 ,000 8,000 5,000 1,500 600 15,000 22,000 o o o 45,000 2,000 o o 3,000 o o 3,200 22,000 :.30:'.'i 292 5,464 5,OB3 1,260 51.B 12,924 17,991. 19,340 10,653 18,784 1.11,B97 2,184 1,1.b8 4:1.2 3,2713 ElOl 2,3?7 3,:1.06 21,773 :n6 130::) 8,232 4,984 :1. ,2:5B ~;J87 9,989 :I. (i> , 306 19,2H3 13,628 14,722 9~:i , 8:';~::5 1,860 1. , :1.86 917 ~~ t !:j7::'~ :1.,642 :I. , 97:;~ 2,940 :J.9,~516 ::.~:I. ~5, 1. ~:;2 ;;?64 C CONTI:~ACTUAL TELEPI.iDNE EMPLOYEES POSTAGE PRINTING OFFICE FORMS ADVERTISING & PROMOTION INSURANCE - LIAB,FIRE,VEH SOCIAL. SECUI:UTY EMPLOYEEB RETIREMENT GI~OUP I NSlJl~ANCE ELECTRIC SERVICE WA TEI~ SEI:::V I CE REPAIR - FURNITURE & EQUIP I=i:EPAII=<: _u RADIOS RENT - MACHINERY, EQUIF VE~ UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE W()r~I\MEN ' S COMP DISPOSAL. CHARGES OTHEH CONTI:::ACTUAI.. CES VELOPMENT BEF~V DE: 73-205 73-207 73-209 73-221. '73"-225 73-227 73-236 73-238 73-23? 73-242 73-243 '73~252 73-257 73-274 73-292 73-294 73-297 73-299 SEF~VICES :.;~ :I. 7 , O()O 1,000 2,bOO 900 9,000 12,000 2,000 1,000 227, :',00 500 2,bOO 900 9,000 0,000 2,500 600 239, 03:.3 :1. , ()83 :~~ t ~5 :~~::~ 6 :1.:1. B,622 0,571 :I. ,6:;~7 2,617 449 :.;~ , :~~5(i> 7:36 8 , ~538 1..> , 4:-~:3 2, :7.)20 41:7i Y TOTALS SUPF r~CCT MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOrn_S OFFICE SUPF~IES FUEL & L.UBRB - HEAVY EQUIP JANITC~~ & TOILET SUPF~IES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP LAWN,LANDSCAPE,CH~MICAL WEARING APPAREL 73-3:1.0 73-320 73-341 73-343 73-344 73-351. 73-355 41 42 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, continued} #225 ~ While the Chamber of Commerce, through the use of Transient Guest Tax funds, provides the bulk of the advertising related to conventions and trade shows, the Center needs to advertise in national publications and incurs other types of promotional expenses related to the entertainment field. This account includes expenses for filming of events to be used in a periodic update of the promotional video. It also includes rental of equipment to be used in public presentations of the video. Reprinting of postcards used in the computerized direct mailing to concert attendees is also included. f3ICEI~TENNIAL CENTER 984) . over (56% 1986 rates for nsurance n ncrease a 30% predict nsurance agents The #227 - 985 allowance for fuel adjustment Comparing 1984 to 1981, the Cost per KVJH increased 62%. n Fund the Employee Benefit #242 - While KP&L does not expect a rate increase in 1986, they suggest a 6% and authorization by the KCC to recoup costs incurred in the 1985 ice storm. expense for electricity are up $37,000 or 49%, while consumption is down 9%. to transferred were tems These #294 - and #292 #239 #238 #236 Account items frequently rented are floor and other specialized equipment. Other head per month. postage meter of office copy machine at $130 vac, lawn edger, large fans, nCludes rental rinse and dry #274 - I polisher I s $248 rate of refuse service . #297 - Present pick-up. tiona component repair for the message ng heating and cooling controls, month based on weekly pick-up piUS $17 for each add 000, brat , Ii $4 ca #299 - Provides for insect control at $49.50 per month, audit at center and scoreboard, lock repair, electrical contract work, laundry service, snow removal, and other specialized work. per pump Severa The heat s$1,950. all fixed and mobile equipment. res in 1984 and replacement cost Provides for parts utilized in the maintenance of has 60 compressors. The compressor warranty exp are replaced each year. #344 - system compressors 19136 BUDGET REQ~~ST :1.6,000 44,500 10,000 1,300 0 70,000 1.5tOOO 96,300 ?,200 0 9t200 681,:1.70 ~D~T 1985 12,000 38,100 :1.0,000 1,000 0 72,000 13,000 96,000 0 0 0 666,400 CITY )F HAL I NA........ BUDGET 1:~EmJEST rm 1.9B6 ACCOUNT DESCI:~ I F'T I ON ACTU(.IL ACTUAL :1. (;'8~5 :L9B4 MIse REPAIRS & MAINT 9,728 :1.4, 70:5 ACCT,-TOTALS ~:~:I., l.b8 42,3:5B BUNDRY EXPENDITURES CONTINGENCIES 0 :LO,OOO ORGANIZATIONAL. DUES <i> 3::'i :I. , 26:? F,EFUNDS 200 0 CONCESSIONS - MISC 78 , :32;:~ 6~.'i , 820 CONCEBSIONS CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 f.',CCT .... TOT AL.S 7? , 4~58 77,082 CAPITAL OUTLAY EnUIP ::~o t 1.44 :LBt48B FURNITlmE & FIXTURES 12,704 7,354 ACCT....TOTALS 42,B4B 25,B4:"? DEPT-.TOTAL..S 6::~:3 , 4~:H 6bO,607 ACCT.. 73-399 73-404 73-435 73-,439 73-4BO 73-490 73-503 73-50? 43 44 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, and care for provides account this awn the n nta me to chemicals (continued) and #351 - I n addition to plants replacement of interior plants. BICENTENNIAL CENTER ons and Food and Beverage personne to be worn by Ope rat forms un provides for #355 during the year, as excessive snow provided each year ding activity which wi occur in the Center other very unpredictable matters such a $10,000 contingency fund has been mallltenance of the bu of as rs, vOlume as well repa rs and #404 - Due to the uncertamty of the thereby affecting operating expenses, removal and major building or equipment since 1982. for repa y mar ntended pr s #399 the Manager and Assistant Manager in the International Association of Auditorium the Assistant City Manager/ Bicentennial Center Manager in the International City as well as the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Industry Association of #435 includes dues for Managers and dues for Managers' Association, Kansas (TIAK). abor The abor. service clubs and es supp concession included both #490. 1985 this account shifted to Account #480 - Prior to portion has been taxes are deducted le at a cost of $7,500. Also includes purchase vac mach ng badly. sales after sales #503 - Provides for replacement of the Tennant #432 battery-powered wet Present machine is seven years old and both body and components are rust of a 2211 variable speed floor polisher for $1,700. stand the gross concession of 0% #490 - Service clubs are paid 9136 REVENUE REQUEST 130,000 215,000 3,000 300,000 64B,OOO 67,897 6413,000 7:1.5,897 68:1.,:1.70 34,727 F~EVENUE :1.9B::=i 150,000 230,000 () 265,000 ,O()O 89,297 b45,OOO 734,297 666.400 67,897 64~.:i CITY OF S('~I...INA REVENUE REQUEBT FOR 1986 ACCT. :l'r ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAl. :1. (yB:3 1 (y84 BICENTENNIAL CENTER 7~5""::50 :1. ~-::ENT :1. ::.~:t. , 4b~:i :I.;;~"7, 1:3:1. 73....::=i()~.:i FDOD/BEVEHAGE :1.(.';.6.2b3 2:J.4,3"('O 7 3 .... (I :::i ;;.~ REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES ::.~ , ~:.'ib 7 ::, , :1. f.> 7 7~5""957 FED m:::v sl..n:m ;;Y> ::.:i f 00 () 26::':'; , 000 FUND TOTALS ::'i8:::j , 29 ::.:; 6()~;) , 668 BEGINNING CABH BAL.ANCE JANUARY 1ST :l.8B,T12 140,236 TOT AI... I:~EVENUE ~::;8::-j , 29:5 60(y,668 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 7T'5,667 74(y,904 LESS EXPENDITURES b:3~, , 43 :1. 660,607 UNENCUMBERED CABH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 :I.40,:nb 89 , :;~(y7 45 46 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $3,773,920 $3,772,230 1,690 400,000 (398,310 234,900 $ (163.410 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT VIA TER AND SEWERAGE 1986 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: WA TER SUPPLY $ 97,400 SOFTENING AND TREATMENT 859, 130 PUMPING EXPENSES 216,110 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 369,980 CUSTOMER ACCOUNT I NG AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 321,340 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL 757,570 SEWAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION 640,300 BOND AND INTEREST 510,400 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS 47 48 i986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT The Water and Sewerage Department is responsible for operating the City's water and sewerage utility. In addition, the Department collects revenue for the City's sanitation service. The accounting for the water and sewerage activity is somewhat di fferent than the general City accounting. This is because of the necessity to use utility accounting procedures required by covenants in the City's bond ordinances. treatment. The Water Supply Division is composed of supply, purification, softening and distribution for the City of Salina. The water is chemically treated to meet or exceed standards of the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. Compliance with those standards is assured by continual testing in the plant proper as well as throughout the complete system. ection and sewerage co customer service and water supply three divIsions has Department This Approximately 57% of the ized to temper the river additional chemicals for River and 15 wellS. s. Well water is uti Well water requires its water from pumped from the riv~, However, it is the and electricity to obtains is Salina water water. softening of water per day. The peak demand has expanded to produce 24 million gallons per too distant future in order to keep abreast The water treatment plant is capable of producing 15 million gallons been 14.6 million gallons. The plant has the capability of being day. Such an expansion will have to be undertaken in the not of Salina's growth and demands for water. at the utility's s set on pdvate service lines if the meter The Water Supply Division is also responsible for maintenance of all water expense. This obligation extends from the water main through the curb cock, property, or the meter set, if the meter is set on public property. provides service assistance to on also bills and collects for Customer Service Division reads meters each month, computes account charges, individual customers, and collects all water and sewer use fees. The divis refuse collection service to residential users of that service. s all sewage collection mains and aterals, sewerage s responsible for the treatment of all sanitary wastes Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. Sewerage Collection and Treatment Division maintain pumping stations and the two treatment plants. It i generated by the City to standards specified by the 986 BUDGET REQUEST 1 10,000 59,000 17,000 10,000 1,400 400 97 1<;>5,6>30 6<;>,000 1.1.,000 470,000 18,000 6,000 15,000 40,000 7,000 3,500 24,000 :.:So B~:i9 14,710 85,000 2,100 6,000 4,500 3,800 10 6> ~~~ BUDGET :1.9135 10,000 57,600 17,000 11.,000 1,450 97,050 185,200 72,000 12,500 394,000 17,000 8,200 :1.8,000 413,000 7,000 4,200 24,000 790,100 106,400 90,000 2,400 6,000 3,000 3,800 211,600 1.<;>B6 FOr.: I:~EWJEBT ACTUAL 1.9B4 BUIK'IET 3,744 59,17B 13,875 7,855 122 774 B4 191, (i>24 68,023 1.0,774 4:W,6T? 13, <;>1~.'i 3, 40::-i 2,B64 2,~.'i(;.'B 4 , :I. ~.'i6 ::!. , B34 5, :1.43 726,313 B5,4<;>4 84 , :?~H 2, :I.o:r. b, ~596 :? , :36:':.~ 1 , B:3~:.; e:? , b~~9 :1. SEWAGE ACTUAL 1983 2,207 413,2213 12,893 9,234 757 73,31<;> 195,248 53,179 B,574 394,535 10,848 2,160 9,205 :1.3,9136 3,074 2,943 23,035 71b,7B7 83,236> 75,573 1,862 1,532 1,847 2,169 166,21<;> & WATEr=\: NA--.-............ DN SAL DEBCF~IPT OF CITY ACCOUNT .u. 'u' ACCT ~:m.JI I & PUi"lPS EXPENSES MAINTENANCE-WE WELL POWER WELL HOUSE SIGNALS RIVER INTAKE POWER MAINTENANCE-BLDGS. y SUPPL. WAH:J~ 110 1.20 130 :1.40 :L50 GI:ms. & TOTAL. SUB :~XF'ENBE~ SALAf~ I ES ELECTR I C POWE:R GAB SEr.;:v I CE CHEt1ICALS MAINTENANCE - EQUIP. MAINTENANCE - BUD_DINGS ELECTRIC POWER-CALCINING PLANT GAS SERVICE - CALCINING PLANT SUPPLIES - CALCINING PLANT ELECTRIC BERVICE - SLUDGE LINE MA I NTENANCE "-SUJDGE LINE TF~EATMENT & BDFTENING 210 ::.! 1. ~:; 220 :':.~30 :~:3 ~.) 240 :~ ~::j 5 260 270 ::~.7~5 280 TOTAL SUB EXPENSES SALARIES ELECTRIC POWER GAB SERVICE BUILDING OPERATING S~~PLIES MAINTENANCE-EL.EC EQUIP & PUMPS MAINTENANCE-STATION BLDG & GRD NG PUMI :310 31:':i ~520 3:30 33!.'.'i ~540 TOTliL [.,UB 49 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, WATER AND SEWERAGE nued cont DEPARTMENT Department. tax monies are di- the General Fund. * The Department has 65 full-time employees: Softening and Treatment (#210) - Water Systems Superintendent, Laboratory Technician, Water Plant Operator (8) ,-and Maintenance Worker; Pumping (#310) - Water Plant Supervisor, Lead Water Plant Operator, and Water Plant Operator (4); Distribution (#410) - Water Distribution Supervisor, Maintenance Worker (10), Lead Maintenance Worker, and Water Meter Repair Technician; Customer Accounting and Collection (#510) - Office Supervisor, Senior Clerk (2), Clerk (6), Principal Data Processing Equipment Operator, Senior Data Processing Equipment Operator, and Water Meter Readers (4); Administra tive and General (#610) - Director of Utilities and City Engineer, and Principal Clerk; Sewage Treatment ancf"COTIection (#710) - Sewage Systems Superintendent, Laboratory Technician, Waste Water Supervisor, Sewage Plant Operator (8), Maintenance Worker (7), and Sewerage Maintenance Supervisor. the ammonia and carbon dioxide. to this of s self-supporting from user charges collected from its customers. No Rather, the Department makes a $100,000 payment in lieu of taxes to * * * * * * * of !lese deposits are handled according and programs ties v act (] for responsible s Eng meer ty c ties Ut of This Department verted to utility. the cost T schedule. Director The for also allOW nua #643 - Refunding of deposits on a regular and cont Kansas Corporation Commission standards. ncrease and 8% cost an to cover ncreased #230 50 T 9B6 BUDGE REQUEST BUDGET :1. (yO:::i 1.986 Fm"\: F~EC~UEHT ACTU{.11 1.?B4 BUDGET ;F::WAG ACTUA 1.9B:'5 & I"jATEI=i: Nt:':). ON BAl. PT () DESCI:;: I CITY ACCOUNT .n. .... ACCT 215,480 4,500 31,000 6,500 30,000 4,500 70,000 6,000 2,000 202,700 b,OOO 30,000 8,000 30,000 4,500 75,000 6,000 2,000 1.B6,634 5,0:1.1. 30,463 3,474 2B,b75 325 b5,524 3,1.70 1,3b1. 50,1316 28,8413 21,287 6,400 33,738 3,209 o 851 :1.46 7 Nl:' d t'1A EXPENSEB SALARIEB ME1~R MAINTENANCE-SLWPLIES VEHICLES - EQUIP EXPEN~~S TAPPING SlWPLIES MAINTENANCE-DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE-STORAGE TANKS MAINTENCE - SERVICE LINES MAINTENANCE-HYDRANTS MIBC REPAIRS,L.ABOR ON STF~IBUT 4:1.0 420 4")'"' A......- 4:'50 43:7i 440 44:~i 4:50 4r.-,'" ..:)':"" [11 :.36>9,980 ,200 364 324,6~H , ;;'~9!.::; ::.~ ~::; ::.~ TOTAl. mm 205,540 1,BOO 2,000 B,OOO ?,OOO 60,000 35,000 96,EWO 2,1.00 2,000 8,500 9,000 bO,OOO 40,000 85,5B5 1,759 1,532 7,637 9,087 58,544 33,443 74, :1.29 1,781 9:1.0 5, 94~5 ~~i, 371 ~'i:;~, :t.46 ~54 , ~:50:::j EQUIF EXPENSES DNS CE p COL.L rn~FICE SALARIES COLLECTION STATI MAINTENANCE-OFFI OFFICE BUPPLIES VEHICLE EXPENSES LEASE EL.E D P EQU POBTAGE & ACCT CUST01"iEF, ~:.:i:1.0 C:"')I::' '-J.........J ~.'i:.50 ~:}:3~j ~.'i4() ~:;4~.'j :::i ::5 0 , ~:)40 :I. 32 400 ~HB 297 , ~'i87 "i'8:::i 274 en (~L l SUB 68,800 1.0,000 10,000 o 79,300 30,000 40,000 10,000 513,510 :1.0,000 10,000 o 73,300 28,000 40,000 6,000 56,480 :1.0,236 9,282 o b8,502 24,714 4b,557 1,335 :'.:i:';) , :::i 1. 8 7 , 4:1.:1. 6,789 :328 65,684 ;2:5, :n1 44 , ~5:? :1. '7 , :2:'=-:j~:; ::XPEN~ SALARIES TELEPHONE EXPENSES OFFICE BUPPLIES SPECIAL ENGINEERING SOCIAL SECURITY INSURANCE - BUIL.DINGS SALES TAX INTEREST ON METER r~POSIT~ ....GENEI:;:AL ADMINIBn~ATIVI 6:1.0 c>:I. :5 6 ~.~ () L.,.)t::. (:J......,..J f.> 3 0 63:::; 640 642 51 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WA TER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT of n- rig ht-of-way leases, Kansas Depa rtment All contracts are under this account nvolve a Fixed Asset. conti nued #675 - Includes armored car service, radio equipment, railroad Health bacteriological and chemical analysis and NPDES permits. c1uding engineering or accounting studies that will not directly the of ntenance ma and operation the for 26.1% ty's C the #685 - The Department pays 25% of City-County-Board of Education Building ties and C Uti of D the expenses of #695 provides for National Congress. and APWA schOOlS Account #696 provides for state schools required for water and sewer plant operators, seminars and for water office personnel and office supervisor. This includes tuition and mileage if out of town. months summer employees durmg seasona for running softener The line item identified as Capital Expenditure ncludes a variety of equipment, supplies and improvements for all divisions of the Water and Sewerage Department. Some of the major items include: replace pH meter, Orion 901 specified ion meter and ammonia probe, replace 4 pickups with 4 mid-sized pickups, tractor mower (to mow lagoons); 2 personal computers including convenience kit for IBM/36 graphics printer, single diskette drive, 256 K Memory, 10 meg hard disk and 1 plotter, software for personal computers for graphic analysis of chemicals and plant inventories, 1 mid-sized pickup to replace 1969 Chevy; replace 2 pickups with 2 mid-sized pickups, 2 wheel weed sprayer with 400 gallon fiberglass tank, replace 3 motorola radios, replace electrical control panel and wiring at Sewer Plant #2, heliflux magnetic locator, 2250 W generator, 2, ton electric hoist, 2 digestor covers at Sewer Plant #1 including Installation, replacement of arms and column for trickling filter, 2 pumps and motors for No. 6 pump station replace 1978 John Deere mower with commercial turf mower and snow blower. seminars meetings for ty Engmeer rector ows for 2 Reagents charts and water flow aboratory certification analysIs on wastewater 52 A #710 #725 salt. 986 BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET :1. 98 :::i 986 1 m~ REWJEGT ACTU(.,L. 1.?84 BUDGE'r ACTUAL. I. 98~:~ SEWAGE & WA TEF~ NA....-- J'ION BAJ TY DESCF, C ACCOUNT .11. ". ACCT 40,000 :1.00,940 10,000 65,790 4,000 4,700 19,000 117,000 10,000 60,000 4,000 22,1.00 42,440 5,000 4,500 33,000 98,000 30,000 69,000 8,000 5,100 113,000 17,000 13,000 60,000 4,000 27,000 41,200 5,000 4,500 !;:jO, :::;30 ?4,O()O :1.,664 1>0, 087 :.?,841 ~.:;, 100 1. :'.'i , (n; ::'i 10:1.,7:52 9,()68 :;~6 , 484 4,502 34 , 8()~:'i 39,201 4,261 3,B97 o 84,000 1,788 47,095 5,601 4,069 :1.8,971 78,6213 8,600 1.2,877 3,760 34,860 38,000 9,165 6,094 REFUND METER DE PROPERTY TAXES ACCOUNTS CHARGED W~F EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LIABILITY INSURANCE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION GROUP INSURANCE AlIDITING EXPENSES CONTRACTING SERVICES rn~GANIZATIONAL DUES-MEMBERSHIP MAINTENANCE-GOVERNMENT CENTER SERVICES PERFORMED-OTHER DEPTS CAR MIL.EAGE & TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAINING PROGRAMB orE; I os . 64:5 64:'.'i 650 660 61.>:'5 664 t:>6~:'j 6b6 670 67:::; b80 6B:::; 690 69~.'i 1.>96 ~:n'o 7:'5""1 o 7:53 , 6 1.,71,2:::'>3 ,28:5 :564 TOTAL SUB EXPENSE 317,400 178,600 21,000 3,400 30,000 5,000 33,000 11,000 31,000 2,000 7,?00 289,100 1.78,600 26,100 3,800 30,000 4,500 33,000 ?,OOO 31,000 2,000 7,400 272,480 167,505 20,278 3,357 28,129 3,850 30,475 13,1397 37,225 839 7,163 257,484 148,778 21,'716 2,574 23,845 3,819 1.9,751 7,71? 27,1.,1.,6 1,340 6,021 n-::EATMENT-"CO C~ERATING SAL.ARIES ELECTRIC POWEJ~ GAS SEF,V I CE PLANT OPERATING SUPF~IES MAINTENANCE-EQUIP. MAINTENANCE-BLDG & GRDS MAINTENANCE-PUMPING STATIONE MAINTENANCE....SANITf.l}RY SEWD~ VEHICLE EXPENSES [~ ' B TV EXPENSES PUMP STATION MONITOR SEWAGE 710 71.5 720 "725 730 735 740 745 7~ 760 765 300 640 ~.'i 0 () b:1.4 19B ::.'i8~.:; :3 ~:i2() , '7 TOT {iL SUB I:~EC~U I REt1ENTS I~ES o Fa: BOND 53 54 1986 BUDGET REQUEST 310,000 0 9,400 1.91,000 510,400 3,772,230 704,000 400,000 0 400,000 200,000 5,476,230 CITY ( SALINA----- WATER & SEWAGE BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1986 f.1CCT . oft: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL. BUDGET 19133 1984 :I. (i>B~:.:; 810 BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 1,000 0 1,000 !BO SINKING FUND EXPENSES 120,628 0 :1.27 , 9~'50 83:::i ISSUANCE COSTS 2,2:':1)1 ?,420 2,300 840 INTEREST EXPENSES 2T7, 703 2!56, :32b 276,1.>00 SUB TOTAL 409, :::j62 21.,5,746 407,8::.'iO ~:)UB TOTAl. 2, ?T7 , S'b:'.'i :':1),1.:38,127 :3 , ~'j:'.'n' , ~:H 0 CABH REMITTED TO SANITATION DEPT b:32,O()0 bBO,OOO b6~:; , 000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 0 2:W, bOB 400,000 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE :'.'i69,b07 ::-iiB , :322 0 EXTENSION AND BOND RETIREMENT 0 0 400,000 t1EPr';:l: IATION AND EMERGENCY 0 0 400,000 m~AND TOTAL. 4, :I. 7(i> f 5''12 4,1.,22,057 ~i, 422, :':HO 55 56 1986 REVENI REQUEST I=i:EVENUE: :I. (;.'B:::i (i>86 F Cll:~ I:~EC~UE~:;T 3,041,760 732,160 :1.0,000 46,000 :1.0,000 38,000 o 25,000 12,000 93,900 2,?24,770 704,000 :1.0,000 46,000 10,000 38,000 () 25,000 12,000 o 4,OOB,S20 704,000 400,000 200,000 o 5,312,1320 248 820 068 Z'30 1338 373, 312, 686, 476, 209, , , , ~::j I'" ..::J .::" ,.1 560,7B8 5,234,770 5,795,5513 5,422,310 373,248 ACTUAl. :1.984 2 , 13::5:1. , ~:'i::'i6 67!.:-i, 89~5 8 , OO:.;~ 44,894 2 :1. , 06~:i :34, 9::.'iO 0 ;r?,441 6,7:'33 1?6,046 3 , 866 , ~:j82 680,000 0 0 0 4, 54b , ~582 6~31.> , 263 4, ::'i46 , ::'i82 ::,i, 182,84:5 4 , 6:;~2 , 057 ~560 , 7138 I;:EVENUE 3,71.>9,770 665,000 400,000 400,000 o 5,234,770 r:;EWAGE ACTLJA 1 (jiB3 2,1367,426 647,67B 4 , o~.n 44, f:f71 :1.1,807 0 :L , 7('1? 0 1 ;.:.~, 079 0 3 , ~:i89 , 697 1.,;32, 000 0 0 7, 7:34 4 , 2::~9 , 4~51 ~5B6 , 404 4,229,43:1. 4, 8:1. ~5, 8~,~:'i 4, :I. 79 , ~572 6:36 , 26:3 t.~ l<JATER :ITY OF SALINA ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCT . ~~: WAn:}~ r~EVENUE f:~WERAGE REVENUE MIse INCOME & RECONNECTS SALEr:; TAX REVENUE FI:WNT FOOTAGE l.. T(.~PPING CHGS t"iETEI:;: DEPOSITS RE I MBUF~SEt1ENT OF COi'"IPUTEF\ CDS'T METER REPAIR & SERV LINE REV BERVICE CHARGE-SANITATION DEPT I NTEF~EST INCOME 91.0 (i> 1. ::5 ?20 9")1::' A......} 9:30 9~3~5 940 94~.'i 970 (i> 9 0 TOTAl.. ON FEEB COLL.ECTED EXTENBION AND BOND RETIREMENT FOR DEPRECIATION AND EMERGENCY INCREASE ON CURRENT ASSETS GRAND TOTAL SUB I SANITAT F~ESERVE r'::ES'::J~t)E NET CA!:; :l.ST BEGINNING BALANCE BALANCE DECEMBER 31 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY TOTAL F~EVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBEF~ED CAf:,H 57 158 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION The Central Garage account is a "housekeeping" fund. All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment, except that of the Fire Department, is maintained by the Central Garage. This includes repair work, gasoline and oil, tires and similar items and service. The various departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage or specialized service done by contract. Each individual budgetary unit has a line item for parts, labor and fuel. The full costs of operating the Central Garage, includi ng fuel, parts, labor and overhead, is recovered from the various departments and are included here for accounting purposes. 3 Mechalllc Garage Clerk or Sen * Garage Supervisor, amounts to $108,100. SUMMARY OF VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EXPENSES 86,760 4,500 14,500 72,750 12,000 71,000 $ Div Sanitation Parking Meter Golf Course Solid Waste Disposa Bicentennial Center Water and Sewerage 510 740 $261 297 Enterprise Funds General Fund Tota Tota 900 5,960 4,350 34,400 98,000 27,450 9,000 5,730 3,130 8,820 ,250 $559 GRAND TOTAL $297.740 Fund Genera Tota KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, * * * * * Six full-time employees operate the Centra Garage: and Laborer. Total 1986 salaries for these personne * * Municipal Court Engineering Permit & InspectIOn Park Police Street Traffic Cemetery General Improvement Flood Works or Dept. $ Div or Dept. 59 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, REVENUE SHARING FUND Revenue Sharing s the common name for the State and Local Fisca Assistance Act of 1972, as amended. This program was originally conceived as a method of sharing the progressive Federal income tax with state and local governments which traditionally have had to depend upon more regressive taxes. Its major goal is to disburse Federal monies with minimum restrictions on their use permitting the local decision-making process to determine the programs and activities where the money is most needed. The 1976 amendments to the original Act authorizes the expenditure of approximately 25.6 billion dollars to the nearly 39,000 eligible states, counties, cities, towns, townships, Indian tribes and Alaskan native villages. The Revenue Sharing extension was signed by the President in November of 1983 for three years, to September 30, 1986 for local governments. Revenue Sharing is an lIentitlementll program. This means that no application is necessary to receive the funds. Based upon data furnished by the Census Bureau and other sources funds are distributed by the Federal Treasury to eligible governments A complex of data and formulas are used to determine the exact allocation to each government. Each government competes with all other eligible units for a portion of the total funds to be distributed. Because of the complexity of the formula and the relative impact of the data upon the allocation, each government's share is computed simultaneously with all other eligible governments. Population, per capita income, local taxing efforts and intergovernmental transfers are the elements that go into the allocation formula. fina The fOllowmg page. the on table the n detailed as The proposed budget for Revenue Sharing IS allocation is determined by the City Commission The future of Revenue Sharing IS uncertain. Both the U. S. Senate and the U. S. House of Represenatives have passed legislation pertaining to it. The Senate version will fully fund it during FY 1986 while the House proposes to reduce funding 25% in that same period. Both proposals terminate the program after October 1 1986. This budget assumes the program will continue at full funding through FY 1986. nCluded s not That request was received of $14.830 the amount n request from Big Brothers-Big Sisters the recommended funding A in 60 1986 ANNUAL BUDGET $437,000 $437,000 o CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS REVBVE SHAR 1t'lJ R.N) 17 th [NT I TLf:NB{f PER I CD ,ANT I C I PATED ALL011vENT Flood Replacement of tractor and mowers $ 45,000 . Fire Replacement - 1972 [X)dge Van wi th suburban style vehicle . 1 9,000 Park RejJTacement - 2 mowers 15,000 Bicentennial Center Appropr i at i on 300,000 Uni ted Way Appropr i at i on 20,000 Street Replacement - 1967 Dump Truck 7,000 Replacement - Salt Spreader 8,100 25,100 Hea I th Replacement - Anima I Control Vehicle 8,500 Auditing & Reserves 4,400 lUfAL E3a lance Decenbe r 31 985 6 62