Publisher's Affidavit Zoning HearingPublisher's Affidavit I Debbie Nelson being duly sworn declare that 1, 0 e I am Advertising Inside Sales Consultant o~ THE SALINA JOURNAL , a daily newspaper published at Salina, Saline County, Kansas , and of general circulation in said county, which newspaper has been admitted to the mails as second class matter m said county , and continuously and uninterruptedly 1 published for five consecutive years prior to first publication of attached notice , and that Board of Zoning for City Clerk 's Office has been correctly published in the entire issues of said newspaper one time , first publication being given in the issue of April 28 , 2021. Subscribed and sworn to before me , this Zf)~ day of_-1-~~.._,,A. ...... ·Q,.___A.D. 202 \ C'L,~~ ~ lNotary Public Printer 's Fee $793.80 A. CHRISTY FI NK ~ Notary Public· State of Kan u1 My Appt. Explrea PUBLISHED IN THE SALINA JOURNAL, APRIL 28, 2021 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Salina Board of Zoning Appeals to consider the following ~on(s): Application #V21 ·4, filed by MGB Properties , LLC , requesting approval of the followlng variances : 1. A minimum lot width variance of five (5) ft . from 50 ft . (the minimum lot width required in an R-2 [Multi-Family Residential] district) to 45 fl to allow a 105.96 ft . wide lot to be split Into 60 ft . and 45 ft . wide zoning lots. 2. A minimum lot size variance of 1,396 sq. ft. from 6,000 sq . ft . (the minimum lot size required In an R· [Multi-Family Residential) dfslrict to 4,604 sq. ft. to allow a 10,624 sq. ft. lot to be split into 6,020 sq. ft . and 4,604 sq . fl zoning lots. 3. A maximum lot coverage variance of nlrie (9) percent from 35 percent (the maximum lot coverage allowed on an R·2 [Multi.family Resldentlaq zoned lot to 44 . percent to allow the existing Improvements at 116 S. Penn Avenue (house and garage) to be rebuiH If they are more than 50 percent danaged. 4. A front yard setback variance of fwo and one-half (2 .50) ft . from 25 n. (the minimum front yard setback required in an R·2 [Mulll-Fantlly Resklential) district to 22.50 ft. to aHow the existing dwelling at 116 S. Penn Avenue to be f9bulft ln lls current location If it is more than 50 percent damaged. 5. A maximum lot coverage variance of 13 percent from 35 percent (the maximum lot coYerage allOWed on an R·2 [Munt-Family Residentiaq zoned lot to 48 percent to allow the existing improvem+ms at 110 S Penn Avenue (house and garage) to be rebuiH if they are more than 50 percent damaged. 6. A front yard setback variance of two and four-tenths (iAO) ft . from 25 fl (the minimum trbnt yard setback required In an R-2 !Multt·fl!ml(V ResldentlaQ district to 22 .60 ft. to allow the existing dwemno at 11 o S. Penn Avenue to be rebulH In Its current location H lls more than 50 percent damaged . In order to allow a 10,624 sq. ft. lot to be split into two (2) zoning lots. The property that Is the subject of this appllcatlon is legally described as Lots One (1) and Two (2), less the North 95 fl thereof, in Block 7 o the Oakdale Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County , Kansas and addressed as 1Htand 116 s. Penn Avenue . Application #V21-5, fRed by C8IUyn Barnes, requesllng approval of the followlng variances: 1. A minimum lot width varfance of five (5) ft . from 50 ft . (the minimum lot width required fdr a Group Da Care Home in an R-2 [Multi·FamHy Resklentiat] district) to 45 ft . to allow the establishmentilf a Group Day Care Home on a 45 ft. lot. 2. A minimum lot size variance of 1,500 sq . fl from 6,000 sq . ft (the minimum lot size for 'l Group Day Care Home In an R-2 .{"1ultl-FamHy ResldenUal) district to 4,500 sq. ft . to allo*llfe establllllment of a Group Dai Cart~ a ~500 sq . ft . rot. 3. A maximum lot'toWtllfJl(variance ~six {fl} percent from 35 percent (the maximum lot covecage allOwed on an R-2 (Mu~IY. R~ zoned lot to 41 percent to allow the existing if1IPl'OVM19llfS (house and garage) to be rebulH If they are more than 50 percent dainaged . 4. A front yard setback vlU'iance of two and one-half (2 .50) ft . fR)lll 25 ft. (the minimum frollt yard setback required in an R-2 [Multi-Family ResldentlalJ district to 22 .-50 ft. to allow the exlsllt"l!I dwelling tO be rebuiH in its current location If It Is more than 50 perCent damaged . in order to allow a Group D~ Care Home to. be established on this property . The property that is the subject of this application Is legally deScrlbed as the South 45 ft. of Lots 18 and 20 on University Place of the University Addition to 1he City of Salina, sauna fMJflty , Kansas and addressed as 133 South Phillips Street. Application #V21-6, filed by Kansas W9sleyan Univ91Sity, requesting approval of the followlrig variances : 1. A minimum lot width variance of 20 ft. from 60 ft . (the minimum lot width requlrest for multi-family housing In an R·2 [Multi-Family Residential] district) to 40 ft. to allow the constructlon of tMe (3) student housing dwellings on a 40 ft . wide lot . 2. A minimum lot ani4 yariance of 1,667 sq . ft . from 3,000 sq. ft . per dwelNrig unH (the ml~um lot area required per dwelling unit in an R-2 [Mulli-FamHy Reilldential] district to 1,333 sq. ft. per ~ling unit to allow the constructJon Of three (3) .student housing dwellings on a 4,000 sq . fl lot. 3. A front yard setback. variance of 16 fl along Claflin Avenue from 25 ft. (the minimum front yard setbaCk required in 111t'l·2 (MulU·Famlly Residential) district to nine (9) ft. to allow the con8'1lction of three (3) residential dwellfngs on a 40 ft. wide lot. 4. A front yard setback variance of 14 ft . along Highland Avenue from 25ft. (the minimum trbnt yard setback required In an R-2 [Multi-Family Residentiaq district to 11 fl to allow the construcli/'" of three (3) residential dwellings on a 100 ft. deep lot . in order to allow the construction of Ulree (3) 22 ft. by 24 fl two-story housing units on this property . The subject property Is legally described as the East 100 ft. of Lot 75 on Highland Avenue ln'the Grounds of Kansas Wesleyan University, an addition to the City of Salina, S81ine County, Kansas and addressed as 1600 Highland Avenue . The public hearing will be held in Room 107 of the City -County Building and may also be Jolned via Zoom on May 20, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. A hearing will be granted to any and all persons desiring to be heard on the above request(s). Attest: JoVonna Rutherford City Clerk SK·2007393849 SAUNA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Dean Andrew, Sacre~