21-7955Publisher's Affidavit I, __ D~e~b~b~1~· e~N~e~ls~o~n~---, being duly sworn declare tha t I am a J,egal Coordinator of THE SALINA JO U RNAL, a d aily newspap er p u blish e d a t Salina, Saline County, Kan sas, and of gen eral circula tion in said co unty, w hich n ewsp a p er h as been a dmitted to the mails a s second cl as s m a tte r in said co unty, and continuously and unin terrupte dly publishe d fo r five consecutive years prio r to first publication of a tta che d notice, and that th e Resolution No. 21-7955 No ti ce h as b een correc tly publishe d in the entire is su e of s a id n ewspa p er on e time, publication b ein g g iven in th e issu e of Subsc ribed and s w orn to b efo re me, th is d ay of Prin ter's Fee $340.50 2.-l A.D . 20 A. CHRISTY FINK ~ Notary Public -State of K1 n111 My Appt. Exp ires (Published in the Salina Journal May 10, 2021) RESOLUTION NO. 21-7955 BE IT RESOLVED ~f the Governing ·Body of the City 1 Salina, Kansas, as folows: i A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDING S AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO THI! NEED FOR TH E HOU SIN6 WITHIN THE CITY OF SAL INA , KANSAS AND SEm NG FO RTH THE LEGAL DESC RIPTION OF REAL PR OPERTY PROPOS ED TO BE DE SIGNATED AS A RURAL HOUSING INCENTIVE DISTRICT WITH IN THE CITY. Section 1. The Governing Body has previously adopted m inC01porated by reference as part of this Resolution the Needs Analysis, a copy ot ·Nhich is on file in the office of the City Cle111, and based on a review of said Needs Analysis makes the following findings and determinations. Section 2. The Governing WHEREAS, K.S.A. 12·5241 et seq. (the 'Act') authorizes any city incorpora1ed in accordance with the laws of the Slate of Kansas (the 'State') with a population of less than 60,000 located in • Body hereby finds and detennines that there is a shortage of quality housing of various price ranges in the City despite the best effo rts of public and private housing developsrs. a county ~h a population of less than 80,000, to designate rural housing incentive districts ~hin such city; and WHEREAS, prior to such designation the governing body of such ci1y shall conduct a housing needs analysis to detennine what, tt any, housing needs exist ~hin its communi1y; and WHEREAS , after conducting such analysis, the governing body of such ci1y may adopt a resolution maki ng certain findings regarding the establishment of a rural housing incentive district and providing the legal description of property to be contained therein; and WHERE AS, after publishing such resolution, the governing body of such city shall send a copy thereof to the Sec.etary of Commerce of the State (the 'Secretary') requesting that the Secretary agree with 1he finding contained in such resolution; and WHEREAS, if the Secretary agrees with such findings, such city may proceed with the establishment of a rural housing incentive district within such ci1y and adopt a plan for the development or redevelopment of housing and public facilities in ths proposed district; and WHEREAS, the City of Salina, Kansas (the 'City') has an estimated population of 47,707 (2010) is located ·in Saline County, Kansas which has a population of 55,606 (2010) and therefore constitutes a city as said term is defined in ihis act; and WH EREAS , the Governins Body of the City has perfonned a Ho1JSing Needs Analysis (Live Salina Housing Assessment and S1rategic . Plan dated January 25, 2016 (the 'Needs Analysis'), a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS , based on the Needs Analysis, the Governing Body of the City proposes to commence proceedings necessary to create a Rural Housing Incentive District, in accordance with the provisions of the Act . SO · NOW THEREFORE , Section 3. The Governing Bodv hereby finds and determines thatthe shortage of quality housing can be expected to persist and that additional financial incentives are necessary\ii order to encourage the private sector to construct or renovate housing in the Crty. Section 4. The Governing Body hereby finds and determines that the shortage of quality housing is a substantial deterrent to Mure economic growth and development in the City Section 5. The GQverning Body hereby finds and determines that the future economic wellbeing ot the Crty depends on the Governing Body providing additional incentives for the construction or renovation of quality housing in the City. Section 6. Based on the findings and determinations contained in Sections 2 through 5 of this Resolution, the Governing ody proposed to establish a Rural ousing Incentive District pursuant o the Act, within boundaries of the eal estate legally described and epicted in the map in Exhibits 'A· 'and 'A·2' attached hereto. Sectio n 7. This Resolution ~all take effect atter its adoption nd publication once in the official ~ity newspaper. ~PR'lVED AND PASSED by ttre 3overning Body of the Crty of Salina, Kansas, this 3rd day of 'May, 2021. ATTEST: Melissa Rose Hodges, Mayor oVonna A. Rutherford, City Clerk Exhibit "A·1" Legal Description ~ots 1 through 26, Block 2, Lots HO, Block 3, Lots 1 through 26 , eock 4, and Lots 1 through 13, ock 5, in the Ryan Addition to City of Salina, Saline County, ansas. map is available in the office of the City Cle111, 300 W. Ash Street. (lt)