Budget - 1990PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET of the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1990 CITY COMMISSION Mayor Joseph A. Warner Commissioner Carol E. Beggs Commissioner John Divine Commissioner Robert E. Frank Commissioner Stephen C. Ryan City Manager Dennis M. Kissinger TABLE OF CONTENTS BUDGET MESSAGE (budget message tab) City Manager's Letter to Mayor and Commissioners TAX LEVY Computation of Tax Levy .. ..............................I 1990 EMS Budget .......... .............................II 1990 Museum Budget .......... ......................III Budget Analysis by Category of Revenue ...............IV Budget Analysis by Category of Expenditure ............V Combined Revenue, Expenditures and Fund Balances for Selected Tax Funds .... ... ........ .VI . .... . ... . Combined Expenditures for Selected Tax Funds ........VII Combined Fund Balances for Selected Tax Funds .......Vi l l Summary of Personnel Costs ........................IX Overhead Cost Allocation Worksheet .....................X GENERAL FUND (general fund tab) General Fund (Revenue) ... ..............................1 CityCommission ......... ..............................5 Office of the City Manager .............................7 Legal ................ ............................... .9 Finance Department ............................11 Department of General Services Buildings Division .. .............................14 Human Relations Department ............................16 Police Department ........ .............................19 Municipal Court .......... .............................24 Police Department Parking Division .... .............................26 Fire Department • .. ...........................28 Emergency Medical Services .......................32 Department of Community Development Permit and Inspection Division ...................37 Engineering Department ............................40 Department of General Services Street Division .... .............................42 Flood Works Division ............................44 Traffic Division ..... .......................46 Department of Parks and Recreation Downtown Division .. .............................48 Forestry Division .. .............................50 Park Division ....... .............................52 Swimming Pools ...... .............................55 Neighborhood Centers ... ....................57 Salina Arts and Humanities Commission .................59 Smoky Hill Museum .. .. .........................61 Department of Community Development Administration and Planning Division .............64 Heritage Commission .............................67 GENERAL FUND (Continued) Department of General Services Gypsum Hill Cemetery . .............................68 Contingency ...... ...... .............................70 Capital Improvement Program ........................... 71 1990 Capital Improvement Projects ................72 Capital Outlay ........... .............................73 SPECIAL FUNDS (special funds tab) Employee Benefits Fund ... ............................102 Utility Fund ...... . ... .........................106 Special Liability Expense Fund .......................109 Department of Parks and Recreation Recreation Division . ............................112 Business Improvement District ........................116 Tourism and Convention .. .....................119 Special Parks and Recreation Fund ....................122 Special Alcohol Programs Fund ........................125 Street Machinery .. ............................128 Department of General Services Special Gasoline Tax Division ...................130 Bicentennial Center .... ............................133 Bond and Interest Fund ... ............................142 INTERNAL SERVICE (other funds tab) Risk Management Reserve Fund ........................146 Central Garage Division .. ............................150 Data Processing Fund ..... ............................154 ENTERPRISE FUNDS (enterprise funds tab) Department of General Services Sanitation Division .. ........................158 Solid Waste Disposal Division ...................162 Department of Parks and Recreation Golf Course Division ............................166 Water and Sewerage Department ........................170 THE BUDGETARY PROCESS The annual budget for the City of Salina is a one year plan for financing the operation and programs of the city government. The most significant elements in the budgetary process are: 1. The Salina Code requires the City Manager to prepare and present to the City Commission a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year. It is the responsibility of the City Commission, based upon the City Manager's proposed budget, to deliberate upon and to adopt an annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. The City's fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. 2. The City Commission approves the annual budget by city ordinance which authorizes the City Manager to proceed with the budget based upon the ordinance. Also, the Commission must adopt the annual tax levy which establishes city taxes for the coming year. The tax levy must be certified and filed with the Saline County Clerk by August 25th each year. It is characteristic of governmental accounting that the many and diverse activities of the city government are financed from a number of separate sources. This is the result of legal restrictions placed upon the use of public monies by State and local laws which, in essence, require that funds raised for one purpose cannot be used for another. The General Fund is the primary and parent revenue fund of the City and it provides monies for the operation and financing of most governmental programs. The Enterprise Funds include resources received from users of the sanitation, data processing, golf course, solid waste, and water and sewerage operations and does not include tax funds. Other special funds of the city, such as debt service funds, are used for specific purposes detailed in law. Many of these relate to the repayment of debt obligations of the city. The annual budget translates the city's municipal services into accounting terminology. Appropriations are divided into funds, departments, and divisions. These broad function and operation areas are further subdivided into personal services, contractual services, materials and supplies, sundry expenditures, and capital outlay. The City of Salina operates on what is commonly called a "line item" budget; however, the emphasis in the budgetary process is to analyze each program by its impact upon the citizens of the city. Once adopted, the annual budget serves as the work program for the city government for the forthcoming year. It also serves as a tool for evaluating the continuity of city programs and services as well as a continual measurement of organization and efficiency. City- County Building 300 West Ash Street P.O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402 -0736 r� U CITY COMMISSION JOSEPH A. WARNER, MAYOR AR HOL E. BEGGS N DIVINE OBERT E. FRANK STEPHEN C. RYAN CITY MANAGER DENNIS M. KISSINGER (913) 823 -2277 June 30, 1989 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission City of Salina Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mayor Warner and Commissioners: Section 12 -1014 of the Kansas Statutes requires that I submit for your consideration a proposed Annual Budget for the year 1990. This draft budget document includes allocations for the General Fund, various Special Funds and Enterprise Funds. City staff has been working on the budget since April, with various reviews and revisions at the Departmental, Finance and City Manager levels. The first public discussion of the budget is scheduled for July 10, 1989, at a Commission study session prior to the regular Commission meeting. Further July budget study sessions are planned, with the Commission considering policy issues and options involving: outside agencies; joint City- County programs; City operations and services; and 1990 capital improvements. A formal public hearing should be held at the Commission meeting on August 14, 1989, although the public is invited and encouraged to comment prior to that time. Once the Commission has approved a proposed budget for publication, which you should do on or before August 1, 1989, it may be reduced; however, it may not be increased in total dollars proposed for spending by fund. Kansas law also requires the City Commission to certify the property tax levy to the Saline County Clerk no later than August 25, 1989. This budget is presented to the Commissioners in a timely manner, which will enable you to review it carefully, request additional information from City staff and make the important policy decisions and /or any necessary budget revisions. While the basic purpose of the budget is to give an account of government finances, it also serves as the blueprint fur the year's activities. Long -range goals are reflected in budget decisions; action steps are translated into budget numbers. This proposed budget presented by the Manager to the Commission represents staff's best effort at translating your legislative priorities into programs. Through it, we can examine the implications of policy decisions for operating and capital improvement programs. This 1990 budget continues and builds upon the accounting and presentation improvements initiated in 1989. These accounting changes, coupled with the current change over in our financial accounting software, make attempts to compare expenditures with those of prior years somewhat more difficult. Some of the more significant account changes are explained in the text; many others will be clarified for you in our study session reviews. Numerous other financial management improvements initiated in the 1989 budget are continued for 1990. MEMBER ... LEAGUE OF KANSAS MUNICIPALITIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Page 2 Major Objectives The City staff is proposing a budget designed to meet three primary objectives: 1. Maintenance of strong, basic City operating services. 2. Continuation of a high level of capital improvements. 3. No Property Tax Increase. Objective 1 - Services: With a couple of exceptions as outlined in the new programs section below, this should be considered a non- expansion budget. Since the City simply does not have the growth in revenues to take on many new or significantly expanded programs, we must concentrate on using our resources to continue our excellent existing service levels through efficient and effective operations by our current work force. As noted under my Personnel recommendations, we should continue our efforts to compensate our current employees fairly and competitively in order to attract and retain high quality employees, willing and able to become even more productive and able to fulfill the high expectations of our citizens. Other growth in service costs is primarily attributed to general inflationary increases or minor changes in specific service programming in an effort to give employees the proper "tools" to do our jobs well. Objective 2 - Capital Improvements: The City of Salina continues to make appropriate and necessary investments to maintain and improve our public infrastructure. The budget, as proposed, includes primarily those projects preliminarily approved by the Commission in 1988. In this area, the specific budget decisions will be made by the Commission after the July 17, 1989 capital improvements study session. Several important policy decisions remain at this point, e.g., river redevelopment and the Fox Theatre. The major capital projects planned for 1990 are the widening of Crawford Avenue from 9th Street to Interstate 135 ($1,550,000) and continuation of our water plant improvements ($2,300,000). Both of these projects are planned for bonding in 1990. Major sewer system improvements may also be required for 1990 to meet federal mandates. The extent of those improvements is unknown at this time; an engineering study is currently underway. Objective 3 - Property Tax Stabilization The City property tax is proposed at the same effective mill levy as 1989. The exact levy will show a different , lower number than the 36.36 mills currently levied, due to the mandatory rollback from reappraisal and the transfer of the Recreation levy from the School District to the City. In reality, there is no City property tax rate increase for 1990. For the ninth consecutive year the City tax levy will remain unchanged. The City of Salina continues to lessen our reliance on the property tax to fund our services. This becomes more and more difficult each year as costs of providing services increase due to inflation, personnel costs and state and federal mandates. Page 3 Personnel Issues 1. PU Increase - I am recommending the Official Pay Plan be raised across The boat by 4 %, effective January 1, 1990, to counteract partially the effects of inflation. This increase is the same as that for 1989; the changes for 1987 and 1988 had been 2% each year. This pay plan adjustment will cost approximately $354,000 for all our funds, with over $252,000 from the General Fund. 2. Wage Reserve - I am also recommending a set -aside of 1% of wages for potential reclassification of positions. We still have planned for 1989, a Position Classification and Pay Plan Review, which may lead to recommendations on pay changes for specific positions or classifications. 3. Step Increases and Longevity Pa - In addition to the 4% pay plan adjustment, certain employees will be eligible for in -grade step increases, based on merit and length of services, in accordance with our pay plan. The Longevity Pay Plan first implemented by the City in 1988 is also recommended for continuation in 1990. 4. Health Insurance - I am proposing the City continue for 1990, the payment of 100 of the cost for Single Coverage for our employees and continue our payment of 75% of the cost for Family Coverage. Unfortunately, we expect to face huge increases in premiums once again in 1990; our estimate is a 25% increase. The expected cost increase for the City is $25 per month for employees with Single Coverage, and $55 per month for employees with Family Coverage. Those with Family Coverage will see their own share of costs increase by $18 per month. Actual monthly premiums for Family coverage are estimated at $360 -$377. Total 1990 cost to the City for health insurance premiums is expected to exceed $1,000,000 for all our funds. This is a tremendous cost to the City, but also a tremendous benefit for our employees, allowing us to maintain a competitive total compensation package. Considered together with the pay plan adjustment, this is a significant boost in compensation for our valued employees for 1990. 5. Staffing Changes Only two additions to our full -time employee complement are proposed for 1990: A. Police Patrol - I am recommending the addition of one police officer position in 1990. The Department currently functions with fewer officers than in 1980. Growth of the City, increased case loads and court time and such factors as mandatory training have placed significant pressure on the Department's ability to maintain our minimum expected patrol manning levels, particularly on the second and third shifts. While the addition of one officer doesn't resolve all staffing problems, it will help significantly in enabling us to maintain our current excellent response times and service. As a potential way of assisting in funding this position, I am recommending we review closely our charges for court costs in Municipal Court. These have not been reviewed for several years. Page 4 B. Solid Waste Landfill - In order to meet increasingly strict state and federal landfil requirements and regulations, as well as our own environmental responsibility, I am recommending an additional operator position for 1990. The Solid Waste Enterprise Fund is fully supported by landfill tipping fees. This fund can absorb the added cost without a rate increase. NEW PROGRAMS /SERVICE IMPROVEMENTS 1. Police EMT Incentive Pa - We are proposing as a direct service improvement that the ity embark on a program to get our police officers certified as Emergency Medical Technicians. Very often, the patrol officer is the first on the scene of an accident or other call for medical aid. It would be of great benefit to our citizens to have our officers at this level of training. We propose an Incentive Pay of $250 annually for police officers certified as EMTs. This is the same incentive pay given to Firefighter /EMTs (those not certified Paramedics). Annual cost is estimated at $9,000. 2. Maintenance of Dirt Streets - We are proposing the City change its past policy on maintenance. We currently require property owners along dirt streets in the City to pay for the cost of materials when the streets are sanded. Staff believes this policy is wrong. We believe this should be a cost to the City. At an annual cost of approximately $7,000 per year, we will better maintain our streets for the citizens traveling on them and improve our fairness in service provision to many of our lower- income residents. OUTSIDE AGENCIES The Commission faces significant decisions, based on discussions with agency representatives, on City contracts and support of the Chamber of Commerce, Business Improvement District, Community Theatre, Art Center, Jaycees Fireworks and Municipal Band. We have received a request from the Art Center for additional City support for their recent expansion of the Center. In addition, 1989 marks the last year of the City's three year funding commitments to the Chamber's Commercial Development Division ($35,000), and the B.I.D. ($23,000 yr.). The B.I.D. is requesting expanded and continued City funding, and the Chamber is requesting continued funding. SUMMARY As you can see, there remains a significant amount of policy- setting and decision - making regarding the 1990 budget. Staff will be providing supplemental information and "Issues and Options" reports to you throughout July, as we work in budget study sessions. The City budget cannot meet all the needs and desires which could be identified by the citizens of this community. However, this $25 million budget does meet our three major objectives, as well as hundreds of more specific service needs. We will all give our best effort to implement the budget efficiently and effectively. Page 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I want to first thank our City Department Directors and their staffs for presenting reasonable and responsible budgets. They are under the constant pressure of attempting to meet growing citizen service expectations, higher costs and mandated programs with non - expansion budgets and staffing, due to financial limitations. I trust we have given them the resources they need to do their departmental jobs well, using all their skills. Director of Finance Bob Biles will continue to guide us skillfully and professionally through the lengthy budget process. His assistance is invaluable. Assembly and typing of the budget rests with City Clerk Jackie Shiever and Administrative Secretary LaDonna Bennett. Other members of the Finance Department staff also provided the hours and information needed to complete the proposed budget. I am grateful to each of them. I look forward to working with you on this document and budget plan for the year 1990. Respectfully submitted, Dennis M. Kissinger City Manager DMK/ 1 b City Levy for 1989 at 36.36 mills Recreation Levy for 1989 - City Only For USD 305 Salina 1989 Assessed Valuation USD 305 Assessed Valuation Percent of Levy attributable to Salina Levy attributable to Salina Total tax levy for 1990 budget before considering new improvements Additional levy for new improvements Total Tax Levy for 1990 budget Allocation for tax levies for 1990 budget: General Employee Benefit Utility Special Liability Recreation Bond and Interest Total COMPUTATION OF TAX LEVY FOR 1990 BUDGET YEAR $117,422,015 132,214,898 $440,937 88.81 $4,269,464 391,596 $4,661,060 Budgeted Levy Delinquency Revenue $ 927,210 $ 64,905 $ 862,305 1,438,305 100,681 1,337,624 534,731 37,431 497,300 234,873 16,441 218,432 373,199 26,124 347,075 1,152,742 80,692 1,072,050 $4,661,060 $ 326,274 $4,334,786 General Fund Salaries (including 1% Reserve) General Fund Operating Capital Outlay ($80,000 less $30,000) Group Health ($41,790 x 125 %) KPSF ($469,961 x 14.9 %) Life Insurance ($469,961 x .047% x 12) Worker's Compensation ($469,961 x 4.3 %) Unemployment ($469,961 x .22 %) Total Cost Less Estimated Collections County Contribution (90 %) 1990 EMS BUDGET $469,961 108,070 50,000 52,238 70,024 2,651 20,208 1,034 $774,186 218,000 $556,186 $500,567 City Contribution (10 %) $ 55,619 1990 MUSEUM BUDGET General Fund Salaries (including 1% Reserve) $101,347 General Fund Operating 107,600 Capital Outlay 5,500 Group Health ($5,540 x 125 %) 6,925 KPERS ($81,457 x 2.6%) 2,118 Life Insurance ($81,457 x .047% x 12) 459 Worker's Compensation ($101,347 x .27%) 274 Unemployment ($101,347 x .22 %) 223 Total Cost $224,446 Less 200 of: Building repair $30,000 Other Professional Services 5,000 Other Contractual Services 7,000 Janitorial Supplies 1,750 Electrical and Lighting Supplies 2,000 Painting Supplies 1,000 $46,750 9,350 Total Shared Costs $215,096 County Contribution (50 %) $107,548 City Contribution (50 %) $107,548 FUND General Employee Benefits Utility Special Liability Recreation Business Improvement Dist Tourism & Convention Special Parks & Rec. Special Alcohol Street Machinery Special Gas Tax Bicentennial Center Bond & Interest Risk Management Central Garage Data Processing Sanitation Solid Waste Golf Course Water & Sewer Total Budget CITY OF SALINA BUDGET ANALYSIS BY CATEGORY OF REVENUE FOR THE 1990 BUDGET Note: This worksheet breaks out the total 1990 budget into its various components and shows total anticipated revenues and total resources available. CARRYOVER INTER- SURPLUS SPECIAL ------- --- - -- $3,654,211 ------- -- - - -- $13,194,415 ANTICIPATED $2,017,750 TAXES GOVERNMENTAL FEES FINES ASSESSMENTS INTEREST OTHER - - -- REVENUES ------- - - - - -- TRANSFERS -- ----- - - - - -- ------- - - -- -- $6,279,672 ------- --- - -- -- $1,135,599 ----- - - - --- ------- $692,000 - - - - -- -- --- -- - - - --- $360,000 ------ ---- - -- ------- $600,000 - - $95,500 $9,162,771 $377,433 $1,670,732 $146,567 $193,571 $850,571 $118,353 $2,697,359 $1,817,299 $40,000 $633,066 $711,455 $44,694 $185,720 $513,895 $1,253,395 $633,066 $15,000 $258,288 $444,000 $3,173,943 $10,005,083 $258,288 $446,435 $176,550 $10,000 $7,000 $639,985 $111,000 $111,000 $270,000 $270,000 $58,117 $58,117 $58,117 $58,117 $0 $1,100,000 $1,100,000 $455,000 $2,000 $457,000 $200,000 $1,111,906 $872,857 $35,504 $2,020,267 $558,739 $0 $633,411 $0 $711,455 $2,000 $33,200 $35,200 $105,826 $708,000 $30,000 $1,500 $739,500 $330,000 $50,000 $100 $380,100 $425,000 $4,000 $429,000 $6,506,140 $300,000 $12,000 - - - - -- $6,818,140 ----- --- - - - - -- ------- $13,000 -- - - --- --- ----- - - - - -- $10,670,099 -- ------ - - - - -- ---- $2,498,400 --- - - - -- -- - ------- $9,294,690 - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- $360,000 $983,857 - - - - -- -------- $990,000 $190,804 $2,164,661 $2,654,864 Note: This worksheet breaks out the total 1990 budget into its various components and shows total anticipated revenues and total resources available. CARRYOVER SURPLUS TOTAL ------- --- - -- $3,654,211 ------- -- - - -- $13,194,415 $160,451 $2,017,750 $113,593 $761,659 $9,893 $268,181 $68,233 $708,218 $111,000 $270,000 $11,316 $69,433 $11,315 $69,432 $63,681 $63,681 $112,600 $1,212,600 $193,571 $850,571 $118,353 $2,697,359 $61,814 $695,225 $711,455 $44,694 $185,720 $513,895 $1,253,395 $862,960 $1,243,060 $15,000 $444,000 $3,173,943 $10,005,083 $9,189,523 $36,832,237 AVA FUND General Employee Benefits Utility Special Liability Recreation Business Improvement Dist Tourism & Convention Special Parks & Rec. Special Alcohol Street Machinery Special Gas Tax Bicentennial Center Bond & Interest Risk Management Central Garage Data Processing Sanitation Solid Waste Golf Course Water & Sewer Total Budget CITY OF SALINA BUDGET ANALYSIS BY CATEGORY OF EXPENDITURE FOR THE 1990 BUDGET PERSONAL $761,659 $23,617 OTHER SERVICES TOTAL DEBT CAPITAL ANTICIPATED SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL AND CHARGES OPERATING SERVICE OUTLAY - - - - -- EXPENDITURES - ------ - - -- -- TRANSFERS ------ -- - -- -- --- ---- - - - - -- $6,156,432 ------- --- --- $809,320 -- --- -- - - - - -- $716,047 - ------ - - - --- $395,515 ---- --- - - - - -- ------- $8,077,314 - -- - -- ------- $900,905 $8,978,219 $863,740 $1,687,000 $525,445 $210,750 $892,390 $1,897,750 $9,040 $444,000 $1,897,750 $10,005,083 $693,000 $693,000 $693,000 $0 $0 $244,564 $267,732 $56,000 $122,500 $109,320 $555,552 $120,000 $675,552 $94,000 $94,000 $94,000 $17,000 $270,000 $270,000 $270,000 $0 $0 $69,433 $69,432 $69,432 $69,432 $0 $63,681 $63,681 $77,820 $154,000 $231,820 $705,000 $936,820 $399,171 $47,100 $2,000 $190,200 $638,471 $12,085 $650,556 $0 $2,558,027 $2,558,027 $38,890 $2,100 $553,000 $3,300 $597,290 $500 $597,790 $164,555 $475,800 $11,100 $651,455 $651,455 $60,000 $143,460 $3,250 $1,500 $32,400 $180,610 $4,000 $184,610 $455,500 $100,710 $12,940 $63,100 $632,250 $41,200 $673,450 $54,500 $139,200 $77,220 $2,500 $12,350 $231,270 $105,600 $336,870 $13,800 $210,040 $89,500 $79,000 $378,540 $41,220 $419,760 $15,200 $1,624,922 $1,231,920 $364,110 $876,950 $4,097,902 ------ $948,505 -- - - - - -- -------- $400,000 -- - - -- $5,446,407 -------- - - - - -- -------- $220,500 - -- --- ------- - - - - - -- - $11,364,722 ------ - - - - - -- $3,046,920 -- ------ - - - - -- $2,418,779 --- ----- - - - - -- -- $2,466,235 ------ - - - --- $19,296,656 $3,506,532 $2,394,191 $25,197,379 $1,558,737 Note: This worksheet breaks out the total 1990 budget into its various components and shows total operating costs, anticipated expenditures and the 1990 budget total. RESERVES TOTAL $3,352,456 $13,194,415 $120,000 $2,017,750 $68,659 $761,659 $23,617 $268,181 $32,666 $708,218 $111,000 $270,000 $69,433 $69,432 $63,681 $275,780 $1,212,600 $200,015 $850,571 $139,332 $2,697,359 $97,435 $695,225 $711,455 $1,110 $185,720 $525,445 $1,253,395 $892,390 $1,243,060 $9,040 $444,000 $4,338,176 $10,005,083 $10,076,121 $36,832,237 u CITY OF SALINA COMBINED REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES FOR SELECTED TAX FUNDS FOR THE YEARS 1983 -1990 NOTE: Funds included in this analysis are the General, Employee Benefit, Utilities, Bond and Interest, Special Gas Tax, Bicentennial Center and Federal Revenue Sharing funds. This worksheet shows the total amount of cash which is forecasted to be available at the end of each year. Estimated Budgeted 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Property Tax ------- - - - - -- $5,394,037 - ------ - - - - -- $4,596,311 ------- - - - - -- $4,668,657 ------- - - - - -- $4,657,352 ------- - - - - -- $5,016,684 ------- - - - - -- $5,037,047 ------- - - - - -- $4,978,485 ------- - - - - -- $4,810,376 Franchise tax $954,880 $1,165,924 $1,154,384 $1,190,765 $1,219,406 $1,268,658 $1,451,000 $1,451,000 Sales tax $2,516,108 $3,140,348 $3,205,156 $3,274,757 $3,259,356 $3,393,573 $3,400,000 $3,434,000 Other Taxes $29,618 $31,745 $29,127 $25,559 $31,745 $0 $0 - - - - -- $0 ------- - - - - -- Total taxes ------- - - - - -- $8,894,643 ------- - - - - -- $8,934,328 ------- - - - - -- $9,057,324 ------- - - - - -- $9,148,433 ------- -- - - -- $9,527,191 ------- - - - - -- $9,699,278 ------- $9,829,485 $9,695,376 Intergovernmental $1,665,182 $1,980,123 $2,126,485 $2,064,365 $1,732,347 $1,843,160 $1,989,440 $2,382,166 Fines $310,879 $343,376 $318,389 $379,578 $333,308 $350,694 $348,000 $360,000 Fees $1,036,206 $1,060,177 $986,573 $1,167,816 $1,100,223 $1,172,296 $1,450,000 $1,147,000 Interest $566,972 $786,409 $739,736 $503,041 $479,052 $591,602 $825,000 $600,000 Transfers $737,000 $738,700 $684,374 $710,076 $592,992 $1,117,461 $1,601,673 $1,191,172 Other $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $120,729 - -- $169,000 ------- - - - - -- $133,004 ------- - - - - -- Operating Revenue ------- - - - - -- $13,210,882 ------- - - - - -- $13,843,113 ------- - - - - -- $13,912,881 ------- - - - - -- $13,973,309 ------- - - - - -- $13,765,113 ------- - - - $14,895,220 $16,212,598 $15,508,718 Special Assessments $779,602 $730,911 $696,157 $775,480 $768,510 - - - -- $922,020 - - - -- $919,000 $872,857 - - - -- Total Revenue $13,990,484 ------- - - - - -- - - - -- $14,574,024 ------- - - - - -- - - - -- $14,609,038 ------ - - - - - -- - - - -- $14,748,789 ------- - - - - -- - - - -- $14,533,623 ------- - - - - -- $15,817,240 ------- - - - - -- $17,131,598 ------- - - - - -- $16,381,575 ------- - - - - -- Expenditures $11,131,540 $11,940,912 $11,870,029 $12,720,897 $12,658,500 $14,276,290 $15,391,230 $16,019,202 Capital Outlay $1,935,924 $1,865,501 $2,775,385 $2,871,320 - -- $1,383,782 ------- - - - - -- $954,760 - ------ - - - - -- $1,301,780 ---- --- - - - - -- $826,000 ------- - - - - -- Total Expenditures ------- - - - - -- $13,067,464 ------- - - - - -- $13,806,413 ------- - - - - -- $14,645,414 ------- - - - $15,592,217 $14,042,282 $15,231,050 - -- $16,693,010 ------- - - - - -- $16,845,202 ------- - - - - -- Surplus /(Deficit) ------- - - - - -- $923,020 ------- - - - - -- $767,611 ------- - - - - -- ($36,376) ------- - - - - -- ($843,428) ------- - - - - -- $491,341 ------- - - - $586,190 $438,588 ($463,627) Fund Balance 1/1 $2,025,834 $2,948,854 $3,716,465 $3,680,089 $2,836,660 $3,328,001 $3,914,191 ------- - - - - -- $4,352,779 ------- - - - - -- Fund Balance 12/31 ------- - - - - -- $2,948,854 ------- - -- - -- $3,716,465 ------- - - - - -- $3,680,089 ------- - - - - -- $2,836,661 ------- - - - - -- $3,328,001 ------- - - - - -- $3,914,191 $4,352,779 $3,889,152 NOTE: Funds included in this analysis are the General, Employee Benefit, Utilities, Bond and Interest, Special Gas Tax, Bicentennial Center and Federal Revenue Sharing funds. This worksheet shows the total amount of cash which is forecasted to be available at the end of each year. f '1 CITY OF SALINA COMBINED EXPENDITURES FOR SELECTED TAX FUNDS FOR 1983 -1990 EXPENDITURES FEDERAL EMPLOYEE BOND & BICENTENNIAL BEFORE FRS & REVENUE YEAR GENERAL BENEFITS UTILITIES INTEREST GAS TAX CENTER SALES TAX SHARING SALES TAX TOTAL ACTUAL: 1983 $5,775,728 $1,380,265 $435,780 $1,989,915 $420,160 $630,888 $10,632,736 $498,804 $1,935,924 $13,067,464 1984 $6,140,551 $1,474,116 $477,875 $2,077,232 $719,482 $647,913 $11,537,169 $403,743 $1,865,501 $13,806,413 1985 $6,359,734 $1,468,767 $452,598 $1,871,447 $725,163 $595,547 $11,473,256 $396,773 $2,775,385 $14,645,414 1986 $6,874,389 $1,523,585 $480,403 $1,954,691 $752,989 $668,862 $12,254,919 $465,978 $2,871,320 $15,592,217 1987 $7,184,093 $1,605,911 $581,803 $1,964,407 $780,113 $542,173 $12,658,500 $1,383,782 $14,042,282 1988 $8,401,826 $1,469,286 $635,033 $2,477,668 $749,974 $542,503 $14,276,290 $954,760 $15,231,050 Est. 1989 $8,987,281 $1,751,551 $665,500 $2,507,600 $837,963 $641,335 $15,391,230 $1,301,780 $16,693,010 Est. 1990 $9,278,959 $1,897,750 $693,000 $2,5589027 $937,520 $653,946 $16,019,202 $826,000 $16,845,202 '1 NOTE: Funds included in this analysis are the General, Employee Benefit, Utilities, Bond and Interest, Special Gas Tax, Bicentennial Center and Federal Revenue Sharing funds. This worksheet provides a historical analysis of fund balances for our tax funds. Please note the fund balance for the General Fund is the total of the General and Sales Tax columns. Cash balances heading into 1990 will be needed to operate our current programs under reappraisal. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING SALES TAX CITY OF SALINA $18,273 $805,183 $2,948,854 $18,861 $1,143,614 $3,716,465 $33,012 COMBINED FUND BALANCES $3,680,089 $1,255,970 $2,836,660 $2,325,365 FOR SELECTED TAX FUNDS $2,920,282 $3,914,191 $2,924,211 $4,352,779 FOR DECEMBER 31, 1983 -1990 FUND BALANCES EMPLOYEE BOND & BICENTENNIAL BEFORE FRS & YEAR GENERAL BENEFITS UTILITIES INTEREST GAS TAX CENTER SALES TAX ACTUAL: 1983 $1,119,619 $65,011 $138,620 $462,362 $212,244 $127,542 $2,125,398 1984 $1,619,784 $142,446 $91,173 $456,396 $154,894 $89,297 $2,553,990 1985 $1,037,082 $355,726 $133,849 $366,245 $102,689 $78,101 $2,073,692 1986 $512,296 $375,915 $180,091 $326,440 $69,772 $116,176 $1,580,690 1987 $0 $277,225 $188,736 $304,245 $72,449 $159,981 $1,002,636 1988 $0 $209,077 $128,328 $351,958 $130,563 $173,983 $993,909 Est. 1989 $730,000 $160,451 $113,593 $118,353 $112,600 $193,571 $1,428,568 Est. 1990 $700,000 $120,000 $68,659 $139,332 $275,080 $196,625 $1,499,696 NOTE: Funds included in this analysis are the General, Employee Benefit, Utilities, Bond and Interest, Special Gas Tax, Bicentennial Center and Federal Revenue Sharing funds. This worksheet provides a historical analysis of fund balances for our tax funds. Please note the fund balance for the General Fund is the total of the General and Sales Tax columns. Cash balances heading into 1990 will be needed to operate our current programs under reappraisal. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING SALES TAX TOTAL $18,273 $805,183 $2,948,854 $18,861 $1,143,614 $3,716,465 $33,012 $1,573,385 $3,680,089 $1,255,970 $2,836,660 $2,325,365 $3,328,001 $2,920,282 $3,914,191 $2,924,211 $4,352,779 $2,389,456 $3,889,152 V i l l I NOTE: This worksheet reports the total amount of wages budgeted by the City of Salina for 1990. Included in the totals are the Central Garage and Hud -- Community development departments which are not budgeted. Fulltime and parttime wages are shown along with the computation of the 1% Salary Reserve and Contingency account. As you will note the City's payroll will be between 9.2 and 9.7 million dollars next year. ix CITY OF SALINA SUMMARY OF PERSONNEL COSTS 1990 BUDGET Salary Dept. Fulltime Parttime ------- Total - - - - -- Reserve ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- Ctiy Commission --------- --- $6,000 ------- - - - - -- $6,000 $60 City Manager $122,756 $122,756 $1,228 City Clerk $205,842 $10,000 $215,842 $2,058 Legal $54,800 $54,800 $0 Municipal Court $54,160 $54,160 $542 Buildings $91,680 $0 $91,680 $917 Engineering $152,328 $152,328 $1,523 Fire $2,111,846 $4,000 $2,115,846 $21,118 Permits and Inspection $104,544 $4,200 $108,744 $1,045 Park $300,046 $95,000 $395,046 $3,000 Police $1,597,428 $3,480 $1,600,908 $15,974 Street $488,420 $4,000 $492,420 $4,884 Human Relations $72,276 $72,276 $723 EMS $436,000 $436,000 $4,360 Traffic Control $80,800 $7,560 $88,360 $808 Swimming Pools $29,000 $29,000 $0 Administration & Planning $93,520 $2,500 $96,020 $935 Arts & Humanities $99,800 $4,500 $104,300 $998 Cemetery $59,640 $59,640 $596 Parking Meters $39,552 $39,552 $396 Smoky Hill Museum $69,066 $31,590 $100,656 $691 Flood Works $55,680 $2,520 $58,200 $557 Neighborhood Centers $59,078 $8,500 $67,578 $591 -------- - - - - -- -------- Total General - - - - -- $6,300,462 -------- - - - - -- -------- $261,650 - - - - -- $6,562,112 $63,005 Risk Management $369490 $36,490 $365 Central Garage $127,840 $127,840 $1,278 Sanitation $343,100 $23,000 $366,100 $3,431 Data Processing $112,500 $5,000 $117,500 $1,125 Golf Course $116,130 $61,000 $1779130 $1,161 Special Gas Tax $72,780 $5,040 $77,820 $728 Solid Waste $107,660 $4,000 $111,660 $1,077 Hud-- Community Dev. $19,238 $19,200 $38,438 $192 Bicentennial Center $356,771 $40,000 $396,771 $3,568 Water & Sewerage $1,262,544 $12,288 $1,274,832 - - - - -- $12,625 -------- - - - - -- -------- Total - - - - -- $8,855,515 -------- - - - - -- -------- $431,178 $9,2869693 $88,555 I NOTE: This worksheet reports the total amount of wages budgeted by the City of Salina for 1990. Included in the totals are the Central Garage and Hud -- Community development departments which are not budgeted. Fulltime and parttime wages are shown along with the computation of the 1% Salary Reserve and Contingency account. As you will note the City's payroll will be between 9.2 and 9.7 million dollars next year. ix CITY OF SALINA OVERHEAD COST ALLOCATION WORKSHEET FOR THE YEAR OF 1990 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1990 OPERATING 0 OF BUDGET PERSONNEL TOTAL DEPARTMENT ------- - - - - -- ------- BUDGET - - - - -- EMP - ALLOCATION ALLOCATION ALLOCATION Risk Mtg. $598,150 - - - - -- 1 ----- -- - - - - -- $15,992 ------- - - - - -- $1,272 ------- - - - - -- $17,264 Sanitation $648,580 19 $17,340 $24,168 $41,509 EDP $181,720 4 $4,858 $5,088 $9,946 Golf Course $379,670 4 $10,151 $5,088 $15,239 Gas Tax $937,520 4 $25,065 $5,088 $30,153 Solid Waste $232,310 6 $6,211 $7,632 $13,843 Bicentennial $641,861 14 $17,160 $17,808 $34,969 Water & Sewer $5,058,407 67 $135,239 $85,225 $220,464 Other ------- $9,115,959 - - - - -- 255 - - -- - -- $243,720 ------- $324,365 $568,085 Total $17,794,177 374 - - - - -- $475,736 ------- - - - - -- $475,736 ------- - - - - -- $951,472 1990 Overhead Calculation: ------- - - - - -- City Commission $88,200 City Manager $149,456 City Clerk $267,742 Legal $73,300 Engineering $167,808 Human Relations $99,646 Adm. & Planning $105,320 Total $951,472 -------- - - -- -- -------------- City of oaLina. Kansas o*Tc p/�i/89 pzScAL YEAR: 1990 Tzmc `i'42'46 pown' 100 cs:NsnAL- osppmTmswT' oow nsysNus 1.9,07 1980 nsyswus nsyswus -------------------------- pzw*wcz*L SYoTsw msvswus aumG's/ *ccouwT nescmzpTzow TAXES 1'a31?'7** 2'06a.337 *01 www pmopsmTY TAX w 402 000 osLzwmuswT pmopsmrr TAX 405 wnw vs*zoLs TAX 401,959 410 wwm SALES TAX 486'e64 414 000 FmAmc*zas TAX 3'400.000 *:L* 351 Fm*wcozas TAX - GAS *:L4 n,75u Fm*mc*zas TAX - sLscTRzc +:L* 353 rmAmc*zos r*x - rsLsp*ows *!L4 354 Fn*wc*zos TAX - c*aLs 414 355 Fm*wc*zas TAX - WATER zwTsnGovs +u1 www wzo www *un www 42+ oww 426 nnw 427 nom 436 www 437 000 401 000 402 000 * * * o c T � z 1- az�sa auo osprmTmswT' AoopTso Ansmoso 1.989 cowmzaazow ouoosT cvoocsT nsvswus ppo.esCTso nppmovsm - ......................... -- ...... ----------------------- .... .... ... .... ------------- .... .... .... ------- w 1'a31?'7** 2'06a.337 2.0uo^000 u^o4a'1a� A., J.77,953 w 26'289 �'w�w 4!L,000 41'000 oo'mao *5^503 V 401,959 412,000 425'000 ~ 262.056 486'e64 w 3'393'573 3,330'000 3'400.000 2'302^150 3'363^000 m 1'268,658 1,451.,000 1.451'000 420.:L78 w w w w 0 o2'441 t-jrw^oww w O w 0 263'714 400,000 w 258'800 w w 57'525 165,000 w w w w 47,512 76.000 n o m w u*o.wwo 240,000 ------ w ----------- 6'930'223 ----------- 7^302'337 ----------- 7.342.000 ----------- ---------- 5'764'82i 6,524'320 Property taxes overall have staved the same for 1990. w separate sheet wiL| be made avai Lab Le show inn the effect of the addition of recreation to the City's budget. T|`e 1990 property tax shown ref Lec`s the efforts made Last year to es+au|iski the max imum amount of fLexibiLity under the new +ax Lid Law. meL/n�uen+ property taxes are computed at 2.22% of the pre"io^s year's tax collections. *05 ouw Vehicle taxes are estimated at 23.5x of- :[vaa's property t�.-)x levy. 410 www Sales tax has been projected to increase at a conservative rate of i% over J.989's estimated collections of $3,400,000. mNMsnAL azwco *mro DEALER aTAmpa CITY-COUNTY msyswus a*Ams LAvTm Lzouom TAX yzcwww, mAzwTsw*wos muosum - oounTY sma - couwTY 423 000 w 11.i8o i I'nww I i 1., 200 J. 1, (-)00 w 9'766 w 1.,002 J.'5a2 w w 229'984 235'616 235'61.6 J.:L9'96:1. 240'000 w 292.880 301.592 301^592 30i.59u 31.51000 w 53,*66 51'150 56,000 27'969 5e,000 w o 3,10(-) w o n w 7p.560 mo,wwn vo.115ww 9o,500 vo.�mw w 258'800 3*3'000 _ 343,000 .... ..... _______ 392'451 355,208 w 93*'841 1'025,458 110z9.4*0 9451205 1,069'708 rhe state u'str/uutes 3'36r% of .,s sa/es ,ax to Lac a/ governments under ,»is proyram^ It is distributed Ao each county based 659 upon nonvLation and no% upon assessed The count' distributes 50% of the amount to cities based upon population and the county retains the rest' *24 000 'rheLocal Ad Valorem Tax Reduction (uwm) funds come from the state's sales tax. A total of *.329X of the state's revenues are divided among Local governments u*s=u a�n upon population and ooX unon assessed valuation. 692,305 45,503 *oa.oa* n'43*,uom 5-7o'oow +ww,wow 165, 000 7a.no0 240,000 6,309,672 w 258, 934 3*a.ww» 5F3, J. 17 w 96, J,27 o54'ooO 1 City to f :7a L i i i a , Karisa:; F I N A N C I O L S Y f :> T G i�j F'Atxk: DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL_ YEAR: 1990 D I::: T A J.' L. BP0401. TIME 11:42:46 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDG1::: T BILE:S FUND: 1.00 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 000 REVS ::NUE SUB DEPARTMENT': 6 , '700 6, 000 1987 1.988 ADOP'T'ED AMENDE "D 1.989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET REVENUE PROJECTED APPROVED INTERGOVERNMENTAL FEES 441 000 OF'F'ICE SPACE 0 2,405 6 , '700 6, 000 a 2,023 6 , 000 e), 000 442 000 COMMUNITY THEATRE 0 895 0 0 205 0 0 443 000 LAKEWOOD 0 2,415 0 0 2,460 0 0 448 000 OTHER RENTAL. 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 457 000 BURIAL AND REMOVAL 0 18,8'70 0 19,000 13,51:5 19,000 19,000 458 000 GRAVE MARKER 0 830 23,000 i3O(•)O 420 i,000 1,000 459 000 TITLE TRANSFER 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 467 000 AMBULANCE 0 169,757 200,000 21 -5,000 189,663 215,000 218,000 467 890 EMS -BC /BS 0 0 0 0 1,519 0 0 467 891 EMS - MEDICARE 0 0 0 0 4,208 0 0 467 892 EMS- MEDICAID /WELFARE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 467 893 EMS -OTHER INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 21,276 0 0 467 894 EMS - INDIVIDUAL_ 0 0 0 0 49,i38 0 0 467 895 EMS - COLLECTION AGENCY 0 0 0 0 2,538 0 0 468 000 FIRE PROT. OUTSIDE CITY 0 105,583 J.30,000 1',,5, 000 1.02, 33'7 i30, (•)00 130, 000 471 000 PLATS AND REZONING 0 9,426 81000 8,0(•70 6,557 8,000 8,000 472 000 WEED CUTTING 0 300 1.2,000 0 263 0 0 475 000 ALARM MONITORING 0 27,625 25,000 27,000 27,450 27,000 27,000 477 000 ENGINEERING 0 148,790 200,000 244,000 200,047 0 0 478 000 STREET CUT 0 50,550 40,000 44,000 34,549 44,000 44,000 480 000 SWIMMING FOOL 0 19,527 1.8,000 18,000 17,571 18,000 18,000 482 000 IMPOUNDING 0 11,359 1.0,(•)00 ii,000 8,316 1.1,000 11,000 486 000 ADMINISTATIVE SERVICES 0 57,253 57,000 57,000 47,i28 0 0 487 000 FIRE CONFERENCE 0 3,069 0 0 0 0 0 0 620,774 729,700 80s,000 731,353 4-79,000 482,000 FINES 490 000 MUNICIPAL COURT 0 350,694 360,000 3411, 000 21O,'703 360,000 360,000 492 000 LATE PAYMENT CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350,694 360,000 343,000 21.0,703 360,000 360,000 PERMITS AND INSPECTION 501 000 PERMITS 6 LICENSES - CODE 0 0 11.0 , 000 1.1. o , o0 '7 110,000 1. 1.01 000 501 iii CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 0 1.,740 0 0 1.1535 0 0 501 112 ELECTRIAN LICENSES 0 6,254 0 0 5,112 0 0 501 113 MOBILE HOME CRAFTSMAN 0 394 () 0 236 0 0 501 114 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR 0 4,67:3 0 0 3,448 0 0 501 1.15 GAS FITTERS 0 J. , 51;8 0 0 1_1.26 1.26 0 0 501 1.16 PLUMBERS 0 :3,933 0 0 3,122 0 0 501 ii7 CONCRETE CONST. PERMIT 0 994 0 0 446 0 0 501 ii8 HOUSEMOVING PERMITS 0 290 0 0 i00 0 0 501 119 BUILDING 6 INSPECTION 0 82,911 120,000 80,000 61,206 100,000 i00,000 520 125 PRIVATE CLUB 0 6,121 0 0 3,625 0 0 520 126 CEREAL.. MALT BEVERAGE 0 16,755 0 0 15,395 0 0 520 127 CEREAL MALT BEV. STAMPS 0 435 0 0 2,465 0 0 2 i1 oit' of aaL/^a' Kansas DATE 9/11/89 pzacoL. YEAR: 1990 TIME �1.'42:*6 ruwo' 100 GENERAL *ccouwr nsscnzpTzow psRnzra / muw 128 muw 1-u* 520 1.30 cow 1.31 520 132 cow 133 520 134 520 135 520 1.36 muw 137 ouw 138 520 139 520 140 520 1*1 520 142 520 143 520 J. 4+ 520 1-45 520 1*a 520 147 520 149 520 150 520 151 520 xou oow 153 wvo zwapscTzow psn*zL Lzouon wmuesmswT smTsmTAzwmswT ozRcuo' cwewzveL owwoso pooL*ALL AND gowLzmc SKATING Rzwx THEATRE AucTzowssn LzouzowTzow SALE Tmss TRznMzwo Juwm nsALsma pwwwamoxsno TAxzoAaa TAXICAB mnzvsna oTmssT *ovsnTzazwc sLsv*Tom cowTnAcTom noozLs *oms counT vswooR, psnoLsm msruas *AuLsno awzL aoNoomAw wsmcHwwT poLzcs wwznoL ozLLooAmo AovsmTzazwc aTnssT pAmwos psmmzT zwTsmsaT 560 www zmvsoTmswT zucoms mszmaumssMswTa 570 wwm FAIR *ouezmG oow www ARTS ooMMIaoIow 590 wow OTHER REzmaumosmsmTa MzaosLLw 601 oww 606 www 607 wwm amv wm» 611 wnm 619 oow 4EoUS SALE oFLOTS owLs OF commoozTzso awLs OF aooxo owLs OF om-vAos mwLs OF mswL saTArs or*cm nzacsLL*wsouo e pzm*wCzAL oysTsn 25'000 17'950 25^000 pAtZ 3 o 20.619 20,000 20,000 *** osrAzL. 20,000 20,000 w ----------- msysmus AnopTco *wwu*� 70,000 ----------- 108'228 ----------- 1.5,080 10,11:13 ospAmrmcmr' 000 nsyswus '76, 500 sua ospI-)mT*em/' ----------- 60'000 ----------- 7�'000 1987 1vaa ADOPTED m`swnso 1.9a9 6,000 commzaazow Rcvswus -----------------------------------------'-------'------------------------------------.... msysnus auocsT auossT nsvcwus pmo-/scTso *ppnovsm ........ -- w o.now w o 31300 w w w 19.670 o 0 15.940 a 0 O 55 w 0 ' 55 n 8 w 375 o w 350 n m w 425 w w 450 w w 0 J.'500 o w J.'375 w n 0 ioo o o ioo w w m 1'025 w w azm o w w 2'261 w o 2.061 0 M w 1,830 o w 305 o n w 621 w w 611 w w O 1.220 w V 1'525 n m 0 160 w w 160 w m 0 310 o n 230 o w n 201 o 0 240 o m w 1'175 w o 260 w 0 w 235 w w 193 o w w 3'512 w w 4'515 o w 0 135 w w 50 w w w 3.817 o o 3'280 o w w 33,5 o o 322 o w n 1,5*8 o w 1.35o w w w 15'996 w o 12'i5J. w 0 w 605 w o *po w o w -------- w ----------- w o pw w n o ----------- J.88, 549 230^000 ----------- 3.901 000 ----------- 148.o51 ----------- 210'000 ............... —'- ... '-- 210, 000 8 -------- 549,206 ----------- ----------_ 325'000 ozz'wow - . 5*2'41-37 ------� - aow'owo aoo'omw w 5*9'206 325,000 oz�'000 .......... 542'48 7 - - --_------ 600,000 ----_-__--- ano^oow e 35'875 41,500 25'000 17'950 25^000 401000 o 20.619 20,000 20,000 4^4*1 20,000 20,000 w ----------- 41,669 ----------- 15,000 ----------- 70,000 ----------- 108'228 ----------- 1.5,080 il.51000 n 9(l, 163 '76, 500 1. 1 1-51 000 1.30'619 ----------- 60'000 ----------- 7�'000 w 7.550 7.500 a'oow 3'45r 6,000 6,000 o 2'045 o^www a^www 4.802 6.000 6'000 w oax 500 300 333 oww 300 W 217 200 200 211 uww uww w 3'156 w s'ano 3'041. w w w ----------- 7.643 ----------- 12'400 ----------- 7.700 ----------- 8.457 ----------- 81000 ----------- a'000 w 20.972 uo,aww u^,aoo 20'301 20,500 ----------- 20'500 3 I c|tvofsaL|^"'Kansas pzwonoz*L oYa7sn mwTs 9/11/89 FISCAL vsAn' i990 * * * o s T A z L � * ° * Tzms �.*u'�a n�vswus �mopTso �wwu�� auocsr Fuwm' 100 cswsmAL ospAnTnswr' woo nsyswus aua ospAnTwswr' 1*87 J.988 AoopTso Amswnsn �pap *ccouwT msacnzpTzow msysw�)s nsyswus emoGsT aumcsT nsysmus pno-/scTso ------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS TRwwoFseo IN 660 www oT*sm Tnwwarsna 0 250.019 339,5t5o 341'550 ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- w 250'019 339,350 34J.,550 aao www This is composed of' Administrative overhead +raosfers apecia/ parks transfers Business Improvement District pAss 4 apo4o11. azLea cownzsazon APPmmE'D ----------- 309.704 360.000 377^433 ~----------- -----_---_- --_-------- 309.70+ 360,000 377.433 *upJ.'ouo ap'433 17'wmo --------- $377, 433 ~~~~~~~~~ cemm,ovsm aunpuUa 3.654'2i.l. ----------- 3.+66'588 ----------- 3'654'2.1.1 ----------- 13.11.50^116 ----------- 13'212^994 app www Cm«nYovsm oumpLuo w ----------- w 2.794'833 13.150'li6 2'932'054 o o ----------- w ----------- 2,794.833 ----------- 2'932'054 ----------- o w* smo mspwmTmswT roT*La ** w 9^951.44t J3'2ii'97e � .... ... � 13'962^0** . ...... 8'803.244 o�* DspAmTmswT TOTALS ----------- w ----------- 9'951.441 ----------- 13.21.1'978 ----------- 13.962.0+4 ----------- 8'003.244 * puwo Rsyswus ToTm-o * ----------- w ----------- 9'951'441 ----------- J.3'211'978 ----------- 13'962'0*4 ----------- 8'003'2*4 3'466,588 3.654'2i.l. ----------- 3.+66'588 ----------- 3'654'2.1.1 ----------- 13.11.50^116 ----------- 13'212^994 ----------- 1.3'150,116 ----------- 13,21.2,994 13.150'li6 13.212.994 4 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY COMMISSION As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the legislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances, resolutions and other actions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brought before the Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advisory commissions, administrative staff, other political entities or the general public. The City Commission exercises budgetary control through the adoption of an Annual Budget. The Commission also makes appointments to various boards, authorities and commissions. The five - member Commission is elected at large on a nonpartisan basis. Three Commissioners are elected every two years. The two candidates receiving the most votes are elected to four -year terms. The third highest vote - getter is elected to a two -year term. Annually, the Commission elects one member to serve as Mayor. Information in support of regular City Commission meeting agendas is prepared by administrative staff and is available to citizens and news media representatives. The City Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. the first, second and fourth Monday of each month in Room 200 of the City - County - Board of Education Building. The City Commission meets at 7 :00 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. Items for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted in writing to the City Manager by noon of the Thursday preceding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public, except at those times when the Commission recesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose as authorized under Kansas law. 5 ciIvufoaiina'Kansas pIw»wczoL 1C."i va7sw pAoF n DATE,: 9/11/89 pzocAL YEAR: J.990 * * * o c T A r L, * * * np0401 TIME A. i'*a'*a sXpswas AnopTso mNwum- mUucs/ nzLsa � puwo' J-ww csmsnm- ospAmTmcwr' toi com*zaazow oua ospAnT"swr. (� � � 1987 j.988 ADOPTED AmENDcm J. 989 ��zaSzow ACcuuwr nsaomzpTzow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sxpEwas cxpswos BUDGET aumccT sxpswas pRoJscTEn oPpnovco � pERaowm- asnvzcsa ........ .... ---------' ......... ... .... ----------------------.... 701 wwO FULL TIME SALARIES ----------- w owa *'zoo 4,200 i�,ezo a'owo a,00w ----------- ----------- ---------- w oww 4,200 ----------- 4'200 ^ J.'825 ----------- 6'000 ----------- 6,008 701 uwm prov|ues for the commissioner's monm/v sa/ary of *100 ea(-h. ouPpLzsS 781 www pugLzc smucATzow w o 25'000 25, 000 o w 32'000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------' n w 25'000 ----------- zo'oww o ------'--' w ---------- 32'000 CONTRACTUAL SW wmo wcswcY cowTnwcTa w 3e6.176 420.404 *zo'ww* 398':142 390'757 *43'573 - ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- V 386,176 420,404 ----------- 420,404 398,J.42 ----------- 390,757 ----------- *43'573 81.0 owo This amount is composed of' Sa|/na -aaLine County *eaL+o *t64'668 aaLina-eaLine County AnimaL aheL+er e6'701 Emergency Preparedness 62'204 Municipal Band 12'000 Chamber of commerce (Industrial.) �o,wo0 Jaycees July ++x f|reworks u|spLay J,00w Ethnic Festival J. 1500 Business Improvement District �i 30^e00 Chamber of commerce (commerciaL) 35'000 ro+aL --------- w4*3,a73 ~~~~=~=~= oT*sn aspvzcso & c**mcso aow oon sMpLoYss nsysLopnsmT w 16'w75 1:71 000 J.*'www a.uo�J. J.7.000 1 r'0o0 851. 000 Duco 8 12^781 :L3'500 13'500 u'*nJ. 13,t-,8w ia'tww e56 oow Lscm- woTzcca w 20.wie 1.6,000 10,500 ix'i73 J,9'000 J.91 000 857 www pnzmTzws o *,062 *'700 +,700 6.930 *'700 4'700 e95 wow oT*sn CONTRACTUAL. ----------- w 11900 o'owo ----------- ----------- --'-------- z^omo ----------- 4.327 2,000 s'oow w 5*'836 53,200 52, 700 31'150 ----------- 56'200 ---------- o7,2o0 850 wVw Commissioner's a++enuan�e at wationa! L.ea"ue of cil/es' a"nvaL meeting and wasxinnton, D. C. LesisLat,ve wee,ins/ the League of Ks. municipaLi+ies annuaL meeting and o,her meeting expenfiies. 851 www provides -for membership to the League or xs. mun/c/pa|'ties' the National. League of Cities, the wort|` centr*| Regional pLanninn commission and the wa+ionai civic League. ** oua ospwRrmswT ToTm-a ** ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- w *41.512 502'mo4 ----------- 502'30* *31'117 ----------- 452'957 ----------- 536, 773 *** ospARTnswT TOTALS *** ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- w 4*1'512 502,80* ----------- 502'304 43J., 1.1.7 ----------- *52,957 ----------- 53o'773 6 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER The Office of the City Manager is the office of the chief executive of City government. The City Manager is appointed by the City Commission for an indefinite term and serves as the City's chief executive and administrative officer. As provided by State statute and City ordinance, the City Manager supervises and directs the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include providing liaison between the City Commission and the administrative staff, preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, processing citizen inquiries and service requests, maintaining effective public relations with the news media, working with other governmental, school district and State and County governments and representing the City at official meetings and conferences. The City Manager is responsible for the appointment and removal of all City employees. As chief executive officer of the City, the City Manager is responsible for recommending measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legislative issues, financial programs, capital expenditures and improvements, as well as other administrative matters. The City Manager prepares a proposed budget for the City Commission. Once the Commission adopts the budget, it becomes the responsibility of the City Manager to see that it is properly administered. Budget Comments The City Manager budget includes 3 full -time employees: City Manager, Public Information Officer and the Administrative Secretary. City ()f Sa L i na, Kansas l' I N A N C I A I_ S Y G 'C E: H PAGE: b DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 x D I::: T A I l- ac •x BP0405. TIME: 11.:42:46 EXPENSE ADOI•-'TED ANNUAL.. BUDGET BIL.ES FUND: 100 GENERAL. DEPARTMENT: 110 MANAGER SUB DEPART"ME:NT: 1987 1988 ADOPTED AMENDED 1989 COMMI;aSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE L XPENSE: BUDGET DUDGET° E:X"ENSE PROJECTED APPROVED PERSONAL SERVICES __.....__-_---- _._.__.._.._.._._._......_._._... ___._.__..- ___.._._._......_._. 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 0 70,626 114,400 i5.8,100 01,408 i.22,i50 703 000 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 F> 400 400 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 a 0 206 206 '726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE 0 0 6,300 ti, 300 4,200 3,900 6,300 0 70,626 120,700 1'24,400 713,462 85,914 1.29, 056 56 SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUP'P'LIES 0 1,402 2, 000 2,000 708 2,000 732 000 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 0 1,595 2,000 2,000 964 2,000 2,000 0 2,997 4,000 4,000 1,672 4,000 4,000 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 2,01'7 2,500 2,000 807 2,000 2,000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 3,924 5,000 :5,000 2,964 5,000 5,000 851 000 DUES 0 2,310 1,400 1,900 665 1,900 11900 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL_ 0 700 4,000 4,000 621 4,000 6,000 0 0,951 12 , 900 3.2 , 900 5,057 9.2 , 900 5.4 , 900 B95 000 Includ(.:?s approx i ma le ly $5,000 for in--house tra i ri i ny of supervisory staff under the direction of the City Manager. CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 468 0 200 54 0 11500 0 468 0 200 54 0 1EaE SUB DEPARTMENT 'TOTALS * 0 83,042 137,600 14J.,500 _ .. _....._ 85,24 __......_ ..... 102,8i4 __.._. . _ .. .... ... .........._.__.... 149,456 *+� DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 83,042 137,600 14J., 500 85,245 W • , 814 149,456 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET LEGAL DEPARTMENT General legal services are provided by the legal department to the City Commission, City Manager, administrative staff and advisory commissions on a variety of municipal matters. These services include legal opinions, preparation of ordinances, resolutions, contracts and agreements. The City Attorney represents the City in litigation, including condemnation action and prosecution. The City Attorney and City Prosecutor work on a part -time basis for normal legal work connected with City business and Municipal Court prosecutions. Other specific legal services are rendered at an hourly rate. The City Attorney normally attends all meetings of the City Commission, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals and attends advisory commission meetings upon request. The City Prosecutor is the attorney for Municipal Court. Budget Comments There are no full -time personnel in this account. The City Attorney is compensated on a part -time salaried basis. $16,000 is included for lawsuits in which the City may be a party. 9 City of aaLina. Kansas mATs p/11/op pzacm- YEAR: 1990 TIME �1.'42'+a pown' 1.00 GENERAL ACCOUNT osacRzpTzow ---------------------------------------- psnnowm- osnvzcso 702 www p*nrTzms eAL*pzsa SUPPLIES Fzw*NCzA L SYsTs'Pi *°* ocToz1- *** sxpswas AoopTsu mNwum- uuocsl mspAnTmswT' t30 LEGAL auo ospAmrnswr' pma:7 7 opw�o� az�so 1987 19 oo ADOprEo *mswocn 1989 o conmzsazow sxpswas ---- ...... ........ - .... .... .... ... sm"swos .... ... ... ------------------------.... BUDGET ouoGsT .... ... -... ........ -------'-------------------------------------- sxpswoc ppo./scrso Appnovsn w ----------- mi'ivp ----------- 51'200 ----------- 2 o 33'174 52'700 o4'oo0 w 51, 199 Si, 200 ----------- ----------- 51.200 ^ o3'174 ----------- 52^700 ----------- 54, 600 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES m o V w o o w o 732 Vwo 000nS a PERIODICALS m 2'749 2,500 z'aow J'8211 w 2, 500 2,500 ----------- w ----------- 2'749 ----------- 2,500 ----------- ----------- 2, '500 i'82J. ----------- *� auu ospwmTmsmT TOTALS ** ----------- 2,500 ---------- 2,500 CONTRACTUAL ----------- ap'rww ----------- 43.624 ----'------ 7 1'200 ----------- 73.300 ----------- *** ncp*mTmswT TOTALS *** w ----------- 71'671. ----------- *9'700 603 oww LEGAL ----------- w 17, 676 ----------- 16,000 1. 000 --------'-- a'aup 1.6'000 ----------- 16'000 ---------- 0 17'676 ----------- J.6'000 ----------- ta,wow 8,629 16,000 J.a.00w - oT*sm osmvzose & c*wmcsa 850 Vww snpLoYss osysLopmswT w w w w o o w 851 oww ouso w *7 w 0 w w w ----------- w ----------- *r ----------- o ----------- w ----------- w ----------- o ----------- a ----------- *� auu ospwmTmsmT TOTALS ** w ----------- 71'a71 ----------- 69'700 ----------- ap'rww ----------- 43.624 ----'------ 7 1'200 ----------- 73.300 ----------- *** ncp*mTmswT TOTALS *** w ----------- 71'671. ----------- *9'700 ----------- 69, 700 ----------- 43'624 ----------- 71, 200 ----------- 7z.smw 10 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET FINANCE DEPARTMENT Under the supervision of the Finance Director, this department provides the proper planning, accounting and control of all fiscal matters in the City as well as serving as the official depository for all city records. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, investments, contracts, payroll, purchasing, temporary and long -term financings are processed by the Finance Department. Central personnel records, advertising and processing of applications for City employment are also handled by this office. Financial statements are prepared periodically. Fiscal reports are also disseminated to other governmental agencies. The documentation for all fiscal records and transactions is conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures. The Finance Department is also responsible for the license and permit application and approval process, assisting with voter registration and numerous other administrative tasks. Budget Comments This Department is budgeted for 8 full -time employees in 1989, which includes the following positions: Director of Finance, Director of Personnel, City Clerk, Chief Accountant, Personnel Clerk, Account Clerk and Senior Clerk (2) . 11 City orsaLina'Kansas pzwAwCzAL sYeTsn DATE 9/li/89 FzocwL YEAR: J.990 TIME it'+z:+a sxpswas AmopTso Awwu*L ouDcsr ruwo. 1.00 csnsnAL msp*mTMswT' t40 rzwAwos mccouwT Dsacmzprzom psRaom*L osRvzcso 701 wwm FULL TIME sALAnzsa rwu wwm pwnTrzMs aALmnzsa rwo wnw ovsmTzMs 70* wwm LowcsvzTY PAY 726 wow TmAwoponT*Tzow ALLowwmcs ouPpLzso 731 wwm oFFzcs auppLzso 732 000 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 19o7 J. 988 ADOPTED sxpswos sXpswas ouoGsT ------------------------------------------------ 701 000 702 000 CONTRACTUAL e04 oww *unzrzws 811 424 RENT/LEASE - oFFzcs souzp OTHER ms o*1 wwm 848 waw msw oow 851 mow 857 www oam 563 amz www 895 000 oii 424 WICES &oHAmGEo TELEPHONE POSTAGE snpLoYss ocvsLopmswr ouso pxzwTzwc RspAzmo - oFFzcc smuzp' msruwma oTnsm oouTn*cTuAL 650 000 *** osI*z� *** u/a mspmvTmswr' Awswmco 4.989 auossT sxpswos pnoJscTEo --'-----.... ..... .... ...... - ------ ---------------- o 1.75, 604 1o6, 000 19a1 o00 1.uz'1cw 1.9 1 .05t-, o 9,0*1 v'oww 1.01000 71000 10,000 w w o w w 4,000 w w 0 0 w 3,1.+2 w w ------ 4, BOO «'aww a'uoo 4^800 ----------- ----------- n 184'8*5 1.99' own ----------- ----------- 2 J.a,300 132'354 ---------- 2J.2.997 This provides for eight fu|/ time ewpu,/ees. 72 6^000 a'www Finance o/rcetor ----------- 10'242 ----------- --'-------- 22'500 ----------- t4.000 ----------- 4'67o persanne/ Director ----------- 1.7,0m0 This corresponds lo the annual. cost of t-he ma/n`enance City cl.wrk an the c/+v'ti ma/n copier^ Chief Accountant w Personnel ol.erx 2.500 z'ouw 1.270 2'500 Account C|erx w 3'572 o'aww a'oow Senior cLerx (2) 3,800 o'awo m 5.+33 'This provides for anproxima-l=Lv 45 hours per week of part time 6,000 labor. one posit|on faLis under +he c|assifieu part time 897 category and is budgeted for 30 hours per week. 3'474 2'600 pAsc o apw4w1 azLsa co*mzsszmy APPmmso ---------- 1pa'7ww J.w.omw 4'oww n'142 *'awo -------- 2uw'a4u 0 5, 289 4,700 1.5, 200 *,11v 5,200 n'*?oo n V w W w 300 300 w ... ����... 5,289 *'700 . ... ����� n.2oo ���������-� *'119 5'500 51 500 o 10, 242 10'500 1-i, 0()0 4'606 111 000 xJ.'oww O w 12'000 3,003 72 6^000 a'www ------ w ----------- 10'242 ----------- --'-------- 22'500 ----------- t4.000 ----------- 4'67o 17'000 ----------- 1.7,0m0 This corresponds lo the annual. cost of t-he ma/n`enance contract an the c/+v'ti ma/n copier^ w 2, 13(3 2.500 z'ouw 1.270 2'500 u'aow w 3'572 o'aww a'oow 2'92* 3,800 o'awo m 5.+33 6,000 6,000 *'243 6^000 6,000 w 947 aoo 9! w 897 1,000 11 000 W 3'474 2'600 *.500 31601 3,amw 3,800 w 1'064 o'wmo 1.200 977 1'200 1,200 w 2'710 1,000 2.000 e90 2,000 u'www w 4'237 2,e00 *,300 9'151 4,300 4,3wm w 23, 573 20'700 uo'uoo 24, 153 24'600 2, 4.6 0 0 This amount aL|ows the Finance oirec,or to attend his nat/onat 12 City ofaaLina'Kansas pzHnNCJ*L SYsTEt p DAD:- 9/1-t/89 Fzoc*L YEAR: 1.990 * * * n s T o z | * * * ap040J. TIME i 1.'42'46 sxpswas AnopTsu Awwum- nmocs/ azLsa ruwu. i.00 cswsaAL osp*mTmswT' 14o rzwoucs aua ospanTmswr' w w 0 1987 1988 AoopTso Awcwocn 1909 cowmzaazon wocounT msaCnzpTzow sxpswac sxpswos euossT mJocsT sxpEwos pno/scrso Appnovso OTHER asnvzcsa & cHAncsa convention pLus one other training sessim` provided by the covernment Finance Officers Associa+/on' rxe personne/ oirec+or and ci+v cLerk aLso attend +hc�ir na+/onaL+conven+/on aL+ernatiny years. This aLso aLLows aitenuance at the League of Ks. Municipal !ties annuaL meeting, the Ks. City cLerks and Finance officers annual meeting and their advanced seminar. The budget a/Lpws for sending one inuiviuu*L -to the City cLerk Certification schoo/ and for yroup Ara/^/na for -the cierical staff. c*pzrAL ourLAr 901 www oFFzcs souzpmswT n 2.529 4^200 4^200 16'095 w w 901 591 OFF. souzp. - FumwzTues m w w w 0 13'000 m 901 592 OFF. smmzp. - coMpuTsma w w w w o a'omw 6'000 901 593 OFF. smuzp. - oTnsm o w w w o 17.000 ----------- w ----------- ----------- ----------- w 2,529 ----------- *'omo ----------- ----------- 4,z00 6'095 36'000 a,woo 901 592 This provides for the rep/acemen+ of three +ermina|s and the acquisition or another printer and a p/ot ter. ----------- ** aua nsp*ernswr TOTALS ** ----------- m zua'*aw ----------- 251.900 ---------- '---------- 261'950 J.71'399 ----------- uva'wvr ----------- 273.742 ----------- *** DspAnTmswT TOTALS *** ----------- w 226,+80 ----------- 251,900 ----------- ----------- 26 1 ,9L,50 I71..o9p ----------- 296'097 ----------- 273, -742 13 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES BUILDINGS DIVISION The Buildings Division accounts for the cost, except utilities, of operating the Police Station, Community Theatre and Art Center. For 1990, this budget also includes all costs for the activities in the area of General Improvements. This would include normal maintenance and minor improvement activities for the various city -owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere. In addition the Building Division provides for the manpower to maintain the Fox Theatre and the Big John /Carousel building. Material and contractual costs are paid out of contingencies. The account also includes the City's share of operating and maintaining the City - County - Board of Education Building. The structure is operated and maintained by a Building Authority comprised of elected representatives of each of the three agencies, plus one member -at -large selected by the other members. Operation and maintenance costs are shared by the three agencies prorated on the basis of square footage of floor space which each occupies. Saline County utilizes 61,016 square feet or 59.4 %, the City of Salina 26,806 square feet or 26.1% and USD #305 14,910 square feet or 14.5 %. The Water and Sewerage Department pays J of the City's 26.1 %. In June 1987, the City Commission authorized an agreement between the City and the Salina Art Center for a private - public partnership. The Center purchased and raised $250,000 in private funds to renovate the Art Center at 236, 238, 242 South Santa Fe. The Center retains ownership of the building and oversees programming. The City is responsible for the routine maintenance and upkeep of the building including utilities. The City has a similar agreement, adopted in 1970, for the Community Theatre at 303 East Iron. Although in this case, the City owns the building which was built with private funds. The care and maintenance of the Police Station, 225 North 10th, is also in this account. The utilities for the three buildings, Police Station, Community Theatre and Art Center, are included in the Utility Fund. Budget Comments The fund includes a Maintenance Supervisor, two Custodians and two Maintenance Workers. 14 cilvofoaL|na'wansa�i rzwAwczA L sYsTsh pAss Io oATs 9/11./89 Fzoc*L YEAR: 1990 * * * n s T A z L * * it ap040J, TIME 1i'42'*6 sxpswss AoopTsm ANNUAL mAx"s7 azLss ruwo' J.ww cswsnwL ospAnTnswT' Iao auzI mzwco/sswsmoL zmpn. aua ospAnTmswr' 1987 J.988 ADOPTED Amswoso 1.989 CommzaaIow wccouwT DESCRIPTION sxpswSs sxpswSs a0oGsT DODGE T* sxpswos pno./scTEn Appxovso ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FERsowm- osnvzcse 701 wnw FULL Tzws SALARIES w 7a'uoo oi'uaw a4'000 40, 127 au'o*a (35, 01150 702 www pAnTTzMs SALARIES w 3'760 7.360 7, 360 3.81.0 w w 703 000 OVERTIME 0 w O w ^ w 4'000 4'000 rm* www LONGEVITY PAY w ----------- o ---'—'----- ---------- w ----------- 0 w 11 830 ----------- 1'830 ----------- w 81.'965 ao'auo 9z^36 w ---'------ 5J., 937 88'37a 91,1 600 702 oww Removed parr-time »eLp and put them in the division using +he oeLp' ouppLzso 743 amm pwzmro w Ioo 350 aoo 21:3 300 300 74* Vmw LuMasm w 694 awn aww 41 awo 600 745 www sLscTezcwL * LIGHTING w 1'461 i1x00 ,..iww 517 i'j.00 I'inw 746 wwm JwwzTomzAL w 1'025 vwm pow 356 vwo 900 750 wwm 6Aa m OIL w w 0 w w 400 400 751 www nAzwT. - vs*zcLso m souzp w 2'662 2'600 u'aww "iaa 2'200 z'1 .100 760 oww wsAmzwc APPAREL w w o w m ano a30 767 000 TOOLS 0 o w n w 700 700 795 mww oT*sm oPsmATzwa Supp|'zsa 0 3'625 3,000 3, 000 J..woa 1.670 J..arw 796 wwm auzLozwco & cmouwDa w 13.639 o w w o 7'500 w 23.286 ��`���� 8.�50 a.5,5o ���`������� 2,536 e,500 16,000 oomrnAcTu*L oil 422 mswT/LsAos - ouzLozwco m 75'5u7 pa'wwo va'nww 84'850 96'000 102'000 e39 www oT*sp pmoFsoozow*L w ----------- 1.'486 2.500 2.500 33 ----------- 2'500 2'500 ---------' w ----------- ----------- 77'01.3 ----------- va pa,5ww 84'883 ----------- 98,�00 104'500 oT*su asnvzcEa & c**ncsa 841 000 TELEPHONE w 496 420 *cw 57p azo 000 oam www nspAzme o w 1.2'650 12, 650 10'71.8 12'700 12.700 o60 561 RspAzmo - mAmzo w o 0 o o so aw w ��������­-­- 496 ����������� J.3'070 .... 13 1 070 ���������� iJ.'upa ���� J.3'600 ��� .... �� 1.3, 600 841. oow Increased +elnxone b^une+ to cover the auu/,ion of the commun|+v Theater teLwphone to -the budget. (It /% suyyesleu the aa|ina Community Theater pick up these costs.) ** ouo DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** ----------- ----------- w ----------- 1.02^760 ----------' 20o'740 .......... u�J.'*aO ' .... .... ............. i5o'652 ---------- 208'978 ----------- 22',:--;, 700 **� ospomTnswT ToTm-a *** o 182, 760 208^740 2�J.,400 1.50.e52 208'978 225, 7(30 15 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET HUMAN RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Ordinance #8488, passed May 24, 1976, repealed all previous ordinances dealing with human relations. The current ordinance prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical handicap or marital status in employment, housing, public accommodations and public contracts. The ordinance established the Human Relations Commission and the Human Relations Department and defined their respective roles and responsibilities. It further set forth time limits and procedures for the filing and processing of complaints. Budget Comments The Human Relations Department has three employees: Director, Investigator and Senior Clerk. The HRD also has a contract with HUD through a cooperative agreement for a Type I Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP). This program is designed to develop housing programs in three areas: investigation, education and technical assistance to landlords, realtors and tenants. This contract established a referral agreement with the Department of HUD and the Salina Human Relations Department to process housing complaints based on race, color, sex, religion and national origin. The contract provides $650 per case processing for a total of $25,000 in 1988. In the past, funding for this program has gone into the General Funds. The HRD budget does not reflect this HUD contract amount. 16 City of Salina, Kansas mArs 9/iJ./89 pzScoL YEAR: zppo TIME JJ.'42'*6 puwo' 100 GENERAL. ACCOUNT msscnzpTzou psnaowAL esmvzcsa 701 mwm FULL TIME aALAnzsa 7wm www ovsmTzms '704 wow LONGEVITY PAY 726 000 TmAwapomTATzow ALLowwmcs euppLzsa - 731 nwn opFzcs ouppLzso 732 www aoono & psmzonzcALo CONTRACTUAL 839 www or*sn pnoFsoozowAL OTHER ms 841 www 848 000 850 000 851 000 857 now 895 www v«zcsa & c**mcsa TELEPHONE poaTwcs smp/-o,ss mEvsLopmswr ouse pmzwTzwc oT*sn oowrnAcruAL. 703 000 V140W01010 850 000 851 000 pzw*nCzA L eYSTsn sxpsmas AoopTso *wwum / ospAmTmcwT' 190 numAw nsLorzowo 19a7 t9aa Aooprso sxpswas sxpsmas ouoosT ----------------------------------------- pAC� i� * ° * o c l A z L nz�cs auy usp*pnwswr' *m�woso �9av ouocsT sxpswss -------------------- commlaszmw pnoJscrso m"poovom w 64'048 83'500 6a^900 42.34a d)8'643 7j. 1390 w w w w w nn* 334 w o o w ^ w n52 552 w w 2'*00 u^-(oa 1'952 o'awo 3'a00 --------- ----------- w ----------- 6*'0*8 85'900 ----------- 7:1.^nmo ----------- ----------- 4*'296 73'129 ----------- 7�'131 76 I project that there wi|1. be approximately forty (*V) hours of overtime for meetings and department functions for the senior cLerx m *13.315 per hour = *33*. Investigator's miLeaye fior inter--city traveL e *:i.ww^ per month for twelve (12) months ~ *1200' o j.., 302 1 00 ,.000 595 t, ow.) 1, ()()0 w 563 1 'J.70 11 J.70 aia 1.1.70 1.'Jrw ���� ... �� o 1, (365 2.17w 1T0 1,4xJ. 2, J.70 2'1.r0 w 3 1 100 2.o00 0 J. J. o/ z,uom 2'r.00 ----------- --------- ----------- w ----------- 3'1.00 u.oww ----------- 2'500 ----------- ----------- i 'io7 2'500 z'owo o 3'599 3^a00 u'amw u.omp o'awo 3, 600 O 1.235 1.050 i.,wow 335 1'050 x,wow o 7'114 p'www 91000 7'500 9'000 p'oww w w w w w 450 450 w 1.1071 aow oow 535 oow aom w w 0 w 1'i66 3,000 o'oww --------- ----------- w ----------' 1.3'wip J.4'450 ----------- 14, 450 ----------- ----------- 1.2'045 1.7 900 ----------- 17'900 This line item should be broken down to s»aw mandatory train/nn from Fair Housing Assistance grant program for staff and commissioners - *5aww' *27'000 of the Department budget is of,�et by Department of nous/ny and urba" Development's Fair Hous/ny Assistance program Type z /F*m">' This program is a cooperative agreement between -the ci+v and *uo. This contract establishes a referraL agreement with the Department of *uo and the Salina Human Relations Department -to process housing complaints based on race, co/or, sev, re|isinn, and natinnat origin. The contract provides *650 per case processing for a total of *27'000. Kansas Human Relations Association - *100 International Association of Official Human Rights workers - *250 17 ci-tv of oaLina' Kansas-ii DATE 9/�I./89 Fzac*L YEAR: J.990 TIME 1i`42'+6 FUND: i00 GENERAL wccouwT osacmzpTzow OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES ------------------------ cwpzn*L ouTLwr 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT SUB DEPARTMENT TOToLS** *** osp*mTnswT TOTALS *** 895 000 FzwowczAL sYaTs" pAo: �z *** osTAz� *** m"w*oJ. sm"smas AoopTsn Awwum- smocsr azLsa ospAmTnsNT' 190 Hummv nsLmTzows aua ospApn*swr' 1987 1988 *oopTso *wswnso 1989 cowmzsazow sxpEwes sxpsmos auocsT oumcsT sXpswos pmoJccTso Appnovso ---------------------------------------------'---------------------------------------------' wat/ona/ Association or Human niyh+s uorxevs - *400 Tn+aL - *450 ^ I enal renresen tat ion to enforce comm/ss.00ers order/case determination in the pvuL|c hearing process. office Equipment Maintenance con-tracts' i' zaw Computer - *16* u. Copy Machine - 240 n. IBM oeLec+ric- J.wV *. ou/etwr/ter - 75 To+aL ~ *579 n o w w w 1, 200 1'200 ----------- O -----'----- ----------- o w ----------- o ----------- ----------- w 1, 200 ----------- 1.'cow 901 woo Rep Lace tvpewriter that is nine (v) vears oLu - ss+.matsm cost with trade-in is *1200' ----------- w ----------- ----------- e2'032 105'020 ----------- pw'+ow ----------- ----------- ----------- 58'861 ----------- ----------- va'avn ----------- 99'646 ----------- ----------- o ----------- ----------- 82.032 1.05,020 90,420 58'a6J. 96.a99 pp.a*a 18 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT The Police Department is responsible for the protection of life and property. The prevention of crime and traffic offenses is the Department's first obligation. Investigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, maintaining reliable records and the operation of an elaborate communication system are other important responsibilities. In addition to these primary activities, the Department performs innumerable services in the interest of protection, safety and convenience to the public. The Department maintains close liaison with other law enforcement agencies throughout the state, Saline County and neighboring communities. Police personnel respond to calls for medical assistance, industrial accidents, natural disasters, aids to other departments, house checks and other calls for service or assistance to the public. The Department's Administrative Division supervises the non - judicial personnel in the Municipal Court. In striving to make Salina a safe community, police personnel maintain high visibility and frequent contact with the general public. The success of the Department is dependent to a great extent on the degree of support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the general public. Both the public and the Department deserve credit for a good working relationship, one which continues to make Salina a safe and enjoyable community in which to live, work and play. Budget Comments The Police Department has 66 full -time personnel, including 59 police officers: Police Chief Lieutenant (6) Assistant Police Chief Sergeant (7) Captain (3) Police Officer (40) Environmental Protection Officer Other full -time personnel include: Administrative Aide, Senior Data Processing Equipment Operator, Senior Clerk (2) and Data Processing Equipment Operator (3). 19 City of Salina, Kansas DATE 9/11/09 FISCAL YsoP' 1990 TIME 3.1'*2'*6 FUND: iOO GENERAL Aocuuwr oeacnzpTzow PERSONAL SERVICES 701 www FULL TIME oALAnzso 702 oww pAnTrzms oALAnzsa noo www OVERTIME 704 oww LowcsvzTY PAY -- euppLzse 731 wow 732 oow 7*3 www 74* oww 745 www 746 oow 750 www 751 oow 752 www 760 wwn 762 oww 767 oow 780 oww 781 wmw 782 000 795 Oww 795 199 701 000 702 000 '703 000 oFFzcs ouppLzsa aoono & psmzmozc*La pwzmTo Lumasn ELECTRICAL & LzGnTzwc JAwzroRzwL GAS & OIL mAzwT' - vcHzcLsa & souzp pwnTa - mAc*zwsRY m souzp wsAnzwG APPAREL oFFzcsma osRvzcs souzp. TOOLS Tm*zmzwG puaLzc soucArzow pnoToGmAp*Y OTHER opsmATzwc auppLzsa oT*sm oPsmATzwo- x-v 75J. 000 pzwAwc10il- SYa7s0 sxpswas AoopTso wwmum- auousT p*Gs 13 * * * o c T A z � * * * ap'040J. ocpAnTmswT' 210 roLzcs sun osponTmswr' 3151150 1907 �980 AoopTso Awswoso 198p cowmzaszoN sxpswas -----------........ cxpswos auocsT ....... - ---- .... ....... ... .... ---------------- aumcsT .... - ................ sXFswas pno.xscrso --------------------------... ... Appnovso .... ------------ w J.'4ow.u7r 1'o1. 1, 00() J.'oao'omw 94*'345 J.^4.11. 11 J.95 1145 71 o30 w 2'o77 3, 480 3'480 2.506 3'48e 3.4a0 0 0 o 0 ~ o 1.21,056 125^900 w a o w o 13'698 1.3'698 -------- ----------- w ----------- 1'*52.65* J.,5i.*,460 ---------- 1'563'400 ----------- ----------- 946,851- 1'549^429 -----'----- 1'600.908 Requesting the addition of one orr/cer. z`` 1900 the overall strength w of the police Department was reduced from 62 sworn officers to 58. 8 Since +ha+ date, the number has increased to 59 with the addition of 1 J.5, 000 the snviromen+at Protection Officer in 1.907. From 1980 +o the current w date, the c|+v has increased its size in acreage approximately vwo w acres and added approximately 12 more m'/es of streets to patrol. The 30J.50 case [uau oanuLeu by the Police Department has increased about 1000 2, 627 more cases u"r|nw that time period. 31000 w 2'i7l. A pay /nceni/ve program for po//ce perso^neL who at ta/n EMT status is also proposed. This would be very simiLar to the program in place at the Fire Department. Provides sal.ary for Police neser"eni and one croiiisima yuaru. Overtime figured at *14.76 per :our for 60 officers at 110 hours per year', and 40 hours Holiday pay for ao Officers per year. w 10 1 000 7'500 r^5oo 3151150 7'50n 71500 w 1.58+ 1'300 1'300 *p* 1^300 1'300 w nv 400 400 *5 400 400 w 553 oow oow O 500 500 o u iww 1.00 3 zwo 1.00 w o'auo 3'000 s, 000 J..owp n'000 a.00a w o w w m w w 8 101..353 1.1.01000 11 o^www 83'731. 1 J.5, 000 1. 1. 000 w o w w o w o w 3J., 468 37.o50 zr.o15m 1.a'5573 30J.50 30, J.".510 w 51570 11 000 2, 627 1.Bali 3'000 31000 w 2'i7l. 1'500 t,;ow 9 7o 1, 500 x'500 w i7'5aa uu,oww wow 8, 275 oa,oO0 25,000 o o o w o o �'oow w 6, 034 5'000 �'omo 3'6 J.7 51000 n'www 0 5'086 20'500 to8 5'717 15, '500 31000 w m w 0 113 w w w 184'932 210'350 uJ. 1^9 r7 1.26.490 216.950 208.450 *5000'00 increase for auu|+/on of one veh.cLe for K program and one additional Police motorcycle. 20 City ofaaLina'Kansas pzwoucz*L sYsTsi J.+ DATE' 9/11/89 rzac*L YEAR: 1990 X. n s T A z I- Tzms 11.*2'46 sxpswss Aomrrso ANNUAL mUDGsr so Fuwo' iww cswsFmL ospAnrMswT' 210 poLzcs aua ospAnTwswr' 1987 19ae ADOPTED wmswoco 19a9 commzaazow *ccouwT DESCRIPTION sxpswSs sxpsmoE amoGsT auoGsT sxpsnSs pmo,JscTso m"pnovso ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------- SuppLzsS 760 www This account a1. Lows and /nuiv/uua1. *350.00 for c Loth ins and *250'00 for ciean.nn a|l.owmnces per year for 59 Increase is for one additional. officer requested. This aLso incLuues *:0000.00 for outfitting an average of three repLace*ent Officers per ve*r. 762 owo For replacement of Leather gear for officers. 780 www This account /ncLuues monies for amun/l/o^ of $0000.00 and *aoow for sending six staff officers to schooL^ Another *7003 is for training schools and co|l.ege classes for the remainder of the department to compLv with -the a+a+e mandated *o hour retraining requirement per officer. The remainder is +o be useu to produce a training fiLm on raonu/ncxs. - 782 wwo This /nc|uues uo+x photography and microfilm suppLies' CONTRACTUAL 805 wMO MEDICAL w 1'285 1.200 J—zoo 391 1'280 2'200 oiw wow *cswoY oowTmwcTa w w w n o o 7'5ow exi Vww mswT/LsAos n *ao 400 aow *wa 3.040 3.040 811 422 mswT/LsAos — auzLozwca w w w w 1'8*2 w o o12 www Fssm pnzaowsmo w 8'497 7'000 91 *780 5'940 7'000 1o'0w0 oov 000 or*sn pmoFsaozowm- m 8109n 13'000 13'000 aoa ----------- ----------- 91000 91000 --'-------- --'-------- ----------- ----------- ---'------- w 18.283 21'600 24'700 9'389 20.240 3J.'7*0 805 oww This incL^ues in+o^iL|zer supp/ies' ul.00u a/cohol. tests' drug +es+s, some medical. charges due to investigation purposes, and payment of medical. u/LLs incurred by city prisoners. 81.0 000 This represen+s the c/+v's shave of ma+cx/no funds for future u,uy grants. eil. oww Lease of +he zuent| K/+ $*ww.00. Lease or * aoo megahertz mouil.e ,e/enhone systems to aL|ow +e|ep»one commu..ications from four designated Pol./ce vehicles *26*0.00 o12 www This cuvers cost for prison(-n- upkeep, /nckuu/ny meal.s, uniforms' e1c. at a cost or *5.00 per day pavauLe to County commission. onp oww This accouni incLuaes compu-ter p,oyrams. *3550'00/ recharging fire ex+inyw/sxers w300.00; Impoundments Auemco License *2160.00/ with the balance going toward misce|l.aneous ser.ices. oT*sm ssRvzusa u c*Ancce 8*1 oww TELEPHONE w 14.443 J.5'owo 1 owo iw^i4J, 15,wo 15'500 848 www poaTAcs w *'351 n'*ow 3^+00 2, 487 3'400 o'*ww 850 owO EMPLOYEE msysLopmEwT O *'021 5,000 115 1 008 3'402 51000 u'oOO 851 wwo ousa o J.'261 1,350 J.'7ow 1.'460 u'www 21 .E u/t / D saL/na. Kansas oArs 9/11,89 FISCAL- YEAR': 1.990 TIME 1x'42'*6 Fuwo' J.mo GswsRm- wccouwT osecmzpTzow OTHER ms 857 000 oaw 561 860 562 aaw 563 895 000 n/zcca & CHARGES pmzmTzwc nspozma - nAmzo mspAznm - BuILozwca Rspozpm - oFFzcs souzp. OTHER CONTRACTUAL 841 000 850 000 85J. 000 eaw 562 Increase is $4000.00 for repLacement ol overhead garage doors .n Pal ice u"/W/ns' *500.00 far repair or vinyl caps on stairs Leading to basement and second floor of police building. Remainder is for heating and air conditioning repair and general electrical and plx°u/ny rep*irs' 860 oan Annual service contracts for compv+er e,:luipment, microfilm equipmen+, typewriters, alarm monitoring equ/nmen`, canon copier service. Also covers cost to repair miscellaneous equipment not covered under contracts, such as paper shredders, calculators, transcribers, etc' 895 000 Building elevator service contract of *1.600.00 per year, cau|e Tv service *209.00; Pest control service *3*2^00 arid miscellaneous contractual. worx' CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 www oFFzcs souzpmswT 901 591 OFF. souzP. - FuRwzTuns 901 592 OFF. souzp' - conpuTsms 901. opo OFF. smuzp. - oT*sm pmu wwm n*ozoa 905 wwm oT*sm souzpmswT - �Uollmffo 0=0 901 591 w rzw�wczA L- sYyre.I 12'323 poGc I ��' 1^200 w J..278 *** osrAz� *** Bpw*wx 1'679 sxpswos AoopTso ANNUAL- auoGsr w ozcso osp*mTmEwT' 21,0 pm-zcs 9,000 sua ospAnTnswr' 21.7 1.987 J. 988 moopTco Amcwosn 1.989 commzaozow sxpswss -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sXpswas ounGsr smncsT sxpswas pnoJscrso :ppmovso w 5.731. 5'000 o,00w 1,*53 5^000 5'wo0 w 15.293 1.4'500 14.500 8.874 :14.500 14.500 0 9.292 11'080 il,wwo 7,014 i5,500 15,500 w 11.67* im'700 7'861 10'186 1.0,700 10,700 w -------- 2.667 3'700 3'700 ~*.386 3.700 ----------- ----------- 3^700 ----------- w ----------- ----------- 68.733 ----------- 7011.50 67,71.1 *9'403 75.300 75,300 Department Long distance runs approximately *12.000.00 per Year; criwe Stopper phone *458'00 per year; Special circuits. *2.J.87'00 per vear and alarm monitoring Lines *811..00 per ,ear. Merlin equipment is u^uemteu -through the Emergency Preparedness Office. This covers out of town travel for investigation purposes, attendance at business and professional. meetings, conferences, costs for hosting meet/nos. uuv/ny Lunches for department visitors. -:Luest speakers, etc. Expected increase in cities for Kansas Peace officers *ssoc/at/pn, Kansas Chiefs of Police Association, and International Chiefs of Police Assoc/a+/on' eaw 562 Increase is $4000.00 for repLacement ol overhead garage doors .n Pal ice u"/W/ns' *500.00 far repair or vinyl caps on stairs Leading to basement and second floor of police building. Remainder is for heating and air conditioning repair and general electrical and plx°u/ny rep*irs' 860 oan Annual service contracts for compv+er e,:luipment, microfilm equipmen+, typewriters, alarm monitoring equ/nmen`, canon copier service. Also covers cost to repair miscellaneous equipment not covered under contracts, such as paper shredders, calculators, transcribers, etc' 895 000 Building elevator service contract of *1.600.00 per year, cau|e Tv service *209.00; Pest control service *3*2^00 arid miscellaneous contractual. worx' CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 www oFFzcs souzpmswT 901 591 OFF. souzP. - FuRwzTuns 901 592 OFF. souzp' - conpuTsms 901. opo OFF. smuzp. - oT*sm pmu wwm n*ozoa 905 wwm oT*sm souzpmswT - �Uollmffo 0=0 901 591 w 2.536 11.550 12'323 71807 1^200 w J..278 1'450 :1^696 1'679 1,250 w w w w o 9,000 m 21.7 m m *1.* w w 7, 630 91 1650 p^ano 91577 91008 w w w w 202 23'825 w 11^669 22'650 23'669 19'679 44^275 Replacement of typewriter for Administrative Secretary. Replace 4-t*uLes in sxvadropm. **50'00' Replace 2 desk chairs that are not rmna/rmulw *www'ww each. 901 592 Replacement of main computer printer mpue| zam ozun which is 10 years old with a zan Model +234 12' � v J., 200 J., 250 � 9,000 v'oww � 8,535 ------- oo'po5 � � � 22 I 0 I 905 www Two repLacemen+ sirens, for pol.ice motorcycl-es *1.000.00' for weights for nhvs/cai fitness training room. *c1wo.00 to rep/ace recharsauLw fLas^|isx+s in poiice vehic�es. aix new shotguns $21.00.00. Nine renLacemen+ revo/vers *2475.00. *W5.00 for �^ar+z /ioht ins system for police Lao pl-iotonraph, needed to accura+eLv Photograph evidence. ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- w� oum DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** w 1.839'230 1'891'61.7 1'151^812 1'906.194 1'9*5'383 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ww* DEPARTMENT TOTALS w*w w 1'736.271 1^839'230 J'op1.'6J.7 J'iml.o1u 1^906'19* 1.9*5'303 23 .� CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge serving on a part -time basis, hears misdemeanor cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. The full -time personnel are under the supervision of the Police Department's Administrative Division. Process - serving and bailiff services are provided by the Saline County Sheriff's Office under an agreement between the City and County. Funds for this agreement are in budget account 295. The Municipal Court collects approximately $360,000 annually in fines, court costs and fees. Budget Comments Full -time personnel include: Administrative Aide and Principal Clerk. 24 ci+/ofaaLina.Kansas pzwowczA L aYoTso p*Gs 1.a owTs 9/1 J. /89 pzacm- YsxR' 1990 * x * n s T A z I TIME 1�'*u'�a sxpswss �omprco �wwu�� ouncs'/ nz�pa { pumo. iow �swsnAL ospAprnswr' 2co muwzczpm- CoumT oua ms"�nTwsmr. 19a7 1988 woopTso m`swoso 1.9ov commzsSzow Accouwr msacnzpTzow sxpEwas sxpswSs ouoGsT aumGsT sxpswss pno-/scTsx Appnovsm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------'------------------------------------------------- psnaow»L oEnvzcsa 701 wow FULL TIME am-AmzsS m +a.paz 47'o0w uI'000 31'1.20 +6.236 40.090 703 www OVERTIME w w o w o 51000 5'0V0 70* 008 LONGEVITY PA, 0 w ----------' w --'------ 8 ^ o ----------- 1,070 ----------- 1'o7� ----------- ----------- w ----------- 48'982 *7.000 ox'oww 31'120 52,306 54, 160 703 www sxpecteu overtime for 1990. ouppLzso 73J. wVw oFFzcs SUPPLIES 0 719 *wn 400 7+ 400 *ow 732 oww mooxo & psmzonzc*Lo w n m w o iwo iww 751. wow MAzwT. - VEHICLES u Eouzp m 876 1'600 1, ,aoo ��. i'1a1 1'600 ������_��� 1.'600 0 1^595 2,000 z'won i'255 2'100 2'100 - 732 oww purchase city Directory for 1990- � � CONTRACTUAL � 839 owo oT*sn pnoFssozmv*L w 6'597 25,000 ----... ""'J, 000 ...... --- 23, 838 ----------- 25.000 ----------- 2,-"i, 000 ----------- ----------- w --'-------- ----------' 6.597 25'000 c�'000 23'838 25,000 2o.00w osp www zncLuues *uo.woo.wo paid to t»e a»er/f.f's Office for process server. oT*sm asnvzcso & c*wncse e*1 oww TsLsp*oNs w 929 111.00 1.00 530 1, 1.00 1'J.om 857 000 pPzwTzwc w 774 1'200 t, 200 51r 1.200 J..unw 892 www RsFuwoo w 7'v55 15, 000 j 5, 0(.)0 6'7*5 15'000 J.n.www 895 oow oT*sn CONTRACTUAL w w 11 000 ---'----'-- 11 000 w --------- i'owo ---------' 1.1000 ... - .... ... ... ----- ----------- w '---------- ----------- 9,658 16^300 J.a^3oo 7, 7912 W'30o aoo cwpzm- OUTLAY 901 own OFFICE smuIpmsmT o o aoo ano a,qo ----------- o ----------- o ---------- ----------- O ----------- ----------- w -- '--'-- 64a o w ** auo ncponTmswT ToTm-a ** o ������� aa.00z 93'155 rr'zu� 6 *^6 5 a .����� 97'7wa ----------- 99,560 ----------- �** ospAmTmswT TOTALS *** ----------- w ------'---- ----------- 66.832 —'--'----- 93.155 9 r'1u5 ----------- 6*'653 97^706 vv'�aw 25 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT PARKING DIVISION The Division provides for the collection of monies, parking enforcement and maintenance of all municipally owned parking facilities within the Central Business District. The Division is supervised by the Police Department with technical assistance provided by the Traffic Engineer. On December 1, 1982, all parking meters were removed from streets and parking lots. All other parking is for 2 hours. All revenue derived from fines for parking violations goes to the General Fund as required by state law. Budget Comments There are 3 full -time employees in this fund: Parking Attendant (3) . These expenses were shown in the General Fund in 1989. A transfer from the General Fund has been made in the last several years to operate this department. 26 ('.Iity Of SaLina, Kansas 1:: .,1. N A N C I A L S Y S '1 16-, H PAGE i"? DATl-:. 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 1) to *1 A .1'. 1 BP040J. TIME l.i:42:46 EXI::'E-.-.N,13E ADGI:"T*17.,.D ANNUAL liUDGE'l BlA.EIC), FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 230 PARKING' METERS 'AJB DEI°'ARI MENT: 1987 19138 ADOPTED AMENDI":D J.989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE DUDGE1 DUDGET EXPENSE PROJECTED APF,ROVt-::D PERSONAL SERVICES ........ ... 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 0 0 36, 560 J 00 23,095 3o, -jm) 703 000 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 0 992 992 ... ...... . ..... ... 0 0 .... ....... - 36,560 3011.•0 .... . .... .... ...... ..... . 23,095 ........... 38,072 ....... 39,552 701 000 3 ftxLL time parking meter attendaritsi. SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 000 GAS & OIL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP 0 0 4,400 4,400 2,440 4,400 4,400 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 0 0 900 900 467 900 900 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 5• 150 35 50 0 0 5,350 . ......... . . .... 5,3`.70 2,942 5,350 151 31,50 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 0 41,91() ... ..... ... 43,450 . .... .. . -.1- .... . .. ...... 26,037 .......... -1- 43,422 1 . . ... .... .... . . 1. ... .... ... 44,902 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 0 41,910 43,440 26,037 43,422 44,902 27 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department shares in the local responsibility for protecting of lives and property. Through inspections, public education programs and enforcement of various codes, many hazardous conditions are prevented or detected and corrected. The Fire Department maintains high -level readiness for prompt and efficient response to fires, emergency medical calls and other types of emergencies. The Fire Department operates from four fire station locations, providing rescue and fire suppression city -wide and into certain areas of the county by contract and on special assistance. The Emergency Medical Service, a paramedic level of care, is operated by the Fire Department on a county -wide basis providing both nonemergency and emergency care. Primary response units are located in three stations, and the department assists with a fire first responder on life- threatening calls to reduce run time and for additional manning within the city. The Fire Department is organized into five divisions to carry out its multifaceted roles. The Fire Prevention Division enforces fire codes, conducts inspections and reviews plans. The Emergency Medical Division ensures proper medical patient care and acts as liaison with state and local medical groups for compliance with Emergency Medical Service standards, laws and local responsibilities. The Training Division ensures the training of all employees, both in- service and by attendance in out -of- department schools and seminars. The Operations Division includes the daily delivery of rescue, fire suppression and emergency medical services to the citizens of Saline County and the City of Salina and the maintenance and care of buildings, equipment and vehicles. The Administration Division coordinates all of these activities into a unified effort. All divisions are supportive of the public education role of the Fire Department. The Fire Department provides fire protection services on a contract basis to commercial and residential property outside the City limits. In 1989, these fire contracts generated $130,000. Budget Comments The Department has 85 full time personnel: Fire Chief Division Chiefs (6) Administrative Aide Inspectors (3) Lieutenants (15) Public Educator Firefighters (21) Engineer (21) Senior Clerk Paramedics (11) EMS/ Lieutenants (3) Mechanic 28 City or aa/ina, Kansas nArs 91 J. 1/89 pzacm- YEAR: 1.990 Tzms 1i..*2:*6 ruwo' 100 csmsnAL Accouwr ncocnzpTzow psmoowAL asnvzcsa 701. www FULL TIME oALwnzsa noo wmu pAmTTzms aALAmzsa 703 wow ovsmTzMs 704 www LowcsvzTY PAY auppLzso 731 wow 732 oww 742 wow 743 oow 744 www 745 oow 746 now 747 www 750 oow 751 wwV 752 aow 7ao wow 7a7 oow 768 www 780 oww 781 Vow 783 wow 790 wow 795 oww OFrzcs suppLzsa aooxo a pspzmozcALo METAL pnmmucra pozwTS LuMasm sLscrmzcAL & Lzc*TzwG aAwzTomzAL wsI-mzwo ouppLzso GAS u OIL mAzwT' - vs*zc|-sa u souzp PARTS - mAc*zwsmY & souzp wsAmzwc APPAREL TOOLS MACH. u souzp' ((*500) TnAzwzwc puaLIo soucATzow Fzns pnsvcwrzow essmo. pLAwro. Tmsso oT*sn opsmATzwG aupp/'zso pIwAwCzAL aYoTsn Pocs io 1) c7ozI_ sxpsmas AoopTsu ANNUAL ouoGs/ az�ca mspwnTmsuT' 250 pzns sua msr0m7msmT' wtw AoMzwzaTmATzow 1987 1.988 woopTso Amswoco J.pop commzsozow cxpswos sxpswas auocsT auocsT sxpswos pmo./scTso Appnovco - ---- -------- - .... ----------------------------------'-- ........ '---'----------------------------- .......... ............ - o 1'ba0.J.03 j..5*5'2*0 J.'aoo.wwo 980'416 j J.01 i00 114.no4 w *.255 3.000 a,wow 2'595 4.000 4.000 n 0 w w ^ w w 8 w ----------- 0 ----------- n ----------- w ----------- m ----------- 1,*0* ----------- 1'40* w 1,584, 350 j..548'240 1.'6os,00n 99:1.10it J.15'50* ----------- i1919013 ItLEMOM0 '745 000 xs1. wmo rao www 768 www 780 wwo w J., 303 1.1 800 1.1 800 aor 11 a00 n 953 1'000 1'000 761 1.000 w 134 750 r50 65 rso w 1..056 700 700 165 aww w 397 700 295 2,000 w 1.1080 3`300 a'onw 1.'755 2,500 O *.977 5.000 �'wow 31193 5'500 w noo 800 aww 134 mwo 0 w o w w 71000 w 23'137 29.j.50 up'Jow ia^825 uo'www w w w w o 1,200 m 21'167 21,905 J.0,593 22'*00 w 1'524 awV aww 1.23 owo n 2'612 3,300 3,300 1'906 3'500 w 3.273 1.5^455 ,5'*55 8'788 7.000 w w o J�'oow 21 437 1'000 w o w o'1.ww ava 5,100 w 1'573 2.350 2, 3,50 J. 788 2,000 w 2'e01 _ ........ ... _______ 3.450 ___________ __________ 31*50 _____ 711. ....... ...... _ 3,000 w 66, 367 vw'*ao 96, 560 53'324 a9,650 zncLuues the foI-[owiny projects' F/nisx ihe wa/|s in -the ua�t»roo*s and physical exercise room of Station *s' `emoue1. bedroom at Station Allows for finishing //ohtins in uase=en, at station 1:2/ ins-taLi./ns circu/a+iny fans in uasemen+ at station '.a and Station 44' pro,iues ror parts for repairing ve»/c/.^s ',r ,h* aaL/^a p.re uep,' This includes tires. proviues a clothing allowance avid brass ix./yn/a ru.' persnn^e� in the amount of *270 per person per year. In addition, the account includes funds for finishing up a two-rear rep/acemeni of jackets. Provides for the purchase of new mechanical eq.uipment anu repl.acement of smal.L tools and other mecxanicaL e«u/pmen�. Allows for keeping physical conditioning e-:1.uinmen+ up-to-uate. provides for training equipment and supp|ies^ 1.'awo 1.'www 750 c,0ow 2,500 5,500 15)ww r'000 J'91 000 1, 200 22,400 oww s'oo0 .7,00n 1, 000 o'1wO 2,000 s'oow B6, 6'50 29 City orsaLioa'Kansas pzwowcz(-'s I aYuTso 1.v DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL- ,smR' J.ppo * * * o s T A z L- * * * BpO 40J. TIME 11`*2'46 sxpswas Aooprsn mvwum- azL�sa ruwo' i-oo oswsnwL. ospAnrmswT' 250 Fzns aoa ospAnrmsmr. 01.0 AomzuzoTnATzow 1.987 1.900 AoopTso ohswoso 1989 comMzsazow *ocouwr osaCazpTzow sxpswos sXpswss auocsT aumacT sxpswas pmo�scrso Appnovsn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------------- ouppL.zsa 781 wwo Provides for me purchase of prin-ted maler/a/s, audio fi1.ms' slides anti all related equipment Pertaining +o ,he+uu/ic education program. 783 wwm prov|ues for the purchase of audio visua�s� �ire scen� inves+|sa+/on' code enfnrcement, pho,o Lab *nu /ire s*fet/ house materials and evuipmen+' oowrnACruAL e05 www nsozcwL w w w w w e'moo 81 000 oop 000 oT*sm pmoFsoozowAL. w ----------- ----------- 51908 19, 030 1.p1 030 J.0.493 a'www 6.000 - w ----------- 5'908 J.9'030 ----------' ----------- iv,030 ----------- 10'493 14,000 ---------- J.4'000 805 www Provides for employees annuaL stress vaccinations. 839 owo znc/uues the fuLLowinn services' +es+/,.s of urpa+h/ny air/ +es+/ny of appLicanis for employment; testing of 1wo *e,ia/ /auuer trucks. oTnsu osnvzcso & on*mcso 841 wwm TsLsp*oNc w 5'502 8,500 o' 5(.)(-) o^aov 9^o0w v' now 84e wow pooTAcs w 50J. 650 650 583 600 uww 850 wwm smpL.oYss mcvsLopMcwT w 8.036 o'wow o'000 6,903 o'owe G' 000 851 mwm nusa w 435 350 350 upo 400 *wo 857 wmm pmzwTzwG w 635 11 11500 1_500 364 1.1500 11000 860 Vww REPAIRS w J.896 2'000 2.000 ,.':L99 2'000 z^wwm 860 561 mspAzmo - RADIO w J.'7*9 o'amw 3,6o0 1.860 n'wwo 3'000 eaw oaa nspAzmo - muzLmzwca w J.5, 545 10 1 115 0 0 1,0 1 500 4.471. J.0, 500 J�o'oow oaw oan mspAzmo - oFFzcs souzp. w J'1.72 700 700 739 700 700 oai wOM LAUNDRY & TOWEL aEmvIcs w o w w p J., 560 1_560 894 www Fzms oowFsnswcs w o o o 55 � o w 895 Vww OTHER CONTRACTUAL O w 6,1o0 w ���_ 2.970 1,200 1'cow w 35.471. *1'900 35'800 25'244 ��� 38'460 ... ��� . ...... or'paw e50 ono pro"iues For participation in severa| and Arai^/nn programs outside the department. 860 www *LLows for repairs of furniture, cameras' app//ances' r.v-'s and vun`s' oao oaz zncLuues the r"l.Low/ny projects' repai, of basement- wa// a-1 Station -.4/ installing an exhaust fan in s»pwer room at Station 44-1/ install- ing p/uwuinn and bathroom f/x+ures in +wo bathrooms in basement of Station 4:3. CAPITAL.. oun-*Y 90:1 wnw oFpzcs EouzpMswT o 6, 673 13^�50 o o o o 30 ci+vofaai|oa.Kansap FzwAwCzA I SYsTEn pAQ , DATE' 'P/ii./89 rIsc*L ,sAn' J.990 oww X. o s T * z ouo 1. 4(- apo* Tz*s J.i'*2'46 sxpswss AoopTsn Awwu��. m/oGs/ oz�sa puwm' 100 cswsnwL ospAnrmsuT' 2n0 pzns sua ospAmTmswT' 010 (iomzwzarnoTzow 19o7 1.989 ADOPTED Amswoso J.vop comMzsszow *coouwr msacRzpTzmv sxpswos ------------------------------------------------'-------------------------------'---------.......... cxpsmos ouocsT auocsT sXpswas - .... - ........ -- ... ................. pmo./scTso Appnovc» -------------------- ... .... ... .... oApzTAt OUTLAY 901 591 901 5*3 902 000 903 wow 905 www 906 nmw 907 wVw pwa www opr. souzp. - poRwXTums opr. smuzp' - oT*sm nmozoa FzmsFzc*Tzns souzpwswT orosn souzp*swr nAzAmmouo MATERIALS souzp psmoowwsL pnorscTzvE so' Fzms erwTzow souzpmswT 901 593 902 000 903 oww 906 000 907 000 w* oua mspAmrmswT rorALa ** w o o o^aoo 30-4 2.000 u.eow w w 0 7.t.-pww o.530 3^000 31000 w 5.940 1'800 t'aon ^ 466 3'500 3,500 w 5,70* 8'a50 81a50 *.o49 12,000 J.2.000 w 22,230 13,600 2'500 1'123 2'500 2'500 O w w 71iww 385 3,000 a'oow n n w 1.839 6.500 6,500 w ------ o ----------- w ----------- n o 3,500 3'500 w 40,547 37'600 ----------- ------'---- ----------- '37'6ow 14,576 36.000 ----------' 36'000 Provides for the purchase of a copier +or office use^ AlLows for the repLacemen+ of three protauLe radios. AL/ows for providing personna/ a|er+ mnLion detectors for aLl, sw/f contained breathing apparatus; upgrading of seff contained urea+hi^y apparatus; purchase of audi+iona/ Hurst rescue equipment/ purchase of auu/+ionat Vetter high pressure rescue bag equipment. Provides for speciaL equipment useu in m/lination of hazardous material. incidents; aLso aL|ows for computer software and identification sinns. Provides for purchase and replacement of personnaL pro,ecJive equipment. ------ 0 ----------- 1,'732,651 ----------- J.,737,230 --- ...... ....... --- ---------- ----------- 11791,990 1,094,648 293,614 --'-----'-- 294,518 31 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET FIRE DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES The City and Saline County signed an interlocal cooperation agreement December 14, 1982, to transfer the operation of the emergency medical service to the Fire Department. This service is funded by fees and a tax levy by Saline County. The operating cost of the Emergency Medical Service is included in this account. This account has been established to more clearly identify the cost of this program. In addition, employee benefits are budgeted in the Employee Benefits Fund. All costs are paid by fees or by Saline County. Budget Comments The Division has 18 full -time personnel: Division Chief, EMS Personnel (14) , Senior Clerk (1) , EMTA (2) . This budget provides for an additional Emergency Medical Intensive Care Technician. 32 City Of 'Sa L i rya, Kansas I-' 11 14 A N C 1: A L_ S Y 113 '1 L:: 1-1 DATE 9/1]./89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 TIME 11.:42:46 EXPENSE AD01'I'F.D ANNI.IAI... DUDGEA FUND: 1-.00 GENERAL DEPARTMENT. 250 F'IRE_' ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 703 000 OVERTIME 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY SUPPLIES 731 000 '732 000 750 000 751 000 752 000 760 000 761 000 780 000 781 000 795 000 703 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES HOOKS & PERIODICALS GAS & OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP FARTS MACHINERY & EQUIP WEARING APPAREL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TRAINING PUBLIC EDUCATION OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL 805 000 MEDICAL 820 483 INSURANCE - EMS 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL_ OTHER SEI 841 000 848 000 850 000 851 000 857 000 860 000 860 561 860 563 861 000 892 000 895 000 820 483 839 000 :VICES & CHARGES TELEPHONE POSTAGE EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT DUETS PRINTING REPAIRS REPAIRS - RADIO REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP. LAUNDRY & TOWEL SERVICE REFUNDS OTHER CONTRACTUAL 1.9£3'7 1-988 ADOPT E D EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET u u D 1:­ A I 1.. x. aE a( BF'040Ji B:I: LETS SUD DEF'ARTMEN I : 020 E: MS Ahl ; :'NI)ED 1.989 COMMISSION BUDGET 1'tXPENSI F'RO JECTED APPROVED 0 363,384 436,000 4-,48,000 281,662 4121 , 5715 438,440 0 0 O 0 0 23,000 23,000 0 0 () 0 0 3,868 3,868 0 363,384 436,000 448,000 281,662 448,443 465,308 This cone, i s•l�a of Fair Labor Standard A(::(, I' :M'-.) tr ansfers, emp Loya�e vacations, employee sick Leave, hold ovary s:s and EMS ca L 1. tacks. 0 965 1 , 000 J. , 000 868 1, 00O i , 000 0 576 '700 700 71"1 700 700 0 0 0 0 0 6,500 6,500 0 15,746 13,(-')00 J.3,000 8, 168 71000 71000 0 0 0 0 0 11000 1,000 0 `1,3.74 5,420 ::',,420 2,648 5,420 :';,420 0 0 0 0 0 950 950 0 3111.9 3,400 :3,4()0 1.,684 3,40() :3,400 0 886 i , 1.00 1. , 1.00 105 1, 100 i , 1.00 0 il_i23 12,950 12,950 91858 12,000 12,000 0 37,769 37,:.•77(} 37,`57(} 24,04(3 39,070 39,070 0 0 (: 0 0 2,000 <,000 0 18,000 29,300 29,300 29,300 32,000 32,000 0 t7,711 15,900 15'900 8,252 15'000 0 35,711 45,200 45,200 37,552 49,000 49,000 Transf..wred to Fisk Management. Provides f'or payment of the EMS Mod i ca L D i rec-tor . 0 3,593 4,100 4,100 2,546 4,100 4,100 0 1.,212 11900 1,900 1.,175 1,400 1,400 0 2,854 5 , 80(•) 5 , 800 5,337 5 , 000; , 000 0 90 300 300 80 250 250 0 1,582 1 , ;',00 1. , 500 615 1,650 1. , 650 0 2,524 2 , 1.0(•) 2 , 1(•)0 1. , 299 1.1100 1 , 100 0 3,446 3,600 3,600 1,61(3 3,000 3,000 0 612 700 700 389 '700 700 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 J., 365 1,900 1,900 1.,191 1,900 1.,900 0 384 400 400 8 800 800 0 1-7,662 22,300 22,300 14,258 20,000 20,000 33 City or Salina, Kansas F I w A w C z A I s Y a 7 s x PAGE zu oATE 9/11/89 pzacAL YEm�' 1990 A. * * o e T A z / * * * Bp04w1 TIME JA,`42'46 sxpswss 000pTso owwu0iL m/oss7 azLsa Fuwu' J.ww sswsnAL nspAnTmsuT' 250 rznc auo osp*mTmswT' 01.o sna 19o7 1.9ao *ooPTso Ancwoso 19e9 cowmzsszow *ccouwT nsocmzpTzow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-----------'--'---------- sxpswos sXpswas ouncsT auoGsT sxpsmas pnoJsorso Appmovsn OTHER aERvzcso u C*AmcEa CAPITAL OUTLAY 901. 593 OFF. smmzp. - oTnsn o o n w o 2, J.00 2.100 902 wOw RADIOS 0 2'670 5.000 mow 11300 51000 5.000 90* www smo smuzpnswT w 1^716 26'400 26'*00 23.677 6'400 6.400 905 wow ornsm souzpmswr w 1.031 31'400 w o w w 907 000 PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE so' V o o 1, 400 V 11 5ww 1,^aww 909 www vsnzcLEo w w o ao'wow V 65,000 ----------- 65,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- w 5.+17 62,800 62,800 24'977 aw'wwn ----------- oo.oww 901 593 prov|des for t,pewriter for siii-thwr's ofr/ce/ partia 1. payment for new copier. origi902 www The smo Div. current' uses a a channel 5 watt radio that was n-ally purchased in :L979. These rauicis are uecomminn unrel/ab/e and creating more expendi+^re for their repairs. ALL smS crewp must- have reliable communication with the medical director for oroers' New p^rchas,e radio-, will have 16 channeL,:i plus +p^cx tone pads for phone patch. rhese will a//ow crews greater communication options with other emergency services and provide ue,+er and clearer radio traffic when talking with the meuicaL director. (w2.200) New mobile radio (i each) -for a new ambulance, in :Lvpw. This radio will repLace * current 1900 mobile rau/n +»a+ is now in use in unit ��a7. Te new radio will ��v� �e*+er por (�o watt ou/�o watt new) for better communications +xrous»ov+ the county with our hospitals. (*2,500) 904 www The sma Division is responsible for transporting all. critically care patients from our Local hospitals to ou+-of-town hospitals. The major/+y of -these patients require cons-tant monitoring of their vital. signs; heart ra+e, cardiac status, pLus oxygen status. AT present we have no means of monitoring the oxygen status. The monitor re«uesteu wi/L monitor the amo./n+ of o^vsen !xa, is saturated in the blood s+r�a*. This is a noninvasive mo^/lor' it simply uses a special sensor that covers one ri^yer anu reads the oxvsen /eve|. /*3.woo/ ** ouo mEp*mTmswT TOTALS *° ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- n 459.9*3 603'870 6 J.5.a70 382'497 636'5:L3 ----------- 653'378 34 City orSatina.Kansas pzwamCzoL sYsTsw pAo::� 23 DATE 9/il/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 * * * o s T * z L. * TIME :i'42'46 sXpswas AnopTso ANNUAL uuoasT azLsa Fuwm' 1.00 sswsawL ospARTmswT' 250 Fzns sua ospo�)mrmswr' 030 pzms aupncaazow , AccouwT DsacnzpTzow psnoowwL osRvzcso 701 wwm FULL TIME sALAmzso rmo www ovsmrzms 70+ wmm LONGEVITY PAY 705 wwm EARNED LEAVE *w SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** 1987 1988 woOPTEo pmswoso 1989 COmMIsSzow ExpEwss -----------------'----------------------------------------'.... sm"swos auocsT auocET sxpswos ....... ... -------------------....... pnoJscTso .... -----.... Appnovso ... ... .... ---- o w o w o i'uau,3 13 1 aoo w w w w w 58'446 60'780 O w 0 w ~ 8 19'2io 19'218 w o o 0 o w w ----------- 0 ----------- o ----------- o ----------- 0 ----------- m ----------- 1,339'977 ----------- 1'392,790 rwn owo consists of pair Labor Standard oc+' ca/l. backs, empi.ovee vacat/on, emnLovee sick |eave and »oLu avers. ----------- w ----------- w ----------- 0 ----------- w ----------- w ----------- 1'339'977 ----------- 1.392'79e 35 City ofsaL|na.Kansas pJwowcIAL oYaTsw peIcs u+ mArs 9v11/89 rzaoAL YEAR: 1.990 X. * * o s T A z 1. Bp0401 TIME l,i`*2'46 sxpswas AoopTso ANNUAL nuocsT az�so Fuwo' WO sswsnAL. ospA*TnswT' 2z-j() rzns o,/a usp"InTmswr' 050 pnsyswTzow y zwopscTzow 1.987 J.voo AoopTso Ahcwoso J.vav comMzaazow Accouwr nsacmzpTzow sxpsNss cxpswas auocET aunccT sxpswes pnoJscrsn Appmovsn ----------------------------------------------- psnaomm- asmvzose ........ ...... ... --------------------------....... ... .... ... -- ............. ...... ........ '----------------------- ...... ..... --------- 701 www FULL TIME aALwnzsa w w V 0 o J-ca.17o 13l'220 703 wnw ovsnTzMs w w w w o *,500 4'500 784 wOn LONGEVITY PAY w ----------- O w n ^ o 2,1.12 2, 1.1.2 w ----------- o ----'------ w ----------- w ----------- w ----------- 132'7o* ----------- 137'o32 703 www consists of fire scene inves+isat/ons, yas checks, request inspections, compLain+ inspections, con-cert s+anauv and p* safely inspections' oT*sm asmvzcsa & cxAmcso e51 wnw ousa w o o w o w w 895 www oT*sn uowTnocTuwL 0 ----------- 4'670 ----------- o w m w w - w *'aro ----------- w ---------- 0 ---------- o ----------- w ---------- w �* aua mspAnn*smT ToTm-a ** ----------- 0 ----------- 4'670 ----------- o ----------- w ----------- w ----------- 132^78* ----------- 137, 032 *wx ospAmT*swT TOTALS *** ----------- w ----------- 2.197'264 ----------- 2,3*1.100 ----------- 2'407'860 ----------- i.477'i4S ----------- 2.+02.080 ----------- 2'47a'526 36 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND INSPECTION DIVISION This Division was previously called the Permit and Inspection Department. In 1982, this program became a part of the Department of Community Development in order to provide a more effective level of supervision and administration and to increase coordination between the permit and inspection activities and related planning functions. The Division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the City's zoning ordinance, mechanical, housing, building, plumbing, electrical and related codes. The Permit and Inspection Division issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions in codes, inspects construction sites to insure code compliance and maintains complete records on permits and applications. The Division works closely with Engineering, Police, Fire and Health Departments and other public agencies in the area of public safety. The activities of this Division are under supervision of the Director of Community Development. In 1983, the City created an enterprise zone to encourage economic development in certain areas. One of the incentives in the enterprise zone is the waiver of building permit fees. These waivers reduce building permit revenue from $12,000 to $15,000 a year. This amount varies considerably depending upon the building activity in the zone. Budget Comments There are 4 full -time employees: Chief Building Official, Building Inspector (2) and Principal Clerk. Although each of the inspectors specializes in a particular field, all are cross - trained to reduce travel throughout the City and to best utilize staff time. Approximately 80 -90 percent of this division's budget is financed by building and other permit fees. The remainder comes from the General Fund. 37 ci+r or SaLina' Kansas oArs 9/11/89 pzooAL Ysmv' 1990 TIME 11'42'*6 ruwn' 1.00 GENERAL.. *ccouwr osacnzpTzow psneowAL asmvzcso 701 wwm FV�L Tzms aAL*nzsa rwu mww pnnTTzms m*L-Anzso 703 www ovseTzms 704 www LONGEVITY PAY 726 wwm Tm*wopopTwTzow *LLowAwcs rzw()wczA L.. s,aTsn p�cs zs *°* osToz| Bp0401 sxpsmas *ooprso ANNUAL.. auo�s} az�sa osp*xTmswT' uam psnmITs a zmapscTzow aJa usp*mTnswT' :Lpor 1988 Amoprso Awcwosn 1989 Comm zoazow sxpsnas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sxpsmss smocsT BUDGET sxpswms pnoJscTsn AppmovEo 701 000 702 000 '703 000 w 93, 606 95, 284 pp't..;oo 61.+70 97, 776 101,690 w *.09+ 5.200 `5.200 5.073 +,uww 4^200 w w w 0 ^ w 1,500 1'500 w 0 w O o 1,354 1.354 w w v.awo 91600 6.501 J.0.20e v'aow ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- V 97^700 110,wo4 �J-4,300 J� i5'030 ----------- iio'n** eaLary |tem for the ch/er auiLuiny and zonino znspector^ -two buiLuinn inspectors and princinaL Clerk. Temporary empLovpent of part time staff during high activity Inspector ($200'00 per month)' and *o.aow.ow each for months. at atso provides funds for a part time ewpLnvee. This person is usumL/v a post-secondary sluuen+ in a fie|u reLa+eu to work that is done in this division- auiLuins Inspectors (*300.00 per month)' This overt/me is most/v in -the area of afl°r oours' ut-fore hours and weekend |nspec+|ons^ In those cases, the con+`actor is u|l|eu ouppLzsa for the cost of the overtime (rate is *J.o.ow per hour wi-th a $30.00 filiniMILM). 38 704 omw I-onyevi+v par as provided for in the personne/ manua�. 726 mwn The a/loca+ion is *2'400.00 for the Chief nui|uiny and &-)^iny Inspector ($200'00 per month)' and *o.aow.ow each for -the two auiLuins Inspectors (*300.00 per month)' ouppLzsa 731 wom oFrzos auppLzsa w 1'599 1.000 1. 000 :L.wao 1.000 1'000 732 Vwm BOOKS e psRzoozowLo w 2'86e rww 700 1'349 700 rww 750 wow GAS u OIL 0 w n w @ +wo *ow 751. www mAzwT' - vsozcLsa & souzp w 764 oww *ww 610 aow aww ----------- ---'------- ----------- o 5.231 2,1.00 -''--'-'--- ----------- 2, 100 ----------' 3'019 2,700 --------'-' 2,700 732 080 month|v trade puu/ications as we/L as cou, anu reference books. 750 wVw o ve^/ckp for muL t/ -uepartment use is p.'nv/ueu for in thi�ii division's uuuse+^ cowrwAcTuAL 813 oww DEMOLITION n 2'630 J.o'000 1o'oow 1 27 J.o^woo to'000 oov www oTnsn pmoFsaozoneL o o 31000 s^oow 1.201 3,000 3, 000 w 2,630 13, 000 js,000 2'*80 J.3'000 1.3'000 813 www memo//t/on or dangerous structures' This act/v.lv is expeclea to provide for +he removat of a minimum of eight structures at an average cost of *:L'250.00. These costs are assessed against 38 ui�/o,aaL/^a.xavisas pzw*wcz L a,ursn uATs 9111189 1"zacAL Ys:Am' 1.990 www * * * o s T A z L. ap040i. TIME t i..42'4a sxpswas Amu"rss ANNUAL. ouocsr 2'or� ozLss 1:1)wo' Wo cswsxoL. ospAnTmewr' zao psnnzTs « zwspscrzow suy ospAnTnswT' w 591 onw oww ap,-; o+o 1.907 1.9 0 a Aooprso Am/Moso J, 989 comnzsazow Accouwr msaonzpTzow sxpswas cXpcwas ouoosT auoccT sxpswes pnoJscTso Appmovco COw'rRACTUA- the property and recovered through the annual ,ax u/L|inn. 839 www o/ocx and Associates testing for Licens/ns of eLectr|cians avid pL umber s. Tois activi+r is 1wwY. fee-suppo,+eu avid wiL/ tend to f|uc+ua+e' ^ oT*em ssnVzcsS & c*AnGso 041 www TsLsp*oms uoo J'000 w 2.505 u'owo 2'ow0 I_ 359 2'o75 2'or� o*o oww POSTAGE w w ----------- w 591 onw oww ap,-; o+o 840 1350 oow s*pLoYss osysI opmswr 1'000 208 o 1'709 u'wwo 21 000 1.1 137 u'oww 21000 851, www ousa arid word w 170 170 115wo 500 857 www pmzmTzws ----------- w* auo mspAnrnswr TOTALS ** w 404 oow 500 500 860 www nspAznm ----------- *** ocpwnTmswT TOTALS **v ----------- 0 w o w o w owo uww 860 561 nspAzmo - m*ozo w 190 250 uow ao 250 250 895 om» OTHER cowTRACTu*l w 1.,377 2,700 2'700 936 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,700 2,700 ----------- - ----------- ----------- w 6'946 9,250 v'oow *'437 9,565 9'.5ao 8*1 wwo rekephone expenses for uot» the p/anninn a,-id and znspectipns oiv/y/on; letepxnne expense is conso/.ualeu in one division for ease of u/l|iny. 848 owo oru.nary *ai//ny as weLl as a Large amou111 oI ce,+`f/eu re�urn receipt *ai| required for code enforcemenl no,ices^ oow oww Staff attendance at state training mee+/np, seminars' app//c*u/e coLLeee courses. 851 owm xenewa/ of International. Conference of au/Lu/ny orr/c/aLs. zn+erna+/ona| Association of PLumuiny anu mec»an/caL officiaLs, and zn,erna+ionaL Association of sLectr|cal. Inspectors. o57 oww Contract printing of permit appL/cat/ons' informational. namphLets:. violation nol/ces and misc. uocuments' 860 oww Repair service and ma/nienance on o/fic° e�uipmpn+' aao cmx nepa/r of three xanu^eIu rauios and one uase un., as ^ecessarr. o95 owo m/cro~|Lm/ns and emergency tiouse repair as pe` m/nimum xous|nn couu . CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 www oFFzcs souzpMsmT w uoo J'000 1.^eww zoa o 901 mva orr. smuzp' - compursmo 0 o w w ----------- o ----------- ----------- 1.250 ----------- ----------- w ----------- 258 11 000 1'000 208 t'250 901 592 purchase of new +ermina| to provide access to information arid word nrocess|ne. ----------- w* auo mspAnrnswr TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- 112'765 1.35'434 ----------- i3g'650 ----------- ----------- 83.196 ---------- ----------' 141.545 ----------- *** ocpwnTmswT TOTALS **v ----------- 0 ----------' 1. 12, 76,!; J�35'*34 ----------- J. ap'a15o 83, t9,6 o t,uno ----------- 1, 250 ~ -_---..... ... --.... ' 144, 059 ----------- 14 4.a,,-.-,p 30 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Engineering Department protects the public interest by assuring that all municipal improvements and facilities are constructed in accordance with established standards. The Engineering Department coordinates all engineering services related to development projects during both planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers are also done by the City Engineer and department staff. Proper engineering data is formulated to meet the requirements of project feasibility reports, design considerations, final plans and specifications and other planning and engineering procedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal improvement projects: analyzing bids, supervising construction, certifying progress of construction and recommending acceptance of work done by a contractor. Depending upon the size of an improvement project, these services may be performed in -house or rendered by engineering consultants or by a combination of the two. Budget Comments The Department has 6 full -time employees: Assistant Director of Engineering and Utilities, Senior Engineering Technician, Engineering Technician, Senior Engineering Aide (2) and Senior Clerk. The City Engineer's salary is included in the Water and Sewerage Department, because he also is Director of Utilities. The Assistant City Engineer also serves as Assistant Director of Utilities. 40 City Of Sa L i na, Kansas 1- T N A N C I A L S Y S T EW H PAGE. 2-7 DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 ae D E: T A I I BF'04()1. TIME 19.:42:46 E:XF'E:NSE ADOPTEI) ANNUAL.. I3LJDGE1 B:ILES FUND: 1.00 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 310 ENG I NEER:ING SUD DEPARTMENT: 1987 1988 ADOPTED AME:NDED 1989 Comm IGS:I:ON ACCOUNT' DESCRIPTION EXPENSE E::Xf-'ENSE BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSE PROJECTED APPROVED PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 0 1.26,64'7 138,230 146,000 86,452 142,7813 14B,500 703 000 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 0 1,828 1.,828 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE 0 0 2,400 2,400 1.,200 2,400 2,400 0 126,647 140,630 1413,400 87,652 1.49,016 154,7213 SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 551 540 540 494 '540 540 '735 000 DRAFTING SUPPLIES 0 2,116 2,t30 2,130 807 2,130 2,130 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP 0 5,567 4,710 4,710 2,411 4,710 4,710 0 U3,234 71300 7, 380 3 , '712 7,380 7 , 380 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 1. , 2()0 1, 500 1. , w;00 725 1,500 1. 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 9. , 385 11700 1,700 1. , 631 1, 700 1, 700 851 000 DUES 0 599 730 7150 0 '750 860 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP. 0 470 1300 800 136 1300 1300 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 529 Soo 500 450 500 500 0 4,183 5,250 5,250 2,942 5,250 5,2. "'.';0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 521 450 450 0 450 4`';0 0 521 450 4:,0 0 450 450 ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** 0 139,585 153,710 161,480 94,306 162,096 167,808 * ** DEPARTMENT TOTALS lF94# __.....__......_._..___. 0 139,585 _. __._. _._.._ _.._.............. 1 4 `',3 , 7 t O ..__._._.... 161. , 4130 _._.___. 94,306 162,096 167, 808 41 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES STREET DIVISION The Street Division is the largest of the several divisions within the Department of General Services and frequently assists or supplements other divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects of street cleaning and maintenance. Streets, bridges and storm sewers are costly to repair. The cost of maintaining and protecting these facilities has become increasingly burdensome; however, neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repair becomes necessary. During winter months, snow removal and ice control are the primary concerns of the Division. Snow removal is handled on a systematic basis. Arterial and main trafficways are cleared first, followed by the collector streets, which connect residential streets with the arterial and main trafficways. Finally, as time permits and conditions require, residential streets are cleared of snow. Intersections, hills and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice. Salt and sand are applied as conditions dictate in an effort to help motorists start and stop as safely as possible. The first concern of the Street Department in coping with snow and ice on the streets has to be to clear the way for ambulances, police and fire vehicles so they can reach various areas of the community. Budget Comments There are 24 full -time employees in this Division: Director of General Services, Street Superintendent, Lead Maintenance Worker (2), Concrete Finisher (3), Senior Maintenance Worker (1), Equipment Operator (5), Maintenance Worker (11) and Clerk. At this time there is no Maintenance Supervisor or Senior Maintenance Worker. The City has used both in the past. It will be several years before the Senior Maintenance Worker position will be filled as well as the Maintenance Supervisor. The Street Division has an inventory in excess of 50 pieces of rolling equipment, including maintainers, street sweepers, trucks, tractors and mowers and numerous other items such as power saws, snowplows and miscellaneous small equipment. Other than salaries, much of the expense in the Division comes from operation and maintenance of this equipment. 42 City Of SaLina, Kansa <.:> F' 1 N A N C I A L 5 Y S i F:: ii DATE: 9/1.5./£39 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 TIM17 5.1 :453:46 E 2U'F::N2E AD01 ='TED ANNUAL DUDGI :.:'T FUND: 100 GENERAL. DEPARTMI:::NT : 320 ST'RLIE.T ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 705. 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 703 000 OVERTIME 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE SUPPLIES 741 000 742 000 '744 000 '750 000 '751 000 751 361 '751 362 752 000 759 000 760 000 '767 000 795 000 OTHER SEI 941 000 850 000 855. 000 860 561 895 000 rt x D Iii: '1 A T' I... ac ae ac SUD DEl:'AR T HENT : 19@7 1988 ADOPTED Ah f. NDE:D 5.959 EXi:'ENSE E:'XPENSE• BUDGET Esl.3DGF...T EXF' ENSE PROJECTED 703 000 SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL_ & CHAT METAL PRODUCTS LUMBER GAS & OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP SWEEPER BROOMS GRADER BLADES FARTS -- MACHINERY & EQUIP CHEMICALS WEARING APPAREL TOOLS OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES RVICES & CHARGES TELEPHONE EMPLOYEE DEVE:I...OPME.NT DUES REPAIRS - RADIO OTHER CONTRACTUAL. CAPITAL OUTLAY 902 000 RADIOS 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT aF* SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS aFic ** DEPARTMENT TOTALS * ** 751 000 0 434,499 456,000 466,000 275,959 45'2 , 700 0 0 4,000 4,000 1,632 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.O,:' ;00 0 0 0 0 0 7,120 0 0 0 0 940 0 0 434,499 460,000 470,000 278,531 470,320 Provides for overtime to work Snow, Ice, ;:norms, Pa) -ales, B-C. Lot cleanup and ether special. request. 0 0 3,200 PAGE_ 2t3 Eta: I...h:Li COMMA: SS 10N AF'F''FWVF *:D 470, 1300 0 5.0, Soo 7, 1'20 2.820 495.,:40 0 3,650 6,000 6,000 0 14,020 5.4,020 0 1.,105 1,460 5,460 907 2,000 2,000 0 J.1895 2,400 ' , 400 5. , 61(-) 1,700 1,700 0 0 0 0 0 20, 000 ?0'000 0 136,667 114 , 5.00 !. !. 4 , 5 00 64 , is O 109,550 109,550 0 5,622 6,280 6,280 0 7,500 67 " ;, 3143 0 0 0 0 0 3,200 3,200 0 3,305 5,000 s'(100 295. 6,900 6,900 0 4,481. 2,000 2,000 1.,484 2,460 2,460 0 0 0 0 0 3,900 3,900 0 1,655 2, 100 2,!100 374 2,100 2 , 1.00 0 6,832 6,770 6,770 4,607 3,500 3,500 0 165, 25.2 146,t10 146, 110 73, 423 176,1330 1'76, 8 30 Added in 7,400 to cover- 1/3 of the dirt street per Year (Est. 4,400 ton of sand required X 5./3 (each Year) 0 1.;:5 /ton. Ma i rrtenanc:e of vehicle is ur) $35,000. An 1 i fre,eae daub led in, pr' i ce and some other parts have done the same 0 621 900 900 3813 900 900 0 0 2,000 :;.'. , 000 0 2,000 2 , 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 100 t00 0 416 15OO `500 7 713 500 `;00 0 2,265 :540 540 1 , 1113 540 5,40 0 3,302 3,940 3,940 2,279 4,040 4,040 0 4,598 4,600 4,6010 ir3i 2,000 2,000 0 6,126 5,200 51,200 C;,i85. 1,200 1,200 0 it),724 911300 9,500 5,362 3,200 3,:200 0 613,737 619,850 6,29 , ri`'SO 359,595 654,390 675,31() 0 613,737 65.9, 850 62-1, r3:: -O :3..`-19, 595 654,390 67 " ;, 3143 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961, are designed to protect the City from twice the volume of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost in excess of $6,000,000, approximately $2.3 million in local funds and the balance Federal. The project included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges, and thousands of acres of land involved in right -of -way easements. The function of the Flood Works Division is to maintain, patrol and keep in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the City of Salina. The Division has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system. Budget Comments The Division has 3 full -time employees: Lead Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Worker (2) . 44 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES FLOOD WORKS DIVISION The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 commercial firms, 2 schools and 3 churches were inundated. Approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years, Salina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood of 1951 provided the impetus for the construction of the City's present flood protection system. The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961, are designed to protect the City from twice the volume of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost in excess of $6,000,000, approximately $2.3 million in local funds and the balance Federal. The project included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges, and thousands of acres of land involved in right -of -way easements. The function of the Flood Works Division is to maintain, patrol and keep in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the City of Salina. The Division has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system. Budget Comments The Division has 3 full -time employees: Lead Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Worker (2) . 44 ciivofaaLina'Kansas pzw�wczwL oYaTsm pmG-s zp nArs 9/il/89 FISCAL. Ys*n` 1990 A. * * o s T A z I m"040i TIME 11'+2'46 sxpswss AoopTsn Awwuw- uuncsT azLsa Fuwo' iwm cswsnwL nspAnrnsmr' 330 rLoon wonxa soa nsp*nTmsnr' 1987 J. 988 AoopTsD Amcwosn 1989 COMM zaazow Accouwr nssCnzpTzOn cxpEwas sxpswas auncET aumGsr cxpsmas pnoJscTso APpnovsm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-------------------------- psmaowAL asnvzcso 701 mww rm-L TIME am-mnzsa w 51'350 51 70 s�'3 7w 32.02J. oJ.^awo 5,.1'aow 702 www p*mrrzns awLARzso w w w w o 2'520 2'520 703 000 OVERTIME 0 w o w ^ a 1'500 J.'500 704 wwm LowcsvzTY PAY w w w m w 830 830 ----------' w ------'---- 51'350 --------'-- ----------- 51.370 51.'37V ----------- 32'021. ----------' 56,150 ---------- oo'uwO 702 mww The past two sumwers' rl.00u controL has used one part time summer he/p It proved to heLn. Part time: : man m*+.50/xr x a firs/day X o days x J.* weeks ~ $2.520^ auppLzso 741 www owwm^ mocw' cRwvsL u cxwT w 140 iaw J.ew 23 1.80 Iow 750 www 6wo & OIL w w w o w 1'600 J..aww 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES u souzp w 6.150 6,600 a'aww 3'224 5,1.50 5,1 O 75* 000 C*smzcwLo w 2'463 u'auw u'auw 1'706 2^700 2.700 760 www wsAozwG AppAns� w w o o n *70 470 767 owV TOOLS w w w w w 70 7w 795 mww oTnsn opsnwTzwc ouppLzsa w 650 550 4o6 400 *om 0 9.403 9'950 ����_ . p,p�o 5'+89 ������� ....... J.0,�70 ������������ J,o,o7o oT*sm asmvzoso u c*Amose 860 561 mspwzma - mAozo w w w m w J.50 1 e*5 000 oTosn cowTnAoTuwL m oap mww aww 175 awp oww w aap aww aow 175 950 vow cwpzTm- oun-wY pwo 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT w 782 awo aww o aco ozw ---------_- n --_-------- 782 _---------- ---_------- awo aow ---_'-_---L- o _-__------ auo ----__'---- a20 *� oua DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 62.*24 ----------- ----------- --'-------- 62'920 ----------- ----------- 62, Y20 ----------- 37^685 ----------- 68,490 ----------- ----------- 70 ":140 ----------- *** ospAnTmswT ToTm-a *** w 62'424 au'puo 62^920 ----------- 37, 685 613'490 ro'o+w 45 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES TRAFFIC DIVISION The Traffic Division is responsible for installation and maintenance of a multitude of traffic control devices, paint stripping, signs and signals. These controls and guides are essential for maximum utilization of trafficways and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. Presently, there are 77 electronically controlled intersections, school zones and mid -block crossings in the City. Budget Comments The Division has 4 full -time employees: Maintenance Supervisor, Senior Maintenance Worker (2) and Maintenance Worker. 46 City of Salina, Kansas pzwAwcI*L aYaTsn p* o:.: 30 oATs 9/11/89 pzacAL ,smR' 1990 * * * o s T A z L * * ° 0"040:i, Tzms li'*2'46 sXpswas Aomprso Awwum- omocs) az-so rumo. J.ow cswsnAL msp*mrmswr' 360 'TRAFFIC cowTnoL auo ospomTmswT' 1907 1988 AoopTso *msmosn J.pav ouwmlsszow AccoumT osacnzpTzow sXpswas sXpswos ouncET ouocsT sxpswas pnoJscTsu Appnovso ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- psPaow*L osmvzcsa 701 www FULL TIME om-AmIsa n 70, 395 73, 350 77'000 46.502 ?31 190 ra'1zo 702 www pARTTzns aALAmzsa w w w o o 7'560 7.560 703 wwO OVERTIME w w w 0 , o 3^000 s'onw 70* 008 LONGEVITY PAY 8 w 0 w - ....... ---- ----------- 8 1'680 ----------- 1.680 ----------- ----------- w ----------- 70.395 ----------- .......... 73,350 ........ 771000 46.502 85.430 813,360 702 www Traffic Control for a number of years his used 2-3 par, time summer help and JTpA workers. The Summer help xas been paid out of the auiLuinn/sener*L Improvement avuye+' It is suggested the help be paid out of the Traffic control uuuget' Part time help: 3 men mw*.50,xr x o hr/day X o clays X J.4 weeks =*7.560 703 oww It appears there is more overtime with the auuii/on or the downtown - lighting. *uueu *i,000 for a total of *3.000. oupp-zse 750 www GAS u OIL w w u n o u'owo 2,000 751 000 MAIwT. - vs*zcLso & souzp 0 J.2.385 111 000 J.x'mww 3, 890 8,750 a.750 753 081 TRAFFIC LzowTo pwmra m 4.983 :101000 jo.000 4.697 a'www a'oow 753 wao oTnssT Lzc*To w o o w o 4.000 *^oom 760 wmm WsmmIwc m"p*msL w o w 0 o 530 osw 767 000 Tom-a w 491 tsow oow 74 500 000 795 000 oT*sm opsnArzwc aupn-zss w aov 650 650 631 120 120 ----------- ----------- m ----------- io.518 ----------- ----------- uu'iSw ----------- 22'150 9^292 ----------- 21'900 21.900 cmv'TmwcTuAL anv 000 or*sm pmoFsoozowwL m 4, 278 5'600 o'auo a'vry o o 839 084 Gvwc*nONzoATzow - mspAzR w w w w o i'j.wm J.'J.ww 839 085 S,wc*mowzZwTzow - TOLL w o w o w a'www --_----_--- a'wow o -____- . 4, 278 _-------_-� -_'--.---._' 5'600 --_�-__�'!-- aow 3.97v 7'J.00 7^J.ow oTxsm ssnvzcsa u c*Amsso e41 000 TELEPHONE w 81.5 600 aow uaz aom aoo 850 wwm EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 20+ omo eow 129 oww owm e51 www Dusa w m w w a 50 �w e60 56* nspAzma - TRAFFIC LIGHTS n 2'p37 3^�00 3, 500 ........ .......... 342 � 3111-500 3, 500 o 3.956 4'900 .. *'pow ��� .... 733 4'950 4,950 CAPITAL OUTLAY 902 000 mw»zoa w w m w w owo aww 905 wwm oT*sm smuzpmswr 0 721 1'000 J'wun J.'ouo 500 500 ---------- ----------- w ---'------- 721. ----------- ----------- 11000 ---------'- J.'023 1'023 ----'------ 1^300 1'300 ** aua mspAmTMswT TOTALS ** ----------- n ----------- 97'868 ----------- ----------- 107.000 ----------- 11. 0'673 61.529 ----------- 120,660 ----------- :123, 61,0 *** ospAnTnswT TOTALS *** ----------- 0 ----------- 97, 860 ----------- ----------- J.or.oww ----------- .1. '1 ().6 r3 61'529 ----------' J.zo'aaw ----------- J�ua'aio CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION DOWNTOWN DIVISION Since the Parks and Recreation Department has assumed responsibilities for maintaining the downtown area, expenses have been charged to the Park Department operating budget. A separate sub - department will be established for 1990 to accurately determine the costs of downtown maintenance. The downtown area consists of a 16 block area and the Department is charged with providing and caring for all turf, trees and shrubs, in addition to cleaning and maintaining all arcades and fountains. Budget Comments This Division has one full -time employee and two part -time employees from April through October. 48 citrofaai/na'Kansas FzwAwczAL aYsTs" DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL Ys*P' 1.990 X. « * o s r A z L X. * * TIME 11'42'46 sXpswes Aomprso ANNUAL. auocsT Fuwo' :Lwo Gswsm*L mspAnTmEwT' *10 p*mxo suo ospmnTmswT' 310 oowwToww 1987 1, 98f..) *nOP'rso owswnsm J.989 Accouwr DsacRIpTJow sxpENos sxPswSs muocsT auoasT -- -------------------------------- sxpswas pmoJscTso -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- psmaowm- osnvzcso 701 www FULL TIME aALAazsa w w w w w 13'0n6 rmu wmw pwmTTzms owLwnzso w w w w w 91500 703 www oosnTzns w w w w ^ w 500 704 www LowcsvzTY PAY 0 o w w w w ----------- ----------- w ----------- ----------- o ------'---- 8 ----------- o w 23'856 701 www Provides for I fu/l.-time empLovee year-round 702 wwo Provides for o part-time empLovees from Apri/ through October auppLzca 7*1 wwm g*wo, ROCK, cRwvsL & CHAT w o o n w oow 750 www GAS & OIL w w w w 0 450 751 000 mwzwT' - vs*zcLsa & souzp w w w w n nwo 767 oww TOOLS w w m w o 11000 790 www ossma. pLAwro. Tmssa w w w w w 51000 795 oww OTHER opsmoT%wc euppLzea w w ----------- w ----------- w ----------- w 2,000 ----------- ----------- 0 ----------- w o 0 w 9,250 790 wwm *5'000' for replacement of trees and p|ani ma,er/al.s due to vanua|isw and natural. causws' oT*sn asmvzoso & c*Amcso 860 www Rspwzme w o w w o 5.000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- '---------- ----------- w w o o o 51000 aaw www Provides for repairs to arcades, fountains,, and street washers. ** aua oEpwmTnswT TOTALS ** w o w o o 37'306 pAo 3.1. epw4oi azLsa cOnnzsozow wppmovsD ---------- J. Fit) 9'5ww 500 � ----------- 23, 580 5m 300 1.'oww o'oow 2,000 o'www ...... .... --- o'owu ------ 37, 830 49 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FORESTRY DIVISION A separate division for accounting is being established for forestry in 1990. Since 1988 all expenses for Forestry have been charged to the Park Department General Fund. A Tree Advisory Board was established in March of 1989 and is responsible for studying and proposing tree ordinances, programs and policies for establishing an urban forest program. Budget Comments This Division has a Forester and one full -time employee of the Park Department. 50 roaLina'Kansas rzwawcznL sYaTsw p1)cs 32 oATs 91 1 /89 FISCAL YEAR: 1.990 * * * u 1:'. T A f / * * * Bpw4mJ. Tz*s Ji'42'46 sxpswas nnopTso Awwu*� azLsa Fuwm. [ow cswsm �� osp�nTmswT' p ��o ARKS aua ospomrmsmr' '320 poncS Tn/ 1987 J.9oa ADOPTED oncwnso J.909 CO*Mznazow Accouwr osocmzpTzow sxpswas eXpswss ... ......... ------------------------ aunssT muocsT .... .......... ....... - ... sxpswos .... ... ........ .... ------------------------------.... pnu/scrso Appmovso - .......... .... ---------------------------------------------------- psnoomoL asmvzcso 701 wwW FULL TIME am-AmzES w o w w o '37, 94,5 39, 460 rwu oww pweTTzns SALARIES w w w w w J.6'640 16'6.40 703 www ovsmTzms w w w 0 ~ w o w 704 www LONGEVITY PAY w o m o w ��� ..... ������ sau 362 8 o o w o '54, 947 '56, 462 701 oww prpv/ues for a Forester avid one fu//-+/me emp/ovwe or the Park oepar+men+ 702 oom Provides for o rear-round part-time emp�o/ees auppLzso 7*+ www Lungsn w o o e o 1.000 i'noo 750 www mwo u OIL o w w w w i'isw J.^15w 751 www nAzmT' - vsyzcLse a souzp w V n w w 1'500 1'500 752 www PARTS - mwc*zwsnv u couzP w w w w o 750 750 759 000 CHEMICALS w w o w o 100 1.00 7*7 owm TOOLS w o o w o i,own I'mVw 7*0 wow ossoo^ pLwwro' Tmsso w o w w w 5'000 51000 795 www OTHER OPERATING SuppLzsa w o w .......... -' 0 ---------- w -----'----- i'omw ----------- 1, 500 --------'-- ----------- w ----------- ---...... o m w o J.u'uww 12'000 790 wwo Provides for zoo trees /or second year p|*n+/ns of Thomas Park Nursery oT*sm asmvzcso u n*wmGsa e50 wow smpLovss nsysLopmswr w o w m a z'000 u'000 aaw 568 mspAzma - souzpwswT w o w w --- —. w ---------r- 11 15500 ----------- i'500 --------- ----------- o --'-------- ---------- w w -'---- m CAPITAL OUTLAY pwo wmw mAozoo o o o o w w ���. .......� w w w o 750 71"Jo *� auo osPAnTnswT ToTm-s ** ----------- m ----------- ----------' o w ---'------ w ----------- o ----------- 71,i.p7 ---------- 72'71.2 51 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PARK DIVISION The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park grounds and landscaping, including parkways and landscaped median strips. In addition to caring for the grounds, the Division operates and maintains all buildings and facilities related to the parks. These include the Lakewood Lodge, the Kiva in Thomas Park, maintenance buildings in Oakdale and Sunset Parks, the former Stimmel School and numerous facilities such as tennis courts, picnic shelters and playground equipment. The Division has the responsibility for maintaining the neighborhood centers, swimming pools and the downtown public areas. The Division also maintains the grounds of the Salina Bicentennial Center, Community Theatre and the Smoky Hill Museum. The City presently owns 23 parks totaling 630.61 acres. Budget Comments This Division has 15 full -time employees: Parks Superintendent, Assistant Park Superintendent, Forester, Garage Mechanic, Lead Maintenance Worker (5), Maintenance Worker (3) and Laborer (3). During the spring and summer months, 30 seasonal or part -time personnel are used extensively. 52 City Of Salina, Kansas; DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 TIME 51:42:46 FUND: 1.00 GENERAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES '702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES '703 000 OVERTIME 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY SUPPLIES 731 000 '732 000 737 000 738 000 740 000 741 000 743 000 744 000 745 000 746 000 750 000 '751 000 759 000 760 000 *767 000 768 000 788 000 790 000 795 000 701 000 702 000 Does i-ic)t include 2 part-time emplayocni f(:))- forestry, and 2 part -time employees for Downtown. OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS PLUMBING SUPPLIES SHOP MECHANIC SUPPLIES CEMENT PRODUCTS SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL. & CHAT PAINTS LUMBER ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING JANITORIAL GAS & OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP CHEMICALS WEARING APPAREL TOOLS MACH. & EQUIP. (($500) RECREATION SUPPLIES SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 000 '750 000 '769 000 0 1:: 1. N A N C I A L S, Y T 1". i i 902 0 0 0 0 0 A. 0 0 EXPE'NSE ADOPTED ANNUM... IIIJDGI='A 1.5 0 0 DEPARTMENT: 4:10 PARKS 0 'SUD DET"ARTME.14"T: 330 1:-'ARI<S 19f37 5.908 ADOP'T'ED AME*NIA--D 1989 2,000 EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET DUDGET ... .. ........................ EXPENSE . . .... .... PROJECTED 0 265,424 209,000 2f.39,000 J.63,046 225,597 0 82,102 93,600 93,600 77,252 68,860 0 0 0 0 a 0 8,600 0 0 0 0 0 2,924 0 347,526 302,600 382,600 240,29B 305,981 Does not inchide 2 fuli.-Jime empLayees for foi-estry, and i fuLl-time 22 employee for Downtown. 2,000 5,210 0 702 000 Does i-ic)t include 2 part-time emplayocni f(:))- forestry, and 2 part -time employees for Downtown. OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS PLUMBING SUPPLIES SHOP MECHANIC SUPPLIES CEMENT PRODUCTS SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL. & CHAT PAINTS LUMBER ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING JANITORIAL GAS & OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP CHEMICALS WEARING APPAREL TOOLS MACH. & EQUIP. (($500) RECREATION SUPPLIES SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 000 '750 000 '769 000 0 1,146 800 800 902 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 174 1'000 1'000 565 0 947 2,000 2,000 346 0 3,920 3,000 3,000 839 0 2,142 1'500 1,500 1'982 0 1,301 1,500 1,500 553 0 4,838 3,000 3'000 3,852 0 0 0 0 0 0 39,282 35,000 3'--;'000 23,448 0 17j339 10,000 10,000 2,373 0 0 0 0 22 0 il581 2,000 5,210 0 0 0 0 25 0 3,527 7,000 '71000 80 0 26,444 30,000 '-30'(-)00 25,20.) 0 14,370 11'000 i5.'000 7,529 0 11. "1 1 0 11 :107, BOO 10'7, 800 7:3,67`; Provides for plumbing supplies, cov-icjinij1.1.>, Li,.;ted under c)th(.--.,t- operating supplies Gas and 0i I has bc.-�en separated fv oni Veh i c: I c� ha i is leizinc(--.-, Mach i runny & equ i pment i ric: I unless tv i fllnlors' mowc�vs' cha i 1-1saw" (:�tc. 1,600 250 7,000 4,250 2,000 1,:'00 5,000 11500 1,.°.,00 3,500 4,200 34,200 9,900 1300 2,000 3,500 7,000 20, 000 3,000 i. 12, 700 FAG'E. 33 COMMI,".;SION APF:'I:WVE'.D .... .... ... 234, 620 60,860 8,4,()0 2,924 315,004 S. 600 250 7,000 3,500 2,000 J, 500 "i 000 1,500 1,500 3,500 4,200 34,200 9,900 800 2,000 3,500 7,000 20,000 3,000 I I 1 191150 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 J. 130 ? i , 1;00 :i. ,.,;(.)o 943 1, 70() 1,700 842 000 GAS SERVICE 0 879 2,000 2-1000 0 2,000 2,000 843 000 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 0 800 i1j.00 J.1100 250 2 13.00 1.1100 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 5'049 2,000 2,000 1,31'7 3,000 3,000 851 000 DUES 0 0 0 0 55 1.00 100 53 ci+y Of saiina' Kansas uATc 911. J./89 FzacoL YEAR: J.ppo TIME A.i'*z'*a Fuwo' WO GENERAL *ccuuwT DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------ OTHER osmvzcsa e o**ncso 860 nau mspAznm - smzLnzwGe apo www oTnsn cowrnAcruAL CAPITAL ouTL*r FINANCIAL oYaTsn pAos 34 902 www nmmJos w J.'wia *** osTAzL *** apw�o� 2'250 sxpswas 000pTso ANNUAL. auo�sT w o'aoa 5.000 ezlsa mcpAnTmswT' 410 pAPxa m auo /41:�p�mT*swr' 330 ---------------- -��� 4.669 7'www 1987 1.988 *ooprso Answoso 1989 ----------- w COMM zsszow sxpswas --------'—'------..... sxpswas ............. ------- auossT .... ... ..... ... ....... -- auoscT ...... ..... .... - ................ sxpswas .............. ... .... ... ..... ........ - ............ pmoJsoTso ----------------... *ppmovco ....... ------ V 41330 m w 760 51000 'owa w *.955 6,000 6, 000 2'228 a'www 6,000 -------- w ----------- ---------_- 13'320 -_--------- 12'600 12,600 _---------- 5'553 ----------_ io'vwo ----_------ ia'pww CAPITAL ouTL*r 902 www nmmJos w J.'wia 2'000 2,000 201 2'250 z'z w 905 www oT*sm souzpmswT w o'aoa 5.000 51000 u'000 w m w ---------------- -��� 4.669 7'www r'oow 31083 2,250 z,'1150 ** auo DEPARTMENT ToTm-a ** ----------- w ----------- 482.526 ----------- 510.000 --'—'------ 510, 000 ----------- 322.609 ----------- 439^031 ---------- 448, 104 DspAmTmswT TOTALS *** n 482.526 5J.0, 000 5i0'000 322, 609 548'33* 558,646 54 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION SWIMMING POOLS This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and Carver Center. The swimming pools generate $20,000 in fees. This represents just over 40% of the cost of this operation. Current admissions adopted in 1981 are as follows: Carver Center No Charge Kenwood Pool ° Students up to and including 12th grade: 75� ° Preschool children accompanied by an adult: free • All other persons: $1.25 • Book of twenty admission tickets: $10 Hours of operation are as follows - May 27 through August 27, 1989: Carver Center 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., daily Kenwood Pool 1 :00 to 8:00 p.m., daily 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Mother -Child Swim Wednesday and Saturday Budget Comments This division has 17 part -time seasonal employees: Pool Manager (1) , Assistant Pool Manager (2) , Swim Instructor (1), Cashier (4), Lifeguard (10). w 55 City ofoaLina,Kansas FzwAwczAL s, rsw pAcc so DATE-.: 9/JA-/S9 FISCAL- YEAR: 1990 * * ° o s T A z L Tzms J.i.42'46 sXpswss AoopTso Awwum- azt-ss Fuwo' 100 csmsmwL. nspAnTmswT' *zw swzmmzwG pooL.a auo osphmTnswr' 1987 J.908 AoopTso Amswosn J.989 cowwzaazow wccouwT msacmzpTzow sxpswos sxpcwas uuossT auoccT sxPswas ppmJscrso oppnovcm psnoowoL asnvzcsa 702 www pnmTTzMs o*L-Anzsm o 27, 570 28,000 o'oow 23'552 ----------- 29,000 zp'oon ----------- ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- 27^570 ----------- uo'w»n 29'000 ----------- ^ 23,552 29'000 29'000 eupm-zso 740 mwm CEMENT pmomucTa V 121 aww aww 406 omw oow 743 www pAzwTo w 1.285 2'800 z'aww 3'012 z'omo z'aww 7*4 www Lunasm w 56 300 300 o 200 200 752 mmw p*nTo - m*c*zwcmY & souzp w 65* 11 500 1.500 :[oa 1.1000 1.000 759 www c*smzcwLe w 3'877 5, 500 5.500 7'360 6,000 a^www 760 wwm wsAmzws wppwmsL m w w w w 650 650 795 000 oTnsn opsnATzmc ouppL'zsa m 4, 830 3^600 o'aow 2':L60 ----------- ----------- 2.500 2'500 -----'----- - ----------- w ----------- ----------- 10^823 ----------- 14'30* 14'300 13.0** 13'650 13'650 uOmTnwcTuwL aop mwm oT*sm pmoFsoezowAL 0 1'064 1'500 J.'500 aw 1'500 1'5o0 ---------- ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- J'06+ --'-...... i'nwo ........ .... '-- 11500 ----------- ---------- aw 1'500 1,500 OTHER osmvzcso a u*wmosa 8*1 mww TELEPHONE w 965 650 650 anv 1'000 t'aow 860 oau nEp*zna - auzLmzwGo w 1'793 1^000 1'000 1.0 1.000 1.000 aaw oua mspAzma - EouzPmswT w 549 1'500 t.500 4'066 ----------- ----------- 1^000 1.000 ----------- ----------- w ----------- ----------- 3,307 ----------- 31150 3'150 4'685 3,000 31000 CAPITAL ouTLwr 905 www oT*sn smuzpmswr m w 1'050 1., 850 1'6*5 ----------- ----------- 1'500 ----------- ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- w --------- 1.850 1,850 � a* o . �, �ww � 1500 905 www Provides for repLacement of deck furniture and new furniture for wading npnL' This equipment was orisinaL|v scheduled for purchase in 19e9 but it was determined new chLor/nators were needed. ** oua mspwnrnswT Torm-a ** ----------- w ----------- ----------- *2.764 --'-------- 48'800 40'800 ----------- ----------- 42.986 ----------- *8'650 ----------- 413'650 ----------- *** mspAnTmswT TOTALS °** ----------- 0 ---------- ----------- 42^764 ----------- *o'aon 48^000 ----------- *u'voa 48.650 48, 650 56 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS The three Neighborhood Centers provide meeting and recreational facilities for clubs, organizations and groups of Salina citizens. The largest Neighborhood Center is Memorial Hall, which was constructed in 1921 and provides meeting rooms and recreational facilities. It also houses USD #305 programs such as Little House. Both Carver Center and Friendship Center were built in the late 1970s and provide meeting places and limited recreational facilities for persons living in those neighborhoods. The Neighborhood Center facilities are available for use by community groups and other functions on a fee basis. The fee schedule allows civic groups and organizations to use the Center for $10 for a 2 -hour period and $5 for each additional hour Monday through Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, use by these groups requires a $20 minimum charge for use up to 4 hours and $5 for each additional hour. All other uses, such as family reunions, receptions, etc., require a $20 minimum fee for up to 4 hours and $5 for each additional hour. This fee schedule applies seven days a week. Budget Comments The 3 full -time employees are: Recreation Supervisor, Secretary and Custodian. 57 City ufaaLina'Kansas pzw*wCzAL SvsTE-n PAGE 36 DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL rs*n' 1990 * ° * o s T A z L * * * Bp840i TIws ti'42'46 sxpsmas mmopTso *wwum- ouocs'l azLss ruwo. iww GENERAL ospwnTmswT' 430 wszcHaom*000 cswrsna suo osponTmEmr' 1927 19ao ADOPTED 1.969 oommzsszow wcoouwr DcocmzpTzow sXpswos sm"swos auoGsT � .... .... � ..... ouoGsr ...... ... .....���������������������������������������������� sxpswas pmoJscTsu APpmovsn psnmowAL osmvzcEa 701 mwm FULL TIME owLwmzse w 67.53e 52, 600 58, 000 34.789 56'016 '58, 260 702 wwm p*oTTzns o*Lwmzso w w w w w 8.500 8'500 703 mww ovsRTzmE w w w w ' o w m rw+ mnm LowcsvzTY PAY w o n w ----------- w ----------- aio ----------- ate ----------' ----------- o ----------- 67'538 ----------- 52'600 34'789 65'334 67.57e 702 www This par+ time Labor was charged to Recreation in previous years but is more properLv accounted for in this budget. euppLzso 746 000 JANITORIAL w i.vii 2'500 2.500 2'71* o^owa 2'500 795 wwm OTHER OPERATING ouppLzso m 2'928 1'500 1'500 ----------- 2'186 ----------- 1.500 ----------- 1'500 ----------- - ----------- w ----------- *.839 ----------- 4'000 4'000 4.900 4'000 4.000 CONTRACTUAL 839 www oT*sm peoFsoazowAL w 3.595 4'600 4'600 2.780 *'owo 4.000 w 3.595 _________ 4'600 4,600 2,780 *'wwo 4,000 oT*sm osevzcse u o*wmose e41 wwm TsLspooms o u'uno 1'400 J.'4wo 1.244 u'*ww 2'400 amm www smpLoYsE nsysLopmswT w 332 500 500 633 500 omw e60 562 mspwzmo - auzLmznoe w 3.996 7^000 r'wow 1.353 5.000 �."j^wmw oaw 568 asp*zRo - souzpMsmT w 1.132 aww aww ----------- 1'255 ---'------- 1^500 ----------- 1^500 ----------- ----------- w ----------- 7'690 ----------- 9,700 9'700 4'485 9,400 9,400 CAPITAL ouTLwr pmo www oT*sm souzpmswT 0 996 1'000 � mow . —'--------' z2 ' ----------- � wwn ' ----------- � ono . ----------- --------'-- w ----------- vva ----------' 1'000 1,000 uu 2,000 2,000 905 oww Tois w/L 1. be used -to purchase ro/u/ny cxa.rs. ww mua mspAmTmswT TOTALS w* ----------- m ----------- o4'658 ----------- 711 900 ----------- 7 r'aww ------'---- 46'976 ----------- 84'734 ----------- aa'pra *** nsp*nTmswT TOTALS *** ----------- w ----------- a*'650 ---------- pwo .... ... -------- rr.now ----------- 46.976 ----------- 84'734 --'-------- 06^978 58 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION The Salina Arts 8 Humanities Commission was established by City ordinance in 1966. The Director of Arts is the administrative officer for the Commission. The Director of Arts and three full -time employees are City staff members. An additional part -time clerical person is requested in 1990. The Arts and Humanities Commission promotes and encourages public programs to further the public awareness of and interest in the artistic and cultural development of the City and serves in an advisory capacity to the City Commission, City Manager and Director of Arts in matters relating to the promotion of arts and humanities. The Smoky Hill Museum, jointly funded by the City and Saline County, is a division of the Commission. The City contribution to the Commission in 1990 is $133,860, plus $2,400 transportation allowance. The City of Salina provides the basic administration aspects of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission, with a portion of matching monies for programming/ services. This total budget is supported by the City, a community development grant from the Kansas Arts Commission, general programming monies from USD 305, and matching funds from the Public Library for the Poetry Series. The City support of the Arts and Humanities Commission represents the basic funding of the total financial base. Other funds come from grants, donations, sponsorships and revenues that support not only the Commission, but also its major projects: the Smoky Hill River Festival and Horizons, a grants program. Total fiscal activity of the Commission is approximately $400,000. The support, minus the reimbursement from the Festival, represents 31% of the total budget. The Commission offices are located in The Smoky Hill Museum, 211 West Iron. Budget Comments Full -time employees are: Director of Arts, Arts Program Coordinator/ Educator, Arts Projects Coordinator and Administrative Aide. 59 City oraaLina.Kansas pzwAwczA L srsTsw aim 000 wGswuY uomTnwcTo w ----------- »*Ts 9/it/89 rzocoL YEAR: 1.990 ua^*ow ----------- - w * * * n s T A z L * * * TIME li:+a`wa ** ouo nspwmTwswT ToTm-o sxpswas *nopTso ANNUAL 1-3uu61:-`T ----------- 125^600 ----------- ----------- - 129'*00 ----------- - **� osp*nTmswT TOTALS *** Fuwn. 100 cswsawL ospwmTmswT' 5ip *mTa & HumAwzTzsa sua ospAnT*swr' 19o7 19oa AuopTso Awswoso 1989 wccouwT nsocnzpTzow sxpswas sxpswas smocsr .... ........... auocsr .... -------------------------------- sXpswos pmoJscTsm ------------------------------'-------------------------------'--------------' psnoowAL ocmvzcso 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES w 89'582 90,600 p+.*ow 58,00t 95.960 rmu www pwnTTzns aALAmzso w 3'e32 4'200 4.200 +.131 p'www 703 www ovsmTzns w o w w ^ w 0 704 www LONGEVITY PAY w w w w w w roa wnw TmAwopowrArzow ALLowwwcs V w 2'400 ----------- 2'400 1^600 ----------- 2.400 ---------- ----------- w ----------- ----------- 93'414 97.200 lwi,00w 63'732 107,360 CONTRACTUAL aim 000 wGswuY uomTnwcTo w ----------- 26,225 ----------- 2e'400 ----------- ua^*ow ----------- - w 26.225 uo'*ww 28.400 ** ouo nspwmTwswT ToTm-o ----------- w ----------- 119.639 ----------- 125^600 ----------- ----------- - 129'*00 ----------- - **� osp*nTmswT TOTALS *** ----------- w ----------- l.19'639 125^600 129'*00 pm� zr opo�o� azLsa CommzSSzow APPROVED pv,aoo 4'5wm o u^*ww ----------- 1wa'7oo 25.000 28.900 28,900 ------- ----------- ---------- zn'www 28'900 28,900 ------- ----------- ---------- 8e'732 136'260 135.600 ------- ----------- ---------- 88.732 1.36^260 135'600 60 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET SMOKY HILL MUSEUM Resolution #83 -3640, passed April 18, 1983, authorized the purchase of the Post Office at 211 West Iron at a price not to exceed $250,000 for the purpose of establishing an historical museum. The Resolution also authorized an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Salina and Saline County. As part of the agreement, the County agreed to provide $83,000 annually during Fiscal Years 1984, 1985 and 1986 for initial start -up expenses of the museum. The City acquired the building for a museum on June 17, 1985. The museum opened October 5, 1986. The Smoky Hill Museum is financed jointly by the City of Salina and Saline County. Based on an engineering study, approximately 20% of the Museum's first two floors is used by the City. This space is primarily used as offices for the Arts and Humanities Commission staff. Budget Comments Full time employees are: Director, Smoky Hill Museum; Curator of Exhibits and Administrative Aide. 61 City ofoaiina,Kansas FINANCIAL SYoTsw . FAcs 38 DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR' t990 * � * o s T A z L * * * ap040i Tzms li'42'46 sxpswas AmopTso Awwum- ouoGsr azLsa puwo' Wm cswsnmL osppmTmswT' 524 omoxY HILL mUasum oua ospAmTmswT' 191-17 J.poa AnopTso owswoso 1989 COmmzoszow Accoumr osacnzPTzow sxpswas sXpswas auoosT ounGsT sxpswes pnoJscTsx Appeovso ---'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- psesowm- aEmvzcso 701 now FULL TIME awLAmzEa O 55.932 60,000 aa^oww 39,124 66'288 68,940 702 wwm pAmTTzws awLwmzsa w 6.946 33^5mw 33^500 14'293 31'590 3i'590 703 wwm OVERTIME m m w m w w w 704 000 LowcsvzTY PAY V w w ----------- w ^ w ----------- ----------- 126 126 ----------- ----------- w ----------- ----------- 62.878 93'500 97^300 53^417 98^mw4 100.656 auppLzse 731 mmm oFFzcs auPpLzsS w 2.*31 2'200 z'oow 627 2.200 2'200 732 nwm aoona & psnzomzowLo w m w w w 500 0 743 aow pwzwTe w 1.856 1'000 1.1000 332 1'000 J.'www 745 000 sLscTmzoAL a LIGHTING w 4'984 1'500 1'500 i'78a 2'000 1'500 746 000 JwwzTonzwL w i'lia 1'500 1'500 726 1^75w 1'500 748 www sxozazT ouppLzso w 9'372 22^500 22'500 7.+71 25'000 22^500 767 www Tom-a w 3'205 2'500 2'500 269 n^wmw 2'500 795 wwm bTnsm opsmATzmc oupp|-zso w 10'303 5^000 ----------- 5.000 3.233 ----------- ----------- 5'000 5^000 ---------- ----------- w ----------- ----------- 33'267 36^200 36'200 14.+46 *0'*50 oa'owm 732 000 Account is used to purchase reference uoo|'s and magazines for the museum. 745 wmw Increase fo` |nfL*tion and greater use of L/yx+/ne for exhibits. 746 www The museum now has a part time janitor/ma/"tenance person on staff and increase is for muppL/ws to be used. 740 wwo The museum wiLl begin preLim|nary planning for the permanent exhibit eaLLerr in the faLL of 1989 which wiLL carry over into much or 1990. 62 ci+/ or aalina. Kansas DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL Ys*n' 1990 TIME 8'26'34 1:7UND: 1.00 GENERAL *ccouwr nsscRzpTzow CONTRACTUAL --------------------- on*Rms 84:1 owo o*a mww osw wwn 851 www oan 562 895 mwm vvzcsa & c*Ancsa TELEPHONE poaTwcs smpLoYss osysLopmswT mucS mspAzmo - nuzLozwca OTHER cowrnwcTuAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TRANSFERS OUT 960 wwm OTHER TRANSFERS _ 841 www 648 000 050 www 851 wmn oaw nau 895 000 901 000 Fzw*wozAL sYaTsm ' *** nsrwzL. *** sxpcmas AompTso Amwum- auoosT msp*nrmawr' 524 amoxY *z�A. muas//n auy osp*mTmswT' 1987 196o Anop'Tso w*�woso 3�909 sxpswas cxpswos auossT aumcsT sxpsNos pmoJscrso -------------------------------------'...... ' .... - ......... ------------------------------ w 2'38* 2.1.00 4J00 ^ 1.1503 2, 100 0 658 n'omw o'mmn 1'201. 3,200 n 4.416 2.500 z^mow 1.930 3,000 W o o o o nOo w J.52', 405 1*51 000 1o1 000 6, 970 15'000 w 5.985 4,000 4.000 3181.7 7^000 __ ......... ............ __ w uo.o*a 16'600 211.1600 15'+21. 30,000 Requests cover auui+ionaL costs of inf/a+ion' service contract and use of Long distance by staff. Request for an increase wi/| cover auuil|ona/ mailings for promotion of exhibits and programs. ca+esory increase for additional ,rave/ by museum st-aff` *embers to l.ocaL anu regional conferences. As this is a new tine the amount is based on ,he amount the museum pays to professional museum and historical. organizations. The Large request taxes into account the tenuous conditions of the, museum air conditioning system. The j.909 |/ne item for building repair- is nearly Spent after five months due to severa| major pieces of pLumu/ny were replaced and the air conditioner was worked on. At the current time the basement area of +he museum is no+ being cooled since a major component is broken. c"s, estimates of several thousand un!l*r s have been reported Just to net the part. Besides the normal maintenance on the facility, this req.ues+ incl.uues *10'000 for work on the air conditioning unit and controls plus *5.000 for repairs on the steps at the museum. The added is to keep the ay.ns *ecoan.cal. syst(-.--ms ru..ct.oniny. pi:)Gs ap apw*W azLsa conmzaszow *ppnovl:::D ---------- 2_1 00 a,mow 2,500 o'000 *'onw ----------- 1,p,e�ww w 9'7*1 51000 t-;, 000 2, 927 5, L.500 o'oow ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------' w 9,7*1 5'000 5,a00 2'92 T 5'"wo o'000 mequesi for funds incLuuew more yxe|"iny for +lle collections and up- dating compute)-- equipment. m 13'500 14^000 1.*^000 1*'000 15'000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - w 13'500 :L4'000 14'000 14'000 15'000 vaw wmm Add /t/pnaL funus for r/so /n costs ror ut/L/t/es. r»/s is transferred to the utiLitv Fund. fo'oo8 -----' 1.5'0wV CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING DIVISION This Division provides planning and enforcement services related to various aspects of community development. The planning function provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission, Heritage Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. Their goal is to help these bodies and the City Commission guide the growth and development of the City in order to assure a more orderly and attractive community. The planning division assists other departments as a link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, minimum requirements for subdivisions and traffic, plus a wide range of other services for the well -being of the community. During recent years, this division has been assigned the responsibility for administering CDBG economic development grants / loans; transportation grants and capital improvement programming. Budget Comments There are 3 full -time employees in this division: Director of Planning and Community Development, Assistant City Planner and Secretary. 64 *** os,AmrmsmT Tor*Lo *** w 157.275 J.ro,sao J.rr.J,00 City Of oatina. Kansas p z N A N c z A L a Y s T E n o*Ts 9/11/09 FISCAL Ysom' 1990 TIME 8'26`34 sxpswas �moprco �uwu�� auocsr �� ANNUAL BUDGET Fuwo' tw» cswsmAL AccouwT osocnzpTzow psRoowAL osmvzcse 701 wmm FULL TIME awL*mzsa 702 mwm pAnTTzws ewLwnzsa 703 www ovEmTzms 704 wow LONGEVITY PAY 726 oww TnwwapomTATzow wLLowowcs auppLzsa 731 wwn 7n2 wow 768 000 7e2 www '795 000 702 000 oprzos ouppLzsa eooxo & psnzmnzcALa MACH. & EgVzp. ((w500) p*oTosnmp*Y orxse opsR*rzws ouppLzsa CONTRACTUAL 839 www oT*sm pmoFsoozow*L OTHER ms 848 000 850 oww 851 wwm 857 www oaw 563 732 000 768 000 '795 000 wzCES*CHARGES POSTAGE smpLoYss osysLopmswT ov/sG pnzwTzwc mspAzno - oFrzcs souzp' 850 000 851 000 '--'----- - ------- lwtj 'ava J,po..1w4 *** nsTAz| *-)(-)( --' - ' -- PAGE 40 apm4wi azLss mspAnTmswT' 560 pLAwwzwc aua ospanTmswr' 1987 1988 AoopTso owswoco 1.989 cowMzaSzom sxpEwss -----------------------------------.... swpswos aumcsT ... .......... auocsT -------------------------------------------------' cXpswos pmoJscTsD AppRovEo w tx6.042 04^000 a/^pou 54.220 89, 024 9s,*20 w 1'437 31000 31000 775 2,1500 2.500 O w 0 w ' w two too w w o w w o w w -------- w ----------- 2'400 ----------- ----------- 2'400 1'600 ----------- ----------- 2.400 2,400 w 117^479 89.400 9s^300 56.60o 94.824 ----------- 98.420 Graduate student summer internship (pro»auLv From KU or xau) for speciaL planning and research proj=cts' w 947 1.500 i'5ww 465 1,300 .1'3o0 w uaa aww aVw 250 500 500 m w w w o 200 200 w 146 50) 50 54 too 100 o -------- ta 400 400 1*9 two xww w ----------- 1.379 ----------- ----------- 2'550 ----------- ----------- vJ.a 2'200 ----------- z'oow pL*nniny and zoning publications, for st^fr and pLann/nn commission; Saiina Jo^rna/ subscription; miscellaneous reports. Acquisition and/or repLacemen+ of sma|L office Paper and chem/cats for uLuepr/n+ mach/^e and computer paper. w 993 awo awa oJ.a w w -------- O ----------- 993 ----------- ----------- 600 ano ----------- ----------- e1,16 w ----------- n o ava pao pow 619 950 vcm w 1.*97 1.650 1.650 1'450 u'wmo 21000 w 686 750 rsw 382 750 750 w w w w w 500 oun m 152 400 400 209 300 aow -------- 0 ----------- 3,231 ----------- ----------- 3,750 3, 7t-;0 ---------- ----------- 2'660 4'�0 0 ----------- 4, '500 Staff attendance at stale, resionaL and national. n/ann/ns conferences and train/nn sessions; cmac workshops; business meetings with various state and feuer*L agencies. RenewaL or memberships in American pLann/ny Association, pLann/ny Advisory Service, Urban Land Institute and wa+ionaL Trust for Historic preservation' 65 ci+rofaaL/na.Kansas rzwANczAL sYaTsn mwTs 9/it/89 FISCAL Yswn' 1.990 A. * * u s T * z L * * * TIME 0.26'34 sxpswas AoopTso AwwuoL auocs' rUwo' iw» GENERAL nspmvTmswT' 560 p AwwzwG auo ospoarmswr. ��� � 19o7 i.paa Aooprso AmEnosn J.vov wCcouwT msocnzpTzmv sxpswSs cxpsmSs auocET aunssr cxpsmos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oT*sm asRvzcsa u c*wncsa 857 000 Contract nrin+ins of apnLica+ion farms. time scxeuules, and miscw'Laneous pLan uocumen+s, maps and drawings. � oaw o63 Repair service and maintenance agreemen-ts on office equipment. CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 oprzcs souzpmswT w 94 400 400 ----------- m ----------- 94 ----------- *wn ----------- ^ow 901 www purchase of an office work -tau'e. *w aue mspwmrmEwT TOTALS ** ^ ----------- m ----------- J-23'176 ----------- 96.r00 ----------- 100.600 *** nsp*nTmswT TOTALS *** -_--------_ m --------_-- 1.23'176 ---------_- 96,700 ----------- 100.600 pAo::. *, apm�o� oz�sa comMzmozow pmoJscTso AFfRovso o 200 zow 200 200 ------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ao'ppr 101^724 105'320 ----------- ----------- ----------- 60'997 l0i,724 105^320 66 lN City Of Sa L i na, Kansas f 1 N A N C I A L S Y l:i T L"-.: i4 PAGE A:', DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1.990 D 1::: T A I: l.. DP04a1 TIME 8:26:34 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL I:tl.1DC.:E'T BIL.F:S FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 590 HERITAGE COMMISSION SUB DEPARTMENI': 1987 1.98£:3 ADOPTED AMENDED 1989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION E'XP'ENSE 1- :XPE:NSE BUDGET BUDGET E:XF'ENSE PROJECTED APPROVF..:D SUPPLIES 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 (> 0 300 300 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 795 000 P'urchas :ie of 6 p La.:Lue.,s for designated h i sates i c Landmarks. CONTRACTUAL 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 0 0 (i 0 () 3,::100 3,. ,-,00 0 0 0 0 0 3, 500 3,5(-)0 839 000 Architectural Historian empLoyed part 'lime ( W houa °s /week) to conduct research and prepare reports on Heritage Conservation Landmarks and Districts. +E SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS star 0 0 0 0 0 3, SOO 3,800 >f �t DE'P'ARTMENT T'OT'ALS * 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 3,800 67 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES GYPSUM HILL CEMETERY This activity provides for the care, maintenance and operation of Gypsum Hill Cemetery, situated at Marymount Road and Glen Avenue. The cemetery contains 70 acres and more than 12,000 graves at the present time. Based on present use, space is expected to be available for at least another 25 - 30 years. Fees collected from interment are $18,800 and from the sale of lots $6,000; the remaining is financed from the General Fund. Gypsum Hill Cemetery is a Division of the Department of General Services. Budget Comments The Division has 3 full -time employees: Sexton and Maintenance Worker (2) . 68 ci+r or oaL|na. Kansas F z w A w c z A L s r a l s w p*cs 43 DATE:' 9/11/89 rzocAL YEAR: J.990 * * * o E. T * z 1. « * * apo*oi TIME e'26'34 sXpswas AnopTco AywW-il oumGs/ azLca Fuwm. J.eo Gswsm*L ospAmTnswr' aow csmsTsnY aI/a ospan7mswr' 1987 19a3 AoopTsn Amcwoso 1.989 cowmzsazow *ccouwr DsocmzpTzon sxpswes cxpswss smoosT m/mscr sxpcwas so Appmovso psmaowAL asmvzcsa ����_���� ... .... ... �� .... �������������� .... ... ...... ........ ......... 701 000 rm-L TIME aoLAmzEo w 53, 506 000 34'4J.9 54'220 oa^apw 702 uow pAnTTInE e*LAmzso w o o w w w w 703 www OvEnTzns w w w w ^ 0 u'oom z,008 704 wow LONGEVITY PAY w ----------- w ----------- ----------- w ---------- O w J.,250 J..250 0 53,506 53,a30 56,500 ----------- 3*'*19 ----------- 57.470 ----------- s9,6*0 ouppLzsm 741 oww owwm' Rocw' ovAvsL u cn*T o 220 31150 350 235 350 now T50 mww swa * OIL 0 m m w w 540 540 751 mww nwzmT' - vsHzcLso & smuzp w *.uow 4, 500 4.500 2, 487 +'www 4'000 760 www wswmzwc AppnnsL w o w n o or)w oow 767 www TOOLS w w w w o 400 *ow 795 oom oT*sn opsnArzwo auppLzsa - w ----------- J., 531 ----------- 2,010 ---_---__ 2'w10 vva 110io x'wiw w _---__---- 5'971. a^oao a,aaw --_--_--_-- 3.710 --------__' 6, F-350 --------__- 6, C-150 oT*sm asmvIcso a uxAncsa e41 www TELEPHONE w o^a 4115 0 246 *oo *oe apo www msruwno w w w w w 50 50 ----------- n ---'------- -------'--- 366 ----'—'----- 450 450 ---'------- 246 -----'----- 500 ----------- '"100 CAPITAL OUTLAY 910 wOo LAND w 2.550 u'owo 2, 000 __ ... _ .... ____ w ___________ 2,000 .... __________ u,00w w 2^550 2'000 2,000 u 2,000 2,000 ** aua ospwmTMsmT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 62'393 ----'----- 63'14o 6-5, 010 ----------- 38'383 ----------- 66, 820 ----------- 613191?0 *** nspAnTmswT ToTm-s *** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 62.393 ----------- 63'140 65^01.0 ----------- 39^30 3 ----------- 66,820 ----------- aa.pvw 69 City of Salina, Kansas DAT� 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 Tzms 8'26'34 ruwo' J.ow GENERAL *ccouwT DESCRIPTION --------------------- cowTmwcTuAL 805 www *snzc*L TRANSFERS Our 960 www oT*sm Tmoworsmo RESERVES 991 www cowTzmcswnr 992 www am-wmY msesmvs 993 000 CASH RESERVE SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS** *** nspAmrnswr rorm-a *** FzwANCzAL SYoTsm *** osTAz| *** w 1.157.879 872'00e orc^000 840.200 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- w 1'157.879 872.000 E372, 000 840,200 paw www To oomm a zwrsmseT FOR oowwroww PROJECT $558 j'739 To azcsw7swwzAL. cswTEn uow'www TO DATA pmocsoozwc 1150^wmo To smpLoYss aswsFzTo 40'000 --------- TOTAL TRAwSFsn OUT w848'739 1, 600 1, 600 848,740 -------- w *8'040 270'000 70'000 sxpsmas AoopTsu Awwu*L smocs'T 0 w 27e,780 J.07'934 0 msrAnTmswT' rao cowTzwcswcY V oua nspAnTmswT' 1987 1988 Anoprso Amswoso 1989 sxpswos --------------------------------'-----------------'------------ cxpswes aumcsr aumcsT sXpswos w -------- i'a*o ----------- ----------- 1.000 ----------- 1.600 1'865 ...... - ..... ----- n 1'648 11000 1,600 1'865 w 1.157.879 872'00e orc^000 840.200 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- w 1'157.879 872.000 E372, 000 840,200 paw www To oomm a zwrsmseT FOR oowwroww PROJECT $558 j'739 To azcsw7swwzAL. cswTEn uow'www TO DATA pmocsoozwc 1150^wmo To smpLoYss aswsFzTo 40'000 --------- TOTAL TRAwSFsn OUT w848'739 1, 600 1, 600 848,740 -------- w *8'040 270'000 70'000 70,271 300,000 0 w 27e,780 J.07'934 0 600,000 n w 2'748'185 3.629'211 V o ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- w 48.0+0 3,296'965 3.807'1*5 ----------- 70.271 ----------- 900,000 991 www The cont innencv /ine i+ew has been es+auL/shed to a Low the u/tv flexibiLi+v to hand Le unexpected items in 1.990 wmich couLu riot be anticipated in the budget process. This contingency is set at approximately IX of the Genera[ fund's operating uuuye+ and is intended to be used for operating nemus onLv. Unused amounts are carried forward into the next year- as cash c*rrvforw*ru. ppu www The salary reserve account is used to set aside money for, � reclassifications and other- salary adjustments. The *63'000 represents annroximateLv i% of the Genera| fund's 1.990 navro/i. 993 wwo This /s budgeted carrvforwaru funds for 1991. ----------- ----------- ----------- --------- w 1.207.567 +.169.965 4.680.745 ----------- ----------- 912.336 ----------- 1.750.340 ----------- ----------- ----------- m 1'207.567 4'169'965 *.600'745 ----------- 912.336 ----------- 1,750.3+0 piPiGs *y apn*wi az�sa \ oommzsazow m"pmovsD ----------- t,aow ----------- 1'600 848, *140 ----------- o4a.7*0 iwo'www 63,000 3.0a3.w19 ----------- 3,226, 019 *.nT6.3op ---------- 4'mra.3a9 70 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM On August 3, 1982, the voters of Saline County approved a 1% county -wide sales tax. The State began collecting this tax on November 1, 1982, with the City receiving its first monthly collection in March 1983. Saline County and all incorporated municipalities share in the county -wide sales tax. The tax is distributed to the governments based 50% on relative population and 50% on relative property tax levies. The county receives credit for all persons living in the unincorporated areas. The City deposits the sales tax in its General Fund, although the descriptive purposes, specific projects or programs are said to be funded from the "sales tax." Over the years, the majority of sales tax proceeds have been used for capital projects, including annual debt service on bonded capital improvements. Completing major capital improvements, along with maintaining and enhancing basic City services, with no City tax increase in 10 years has been accomplished. Increasingly, however, the "mix" of expenditures in the General Fund Sales Tax area is changing. As costs of basic services increase during a period of very slow local revenue growth and loss of federal funding, the amounts available for capital improvements decline. Priority setting and policy decisions by the City Commission become even more critical than in the past. The (CIP) consideration is intended to provide the Commission with staff developed information, financial capacity guidelines and the maximum flexibility possible to make the policy decisions required. 71 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA 1990 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Total $14,725,000 72 Gas General Revenue Sales Tax Obligation Bonds Tax Recreation Amount Curb and Gutter Repair X $40,000 Sidewalk Construction X 40,000 Rubberized Railroad Crossings X 50,000 Vehicles 6 Equipment X 450,000 Street Maintenance X 600,000 Crawford Widening X 1,550,000 Park Improvements X 150,000 Recreation Improvements X 120,000 Bicentennial Center Roof X 55,000 Central Garage Improvements X 50,000 Water Plant Renovation X 5,000,000 Schilling Force Main X 6,500,000 Contingencies X 100,000 Temporary Fire Station X 20,000 River Development Fox Theatre Schilling / 1 -135 Interchange Magnolia / 1 -135 Interchange Total $14,725,000 72 ci+rofoaLioa,wansas pzwAwcz-oL aYsTsn D*7s 9v11/e9 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 * * * o e T o z � * * * TIME o'ua'a+ sxpswss AcmpTco ANNUAL nuncs7 puwu' iww ccwsmAL ospAnTmswT' aio cApzTAI m/T�AY sua msp*arnswr' *ocouwr DESCRIPTION --------------------- msosmvso 991. 000 CONTINGENCY ** aua uspAmTmswT TOTALS ** 1987 1voa EXPENSE sm"swas --------------------------------- w o ----------- ----------- w o 991 mom This *J.00.wom is t.�et a outL*v needs and r/naL portion of the GeneraL *oopTso Ansmosn tvap euoGsT oumGsT sxpswos pnoJscTso ---------------------------------------------------- w w o o o w ^ 0 o aide to cover pi,aL project costs for the c*pi+aL ou+|av funu' pma 'm apo*o1 rill Fa � oommzsozmw APPROVED ------------ 1.0o, ()0(.) ----------- ioV'oww ----------- ----------- ----------- --'------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 o w w w w 100,000 73 ci+v of saL/n*. Kansas DATE 9/11/09 FISCAL ,sAm. J.990 TIME 8'26'34 ruwo' 100 GENERAL ACCOUNT nEacnzpTzow CAPITAL 901. www 905 www 909 oww 909 661 909 662 mov 663 vwp 664 3UTLAY orFzcs souzpwsmT or*sm smuzpmswT vsnzcLsa vs*zcLsa - Tmuoxa vs*zcLso - AuronomzLso vsnzcL'so - Mowsma vsozcLso - HEAVY souzp. 909 000 ** aua ospAmTmswT TOTALS ** pzwAnc:1 sxpswas Amor nsp*mTmswT' mo cApzTm. 1987 J.9ee EXPENSE swpswos ----------------------- �A L sYsTsw PAGE 46 *** ocTAzI ° BP04w1 'TED Awwu*L muoX"sT nzLso oun-*Y sua ospAmT*swT' 430 vs*zcLsz e souzpmswr Anoprso Ahswoso J.vap commzaazow auocsT numGsT sxpswas pno�c srso *PpnOvsD o w o w w V w o w w m 208, 253 *ow'wwo 276'500 ^ 21w'r40 o w w w w w o w w w w w O w w a 0 o o w ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- w zVa'uon 400,000 276, 500 210, 740 This account is used to purchase vehicles and evu/p*ent which are used by the departments within -the yenera/ funu' mur}no uuune+ presentations, the ni+v commission is asked to set aside an amount of money for this purpose. For^.aL apprnvaL nf J.ppw veo|c/o and equipment requests occur� al the end of 1989 when the staff's recommendations are presenteu to the Commission. 0 206,253 400,000 27,6,500 210,740 w w 400,000 w w w o o 4�5o,0mo w w w ----------- ----'------ 400,000 450,000 74 ofoaL.na'Kansas FzwAwCz*L aYaTsn p*cA; *7 DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: J.990 * * * n s T A r 1- Tzms e'za'n4 sxpswas AoopTso Awwum- puo"'s7 azLse pown' 1.00 cswsnAL. ocp*mrmswT' 81.0 cApzT*I OUTLAY aua osp"-mTnswr' *ox p�I-oou cowTnoL 1987 1.9e8 AoopTso Amswosn 1989 conmzasIow wcc,/uwr osacmzpTzom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------'--'-----'------ sxpswos sxp'smaE ouocsT mu»usT sxpswos pnoJscrso Appnovso OTHER asnvzcca & c**ncse ................. ---... .......... ------------------ .... .......... ... ---- 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL w b, 380 o o o o w n n.380 �........ ... .......... ... w 8 ~ w ���������- 0 w cApzTm- OUTLAY pW nwn cowaTnucTzom oowTaAoTa w 725 w w o o w ----------- m ----------- 725 ----------- —'-- w -----' w ------......... w ----------- m -----'—'--- w ** aua nspAmTMsmT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- 61105 ----------- ----------- w 0 ------'---- w ----------- w ---------- w 75 ci+' of oaLioa' Kansas r z w n w c z A L. a Y a r s n pAoE *a owTs p/J.i/ev pzacAL YEAR: 1990 H. * * o c T * z L TIME 8'26'34 sxpcwos AoopTso Awwum- nuocsT azLso ruwn. J.ww cswsmAL nspAnrmswT' 810 cApzTAI ouTL*Y oua ospAnTmswT' +32 armEsT mAzmTswAwcs 19137 19ao AoopTso Ancwoso 1.989 comnzaozow Aocouwr msocnzpTzow sspswss sXpswes ammcET auocsT sxpswss reoJccTsn wpPnovso ------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 www cowoTmUcTzow comTnAcTo w 208.600 501000 oa.wnw 4'427 50,000 w w 200'600 ����� 50.000 no,woo ^ . .... .� 4'+27 50,000 u 91a wmo For 1990. the program has been shifted -to the opec/aL Gas Tax runu. *w aua ospAnrMswr ToTm-s ** ----------- m ----------- owo'awo ----------- ----------- 250, 000 ----------- 501000 *.42r ----------- 50^000 ----------- w 76 citvorsati"a.Kansas rzmowczA L aYaTsh ' 49 DATE 9/11/89 FzacoL YEAR: 1.990 « ° * o c l o z L * * * PPw*oi Tzms a'ua'�� sxpswss �nopTso owwu��' auocs7 nzLss FUND: WO GENERAL osp*nTmswr' 81.0 cm"zTwL. OUTLAY sua osp*nTmswT' 433 u/nL' cuTTsm & azorwou, 1907 i98a AoOprso AncNocn ipop commzsaIOw *ccuumT osscnzPTzon sxpswos sXpswes auoGsT ouoosT sXpswSs pno-/scTso *ppxovso ------------------------------.......... --------------'------------- CAPITAL. OUTLAY ...... --'---------.... .... - .... .... ..... ...... ---- ... ..... ............ ------- ... ... .... --'-------------...... ....... -- 91e ouw cowaTnucTzom coNTn*cTa w ----------- 7J�.+00 ----------- 80,000 ----------- ---------- oo,nw0 38'197 ao'wwo 40.000 W 71.,400 aw'woo aO,nwn ----------- ~ 38, 19'? ----------- ow,www ----------- 40'000 vio www The curb and gutter- port/on or this proyram or *40.000 has been shifted to the Special Gas Tax Fund. ** mua mspAmTnEwT ToTm-o ** ----------- w ----------- 7J., 400 ----------- -'-------' 130,000 aw'owo '---------- 38.197 ----'-----' am'wwo ----------- 40'000 77 c|-tvufaai|na,Kansas rzwAwCzAL a,aTsn P*Cs cm DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL vsAm' J.vpo * * * o s T A z � ° * * ap040 1 TIME 8'26'34 sXpswas AmopTso ANNUAL auuGsz azL �so powu' 10m Gswsn4L ospAnTnswT' atw cApzTAI OUTLAY auo ospAnTmswr' 43* pwmK zmpnovsmswTa 1987 1988 AoopTso Awswoso t909 comMzoezoN ocCouwT nsacnIpTzOn sxpEwos sxpswas auoGsT nunGsT sXpswos pF(l.)scrso wppnovso ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'--'--------------------------------'-----'-------- cwpzTm- OUTLAY 905 000 oT*sn souzpmswT w o o w o 918 wwa coweTnVCTzOw CONTRACTS w -_-_------- ii7'*22 -----_--_-- 150^000 __---__-_' -___-_-__- ioo'wow 68'7*6 °__-----_-- 150'000 o li7'422 150'000 i5o'000 68'766 _--_------- 150'000 -__--__--- il;.501000 ** aua mEpAmrmEwT 'TOTALS ----------- w ----------- 117.*22 ----------- ----------' i5o.www iow,www ----------- 68'766 ----------- J.00^000 ----------- ibw'wow 78 m C i -ty Of SaLina, Kansas F'INANCIAL Y G T E H PiZE: bi DATE: - * 9/11./89 FISCAL YEAR: 1.990 D I.--, T A I I... BP040J. TIME:: 3:26:34 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL.. l3UI)(,A::.-1 Wil-FIG) FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: SiO CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEF-ARTML•f : 435 RAILROAD C:1:0 i I N t 19£17 19sa ADOPTED At,)!.:-'Nr)ED 1989 Comm 11:361 ON ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE k::XF,E*.NSE BUDGET DUDGET EXPENSE PROJECTED APPROVED CAPITAL OUTLAY . ... .... . .... .... . . . . ....... . ..... ....... ...... .... ........ .... . 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 48, 760 . ...... 50,00(-) ...... S2, 3 C3 0 FJ2, mw 0 , 0(•)0 ... ............. 0 0 48,760 `,0, ()00 52,300 52,380 ()00 0 911 000 This program has been shifted to -the Spi,.,cial Gav, Tax Fund for 1990. SUB DEPARTMENT 'TOTALS 0 48,760 .......... . . ....... .... 50, 000 52,300 52,31-10 50,000 ------- 0 79 City ofSaLi^a.Kansas Fzw()wczin.� L SYsTsw p-1cs '5jz DATE 9/1.1/69 pzocAL YEAR: j.pvo * * * m s T A z L. * * * ap0401. Tzms 8'26'3* sxpsmas AoopTsu *wwUm- mu)Gsr azLss Fuwu' WO cswsnm- ospAnTms/4r' oio CAPITAL ouTL*r ouo ospAn7*swr' 436 armssT azsw*Gs 1987 J,988 AoopTsn Awcwoso 1989 commzaazow wccouwr DEacmzPTzon sxpswSs sXpswas aumcsT aunccT sxpswes pmoJscTso m"pnOvcm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------'--------------------------------'-------------------- auppLzsa 750 mww SIGNS w _____ o ___________ 25^000 ___________ ___________ 211�.-;1 000 w ___________ o ___________ w ___________ O o 25,000 u,5^oow ~ o w w SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ----------- 0 ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- 25,000 2!..5, 000 ----------- ----------- 0 ----------- 0 80 City of saiina' Kansas DATE 9/11/89 pzacAL YEAR: 1990 Tzms a'ua:o* ruwu. J.00 GENERAL AccouwT msacmzpTzow -------------------------------- CAPITAL oun-AY 91e wmw cowSTnucTzow oowTmwcro ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** rzwAwCz sxpcwos Aoop ospomTmswT' aio cApzT*L. 1987 J.pao sxpswaE cXpEwos ------------------------ A oYs'I sw *** osTAz1- *** apw*oJ- rso Awwua- smocsr azLsa m/n-*Y sue osp*mTmswT. 4',,50 WATER wsLL Rowo wuopTso Amswoso 1989 comMzsozow ouocET BUDGET sxpswas pmo.,soTso Appmovso --------------- ... ' ..... ........... - ............ ....... ... ------------.... - .... ... --------------'--- .... -............ 0 o ow'onw a o n o ��.......... n n �.... 50.080 .. ........ 0 ^ .��`.... w .����� o 0 ----------- ----------- w w ----------- ----------- 50'w0o ----------- w ----------- w ----------- o w 81 City of Salina' Kansas I" z w * w c z A L S Y a 7 E w PAGE 5* DATE 9/xJ./89 FISCAL. YEAR: J.vpo * * * o s T A z 1 oP0+01. Tzms 0'26:34 sxps�ss AoopTsu ANNUAL. auoGsI azLso ruwo. i*w GENERAL. nspwmTnswT' 810 CAPITAL. oun-AY auo osppmTnsNT' +51 nzvsn osysL.opmswr 1987 1.988 wnopTso Amswnso J.989 ComMzsszow *ccounr DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sxpEwas swpswms auoGsT aumcsT sxpsnas pnoJscTso oppnovco cwpzToL- ouTL-AY 90 wmw cowoTRucTzoN CONTRACTS ----------- ----------- ---------' ----------- 1.oa'oww 68,050 w o o w 100^000 too, (.)00 ---'------- ^ 68,050 -------'--- w ---------- m °* mUa DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- w ----------- ---.... 100^000 ........ ... ---- imw'oow ----------- 68, 050 ----------- o ----------- w 82 oi+v Of Saiina' Kansas o*Ts 9/1.1/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1.990 TIME 8'26'34 ruwo' WO GENERAL wccouwr mcocxzpTzow ---------------------------------------- CAPITAL ouTL*r 91e wow cowaTmucTzow cowrn*oTa --- *w SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** FINANCIAL SYaIsw sxpswas AoopTso AwwuAI auoG'sT PAGE L5 5 *** ocT All. L *** m`0+01 az�ca ospAnrnsmr' 81.0 c*pzrm- ourLA, soa osp*nT*swr. *52 pm-zcs pAmKzwG 1987 J.988 AoopTso wm'".woso 1pc.19 commzsazoN sxpswas -------------------------------------- sxpswos auocsT ouocsT ........... ..... .... -----'------------------------------------ sxpswos pmoJscTso m"pRovsm .... ..... -- n -------- m ----------- 2'500 ----------- 2, ',500 ----------- o o m O w 2'500 2,500 ----------- ^ o ----------- w ----------- w -------- m ----------- w ----------- 2'500 ----------' 2, "500 ----------- w ----------- o ----------- w 83 City Of aat|na, Kansas DATE ?/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: TIME 8'26'34 FUND: 100 GENERAL occouwT nsecnzpTzow -------------------------------- cwpzTm- OUTLAY 918 www cowoTnucrzow cowTmacro **mUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** pzwAwczAL aroTsn 1990 sxpswas AcmpTsm ANNUAL nuocsT nsp*nTmEwT' 810 cm`zTwL oun-AY 1967 J.988 ADOPTED sxpsmas sXpswos auocsT ---------------------------------------------- w w aw^wwo ----------- ----------- ----------- --- V O aw'www ----------- ----------- ----------- --- w w 80, 000 PAG*s 'J e.) *** ocTozl **^ Bp0*0J. az1 ce yua ospAmTmswr` +55o msMomzm- *ALL. *soTzwG Amcwoso 1969 ConmIsazOw aunGsr sxpswos pno./scTso Appeovso -------------------------------- ------------'- ..... '-------- ow.woo a'*ww w w -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- aw^wow o,+ww w 0 -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- E30, 000 3'*00 o 0 84 ci+r of oaLina' Kansas DArs 9/11./89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 TIME o'za:n* FUND: J.00 GENERAL Accuuwr mssomzpTzow -------------------------------- cwpzTAL oun-*Y vW 000 cowaTmucrzow cowTnAcTa ** aua ospAmTmsWT TOTALS ** pzwAwcz sxemosAD(jl::' osp*nTmswT' aJo c*pzTAI 19117 1988 sxpswos sxpswas ------------------------ A L sYaTEn pAsc 57 *^* DaTAzL ^** BP040i rsu owwum- auocsz azusS ouTl AY sua ospAnTmswr' *c* azcswTsmwzm- souwo �ouzp muopTso Amswoso 19a9 Commzaazow auncET auocsT sxpswos pmoJscrso APpmovsn ------------------------------------------------------------------- w o wo'oww w o *w^wwo 40^000 ----------- ----------- O o ----------- ----------- 40'000 ----------- n ~ V ----------- 40'000 ----------- 40, 000 ----------- ----------- w O ----------- -----'----' 48.000 ----------- o o ----------- *0.000 -----'----- 40,000 85 C, i t / Of Salina, Kansas F'INANCIAL s Y CS 'I E 11 F, (11 G, E 50 I)ATI,'-'- 9/1.1/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 D 1- T A I L EIP040i TIME 6;26:34 EXPENSE ADC)F'TF.:.D ANNUAL BUDGE r.4 I L E S FUND: 3.00 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 87.0 CAPITAL. OUTLAY SUB DEF'ARIMENT: 45,15 BRIl)(.,ES 1987 19e8 ADOPTED AMI::,NDED 7.909 COMMI•SUON ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXF'ENSE J'.7.XPENSE BUDGET DUDGET L':-'X F E N S E FRO JECTED APPROVED CONTRACTUAL . ..... .... ............ .. . ............ ... ........ .... . .... ...... ... .. .......... 901 000 ENGINNERING 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 ....... . ...... 0 iol000 .... ....... . ...... 0 1 0 ...... . ....... 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 0 0 2a, 900 14,356 7.0,000 0 0 0 0 2,".;,900 14,356 10,000 0 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 0 i0, 000 25,900 14, 356 5.0 1 000 0 86 Ci -ty Of Salina, Kansas [:INANCIOL. Y 1; T E:* m PAGE]. 59 DATE 9/11/89 I= ISCAL- YEAR: 1.990 D 1:.. 1 A I 1 .9 EfPO4k:)5. TIME 8:26:34 AD0I::'lf.A) ANNLJf)I 13LIDGE'l BJ:I ES FUND: 100 GENERAL- DEPARTMENT; 85.0 CAPTTAI OLJTL-AY ',")UB DEPART MENf: 456 'TEMPORARY FIRE S I-A'f ION 1987 1.988 ADOPTED AMENDED 1909 COMMI,S)STON ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE ......... EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET EXI---,ENSE f-'ROJECTED APPROVED CAPITAL.. OUT[..AY .. ... — ........ .... . 91E3 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 0 173,000 ... . ............ 000 ii I i6t .. ..... . 20,000 ........... 20,000 0 0 . 1731 000 20, O00 .... . ........ a 1 J., 1,6 J. 20,000 20, 000 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 0 .. . ....... ..... ........ 5.7:3, 000 20,000 ij, I i65. 20,000 -zo o o 0 87 c}+v of saL/na. Kansas omTc p/li/ap rzocAL Ys*m' 1.990 rzms 8'26'34 pomu: J.00 cswsRwL Accouwr msscmzpTzow ------------------------------- comrnAcTuwL 810 www Aosmcv oowTnAcTe ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** FzwAwczAL SYaTsn PA a:-: 60 *** nsT*zL *** opw*ot sxpswas Aooprso Awwum- auocsT azLsa ospAmTmswT' 81.0 cwpzT*L ourLoY sue osponTwswT' 457 aAosawLL compLsx 1987 1988 AmopTso Awswosu 1.9e9 cOmmlsazow sxpEmas sXpswos ouocET ouocsT sxpswas pnoJscTsu AppnOvsm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 ___________ w 75,w00 '75, 000 o � w 0 ___________ w w ___________ '75, 000 ___________ 7s, 000 w w w ----------- ----------- o w ----------- 75,000 ----------- ----------- 75, 000 ----------- w ----------- w w 88 City Of SaLisia, Kansas FINANCIAL 13 Y S I E I ,i pl,'4Q.; 6t DATE 9/1,1./89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 1) 1 J A I I BPO4 TIME 1:1:26:34 AD0F,TFD ANNUAL.. BILE13) FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPART'MEN'T': Bi(-) CAFJTAL OUTI-AY SUD DEP,)RIMENI: 4,'j8 DICI.A4"VENNIAL 1987 1988 ADOPTED Ahl:: NDED 1989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE DUDGET FlUDGET EXF••NSf.:* . PROJECTED ... APPROVED CAPITAI OUTLAY ... . ...... ..... .......... 9i8 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 41,907 0 0 0 0 0 0 41,907 0 0 0 0 0 tat il.1ES DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 . ....... 41,907 0 .......... . .... ... 0 0 0 0 89 City of 'SaLina' Kansas DATE: 9/11,09 FISCAL- YEAR: J.pvo TIME 8.26'34 FUND: 100 GENERAL. 000Ouwr msocRzpTzow -------------------------------- CAPITAL. ouTI-AY 9W www cowoTnucTzow cowTR*cro *o oua ospwmTmswT TOTALS ** FzwAnCzAL- oYsTsm sXpswos AmopTcu ANNUAL. auu('A:.r ospAmTmswT' 810 cm"zTm- ouTI AY 1987 J, 9F. AooprEo sxpswos cxpswos auocsT w 22,736 o -------- ----------- ----------- --- w u2'73a o --------- - .... .��������� m 22'7na w 90 PAcc au * m c r A z / * * * npw*wi azL-sa aua ospAmTmsmT' *59 oAxoALs amzooE Answoso J-vop commzaezow aunccT -------------------------------------------------- cxpswos pno-/scTso *ppeOvEm o a w o ............. ____ w ___________ ^ w ___________ O ___________ n -------' w ---------- w ----------- o ----------- n 90 C|+v Of oai/na' Kansas owTE 9/it/89 pzacm- rson' 1.990 TIME 8'26'34 puwn' J.aw cswsmm- *cCouwT msocmzpTzow ---------------------------------------- CONTRACTUAL 801 wow swGzwwsnznc SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS --- --- 91 pzwAwczAL aYaTsw p�s aa sXpswas AnopTso AwwuAl - ouocsr mspAnTmsmr' e10 c*pzT*L ourL.*Y 1907 1.988 *oOpTso sxpENos ------------------------------------------ sxpsNas BUDGET w 7'2wo o -------- w ----------- 7,288 ----------- --' o -------- w ----------- 7'20w ----------- --- o 91 p�s aa *** osrwzL. *v* apmqwj. az1-ca sua mspAnTmcwr. 460 usazov Awswoso t989 commzaSzow ouoGsT -----------------------------'------------------- sxpswas pRo./scrso AppRovso w ______ J., 230 ___________ o ___________ o ___________ 0 1'230 o 0 --.... ........... ..... 0 ----------- 1, 230 ----------- w ----------- o 91 c|+v or saL/na, Kansas DATE 9/11/89 pzacm- YEAR: 1990 TIME." 8:26:34 ruwo. 1.00 cswEmA- Auoouwr msacmzprzow -------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 91B 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALo** FzwAwcz sxpswas Amop mspwpTmcwT' aio 1987 1988 sXpswos supswos ------------------------ �L oYaTcx *** o�TAzL *** rso *wwu:L auoX"sr ouTLor axoo ospomTnswr. *61 csmcTsn, e*so AoopTso Amswoso 1989 auocsT aumccT sxpswos pmoJscTso ----------------- -------------------------------------- PAGE ao apw4W. azLsa conmzaazow *ppRovsm w o o w o o ----------- ----------- w ----------- o ----------- w o ----------- ----------- - o ----------- ----------- w ----------- w ----------- w w ----------- ----------- w - w 0 92 Ci+/ Of GaLina. Kansas owTe 9/11/89 pzocAL- ,smR' 1990 TIME 8'26'3* FUND: 100 GENERAL *ccouwr osacnzpTzow -------------------------------- cApzn*L OUTLAY 9iS 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS ww SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** 93 pzNAwczA L sYa7sn pmGf:. ao sYpswas AmopTsn ANNUAL auocsr ospAnTmswT' a10 cm"zTA| oun-*r 1987 1.988 ADOPTED sxpswsE expswss .... .... ��. oUnGsT ..........._��_���� u -------- 65, 734 o w ----------- 65.734 ----------- --- w -------- O ----------- ao'73o ----------- --- w 93 pmGf:. ao °** 1) cTo1. 1.., ^** BP0*01. oz�ss suo uspAmTmswr' 462 pAnxzwc LOT 9T* & lnow AmsNoco 1.989 commzaazow muousT ... - .... .... -----... sxpswoc .... -----------------------------............. pno'/scrsu Appnovso ... - .... -- m w w w -------- w ----------- ----------- w ----------- w -------- w '---------- w ----------- o ----------- w 93 City ofsaLina^Kansas pzwowcz*L aYaTsn PAGE aa DATE 9111 /B9 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 * « v n s T A z L * * * o1:1040i TIME. 8:26:34 sxpswas AoopTso Awwum- auocsl azLso puwo' 100 GENERAL mspwnTmswT' o1.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY oua ospAmT*swr. 464 ozcswTswwz*L cswTsm nooF 19e7 J.pao AompTso *mswosD 1989 comnzaazow ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION sxpsnes sxpsNos auoGsT auoasT sm"swSs pmOJsoTso oppnovcm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAPITAL OUTLAY vie oow nomoTnUoTzow cowTmAcTa 0 -----'----- o w uo'wow o w w w ----------- -------'--- ---------' O o 20.000 ------'---- w ------'---- w -------'--- w °* SUB ospwmTmsmT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- ----------- ----------- m w uo^wow ----------- w ----------- o ----------- w 94 City Of Salina, Kansas FINANCIAL C; Y 1.7, T 1:. fj PAGE 46"7 DATE: 9/it/89 FISCAL YLAR: 1.990 A X D E. T A I I... BP0401. TIME: 8:26:34 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL lit.)WIFT BTLE-13 FUND: 1.00 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: Bi(-) CAPITAI OUTLAY SUB DEPARIME.NT: 465 MUSEUM 1967 19as ADOPTED AMENDED 1.989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE E.XF-ENSE BUDGET BUDGET E:'XF'ENS• :-' F:'R('.),,JEC'rED APPROVE -.D CAPITAI... OUTLAY 913 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 0 O 0 O 65,000 1- wo 0 0 O 0 0 65,000 10,000 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS -- ------ ----- 0 .... . ........ . ........ . .... .. 0 c7 . .... 65,000 . ........ 1.0, ()00 95 City (If saLina.Kansas rzwowczA L. SYmTsw p cs ae DATE 9v11/89 Fzac*L ,s*n' J.vvm * * * o s T * z L * * * apw4oi TIME e'26'34 sxpswas AompTsn ANNUAL euocsr ezLsa Fuwo. 1.00 GENERAL mspAmTmswr' oiw CAPITAL OUTLAY aua ospAnTnswT' *66 oVzo u znow zwTsnascrzow 19(37 1988 AoopTso Amswoso 1989 comMzaozow Acooumr DESCRIPTION ExpEnas sxpsmos BUDGET nuoGsT sxpswSs .......... -------------------------------------- pRoJsoTsu APpnOvcm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------'---------.... CAPITAL ourLwY 910 000 cowoTmucTzow oowTnAcra w 131'799 w o o o w w 131'799 o w ^ o w w ** auu ospwmTmEwT ToTm-o ** ----------- w ----------- 1.31.799 ----------- ----------- w w ----------- w ----------- o ----------- w 96 City Of Salina, Kansas FINAwCzAL aYaTsn poG6 av DATE' 9/ii/89 pzScoL vson' 1990 * * * o s T * z 1- * * * apw*mJ. Tzms 9: 26:34 sxpsmos AompTso Awwum- pm»Gsz azL.sa ruwo. 1.00 oswsnAL ospAmTnsnr' 810 c*pzT^I OUTLAY auo ospAxTnswT' 542 aIcswTsn coax nsczaTsny 1987 1.988 000pTso Ahcwosn 1.989 cownzaezow AccouwT msacRzpTzmv sXpswos sxpswos ouocsT mUmasT sxpsmss pmo'osCTso Appmovso CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 www oT*sn EouzpnswT m n w --- ... .... - .......... .... --'---'---' ao'wow o ----------- o -------'--- w ---------- ---------- w ----------- w n 38 1 000 ^ o o o x* SUB DEPARTMENT ----------- w ----------- o ----------- ----------- o oo'nww ----------- o ----------- o ----------- 0 97 City Of Salina, Kansas V I N A N C 1' A L s Y 0) 1 E i1 PAGE DATE 9/11/09 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 1) E T A I L DP040i TIME 0:26:34 EXPEN-SE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET RILES FUND; 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: BJ.(-) CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARIHENT: '543 DILL BURKE LIGHTS 1987 19SE) ADOPl*ED AMENDED 1989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCklPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSE PROJECTED APPROVED CAPITAL OUTLAY .. .... .... 91.8 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 0 0 1. 0 0 0 0 . .... .... . . .... 0 0 0 J. 000 0 ------- 0 0 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 ....... ........ 0 0 ......... ...... 175, 000 0 0 0 98 City or SaLina. Kansas owTs 9/i.i/B9 rzaoaL YEAR: 1990 TIME 8'26'34 Fuwu' 100 GENERAL occouwr msocRzpTzOw -------------------------------- CAPITAL oun-AY pio oww cowaTmucTzow CONTRACTS *w oua ospwmrmswT TOTALS ** 99 pzwOwCzAL aYsTsm pAcc 7J. *°* osT*zL, ^*° BP04oJ. sxpcwas �oopTco Awwu*l.- puoCy's*l azLsa mspAnTmswr' aJ.o oApzTAL ourLA-Y o.m ospomrmswE' 54* oOmmuwzrY r*sf,-iTps 1937 19a8 onOpTso Amcwoso J,989 CommzaSIoN sxpswos -----------------------------------------'-------------------------------------------------- cxpcNos auoGsT aunGsT sxpswos pmoJscTso Appnovsm 0 o o wow o o w -------- O ----------- w ----------- ----------- O 12(-), 000 ----------- 0 ----------- 8 ----------- w -------- w ----------- w ----------- .... ----'- w ......... - J.20, 000 ----------- o ----------- w ----------- w 99 City of oaLina' Kansas DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 Tz*s o'ua'o^ Fuwo` 1.00 GENERAL ACCOUNT msscmzpTzOw --------------------------------' CAPITAL OUTLAY *1a 000 cowoTnucrzow oowTawcTo ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** pzw*wczAL aYSTEm sxpswas AoopTso *wwu»L ouoGsT ospwnrmswT' 81.0 cm"zToI ouTI AY 19o,7 1988 wooprso sxpswos sxpswos auocsT w w o -------- ----------- ----------- --- 8 O w -------- ----------- ----------- --- w w o 100 *** osTAzL *** opo*oi azLsa aua osrAnTwswT' 545 *owozc*ppso AccsoszozLzTv Amcwoco J.989 commlaazow euossT -------------------------------------------------- sxpswas pmoJscrsu *ppmovsm as^wow m w w -------- 33, 0(.)0 ----------- ^ o ----------- o ----------- w -------- 33, 000 ---------- o ----------- w ----------- w 100 ci+' of saLiva. Kansas F I N A N C I A L o Y a T s w ' PAGE: 7o DATE 9/11/89 pzecAL YEAR: 19p0 * * * o s T w z � * * * npw4oi Tzns 8'26'34 sxpswss AzmpTso Awwum- auoGs7 az-ca Fuwo. 100 cswsa*L nsp*mrnswr' oiw cApzTAL ouTL.Ar sua osponTmswr' 546 cswcmAL sswvzcss p^cz��zTY 1.987 1.98e ADOPTED i.)mswoso 191-39 COnnzaazom wccouwT oEacmzprzow sxpswos sxpswoc ouocsT ouocsT sxpswas pno.oCTso Appnovsm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------'-----'-----------------------------------'-------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 910 wuw CONSTRUCTION cowTmwcTa w w w w o ua'owo 26, 000 ----------- w ----------- o ----------' w ----------- o ----------- ^ o ----------- 26'000 ----------- 26,800 ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** ........... ... .... 0 ����......... o ...... o o .... .... ... .. . ...... .... o �_..... .��� 26'000 26,000 *** ospARTnswT TOTALS *** w 929'916 1,285'500 :'323.280 472'707 891'000 o36'000 * Funm sxpswos ToTm-a * ----------- n ----------- 9'32+.157 ----------- 13.21. t, 976 -----'----- 13'93'7'044 ----------- 6'3e6'475 ----------- 1.0'656,722 -----'----- 13'212.99* **�* puwm NET nzFFsnswcs **** ----------- w ----------- 627, 284 ----------- w ----------- 25^o00 ----------- 2'414'769 ----------- 2'493'394 ----------- w 101 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND This Fund was authorized by the State Legislature in 1978. Essentially, it is a clearing fund and permits consolidation of employer and employee contributions to Social Security, Kansas Public Employee Retirement Systems, group health and life insurance, workers compensation, unemployment compensation and earned leave. This permits one tax levy for all employee benefits instead of several as was the practice in past years. The consolidated fund has no effect on the levy or funds necessary to support the various activities. This is a revolving fund. The fee - supported funds, Water and Sewerage, Sanitation and Solid Waste, are excluded from this fund. They make payments from their separate budgets directly to the State. All other special funds make a transfer payment to this Fund to cover their costs in the appropriate account. The Employee Benefits Fund streamlines administrative procedures and defines accounting responsibilities. 102 City ov saLina^ Kansas DATE 9/11/89 pzaoAL YEAR: 1990 Tzmc 8'26'34 puwo' 210 swpLoYss aswsFzTa *coouwr msocnzpTzom ---------------------------------------- TAXES 401 wow pmopsnTY TAX 402 mww mELzwmuswT pmopsnry TAX 405 www vs*zcLs TAX INTERGOVERNMENTAL 437 wom EMS - oouwTY zwTsnseT 560 www zwvseTnswT zmooms - nsznaumosmsmTa 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS Tm*wersms IN 660 000 OTHER TmAwsrsna CARRYOVER SURPLUS 6?9 000 uAmmYovsm aumpLuo ** aua nspAer*swT TOTALS ** �** nspwnrnswT TOTALS *** * Funo nsYswus ToTm-o * 103 rzw*ncz*L oYSTsw p^cs ro *** osTA zL. *** ap040i nsyswus AoopTsm ANNUAL auo6s) ozL.-ES ncpAnTmswT' oow nsyswus auo msp*nTnswT' 19o7 1988 ADOPTED *nswoso 19a9 COMMISSION Rsyswus -------------------------------------------'------'---------------------------------------- nsyswus auocsT aumGsT xsysmus pnoJscTso Appmovsm w 974.*56 J.,257'ruo 1..2,.*)7'725 1'238.786 1.,262'006 1.337,624 w 16'725 21'000 28, 000 2J- 049 27.600 ur'aow w -------- 244'418 ----------- 220'000 ----------- uuo^wow ----------- ^ 140'*25 ----------- 305'508 ----------- 305,508 ----------- w 1,235'599 1,498'725 i'50S^725 1'400.260 1.,595,91* 1'670'732 w o 1.37'000 1zr'000 69, 000 146,385 146.567 ----------- -------- o ----------- w ----------- 137,000 ----------- iar^oow ----------- 69'000 ----------- 146'385 146'567 w 16.447 w w w w w o 16.44r o .... ........ .. —.., w �.. ........ ..����� m w w w -------- 100.231 ----------- 40,000 ----------- o ----------- 2'377 ----------- o ----------- w ----------- w 100,231 40,000 w 2'377 w w m -------- 48, 861 ----------- aw'uww ----------- 60'200 ----------- 27, 808 ----------- 60, 200 ----------- 401 000 ----------- w 48.861. 60,200 ao^uww 27'808. 60'200 40'000 w w 175.525 209, 076 o 160.451 16 0, 1. -------- w ----------- w ----------- 175^525 ----------- 209.076 ----------- o ----------- 160,+51 ----------- 160'451 _------- 0 --_-------- i.40i.ioa _--_------- 1,91.1.450 ----------- 1191.21001, -----_-_-L- 1.499.*45 ------_---- 1'962'950 ----------- 2.017,750 -------- w -------- ----------- 1,401.'138 ----------- ----------- 1,911,450 ----------- ----------- J'912.001 ----------- 1,499.*45 ----------- ----------- 1^962.950 ----------- ----------- 2^01.7.750 ----------- w i.*wi.ino J.'91.i'450 ----------- 1'9J.2'00i 1'499'*45 1.962,950 2.017.750 103 c i t y of SaLina, Kansas F I N A N C I A L a Y a T s n pAcc Ts o*Ts 9/1.1/89 FISCAL YEAR: J.990 * * * o c 7 A i l ap040J. TIME a'ua'n* sxpswas omopTFm Awwu�� nuoGs7 oz sy ruwm. zW smpLovsE aswspzTa osp*mrMswT' 71-w smp�oYss oswsT-rzTa auo usp�nTnsmr� 1987 1.988 *ooprso An woso tpop oowmzuozuw *ccouwr msocmzpTzow sxpswas sXpswas aunssT aunccT cxpswss pnoJscTsu AppnOvso psnaowAL osnvzcso �. ......��_���������������_�� 705 www s*mwsn Ls*vs w 23.744 45, (.)0(.') 40'000 12, 370 *w'onw 40, 000 710 owm uwsMpLoYnswr w 16.e72 20'000 16.000 7'663 17'000 16'000 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY w 243.651 225,000 255'000 ^ 173'239 270,000 270,008 712 oww LIFE zwnumwmcs m w w 0 12'224 w w 713 wmw wpuF n 465'758 *113^000 50',-.J, 000 296.040 530'500 530^500 714 wom xpEma w 81..639 m*.wmo ov^ww 32'422 ai'www 84'000 715 nwm HEALTH zNoum*wCs w 471'659 620.000 592,000 *30'268 740'000 746^500 ----------- n ----------- 1,323,323 -------'--- 1,4*7.000 ---------- 1,467,1on '-----'---- ----------- 964.226 1,678^500 ----------- J.,aar,000 711 www The City's share of pzcA increases to 7'6o% from 7.5i%. 713 www The ci+v contributes 1.4'9w of no|/ce and firemen's sa/aries toward - their retirement. 714 oww The City contributes u.ax or pavroL| to a|L other fuL/time employees' retirement. The 19a9 rate was uX' 71S 000 current trending factors indicate a 25X increase may be expected for 1990. It is proposed the ci+, continue paving 75w of the cost of family coverage and J.www of single coverage. cowTmAoruwL ouw wwm zmaun*wus w o w n w w o eow 481 zwoumwwcs - LIABILITY w ao'oww 73^700 ro.rww 73'700 0 820 4136 zwounwwcs - womwmswo comp o 1*0'000 210^750 210^750 iww'wwo 2W, '750 uJro'r5)w w 200'000 284^450 - ------ 284^450 �� ... �������� 173.700 284.*50 210'750 azw 481 For 1990, to/s wi|/ be /evieu through the Spec ia| L/auiLi+v r^"u^ ouw 486 This amount is transferred to n/sx Management. / wsosmvso 993 www cAa* nsosnvs w ----------- o ----------- 180'000 ----------- x�m'4u1 ----------- w ----------- ----------- o 120^000 ----------- w n 1.a0'w00 1.60^451 o w 120'000 �* sua ospwmTnswT ToTm-o ** ----------- m ----------- 1'523'323 -------'--- J.'911.450 -'--------- J'91�2'00i ----------- ----------- 1'137^926 1'962'950 ----------- 2.017'750 w** nsp*mTMEmT ToTm-o ----------- 0 ----------- 1^523^323 ----------- 1^911.*50 ----------- i.9i2^001 ----------- ----------- 1.137.926 1'962'950 ----------- 2, 017,750 * Fuwm cXpEwos ToTm-o * ----------- m ----------- 1'523^323 ----------- i'9il'450 ----------- 1.912'001 ----------- ----------- 1'137^926 1'962,950 ----------- 2'017^750 w**x Fuuo NET ozFFsmEnns ----------- m ----------- 122'185- ----------- m ----------- w ----------- ----------- 361.519 w ----------- w 104 NOTE: This worksheet computes the 1989 and 1990 cost for health insurance for the City of Salina and for its employees. It is assumed the City will pay 100% of the cost of the single coverage and 75% of the total cost of family coverage. Assuming a 25% increase in group health insurance rates, this will place the employee contribution for 1990 at 25% more than the amount for 1989. The policy renews February 1, 1990. Therefore the actual rate will not be known until the budget is completed. 105 CITY OF SALINA HEALTH CARE COSTS WORKSHEET ASSUMING A 75/25 SPLIT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE EMPLOYEES BC( BS EQUI COR ------ ------ --------- - - - - - -- -- ----- -- --------- -- -- - - - - -- 1989 cost 1990 Cost DEPARTMENT SINGLE FAMILY SINGLE FAMILY ------- $108.69 - - - - -- ----- $226.76 -- - - - - -- $91.37 ----- -- - - - - -- ------- $216.06 - - - - -- Total ------- - --- -- Employee - ------ - - - - -- Employer ------- - - - - -- ------- Total -- ---- Employee - ------ - - - - -- Employer ---- --- - - - --- PAID BY EMP. BEN. Risk Mtg 1 $3,628 $907 $2,721 $4,535 $1,134 $3,401 Parking Meters 1 1 $4,553 $864 $3,689 $5,692 $1,080 $4,611 Recreation 2 4 $16,853 $3,360 $13,493 $21,401 $4,535 $16,866 Special Gas 2 2 $14,170 $3,542 $10,628 $17,712 $4,428 $13,284 Bi- center 3 8 2 $39,851 $8,984 $30,867 $49,813 $11,231 $38,583 General Fund 52 121 13 48 $686,995 ------- - - - - -- $151,220 ----- -- - - - --- $535,775 ---- --- - - - - -- ----- $858,744 -- - - - - -- $189,037 ------- - - - - -- $669,707 ------- - - - - -- ------- To Emp. Ben. - - - - -- -- 57 ----- - - - - -- 136 ------- - - - - -- --- 14 ---- - - - - -- 53 $766,050 $168,877 $597,172 $957,897 $211,445 $746,452 Sanitation 6 6 2 2 $38,250 $6,720 $31,530 $48,375 $8,963 $39,412 Data Processing 1 3 $11,987 $2,520 $9,467 $15,235 $3,401 $11,834 Solid Waste 3 1 1 $10,907 $1,680 $9,227 $13,747 $2,214 $11,533 Golf Course 3 1 $14,341 $3,585 $10,756 $17,926 $4,482 $13,445 Water 18 31 5 8 $166,814 $32,760 $134,054 $211,353 $43,789 $167,565 Comm. Dev 1 $3,433 $840 $2,593 $4,321 $1,080 $3,241 Central Garage 1 4 1 $18,981 ------- - -- - -- $4,200 -- ----- - - - --- $14,781 ------- - - - - -- $24,092 ----- -- - - - - -- $5,615 ------- - - - -- $18,476 ------- - - - - -- ------- Total - - - - -- ---- 86 -- - - - - - -- 184 ------- - - - - -- ------- 21 - - - --- 67 $1,030,763 $221,182 $809,581 $1,292,947 - $280,989 $1,011,958 NOTE: This worksheet computes the 1989 and 1990 cost for health insurance for the City of Salina and for its employees. It is assumed the City will pay 100% of the cost of the single coverage and 75% of the total cost of family coverage. Assuming a 25% increase in group health insurance rates, this will place the employee contribution for 1990 at 25% more than the amount for 1989. The policy renews February 1, 1990. Therefore the actual rate will not be known until the budget is completed. 105 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET A separate tax levy to cover gas, electric provisions of the Kansas Constitution. The for this levy. This Fund finances the Bicentennial Center. UTILITY FUND water, traffic, and street lighting is possible under home rule City adopted Charter Ordinance #17 on June 18, 1979, to provide utilities for all General Fund buildings and programs and the 106 ci+v Of oaL|na' Kansas m*Ts 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 TIME 0'26'3* ruwn' 215 UTILITY wccouwr msocnzpTzow TAXES *01 wmw pmopsmTY TAX 402 wwm msLzwouswT pnopsurr TAX 405 mww VEHICLE TAX zwTsmsaT 560 000 INVESTMENT INCOME TnAwoFsno IN 660 mmo OTHER TRANSFERS - CARRYOVER SURPLUS evp www oAmnYovse ounpLue SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALo** *** m7pAnT*swT TOTALS v** * Fuwo msyswus Torm-o � m rzw*wczoL avaTso w w w pAce 76 ----------- V ----------- u'woo ----------- w ----------- 0 °** ocTAz� *** ap040j. w ----------- msyswus *nopTso owwu*L auncsr 14'000 ----------- :L4'000 ----------- 14,000 ----------- azL.sa msPAmTnswT' wwo nsysnus 1+.000 oua ospoRTmswT' 1*^000 i 1,907 198o ADOPTED wnsNosm J.pap cOMmzsozow msysmus --------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------- nsyswus eunssT nuocsT nsyswus pnoJscrso m"pnovsn 0 441'226 527.264 52,'264 �ip,375 495'500 497'300 w 71300 v'owo 91500 v'**u J.i'aww 11.600 0 -------- l:L0,597 ----------- ----------- 1.00,000 ----------- J.ow.00w ^ 63,605 ----------- 1.24,166 ----------- 124,166 ---------- w 559'125 636'764 a73a'7a* 592.472 631'266 633,066 m z, 000 o w w w w ----------- V ----------- u'woo ----------- w ----------- 0 ----------- w ----------- o ----------- w w ----------- 13.500 ----------- 14,000 ----------- 14'000 ----------- :L4'000 ----------- 14,000 ----------- i5.000 ----------- 0 ta.cmn 1+.000 1*,000 14.000 1*^000 xn.now 660 000 From the smoxv *it/ Museum. w o t*4,736 1.20'329 w 116,393 1 J.'3^ovn ----------- m ----------- o ----------- :1+4,736 ----------- 1u8'329 ----------- 0 ----------- I.J.6,393 ----------- 11.3,593 ----------- w ----------- ----------- 574'625 ----------- ----------- 7v5,500 ----------- ----------- 779'093 ----------- ----------- 606'*72 ----------- ----------- 76J.'659 ----------- ----------- 7a.1'a59 ----------- w 574.625 795,500 779,093 606'+72 761,659 761,659 ----------- w ----------- 574'625 ----------- 795'500 ----------- rr9'093 ----------- 606.472 ----------- 761'659 ----------' 76'1.a5v 107 City Of SaLina, Kansa,.5 FINANCIAL S Y (3) 1 E it F I A G"L 77 DATE-.' 9/11/89 FISCAL.. YEAR: 1990 1) 1:1 T A .1* L DP0401. TIME 0:26:34 EXI;'I-':NSE ANNUAL DUD(:ET FUND: 215 UT'ILIT'Y DEPARTMENT: 720 UTILITY SUB DEVY-)Rl HENT: 1987 1.988 ADOPFED AMENDE; . 1) 1989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE-" EXPENSE BUDGET DUDLE'T EXPENSE F'ROJECTED APPROVED . ..... . ...... OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES .. ........ ....... .... ... ...... .... ....... 842 000 GAS SERVICE 0 44,953 43,000 43,000 33,641 43,000 43,000 844 000 STREET LIGHTING 0 240,473 280,000 250,000 1-23,380 260,000 260,000 845 000 WATER SERVICE 0 63,099 5)7, 500 57, 500 30,773 63,000 63,000 846 000 LIGHT & POWER 0 253,965 238,000 26,13, 000 146,269 280,000 286,000 847 000 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS 0 32,543 47,000 47,000 36,031. 47,000 47,000 0 635,033 665,500 665,500 370,114 693,000 699,000 RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 ----------- i30l000 1.i3,593 0 68,659 --------- - -- 62,6.`'.19 0 0 130,000 11.3,593 0 68,659 62,659 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 635,033 795,500 779,093 370,114 761,659 761.,6S9 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 635,033 795,500 779,093 370,1.14 761,659 761,659 FUND EXPENSE TOTALS 0 .... . ..... 635,033 . .... . 795 ,'.'.100 -.7-19,093 370,114 ......... .... ............ 761,659 761. , 6'2;9 FUND NET DIFFERENCE 0 60,408-- 0 0 236,358 0 0 108 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE FUND The 1979 Kansas Tort Claims Act authorizes municipalities to pay the cost of legal defense, claims and "other direct and indirect costs resulting from the implementation of this act" from a "Special Liability Expense Fund." The act provides that a governing body which has created a Special Liability Expense Fund may "levy a tax therefor, without limitation as to rate" outside the property tax lid. In addition, monies received by the municipality "from any source whatsoever which may be lawfully utilized for such purpose" may be placed in the fund. The special fund may be a reserve fund, and monies once budgeted into the fund need not be annually rebudgeted for future expenditure in the future. Budget Comments The creation of the Risk Management Reserve Fund to centralize the City's risk management programs and services has a direct effect on this account. Kansas statutes permit the Risk Management Reserve Fund to receive transfers from other funds and accounts of the City. However, the Risk Management Reserve Fund has no authority for its own tax levy. The $178,144, #805, will be transferred to the Risk Management Reserve Fund. Those funds are utilized for the City's liability insurance and related expenses. 109 cit,ofaai|na'Kansas rzwAwczwL o,sTsn PAGE 7a mwTs 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR. 1990 * * * u s T A z L. * * * BP0*0i Tzms a'26'34 nsyswus i-)oopTso Awwum- auocsT azLso Fuwo' uzu apsczAL LIABILITY mspwmTmswT' oow nsysmus ouo msp*nTmswT' 1.987 1988 ADOPTED wmswDco 1989 coMmzsozom AccouwT msoCnzpTIow nsyswus msysNuE BUDGET aumcsT nsvEwus pmoJscTso Appmovso T�xse 401 mwm pnopsmTY 'TAX w 65, 950 155,000 155'000 152.689 1.52'012 21a,432 402 mmo msLzwouswT pmopsnTY rwx w 2,630 1'400 3'1o0 2.19* 3^400 3.400 *mm mmw vs*zcLs TAX w ----------- 46'6e1 ----------- ----------- j.5'000 ----------- /�.oww ^ 10'*89 ----------- 36'45a ----------- 36'*56 m lim.26i 171'400 173, loo 165, 372 191,868 ---------- 258, 298 cwmmrovsm aunpLue 699 www cwmRYoosn aumpLuo w ----------- o 15.37a �.4'vn7 o 91693 v'apa w ----------- ----------- w ----------- 15,376 1*'937 --'-------- w —'--------' 9,893 ----'------ 9.893 ** aum osPwnTmswT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 115'261 .... 106'776 ........ ------ 108, 037 ----------- 165'372 ----------- 201'761 ----------- 26o.i8i *** DEPARTMENT TOTALS *** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 115'261 ----------- 1.86.776 J. aa'ws7 ----------- i65'372 ----------- 201'761 ----------- 268,J.8i * puwm ncvswus ToTm-o * ----------- n ----------- ----------- 115,261. ----------- 1.86,776 i8a,037 ----------- i6o'372 ----------- 20J., 76J. ----------- uaa^iai 110 c / + v of oaL/na' Kansas F I N A N C I A L S Y s l s n p�o� 7p DATE] 9/11/89 pzocAL YEAR' 1990 * * * o s T A z � * * * ap0*01. Tz*� f3: 26:34 sxpswas *nopTsn *wwI.mL BUDGET azLss ruwo' zaw spsczAL LzoazLzTY mspAwrmEwr' 120 nzax mAwo(;smswT suo uspAnTmsw/` L987 1.980 *oopTsu Amswoso 19o9 oommzaozuw wccouwr DEocRzpTzom sxpEwes sxpswSs auocsT auDcsT sxpswas ���������������������������������_��������� pnoJscrso APpwovsn TmAworsma OUT vaw oww oT*sn TnwwaFsmo w J.52'700 1.78'J.*4 1.79, 1.44 901000 178'J.*4 244.564 w 152.700 178'1*4 t78,1** ^ 90,000 178,14* 244.564 vaw oww This amount /ncLuues *73'700 former/, paid from -the Employee Benefits fund. This is +ransferreu to mist, Management. msasmvso 993 www CASH asSsnvE w w 8'a32 . ............������ Y, 893 o 213'617 2 3'6 1r w w e.632 9,893 o 23.617 23'617 �* aua mspAnTMsmT TOTALS ** - ----------- w ----------- 152^700 ----------- ----------- iea'rra J.ae'w37 ----------- 90100e ----------- 201'761 ----------- u^o.Jai *** ospwRTMEwT TOTALS *** ----------- 8 ----------- 1.52.700 ----------- ----------- ia6,776 i0a1037 ----------- 9w'w00 ----------- 201,761 ----------- 260^10i * puNo EXPENSE TOTALS * ----------- w ----------- 152'700 ----------- ----------- 186.776 ioo'wsr '---------- vo'oww ----------- 201'761 ----------- 26a'J.W. **** puwo NET ozrFsRswcs ----------- m ----------- 37'439- ----------- ----------- o w ----------- 75.372 ----------- w ----------- w ill CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION RECREATION DIVISION The Recreation Division came under City administration on October 1, 1988. Prior to that time and since inception in 1948, public recreation programs were provided by the Salina Recreation Commission, the tax base being the USD #305. The Recreation Division is responsible for providing a year -round diversified recreation program for all citizens of Salina, including participating programs, community services and special events. An example of programs include senior citizens, special populations, athletic, instructional, arts and nature center. A seven member Parks and Recreation Advisory Board studies issues and makes recommendations to the City Commission regarding policy and programs. This Board is presently made up of members of the former Recreation Commission. Budget Comments The Recreation Department has 7 full -time employees: Director of Parks and Recreation, Superintendent of Recreation, Environmental Educator, Special Populations Supervisor, Maintenance Supervisor, Bookkeeper/ Secretary and Clerk. Seasonal employment during the summer provides 125 positions in addition to approximately 50 positions as athletic officials. 112 City of saL`na' Kansas D*Te � J.990 TIME FzGc�� Ys�m' p9w Tzms o'26'34 FUND: 225 nscmsATzow wCcouwT DESCRIPTION TAXES 401 wom pmopseTY TAX 402 wwm mcLzwouEmT pmopsmTv Twx *05 wow vs*zcLE TAX FEES 44a 000 464 www 464 881 *a+ eoo *a4 083 4a* aa* 464 aom *a4 oaa 464 aov 466 www 4e* wow OTHER RENTAL RECREATION Fsso sxsmczas rsso oAonsrmm-L Fsso VOLLEYBALL Fsso BASEBALL Fsso SOFTBALL Fsso mAcnsTeALL/nwmoa*LL rEsa OTHER USE Fssa wcTzvzTY Fuwm msvswusa Foom/asvsmAcs zmTsmsoT oao wwm zwvseTnsmT zwcoMs msznauoasmswTo 590 oww oT*sm msznaunasnswro CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 oww oAmnn]vsm aunpLuo SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS** *** nsponTmsnT TOTALS *** v runn nsyswus ToTm-a * rzw*wcIoL aYsrsn nsvswUs AmopTsu Awwum- ouoG"sT ' *** usrAzL. *** osPAnrnsmr' wow usysmus 1,250 aua ospwnTmswT' 19a7 1,980 Aooprso Amsmosn 1989 msyswus --------------------------------------------------------------- nsyswus aumGsT auoocT nsyswus w 20.345 385,092 30','J, 092 424.io9 w awn 11.553 11^553 10.308 w -------- 29'428 ----------- ----------- 80'1.94 80, 194 ----------- ' 75.0*6 m 50,376 *76.839 *76'639 ---------- 509,543 PROJECTED --------- 3*w.uwo 1*.5ow B4, -780 ----------- PAGE ao opcwo1 azLso Comnzaazow APPROVED __ .... .......... ... .... __ 347, 075 14^oow a*'7aw ----------- 446,435 w 90'268 1,250 1'250 1,065 w w w o osm 850 1'195 e50 aaw w w 2,500 2.500 1.538 31500 31500 w m 12,000 12.000 676 12,000 12'000 w w 6'500 a,sww 5.250 6.500 a'oww 8 w a'owo a'www 11'125 6,000 6,000 w o 63,000 an'www 64.282 63.000 63'000 0 w 750 750 416 750 750 0 0 450 *nw 1.835 450 4o0 w o ow'oww oo,mwm 36.997 ow,wmw L:; w,onw w aom 33.500 33.500 33'205 33,500 33^500 w 90.948 176'800 ir6'oww 1.56.78* 176'550 1r6'550 w ------ 473 ----------- iw'www ----------- J. 000 ----------' 10'771 ----------- J.n'oon iv,wom w 473 iw.wwo i o.omo i0.77t ----------- iw,oww --'-------- io,000 w ------ u ----------- 7.000 ----------- 7 00 ---------- 71 1015 ----------- r,weo /.wmw O w 7.000 7'000 711LO5 / ----------- 7,000 ----------- 71000 w ------ w ----------- '55, 64"? ----------- 5,J, 647 ----------- o ----------- 68'233 ----------- 68,233 m w 55'647 647 w ao'uoo ----------- 68, 233 ------ w ------ ----------- 141.797 ----------- ----------- 726'206 ----------- ... ....... ....... ......... -- 726'206 ------'---- ----------- ao*.uwa ----------- ----'------ 701'143 ----------- ---------- 70a'2J.8 w ------ 1.*1'797 ----------- 726^2o6 ----------- 726 4 286 ----------- 684.203 ----------- 701,J.43 ----------- ----------- 700, 218 ----------- V 141..797 726,286 72'e), 2B6 684,203 701L, 1.43 708,21Lo 113 City oraaLina,xansas FINANCIAL. 13, Y13) 7sm pAGF o, DATE 9y11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 * * * m s 1 A z | ^ * * ap040i TIME o'26'34 sxpsmas AoopTso Awwum- smoGsr a1'. 1 sa Fuwo. 2125 RECREATION ospAmTmsxT' 450 Rscns*Tzow sua osppmTnswr' 1.987 1988 ADOPTED Amswoso 1969 COMMIS azow Accoumr DEsunzpTzow sXpEwes sxpswos BUDGET nuuccT sxpsnas pnoJscTso m"pRovsn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------- psmsowwL asnvzcsa 70J. omw FULL TIME SALARIES w 29'26� 1,45'308 1 aoo a9'691. J.aw'zio 166,620 702 wwW PAnTTIMs Swu4RzEo w 13.208 90,000 9o,eow 91'57u 05, 000 oo'eww 703 owO OVERTIME w w 1 150 1.1500 ^ w 2'080 o'wwo 70* wow LowssvzT/ PAY w o 11 000 1.,000 w 1,012 1'a12 706 mow cowcsaozow om-wnzso w o 91000 p'www 6.360 9^�00 9'5e0 710 now uwsMpLoYmswT w iiw 250 250 302 w 0 711 008 oocznl SECURITY w 3'12* io'wwo I.a'wow 14'555 w w 712 wow Lzrs zwaum*wos w w w w ua* w w 714 woO KPERa 0 890 2,000 2, E',00 1'560 o w 715 www osm-T* zwaun*wcs m 2'624 14'600 14'600 10.171 w w 726 mww Tm*wepomrwTzow ALLOWANCE w ----------- 270 ----------- n^wmw ----------- 31000 ----------- ----------- 1.862 3^600 ----------- 3'600 ----------- w 49'*91 205'458 285'458 216'357 261.327 26r'732 - 710 www smpl.ovwwn+ uenefirs -to be charged to smplovee aeneri+s Funds-ii '?it www smpLovee aenefits to be charged -to smp|o'ee aenefiIw Fund 712 000 smnLoree nenef/+s -to be charged to smp1.ovee Done fits runu' 714 www sop Lovee uenefits to be charged to Employee aenefitsi; Fund 715 oww smnl.ovee uenefif to be charged to smpLo,ee aenef/+s Fund auppLzso 731 000 OFFICE auppLzsa o 1'329 7'700 r'row 7.*20 o'zww zow 732 mow BOOKS a psnzoozcwLo 0 w 150 i5n 191 nww 300 7*6 wVw JmwzTonzAL 0 160 *wo 400 103 mwo 500 750 www cwa u OIL. m w 31000 s'oww oov 2'500 2, 500 751 owm MAzwT' - vs*zcLsa u souzp w 1'117 o'omw 3^300 *.842 31500 3^500 752 owm PARTS - nAo*zwsmY e souzp w w w m � w 0 759 wwm c*smzcwLo w w vww pww o41;13 1 1'200 11 :100 760 oww wE*nzwc APPAREL. w V 1'800 ,'aow o 1,800 1,808 767 wow TOOLS w w 200 200 w 500 500 780 mww Taozwzuc a o a'own a'wow 121 a'mow a'wow 78e wow mscmsATzow auppLzES w 2.956 26'400 �a,+ow 24'329 30,000 30,000 795 oow OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES w � 71.5 �����. ...... .. .. . +'oon ���� o'oow ���. 2.6*0 4, '500 4'500 ��.������� o 6'277 53, 050 �3 1 050 40'794 '56, 000 oa'ooO oonTn*cTuAL Bit wwo RENT/LEASE V w o w w 25'000 uo.00w e25 www SALES TAX m w 2'100 2'100 599 2'500 2'500 839 www oT*sm pmoFseozom*L w 6'805 vu'www pz'wwn 51^992 95'000 po^mow w 6^805 9*'100 9*'100 52'591. 122'5mw 122'500 Bit 000 Provides for Rental. of KCT Gym for September through Aprik. 114 ci~'ofaaIina,Kansas FzwnwczA L SYs7sw DA*rs 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 * * * o s T A z 1 TIME o'26'34 sxpswss *omprsm ANNUAL ouocsr Fuwo' 225 nscRsATzow mspwnrmsmT' +�-;o nscnsATzow oue osp*nTwswT' i9a7 19a6 AmopTso omswocn 1.989 AocouwT osacmzpTzow sxpswas sxpswas auocET aumcsT pmoJscTso CONTRACTUAL OTHER aEF 841 wwm e*2 mmm 045 000 846 pmm 848 oww 850 owm 851 www omo oww 860 562 000 www oom 194 oan 195 oew 202 892 oww epn 000 895 mow 839 omo Other professional. services inchuuey anu offic/a/s, mive, Gang, Art. ,VICES & oHAmcs TELEPHONE GAS osnvzcs WATER osmvzos LIGHT & powsm POSTAGE smpLoYss osysLopMswT musa wovsnTzozwc & psmnoTzowo mspAzmS - auzLmIwco FooD/asysmwcs auppLzso Foom/asv - comCssazowe Foom/aso' - LzcswoEe F000/asv. - mzon msFummo wcTzvzTY ruwo or*sn CowTpwcruwL mr-%�616101 CAPITAL OUTLAY 909 www Ys*zcLsa 911 wwm ouzLozwsa 915 nww CAPITAL znpaovswswT pmoJ. RESERVES 992 oww o*LwnY msosnvs 993 000 CASH RESERVE 993 000 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTwLS*° *** ospnmTnswT TOTALS *** * Fuwo sXpsmas TormLa * w*** Fumo NET nzFFsnswcs **** PAGE. 132 npm*oi azl sa Commzaszow Appmovsn ------------ w ,.+95 6,200 6,200 *'257 6.600 6,600 w 2^669 4.000 *^ww» 5'210 o w w 155 350 350 644 w 8 w f'384 6,000 61000 p^wna 6,000 a'ouw w u'moo m'wwo 51000 2'959 51000 51008 w 459 0 w 3'050 w w w ao 1'600 1.1 600 985 1'7ww J. 1,700 w w 5'000 15,wV0 1.208 6,000 6,000 8 1,056 300 now 293 1,000 t,owm w m iww iww 122 two J.ww w 43 i7'owo ir^oom 151501 18'000 1.31000 w 120 120 120 o 120 J.zw e w Soo oow 671. i'www J.,00w O 95 700 700 *94 7ww Tww w 6.047 42,500 42,500 32'128 50^000 50,000 w 2.190 12.600 1.2'600 22.065 in'iwm in^iwo w 17,796 101, 9-70 10J., 9-70 98,623 109,320 1.09,320 wc+ivi tv Fund was prev iousLv a separa+e accoxn+. w w o 0 3, 147 o w w 15,90a w w 2.167 w w w ------ ----------- w 1r7.622 ----------- 177'622 ----------- 1.262 ----------- 120'000 ----------- 120^000 ----------- w � . 9oa � . a�� 77 �7r 'a �a a � ' 7a 1.20,000 120,000 w w w n w w j., 670 w n 68,233 13.206 w 30'996 30.996 ------ ----------- O w ----------- 68,233 ----------- 1.3,206 ----------- a ----------- 30'996 ----------- 32'666 Anticipates carry-over or wow^pva. tu J.991. ------ ----------- w ------ ----------- 86'275 ----------- 781'233 ----------- 726'286 ----------- 41*'941 ----------- ----------- 7ow^J.*3 ----------- 70o.210 w 86.275 ----------- 781.233 ----------- 726.206 41*.9+1 ----------- 700'1*3 ----------- rwa'ui,o ------ ----------- w ------ ----------- a6.275 ----------- 781'233 ----------- ----------- 726^286 ----------- ----------- 414.941 ----------- ----------- 700'143 ----------- ----------- 708'210 ----------- w 55.522 5*.947- m 269,262 i.wwo w 115 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Ordinance #83-8971, adopted August 25, 1983, established Business Improvement District #1, which encompasses substantially all of the City central business district. BID undertook and accomplished a major physical rehabilitation project in the area. Now that the project is complete, the BID has turned its efforts to maintain the physical improvements and to continue the task of promoting the area. This account has no full -time employees; the employees in this activity are engaged by Salina Downtown Inc., a private organization. The BID assessment level for 1990 reflects the collection of all BID and Salina Downtown, Inc. operating funds through a mandatory fee structure. The City retains $17,000 of the fees collected to provide for upkeep of the downtown improvements. The Department of Community Services is charged with maintaining the downtown plantings and plazas. 116 ciA'o/ Salina, Kansas FINANCIAL aYalsm P( L. os DATs v/li/ap FIGc �� vEn. 9 o s T � z 1. TIME 0'26'3* nsvcNus Aomprsu AwwuAl / ozLss Funu' 242 auozwsao zmpm. mzaTmzcr osPAnrncu1' wwo msyswus sua ospi',lnTMso/' 1987 1.980 AoopTso Amcwoso ,pap commzaazow wccouwr DESCRIPTION nsvEwus nsyswus ouossT yuocsT xsvEwUs pmoJEcrEn APpnovsn ---......... ------------------------------------------- epsczAI AaosoowswTa ........ ---- ............ ..... ---------- .... ------'----------------- ........ ..... ---------------------------- 550 wow smaIwseS ImpR. mzSTnzcT m ----------- V7'53* 1.04.889 1 oap 56'7e4 A. 1. 1'o0u iii,uwo w ----------- ----------- 17,534 ----------- 10*'089 t0.4,8a9 ----------- ^ 56,784 ----------- iii,w8w ----------- Iii`000 cAnn,ovcm aumpLue 699 VwW CARRYOVER SURPLUS w o i9'tjoa il?'5oa w w w --------'-- w ----------- ----------- w ---------- 19'586 19,586 ---'------- w -------'--- o ----'------ o ** aua nspwnTnswT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 17, 534 ----------- 124.475 124'475 ----------- 56.784 ----------- J.1i'000 ----------- ili.oww *** nspAeTmswT TOTALS *** ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- 17'53* ----------- 124'475 124'475 ----------- 56.7e* ----------- 111'000 ----------- 11 J.'Goo * FUND-REVENUE TOTALS * ----------- w ----------- ----------- 17'534 ----------- 1.24,475 12.1^475 ----------- 56,784 ----------- iii,own ----------- iii.,moo 117 City of e*L|na, Kansas DA,rs v/ii/ap pzacAL ,s*n' 1990 TIME 8'26'3* ruwm' 242 auozwsao zmpm. nzarnzcr *ccouwr msacmzpTzow ------------------------------'--------- cowrnAcruwL eiw wwm AcsncY comTmAcTa OTHER osnvzcso & c*Amcso 848 wwm POSTAGE 892 000 REFUNDS TRANSFERS OUT 960 wmn OTHER TmAwopsma ^�SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** *** ospAmrnsmT roTwLa *** * Fumo sxpswes TOTALS * **** ruwo NET mzFFsnswcs ***� w FINANCIAL aYaTsm o oo w p�.,,ss 84 w 2 w o *�* nsrAzL *** ap0401. ----------- ----------- w sxpswas AmopTso Awwum- oumcs/ ----------- w ----------- 80 ----------- o azLsa DEPARTMENT: 790 oT*sn 171000 sua ospAnTmswr. 17,000 ----------- i 1987 1988 AuopTso Amswoso J.989 17'000 cOMMzsazow sxpswmE ----------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------------- sW:'Ewos BUDGET auocsT sxpswSs PROJECTED APPROVED w 2.399 1.07'475 1m7,4r5 45, 801 94'000 9+, ()00 -------- O ----------- ----------- 2'399 ----------- 107'475 107,475 ----------- 4S, 801 ----------- 94,000 ----------- 94, 000 w pv m o oo w e w 2 w o w o w ----------- ----------- w ----------- 101 o ----------- w ----------- 80 ----------- o ----------- w w ----------- ----------- 17,000 ----------- 171000 17,000 ----------- 8'641 ----------- 17,000 ----------- J.7,w00 ----------- w 171000 1.7,000 1.7.000 8,641 17'000 1.7'000 960 oww Transferred to the Genera Fund. ----------- ----------- 0 ----------- 19'500 124'*75 ----------- 1.2*'475 ----------- 5*'522 ----------- 111,000 ----------- iij.'www ----------- ----------- w ----------- 19.500 1.2*^475 ----------- 12*^475 ----------- 5*'522 ----------- J,ii'wwo ----------- ii,i.wow --'-------- ----------- w ----------- ----------- ----------- 19'500 ----------- 124'*75 ----------- 12*^475 ----------- ----------- 54.522 ----------- ----------- ili.www ----------- ----------- ij.l,oww ----------- w 1.966- 0 o 2.262 o w 118 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET TOURISM AND CONVENTION A 3% transient guest tax is levied upon the gross receipts derived from hotel /motel sleeping accommodations. The revenue is for the promotion of conventions and tourism in Salina. By written contract with the City of Salina, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce operates the Convention and Tourism Bureau. A ten - member Convention and Tourism Committee appointed by the City Commission advises the Chamber on the use of the funds. The Chamber submits to the City an annual operating budget for the Convention and Tourism Bureau. This account has increased significantly because of the increase from 2% to 3% of receipts in the transient guest tax effective October 1987. 119 City ofoaLina^Kansas p].w*wCz*� aYeTsm pAcs ms oArs 9/11./89 pzacwL YEAR: 1.990 * * * o c T * z � * * * ap0401. Tz*s 6'26'34 nsyswus AoopTso ANNUAL auocsr a Fuwm' 2+5 TouRzon & CowvswTzom mspnnrMsmT' 000 nsyswus oun ospAnrnswr' 1987 1.988 AoopTso 198* commleazow Accoumr mEacnzpTz0v ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsvEwus mEvswus auDosT aumcsT nsyswus pmoJscTso wppnovsn TAXES 419 000 TRANSIENT GUEST TAX w ----------- 21b.622 ----------- ----------- oww ----------- 2.,:'o, 000 1-7-1, 205 ----------- 270 1 000 ----------- 270'000 ----------- w 215'622 250^000 250, 000 ^ i74'205 270,000 270, 000 uwmm/ovsm aUmpLuo 6*9 oow cwmnYousn ouRpLuo w o w w o o w w w o u .... � ......... �� o o w w* oua DspwmTnswT TOTALS *m ----------- w ----------- ----------- ----------- 215'622 ---------- 250'000 250'000 ----------- 174.205 ----------- 270'000 ----------- orw'wwm *** DEPARTMENT 'TOTALS **= m ----------- ----------- ----------- 215'622 ----------- 250'000 250,000 ----------- J.74'205 ----------- 270'000 ----------- 270,000 * FuNn-msyswUs TOTALS * w ----------- ----------- 215.622 ----------- 250,000 250,000 ----------- t74'205 ----------- 270'000 ----------- 270^000 120 City ofsatina'Kansas pzw*wcz*L sYsTFn pAcc aa DATE 9/1,1 /89 FISCAL- YEAR: J.990 * * * o s T A z I Bp0401. TIME a'ua'zw sxpswss AoopTso *wwum- auocsr mzl so FUND: 24'5 TOURISM *cONvENTzON DEI--'AR'T*M[---wT 790 OTHER SUB mEPAmmENT' 19a7 1. 988 woopTso AmsNnso 1989 *ccouwr msacnzpTzow sxpswas cxpswas eunosT oumcsT sXpswos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----- CONTRACTUAL oiw nwm *sswcY CONTRACTS w ----------- 2t7^iO4 250'000 2!50,000 1"74, 205 w ----------- 217'104 ----------- 250,000 ---------- 250'000 ----------- ' J.7*'205 ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** ----------- 0 ---------- 21'?, 104 —'--------- 258^000 ------------ 250'000 ---'------' 174`205 o** mspwnTmswT ToTm-o *** ----------- w ----------- 217^104 ----------- 250'000 ----------- uoo'mww ----------- J,74.205 * FUND EXPENSE TOTALS * ----------- u ----------- 217,1o4 ----------- 250,000 ----------- 250,000 ----------- 1.74'2 a,-s FUND NET DIFFERENCE ----------- 0 ----------- 1,482- ----------- --'-..... ........... -- 0 ----------- 0 pao.EcTso 270, 000 ----------- 270,000 ----------- u70'w8o ----------- 27o'oow ----------- 270,000 ----------- o commzsozow APPROVED ----------- 270, wwo ----------- 270,000 ----------' 270,000 ----------- u7w'oww ----------- o7a^pwo ----------- w 121 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND This tax continues to be a subject of Legislative attention. The net result has been that this tax has not generated the funds anticipated, as a result of a reallocation of some of the funds to the State. Initially, the funds went solely to local governments. The Special Parks and Recreation Fund will receive an estimated $58,117 in revenue, all of which will be transferred to the General Fund to supplement the Park Department budget. 122 City of aaLina' Kansas mAre 9/11/89 rzocAL YEAR: J.990 Tim: 8.26'34 Fuwn' 247 apEczAL pAmxa/nscnsaTzow AccouNr osacmzpTzow INTERGOVERNMENTAL ------------------------ 426 wow LJoVom TAX oARnYUvEReURpum 699 www owmnYovsn aunpLua **SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** �w* ospAmTwswT ToTm-a *** * puwm-nsyswus ToTm-s * O FINANCIAL aYaTEw 1,'.), 466 o 11^316 P*o' 87 ----------- w ----------- w ----------- 2,000 ----------- 0, 466 ----------- w ----------- 11,316 ----------- j. 1..31.6 w ----------- csyswus t'.)ompTsu Awwum ___________ 64.+66 ---------- ___________ 2-1.969 ----------- 69.316 ----------- z�Fo osrAnTmswT' woo nsvcm/c 53,150 ----------- aua osP*nTmswT' 69'316 ----------- 69'433 ----------- 1.9a7 1.9aa woopTso Ahcwoso J.989 69,316 cowmzsazom nsvEwus ncv�wus auocsT auoccT msyswus pmoJscTso ��� ... ���������������������� m"pmovso m 53.*66 511 J.50 oa'wow 27, 969 o8'wxw oe'i17 -------- O ----------- ----------- 53.466 ----------- 51,15o 56,000 ----------- 27'969 ----------- oR'wwo ----------- oa.t i.7 O w 2'000 1,'.), 466 o 11^316 11.'3i6 ----------- w ----------- w ----------- 2,000 ----------- 0, 466 ----------- w ----------- 11,316 ----------- j. 1..31.6 w ----------- 53,*66 ----------- 53'150 ----------- ___________ 64.+66 ---------- ___________ 2-1.969 ----------- 69.316 ----------- 69,*33 ----------- w ----------- 53'466 53,150 ----------- 64^466 --- .... ------ 27'969 ----------- 69'316 ----------- 69'433 ----------- w ----------- 53'466 53.J.50 64'466 27'969 69,316 69,433 123 City Of Sa L i na , Kansas I :C N A N C I A L S Y S I E. J PAGE: SO DATE. 9/11/139 FISCAL. YEAR: 1990 T) I:.: 1 A 1: L BF'0401 TIME: 13:26:34 EXPENSE: ADOPTED ANNUAL_ BUDGT:::T B:I:L.E S FUND: 247 SPECIAL PARKS /RECREATION DEPART'MEN'T': 41.0 PARK SUB DEPARTMENT: 19B7 1988 ADOPTED AMENDED 9.989 COMMII:,SION AC:CC)LINF DESCRIPTION EXH'ENSE E:XPENSE". BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSE F'RO..IEC:rED APPROVED TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 OTHER TRANSFERS 0 45, 000 53 , 1:50 b13, S. ;'.;O 36, 43,5 69 , 39. E> 69 , 4:33 0 45,000 S3, 150 '3,V50 36, 435 69,316 69,433 960 000 'T'ransferred to the General. Fund. ** SUPS DEP'ART'MENT TOTALS ** 0 45, 000 53,J.50 53 1 1150 36,435 69,316 69,433 * ** DEPARTMENT TOTALS * * 0 45,000 53,150 :.53,9..;0 36,435 69,316 69,433 * FUND EXPENSE TOTALS * 0 45,000 53,9.50 53,150 36,435 69,316 69,433 * ** FUND NET DIFFERENCE 0 0,466 0 19. , 316 8,466-, 0 0 124 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND The 1982 State Legislature made substantial changes in this fund, directing 25% of the funds collected to the State and tightening the means of enforcement. Although the State now receives 25% of the revenues, when before they received none, the more strict enforcement is intended to provide greater revenues to cities and counties. The Special Alcohol Programs Fund will receive an estimated $58,117 in revenue. The City of Salina will enter into contracts with local social agencies to finance programs and services related to activities allowable under this program. 125 City Of SaLina. Kansas p z w A w C I A L S Y 1:3 T s f-i PAGE op DATE' 9/11/89 pzacAL YEAR: 1990 * x * o s T A z L op040i TIME 8'26'34 nrvsmus Aoop7so Awwu�� auoGs/ azLEa Fmvx' 248 opsozwL ALoo*m- ospAnTmswT' wwo nsyswus aua ospf-)nTmsmr' 19a7 1901-1 *DoprsD *mEwosm 19F$9 CoMMzSszoN *ccow r u ossonzpTzow msyswus nsyswus ouDGET auoosT nsyswus pRoJscTso m"pmovsm ---------------------------------------------------------'-----------------------'-----------'-------------------------------------- zwrsRsovsRmmsNTAL 426 oww LIQUOR TAX o 53, 466 51'J50 na'wmw 27.969 oa'oow na,117 m 53.*66 51^150 56'000 ~ 2-7, 969 513'000 0 ,I17 cAnmYovsm ounpLuo 699 008 CARRYOVER SURPLUS w w 2^r7o 9, 2,35 w 1. 11 3io , 3 15 w w 2,770 9'235 w 11'315 11'31.5 ** oun ospwmTmEwT TOTALS ** ----------- m ----------- ----------- 53'466 ----------- 53.920 235 ----------- ar'vav ----------- 69'315 ----------- 69'432 *�* nspmmrnswT Tor*La *** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 53'*66 ----------- 53'920 az5'2 3 5 ----------- 27'969 ----------- 69^315 ----------- 69'*32 * FUND-REVENUE TOTALS * ----------- w ----------- ----------- 53'466 ----------- 53,920 65.235 ----------- 27'969 ----------- 69,315 ----------- 69'4n2 126 Ci+vofaaLina.Kansas pzwowczAL sYsTsm pAos po DATE 9v11./89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 * * * m s r * z i. ap0401. TIME 8'26'34 sXpsmas AmopTso Awwum- ouoGsT azLsa Fumo' u*o apsozwL ALCOHOL mcpwnTnswT' 640 opsczeL. m-co*m- sue osp*mTxswr. 1987 19aa AoOprso Amswosm 1.989 co*mzaSIow ACcouwr usscRzpTzow sXpsmos sXpsmas BUDGET auocsT sxpswos pnoJscTsu Appmovso ------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------------- oowTmwcTu*L oiw 000 AcswcY cowTm*oTo w *n^www 53'920 Z:)a'vou 37, 205 691315 69,432 --------'-- ---'------- w *5'080 ----------- 53,920 ----------- 53,920 ----------- ----------- 37'205 69'315 ----------- 69^432 oiw www In -the Fa/L of 1988' the c/tv cnmm/ss/on decided to al.Loca+e these monies 87.17% to the cen-traL Kansas Foundation and 1o.anY. to the Citizens coaLi`ion on Drugs and AtcoxoL for both 1.989 and 1990' ** ouo mspARTmswT TOTALS ** ----------- ----------- 0 45^000 ----------- 53.920 ----------- os'vzw ----------- ----------- 37, 205 69'315 --------'-- 69'*32 �** ospwnTnswT TOTALS *** ----------- ----------- w 45'000 ----------- 53'920 ----------- '53, 920 ----------- ----------- 37'205 69.315 ----------- 69.432 * puwm sxpswas TOTALS * w -- 45, 000 ------------- 53,920 . .....�� 53,920 37'205 69,315 av,*so - **** Fuwo NET ozFFsmswcs **** ----------- ----------- w e'466 ----------- o --'-------- J. i'sJ.o ----------- ----------- 9.236- w ----------- w 127 City oraaL|oa'Kansas rzw*wczA L aYsTs.J nATc 9/11/89 FISCAL.. YEAR: 1.990 * * * o s T A z L * * * TIME 8'26'34 msyswus ANNUAL ouocs/ rVwo. 250 aTnssT m*cozwcnY nspAmrmswr' 000 nsyswus auo ospoRTMswr' 198*7 1.988 *oopTsD AmswocD 1989 occouwr msacR%pTzOw Rsyswus nsYswus aunosT ouocsT nsysnus paoJscTso ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------- TRANSFERS IN ............ --'------------ 660 000 OTHER TmwNoFsna w o o w o o ----------' 0 --------'-- ----------- o ---------- w 0 ---'------- ----------' cwmmYovsR eumpLuo 699 www cAnmYovsR aumpLua m o w w w 63'68J, ---------- w ----------- --'-------- w --'-------- w w ----------- o ----'------ 63,681 *� oua mspwmTnswT TorwLo w* ----------- o ----------- ----------- w ----------- w w ----------- w ----------- 63'681 °** ocpAaTMswT TOTALS *** ----------- w ---------- ----------- w ---'------- o w ---------'- w ----------- 63'681 * ruwo'RsyswUs TOTALS * ---------- w ----------- ----------' o ---------- w w --------'-- V ----------- 63.681 pocs 9^ opo4oJ- nzLsa comwzsazow APPmOVs ----------- w -- ---------������ 63,681 a3'aoi ----------- 63,681 ----------- 63, 681 ----------- as^aa1 128 City of saL|n=. Kansas o»Ts 9/11/89 rzacAL YEAR: 1990 TIME 0'26'34 FUND: 250 STREET MACHINERY AcoouwT osecmzpTzow ------------------------- cwpzTm- ouTL*« *05 www oT*sm souzpnsmT ** sVa DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** **� DspAnrnswT ToTm-o ^*w * Fuwm sxpswos TOTALS * FUND NET DIFFERENCE n� 129 V'zwANczAL aYaTE".n PAGE 92. *** osTAzL *** apo*ui sxpswas AmopTso owwuAL auucsT ezLss ospAmTnswT' aJ.w CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,;ua nspAmTmswT' 1987 1988 mnopTso *msmoco 1989 Commzsszow sxpcwos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sxpswas BUDGET aumcsT sxpswSs pmoJscTsn oppmOvsm w w w w w an'aaJ. 63, 031 -------- w ----------- ----------- --------'-- ----------- n ----------- 63.681 ----------- 63'681 -------- w ----------- 0 ----------- ... ... V .... .... —'----- O ----------- O ----------- 63,681 ----------- 63,681 -------- w ----------- o ----------- ----------- w o ----------- ----------- ----------- a3,661 -------- w ----------- w ----------- ----------- w w ----------- n ----------- an'aoJ. ----------- 63, 681 ----------- -------- O ----------- o ----------- ----------- O o ----------- e ----------- w w 129 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DIVISION In 1983, the State Legislature provided for a 2� per gallon increase in the gas tax starting July 1, 1983, followed by an additional 1 � increase on January 1, 1984. The first 24 is dedicated to the special city and county highway fund. Any other increase in the gas tax after July 1, 1986, will be divided, with 65% going to the State and 35% going to the city- county fund. Revenue derived from this source is used in street maintenance, such as asphalt overlay and slurry sealing, concrete and asphalt repair work and for the purchase of traffic control devices. This activity is performed under the general supervision of the Director of General Services as a part of the overall street maintenance program. The City will receive an estimated $23.53 per capita in direct payments in 1990 and an additional $2.51 per capita from the County's share in 1990. Budget Comments The Division has 4 full -time employees: Lead Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Worker (3) . 130 cHrofoaLin*'Kansas pzwAwcIA I.- avaTso pAos po DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL.. YEAR: 1990 * * * o s T A z L ap0401 TIME e'26'3* nsyswus AmopTso Awwu*L ouocsT azL-sa ruwn' �aw spsczN- GAS TAX osP*nTnsmT' wow nsysnus sua ospi)nTmswr' 1987 j.988 ADOPTED Amswoso J.9a9 comMzaazow ACCOUNT nsocazPTzow nsvEnuE nsysmuc amoGsT aumGsT nsyswus pno-/ccrso Appmovsu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'------------------------------------------- INTERGOVERNMENTAL 425 000 GAS TAX w 80e'088 820,000 870,000 ----------- 630'446 ----------- aco'oou i'iwo'owo --------'-- ----------- w -----'----- ----------- 800.088 820'oww 8701000 ^ ----------- 630'446 820,000 i,l.wo'now 425 mww Thu amount fixown anticipates the increaseu rvnu/ny from i/`e motor fueL tax increase in Ju/v 1989 of *'04. cwnnYovsR oumpLue 699 www cwmmYowsm oum"Lus m o 07'389 :L30 '57-7 o 1.12^600 112'600 n w 87'389 1.30,577 w J.12^600 112,600 ** omo mspwmrMswT TOTALS w* ----------- w ----------- ----------- 808'088 907'389 ----------- 1'000'5r7 ----------- ----------- 630'*46 932'600 ----------- 1'212'600 - *** nspoxTmEmT TOTALS *** ----------- O ----------- ----------- 808.888 907'389 ----------- 1..000,577 ----------- ----------- 630^446 932,600 ----------- i'2J2,600 * FUND nsvEwus ToTAI-a * ----------- w ----------- ----------- owa'waa p07,389 ----------- 1,000,577 ----------- ----------- 630'446 932,600 ----------- 1'212'600 131 City of Salina, Kansas pzwnwczAL aYsTsm PmG' F p* DATE 9/11/89 pTocwL YEAR; 1990 * ° * D s r A z L BP0*wi TIME a'ua`n* sxpswas AnopTso *wwuAL ouoGsr azLsa ruwo' 260 SPECIAL GAS Tox osp*mTmswT' 320 aTnssT oua xspAnTmswT' 1.9a7 1980 AoopTso Amswoso 1.989 comnzaozow AccouwT msaonzpTzow sxpswas sXpswos auoGsT mumGsT sxpswas pmoJscTso wppnovsm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ psnaowm- asnvzcsa 701 oww FULL TIME SALARIES 0 65,*06 67,000 69, '500 42.411 67.470 ro.,.70 702 mwm pAnTTzms oAL*mzsa w n'uop 5'020 5,020 1^890 5'04V 5.040 703 wmw ovcmTzMs w 0 w w ~ w u'wmn o'oow 704 omw LowssvzrY PAY w o o o w 610 aJ.m --------'-- w ----------- 60,665 --------'-- 72'020 -------- -- 74'520 --------- 44.301 ------ ----- 75,J.20 ----------- 77, 020 auppLzce 7�v 808 ASPHALT 0 38'6e7 37,000 a/'nmw 10, 947 a8'owO oo.00w 740 wmw csnswT pmooucra w 50'989 38,000 38'000 26.914 na^wmm 38,000 7*1 mww oAwm. mocx' GRAVEL & CHAT w 11^584 16'000 J.a^wow 5181.0 15.000 15'000 743 mww pAzwTa w 36,000 42'700 42'700 15.254 *u.wmo 42^000 758 mom ozcwo w 21'151 21, 000 21'000 18'590 21.000 21..000 - 0 158,331 154.700 ���. 1o*,700 ��..�������� 85.523 1.54'000 15*,000 cwpzroL OUTLAY 905 www OTHER EQUIPMENT o 22.290 1*^600 J4'600 iw'ev1 5'000 ItJ'uoo 909 oow vs*zcLsa m m w w w 101000 101000 915 000 oopzrAL znpmovsnswT pmoJ. w ----------- 350.678 550'000 ----------- 550'000 ----------- 2*5'105 ---------- 550'000 ----------- avw'wow ----------- ----------- w 372,960 56*,600 564'600 255'996 565.000 705'000 915 w»w The increase represents the transfer of street maintenance work for curbs and gutters, raiLroau crossings and contract maintenance previousLv paid for from the saLes -tax in the Genera fu"u' TmAwaFsma OUT 960 wwm ornsn TmwwaFsma w 1.50.000 o w o o o ---------_- --_---_---- w 150.000 _-_-------_ o ----'__--_- 0 ... ...... -_----�- w _--_ ...... ----- o --__'--_--- w Rsosmvsa vvu 000 am-AnY nsasnvs o o 3, 470 w w 3^470 row 993 owm CASH nsosmvs w w ii2.599 206, -7.-';7 w 135'010 275'080 ----------- ----------- ----------- w o ----------- 11.6,069 ----------- 2oa.r,5r ----------- o ----------- 1.38.480 2"73, "i00 w* oua mspAnrnswT 'TOTALS ----------- ----------- w 749.964 ----------- 907'389 ----------- 5.1 000 ^5r7 ----------- 385.820 ----------- 932,600 ----------- 1'21.2.6 o0 *�w ospAmTmswT TOTALS *** ----------- ----------- w 7*9'96* ----------- 907'3e9 ----------- 1.000'577 ----------- 385'820 ----------- 932'600 ----------- 1.212'600 * Fuwn sxpswes TOTALS * ----------- ----------- m 7*9'96+ ----------- 907,389 ----------- 1'000^577 ----------- 385'e20 ----------- pnu'aoo ----------- 1,212^600 **** rumo NET ozFrsnswcs w*** ----------- ----------- w 58.124 ----------- w ----------- w ----------- 2**.626 ----------- m ----------- n 132 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET BICENTENNIAL CENTER During its first ten years of operation the Bicentennial Center has become well established as a multipurpose building serving a wide range of functions on a local, state, regional and national basis. The Center does much to enhance Salina's image. It has developed a reputation for being one of the top convention, tradeshow, sports and entertainment facilities in Kansas. Well over 2,000 events involving approximately 2.7 million people have taken place at the Center since it was opened June 1, 1979. The combination of an attractive, functional and well- maintained building operated by an accommodating and skilled staff continues to generate repeat business and attract new events. The City is spending approximately a million dollars per year for the Center. In return, the local economy is being enhanced by several million dollars. That's in addition to what the Center does for the image of Salina and other benefits the community realizes from it. When we say the City is spending approximately a million dollars per year for the Center, we're including the following: $474,012 which was the scheduled 1989 payment for principal and interest on the construction bonds prior to the City's debt restructuring in 1985; $200,000 recommended operating and maintenance subsidy for 1989; less than $200,000 for utilities, insurance and employee benefits paid through the General Fund; and $740,000 in other capital improvements to date, spread over 30 years, for an annual average of about $25,000. The Center needs to be operated similar to a private business. We must offer excellent accommodations and better service than other facilities at competitive rates. If viewed simply as another municipal function, it will not be promoted and supported in a manner which will have competition as a primary concern. The Center is unique in the sense that our clients come here by choice. We're not the only game in town ... or in the state. It is important that we not just provide adequate facilities and service. Our clientele must be given the extras. When they compare the Bicentennial Center with other facilities, it's the "extras" that make the difference. The staff has to be extra friendly, proficient and accommodating. The facility has to be exceptionally clean and well maintained. Furnishings and equipment must be in top condition. Amenities which provide comfort, convenience and satisfy the functional requirements of a diverse clientele are not just desirable, but absolutely essential. 133 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET BICENTENNIAL CENTER (continued) One of the more recent and significant developments in the operation of the Center relates to the Food and Beverage business. Since losing a major caterer at the end of 1988, we have been thrust into expanding our in -house catering service. With the past few months we have begun serving weekly buffet lunches for three major service clubs, handling private parties, and banquets. The quality of food and excellent service provided by our Food and Beverage staff has really caught on. It is amazing how the service is being publicized by word -of- mouth. More and more we are receiving inquiries and requests for our staff to handle meal functions. It is an indisputable fact that Food and Beverage service is one of the most important aspects of the hospitality business. In order to maintain a reputation for being an all- around first -rate facility, every component has to be top quality. First is the necessity of a well planned, fully equipped and well maintained building. The second requirement is an efficient, courteous and accommodating staff; and finally, the food service must be excellent and provided at reasonable rates. That combination along with a good, aggressive marketing program is the only way to expect a good rate of return on the public's investment. This development in the catering business is so new to us that we have not had time to fully assess the potential or long -range ramifications. We certainly feel good about it, and early indications are that it can do nothing but enhance the total operation; however, it is placing additional and significant demands on us. In order to handle it properly and consistently, we must acquire additional equipment and add one full time supervisor. We presently have a Food and Beverage Manager and one assistant. There is no way for two people to handle the increasing number and size of events. While they utilize part -time help, they are responsible for the supervision of those employees along with planning, coordinating with clients, purchasing, record - keeping, meal preparation, housekeeping and working with clubs in the operation of concession stands, etc. Additionally, there are frequently multiple events to be serviced at the same time or large events back -to -back. Between concession operations and in -house catering, the functions take place from early morning to late night seven days a week. 134 C|+/of Salina, Kansas pzNAwcI A L aYaTsn DATE:' p/ix/ap FISCAL YEAR: 1990 * * * u s T j.) z L. * * * TIME 8'26'34 msysmus AoopTso Awwum- ouoGsr Fuwo. 270 azcswTswwzAl cswrsn mEpwnTmswT' wwm nsvcwus sua osp*nrmswr' Accuuwr nszu:azpTzow FEES 444 oww 484 www *e4 301 4e4 302 4e* 303 4e4 304 azccmTEwwzm- osNTsm nswT Foom/asvsnAcs CATERING coMmzaozon owTsmzwc zw-*ouas cowcsaozowo wovsLTzsa mszmoumgsmswre 590 wmm oT*cm nszmaumasMswTa TmwwaFsme IN 660 wwm OTHER TRAwaFsne CARRYOVER SURPLUS apv wwm oARmroYsn aumpLuo SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS** *** mspenTmswT TOTALS *** * FUND REVENUE TOTALS 1.9a7 1.986 AoopTso Amcwoso 19139 msvEwus -----------.......... mEvcwus --------------------------------------- auncsT yuocET .......... nsysmus .... ------- w 1.4o^pon 1951 000 1.po'0 o0 '74, 669 O 21*.070 260,000 uaw^oww 130.523 w o w w 9199i w w o o 45.533 w w w w 17'786 n o V w 42 m 354,973 455'000 455,000 278.544 w 1,532 2,000 2,000 ----------- ----------- w J..532 ----------- 2'000 ----------- 2,000 w ----------- 200,000 211'37t,; aJ. j.'375 ----------- w zww'www ----------- 21.1.375 ----------- 2 ii,375 aaw 000 Transferred from -the sener°L Fund. ----------- 490'75J. ----------- PA(_ 9 mpw4oi nz1.so comwzsszow f!'ROJECTED APPROVED 1.95^o00 in,' woo 300,000 260'000 w w o w w w w o ----... ....... ...... - 495'000 ----------- 455'000 p'ua* 2,000 2,000 9,284 2,000 2,000 ------ ----------- ---------- 202'923 200,000 200'000 202,923 200,000 200,000 -------- ----------- ---------- w w 169,141 16c), J.41 o ----------- w ----------- o ----------- 169^1.41 ----------- 169'141 ----------- o ----------- o ----------- ----------- 556,505 ----------- 837,516 ----------- ----------- 837,516 ----------- ----------- 490'751 0 ----------- ----------- s56,505 ----------- 837'Si6 ----------- 837,516 ----------- ----------- 490'75J. ----------- w 556'505 837'o1.6 8 3 7'5 1.a 490.751 193'57J. 193'ari. 193'57J. 193'571 -------- ----------- 090'571 m50,57i -------- ----------- 890'571 850'�7� -------- ----------- ago, 5.71 850, 57f 135 City Of Sa L i na, Kansas DATE" 9/1.1/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 TIME 8:26:34 FUND: '70 BICENTENNIAL CENTER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 703 000 OVERTIME 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY '726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 746 000 750 000 751 000 760 000 767 000 '772 004 790 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES HOOKS it PERIODICALS JANITORIAL GAS 6 OIL_ MAINT. VEHICLES & EQUIP WEARING APPAREL_ TOOLS MAINT. - MISCELLANEOUS SEEDS, PLANT'S, TREES E' I: N A N C I A L. S Y S 'T 17' PAGE: 96 ae x x D lii: T A T. L.. x >E •x BI :1040:1. EXI °'FN <-)E ADOI='TED ANNUAL_ DUDG'E.I' RILES DEPARTMENT: 46() BICENTE::NNIAL. CENIFk SUB DE.P 14iTMEN'i : 610 ADM. AND BOX OFFICE. 1987 1988 ADOPTED AME NDI _'D 1989 COMMISSION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSE PROJECTED APPROVED 0 310,030 324,000 324,000 203,188 1.4i,399 147,055 0 24,933 40,000 4(),000 26,578 31000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,850 2,850 0 0 0 0 0 1,278 1,278 0 0 2,400 :x,400 1,600 2,400 2,400 0 334,963 366,400 366,400 231,366 150,927 156,5E33 0 6,281 51000 ,`.1,0O0 2,91.4 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,300 1,300 0 0 1.1,500 0 1,565 9,000 9,000 0 587 600 600 343 600 600 0 8,484 91100 9,i00 1.,699 0 0 0 983 1,700 t , 7(•)0 1,651 1, '700 J-700 700 0 462 1,740 1. , 740 1. , 625 i ,.500 J. , 500 i8,331 13,778 19,860 19,860 7,494 25,000 25,000 0 2,150 2,000 2,000 1,240 2,000 2,000 t8,33i 32,725 51,500 40,000 18,531 47,100 47,1.00 2,000 2,000 8,700 5,000 2,600 8,000 1,600 2,000 30,000 85,000 15,300 0 32,000 190,200 136 731 000 These expen5e9i are being separated from flf f 1 c,:a Supp L i es :i. 772 004 This amount refLec.ts the combination of this account and "751 -•000. Expenditures invoLve maintenance and repairs to the building, plumbing, eLectricaL as well. as fixed and mobiLe equipment. This provides for parts avid materials for in- -house maintenance. CONTRACTUAL 8ii 421 RENT /LEASE - MACHINERY 0 1,, E365 3,000 _ ................ 3,000 202 .... _ ... _.._.____ _._.._._..- 2,000 .--.- _.__.... 0 1,865 31000 3,000 ..... 202 2,000 8ii 421 Provides for rent of special.izcad equipment which is used infrequentLv and wouLd not be practical, for us to purchase. OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 C; , 557 7o'700 7 , '7()0 5 , i 68 8,700 843 000 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 0 4,106 4,600 4,600 3,04'7 5,000 848 000 POSTAGE 0 2,475 2,000 2,000 1,420 2,600 650 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 4,364 81000 £:3,0(30 5,443 81000 851 000 DUES 0 1. , 438 1.1600 1, 600 1. , 41.7 1,600 857 000 PRINTING 0 472 2,000 2,000 893 2,000 858 000 ADVERTISING 6 PROMOTIONS 0 21,951 20,000 20,000 20,278 30,000 880 000 FOOD /BEVERAGE SUPPLIES 0 0 85,000 0 36,259 115,000 881 000 CONCESSION CONTRIBUTION 0 0 15,300 0 0 15,000 892 000 REFUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL_ 0 19,2iS 37,000 37,000 10,006 32,000 0 59,581 183,200 02,900 83,931 219,900 2,000 2,000 8,700 5,000 2,600 8,000 1,600 2,000 30,000 85,000 15,300 0 32,000 190,200 136 ci+v Of oa|ina. Kansas p z w A w c z A L. a Y a 7 s il Poo:: 97 DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 o s T A z L. * * TIME 9'26'34 sxpswss AnupTcm AwwuAI auosa I nzLsa FuHm' 270 azcEwTswwzAL csNTse ospAnTnEwr' 460 azcswTswwzm- cswTsm suo ospAnTnswr' 610 Aom' AND oux orrzcc J.987 J.pao *oopTso Amswosm 1909 cowmzsszom wccouwT msacnzpTzow sxpswos sxpswas omocsT nunosT cXpswas pnoJscTso Appmovsm oTosR asRvzcso a c*Ansso 8*1 000 Increased to provide a dedicated phone |/ne +n connect the center ,o `he n*,* prpcessirig main frame LocaAeu /n ,he c/tv-co. auiLu|ny' � 850 oow provides for participation in profeiiisiona/ or-ganizations s^cx as the zn+ernationaL Association of Auu|+o` iuw Manager.. A Lso spec iaiized +ra/n(rig programs incLudirig Food u beverage. +echn/ca|' public relations' personnel supervision, crowd mananewen+, etc. 85 J. wmw provides for memuershins in *he aaLi"a Chamber of comme'ze' International Association of Auditorium mananers' Box office Managers znternat/onaL' International c/tv Management Assoc/at/on' League of Ks. Municipalities and -the Ks. Society of Association Exec u+ives. - o57 uww Provides for pr/nt/ns of foi ms. sta*/onarr. arid pub//c/tv pa(xe-ts. 85a www Includes au composi+ion, urochures, numerous print ads in newspapers and national professional. publications related to conventions, traues»ows and enter +ainmen+. It also provides for electronic auver+isisn, the yellow panes and event program books. it includes highway u/LLuoaru ren+aL and ,raveL expense to make presentations to potential clients on a statewide and regional bas is' set 000 organizations used to staff the cpncesi;i/o" stanui:i are p*,u 10X of the gross revenue after sates -tav' 895 wwn This account includes various contractual services including pest con~roL^ elevator service, Linen serv/ce, film process/^y' rsuin repair, Lack repair-, carpet c|ean/ne, office equipment service, glass renLacement and repair- of *v*c equipment. The 1990 revues+ proviues *5.000 for arena ropr repa/r' nowever. the w10^003 included in the :1989 budget for renovation of the original dressing rooms permits a net reduction of *5'000 for- 1.990. cwpzT*L OUTLAY 901 591 OFF. souzp' - pommznxvs o w e w w v'rww 2,700 905 000 oT*sm souzpmsmT w o 18, 840 0 0 22.098 9.305 ����. .......� w o :L8^840 w w 31'798 12'085 901 591 provides for the acquisition of one co*puier term|na/ at 14'500/ replacement of and eLec+ronic typewriter- at $i'nnw and one calculator at *uww. pmo 000 The 1990 re%uest includes 25 50-yaL/on five resistant trash cans at *125 each; * outuoor-stone paneled trash containers at w350 each; 2 condenser microphones at *2*2 137 City of Salina, Kansas rzwwwczAL srsTsn pooc va DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: z998 o s r A z / ° * * Bp040J. TIME 8'26'34 sxpswas AnopTso ANNUAL auocsT azLsa Fuwo' 270 nzcswTsnwzm- cswTsm mspwnTMswT' 46o uzcswTswwzm- cswTsn sua osp*nTmswT' 610 ADM. AND BOX oFFzcs J.987 19oo *oopTso Amswoso 1989 oommzaazow wocouwr msocmzprzow sxpswos sxpsmas auucsT uumGsT sxpswes pnoJscrso m"pRovsm cApzn^L oun-AY each; 4 speakers arid I ampLif/er for use when the |arye curtain dividing the arena u/ocxs the main speaker- system at *i'965; arid one ser of step risers anu an acous$,ica/ sheLi at *2,410 for use by chora| groups. nsasmvEo ppu wow emLwnY msosnvs w w I.o'*ow Ia'+-5w w w 3'390 993 www cAao msesnvc m w 196^126 196'126 .... .... w 1r9'757 196'625 n w 214'576 ... __ _____ 2 14,o76 w 179^757 20e,wJ.5 ** aua mspAmTMswT TorwLo ** - ----------- 18'331 ----------- *29.13* ----------- 837'516 ----------- 706'876 ----------- 334'030 ----------- 631.482 ----------- 607, 983 138 c/+/ of S*Lin*. Kansas mwTs 9/it/89 rzacAL vsAn' 1.990 TIME a'26'34 FUND: urw azcswTsNwzoL cswrsm wocouwT osocnzpTzou psmaowoL asnvzosa 701 wmw FULL TIME o*LAmzsa 702 wwm pAmTTzMs oALwmzso 703 www ovsnTznE 704 000 LowcsvIT, PAY --- ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALa** 139 FINANCIAL a,sTsw pt).cs 99 *** osT*zL sXpswos AmopTso AwwuAl auocsr nzLso osp*mTmswT' 460 azcswrswwzAL cswTsn suo osponTwswT' 620 opsnArzowo 1987 19e8 Aooprso owswosn 1.989 COMM J'S sxpswos -----------------------.... sXpswas - ....... -----------'-------------------------- auocsT auncsT sxpswos ............. pnoJscTso ---------------------- Appoovsm m w w w 142,412 i4a'ij.0 w m a w w 32'000 32,000 0 w o 8 ^ O 9'300 9'300 w o w 8 w poa poo ------ -------- 0 ------'---- ----------- o --'-------- w 0 ----------- w ----------' 184, 700 --- -- 1.1?0'390 -------- 0 ----------- ----------' -------'-- 0 w ------'---- o ---------'— 18*,700 ----------- 1.90^398 139 C f SaL/na' Kansas p z N A w C z A L s Y s T s n pAos 100 DATE 9/11./89 rzocAL YEAR: 1.990 * * * o s T A z L Tzms 8.26'3* sxpswas ADoprso ANNUAL auossr azL.so Fuwo' 270 azcswTEwwI*L cswTsm ospAnnnswT' 460 azcswTswwzAL cswrsn aue ospAmTmswT' aaw poou & asysRAcs 1987 J.poa *oOpTso onswoso J.909 commzaaIow AccouwT mssCRzpTzOm sxpsmss sxpsNos BUDGET ouoGsr sxpswss pnoJscTso Appmovsm ---'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'--------------------------- psnaom*L asmvzcso ... ............... ... ..... --- .... ... 701 wnw FULL TIns sm-wazso m a w w m ai'j.ip 43'920 702 wwm p^mTTzME awLwnzsa w w m w w J.w.www 5,000 703 www ovsmTzms w 0 w w ^ w o'msw 2'850 70* 000 LowcsvzTY PAY w o w w 0 *uw *un ----------- m ----------- ----------- w ----------- w w ----------- m ----------- 7*,389 --'-------- 52,1.90 *x oua mspwRTmswT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- ----------- o ----------- w w ----------- o ----------- 74, 3139 ----------- 52^190 *w* mspwnTmswT Torm-o *** --------'-- Io.331 ----------- ----------- ---------'- *29.134 ----------- ----------- 837'516 ----------- 706, 876 ----------- 334'030 ----------- 890'57J. ----------- ----------- 850'571 ----------- * FUND sxpswos TOTALS * 18,331 ----------- *29'134 837'516 706'a76 ----------- 334.030 890'571. 850'571 **** Fuwn NET ozFFsnswcc **** ----------- W'331- ----------- ----------- 127.371 ----------- o 130.640 ----------- 156^72t ----------- w ----------- w 140 NOTE: This worksheet shows the income and expense for the Bicentennial Center after taking into account the various expenses paid in other funds on behalf of the Bicentennial Center. As shown above, the cost of running the Center is approximately 1.3 million dollars. Of this amount, about $850,000 is paid through other funds. 141 CITY OF SALINA STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE BICENTENNIAL CENTER FOR YEARS 1986 -1990 -------- 1986 - - - - -- 1987 -------- - - - - -- -------- 1988 - - - - -- -------- 1989 - - - - -- -------- 1990 - - - - -- REVENUE: -------- $406,939 - - - - -- $385,978 -------- - - - - -- -------- $356,505 - - - - -- -------- $457,000 - - - - -- -------- $457,000 - - - - -- EXPENDITURES: Personal $318,613 $321,906 $334,963 $381,056 $402,561 Contractual $183,240 $62,278 $1,865 $193,643 $208,527 Materials $47,000 $44,322 $44,225 $55,239 $47,100 Sundry $103,700 $88,133 $149,581 $183,200 $190,200 Capital Outlay $16,355 $25,534 $11,869 $30,215 $12,085 Debt Service - - - - -- -------- $474,012 - - - - -- -------- $458,737 - - - - -- -------- Total Exp. - - - - -- $668,908 -------- - - - - -- -------- $542,173 $542,503 ------- $1,317,365 - - - - -- -------- $1,319,210 - - - - -- -------- SURPLUS /(DEFICIT) - - - - -- ($261,969) -------- - - - - -- -------------- ($156,195) ($185,998) ($860,365) ($862,210) TRANSFERS IN $300,000 $200,000 $200,000 $879,953 $865,264 FUND BALANCE, 1/1 $78,145 $116,176 -------- $159,981 - - - - -- -------- $173,983 - - - - -- -------- $193,571 - - - - -- -------- FUND BALANCE 12/31 - - - - -- $116,176 -------- - - - - -- $159,981 $173,983 $193,571 $196,625 TRANSFERS: Utility Fund $,400 $$,412 Employee Benefits Fund $83 ,328 $83 $96 ,200 96 Bond & Interest Fund $474,012 $458,737 Risk Management $6,915 $6,915 General Fund $300,000 $200,000 $200,000 $203,923 $200,000 Construction Fund - - - - -- --- $11,375 ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- Total - - - - -- $300,000 -------- - - - - -- -------- $200,000 $200,000 $879,953 $865,264 NOTE: This worksheet shows the income and expense for the Bicentennial Center after taking into account the various expenses paid in other funds on behalf of the Bicentennial Center. As shown above, the cost of running the Center is approximately 1.3 million dollars. Of this amount, about $850,000 is paid through other funds. 141 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET BOND AND INTEREST FUND The Bond and Interest Fund provides for the payment of principal and interest on the various bonds financed out of the General Fund or under the City's general obligation bonding authority. The principal and interest payments come from a variety of sources, including the property tax levy, special assessment payments by property owners ( #555 and #556) and transfers from other funds. In October 1986, all general obligation bonds were combined into one refunding issue, for a total amount of $8,115,000, reducing the bond indebtedness by $599,500 and shortening the maturity date from October 1997 to April 1996. The City's bonded debt includes such projects as the Bicentennial Center, numerous parks and street improvements, the City- County Building, the Library, many special assessment projects and three new fire trucks. The Bicentennial Center is the largest single project, estimated at $325,000 principal and $149,012 interest, a total of $474,012. Approximately 4 mills of the City's anticipated 36 mill tax levy is due on this project. This is equal to 11% of the total City property tax levy. In 1990, total principal payments will be $1,750,021 with the City's share $1,045,727, and property owners' $704,294. Interest payments will be $806,506, with the City's share $498,466 and property owners' $308,040. The City's authorized and outstanding bond indebtedness may not exceed 30% of the assessed valuation, according to Kansas statutes. Outstanding indebtedness at December 31, 1989 will be approximately $12,335,300 or 10.51% of City's assessed valuation of $117,422,015. 142 C i ty Of Sa I i na, Kansas F -INANCIAL 1; Y 1.3 1 L 11 FAGL I()1. DATE' 9/it/89 FISCAL YEAR; 1990 ac a 1) E., T A .1 1.. BF1040J. TIME: 0:26:34 RE VENUE ADOI::11-1) ANNUM... 1M.3DGE'l PILES FUND: 342 BOND AND INTEREST" DEPARTMENT: 000 REVE-"N(,Jj,-- 531.3I3 DEPART'MEN'T 19137 1.988 ADOPTED AME-NDE"D 1989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET DUDGET REVENUE 1::'ROJECTED APPROVED TAXF7S .......... . . .... .... . .. ....... . ... .... . 401 000 PROPERTY TAX 0 768, 310 154,995 J.,*A, 995 152, 5@8 1 , 072, 050 1 , 072, 050 402 000 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX 0 i3l01.6 17,(•)00 1.71000 15,573 3,400 3,400 405 000 VEHICLE TAX 0 193,005 173,000 173,000 1.i0,747 .... .. . .... 36,456 :36,456 0 974, 331. 344,995 344,995 270,90t-3 .... .... .... .... .... i,1.1.1,906 . . ... .... --.- ..... .... -.1. 1, 11.1 , 906 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 555 000 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 0 852, 57*7 650,000 t31 o, 000 -792, 83',--i 13 10 1 000 810 ,000 556 000 DELIQUENT SP. ASSESSMENTS 0 63,308 1.40,000 60,000 30,712 60,000 60,000 557 000 PREPAID SP. ASSESSMENTS 0 6,135 0 49,000 67, 952 2,857 2,85-7 0 922,020 990,000 919,000 891,499 872,657 8- , ;2,B',:--,7 INTEREST 560 000 fNVESTMENT INCOME 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 564 000 ACCRUED INTEREST INCOME 0 3,949 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 - ------ 23,949 . . ...... 0 0 0 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 0 0 0 0 39,189 35,504 35, -04 0 0 0 20,000 39, i89 35,504 315,504 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 OTHER TRANSFERS 0 605,081 982,000 982,000 . .......... 982,000 558,739 5:553, 139 ------ 0 605,081 982,000 902,000 982,000 5581739 553,739 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 421J., 905 19,56 U ... ......... iiB,353 115:3, 35 3 0 0 421,905 351,958 0 it8,353 i1.f:3,353 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS . ..... .......... 0 2,525,381 2,738,900 2,625,953 . ... 2,191.,596 ....... . .... ... ... 2,697,359 . . .. .... . .. .... .... 2,697,359 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 2,525,381 2,738,900 2,625,953 . ... 2,191,596 ...... 2,697,359 2,697,359 FUND REVENUE 'TOTALS it 0 2,525,381. 2,738,900 2,625,953 2,1.91.,596 2,697,359 2,697,359 143 ci+/orsaiina.Kansas pIwAwCzA L sYsTEw DATE: 9/11/89 FISCAL Ys*m' 1990 * * * o s T A z 1 * * * TI 13:26:34 EXPENSE ADOpTEo ANNUAL mmGE7 Fuwu. 3+2 oono AND zwTsmsaT ospAmTmsmr' aao osaT ssmvzus SUB osp*nTmswr. 1937 J.pao AmopTso A:swosm 1.909 *cCoVMT DESCRIPTION sxpEwGE EXPENSE BUDGET nunGsT cxpswas pmoJscTso ------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-------------------------------------- osar ssRvzcs 930 000 pmzNczpAL w w w o 0 1.60, 00(-,, poo 850 pmzwczpAL - owwsn aH*ns w a*a'r*u 732, 796 ioo'J.aw 70*^294 930 oaw pRzwczpAL - CITY o*Ams m 991.259 1'05e1000 971^902 ~ 27+'820 805.727 935 www zwTsnsaT w 1, t97 w w 0 J.on'owe 935 e50 INTEREST - owwsm SHARE w 3*6'940 3oi'700 35 e,5 2 5 1.02'641 308,040 voo oaw zwTsmsoT - CITY e*wns w *8e.387 525'700 442^875 226'4*1. 3r5'*66 940 www uoMnzaezow & poaTAcs w ----------- J.'143 ----------- i'sow ----------- 1., 500 21 ----------- 11 500 ----'------ w 2'477.668 2,638,900 ----------- 2'507.600 8'6*'103 2'558'027 nsasnvsm 9*3 www owaH msasmvs w ----------- o iow'000 1 J.a'aos ----------- o ----------- 139.332 ----------- - w ----------- u ----------- inw,www 111.3'353 o 139,332 ** smo mspAmTmswT TOTALS *w -----'----- w ----------- 2'*77'668 ----------- 2'738^900 ----------- 2'62b'953 ---------'- 06*'103 ----------- 2.697^359 *** ospAnTmswT TOTALS *=* ----------- w ----------- 2'477.660 ----------- 2^738^900 ----------- 2.625.953 ----------- 66*'103 ----------- 2'697^359 * ruuD EXPENSE TOTALS * ----------- o ----------- ----------- 2.*77.66e ----------- ----------- 2,738'900 ----------' ----------- 2.625.953 ----- .... ....... .... -- ----------- 864'103 ------'---- ----------- 2'697'359 -------'--- FUND NET DIFFERENCE 0 47,713 0 1,327,493 0 pAcs .1nu mpm4Vi azL -ss co*nzsazow APPROVED ----------- J.ao'www rw4'uv4 885,727 123, 000 3oo'w4m o75'4aa 1, 500 2'boa,wz7 13p'aau 139,332 ----------- u'e*/'35v ----------- 2'69r,35v ----------- 2'ap7^n5v ----------- w 144 CITY OF SALINA SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENTS BOND AND INTEREST FUND 145 1985 DOWNTOWN REFUNDING BONDS CITY CITY OWNER'S OWNER'S GENERAL GENERAL DATE ------- - - - - -- YEAR - - -- BONDS -- --- -- - - - - -- P -232 ---- --- - - - - -- P -233 ------- - - - - -- FLP -234 ------- - - - - -- TOTAL ------- - - - - -- PRINCIPAL - -- ---- - - - - -- INTEREST ------- - - - - -- PRINCIPAL - ---- -- - - - - -- INTEREST ------- - - - - -- PRINCIPAL ------- - - - - -- INTEREST -- -- --- - - - - -- April 1 1989 $635,168.75 $635,168.75 $47,320.00 $18,738.00 $180,180.00 $71,346.75 $227,500.00 $90,084.00 June 1 1989 $49,125.00 $142,375.00 $37,412.50 $228,912.50 $117,618.50 $111,294.02 October 1 1989 $638,106.25 $638,106.25 $49,400.00 $16,963.00 $188,100.00 $64,590.25 $237,500.00 $81,553.00 December 1 1989 $199,125.00 $642,375.00 $162,412.50 -- - - -- $1,003,912.50 ------- - - - - -- $410,182.50 ------- - ----- $117,618.48 ------- - -- --- $364,517.50 $111,294.02 Total --- ---- - - - - -- $1,273,275.00 ------- - - - - -- $248,250.00 ------- - - - - -- $784,750.00 ------- $199,825.00 $2,506,100.00 $506,902.50 $270,937.98 -- ---- - - - - - -- $732,797.50 ----- -- - - - --- $358,525.04 ------- - - - - -- $465,000.00 ------ - - - - - -- $171,637.00 April 1 1990 $530,293.75 $530,293.75 $40,040.00 $15,110.00 $152,460.00 $57,536.75 $192,500.00 $72,647.00 June 1 1990 $44,850.00 $126,750.00 $32,318.75 $203,918.75 $104,481.18 $99,437.57 October 1 1990 $530,375.00 $530,375.00 $41,600.00 $13,559.00 $158,400.00 $51,628.00 $200,000.00 $65,188.00 December 1 1990 $224,850.00 $626,750.00 $157,318.75 -- $1,008,918.75 ------ - --- - -- $411,586.50 - - - - -- $104,481.18 ------- - - - - -- $393,413.50 $99,437.57 Total ------- - - - - -- $1,060,668.75 --- ---- - - - - -- $269,700.00 ------- - - - - -- $753,500.00 ------- - - - - $189,637.50 $2,273,506.25 ------- $493,226.50 $237,631.36 -- ----- - - - - -- $704,273.50 ------- - - - - -- $308,039.89 -- --- -- - - - - -- $392,500.00 ------- - - - - -- $137,835.00 145 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET RISK MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND In recognition of the growing problems with municipal insurance, the 1986 Kansas legislature authorized the establishment of a Risk Management Reserve Fund. K.S.A. 12 -2616 authorizes that the monies in this fund be utilized for any risk which might otherwise be insurable by a municipality. The act does not authorize a special tax. However, it provides that "monies may be paid into such Risk Management Reserve Fund from any source which may be lawfully utilized for such purposes, including transfers from the General Fund, any special liability expense fund established in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75 -6110 or from any other fund or grant program account of the governmental unit in reasonable proportion to the estimated cost of self- insuring the risk losses covered by such reserve fund." The word "reserve" in this fund's title means that the fund is authorized to accumulate from year to year the fund balance and to spend that balance without annual rebudgeting. Most funds are not reserve funds; as a result, their cash balance must be reappropriated in order to be spent. In addition to providing centralized accounting for the City's insurance and risk management expenses, this fund also permits efficient and proper management of the City's risks. Risk management entails not only insurance but also efforts to minimize the potential exposure of the City, its employees, its patrons and the general public to various conditions and situations which could result in potential damage to persons or property. This is a new concept for the City. Thus, all of the details and procedures relating to this activity are not completed at this time. Municipal risk management programs are in their infancy and are still in the process of growth and development. The ultimate objective is self - insurance, to the maximum extent feasible, for all risks. However, this will take several years to develop and several interim steps. Thus, some combination of conventional insurance and excess liability insurance will be necessary. Budget Comments The Department has 1 full -time employee: Risk Manager. 146 City Of SaLina, Kansas FINANCTAI- c.; Y '-* I E i, I F I (A G E.. 10*13 DATE" 9/it/89 FISCAL YEAR: 9.990 D F. I A 1 1. TIME--- 8:26:34 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL pl: I._: S F'(.)Nl): 440 RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: 000 REVl---:NLlE EAJE4 DEF'ARIMENI 19B7 1988 ADOPTED AHl:. NDF . D 1989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET 1AJDGET REVENUE PROJECTED APPROVED REIMBURSEMENTS .......... .... 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 0 tO, 796 0 ...... ..... 0 82,629 0 0 0 18,796 0 0 82,629 0 ...... .. ... 0 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 OTHER TRANSFERS 0 512,650 633,401 633,401 434,520 633,40J. 633,411 0 512,650 633,405. 633,401 434,520 633,403. 633,411 660 000 This comiiists of transfers from: Emp loyee Benef its $ 210,750 Special Liability 244,564 EMS 32,000 Sanitation 25,210 Solid Waste 6,860 Gc)Lf Course 2,500 Water and Sewer J. J. I. , 52*7 $ 633,411 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 19,739 26,553 0 61,814 61,(39.4 0 0 19,739 26,553 0 61,814 61,1314 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 531,446 653,140 ...... ..... -.-. 6b9,954 .... ....... 517,149 695,215 69'x,'225 D•F'ARTMENT TOTALS 0 535.,446 653,140 659,954 517,149 695,215 --------- -- 695,225 FUND REVENUE 'TOTALS 0 ... . ....... . . .... ... 531,446 653, 5.40 . .... ........ ........ 659,954 517,149 ...... ... .. 695,215 ....... 695,225 147 C i + v of S a L i n a ' Kansas F I N A N C I A L S Y a T s n pAcs zo* DATE" 9/11/89 FISCAL )E*m' 1990 * * * o c T A z � * * * BP8*0i TIME 8`26:3* sxpswos AoopTso ANNUAL smocsT azLsa Fuwn. 440 Rzex nAwAcs*FwT mEpwnTmcxT' 120 nzax mAw*GsmswT aua osp'AnTmswr' 1987 1988 AnOPTF:_'o AmcNnsD 1.989 comMzsa) 'ow *ccoUwr msacnzPTIoN sXpswas sxpswSs ouDcsT yunssT s:xpswas pnoJEcrso AppnovsD psmaowAL ocmvzcso � .... .... ����._� ..........��������������������_ 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES w 35'202 35'10o 351J.00 22.460 34, /00 ;6, 090 70* wow LONGEVITY PAY w o w w o *ww 400 726 nww Tm*NSpomTwTzOw *LLowAwcs w o 2'400 2'4wO 1'600 2'400 2'400 . ...... .... .... ....��� o 3,15, 202 37'500 ����. 37, 500 24,060 37^500 . 3a.epw auppLzso 731. 003 oFrzcs SuppLzso w ila 600 aww 64 awo aeo '732 wwm aoowa u psmzoozcm-a w 2e1. 500 500 458 500 500 7e2 www pxoTocmwp*Y w 69 500 500 240 500 500 795 www or*sp opsmwrzwG ouppLzsa w 75 500 5e0 w oww oow ----------- n ----------- 543 ----------- ---'------- 2'J.00 z,iwO ---------- 762 ----------- 2.100 ----------' iow oomTmAcTuAt 820 mwO INSURANCE w o w o o 550'000 550'000 820 481 zwaumAwcs - LIABILITY w 548.775 550'000 550^000 462'737 w w 821 000 cLwzno pwzn w 3.459 i'www i'oww 125 11000 J.'oow 839 wwm oT*sn pmoFsnozowAL w 527 2'000 u'oww o u'www z'www o 552'761 . ...... �������� 553,000 553'000 462.862 553'000 ��� 5on,o00 oTnsm asnvzcso u c*Amcsa 841 oww TELEPHONE w 473 700 700 31a row 700 o*o oww poaTwGs w 84 i0w 100 46 100 iww e50 000 sMpLoYss msysLopnswr w 3'15* u'www 2'000 1'557 2'000 2,000 e51 www ousa w 156 Sow mww w 500 Sow ----------- o ----------- 3.867 ----------' ----'------ 31300 3,300 ----------- 1.,921. ----------- 3,a00 ----------' 3'300 CAPITAL oun-Av � 901 www oFFzns EouzpmswT w uwv 500 oww w 500 500 w uwp 500 oww w 500 500 msasmvso *92 www SALARY msosmvE o o 1'7*0 J.'7+o o 1, 740 aao 993 www cAo* msesmvs w ----------- w ----------- 55'000 ----------- ----------- 61'81* w ----------- 97'075 ----------- 97, 075 ----------- w w 56'740 63'554 o 98'815 97'435 ** oun ospAmTMswT TOTALS ** ----------- m ----------- 592'582 ----------- ----- 653.140 ----------- - - —'-- 659^954 ----------- 489.605 ----------- ----------- 695^215 ----------- 695'225 ----------- *ww nspwmTnswT TOTALS *** ----------- w ----------- 592.502 —'--------- 653^140 65p'954 489'605 ----------- 695.215 695'225 * ruwo sXpswns TOTALS ° ----------- m ----------- 592.582 ----------- ----------- 653.1*0 659.95* ----------- 489.605 ----------- 695'215 ----------- 695'225 �*�* ruwm NET ozFFsmswcs **** ----------- 0 ----------- 61'136- ----------- ----------- 0 0 ----------- 27.5*4 ----------- 0 ----------- 0 City oraai/na.Kansas rzwowczw� sYSTEn pAcs 1, ms DATE-- 9/11/89 FISCAL Ys*m' 1990 * ° * o s T A z L * * * ap040i TIME e'ua:n* sXpcwas AoopTso Awwu*l auocsr ozLsa puwo. 440 mzou wAwwcsmcwT msp*mT*cwr' 12o nzsx mAwAGsmswr sua mspAnTnswr' 19o7 1.908 AoopTso omswoso 1989 commzaazow mCcouwr DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------'-----------------------------------'-----------------'-------------------------------------- sxpEnas snpsnSE BUDGET m/oseT sxpswSs pnoJEcTsn AppmOvsm 149 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION The Central Garage account is a "housekeeping" or internal service fund. All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment, except that of the Fire Department, is maintained by the Central Garage. This includes repair work, gasoline, oil, tires and service. The various departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage or specialized service done by contract. Each individual budgetary unit has a line item for parts, labor and fuel. The full cost of operating the Central Garage, including fuel, parts, labor and overhead, is recovered from the various departments and is included here for accounting purposes. Budget Comments Six full -time employees operate the Central Garage: Garage Supervisor, Senior Clerk, Garage Mechanic (3) and Laborer. The 1990 salaries for these personnel amount to $119,500. 150 City ufsaiina.Kansas FzN*wCzAL aYsTsw owTe 9/it/89 FISCAL ,sAn. 1990 * * * u s T * z � * * * Tzns 8'26'34 psyswus AnopTso Awmum- auoGs'l FUND: 450 CENTRAL GARAGE DEPARTMIENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEi::'ARTMENT: 1:;'mJECTED aw9.3iw n5'www ----------- 644^51w ----------- a**,510 ----------- a44'51w a4*'510 p*Gs J.na mpm4w1 Ell Es commzsszow Appnovsn a1a^45o a115'woo 60,000 ----------- 711'-4 t.--; 5 ----------- 7,1..455 ----------- ----------- 71, t,455 151 1.987 :1.9e8 woopTEo Awswoso 1.989 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REvswus BUDGET DUDGsT ......... ... ........��������������� REVENUE TsmwoFsma IN 650 wwm CENTRAL oAnAss V m o w 315.982 655 mww CENTRAL eTomso w w w w 13.*82 aaw wow OTHER TnwwaFsma w ----------- 6*0'561 w ---------' m ----------- ~ w ----------- o ----------- 6*0.561 w w 329'*64 ** sua mspwmTnswT ToTm-e ** ----------- w ----------- a+w.oaJ. ----------- w ---------- a ----------- 329'46* *** ospwnTnEmT TOTALS *** ----------- w ----------- 640.561. ----------- w ----------- w ----------- 329.464 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1:;'mJECTED aw9.3iw n5'www ----------- 644^51w ----------- a**,510 ----------- a44'51w a4*'510 p*Gs J.na mpm4w1 Ell Es commzsszow Appnovsn a1a^45o a115'woo 60,000 ----------- 711'-4 t.--; 5 ----------- 7,1..455 ----------- ----------- 71, t,455 151 C i ty () f Sa L i na, Kansas F I N A N C I A L Y S T F tl FIA(*"L.*. 1.07 DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 it D 1::. 1 A 1 I. 01 TIME 0:26:34 EX):_'l'_-'NSE nDOl-'*FE::D Af4NLhf4_ fAJl)G1:4_,l BILE'S, FUND: 150 CENTRAL GARAGE DEPARTMENT: *790 OTHER SUD lk:PAR*lME(\lf 1987 1900 ADOPTED AMENDED 1988 COMM] SSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET EXVENSE PROJECTED APPROVED PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 0 119,507 0 0 73,047 11, 91 1500 1'.4, ,"i30 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '703 000 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 J. 1 000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 2,560 2,560 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 500 290 711 000 SOCIAL. SECURITY 0 0 0 0 0 9,220 9'.780 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 262 0 714 000 KPERS 0 0 0 0 0 3,140 3,325 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 11,980 0 0 11 ,056 16, F3 7 () 1.81500 '717 000 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 4,820 4,820 0 ........ i3i,487 . . 0 0 84,365 157,610 164,555 SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 34,695 0 0 14,'745 0 0 731 450 OFFICE SUPPLIES - GARAGE 0 0 0 O 0 1,000 1.,()()0 731 950 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 31*51000 732 000 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 0 0 0 0 473 700 700 742 000 METAL PRODUCTS 0 0 0 0 79 il000 1,000 '746 000 JANITORIAL 0 215 0 0 390 000 800 747 000 WELDING SUPPLIES 0 967 0 0 J.,127 2,000 2,000 '750 000 GAS & OIL 0 1.32,755 0 0 67,834 0 0 750 450 GAS & OIL -GARAGE VEHICLE 0 0 0 0 0 600 600 750 '790 GAS & OIL GASOLINE STK 0 0 0 0 0 '70,000 701000 750 791 GAS & OIL PROPANE STOCK 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 750 792 GAS & OIL DIESEL STOCK 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 750 793 GAS & OIL OIL STOCK 0 0 0 0 0 17,000 J.71 000 750 *794 GAS & OIL OIL STOCK 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,(.)00 751 000 MAINT. VEHICLES & EQUIP 0 0 0 0 14,893 3,400 3,400 752 000 PARTS MACHINERY & EQUIP 0 2*70,451 0 0 164,697 240,000 240,000 752 791 VEHICLE PARTS STOCK 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 752 792 EXPENDABLE PARTS STOCK 0 0 0 0 6 10, 000 10,000 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 0 0 0 0 0 600 600 000 TOOLS 0 3,345 0 0 938 0 0 767 721 TOOLS - SHOP 0 0 0 0 29 1'000 11000 767 '722 TOOLS - HAND TOOLS 0 0 0 0 1.1. 1,500 1.,500 767 723 TOOLS - POWER 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1, 000 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 9,675 0 0 4,200 200 200 0 462.1, 103 0 0 269,416 475,800 47't'j, 000 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 755 0 <7 452 900 90• 842 000 GAS SERVICE 0 2,620 0 0 1,688 2,800 2,600 846 000 LIGHT & POWER 0 i,868 0 0 1,007 2,000 2,000 e50 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 20 2,000 2,000 860 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 0 2,639 0 0 771 1,000 1.,000 861 000 LAUNDRY & TOWEL SERVICE 0 0 0 0 0 1,400 1,400 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 il000 i'000 152 ci+v of Salina' Kansas p z w A w c z A L s Y s T s n pt. ,se 100 DATE p/il/ap pzac*L Yswn' J.990 * ' * o s T A z 1- * * ° apm*ox Tzns 8'26'34 supswss ADOPTED AwnuoL auocsT azLss FuNu. 450 cswTnm- cAm*cs osPAmTnswT' 790 oTosm aua osp*mTmswT' t907 1.988 *oopTso *mswoso J.vav conmzsszom ocoouwT osecnzpTIOw sxpsmas sxpswas auocsT ouocsT sxpswss pmoJscTso *ppnovsD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-- oT*cm osnvzcse & cHwposo .......... w 7, e82 �������....... w ...... w 31938 ~ 1.1, loo ii'J.ww cmpzTm- OUTLAY 9w5 mww oT*sm smuzpwswT o E3, 63.3 w w o o w E), 633 w w 7,61a o n rnAmopsms OUT 960 wwm oT*sm Tmowopsme w o w w w o --------'-- aw'woo ----------- ----------- w ----------- ----------- w -------'-- o w '---------- o w 60,000 ** suo ospwmTmEwT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- ----------- aW'imo --.... o ... ...... ... '-- o ----------- 365'337 ----------- a4 4'o10 ----------- 7JJ..455 *** ospoPrmswr ToTm-a *** ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- 61.0.W5 ----------- o o ----------- 365'33r ----------- 644'510 ----------- ----------- 7 1. 1.455 ----------- * FUND EXPENSE TOTALS * ----------- O ----------- ----------- 6W'iw5 ----------- o o ----------- 365,337 6**'510 ----------- 71.1,*55 ----------- **** ruwo NET nzFFsmswcs **** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 30'+56 ----------- o m ----------- 35'873- w w 153 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DATA PROCESSING FUND The City's data processing unit provides data processing, system management, programming and training services to District Court, Saline County and County Sheriff in addition to all the various City departments. The equipment supported by Data Processing is an IBM AS /400 computer with 52 data entry terminals, 18 printers, an IBM 5525 word processor with 8 data entry terminals and 5 printers, an IBM 5363 with 2 data entry terminals and 2 printers, and 6 personal computers with printers. Saline County's computer equipment supported and housed is comprised of an IBM System 36 with 27 data entry terminals, 11 printers and 3 personal computers with printers. Approximately 75% of the software applications are written in- house, with 100°% of them being maintained by the programming staff. Operators have direct access to the computer and the various functions and programs. The necessary record keeping is performed simultaneously, thus providing current hands -on information. The computer facility is located on the first floor of the City- County Building. Budget Comments Full -time employees are: Data Processing Manager, Programmer /Analyst and Programmer and Principal Data Processing Equipment Operator. 154 citvofeaiina.Kansas FIwAxCzA L aYaTso PAGE. _inp nwTs 9/11/69 pzaom- YEAR: J.990 ° * * n s T z L * * * ep040i Tzms a'ua'n* nsyswus ADOPTED AwwuoL ouncs' azlsa ruwo' 460 DATA pmocsoozws msp*mTmswT' 000 nsyswus sua osp�nTnswT' 1987 19811 *ooprsn omovoso 1989 cowmzaazoN w000uwT DESCRIPTION nsvEwus nsyswus nuossT m/ocsT nsyswus pnoJscTso Appnovso ����. ... ������ ... �����... ......... .... . ... .... . ... ...�� Fssa 486 www onmzmzoTATIvE osmvzcso w J.'aaa 2, 000 000 it, 166 u'000 2, 000 mszmaunssMswra 590 www OTHER mszmsmmosnswTo nzacsLLwwsoua 606 omm SALE (IF commoozTzsa TmwwoFsna IN aaw mwm oT*sm TRwmarsms CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 mww cAmmYovsm eunpLuo **SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** *** ospAnTmswT TOTALS *** w 3 4'3 15 sz'*no 32.400 13'729 *w'zww 32, 400 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- w 34'315 32^400 32'400 13'729 *w'oww 3c.400 590 wwo This revenue is the fee charged to aa/.ne County for the management of their system and a fee charged to oaLine County aher//f's Department for the use of -the c|+v's computer. o 782 750 1 '01,50 1. 135 aww owm ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 0 782 7550 0 1. 135 800 800 w 104'500 103,500 10a'500 1.0-131 500 11*'805 uua o 104.500 103'500 1.0s^500 103, 500 J. 14, L385 o'2a aaw wwo This account provides for the transfer in or revenue from ot»e` ci+, funds. neq.^°s+ Water and Sewer Fund to transfer in $55^826 and General fund *oo'oow' w w *7,442 7*,056 w *4.694 **^694 w n 47.442 _ ... ... .... ________ 74,056 o 44,69* 44.*94 ----------- w ----------- 1*1..260 -------'--- 186'092 ----'------ 21.3'006 ----------- J.29,530 ----------- 202^57v ----------- 185'7z0 ----------- ----------- w ----------- 141.260 ----------- J.06,092 ----------- 2J.3'006 ----------- 129.530 ._ ... .... .. ----------- 202'579 185'720 . ... ... ......����_ o 141.260 186.092 21.3.006 1.29.530 202, 579 J.EK;'7co 155 City ofoai/na.Kansas plwAwcz*L aYylsm pnss uo mwTs 9/1i/o9 Fzac*L /sAm' 1.990 * * * u c T A z 1. op040i TIME a'oa'n+ sxpswas AmopTso nwwuAL auoGsA azLss powo' 460 DATA paocssozwc usp*mTwswr' 150 DATA pnocsoazwG aua osponrmsmT' 1987 1968 AoopTso Amswnsn 1989 commzaazow *ccoumr msacmzpTzow sxpswas sxpswss auocsT aunosT sxpswas pnoJscrsn wppnovsm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ psnaowAL asnvzcso 701 008 FULL TIME a*L*azsa 0 75.038 101'6*2 10*'660 63'76o 1,22'795 110, 670 702 mww p*mTTzMs owLAnzso w 289 u'www 2,000 a* o'oww s, 000 703 wow oVsmTzms w w w w ~ w 1^000 1.1000 704 www LowcsvzTY PAY w o o w w anw oow 710 www uwsMpLoYmswT w 146 onw 5)o0 ij.w 500 260 711 000 ooczAL ascumzTY w 5'6*4 7'e00 r'Boo 5.164 9'675 8^925 714 000 KPERS 0 2,162 2,twn 2,100 986 2'850 2,900 715 www HEALTH zwouRAwos w 4'727 iw'vww 1.0'900 6.*79 15'235 �A..00w 717 www womxnsw'o compswoATzow w w 410 41(-) o 515 515 Tua mom Tn*woponr*Tzon *LLowAwcs m w 1.'oaw 1^560 1'040 1, 560 �. .... t, 560 w 88,006 ���... 126,912 J.29,930 77'62a t59,960 143,*60 euppI-zso 731 oww OFFICE SupPLzsa w J., 50() 1'500 1., 500 13!1�9 'et-A.) 732 www goona m pspzomzcnLa 0 w w w aa 250 uow 795 www or*sm opsnATzwc oupp/'zso w o'ora 3'500 3.500 21095 .... 2'250 2, 250 V 4,378 5,000 �����-.- o,00w � ������� 2,+80 3'250 3.250 cowTn*cTu*L 811 000 RENT/LEASE w o w o o J.'oww 1.'oow ----------- w ----------- o ----------- o ----------- w ----------- ----------- w 1 'owo ----------' 1.500 oii mww This provides for room vent to uoo 305. oT*sm asevzcso & c*ARcso 841 000 TsLspwows 0 11 000 1'0ow aoo 2'100 2.1-00 omw 000 snpLovss nsysLopmswT w *.208 5,000 5'000 3'629 5'000 5'000 e51 nwm nuse w 27, 732 o w 10 iww iww e95 woO OTHER CONTRACTUAL w w uo'owo zo,00w 11, 560 25'200 2z`;, 200 w 32'699 31'000 ��� .... ����� 31.,000 15'877 32,400 32'*00 895 www This account provides for the main+ena`.ce contracts on computers and support equipment. Also includes a premium for an insurance policy on the computer e-:i,uipment. c*pzrAL ourLAr 901 000 orFzcs souzpnsmr w w w w 252 1'500 J..00w 905 wwm oTnsn sQuzpnswT w w o w 4 ----------- ----------- 2'500 2, 500 ----------- ----------- w ----------- w ----------- w ----------- o 256 *'oww 4^000 905 www This Provides for +^e renLacement of +|`e air conui+/o^|nn unit in the computer room. With the expansion or the computer systems it will require a Larger unit to service the room' 156 ci+v or oalina. Kansas DATE 9/11/09 FzocAL Yson. 1.990 TIME 8'26'34 1-UND: 46(-.) DATA PROCESSING *ccouwT msoonzpTzow cepzTAI - OUTLAY RESERVES 992 www mnLwmY msesnvs 993 wom cwo* nsasmvs *w aua mspwmTmswT TOTALS ** *** nspwmTnswT TOTALS *** * rumo sxpswas ToTm-a * *ww� ruwo NET ozFFsmswcs **** - pzwAwczAL aYorsm p*ss ui *** ocrAz1- *** apm*oi sxpsmas AmopTso ANNUAL auocs7 azLsa DEpARTmswT' 15o DATA pn�sSSzNG mm oEPAmTMswr' t9137 1988 AoopTso Awswm:'o J.989 comwzoazow Expswos sxpswos amoGsT m/ocsT sxpswss pmoJscrso oppnovso ----------'------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- w w 5'100 o o 5,100 1.liw w 8 ig'080 4,.076 ----------- ----------- w w ----------- w ----------- ----------- w ----------- w ----------- uo'J.am 47, 076 w 5.100 1., 1. iw ----------- w ----------- 125.083 ---'------- 186.092 ----------- ----------- 21.3'006 96.2*1 ----------- 206'210 ----------- 165'720 ----------- 0 ----------- 125.083 ----------- 186,092 ----------- ----------- uJ.n,woa 96.241 ----------- 206,210 ----------- 185'720 ----------- V ----------- ----------- t25^083 ----------- ----------- 186,092 ----------- ----------- ----------- 213,006 ----------- ----------- 96, 24 J. ----------- 206,210 ----------- ----------- J.oIS'7uw ----------- w 16.177 w n 33.289 3.631.- w 157 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES SANITATION DIVISION This Division of the General Services Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. Commercial collections, including apartment houses, are handled by licensed, private haulers or by the individual business. The Division is supervised by the Sanitation Superintendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex and triplex residential units on an optional basis. The Division operates four 20 cubic yard packer trucks, each with an assigned route to be served each day, Monday through Friday. These are supplemented by two shuttle trucks, which permit the crews to remain on the routes while a driver takes a loaded truck to the landfill. One dump truck makes special pickups of piles of tree limbs and items too bulky for the packer trucks at an additional cost. The service fee of $5.40 a month was last adjusted January 1, 1984. There are approximately 10,500 residential refuse customers. Should the State of Kansas pass legislation requiring a 15% reduction of the Solid Waste stream, the Sanitation Division will need to add one to two refuse trucks and the men to operate them. It is anticipated yard waste will have to be dealt with separately. This Division is self- supporting from fees paid by users of the service. No property tax monies are devoted to this activity. There is no proposed general rate increase in 1990. Budget Comments The 19 full time employees for the Division include: Sanitation Superintendent, Administrative Aide, Lead Maintenance Worker (1) , Maintenance Worker (4) , Laborer Assigned as Relief Driver (3) and Laborer (10) . The Division is charged 104 per monthly bill by the Water and Sewerage Department, and 104 per month per account is paid to the General Fund for general administrative services. 158 C ty Of Sa t i na, Kansaii, F I N A N C 'I A L S Y S I E t1 DATE 9/11/09 FISCAL YEAR: 1.990 a n >E 1) E:. J A I L TIME 0:26:34 RID/ENUE 0D('.)l::`T'E'D ANNUAL. BUDGE-f F0, I F IS FUND: 620 SANITATION DEPARTMENT: 00() REVENUE SUB MEN) I 1907 1908 ADOPTED Ahl:'NDED J.909 Comml SSJ ON ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE ....... ........ R'EVE'NUE . ....... . .... .... BUDGET .......... D(.JD(-.J:;:T ........ .... ....... REVENUE 1::'RO,.)E(:,'*I'El) APPROVED FEE,13 462 000 SANITATION 0 71.'r', 000 704,000 70.1, 000 484,509 -,?OB, 000 70?,.; 1 000 0 .... . ........ 71."7, 000 704,000 . .... .... .... ... 000 ... .... ... ... 4B4,509 ()00 ....... '700,000 INTEREST 560 000 INVESTMENT INCOME 0 3 000 20,000 30 000 18, 54*13 ?0, 000 .5U, 0 3,000 20,000 30 000 1.8, 54;3 20,000 30, 0OO MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 1-336 3,0()(.) -.500 ------ J., ,5()0 0 1,336 -- - ---- 3,000 ....... ......... .. . .. 5,000 1,768 1,500 1,500 TRANSFERS ZN 660 000 OTHER TRANSFERS 0 0 501000 000 ...... ..... 50,000 50,000 .. ...... I....-.....-- . .. . .... 0 0 0 50,00(-) S)0, 0OO 50,()00 0 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 366, 060 4'�. 0 , '241,5 0 13 , 091; 51 wt ) 5 .......... . 0 . ........... . 366,060 ... ..... 42 3, 245 ..................... ...... ... .... 513,1:395 513,095 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 721., 334) ........... 1,1.43,060 1,21,5,245 554,820 1,293,395 i,253j395 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 721, 336 1,143,060 1-21S,245 554,820 1,293,395 1,253,395 FUND REVENUE TOTALS # 0 .... . . .... 721,336 l,143,060 1,215,245 554,820 . ...... 1.,293,395 1,253,395 159 City o/aaL/na.Kansas FzwAwczAL- aYolsn nArE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR! �ppo TIME 0'26'3* sxpswas AoopTsm Al' wu)L smossr ruwn' auw aAwzJATzow ospAnrnswT' n,Uo aAwzT*Tzow 1987 J.voa AmopTso *coouwr nsocmzpTzow sxpsMss sxpswas amoGsT �������������������.� PERSONAL SERVICES 701 mww FULL TIME aALAnzss 702 wwm pAmrrzns oALAnzsa 703 oow ovsmTzME '704 wow LONGEVITY PAY 710 mow uwsmpLoYmswr 711 wmV aoczwL SscunzTY 712 wwm LIFE zwaun*wcs 71+ wwm wpsmo 715 wom HEALTH zwounAwcs 717 mwm womwnsm'o conpswaATzom auppLzsG 731 oww 732 mom 75m www 751 wow 75u mww 760 wwm 767 waw 795 nww 701. 000 71.7 www orrzos ouppLzsa aoowa & psmzODzum-S o*o u OIL. mAzwr' - vs*zcLso & souzp PARTS - mwc*zwsmY & souzp wsAmzwG wppAmsL TOOLS OTHER opsmATzms ouppLzsa CONTRACTUAL ewa www AoMzwzoTmArzow & ozu-zmc eow 481 zwaum*mcs - LIABILITY OT*ERms 841 wwm a+3 000 850 000 851 mww oaw 561 895 www �vzcsa & cnAnssa TELEPHONE eoLzo wwoTs DISPOSAL EMPLOYEE msysLopMsmT ouso mspwzmo - nAmzo oTnsn oowTmwcTuwL 820 48J. pAce i J. 3 " * * o L. T A z 1. ap0401 az1. -sa aua osPAnrmswT' *m:.woso J.909 cOmmzsszuw »uoGsT sxpswss pno�scrso m"pnovsn n 281'940 296.000 296.000 1.80'94-7 3i9,900 33o.700 w J.6.e92 20'230 20,230 10'*1r 23'000 23,000 0 w w w ^ w 5,000 51000 0 o O O o 5'*00 5,400 0 777 i'a3w 1, 330 *98 aow aiw 8 22.113 25.030 o5'030 15'394 23.500 zo'www w o w w 616 o 0 w 6.889 6, *700 6'700 2.947 7,970 8, 920 w 25,465 33,000 as,wow 27^130 42'920 39,400 w 14,000 19^510 1.9,!Tiw 19,51.0 12^270 12^270 ----------- ------ ----------- w 368'076 ----------- 401'800 ----------- *01,800 ----------- ----------- 257,459 4*0'760 455'500 The salaries need to refLect a fu[L 1.9 empLovees in the division. This wou|u inc/ude Sanitation Superintendent' Auminis+ive Aide, Lead Maintenance Worker <i/, Maintenance worker (*)' Laborer assigned as nw/ief Driver /n>. and Labor (10). o*/ar/es are short u Maintenance Worker and (i.) Laborer. 'Travis ferreu ,o Risk manasement- n 2,689 2,500 2,500 806 2,400 2,400 w w w O w iwm 1.00 w o w o w 22'000 22,000 w 89'38* ov'auw av'a--w 63, 577 67,000 ar^oww w 0 w w w 5,5w0 8 w w w o 2,700 2,700 w 246 530 5o0 54 580 580 w ------ ----------- *'870 8.350 ----------- 0'350 ----------- 7'5e0 --_------�- ----------- 430 430 ------_---_ a 97'389 1.00'700 100, -700 72, 017 tww^71V iww'7iw w 26'554 26^400 26'400 1.5.660 o o w 6'500 12,940 J.u'v*w 12'940 ----------- 1,2.9*0 1z.1?40 ----------- ------ ----------- w 33'054 ----------- 39'340 -'--------- 1,9'340 ----------- 28.60a 12^940 1.2'9*0 Transferred to Risk manaoemc.4nl' w 464 2'200 u'oow 270 2'200 2,200 n 53.000 53'000 15a,mw0 *6.000 70,500 56,000 0 w m 0 m 2,000 2,000 w o w w w 200 200 w w w w w 1'000 1'000 w 1.820 1'650 1'650 2.152 1.700 1^700 0 55'28+ 56,850 56,850 *8,422 77,600 63,100 160 City Of Sa I. i na , Kansas 1" :L N A N C 1. A L_ S Y S 'T" I:" ill PAGE_ 9.14 DATE: 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 ae x a� I) I::: T A :I: I... +c• u• �a BP040i TIME 13:26:34 AD01'-'TED ANNUAL.. I3UDG'E:T BILE-) FUND: FUND: 620 SANITATION DEPARTMENT: 340 SANITATION :.UL' DEPARTMENT: 1987 5.91313 ADOPTED AK LADED 1'9139 COMMISSTCIN ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET L_XF'ENSE PROJECTED APPROVED OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 843 000 It is suggested so L i d waste raise their tipping -fees to txsr 1p pay for the studies and consu I. t i ng fees which w i L I bcs• required to meet the new EPA regulations. CAPITAL_ OUTLAY 902 000 RADIOS 0 0 0 0 0 S , "700 700 1-700 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0 11,249 7,600 r', 600 3,840 4,500 4,500 909 000 VEHICLES 0 26,983 34,660 2-7,049 27,049 35,000 35,000 0 38,232 42,260 34,649 30,8139 41,200 41,200 TRANSFERS OUT 955 000 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 0 0 45,000 41..'51 000 45, 000 45,000 49. ,'500 960 000 OTHER TRANSFERS 0 30,000 () 0 0 0 13,000 0 30,000 45,000 - eiIJ10() () 45,000 45,000 54-500 955 000 This is the Sanitation Fund's share of G) oraI.1 =and overhead and is transferred -to the GeneraL Fund.. 960 000 The Sanitation fund pays a $.I.0 charge tc:i the Water and ',;ewer -fund for each customer biLL processed. RESERVES 992 000 SALARY RESERVE 0 0 15,400 0 0 5.5 , 400 -,.5,330 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 441,710 536,906 0 459,785 422,115 993 904 BUILDING RESERVE 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 993 906 POLY KART RESERVE 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 60,000 0 0 457,1W 536,906 0 5 75, 5.8`:, 525,445 ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS *>< 0 ._.._......_._.._.__.___ 622,035 ._..... _...__..._._.._. __... __ .�._ i , 5.43 , 060 ............ ....__._._. �..._ ....__._._.__.........._.I. i , 25.5,."_'45 ... ._ 482, 395 ._. .... _._..._.._._..... __..__.. S. , 293, 39:5 ._._. _......._..... _..........__._. 1,253,395 at DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 622,035 1,143,060 1 , 25.5, 245 482,395 1,293,395 ­- 1 , 25:.3, 39 -1 * FUND EXPENSE TOTALS 0 622,035 1. , 5.43 , 060 J. , 2 1,7;, '245 482,395 1,293,395 i , 25 3 , 395 *x �c• FUND NET DIFFERENCE- # 0 99,301 0 0 72,425 () () 161 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIVISION The City -owned and City- operated landfill, located southwest of Salina on Burma Road, provides solid waste disposal facilities for all of Saline County. The location and operation of the landfill are in accordance with the Saline County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Plan adopted by the Saline County Commissioners and subsequently approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. In 1988, the Environmental Protection Agency published new requirements for landfills. The rules will change the way the landfill pits are dug and monitored. The new regulations are very rigid and will require studies, monitoring wells, water analysis, and liners of some sort. There is also a possibility of working with the leachate. The State of Kansas will administer the new EPA rules. In addition, it is expected the State will pass laws requiring a solid waste reduction by 15 percent. The service is solely financed from gate fees collected from users of the landfill and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for landfill operations. No property tax monies are devoted to this activity. Because of the new landfill rules, an increase in fees has been proposed for 1990. As a Division of the General Services Department, the operation is supervised by the Sanitation Superin- tendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services. Budget Comments This fund has 7 full time employees: Maintenance Supervisor, Equipment Operator (3), Laborer (1) and Gate Attendant (2) . 162 City Of SaLina, Kansas 17 1 N A N C' I A L S y f-3 I E_, I'l PAGE 'i i DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 * -X * D i:d T A 1 1'. lk DF10401. TIME 8:26:34 REVENUE ADOFTLI) ANNUAL IAUDG'E:f BILE S FUND; 630 SOLID WASTE: DEF'ARTME NT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEFIARIMENT: 1987 1900 ADOP'T'ED AM[ NDF 1) 3,989 COMMIS SION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE ....... REVENUE .... BUDGET I-AJDGE.J. REVENUE PROJECTED APPROVEI) FEES . .... .... . ____ .. .... .... .... .. ............... ..... . . ......... ..... ...... . ... ........... . ...... ........................ ............... ....... 463 000 SOLID WASTE 0 332,688 2E35, 000 . .... 330,000 .. . ... ...... . 3,82,484 371,00() 3:50 , 000 0 332,688 285,000 330,000 182,484 371,000 330,000 INTEREST 560 000 INVESTMENT INCOME 0 0 23,000 ll-.'; () 000 2(:,), 963 23,000 tx), 000 . . .... . .. .... . ­­­­.. 0 0 23,000 5(),000 2B,963 23,000 501000 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 2,124 too 100 1 , 500 1.00 too 0 2,124 100 too .... ...... ­­­ - ------ 1,508 ...... too ..... ....... _­.. 100 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 OTHER TRANSFERS O 0 193,025 J.93, 025 209,963 193,025 0 0 0 J.93,025 ...... .......... 3.93, ()'5 .... .. 209,963 193, 02 5 ...... 0 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 428,4*79 510,3::50 862,960 862,960 0 0 428,479 510,350 0 862,960 862,960 SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 .... . ........ . ....... . ...... 334,812 929,604 . ..... .... ­ .. .... .... 1,003,475 422,918 1,450,085 . .... .... .. . . 1,243,060 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0 334,812 929,604 1,003,475 422, 9 JL 0 1,450,085 1,243,060 FUND REVENUE TOTALS 0 334, Bit 929,604 1 , 083, 4-75 422,9J.8 I 1_450,085 1,243,060 163 C: i ty Of S a L i na , Kansas F 1 N A N C 1 A I_ S Y 13 1 E i °i PAGE: t. 1.6 DATE: 9/11/89 FISCAL_ YEAR: 1990 ac .k N. D L: 'T' A :I: I... x yc Bf'O4t)1 TIME 8:26:34 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL.. 1sl.JI)Gf:: ( BIL.ES FUND: 630 S()LID WASTE DEPARTME:NI : 350 SOLID WASTE SUB DEPARTMENT: 1987 1968 ADOPTED AMI:::NI)I:-D 1989 COMM1,13SION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE E::XPENSE. BUDGET I's(.JDGET E.XPI.NSE 1= 'RO..JE:CT'ED APPROVED PERSONAL_ SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 0 "l'7, 824 831 000 (:33, 000 52, 256 1.1.3, 960 104, 000 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 8,736 4,550 4,550 1,873 4,000 4,000 703 000 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 i) 0 0 1,660 1.,660 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 225 390 :90 112 390 280 711. 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 0 6,426 71350 7,350 4,071 9,300 8,540 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 1615 0 0 '714 000 KPERS 0 2,41.:5 2,000 2,000 982 3,160 y 3,O60 '715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 6,036 8,600 (3,600 4,614 1.7,030 10,E3300 71'7 000 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 0 2,000 3,860 3,860 3,860 4,860 4,860 0 3.03 , 662 109,750 10917150 67,933 156 , 360 139,200 701 000 Request the addition of a third operatcai . The third operator is required to cover the refuse as two caraw)t adequatc-ly keen up. 717 000 Transfers ed to 1 "t i s Management SUPI:`LIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 513 740 740 6 '740 740 '732 000 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 741 000 SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL. & CHAT 0 4,530 4,500 1, ::,i)0 4,281 4, 500 _41U00 750 000 GAS & OIL 0 0 0 0 0 1i3OOO 1.i,000 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP 0 49,473 70,000 71:,000 35,668 59,000 L,9,000 752 000 PARTS - MACHINERY & EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 0 0 0 0 0 1,030 1.10 -130 '767 000 TOOLS 0 363 1500 ,:)0 104 500 500 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPI...IES 0 1.,886 860 860 1,149 400 400 0 56,765 76,600 76,600 41,208 77,220 71,220 CONTRACTUAL 808 000 ADMINISTRATION & BILLING 0 0 2,100 2,1.00 i) 0 0 820 481 INSURANCE - LIABILITY 0 1.,500 1,985 1,985 1.,985 2,000 2,000 820 487 INSURANCE - CROPS 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 0 1., 500 4,085 4,0(11:•'.1 1,9(:3: "i 2,500 ;'?, 00 BOB 000 See account 955 820 481 Transfer•rcd to Risk Management . OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 283 380 380 163 400 400 842 000 GAS SERVICE 0 235 1,500 i,500 664 1,500 1,SOO 845 000 WATER SERVICE 0 0 0 2,000 920 700 700 846 000 LIGHT & POWER 0 1,727 1,900 1.,900 448 2,000 2,000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 851 000 DUES 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 164 City of oaL\na' Kansas DATE 9/11/89 rzocAL YEAR: 1,990 Tzns 8'26'34 puwo. 630 soLzo w*aTs *ccouwr osscnzpTzoN -------------------------------------- OTHER asnvzcsa u c*onose 860 n6l msp*zma - m*mzo 895 wno orHsn cowrpAcruAL. owpzTm- OUTLAY pwu 000 n*ozoa vwm www oTnsm souzpmswT 915 www CAPITAL znpmovsnswT pmoJ. - 915 www - TRAwSFsRSmUT 955 www AoMzwzaTnwrzvs ovsnms*o 960 now oT*sm TmAmorsna 955 000 u7 * « * o c T o z L az�sy sxox rIw*wozA L aYaTsn w sxpswss ADOPTED Awwu�� auoG­cT ospAmT*swr' n,:.im am-zo WASTE auo�sT 1907 z9oo 000pTso sxpswos -------------'---------------------------' sxpswos euo(.;sT o o w u 7.u42 ----------- a.*ow --- -------- o ----------- 9, 48"? zu'zao u7 * « * o c T o z L az�sy sxox ms`*mrmEwr' w w Amswoso 1989 commzsszuw auo�sT sxpswos pnoJscTso Appnovco ����� o o cww zow B, 400 ------_- J'597 7 00 ------_---- r,owo ----------' 14, 180 '----------- :3, 792 J.u'a5w 12'3oo V o o o o w 0 o w r.454 0 6'788 w 91800 18.772 ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -- w 6,788 w 9'800 26'226 T»/s /nc/uues $am,wwo for a new u"i|uins a, the %oL/u was-te faciL/tr, $20, 000 for fencine around the fac|LiIv and $4, 000 for other misceiianeous improvements' 1,600 `.aow w w 4.000 ------ 104,000 ----------- aoo w w 1.31*00 J.'3, 400 13, 4(-')<,) J�s,*ow w aw'wow w w w o ------ ----------- ------'---- ----------- ----------- ----------- o an'000 J.o'4ww Js'4ww 13, 400 1.3^400 Transferred to -the ceneraL punu to cover overhead costs' 1a.oww w ----- Aa'ew» RESERVES vvu mww owLwmv nsosnvs w w 4.500 v.mom o 51000 1'0*0 993 mow m*oH nsasmvs w w 709.089 846'660 w 75*'50* 468.166 993 901 smuzpMswT nsosmvs w w n w o 204'967 275'000 993 pwu LANDFILL PIT msesmvs w w w w w 78'io4 78, 184 pvn pwn EPA nsouzmsMswT nsosRvs w o n w �....... w .......... 701000 .... ... .... �����_ 70.000 m ... ......... w . .... .... 713,589 ono'aaw o J., 1.1.2,655 892^390 ----------- ** oua ospAnTmswT TOTALS ** o ----------- 238.202 ----------- puv.aw* ----------- 1, 003,475 ----------- 154'544 ----------- 1^380'085 ----------- 1.243.060 ----------- *** ospAnTmswT TOTALS *** n ----------- 238, 202 ----------- 929.604 ----------- 1'003'*75 ----------- 1.54'544 ----------- 1 3o0'oao ----------- 1'243'060 ----------- * Fumn sxpswes TOTALS * w ----------- 230,202 ----------- 929'604 ----------- 1'063'4-75 ----------- 1.54,5*4 ----------- 1, 3f:30..085 ----------- 1.'2*3,060 ----------- **** Fuwo wsT nzFFsmswos **** m ----------- 96.610 ----------- o ----------- w ----------- 268'37* ----------- .70, (.>00 ----------- w 165 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION GOLF COURSE DIVISION The Salina Municipal Golf Course, opened in 1970, is located on 137 acres of land. It is a modern, well maintained 18 -hole golf course. The Salina Municipal Golf Course is operated by the City's Parks and Recreation Department. The Golf Course manager oversees the entire operation of the facility including maintenance. Approximately 50,000 rounds of golf are played there each year. The Municipal Golf Course is an enterprise fund. The amount of expenditures is directly related to the revenue generated from the play at the course. This budget provides for a realistic level of expenditures based upon the expected level of play; however, if the level of play is below expectations, the expenditures will be adjusted accordingly. Budget Comments Five full -time employees of the Division are as follows: Golf Course Manager, Golf Course Superintendent, Senior Maintenance Worker, Garage Mechanic and Maintenance Worker. 166 ci,v of saL|na^ Kansas DATs 9/11/89 FISCAL.. ,smR' 1990 Tzns 0.26'34 puwo. 650 GOLF' counss ACCOUNT DsoCnzpTzow ---------------------------- TAXES 410 oow a*Lsa TAX FEES **m wwo sLscTmzc c*nTo *wa wnw pul-L CARTS *47 www CART aTomAcs *ao 321 nsmasRo*zp Fssa *65 ouu Gmssm Fsss 465 nuo CART uasn psse *65 324 mmzVzwc nwmcs 465 325 nsmasn oumc**mss 465 326 OIL WELL LEASE 465 327 TEN pL.AY cwmoa 484 owm Foon/esvsm*ss eszmaumasMswro 590 oww oT*sn msznaumosmswTa roaCEu-AwEOu 61L9 onw oTosn nzacsLLowsoua CARRYOVER SURPLUS apv www c*mnYovsm aumpL.uo ** aua ocpAnTMsmT TOTALS ** *** ospAnTmswT rorm-o *** * F-UND nsyswus To|wL-e * pzwnwczA L. aYsTso ^** ocTAzL, *** nsyswus AnopTco ANNUAL.. mUxGs7 ospAmTmc,wT' woo nsyswus sua ospAmrmswr` 1L987 198o Aomprso Amswoso �9ov msyswus usvcwuE BUDGET ouDGsT nsyswus ----------------------------------------'--'------------------ Pocp 1 1.a m"w*vx azL-sa cowmzoalow pRo.EzTsu *ppmovso -------------------------- w ----------- w ----------- o ----------- o ----------- *'561. ----------- o ----------- w ----------- 0 n o w ^ 4.56J. o o o 73.214 mo'own oo'oow 57'117 m»,wwo oo'oow w 3.725 a'www 6,000 31873 5.000 5.000 w *'955 5'000 5'000 *'570 5,000 51000 w 56'B40 35'000 wnw 29'735 -.iw,wwo 301000 O 1-48'137 161'000 J.61'000 1.31.15J.8 170,000 1.70'000 w *.482 a'www a'oow 3'856 o.www 0'000 w 13.207 j.51000 is,oww i3.2a2 15^000 J.5'mww w 13'428 15'000 1.51000 11'223 19.000 J.9'0om o 2,930 4^000 *,wow 2.625 31000 3.000 w w 40,000 *o.mow 23,260 35,000 s,--j,oaw V ----------- *5'x12 581000 50,000 34'6*6 ----------- 55'000 55,000 ----------' w ----------- 366'030 ----------- 417'000 ---------- 4J.7'w00 315'705 ----------- 425'000 425'000 w ----------- 6'785 2.000 z'wwo ----'------ 4'672 31000 ----------- a'woo ----------- m ----------- 6'785 ----------- u'www 2,000 ----------- 4'672 n^wwo 3.000 w ----------- *55 ----------- u'owo c'ouw 776 1 00 ,.00n ----------- O 455 ----------- 2^000 ----------- 2,000 ----------- 776 ----------- 1 00 J.,000 w w 55^wt6 5a'45 J. o :L5,000 j o ----------- O ----------- w ----------- 5,0 J.6 --'-------- o6,451 ----------- w ----------- J.51 000 ----------- 1115 '000 O ----------- 3n3,270 ----------- 476.016 47�r,*-'-;i 325'714 ... .... .... � *44'000 ��������...... 444'000 w ----------- 373'270 ----------- ----------- 476^016 ----------- ----'------ 477,4-51 ----------- ----------- 325'714 ------'---- ----------- **4^000 ----------- ----------- 44*.000 ----------- o 373,270 476, 01.6 47?, 4-51 -3zz'T14 4*4'e00 444'000 167 City Of Salina, Kansas DATE:' 9/ii/89 FI.SCAL.. YEAR: 5.990 TIME 8:26:34 E:XI'F N' G: AD01 "TED ANNUM... DEI'ART'MENT : 440 GOLF COURSE 1987 1.988 ADOI`''T'L::I) EXPENSE EXF'F_NSE BUDGET F I N A N C I A L S Y f:1. T E. ll FUND: 650 GOLF COURSE ACCOUNT' DESCRIPTION PERSONAL_ SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 171 PARTTIME - CLUBHOUSE '702 172 PARTTIME - MAINTENANCE '703 000 OVERTIME '704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT '711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 714 000 KPERS 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 717 000 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Vi1vANK61o191 0 91. , 750 10'7 , 000 0 45,075 11-501000 0 0 0 0 0 (7 0 0 0 0 0 f) 0 0 :360 0 0 1i,800 0 0 2,150 0 O 9, E300 0 0 2,035 0 1.36, 82 5 1.83, 5.45 TranfErred •t(:) Risk Management. PAGE: i i Y i .�. �t• D II:: T A 7: L.. rr •re .rr. BI °1040J. BILES SUB DI:FFaFi'TMI_:N'T AMENDED 1989 COMMISSION BUDGET E.XF'L••:NSFr I'ROJECT'ED APPROVED 1()7,(300 7i.1 088 108,..'18() 1.1 3,:1.:30 t`';O, 000 38,761 0 0 0 O 34,000 34, 000 0 0 27, 000'7,000 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 1,000 1. , 000 :360 84 500 390 J., Boo 8,948 1.3,000 13,550 -_',150 1,254 2,'':;00 3,020 9,800 3,803 12,000 i3,450 ^-1,035 2,035 2,500 2,500 1&.3, 1.45 1.2`8, 97:3 203,280 21.0, 040 SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 O 0 0 3 500 a:)O 736 000 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 1.0,000 1 0,000 745 000 ELECTRICAL & L.IGHTING 0 1,017 51000 I, 000 18,485 0 0 750 000 GAS 6 OIL 0 O 0 0 O 7,000 ;', 000 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP 0 24,119 22,000 '22,000 1.9,022 0 0 752 000 PARTS - MACHINERY E, EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 16,000 1.61000 '759 000 CHEMICALS 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 760 000 WEARING APPARE:L.. 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 i,000 767 000 TOOLS 0 J., 137 2,000 2,000 531 3,000 31000 790 000 SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES 0 44,351 40,000 40,000 39,312 '71000 71000 '795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 15,862 9,000 9,000 6,84'7 101000 I0, 000 0 86,486 78,00(} S0, 000 84,200 89,500 89,:;()0 CONTRACTUAL. i 811 000 RENT /LEASE 0 24,806 27,500 ''7,500 i:;,979 0 0 820 481 INSURANCE - LIABILITY 0 0 3,980 31950 3,980 4,000 0 0 24, 80,15 3i , 480 31. , 480 19,959 4,000 0 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 :_', 872 :' ?, ::iOO :`.1.e)O 1,496 2, 500 842 000 GAS SERVICE 0 31095 4,000 4,000 2,444 4,000 4,000 845 000 WATER SERVICE 0 ii,O5i 7,500 7,500 1.,654 7,000 7,000 846 000 LIGHT & POWER 0 23,127 25,000 25,000 ii,656 25,000 Z5, 000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 3,171 3,500 3,500 1,194 31000 3,000 851 000 DUES 0 0 () 0 0 500 500 857 000 PRINTING 0 2,002 3,000 3,000 1,638 2,000 2,000 870 000 PRO SHOP 0 2,825 31000 3,000 2,617 31000 31000 871 000 SNACK BAR 0 14,983 15,000 1 :5,000 10,530 5.5,000 15,000 872 000 DRIVING RANGE 0 2,740 5,000 51000 3,ii8 51000 51000 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 13,890 i0,000 1.0,000 7,352 12,000 12,000 168 City of aaL/na, Kansas DATE 9/it/a9 FISCAL YEAR; 1990 TIME 8'26'34 puwo. 650 soLp coumos rzw*ncIAL 1987 s/yTsn woopTsm sxpswss *omprsn ANNUAL auossr mspARTmswT' 440 GOLF couoas aua ospAmTmsw7 pAcs 120 BILIKS ,w 169 1987 3.980 woopTsm AnswmF�o 1. 989 comMzsazow AocouwT nEoonzpTzOm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-------------------------------------------- sxpswss sXpswos BUDGET mumGsT sxpswos pno�scTso m"pRovso oT*sm asnvzcso a c**nsss w 79.756 78.500 70'500 43'699 �.... . ......������ 79.000 79.000 owpzT*L oun-Ar ^ 905 www oT*sm souzpnsmT o ----------- *4'3*2 21'000 zA.'000 11'001 37.220 41'220 w ----------- ----------- 44,3*2 21'000 ----------- 21'000 ----------- il.wmr ----------- 37,220 ----------- *1-220 905 woo Trade 15 5-vr' oLu gas carts for 15 new gas carts and purchase or one greens mower TmAworsmo our 955 000 woMzwzoTn*Tzvs ovsm*sAo w ----------- 0 ta^www 1*,000 m 16^000 1 '55'zow - o ----------- ----------- V 1.61000 ---------- 1a,00w ----------- o ----------- 1.6.000 ----------- oow 955 wwm Transferred to the ceneraL Fund to cover overhead cos+s, msosmvso 992 wmn SALARY msesnvs w o 71030 w m w 11i3w 993 000 CASH RESERVE w ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- 60,861 6 7'3o6 ----------- 9'070 ----------- 151000 7.910 -----'----- o w 67'891 67,326 91070 ----------- 1.5'000 p'o*u 993 oww It is anticipated *15'000 cash wi/L be carried over to the 1991 uuuye+ ** oua ospwmTmswT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 372.215 *76'016 ----------- 47/'451 ----------- 293.91.6 ----------- *44'000 ----------- 4*4'000 *** ospAnTmswT TOTALS *** ----------- w ----------- ----------- 372^215 476'016 ----------- 47 r'43 1. ----------- 293.91.6 ----------- 444'000 ----------- *44^000 ° Fuwn sxpswas ToTm-o * ----------- o ----------- ----------- 372'215 4r6'01.6 ----------- 47r'451 ----------- 293^9ia ----------- 4*4^000 ----------- *44'000 **** Funm NET ozFFsnswcs **** ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- 1'055 o ----------- w ----------- 3J., 790 ----------- w ----------- w 169 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT The Water and Sewerage Department is a combined municipal utility responsible for operating the City's water and sewerage systems. In addition, the Department collects revenue for the City's sanitation service. The accounting for the water and sewerage utility differs somewhat from general municipal accounting. This results from the need to use utility accounting procedures required by covenants in the City's bond ordinances. This Department has four divisions: water supply, customer service and sewerage collection and treatment and industrial pretreatment. The Water Supply Division is composed of supply, purification, softening and distribution for the City of Salina. The water is chemically treated to meet or exceed standards of the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. Compliance with those standards is assured by continual testing in the plant proper, as well as throughout the complete system. Salina obtains its water from two sources: the Smoky Hill River and 15 wells. Approximately 42% of the water is pumped from the river and the balance from wells. Well water is utilized to temper the river water. However, it is the more expensive to process because it requires additional chemicals for softening. The water treatment plant, 4th and South Street, is capable of producing 15 million gallons of water per day. The peak demand has been 14.6 million gallons. The plant has the capability of being expanded to produce 24 million gallons per day. Such an expansion began in 1987 in order to keep abreast of Salina's growth and demands for water. The Water Supply Division is also responsible for maintenance of all water service lines at the utility's expense. This obligation extends from the water main through the curb stop, if the meter is set on private property, or the meter set, if the meter is set on public property. The utility maintains 263 miles of water main. Customer Service Division reads meters each month, computes account charges, provides service assistance to individual customers and collects all water and sewer use fees. The Division also bills and collects for residential refuse collection service. The utility has approximately 17,000 customers and issues about 204,000 bills annually. 170 CITY OF SALINA,KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1990 ANNUAL BUDGET WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT (continued) Sewerage Collection and Treatment Division maintains all sewage collection mains and laterals, sewerage pumping stations and the two treatment plants. The sanitary sewerage system consists of two treatment facilities, 194 miles of lines and 50 sewer lift stations. It is responsible for the treatment of all sanitary sewer wastes generated by the City to standards specified by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. The Director of Utilities / City Engineer is responsible for all activities and programs of this Department. This Department is self- supporting from user charges collected from its customers. No tax monies are diverted to the utility. Rather, the Department makes a $240,000 payment in lieu of franchise taxes to the General Fund. This contribution makes the utility one of the largest tax payers in the City. During the next 3 years, the utility will undertake significant capital improvements designed to renovate, modernize and expand the system's supply, processing and distribution facilities. These improvements will be financed by revenue bond issues repayable from user fees. The Department has 62 full -time employees. Administration. Budget Comments Director of Utilities and City Engineer (1), Administrative Aide (1) . Customer Accountin . Office Supervisor (1), Senior Clerks (4), Clerks (2), Senior Data Processing Equipment Aerator (1), Customer Service Representative (1) , Meter Readers (4) . Distribution. Water Distribution Supervisor (1), Water Meter Repair Technician (1), Dispatch Clerk (1), Lead Maintenance Worker (1), Maintenance Workers (7), Lab Technician (2), Water Plant Operator (3). Softening and Treatment. Water Plant Superintendent (1) , Water Plant Supervisor (1) , Lead Water Plant Operator (1), Water Plant Operator (6) , Water Plant Operator (2) , Maintenance Worker (1) , Lead Maintenance Worker (1) , Maintenance Worker (2) . Collection and Treatment. Sewage System Superintendent (1) , Wastewater Supervisor (1) , Lab Technician (1) , Sewage Maintenance upervisor (1) , Sewer Plant Operator (6) , Maintenance Worker (5) , Lead Maintenance Worker (1) . Pretreatment. Lab Technician (1) 171 Citv0foaI/na^wansa!5 rzwAwczAL aYaTsn pncc 1.21 DATE: 9/11/89 FISCAL.. YEAR: 1990 * ^ * u s T A z � * * * ap0401. Tzms 0'26'34 msyswus anopTso (;wwuAl- auocsr mzLea puwo. avo w,)rsm AND asusm ospAnTnswT' wow nsys�us ospAnTmE.wT' ipa7 J-988 AnopTso Answoco 1.909 oommzaolow *coouNT mEScpzpTzOm -------------------------------------------------------------- msyswus nsysNUs aumcsT oumGsT nsvcwus pmoJscTso m"pnovsm Fsso ............ ------------------------------------ ... ....... -------------------------' *ao 381 WATER CHARGES n 4'050'732 4,737, 440 n^ovw'oow 3'154.022 *,737,4*0 5'000'000 *ao oou nzocsu-*wsouo zwcoms w 189^595 20'000 cw.www 9.054 20,000 20,000 460 383 SALES TAX w 76'417 pa'wow 961000 ^ 60.134 96'000 96'008 460 304 FRONT FOOTAGE & TAPPING w 19'20o 21,000 2 1.000 13'726 21'000 21,000 *aw 385 wsrsn nspoozTa w 37'770 32'000 32'000 2e'1*0 32'000 32'000 *aw 386 METER mspnzn u ssnvzcs w 12.831 10, 00(.) io'wow 7.877 10, 00(.) 1.01000 461 392 SEWER CHARGES O ----------- 1,230'875 ----------- 1,327^1.*0 ----------- 1'275,000 B35, 272 ----------- 1.'327,1*0 J.'3u7'1.4w ----------- O 5'62*.628 6'243,580 ----------- 6.4"-'.')4'w00 4'103'225 ----------- 6'243'580 6'506.1,40 zwrsmsaT 560 www INVESTMENT zwCons w 229.781 250'000 n11" 51 0 o0 309,253 smw'owo 300'000 oa* www Accnusm zwTsnsaT zwcoms m w w w w 0 w - n 229'7aJ. 250'000 3uo^oow ���_ sop'uos aow^oww ����� ...... � 300, 000 mszmaunosmswra 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS o 716.958 o o 3'000'02r u o w 7 16.95 a 0 w 3'000.027 w o mzacsLLAwsouo 615 www oAzw/Loao ON Aaosr SALE w 6'649 o o 239.579 o w 619 www oT*sm nzacsLLAwcouo w 7'533 12'000 ic.000 a'waw J.2.000 1.2^000 ----------- w ----------- 14'182 ----------- 12'000 --'------' 12'000 ----------- 2*5.659 ----------- 12,000 ----------- 12.000 naAwepsmo IN aaw oom oT*sm TnAworsns w ----------- 13'253 ----------- 13'000 ----------- ----------- 1-1, 00(-) 5'5*6 ----------- 131 000 ----------- 131 000 ----------- n 13'253 13.000 J.s'oww 5'5416 13,o0 0 J.31000 660 wwo Transferreu from t 1) e aani+o+inn punu +o cover ui1.||ns cxarnes. cwmp,ovsm ounpLua 699 Vww CARRYOVER SURPLUS w ----------- o ----------- 1'o13'700 ----------- 1'82*'062 ----------- o ----------- 3'Jr3'943 ----------' 3't7s'9*3 ----------- 0 o 1.1 oi3'r0a J. 'a24'o�u o 3.1.r3'943 3'1r3'p43 ** sua mEpAmTwswT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- 6'598'802 ----------- o'aoz'uaa ----------- o' waz ----------- 7'663'710 ----------- 9'7*2'523 ---------- iw'0051083 nsp*nTMswT ToTm-a w** ----------- w ----------- 6'598'802 ----------- 8^332'288 -_--------_ a'aca'oau ----------- 7'663'710 ----------- 9^742,523 ----------- 10'005'003 * FUND REVENUE TOTALS * ----------- w ----------- 6,598'802 ----------- 0'332'288 ----------- 8'62"o,062 ----------- 7,663.710 ----------- 9'7*2,523 ----------- 10'005.083 172 City Of Sa L i na, Kansas 91000 F° I N A N C I: A L S Y 3 'F E: H 0 0 PA(rl::: 122 DATE 9111/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 0 10,939 9,(-)00 x D 1::: T' A I L. -k 3c DF,04oj. TIME: 8:26:34 0 EXPEN',' ;E ADOF"TED ANNUAL_ DUDGEI 40,004 0 0 BIL..E:S FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT 380 WATER 4,960 SUB DEF•ARIMENT : 110 ADMINISTRATION 16,000 0 0 1987 1968 ADOPTED AMENDI:I) 9.969 24,651 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE E::XF•F "NSE BUDGET DlJDGE:T EXFE:NSE F'RO,JECTE::D APPROVED PERSONAL SERVICES 32,500 25,160 .255,160 25,160 25,160 0 83,568 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 0 84,403 64,8;0 6'7,400 60,992 66,624 69,:.'.90 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 0 778 778 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 3,055 3,600 :i, 6()0 a 1, 454 169 5.60 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 0 86,508 92,010 92,010 61,3'73 5,062 ti, 360 '712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 2,424 0 0 714 000 KPE:RS 0 34 , 59.4 36,760 36,760 13,392 J. , "752 1. , 820 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 1.i5,189 147,000 1.47,000 98,422 272 2,6J.0 717 000 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 0 25,700 34,350 34,350 34,350 2,696 2,696 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE 0 3,713 6,000 6,000 2,534 2,400 2,400 0 353,082 384,570 3817,120 274,94t 79,-.153 0-5, 114 71.7 000 Transferred l•o Risk Management. SUPPLIES - 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES CONTRALTI 801 000 803 000 804 000 811 000 811 422 820 481 820 482 825 000 826 000 827 000 839 000 JAL ENGINNERING LEGAL AUDITING RENT /LEASE RENT /LEASE - BUILDINGS INSURANCE - LIABILITY INSURANCE - PROPERTY SALES TAX INT. ON METER DEPOSI'T'S REFUNDED METER DEPOSITS OTHER PROFESSIONAL 801 000 803 000 820 48J. 8'20 482 0 10,939 91000 91000 ;,487 3,U00 0 0 0 0 239,903 1,000 0 10,939 9,(-)00 9 , 0()0 245,390 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 40,004 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 0 4,960 16,000 161000 O 16,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,651 32,250 32,2,-50 0 32,250 0 40,000 37,700 37,700 37,700 37,700 0 32,500 25,160 .255,160 25,160 25,160 0 83,568 96,000 96,0()0 57,001 96,000 0 834 4,000 4,000 3,501 4,000 0 37,000 J.5 , 000 9. ;:; , 000 24 , 100 25,000 0 37,093 60,000 60,000 658 20,000 0 260,606 286,1.10 286,11.0 148,!L20 298,610 Special. engineering contracts for feasibal.itY reports, WiLson & Co etc: For usc.� of City Attorney for other than refa inagc+ fees Transfa-arred to Risk Management. Transferred to Risk Management. -5, 0()0 1,000 4,000 401000 2,500 000 0 37,700 25, 160 96,000 4,000 2`a, 000 20,000 290,610 OTHER SERVICES lk CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 7,409 6,200 6,200 5,654 4,000 4,000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 6,516 6,000 6,000 4,952 7,500 '7,500 851 000 DUES 0 5,407 51000 5,000 16,57'7 27,000 22,000 856 000 LEGAL NOTICES 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 857 000 PRINTING 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 173 City Of Salina, Kansas DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 TIME 8:26:34 FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION OTHER SERVICES 6 CHARGES 886 000 ACCOUNT CHARGED OFF 887 000 FRANCHISE FEES 888 000 DEPRECIATION 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL (351. 000 887 000 TRANSFERS OUT 955 000 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 955 000 ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** F 1. N A N C :I: A L.. f:3 Y `:i T L:: f i Ii._XI'EN" :;E AD0l= ''T1 :. D ANNUAL.. PAGE J.2 5 I) I:: 1 A 1: L.. * E;POA01. DEPARTMENT 380 WATER f:;ULt DEPARTMEN'1 : 1 i (,) f- :DMINISTRA'T'ION 1967 1.98f:3 ADOPTED AMENDED 1.989 COMM l. iSION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET I:_XI 'ENSE I 'RCI..IEC'T E'D APPROVED 0 1.1. , '7;?2 10, 000 10, 000 87 1.01000 1. U , 000 0 110,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43,873 45,000 <j, 0o0 45,000 45,000 45,000 0 1.84 , 927 312,200 31 2, 200 312,270 340,000 33S,000 Includes Central. Ks Who1. esaLe Water Dis:i1-v ic.t duc•�s Transfc;?r•red to the Genera L Fund. 0 0 197,000 1.97 , 000 197,000 1.9'7 , 000 220,500 0 0 1.97 , 000 1.9-7,00(.) 1.97 , 000 197,000 220,500 'T'ransferred to the Genera L Fund to coven overhead costs. 0 809,554 1.1 1.881 880 1 , i91, 430 1, 1.77, 721 91.9, 363 943,'•..'24 174 City Of Salina, Kansas 1:'INANCIAL S Y S 1 1::-* 0 PAGE:: E 1.24 DATE 9/i1/89 FISCAL 'YEAR: 1990 D E. T A I L if B1`040i TIME 8:26:34 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL.. l-.'4UDG­ET PILES FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 300 WATER SUB DES"ARIMENT: 1.20 CUSIOMER ACCOUNT IN(.', 1987 3.988 ADOPTED AMENDED 1.989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET DUDGET EXPENSE 1::'ROJECTED APPROVED PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 0 233,71.9 207,865 25.6,200 1.32,970 190,600 206,530 702 000 PARTTIME SAL-ARIES 0 0 0 0 0 4,288 4,':88 '703 000 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 0 3,636 3,636 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 0 G 0 0 51,061. 480 *M 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 0 0 0 0 0 1.5,339 1. e,, 560 714 000 KPERS 0 0 0 0 0 5,310 5,520 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 1,045 22,1.40 717 000 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 8,170 8,170 0 233,719 207,865 21.6,200 132,970 290,257 269,344 71.7 000 Transferred to Risk Managemen-t. SUPPLIES - 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 E3,229 8,000 8,(100 3,027 3,000 3,000 750 000 GAS & OIL 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP 0 10,749 12,000 i2, 000 2,677 2,000 2,000 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 0 0 0 0 600 600 761 000 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 0 :100 1.00 767 000 TOOLE; 0 0 0 0 0 150 i 5 000 MACH. & EQUIP. (<$500) 0 0 0 0 0 500 ;,.,)()0 781 000 PUBLIC EDUCATION 0 0 0 0 0 1.,000 1_000 '795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 1'000 1, (•)00 0 1.8, 978 . ........ .......... 20,000 20,000 5,704 10,350 10, 31".50 CONTRACTUAL Sli 423 RENT /LEASE - COMPUTERS 0 56,874 .... 60,000 60,000 . .... ....... ­..__._..­.__._, 54,723 . 60,000 ...... 60,0()0 0 .. . ... . ...... 56,874 60,000 ...... 60,000 54,723 60,000 60,000 fti 423 1 nc I ucl es a f r a ns f e v of $55,026 to Data 1::'rcjc:essinq. OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 848 000 POSTAGE 0 29,596 32,000 32,000 iS,507 32,000 32,000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 957 000 PRINTING 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 860 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP. 0 0 1,600 1,600 76C3 1,600 J., 600 860 568 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 865 000 COLLECTION STATIONS 0 1,647 1,'700 1-700 1,006 1,700 J. 1 700 899 000 RENTAL EXPENSE 0 1,714 2,500 2,500 228 2,500 2,500 0 32,957 37,800 37,800 20,589 44,600 44,800 RESERVES 992 000 SALARY RESERVE 0 0 59,900 0 0 59,900 1'2,000 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 2,878,169 3,134,043 0 2,878,169 4,326,176 0 0 2,938,069 3,134,043 0 2,938,069 4,330,176 175 ci+v of aaLina' xansa�i DATE 9/1.1/89 pzocAL YEAR: j.990 TIME 8.26'34 FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER *Ccouwr osoomzpTzow ** aua osp*nTnswT TOTALS ** 176 rzwAwCzA L sYo}si 12o **� osT*zL. *** apo*o� sxpcwas Aooprso Awwu�� nuoFsT azI.sa osponTmsnT' 380 wwTsm suo ospAmTmswr' 1.20 cuaTomsn A,ccouwTzwG. 1.987 1968 *»oprso Amewuso tvap commzaozow sxpEweE --------------------- sxpswas ......... auncET m/ncsT ... .... ------------- ........ ....... - ..... .......... sxpswss ----............. ....... --------------- pnoJscrsu Appnovsn ........ -----'----- -------- w ----------- 3/42.528 ----------- ----------- 3,263.734 3.*68'043 ----------- 213.986 ----------- ----------- 3'343'*76 4,722, 670 176 city Of Salina, Kansas 0 F I N A N C I A L S Y S I E ii 600 0 121 DATE.': 9/11/89 FISCAL.. YEAR: 1990 2,000 ',000 0 x x sc D [% T A 1: 1- 0 TIME 8:26:34 300 EXl::l.:N!3E ANNUAL BUDG'E'l 0 0 0 BILL FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DE.l::'ARTMl:.:NT: 360 WATE: R 0 f -;UE4 DF:'FARIMF . NT': 1.30 I l)l:S*1R'B0l'l0N 0 0 0 1987 1.968 ADOPTED AtlJl:;.'NDED 1989 0 COMMTSSION ACCDUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE [EXPENSE BUDGET DUDGET I".-XPENSE PROJECTED APPROVED PERSONAL SERVICES 5,000 15,000 0 28,657 . . .. .... .... . .. 23,222 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 0 236,599 232,120 21:;4,000 160,113 i85,61! 2,000 0 000 OVERTIME 0 0 O 0 0 12,000 12,000 '704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 50 0 0 4,988 4,9118 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 150,651. 470 711 000 SOCIAL. SECURITY 0 0 0 0 0 1.5, 216 16, 070 714 000 KPERS 0 0 1'000 0 0 5,:_'68 5,460 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 31000 2,809 33,708 717 000 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 8,1.04 8,104 SUPPLIES 731 000 741 000 743 000 744 000 745 000 746 000 '747 000 '750 000 751 000 '752 000 758 000 759 000 760 000 761 000 767 000 '768 000 770 000 771 000 772 000 772 l8i 772 182 772 184 *772 186 780 000 '782 000 *790 000 795 000 796 000 71"1 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL & CHAT PAINTS LUMBER ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING JANITORIAL WELDING SUPPLIES GAS & OIL MAINT. VEHICI ES & EQUIP PARTS MACHINERY & EQUIP SIGNS CHEMICALS WEARING APPAREL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TOOLS MACH. & EQUIP. (($500) METER MAINTENANCE TAPPING SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE - MAINS MAINT. - STORAGE TANKS MAINTENANCE HYDRANTS MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT TRAINING PHOTOGRAPHY SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 731 000 741 000 0 236,599 232,1.20 254,000 160,11.3 204,652 273,840 T'ransferred to Risk Management. 0 0 0 0 600 600 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 ',000 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 0 0 0 0 0 480 460 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 11000 0 0 0 0 0 410 41.0 0 0 0 0 0 250 250 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 15,000 0 28,657 30,000 30,000 23,222 8,,00 8,500 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 so 50 0 0 0 0 0 1'500 1'500 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 2,100 2,100 0 0 0 0 0 1'000 1,000 0 8,716 5,000 5,000 4),05i io 1 000 io, 000 0 1,466 31000 31000 2,001. 51000 '.51000 0 76,456 -?a, (.)00 0(-)0 61.,539 900 86, 500 0 '77,762 52,000 52,000 47,425 1651•0• 65,000 0 2,562 303,000 303,000 8,430 10,000 10,000 0 6,970 7,000 7,000 1,300 9,000 91000 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 2,500 0 0 O 0 O 300 300 0 0 0 0 0 250 250 0 0 0 0 0 250 250 0 2,534 2,000 2,000 36*1 1'000 1'000 0 0 0 0 0 400 400 0 205,123 480,000 4E0,000 i50,335 132,890 218,890 Office supplies for dist, and service orders Fill materiaL for main breaks and new hydrants 177 ci+rofaaLina.xansa� FzwAwczA L aYaTsw PoGc I. 2, oArs 9/ J. 1 /89 pzac*L ,sAn` 1.990 ^ * o F. r * z / * * * 14p040:1. TIME 8.26'3* sXpswas �ompTso *wwuM � ouoGs� az�ss puwu' avo wArsn AND ssws:Fk ospAnrmswr' zmw wA/sn aua ospomrmswr' J.30 ozsrnzaurzow 19a7 1.988 nooprso *mswoso 1. 989 COMM aazow *ocouw/ msacnzpTzow sxpsnos sxpsmss auocsT eunGcT cxrswss pnn'/scTsu mppnovso ------------------------------'------------------------------------------------- oupPLzsS -----'----'--------------------------------'----- 743 www General. upkeep of ma+eriaL and uarricaues 744 000 aarr|caue repa,r - 745 www Lights for qupnse+ ul.ug r46 mww Janitorial. suppl.ies 7*7 wwo Gas for torches and welding rod 750 wwo Gas and oil for u/s+. anu service order trucks 751 oww Upkeep on uist and service order trvcx� - 752 wow Upkeep on uacxhoe' air compressor, and pumps 750 wwo Traffic cones' uarr/caues, rLashers' anu s/yns 759 aww cx/or/ne for main disinfection 7ao 000 uniforms for ten (10) men in uist. and service orders m 1.50/set '76 1. wwo Traffic vests' hard hats, hearing protectors, ^el.me� liners, sl.oves' r ain suits, and boots 767 wwo Hand too/s, ur//ls^ shoveLs' etc. 768 oww Saw u/aues' uri|L bits, air hammer too|s and cx/se|s 770 000 Materials to |ns+a|L and repair meters 771. oww sheLL cutlers' tapping sLeeves and vah)es ' 772 000 main+enance 772 :1.o1 Repairs on water mains 772 Wu unxeep on water towers 772 1.8* maintenance on fire hydrants 7r2 1.86 Maintenance equipment, power +ool.s' tapping machines rom wow Train/rig done ^/n house", safety mee,/vy mater/a/' etc. 782 000 Film, camera' eIc. 790 www materials for reseeding parking after main repair 178 c|+v o-f oaLina' Kansas F z w A w c z A L S Y a T s n PAGE 120 owTs p/li/op rzocAL ,sAn' 1990 o * * * o s T * z L * * * Bp0401. TIME 8'26'3* sxpswss mwoprso owmuwl ouocs/ 5'500 oz�sa FUND: avm w*rsm AND oswsm ospAnTnswT' zmw wA7sm aua ospAmTwswr' 130 ozarnzauTzow oacxhoe and crane renta/ 1987 1.988 aooprso Amswnsn 1.989 cOwnzaszow ACCOUNT msaonzPTIom sxpswas sXpcwos auo�ET aunssT sxpemos pmoJsurso m"pmovco SUPPLIES 7m 000 796 000 CONTRACTUAL 811 owm RswT/Ls*os Bii 421 RENT/LEASE - MACHINERY OTHER ms 843 000 850 wwn 851 eww e57 000 oaw woo 860 561 oam 562 oaw oan oaw oao oaw 569 861 mww oii oww 81.1 421 «vscsa u o*AnGsa eoLzm wweTs ozopoaAL. swpLoYss osysLop*swT ousa pnzwTzwG mspmzno REPAIRS - mAozo nspwzuS - auzLmzwGe pspwzma - oFFzcs smuzp' mspwzRo - souzpnswT Rspmzm - OTHER Lwuwomr u rows/' asmvzcs 0m 000 850 000 851 000 a57 000 oao mww oan 561. aan 562 oaw 563 oaw 568 860 569 Nuts, uo|rs' pipe seaLan-1' pipe cl.eanins ma,eria/ etc. Upkeep on bui l.ding and south yard I w w w w w aww 000 0 w w w o o^wwm o'wwO _____ ___________ ___________ w w ___________ w __ ....... ... ... _____ m w 5'500 "..5'500 Machine hire on Large main repairs oacxhoe and crane renta/ w w o w o to(.) iow w n w w 0 11 000 t'owu w o w o w t5w 1.50 0 o o w w 500 500 w o n w w iwo 1.00 o o o 0 o J.^nww J.,now w w w w w 300 300 w o w w o zw» uow 0 w o w w 1^50n 1, 500 w w w o w 500 oww w o w w w too tow w w w ....... ... ________ w ___________ o 5'450 5'4ow Tras» picx up anu L*nuf/L L fees Schools, seminars, ws' Section meeting � owwe' oacxf/ow prevention memberships uoor xanyers, e+c' for u.st and serv/ce order crews Rep a/rs Radio repair Repair nn uis+ uLuy Repairs on office equipment in service dept. Repairs in equipment in service and uist. me+aL detectors, por+auLe me +ers' portauLe fLow meters, pressure yuayes' etc. Other minor repa/rs 179 City ofsaiina,Kansas FINANCIAL. aYyTsm pAG,s 129 n*Ts 9/11./89 FISCAL. ,sAn' 1990 * * * o s T A z 1- * * * Bp0401 TzMI". 8'26'34 ADoi:--rno ANNUiA DUoGE/ F3 11 1:7a FUND: apw WATER AND SEWER DE:I::'ARTMI::Nf' oao wmE'R auoo�(--)l;TMEwT' 1.30 uzalnzl."Unow 1987 1988 AooPrso 1989 wccouwT nsocmzpTzow sxpEwas sxpswss auocET nuoccT sxpswSs pnoJsc/ su _ .... _ .... ____________________________________........ __________________________________________________________________________ ... .... 861 000 Red rags, f/^or wa,s. etc. -------_--- --------_-- ---_------- -------__- .... ... .... _------..... ** aua DEPARTMENT ToTm-a ~* w 441^722 71.2, J.20 73*.000 3M 448 428^492 co*mzuazow APPROVED -------- 503, 680 180 ci+v of saii^a' Kansas nArs 9/J. 1 /op YEAR' 1990 TIME o'26'34 FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER wCcouwT osocnzpTzow pEPaowwL osRvzcse 701 oow FULL TIME a*LAmzso 702 mwm pwmrrzns ooL*mzsa 703 wwm ovsmTIMs 704 wwm LONGEVITY PAY 7Lo www uwsmpLoYmswT 711 wmw aoczoL. oscumzTY 71* www wpsmo 715 mww HEALTH zwounAwcs 717 www wonxnsw'a compswa*Tzow suppLzso 731 000 7*2 www 752 oom 770 owm 772 wwm 772 185 '77u 186 795 wwm 796 www 717 mww - orrzos ouppLzsa METAL PRODUCTS ponrs - nAc*zwsmr & souzP msTsm mAzmTsw*mcs mAzwrswAwcs m:zwTswAwcs - WATER pumpa nmzwTswowcs - souzpmcwT OTHER opcnArzmo euppLzso auzLmzwGo & Gmouwoa 731 www 742 oow 752 wwV 770 owo 772 ouw 772 185 rru 1.86 795 wVn 796 www oT*so esnvzcsa u c*wmGse a+o wmm cwe esmvzos 8*6 Owm LIGHT u pmusm 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT rzwowcz(-i L oYsTso sxpswas Auop1111) Awwum- muxGc"T p�%ai j 30 * * * n c T (A z L. * * * apw*wi. oz�sa ospAnrmswr' nae WATER 1o* sua ospAmTmswr. 1.*0 pumpzwc w 191-37 1980 moopTso *m�moco J.pop w COMM zaszow sxpEwas ----------------------------------------'--------'------------------------------------------ sxpswoE amucET m.JmcsT sxpswSs pnoJscTso AppmOvEo w 99^546 po'owm pp'woo 65'379 70'w32 7�'8 30 w w w o w 81000 o.now O w 8 O ' w 4,000 *,000 w w 0 w w 1.964 i'9a+ w w w w a J.o'vvv 19w 0 o 0 w O 5.707 6.6*0 w w o V a 1,976 2'0o0 w w w w o paa 1 t 183 w o o 0 o 3'040 3'040 w 99.546 95,000 Transferred to n/sx Management. 99,000 65,379 114,704 I.J.0,544 o w o w w w w w w a w O w w w w V w w w w 4'599 *.500 +,00w n w o w w 4'91.9 a^www a'www w 774 2.500 u.500 ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- --- w 10,292 13, 000 1, o Loy s^ penci/s, etc:. for pump ^o^se' me+aL stock for use in pump houses pacx|ny, covpLinns' etc. to open-ale existing pumps upkeep on te/epe+ry system main+enance Water pumps - yenera/ upkeep awi+c/. year - oenera/ repairs wu+s, uo|+s' gaskets, minor nuases' etc. Mowing, watering suppL/es' w/nuow s/ass' e/c. w 1.356 2,600 z,aon w 83'017 aa'nmo 88.5e0 0 w w w o imo 1o* w TOOw 500 w 500 500 w 500 nww w Soo 500 1, 439 500 �ww w rmo oaw 5'5n1 5)wn 500 255 nOw 300 - ... - ......... - 7'225 / ----------- 3.900 ------'---- a,vow pvz u'oem 2^1400 50'978 oo,owo 88'500 n 150 i5w 181 ci-['o{aaLina.Kansas pzwAwcz(.'j L aYaTsn pmG's 131 DATE 9/11. /89 FISCAL Ysmv' 1.990 * * X. o s r o z L. * * * ap0401 Tzws 0'26'3* sxpswas *noprcu Awwum- ouncsr ozL.sa ruwo' avo WATER AND aswsm nspAnTm�wr' nao uATsn Aua ospamTmswr' ��o pumpzwc 1987 1988 AoopTso Amcwoso J.9a9 commzsszow ACCOUNT osacmzprzow sxpswas sxpswss auncsT mInGsT sxpswas PnoJsoTso Appmovsm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' OTHER asevzcsa & c*Ancsa --'--- ..... ---------------------- ...... ---------------- 857 wwW PRINTING m o o o o aww auo oao oww mspAzpm w w o w o 50 50 oaw 561 mspozme - RADIO w w m w ~ o 51w 50 095 noo oT*sn cowTn*cTuAL w w w w o 11 0001 1'000 w o*'373 ��_.... pi,1.wo 91.1 i0w ������ 51'p7o ����.­ ....... .... 92^a50 92, 850 842 000 water :eaters. furnaces in pump house 846 wwo stec+ric power for high service pumps 850 omn ecxoo/s and seminars for six (a) men /o/s`' ac»ooL for certification) - 857 oww Log sheets, charts, etc. aaw 000 Repairs aaw 561 Radio repair 895 000 ou+siue e|ectrician' we|uer etc. ** aua mspwmTmswT TOTALS ** m 194.211 upv^J.on 203'100 _���. 124'57* �� 21.1'45* .����� 207'29+ 182 City (if SaLina, Kansas 1. N A N C :1. A L S Y 'I E PAGE, 1.3P_' DATE: 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1.990 D ['" T' A I L •A * X 11P040i TIME: 8:26:34 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET BILE15' FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DE PAR I'MFENT: 1.50 SOFTE'.NING & TREATME141' 1987 1.988 ADOPTED AME.NDE 7D 1989 COMMISE)IGN ACCL)UN I' DESCRIPTION . EXI::'ENSE E.XPENSE BUDGET BUDGET EXI::'E'NSE F'ROJEC-1 ED APPROVED PERSONAL ...... ... ... SERVICES . ....... ............. ... . . 701 000 FULL TIME: SALARIES 0 216, 292 21t,000 2,10, 000 1.51 , 204 1-70,403 620 703 000 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 1.2,000 12,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 0 1,714 1-714 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 48,049 440 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 0 0 0 0 0 1.4, 434 1.5,250 714 000 KPERS 0 0 0 0 0 4,99'7 S'tBo '715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 2, 377 28,520 717 000 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 7,688 7, 6B8 0 216,292 . . . .... ... 21.1, 000 . ..... .... ... . ........ .... 230,000 151,204 .... ... .. .... . ...... 269,742 2z-)6,4i2 '717 000 Transferred to Risk Management SUPPLIES 731 000 EIFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 1 1 000 1., ()()0 732 000 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 0 0 0 0 0 200 200 741 000 SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL & CHAT 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 '742 000 METAL PRODUCTS 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 743 000 PAINTS 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 744 000 LUMBER 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 746 000 JANITORIAL 0 0 0 0 0 50 150 746 175 JANITORIAL TOOLS 0 0 0 0 0 300 .3()0 *746 176 JANITORIAL CHEMICALS 0 0 0 0 0 .500 500 746 1.77 JANITORIAL PAPER PROD. 0 0 0 0 0 800 8100 747 000 WELDING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 750 000 GAS & OIL 0 0 0 0 51915 '700 700 751 000 MAINT. VEHICLES & EQUIP 0 24,631 i8, 500 J.0 1500 17,566 ;500 *752 000 PARTS MACHINERY & EQUIP 0 0 0 0 83 1'000 J, , (.)00 759 000 CHEMICALS 0 636,177 550,000 550,000 380,425 1,000 1 1 000 759 050 CHEMICALS - LIME 0 0 0 0 240,000 240,000 759 051 CHEMICALS - SODA ASH 0 0 0 0 0 316,000 316,000 *759 052 CHEMICALS - ALUM 0 0 0 0 33, 120 33, 1.20 759 053 CHEMICALS CO2 0 0 0 0 0 10,080 1 o' 0@0 759 054 CHEMICALS MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 0 0 0 '75,000 7,:;,000 '760 000 WEARING APPAREL 0 0 0 0 0 1,650 j., 650 761 000 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 0 J.1000 1.1000 '765 000 LABORATORY 0 0 U 0 0 5,000 '5,000 '767 000 TOOLS 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 2,'500 768 000 MACH. & EQUIP. (<$500) 0 0 0 0 0 1.01000 j o' 0()0 '770 000 METER MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 J. 000 7*72 000 MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 93 1'000 1,000 772 187 MAINT. - PUMPING STATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 1.01000 10,000 •772 189 MAINT. - SLUDGE LINES 0 0 0 0 70- 10,000 10, 00c) 774 000 PUMPING STATION MONITOR 0 0 0 0 0 i00 i00 780 000 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 782 000 PHOTOGRAPHY 0 0 0 0 0 i00 i00 790 000 SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 '795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 9 2,000 2,000 796 000 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 0 3,489 3,000 3,000 2,144 3,000 3,000 183 City ufsai|na,Kansas FINANCIAL aYalso PAGE `zm DATE 9/J.i/e9 rzacm- YEAR: J.990 * * * o s T A z / TIME 8'26'3* sxpswas AoopTso Awwum- uuoGsi azI so ruwo. apw WATER Awn aswsm ospAnTmswr' 30.0 WATER mm usponTnswr. 1�om sop7ll:.wzuc ° TnsArwcwT 19a7 J'paa AoopTso Axswoso j.vap cowmlaszow Accuuw/ nsacnzpTzow sxpswas sxpswas auocsT m/mGcT sXpswos ,no�scTso �ppnovsm ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----'--'-- ----------- ----------- w 664, 297 571,'--joo mrJ.'sww *06.1.6`5 7,32, 200 7'3z'2om ~ 731 owo Lon s*eels. not pads, compuler paper, floppy uisxs etc. 732 000 Laboratory manuaLs' +echnica/ manuais' e+c' r41. oow Concrete patching ma+er/aLs, ur|vewa, ).(:)Cl(, etc. 742 omw *e+aL stock for pLant upkeep 743 www General upkeep on softening plant 7+* www See 74a - 7�a wow Jani+oriaL suppLies 746 175 Mops, brooms, brushes' etc. 7*6 176 cLeaners' disinfectants. etc. 746 177 paper products, etc. 747 awu Welding rod, gas, helmets, sLoves. etc. 750 www FueL for two (u) pickups and mowers 751 oww Upkeep on two 'z> pickups 752 000 Upkeep on mowers and other moving equipment 759 www cxemicaIs � 759 050 Lime - 3000 ton m ow/ton 759 05 Soda ash - 2000 ton e i5o/ton 759 052 Mum - 400 to e uno/-lon 759 053 Carbon dioxide - 1,4* top m rw/,on 759 054 Ammon ia^ ch|orine' pnLvmer, fLvoride, sou/um hexametaphosphate etc Taw mow Uniforms for eleven (ii) men e 150/man 761 wmm Rain su/ts, soyyLes, face shleLus, etc' 765 wVw ceneraL Laboratory supn|ies for water treatment 184 |0 ci+v of saLina. Kansas oATs 9/11/89 FISCAL rsAn' J.990 TImc e'26'3* FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER wccouwr nsscnzpTzom ---------------------------- OTHER mER e*x www 842 000 e*n www o*a www a+a 493 a+6 494 850 wwm 051 000 857 wwm aao www oaw 561 860 562 oaw 563 oam 568 oaw nav 861 wwm epn www 767 000 768 000 rrw wwm 772 wow 772 Ia7 772 1.89 774 www - 780 wwo 782 000 7pw oww 7p5 000 796 www vzose u cnAncse TELEPHONE GAS aERvzcs ooLzo WASTE ozapoo*L Lzc*r & powsm Lzc*T/powsm - oLuocs Lzws LIGHT u powsm - oTosm smpLoYss osysLopmswT musa pRzwTzwc nspAzmo ncp*zRo - mnozo mspAzmo - ouzLmzmco mEpwzno - oFFzcs sQuzp. nspAzmo - souzpmcwT mspAzm - OTHER LwuwomY & TOWEL esmvzcs oTnsn comTmocTuwL 841 www 842 000 FzwAwczAL 13 YsTs11 *^* o npw*oJ. sxpswas AoopTso *wwum- auo(*.;sT oz-sa ospAmTmswT' aio wwTsm aua ospARTwswr' 150 aoFTcwzws u TREATMENT 1987 19es AoopTso Ancwosn 1.989 commIaazoN sxpswas sxpswos nmoGsT aunssT cxpsmos pno./scrso Appmovsm ---------------------------------------------------------------- ............. .... —'-----------.... - ........ ---- Hand +oo/s. uri1. Ls, nrinuers' r/re hose a,ld oozzLes, e+c' Repairs and upkeep of softening p|ant e-ju/pment ^ Upkeep on f/L+er system metering Pump maintenance in softening pLant Backwash, surface wash and top water pumps oL"uye pumps Filter system moni+ors In house +rain)nn - safety meeiiny mate,ia| e-tc' camera' f/Lm, el-c. Reseeding and Landscaping at pLan-( Misce|l.enous operating supnL|es as needed General. upkeep, window eLasy, s/uewa/xs, rusx mowers' trimmers e+c' m o a W 7.877 i0.'5wO w o o w 69^935 78'000 w 3'*22 3'120 w o w o w o w w w V w o w w w O o w w o o w o o w o w w 14'08T 1.0 .000 w w w w o w o 95^321 1.01'620 TeLepxone Water heaters and furnaces w o 11 500 J.^�ow 1,0'1500 5.O57 1.0,500 1 w.000 � w 200 200 ra'oww *0'220 w w 3, 120 1 '0w7 3'500 a'o*m w m 78 1 000 7a,000 w 6 2,000 2,000 w o uww 208 o n 500 oow o o ow 150 w o 11500 500 0 o� i,5n0 1,500 0 w uww 200 a w oow uow 1o'000 5'32r swo noV m w *wo 400 n o 1,000 t.oww ---------- 101..620 ----------- 5:1'666 ----------- 100.550 ---------- 100.550 185 City ursatioa'Kansas rzwAwczhL- aYsTsm p �� zm oATs 9/il/09 pzocAL Ys*m' J.990 * * * n c T A z I. * * A. K'0401 TIME 8'26'34 sxpsmas aoopTso Awwum- nuois' az�so puwm' apo wATsn AND ssusm ncpAmmswT' 300 wArcm ouo ospAmrmswr' low SmFrswzwc 1.987 1.980 AooPrso Aw:: woco 1989 conm1113szow AccouwT nsacRzpTzow sxpcwas sxpswos nuocsT m/nGsT sxpswes pno/scrso _ ........ _____ .... ... oppmovso ....... _ .... .... __.... _ .... __ 843 000 Tras^ pic»up and /anuf|I L fees 846 www power ,nu Lighting for pLan+ 846 493 aLuune Line power ' e46 494 power ror Sof+eniny pLant- msw wwm achoo/s' sem/nars, conferences for pLant auner,/sor La uora+ory Technicians, and pLan+ personnel 851 aww pwwA dues for Supt. and pLant ouperv'so, msr oow Loy sheets, equipment records etc - oao oow pLan+ and equipment repairs oao 561 n*uio repairs aow 562 o^/1.uins repairs aao 563 office evuipmen+ repa/rs 860 oao Equipment repairs eao 569 wisce|/enous repairs o61. wow Red rags, floor mats mops' etc. 895 www outside serv/ce, eLectr/ciany^ wekuers etc ** aua mspAmTmcwT ToTe-e *v ----------- ---'------- -------'--- -' -------- o 975'910 804'120 903'120 ----------- 609'0315 ----------- 1.'102,*92 ----------' 1'009'1-62 186 oitv or eaLina' Kansas DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: j.vpw TIME 0'26'34 Fuwo. apw WATER AND oswcm wccouwT osacmzpTzmv PERSONAL asnvzcso 701. om» FULL TIME am-Amzso rmu www pAnrTzns o*LARzsa 703 wow ovsmTzms 704 wwx LowcsvzTY PAY 710 www uwsmpLoYmswT 711 owm aoczAL asoumIT, 714 000 xpsmo r�o wom HEALTH zwounAwos 717 oww woRxmEw'a compswoATzow auppILzso 742 000 743 wwn r4* wwm 746 000 746 175 746 1.76 750 www ro1 wwm 752 mow 772 wwo rru 185 77u 1,86 774 nwm rvw www 795 Vow 796 oww 717 owo - METAL PRODUCTS pwzwTa Lunesm JANITORIAL JAwzromzAL - TOOLS JANITORIAL - c*sMzcALo cwo u OIL nwzwr' - vs*zcLsa u souzp p*mTo - mAc*zwsm/ & souzp mAzwTswowcs mAzwrswowcs - w*rsm pumpa MAINTENANCE - souzpmswT punpzwc aT*Tzow momzTon assoa, pLAwTo, rnssa OTHER opsmATzwG auppLzso auzLozmco & smouwno 742 000 r�a ono 744 mno r4a www 746 175 7*a 176 750 oow 751 000 rzwAwcz*L a,o}sn pou. :isa *** osTAzL *** m"04o1. sxpsmss AoopTpo AwwuoL auocsT azL.sa nspAPTmsoT' nao WATER sua uspf)aTmswT' 160 oupp/'Y 1987 J.pao *nopTso Awswosn 1989 connzsSzow sxpsmas sxrswas auosET ... ............ ............ auoGsT . ...... ............... sxpsmss . ...... ppoJscTso ....... AppnOvsm .... ..........�������� w o w w w o aw w V w w 1- 785 w w w o 8 w ~ o 4'000 4,000 w w o w o 664 864 w w m w u 13.807 :L25 w o o w o 4^J. 4a 4.3aw w o o o w 1,436 1.*90 w w w o w 1.150 10.200 w w w w o 2,209 z'uov -------- ----------- ----------- ---------- w o o 0 ----------- 1.78� ----------- 27'314 ----------- 7 6 48 Transferred to Risk Management. w w o w w ton ioo o o w o w nwo 300 8 o w w o iwo iww w o o o p 50 50 o w * w w 50 50 0 o o w w 30 sw w o o n o 750 750 w o o w w 1^500 1.1500 w w w w w 250 250 w o 0 w o i'owo '1'000 a 12.843 zo'wwo 2,13,000 oso 28'000 zo,won m o w w w 2,000 u'000 w w w o V i'oOw i,oww w o w e w 50 50 V o w w �wo oom m 156 C-300 aoo � � a o w e ww -------- ----------- ----------- ----'------ w 12,999 28'000 ua,owo ----------- 854 ----------- 36'400 ----- --'-- 36'4130 Metal stock fo, seneraL maintenance maintenance of well. houses and river pump s+at/on Maintevance of well houses Janitorial. suppL/es Cleaning gear o Lea ners Fuel and oi[ for use in one pickup and mowers Upkeep on one pickup used for supply 187 oi+, oV sal.i^a' Kansas DA n� 9/11/op pzoc*L YEAR: J.990 TIME 0'26'34 FUND: 690 wATER AND SEWI:..R Accouwr mLacnzpTzow --------------------- ouppLzso OTHER mEF; e*1 www 846 mww 846 492 eaw www omo 561 oam 562 oao oao oaw 569 895 oww 752 mm 772 owo 77u 185 772 1.86 77* wmo 790 wno 795 - www 796 wwo vzcso m c*mmsss TELEPHONE Lzc*r a powsn LIGHT/POWER -RIVER zwTAxs mspAzno RspAzFm - nAnzo mspwzme - auzLozwca mspAzpm - smuzpnswT mspAzm - or*sn OTHER CONTRACTUAL a*1 000 846 www 846 *pu aao mww aao 561 aaw 562 oao 568 oaw 569 895 onw ,mmUB DEPARTMENT TOTALa** rzwi - �wcz^L aYaTsa p*o� 1.37 *^* osT*z/ *** m"04ol s,Ps»xaE' AoopTso Awwum- auocsr az sa nspAnTmLwT' nao waTsn aua uspi)nTmswr' �em ouppl Y 1.987 ,,vaa AoOprso A"cwnEo 1909 cowmzsszow sxpswas cxpswss auocsT ------------------... ... .... - ........ -----------.......... - .... ... -- auocsT ........ ---- ......... sxpswos -.... ...... -------- ........ rmo,JscTso .... .... -------------------- Appnovco .... -- Upkeep on mowers and trimmers We 1. L and r/ver s+atioo PUMP /ny eyu/pver.I water we 1. puwps we/L house e«u/pmen+ (e|ec� Mai nten*nce on we|1. and river pump Ie1.ewel.'v Reseeding at we|L houses and rump s+a+|ons Nuts, uo/ts' gasket mater/a/s Repair ronf on we|l. »osve w 20, 836 23'400 2_1;, X400 1.4.694 25'000 25'000 w 5*.560 65'104 al5'io4 38.813 aw'wmw 60.000 w 9'047 7'2o0 r'20 1.+0 14,000 1+1000 w o o w w om ow w m w w o 200 uww o o o o o 15wn 500 0 o o w w 3'500 3,owo w w w o o J.00 J.w0 w w o w n J,,o00 11000 -------- ------'---- ----------- ---------- w 84.4*3 95'78* 9"J, 704 ----------- 53'647 ----------- 104'350 ----------- 1.o4^ w Tetephone charses for +e4w*etry s.onal.s . power fm we 1. houses Power for river pump Rep airs nauio repa/rs ou/l.u/ny repairs squ/pmen+ repairs (te/epetry and sisna/0 nisce|l.enous repairs Outside services (eLectr/cian) ---- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- w 97, 442 124.584 1.24.504 56'286 168, 1.44 216^478 188 City oraaL}na.Kansas pzwAwczA L. sYaTsn pAcc J.na n*Ts p/li/av rzacAL YEAR: 1990 * * * o c T A z L * * * ap040i TIME: 8'26'34 sxpswas mwoprsn ANNUAL auo('A's/ azL.sa puwu. 69e WATER AND aswsm nspAmTmswT' 380 wATsn aua ospAnTmsmr' 160 aupp/'Y 1987 J.vaa AmopTso *mcwnso i989 COMM zaozow AocouwT osoomzpTzow sxpswos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------- sxpswas auocsT ouossT cxpswas pnoJscrso Appnovso ^ 189 c|+y nrSaLina'uansas pzwAwczA L oYaTsm pr-)(a:- 139 DATE 9/ii/89 FISCAL YEAR' 1.9po * * * o s l A z L * * * BF�)*oj' Tzms a'2 6'14 cxpswos AoopTso Awwum- auocsT azLso ruwo. 690 WATER AND sswsn ospAnrmewr' 380 wwTsm suo osp*n/ MEN r` 170 asmvzcs 1987 ipoo AoopTso Amcwoso J.989 ounmzaazow occouwr mssCmzpTzom sxpswss cXpswas -----------........ auucsT ... --------'---------- ouncsT sXpswas ------------'-----------------------'----- pnoJscrso AppnoYco --------------------------------------------------............. psnsow*L osmvzcso 701 www Fuu- TIME sm-Amzsa w w o o o bi'awm ns'zzw 7w� www ovsmTzns w o w w w 4'000 4.000 70* Vwm LONGEVITY pwy 0 w o w . w 16* J.64 710 www uwsmpLoYmEwT w w o w o �a,oaa 130 7i1 mow ooczAL ascunzTY w w o w o 4.165 4.*00 714 www KpERS w o o o w 1.*42 1.495 715 wow HEALTH zwounwmcs o o o w w 5*0 6'480 717 wow womwmsw'a conpswoArzow w w w w m 2'219 2'219 ----------- ----------- w ----------- o ----------- —'--------- w o ----------- o ----'------ 77,696 72.230 717 wwo Transferred -to Risk Management, auppLzsa 741 000 SAND, ROCK. GRAVEL & CHAT w w w w o 500 500 742 800 METAL PRODUCTS o w w 0 w i'oww .1'aon www pwzwTa w o o w w uwo 200 744 wow LuwoEm w o o w o 300 300 750 oow c*o & OIL 0 o w w w 1'400 1'*00 751 wwm m*zwT. - vs*zCLsa & souzp w w w w o i'wwu 1..oww 75� www PARTS - MACHINERY & EQUIP W w w o o 2'000 2,000 758 www azGwo w w w w a 11 000 11 000 760 000 wE*mzwG APPAREL w w w w o 450 450 761 oow pnoTEcTzvs cLoT*zmc w o w w w zwn cwo rao www w*o*' & souzp' ((*500) w o w w o 31000 a'wow 772 www mwzwTswAwcs w o w w w 1'000 11 000 772 183 MAzNT. - osnvzcs Lzwso 0 o w w o 64,080 a*,00w 772 186 MwzNTswAwcs - souzpnswT w o w o o 900 voO 795 mVn oT*sm opsnoTzmG oupp�-zsa w w m w w 1.200 1,200 ---------- ----------- w ----------- o -------'--- ----------- o o ----------- o ----------' 78,i5m 7a,i�'.-;o 741 wwo piLl. for new taps and service l./ne repairs 7*2 oww me-t*L s-tack for use in repairing e�u/pmen� 7*3 own marxiny Paint for utility l.ocales and uar,^caue repair 7*4 oww aarracaue repair and repLacement 750 wmw rue/ and "/| for two service firucxs 751 www Upkeep on two service trucks 752 oww Upkeep and repairs on uacmme' air compre�sors' pumps etc:. 758 omw Traffic cones' u*rracaue r/ashers, uti//tr construct/o^ signs '760 www uniforms for three men m *150 per set 190 ci+vofsaiina.Kansas pzwAwczAL aYsTs* Poo' 14o DATE 9/11/89 pzacAL YEAR: 1990 ° * * m s T A z L * * * opww^i. TIME a'ua'n* sxpswas *nopTso Awwum- auocsr azLsa ruwo' avw woTsn AND ssusm nsp*nTmewT' 380 wATsn aua osponTmswr. J,70 asnvzcs 1987 1.988 AoopTso Amcwoso 1989 comnzsozow Aucouw7 msaCnIPTzow sxpswas sxpswas BUDGET aumcsT cxpswas pRo-JscTso nPpmovcm SUPPLIES oT*sm osmvzcse & coARcse 860 569 REPAIR - OTHER ** aua ospwmTmEwT TOTALS ** 761 000 Boots, rain gear, haruxats, etc. for +x,ee men 76o www mepairs and upkeep on tapp|ns macxine' uri1. ks' saws, e�c' rrz owo Service material-s, uvass, copper. etc. �ro 193 Service //ne rep a/r anu /"s+aI Iation anu //+t/nys' etc' 772 J.aa Dr- i1. L u/ls' saw u|aues' hand too Ls, etc' 795 wnw pipe seaLant^ batteries, soLuer mater/a[' etc' w 7i7'0wo ----------- ----------- -- w 717l 000 -- ----------- ----- w 7i7'000 n o -- ----------- --- n w -- ----------- --- w m w w o -- -------'--- ----'--'--- w o o -- ---'------- ----------- w 155'6*6 i5o'388 191 City ofa*Lina,Kansas pzwAwczAL oYaTsn pose 141 DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1990 * * * o c ap0401 Tzms 8'26'34 sxpswos AoopTsm Awwuo� ouoGs/ nzLsa ruwn' 690 WATER AND aswsn nspAnTmswr' nao uATsm 000 mspAmTmswT 1130 osar asnvzcs 1987 1980 *oopTso Amcwoso 1.989 commzoazow wCcouwr DsocRzPTzow sxpEmos sXpsmos nuncsT ouocsT sxpswos pnoJscTsn m"pmovsD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------'--------'----------------------------------------- msar asmvzcs 930 860 pmzwczpwL - CITY e**ns w 300'000 378.000 opo,wow apu.aaa nro'own *uu'wmw 935 860 zwTsmsoT - CITY a*Ams w 389.597 *93.750 522'078 *30'669 493'750 523.505 9*1 000 zaou*wcs COSTS w 38, 754 ---------- ----------- w ----------' 3'707 ^ 3^707 --------- w —'-------- w ----------- ----------- w 728, 35J. 871..750 9io,705 827, 044 a71,7oo 94(3, 505 *w aua mspwmrMswT TOTALS ** ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- 728, 351 ----'------ 8r1.750 v it; 'ra5 ----------- 827'044 ----------- ar1'rcm ----------- 948.505 192 ci+v of aaLina' Kansas F z w A n c z o L o , s T s w pAcs 142 owTs 9/11/89 FzacwL YEAR: 1990 * * * o c T A z L * * * mp040i TIME 8'26'34 sxpswas AmopTso wwmum- auocsr azLse pnwo' 690 WATER AND osusm Dspwnrnswr' oaw wArsn auo ospomTnswr. t90 cApzrwL OUTLAY 1987 19oa woopTso Amswosm 1989 uommzoazom ACCOUNT osacmzpTzow sxpswos sxpsmos auocsT ouocsT sxpswos pmoJscTso Appnovsm ------------------------------------------------------------------'-----------'----------------------------------------------------- owpzT*L OUTLAY 905 www OTHER smuzpmswT w 2'50J.'508 400^000 *nn.00n 331., 5,62 400'000 ___________ *ww'www 0 ___________ 2,501'508 ___________ 400,000 ___________ 400'008 ___________ ^ 331'562 400,000 400,000 ww Sun mspAnTnEwT TOTALS ** ----------- w ----------- 2'501^508 ----------- 400'000 ----------- 400'000 ----------- 331'562 ----------- *ww.omw ----------- 400.000 ----------- *ww ospmmTMcwT TOTALS *** ----------- w ----------- 6'808'226 ----------- 7^644^288 ----------- 7'940'062 ----------- 3'650^656 ----------- -7'601'017 9.181'*01 193 City Of Salina, Kansas 1::'INANCIAL- 6 Y S T E:: PAGE 143 DATE 9/i1/89 FISCAL YEAR: 1.990 4 -XI * D Fi' I A 1' L BP0401 TIME 8:26:34 EXf:'ENGE ADOPTED ANNUAL 1-'.iUDGET- BILES FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT : 390 SEWER SUB DEPARTMENT: 210 COLL [7 f,' I ION & T'REATMI* NT 1987 i98c) ADOPTED Allf- - i NDI: 7D 1.989 COMMISSION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXI---'ENSE BUDGET ..... ............ 13UDGET ........... . . ..... EXPENSE PROJECTED APPROVED PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES 0 327,500 350,000 350,000 204,323 327,676 340,780 703 000 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 4 0 5,116 5,116 71.0 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 0 0 0 0 66,1.98 790 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 0 0 0 0 0 25,894 27,380 714 000 KPERS 0 0 0 0 0 8,965 9,305 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 U 0 0 0 4,046 48,550 717 000 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 13,792 13,792 0 327,500 350,000 350,000 204,323 403,687 457,713 71*7 000 Transferred to Risk Management. SUPPLIES 731 000 GFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 732 000 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 741 000 SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL & CHAT 0 0 0 0 0 1'500 1,500 743 000 PAINTS 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 744 000 LUMBER 0 0 0 0 0 200 200 745 000 ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 746 175 JANITORIAL - TOOLS 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 746 176 JANITORIAL - CHEMICALS 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 746 177 JANITORIAL - PAPER PROD. 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 750 000 GAS & OIL 0 0 0 0 9,000 9,000 751 000 MAINT. VEHICLES & EQUIP 0 35,18'7 38,000 38,000 18,274 29,000 29,000 752 000 PARTS MACHINERY & EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 0 0 0 0 0 2,400 2,400 761 000 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 113 1'000 1'000 765 000 LABORATORY 0 0 0 0 555 3,000 3,000 767 000 TOOLS 0 0 0 0 111 500 500 76e 000 MACH. & EQUIP. (<$500) 0 0 0 0 0 Soo 500 770 000 METER MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 1"5 2,000 2,000 772 186 MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT 0 28,958 34,000 34,000 19,097 30,000 30,000 772 187 MAINT. - PUMPING STATIONS 0 27,782 33,000 33,000 20,643 30,000 30,000 772 i88 MAINT. - SEWER LINES 0 12,603 13,000 13,000 7,982 13,000 13,000 773 000 Q'S TV EXPENSE 0 513 3,000 3,000 1,356 2,000 2,000 774 000 PUMPING STATION MONITOR 0 io'B90 i i 1 000 1.1.0000 6 1 959 ii,mo 1. :1. 1 3E50 782 000 PHOTOGRAPHY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 12,533 15,000 v5, 0(.)0 7,926 1,300 1,300 796 000 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 0 5,738 7,000 7,000 2,984 7,000 7,000 0 134,204 154,000 154,000 86,005 146,750 146,750 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 0 0 0 38 ilioo iliee 842 000 GAS SERVICE 0 18,235 24,000 24,000 7,208 25,200 25,200 846 000 LIGHT & POWER 0 135,031 160,000 160,000 83,921 160,000 160,000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 500 1,900 851 000 DUES 0 0 0 0 0 200 200 194 City Of aaL|na. Kansas mwTs 9/11/89 Fzec*L m TIME 8.26'34 FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER wccouwT msScnzprzow ------------------------------- FzNANCIAL SYSTsw E*n. 1.990 sxpswas AmopTso wwwum- auncsT ospAmTMsnT' npo ssusn 1987 J.voa AmopTso sxpswes sXpsnas aumcsr oT*sm osmvzcso u o*Ancso 860 www Rspwznm ouw 561 nspwzRo - mmozo 061 wow LAUNDRY m TOWEL asnvzcs w* SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** o w w w � w w m w ----------- ----------- ----------- --- m 153.266 184^000 ----------- ----------- ----------- --- m 614.970 688,000 PAGE :L44 195 *** msTAzL- ap040i azLso aua mspwmTmswT. 2LO coLL-soTzow u TREATMENT omswosm 1989 commzaozom aumGsT -------------------------------------------------- sxpswos pno.EoTso wppnovso w w 500 500 w zow 700 nmw 0 ^ w 400 *»w ----------- -------- 18*'000 ----------- 91'4:L7 ----------- :188'600 ivw'omw -------- 668,000 ----------- 381.745 ----------- 819.037 ----------- 794.*63 195 City of aaiina, Kansas DATE 9/11/89 FISCAL. YEAR: 1990 TIME a'ua'n* FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER eccouwr msecmzpTzow psmeownL asnVzose 701 moo FULL TIME aALAmzss 703 wow ovseTzMs 704 wnw L.owcsvzTY PAY 7jw mwm uwsmpL.oYwswT 7ji 000 aoczwL- osnumzTY 714 mwm wpsma 715 wow HEALTH zwaunAmos 717 mww womnnsw'a uonpswewTzom 726 000 TmwwapoaTATzow wLLowwwcs ouppLzse 731 www 732 wom raw mww 761 wow 76m www -oFFzcs ouppLzso gooua & psnzoozcALa wswmIwG APPAREL pmoTsoTzvs oLoT*zws LAaomwTomr OTHER esmvzcse & c*wmoso e50 www snpLoYss nsvsLopnswT 851 wVm muEo 856 wwm LEGAL woTzcsa 857 www pnzwTzwc 895 000 oT*sm cowTmAcTu*L ~wSUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** *** mspAnTMswT TOTALS *** � Fuwo sxpswos ToTwL.e * **** Fuwo NET nzFFsmswcs **** ** TOTAL msvswuse ** ** TOTAL sXpswosa ** �wwww TOTAL NET mzFFsnEwcs FINANCIAL sYs7sw *�* msTAzL *** EXI---'ENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL. BUDC"ET h*cL A 4u apm*oi azLsa ospAnTnsmT. 39w sswsn amo osp*nTnemT. 220 1987 1.988 AoopTsn Amsw000 J.989 conmzoazmw EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET F.:'XF'ENSE PROJECTED APPROVED w w w w w � w w � O w w m w w � w w w V m w o w w w ----------- o ----------- ----------- m o w 717 000 Transferred to Risk Management. o w J.8, 732 19, 460 0 w w w O w n w w w *'683 ws ^ w w 1, 407 11 490 0 o +87 505 w w 136 1.1300 w w 749 749 w w m 500 ----------- ----------- ----------- w w ----------- 26.19* 24.069 w w w w w w iow w w w m w o oww w w w n o w uww w w o 0 w w iww w w w w o m 300 0 w w w w 0 1, 200 w o o w w w 1'000 w w w w w m so w w w w 0 w uwn w w w w w w uww w w o w w ----------- o ----------- 2'500 ----------- ----------- w ----------- w ----------- w ----------- w w w 3^950 ----------- 0 ----------- o ----------- 0 ----------- w -------�--- w ----------- ----------- 26'194 ----------- -------_--- 29'21.9 ----------- ----------- w ----------- 614.970 ----------- aoo.www ----------- 688,000 381'745 ----------- e45.231 ----------- 023'682 ----------- ----------- w ----------- 7.*23.196 ----------- 8^332'268 ----------- 8'628'062 *.032'401 ----------- 8'446.2+9 ----------- 10'005'083 ----------- ----------- w ----------- 024.394- ----------- w ----------- o 3'631.309 t'296,275 0 w 25'755'811. 33'517,540 __ .... .... __ .... _.... 34'81.2.076 25^301.,761 ----------- 36,353.778 ----------- 36'850'81.6 ----------- ----------- ----------- ��.aoo�ora_ ----------- 33,572,487 --'-------- 34.634.605_ 16.202.215_ 32.496.740 _ 36.850.816 _ -----18,331 -- 18,331- 67,535 -- 54,947- 178,271 9,099,546 3,857,038 0 196