Budget - 1994 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET of the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1994 CITY COMMISSION Mayor Peter F. Brungardt Commissioner Carol E. Beggs Commissioner John Divine Commissioner Evelyn Maxwell Commissioner Joseph A. Warner City Manager Dennis M. Kissinger THE BUDGETARY PROCESS The annual budget for the city of Salina is a one year plan for financing the operation and programs of the city government. The most significant elements in the budgetary process are: 1. The Salina Code requires the City Manager to prepare and present to the City Commission a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year. It is the responsibility of the City Commission, based upon the City Manager's proposed budget, to deliberate upon and to adopt an annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. The City's fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. 2. The City Commission approves the annual budget by city ordinance which authorizes the city Manager to proceed with the budget based upon the ordinance. Also, the commission must adopt the annual tax levy which established city taxes for the coming year. The tax levy must be certified and filed with the Saline County Clerk by August 25th each year. It is characteristic of governmental accounting that the many and diverse activities of the city government are finances from a number of separate sources. This is the result of legal restrictions laced upon the use of public monies by State and local laws which, in essence, require that funds raised for one purpose cannot be used for another. The General Fund is the primary and parent revenue fund of the city and it provides monies for the operation and financing of most governmental programs. The Enterprise Funds include resources received from users of the sanitation, data processing, golf course, solid waste and water and wastewater operations and does not include tax funds. Other special funds of the city, such as debt service funds, are used for specific purposes detailed in law. Many of these relate to the repayment of debt obligations of the City. The annual budget translates the city's municipal services into accounting terminology. Appropriations are divided into funds, departments, and divisions. These broad function and operation areas are further subdivided into personal services, contractual services, materials and supplies, sundry expenditures and capital outlay. The City of Salina operates on what is commonly called a "line item" budget; however, the emphasis in the budgetary process is to analyze each program by its impact upon the citizens of the city. Once adopted, the annual budget serves as the work program for the City government for the forthcoming year. It also serves as a tool for evaluation the continuity of city programs and services as well as a continual measurement of organizations and efficiency. INTRODUCTION TO THE 1994 BUDGET DOCUMENT This introduction to the 1994 Budget document for the City of Salina is intended to provide the reader with an understanding of how the sections are put together. Some time will be spent discussing each section as well as providing an overview of the budget process. We have tried to add just the right amount of narrative throughout the document to make the large amount of numbers not quite so threatening. Please feel free to contact Robert K. Biles, Director of Finance and Administration, with your suggestions on how to improve our budget document. Tax Levy This section contains the City Manager's letter identifying important policy decisions the City Commission must address, including program changes which are included in the budget. This serves as an overview of the entire budget and highlights significant changes from the prior year's budget. Budget Analysis With the fund accounting system of budgeting, it is often difficult to understand the scope of the entire City operation. This section takes detailed information included in each fund's records and combines it to provide some overall analysis. The schedules are loosely grouped as follows: * Schedules discussing mill levies and current tax lids (Schedules A and B) * Schedules summarizing revenue and expenses (Schedules C - E) * Schedule showing total Fund Balances (Schedule F) * Several schedules which discuss specific cost allocations or revenue allocations with other units of government (Schedules G - I) * Summary of capital improvements planned (Schedules J & K) * Summary of budgeted transfers among funds (Schedule L) General Fund The General Fund contains all activities for which special funds are not allowed under state law. Thus, it contains a wide variety of activities from administration to police and fire to a museum. The General Fund also has the most varied revenue sources of all the funds. To help the reader understand the various services funded, budget comment sheets are placed before each new department or sub-department. Special Funds These are funds for which very specific revenues are designated or where expenditures are related to general government purposes. For example, the Tourism and Convention fund gets its revenue from the transient guest tax and those revenues must be spent for tourism and convention activities. An index is included for that section. Internal Services These are activities which exist to provide services to other City departments. The costs of running our Central Garage, Risk Management and Data Processing functions are allocated to various other funds based upon each funds use of the services rendered. Enterprise Funds This section includes those activities which are entirely supported by user fees. In effect, each fund is run and accounted for as a business. Water and Wastewater, Sanitation, Solid Waste and the Golf Course comprise these funds. Budget Process Around July 1st of each year, City staff presents the City Commission with a working budget document for the next year. During July, the City Commission holds several public work sessions to discuss the proposed budget. Near the end of July, the City Commission sets a maximum budget to be published in the local newspaper. In mid-August, the City Commission holds a formal public hearing on the budget and determines the final amounts to be included therein. By August 25th, staff transcribes the final budget onto state forms and delivers two copies to the County Clerk. One final word should be given regarding the budget format. Each sheet shows the revenues or expenses from two years ago, last year, the 1993 adopted budget (from August 1992), the amended 1993 Budget (from June 1993) and the recommended 1994 budget. This columnar format is intended to allow comparison among years. Please feel free to contact Robert K. Biles, Director of Finance and Administration, with any questions you might have. We certainly appreciate your interest in the City of Salina. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS INDEX TO BUDGETED FUNDS Bicentennial Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Business Improvement District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Bond and Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Central Garage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Employee Benefits ................... .. .............. .......... . 106 General Fund Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Golf Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 174 Risk Management .. ... .......... ....... . .. ................... .. 148 Sanitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Solid Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Special Alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Special Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Special Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Special Parks . ...................... ............. .. . ........... . 125 Tourism and Convention .. ........ .......... .. ...... ...... . .. .... 122 Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Water and Wastewater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Worker's Compensation Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 CITY MANAGER · DENNIS M. KISSINGER City-County Building . 300 West Ash Street . P.o. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 TELEPHONE (913) 826-7250 . FAX (913) 826-7244 Salina tdb:I 1TIr "" July 6, 1993 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission City of Salina, Kansas Mayor Brungardt and Commissioners: In accordance with Section 12-1014 of the Kansas State Statutes, I am submitting for your consideration a proposed Annual Budget for the City's fiscal year beginning January 1, 1994. This draft budget document includes allocations for the General Fund, various Special Funds, the Bond and Interest Fund, Internal Service Funds, and Enterprise Funds. City staff has been working on the budget since April, with various reviews and revisions at the Department, Finance and City Manager levels. This budget is presented to the Commission in a timely manner which will enable you to review it carefully, request additional information from city staff and make the important policy decisions and/or necessary budget revisions. While the basic purpose of the budget is to give an account and yearly plan for government finances, it also serves as the blueprint for the year's activities. Long-range goals are reflected in budget decisions; action steps are translated into numbers. The proposed budget presented by the City Manager to the Commission represents staff's best effort at translating your legislative priorities into programs. Through it, we can examine the implications of policy decisions for operating and capital improvement programs. The City Commission provides policy direction to staff throughout the year: by the legislative decisions you make; by your goal-setting discussions; by briefings and discussions concerning federal and state mandates; by your adoption of a capital improvement plan; by discussions during reviews of the City's financial condition; and by reviews and discussions during the year of our operating services and programs. All this Commission policy direction is used by the staff in budget development. Current Budget Schedule: Wednesday, July 7, 1993 - Draft 1994 Budget to City Commission Thursday, July 8, 1993 - Special study session for meeting with outside agencies receiving city financial support or service contracts. Intended to discuss their programs, performance and future programs and funding requests. Monday, July 12, 1993 - First Budget Review and Discussion at Study Session (Law Enforcement and Capital Improvements) 1994 Budget Page 2 Thursday, July 15, 1993 - Special Study Session for meeting with remaining outside agencies to discuss programs, support and funding requests. Monday, July 19, 1993 - Second Budget Review and Discussion at Study Session Monday, July 26, 1993 - (a) Third Budget Review and Discussion at Study Session (if needed) (b) Set formal Public Hearing date and set property tax mill levy for Public Hearing. (tax levy and certain budget totals may be reduced, but not increased after this date). Monday, August 9, 1993 - (a) Public Hearing on 1994 Budget (b) Budget Resolution adopted (establishing fund expenditure limits and property tax mill levy) (c) First Reading of Appropriation Ordinance Monday, August 16, 1993 - Second Reading of Appropriation Ordinance Overview The proposed 1994 city budget anticipates expenditures of $33,488,678 (see Budget Schedule D; Column 8), balanced by anticipated revenues of $33,711 ,601 (schedule C; Column 8). Within the tax-supported funds, expenditures of $17,728,678 are matched by revenues of $17,944,664. In addition to the operating, debt service and cash-funded capital outlay expenditures above, the budget plan anticipates issuance of $990,000 in General Obligation Bonds for major capital projects, as well as $300,000 in Utility Revenue Bonds for major rehabilitation of sewer pump stations throughout the city. Debt service payments on these bond issues will first appear in the 1995 budget, and generally be paid out over ten years. A major concentration for 1994 is public safety. The City Manager's proposed budget recommends the addition of one firefighter position and several new positions in the Police Department. Additional information is provided in a later section of this budget message, with a more detailed report for staff/Commission discussion at the July 12 budget study session. Major Objectives The city staff is proposing a budget designed to meet these primary objectives: 1. Maintenance of strong, basic city operating services. 2. Continuation of a conservative but progressive capital improvement program. 1994 Budget Page 3 3. Continued stabilization of city mill levy and continued reduced reliance on property taxes to fund city services. 4. Meeting financial planning goals for fund balances. Objective 1 - Services This budget contains no significant new programs. Our concentration is on meeting standards of excellence in the service programs provided today. Staffing changes are included in certain departments where service demands exceed our ability to respond in the most effective manner. A. Law Enforcement - By far the most significant initiative proposed in this budget is the strengthening of our direct services to citizens through police department patrol activities. Coupled with the regional drug enforcement program previously approved by the Commission, the coming year could bring the biggest changes in many years in Salina law enforcement. The authorized sworn police officer staffing was essentially the same in 1992 as it was in 1972. During that same period of time, the number of households and businesses in the city has grown tremendously, as well as the city territory to be covered by patrol. More significantly, calls for police service increased in that time period from 13,364 to 31,865. Case reports have doubled; arrests are up 7,270; and Part I (Serious Crimes) are up from 1,461 in 1972 to 4,292 in 1992. Over the past years, the Police Department, under the direction of former Chief Woody and Chief Hill has managed through greater productivity and a variety of other methods to meet service obligations without significant additional staffing. That is no longer the case. The City Manager and Chief of Police believe we are at the point where additional patrol strength is essential to meet the safety and service needs of the community, as well as officer safety. In addition, the support services requirements brought about by the increase in activity as well as state and federal records and report mandates, necessitates additions to the civilian staff of the records section. In evaluating the best method of providing additional police patrol staffing, it became clear that we needed to find the most cost-effective approach. Throughout the history of the department, we have used sworn police officers for the dispatch function. We simply cannot afford that luxury any longer. It is clear that a transition to fully civilianizing the dispatch function is in our best interest. We must use our sworn and highly-trained officers for direct law enforcement functions. By replacing with civilian dispatchers those officers currently assigned to dispatch, we are able to add five officers to our direct police patrol division complement at a cost far less than that of directly hiring five new 1994 Budget Page 4 officers. One additional patrol officer position is also proposed, funded primarily through savings from an internal reorganization which eliminated some positions in higher ranks (made possible through recent retirements). As stated previously, full details of this proposed law enforcement staffing plan will be provided to the City Commission at your July 12 budget study session. We believe the public safety changes are necessary and advisable, as well as affordable in the 1994 budget. B. Fire - This budget proposes the addition of one Firefighter/EMT to the current staff levels. This change will equalize the number of firefighters assigned to each shift at 25. Currently, the shortfall of one firefighter on a shift makes it extremely difficult to meet minimum staffing needs, particularly that of a 24-hour EMS supervisor, and a minimum staffing of four personnel on an engine at Station Two (South Santa Fe). This engine is the backup company for Stations Three and Four which most often have three firefighters on duty. C. Recreation - A sports/programming specialist new position is recommended for 1994. Growth in programs and participation has led to this position need. It will be fully funded by growth in recreation program user fee revenue. D. Other Operating Services Staffing Changes Data Processing - Add 10 additional hours weekly to change a computer operator position from classified part-time to full-time in order to meet growing internal computer service requirements. Forestry - Add additional hours to combine two part-time/temporary positions into a full-time Maintenance Worker I position. Primarily for safety and productivity purposes. Objective 2 - Capital Improvements The budget proposes a 1994 capital improvement plan virtually identical to that tentatively approved by the Commission earlier in 1993. Project additions include: (A) Softball Diamond Relocation Project - This project (relocation from Schilling area to East Crawford Recreation Area) is proposed for beginning in 1994 and full use in 1995. The project was identified by the Commission in our C. I . P. as suitable for 50-50 funding. The current plan is to issue $200,000 temporary notes for construction in 1994-95. The notes would be paid off over four years, 50% from a softball user fee surcharge and 50% from the General Fund (bond and interest). In the five-year C. I. P., this project did not have a specified year of construction, pending financial analysis. 1994 Budget Page 5 (B) Centennial Road Reconstruction - Perhaps the largest project in our five year C. I . P. is the Centennial Road project, currently planned for 1996. In order to proceed with federal highway grant funding applications, we should begin design work in 1994. This budget proposes up to $350,000 in G. O. bond funding for the Centennial Road engineering design. (C) A 1994 construction project outline (Schedule M) is attached to this budget message. Further information will be provided July 12. Objective 3 - Property Tax Stabilization The 1994 budget calculates a mill levy by using the amount raised by the 1992 levy (for 1993) and adding only the amount generated by new construction. This results in a total revenue increase to the city of only $44,000, by a city mill levy of 30.276 mills. These minor adjustments were made necessary by the 1992 constitutional amendment for property tax reclassification. We are pleased to continue our past stability with one of the lowest city property tax levies in Kansas. By this budget, the city continues to reduce its reliance on property taxes to fund city services. Sales tax and user charges are the primary replacements. Objective 4 - Fund Balance Goals In previous financial policy discussions, we settled on a range of 10% to 15% of expenditures as being our target for fund balances in the tax funds. A 15% level would be $2,700,000 balance in the tax funds. As presented to you, this budget carries a projected fund balance of $2,927,552 in the tax funds (a 16.5% level). Decisions to be made by you in the budget process obviously may impact this final amount, but clearly we will be able to meet or exceed the $2,700,000 year end target fund balance and meet this financial policy goal. General Personnel Issues 1. Pay Plan Adjustment - I am recommending a modest adjustment in the City's Pay Plan of 2%. While not quite matching the projected rate of inflation, this change appears to be appropriate and affordable. The Commission should also remember that the majority of city employees (particularly those not in the upper pay grades) remain eligible for in-grade merit/step increased (3% between steps) in accordance with our classification and Pay Plan. 2. Health Insurance - Our change in plan design last year appears to be a continued success. We had an outstanding first half of 1993. Staff fully expects no increase in health insurance premiums for 1994. This would result in continued stability for both the city and its employees. 1994 Budget Page 6 3. Lon~evity Plan Pro~ram - Staff recommends continuation for 1994 at the same level of the longevity pay program first implemented by the city in 1988. Enterprise Funds 1. Water and Sewer - 1994 will be the first full year of staffing and operation of the new Wastewater Plant with associated operational costs reflected in that budget. No substantive changes are planned in the water division. At this point, no water or sewer rate increases are planned for 1994. 2. Golf Course - The weather problems of 1993 have had a significant negative impact on revenues and the financial condition of the Golf Course Fund. It appears higher fund balance reserves should be provided for in the future. While this is in the earliest stages of analysis, a user fee increase for 1994 is likely. 3. Solid Waste - Landfill tipping fees are proposed for 1994 at $16.00 per ton, double the 1993 rate, in order to obtain compliance with federal environmental mandates. With the uncertainty as to actual costs, we have reflected significant dollar amounts in an EPA compliance reserve in the 1994 solid waste budget, with spending allocations, to be made at a later date on receiving better costs and regulatory information. In addition, the countywide solid waste master plan must be accomplished in 1994. 4. Sanitation - The increased landfill tipping fees will result in a projected residential sanitation charge increase of $1.00 per month ($5.90 per month to $6.90). Outside A~encies The Commission will be meeting during the budget process with representatives of outside agencies which contract to provide certain public services (Chamber of Commerce economic development) or which receive allocations from the city for public purposes served (Municipal Band, JAYCEES fireworks, etc.). The draft budget reflects allocations at 1993 levels, pending any revisions you may direct after your meetings and discussion. Miscellaneous Policy Issue Saline County officials have asked the City to consider allocating a one-time amount for 1994 to the County assist them in the transition year costs of jail operation. Long-term operations funding for the jail remains a difficult issue for the county, particularly with the current state tax lid. It is an important community issue and impacts us as all criminal 1994 Budget Page 7 justice issues are directly related (police, sheriff, courts, jail). Commissioners should be prepared to discuss the policy and financial issues involved in this request during the budget review process, ultimately making the policy decision on this matter as you deem appropriate. Staff will provide further information. Summary No city budget can provide for meeting all the needs and desires which could be identified by the citizens of a community, nor by a city staff dedicated to meeting those expectations in the best possible manner. Numerous department project or program funding requests or increases were eliminated or reduced during the City Manager's budget review. However, I believe this budget provides the resources needed to help city departments and our employees to do our service jobs well, using all our skills to gain the maximum benefit for the community from those resources. This $34 million budget does meet our major objectives, as well as hundreds of more specific service requirements. We look forward to working with the City commission during your process of final budget review. Once adopted, we will all give our best professional and personal effort to implement the 1994 budget efficiently and effectively consistent with your policy direction. Acknowledgement I want to first thank our Department Directors and their staffs for presenting reasonable and responsible budgets. Service growth demands and mandates continue to require their best professional skills. Assistant City Manager Mike Morgan provided his valuable counsel in the review process. As always, Finance Director Bob Biles provided outstanding information and fiscal analysis. His Finance Department staff, both in the Finance and City Clerk Divisions deserve our appreciation for long hours of work on budget preparation and assembly. I am grateful to each of them, as well as the City Manager's Secretary for her assistance. Respectfully submitted, ~~&~ City Manager SCHEDULE A BUDGETED REVENUE COMPUTATION OF TAX LEVY FOR 1994 BUDGET YEAR 4.00% DELINQUENCY R KB 8/6/93 94 levy $770,139 $1,847,756 $722,161 $287,337 $1.037,240 $32,089 $76,990 $30,090 $11,972 $43,218 LEVY $802,228 $1,924,746 $752.251 $299,309 $1,080,458 -------- FUND Genera Employee Benefit Utility Special liability Bond and Interest $4,664,633 -------- -------- $194.359 For 1994, the aggregate tax lid for the General and Utility funds is $3,666,678. The total levy proposed for these funds is $1,554,479 The remaining tax authority under the tax lid for these · is $2,112,199. The three other funds listed are outside lid. $4,858,992 -------- -------- ,unds the tax Total Note I The 1993 assessed valuation for the 1994 budget Is $162,785,794. s a decrease of .48% from the 1992 assessed valuation of 20 Note 2 This $163,565 SCHEDULE B RK. fj B!5193 (94T AXHIS) MILL LEVIES BY TAXING DISTRICT WITHIN SAliNA CITY LIMITS 1993 LEVY FOR 1994 40.880 28.849 24.911 5.188 1.900 1.S00 1 992 LEVY FOR 1993 43.882 29.849 21.718 5.057 1991 LEVY FOR 1992 83.372 29.828 20.464 4.574 1990 LEVY FOA 1991 79.472 30.028 20.122 4.318 989 LEVY FOA 1990' 76.492 30.015 9074 4.099 1988 LEVY FOA 1989 95.639 36.360 23 460 5.153 987 LEVY F"OR 1966 86.779 36.360 21000 4.967 1986 LEVY FOA 1967 61.673 36.360 21000 4.290 985 LE VY FOR 1966 80048 36.360 21000 4.277 984 LEVY FOR 1965 72.950 36.360 6.156 4.174 983 LEVY FOA 1964 61.320 36.360 6156 6.305 TAXING UNIT CITY OF SALINA SALINE COUNTY LIBRARY SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY STATE OF KANSAS USD 305 SOO SOD SOO 500 SOO soo 500 soo soo soo 03.228 02.006 39.736 35.440 60 31.1 2 62. 52.626 45.023 43.165 33.140 23.641 TOTAL TAX LEVY 1993 LEVY FOR 1884 39.60'l(, 27.95% 24.13% 5.03% 1.84% 1.45% 1992 LEVY FOR 1993 43.02% 29.26% 21.29% 4.96% 1991 LEVY FOR 1992 59.66% 21 .35% 14.64% 3.27% 1990 LEVY FOR 1991 58.66% 22.17% 1466% 3.19% 969 LEVY FOR 1990 58.31% 22.68% 14.54% 3.12% 988 LE VY FOR 1969 59.00% 22.43% 14.47% 3.16% 967 LE VY FOR 1966 58.17% 23.62% 13.76% 3.27% 1986 LEVY FOR 1967 56.46% 2507% 14.46% 2.96% 985 LEVY FOR 1966 55.91% 2539% 1467% 2.99% 964 LEVY FOR 1985 54.79% 27.31% 13.64% 3.14% 1963 LEVY FOR 1964 49.60% 2941% 14.66% 5.10% TAXING UNIT LIBRARY SAUNA AIRPORT AUTHORITY STATE OF KANSAS USD 305 CITY OF SALINA SALINE COUNTY II 100.00% .47% 00.00% .07% 00.00% % 00.00% 11 4% 00.00% .1 0.93% 00.00% 0.96% 00.00% 03% 00.00% 05% 00.00% .13% 00.00% 21% 00.00% TOTAL TAX lEVY SCHEDUlE B IIKIl 6/6/93 (94 T AXHIS) MILL LEVIES BY TAXING DISTRICT WITHIN SALINA CITY LIMITS 993 992 991 990 989* 988 987 986 985 984 983 $156,367 $149,938 $160,357 $163,565 $162,786 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- $117,422 $114,503 $111,856 $108,678 $107,448 $104,103 ASSESSED VALUATION (OOO'S) -0.48% 2.00% 6.95% % -4 7% 33.1 2.55% NCREASE IN ASSESSED VALUATION AND DECREASE IN MILL LEVY IS DUE TO RECLASSIFICATION YEAR 2.37% 2.92% .14% 3.21% l'EflCENT GROWTH 1993 LEVY FOR 1894 $G,G55 $4,688 $4,055 $845 $308 $244 1 992 LEVY FOR 1893 $7,178 $4,882 $3,552 $827 $245 991 LEVY FOR 1992 $13,3G9 $4,783 $3,282 $733 $241 990 LEVY FOR 1991 $1',9'G $4,502 $3,017 $647 $225 989 LEVY FOR 1990 $11,961 $4,693 $2.983 $641 $235 988 LE VY FOR 1989 - $11,230 $4,269 $2,755 $605 987 LEVY FOR 1988 $10,165 $4,163 $2,405 $571 986 LEVY FOR 1987 $9,158 $4,067 $2,349 $480 985 LEVY FOR 1986 $8,699 $3,952 $2,282 $465 984 LE VY FOR 1985 $7,838 $3,907 $1,951 $404$ 983 LE VY FOR 1984 $8,384 $3,785 $1.890 $656 TAXING UNIT USD 305 CITY OF SALINA SALINE COUNTY LIBRARY III $18,804 ------ ------ $16,685 $22,408 $20,308 $20,512 $176 $19,036 $172 $17,476 68 $16,222 $1 $163 $15,561 $161 $14,306 56 $12,871 $1 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY STATE OF KANSAS TOTAL. TAX LEVY SCHEDULE C CITY OF SALINA BUDGET ANAL YSIS BY CATEGORY OF REVENUE FOR THE 1994 BUDGET RKIl 816193 !HBIJDREV) TOTAL .14.878.348 .2.880,840 .814._ $385,808 $2.817,250 CARRYOVER SURPlUS .2,064,058 .407.873 .54.185 .22.045 .360,488 TRANSFERS .557,537 ANTICIPATED REVENUES $12,256,753 .2,452,967 .859,815 $363,761 $1,944,590 OTHER $83,500 INTEREST $350,000 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FINES $424,000 FEES $1,245,200 INTER GOVERNMENTJ $1,118,043 $175,000 TAXES $9,036,010 $2,2n ,987 $859,815 $363,761 $1.304,590 FUND General Employu B.n.ht. Utility Special liability Bond" Inte'eat .692,161 $30,000 $610,000 $610,000 $22,036.042 .n.469 '475._ ....937 ....938 .1,531,168 $1,157,680 .513,273 $977,015 $144,580 ....0.115 '1.804.834 $2.289 .534 $877,138 .13,355.415 .2,908,458 $2.451 $0 $2,238 $2.237 $356.168 $247.880 $117.149 $502,687 $21.045 .158,028 '808.334 .717,534 .67.939 .4,215,415 .1,249,698 .300,000 $476,124 $474,3'" '202,586 $17,877,886 $75,000 $475,000 $84,701 $84,701 $1,175,000 $610,000 $0 $0 $823,535 $121,500 $996,300 $1,572,000 $609,200 $9,140,000 3,500 $1 $350,000 $75,000 $424.000 $1,245,200 $1,293,043 $84,701 $84,701 $1,175,000 $13,842,143 $475,000 T ax Fund. 8usin801 Improvement Diat. T ouriom & Convention Special Parka .. Rec. Special Alcohol Spacial G.. Tu Bicf'ntennial Cerlt': 1M ot",) $61 0,000 $823,535 .120,000 $1,300 $250,000 $2,200 $100,000 $20,000 $22,000 $2,000 $200,000 $1,500 $975,000 $1.300,000 $590,000 $8.840,000 Ri.k MMagemen Worker', Comp. ReaerY' Central Garage Data Proceooing Sanitation Solid Wa.le $33,644,823 $2,637,445 $15,000 Goff Count Wate, .. Sew. ....,272.lI.29 $9,925.350 $2,702,758 0,535 $594,000 $685,000 $424,000 $13,561,700 .14,332,143 Total Budget Percentage of antiCipated r~venUe IV 0000% 1 9% .77% 2.04% .26% 4031% .84% Not.: Thi. worksh..t breako out the to1411994 budget into 116 varioue components and showI total anticipated rev.nu.. and tot41 r."oureea 4vailabl. 42.60% SCHEDULE D CITY OF SALINA BUDGET ANALYSIS BY CATEGORY OF EXPENDITURE FOR THE 1994 BUDGET RKB 8/6/93 (94BUDEXP) TOTAl .'4,171,3441 $2,aeo.14O .tn 4,000 .315.101 $2,117 ,250 RESERVES .2,349,011 .220.000 .' 00,000 .25,000 .'50,000 TRANSFERS .765,784 .340,000 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES $11,763,551 $2,300,840 $114,000 $0 $2,847,250 CAPITAl OUTlAY $735,700 DEBT SERVICE OTHER SERVIC TOTAl CONTRACTUALAND CHARGES OPERATING $1',OU,851 $2,300,640 $814,000 $713,870 $814,000 $1,078,859 SUPPLIES $952,070 PERSONAL SERVICES $8,283,052 $2,300,640 FUND Gonoral Employoo Bonomo Utility SpoClal Bond a. $360,801 $2,847,250 $0 $0 liability Intore.t $22,036,042 $n,461 .475.000 .as..37 .as ,131 .',531.181 .',157,610 .513.273 .177,015 .144,510 ....0.115 .',104.834 .2,211.534 $877.13t .13,355,415 .2,844,01 $311,8as .207,113 .,40,1,0 $715,015 .60,000 .10,000 $571,231 .314,115 .",130 $4,575,834 $1,466,590 $17 ,000 $190,000 $16,137 $225,000 $6,500 .2,112 $102,194 $46,284 .46,950 $582,131 $17 ,725, 441 $60,459 $2115,000 $0 $86,931 $"6,502 $949,767 $452,363 $262,000 .718,080 $397,423 $923,402 $1,158,365 $532,059 $1,197,642 $735,700 $706,600 $111,000 $1,500 $2,847,250 $167,000 $42,800 $1,233,000 $40,000 $624,350 $14,142,491 $60,459 $285,000 $0 $86,938 $277 ,902 $838,767 $450,863 $262,000 $788,080 $230,423 $880,602 $625,365 $492,059 $5,170,892 $1,527,870 $28,500 $299,000 $3,702 $1,078,859 $60,459 $285,000 $56,938 $952,070 $133,490 $52,200 $2,000 $10,583,692 $115,912 $485,567 $58,561 Tax Funds Bu.in.at Improvement Di. T ouriam .. Conw.ntion Special PllIk. a. Rec Spocial Alcohol Spocial Gao Ta. Bicentennial Center otal for $14,400 $37,000 $231,500 $167,500 $134,000 $1,079,100 $2,000 $388,600 $262,000 $5,000 $15,600 $118,500 $17,500 $370,000 $684,830 $6,250 $136,950 $120,720 $88,000 576,608 $188,860 .'82,173 $496,552 $218,645 $252.559 $2,145,184 Ri.k Management WORe,', Compo R...",. e.ntra! Garage Olll:4 Proce,aing S~nitation Solid Waate Golf Course Water a. Sewe $2,402,400 $1 $3,653,118 $46.272,121 $1,114.402 .2,773.086 $33,505,441 $3,663,950 $5,249,650 ,841 $24,59 $3,522,572 $2,670,456 "4,725,695 T olal All Budgeted Fundo Percentage 0 anticipated expen.e v 00.00% 0.94'" 5.67% 73.40% % 0.5 7.97% 0.9O'JD break. out the 10lal1994 budget inlo 113 and .how.total operating coata, anticipated 994 budget total. 43.95% Not.: Thi. workah.. lJariouI components expenditure. and the SCHEDULE E CIIVOfSA!INA EXprNDITUItES OY rUNCTlON HI\U 816193 XflllJN) TOTAL '14..111,348 .....a.- .....- ....- .....,.151 RESERVES '2.341.01' '220._ "10._ ".,010 ., 5O.DOG 12,144.01 TRANSfERS $111.114 '340._ ANTICIPATED EX P EN DITUR E $1',183,.. 12,300.840 "14,DOG sa 82.141.250 OE~ SERYIC DO CAPlfAl CUIlA 35 TOTAL OPERATING $11 ,D2/ .15 $2.300,840 1114 ,ODD $0 $0 OTHER '281,282 $820,258 $'24,000 COIlIlUNI HFAIIII AND OEYELOPIIENT WELFARE '426,910 $133,288 HJHAl 08 CUt $J5D RfCHEAllON $1,81&,256 WORKS $1.158,-498 SAfElY '~,a80.384 " ,3.0,'" GOVEHNUE:N $1,12'3,019 UNO (,! Nt-itA EIIPIOIII OENE UTIlIfY SPECIAL lIAHllITY BONU & INTFRfST 53.D.Ill. $290,000 $12.0....2 '".451 1411._ ....111 ...... ",Ul.l11 ",151_ $IU ,211 ..n.... ....- '.".11' 1''''4,1lI4 12.21.,53' ..n ..ft 1",355,415 131.'- '201.1'1 1'4a..,a 1111.a,. 150.allO .....010 1".,231 1384,"11 ....130 '4.515."4 .. ,4...... IU.OOO ".0,_ .....31 ,22..DOG ".500 $2.n2 $1112.04 '41,214 "',150 $582,'. '11,175,44 $80,458 1215,000 $0 ,1.,9se .... .502 '848,1" $452,3&31 '282 ,ODD 1"1,010 1381,423 1823,402 '1.151.385 un ,059 ",117,142 " ,841,2~0 ",14 1,250 00 $101,800 "11.000 $1,500 SI6/,OOO '42,100 1.233,000 '40,000 "24,350 $I3~ 42,49 $80.4~9 $215.000 SO 'S6,931 $211 ,802 ,'3.,181 '450,1&3 '282,000 Ill. ,DID $230,423 '810,&02 S82~ ,365 1492,058 ,~, 110,182 114. '1 ,/2~,~41 1118.010 180,458 '215,000 '''28,910 $66,938 '133.266 01 13MI 11,S/6.2~6 $131 $1,446,498 $88U ,GO? $825,385 902 $2 " ,280,148 23,098 $450,ln '282 ,ODD $2'30,42 $1 SPECIAl ALCOHOl SPECIAl GAS ~ICINIINNIAl CINIlH RISK IIANAGEIIENT WORKER'S COIlP. RESERYE C EN I11Al GARAGE DATA PROClSSIN< '2..402,400 '492.059 /0,192 $> WAS SOLI ....212.121 ........112 $2.113,081 133,505.44 15.248.850 13.663.9~D 124.591.84 '2.859.08 '483.908 '133,288 oa 3>0 1;3,00/.082 2> SB.40 SI.260,148 12,088,385 urdu Hudgeleo .1 IUIIII 1~.61'1o 0.94" "" 8.~3" "" '0" D'" 8.9/" D/" ::''-8/'' I" flHtCliOl VI U..,m by C,l,J6rlSOS /;tnd bats IS tloctl6dlllc faktlfi Ule 1994 budgoted ItXldlun ..thin city govlnlme,.. NO VII RKB 8/6/93 SCHEDULE F (94FB) CITY OF SALINA COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED FUND BALANCES AT DECEMBER 31 VARIANCE 1993 --------- REVISED 1994 FAVORABLEI FUND BUDGET BUDGET <UNFAVORABLE> ----- - - -- ---------- ---------- - -- ------ TAX FUNDS: GENERAL $2,064,056 $2,349,011 $284,955 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT $407,673 $220,000 ($187,673) UTILITY $54,185 $100,000 $45,815 SPECIAL LIABILITY $22,045 $25,000 $2,955 BOND & INTEREST $360,499 $150,000 ($210,499) ---------------------------- --.-.--- TOTAL TAX FUNDS $2,908,458 $2,844,011 ($64,447) BID $2,459 $0 ($2,459) TOURISM AND CONVENTION $0 $0 $0 SPECIAL PARKS $2,236 $0 ($2,236) SPECIAL ALCOHOL $2,237 $0 ($2,237) SPECIAL GAS $356,168 $319,666 ($36,502) BICENTENNIAL CENTER $247,680 $207,913 ($39,767) RISK MANAGEMENT $117,149 $140,910 $23,761 WORKER'S COMPo RESERVE $502,667 $715,015 $212,348 CENTRAL GARAGE $21,045 $50,000 $28,955 DATA PROCESSING $156,029 $80,000 ($76,029) SANITATION $608,334 $578,238 ($30,096 SOLID WASTE $717,534 $384,885 ($332,649 GOLF COURSE $67,939 $98,130 $30,191 WAl ER AND SEWER $4,215,415 $4,575,634 $360,219 ---------------------------- - ---. TOT AL ALL f- UNDS $9,925,350 $9,994,402 $69,052 ---------------------------- ---------------------------- NOTE: This schedule compares the estimated fund balances at the end of 1993 and 1994 and shows the change between years. Please note the total tund balance for tax funds is expected to decrease $64,447. The City has also pledged up to $450,000 of tax fund balances for Saline County SCHEDLl.E G CITY OF SAliNA SUMl.1ARY OF PERSONNa COSTS 1994 BUDGET RKIl 8/6193 (94S.ALARY) Tolal Payroll $6,000 $174,706 $210,701 $80,190 $104,792 $85,160 $2,194,833 $115,168 $34,190 $2,648,296 $141,737 $160,053 $575,560 $73,247 $105,296 $494,668 $46,000 $45,403 $495,637 $130,699 $132,959 $121 ,668 $0 $71,773 Parttime $6,000 $3 ,000 $2,940 $8,820 $128,500 $46,000 $5,000 $241 ,000 $11,950 $57,338 $13,960 $18,223 $12,150 $5,000 $20,758 Tolal Fulltime $0 $174,706 $192,478 $68,040 $104,792 $85.160 $2,189,833 $94,410 $34,190 $2,648,296 $138,737 $160 ,053 $575,560 $70,307 $96,476 $366,166 $0 $40,403 $254,637 $118,749 $75,621 $107,706 $0 $71 ,773 LongeVIty $606 $1,084 $1,225 $1,820 $898 $14,466 $410 $972 $29,276 $1,764 $884 $8,840 $1,102 $1,750 $4,132 $820 $1,894 $852 $702 $542 Overtim e $464 $5,000 $2,000 $3,000 $450 $163,750 $6,000 $500 $153,500 $2 ,000 $1 ,500 $12,000 $1,500 $4,000 $5,500 Fulllime $173,634 $186,394 $64,815 $99,972 $63,812 $1,991,617 $66,000 $33,218 $2,465,520 $134,973 $157,669 $554,720 $67,705 $90,726 $356,534 $39,563 $252 .243 $117 ,897 $74,919 $107,164 Dept Cby Commission City Manager Finane e Personnel Buildings Human Relations Police Mlnicipal Colfi Parking Control Fa-e Permits and Inspection Engineering Shet Flood waks Traffic ConTol Parks SWimming Pools Neighborhood Centers Recreation Arts & Humanities Smoky Hill Mlseum Planning Herl1age Commission Cemetery $1,024 $2,500 $68,249 $8,248,732 $115,912 $483,167 $54.161 $580.639 $12,400 $79,348 $12,230 $7,668.093 $103,512 $403,819 $41,931 $75,065 $1,016 $2,539 $518 $383,664 $4 ,000 $26,000 $7.209,364 $98,496 $375.280 $41,413 T olal General Special Gas Bicen1Bnnial Center Risk Management $8,901,972 $145,540 $140,611 $394 ,822 $179.020 $210,094 $1,6&6,276 $684,617 $23,000 $11,000 $65,000 $22,842 $8,217,355 $145,540 $140,611 $371 ,822 $168.020 $145,094 $1,663,434 $79,138 $2,188 $998 $4,764 $1,008 $1,458 $18,344 $413,664 $2,070 $1,000 $5,000 $6.000 $0 $51,700 $7,724,553 $141,282 $138,613 $362,058 $161,012 $143,636 $1,593,300 Employee Benefit T olals Cenlral Garage Data Processing Sanitabon Solid Was1B Golf Cou-se Water & Se_ $10,264.544 --------- --------- Total VIII ,658,335 $11 $806,459 $10,851,876 $107,898 NOTE: ThiS worksheet reports !he total amount of wages budgeted by !he City 01 Salina fa 1994. Full time and parttime wages are shown. For 1994, !he City's payroll will be almost $11 ,659,000. $479,434 --------- --------- IX x e SCHEDULE e e RKS S!29/93 CITY OF SALINA (94EMS) 1994 EMS BUDGET ALLOCATION GENERAL FUND SALARIES $593,511 GENERAL FUND OPERATING $106,850 CAPITAL OUTLAY $51,800 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: HEALTH INSURANCE $75,000 KP&F $78,940 LIFE INS. $2,980 WORKER'S COMPo $33,120 UNEMPLOYMENT $2,140 -------- TOTAL COST $944,341 LESS: ESTIMATED COLLECTIONS $322,119 -------- TOTAL COST TO ALLOCATE $622,222 ===I:l~a== SALINE COUNTY SHARE (90% S560,000 -------- -------- CITY OF SALINA SHARE (10%) $62,222 '. -------- -------- Under an Interlocal agreement with Saline County, the City of Salina operates the county-wide ambulance service with Saline county providing 90% of the tax revenues required to run the service. For 1994, user lees will generate 34% of revenues. SCHEDULE J CITY Of SALINA 994 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PROPOSED AKB 8/6/93 I94CIPI TOTAL REVENUE BONDS GO. BONDS OTHER WATER AND SEWER SOUD WASTE SANIl AflON DATA PROCESSING BICENTENNIAL CENTER GAS TAX FUND GENERAL FUND PRO,E CT $2,526,750 $550,000 $624.350 $1,233,000 $42,800 $167,000 ,000 $,1 $108,600 $550,000 ImprovementG budgeted aa calh expendlhJreo Vehicle. and Equipment $300,000 Str~.t Hepair Program: Include. curb and gutter; crack .eaJing, aahpalt and concrete etr..t repairs. ,lurry s8al program $230,000 $180,000 $50,000 Mulb<lrry Bndqe n.novation $30,000 $30,000 Sid.wal~. $75,000 $75,000 Park Improvements $1 00,000 $100,000 Public Buildingo and fACiliti..: $aO,OOO (2) (3) $40,000 $40,000 O,lkdal. Sound.tag. $aO,OOO $50,000 $30,000 General SeNice, Facility $60,000 $60,000 $1 Bicentennial Center Airlock $3,731,750 to to $270,000 $624,350 ,233,000 $1 $42,800 $167,000 ,000 $708,600 $575,000 mprovementa Total Caah $60,000 $50,000 Improvements fund.d bV Bonde: Schilling Bridge Oe.ign $360,000 $360,000 Centenntotl Road O.OI~ $125,000 $200,000 $300,000 $365,000 $125,000 $100,000 (4) $1 00,000 Ninth ilnd Broadway Softball Oiamondll . $300,000 Rehabilitate Pump Station. $365,000 $990,000 $990,000 (5) II. Station 14 Addition and Quint Unit $1 ,390,000 $5,121,750 $300,000 $300,000 $100,000 $370,000 $0 $624,350 $0 $1,233,000 $0 $42,800 $0 $167,000 $0 ,000 $ $0 $708,600 $0 $575,000 Total Bonded Improvements Total Capital I mprovament Plan XI $25,000 Kanoao Department of Transportation Donation. Sanitation $25,000 and Solid Wast. Surcharge on Participants Net coa' after aale of existing equipment (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) e e e SCHEDULE K CITY OF SAliNA OUTSTANDING GENERAl OBlIGATION BONDS MAY 1. 1883 RKB 1/28193 (MBONDS) PRINCIP AL DUE BY YEAR 2003 2002 2001 130,000 140.000 1711,000 125.000 70,000 2000 45.000 130,000 140.000 175.000 125.000 70,000 999 115.000 45.000 130,000 140.000 176.000 125,000 70,000 898 90.000 115.000 45.000 130.000 140.000 180.000 125.000 70.000 1997 500,000 100,000 115,000 45.000 130.000 140.000 180,000 125.000 70,000 996 $270,000 500,000 100,000 115.000 45.000 130,000 140,000 180,000 285.000 85.000 995 $260,000 500.000 100.000 116.000 45,000 130,000 140.000 180.000 1566,000 85.000 994 $250.000 600,000 100,000 120.000 45.000 130,000 145.000 180.000 620.000 85,000 983 $240,000 500,000 125,000 120.000 45.000 130,000 145.000 180.000 420.000 TOTAl OUTSTANDING $1.020.000 2,500,000 615.000 815,000 360.000 1.170.000 1 .270.000 1.605,000 2.640,000 885.000 BOND ISSUE 1886 (P-2361 1987 DOWNTOWN (P-233) 1988 (FLP-234) 1889 (P-235) 1990/8-2361 1991 (P-237) 1991 (P-2381 1991 (C - 2391 1882 (P-24O &. R-24Ol 1993 (P-241) 70,000 m,OOO 125,000 70,000 ""fT".OOO t640,OOO _5,000 $800.000 $895,000 ,405.000 $1 $1,830.000 $2.100,000 $2.155.000 $1.905.000 $12,6&0.000 CURRENT OUTSTANDING YEAR DEBT SERVICE SCHEDUlE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST DUE BY 2003 2002 2001 137,800 145.640 184275 139.625 71.240 2000 47.788 145.470 157.010 183.375 146,750 82,110 1999 122.130 80.512 153,010 185.410 2012.300 153.625 84.840 998 es,738 128,203 53.235 180.420 173,600 216.300 160,250 87,465 997 533.250 112.113 136.218 55.836 167.700 181.580 224.MO 166,625 88.915 996 $285.390 568.000 118,488 143.175 58.590 174.850 188,350 233.310 336,670 87.190 995 $289.950 !S9Il.250 24 .838 50,075 81.200 181,870 196.910 241,410 641.703 90.570 994 $293.700 630.000 3 .138 162.275 83.788 188.696 209.885 250.500 722.050 106,289 893 $298.660 661 .250 183.951 169.335 88.485 163,410 182.808 221.100 485.43. TOTAl $1,165.700 $2.988.750 $748.266 '1,012,411 $457.517 $1,473,226 $1.605.093 $1,967.510 $3.085.139 $857.069 BONO ISSUE 1986 (P-236) 1987 DOWNTOWN IP-2331 1988IFLP-234) 1989 (P-235) 1990/8-2361 1991 IP - 237) 1991IP-2381 1991 (C-2391 1991 (P-24O &. R-240l 1993 (P-241) 73,185 $73,185 XII 32.375 711,285 ealI,840 _8,480 $n2.483 .827 $831 $1,076.21 .668.277 $1 $2,183.013 $2.576.n6 $2.758,351 $2,410.438 $15,358.681 CURRENT OUTSTANDING SCHEDULE L CITY OF SALINA 994 BUDGETED TRANSFERS R KB 8/6/93 (941HANSF PAGE NO. PAGE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TO FROM $70,330 CITY MATCH OF DARE AND DRUG GRANT: $17,000 LIABILITY AND PROPERTY INSURANCE 467, .61 DOWNTOWN PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST 110,000 SUBSIDY TO BICENTENNIAL CENTER 101,293 DATA PROCESSING CHARGES 340,000 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 360,806 LIABILITY INSURANCE 17,000 DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE 190,000 BICENTER CONVENTION SUPPORT 86,937 HELPS FUND THE PARK BUDGET 225,000 STREET PROJECT PRINCIPAL & INTEREST 6,500 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 2,692 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI POLICE GRANTS 149 RISK MANAGEMENT 144 BOND AND INTEREST 137 BICENTENNIAL CENTER 160 DATA PROCESSING 153 RISK MANAGEMENT 149 RISK MANAGEMENT 5 GENERAL 137 BICENTENNIAL CENTER 5 GENERAL 144 BOND AND 66,800 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 36,194 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 35,600 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 0,684 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 42,900 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 4,050 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 308,300 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 89.733 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 01,293 DATA PROCESSING CHARGES 12,600 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 18,009 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 22,138 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI 30,066 PROPERTY AND WORKER'S COMPENSATI NTEREST 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 5 GENERAL 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 5 GENERAL 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 5 GENERAL 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 5 GENERAL 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 60 DATA PROCESSING 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 53 RISK MANAGEMENT 26 POLICE 39 FIRE -- EMS 84 GENERAL-CONTINGENCY H GENERAL-CONTINGENCY GENERAL-CONTINGENCY 1 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1 SPECIAL LIABILITY BUSINESS IMPR. DISTRICT TOURISM AND CONVENTION SPECIAL PARKS SPECIAL GAS . CENTRAL GARAGE . DATA PROCESSING SANIl ATION SANITATION u.. 84 149 & 149 & 68 72 72 77 77 49 & 149 & 149 & 49 & 49 & 49 & 49 & SOLID WASTE SOLID WASTE COURSE COURSE 82 WATER & SEWER 82 WATER & SEWER 84 WATER & SEWER 84 WATER & SEWER 86 WATER & SEWER 90 WATER & SEWER 98 WATER & SEWER GOLF GOLF $2,773,086 N AND OUT TOTAL TRANSFERS XIII the budget as both a revenue and expenditure causing in the total budgeted amounts. This schedule details the individual transfers. These ate deducted from the budget to arrive at the total anticipated expenditures tor 1994. Transfers show up in a double accounting R KtJ 7/6/93 CITY OF SALINA SCHEDULE M (94CONSTR) PROPOSED 1994 CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS GENERAL G. O. REVENUE PROJECT FUND BONDS BONDS GAS TAX OTHER TOTAL --------- -----. ----- - - -- - - -- -- --. SCHilLING BRIDGE DESIGN $50,000 $420,000 (1) $470,000 CENTENNIAL ROAD DESIGN 350,000 $350,000 NINTH AND BROADWAY 125,000 $125,000 STREET MAINTENANCE 600.000 $600,000 SIDEWAl K CONSTRUCTION 30.000 $30,000 PUBLIC BUilDINGS 100,000 $100,000 Gr:NERAL SERVICES BUilDING 30,000 50.000 (5) 580,000 BICENTENNIAL AIRLOCK 60,000 (2) $60,000 FIRE STATION #4 ADDITION AND QUINT UNIT 365,000 (4) 5365,000 PARKS AND RECREATION 75,000 $75,000 OAKDAlESOUNDSTAGE 40,000 40,000 (3) 580,000 SOFTBALL DIAMONDS 100,000 100,000 (6) $200,000 REHABILITATE PUMP STATIONS 300,000 $300,000 ------- -------- ----- ----- - -- - -- ------ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $275000 $990,000 $300,000 $600,000 $670,000 52,835,000 ---.---- - -- -- ------- 1 KDOT PARTICIPATION 2 BICENTENNIAL CENTER FUND 3 DONATIONS 4 NET COST AFTER SALE OF EXISTING EQUIPMENT 5 SOLID WASTE FUND - $25,000; SANITATION FUND - $25,000 6 SURCHARGE ON PARTICIPANTS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL FUND 1 PAGE 71 18 85 80 7 9 47 13 33 37 40 42 52 82 20 11 28 66 31 57 59 61 44 16 76 22 68 83 2 73 49 64 54 INDEX DEPARTMENT Arts and Humanities Buildings . . . . . . Capital Improvements Cemetery (Gypsum Hill) City Commission . . City Manager . . . . . . Engineering . . . . . . Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire: Administration EMS ........ Fire Suppression Prevention & Inspection Flood Works . . . . . . . Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . Human Relations . . Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . Municipal Court . . Neighborhood Centers Parking Control . . Parks and Recreation: Downtown Forestry . . . . . . Parks ....... Permits and Inspection Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recreation . . . . . . . Reserves and Transfers Revenue (General Fund) Smoky Hill Museum Street '.' Swimming Pools Traffic Control ~ 9ZI< I<ZI< 000 000 X~~ ~onbTT aq~ JO a~~qs S.A~T~ aq~ 'uoT~~nT~A passass~ uodn %SE pu~ uOT~~Tndod uodn %S9 pas~q s~uawu~aA06 T~~oT 6uo~ paPTATP a~~ sanuaAa~ s.a~~~s aq~ JO %6ZE'1< JO T~~o~ v 'X~~ saT~s s.a~~~s aq~ wO~J awo~ spunJ (~~~) uOT~~npa~ X~~ wa~oT~^ PV TV~o~ aq~ '~sa~ aq~ sUTv~a~ A~UnO~ aq~ pu~ uOT~~Tndod uodn pas~q saT~T~ o~ ~uno~ aq~ JO %OS sa~nqT~~sTP A~uno~ aq~ 'uoT~~nT~A passassv uodn %SE pu~ uOT~~Tndod uodn %S9 pas~q A~uno~ q~va O~ pa~nqT~~sTP sT ~I '~~60~d sTq~ ~apun s~uawu~aA06 T~~oT o~ XV~ saTvs s~T JO %L9E'E sa~nqT~~sTP a~v~s aq~ sT ATTVnba papTATP aq~ 6uo~ X~Nno~ - swa 000 LEI< ~Nno~ - wnasnw 000 9EI< XV~ ~onOI~ 000 9ZI< "!LLA~ 000 I<ZI< ~Nno~-~I~ 000 EZI< OONHI 000 In TV~NaWHaa^OO~a~NI En 000 911 '1 OSE Z6 LL 6ZE SSZ 11 ZEZ SZZ 8ZT 8H 881 LE8 901< 1 LZO 6ZE 9 18 OEE L9Z Zl OLZ SSS 000 ZH ETZ 8LL Z8Z S8L'101'1 ----------- OOO'SSE o 198 9L6 81<9 OOE Z6 lSE 68Z ZT 191'LLO'1 ----------- OOO'SSE o 198 OOS OOS OOE Z6 9EE 08Z Zl EI<0'811'1 ----------- 000'98E o 10L 01S ZEO 008 1<8 6EE E6Z H S'~'V'~ punJ o~ pasn 'pund Tv~aua~ aq~ uT JO sanuaAa~ sso~6 JO %S aTqv~ sanuaAa~ sso~6 JO %S ~a~vM ssa~~v ~ad q~uow ~ad I<L'$ auoqdaTa~ sanUaAa~ sso~6 JO %E sv~ sanuaAa~ sso~6 JO %E ~T~~~aTa :a~v sa~v~ xv~ aSTq~uv~J '1<661 ~Od ~a~nsva~~ A~uno~ aq~ Aq papTAo~d a~v sa~vWT~sa xv~ aT~Tqa^ 'suoT~~aTTo~ xv~ ~vaA snoTAa~d aq~ JO %Z'Z ~v pa~ndwo~ a~v saxv~ ~uanDuTTaa '8ZI<'I<I<$ sT~nDa sTq~ 's~TWTT A~T~ aq~ uTq~T^ uOT~~~~suo~ ^au o~ ATT~VWT~d anp uOT~vnT~A passassv uT asva~~uT pa~vWT~sa uv o~ anp anuaAa~ xv~ uT asva~~uT %16' v sapnT~uI anNa^a~ aIDiHS UI< SOl< ZOI< lSE 000 000 sT %01< 6uTuTvwa~ aq~ pa~Tpa~~ sT %09 q~Tq^ aUTT s 101< 000 SSE HI< I<SE HI< ESE HI< ZSE HI< lSE HI< ZZZ on 01Z on 000 on 000 SOl< 000 ZOt' 000 101< saxv~ ~a~VM - xv~ aSIH~NVMd a~av~ - XV~ aSIH~NVMd aNOHda~a~ - XV~ aSIH~NVMd ~I~~a~a - XV~ aSIH~NVMd SV~ - XV~ aSIH~NVMd ~~lI--XV~ SaTVS ~I~--XV~ SaTVS XV~ SaTVS xv~ a~~IHal\ XV~ ~~adO~d ~NanONI~aa xv~ X~~adO~d LOE'I<ZO'8 'osz '101 '881 'I<ZL 'I<I<Z '886'1 SZL'E ETZ 000 TZ9 8ZT S88 6n 96S o Z8L 68S o L8Z LlS'LOE'6 OEZ 191 061 S69 09Z LSS'Z E HL lSZ I< HZ 000 ET9 TLl I<H ELZ Z06 o 06Z 699 SSS OE6 E8S'8Z6'8 OlrZ SH 961 OEL OSZ OOS 001'Z 066'E HZ LZ OES 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 10L 000 Z88 988'8 SZZ OH OOZ OZL OOE EH OSI'Z OSS'E 61<Z LZ OES HO 000 000 000 000 000 ISI< 000 000 10L 000 Z88 010'9EO'6 OEZ 8H 10Z OZL OSZ OSL'Z OS8'E HI S OLL 000 000 000 000 000 o 000 000 TLS OOE 6ET ~NnO~~V NOI~dI~~saa Las anNal\a~ OOV s~X 1 anNaA:3:~ lIVax ~s~ ~aoona aa~dOOV E661 ~aoona aaaNawv E661 aal\O~ddV 1<661 Z ~Naw~lIVdaa ans aNIM E6/ZZ/L nva vUHvS JO A~T~ 001 'IVlIaNa~ SVSUVll TV~SId lIVax 1<661 ~NaW~lIVdaa 000 anNa^a~ d I ~ N V N anNaAIDI aa~dOOV I ~ v TVnNNV W a ~ S x S ~aoona T E M S Y S A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED REVENUE 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1994 APPROVED 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET REVENUE LAST YEAR REVENUE DEPARTMENT YRS AGO REVENUE 2 GENERAL FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT FEES FINES 490 492 000 o 424 424,000 o 424,000 o 168 o 353 395,001 o MUNICIPAL COURT LATE PAYMENT CHARGES 000 000 000 000 o o o o o o o o 000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 424 80 140 424,000 000 o o o o o o o o 000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 80 115 000 000 o o o o o o o o 000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 424 80 115 168 205 800 824 323 918 949 518 604 125 944 190 250 045 050 900 o 495 o o 737 623 800 600 481 115 165 062 o 738 620 855 998 501 300 353 1 3 3 3 9 14 2 3 154 1 3 3 1 18 395,001 257 987 030 235 773 435 751 812 338 III 120 000 960 925 800 160 655 820 525 494 35 440 655 515 165 110 432 55 785 260 345 485 440 300 1 4 3 1 3 101 8 12 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 1 17 PERMITS AND INSPECTION 501 000 PERMITS' LICENSES - CODE 501 III CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 501 112 ELECTRIAN LICENSES 501 113 MOBILE HOME CRAFTSMAN 501 114 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR 501 115 GAS FITTERS 501 116 PLUMBERS 501 117 CONCRETE CONST. PERMIT 501 118 HOUSEMOVING PERMITS 501 119 BUILDING' INSPECTION 520 000 OTHER LICENSES , PERMITS 520 125 PRIVATE CLUB 520 126 CEREAL MALT BEVERAGE 520 127 CEREAL MALT BEV. STAMPS 520 128 RETAIL LIQUOR 520 129 AMUSEMENT 520 131 CIRCUS, CARNIVAL 520 136 AUCTIONEER 520 137 LIQUIDATION SALE 520 138 TREE TRIMMING 520 139 JUNK DEALERS 520 140 PAWNBROKERS 520 141 TAXICABS 520 142 TAXICAB DRIVERS 520 143 STREET ADVERTISING 520 144 ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR 520 145 MOBILE HOME COURT 520 146 VENDOR, PEDDLER 520 147 REFUSE HAULERS 520 149 BAIL BONDSMAN 520 150 MERCHANT POLICE 520 151 ANIMAL 520 152 BILLBOARD ADVERTISING 520 153 STREET PARADE PERMIT 4 220,000 350,000 ------- 350,000 195,000 300,000 ------- 300,000 195,000 300,000 ----------- 300,000 233,735 347,671 ----------- 347,671 181,210 542,473 ----------- 542,473 INCOME INVESTMENT INTEREST 560 000 5 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 7/22/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEREST REIMBURSEMENTS 570 000 FAIR HOUSING 6,750 21,057 15,000 15,000 15,000 580 000 ARTS COMMISSION 24,005 5,113 20,000 20,000 20,000 582 000 RETURNED CHECK CHARGES 30 135 0 0 0 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 522,629 274 67,500 67,500 0 594 000 D.A.R.E. DONATIONS 2,260 4,500 0 0 0 595 000 TREE DONATIONS 1,227 3,335 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 556,901 34,414 102,500 102,500 35,000 MISCELLANEOUS 601 000 SALE OF LOTS 6,344 4,597 6,000 6,000 6,000 606 000 SALE OF COMMODITIES 2,769 2,137 3,000 3,000 2,500 607 000 SALE OF BOOKS 412 249 300 300 0 609 000 SALE OF SALVAGE 0 0 0 0 0 611 000 SALE OF REAL ESTATE 3,923 2,439 0 0 0 618 000 HERITAGE COMM. REVENUE 6 0 0 0 0 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 42,266 383,104 8,000 8,000 40,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 55,720 392,526 17,300 17,300 48,500 619 000 Anticipates a change in charges for police records. TRANSFERS IN 660 000 Quasi-external Transfers 451,798 435,940 573,559 429,754 453,600 661 000 Residual Equity Transfers 0 1,953 0 0 0 662 000 Operating Transfers 0 110,065 0 143,805 103,937 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 451,798 547,958 573,559 573,559 557,537 660 000 This is composed of: Administrative overhead transfers $438,600 Special Parks transfers - 86,937 Business Improvement District 17,000 Golf Course repayment of inventory 15,000 --------- $ 557,537 --------- --------- CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 1,830,428 2,184,753 2,064,056 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 1,830,428 2,184,753 2,064,056 699 000 This represents the amount of unencumbered cash which we anticipate to have on hand on January 1, 1994 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** 11,993,582 13,168,813 14,385,705 14,732,657 14,878,346 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- *** DEPARTMENT TOTALS *** 11,993,582 13,168,813 14,385,705 14,732,657 14,878,346 6 City Of Salina, Kansas FINANCIAL S Y S T E M DATE 7/26/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ----------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- * FUND REVENUE TOTALS * 11,993,582 13,168,813 14,385,705 14,732,657 14,878,346 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY COMMISSION As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the legislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances, resolutions and other actions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brought before the Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advisory commissions, administrative staff, other political entities or the general public The City Commission exercises budgetary control through the adoption of an Annual Budget. The Commission makes appointments to various boards, authorities and commissions The Commission appoints and evaluates the City Manager. The five-member Commission is elected at large on a nonpartisan basis. Three Commissioners are elected every two years. The two candidates receiving the most votes are elected to four-year terms. The third highest vote-getter is elected to a two-year term Annually, the Commission elects one member to serve as Mayor 7 The City Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. the first, second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 200 of the City - County - Board of Education Building. Items for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted in writing to the City Manager by noon of the Wednesday preceding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public, except at those times when the Commission recesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose as authorized under Kansas law. Information in support of regular City Commission meeting agenda is prepared by administrative staff and is available to citizens and news media representatives S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of SaUna DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET COMMISSION 101 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 6,000 ----------- 6,000 6,000 ----------- 6,000 6,000 ----------- 6,000 LAST YEAR EXPENSE 6,000 ----------- 6,000 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE 6,000 ----------- 6,000 REGULAR DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 160 FULL TIME ACCOUNT 200 100 18,000 ----------- 18,300 200 100 20,000 ----------- 20,300 200 100 000 300 20 20 241 113 19,196 ----------- 19,550 319 80 20,790 ----------- 21,189 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS PUBLIC EDUCATION SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 781 000 o o 404,000 ----------- 404,000 404,000 ----------- 404,000 401,175 ----------- 401, 175 454,965 ----------- 454,965 CONTRACTUAL 810 000 AGENCY CONTRACTS 000 500 000 500 000 21 13 28 6 3 000 500 000 500 000 19 13 28 6 3 000 500 000 500 000 19 13 28 6 3 15,367 13,073 26,172 10,710 512 974 410 280 524 266 16 13 29 6 2 SERVICES & CHARGES 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 000 LEGAL NOTICES 000 PRINTING 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER 850 851 856 857 895 72,000 This allows for Commissioner attendance at the National League of cities annual meeting and Legislative meeting, the Kansas League of Kansas Municipalities annual meeting and other conferences. Dues are paid for membership to the National League of Cities, the League of Kansas Municipalities, the North Central Regional Planning Commission and the National Civic League 70,000 70,000 65,834 454 68 000 000 850 851 8 96,300 ----------- 96,300 500,300 ----------- 500,300 500,300 ----------- 500,300 492,559 ----------- 492,559 550,608 ----------- 550,608 ** TOTALS *** TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT *.. *** 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER The City Manager is chief executive and of the chief executive of City government. indefinite term and serves as the City's The Office of the City Manager is the office appointed by the City Commission for an administrative officer As provided by State statute and City ordinance, the City Manager supervises and directs the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include providing liaison between the City Commission and the administrative staff, preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, processing citizen inquiries and service requests, maintaining effective public relations with the news media, working with other governmental, school district and State and County governments and representing the City at official business meetings and conferences The City Manager is responsible for the appointment and removal of all City employees As chief executive officer of the City, the City Manager is responsible for recommending measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legislative issues, financial programs, capital expenditures and improvements, as well as other administrative matters. The City Manager prepares a proposed budget for the City Commission. Once the Commission adopts the budget, it becomes the responsibility of the City Manager to see that it is properly administered. 9 Management City Manager, Assistant Comments City Manager, Budget full-time employees The City Manager budget includes 4 Intern and Administrative Secretary S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET MANAGER 110 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 173,634 o o o o o o o o o 464 608 6,300 ----------- 181,006 158,108 o o o o o o o o o 400 608 6,300 ----------- 165,416 155,000 o o o o o o o o o 400 608 6,300 ----------- 162,308 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 699 571 959 428 484 304 306 404 152 373 318 6,900 ----------- 181,898 136 6 11 1 16 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 929 326 782 869 o 393 143 513 o 455 374 7,450 ----------- 160,234 130 6 4 4 4 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - VACATION FULL TIME - SICK FULL TIME - FUNERAL PARTTIME - REGULAR PARTTIME - HOLIDAY PARTTIME - VACATION PARTTIME - SICK OVERTIME - REGULAR LONGEVITY PAY TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 000 701 160 701 162 701 163 701 164 701 167 702 160 702 162 702 163 702 164 703 000 704 000 726 000 2,300 1,700 4,000 2,300 1,700 4,000 2,300 1,700 4,000 395 553 948 2 1 3 2,979 1, 715 SUPPLIES PERIODICALS & OFFICE BOOKS SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 2,500 7,000 3,590 6,000 19,090 500 000 900 000 400 2 7 1 6 17 2,500 7,000 1,900 6,000 17,400 597 538 813 701 649 1 5 2 1 11 694 204 642 673 812 331 4 2 5 1 6 16 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 851 000 DUES 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 1,000 ----------- 1,000 1,000 ----------- 1, 000 1,000 ----------- 1, 000 275 275 5,156 ----------- 5,156 CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 10 205,096 ----------- 205,096 187,816 ----------- 187,816 184,708 ----------- 184,708 197,770 ----------- 197,770 186,415 ----------- 186,415 TOTALS *** TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT ** *** 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Commission, City Manager, These services include The City Attorney legal department to the on a variety of municipal resolutions, contracts and agreements City matters General legal services are provided by the administrative staff and advisory commissions legal opinions, preparation of ordinances, represents the City in most litigation. Other work connected with City business legal The City Attorney works on a part-time basis for normal specific legal services are rendered at an hourly rate commission advisory and attends City Commission the of meeting s all The City Attorney normally attends meetings upon request. 11 basis Comments There are no full-time personnel in this account. The City Attorney is compensated on a contractual The City Prosecutor's salary is charged to Municipal Court beginning in 1993. Budget 12 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 130 LEGAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 57,018 25,984 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 57,018 25,984 0 0 0 SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 99 0 0 0 732 000 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 4,360 2,962 3,300 3,300 3,300 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 4,360 3,061 3,300 3,300 3,300 CONTRACTUAL 803 000 LEGAL 25,773 65,973 80,000 80,000 80,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 25,773 65,973 80,000 80,000 80,000 803 000 In 1992 the City Attorney position was changed from an employee status to a contractual one. This line item also includes other outside legal services. OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 2,352 316 2,000 2,000 2,000 851 000 DUES 475 539 500 500 500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,827 855 2,500 2,500 2,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ** SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS *. 89,978 95,873 85,800 85,800 85,800 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- *** DEPARTMENT TOTALS *** 89,978 95,873 85,800 85,800 85,800 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FINANCE DEPARTMENT Under the supervision of the Finance Director, this department provides the proper planning, accounting and control of all fiscal matters in the City as well as serving as the official depository for all city records. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, investments, contracts, payroll, purchasing, temporary and long-term financings are processed by the Finance Department other governmental in accordance with reports are also disseminated to and transactions is conducted Fiscal records Financial statements are prepared periodically agencies. The documentation for all fiscal generally accepted accounting procedures process application and approval The Finance Department is also responsible for the license and permit assisting with voter registration and numerous other administrative tasks. Comments In 1994, the Department will be focusing on several major projects. A Records Management program was begun in 1991 and will continue into 1994. An integral indexing system is also in progress. New World Systems will be upgrading the financial software we use. This will require us to convert existing data and revise our accounts numbering system. 13 Budget S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 ANNUAL BUDGET EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 FISCAL YEAR SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET FINANCE 140 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 394 000 000 000 o o 323 300 300 300 000 o 084 400 166 8 8 4 17 5 190 800 332 400 o o 600 200 200 200 000 o 910 400 159 6 9 3 14 5 000 800 332 400 o o 600 200 200 200 000 o 910 400 160 6 9 3 14 5 LAST YEAR EXPENSE 766 532 120 654 o 91 917 237 321 259 197 o 789 400 159 7 12 8 12 4 YRS AGO EXPENSE 107 471 747 951 29 o 232 484 469 444 830 141 560 800 204 9 7 2 20 8 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - VACATION FULL TIME - SICK FULL TIME - FUNERAL FULL TIME - JURY PARTTIME - REGULAR PARTTIME - HOLIDAY PARTTIME - VACATION PARTTIME - SICK OVERTIME - REGULAR OVERTIME - HOLIDAY LONGEVITY PAY TRANSPORTATION ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 160 701 162 701 163 701 164 701 167 701 168 702 160 702 162 702 163 702 164 703 000 703 162 704 000 726 000 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 ALLOWANCE 101 213 203,232 204,042 210,283 265 262 SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 000 400 9 1 000 400 9 1 9,000 1. 400 5,761 1.491 040 175 10 1 SUPPLIES PERIODICALS , OFFICE BOOKS 10,400 400 10 400 10 252 7 215 11 CONTRACTUAL 804 000 AUDITING 811 424 RENT/LEASE 13,000 12,000 000 000 12 12 12,000 12,000 11,770 8,958 707 195 10 8 OFFICE EQUIP 25,000 000 000 000 800 000 200 000 100 100 4 7 6 4 1 1 34 000 000 000 000 700 000 200 000 900 800 24 4 7 5 4 1 1 28 000 000 000 000 700 000 200 000 900 800 24 4 7 5 4 1 1 25 728 3,596 5,885 4,196 780 3,277 1,025 105 22,902 ----------- 41. 766 20 902 4,097 6,080 7,113 1,125 4,375 267 80 27,023 ----------- 50,160 18 OTHER SERVICES , C 841 000 TELEPHON 848 000 POSTAGE 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 851 000 DUES 857 000 PRINTING 860 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP 892 000 REFUNDS 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL HARGES E 14 58 This amount allows the Finance Director to attend his national convention plus one other training session provided by the Government Finance Officers Association. It also provides for his attendance at the League of Kansas Municipalities Fall meeting. This budget allows the City Clerk and the Deputy City Clerk to attend the City Clerk Spring Conference and the Advanced Academy which counts toward their certification as Municipal Clerks 51 48 000 850 S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED EXPENSE 1994 FISCAL YEAR DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET FINANCE 140 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED LAST YEAR EXPENSE YRS AGO EXPENSE 2 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT on site staff for the clerical 600 500 000 000 500 000 000 500 9,000 ------- $11 2 1 2 3 4 Other training will be given Annual expenses include: Software Maintenance Agreement Equipment Maintenance Armored Car Service Cereal Malt Beverage tax to state Other On site software support RecordS Management Certificate of Conformance 1994 Financial software upgrade 000 895 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 5,000 o o o 5,000 o 500 500 o 000 $34,100 ------- ------- 2 4 7 o 500 o o 500 2 2 500 2,110 575 1,253 ----------- 4,438 o 7,071 425 1,253 ----------- 8,749 OUTLAY OFFICE EQUIPMENT OFF. EQUIP. - FURNITURE OFF. EQUIP. - COMPUTERS OFF. EQUIP. - OTHER CAPITAL 901 000 901 591 901 592 901 593 15 311,601 ----------- 311,601 296,432 ----------- 296,432 289,742 ----------- 289,742 284,467 ----------- 284,467 351,291 ----------- 351.291 .. TOTALS ... TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT .. ... CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL The Personnel Department coordinates the City of Salina's centralized personnel office. The department administers all employee benefit programs, policies and procedures, recruitment and selection, grievance procedures, employee performance evaluations, new employee orientation and maintains all current and past employee personnel files, records and reports. The City has approximately 400 full time employees plus another 400 part time and temporary employees throughout the year. Budget Comments The Personnel Department's budget includes the Personnel Director, a Personnel Clerk and a part-time classified Secretary I 16 17 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 150 PERSONNEL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------ .-- ------------ .----------- .----------- .---------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 61,711 62,985 64,815 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 0 54,820 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 0 2,555 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 0 2,588 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 0 608 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 11,340 11,340 12,150 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 0 9,828 0 0 0 702 162 PARTTIME - HOLIDAY 0 313 0 0 0 702 163 PARTTIME - VACATION 0 98 0 0 0 702 164 PARTTIME - SICK 0 290 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 0 1,204 2,000 2,000 2,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 1,068 1,120 1,120 1,225 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE 0 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 .-- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. 0 75,772 78,571 79,845 82,590 SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 652 1,200 1,200 1,200 732 000 BOOKS , PERIODICALS 0 798 570 570 880 ,-- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. 0 1,450 1,770 1,770 2,080 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 41 533 1,100 1,100 900 848 000 POSTAGE 0 781 1,200 1,200 1,200 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 1,514 2,220 2,220 2,780 851 000 DUES 0 502 580 580 580 857 000 PRINTING 0 656 1,200 1,200 1,550 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 504 600 600 600 -- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. 41 4,490 6,900 6,900 7,610 CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 5,782 4,780 4,780 600 -- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 5,782 4,780 4,780 600 -- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------~ .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 41 87,494 92,021 93,295 92,880 -- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 41 87,494 92,021 93,295 92,880 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES BUILDINGS DIVISION The Buildings Division accounts for the cost, except utilities, of operating the Police Station, Community Theatre and Art Center. For 1994, this budget includes all costs for the activities in the area of General Improvements. This would include normal maintenance and minor improvement activities for the various city-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere. In addition the Building Division provides for the manpower to maintain the Fox Theatre building. Material and contractual costs are paid out of contingencies. The account also includes the City's share of operating and maintaining the City - County - Board of Education Building. The structure is operated and maintained by a Building Authority comprised of elected representatives of each of the three agencies, plus one member-at-large selected by the other members. Operation and maintenance costs are shared by the three agencies prorated on the basis of square footage of floor space which each occupies. Saline County utilizes 61,016 square feet or 59.4%, the City of Salina 26,806 square feet or 26.1% and USD #305 14,910 square feet or 14.5%. The Water and Sewerage Department pays t of the City's 26.1%. In June 1987, the City Commission authorized an agreement between the City and the Salina Art Center for a private-public partnership. The Center purchased and raised $250,000 in private funds to renovate the Art Center at 236, 238, 242 South Santa Fe. The Center retains ownership of the building and oversees programming. The City is responsible for the routine maintenance and upkeep of the building including utilities. The City has a similar agreement, adopted in 1970, for the Community Theatre at 303 East Iron. Although in this case, the City owns the building which was built with private funds. The care and maintenance of the Police Station, 225 North 10th, is in this account. New in 1993 is the building that houses the City-County Health Department. The utilities for the three buildings, Police Station, Community Theatre and Art Center, are included in the Utility Fund Building Maintenance 18 (2) two and Custodial Comments (2) two Budget a Building Maintenance Supervisor, includes The fund Mechanics 19 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 180 BUILDINGS/GENERAL IMPR. SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -----------------------------------------------. ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 98,358 100,386 99,972 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 79,593 83,565 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 3,708 3,953 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 4,082 5,138 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 1,911 1,809 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 410 87 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 1,717 929 3,000 3,000 3,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 1,468 1,540 1,612 1,612 1,820 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. 92,889 97,021 102,970 104,998 104,792 SUPPLIES 743 000 PAINTS 234 171 260 260 260 744 000 LUMBER 556 854 580 580 580 745 000 ELECTRICAL , LIGHTING 713 1,316 1,000 1,000 1,300 746 000 JANITORIAL 937 343 1,000 1,000 1,000 750 000 GAS , OIL 370 332 500 500 530 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES' EQUIP 1,529 2,273 2,770 2,770 3,100 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 369 567 1,020 1,020 1,030 767 000 TOOLS 532 386 700 700 700 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,119 1,317 1,900 1,900 1,900 796 000 BUILDINGS , GROUNDS 807 0 2,500 2,500 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 8,166 7,559 12,230 12,230 10,400 CONTRACTUAL 811 422 RENT/LEASE - BUILDINGS 79,223 88,355 89,000 89,000 99,000 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 2,176 3,310 2,500 2,500 2,600 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------_. 81,399 91,665 91,500 91,500 101,600 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 748 774 820 820 840 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 506 300 300 400 860 000 REPAIRS 15,186 13,536 10,400 10,400 10,400 860 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 0 0 80 80 80 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 15,934 14,816 11,600 11,600 11,720 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 198,388 211,061 218,300 220,328 228,512 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 198,388 211.061 218,300 220,328 228,512 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS HUMAN RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Ordinance #92-9493, passed February 3, 1992, repealed all previous ordinances pertaining to Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action. The current ordinance prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, disability or familial status in employment, housing, public accommodations public contracts and internal and external affirmative action programs. Commission and the Human Relations Department and defined further set forth procedures for the filing and processing The ordinance established the Human Relations their respective roles and responsibilities. It of complaints. Comments Budget I The HRD also has a contract with HUD through a cooperative agreement for a Type I Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP). This program is designed to develop housing programs, as well as establishing a referral agreement with the Department of HUD and the Salina Human Relations Department to process housing complaints based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, and familial status. Investigator and Secretary Director, has three employees Department The Human Relations The Department, under the Fair Housing Assistance Program, will receive $26,400 from HUD for fiscal year 1993 - 1994. A special contract with HUD to investigate familial status and handicap cases under Title VIII at $1200 per case. It is estimated the Department will receive 3 to 5 referral cases from October 1, 1993 to September 30, 1994. The Human Relations Department budget does not reflect these funding amounts in its budget. 20 21 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 190 HUMAN RELATIONS SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 79,454 81,052 83,812 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 63,749 65,512 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 3,164 3,311 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 5,149 3,886 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 2,101 5,419 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 470 165 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 372 159 447 447 450 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 600 648 826 826 898 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE 3,700 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 79,305 82,700 84,327 85,925 88,760 SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,143 826 1,000 1,000 1,000 732 000 BOOKS , PERIODICALS 1,819 653 1,250 1,250 1,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,962 1,479 2,250 2,250 2,500 CONTRACTUAL 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 2,452 1,824 2,500 2,500 2,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,452 1,824 2,500 2,500 2,500 839 000 This includes legal representation to enforce commissioners order/ case determination in the public hearing process OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 2,915 2,100 3,000 3,000 3,000 848 000 POSTAGE 1,455 1,184 1,050 1,050 1,500 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 9,069 9,013 6,000 6,000 6,000 851 000 DUES 335 470 450 450 450 857 000 PRINTING 938 613 800 800 1,300 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 1,356 999 2,000 2,000 3,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 16,068 14,379 13,300 13,300 15,750 895 000 Includes $1,500 for the Ethnic Festival. CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 325 121 0 0 0 ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 325 121 0 0 0 ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 101,112 100,503 102,377 103,975 109,510 ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 101.112 100,503 102,377 103,975 109,510 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS POLICE DEPARTMENT The police department exists for the purpose of protecting and serving the people of Salina. The protection of life and property and the prevention of crime are the department's highest operational priorities. Investigation of crimes; apprehension of offenders; enforcement of federal, state, and local laws; traffic and crowd control; maintenance of records; and the operation of a consolidated, multi-agency communications center are primary responsibilities The department, recognizing that there is always more to do, continually searches for ways to improve the quality and expand the scope of police service in response to citizen needs and expectations. Congruent with the departments strong community service orientation, police personnel perform a myriad of duties and engage in a wide range of community activities in the interest of protecting and serving the public. In July of 1990, the Salina Police Department embarked on the process of "Police Accreditation." By compl ying with the standards of Police Accreditation, the department should achieve: Increased capability to prevent and control crime, enhanced agency effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of law enforcement services, improved cooperation and coordination with other law enforcement agencies and with other components of the criminal justice system, and increased citizen and staff confidence in the goals, objectives, policies and practices of the department. In striving to make Salina a safe community, police personnel maintain high visibility and frequent contact with the general public. The success of the department is dependent upon the degree of support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the community. The tremendous support the department receives is indicative of an effective police-community partnership; it is this partnership which has helped make Salina one of the safest and most enjoyable cities in the nation in which to live, work and play 22 POLICE DEPARTMENT Budget Comments and 20 sworn police officers 66 includes which full-time personnel The Police Department is authorized 86 non-sworn, civilian positions 23 Civilian Positions Records Clerk I (6) Records Clerk II (1) Records Supervisor (1) Clerk Typist (1) Secretary II (1) Dispatcher (9) Crime Analyst (1) (1) Chief (51) Police Positions Police Chief (1) Assistant Police Captain (2) Lieutenant (5) Sergeant (6) Police Officers S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 7/22/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET POLICE 210 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 617 o o o o o 000 o 750 466 600 991 5 183 14 3 1 332 o o o o o 480 o 900 024 600 1. 925 3 175 15 3 132 o o o o o 480 o 900 024 600 884 3 175 15 3 1 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 621 318 838 868 491 o 642 357 189 300 1. 540 70 79 42 3 186 12 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 847 849 220 822 013 o 300 025 110 o 366 62 66 41 1 12 160 12 2 1 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT 2,198,433 Sixty three sworn Police Officers, ten clerical positions and nine civilian dispatchers. Three other officers and a criminal analyst are being funded through various grants and budgeted transfers. Provides salary for one school crossing guard and a parttime lab assistant 2,123,336 082,136 2 624 1.936 1,723,186 000 701 500 500 400 500 600 000 000 000 900 000 000 000 000 000 300 000 10 4 3 50 75 39 12 2 45 9 7 3 3 500 500 400 500 600 000 000 000 200 500 000 000 000 000 300 000 10 4 3 50 75 40 6 2 35 9 7 3 2 500 500 400 500 600 000 000 000 200 500 000 000 000 000 300 000 10 4 3 50 75 40 6 2 35 9 7 3 2 641 612 o 202 562 663 435 604 370 498 652 293 424 421 143 022 7 3 2 40 76 45 6 1 37 4 7 3 1 132 442 o 75 620 009 196 055 359 739 331 455 972 059 915 890 8 2 2 52 96 30 2 1 26 8 6 2 1 000 702 UPPLIES PERIODICALS SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 743 000 744 000 745 000 746 000 750 000 751 000 760 000 762 000 767 000 780 000 781 000 782 000 795 000 795 199 24 265,700 Uniform and clothing allowance and cleaning allowance. This also includes full outfitting for an average of six new officers per year Provides replacement uniform leather gear. Includes $5,350 to provide 10 replacement body vests per year. Purchase 2-entry level vests (body armor). This account provides staff officer training schools, college classes and training schools for the remainder of the department to comply with the State mandated 40 hour retraining per year. LETN, a satellite television network, provides KLETC approved training at 500 249 249,500 238,542 242,249 000 000 000 760 762 780 S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas city Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET POLICE 210 DEPARTMENT 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE GENERAL 100 FUND shared 1994 APPROVED $6000 per year This account promotes crime prevention programs to include the "Partners in Prevention" program for crime and fire prevention handout safety books and brochures. Film development, microfilm and photography Laboratory supplies, batteries for recorders equipment. Food, supplies LAST YEAR EXPENSE 000 781 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT SUPPLIES supplies. and surveillance 000 000 782 795 for K-9 140 o 420 900 500 800 8 7 shots and annual 140 o 000 900 500 600 7 7 veterinary expenses 140 o 000 900 500 600 7 7 5,080 7,382 3,916 900 13,250 10,641 9,565 7,465 2,829 900 11,400 11.311 199 795 CONTRACTUAL 805 000 MEDICAL 810 000 AGENCY CONTRACTS 811 000 RENT/LEASE 811 422 RENT/LEASE - BUILDINGS 812 000 HOUSING PRISONERS 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 17 16 17 16 17 16 760 This covers five year stress tests for 5 officers at $1500, and fitness tests for 56 officers at $1792. Hepatitus vaccine for 6 replacement officers per year $840. Intoxilyzer supplies $500, blood alcohol tests $300, drug tests, payment of medical bills incurred by City prisoners $1500, and required officer counseling and in-house psychologicals $2500. Lease of the Identi Kit composite system, pager service, and cellular phone services. Increase is due to FAX lease increase. This covers cost for prisoner upkeep, including meals, uniforms, etc. Increase is from additional arrests due to changes in domestic violence laws, and increase cost to $30 per day for prisoners housed outside of Saline County. This account includes recharging fire extinguishers, impoundment fees ADEMCO alarm licensing, credit bureau reports and miscellaneous services. Recruitment advertisement, applicant testing, psychological testing, and pre-employment physicals. Also covers complete stress test for 6 replacement officers per year $1050 50 140 49 140 49 169 41 470 43 000 000 000 000 805 811 812 839 500 000 000 100 000 500 000 500 o 000 000 24 6 7 3 5 14 10 17 14 3 700 700 000 100 000 500 135 500 o 100 000 22 5 7 3 5 14 9 17 12 20 700 700 000 100 000 500 000 500 o 100 000 22 5 7 3 5 14 7 17 12 20 026 035 136 965 053 731 654 134 083 725 599 20 6 2 2 5 15 9 17 5 26 10 622 642 074 929 206 139 284 279 028 826 700 16 5 5 1 3 12 10 16 1 6 8 SERVICES , C 000 TELEPHON 000 POSTAGE 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 000 PRINTING 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP 000 D.A.R.E. EXPENSES 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 000 POLICE ACCREDITATION HARGES E OTHER 841 848 850 851 857 860 860 860 891 895 896 25 600 104 735 116 114,600 141 121 729 87 S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 7/22/93 ANNUAL BUDGET EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET POLICE 210 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED LAST YEAR EXPENSE YRS AGO EXPENSE 2 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 00 per year; Crime mobile phone attendance for hosting Department long distance runs approximately $15,000 Stopper phone $460.00 per year, computer lines $850 charges and replacement telephones. This covers out of town travel for investigation purposes at business and professional meetings, conferences, costs meetings, and background investigations on applicants. Printing of department business cards, letterhead paper/envelopes various office forms: traffic ticket/complaint, officer activity report, nuisance vehicle warning stickers, evidence custody receipt field cards, mug jackets. This account provides service contract on UHF band radio equipment $8100, and repair parts not covered under contract such as speakers siren, light bars, antennas, closed circuit camera. Installation of radio equipment in vehicles. Maintenance and repair of heating, air conditioning, plumbing, roof and broken windows. Covers repair of radar guns, leather gear and 000 000 000 561 841 850 857 860 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES weapons Annual service contracts for copier, typewriters, printers alarm equipment and recorders. Also covers cost to repair miscellaneous equipment not covered under contract such as shredder, calculators, etc. Building elevator service contract per year, cable TV service $270, Pest control service $350. Grounds maintenance at Animal Shelter/Police Range $1500. The maintenance contract with New World Systems for the Police software. Increase is for requested software to electronically report state mandated incident information computers paper 562 563 000 860 860 895 3,200 6,000 800 10,000 18,000 200 200 200 500 015 1 5 2 14 14 200 200 200 500 015 1 5 2 14 14 640 o 538 9,525 2,606 955 5,400 o 10,227 6,800 FURNITURE COMPUTERS OTHER OUTLAY OFF. EQUIP OFF. EQUIP OFF. EQUIP RADIOS OTHER EQUIPMENT - CAPITAL 901 591 901 592 901 593 902 000 905 000 38,000 70,330 ----------- 70,330 37,115 o o 115 o o 37 13,309 o o 23,382 o o TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 26 2,727,823 ----------- 2,727,823 2,575,826 ----------- 2,575,826 Transfer to police grant programs 2,532,491 ----------- 2,532,491 2,350,785 ----------- 2,350,785 000 2,120,016 ----------- 2,120,016 960 TOTALS .. TOTALS ... DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT SUB ... .... CITY OF SALINA 1994 POLICE GRANT PROGRAMS D.A.R.E. AND DRUG GRANTS R KB 6/29/93 (94GRANTS) '~ $84,342 $18,000 $38,130 $20,773 -------- $161,245 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES THREE OFFICER'S SALARIES ONE CRIME ANALYST SALARY BENEFITS NITIAL CASH OUTLAY TO COUNTY TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSE $90,915 -------- $70,330 -------- -------- $18,915 $72,000 -------- REIMBURSEM ENTS DAR.E. GRANT DRUG GRANT TOTAL CITY MATCH FOR GRANTS 27 NOTE: The City has received two police grants for the period of July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994. The DAR. E. grant was awarded to the City of Salina to help offset the cost of our DAR.E. program for sixth graders. The Drug grant was awarded to a regional group of law enforcement agencies of which Salina is one. The information above shows only the Clty's share of the Drug grant. The City's match Is being funded by transfers from the General fund ($50,330) and the Special Alcohol fund ($20,000) CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge serving on a part-time basis, hears misdemeanor criminal and traffic cases. Types of cases include, but are not limited to, domestic violence, petty theft, disorderly conduct, DUI, par king and animal control. The Municipal Court collects approximately $424,000 annually in fines, court costs and fees. Budget Comments Personnel include: Court Supervisor, Court Clerk, Court Services Coordinator and part-time Municipal Judge and City Prosecutor 28 S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED EXPENSE 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET COURT 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET MUNICIPAL 220 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 000 o o o o 758 o o o 000 o 410 88 20 6 080 o o o o 000 o o o 000 o 386 68 20 6 000 o o o o 000 o o o 000 o 386 51 20 3 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 397 466 822 313 o 092 o o 951 71 362 45 1 1 1 3 6 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 208 378 683 130 o 018 72 24 456 o 338 43 1 1 1 6 4 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 702 162 PARTTIME - HOLIDAY 702 164 PARTTIME - SICK 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 703 162 OVERTIME - HOLIDAY 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY ACCOUNT 115,168 Reflects hiring of court services officer responsible for diversion probation, restitution, collection and probation functions. Also includes hiring an additional court clerk. This is the City Prosecutor's salary which previously was in the Legal budget See Department 130 466 94 74,386 474 60 58,307 000 000 701 700 100 o o 800 700 100 1,200 2,000 4,000 400 100 1,200 2,000 3,700 352 292 657 1,306 ----------- 2,607 358 116 846 1,967 ----------- 3,287 702 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES' EQUIP SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 750 000 751 000 11,000 ----------- 11.000 9,000 ----------- 9,000 7,000 ----------- 7,000 8,052 ----------- 8,052 26,151 ----------- 26,151 CONTRACTUAL 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL THIS INCREASE IS A RESULT OF INCREASED PER HOUR FEES FOR JUDGE AND PROSECUTOR PRO TEM AND COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEYS. 1,400 1,500 700 1,200 35,000 4,100 1,400 1,000 600 1,200 33,000 3,000 400 o o 200 000 000 1 1 15 21 1,270 o o 1,277 19,891 1. 359 1,405 o o 806 12,458 290 000 839 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 851 000 DUES 857 000 PRINTING 892 000 REFUNDS 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 29 43,900 CONSOLIDATES IN ONE LINE ITEM ALL REFUNDS INCLUDING $5.50 PER COURT CASE FOR STATE OF KANSAS LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY FEE AND JUDGES TRAINING FEE AND REINSTATEMENT FEES 200 40 600 38 797 23 14,959 000 892 30 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 220 MUNICIPAL COURT SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 895 000 REFLECTS TRANSFER OF $18,000 TO ACCOUNT 892 000. CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 30 3,705 4,000 4,000 1,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 30 3,705 4,000 4,000 1,000 RESERVES 991 000 CONTINGENCY 0 0 55,000 36,000 5,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 55,000 36,000 5,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 102,734 98,635 182,686 187,666 176,868 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 102,734 98,635 182,686 187.666 176,868 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT PARKING CONTROL The Division provides for the collection of monies, parking enforcement and maintenance of all municipally owned parking facilities within the Central Business District. The Division is supervised by the Police Department with technical assistance provided by the Traffic Engineer. On December 1, 1982, all parking meters were removed from streets and parking lots. All other parking is for 2 hours. All revenue derived from fines for parking violations goes to the General Fund as required by state law. Budget Comments There are 2 full-time employees in this fund Parking Attendant (2) 31 32 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 230 PARKING CONTROL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------ ------ ----------- ----------- ---------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 31,062 31,684 33,218 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 22,836 25,565 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 1,147 1,237 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 2,007 1,828 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 950 840 0 0 0 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 828 876 924 924 972 ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ---------- 27,768 30,346 31,986 32,608 34,190 SUPPLIES 750 000 GAS , OIL 323 329 350 350 350 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP 2,199 1,973 2,000 2,000 2,000 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 397 600 530 530 530 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 50 50 50 ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ---------- 2,919 2,902 2,930 2,930 2,930 ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ---------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 30,687 33,248 34,916 35,538 37,120 ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 30,687 33,248 34,916 35,538 37,120 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department shares in the local responsibility for protecting of lives and property. Through inspections, public education programs and enforcement of various codes, many hazardous conditions are prevented or detected and corrected. The Fire Department maintains high-level readiness for prompt and efficient response to fires emergency medical calls and other types of emergencies The Fire Department operates from four fire station locations, providing rescue and fire suppression city-wide and into certain areas of the county by contract and on special assistance. The Emergency Medical Division, a paramedic level of care, is operated by the Fire Department on a county-wide basis providing both nonemergency and emergency care. Primary response units are located in all four stations, and the department assists with a fire first responder on life-threatening calls to reduce run time and for additional manning within the city. The Fire Department is organized into five divisions to carry out its multifaceted roles The Fire Prevention Division enforces fire codes, conducts inspections and reviews plans. The Emergency Medical Division ensures proper medical patient care and acts as liaison with state and local medical groups for compliance with Emergency Medical Service standards, laws and local responsibilities. The Training Division ensures the training of all employees, both in-service and by attendance in out-of-department schools and seminars. The Operations Division includes the daily delivery of rescue, fire suppression and emergency medical services to the citizens of Saline County and the City of Salina and the maintenance and care of buildings, equipment and vehicles. The Administration Division coordinates all of these activities into a unified effort. All divisions are supportive of the public education role of the Fire Department. The Fire Department provides fire protection services on a contract basis to commercial and residential property outside the City limits In 1992, these fire contracts generated $147,935.00 Comments Budget 33 Secretary II Fire Prevention Educator Patients Account Clerk Mechanic time personnel Fire/Engineers (18) Paramedics (19) Firefighters/EMT (17) Inspectors (3) has 86 full Fire Chief Deputy Chief Fire Marshal Division Chiefs (4) Lieutenants (18) The Department S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL ADMINISTRATION 010 SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET FIRE 250 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 733 o o o o o o 000 874 600 138 2 1 3 866 o o o o 000 o 000 778 o 133 4 2 1 241 o o o o 000 o 000 778 o 131 4 2 1 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 133 481 252 163 o 562 600 682 o 115 5 8 1 3 1 1 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 815 204 642 829 o 554 690 484 o 108 5 7 2 1 1 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - VACATION FULL TIME - SICK PARTTIME SALARIES PARTTIME - REGULAR OVERTIME - REGULAR LONGEVITY PAY TRANSPORTATION AL ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 000 701 160 701 162 701 163 701 164 702 000 702 160 703 000 704 000 726 000 LOWANCE 207 1,800 1,000 1,000 500 500 2,500 5,000 500 9,500 21,000 1,200 20,000 500 3,500 8,000 1,000 5,000 500 2,500 ----------- 85,500 146 644 1,800 1,000 1,000 750 500 2,500 5,000 500 9,500 21,000 1,200 20,000 500 3,000 7,500 1,000 5,000 800 2,500 ----------- 85,050 141 139,019 1,800 1,000 1,000 750 500 2,500 5,000 500 9,500 21,000 1,200 20,000 500 3,000 7,500 1,000 5,000 800 2,500 ----------- 85.050 136,873 360 928 65 586 554 469 594 650 007 282 912 214 298 789 134 464 974 784 780 844 1 1 4 8 18 1 4 4 1 1 19 218 756 759 20 305 583 798 714 452 042 667 176 165 415 194 982 769 916 999 913 625 128 1 1 5 8 21 1 19 2 6 1 4 1 1 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS METAL PRODUCTS PAINTS LUMBER ELECTRICAL , LIGHTING JANITORIAL WELDING SUPPLIES GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES' EQUIP PARTS - MACHINERY , EQUIP WEARING APPAREL TOOLS MACH. & EQUIP. (<$500) TRAINING PUBLIC EDUCATION FIRE PREVENTION SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 74 2 000 743 000 74 4 000 745 000 746 000 74 7 000 750 000 751 000 752 000 760 000 767 000 768 000 780 000 781 000 783 000 790 000 795 000 34 71 Provides for parts This includes tires Provides for necessary equipment required to service automotive air conditioning systems under new federal E.P.A. guidelines. Provides a clothing and cleaning allowance for personnel. Provides for the purchase of new mechanical equipment and replacement of small tools and other mechanical equipment. Allows for keeping physical conditioning equipment up-to-date and providing updated training materials, supplies and programs required for the department. Provides for the purchase of printed materials slides and all related equipment pertaining to Dept audio visuals, films, the public education Salina Fire the of for repairing vehicles 81 000 000 000 000 000 000 751 760 768 780 781 752 35 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 250 FIRE SUB DEPARTMENT: 010 ADMINISTRATION 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLIES program. 783 000 Provides for the purchase of audio visuals; fire scene investigation, code enforcement, photo lab and fire safety house materials and equipment. CONTRACTUAL 805 000 MEDICAL 2,876 4,328 6,500 6,500 6,500 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 5,023 1,979 7,000 7,000 7,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 7,899 6,307 13,500 13,500 13,500 805 000 Provides for employees annual stress tests and vaccinations. This year we will need some follow up on vaccinations. 839 000 Includes the following services; testing of breathing air, testing of applicants for employment and testing of aerial ladder devices. OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 7,837 7,661 8,500 8,500 8,500 848 000 POSTAGE 717 461 800 800 500 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 5,863 6,641 10,000 10,000 10,000 851 000 DUES 410 390 500 500 500 857 000 PRINTING 483 268 1,000 1,000 600 860 000 REPAIRS 1,689 944 2,000 2,000 2,000 860 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 1,760 1,521 2,500 2,500 2,500 860 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 6,206 3,129 6,000 6,000 6,000 860 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP. 614 91 700 700 500 861 000 LAUNDRY , TOWEL SERVICE 1,165 1,548 1,500 1,500 1,700 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 1,394 1,521 1,400 1,400 1,400 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 28,138 24,175 34,900 34,900 34,200 850 000 Provides for participation in several conferences and training programs outside the department. 860 000 Allows for repairs of furniture, cameras, appliances and office equipment. CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 591 OFF. EQUIP. - FURN ITURE 153 348 600 600 600 901 593 OFF. EQUIP. - OTHER 300 3,006 3,500 3,500 3,500 902 000 RADIOS 2,972 2,639 2,500 2,500 3,500 903 000 FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT 7,561 3,061 9,000 9,000 13,000 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 548- 1,408 2,000 2,000 2,000 906 000 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EQUIP 1,493 2,888 3,000 3,000 3,000 907 000 PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQ. 2,807 4,735 5,000 5,000 5,000 908 000 FIRE STATION EQUIPMENT 1,592 1,631 3,500 3,500 4,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 16,330 19,716 29,100 29,100 34,600 901 593 Allows for the purchase of a computer for use at station 3 by both fire suppression and ems divisions 902 000 PORTABLE RADIO REPLACEMENT 36 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 250 FIRE SUB DEPARTMENT: 010 ADMINISTRATION 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 903 000 Provides fire hose and nozzel replacement, fire fighting foam and rescue equipment and additional firefighting equipment. 906 000 PROVIDES FOR SPECIAL HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EQUIPMENT AND NFPA 704 IDENTIFICATION SIGNS ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 262,210 258,915 301,569 304,194 314,007 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FIRE DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES the tax account. employee 14, 1982, to transfer funded by fees and a included in this program In addition, The City and Saline County signed an interlocal cooperation agreement December operation of the emergency medical service to the Fire Department. This service is levy by Saline County. The operating cost of the Emergency Medical Service is This account has been established to more clearly identify the cost of this benefits are budgeted in the Employee Benefits Fund. Patients (13) Paramedics (3) Comments EMS Lieutenant (1 ) Budget Division Chief full-time personnel 18 The Division has Account Clerk (1) CPR classes are the community to CPR classes The EMS Division also provides educational services, such as also provided to City and County employees each year wrestling 37 games football school high rodeos such as The EMS Division provides services for public functions meets, etc. 38 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 250 FIRE SUB DEPARTMENT: 020 EMS 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 507,298 517,444 528,255 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 375,299 435,506 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 17,634 19,919 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 22,210 23,322 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 15,029 12,651 0 0 0 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 7,406 720 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 52,602 50,468 37,000 37,000 50,000 703 165 OVERTIME - FLSA 8,791 8,271 9,500 24,500 10,500 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 3,996 3,761 4,762 4,762 4,756 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------, 502,967 554,618 558,560 583,706 593,511 703 000 This consists of Fair Labor Standard Act, EMS transfers, employee vacations, employee sick leave, hold overs and EMS call backs. SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 689 344 600 600 800 732 000 BOOKS , PERIODICALS 551 986 1,000 1,000 1,000 750 000 GAS , OIL 7,991 11,630 12,000 12,000 13,000 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES' EQUIP 11,108 8,691 9,000 9,000 9,500 752 000 PARTS - MACHINERY , EQUIP 382 189 400 400 400 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 5,178 4,937 5,000 5,000 5,700 761 000 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 806 1,200 1,200 1,200 780 000 TRAINING 2,183 3,544 4,000 4,000 4,500 781 000 PUBLIC EDUCATION 892 74 1,000 1,000 500 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 12,123 16,501 12,500 12,500 16,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 41,097 47,702 46,700 46,700 52,600 CONTRACTUAL 805 000 MEDICAL 757 1,375 1,000 1,000 1,000 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 14,697 14,451 16,000 16,000 16,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ 15,454 15,826 17,000 17,000 17,000 839 000 Provides for payment of the EMS Medical Director OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 2,831 2,413 4,100 4,100 3,500 848 000 POSTAGE 3,059 2,308 3,200 3,200 3,000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 4,059 3,337 4,000 4,000 4,000 851 000 DUES 151 115 500 500 300 857 000 PRINTING 1,733 1,533 1,650 1,650 1,650 860 000 REPAIRS 968 778 1,000 1,000 1,000 860 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 2,336 1,372 2,500 2,500 2,500 860 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP. 0 0 400 400 400 861 000 LAUNDRY , TOWEL SERVICE 37 52 100 100 100 892 000 REFUNDS 4,196 3,450 2,500 2,500 3,000 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 735 729 800 800 800 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 20,105 16,087 20,750 20,750 20,250 39 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 250 FIRE SUB DEPARTMENT: 010 EMS 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 593 OFF. EQUIP. - OTHER 70 5,500 1,000 1,000 1,500 902 000 RADIOS 2,689 3,161 1,800 1,800 2,000 904 000 EMS EQUIPMENT 5,679 11,653 8,000 8,000 9,700 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0 0 13,200 13,200 7,600 907 000 PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQ. 760 952 1,000 1,000 1,000 909 000 VEHICLES 0 37,717 30,000 46,000 30,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------_. 9,198 58,983 55,000 71,000 51,800 905 000 Provides for replacement of one (1) heart monitors/defibrilators. TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 21,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 21,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 961 000 For EMS liability and property coverage. ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .* 609,821 710,216 715,010 756,156 752,161 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SUPPRESSION The Fire Suppression Division provides first response on all fire, rescue and hazardous materials incidents within the city. The Suppression Division also serves as first responders on medical calls and provides back up capabilities when needed for the EMS Division. The Fire Suppression Division is also responsible for pre-planning and company inspections in their response areas. Fire protection contracts are provided to business and residential property owners, located within one mile of the city. 40 41 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 250 FIRE SUB DEPARTMENT: 030 FIRE SUPRESSION 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 1,535,488 1,568,888 1,638,485 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 1,220,612 1,326,754 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 53,736 60,402 0 0 0 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 15,910 1,999 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 68,442 40,047 45,000 45,000 45,000 703 163 OVERTIME - VACATION 0 0 0 0 0 703 164 OVERTIME - SICK 0 0 0 0 0 703 165 OVERTIME - FLSA 30,351 30,179 36,000 36,000 40,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 17,434 18,002 18,984 18,984 20,054 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 1,406,485 1,477,383 1,635,472 1,668,872 1,743,539 701 000 Adding one employee brings all three shifts up to 25 employees per shift. 703 000 Consists of Fair Labor Standard Act, call backs, employee vacation employee sick leave and hold overs This line allows for a minimum manning level to be maintained. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 1,406,485 1.477,383 1.635,472 1. 668,872 1.743,539 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FIRE DEPARTMENT PREVENTION AND INSPECTION such as the community to services and prevention The five employees in this division provide educational inspections, plan review and programs. The five member Prevention Division Serves the mission of the Salina Fire Department through a systematic process of planning, education, plan review, inspections, investigation, and development of programs to change the attitude of offenders of the fire code. Evaluation of the Fire Education Program delivered for school aged children, kindergaten through 4th grade, and the fire safety house program for 5th & 6th grade is constant by the Fire Education specialist and USD #305. The prevention division analyzed data specific to water sources for development, high life hazard occupancies, life safety strategies, occupancies of the very young, handicapped and senior citizens. These would include buildings such as hospitals, nursing homes, daycare, schools, public assembly and other related occupancies. Prevention works daily with all agencies of the city to insure cooperation and coordination. It also reports to the Fire Chief on all issues concerning fire safety and injury prevention 42 43 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 250 FIRE SUB DEPARTMENT: 050 PREVENTION , INSPECTION 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 148,745 151,720 160,047 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 120,615 128,605 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 5,937 6,121 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 8,670 9,641 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 2,828 4,120 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 5,928 6,779 5,000 6,000 6,000 703 165 OVERTIME - FLSA 0 0 0 0 0 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 2,232 2,352 2,472 2,472 2,592 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 146,210 157,618 156,217 160,192 168,639 703 000 Consists of fire scene investigations, gas checks, request inspections, complaint inspections, concert standby and PM safety inspections. ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 146,210 157,618 156,217 160,192 168,639 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 2,424,726 2,604,132 2,808,268 2,889,414 2.978,346 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND INSPECTION DIVISION This Division was previously called the Permit and Inspection Department In 1982, this program became a part of the Department of Community Development in order to provide a more effective level of supervision and administration and to increase coordination between the permit and inspection activities and related planning functions. The Division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the City's zoning ordinance, mechanical, housing, building, plumbing, electrical and related codes. The Permit and Inspection Division issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions in codes, inspects construction sites to insure code compliance and maintains complete records on permits and applications. *The Division works closely with Engineering, Police, Fire and Health Departments and other public agencies in the area of public safety. The activities of this Division are under supervision of the Director of Community Development In 1983, the City created an enterprise zone to encourage economic development in certain areas. One of the incentives in the enterprise zone is the waiver of building permit fees. These waivers reduce building permit revenue from $20,000 to $40,000 a year This amount varies considerably depending upon the building activity in the zone Comments There are 6 full-time employees: Building Official, Building Inspector II (2), Cross Connections Technician, Code Enforcement Officer and Secretary. Although each of the inspectors specializes in a particular field, most are cross-trained to reduce travel throughout the City and best utilize staff time to remain responsive to the building community Budget The fees permit financed by building and other s budget Approximately 80 percent of this division's remainder comes from the General Fund control 44 the error-correction of implementation and abatements nuisance * Additional responsibilities include and back flow prevention program S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 FISCAL YEAR SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET INSPECTION 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET PERMITS , 280 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 973 o o o o 000 o 000 764 400 134 3 2 1 2 823 o o o o 000 o 400 668 400 III 3 2 1 2 583 o o o o 000 o 400 668 400 109 3 2 1 2 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 973 310 470 687 o 527 653 572 981 112 5 5 2 2 1 1 4 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 007 623 950 016 o 340 883 746 184 99 4 7 8 4 1 1 11 2 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT 137 Code per week 144 Inspectors Salary for the Building Official, two Building Enforcement Officer and Secretary. Provides funds for a parttime draftsman at 12 hours This overtime is mostly for after hours inspections In those cases, the contractor is billed at the overtime 121.291 119,051 173 137 138,749 000 000 000 701 702 703 rate 1,800 1,200 3,400 1,200 400 100 500 200 400 800 100 100 1 1 3 1,500 1,200 3,400 800 100 100 582 565 784 380 411 o 1 1 1 2,428 1,188 193 129 o 139 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP MACH. , EQUIP. (<$500) OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 750 000 751 000 768 000 795 000 100 8 100 7 100 7 722 5 4,077 Monthly trade publication as well as new code and reference books Operating expenses for three inspector vehicles 000 000 732 750 CONTRACTUAL 813 000 DEMOLITION 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 8,400 1. 000 500 000 7 1 500 000 7 1 954 671 8 131 268 15 1 400 This activity provides for the removal of seven structures at an average cost of $1,200. These costs are assessed against the property and recovered through the annual tax billing 9 8,500 8,500 9,625 16,399 000 813 45 400 500 000 500 500 100 300 000 1 2 2 1 3 250 500 000 500 000 100 300 000 1 1 2 1 3 750 500 000 500 000 100 150 000 1 2 1 3 783 410 599 225 179 55 379 566 1 1 1 2 630 077 211 657 932 147 764 925 2 1 1 5, SERVICES , C 000 TELEPHON 000 POSTAGE 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 000 PRINTING 000 REPAIRS 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL HARGES E OTHER 841 848 850 851 857 860 860 895 S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET INSPECTION 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET PERMITS , 280 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED LAST YEAR EXPENSE 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 11,300 Ordinary mailing as well as a large amount of certified return receipt mail required for code enforcement notices. Microfilming and emergency house repair as per minimum housing code 9,650 9,000 196 8 13,343 000 000 848 300 300 200 o 950 900 300 o 150 300 300 o 90 187 o 592 1,434 691 406 o 895 OUTLAY OFFICE EQUIPMENT OFF. EQUIP. - FURNITURE OFF. EQUIP. - COMPUTERS RADIOS CAPITAL 901 000 901 591 901 592 902 000 1 800 1 150 2 750 869 2,531 46 174,737 ----------- 174,737 148,691 ----------- 148,691 144,401 ----------- 144,401 Laser Printer 161,585 ----------- 161.585 592 175,099 ----------- 175,099 901 .. TOTALS ... TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT .. ... CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Engineering Department serves the public interest by assuring that all municipal public works improvements and facilities are designed and constructed in accordance with established standards. The Engineering Department coordinates all engineering services related to private development projects during both planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers are also performed by the department staff. Proper engineering data is formulated to meet the requirements of project feasibility reports, design considerations, final plans, specifications and other planning and engineering procedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal public works improvement projects in surveying, analyzing bids, supervising construction, certifying progress of construction and recommending acceptance of work done by contractors. Depending upon the size and scope of an improvement project, the engineering services may be performed in-house or rendered by engineering consultants or by a combination of the two. Budget Comments The Department has 6 full- time employees: Assistant Director of Engineering and Utilities, Engineering Technician II, Engineering Field Inspector, Engineering Technician I, Engineering Aide and Secretary. The Director of Engineering and Utilities salary is included in the Water and Sewerage Department. 47 48 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 310 ENGINEERING SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 154,376 157,494 157,669 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 130,334 130,385 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 6,004 6,197 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 10,096 5,684 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 10,130 1,080 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 29 145 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 1,385 947 1,500 1,500 1,500 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 1,113 740 812 812 884 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 161,491 147,578 159,088 162,206 162,453 SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,061 1,020 1,100 1,100 1,100 732 000 BOOKS , PERIODICALS 175 205 80 80 100 735 000 DRAFTING SUPPLIES 2,641 2,399 2,250 2,250 2,250 750 000 GAS , OIL 994 950 1,300 1,300 1,200 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES' EQUIP 3,385 1,579 1,200 1,200 1,300 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 8,256 6,153 5,930 5,930 5,950 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 1,554 1,511 1,500 1,500 1,500 848 000 POSTAGE 838 277 500 500 500 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 2,053 2,239 2,000 2,000 2,000 851 000 DUES 743 612 800 800 800 860 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP. 788 629 1,000 1,000 1,000 860 569 REPAIRS - OTHER 1,254 1,342 1,000 1,000 1,000 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 349 1,729 0 0 300 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 7,579 8,339 6,800 6,800 7,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 351 283 450 450 5,200 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0 0 1,200 1,200 1,650 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 351 283 1,650 1,650 6,850 905 000 CADD software and hardware , concrete testing equipment ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 177,677 162,353 173,468 176,586 182,353 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS 177 ,677 162,353 173,468 176,586 182,353 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES STREET DIVISION The Street Division is the largest of the several divisions within the Department of General Services and frequently assists or supplements other divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects of street cleaning and maintenance, including repair of utility cuts. Streets, bridges and storm sewers are costly to repair. The cost of maintaining and protecting these facilities has become increasingly burdensome however, neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repair becomes necessary During winter months, snow removal and ice control are the primary concerns of the Division. Snow removal is handled on a systematic basis. Arterial and main trafficways are cleared first, followed by the collector streets, which connect residential streets with the arterial and main trafficways. Finally, as time permits and conditions require, residential streets are cleared of snow. Intersections, hills and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice. Salt and sand are applied as conditions dictate in an effort to help motorists start and stop as safely as possible. The first concern of the Street Department in coping with snow and ice has to be to clear the arterial and collector streets for ambulances, police and fire vehicles so they can reach various areas of the community Comments There are 25 full-time employees in this Division Director of General Services, Street Superintendent, One (1) Street Maintenance Foreman, Three (3) Concrete Finishers, Two (2) Maintenance Worker III Four (4) Maintenance Worker II, Nine (9) Maintenance Worker I, and One (1) Clerk typist. Budget The Street Division has an inventory in excess of 50 pieces of rolling equipment, including maintainers, street sweepers, trucks, tractors and mowers and numerous other items such as power saws, snowplows and miscellaneous small equipment. Other than salaries. much of the expense in the Division comes from operation and maintenance of this equipment. 49 SYSTEM A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 7122/93 ANNUAL BUDGET EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET STREET 320 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 720 o o o o o o o o 000 840 820 554 12 8 2 146 o o o o o o o o 000 374 820 542 12 8 2 280 o o o o o o o o 000 374 820 531 12 8 2 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 625 442 745 535 531 470 252 134 570 764 820 456 21 26 9 2 4 7 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 817 533 613 436 176 697 118 714 763 182 820 421, 20, 25, 15, 1, 8 7 2 2 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 701 168 FULL TIME - JURY 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT 578,380 565,340 554,474 532,888 504,869 ice, work parades, cleans the B.C and other special requests o o 600 500 400 000 000 500 200 350 670 000 210 300 1 1 30 95 7 3 7 2 6 2 4 o o 500 100 300 000 000 100 100 800 460 800 190 120 1 1 30 95 7 3 4 2 5 2 4 Provides for overtime to work snow, Parking lot after events on weekends 820- o 500 100 300 000 000 100 100 800 460 800 190 120 1 1 30 95 7 3 4 2 5 2 4 2 o o 563 865 605 211 958 513 121 789 444 487 264 930 1 1 23 108 7 3 6 2 3 2 3 o 219 230 905 145 370 648 406 167 089 464 855 946 608 19 1 1 26, 93, 5, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 000 703 CHAT EQUIP EQUIP CEMENT PRODUCTS SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL METAL PRODUCTS LUMBER WELDING SUPPLIES GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES , SWEEPER BROOMS GRADER BLADES PARTS - MACHINERY , CHEMICALS WEARING APPAREL TOOLS OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES , SUPPLIES 740 000 741 000 742 000 744 000 747 000 750 000 751 000 751 361 751 362 752 000 759 000 760 000 767 000 795 000 730 1,200 1,400 400 1,300 600 161 157,470 850 1,400 400 1,300 380 650 850 1,400 400 1,300 380 154 750 1,372 828 268 864 639 165 167,052 696 204 373 279 274 2 SERVICES , CHARGES 000 TELEPHONE 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER 841 850 851 860 895 1, 4,900 800 600 o 4,330 800 400 o 4,330 800 400 o 3,971 293 803 o 4,826 000 o 800 1, CAPITAL OUTLAY 902 000 RADIOS 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 915 000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ 1, 50 400 1 200 This account buys one (1) new replacement radio This account will replace a Chain Saw and a Weedeater 1 200 1 096 1 2,800 000 000 902 905 51 679,547 703,705 714,654 728,340 746,410 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 679,547 703,705 714,654 728,340 746,410 .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES FLOOD WORKS DIVISION The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 commercial firms, 2 schools and 3 churches were inundated. Approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years, Salina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood of 1951 provided the impetus for the construction of the City's present flood protection system. designed to protect the built by the Corps of funds and the balance replacement of 12 bridges, 1961, are I twas local The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in City from twice the volume of flood water which occurred during 1951. Engineers at a cost in excess of $6,000,000, approximately $2.3 million in Federal. The project included 17. 1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change and thousands of acres of land involved in right-of-way easements The function of the Flood Works Division is to maintain, patrol and keep in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the City of Salina. In addition, the Flood Works maintains the holding ponds owned by the City. The Division has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system 52 II Maintenance Worker (2) two Comments Supervisor and Budget Flood Control full-time employees The Division has 3 53 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 330 FLOOD WORKS SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 62,310 63,586 67,705 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 48,974 54,013 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 2,365 2,540 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 2,901 2,616 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 1,423 1,231 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 53 0 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 2,940 2,940 2,940 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 1,913 2,000 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 989 542 1,500 1,500 1,500 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 886 958 1,030 1,030 1,102 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 59,504 63,900 67,780 69,056 73,247 702 000 Flood Control has used one part time person for summer help to maintain the dike slopes and top. SUPPLIES 741 000 SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL' CHAT 166 175 180 180 180 750 000 GAS , OIL 1,728 1,867 2,430 2,430 2,600 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP 7,303 8,982 9,000 9,000 9,100 759 000 CHEMICALS 2,633 2,792 2,650 2,650 3,000 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 406 364 650 650 650 767 000 TOOLS 57 121 100 100 160 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 826 811 590 590 700 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 13,119 15,112 15,600 15,600 16,390 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 24 268 300 300 300 860 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 0 0 150 150 150 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 12 0 5,300 5,300 800 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 36 268 5,750 5,750 1,250 CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4,236 4,788 0 0 0 915 000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ 1,020 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 5,256 4,788 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 77,915 84,068 89,130 90,406 90,887 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 77,915 84,068 89,130 90,406 90,887 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES TRAFFIC DIVISION The Traffic Division is responsible for installation and maintenance of a multitude of traffic control devices, paint stripping, signs and signals. These controls and guides are essential for maximum utilization of trafficways and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. Presently, there are 57 electronically controlled intersections, 12 electronically controlled school zones and 18 mid-block electronically controlled crossings in the City. This Division maintains the 400 downtown decorative lights. Budget Comments The Division has 4 full- time employees Traffic Maintenance Foreman and three (3) Traffic Control Technicians. 54 55 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 360 TRAFFIC CONTROL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 85,540 87,320 90,726 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 61,235 72,025 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 3,148 3,474 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 3,869 4,932 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 6,358 1,960 0 0 0 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 0 83 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 0 189 0 0 0 701 168 FULL TIME - JURY 0 0 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 8,820 8,820 8,820 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 4,783 4,479 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 3,569 3,556 3,500 3,500 4,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 1,446 1,494 1,678 1,678 1,750 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 84,408 92,192 99,538 101,318 105,296 702 000 Traffic Control for a number of years has used 2 to 3 part time summer help and JPTA workers to help paint the curbs and crosswalks. 703 000 This account provides for the overtime to correct traffic signals and repairs after hours. This provides for some repairs of the downtown lighting after hours SUPPLIES 750 000 GAS , OIL 2,600 2,002 3,200 3,200 3,200 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP 9,690 10,751 11,600 11,600 12,350 753 000 TRAFFIC LIGHTS 0 279 0 0 0 753 081 TRAFFIC LIGHTS PARTS 5,991 5,838 6,000 6,000 6,000 753 083 STREET LIGHTS 3,423 3,005 3,000 3,000 3,000 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 582 953 860 860 900 767 000 TOOLS 660 395 300 300 300 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 646 216 400 400 400 ----------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ 23,592 23,439 25,360 25,360 26,150 CONTRACTUAL 839 084 SYNCHRONIZATION - REPAIR 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 839 085 SYNCHRONIZATION - TOLL 5,927 5,924 6,100 6,100 6,200 ----------- ----------- ----- ----- ----- 5,927 5,924 7,100 7,100 7,200 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 574 395 550 550 550 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 548 611 800 800 800 851 000 DUES 44 40 100 100 100 860 564 REPAIRS - TRAFFIC LIGHTS 2,788 2,076 3,000 3,000 3,000 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 275 2,000 2,000 2,000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 3,954 3,397 6,450 6,450 6,450 CAPITAL OUTLAY 56 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 360 TRAFFIC CONTROL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 902 000 RADIOS 597 0 0 0 650 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 120 0 0 0 1,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 717 0 0 0 2,150 902 000 Purchase of a handheld radio ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 118,598 124,952 138,448 140,228 147,246 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 118,598 124,952 138,448 140,228 147,246 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION DOWNTOWN DIVISION The Parks and Recreation Department has responsibility for maintaining the 16-block downtown area and is charged with providing and caring for all turf, trees and shrubs, in addition to cleaning and maintaining all arcades and fountains. This division was established in 1990 to accurately determine the costs of downtown maintenance. through 57 from April employees part-time Comments two and I Budget Wor ker Maintenance full-time one This Division has October. 58 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 410 PARKS SUB DEPARTMENT: 310 DOWNTOWN 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 17,285 17,630 18,491 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 12,567 15,290 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 656 710 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 655 716 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 1,553 171 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 9,500 9,500 10,000 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 7,744 9,703 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 322 26 400 400 0 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 134 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 23,497 26,616 27,185 27,530 28,625 SUPPLIES 741 000 SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL' CHAT 60 292 100 100 0 750 000 GAS , OIL 398 331 750 750 500 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP 540 499 1,000 1,750 1,500 767 000 TOOLS 1,300 374 1,000 750 750 790 000 SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES 3,695 2,649 2,000 2,000 2,000 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 315 1,118 1,000 1,000 1,000 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 6,308 5,263 5,850 6,350 5,750 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 860 000 REPAIRS 3,193 644 2,000 1,500 1,500 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 3,193 644 3,000 2,500 2,500 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 32,998 32,523 36,035 36,380 36,875 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FORESTRY DIVISION public street Forestry Division is responsible for planting, pruning and replacement of trees in the parks and , including Downtown. This Division also is responsible for the removal of dead or dangerous A nursery in Thomas Park provides replacement and additional planting stock for public areas The areas trees and policies programs tree ordinances, studying and proposing for The Tree Advisory Board is responsible for establishing an urban forest program. two 59 In addition II Wor ker Maintenance Comments a Forester and one Budget This Division has three (3) full-time employees, (2) part-time employees are hired seasonally. S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED PARKS 1994 YEAR FISCAL FORESTRY 320 SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 410 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 559 o o o o 500 o 500 182 61 3 346 o o o o 000 o 500 158 43 15 496 o o o o 000 o 500 158 42 15 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 37,888 1,783 1,281 425 o 14,283 221 134 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 233 729 884 409 o 987 390 o 30 1 1 13 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY ACCOUNT 65,741 one full time employee. salaries are decreased due to the addition of one 004 59 154 58 56,015 632 This adds Parttime employee 48 full time 750 500 400 750 o 200 250 250 000 000 o 500 000 600 2 7 1 3 7 2 500 500 400 000 o 200 100 o 000 000 o 500 000 200 2 5 1 3 7 2 500 500 400 000 o 200 100 o 000 000 o 500 000 200 2 5 1 3 7 2 570 516 709 813 9 41 135 90 953 494 512 o 791 633 1 5 3 1 000 000 411 361 2,046 6,880 24 o o o 415 4,027 397 o 1,538 ----------- 16,099 701 702 EQUIP EQUIP OFFICE SUPPLIES LUMBER GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES PARTS - MACHINERY TREE PLAQUES CHEMICALS SAFETY EQUIP , SUPPLIES TOOLS SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES DONATED TREES TREE COST SHARE PROGRAM OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES , , SUPPLIES 731 000 744 000 750 000 751 000 752 000 755 000 759 000 766 000 767 000 790 000 790 410 790 873 795 000 500 o o 500 25 1 1 22 1,500 o 1,250 ----------- 2,750 22 1,500 o 1,250 ----------- 2,750 062 o o 062 15 1 1 2,340 24 o 2,364 SERVICES , CHARGES 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 568 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT OTHER 850 851 860 900 800 800 o o CAPITAL OUTLAY 902 000 RADIOS 900 800 800 o o 60 93,741 754 84 RADIO 83,904 HAND HELD 710 1 72 PURCHASE ONE 67,095 000 902 .. TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT .. 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS DIVISION The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park grounds and landscaping, including parkways and landscaped median strips. In addition to caring for the grounds, the Division operates and maintains all buildings and facilities related to the parks. They include the Neighborhood Centers, the Kiva in Thomas Park, maintenance buildings in Oakdale, Sunset, Ivey and Thomas Parks, the Former Stimmel School and numerous facilities such as tennis courts, picnic shelters and playground equipment. the Salina of grounds the and The Division also has the responsibility for maintaining the swimming pools Bicentennial Center, Salina Community Theatre and the Smoky Hill Museum. parks totaling 620 acres ity presently owns 21 C The Mechanic, spring and 61 Superintendent, During the BUDGET COMMENTS Superintendent, Assistant Park (2) and concrete Finisher I ( 1 ) are used extensively. This Division has 12 full-time employees: Parks Maintenance Worker II (6), Maintenance Worker I summer months, 28 seasonal or part-time personnel City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 410 PARKS SUB DEPARTMENT: 330 PARKS 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 1994 APPROVED 484 o o o o o o o 000 o o 000 816 276 115 5 3 400,300 200 o 000 000 000 000 750 000 000 000 500 000 000 o 000 500 750 000 500 000 000 000 1 7 8 3 2 3 5 2 1 12 43 6 1 3 2 7 16 5 62 130,200 2,400 5,500 3) 000 o 262,174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 0 0 6,500 3,352 ------- 382,026 1,000 200 7,000 8,000 2,500 2,000 500 3,000 4,000 2,000 1,500 13,000 45,000 0 5,000 1,000 0 3,500 2,000 7,000 16,000 4,000 ------- 128,200 2,400 4,500 3,000 150 887 o o o o o o o 000 o o 500 352 256 110 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 813 650 587 731 329 o 28 o 716 78 554 160 217 10 13 6 115 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 713 947 098 116 133 o 103 o 763 o 380 968 207 9 12 7 111 2 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 701 168 FULL TIME - JURY 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 702 162 PARTTIME - HOLIDAY 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY ACCOUNT 6 3 4 3 6 2 376,739 646 372 221 358 30 PART-TIME/SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 000 200 000 000 500 000 500 000 000 000 500 000 000 o 000 000 o 500 000 000 000 000 1 7 8 2 2 3 4 2 1 13 45 5 1 3 2 7 16 4 017 77 956 515 965 498 o 784 881 082 231 759 019 o 074 122 o 340 969 797 909 241 1 6 8 3 1 1 2 2 2 11 40 6 1 3 1 5 15 4 INCLUDES 388 161 622 363 295 825 90 026 094 462 061 809 621 3 799 964 o 249 987 521 545 356 8 7 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 12 40 7 1 4 1 6 15 4 000 702 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS PLUMBING SUPPLIES SHOP MECHANIC SUPPLIES CEMENT PRODUCTS SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL' CHAT METAL PRODUCTS PAINTS LUMBER ELECTRICAL , LIGHTING JANITORIAL GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP PARTS - MACHINERY , EQUIP CHEMICALS WEARING APPAREL SAFETY EQUIP , SUPPLIES TOOLS MACH. , EQUIP. (<$500) RECREATION SUPPLIES SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 737 000 738 000 740 000 741 000 742 000 743 000 744 000 745 000 746 000 750 000 751 000 752 000 759 000 760 000 766 000 767 000 768 000 788 000 790 000 795 000 200 2,400 4,500 3,000 150 128 236 113 343 098 250 121 2 4 1 124,241 4,289 461 2,793 155 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 843 000 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 851 000 DUES 63 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 410 PARKS SUB DEPARTMENT 330 PARKS 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 860 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 531 198 500 500 500 860 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 3,745 2,199 5,000 5,000 4,000 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 3,614 3,865 3,500 3,500 4,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 15,588 14,066 19,050 19,050 19,900 843 000 CONTRACTING TO PRIVATE VENDOR FOR TRASH PICK UP. CAPITAL OUTLAY 902 000 RADIOS 0 0 1,600 1,600 900 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1,083 8,212 3,600 3,600 3,900 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,083 8,212 5,200 5,200 4,800 905 000 PURCHASE TILLER 2700, SODCUTTER 1200. ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 499,133 516,160 529,189 534,476 555,200 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 599,226 621.393 649,128 655,610 685,816 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION SWIMMING POOLS Swimming Pools two Municipal the This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate located in Kenwood Park and Parker Park (next to Carver Center) fees in generate approximately $20.000 The swimming pools are as follows 1981 in adopted admissions Current No Charge Carver Pool 12th an including by and accompanied Students up grade: 75ft Preschool children adult: free All other persons: $1.25 Book of twenty admission to o o o o Kenwood Pool $10 tickets Day week-end through Labor Day week-end from approximately Memorial The pools are open operation are of Hours to 9:00 p.m daily 1 : 00 to 8: 00 p. m., daily 10:00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. - Mother-Child Swim Wednesday and Saturday Also available for private parties to 5: 00 p. m 00 1 Carver Pool Kenwood Pool 8:00 Comments Manager (1), Assistant Pool Manager (2), Assistant (5), Lifeguards (10), Wading Pool Supervisor (1), 64 Budget This division has 25 part-time seasonal employees: Pool Pool Manager jSwim Supervisor (1) , Instructor jGuards Aquacise Instructor (1), Cashiers( 4) S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 ANNUAL BUDGET EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SWIMMING POOLS 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 420 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 46,000 o 46,000 500 o 500 44 44 44,500 o 44,500 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 42,901 ----------- 42,901 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 43,871 ----------- 43,871 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES PARTTIME SALARIES PARTTIME - REGULAR ACCOUNT PERSONAL 702 000 702 160 300 000 o o 500 000 200 500 1 1 9 1 1 300 3,500 o o 1,000 9,000 1,200 1. 500 300 3,500 o o 1,000 9,000 1,200 1,500 253 1,283 o 79 2,211 7,528 1,194 1.677 193 3,153 7 271 1,122 9,774 1,081 1. 385 CEMENT PRODUCTS PAINTS LUMBER ELECTRICAL , LIGHTING PARTS - MACHINERY , EQUIP CHEMICALS WEARING APPAREL OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 740 000 743 000 744 000 745 000 752 000 759 000 760 000 795 000 14,500 16.500 500 16 225 14 16,986 500 500 500 249 315 CONTRACTUAL 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 500 000 500 500 o 1 1 500 300 500 500 o 1 1 500 300 500 500 o 1 1 249 759 38 996 105 315 1,154 231 1.474 o OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 860 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 860 568 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 3,000 2,000 ----------- 2,000 3,300 1,500 ----------- 1. 500 3,300 1,500 ----------- 1,500 1. 898 o o 859 1,702 ----------- 1,702 2 CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 65 66,000 ----------- 66,000 66,300 ----------- 66,300 FOR POOL DECK 66,300 ----------- 66,300 AREA 59,273 ----------- 59,273 ADD SHADED 65,733 ----------- 65,733 000 905 .. TOTALS ... TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT .. ... 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS The four Neighborhood Centers provide meeting and recreational facilities for clubs, organizations and groups of Salina citizens. The largest Neighborhood Center is Memorial Hall, which was constructed in 1921 and provides meeting rooms and recreational facilities. It also houses theUSD #305 Little House program as well as the Food Bank and Veterans Office. Both Carver Center and Friendship Center were built in the late 1970s and provide meeting places and limited recreational facilities for persons living in those neighborhoods. Lakewood Lodge is a former residence located in Lakewood Park and houses the environmental programs Community organizations, clubs and similar groups may reserve Carver and Friendship Neighborhood Centers at no charge for regular weekly or monthly meetings held between 7:00 p.m. Sunday and 3:00 p.m. Friday events scheduled between 3:00 p.m. social are charged $5.00 per hour for Community organizations and clubs Friday and 7:00 p.m. Sunday two hour for a through Sunday are $10.00 Monday Fees for individuals use of Carver and Friendship Centers reservation plus $5.00 for each additional hour. community organizations for all through Sunday Monday for reservations no charge s open at use. Memorial Hall and individual The Lakewood Lodge may be rented on weekends for $60.00 per day 66 Comments and Custodian Budget II Secretary are full-time employees Two 67 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 430 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 37,790 38,546 39,583 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 54,048 59,311 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 2,583 2,744 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 3,451 2,261 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 958 724 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 0 68 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 3,859 4,739 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 72 202 0 0 0 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 890 962 794 794 820 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 65,861 71,011 43,584 44,340 45,403 SUPPLIES 746 000 JANITORIAL 4,083 1,977 3,500 2,500 2,500 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,244 2,170 2,500 2,500 2,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 6,327 4,147 6,000 5,000 5,000 CONTRACTUAL 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 4,265 7,166 4,500 4,500 4,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 4,265 7,166 4,500 4,500 4,500 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 2,439 2,253 2,500 2,500 2,400 843 000 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 0 0 0 0 1,500 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 1,136 509 0 0 0 860 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 3,302 4,138 3,500 4,700 4,700 860 568 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT 1,661 4,349 1,800 1,800 0 892 000 REFUNDS 0 340 0 350 2,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 8,538 11,589 7,800 9,350 10,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1,304 1,237 3,000 3,000 2,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,304 1,237 3,000 3,000 2,000 905 000 REPLACEMENT CHAIRS. ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 86,295 95,150 64,884 66,190 67,503 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 86,295 95,150 64,884 66,190 67.503 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION RECREA TION DIVISION Prior to that time and since Recreation Commission, the tax on October 1, 1988 provided by the Salina City administration programs were The Recreation Division came under inception in 1948, public recreation base being the USD #305 The Recreation Division is responsible for providing a year-round diversified schedule of recreation activities for all citizens of Salina, including participant programs, community services and special events. Over 100 programs are offered each year for adults and youth in areas such as Athletics, Instructional Classes, Performing and Visual Arts, Special Populations, Environmental Education, Senior Citizens Activities, Tot Lots and Trips and Tours. In 1992 there was participation of over 209,000 in recreation programs and activities sponsored by this division. A seven member Parks and Recreation Advisory Board studies issues and makes recommendations to the City Commission regarding policy and programs. This Board is presently made up of some members of the former Recreation Commission along with representatives appointed by the City Commission and Board of Education Comments The Recreation Department has 9 full-time employees: Director of Parks and Recreation, Superintendent of Recreation, Environmental Education Specialist, Special Recreation Supervisor, Grounds Maintenance Foreman, Recreation Supervisor, Sports/Programming Specialist, Office Supervisor and Account Clerk I. Seasonal employment during the summer provides 125 positions in addition to approximately 50 positions athletic officials 68 as Budget s Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED EXPENSE 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET RECREATION 450 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 243 o o o o o o 000 500 894 000 000 220 1 15 6 252 612 o o o o o 000 o 500 356 000 000 227 225 1 1 15 6 120 o o o o o 000 o 500 356 000 000 223 211 1 1 9 6 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 301 137 001 639 191 o 932 332 020 977 360 173 8 7 3 218 1 12 5 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o o o o o o o o o o o o DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 706 000 CONCESSION SALARIES 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT 637 000 500 250 000 500 500 500 000 500 250 000 500 000 495 1 4 7 1 1 34 3 12 468 500 500 250 500 500 500 000 000 500 500 000 500 000 476 11 4 7 1 1 34 3 1 adds a Sports/programming Specialist 500 500 500 500 000 500 500 000 500 500 000 500 000 451,976 11 1 1 4 5 1 1 28 3 430,890 297 657 68 992 250 120 637 960 382 108 842 863 973 11 3 8 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o This 000 701 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS LUMBER JANITORIAL GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP WEARING APPAREL TOOLS MACH. , EQUIP. (<$500) RECREATION SUPPLIES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 737 000 743 000 744 000 746 000 750 000 751 000 760 000 767 000 768 000 788 000 795 000 32 2 66,500 000 000 000 37 5 49 66,250 35,600 5,000 49,000 500 35,600 3,000 44,000 59 149 33,027 4,470 46,877 64 6 o o o CONTRACTUAL 811 000 RENT/LEASE 825 000 SALES TAX 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 69 000 500 000 500 300 000 500 000 91 4 10 6 1 9 34 600 500 000 500 300 500 000 000 89 4 8 6 1 8 1 33 82.600 000 000 500 300 000 000 500 6 8 6 1 8 1 26 374 984 677 515 210 695 418 660 84 3 9 6 1 7 28 o o o o o o o o OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 848 000 POSTAGE 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 851 000 DUES 858 000 ADVERTISING' PROMOTIONS 860 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 880 194 FooD/BEV CONCESSIONS 70 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 450 RECREATION SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 880 195 FOOD/BEV. - LICENSES 0 290 200 200 200 880 202 FOOD/BEV. - MISC 0 3,174 2,000 2,500 2,500 882 000 TICKET SALES 0 18,728 21,000 21,000 21,000 892 000 REFUNDS 0 1,756 1,500 1,500 1,500 893 000 ACTIVITY FUND 0 108,088 105,000 110,000 110,000 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 21,728 16,500 16,500 12,500 -- ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 0 211,923 203,500 214,500 213,500 880 202 PURCHASE ADDITIONAL CONCESSION EQUIPMENT. - ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 6 791,336 797,576 846,818 866,637 - ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 6 791. 336 797,576 846,818 866,637 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION 1966. The Director of Arts full-time employees and a Humanities Commission was established by City ordinance in officer for the Commission. The Director of Arts three City staff members The Salina Arts and is the administrative part-time clerical person are The Arts and Humanities Commission promotes and encourages public programs to further the public awareness of and interest in the artistic and cultural development of the City. It serves in an advisory capacity to the City Commission, City Manager and Director of Arts in matters of public cultural policy, while also serving as trustess of the Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation. The Smoky Hill Museum is a division of the Commission. and 1994 is $159,847 plus transportation allowance $5,600 to cover part-time Festival salaries contribution to the Commission in the Commission pays back the City City Also, The requested longevity pay The City of Salina provides the basic administration aspects of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission, with a portion of matching monies for programming / services. This total budget is supported by the City, a community development grant from the Kansas Arts Commission, general programming monies from USD 305 and matching funds from the Public Library for the Poetry Series. The City support of the Arts and Humanities Commission represents the basic funding of the total financial base. Other funds come from grants, donations, sponsorships and revenues that support not only the Commission, but also its major projects: the Smoky Hill River Festival and Horizons, a grants program. Total fiscal activity of the Commission is approximately $583,000. (This does not include the Smoky Hill Museum.) The City support represents 27% of the total budget. in The Smoky Hill located The Commission offices Iron West 211 Museum, are and 71 Education Coordinator, Arts Comments Coordinator, Program Budget Arts Arts of Director are Full-time employees Secretary I 72 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 519 ARTS , HUMANITIES SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 113,938 116,216 117,897 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 97,487 102,761 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 4,547 4,340 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 4,067 4,495 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 930 373 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 149 0 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 9,750 9,750 11,950 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 9,156 10,976 0 0 0 702 162 PARTTIME - HOLIDAY 140 272 0 0 0 702 163 PARTTIME - VACATION 0 346 0 0 0 702 164 PARTTIME - SICK 80 74 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 199 585 0 0 0 703 162 OVERTIME - HOLIDAY 120 0 0 0 0 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 708 756 944 944 852 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 119,983 127,378 127,032 129,310 133,099 CONTRACTUAL 810 000 AGENCY CONTRACTS 28,900 28,900 28,900 28,900 30,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 28,900 28,900 28,900 28,900 30,000 810 000 These dollars are used for office expenses and as matching program dollars OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 6 181 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ------- ----------- ------- 6 181 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ------- ----------- ------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 148,889 156,459 155,932 158,210 163,099 ----------- ----------- ------- ----------- ------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 148,889 156,459 155,932 158,210 163,099 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SMOKY HILL MUSEUM Resolution #83-3640, passed April 18, 1983, authorized the purchase of the Post Office at 211 West Iron at a price not to exceed $250,000 for the purpose of establishing an historical museum. The Resolution also authorized an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Salina and Saline County. As part of the agreement, the County agreed to provide $83,000 annually during Fiscal Years 1984, 1985 and 1986 for initial start-up expenses of the museum. of 1986 The building also houses the offices museum opened October 5, The Salina 1985 the City of 17, for a museum on June Museum is currently financed by and Humanities Commission the building The City acquired The Smoky Hill the Salina Arts Part-time 73 Secretary and Comments Museum; Curator of Exhibits Custodian. and Curatorial Aide Budget Smoky Hill Registrar, Director, Collections, Full time employees are: employees are: Curator of 74 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 7/22/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 524 SMOKY HILL MUSEUM SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 71,509 72,939 74,919 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 67,257 69,328 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 3,120 3,284 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 2,972 4,035 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 181 4,455 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 37,485 37,485 57,338 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 31,258 33,001 0 0 0 702 162 PARTTIME - HOLIDAY 653 766 0 0 0 702 163 PARTTIME - VACATION 658 423 0 0 0 702 164 PARTTIME - SICK 641 958 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 0 0 0 0 0 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 349 348 702 702 702 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 107,089 116,598 109,696 111,126 132,959 702 000 The increase allows for approximately 30 hours per week to coordinate education activities and create marketing materials. SUPPLIES 731 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,704 1,564 1,500 1,500 1,800 732 000 BOOKS , PERIODICALS 904 447 750 750 700 743 000 PAINTS 654 16 300 300 500 745 000 ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING 2,159 1,570 2,000 2,000 2,000 746 000 JANITORIAL 1,958 1,746 2,000 2,000 2,500 748 000 EXHIBIT SUPPLIES 17,160 10,873 0 0 0 749 000 COLLECTIONS 2,324 2,186 3,000 3,000 3,000 767 000 TOOLS 851 1,295 1,500 1,500 3,000 768 000 MACH. , EQUIP. (<$500) 0 211 0 0 0 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,177 4,294 0 2,500 2,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 29,891 24,202 11,050 13,550 16,000 767 000 Increase due to the need for one time expenditures on power tools in order to complete exhibit construction and use for future projects CONTRACTUAL 811 000 RENT/LEASE 234 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 3,113 13,027 0 12,000 1,900 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 3,347 13,027 1,000 13,000 2,900 839 000 Decrease is adding hours in parttime to handle duties currently being done on a contract basis. OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 3,537 2,625 3,600 3,600 3,600 848 000 POSTAGE 2,537 1,566 1,500 1,500 1,500 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 3,602 2,457 4,000 4,000 4,000 851 000 DUES 566 453 500 500 550 857 000 PRINTING 0 793 0 2,500 2,500 860 000 REPAIRS 125 0 0 0 0 75 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 7/22/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 524 SMOKY HILL MUSEUM SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 860 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 10,309 8,858 4,000 4,000 4,000 860 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP. 566 0 0 0 0 860 568 REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT 437 604 0 0 0 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 3,544 4,201 3,500 3,500 4,000 895 524 EXHIBITS AND PROGRAMS 0 0 29,000 12,000 15,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 25,223 21,557 46,100 31,600 35,150 895 524 Increase costs due to planning and implementing a new long range exhibit program for the museum. CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,265 6,067 2,000 2,000 2,800 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,265 6,067 2,000 2,000 2,800 901 000 Increased costs due to request for another personal computer for staff TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 15,000 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 15,000 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 181,815 181,451 169,846 171,276 189,809 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 181,815 181.451 169,846 171,276 189,809 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION This Division provides planning and enforcement services related to various aspects of community development. The planning function provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission, Heritage Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. The goal is to help these bodies and the City Commission guide the growth and development of the City in order to assure a more orderly and attractive community. The planning division assists other departments as a link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, minimum requirements for subdivisions and traffic, plus a wide range of other services for the well-being of the community. During recent years, this division has been assigned the responsibility for administering CDBG economic development grants, tax abatement requests, transportation grants and capital improvement programming sion has administered a housing rehabilitation program for low and moderate is funded through a Community Development Block Grant provided by the For the last few years, this divi income homeowners. This program Kansas Department of Commerce Assistant 76 Comments Director of Planning and Community Development, Budget this division in There are 3 full-time employees City Planner and Secretary. S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET PLANNING 560 DEPARTMENT GENERAL 100 FUND 1994 APPROVED 107,164 o o o o o 13,960 o o 542 2,400 ----------- 124,066 105,149 o o o o o 2,800 o 100 470 2,400 ----------- 110,919 103,085 o o o o o 2,800 o 100 470 2,400 ----------- 108,855 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 92,912 4,357 4,015 1,060 o o 711 40 280 2,400 ----------- 105,775 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 89,112 4,196 4,434 1,076 o o 3,110 41 o 2,400 ----------- 104,369 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT Assistant Planner and Secretary 30 hrs./week 1,200 400 200 100 300 1,200 300 300 100 300 1,200 300 300 100 300 for Planning Director for Associate planner 364 320 o 90 243 1 Salary Salary 1,393 464 o 166 248 000 000 701 702 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS MACH. , EQUIP. (<$500 PHOTOGRAPHY OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 768 000 782 000 795 000 SUPPLIES 200 2 2,200 2,200 2,017 271 2 500 750 750 519 646 CONTRACTUAL 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 500 750 750 519 646 800 1,300 2,800 800 500 300 needed Specialized mapping and presentation graphics as 750 1,400 2,300 800 3,247 200 750 400 300 800 300 200 1 2 954 1,130 2,218 90 1,353 346 274 245 093 938 o 393 1 1 000 839 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES , CHARGES 000 TELEPHONE 000 POSTAGE 000 EMPLOYEE 000 DUES 000 PRINTING 563 REPAIRS OTHER 841 848 850 851 857 860 OFFICE EQUIP 77 6,500 meetings 450 Planning 8 Staff attendance at state, regional and national planning conferences and training sessionsl CDBG workshopsl business with various state and federal agencies. Renewal of memberships in American Planning Advisory Service, and Urban Land Institute. o 697 Association 950 750 150 5 091 o 6 3,943 000 000 850 851 CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 78 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 560 PLANNING SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 3,561 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 3,561 0 150 950 450 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 114,790 114,402 117,705 123,516 133,716 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 114,790 114,402 117,705 123,516 133,716 79 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 590 HERITAGE COMMISSION SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ---------------------------------- ----------- -----------, ----------_. ----------- - PERSONAL SERVICES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 6,836 8,556 8,850 8,850 0 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 22 0 0 0 0 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 472 0 0 0 0 711 001 MEDICARE 51 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - 7,381 8,556 8,850 8,850 0 SUPPLIES 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 72 79 250 250 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - 72 79 250 250 0 CONTRACTUAL 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 167 72 150 150 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - 167 72 150 150 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 7,620 8,707 9,250 9,250 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- - ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 7,620 8,707 9,250 9,250 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES GYPSUM HILL CEMETERY at the care, maintenance and operation of Gypsum Hill Cemetery, situated The cemetery contains 47 acres and more than 15,000 graves at space is expected to be available for at least another 25 - 30 years This activity provides for the Marymount Road and Glen A venue. present time. Based on present use, from financed is the remaining $6.000 lots sale of the from $18.800 and are in termen t Fees collected from the General Fund. a Division of the Department Cemetery Gypsum Hill Services General of s 80 II Maintenance Workers (2) two Comments Cemetery Supervisor and Budget The Division has 3 full-time employees 81 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 650 CEMETERY SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 63,840 65,166 68,249 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 53,038 57,593 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 2,498 2,652 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 3,318 2,692 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 67 220 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 1,277 846 2,500 2,500 2,500 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 808 880 954 954 1,024 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 61,006 64,883 67,294 68,620 71,773 703 000 This provides for the overtime required for Saturdays, Sundays and funerals. SUPPLIES 741 000 SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL' CHAT 226 309 350 575 710 750 000 GAS , OIL 1,319 1,070 1,620 1,620 1,670 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP 10,173 6,678 8,000 8,000 5,000 760 000 WEARING APPAREL 265 347 620 620 650 767 000 TOOLS 157 337 150 150 150 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,022 963 900 900 1,310 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 13,162 9,704 11,640 11,865 9,490 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 354 194 420 420 400 851 000 DUES 65 0 100 100 100 892 000 REFUNDS 0 0 50 50 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 419 194 570 570 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 1,550 910 000 LAND 525 450 2,000 2,000 2,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 525 450 2,000 2,000 3,550 905 000 Trench shoring and an eye wash both items for safety. ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 75,112 75,231 81,504 83,055 85,313 ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 75,112 75,231 81.504 83,055 85,313 82 city of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 660 HEALTH SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------ - ---------- CONTRACTUAL 810 000 AGENCY CONTRACTS 0 0 0 0 345,207 -- ------ ----------- ----------- ----- - ----------- 0 0 0 0 345,207 810 000 THIS IS COMPOSED OF: SALINA-SALINE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT $247,247 SALINA-SALINE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER 97,960 -------- $345,207 -------- -------- - - - - ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 0 0 0 0 345,207 - - - - ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 0 0 0 0 345,207 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET RESERVES AND TRANSFERS This portion of the General Fund is used to record transfers to other funds. These transfers do not relate to anyone department but rather reflect previous decisions made on the Bicentennial Center downtown improvements and allocation of data processing costs. The reserve section shows the amount reserved for unexpected needs (991), an amount to meet ADA requirements (991 111) and the anticipated unencumbered cash balance at year end (993) 83 84 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 7/23/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 780 RESERVES AND TRANSFERS SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACTUAL 805 000 MEDICAL 1,432 784 2,500 2,500 0 810 000 AGENCY CONTRACTS 0 0 0 0 151,292 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,432 784 2,500 2,500 151,292 810 000 THIS IS COMPOSED OF: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (INDUSTRIAL) $50,000 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (COMMERCIAL) 35,000 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT '1 35,000 SALINA MUNICIPAL BAND 15,325 SKYFIRE 1,500 TAXI VOUCHER PROGRAM 6,600 SPECIAL ALCOHOL SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING 7,867 -------- $151,292 -------- -------- IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS ARE MADE TO THE FOLLOWING: SALINA ART CENTER 17 , 000 COMMUNITY THEATRE 17,000 TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 816,535 622,950 675,334 600,334 577,161 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 0 81,000 0 75,000 101,293 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 816,535 703,950 675,334 675,334 678,454 960 000 Transfer made to: Bond and Interest $ 467,161 Bicentennial Center 110,000 Data Processing 101,293 --------- $ 678,454 --------- --------- RESERVES 991 000 CONTINGENCY 743,702 144,371 100,000 100,000 100,000 991 III ADA COMPLIANCE RESERVE 0 0 60,000 60,000 30,000 992 000 SALARY RESERVE 0 0 140,890 0 0 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 2,168,326 2,064,056 2,349,011 993 222 KCT SALES TAX 1,988,596 2,557,902 500,000 500,000 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,732,298 2,702,273 2,969,216 2,724,056 2,479,011 991 000 This reserve is for expenditures which might occur in 1994 which could not be foreseen during the 1994 budget process. 991 III These monies will be used to comply with the provisions of the American Disabilities Act (ADA). 993 000 Represents our expected unencumbered cash at December 31 of each year The City commission has agreed to use up to $450,000 of this balance to help fund 1994 operations of Saline County. ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .* SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .* 3,550,265 3,407,007 3,647,050 3,401,890 3,308,757 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- *** DEPARTMENT TOTALS .*. 3,550,265 3,407,007 3,647,050 3,401,890 3,308,757 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The State began in March 1983. 1% county-wide sales tax. its first monthly collection of Saline County approved a 1982, with the City receiving On August 3, 1982, the voters collecting this tax on November 1 Saline County and all incorporated municipalities share in the county-wide sales tax. The tax is distributed to the governments based 50% on relative population and 50% on relative property tax levies. The county receives credit for all persons living in the unincorporated areas. For 1993 we estimate the City's share of the total County sales tax will be 67.6% as compared to 68.2% in 1992. The City deposits the sales tax in its General Fund, although for descriptive purposes, specific projects or programs are said to be funded from the "sales tax." Over the years, the majority of sales tax proceeds were used for capital projects, including annual debt service on bonded capital improvements. Completing major capital improvements, along with maintaining and enhancing basic City services, with no City tax increase in 10 years was accomplished. Increasingly, however, the "mix" of expenditures in the General Fund/Sales Tax area changed. As costs of basic services increased during a period of very slow local revenue growth and loss of federal funding, the amounts available for capital improvements declined On August 04, 1992, the voters of the City of Salina approved a 1/2 cent city-wide sales tax which replaced the special 1/2 cent sales tax for Kansas State University - Salina. This revenue is intended to stabilize property taxes. Alow the implementation of a progressive, but prudent Capital Improvement Program and enable the continuation of high quality municipal services for the citizenry financial 85 The (CIP) consideration is intended to provide the Commission with staff developed information, capacity guidelines and the maximum flexibility possible to make the policy decisions required 86 RKB 6/29/93 CITY OF SALINA (94CiP) PROPOSED 1994 CAPiTAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GENERAL GAS r AX DATA WATER AND PROJECT FUND FUND PROCESSING SANITATION SOLID WASTE SEWER OTHER TOTAL -- -- ----- - ~-- - - - - -- -- --.--- ---- ------ - - - --- ------ ------ Vehicles and Equipment $300,000 $108,600 $167,000 $42,800 $1,233,000 $624,350 $2,475,750 Street Repair Program: $~50,000 $550,000 Includes curb and gutter; crack sealing, ashpalt and concrete street repairs, slurry seal program Mulberry Bridge Renovation $50,000 $180,000 1 ) $230,000 Side walks $30,000 $30,000 Park Improvements $/5,000 $75,000 Public Buildings and Facilities: $100,000 $100,000 Oak dale Soundstage $40,000 $40,000 General Services Facility $30,000 $50,000 (3) $80,000 Bicentennial Center Airlock $60,000 (2) $60,000 -----.-- - - -.- ~ - -- - - - --.--- .------ ----- ------- ._----- $575,000 $708,600 $167,000 $42,800 $1,233,000 $624,350 $290,000 $3,640,750 ------- ------- (1) Kansas Department 01 Transportation (2) Bicentennial Center Fund (3) Sanitation~. $25,000 and Solid Waste - $25.000 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM committee and is This plan outlines a staff 1994 Vehicles and Equipment. An Equipment Procurement Plan is prepared by submitted to the City Commission for its consideration prior to January 1, General Fund items. The detail for the other funds is listed within each fund 1 of three areas program consists This ram Re Street 2 sections. This work is more complete maintenance overlay Reconstruction/repair of missing or damaged curb and gutter coordinated with the street overlay program to provide a treatment of substandard street segments. or asphalt seal followed by either slurry Crack Sealing A B Renovation. This provides for the renovation of the Mulberry Bridge over the Smoky Kansas Department of Transportation will provide a good part of funding for this Mulberr Hill River project. 3 1 intersections The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will evaluate The Capital Improvement system and present a recommendation to The City Commission before January at sidewalk ramps install to program the City's continue will Improvements. in our park s Thi Sidewalks Park needs 1994. 4 5 such as sand blasting and Police Station and repairing 87 for several projects locker rooms in the item allows Renovating Public Buildings and Facilities. This repainting the Kenwood Swimming Pool. roofs on various City buildings. 6 Actual Oakdale Soundstage. This provides for the construction of a new soundstage in Oakdale Park construction of the facility is dependent upon adequate private funds being raised. 7 office an provide will The building addition at the 3rd & Elm facility running The Household Hazardous Waste Program. Services Facilit those employees General area for 8 88 Bicentennial Center Airlock. Airlocks will be added to The north and south doors to The Bicentennial Center. This will add to the comfort of patrons of the facility and contribute toward energy efficiency 9 89 City Of salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- - - - - RESERVES 991 000 CONTINGENCY 2,840 0 0 0 0 ----------- - - - - 2,840 0 0 0 0 ----- - - - - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 2,840 0 0 0 0 90 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 430 VEHICLES , EQUIPMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,170 20,388 0 0 0 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 175,535 28,012 0 0 0 909 000 VEHICLES 140,682 227,156 100,000 100,000 300,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------_. 318,387 275,556 100,000 100,000 300,000 909 000 This amount is based upon requests which have been made by the various departments. Emphasis is given to replacement of existing vehicles and all requests are subject to the overall financial condition of the City at the time of purchase. ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 318,387 275,556 100,000 100,000 300,000 91 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 431 FLOOD CONTROL 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- - - - ----------- ----------- - OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 0 62,000 74,000 0 - - ----------- ----------- - 0 0 62,000 74 , 000 0 - - ------ ------ - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 0 0 62,000 74,000 0 92 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 433 SIDEWALKS AND RAMPS 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- ----------- - ----------- ----------- ---------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 80,831 0 20,000 20,000 30,000 ----------- - ----------- ----------- ----------- 80,831 0 20,000 20,000 30,000 ------ - ------ ------ ------ .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 80,831 0 20,000 20,000 30,000 93 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 434 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- ----------- ------------ - - ---------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 253,017 70,959 0 0 75,000 ----------- ----------- - - ----------- 253,017 70,959 0 0 75,000 ------- ------ - - ------ .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 253,017 70,959 0 0 75,000 94 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 451 RIVER DEVELOPMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- ----------- - - ----------- - OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 19,442 0 0 0 0 ----------- - - ----------- - 19,442 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 22,994 0 0 200,000 0 ----------- - - ----------- - 22,994 0 0 200,000 0 ------ - - ------- - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 42,436 0 0 200,000 0 95 city of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 457 BASEBALL COMPLEX 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- - - - - CONTRACTUAL 810 000 AGENCY CONTRACTS 5,432 0 0 0 0 ----------- - - - - 5,432 0 0 0 0 ----- - - - - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 5,432 0 0 0 0 96 city Of salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 465 MUSEUM 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- ----------- ----------- - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 15,415 4,080 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- - - - 15,415 4,080 0 0 0 ------ ----- - - - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 15,415 4,080 0 0 0 97 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT 545 HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- ---- - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 156- 0 0 0 0 ---- - - - - 156- 0 0 0 0 ---- - - - - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 156- 0 0 0 0 98 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 546 GENERAL SERVICES FACILITY 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- ----------- ----------- - - ---------- CONTRACTUAL 803 000 LEGAL 6,192 6,000 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- - - ---------- 6,192 6,000 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 910 000 LAND 16,192 250 0 0 0 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 953 134,229 0 0 30,000 ------ ----------- - - ----------- 17,145 134,479 0 0 30,000 ------ ------- - - ------ .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 23,337 140,479 0 0 30,000 99 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEARI 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT 549 BROADWAY MEDIAN 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- - ----------- - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 34,027 0 0 0 - ----------- - - - 0 34,027 0 0 0 - ------ - - - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 0 34,027 0 0 0 100 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L 5 Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT I 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 551 LAND USE/TRANS STUDY 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- - - - - CONTRACTUAL 801 000 ENGINEERING 82,000 0 0 0 0 ----------- - - - -- 82,000 0 0 0 0 ------ - - - -- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .* 82,000 0 0 0 0 101 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E H DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT 553 PUBLIC BUILDING REPAIRS 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- - ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 41,099 150,000 258,901 100,000 - ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 41,099 150,000 258,901 100,000 - ------ ------- ------- ------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 0 41.099 150,000 258,901 100,000 102 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 554 OAltDALE PARK STATUE 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- ----------- - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 67,495 0 0 0 0 ----------- - - - - 67,495 0 0 0 0 ------ - - - - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 67,495 0 0 0 0 103 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 555 LEVEE TRAILS 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- - - - ----------- - CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 0 0 37,000 0 - - - ----------- - 0 0 0 37,000 0 - - - ------ - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 0 0 0 37,000 0 104 city of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 7/22/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 GENERAL DEPARTMENT: 810 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB DEPARTMENT: 556 OAKDALE SOUNDSTAGE 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 918 000 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS 0 0 0 0 40,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 0 0 40,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .* 0 0 0 0 40,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 891,034 566,200 332,000 689,901 575,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS * 13,105,617 13,869,919 14,377,885 14,732,657 14,878,346 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .*.. 1,112,035- 701,106- 7,820 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. TOTAL REVENUES .. 11,993,582 13,168,813 14,385,705 14,732,657 14,878,346 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. TOTAL EXPENSES ** 13,105,617 13,869,919 14,377,885 14,732,657 14,878,346 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ...** TOTAL NET DIFFERENCE **... 1,112,035- 701,106- 7,820 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECIAL FUNDS INDEX 105 PAGE 135 138 142 141 119 143 106 128 131 116 125 122 112 .. . Office FUND Bicentennial Center. . . Administration and Box Food and Beverage . Operations . . . . . . . . Business Improvement District Bond and Interest . . . . . . , Employee Benefits . . . . . . , Special Alcohol. . . . . . . . . . . . . , Special Gasoline Tax . , Special Liability . . . . . . , Special Parks and Recreation Tourism and Convention Utility CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND This Fund was authorized by the State Legislature in 1978. Essentially, it is a clearing fund and permits consolidation of employer and employee contributions to Social Security, Kansas Public Employee Retirement Systems, group health and life insurance, workers compensation, unemployment compensation. This permits one tax levy for all employee benefits for general government activities. All other funds are charged directly for their share of employee benefits 106 107 city of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 210 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ---------------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- TAXES 401 000 PROPERTY TAX 2,036,390 1,688,383 1,954,270 1,954,270 1,847,756 402 000 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX 0 40,561 38,000 38,000 19,500 405 000 VEHICLE TAX 298,975 469,209 347,511 347,511 410,711 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 2,335,365 2,198,153 2,339,781 2,339,781 2,277,967 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 437 000 EMS - COUNTY 146,567 163,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 146,567 163,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 INTEREST 560 000 INVESTMENT INCOME 0 27 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 27 0 0 0 REIMBURSEMENTS 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 2,312 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,312 0 0 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 1,362 0 174,135 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 1,362 0 174,135 0 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 Quasi-external Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 0 0 0 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 224,199 233,717 407,673 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 224,199 233,717 407,673 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 2,484,244 2,362,542 2,738,980 2,922,633 2,860,640 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 2,484,244 2,362,542 2,738,980 2,922,633 2,860,640 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 2,484,244 2,362,542 2,738,980 2,922,633 2,860,640 108 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 210 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEPARTMENT: 460 BICENTENNIAL CENTER SUB DEPARTMENT: 610 ADM. AND BOX OFFICE 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ PERSONAL SERVICES 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 213 342 450 450 470 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 4,985 7,262 6,150 8,850 9,200 711 001 MEDICARE 502 1,699 1,750 2,050 2,130 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 389 656 400 770 800 714 000 KPERS 1,648 2,078 2,400 2,560 3,100 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 11,202 16,284 17,100 15,500 15,500 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 18,939 28,321 28,250 30,180 31,200 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 18.939 28,321 28,250 30,180 31, 200 109 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 210 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEPARTMENT: 460 BICENTENNIAL CENTER SUB DEPARTMENT: 620 OPERATIONS 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ PERSONAL SERVICES 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 578 578 700 700 730 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 12,891 12,059 13,000 13,500 14,000 711 001 MEDICARE 1,361 2,820 350 3,500 3,640 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 872 1,004 1,000 1,000 1,040 714 000 KPERS 3,371 3,114 4,100 4,100 4,930 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 19,271 20,319 20,500 18,800 18,800 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 38,344 39,894 39,650 41,600 43,140 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 38,344 39,894 39,650 41.600 43,140 110 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 210 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEPARTMENT: 460 BICENTENNIAL CENTER SUB DEPARTMENT 630 FOOD , BEVERAGE 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- PERSONAL SERVICES 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 452 307 400 400 420 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 10,115 6,316 10,000 8,000 8,320 711 001 MEDICARE 1,058 1,477 1,800 1,800 1,870 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 589 406 500 500 520 714 000 KPERS 2,814 1,131 2,400 1,800 2,170 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 9,944 6,994 6,900 6,900 6,900 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 24,972 16,631 22,000 19,400 20,200 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 24,972 16,631 22,000 19,400 20,200 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 82,255 84,846 89,900 9 L 180 94.540 111 city of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 210 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DEPARTMENT: 710 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SUBDEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 705 000 EARNED LEAVE 0 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 20,862 21,863 26,350 26,350 30,700 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 231,851 215,629 236,250 236,250 253,700 711 001 MEDICARE 32,760 70,150 76,000 76,000 82,000 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 38,922 41,534 42,100 42,100 45,000 713 000 KP'F 578,785 518,527 541,000 550,000 595,900 714 000 KPERS 63,010 51,541 70,000 60,000 74,800 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 919,945 1,040,726 1,074,300 1,060,000 1,084,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,886,135 1,959,970 2,106,000 2,090,700 2,206,100 710 000 The 1994 rate is to increase to .36% from .33%. 711 000 The City'S share of FICA remains at 6.20%. 711 001 The City's share of Medicare is 1.45%. 713 000 The City contributes 13.3% of police and fire salaries toward their retirement. The 1993 rate was 13.0%. 714 000 The City contributes 2.2% of payroll to all other fulltime employees. The 1993 rate was 1.9%. 715 000 Increase is for additional personnel as proposed in the budget. No increase is expected in the City's share per contract. CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 10,000 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 0 10,000 0 TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 290,688 373,946 323,080 323,080 340,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 290,688 373,946 323,080 323,080 340,000 RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 220,000 407,673 220,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 220,000 407,673 220,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 2,176,823 2,333,916 2,649,080 2,831,453 2,766,100 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 2,176,823 2,333,916 2,649,080 2,831,453 2,766,100 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 2,259,078 2,418,762 2,738,980 2,922,633 2,860,640 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE ...* 225,166 56,220- 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS UTILITY FUND building and programs, including the Bicentennial were exempt from the tax lid; however, the 1990 Therefore, the levy in this fund is included in the 112 The City finances all utilities for general government Center from this fund. In previous years, utilities legislature did not provide an exemption for utilities. total tax lid computation. 113 city of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 215 UTILITY DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ---------------------------------- -----------. -----------. -----------. -----------. ---------- TAXES 401 000 PROPERTY TAX 590,612 483,226 625,244 625,244 722,161 402 000 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX 0 11,949 11,000 11,000 6,250 405 000 VEHICLE TAX 111,850 138,799 99,577 99,577 131,404 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 702,462 633,974 735,821 735,821 859,815 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 Quasi-external Transfers 15,000 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 15,000 0 0 0 0 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 92,179 99,364 54,185 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 92,179 99,364 54,185 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 717,462 633,974 828,000 835,185 914,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 717,462 633,974 828,000 835,185 914,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS 717.462 633.974 828.000 835.185 914.000 114 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 215 UTILITY DEPARTMENT: 460 BICENTENNIAL CENTER SUB DEPARTMENT: 610 ADM. AND BOX OFFICE 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 842 000 GAS SERVICE 8,983 8,981 9,000 18,000 18,000 845 000 WATER SERVICE 4,841 4,303 5,000 5,000 5,000 846 000 LIGHT , POWER 107,927 102,710 110,000 130,000 130,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 121,751 115,994 124,000 153,000 153,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 121,751 115,994 124,000 153,000 153,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 121, 751 115.994 124.000 153.000 153.000 115 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 215 UTILITY DEPARTMENT: 720 UTILITY SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------. ----------- ---------- OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 842 000 GAS SERVICE 44,607 50,711 46,000 60,000 60,000 844 000 STREET LIGHTING 243,572 254,651 250,000 275,000 290,000 845 000 WATER SERVICE 93,906 65,022 90,000 90,000 90,000 846 000 LIGHT & POWER 153,898 152,080 160,000 145,000 160,000 846 100 LIGHT & POWER - RECREATIO 0 18,409 0 20,000 20,000 846 225 LIGHT & POWER - RECREATIO 17,638 0 20,000 0 0 847 000 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS 36,036 37,541 38,000 38,000 41,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 589,657 578,414 604,000 628,000 661,000 842 000 Estimated increases for 1994 are: Gas 0% Electricity 0% Water 0 RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 100,000 54,185 100,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 100,000 54,185 100,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 589,657 578,414 704,000 682,185 761,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 589,657 578,414 704,000 682,185 761,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 711,408 694,408 828,000 835,185 914,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 6.054 60.434- 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE FUND The 1979 Kansas Tort Claims Act authorizes municipalities to pay the cost of legal defense, claims and "other direct and indirect costs resulting from the implementation of this act" from a "Special Liability Expense Fund" The act provides that a governing body which has created a Special Liability Expense Fund may "levy a tax therefor, without limitation as to rate" outside the property tax lid. In addition, monies received by the municipality "from any source whatsoever which may be lawfully utilized for such purpose" may be placed in the fund. The special fund may be a reserve fund, and monies once budgeted into the fund need not be annually rebudgeted for future expenditure in the future Comments The creation of the Risk Management Reserve Fund to centralize the City's risk management programs and services has a direct effect on this account. Kansas statutes permit the Risk Management Reserve Fund to receive transfers from other funds and accounts of the City. However, the Risk Management Reserve Fund has no authority for its own tax levy. The $360,806 will be transferred to the Risk Management Reserve Fund. Those funds are utilized for the City's liability insurance and related expenses 116 Budget 117 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 220 SPECIAL LIABILITY DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- TAXES 401 000 PROPERTY TAX 204,199 44,648 361,960 361,960 287,337 402 000 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX 0 4,864 1,000 1,000 360 405 000 VEHICLE TAX 48,241 47,351 9,148 9,148 76,064 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 252,440 96,863 372,108 372,108 363,761 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 22,518 24,563 22,045 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 22,518 24,563 22,045 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 252,440 96,863 394,626 396,671 385,806 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 252,440 96,863 394,626 396,671 385,806 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 252.440 96.863 394.626 396.671 385,806 118 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 220 SPECIAL LIABILITY DEPARTMENT: 120 RISK MANAGEMENT SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ---------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 249,907 101,662 374,626 374,626 360,806 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 249,907 101,662 374,626 374,626 360,806 RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 20,000 22,045 25,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 20,000 22,045 25,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 249,907 101,662 394,626 396,671 385,806 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 249,907 101,662 394,626 396,671 385,806 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 249,907 101,662 394,626 396,671 385,806 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 2.533 4.799- 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Ordinance Number 83-8971, adopted August 25, 1983, established Business Improvement District #1 (BID), which encompasses substantially all of the City central business district. The BID initiated a major physical rehabilitation project in the area. With the project complete, the BID has concentrated on maintaining the physical improvements and promoting the area. Employees are engaged by Salina Downtown Inc., a private organization, although the City does provide an annual $30,000 subsidy. The BID assessment level for 1994 reflects the collection of all BID and Salina Downtown, Inc. operating funds through a mandatory fee structure The City retains $17,000 of the fees collected to provide for upkeep of the downtown improvements The Department of Community Services is charged with maintaining the downtown plantings and plazas 119 120 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 242 BUSINESS IMPR. DISTRICT DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINES 492 000 LATE PAYMENT CHARGES 0 335 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 0 335 0 0 0 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 550 000 BUSINESS IMPR. DISTRICT 61,724 76,261 75,000 75,000 75,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 61,724 76,261 75,000 75,000 75,000 550 000 Represents estimated 1994 Business District Improvement assessments A determination of the actual assessment rates will be made during Fall 1993. CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 863 2,459 2,459 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 863 2,459 2,459 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 61,724 76,596 75,863 77,459 77,459 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 61,724 76,596 75,863 77,459 77,459 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 61. 724 76,596 75,863 77,459 77,459 121 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 242 BUSINESS IMPR. DISTRICT DEPARTMENT: 790 OTHER SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ----------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- CONTRACTUAL 810 000 AGENCY CONTRACTS 44,751 57,947 58,000 58,000 60,459 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 44,751 57,947 58,000 58,000 60,459 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 892 000 REFUNDS 0 53 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 53 0 0 0 TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 17,000 17,000 17 , 000 17,000 17,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 863 2,459 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 863 2,459 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 61,751 75,000 75,863 77,459 77,459 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 61,751 75,000 75,863 77,459 77,459 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 61,751 75,000 75,863 77,459 77,459 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 27- 1. 596 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS TOURISM AND CONVENTION sleeping accommodations A 5% transient guest tax is levied upon the gross receipts derived from hotel/motel The revenue is for the promotion of conventions and tourism in Salina. Convention Commission By written contract with the City of Salina, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce operates the and Tourism Bureau. A ten-member Convention and Tourism Committee appointed by the City advises the Chamber on the use of the funds The chamber receives 60% of the tax revenues 122 Center. to The Bicentennial s transferred The other 40% 123 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 245 TOURISM , CONVENTION DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAXES 419 000 TRANSIENT GUEST TAX 261,273 441,359 450,000 450,000 475,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 261,273 441,359 450,000 450,000 475,000 419 000 Transient Guest tax increased from 3% to 5% on October 1, 1991 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ----------- 0 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 261,273 441,359 450,000 450,000 475,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 261,273 441,359 450,000 450,000 475,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 261,273 441,359 450.000 450.000 475.000 124 city of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L 5 Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUNDI 245 TOURISM , CONVENTION DEPARTMENT: 790 OTHER SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACTUAL 810 000 AGENCY CONTRACTS 261,273 280,128 270,000 270,000 285,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 261,273 280,128 270,000 270,000 285,000 810 000 The City remits the amount received each quarter to the Chamber of Commerce Tourism and Convention division. TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 0 161,231 180,000 180,000 190,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 161,231 180,000 180,000 190,000 960 000 To Bicentennial Center. ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 261,273 441,359 450,000 450,000 475,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 261,273 441,359 450,000 450,000 475,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 261,273 441,359 450,000 450,000 475,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND This tax continues to be a subject of Legislative attention. The net result has been that this tax has not generated the funds anticipated, as a result of a reallocation of some of the funds to the State. Initially, the funds went solely to local governments. The Special Parks and Recreation Fund will receive an estimated $84,701 in revenue all of which will be transferred to the General Fund to supplement the Park Department budget. 125 126 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 247 SPECIAL PARKS/RECREATION DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- INTERGOVERNMENTAL 426 000 LIQUOR TAX 77,448 81,442 92,861 92,861 84,701 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 77,448 81,442 92,861 92,861 84,701 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 13,944 16,180 2,236 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 13,944 16,180 2,236 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 77,448 81,442 106,805 109,041 86,937 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 77,448 81,442 106,805 109,041 86,937 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 77.448 81. 442 106.805 109.041 86.937 127 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 247 SPECIAL PARKS/RECREATION DEPARTMENT: 410 PARK SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 71,504 82,284 106,805 106,805 86,937 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 71,504 82,284 106,805 106,805 86,937 960 000 This is transferred to the General fund to support Park operations RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 0 2,236 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 0 2,236 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 71,504 82,284 106,805 109,041 86,937 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 71,504 82,284 106,805 109,041 86,937 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 71,504 82,284 106,805 109,041 86,937 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 5.944 842- 0 0 0 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND The 1982 State Legislature made substantial changes in this fund, directing 25% of the funds collected to the State and tightening the means of enforcement. Although the State now receives 25% of the revenues, when before they received none, the more strict enforcement is intended to provide greater revenues to cities and counties. The Special Alcohol Programs Fund will receive an estimated $84,701 in revenue. The City of Salina will enter into contracts with local social agencies to finance programs and services related to activities allowable under this program The budget also allocates $20,000 to our D.A.R.E grant. 128 129 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUNDI 248 SPECIAL ALCOHOL DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------_. ----------- ---------- INTERGOVERNMENTAL 426 000 LIQUOR TAX 77,448 81,442 92,861 92,861 84,701 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 77,448 81,442 92,861 92,861 84,701 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 21,944 24,181 2,237 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 21,944 24,181 2,237 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 77,448 81,442 114,805 117,042 86,938 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 77,448 81,442 114,805 117,042 86,938 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 77.448 81.442 114.805 117.042 86.938 130 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 7/22/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 248 SPECIAL ALCOHOL DEPARTMENT: 640 SPECIAL ALCOHOL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACTUAL 810 000 AGENCY CONTRACTS 71,504 63,503 94,805 94,805 86,938 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 71,504 63,503 94,805 94,805 86,938 810 000 Agencies are selected to receive funds on a two-year basis. Agencies for 1993 and 1994 were selected in the Fall of 1992. Their programs will be reviewed during the budget process. TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 0 10,781 20,000 20,000 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 10,781 20,000 20,000 0 960 000 This goes to the Police Grant fund to help offset the cost of the D.A.R.E. program RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 0 2,237 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 0 2,237 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS *. 71,504 74,284 114,805 117,042 86,938 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .*. DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 71,504 74,284 114,805 117,042 86,938 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- * FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 71,504 74,284 114,805 117,042 86,938 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .*.. 5,944 7,158 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. TOTAL REVENUES ** 77,448 81,442 114,805 117,042 86,938 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. TOTAL EXPENSES *. 71,504 74,284 114,805 117,042 86,938 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- *.... TOTAL NET DIFFERENCE ..... 5,944 7,158 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DIVISION In 1983, the State Legislature provided for a 2~ per gallon increase in the gas tax starting July 1, 1983, followed by an additional 1~ increase on January 1, 1984. The first 2~ is dedicated to the special city and county highway fund. Any other increase in the gas tax after July 1, 1986, will be divided, with 65% going to the State and 35% going to the city-county fund overlay and slurry sealing, This activity is performed maintenance program. Revenue derived from this source is used in street maintenance, such as asphalt concrete and asphalt repair work and for the purchase of traffic control devices. under the general supervision of the City Engineer as a part of the overall street $2.54 per and an additional payments in direct per capita $23.83 the City received an estimated the County's share For 1992, capita from 131 I Comments Maintenance Workers Budget (5) Five full-time employees The Division has 5 132 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 260 SPEC IAL GAS TAX DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- INTERGOVERNMENTAL 425 000 GAS TAX 1,056,022 1,115,828 1,100,000 1,175,000 1,175,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,056,022 1,115,828 1,100,000 1,175,000 1,175,000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 364,215 409,073 356,168 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 364,215 409,073 356,168 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 1,056,022 1,115,828 1,464,215 1,584,073 1,531,168 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 1,056,022 1,115,828 1,464,215 1,584,073 1,531,168 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 1.056.022 1. 115.828 1.464.215 1.584.073 1. 531. 168 133 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 260 SPEC IAL GAS TAX DEPARTMENT: 320 STREET-SPECIAL GAS TAX SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 93,770 95,695 98,496 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 71,238 78,180 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 3,342 3,819 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 3,084 4,388 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 1,674 3,457 0 0 0 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 118 0 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 0 71 0 0 0 701 168 FULL TIME - JURY 67 221 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 12,380 12,380 12,400 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 5,903 9,823 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 2,396 2,382 2,500 2,500 4,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 680 752 830 830 1,016 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 88,502 103,093 109,480 111,405 115,912 702 000 Includes $6,500 for temporary employees to continue a pavement management inventory and two (2) part time seasonal employees for the Street Division. 703 000 This account provides for the overtime required to remove snow, ice, working parades, cleaning the Be parking lot after events on weekends and other special requests. SUPPLIES 739 000 ASPHALT 20,564 30,401 23,000 23,000 30,000 740 000 CEMENT PRODUCTS 38,928 45,815 39,100 39,100 46,400 741 000 SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL & CHAT 12,173 21,833 22,000 33,400 30,450 743 000 PAINTS 7,819 16,992 10,000 10,000 9,000 758 000 SIGNS 18,482 17,151 20,000 20,000 17,640 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 97,966 132,192 114,100 125,500 133,490 CONTRACTUAL 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 0 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 0 28,500 28,500 28,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 28,500 28,500 28,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 5,803 16,486 127,500 127,500 8,600 909 000 VEHICLES 21,271 0 0 0 100,000 915 000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ. 565,191 791,747 590,000 610,000 600,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- 592,265 808,233 717,500 737.500 708,600 905 000 Purchase of Trench Shields $4.000.00 134 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 260 SPECIAL GAS TAX DEPARTMENT: 320 - STREET-SPECIAL GAS TAX SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------- CAPITAL OUTLAY Purchase of Post Driver $3,800.00 Purchase of Radio $ 800.00 TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 RESERVES 992 000 SALARY RESERVE 0 0 1,925 0 0 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 267,710 356,168 319,666 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 269,635 356,168 319,666 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 1,003,733 1,268,518 1,464,215 1,584,073 1,531,168 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS *.. 1,003,733 1,268,518 1,464,215 1,584,073 1,531,168 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 1,003,733 1,268,518 1,464,215 1,584,073 1,531,168 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 52.289 152.690- 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BICENTENNIAL CENTER will that events The mission of the Bicentennial Center is to provide a regional hospitality center for stimulate the Salina economy and enhance the quality of life for the community and the region range of one of the to enhance a wide being much The Bicentennial Center has become well established as a multi-purpose building serving functions on a local, state, regional and national basis. It has developed a reputation for top convention, tradeshow, sports and entertainment facilities in Kansas. The Center does Salina's Image More than 3,500 events involving approximately 3.9 million people have taken place at the Center since it was opened June 1, 1979. The combination of an attractive, functional and well-maintained building operated by an accommodating and skilled staff continues to generate repeat business and attract new events. $543.986 or 56% of The center generated was $957.076 1992 in cost for operation and maintenance The total that cost. In turn the local economy is strengthened by several million dollars annually as a result of thousands of visitors coming to Salina to participate in events held at the Center. That's in addition to what the Center does for the image of Salina and other benefits the community realizes from it. excellent accommodations and another municipal function, a primary concern The onl y game in town or The Center needs to be operated similar to a private business. We must offer better service than other facilities at competitive rates. If viewed simply as it will not be promoted and supported in a manner which will have competition as Center is unique in the sense that our clients come here by choice We're not the in the state. It is important that we not just provide adequate facilities and service. Our clientele must be given the extras. When they compare the Bicentennial Center with other facilities, it's the "extras" that make the difference. The staff has to be extra friendly, proficient and accommodating. The facility has to be exceptionally clean and well maintained. Furnishings and equipment must be in top condition. Amenities which provide comfort, convenience and satisfy the functional requirements of a diverse clientele are not just desirable, but absolutely essential. 135 (continued) BICENTENNIAL CENTER In order to maintain a reputation for being an all-around first-rate facility, every component has to be top quality. First is the necessity of a well planned, fully equipped and well maintained building. The second requirement is an efficient, courteous and accommodating staff; and finally, the food service must be excellent and provided at reasonable rates. The quality of food and excellent service provided by our Food and Beverage staff has really caught on. It is amazing how the service is being publicized by word-of-mouth. More and more we are receiving inquiries and requests for our staff to handle meal functions. That combination along with a good, aggressive marketing program is the only way to expect a good rate of return on the public's investment. 136 137 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 270 BICENTENNIAL CENTER DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- FEES 444 000 BICENTENNIAL CENTER RENT 182,700 142,647 170,000 170,000 170,000 484 000 FOOD/BEVERAGE 6,217 3,034 6,000 6,000 6,000 484 301 CATERING COMMISSION 8,605 9,915 9,000 9,000 9,000 484 302 CATERING IN-HOUSE 237,908 249,130 220,000 220,000 230,000 484 303 CONCESSIONS 196,623 132,784 180,000 180,000 180,000 484 304 NOVELTIES 15,097 6,476 15,000 15,000 15,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 647,150 543,986 600,000 600,000 610,000 REIMBURSEMENTS 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 30,000 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 30,000 0 0 0 0 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 Quasi-external Transfers 200,000 0 290,000 0 0 662 000 Operating Transfers 0 271,231 0 290,000 300,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 200,000 271,231 290,000 290,000 300,000 660 000 General $110,000 Tourism and Convention 190,000 -------- $300,000 -------- -------- CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 381,449 334,572 247,680 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 381,449 334,572 247,680 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 877 ,150 815,217 1,271,449 1,224,572 1,157,680 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 877,150 815,217 1,271,449 1,224,572 1,157,680 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 877.150 815.217 1.271.449 1. 224.572 1.157.680 SYSTEM A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED EXPENSE 1994 YEAR FISCAL AND BOX OFFICE ADM 610 DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB CENTER 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET BICENTENNIAL 460 DEPARTMENT CENTER BICENTENNIAL 270 FUND 1994 APPROVED 123,895 o o o o o 11,848 4,000 960 2,400 ----------- 143,103 117,331 o o o o o 11,848 3,500 864 2,400 ----------- 135,943 115,031 o o o o o 11,848 3,500 864 2,400 ----------- 133,643 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 94,764 4,308 4,269 2,489 302 4,303 4,266 768 2,600 ----------- 118,069 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 590 740 991 514 o 620 150 392 o 997 58 2 2 4 4 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT 000 500 000 700 000 000 000 000 000 5 1 10 4 2 1 25 3 000 500 000 700 000 000 o 000 000 5 1 10 4 2 000 500 000 700 000 000 o 000 000 5 1 10 4 2 678 542 009 477 000 956 o 610 958 2 8 3 900 296 966 516 563 929 935 967 284 73 3 1 9 6 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS JANITORIAL GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP WEARING APPAREL TOOLS MAINT. - MISCELLANEOUS SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 746 000 750 000 751 000 760 000 767 000 772 004 790 000 25 2 25 2 15 1 18 2 52,200 Provides for the replacement of sprinkler heads and relocation of sprinklers for better coverage. Expenditures involve maintenance and repairs to the building, plumbing and electrical, as well as fixed mobile (Scissor Lift and Tennant Machine) equipment. This provides for parts and materials for in-house maintenance. Provides for additional landscaping of grounds on north and south arena areas and Heritage Hall; replacement of dead trees and shrubs 50,200 50,200 33,230 45,356 004 772 2,000 ----------- 2,000 2,000 ----------- 2,000 2,000 ----------- 2,000 294 294 281 281 000 790 MACHINERY CONTRACTUAL 811 421 RENT/LEASE 138 infrequently 000 000 500 000 500 000 000 Provides for rent of specialized equipment which is used and would not be practical for us to purchase 12 6 2 11 2 3 40 000 000 500 000 500 000 000 12 4 2 11 2 3 30 000 000 500 000 500 000 000 12 4 2 11 2 3 30 661 844 626 250 204 721 137 9 3 3 9 1 4 42 051 198 380 990 260 542 799 12 4 5 4 1 2 42 421 811 PROMOTIONS OTHER SERVICES , CHARGE 841 000 TELEPHONE 843 000 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 848 000 POSTAGE 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 851 000 DUES 857 000 PRINTING 858 000 ADVERTISING S , S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED EXPENSE 1994 YEAR FISCAL AND BOX OFFICE ADM 610 1994 APPROVED DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB CENTER 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET BICENTENNIAL 460 DEPARTMENT CENTER BICENTENNIAL 270 FUND 160,000 22,000 40.000 160,000 22,000 40,000 160,000 22,000 40.000 LAST YEAR EXPENSE 146,362 21,021 38.875 YRS AGO EXPENSE 179,374 21,278 34.391 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES , CHARGES 000 FOOD/BEVERAGE SUPPLIES 000 CONCESSION CONTRIBUTION 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL ACCOUNT OTHER 880 881 895 000 Provides for sales calls and marketin9 efforts Provides for mai1in9 to market the buildin9' Provides for participation in professional or9anizations such as the International Association of Auditorium Managers. Also specialized trainin9 pro9rams includin9 food and beverage, technical, public relations, personnel supervision, crowd management, etc. Provides for memberships in the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, International Association of Auditorium Managers, Box Office Managers International, Kansas Society of Association Executives, Reli9ious Conference Management Association and Travel Industry Association of Kansas. Provides for printin9 of forms, stationary and publicity packets. Includes ad composition, brochures, print ads in newspapers and national professional publications related to conventions, tradeshows and entertainment. It also provides for electronic advertisin9, the yellow pages and event pro9ram books. It includes hi9hway billboard rental and travel expense to make presentations to potential clients on a statewide and re9iona1 basis. Workin9 with promoters to brin9 in additional entertainment. Or9anizations used to staff the concession stands are paid ten percent of the gross revenue after sales tax. This account includes various contractural services including roof repair, pest control, elevator service, linen service, film processing, radio repair, lock repair, carpet cleaning, office equipment service, glass replacement indoor plant box care and repair of HVAC equipment 299 000 287 287.000 280.701 308.263 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 841 848 850 851 857 858 881 895 1,000 o 47,000 3,000 60.000 o 54,000 7,000 3,000 100.000 o o 7,000 3,000 100.000 76 o 8,413 2.472 o 757 546 784 867 o 2 34 6 15 OUTLAY OFF. EQUIP. - FURNITURE OTHER EQUIPMENT EQUIP. - OPERATIONS EQUIP. - FOOD , BEVERAGE BUILDINGS CAPITAL 901 591 905 000 905 504 905 505 911 000 111.000 Propane Buffer to 164.000 Replacement of Scissorlift $40 keep floors polished. Replacement of ice machine and breakage of flatware Provides for addition of airlock on north and south of and addition of 110.000 000 10.961 954 59 504 905 139 CIP building o 207.913 o 680 247 7,800 347.900 o o o o 505 000 905 911 SALARY RESERVE CASH RESERVE RESERVES 992 000 993 000 140 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 270 BICENTENNIAL CENTER DEPARTMENT: 460 BICENTENNIAL CENTER SUB DEPARTMENT: 610 ADM. AND BOX OFFICE 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 0 0 355,700 247,680 207,913 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 487.851 443.255 938,543 886.823 815.216 141 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 270 BICENTENNIAL CENTER DEPARTMENT: 460 BICENTENNIAL CENTER SUB DEPARTMENT: 620 OPERATIONS 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 111,955 175,394 181,692 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 138,621 147,761 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 6,329 6,984 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 5,574 8,063 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 1,809 2,241 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 81 646 0 0 0 701 168 FULL TIME - JURY 0 242 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 27,500 27,500 27,500 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 22,445 20,493 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 14,082 10,212 13,000 13,000 13,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 870 966 1,062 1,062 1,296 ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- 189,811 197,608 213,517 216,956 223,488 ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS 189.811 197.608 213.517 216.956 223.488 142 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 270 BICENTENNIAL CENTER DEPARTMENT: 460 BICENTENNIAL CENTER SUB DEPARTMENT: 630 FOOD & BEVERAGE 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------. ----------- ---------- PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 0 0 70,193 71,597 69,693 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 67,344 38,534 0 0 0 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 3,104 1,989 0 0 0 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 2,257 1,822 0 0 0 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 599 764 0 0 0 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 8 0 0 0 0 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 0 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 53,246 47,841 0 0 0 702 162 PARTTIME - HOLIDAY 594 673 0 0 0 702 163 PARTTIME - VACATION 624 1,081 0 0 0 702 164 PARTTIME - SICK 269 791 0 0 0 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 19,803 11,173 9,000 9,000 9,000 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 328 172 196 196 283 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 148,176 104,840 119,389 120,793 118,976 701 000 Includes a staff of four. ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 148,176 104,840 119,389 120,793 118,976 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 825,838 745,703 1,271,449 1,224,572 1,157,680 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 825,838 745,703 1,271,449 1,224,572 1,157,680 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 51. 312 69.514 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BOND AND INTEREST FUND The Bond and Interest Fund provides for the payment of principal and interest on the various bonds financed out of the General Fund or under the City's general obligation bonding authority. The principal and interest payments come from a variety of sources, including the property tax levy, special assessment payments by property owners and transfers from other funds In 1994, total principal payments will be $2,215,000 with the City's share $1,583,796 and property owner's $631,204. Interest payments will be $630,750 with the City's share $446,538 and property owners' $184,212 The City's authorized and outstanding bond indebtedness may not exceed 30% of the assessed valuation, according to Kansas statutes. Outstanding indebtedness at December 31, 1993 will be approximately $11,375,000 or 6.99% of the City's assessed valuation of $160,356,603. 143 144 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 342 BOND AND INTEREST DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAXES 401 000 PROPERTY TAX 527,527 1,062,947 1,214,627 1,214,627 1,037,240 402 000 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX 5,744 22,010 22,000 22,000 12,100 405 000 VEHICLE TAX 224,071 125,394 219,063 219,063 255,250 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 757,342 1,210,351 1,455,690 1,455,690 1,304,590 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 555 000 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 594,008 719,309 630,000 630,000 580,000 556 000 DELIQUENT SP. ASSESSMENTS 52,239 87,270 30,000 90,000 30,000 557 000 PREPAID SP. ASSESSMENTS 9,858 2,309 5,000 5,000 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 656,105 808,888 665,000 725,000 610,000 555 000 Estimated collection rate is 80% of 1993 certified special assessments This also includes $85,000 from the Prepaid special Assessment fund INTEREST 564 000 ACCRUED INTEREST INCOME 12,146 4,764 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 12,146 4,764 0 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 33,222 35,450 29,750 29,750 30,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 33,222 35,450 29,750 29,750 30,000 619 000 Softball use surcharge. OTHER FINANCING 621 000 BONDS 0 1,660,000 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 1,660,000 0 0 0 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 Quasi-external Transfers 800,600 0 715,334 0 0 662 000 Operating Transfers 0 737,950 0 715,334 692,161 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 800,600 737,950 715,334 715,334 692,161 660 000 This is made up of: General fund $467,161 Special Gas 225,000 --------- $692,161 --------- --------- CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 285,416 335,915 360,499 - - ----------- ------- ----------- 0 0 285.416 335,915 360.499 145 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L 5 Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 342 BOND AND INTEREST DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 2,259,415 4,457,403 3,151,190 3,261,689 2,997,250 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 2,259,415 4,457,403 3,151,190 3,261,689 2,997,250 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 2.259.415 4.457.403 3.151.190 3.261.689 2.997,250 146 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 342 BOND AND INTEREST DEPARTMENT: 680 DEBT SERVICE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 892 000 REFUNDS 391 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 391 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 930 000 PRINCIPAL 0 0 55,000 0 60,000 930 850 PRINCIPAL - OWNER SHARE 680,102 684,888 629,244 629,244 631,204 930 860 PRINCIPAL - CITY SHARE 949,899 1,037,112 1,535,756 1,535,756 1,523,796 932 000 PURSCHASE OF BOND ESCROW 0 1,895,650 0 0 0 935 000 INTEREST 0 0 45,000 0 27,000 935 850 INTEREST - OWNER SHARE 270,108 233,827 213,172 213,172 184,212 935 860 INTEREST - CITY SHARE 398,197 541,560 521,518 521,518 419,538 940 000 COMMISSION , POSTAGE 748 763 1,500 1,500 1,500 941 000 ISSUANCE COSTS 0 31,940 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 2,299,054 4,425,740 3,001,190 2,901,190 2,847,250 930 000 CITY SHARE PROPERTY OWNER ---------------------- ---------------- PRINCIPAL INTEREST PRINCIPAL INTEREST ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 1991 Issue (P-238) $ 5,253 $ 2,351 $ 139,747 $ 62,534 1991 Issue (P-237) 130,000 58,695 1990 Issue (B-236) 45,000 18,788 1989 Issue (P-235) 81,708 29,185 38,292 13,490 1988 Issue (FLP-234) 37,200 11,583 62,800 19,555 1987 Issue (P-233) 370,763 96,398 129,237 33,602 1986 Issue {P-232 9,200 1,582 240,800 42,118 1992 Refunding 620,000 102,080 1991 Issue (c-239) 180,000 70,500 1992 Issue (p-241) 44,672 28,376 20,328 12,913 ---------- --------- -------- -------- $1,523,796 $ 419,538 $631,204 $184.212 RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 150,000 360,499 150,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 150,000 360,499 150,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- U SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS U 2,299,445 4,425,740 3,151,190 3,261,689 2,997,250 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 2,299,445 4,425,740 3,151,190 3,261,689 2,997,250 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- . FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 2,299,445 4,425,740 3,151,190 3,261,689 2,997,250 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 40.030- 31,663 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET INTERNAL SERVICE INDEX CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 147 PAGE 155 159 148 152 FUND Central Garage Data Processing Risk Management . . . . . . . . Workers' Compensation Reserve 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS RISK MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND In recognition of the growing problems with municipal insurance, the 1986 Kansas legislature authorized the establishment of a Risk Management Reserve Fund. K.S.A. 12-2616 authorizes that the monies in this fund be utilized for any risk which might otherwise be insurable by a municipality. The act does not authorize a special tax. However, it provides that "monies may be paid into such Risk Management Reserve Fund from any source which may be lawfully utilized for such purposes, including transfers from the General Fund, any special liability expense fund established in accordance with the provisions of K. S . A. 75-6110 or from any other fund or grant program account of the governmental unit in reasonable proportion to the estimated cost of self-insuring the risk losses covered by such reserve fund." The word "reserve" in this fund's title means that the fund is authorized to accumulate from year to year the fund balance and to spend that balance without annual rebudgeting. Most funds are not reserve funds; as a result, their cash balance must be reappropriated in order to be spent. In addition to providing centralized accounting for the City's insurance and risk management expenses, this fund also permits efficient and proper management of the City's risks. Risk management entails not only insurance but also efforts to minimize the potential exposure of the City, its employees, its patrons and the general public to various conditions and situations which could result in potential damage to persons or property 148 Cler k Comments part-time classified position 1 and Budget Risk Manager full-time employee 1 has The Department 149 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 440 RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- REIMBURSEMENTS 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 14,106 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 14,106 0 0 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 2,099 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 0 2,099 0 0 0 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 Quasi-external Transfers 739,245 410,113 489,944 489,944 476,124 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 739,245 410,113 489,944 489,944 476,124 660 000 This consists of transfers from: Special Liability $360,806 EMS 17,000 Sanitation 17,150 Solid Waste 3,140 Water & Sewer 76,348 Data Processing 1,680 --------- $476,124 --------- --------- CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 0 29,175 117,149 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 0 29,175 117,149 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 753,351 412,212 489,944 519,119 593,273 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 753,351 412,212 489,944 519,119 593,273 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 753,351 412,212 489,944 519,119 593,273 S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED RISK MANAGEMENT EXPENSE 1994 YEAR FISCAL DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 120 DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT RISK 440 FUND 1994 APPROVED 41,413 o o o o o 12,230 o o o 518 2,400 ----------- 56.561 40,630 o o o o o 11,640 o o o 500 2,400 ----------- 55.170 39,850 o o o o o 11,640 o o o 500 2,400 ----------- 54.390 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 34,319 1,531 2,680 823 459 o o o o 470 2,400 ----------- 42.682 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 33,385 1,641 2,081 1,636 o o o o o 446 2,400 ----------- 41.589 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - VACATION FULL TIME - SICK FULL TIME - FUNERAL PARTTIME SALARIES PARTTIME - REGULAR PARTTIME - HOLIDAY PARTTIME - SICK LONGEVITY PAY TRANSPORTATION AL LOWANCE ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 000 701 160 701 162 701 163 701 164 701 167 702 000 702 160 702 162 702 164 704 000 726 000 800 500 200 500 000 800 500 200 500 2.000 800 500 200 500 2.000 599 267 o 564 1. 430 824 676 24 2,122 ----------- 3,646 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS PHOTOGRAPHY OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 782 000 795 000 o 000 000 000 300 300 o 000 000 000 000 o 000 000 2 100 80 20 6 6 60 1 70 10 o 000 000 000 300 300 o 000 000 000 000 500 000 000 90 58 15 6 6 50 1 65 8 6 20 15 o 000 000 000 300 300 o 000 000 000 000 500 000 000 90 58 15 6 6 50 1 65 8 6 20 15 o 350 055 180 o 761 632 705 176 304 197 o 442 369 185 54 1 2 12 60 9 63 803 951 708 014 235 114 665 089 521 679 o 668 951 123 53 16 4 9 106 50 1 55 13 5 4 CONTRACTUAL 820 000 INSURANCE 820 481 GENERAL LIABILITY INS 820 482 POLICE LIABILITY INS. 820 483 PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIAB 820 484 EMS LIABILITY INS. 820 485 INSURANCE - INLAND MARINE 820 486 INSURANCE - WORKMENS COMP 820 488 PROPERTY INSURANCE 820 489 BOILER & MACHINERY INS. 820 490 FLEET VEHICLES INS. 820 491 EMS VEHICLES INSURANCE 820 494 OTHER INSURANCE 821 000 CLAIMS PAID 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 20 15 12 1 EMS Equipment & Art Center, Fox Dishonesty, Forgery Oeductibles & Misc. Includes $10,000 for continuation of an Employee Assistance Program. This includes education, urine testing of 170 employees per year' $40 each. and assesments evaluation. referrals and other consultant 388.600 100 341 Inland Marine Theater, Money & Securities Liquor Liability. Etc 100 341 171 340 461 445 485 494 000 000 820 820 150 Employee Public 821 839 151 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y 5 T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 440 RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: 120 RISK MANAGEMENT SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACTUAL services. OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 621 387 600 600 600 848 000 POSTAGE 141 123 100 100 102 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 988 2,371 2,000 2,000 2,000 851 000 DUES 210 538 1,000 1,000 1,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 1,960 3,419 3,700 3,700 3,702 851 000 Adds Membership in PRIMA, Kansas PRIMA, , National Safety Council CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 1,400 0 0 1,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 1,400 0 0 1,500 TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 287,000 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 287,000 0 0 0 0 RESERVES 992 000 SALARY RESERVE 0 0 780 0 0 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 87,974 117,149 140,910 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 88,754 117,149 140,910 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 779,656 389,102 489,944 519,119 593,273 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 779,656 389,102 489,944 519,119 593,273 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 779,656 389,102 489,944 519,119 593,273 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 26.305- 23.110 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WORKERS COMPENSATION RESERVE FUND Resolution Number 91-4286 was adopted by the City Commission on March 25, 1991. This resolution created a reserve fund to permit the city to be approved by the State of Kansas as a self-insurer under the Workers Compensation Act beginning May 1, 1991. 1994 is the second full year for the city to participate in this program. The reserve fund (also known as a self-insured retention or SIR) is the amount ordinarily budgeted for conventional workers compensation insurance. Taken from this fund is the cost for a claims administrator, the cost for an excess insurance policy, loss control and payments for medical costs and compensation to employees. This fund will be allowed to build over the years to eventually make the city self reliant in all phases of workers compensation. Our initial goal is to reach a $750,000 fund balance 152 153 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 442 WORKMEN' S COMP RESERVE DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- REIMBURSEMENTS 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 51,775 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 51,775 0 0 0 0 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 Quasi-external Transfers 287,000 260,225 442,923 442,923 474,348 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 287,000 260,225 442,923 442,923 474,348 660 000 These payments come from: Water and Sewer $96,198 Golf Course 4,050 Solid Waste 7,544 Sanitation 19,044 Data Processing 1,012 central Garage 6,500 Employee Benefits 340,000 --------- $474,348 --------- --------- CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 328,250 321,744 502,667 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 328,250 321,744 502,667 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 338,775 260,225 771,173 764,667 977,015 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 338,775 260,225 771,173 764,667 977,015 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 338.775 260.225 771.173 764.667 977.015 154 city of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 442 WORKMEN'S COMP RESERVE DEPARTMENT: 120 WORKMEN'S COMP RESERVE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- CONTRACTUAL 820 486 INSURANCE - WORKMENS COMP 35,742 21,518 22,000 22,000 22,000 821 000 CLAIMS PAID 43,762 150,148 215,000 215,000 215,000 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 6,421 19,666 25,000 25,000 25,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 85,925 191,332 262,000 262,000 262,000 839 000 Attorneys, Consultants, Etc. RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 509,173 502,667 715,015 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 509,173 502,667 715,015 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 85,925 191,332 771,173 764,667 977,015 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 85,925 191,332 771,173 764,667 977,015 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 85,925 191,332 771,173 764,667 977,015 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 252.850 68.893 0 0 0 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION The Central Garage account is a "housekeeping" or internal service fund. All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment, except that of the Fire Department, is maintained by the Central Garage. This includes repair work, gasoline, oil, tires and service. The various departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage or specialized service done by contract. Each individual budgetary unit has a line item for parts, labor and fuel. The full cost of operating the Central Garage, including fuel, parts, labor and overhead, is recovered from the various departments and is included here for accounting purposes. Budget Comments Six full-time employees operate the Central Garage Shop Supervisor, one (1) Account Clerk II three (3) Mechanics and one (1) Equipment Service Worker. 155 156 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEARI 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 450 CENTRAL GARAGE DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------ -----------. -----------. -----------. -----------. ---------- REIMBURSEMENTS 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 458 0 776,920 776,920 823,535 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 458 0 776,920 776,920 823,535 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 437 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 437 0 0 0 TRANSFERS IN 650 000 CENTRAL GARAGE 695,198 656,557 0 0 0 655 000 CENTRAL STORES 21,658 6,122 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 716,856 662,679 0 0 0 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 0 1,205 21,045 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 0 1,205 21,045 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 717,314 663,116 776,920 778,125 844,580 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 717,314 663,116 776,920 778,125 844,580 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 717,314 663,116 776,920 778,125 844,580 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 450 CENTRAL GARAGE DEPARTMENT: 790 OTHER-CENTRAL GARAGE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1994 APPROVED 282 o o o o o o o 070 188 570 030 110 900 200 500 2 2 9 2 3 27 2 27 188,850 o 900 000 300 500 000 700 o 780 000 800 000 000 500 700 o 000 000 500 100 700 800 600 600 350 157 830 ., 584 600 551 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET ------- 135,430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,070 3,050 460 8,700 2,050 850 2,670 27,500 ------- 182,780 0 900 27,000 1,300 400 1,200 1,200 0 600 88,000 41,500 24,000 10,000 1,500 5,500 0 310,000 27,000 7,500 1,100 800 800 600 400 300 ------- 551. 600 141 180 o o o o o o o 070 050 460 700 050 850 670 500 138 2 3 8 2 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 559 673 602 017 o 28 o 012 388 421 900 081 852 536 363 1 2 8 2 120 5 9 9 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 085 573 503 026 o 90 o 749 674 395 909 982 855 257 415 1 2 8 117 5 7 1 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - VACATION FULL TIME - SICK FULL TIME - INJURY FULL TIME - FUNERAL PARTTIME - REGULAR OVERTIME - REGULAR LONGEVITY PAY UNEMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE LIFE INSURANCE KPERS HEALTH INSURANCE ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 000 701 160 701 162 701 163 701 164 701 166 701 167 702 160 703 000 704 000 710 000 711 000 711 001 712 000 714 000 715 000 2 28 3 26 30 1 85 59 32 10 1 6 315 27 7 1 1 1 185,530 o 900 000 300 400 200 200 o 600 000 500 000 000 500 500 o 000 000 500 100 800 800 600 400 300 88 41 24 10 1 5 310 27 7 1 27 1 1 1 191.432 o 748 032 945 23 893 809 8 o 340 149 494 934 479 627 32 646 134 916 462 682 235 570 4 969 77 25 11 5 282 21 6 1 4 6 513 o 867 019 930 379 751 403 o o 119 266 735 953 746 708 918 017 865 926 406 059 930 476 161 197 176 21 82 28 8 4 1 1 2 308 26 6 1 1 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES - GARAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK BOOKS , PERIODICALS METAL PRODUCTS JANITORIAL WELDING SUPPLIES GAS , OIL GAS , OIL - GARAGE VEHICL GAS , OIL - GASOLINE STK GAS , OIL - PROPANE STOCK GAS , OIL - DIESEL STOCK GAS , OIL - OIL STOCK GAS , OIL - ANTI-FREEZE MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP PARTS - MACHINERY , EQUIP Vehicle parts VEHICLE PARTS - STOCK EXPENDABLE PARTS STOCK WEARING APPAREL TOOLS - SHOP TOOLS - HAND TOOLS TOOLS - POWER TOOL REPAIR OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 731 450 731 950 732 000 742 000 746 000 74 7 000 750 000 750 450 750 790 750 791 750 792 750 793 750 794 751 000 752 000 752 790 752 791 752 792 760 000 767 721 767 722 767 723 767 724 795 000 131 449 500,831 158 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 100 CENTRAL GARAGE DEPARTMENT: 000 OTHER-CENTRAL GARAGE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------. -----------. -----------. -----------. ---------- SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 912 1,266 950 950 1,200 842 000 GAS SERVICE 3,139 3,122 4,000 4,000 4,000 846 000 LIGHT , POWER 2,057 2,777 2,000 2,000 3,200 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 956 356 1,000 1,000 1,000 860 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 1,506 810 1,500 1,500 1,500 860 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP. 176 0 0 0 0 860 790 REPAIR - SHOP EQUIP 490 26 0 0 0 860 791 REPAIR - FUELING STATION 2,152 3 0 0 0 861 000 LAUNDRY , TOWEL SERVICE 2,395 2,142 2,500 2,500 2,500 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 2,088 1,803 1,000 1,000 1,000 897 000 STATE SOLID WASTE FEE 0 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 15,871 12,305 12,950 12,950 14,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 8,393 3,420 500 500 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 8,393 3,420 500 500 0 TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 4,820 4,820 6,500 6,500 6,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 4,820 4,820 6,500 6,500 6,500 RESERVES 992 000 SALARY RESERVE 0 0 2,750 0 0 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 19,840 21,045 50,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 22,590 21,045 50,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 706,428 661,108 776,920 778,125 844,580 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 706,428 661,108 776,920 778,125 844,580 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 706,428 661,108 776,920 778,125 844,580 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 10,886 2,008 0 0 0 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET DATA PROCESSING FUND The data processing unit is a shared city/county data processing department. The joint Data Processing department provides system management, user support, programming and training services to all the various departments of the City of Salina, Saline County, District Court, and Salina-Saline County Health Department. The equipment supported by Data Processing and jointly used by the City and Saline County is an IBM AS/400 computer with attached devices consisting of 125 data entry terminals, 58 printers and 27 personal computers connected through terminal emulation. Budget Comments Full-time employees are: Data Processing Manager, Programmer / Analyst, Programmer, and two Computer Operators 159 160 city of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 460 DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------------------------------------- -----------. ----------- ---------- FEES 486 000 ADMINISTATIVE SERVICES 4,258 79,678 1,500 1,500 1,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 4,258 79,678 1,500 1,500 1,500 REIMBURSEMENTS 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 29,954 0 82,600 82,600 120,000 591 000 LIQUIDATED P. O.'S 0 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 29,954 0 82,600 82,600 120,000 MISCELLANEOUS 606 000 SALE OF COMMODITIES 348 290 800 800 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 348 290 800 800 0 TRANSFERS IN 660 000 Quasi-external Transfers 197,639 175,237 152,261 152,261 202,586 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 197,639 175,237 152,261 152,261 202,586 660 000 This is composed of Water and Sewer $101,293 General 101,293 --------- $202,586 --------- --------- CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 124,272 161,548 156,029 ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 124,272 161,548 156,029 ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 232,199 255,205 361,433 398,709 480,115 ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 232,199 255,205 361,433 398,709 480,115 ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 232.199 255.205 361.433 398.709 480.115 S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED EXPENSE 1994 YEAR FISCAL DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB DATA PROCESSING 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 150 DEPARTMENT DATA PROCESSING 460 FUND 1994 APPROVED 613 o o o o o o o o o o 000 998 543 411 967 096 985 000 560 1 8 1 1 2 25 1 138 402 o o o o o 683 o o o o 800 812 440 194 917 750 512 000 560 118 8 1 2 20 1 12 065 o o o o o 683 o o o o 800 812 440 194 917 750 512 000 560 116 12 8 1 2 20 1 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 414 782 255 862 459 o 152 316 263 126 476 764 348 477 749 782 080 084 560 9 7 1 2 20 1 98 4 6 2 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 545 573 198 037 o o 059 155 o o 320 716 330 739 843 684 414 393 560 94 4 5 3 6 7 2 16 1 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 702 162 PARTTIME - HOLIDAY 702 163 PARTTIME - VACATION 702 164 PARTTIME - SICK 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 711 001 MEDICARE 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 714 000 KPERS 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 726 000 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT 173 182 168.070 165.733 Employees 157.949 This provides for 5 Full Time Data Processing Manager Programmer/Analyst Programmer Systems Operator (2 566 144 000 701 500 500 250 2 1 2 000 500 250 1 1 2 000 500 250 1 1 2 2,274 321 790 545 567 180 2 1 2 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 795 000 6,250 4.750 750 4 3,385 6.292 This provides for purchase of a complete set of System Manuals for a new release of the operating system for the main computer 5,000 ----------- 5,000 3,600 ----------- 3,600 3,600 ----------- 3,600 3,530 ----------- 3,530 3,530 ----------- 3.530 000 732 CONTRACTUAL 811 000 RENT/LEASE This provides for office space for the Data Processing Department. The Data Processing Department will be moving to a portion of the area the Health Department occupied 000 811 161 1,200 5,000 1,200 5,000 200 000 1 5 826 1.017 336 841 1 4 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM A L I NAN C I F Kansas Of salina 6/29/93 City DATE BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 FISCAL YEAR DEPARTMENT 1994 APPROVED SUB 1993 AMENDED BUDGET DATA PROCESSING 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 150 DEPARTMENT DATA PROCESSING 460 FUND 300 30,500 ----------- 37.000 300 28,500 ----------- 35.000 300 28,500 ----------- 35.000 LAST YEAR EXPENSE 100 8,848 ----------- 10.791 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE 250 8,802 ----------- 15.229 DESCRIPTION SERVICES CHARGE 000 DUES 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL S & ACCOUNT OTHER 851 895 This amount allows the Data Processing Manager to attend an AS/400 Technical Conference and a State and Local Government Information Systems Management Seminar. This allows for technical training for programming staff and the purchase of in-house computer based training modules for use by all City departments. This account provides for the maintenance contracts on computers and support equipment. The main computer system, the IBM AS/400, maintenance agreement amounts to $20,575. This amount will be shared by the City and county in accordance with the joint agreement. This account also provides for the purchase of miscellaneous software repairs on support equipment, etc 000 000 850 895 2,000 165,000 ------- 167.000 1,500 27,200 28.700 1,500 27,200 28.700 o o o o 1,026 ----------- 1.026 CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT This amount will be used to upgrade our Joint City/County Computer System. Next year as new models and products with different pricing structures are announced staff will be reviewing the options that are available and most cost effective. Those options appear to be to upgrade to a larger IBM AS/400 or purchase an additional IBM AS/400 to support some specific application areas 000 905 2,692 ----------- 2.692 2,560 ----------- 2.560 2,560 ----------- 2.560 2,330 ----------- 2.330 2,330 ----------- 2.330 Transfers TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external 012 680 $1 1 Workmen's Compensation Equipment 000 961 o 60,000 20.000 o 136,029 20.000 $2,692 2,337 98,753 20,000 o o o o o o SALARY RESERVE CASH RESERVE EQUIPMENT RESERVE RESERVES 992 000 993 000 993 901 162 80.000 480,115 ----------- 480.115 156.029 398,709 ----------- 398.709 090 361,433 ----------- 361,433 121 o 177,985 ----------- 177.985 o 172,973 ----------- 172.973 .. TOTALS ... TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT .. ... 163 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 460 DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT: 150 DATA PROCESSING SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ----------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 172,973 177,985 361,433 398,709 480,115 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 59.226 77.220 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUNDS INDEX CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PAGE 174 165 169 178 181 196 187 183 194 185 194 192 188 191 FUND Golf Course Sanitation Solid Waste . . . Water and Wastewater: Water: Administration Capital Outlay Cross Corrector Customer Accounting Debt Service . . . Distribution . . . Pumping . . . . . . . . Service .......... Softening & Treatment Supply 164 197 199 Wastewater: Collection & Treatment Pretreatment 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES SANITATION DIVISION This Division of the General Services Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. Commercial collections, including apartment houses, are handled by licensed, private haulers or by the individual business. The Division is supervised by the Sanitation Superintendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex and triplex residential units on an optional basis. The Division operates four 20 cubic yard packer trucks, each with an assigned route to be served each day, Monday through Friday. These are supplemented by two shuttle trucks, which permit the crews to remain on the routes while a driver takes a loaded truck to the landfill. One dump truck makes special pickups of piles of tree limbs and items too bulky for the packer trucks at an additional cost. There are approximately 11,700 residential refuse customers are devoted tax monies No property service of the paid by users fees from self-supporting This Division is to this activity five II Secretary Comments The 19 full time employees for the Division include: Sanitation Superintendent, one (1) (5) Sanitation Drivers, three (3) Sanitation Worker Driver and nine (9) Sanitation Workers. Budget is 165 and a certain amount The Division is charged lOt per monthly bill by the Water and Sewerage Department, paid to the General Fund for general administrative services 166 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 620 SANITATION DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------ -----------. -----------. -----------~ -----------. ---------- FEES 462 000 SANITATION 760,355 802,846 798,000 835,000 975,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 760,355 802,846 798,000 835,000 975,000 INTEREST 560 000 INVESTMENT INCOME 35,610 23,678 25,000 20,000 20,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 35,610 23,678 25,000 20,000 20,000 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 1,478 1,008 1,300 1,300 1,300 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,478 1,008 1,300 1,300 1,300 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 625,398 650,104 608,334 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 625,398 650,104 608,334 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 797,443 827,532 1,449,698 1,506,404 1,604,634 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 797,443 827,532 1,449,698 1,506,404 1,604,634 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- . FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 797.443 827.532 1.449.698 1. 506.404 1.604.634 S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED EXPENSE 1994 FISCAL YEAR DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET SANITATION 340 DEPARTMENT SANITATION 620 FUND 1994 APPROVED 058 o o o o o o 000 o 000 764 510 380 940 100 500 300 362 23 5 4 1 25 5 2 8 58 054 o o o o o o 000 o 000 200 320 200 400 100 100 600 371 23 5 5 1 23 5 2 7 53 680 o o o o o o 000 o 000 200 320 200 400 100 100 600 363 23 5 5 1 23 5 2 7 53 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 973 003 903 774 648 60 o 749 392 276 110 670 536 112 725 193 308 14 17 9 28 5 4 1 23 5 2 5 60 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 588 254 840 589 437 540 o 805 677 467 038 599 571 963 139 941 279 13 14 7 23 4 4 1 23 2 1 6 53 2 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 711 001 MEDICARE 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 714 000 KPERS 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE ACCOUNT 496,552 The salaries line reflects 19 employees in the division. This would include Sanitation Superintendent, Secretary II, Lead Maintenance Worker (1), Maintenance Worker (4), Laborer assigned as Relief Driver (3) and Labor (9) 974 496 489,600 124 488 448 438 000 701 500 300 950 900 100 300 500 500 900 950 4 27 87 7 4 2 1 136 800 300 950 000 000 100 400 000 700 250 3 27 75 6 4 3 1 800 300 950 000 000 100 400 000 700 250 3 27 75 6 4 3 1 122 408 96 439 495 830 349 522 898 215 252 2 22 92 7 2 1 2 2,187 315 23,712 72,284 5,423 1,994 337 o 1,649 ----------- 107,901 EQUIP EQUIP OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES , PARTS - MACHINERY , WEARING APPAREL TOOLS PUBLIC EDUCATION OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 750 000 751 000 752 000 760 000 767 000 781 000 795 000 1,800 13,800 15,600 800 800 600 122 1 13 15 1,800 13,800 15,600 132 63 13,181 ----------- 13,244 o 14,045 ----------- 14,045 BILLING , CONTRACTUAL 805 000 MEDICAL 808 000 ADMINISTRATION 167 1,200 224,000 1,500 This account will pay for physicals for new employees 1,200 112,000 1,000 1,200 112,000 1,000 991 54,380 1,202 960 52,562 o 000 805 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 843 000 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 845 000 WATER SERVICE 168 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUNDI 620 SANITATION DEPARTMENT: 340 SANITATION SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ---------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 1,775 1,277 2,500 2,500 2,500 851 000 DUES 115 128 400 400 400 860 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 442 551 600 600 600 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 3,684 859 1,300 1,300 1,300 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 59,538 59,388 119,000 119,000 231,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 902 000 RADIOS 0 0 1,600 1,600 800 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 55,167 2,099 0 0 0 909 000 VEHICLES 30,581 56,645 48,000 48,000 42,000 910 000 LAND 0 18,000 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 85,748 76,744 49,600 49,600 42,800 902 000 Purchase one (1) radio. 909 000 Replaces one (1) refuse truck. TRANSFERS OUT 955 000 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 57,850 0 60,936 0 0 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 29,420 91,028 33,710 94,646 102,994 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 87,270 91,028 94,646 94,646 102,994 961 000 Workmen's Compensation $ 19,044 General Liability 17,150 Administrative overhead 66,800 -------- $102,994 -------- -------- RESERVES 992 000 SALARY RESERVE 0 0 7,374 0 0 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 241,628 298,334 268,238 993 904 BUILDING RESERVE 0 0 170,000 170,000 170,000 993 906 POLY KART RESERVE 0 0 140,000 140,000 140,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 559,002 608,334 578,238 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 792,950 860,780 1,449,698 1,506,404 1,604,634 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 792,950 860,780 1,449,698 1,506,404 1,604,634 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 792,950 860,780 1,449,698 1,506,404 1,604,634 ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 4.493 33.248- 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIVISION The City-owned and City-operated landfill, located southwest of Salina on Burma Road, provides solid waste disposal facilities for all of Saline County. The location and operation of the landfill are in accordance with the Saline County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Plan adopted by the Saline County Commissioners and subsequently approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Protection Agency published new requirements for landfills The rules will change are constructed and monitored. The new regulations are very rigid and requires water analysis, and cell liners Collection and dealing with leachate are part In 1988, the Environmental the way the landfill pits studies, monitoring wells of the new regulations laws other pass It is expected the State will tires which is now a law. The State of Kansas will administer the new EPA rules. requiring a solid waste reduction such as no burial of vehicle from users of the landfill and income No tax monies are devoted to this gate fees collected landfill operations solely financed from land not needed for The Solid Waste Division is realized from leasing farm activity. means This Program supports and operates the City's Household Hazardous Waste segregated and stored for pickup and disposal by a contractor The Solid Waste Division all materials received are Sanitation the by supervised is the General Services Department, the operation is responsible to the Director of General Services of who As a Division Superintendent, Landfill 169 (2) two Operators Comments Landfill Supervisor, three (3) Landfill and one (1) Environmental Technician. Budget I This fund has 7 full time employees: Attendants. one (1) Maintenance Worker 170 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 630 SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------------. -----------. -----------.. ------------ -----------.. ---------- INTERGOVERNMENTAL 431 000 STATE GRANTS 0 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 0 0 0 0 0 FEES 463 000 SOLID WASTE 348,445 374,538 690,000 650,000 1,300,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 348,445 374,538 690,000 650,000 1,300,000 INTEREST 560 000 INVESTMENT INCOME 37,974 25,474 25,000 22,000 22,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 37,974 25,474 25,000 22,000 22,000 REIMBURSEMENTS 582 000 RETURNED CHECK CHARGES 0 15 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 15 0 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 11,508 40,802 370,000 370,000 250,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 11,508 40,802 370,000 370,000 250,000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 658,002 652,818 717,534 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 658,002 652,818 717,534 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 397,927 440,829 1,743,002 1,694,818 2,289,534 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 397,927 440,829 1,743,002 1,694,818 2,289,534 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 397.927 440.829 1. 743.002 1.694.818 2.289.534 SYSTEM A L I NAN C I F Kansas City of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB SOLID WASTE 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 350 DEPARTMENT SOLID WASTE 630 FUND 1994 APPROVED 5,000 ----------- 5.000 5,000 ----------- 5.000 5,000 ----------- 5,000 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o o YRS AGO EXPENSE o o 2 DESCRIPTION EXPENDITURES 819 222 RECYCLING ACCOUNT 012 o o o o o 000 o 000 008 490 650 025 680 780 000 161 11 8 2 6 1 380 o o o o o 000 o 000 090 430 000 900 680 300 000 142 11 4 1 10 1 000 o o o o o 000 o 000 090 430 000 900 680 300 000 140 11 10 1 4 1 o 906 358 794 659 501 o 759 611 996 331 990 635 686 465 172 93 4 4 5 5 6 1 o 398 307 666 711 305 o 959 446 406 344 859 875 660 642 142 86 4 7 6 5 4 1 7 PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 702 000 PARTTIME SALARIES 702 160 PARTTIME - REGULAR 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 711 001 MEDICARE 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 714 000 KPERS 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE 2 25 2 25 2 25 1 22 2 16 218.645 198.780 400 196 149.863 720 145 800 100 800 720 300 100 600 000 300 7 29 73 1 6 1 one position from Sanitation 800 100 10,500 22,000 60,000 1,100 500 6,000 1,300 800 100 5,500 22,000 60,000 1,100 500 6,000 1,300 Includes transfer of 967 53 5,702 18,113 62,88~ 466 471 1,564 1,912 54 o 5,175 18,108 83,808 679 454 1,642 1,235 000 701 CHAT OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL , GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES' EQUIP WEARING APPAREL TOOLS PUBLIC EDUCATION OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 741 000 750 000 751 000 760 000 767 000 781 000 795 000 120.720 000 500 000 000 000 500 40 25 40 8 102.300 000 500 000 000 o 500 40 24 70 300 000 500 000 000 o 500 97 40 24 70 130 114,749 o 20,570 o 1,166 ----------- 136,485 92 111.155 o o 23,211 o 3,015 ----------- 26.226 CONTRACTUAL 801 000 ENGINEERING 805 000 MEDICAL 818 000 TIRE DISPOSAL 818 234 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE 819 000 RECYCLED PAPER 171 113, 134 This is a new account to pay for consulting work 134 000 801 172 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 630 SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT: 350 SOLID WASTE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACTUAL 805 000 This account will pay for physicals for new employees. 818 234 This account will pay for disposal. 819 000 This subsidizes paper disposal. OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 397 596 400 400 600 842 000 GAS SERVICE 1,295 896 2,180 2,180 2,200 845 000 WATER SERVICE 291 315 600 600 700 846 000 LIGHT , POWER 2,337 2,118 2,500 2,500 2,500 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 673 536 3,000 3,000 3,000 851 000 DUES 363 300 800 800 800 860 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 434 709 600 600 500 860 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 2,000 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 13,373 8,217 17,000 17,000 17,000 897 000 STATE SOLID WASTE FEE 0 0 136,000 136,000 136,000 898 000 PROPERTY TAXES 2,540 1,873 3,000 3,000 2,200 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 21,703 15,560 166,080 166,080 167,500 895 000 This account was increased to pay for surface water analysis in addition to the well monitoring water analysis. 897 000 This account is new to pay for the Kansas surcharge on Solid Waste CAPITAL OUTLAY 902 000 RADIOS 750 0 0 0 1,000 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 16,926 2,437 0 0 0 909 000 VEHICLES 253,950 0 320,000 320,000 0 911 000 BUILDINGS 82,431 0 0 0 0 915 000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ. 0 2,530 6,000 6,000 0 915 903 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS--EPA 55 0 0 0 1,232,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 354,112 4,967 326,000 326,000 1,233,000 902 000 Purchase of one (1) radio and converter. 915 903 EPA will be requiring a large number of improvements to our solid waste facility. TRANSFERS OUT 955 000 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 22,000 0 34,924 0 0 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 8,000 33,311 9,700 44,624 46,284 ----------- ----------- ------- ----------- ----------- 30,000 33,311 44,624 44,624 46,284 961 000 Workmen's Compensation $ 7,544 General Liability 3,140 Administrative overhead 35,600 ------- $46,284 ------- ------- RESERVES 992 000 SALARY RESERVE 0 0 2.380 0 0 173 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 630 SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT: 350 SOLID WASTE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED --------------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- RESERVES 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 370,718 317,534 384,885 993 901 EQUIPMENT RESERVE 0 0 100,000 100,000 0 993 903 EPA REQUIREMENT RESERVE 0 0 300,000 300,000 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 0 0 773,098 717,534 384,885 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 688,916 432,316 1,743,002 1,694,818 2,289,534 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 688,916 432,316 1,743,002 1,694,818 2,289,534 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 688,916 432,316 1,743,002 1,694,818 2,289,534 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 290.989- 8.513 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION GOLF COURSE DIVISION The Salina Municipal Golf Course, opened in 1970, is located on 137 acres of land. It is a modern, well maintained I8-hole golf course. The Salina Municipal Golf Course is operated by the City's Parks and Recreation Department. The Golf Course manager oversees the entire operation of the facility including maintenance Approximately 50,000 rounds of golf are played each year fund. The amount of expenditures is directly related to the This budget provides for a realistic level of expenditures if the level of play is below expectations, the expenditures The Municipal Golf Course is an enterprise revenue generated from the play at the course. based upon the expected level of play; however will be adjusted accordingly. Course II, and 174 Comments Six full-time employees of the Division are as follows: Golf Course Manager, Assistant Golf Manager/pro Shop-Club House Manager, Golf Course Superintendent, two (2) Maintenance Worker one (1) Maintenance Worker I Budget 175 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 REVENUE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 650 GOLF COURSE DEPARTMENT: 000 REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------ ----------_. -----------. ----------- ---------- TAXES 410 000 SALES TAX 11,983 15,026 14,400 14,000 15,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 11,983 15,026 14,400 14,000 15,000 FEES 445 000 ELECTRIC CARTS 88,452 94,483 93,000 85,000 89,000 446 000 PULL CARTS 3,680 4,162 4,000 4,000 4,000 447 000 CART STORAGE 4,986 5,120 2,500 1,975 5,000 465 321 MEMBERSHIP FEES 28,085 33,180 31,000 31,000 33,000 465 322 GREEN FEES 178,713 228,254 215,000 210,000 238,000 465 323 CART USER FEES 6,935 6,717 13,000 10,000 12,000 465 324 DRIVING RANGE 21,946 31,410 25,000 32,000 32,000 465 325 MEMBER SURCHARGE 17,847 26,261 19,000 24,000 24,000 465 326 OIL WELL LEASE 5,544 4,221 5,000 5,000 5,000 465 327 TEN PLAY CARDS 26,610 26,128 27,000 21,000 30,000 484 000 FOOD/BEVERAGE 34,920 38,417 37,000 35,000 40,000 484 203 FooD/BEVERAGE--BEER SALES 6,793 7,673 8,000 7,000 8,000 484 205 PRO SHOP 50,081 70,094 50,000 50,000 70,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 474,592 576,120 529,500 515,975 590,000 INTEREST 560 000 INVESTMENT INCOME 2,896 3,448 2,000 2,000 2,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,896 3,448 2,000 2,000 2,000 REIMBURSEMENTS 582 000 RETURNED CHECK CHARGES 30 226 0 0 200 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 973 0 2,000 2,000 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 1,003 226 2,000 2,000 200 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 2,467 2,385 2,000 2,000 2,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,467 2,385 2,000 2,000 2,000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 0 0 69,621 46,539 67,939 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 69,621 46,539 67,939 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 492,941 597,205 619,521 582,514 677,139 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 492,941 597,205 619,521 582,514 677,139 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · FUND REVENUE TOTALS · 492.941 597.205 619.521 582.514 677.139 S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL ADOPTED EXPENSE 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET GOLF COURSE 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 440 DEPARTMENT GOLF COURSE 650 FUND 1994 APPROVED 636 o o o o 000 000 o o o 458 835 025 045 800 160 600 23 42 1 13 3 143 097 o o o o 500 000 o o o 252 640 112 833 800 325 400 140 14 38 12 2 1 350 o o o o 000 000 o o o 252 640 112 833 800 325 400 137 18 40 12 2 1 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 414 058 o o 841 131 014 o o 180 594 168 846 774 792 623 106 5 35 42 1 1 12 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 388 682 253 88 682 055 971 o o 231 613 539 458 737 749 879 39 37 1 1 13 1 101 4 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - FUNERAL PARTTIME - REGULAR PARTTIME - CLUBHOUSE PARTTIME - MAINTENANCE OVERTIME - REGULAR OVERTIME - VACATION OVERTIME - SICK LONGEVITY PAY UNEMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE LIFE INSURANCE KPERS HEALTH INSURAN ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 000 701 160 701 162 701 167 702 160 702 171 702 172 703 000 703 163 703 164 704 000 710 000 711 000 711 001 712 000 714 000 715 000 3 21 2 21 2 21 1 21 2 18 CE 252.559 500 000 o 500 000 000 000 o 500 500 000 000 000 000 10 7 19 2 32 2 1 8 5 233.959 500 000 100 500 000 000 000 o 000 o 000 000 000 000 8 1 2 1 5 5 7 19 1 27 712 500 000 100 500 000 000 000 o 000 o 000 000 000 000 236 8 1 2 1 8 6 7 19 1 32 231. 435 533 676 o 257 675 427 662 o 620 o 752 527 911 975 8 19 2 27 1 9 325 832 591 23 669 441 229 868 o 183 o 475 o 172 813 224 22 6 16 3 29 2 OFFICE SUPPLIES IRRIGATION SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL , LIGHTING GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES' EQUIP PARTS - MACHINERY , EQUIP CHEMICALS CHEMICALS-GOLF COURSE WEARING APPAREL SAFETY EQUIP , SUPPLIES TOOLS MACH. , EQUIP. (<$500) SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 736 000 745 000 750 000 751 000 752 000 759 000 759 365 760 000 766 000 767 000 768 000 790 000 795 000 7 6 10 5 88.000 o 2,500 15.000 100 500 000 000 77 1 2 14 100 500 000 000 500 86 1 2 14 17 015 o 2,541 15,380 17.921 86 98.296 4,522 o 12,154 ----------- 16.676 CONTRACTUAL 811 000 RENT/LEASE 811 001 RENTAL CART REPAIR 825 000 SALES TAX 176 500 2,400 6.000 17 17.500 2,800 6,000 800 000 2 6 2,381 5;250 474 790 2 2 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 842 000 GAS SERVICE S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET GOLF COURSE 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 440 DEPARTMENT 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE GOLF COURSE 650 FUND 1994 APPROVED 3,000 27,000 4,500 1,200 100 300 3,500 55,000 22,000 4,000 o 5,000 ----------- 134,000 9,450 27,000 3,500 700 500 3,000 3,500 40,000 20,000 6,000 o 3,000 ----------- 125,450 9,450 27,000 4,000 700 500 1,000 3,500 40,000 20,000 6,000 o 3,000 ----------- 123,950 LAST YEAR EXPENSE 1,262 19,766 3,598 1,283 1,356 7,227 1,592 61,496 19,668 6,407 452 4,584 ----------- 136,322 2,800 26,433 2,843 622 1,103 8,058 5,539 38,781 19,370 9,470 o 4,551 ----------- 124,834 DESCRIPTION SERVICES , CHARGES 000 WATER SERVICE 000 LIGHT' POWER 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 000 PRINTING 562 REPAIRS - BUILDINGS 000 PRO SHOP 650 PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE 000 SNACK BAR 000 DRIVING RANGE 000 CHARGE CARD EXPENSE 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL ACCOUNT OTHER 845 846 850 851 857 860 870 870 871 872 879 895 CAPITAL OUTLAY 905 000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 909 000 VEHICLES 40,000 o 769 o 14 40,000 o 37,102 27,541 33,020 o 40,000 REPLACE 8 GOLF CARTS o 45,797 ----------- 45,797 o 46,950 ----------- 46,950 769 14 TRAP RAKE 40,000 REPLACE SAND 41,747 4,050 45,797 643 REPLACE GREENS MOWER o 2,920 ----------- 2,920 64 o 44,373 ----------- 44,373 33.020 000 905 TRANSFERS OUT 955 000 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 000 050 900 $15 4 27 Transfers are as follows General (repayment of inventory Worker's Compensation Administrative Overhead 000 961 $47,400 ------- ------- o 98,130 ----------- 98,130 o 67,939 ----------- 67,939 747 715 462 2 66 69 o o o o o o SALARY RESERVE CASH RESERVE RESERVES 992 000 993 000 677,139 ----------- 677,139 ----------- 582,514 ----------- 582,514 ----------- 619,521 ----------- 619,521 ----------- 580,709 ----------- 580,709 500,071 ----------- 500,071 ----------- .. TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT 177 677,139 ----------- o 582,514 ----------- o 619,521 ----------- o 580,709 ----------- 16,496 500,071 ----------- 7,130- . **** ... TOTALS FUND NET DIFFERENCE TOTALS FUND EXPENSE DEPARTMENT ... **.* 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WATER AND W ASTEW A TER DEPARTMENT The Water and Wastewater Department is a combined municipal utility responsible for operating the City's water and wastewater. In addition, the Department collects revenue for the City's sanitation service. The accounting for the water and wastewater utility differs somewhat from general municipal accounting. This results from the need to use utility accounting procedures required by covenants in the City's bond ordinances and wastewater customer service and accounting water, three divisions has Department This sections Water Treatment Section consists of a Filtration & Softening Plant, which has the capacity to treat 15 million gallons per day from the Smoky Hill River and 18 wells. The water is chemically treated to meet or exceed standards of the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment and the U. S. EPA. Compliance with those standards is assured by continual testing in the plant proper, as well as throughout the complete system. and Water Distribution Water Treatment, is composed of Division The Water separate pressure systems; 1,915 fire Water services are maintained from tanks on 4 and meters Water Distribution Section consists of 8 elevated storage hydrants, 265 miles of water mains, 17,000 water services the water main to the curb stop at the utilities expense Customer Service and Accounting Division reads meters each month, computes account charges, provides service assistance to individual customers and collects all water and wastewater use fees. The Division also bills and collects for residential refuse collection service, The utility has approximately 17,000 customers and issues about 207,500 bills annually. 178 ( continued) Wastewater Division maintains all wastewater collection mains and laterals, wastewater pumping stations and the wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater system consists of a treatment facility, 210 miles of lines and 53 sewer lift stations. It is responsible for the treatment of all sanitary sewer wastes generated by the City to standards specified by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. This division also monitors industrial users for hazardous waste contamination. There are currently 12 industrial users that are permitted and it is the division's responsibility to monitor these industries to see they are within permit compliance WATER AND WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT The Water and Wastewater department s self-supporting from user charges collected from its customers. No tax monies are diverted to the utility. Rather, the Department makes a $230,000 payment in lieu of franchise taxes to the General Fund. This contribution makes the utility one of the largest tax payers in the City Comments Budget has 72 full-time employees The Department Representative (1), Customer Meter Service Supervisor (1) (1) Customer Service Meter Readers (3), II Secretary (1) Supervisor (1) Clerk I (2), Engineering and Utilities Customer Accounts Customer Account Director of Customer Accountin Account Clerks II (4), and Data Technician (1) Administration Utility Plant (1), Water Water Water Superintendent (1), Water Plant Supervisor (1), Water Distribution Supervisor Maint. Worker II (2), Plant Mechanics (2), Lab Technician (1), Water Plant Operator I (6) Operator II (6) Utility Maintenance Workers I (11), Clerk Typist (1). Wastewater. WasteWater Superintendent (1) , Wastewater Plant Supervisor (1) , Lab and Pretreatment Supervisor (1), Lab Technician (2) Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor (1) Wastewater Plant Operator (11), Utility Maintenance Worker I (8) 179 S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL REVENUE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET REVENUE 000 DEPARTMENT AND SEWER WATER 690 FUND 1994 APPROVED o o o o o o LAST YEAR REVENUE 290,351 ----------- 290.351 YRS AGO REVENUE o o 2 DESCRIPTION INTERGOVERNMENTAL 431 000 STATE GRANTS ACCOUNT 000 o 000 000 o 000 000 000 500 120 43 1 174 2 4 000 o 000 000 o o 000 000 500 120 43 4 000 o 000 000 o o 000 000 912 110 43 4 4,584,313 6,241 108,385 44,906 o 1,300 2.511.795 o 018 907 487 080 320 100 669 080 5,052 107 45 12 1 1. 645 3 WATER CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS SALES TAX METER DEPOSITS WATER PLANT PROCESS REV PRETREATMENT PERMIT SEWER CHARGES PRETREATMENT INCOME 381 382 383 385 388 391 392 393 FEES 460 460 460 460 460 461 461 461 4 200 2 3 3.200 2 LAB CHARGES 8.840.000 7.865.000 8.267.000 940 7.256 661 867 6 for sewer rates 200,000 ----------- 200.000 200,000 ----------- 200.000 1993 rate increase 200,000 ------- 200.000 1 a July 253,231 ----------- 253.231 This reflects 307,279 ----------- 307.279 392 461 INCOME INVESTMENT INTEREST 560 000 o o o o o o o o o 15 o 15 o 3,264 ----------- 3.264 REIMBURSEMENTS 582 000 RETURNED CHECK CHARGES 590 000 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 100,000 ----------- 100.000 100,000 ----------- 100.000 100,000 ----------- 100.000 171,229 ----------- 171.229 112,651 ----------- 112.651 MISCELLANEOUS 619 000 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 4,215,415 ----------- 4.215.415 4,926,984 ----------- 4.926.984 4,202,376 ----------- 4.202.376 o o o o CARRYOVER SURPLUS 699 000 CARRYOVER SURPLUS 180 13,355,415 ----------- 13,355,415 ----------- 13.355.415 13,091,984 ----------- 13,091,984 ----------- 13.091.984 12,769,376 ----------- 12,769,376 ----------- 12.769.376 7,971,766 ----------- 7,971,766 ----------- 7.971.766 7,290,855 ----------- 7,290,855 ----------- 7.290.855 .. . TOTALS ... TOTALS TOTALS FUND REVENUE SUB DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT . .. ... S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas city Of Salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL ADMINISTRATION 110 SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET WATER 380 DEPARTMENT AND SEWER WATER 690 FUND 1994 APPROVED 008 o o o o o 200 966 320 971 163 450 764 500 400 4 1 1 7 2 79 944 o o o o o 200 918 250 746 110 385 455 500 400 76 4 1 1 7 2 435 o o o o o 200 918 250 746 110 385 455 500 400 75 4 1 1 7 2 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 452 052 495 148 211 21 870 206 668 092 428 362 773 400 65 3 3 4 1 1 6 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 909 850 446 223 758 124 822 201 815 520 378 693 619 400 58 2 4 4 1 6 2 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - VACATION FULL TIME - SICK FULL TIME - FUNERAL OVERTIME - REGULAR LONGEVITY PAY UNEMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE LIFE INSURANCE KPERS HEALTH INSURANCE TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 000 701 160 701 162 701 163 701 164 701 167 703 000 704 000 710 000 711 000 711 001 712 000 714 000 715 000 726 000 742 500 200 600 200 500 98 2 3 908 500 200 860 200 760 95 2 3 399 500 200 860 200 760 94 2 3 178 951 50 555 o 556 90 1 2 84.758 159 317 206 144 826 1 1 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS MAINTENANCE OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 772 000 795 000 40,000 5,000 21,000 33,000 o o o o o 99.000 40,000 5,000 19,000 30,000 o o o o o 94.000 40,000 5,000 19,000 30,000 o o o o o 94.000 o o 700 452 o o o o o 152 20 29 50 o 963 000 408 665 223 240 955 000 454 2 17 26 66 115 5 38 3 275 CONTRACTUAL 801 000 ENGINEERING 803 000 LEGAL 804 000 AUDITING 811 422 RENT/LEASE - BUILDINGS 824 000 KS WATER PROTECTION FEE 825 000 SALES TAX 826 000 INT. ON METER DEPOSITS 827 000 REFUNDED METER DEPOSITS 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 690-380-120-824-000 690-380-120-825-000 690-380-120-826-000 690-380-120-827-000 transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to 000 000 000 000 824 825 826 827 181 o 3,500 350 2.000 o 3,500 300 2.000 o 3,500 300 2.000 o 409 299 52 1 1,051 3,047 16.340 o SERVICES & CHARGES 000 TELEPHONE 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 000 LEGAL NOTICES OTHER 841 850 851 856 182 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT 110 ADMINISTRATION 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 857 000 PRINTING 471 292 1,000 1,000 1,000 886 000 ACCOUNT CHARGED OFF 23,680 0 0 0 0 887 000 FRANCHISE FEES 250,000 230,000 240,000 240,000 230,000 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 1,559 1,714 5,000 5,000 5,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 296,148 233,766 251,800 251,800 241,850 886 000 transferred to 690-380-120-886-000 895 000 partial transfer to 690-380-120-895-000 TRANSFERS OUT 955 000 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD 283,160 0 292,147 0 0 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 79,314 385,824 87,987 380,134 398,033 ----------- ----------- -------- ----------- ----------- 362,474 385,824 380,134 380,134 398,033 961 000 Workmen's Compensation $13,385 General Liability 47,348 Property 29,000 Administrative overhead 308,300 ------- $398,033 -------- -------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 1. 020.660 762.476 824.093 825.602 841.125 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT: 120 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1994 APPROVED 183 249,227 0 0 0 0 0 8,000 0 0 0 0 3,500 0 3,934 1,064 16,410 3,860 1,500 5,852 35,300 ------- 328,647 4,000 250 3,000 3,500 1,000 150 1,500 500 500 25,000 1,000 ------- 40,400 4,500 1,000 90,000 130,000 5,000 40,000 ------- 270,500 241,399 0 0 0 0 0 8,000 0 0 0 0 3,500 0 3,572 825 15,390 3,600 1,270 4,785 35,300 ------- 317 ,641 3,000 250 3,000 3,500 1,000 150 1,500 500 500 25,000 1,000 ------- 39,400 4,500 1,000 90,000 120,000 5,000 35,000 ------- 255,500 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET ------- 236,666 0 0 0 0 0 8,000 0 0 0 0 3,500 0 3,572 825 15,390 3,600 1,270 4,785 35,300 ------- 312,908 2,500 250 3,000 3,000 1,000 150 1,500 500 500 25,000 1,000 ------- 38,400 4,500 1,000 90,000 120,000 5,000 35,000 ------- 255,500 LAST YEAR EXPENSE 0 200,785 9,674 11,695 6,471 646 0 6,916 176 288 124 3,773 49 3,126 689 14,716 3,442 1,528 4,174 35,366 ------- 303,638 3,950 208 2,144 3,312 832 21 1,317 856 3,946 3,908 1,548 ------- 22,042 4,280 564 57,186 114,349 4,002 40,700 ------- 221. 081 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 882 842 610 263 548 o 440 155 o o 624 o 934 676 204 696 383 529 207 186 8 8 4 2 15 1 1 4 31 6 6 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - VACATION FULL TIME - SICK FULL TIME - FUNERAL PARTTIME SALARIES PARTTIME - REGULAR PARTTIME - HOLIDAY PARTTIME - VACATION PARTTIME - SICK OVERTIME - REGULAR OVERTIME - HOLIDAY LONGEVITY PAY UNEMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE LIFE INSURANCE KPERS HEALTH INSURANCE ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 000 701 160 701 162 701 163 701 164 701 167 702 000 702 160 702 162 702 163 702 164 703 000 703 162 704 000 710 000 711 000 711 001 712 000 714 000 715 000 279,993 3,043 657 2,563 6,054 737 41 1,517 670 4,831 6,288 4,586 ------ 30,987 4,631 1,158 0 6,701 0 0 ------ 12,490 EQUIP OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS GAS & OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES & WEARING APPAREL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TOOLS MACH. & EQUIP. (<$500 MAINTENANCE PUBLIC EDUCATION OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 750 000 751 000 760 000 761 000 767 000 768 000 772 000 781 000 795 000 SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL 811 423 RENT/LEASE - COMPUTERS 811 424 RENT/LEASE - OFFICE EQUIP 824 000 KS WATER PROTECTION FEE 825 000 SALES TAX 826 000 INT. ON METER DEPOSITS 827 000 REFUNDED METER DEPOSITS 184 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT 120 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACTUAL OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 1,570 1,060 1,500 1,500 1,500 848 000 POSTAGE 45,483 44,143 50,000 50,000 55,000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 11,429 4,376 6,000 6,000 6,000 851 000 DUES 306 66 150 150 150 857 000 PRINTING 3,597 7,264 10,000 10,000 10,000 860 000 REPAIRS 0 53 0 0 0 860 563 REPAIRS - OFFICE EQUIP. 798 0 1,600 1,600 1,600 865 000 COLLECTION STATIONS 1,459 1,114 1,700 1,700 1,700 886 000 ACCOUNT CHARGED OFF 0 26,684 20,000 20,000 30,000 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 11,451 9,479 10,000 10,000 10,000 899 000 RENTAL EXPENSE 14 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 76,107 94,239 100,950 100,950 115,950 848 000 additional postage for mailing water bill using new format TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 116,670 0 77,261 0 0 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 9,000 103,237 12,600 89,861 113,893 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 125,670 103,237 89,861 89,861 113,893 961 000 Workmen's Compensation $12,600 Data Processing 101,293 -------- $113,893 -------- -------- RESERVES 992 000 SALARY RESERVE 0 0 29,290 0 0 993 000 CASH RESERVE 0 0 4,231,289 4,152,415 4,449,634 993 690 EPA WASTEWATER PLANT RES. 0 0 63,000 63,000 126,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 0 4,323,579 4,215,415 4,575,634 993 690 This is the reserve required by EPA on the Wastewater Plant renovation began in 1992. An amount of $63,000 must be added to this reserve each year hereafter. ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 525.247 744.237 5.121.198 5.018.767 5.445.024 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT: 130 DISTRIBUTION 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1994 APPROVED 959 o o o o o 000 000 o o o 974 380 386 002 990 589 300 318 4 21 4 1 21 5 1 7 60 446.580 720 426 100 o 350 o o 600 500 o 000 000 500 200 000 o o 000 000 000 000 500 000 o 500 000 1 2 3 3 1 3 60 6 27 85 35 70 6 3 40 185 6 1 355,250 749 o o o o o o 000 o o o 662 080 240 734 752 203 300 303 24 4 1 20 4 1 6 60 100 o 350 o o 600 500 o 000 000 500 200 000 o o 000 000 000 000 600 380 o 500 000 1 2 3 3 1 3 50 6 27 80 90 70 5 3 59 730 6 1 413 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET ------- 297,793 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,000 0 0 0 4,662 1,080 20,240 4,734 1,752 6,203 60,300 ------- 420,764 1,100 0 2,350 0 0 6,600 27,500 0 3,000 3,000 1,500 3,200 50,000 0 0 80,000 90,000 70,000 5,000 3,600 59,380 0 6,500 1,000 ------- 413,730 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 403 216 956 105 499 o 101 902 27 o 634 585 421 905 302 500 153 171 8 8 6 8 3 12 2 1 3 43 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 386 934 222 822 369 578 954 059 o 106 089 621 899 602 246 650 444 160 7 11 8 14 1 4 13 1 1 4 39 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - VACATION FULL TIME - SICK FULL TIME - FUNERAL PARTTIME - REGULAR OVERTIME - REGULAR OVERTIME - HOLIDAY OVERTIME - VACATION OVERTIME - SICK LONGEVITY PAY UNEMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE LIFE INSU KPERS HEALTH RANCE INSURANCE ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 000 701 160 701 162 701 163 701 164 701 167 702 160 703 000 703 162 703 163 703 164 704 000 710 000 711 000 711 001 712 000 714 000 715 000 709 271 981 270 Painting fire hydrants 613 192 491 94 o 669 068 o 296 556 111 325 o o o 102 703 o 109 870 351 o 574 570 3 12 1 1 1 50 23 5 23 642 201 510 36 6 250 319 526 598 022 783 986 o 331 057 380 630 o 167 576 433 129 854 291 1 4 20 2 2 2 1 1 78 70 8 38 160 702 CHAT OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL , JANITORIAL WELDING SUPPLIES GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES' EQUIP PARTS - MACHINERY , EQUIP SIGNS WEARING APPAREL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TOOLS METER MAINTENANCE TAPPING SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE - MAINS MAINT. - STORAGE TANKS MAINT. - SERVICE LINES MAINTENANCE - HYDRANTS MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT MAINT.- STREET CUT REPAIR TRAINING OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES BUILDINGS , GROUNDS SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 741 000 746 000 747 000 750 000 751 000 752 000 758 000 760 000 761 000 767 000 770 000 771 000 77 2 000 77 2 181 77 2 182 772 183 772 184 772 186 772 200 780 000 795 000 796 000 694 3 1 129 727 7 242 186 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT 130 DISTRIBUTION 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLIES 772 181 repair and maintenance of water mains 772 182 inspection and cleaning of water towers 772 183 transferred from 690-380-170-772-183 772 184 parts and material for hydrant repair and maintenance OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 846 000 LIGHT , POWER 891 750 900 900 2,000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 1,861 223 2,950 2,950 3,000 861 000 LAUNDRY , TOWEL SERVICE 0 14 0 0 0 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 14,969 26,193 40,000 40,000 40,000 895 130 CROSS CONNECTION PROGRAM 0 0 50,000 50,000 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------, 17,721 27,180 93,850 93,850 45,000 846 000 electricity for new warehouse includes office airconditioning 850 000 employee training programs, conferences, schools, etc. 895 000 use of outside contractor in water main and service line emergency repairs 895 130 new program in 1993, funded in 1994 by transfer to new account 690-380-140 from 690-380-130-961 TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 9,000 9,000 15,660 15,660 18,009 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 9,000 9,000 15,660 15,660 18,009 961 000 transferred to Risk Managemen ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 540,429 437.583 944.004 949.960 864.839 S Y S T E M A L I NAN C I F Kansas City Of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL CROSS CONNECTION 140 DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET SUB 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET WATER 380 DEPARTMENT AND SEWER WATER 690 FUND 1994 APPROVED 24,969 o 10,842 176 118 2,220 519 215 550 6,768 ----------- 46.377 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o LAST YEAR EXPENSE o o o o o o o o o o o YRS AGO EXPENSE o o o o o o o o o o o 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME - REGULAR FULL TIME - SICK PARTTIME - REGULAR LONGEVITY PAY UNEMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURIT MEDICARE LIFE INSURANCE KPERS HEALTH INSURAN k' CE ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 160 701 164 702 160 704 000 710 000 711 000 711 001 712 000 714 000 715 000 375 300 500 450 783 50 Full-Time o o o o o o for Cross Connection Technician for Secretary 130 hrs./week) o o o o o o o o o o o o Salary Salary o o o o o o 160 160 701 702 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP MACH. & EQUIP. (<$500) OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 750 000 751 000 768 000 795 000 2.458 o o o o 500 o o o o CONTRACTUAL 839 000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL 500 300 500 750 100 250 100 500 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o SERVICES & CHARGES 000 TELEPHONE 000 POSTAGE 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 000 PRINTING 000 REPAIRS 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER 841 848 850 851 857 860 895 2.500 o o o o CAPITAL OUTLAY 901 000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 902 000 RADIOS 500 750 o o o o o o o o 187 1,250 53.085 o o o o o o o o .. TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT .. City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L SYSTEM DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT: 150 SOFTENING , TREATMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET 1994 APPROVED 887 o o o o o 000 o 028 600 795 799 103 798 800 381 14 4 1 24 5 2 8 72 010 o o o o o 188 o 534 250 466 488 103 191 800 370 12 3 1 23 5 2 7 72 755 o o o o o 188 o 534 250 466 488 103 191 800 362 12 3 1 23 5 2 7 72 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 005 654 361 094 454 380 409 294 073 505 263 193 199 601 315 14 16 6 17 3 1 22 5 2 6 63 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 924 303 729 956 593 188 106 075 037 451 541 103 505 019 298 14 14 8 12 3 1 23 2 2 7 61 2 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 703 162 OVERTIME - HOLIDAY 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 711 001 MEDICARE 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 714 000 KPERS 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE ACCOUNT 515,810 498,030 775 490 485 474 450,530 188 726-000 and 500 o o o o 000 000 o o 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 200 o 000 500 o o 500 000 000 000 000 thru 2 2 2 250 250 150 25 60 15 35 3 20 2 1 6 6 25 5 726-000 includes 690-380-140-701 726-000 500 o o o o 000 500 o o 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 200 o 000 500 o o 500 000 000 000 000 2 3 2 250 250 150 30 50 20 35 3 20 2 1 6 6 25 5 500 o o o o 000 500 o o 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 200 o 000 500 o o 500 000 000 000 000 20 2 1, 6, 6, 25, 5, 2 2 3 250 250 150 30 50 20 35 3 thru thru 479 17 615 69 o 849 167 671 o 429 307 164 881 501 174 119 990 o 635 792 065 o 49 o 840 141. 283 690-380-150-701 690-380-160-701 1 2 2 139 169 105 17 55 5 13 2 14 1 2 8 17 1 265 o 843 o 103 658 592 628 5 242 048 558 028 497 509 792 057 171 954 009 570 11 514 o 863 661 868 2 1 1 3 171 207 126 15 41 7 32 3 9 1 2 1 1 18 1 000 701 EQUIP EQUIP OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS JANITORIAL JANITORIAL - TOOLS WELDING SUPPLIES GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES' PARTS - MACHINERY , CHEMICALS CHEMICALS - LIME CHEMICALS - SODA ASH CHEMICALS - ALUM CHEMICALS - C02 CHEMICALS - MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICALS - AMMONIA CHEMICALS - CHLORINE WEARING APPAREL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING LABORATORY TOOLS MACH. & EQUIP. (<$500) MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE - WATER PUMPS MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT MAINT. - PUMPING STATIONS MAINT. - SLUDGE LINES MAINT. - WELLS SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 746 000 746 175 747 000 750 000 751 000 752 000 759 000 759 050 759 051 759 052 759 053 759 054 759 055 759 056 760 000 761 000 765 000 767 000 768 000 772 000 772 185 772 186 772 187 772 189 772 190 City of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT: 150 SOFTENING & TREATMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ---------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- SUPPLIES 772 191 MAINT. - PROCESS EQUIP. 16,884 17,760 20,000 20,000 20,000 772 192 MAINT. - MONITORS & TELE 2,416 5,605 2,500 2,500 2,500 772 193 MAINT. - RIVER PUMPS 930 35,641 5,000 5,000 15,000 772 194 MAINT. - WELL PUMPS 21,366 3,336 30,000 30,000 30,000 780 000 TRAINING 30 130 0 0 0 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,636 4,405 7,300 7,300 7,300 796 000 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 11,343 8,531 8,500 8,500 8,500 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 707.051 637.645 935,500 935.500 944.000 etc upkeep on 3 plant pickups lime for water softening soda ash for water softening alum for clarification co2 for pH control sodium hexametaphosphate and sodiumsilicofluoride NH3 for trihalomethane control C12 for disinfection uniforms for plant personnel laboratory supplies and outside lab tests hand tools and small equipment upkeep on high service and booster pumps upkeep on miscellenous equipment, mowers, power tools upkeep on high service and booster pump stations upkeep on sludge equipment and lagoons upkeep on wells and well houses upkeep on plant equipment upkeep on monitors, process upkeep on river pumps upkeep on well pumps control and telemetry 000 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 000 000 000 185 186 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 751 759 759 759 759 759 759 759 760 765 767 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 189 800 o o o 000 o 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 o o o 000 3 10, 14 45 25 26 20 2 120 7 800 o o o 000 o 000 000 000 000 000 000 500 o o o 000 3 45 25 26 15 2 120 5 14 10 800 o o o 000 o 000 000 000 000 000 000 500 o o o 000 3 45 25 26 15 2 120 5 14 10 400 68 062 o 634 164 509 401 443 063 690 666 833 190 o o 313 2 3, 21 9 42 14 18 19 1 111 6 286 445 763 041 311 449 208 860 018 719 807 379 037 274 o o 026 1 1 20 1 10 12 40 19 25 14 1 111 4 3 SERVICES & CHARGES 000 TELEPHONE 100 PHONE SERVICE 101 TELEMETERY 102 SECURITY ALARMS 000 GAS SERVICE 000 WATER SERVICE 491 LIGHT & POWER - WELLS 492 LIGHT & POWER - RVR INTKE 493 LIGHT & POWER - SLDG LINE 494 LIGHT & POWER - FILT BLDG 495 LIGHT & POWER-TWRS & VALS 496 LIGHT & POWER - HS & BPS 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 000 PRINTING 000 REPAIRS 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER 841 841 841 841 842 845 846 846 846 846 846 846 850 851 857 860 895 190 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT 150 SOFTENING & TREATMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------. 267,623 251,436 266,300 266,300 272,800 841 000 telephone service for plant, security alarms and modems 841 100 transferred to 690-380-150-841-100 841 101 to be replaced with new telemetery system 841 102 transferred to 690-380-150-841-000 842 000 gas service for water plant facilities 846 491 power for wells 846 492 power for river pump station 846 493 power for chemical building and equipment 846 494 power for filter building previously under budget 846 495 power for water towers 846 496 power for high service and booster pumps 895 000 outside services elect a/c refrigeration etc. TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 14,250 14,250 19,250 19,250 22,138 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 14,250 14,250 19,250 19,250 22,138 961 000 Workmen's Compensation --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 1. 439,454 1. 377,816 1,711,825 1,719,080 1,754,748 191 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT 160 SUPPLY 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------ -- - - - - SUPPLIES 750 000 GAS & OIL 0 0 0 0 0 751 000 MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP 41 0 0 0 0 795 000 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 -- - - - - 41 0 0 0 0 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 0 0 0 0 0 860 000 REPAIRS 0 0 0 0 0 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 -- - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 -- - - - - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 41 0 0 0 0 S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL SERVICE 170 SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET WATER 380 DEPARTMENT AND SEWER WATER 690 FUND 1994 APPROVED o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o LAST YEAR EXPENSE 913 010 348 756 294 114 268 326 716 292 140 436 638 643 396 83 4 3 3 6 6 1 YRS AGO EXPENSE 191 074 529 522 174 200 929 335 514 231 040 688 444 673 781 61 3 2 2 6 5 2 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 701 168 FULL TIME - JURY 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 703 162 OVERTIME - HOLIDAY 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 711 001 MEDICARE 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 714 000 KPERS 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE ACCOUNT 1 19 1 9 o 132,290 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 transferred to 690-380-130 95,325 160 162 163 164 167 168 000 162 000 000 000 001 000 000 000 701 701 701 701 701 701 703 703 704 710 711 711 712 714 715 192 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 256 237 370 581 939 o 277 o 359 335 333 884 608 1 8 1 7 48 1 19 23 508 480 190 128 626 804 796 106 276 843 153 947 080 1 7 8, 65, 1, 20, 2, 3 CHAT EQUIP EQUIP SAND, ROCK, GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES PARTS - MACHINERY SIGNS WEARING APPAREL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TOOLS MACH. , EQUIP. (<$500 METER MAINTENANCE MAINT. - SERVICE LINES MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT MAINT.- STREET CUT REPAIR OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES , GRAVEL , , SUPPLIES 741 000 750 000 751 000 752 000 758 000 760 000 761 000 767 000 768 000 770 000 772 183 772 186 772 200 795 000 193 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT: 170 SERVICE 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED -------------------------------------------------------------------- .- .- .- SUPPLIES ----------- ----------- --- .- .- .- 112,960 90,179 0 0 0 741 000 transferred to 690-380-130 750 000 transferred to 690-380-130 751 000 transferred to 690-380-130 752 000 transferred to 690-380-130 758 000 transferred to 690-380-130 760 000 transferred to 690-380-130 761 000 transferred to 690-380-130 767 000 transferred to 690-380-130 770 000 transferred to 690-380-130 772 183 transferred to 690-380-130 772 186 transferred to 690-380-130 772 200 transferred to 690-380-130 795 000 transferred to 690-380-130 CONTRACTUAL 811 421 RENT/LEASE - MACHINERY 53 0 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- --- - .- - 53 0 0 0 0 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 845 000 WATER SERVICE 419 678 0 0 0 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 258 150 0 0 0 860 000 REPAIRS 0 0 0 0 0 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 4,474 557 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- --- - - - 5,151 1,385 0 0 0 845 000 transferred to 690-380-130 850 000 transferred to 690-380-130 895 000 transferred to 690-380-130 TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 2,600 2,600 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- --- - - - 2,600 2,600 0 0 0 961 000 transferred to 690-380-130 ------- ------- - - - .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 216,089 226,454 0 0 0 1994 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WATER AND W ASTEW A TER - DEBT SERVICE Additional revenue to Salina's Water previously issued revenue bonds ($3,000,000) to finance improvemen ts to refund and 1988 issued revenue bonds in 1987 ($2,650,000) In 1984, the City bonds were issued Plant. This payments In July 1990, these three issues were refunded by a $5,655,000 1990 Series A Revenue Bonds produced a level debt service amount for 18 years. The difference in the old and new debt service allowed the City to pay for an east side water tower without issuing bonds the improvements to improvements. The $2,210,000 1990 Series B Revenue Bonds provided financing to complete the current water plant and pay the City's share of engineering design work for the wastewater plant In 1992, the City issued $15,000,000 in revenue bonds to provide a major portion of the funding for improvements to the wastewater plant and for a ten mile interceptor line around the south and east sides of the City. Final financing was accomplished through a $3,200,000 issue in June of 1993 194 195 City of Salina, Kansas F.INANCIAL S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 380 WATER SUB DEPARTMENT: 180 DEBT SERVICE 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- DEBT SERVICE 940 000 COMMISSION & POSTAGE 2,352 694 2,400 2,400 2,400 941 000 ISSUANCE COSTS 14 41 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 2,366 735 2,400 2,400 2,400 TRANSFERS OUT 960 000 Operating Transfers 826,232 1,293,175 2,435,410 2,193,430 2,400,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 826,232 1,293,175 2,435,410 2,193,430 2,400,000 960 000 The following amounts are anticipated: Water $ 721,572 Sewer 1,678,428 ---------- $2,400,000 ---------- ---------- ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 828,598 1,293,910 2,437,810 2,195,830 2,402,400 S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 FISCAL YEAR CAPITAL OUTLAY 190 SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET WATER 380 DEPARTMENT AND SEWER WATER 690 FUND 1994 APPROVED 100 o o o o o 100 623 623 100 o 000 o o o 100 623 610 100 o o o o o 100 623 623 LAST YEAR EXPENSE 787 928 603 591 o 392,430 ----------- 1.572.339 332 35 805 5 YRS AGO EXPENSE 728 o 615 896- 220 o 667 199 293 33 1 2 DESCRIPTION OUTLAY OTHER LAND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS CONSTRUCTION - 87 BONDS CONSTRUCTION - 88 BONDS MARKLEY WATER TOWER EQUIPMENT ACCOUNT CAPITAL 905 000 910 000 918 000 918 087 918 088 918 627 140,000 20,000 2.500 000 000 300 000 800 20 5 5 50 242 1.233 Water II Water meter changeout program 2,000 meters at $70.00/each: Fluoride feeder replacement: Replace lab pH meter: Upgrade filter control system and software: New computer and software for Replace lawn mower at Plant Rehabilitation of well houses Sub-Total: Water III: 1 - Self-propelled camera tranporter and controller for TV unit TOTAL: includes computers lab 460 000 905 196 7,000 249.000 623,100 ----------- 11.984.321 1,233,100 ----------- 11.942.339 623,100 ----------- 11,662,030 1,572,339 ----------- 6.414.815 460,667 ----------- 5.031.185 .. TOTALS ... TOTALS SUB DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT .. ... City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 390 SEWER SUB DEPARTMENT: 210 COLLECTION , TREATMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1994 APPROVED 340 o o o o o o o 000 o 266 226 510 071 590 245 780 13 4 2 34 8 2 12 92 028 000 200 000 o o o 000 000 o 800 000 000 000 o 000 o 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET ------- 439,970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 0 3,692 1,500 28,251 6,607 2,485 7,867 92,780 ------- 595,152 1,150 800 1,000 0 0 0 9,800 31,800 0 4,200 1,300 5,000 1,000 0 5,000 0 62,000 55,000 15,000 2,000 12,000 14,000 3,000 ------- 224,050 539 269 o o o o o o o 000 o 692 500 251 607 485 867 780 482 3 1 28 6 2 7 92 12 LAST YEAR EXPENSE o 095 219 630 736 087 329 o 096 36 392 055 277 210 299 541 119 314 15 14 8 1 14 3 1 22 5 2 6 71 2 YRS AGO EXPENSE o 206 704 712 186 944 618 30 621 214 224 004 649 420 258 657 659 285 13 15 8 1 12 3 1 22 2 2 6 66 DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES 701 000 FULL TIME SALARIES BUDGET 701 160 FULL TIME - REGULAR 701 162 FULL TIME - HOLIDAY 701 163 FULL TIME - VACATION 701 164 FULL TIME - SICK 701 166 FULL TIME - INJURY 701 167 FULL TIME - FUNERAL 701 168 FULL TIME - JURY 703 000 OVERTIME - REGULAR 703 162 OVERTIME - HOLIDAY 704 000 LONGEVITY PAY 710 000 UNEMPLOYMENT 711 000 SOCIAL SECURITY 711 001 MEDICARE 712 000 LIFE INSURANCE 714 000 KPERS 715 000 HEALTH INSURANCE ACCOUNT 709 2 1 1 10 31 4 2 10 1 5 62 55 15 2 12 14 3 451 150 800 000 o o o 800 800 o 200 300 000 000 o 000 o 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 637 1 1 9 31 4 1 5 1 5 62 55 15 2 12 14 3 121 390 311 7 o 278 o 471 494 o 192 868 394 542 o 179 o 213 060 933 038 559 503 462 480 6 38 3 7 1 19 25 16 1 11 9 5 106 726 548 481 243 429 13 340 413 204 767 644 109 597 627 758 150 973 697 063 o 499 523 284 443 7 43 8 2 5 41 32 20 11 6 2 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS , PERIODICALS SAND, ROCK, GRAVEL' CHAT PAINTS JANITORIAL - TOOLS JANITORIAL - CHEMICALS GAS , OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES , EQUIP PARTS - MACHINERY , EQUIP WEARING APPAREL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING LABORATORY TOOLS MACH. , EQUIP. (<$500) METER MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT MAINT. - PUMPING STATIONS MAINT. - SEWER LINES TV UNIT EXPENSE PUMPING STATION MONITOR OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES BUILDINGS , GROUNDS SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 741 000 743 000 746 175 746 176 750 000 751 000 752 000 760 000 761 000 765 000 767 000 768 000 770 000 772 000 772 186 772 187 772 188 77 3 000 774 000 795 000 796 000 197 000 231 050 224 individuals 894 includes uniforms for 24 147 187,088 000 760 198 City Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 390 SEWER SUB DEPARTMENT: 210 COLLECTION , TREATMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLIES 770 000 Meter Maintenance: (All flow meters, samplers, recording charts, gas detector, etc. ) 772 186 Maintenance - Equipment: General Maintenance and chemicals at treat- ment plant, 772 187 Maintenance - Pump Stations: General maintenance and chemicals for pump stations 772 188 Maintenance - Sewer Lines: Includes hose for sewer cleaners; manhole rings and covers; root killer; and grease remover. 774 000 Pump Station Monitoring: Includes 24 stations 795 000 Other Operating Supplies: First aid and safety equipment; batteries plant permits; lab certification; chemical flocculent; fire extinguishers; etc. CONTRACTUAL 803 000 LEGAL 0 37,046 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 37,046 0 0 0 OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 841 000 TELEPHONE 1,241 797 1,100 1,100 900 842 000 GAS SERVICE 17,901 8,799 20,000 20,000 22,000 846 000 LIGHT , POWER 136,147 139,129 213,000 213,000 340,000 850 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 4,565 1,875 5,000 5,000 5,000 851 000 DUES 255 240 400 400 600 856 000 LEGAL NOTICES 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 857 000 PRINTING 0 0 200 200 200 860 561 REPAIRS - RADIO 1,245 904 1,300 1,300 1,800 895 000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 16,752 59,945 20,000 20,000 29,500 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 178,106 211,689 262,000 262,000 401,000 846 000 Light and power: for treatment plants and pump stations includes $177,000 for power to new facilities at plant No. 1 and $13,000 for power at the new interceptor pump stations 895 000 Other Contractual: Maintenance agreement for Lab Equipment - $3.000 liquid sludge disposal agreements - 14,000; outside lab tests - $10,000 misc. - $2,500 TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 15,172 15,172 26,144 26,144 30,066 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 15,172 15,172 26,144 26,144 30,066 961 000 Workmen's compensation ------- ------- --------- --------- --------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 823.472 891,922 1,107,346 1,149,645 1. 371.094 S Y S T E M AL I NAN C I F Kansas City Of salina DATE 6/29/93 BUDGET ANNUAL EXPENSE ADOPTED 1994 YEAR FISCAL PRETREATMENT 220 SUB DEPARTMENT 1993 AMENDED BUDGET 1993 ADOPTED BUDGET SEWER 390 DEPARTMENT AND SEWER WATER 690 FUND 1994 APPROVED o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o LAST YEAR EXPENSE 23,491 1,112 1,211 366 64 71 1,622 379 167 473 1,823 ----------- 30,779 YRS AGO EXPENSE 21,509 1,031 844 847 o 71 1,676 180 157 581 2,036 ----------- 28,932 2 DESCRIPTION SERVICES FULL TIME REGULAR FULL TIME - HOLIDAY FULL TIME - VACATION FULL TIME - SICK FULL TIME - INJURY UNEMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE LIFE INSU KPERS HEALTH IN RANCE SURANCE ACCOUNT PERSONAL 701 160 701 162 701 163 701 164 701 166 710 000 711 000 711 001 712 000 714 000 715 000 o o 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390...,210 690-390-210 690-390-210 transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to 160 162 163 164 000 000 001 000 000 000 701 701 701 701 710 711 711 712 714 715 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 131 o 195 452 182 184 253 103 226 164 568 103 271 109 OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS GAS & OIL MAINT. - VEHICLES & EQUIP PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TOOLS OTHER SUPPLIES 731 000 732 000 750 000 751 000 761 000 767 000 795 000 SUPPLIES OPERATING o o o 397 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 690-390-210 1 544 transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to transferred to 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 731 732 750 751 761 767 795 199 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1,200 75 271 1,669 ----------- 3,215 618 75 o 1,395 ----------- 2,088 SERVICES & CHARGES 000 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 000 DUES 000 LEGAL 000 OTHER NOTICES CONTRACTUAL OTHER 850 851 856 895 200 city Of Salina, Kansas FIN A N C I A L S Y S T E M DATE 6/29/93 FISCAL YEAR: 1994 EXPENSE ADOPTED ANNUAL BUDGET FUND: 690 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT: 390 SEWER SUB DEPARTMENT: 220 PRETREATMENT 1993 1993 2 YRS AGO LAST YEAR ADOPTED AMENDED 1994 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EXPENSE EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------. -----------. ---------- OTHER SERVICES , CHARGES 850 000 transferred to 690-390-210 851 000 transferred to 690-390-210 856 000 transferred to 690-390-210 895 000 transferred to 690-390-210 TRANSFERS OUT 961 000 Quasi-external Transfers 824 824 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 824 824 0 0 0 961 000 transferred to 690-390-210 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- .. SUB DEPARTMENT TOTALS .. 33,388 36,215 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ... DEPARTMENT TOTALS ... 856,860 928,137 1,107,346 1,149,645 1,371,094 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- . FUND EXPENSE TOTALS · 5,888,045 7,342,952 12,769,376 13,091,984 13,355,415 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .... FUND NET DIFFERENCE .... 1,402,810 628,814 0 0 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- · · TOTAL REVENUES .. 31,139,013 34,759,569 43,962,705 45,047,362 46,339,707 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- .. TOTAL EXPENSES .. 30,536,022 34,833,803 43,962,705 45,047,362 46,339,707 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ..... TOTAL NET DIFFERENCE ..... 602.991 74.234- 0 0 0