97-5135 IRB RedemptionCo�sormeiea-setlne RESOLUTION NUMBER 97-5135 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A 1UEST TO REDEEM THE OUTSTANDING CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS USTRIAL REVENUE BONDS, SERIES A, 1990 AND TAXABLE INDUSTRIAL ENUE BONDS, SERIES B, 1990 (WINDSOR NURSING HOME ASSOCIATES, .) DATED JANUARY 1, 1990. WHEREAS, in 1990 the City of Salina (the "Issuer") issued industrial revenue bonds (the "Bonds") for the benefit of Windsor Nursing Home Associates, Inc. (the "Tenant") ; and WHEREAS, Sunflower Bank, N.A. serves as the City's trustee (the "Trustee") under the industrial bond issue; and WHEREAS, the Trust Indenture (Article III) for the industrial revenue bond issue anticipates the possible redemption of the Bonds prior to maturity by providing that the Trustee shall call the Bonds for redemption and payment upon receipt of a written request of the Issuer and the consent of the Tenant at least 45 days prior to the proposed redemption date; and WHEREAS, the City has been advised of the Tenant's desire to redeem the Bonds and the Tenant's request that the City as Issuer give the requisite notice of redemption to the Trustee; SO NOW THEREFORE I Kansas : BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Section 1. That the Mayor is authorized to execute a notice to the Trustee of redemption of the Bonds specifying a proposed redemption date to The determined by the Tenant and in a form approved by the City Attorney. Section 2. That the City Attorney is authorized to direct the notice of redemption of the Bonds to the Trustee upon the direction and consent of Ithe Tenant. Section 3. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 17th day of March, 1997. :el n Maxwell, Mayor ( SEAL) ATTEST: 16- 4d. Lo CMC , City lerk