97-5150 Agr Cable Rate IncreaseConwliAaie05alina RESOLUTION NUMBER 97-5150 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING NO OBJECTION TO A BASIC SERVICE TIER RATE INCREASE REQUESTED BY COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INC., d/b/a TCI OF KANSAS, INC., AND EXPRESSING NO OBJECTION TO THE PRESCRIBED INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT COLLECTED FROM EACH BASIC CABLE SERVICE SUBSCRIBER FOR PUBLIC, EDUCATIONAL, AND GOVERNMENTAL ACCESS SUPPORT. WHEREAS, under the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act ("1992 Cable Act") , the City's involvement in cable rate review is limited to the Basic Service Tier ("BST"). WHEREAS, on March 1, 1997, Communication Services, Inc., ("CSI") d/b/a TCI of Kansas, Inc. ("TCI") filed with the City of Salina its request for a BST rate increase effective June 1, 1997, as follows: Basic Service: Current $ 9.24 Proposed $10.06 Difference + 8.9% WHEREAS, TCI has elected to pursue the annual adjustment methodology authorized in Federal Communications Commission Order FCC 95-397 ("FCC Order 95-397). WHEREAS, by electing to pursue the annual adjustment methodology allowed under FCC Order 95-397, TCI was required to file its BST rate adjustment request 90 days prior to the effective date of the proposed changes, and may implement the proposed rate changes unless the franchising authority (the City) rejects the proposed rate as unreasonable. WHEREAS, pursuant to paragraph 5.4 of City of Salina Ordinance Number 92-9492, (the "Franchise Ordinance") and the March 5, 1992 Agreement between Community Access Television of Salina, Inc. ("CATS") and CSI (the "CATS/CSI Agreement"), the $.65 per month currently collected by CSI and passed through to CATS in support of public, educational, and governmental ("PEG") access (the "PEG Pass-through") is intended to increase by the same percentage as any increase in the BST rate. SO NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. In reliance upon the representations made by TCI in its rate adjustment request, the governing body expresses no objection to TCI's Basic Service Tier rate increase to $10.06 proposed to be effective June 1, 1997. Section 2. The Governing Body expresses no objection to the adjustment of the PEG Pass-through shall be adjusted $ .05 from the current amount of $.65 per month to $.70 per month effective June 1, 1997. Section 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 21st day of April, 1997. ( SEAL) ATTEST: X. D. Ong, CMC City Clerk Kristin M. geaton, Mayor