03-16-2021 MinutesCommunity Art & Design Advisory Committee 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. via Zoom Minutes from March 16, 2021 Members Present: Connie Nily, Dee Warren, Hank Boyer, Nancy Hodges, and Darren Morawitz Staff Present: Brad Anderson and Joan Benefiel Public Member: None Members Absent: Thomas Garrison Arts Commission Liaison Absent: Kimberly Vega Before the meeting began Anderson confirmed Kansas Open Meeting Act required notice was properly provided. Quorum confirmed. Meeting began at 4:35 p.m. Open Forum-No Business • Nily made motion to approve minutes from February 2021 meeting and it was 2nd by Boyer. Motion passed. Old Business • Anderson and Benefiel provided feedback from their conversation with Hoppock and Rice regarding the Sculpture Tour. They were open to changes to the brochure. It will now be a smaller four-fold rather than a tri-fold and reduced the number of pictures to primarily be the current STS collection only. • Shared the example new engagement questions for the back of the new STS brochure and discussed. It was agreed that engagement questions are a good idea and ideas were shared about changing the order and improved wording. New Business • Warren made a motion to approve appointing Vega as the Chair for the Community Art & Design Committee and it was 2nd by Boyer. Motion passed. • Lighthouse Properties LLC has purchased one of the SculptureTour Salina pieces and has requested that it be placed at its current location with an approved License Agreement between Lighthouse and the City of Salina. SculptureTour Salina and Salina Arts & Humanities personnel agreed that this long-term placement will not create problems. There are an adequate number of available pedestals for STS and the City to use. General consensus from the CAD Committee was that the current location of the sculpture is appropriate. Hodges made a motion to approve the location of Off the Merry Go Round sculpture by Jodie Bliss of Colorado for placement on City right-of-way in front of YaYa’s. A 2nd to the motion was provided by Morawitz. Motion passed. • Discussion followed regarding SAH’s website and the Public Art Section. The CAD Committee will continue to review and advise regarding the format and function of the new proposed website as it relates to the public art collection. Other Business • Next month’s meeting is at 4:30 pm, Tuesday, April 20th via Zoom or in-person. Motion to adjourn made by Boyer and 2nd by Warren. Motion passed. The meeting closed at 5:40 p.m.