97-5168 Ad ValoremCORS ,d,,M Sill, A RESOLUTION EXEMPTING CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNED BY SALINA VORTEX CORPORATION, LOCATED AT 3024 ARNOLD AVENUE, SALINA, KANSAS, FROM AD VALOREM TAXATION AND PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners, by Resolution Number 91-4265 has adopted a policy for the granting of exemptions from ad valorem taxation for economic development purposes; and WHEREAS, Salina Vortex Corporation, formally applied for tax exemption under said policy by application dated May 19, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has reviewed said application and an analysis of estimated costs and benefits of said tax exemption; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has notified affected taxing districts and advertised and held a public hearing this day to consider said tax exemption application, SO NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That Salina Vortex Corporation be granted exemption from ad valorem taxes for property to be located at or about 3024 Arnold Avenue, Salina, Kansas, under terms of the City of Salina tax exemption policy and the conditions set out herein. Section 2. That tax exemption shall apply to buildings and improvements constructed and equipment and machinery purchased between June 16, 1997 and December 16, 1998 for facilities located on the following described property: A tract of land located in the North half of Section Three (3) , Township Fifteen (15) South, Range Three (3) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in the Schilling Subdivision of the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas; more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of said Section Three (3), Township Fifteen (15) South, Range Three (3) West; Thence East along the North line of said Section Three (3) on an assumed bearing of South eighty-nine degrees fifty-three minutes twenty-four seconds East (S.89 -53'24"E.) a distance of two hundred twenty-nine and ten hundredths feet (229.10') to the centerline of Arnold Avenue; Thence South zero degrees six minutes twenty-four seconds East (S.00°06'24"E.) a distance of one hundred eighty-three and nineteen hundredths feet (183.19') ; Thence South eighty-nine degrees fifty-three minutes thirty-six seconds West (S.89°5336"W.) a distance of forty feet (40.001) to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence South zero degrees seconds East (S.00 -06'24"E.) fifty feet (250.00') ; six minutes twenty-four a distance of two hundred Thence South eighty-nine degrees fifty-three minutes thirty-six seconds West (S.89'53136"W.) a distance of two hundred thirty-five feet (235.00'); Thence North zero degrees seconds West (N.00°06'24"W. ) fifty feet (250.00'); six minutes twenty-four a distance of two hundred Thence North eighty-nine degrees fifty-three minutes thirty-six seconds East (N.89°53'36"E.) a distance of two hundred thirty-five feet (235.00') to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Consdiea�eo--Sauna The above described tract contains 1.349 acres, more or less. Section 3. That no exemption shall hereby be granted for taxes due on the above described land nor any existing buildings and improvements or machinery and equipment located thereon. Section 4. That the percentage of tax exemption shall be based upon actual capital investment expenditures for new buildings and equipment and the number of new full-time employees added above the base employment of 44 prior to project completion. Said percentage tax exemption shall be established by subsequent ordinance of the Board of Commissioners. Section 5. That the tax exemption shall be for a term of ten (10) years with the total percentage exemption due granted for years one (1) through five (5) and one-half (1/2) of the total percentage exemption due granted for years six (6) through ten (10) . Section 6. That the amount of property taxes not exempted shall be paid annually to the County Treasurer. The County Treasurer shall distribute said payments to affected taxing jurisdictions according to the provisions of K.S.A. 12-148. Failure to fully make such payments when due shall be deemed grounds for the revocation of said tax exemption. Section 7. That the applicant shall submit an annual report as required by the City of Salina tax exemption policy by January 15 of each year for as long as the exemption remains in effect. Section 8. That the applicant shall be responsible for filing the appropriate tax exemption claim forms as required by the statutes of the State of Kansas. Section 9. The Board of Commissioners shall have the right to revoke this tax exemption for failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this resolution or the provisions of the City of Salina tax exemption policy. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 16th day of June, 1997. Q�� K istin M.�Seaon, Mayor [ SEAL] ATTEST: Judy . Lon CMC, City lerk