97-5173 WWTP Reserve FundC,,w,d,t,d alio RESOLUTION NUMBER 97-5173 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A WASTEWATER PLANT REPLACEMENT RESERVE FUND AND PROVIDING FOR FUNDING OF THE RESERVE FUND. WHEREAS, the City of Salina, is completing the process of renovating its wastewater treatment plant; and WHEREAS, this wastewater project requires the establishment of a reserve fund with sufficient annual funding to provide for the replacement of the renovations; and WHEREAS, it has determined the annual funding requirement, in accordance with the attached Replacement Schedule (Exhibit A, B, & C), to be $60,302; SO NOW THEREFORE Kansas: BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Section 1. That the Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement Reserve Fund be established. Section 2. That confirming between calendar years 1993 to 1997, the Water and Wastewater Department budgeted each of these calendar years to create an EPA Wastewater Plant Reserve Account. The current balance in this account of $315,000 shall be transferred to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement Reserve Fund, prior to December 31, 1997. Section 3. That beginning in calendar year 1998 and for the next 14 years the sum of $60,302 shall be added to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement Reserve Fund from wastewater user charges. Withdrawals from this Replacement Reserve Fund shall be used only for the replacement of mechanical equipment at the wastewater plant. Section 4. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 7th day of July, 1997. JKr*in M. Saton, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: Judy D. ng, CMC, ity Clerk