6.1 03-15-2021 MinutesCITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS March 15, 2021 4:00 p.m. The City Commission convened at 3:00 p.m. for the Kenwood Cove Modified Operations 2021 at City -County Building, Room 107. Mayor Hodges asked the Clerk for verification that notice had been sent for today's City Commission meeting. The Clerk replied yes. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in Room 107, City -County Building. Roll call was taken followed by the fledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Those present and comprising a quorum: Mayor Melissa Rose Hodges (presiding), Commissioners Trent W. Davis, M.D., Rod Franz, Michael L. Hoppock, and Karl Ryan. Also present: Michael Schrage, City Manager; Jacob Wood, Deputy City Manager; Greg Bengtson, City Attorney; and Cheryl Mermis, Deputy City Clerk AWARDS AND PROCLAMATIONS None. CITIZENS FORUM Deborah Corrales, Salina, provided handouts to the City Commissioners and staff on genetics and the social behavior of dogs. Ms. Corrales provided a short statement and made a request, for the City to remove breed specific regulations. Dalton McDowell, Salina, provided his thoughts on the face mask mandate. Tyler Sartain, Salina, made a statement and requested the Commissioner's repeal breed specific legislation [BSL]. Mayor Hodges, stated she appreciated the knowledge that both Ms. Corrales and Mr. Sartain has continued to share with the Commission regarding breed specific legislation. Mayor Hodges reminded citizens, that the Governing Body addressed the issue in the fall of 2019, and collectively made the decision not to repeal the regulation and further stated that it would take the entire Governing Body to repeal the decision. Michael Schrage, City Manager, stated staff was researching the process for animal advocates, to initiate a petition, to have the repeal of BSL placed on a ballot for a community vote. Mr. Schrage further stated that he hoped to share that information with Ms. Corrales and Mr. Sartain, in the near future. Rosemary Mai, Salina stated her opinions on the COVID-19 and made a request, for the Commissioners to end the face mask requirements and eliminate the mass gathering mandate. Norman Mannel, Salina, shared his thoughts and opinions of the City Commission. Mayor Hodges thanked Mr. Mannel for his comments. Page l PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR A CERTAIN TIME None. CONSENT AGENDA (6.1) Approve the minutes of March 8, 2021. 21-0060 Moved by Commissioner Ryan, seconded by Commissioner Davis, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. ADMINISTRATION (7.1) Heath Department Update Mayor Hodges introduced Jason Tiller, Saline County Public Health Director and thanked him for agreeing to address the Commission, at her request. Mr. Tiller provided an overview of current COVID-19 data for Salina/Saline County and stated that because there was a decrease in cases and hospitalization, his intention was to let the public health mass gathering order expire on March 21, 2021. Mr. Tiller asked citizens to exercise caution when social gathering and continue to wear face masks and further stated it was too premature to remove the mask mandate, at this time. Commissioner Davis wanted confirmation that there would not be an order issued. Mr. Tiller stated yes; the mass gathering limitations has an expiration date of 11:59 p.m. on March 21, 2021. Commissioner Davis asked if allowing mass gathering limitations to expire, how that would impact social distancing. Mr. Tiller stated social distancing would become a recommendation but not a requirement. Mr. Tiller further reported that Governor Kelly was scheduled to announce that the State of Kansas was moving to Phases 3 and 4 of the vaccination process on March 22, 2021. Commissioner Hoppok asked how the expiring mass gathering mandate would affect the recent discussion on the water park. Michael Schrage, City Manager stated that it would be a policy decision in conjunction with a return to full capacity, not only for Kenwood Cove but the Fieldhouse and the Tony's Pizza Event Center. Commissioner Hoppock questioned whether there was a capability to track the numbers of vaccinations that have been given to residents residing outside the County. Mr. Tiller stated that they were reporting and tracking total vaccinations given; the current state system was not able to return usable information. Commissioner Davis referenced a recent newspaper article that noted racial and ethnic disparities in the number of people vaccinated and questioned if the County's data captures ethnicity. Mr. Tiller stated yes, the information was captured when people register for the vaccination and on the consent form. Commissioner Davis asked if census tracts or geographical markers were utilized to identify areas that would be under represented in receiving the vaccine. Mr. Tiller stated that staff was aware of inconsistencies that pertain to individuals that have not received the message, to register for the vaccination, and staff was trying to overcome those obstacles. Mr. Tiller stated that his department has not spent too much time on census tracks or tracking by zip code due to the way the State rolled out the individual phases; who and Page 2 what age group was in each phase. Mr. Tiller further stated, as more vaccines become available, the hope was to offer other locations for individuals to get the vaccine. Commissioner Davis asked if there was a way to track the number of people that received the vaccine and if the breakdown would include areas of town, to determine if certain neighborhoods were vastly under vaccinated. Mr. Tiller stated that his department was still working on a reporting mechanism to help identify and follow-up. Con nvssioner Hoppock asked if the Centers for Disease Control [CDC] provided recommendations on face masks, if individuals were fully vaccinated. Mr. Tiller stated that both the CDC and Kansas Department of Health and Environment [KDHE] were of the opinion, for individuals who have been fully vaccinated; after a two week time span from a second shot or two weeks from receiving the one-shot vaccine, those individuals would be considered fully vaccinated and can gather in a private homes or small groups without masking or social distancing. Commissioner Franz asked if the 70% target number discussed was considered herd immunity of a population for C©VID, based on the World Health ©rganizatior s position. Mr. Tiller stated 70% is considered herd immunity of a population, and further stated that 70% is a known number and target to work towards, for the adult population. Commissioner Ryan asked for confirmation that schools are to return to full in-classroom schedule, following spring break. Mr. Schrage stated yes, full schedule will resume on April 1, 2021, students are to wear masks and attempt to social distance. Mayor Hodges asked what the number of the adult population in Salina/Saline County was captured in the 70% target. Mr. Tiller stated approximately 29,000 adults. Mayor Hodges asked about the total number of shots available each week. Mr. Tiller stated his estimate would average between 900-1,200 doses on any given week. Mayor Hodges asked if there was some global accounting for the different sources of vaccines given. Mr. Tiller stated the State of Kansas has an in-state residency requirement, and deferred to individual counties to set their own parameters regarding residency. Pharmacies fall under a Federal program., those entities are to report data to the State's system, in order to track the vaccines given and are required to follow the state phase guidelines with no restrictions to an individual's residency location. A discussion ensued between Commissioner Davis, Mayor Hodges, and Mr. Tiller with regards to the biggest barriers to obtaining the vaccine. Mr. Tiller stated there were more people on the registry than vaccines available. Mr. Tiller further stated that the Salina Family Healthcare was a partner helping to manage the registry for citizens to sign-up, to receive the vaccine. There were no public comments. (7.2) Consider awarding the bid for project number #21021, to re-surface the flooring and walls of the lazy river at Kenwood Cove Aquatic. Chris Cotten, Director of Parks & Recreation, explained the project, fiscal impact and action items. A discussion ensued between Commissioners Franz, Hoppock, Mr. Cotton, and Mr. Schrage on the funding amount that was set aside on an annual basis, the depleted fund balance after completion of a big project and the condition of other areas that may require Page 3 replacement in the near future. Mr. Cotton confirmed it would be beneficial to revisit the fund balance as part of the next capital improvement process and devise a plan to set aside additional funding, to be better prepared for big expenses associated with the water park. There were no public comments. 21-0061 Moved by Commissioner Hoppock, seconded by Commissioner Davis, to approve a motion awarding the bid for project number #21021, to Mid-America Pool Renovation Inc. in the amount of $151,815.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Mid-America Pool Renovation Inc. upon fulfillment of all prerequisites under the bid documents. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Davis, Franz, Hoppock, Ryan, Hodges. Nay: (0). Motion carried. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. (7.3) General Obligation Bonds and Temporary Notes Debbie Pack, Director of Finance and Administration, explained in brief the considerations for annual issuance of debt financing for the City of Salina. A discussion ensued between Commissioner Franz, Mayor Hodges and Ms. Pack on the City's high debt payments scheduled for 2023 and reaching capacity. Ms. Pack explained the $3.3 million amount depicted in the staff report would need to come from property tax and other taxes; dollar amounts shown are only estimates from transient guest tax, motor vehicle tax, and delinquent property tax and those numbers could go up or down. Ms. Pack further stated the legal debt margin was at around the 60% range and calculated each year during the annual audit; staff will examine property valuations and determine the obligation as the budget process advances to 2023. Michael Schrage, City Manager stated detailed information in the staff report was provided to facilitate a conversation but does not impact the bond issuance before the Commission. Mr. Schrage further stated the report signifies there will be some debt management to accomplish before 2023 which has been part of the capital improvement program and debt projections. David Arteberry stated a telephone call was scheduled with Moody's Investors Service, to review the City's ratings. Commissioner Hoppock asked if the bond rates were expected to increase. Mr. Arteberry stated interest rates have been at historic lows from August 2020 through the middle of February 2021; from the middle of February 2021 municipal bond rates have jumped up to around four -tenths of a percentage point, from a historical point, very low but not as low as it was in August of 2020. There were no public comments. (7.3a) Resolution No. 21-7941, authorizing the offering for public sale of general obligation temporary notes and bonds. 21-0062 Moved by Commissioner Hoppock, seconded by Commissioner Franz, approve Resolution No. 21- 7941 authorizing the offering for public sale of general obligation temporary notes and bonds. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Davis, Franz, Hoppock, Ryan, Hodges. Nay: (0). Motion carried. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. Page 4 (7.3b) First reading of Ordinance No. 21-11055, authorizing the issuance and delivery of approximately $8,145,000 principal amount of general obligation internal improvement bonds. 21-0063 Moved by Commissioner Franz, seconded by Commissioner Ryan, adopt on first reading Ordinance No. 21-11055 authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds to fund the Police Training Facility, Tony's Pizza Event Center Basketball Floors, Stone Lake 2, Pheasant Ridge 3 Phase 2 and 9 South projects. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Davis, Franz, Hoppock, Ryan, Hodges. Nay: (0). Motion carried. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. (7.3c) Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated to provide Financial Advisor services for the City of Salina for the Issuance of the 2021 general obligation temporary notes and bonds. 21-0064 Moved by Commissioner Ryan, seconded by Commissioner Davis, to authorize the City Manager to sign the Financial Advisory Services Agreement with Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Davis, Franz, Hoppock, Ryan, Hodges. Nay: (0). Motion carried. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS None. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Hodges announced that she was coordinating with the City Manager to move the strategic planning process forward, based on previous meeting discussions. ADJOURNMENT 21-0064 Moved by Commissioner Ryan, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners be adjourned. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:16p.m. [SEAL] ATTEST: Cheryl Mermis, Deputy City Clerk Melissa Rose Hodges, Mayor Page 5