97-5184 Budget Appropriationulld a Sauna RESOLUTION NUMBER 97-5184 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION, BY FUND, OF THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SALINA FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1998; AND APPROPRIATING MONEY FROM THE VARIOUS FUNDS TO PAY PAYROLLS AND CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF SALINA FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1998. WHEREAS, with Resolution Number 97-5183, the proposed annual budget and financial statement as shown on standard State budget forms and subject to notice of hearing and public hearing was approved, adopted and appropriated, by fund as the maximum amounts to be expended for the year starting January 1, 1998, SO NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the 1997 Budget of the City of Salina, as adopted, shall constitute an appropriation of the money so budgeted, and the City Manager shall be authorized to adjust all salaries, including exempt positions, to pay payrolls and claims as provided in said Budget of the City of Salina; provided that all such payment made shall be deducted from the accounts so appropriated and that the total of payment made shall not exceed the amount appropriated. Section 2. That the Department of Finance and Administration shall establish regulations as to the manner of payment of the periodic dates on which payrolls and claims shall be paid, provided, that all employees of the City of Salina shall be paid semimonthly and no payroll or claim shall be paid until it has been approved by the head of the department or fund which appropriation shall be effected, and further has been examined and approved by the City Manager and the Director of Finance and Administration. Section 3. That the payment of payrolls and claims shall be by warrant checks as provided by law and such warrant checks shall be signed by the Director of Finance and Administration and countersigned by the City Manager. All such warrant checks issued in payment of payrolls and claims shall be delivered to the officers, employees, agents, vendors and other claimants of the City by the Director of Finance and Administration and that it shall be his duty to maintain a record of all warrant checks so delivered. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 11th day of August, 1997. Kr stin M. Seat Mayor [SEAL] ATTEST: d Lon CMC, City 1 rk