Muni Water Conservation Plan ~ MUNI CIP AL WATER CONSER V A TI 0 N PLAN FOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS OCTOBER 1997 PREPARED BY , WILSON&COMPANY 1012/97 ~ MUNI CIP AL WATER CONSER VA TI 0 N PLAN FOR CITY OF SALINA TABLE OF CONTENTS INTR 0 D U CTI 0 N ........................~................................................ ............ .... ............. ......... .....2 MUNICIPAL WATER CONSERVATION PLAN ..............................................................3 LONG-TERM WATER USE EFFICIENCY ....................................................................................................3 WATER USE CONSERVATION GOALS......................................................................................................3 WATER CONSERVATION PRACTICES ......................................................................................................3 Education .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Management.............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Regulation.................................................................................................................................................................5 DROUGHTÆMERGENCY CONTINGENCY ................................................................................................6 STAGE 1: WATER WATCH...................................................................................................,...................,..6 Triggers.....................................................................................................................................................................6 Goals.........................................................................................................................................................................6 Education Actions.....................................................................................................................................................6 Management Actions ..................................................................................................................................."""""'" 6 STAGE 2: WATER WARNING....................................................................................................................., í Regulation Actions.................................................................................................................................................... 7 Trilnærs.................................................................................................................."""',"""""""""""'"""""""""", 7 Goals ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Education Actions..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Management Actions ................................................................................................................................................ 7 STAGE 3: WATER EMERGENCY................................................................................................................8 Regulation Actions.................................................................................................................................................... 8 Trigl!:ers ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Goals ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Education Actions.......J............................................................................................................................................. 8 Management Actions ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Regulation Actions........................................................................................................................................"""""" 9 PLAN REVISION, MONITORING, AND EV ALUATION..............................................I0 APPENDIX A. WATER DROUGHTIEMERGENCY ORDINANCE 10129/97 1 -. INTRODUCTION The City of Salina has undertaken a number of steps to ensure a dependable water supply for our customers through the years. Construction of a water treatment plant was completed in the late 1950's. It currently provides for partial water softening of the groundwater and surface water sources, as well as filtration and disinfection as required to meet federal and state drinking water standards. While several improvements have been made to the water treatment facility over the years, some key treatment processes and equipment have reached the extent of their useful life and need to be renovated. A water treatment plant improvement project will begin construction in 1998 and is scheduled for completion in 2000. The Salina water supply, water treatment plant, and distribution system now have ample capacity to meet current customers' demands. The scheduled plant improvements will increase the production capacity to 20 million gallons per day (MGD) and should meet future projected demands for several years, except during drought periods. However, with continuing business and commercial and population growth expected, a concerted effort on water conservation planning can help ensure customers of a dependable water supply in future years. The City of Salina believes that the Municipal Water Conservation Plan represents an additional major step in ensuring our customers of a dependable water supply in future years. This water conservation plan was developed to meet the guidelines of the Kansas Water Office. The plan includes a water use conservation goal, a long-term water use efficiency plan, a drought/emergency contingency plan, and provisions for monitoring, evaluating, and revising the plan. 2 10/2/97 , MUNICIPAL WATER CONSERVATION PLAN The primary objectives of the Water Conservation Plan for the City of Salina are to develop long-term water conservation plans (Long-Term Water Use Efficiency Section) and short- term water emergency plans (DroughtJEmergency Contingency Section) to assure the City customers of an adequate water supply to meet their needs. The efficient use of water also has the beneficial effect of limiting or postponing additional water distribution system expansion and thus limiting or postponing the resultant increases in costs, in addition to conserving the limited water resources of the State of Kansas. LONG- TERM WA TER USE EFFICIENCY WATER USE CONSERVATION GOALS The City of Salina used 119 gallons per person per day (gpcd) in 1995. Over a five year period (1991-1995) Salina used an average of 125 gpcd. The gpcd figure includes: a) water sold to residential and commercial customers; b) water distributed for free public services (fire protection, street cleaning, etc.); and c) water lost by leaks in the water distribution system. However, the gpcd figure does not include municipally supplied industrial water for industries that use over 200,000 gallons per year. According to Figure 1, shown in the 1995 Kansas Municipalities Water Use Publication, Salina is a large supplier located in Region 7. From this publication it was determined that Salina's 1995 water use was 14 percent below the Region 7 large supplier average of 139 gpcd. Over a five year period (1991-1995), Salina's water use was 12 percent below the Region 7 large supplier region average of 141 gpcd. The City desires to set a water conservation goal not to exceed 140 gpcd. The City anticipates not exceeding this goal by carrying out the specific water conservation practices that are outlined in our plan. WATER CONSERVATION PRACTICES This section of the plan summarizes the current and proposed education, management, and regulation efforts that relate to the long-term conservation of water in the City of Salina. Specific practices that wìll be undertaken to conserve water are listed and a target date to begin each practice is also shown. 10/2/97 3 Education The following is a list of current water use efficiency education practices: 1. The City makes available information on water conserving landscape practices through publications, local news media, seminars or other appropriate means. 2. Water bills show the amount of water used in cubic feet during the billing period and the number of cubic feet used last year during the same billing period. The City plans to implement the following proposed water use education practices: 1. Water bills will show the amount of water used in gallons and the cost of the water. Target Date: 1 July 1998 2. Water conservation tips will be provided with the monthly water bills during the summer months. Target Date: 1 May 1998 3. Provide information to the general public on lawn water requirements on a regular basis during the summer months. Target Date: I May 1998 Manaqement The following is a list of current water use efficiency management practices: 1. All raw water intakes have meters installed and the meters are repaired or replaced promptly. 2. All raw water meters and individual service connections are read at least on a monthly basis. 3. The City currently conducts a water management review, which results in a specified change in water management practices or implementation of a leak detection and repair program or plan, whenever the amount of unsold water exceeds 20 percent of the total raw water intake for a four month time period. 4. Water sales are based on the amount of water used. 5. Meters are installed at all residential service connections and at all other service connections, including separate meters for municipally owned irrigation systems. 10/2/97 4 6. Meters at each individual service connection are replaced on a regular basis, at least once every 10 years. The City plans to implement the following proposed water use management practice: 1. Meters at raw water intakes will.be tested for accuracy at least once every three years. Each meter will be repaired or replaced if it's test measurements are not within two percent of the actual volume of water passing through the meter. Target Date: 1 May 1998 Regulation The following is a current water use efficiency regulation practice: 1. All new or renovated construction requires toilets that use 3.5 gallons per flush or less and low flow shower heads that use 2.5 gallons per minute or less. 5 10/2/97 DROUGHYEMERGENCYCONnNGENCY The City of Salina addresses its short-term water shortage problems through a series of stages based on conditions of supply and demand with accompanying triggers, goals, and actions. Each stage is more stringent in water use than the previous stage since water supply conditions are more deteriorated. The City Manager is authorized by ordinance to implement the appropriate conservation measures. A copy of the Water DroughtJEmergency Ordinance is included in A~pendix A. STAGE 1: WATER WATCH Triaaers This stage is triggered by anyone of the following conditions: 1. Treatment plant operations are at 75 percent capacity or more for three consecutive days, or 2. Groundwater levels have fallen 5 feet below the normal seasonal level, or 3. Smoky Hill River levels are below 45 cfs at the Mentor Gage. Goals The goals of this stage are to heighten awareness of the public on water conditions and to maintain the integrity of the water supply system. Education Actions 1. The City will make occasional news releases to the local media describing present conditions and indicating the water supply outlook for the upcoming season. 2. Previous months summaries of precipitation, temperature, and water levels will be made public at the beginning of each month. Manaaement Actions 1. Leaks will be repaired within 8 hours of detection. 2. The City will monitor its use of water and will curtail activities such as hydrant flushing and street cleaning. 6 10/2/97 ReQulation Actions 1. The public will be asked to curtail some outdoor water use and to make efficient use of indoor water, i.e. wash full loads, take short showers, don't let faucets run, etc. 2. Any other action deemed appropriate by the City Manager. STAGE 2: WATER WARNING Tri~~ers This stage is triggered by anyone of the following conditions: 1. Treatment plant operations are at 90 percent capacity or more for'three consecutive days, or 2. Groundwater levels have fallen 10 feet below the normal seasonal level, or 3. Smoky Hill River levels are below 30 cfs at the Mentor Gage. Goals The goals of this stage are to reduce peak demands by 20% and to reduce overall weekly consumption by 10%. Education Actions 1. The City will make weekly news releases to the local media describing present conditions and indicating the water supply outlook for the upcoming week. 2. Previous week summaries of precipitation, temperature, and water levels will be made public each Thursday. 3. Water conservation articles will be provided to the local newspaper. ManaQement Actions' 1. The City's water supplies will be monitored daily. 2. Leaks will be repaired within 8 hours of detection. 3. Standby (Schilling) wells will be prepared for contingency operation. 4. The City will curtail its water usage, including watering of City grounds and washing of vehicles. 7 10/2/97 Reaulation Actions I. An odd/even lawn watering system will be imposed on City residents. Residents with odd-numbered addresses will water on odd days, even addresses will water on even days. 2. Outdoor water use, including lawn watering and car washing will be restricted to before 10:00 am and after 9:00 pm. 3. Refilling of swimming pools will be allowed one day a week after sunset. 4. Excess water use charges for usage of water over the amount used in the winter may be imposed. 5. Waste of water will be prohibited. 6. Any other action deemed appropriate by the City Manager. STAGE 3: WATER EMERGENCY Triaaers This stage is triggered by anyone of the following conditions: 1. Treatment plant operations are at 100 percent capacity or more for three consecutive days, or 2. Groundwater levels have fallen 15 feet below the normal seasonal level, or 3. Smoky Hill River levels are below 15 cfs at the Mentor Gage. Goals The goals of this stage are to reduce peak demands by 50% and to reduce overall weekly consumption by 25%. Education Actions 1. The City will make dáily news releases to the local media describing present conditions and indicating the water supply outlook for the next day. 2. Previous days summaries of precipitation, temperature, and water levels will be made available to the public each day. 3. The City will hold public meetings to discuss the emergency, the status of the City's water supply and further actions which need to be taken. 8 10/2/97 Manaaement Actions 1. The City's water supplies will be monitored daily. 2. Leaks will be repaired within 8 hours of detection. 3. Standby (Schilling) wells will be activated for contingency operation. 4. The City will seek additional emergency water supplies from state or federal agengies. Reaulation Actions 1. Outdoor water use will be banned. 2. Waste of water will be prohibited. 3. Any other action deemed appropriate by the City Manager. 9 10/2/97 PLAN REVISION, MONITORING, AND EVALUATION The City of Salina reviews monthly totals for water production, residential sales, commercial sales, water used for line flushing and fire protection, and water lost through system leaks. Problems noted during the monthly review will be solved as soon as possible. The City of Salina Municipal Water Conservation Plan will be reviewed during the month of April each year and on a more frequent basis during drought or other water shortage conditions. If the water conservation gpcd goals for the previous year are not met, then the City will review the data collected from the previous year in relationship to the status and effectiveness of the conservation practices that are outlined in our plan and will provide a status report to the Division of Water Resources (or whatever state agency is responsible for approving and monitoring our plan), which will also include any additional water conservation practices that may need to be taken in order for the City to achieve and maintain its water use conservation gpcd goals. 10 10/2/97 APPENDIX A Water Dtought/Emergency Ordinance WATER AND SEWERS § 41.61 DIVISION 3. WATER CONSERVATION Sec. 41.61. DeÏmitions and classes of usage established. (a) Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation, implementation and enforcement of this division: (1) Water, as the term is used in this division, shall mean water available to the City of Salina for treatment by virtue of its water rights or any treated water introduced by the city into its water distribution system, including water offered for sale at any coin- operated site. (2) Customer, as the term is used in this divi. sion, shall mean the customer of record using water for any purpose from the city's water distribution system and for which ei. ther a regular charge is made or, in the case of coin sales, a cash charge is made at the site of delivery. (3) Waste of water, as the term is used in this division, includes, but is not limited to, per- mitting water to escape down a gutter, ditch Supp. ~o. 10 2411 § 41.61 SALINA CODE , or other surface drain or failure to repair a controllable leak. of water due to defective plumbing. (b) Classes of usage. The following classes of uses of water are established: Class 1 Water used for outdoor watering, either public or private, for gardens, lawns, trees, shrubs, plants, parks, golf courses, playing fields, swim- ming pools or other recreational areas, or the washing of motor vehicles, boats, trailers or the exterior of any building or structure. Class 2 Water used for commercial or industrial, in- cluding agricultural, purposes, except water actu- ally necessary to maintain the health and per- sonal hygiene of bona fide employees while such employees are engaged in the performance of their duties at their place of employment. cldss 3 Domestic usage, other than that which would be included in either classes 1 or 2. Class 4 Water necessary only to sustain human life and the lives of domestic pets and maintain standards of hygiene and sanitation, (Ord. No. 89.9341, § 2,9-11.89) water emer. Supp. :-<0. 10 Sec. 41.~3. Voluntary conservation mea. sures. /Jr",8 &i ðr-a. No. q7-q€33 Upon the declaration of a water supply erne gen as provided in section 41-62, the city an- ager is uthorized to call on all water co mers to employ luntary water conservatio easures to limit or e . ate nonessential ter uses, in- cluding, but no 'mited to, limi ions on the fol- lowing uses: shrubs or (2) Washing (3) Use water in swimming po , fountains evaporative air conditionin stems. ( Waste of water. d. No. 89-9341, § 2, 9.11-89) Sec. 41-64. Mandatory conservation mea- sures. Upon the declaration of a water supply emer. gency as provided by section 41-62, the city man- ager is also authorized to implement certain man- datory water conservation measures, including, but not limited to, the following: (1) Suspension of new connections to the city's water distribution system, except connec, tions of fire hydrants and those made pur. suant to agreements entered into by the city prior to the effective date of the decla- ration of the emergency; (2) Restrictions on the uses of water in one (1) or more classes of water uses, wholly or in part; (3) Restrictions on the sales of water at coin- operated facilities or sites; (4) The imposition of water rationing based on any reasonable formula, including, but not limited to, the percentage of normal use and per capita or per consumer restrictions; (5) Complete or partial bans on the waste of water; and (6) Any combination of the foregoing measures. (Ord. No. 89-9341, § 2, 9-11-89) 2412 WATER AND SEWERS Sec. 41.65. Emergency water rates. Upon the declaration of a water supply emer- gency as provided in section 42-62, the governing body of the city shall have the power to adopt emergency water rates by resolution designed to conserve water supplies. Such emergency rates may provide for, but are not limited to: (1) Higher charges for increasing usage per unit of use (increasing block rates); . (2) Unifonn charges for water usage per unit of use (uniform UIÙt rate); or (3) Extra charges in excess of a specified level of water use (excess demand surcharge). (Ord. No. 89-9341, § 2, 9-11-89) Sec. 41.66. Regulations. During the effective period of any water supply emergency as provided for in section 41-62, the city manager is.empowered to promulgate such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this division, any water supply emer- gency resolution, or emergency water rate resolu- tion. Such regulations shall be subject to the ap- proval of the governing body at its next regular or special meeting. (Ord. No. 89-9341, § 2, 9-11-89) Sec. 41-67. Violations, disconnections and penalties. (a) If the city manager, director of utilities, or other city official or officials charged with imple- mentation and enforcement of this division or a water supply emergency resolution learn of any violation of any water use restrictions imposed pursuant to sections 41-64 or 61-66 of this divi- sion, a written notice of the violation shall be af- rLXed to the property where the violation occurred and the customer of record and any other person known to the city who is responsible for the vio- lation or its correction shall be provided with ei- ther actual or mailed notice. Said notice shall de- scribe the violation and order that it be corrected, cured or abated immediately or within such spec- ified time as the city detennines reasonable under Supp. ~o. 10 § 41,65 the circumstances. If the order is not complied with, the city may tenninate water service to the eustomer subject to the following procedures: (l) The city shall give the customer notice by mail or actual notice that water service will be discontinued within a specified time due to the violation and that the customer will have an OppOrtuIÙty to appeal the termina- tion by requesting a hearing scheduled be- fore a city official designated as a hearing officer by the city manager; (2) If such hearing is requested by the cus- tomer charged with the violation, he or she shall be given a full opportunity to be heard before termination is ordered; and (3) The hearing officer shall make findings of fact and order whether service should con- tinue or be terminated. (b) A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid for the reconnection of any water service tenni- nated pursuant to subsection (a). In the event of subsequent violations, the reconnection fee shall be two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the second violation and three hundred dollars ($300.00) for any additional violations. (c) Violations of this division shall be a munic- ipal offense and may be prosecuted in Inunicil;3.1 court. Any person so charged and found guilty in municipal court of violating the provisions of this division shall be guilty of a municipal offense, Each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penalty for an initial violation shall be a mandatory fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00). In addition, such customer may be re- quired by the court to serve a definite term of imprisonment, which shall be rLXed by the court and shall not exceed thirty (30) days. The penalty for a second or subsequent conviction shall be a mandatory fine of two hundred dollars ($200.00). (Ord. No. 89-9341, § 2, 9-11-89) Sec. 41.68. Emergency termination. Nothing in this division shall limit the ability of any properly authorized city official from ter. minating the supply of water to any or all cus- tomers upon the determination of such city offi- 2413 § 41-68 SALINA CODE cial that emergency tennination of water service is required to protect the health and safety of the public. (Ord. No. 89-9341, § 2, 9-11-89) Sec. 41.69. Severability. If any provision of this division is declared un- constitutional, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the consti- tutionality of the remainder of the ordinance from which it was derived and its applicability to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (Ord. No, 89-9341, § 2, 9-11-89) ~ i¡ ;¡ .¡ !! (Published in the Salina Journal October , 1997) ORDINANCE NUMBER 97-9833 " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 41 OF THE SALINA CODE ; PERTAINING TO WATER CONSERVATION AND REPEALING THE EXISTING SECTIONS. ,I Ii ¡; il :1 Section 1. That Sections 41-60, 41-62 and 41-63 of the Salina Code are Ii hereby amended to read as follows: I: I; 'Section 41-60. Purpose. I I BE IT ORDAINED, by the Governing Body of the City of Salina. Kansas: The purpose of this division is to provide for the declaration of a water watch, water warning or a water supply emergency and the implementation of voluntary and mandatory water conservation measures throughout the city in the event such a watch. warning or emergency is declared. Section 41-62. Declaration of a water watch, water warning, or water emergency . :¡ Ii II ii Ii ¡¡ J1 (1) Declaration of Water Watch. Whenever the city manager finds that conditions indicate that the probability of a drought or some other condition causing a major water supply shortage is rising, the city manager shall be empowered to declare. that a water watch exists and shall take steps to inform the public and ask for voluntary reductions in water use. Such a watch shall be deemed to continue until it is declared by the city manager to have ended. The city manager's determination that a water watch exists shall be subject to review by the governing body at its next regular or special meeting. (2) Declaration of Water Warnir:\g. Whenever the city manager finds that drought conditions or some other condition causing a major water supply shortage are present and supplies are starting to decline. the city manager shall be empowered to declare that a water warning exists and will recommend. to the governing body. restrictions on nonessential usee" the period of warning. Such a warning shall be deemed to continue willi it is declared by the city manager to have ended. The city manager's determination that a water warning exists and the recommended restrictions shall be subject to review by the governing body at its next regular or special meeting. I; I¡ I: (3) Declaration of Water Emergency. Whenever the city manager finds that an emergency exists by reason of a shortage of water supply needed for essential uses. the city manager shall be empowered to declare that a water supply' emergency exists and will impose mandatory restrictions on water use during the period of the emergency. Such an emergency shall be deemed to continue until it is declared by the city manager to have ended. The city manager's determination that a water emergency exists shall be subject to review by the governing body at its next regular or special meeting. Ii I ! ¡ i ! '! Section 41-63. Voluntary conservation measures. Upon the declaration of a water watch or warning as provided in section 41- ---=---==O--==-=---=C-"=""='=-=--=-c.-=_c.-==--====-==-=--=-- --=~-- =--', ---=~"'--------=-=--"'-----=---=.--== c--~,- __n_- =o=--==-~-= '==-=--=-=."""".= -,==-=,=, --.-c.o,- c- -: ==-====---===.--.-,--",. -.------ ------ - - ---------- 'I 11 62. the city manager is authorized to call on all water consumers to employ voluntary water conservation measures to limit or eliminate nonessential water uses. included. but not limited to. limitations on the following uses: (1) Sprinkling of water on lawns. shrubs or trees (including golf courses), (2) Washing of motor vehicles. (3) Use of water in swimming pools. fountains and evaporative air conditioning systems. Waste of water: (4) !I ¡! repealed. '; Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and : after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Section 2. That the existing Sections 41-60. 41-62 and 41-63 are hereby Introduced: October 20. 1997 Passed: October 27. 1997 , {SEAL} Ii ATTEST: ¡¡ ~ ¡; ,1). ~ CMC. City rk '/ '/ I¡ ,¡ :1 :' ii 'I I: Ii II .1 'I