97-5199 Advis Auth Riffel AddAMENDED RESOLUTION NUMBER 97-5199 A RESOLUTION OF FINDING AS TO THE ADVISABILITY AND A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION PURSUANT TO K.S.A. 12-6a01 et seg. OF AN IMPROVEMENT CONSISTING OF CERTAIN CURBING, GUTTERING, PAVING, GRADING, STORM DRAINAGE, SANITARY SEWER, WATER MAIN AND STORMWATER DETENTION IMPROVEMENTS IN RIFFEL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. Pursuant to findings of advisability made by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the City Clerk on the 16th day of September, 1997, under and pursuant to K.S.A. 12-6a01 et seq . to make certain curbing, guttering, paving, grading, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, water main and stormwater detention improvements in Riffel Addition. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, that the following findings as to the advisability of making certain curbing, guttering, paving, grading, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, water main and stormwater detention improvements in Riffel Addition of the City of Salina, Kansas, are hereby made, to wit: Section 1. That it is necessary and in the public interest to make an improvement consisting of: RIFFEL ADDITION Curbing, guttering, paving, grading and drainage of Riffel Drive from Schilling Road to a point 118 feet south of the south line of Lot 3, Block 1, Riffel Addition, and The installation of a sanitary sewer main, and The installation of a water main to serve Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, all in Riffel Addition The installation of a sanitary sewer pump station, and The installation of a stormwater detention system to serve Lots 1 through 7, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 5, Block 2, all in Riffel Addition. Section 2. That the estimated and probable cost of such improvement is $816,663.00. Section 4. The method of assessment shall be that 100% of the total cost assessed against the property shall be based on the square footage for street and drainage, water, sanitary sewer and stormwater detention for each lot of land without regard to buildings or improvements of the land. Section 5. The proposed apportionment of cost between the improvement district and the city -at -large is: 1. The costs assessed against the improvement district shall be: a. 100 % of the total cost of street and drainage improvements, including grading, pavement, curbs and gutters, storm pipelines, storm inlets and any incidentals thereto to complete the street and drainage improvements. b. 100% of the total cost of 6" water mains, fittings, hydrants, water services, valves, and any incidentals thereto to complete the water system. Section 3. That the Governing Body hereby further finds and finally determines that the boundaries of the improvement district against a portion of the costs of said improvement shall be assessed are hereby established and fixed as the following legal description: Lots 1 through 7, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 5, Block 2, all in Riffel Addition to the City of Salina, Kansas. Section 4. The method of assessment shall be that 100% of the total cost assessed against the property shall be based on the square footage for street and drainage, water, sanitary sewer and stormwater detention for each lot of land without regard to buildings or improvements of the land. Section 5. The proposed apportionment of cost between the improvement district and the city -at -large is: 1. The costs assessed against the improvement district shall be: a. 100 % of the total cost of street and drainage improvements, including grading, pavement, curbs and gutters, storm pipelines, storm inlets and any incidentals thereto to complete the street and drainage improvements. b. 100% of the total cost of 6" water mains, fittings, hydrants, water services, valves, and any incidentals thereto to complete the water system. 001111tlaied Selina c. 100% of the total cost of sanitary sewer pipeline, manholes, service connections and any incidentals thereto to complete the sanitary sewer collection system. Approximately 7.7% of the total cost of sanitary sewer pump station, including structures, pumps, control system, pipeline and any incidentals thereto to complete the sanitary sewer pump station to service the Riffel Addition and other surrounding properties. d. 100% of the total cost of storm water detention system, including earthwork, structures, pipeline, erosion control and any incidentals thereto to complete the storm water detention system. 2. The costs assessed against the city -at -large shall be: a. Approximately 92.3% of the total cost of sanitary sewer pump station, including structures, pumps, control system, pipeline and any incidentals thereto to complete the sanitary sewer pump station to serve the Riffel Addition and other surrounding properties. These costs will be paid by future tapping or square footage fees to the benefit district. b. Approximately 15% of the water mains for the over sizing of the pipelines from 6" to 12" to enhance the City's water distribution system. Section 6. That the advisability of the improvements set forth above is hereby established as authorized by K.S.A. 12-6a01 et seg. Section 7. Be it further resolved that the above described improvement is hereby authorized and declared to be necessary in accordance with the findings of the Governing Body as set out in this resolution. Section 8. The assessment with accrued interest shall be levied as a special tax upon the property included within the benefit district concurrent with the general property taxes and shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual installments. Section 9. That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed and ordered to prepare plans and specifications, and estimates of the cost of said improvements. Section 10. That for the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost of such improvements until bonds can be issued therefore, the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute temporary notes for the City of Salina, Kansas, as provided by K.S.A. 10-123 and 12-6a04, not to exceed the aggregate provided by law. Such temporary notes may be issued by Resolution from time to time as required during the progress of the work on the improvements herein recited. Such temporary notes shall be in the form and executed as provided by law. Section 11. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make progress payments to the contractors for materials furnished and for labor performed under the contract when estimates therefore are presented to him which have been properly certified by the City Engineer, so long as the aggregate payments do not exceed the total contract price. Section 12. That the City expects to incur capital expenditures on and after the date of adoption of this Resolution (the "Expenditures") in connection with such improvements, and intends to reimburse itself for such Expenditures with the proceeds of said bonds or temporary notes in an amount which, depending on the date of issuance of said bonds or temporary notes, may aggregate a maximum of $816,663.00, the anticipated cost of such improvements. Section 13. This resolution shall take effect after its passage and publication once in the official city newspaper. Adopted and passed this 22nd day {SEAL} ATTEST: CMC, C' y Clerk of September, 1997. Kr' tin M. Sea on, Mayor