Salina Field House Qualified Active Low-Income Community Business, Inc. Annual Board Meeting Agenda & Packet 10-05-2020S ALINA F IELD H OUSE Q UALIFIED A CTIVE L OW-I NCOME C OMMUNITY B USINESS, I NC. (QALICB) A NNUAL M EETING A GENDA ITY/C OUNTY B UILDING, 300 W. A SH, R OOM 107 C S ALINA, K ANSAS O CTOBER 5, 2020 2:30 P.M. 1.C ALL TO O RDER A.President request staff confirmation that Kansas Open Meeting Act required notice was properly provided. 2.A PPROVAL OF M INUTES (2.1) Approve the minutes of November 18, 2019 3.N EW B USINESS (3.1) Election of Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer). 4.U NFINISHED OR O THER B USINESS 5.A DJOURNMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS MEETING OF THE SALINA FIELD HOUSE QUALIFIED ACTIVE LOW-INCOME COMMUNITY BUSINESS, INC. November 18, 2019 5:20 p.m. Board President Ryan asked the Clerk for verification that notice had been sent for todayÔs meeting. The Clerk replied yes. The Regular Meeting of the Salina Field House Qualified Active Low-Income Community Business, Inc. (QALICB) was called to order at 5:20 p.m. in the City/County Building, Room 107. Those present and comprising a quorum: Karl Ryan; Trent Davis; Joe Hay, Jr., Melissa Rose Hodges; and Mike Hoppock. Also present: Mike Schrage, City Manager; Jacob Wood, Deputy City Manager; Greg Bengtson, City Attorney; Chris Cotten, Director of Parks & Recreation. A PPROVAL OF M INUTES (2.1) Approve the minutes of the June 10, 2019 meeting. Moved by Hoppock, seconded by Hodges, to approve the minutes of June 10, 2019. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. N EW B USINESS (3.1) Staff presentation. Michael Schrage, City Manager, provided an introduction of staffÔs work on the topic. Chris Cotten, Director of Parks & Recreation, explained the history of the field house floor cracking, potential causes and potential solutions, investigation plan, staff recommendations, fiscal impact, and action options. Mr. Schrage provided additional information on the investigations conducted, the reports provided, the potential solutions, and warranty period on resolved flooring. Joe Hay, Jr. asked for the reason Crossland Construction CompanyÔs name wasnÔt on the staff report for the conclusion on the floor cracking and vertical separation. Mr. Schrage stated staff thought the board would want to hear from staff and was looking out on the CityÔs interest on the situation. Mr. Hay asked if after the five (5) year warranty, something happened, it would be on the City of Salina. Mr. Schrage stated yes but noted that the warranty would actually be an eight (8) year warranty total. Trent Davis asked if the heavy work in the lobby would require the building to be closed. Mr. Cotten stated the heavy work would be completed in the evenings and the building would be open with construction areas coned off. Mike Hoppock asked if there had been any settling of the building. Mr. Cotten stated there had not been any settling of the building but vertical joints had to be added to the bricks. Mr. Hoppock asked how deep the concrete was. Mr. Cotten stated five (5) inches. Mr. Hoppock asked if there would be any additional tiles left in stock. Mr. Cotten stated Crossland Construction planned to supply extra tiles for staff to have in stock. Mr. Hoppock also stated that the report from Jim Manley mentioned a needed floor elevation survey yearly and asked who was going to pay for that surveying and asked that it be added to the agreement with Crossland Construction. Mr. Cotten stated on behalf of DJ McClenny with Crossland Construction that Crossland Construction would handle paying for the yearly surveying. Melissa Rose Hodges asked if a representative of FREW Development Group was here today. Mr. Schrage stated no. She continued to state that it was within three (3) days of the building being used that the cracks showed up. She continued to ask if it was FREW Development Group that noticed the cracks. Mr. Cotten stated no, it was him. Ms. Hodges stated it was noted in three (3) different places that the concrete was not laid correctly. She continued to ask Crossland Construction to provide information on the errors that occurred with the concrete flooring. DJ McClenny, Crossland Construction Company, Inc., stated he was not employed with the company then and the employees that performed the work no longer worked for the company. He then stated it was common for the mesh to be pulled up and the joint to be cut at an appropriate time but stated it just did not happen this time. Ms. Hodges provided her thoughts on the type of flooring to be installed and her preference to leave the floor as it was, to allow the cracking of the floor to be monitored. Mr. Schrage stated that staff had worked through the situation and came to the board with possible solutions. Ms. Hodges provided her thoughts on the cracking and the possible solutions. Mr. McClenny stated that the problems with the bricks was the need for vertical joints every so many feet to allow the building to move. Mr. Hay provided his thoughts on the cracked floor and the amount of comments he had received on the cracked floor and would rather not see the cracks in the floor anymore and have the floor fixed. Mr. Schrage stated when staff was designing the facility, there was heavy conversation on the type of flooring and it was decided to go with the polished stained concrete. Mr. McClenny stated that the maintenance to the polished stained concrete was monthly and yearly sealing of the floor and with tile flooring, the maintenance would include dry mopping the floor and occasionally wet mopping the tile floor. Mr. Hoppock asked what the fifteen (15) year warranty would cover. Mr. McClenny stated it would cover the fading and breakdown of the top coat of the floor. Mr. Cotten stated the Accessibility Advisory Board was concerned with walkers being able to get over the lip of the carpet currently there. Ms. Hodges asked if there was a notification process with the New Market Tax Credit folks. Mr. Schrage stated staff had continued to provide information on the status and was not sure that we had heard from any of the donors. Karl Ryan asked for Crossland Construction to clarify that they would cover the annual floor elevation survey as suggested by Jim Manley. Mr. McClenny stated yes. Mr. Schrage stated that the motion would need to reflect that change. Mr. Davis asked if there was money set aside for maintenance of the building. Mr. Schrage stated there was an annual budgetary item. (3.2) Request for executive session (legal). I move the city commission recess into executive session for __ minutes to discuss the subject of a draft addendum to the fieldhouse construction contract with Crossland Construction Company, Inc. with legal counsel based upon the need for consultation with an attorney for the public body which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship pursuant to K.S.A. 45-7319(b)(2). The open meeting will resume in this room at ______ p.m. No executive session was held. (3.3) Potential public action relating to a draft addendum to the fieldhouse construction contract with Crossland Construction Company, Inc. Moved by Hoppock, seconded by Hay, to approve a resolution approving a supplemental addendum to construction contract between the Salina Field House Qualified Active Low- Income Community Business, Inc., a Kansas non-for-profit corporation and Crossland Construction Company, Inc., a Kansas corporation, relating to the Salina Field house construction project with an amendment adding a requirement that Crossland would be responsible for a floor elevation be surveyed annually over a five (5) year period from the time that the current work is completed to confirm that differential movement is not occurring. Aye: (4). Nay: (1) Hodges. Motion carried. O THER B USINESS None. A DJOURNMENT Moved by Hay, seconded by Hodges, that the special meeting of the Salina Field House Qualified Active Low-Income Community Business, Inc. be adjourned. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. ________________, President ATTEST: _______________, Secretary