97-5227 Initiate ProceedingsC11.01ad Sallna RESOLUTION NUMBER 97-5227 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 97-5177 PERTAINING TO THE IMPROVEMENTS OF A PORTION OF OHIO STREET IN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas (the "City") , has designated Ohio Street as a main trafficway pursuant to K.S.A. 12-685 et seg. (the "Act") ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution Number 97-5177, the Governing Body of the City determined that it is necessary to improve or reimprove portions of Ohio Street that service as a main trafficway as follows: Improve or reimprove Ohio Street, including without limitation, widening and resurfacing the street and the construction of new sidewalks, from and including its intersection with Johnstown Street to and including its intersection with Elm Street. ( said work being referred to as the "Project") ; and WHEREAS, the original estimated cost of the Project at the time of the adoption of Resolution Number 97-5177 was $600,000; and WHEREAS, bids for the construction of the Project have been opened and the estimated cost of the Project is now $800,000 and it is necessary to amend the proceedings to reflect the new estimated cost, SO NOW THEREFORE Kansas: BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Section 1. Resolution Number 97-5177 is hereby amended by deleting Section 4 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Section 4. The City expects to make capital expenditures on and after the date of adoption of this Resolution in connection with the Project, and intends to reimburse itself for such expenditures with the proceeds of one or more series of general obligation bonds and temporary notes of the City in the estimated maximum principal amount of $800,000, the anticipated cost of the Project to be paid by the City. Section 2. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 22nd day of December, 1997. (SEAL) ATTEST: Peter F. Brungardt, Vice Mayo JuljD. g , CMC, City lerk