Termination of AgreementWicks, Shandi
From:Morton, Sean
Sent:Friday, May 8, 2020 8:01 AM
To:Wicks, Shandi
Subject:FW: PSP Agreement
The emails below are reference our agreement with Salina Tech signed July 2020.
Providing a copy for you file should you need it.
From: Greg.Nichols \[mailto:Greg.Nichols@salinatech.edu\]
Sent: Friday, May 8, 2020 7:17 AM
To: Morton, Sean
Subject: Re: PSP Agreement
Yes for the 2020-21 term it is due to expire.
Gregory A. Nichols
President SATC
From: Morton, Sean <sean.morton@salina.org>
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 3:50:05 PM
To: Greg.Nichols <Greg.Nichols@salinatech.edu>
Subject: RE: PSP Agreement
Thanks Greg. Glad to hear you are advertising for a full time instructor.
So just to be clear the city can consider our agreement as officially terminated at this point?
Thanks - Sean
From: Greg.Nichols \[mailto:Greg.Nichols@salinatech.edu\]
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 3:36 PM
To: Morton, Sean
Subject: Re: PSP Agreement
We thank you for working with us to start the program. We are in the process of advertising for a full time
instructor to meet the teaching needs of the program. We appreciate the department’s willingness to support our
students and college and look forward to building a strong program with your continued support in the future.
We welcome your continued membership on the advisory council and will be communicating our new
directions on Wednesday.
Thank you
Gregory A. Nichols
President SATC
From: Morton, Sean <sean.morton@salina.org>
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 2:36:25 PM
To: Greg.Nichols <Greg.Nichols@salinatech.edu>
Subject: PSP Agreement
Since the start of everything involving COVID-19, I have finally had an opportunity to reflect on some non COVID-19
items. So, I am trying to tie up some loose ends from our phone conversation on March 6, 2020. During that phone call,
I let you know the police department would not be able to provide an officer to teach the public safety pathway classes
for the upcoming Fall 2020 semester or the Spring 2021 semester.
Also during that discussion I mentioned, schedules permitting, from time to time the police department would be willing
to provide personnel as guest speakers for classes and that we would still provide a police officer as a representative for
the public safety pathway advisory board.
With that said, the City would like to request that our current agreement be terminated, with knowledge that in the
future both parties could look at the possibility of entering into this same type of agreement again.
Sean S. Morton
Deputy Chief
Salina Police Department
255 N. 10 Street
Salina, KS 67401
785-826-7210 ext. 210