Public Handouts - Pit Bull Ban LJWORLD,coM® LAWRENCE JOURNAL-WORLD DNA testing of Salina dog saves pet m 3 1 i,y1 iS Ititit7C '1°' a v 'q .,4 41114101,416,,, ., 41k, .ii, V 4 0 ,, ly�L r j Y l sky 4I tt+ S / ) 4, iii ,.! v ,, • ,, Angie Cartwright holds her dog, Lucey, in this Aug. 31 photo in Salina. Cartwright chose to have her dog DNA tested to determine her heritage after the dog was mistaken for a pit bull. Salina ? Salina animal control officers knew the dog they saw looked like a pit bull. It didn't matter that the dog in question, Angie Cartwright's family pet, Lucey, had never bitten anyone, or acted aggressively. When Cartwright's brother's dog, which she was pet sitting, got loose from her yard someone called animal control. The officers explained that they were taking Lucey to a veterinarian for a breed check— a professional opinion to determine Lucey's breed. Since 2005, Salina has banned owning unregistered pit bulls and mixed breeds that are predominantly pit bull. Today, Lucey is back home, and Cartwright credits a genetic test kit that helps pet owners identify the heritage of their mixed-breed dogs. The test showed that Lucey had no more than 12.5 percent each of bull terrier, boxer, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier DNA. The largest percentage of DNA, 25 percent, was Bernese Mountain Dog. "Maybe this can save someone's animal, hopefully," Cartwright said. Without the test results, Cartwright and her family would have been faced with finding Lucey a home outside of Salina, or leaving her at the animal shelter to be either adopted or destroyed. There are at least three retail genetic tests for dogs currently on the market. One of those is the Wisdom Panel MX mixed breed analysis. Wisdom Panel is the only one that uses a blood test; the other two use cheek swabs for samples of DNA. Wisdom Panel classifies breed percentages as significant, intermediate and minor. The company claims to be able to detect, at present, 157 different American Kennel Club breeds. Cartwright asked the animal control officers if she could check with her own vet, Karen Hale Young, owner of Town & Country Animal Hospital, for a second opinion. "I said, 'Do you guys do DNA testing on dogs?' It was actually just a grasp. We didn't want her to go, we didn't want her to be put to sleep. I was angry and upset, and I was just trying to find a different solution," Cartwright said. Young started offering the test to her customers after trying it out on one of her own dogs. Rose Base, director of the Salina Animal Shelter, accepts the test results. "It's provided through a veterinary clinic. And if they're that strongly supporting something like that, we feel it must be a quality product," Base said. Salina veterinarian David Atherton offers the Wisdom Panel test to his customers curious about their dog's characteristics. He said he thinks the test has validity. "If I was going to have a beloved dog taken away, I would demand it," he said. Other Salina veterinary clinics said they did not offer genetic mixed-breed dog testing. Although the companies include the disclaimer against using the test to enforce breed laws, Young thinks that issue will surface in a court of law somewhere, eventually. "This is so much in its infancy, no one knows where it's going or what we're going to do," Young said. Maddness in Salina,KS-KC DOG BLOG 3/6/20,8:39 AM KC DOG BLOG Unofficial Watchdog on Animal Welfare Issues February 19,2010 Maddness in Salina, KS ASIL Back in September,I wrotea story about a dog named Lucey. Salina,KS animal control decided that Lucey was a'pit bull'--which were banned from Salina in 2005. The city planned to kill Lucey. But Lucey's owner fought back--getting a DNA test for the dog to prove Lucey was not a'pit bull'. a, The DNA test came back as Lucey being a certified mutt--with 12% "V"':'' -:;1' Staffordshire Bull Terrier,12%Boxer,12%Bull Terrier and 25% Bernese Mountain Dog. "' Lucey's life was spared.For then. 1 , But now,turns out that the city of Salina is coming back after Lucey It ., because the city prosecutor has reason to believe that the DNA test is ilk . unreliable. Yip,DNA is not accurate,we can just tell by looking??? 4:6 Local veterinarian David Atherton--who consults with the Salina Animal Shelter-had originally declared Lucey to be a'pit bull'.And then,with the DNA evidence,he says questions about the DNA test make the results"suggestive",and"doesn't show anything definite." Atherton said he purchased one of the company's test for his own dog,which he knows was whelped from a Labrador Retriever and sired by either a Weimaraner or a Vizsla. (I'm really confused how he knows it was sired by one of these two breeds but doesn't know for sure which one.Does he really know the sire,or can he not tell the difference?) When the test came back,it showed the dog to be Labrador,with Irish Wolthound and Pekingese. So,because of this,the taxpayers of Salina are paying to bring the case BACK to court to rule on whether to kill Lucey or not. And in all of the articles and all of the conversations,not once has it even been mentioned whether or not Lucey is really a threat to society or not. Does anyone else see the ridiculousness of this? Apparently the city of Salina is willing to invest a huge amount of city resources and manpower trying to prove this dog, which at no point has been reported to actually be aggressive,is a'pit bull'so they can kill it. Why?If the dog isn't dangerous, and the owner is taking care of the dog,why on earth is the city spending taxpayer resources on this? It's almost as if they've been hanging out with the city administrators in Brampton,Ontario. Meanwhile,what's the deal with Dr.Atherton?Why would a veterinarian--who's job is to help animals--be so insistent on killing a healthy dog? If you live in Salina,please contact your city council person and tell them this is a waste of your tax dollars--and while https://btoellner.typepad.com/kcdogblog/2010/02/maddness-in-sal...d=1wAR00kYdP7-nOAVig3Ke4hTu719_IbVHHMG1xPuU3HdalEIDOLd85_pN5tyE Page 1 of 5 Maddness in Salina,KS-KC DOG BLOG 3/6/20,8:39 AM they're at it,they should get rid of the ridiculous law and focus their efforts on dogs that have aggressive behavior,regardless of what they look like,and not waste time on non-aggressive dogs that are causing no problems. And if you are a pet owner,and Dr.Atherton is your vet,be sure you tell him how much you dislike him trying to kill a dog.Or better yet,take your business to a different vet that doesn't believe in trying to kill harmless,healthy animals. Photo from the Salina Journal. Posted at 05:04 PM in Breed Mis-Identification,BSL I Permalink Tweet I -: Like 0 Comments nr, �.4 Dr.Atherton should be embarrassed by his lack of breed knowledge,especially not knowing that there is no such thing as a"pit bull". He has a mutt,just as Lucey's family has a mutt. The good burghers of Salina should be embarrassed to waste taxpayers'hard-earned dollars on this unfounded,unjust,inhmane, ineffective and fiscally irresponsible exercise. Is this not double jeopardy? Posted by:Social Mange I Februaryg,2010 at 07:06 PM If I were Lucey's owner,I'd contact the manufacturer of the DNA test.They'll take a good swipe at the city to protect their product's integrity,and I'm sure they have the money and lawyers to fight anyone who wants to question their test's quality and reliability. It's amazing how DNA tests are reversing criminal cases left and right,but to these ignorant fools it has absolutely no credibility.These people are on witch hunts and they won't be satisfied until there is a huge body count to show for their efforts. Posted by:Pibble I Februaryq,2010 at 08:34 PM The trouble with comparing a breed ID test with a human DNA test is this:you can not accurately predict what a suspect will LOOK like from a human DNA sample.How wide(or narrow)will their nose be?How tall(or short)will they be?What color with their skin be? Most appearance traits have multiple genes that interact together to produce the final appearance of each body part.(SIDE NOTE: There's an interesting podcast about race identification by DNA over at RadioLab: http:/Jwww.wnyc.org/shows./radiolab/episodes/2oo8a1/28) Human DNA tests can only tell you does a specific subject's DNA exactly match the DNA that was left behind at a scene. We're asking doggie DNA tests to do the former--tell us what a dog looks like(breed).While there may be sound science behind the dog DNA tests,I'm pretty sure that it's not fair to compare the reliability of an exact match/no match(human)DNA test to the kind of "marker pattern"test that breed ID tests are. (Because I have a science background,I've looked for some scientific papers on exactly how the manufacturer has determined a marker pattern for each breed,but I've yet to find one that satisfactorily describes the method--most likely because they are protecting their intellectual property.) Posted by:Lori I February q,2010 at 09:24 PM https://btoellner.typepad.com/kcdogblog/2010/02/maddness-in-sal...d=1wAR00kYdP7-nOAVig3Ke4hTu719_IbVHHMG1xPuU3HdalEIDOLd85_pNStyE Page 2 of 5 Maddness in Salina,KS-KC DOG BLOG 3/6/20,8:39 AM Nil "Vet"is not the term I would use for that idiot...the city council doesn't have anything better to do with it's time and money,I could use help with my home to-do list.Leave the poor dog alone! Posted by:S L Haas I February 20,2010 at 07 55 AM 'Irtt. Ar And check out this quote from an original story on this situation(http://pets.kansascity.comarticle/6o5j98tpt=DNA-testing-in-Salina- saves-petj "Salina veterinarian David Atherton offers the Wisdom Panel test to his customers curious about their dog's characteristics.He said he thinks the test has validity. "If I was going to have a beloved dog taken away,I would demand it,"he said." This sounds very suspicious to me.He SOLD these in his office because he thinks they have validity and now they don't?What's going on here? Posted by:Amber I February 20.2010 at 08:43 AM Anyone who says they"can tell by looking"and their opinion on a Pitbull overrides a DNA test needs to demonstrate fully their qualifications.For example,give them woo vaguely Pitbull type dogs of various breeds/mixes and tell them to pick out the Pitbulls. Then we'll see how they score in comparison to the DNA tests.After all,we're talking about killing dogs which have not harmed anyone ever.Shouldn't The Deciders at least have some proven qualifications? Posted by:YesBiscuit! I Febrryua20,2010 at 08:59 AM YB--it's worse than that.This guy would argue after taking the test that he was right and the DNA tests are wrong. Amber,nice catch.It definitely does sound suspicious--and at this point,he has both sides paying him money on this. Posted by:Brent I February 20,2010 at 09:02 AM gra"' Correct me if I am wrong,but is there a veterinary association anywhere in the world that has endorsed breed specific legislation?Or considers it's members pretending to be able to score l00%correctly playing the pick-the-pit bull game(for monetary gain what's more)to be acting ethically? Posted by:Karen I February 20,2010 at 02:15 PM ., ; IPIESI I've long ranted that these alleged breed ID tests are a marketing scam. It would be easy to prove their accuracy with blinded trials subjected to peer review--IF they were accurate. The sellers'websites are pretty close to having the Miss Cleo"for entertainment purposes only"disclaimer.Coy,they are.Coy. https://btoellner.typepad.com/kcdogblog/2010/02/maddness-in-sal...d=1wAR00kYdP7-nOAVig3Ke4hTu719_IbVHHMG1xPuU3HdalEIDOLd85_pNStyE Page 3 of 5 a Maddness in Salina,KS-KC DOG BLOG 3/6/20,8:39 AM So yeah,I think it's entirely fair to say that the tests aren't accurate--even though the reasons for saying so are utterly bogus. I would certainly never fault anyone who buys his or her dog's life with these"test results"--but this case illustrates the perils of playing this card. All is a sideshow,as you point out,distracting from the central circus of declaring dogs"dangerous"based on appearance OR DNA. Posted by:H Houlahan I Februar„v 20,2010 at 04:12 PM mil . ry Karen, If there is any veterinarian association that endorses breed specific legislation,I'm not aware of it.The AVMA certainly does not...and I've often wondered why they do not get more upset by their licensed vets being open to killing dogs in this way. H, I think most of the tests are bunk--frankly because they have such shallow breed pools(50-80 breeds)that they can't possibly catch most breeds.The Wisdom Panel test has a much deeper breed pool(157 breeds I think?)and thus,seems to do a pretty decent job. In the case mentioned in this article,the vet had a known 1/2 lab mixed with something else(I still don't know how he knows for sure it the sire was a Weimeraner or a Vizsla)--and the DNA test came back as the dog being 1/2 Lab,1/2 other stuff.So it's not complete bunk.We've seen quite a few of the test results here...and while some of them come back with something unexpected deep back into their history,most come back with more or less what you'd expect. And yes,it is all a circus distracting from the sad reality that no one seems to be asking the really important question here"is the dog really a threat?"--which all signs point to no. Posted by:Brent I February 21,2010 at 09133 AM L__ irodi VA Sounds to me like he had egg on his face for misidentifying the dog as a pit bull and is trying to save face.I wish all his clients would dump him.What if their breed of dog is next? I agree that DNA testing is not all it is cracked up to be.My friend's dog looks like he could have pit and meets much of the visual criteria that Denver uses to identify a pit,but she had two tests done and he came back with no pit in him.He's a 7o-75 lb.dog whose first DNA test showed him to be mostly Chihuahua and next Dachshund mixed w/shepherd and hound.His vet thinks he's got Rhodesian Ridgeback in him(which could account for the hound).No pit,but I'm sure if he lived in Denver or Ontario he would quickly be seized. Posted by:Inca's Mom I February 21,2010 at 04:05 PM t41 I think the city of Salina should have charges pressed on them for cruelty to animals.You can not kill a dog just because it is a pit bull. That is BS.Just because the are pit bull doesnt mean they are a danger to society!Read the breed discription!Killing any breed without a attack or reason for threat should be considered cruelty to animals and should be prosecuted!Just because your ignorant to the breed doesn't mean your right!Punish the deed not the breed. Posted by:Mark I February ,2010 at 03:25 AM i a pretty sure that what they need to realize here is going back into history dog breeds are made from other breeds.so when doing dna https://btoellner.typepad.com/kcdogblog/2010/02/maddness-in-sal...d=1wAR00kYdP7-nOAVig3Ke4hTu719_IbVHHMG1xPuU3HdalEIDOLd85_pN5tyE Page 4 of 5 https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/kansas-city-man-linked-to-murder-by-cat-hair- sentenced/article 71323c58-a3d2-5e3f-b106-98c24e1 b8b68.html Kansas City man linked to murder by cat hair sentenced BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Oct 2, 2009 KANSAS CITY—A Kansas City man who was linked to a murder by cat hair found in the victim's pockets has been sentenced to life in prison without parole, plus 120 years. Forty-five-year-old Henry Lee Polk was convicted in August of first-degree murder and armed criminal action in the March 2004 death of 41-year-old Stephen M. Nolte. He was sentenced Thursday. Nolte's body was found inside a house in northern Kansas City that he was renovating. His throat had been slashed, and his pockets had been turned inside out. Cat and human hairs recovered from Nolte's pockets were key evidence at trial. DNA tests found some of the cat hairs were a genetic match to two cats from Polk's home. 3/82020 Dog DNA helps convict 2 in murder of couple,pet-Deseret News Es DeseretNews. DoghelpsDNA convict 2 in murder of pet cou le, p By Deseret News on September 17, 199812:00 am Elaine Porterfield, Seattle Post-Intelligencer The blood of a dead dog named Chief helped convict two Seattle men of murder Wednesday in the first trial ever in the country to use animal DNA as evidence. • The courtroom of King County Superior Court Judge Richard Jones erupted into moans, sobs and profanity as soon as the verdicts were read. Courtroom officers had to step in to separate the families of https i/www.deseretcom/platform/amp/1998/9/17/19401912/dog dna-helps-convict-2-in-murder-of-couple-pet 1/6 3/8/2020 Dog DNA helps convict 2 in murder of couple,pet-Deseret News - the victims and the defendants on the orders of the judge.The officers then trooped into the hallway to maintain order. The jury convicted Kenneth John Leuluaialii, 23, of aggravated first- degree murder and of one count of first-degree animal cruelty. Because prosecutors did not seek the death penalty, the only sentence is life in prison with no chance of release. The jury also convicted George Tuilefano, 23, of two counts of first- degree murder. He faces a minimum of 20 years in prison on each count, served consecutively, Senior Deputy Prosecutor Tim Bradshaw said. Tuilefano was acquitted of animal cruelty. • Both men stared down and ran their hands through their long hair after hearing the verdict. • https//www.deseret.com/platform/amp/19989117/19401912/dog-dna-helps-convict-2-in-murder-of-couple-pet 2/6 3/8/2020 Dog DNA helps convict 2 in murder of couple,pet-Deseret News The pair was accused of shooting to death 20-year-old Raquel Rivera and Jay Johnson, 22, along with their dog Chief, in the couple's South Park apartment in December 1996. Prosecutors say Leuluaialii and Tuilefano burst into the apartment demanding drugs and cash. Rivera and Johnson died at the scene. Chief died about 30 hours later, despite efforts to save his life. The blood of the dead dog helped convict the two, Bradshaw said later. "We owe a debt to the scientific community," Bradshaw said. The DNA tests were "exceedingly important," Bradshaw added. "We could not only identify it. as dog blood, but individuate it to a single dog." https://www.deseret.com/platform/amp/1998/9/17/19401912/dog-dna-helps-convict-2-in-murder-of-couple-pet 3/6 3/8/2020 Dog DNA helps convict 2 in murder of couple,pet-Deseret News One unidentified juror said the evidence was very important because it placed the men at the scene. But juror Mark Madden of Mercer Island said other evidence figured more prominently in his decision. A distinctive footprint on the front door of the slain couple's apartment that matched shoes worn by Leuluaialii was very convincing, Madden said. Additionally, the testimony of witnesses who saw the pair at the apartment was convincing as well, he said. The jury began deliberations Monday, following two months of testimony. Jurors signaled they'd reached a verdict Wednesday by midafternoon. • No sentencing date has been set. The victims' families slipped from the courthouse without speaking publicly. https://www.deseret.com/platform/amp/1998/9/17/19401912/dog-dna-helps-convict-2-in-murder-of-couple-pet 4/6 i1— - • • ,<;rime -a. > ow ascus - --Delated :;.,;, 15 Animal forensics increasingly used to solve cases involving critters ApAssociated Press updated 5130/2007 7:56:35 PM ET When Marylin Christian's beloved cat Cody was found dead under suspicious circumstances two years ago,she vowed to seek justice. But when Christian suggested that animal control officers collect saliva from a neighbor's dog, Lucky,to see if it could be genetically linked to hair found in Cody's mouth and claws,she was met with bewilderment. "They kind of acted like,`Well,you've been watching a little too much`CSI,"'Christian recalled y. y m with a laugh. dhR .?-`f' Christian eventually paid$5Oo for the evidence to be tested at the Veterinary Genetics Lab at the °"' '' University of California at Davis,which has the largest database of domesticated-animal DNA m the country. \ i+ 1 The result?A one in 67 million chance the hair belonged to any animal other than Lucky. "Usually,people come to us because it's a very emotional matter,"said Beth Wictum,acting ------------------------------------ director of the lab's forensics division."They've lost a pet,and for many people,pets are a Beth Wictum,left,acting director of the Veterinary Genetics Laborer member of the family and they want to get resolution." Davis,points out areas to take samples for DNA testing to Forensic of traditional forensic techniques is becoming more common to sot In the time that's passed since Christian's loss,more and more law enforcement officials have perpetrator or witness. come to share her interest in applying forensic methods to cases involving animals—whether the animal is a victim,perpetrator or even a witness. "There's some real serious cases where animal DNA played a role in helping solve the case,"said Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey,a DNA expert who has asked investigators to collect DNA samples from murder suspects'pets at crime scenes."I believe that it will be used more and more." 'Rapidly growing'field Wictum's lab handles between 150 and 200 cases a year from all over the world.But scientists don't just deal with pet-on-pet attacks.They process evidence from cases involving animal attacks on humans,human attacks on animals,and even human crimes against each other in which an animal may yield important clues. In one eacP,the lab used DNA testing to match dog excrement found on the bottom of a murder suspect's shoe to excrement found near the crime scene—a piece of evidence that helped secure the man's conviction. In another case,a sexual assault victim couldn't pick her attacker out of a lineup—but she remembered her dog had urinated on the man's pickup truck.The dog's DNA matched DNA traces found on the truck's tire and the suspect pleaded guilty. Don't miss these Health stories ASPCA forensic veterinarian Melinda Merck relies on the same techniques as standard crime scene investigators— ballistics,toxicology,blood spatter analysis—to help solve animal cruelty cases across the country. More women opting for preventive - "It's rapidly growing,"she said of her specialty."There is a tremendous interest from the veterinarians and there's a !'mastectomy-but tremendous interest from law enforcement." should they be? j Rates of women who are opting for preventive mastectomies, ------`-'-' Last year,Merck testified in the Atlanta trial of two teenage brothers who tortured a puppy and left it in an oven to die. suct,as Angeline Joke,have Merck was able to prove the puppy was alive when it was tortured and reconstructed the animal's grim final moments for increased by an estimated 50 percent in recent years,experts say.But mat a jury.The brothers were sentenced to a maximum punishment of to years in prison. puzzled because the operation doesn't carry guarantee,it's major surgery—and women t from a once-a-day pill to careful monitoring. Even forensic entomologists—who use insects such as maggots to help estimate a victim's time of death—have crossed over into the world of animal-related crimes. Larry Page's damaged vocal cords:Treats trade-offs Forensic entomologist Jason Byrd often is called on to help investigators with wildlife crimes and poaching cases.If a bald Report questioning salt guidelines riles Is CDC:2012 was deadliest year for West NI eagle is shot at a game reserve,Byrdcan examine the maggots on the bird's carcass to help determine its time of death. Investigators then can access the records at the reserve to narrow down who was in the area at the time of the shooting. what Stt88s°emorns most?Themselves, "They're not scared to spend money now to figure out who's been poaching animals,"Byrd said."Now they do true investigation techniques—they throw forensic science at the problem." Colleges taking note As the field of animal forensics grows,so does the need for training. Colleges are just beginning to take note.This year,Purdue University's School of Veterinary Medicine began offering a forensic veterinary medicine course,believed to be the first of its kind in the country,said professor Janice Sojka.Sojka said she recognized a need for the course after noticing a recent explosion of interest in the field. "With'CSI'and'Law&Order,'people kind of know what's out there and what can be done and then there's a growing expectation that you'll do that for your animals,"she said."It's become a lot more respected." Despite the fact that Christian got DNA results,animal control officers refused to declare Lucky a dangerous dog.Lucky and his owners have since moved away. And even though her CSI-style pursuit of justice was expensive and frustrating,the stay-at-home mother of two has no regrets. "I felt like I needed to do it for my family,"she said."The two-legged and the four-legged." ©2013 The Associated Press.All rights reserved_This material may not be published,broadcast,rewritten or redistributed. She.i_ 15 a A f<e�, ..to V 104 �^'%%"`'Y` nw ;S2TI a,r+ ) ; , f � tri ! ' 1 dijt, w ,t ,'``,N y ,' ark f tIOVFA HOME ABOUT SUBSCRIBE ISSUES 1 VENDORS I RESOURCES I NEWSLETTERS I CONTACT I ADVERTISE I ETM INSIGHTS Solving Human Crimes with Animal DNA username ......... .... .... .. New Articles Written by Beth Wictum&Trina Wood Password • Funding:Anti- Her body was found nude in a wooded area of Florida,wrapped in a bed sheet and Methamphetamine Program shower curtain that was secured at the head and feet with dud tape.Shantay Leann • Funding:Anti-Heroin Task Huntington's cause of death:asphyxiation.Male DNA was recovered from the dud Remember me Ston, i.... __''t Force Program tape and shower curtain,but the profile didn't match known samples in CODIS.After j L°9ir1 I • Webinar:Providing Forensic her male traveling companion was eliminated as a suspect,the case went cold. Lost Password? Healthcare to Native No account yet?Register Communities Three years later,the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory Forensic Unit(VGL Forensics) search • NY District Court Denies Motion at the University of California,Davis received 13 dog hairs from the bed sheet for �:.-------- to Preclude DNA Software DNA analysis.Two of the hairs contained enough DNA to profile.Although they Search I Analysis weren't an exact match to the two dogs who lived across the street from where • Webinar:Marijuana Analysis in Huntington was found,there was enough similarity to suggest that the hairs came a New Frontier from a full sibling of those dogs.Upon further investigation,it was discovered that two pups from that litter had been given to the homeowner's brother-in-law, New Books Guillermo Romero,whose wife had a restraining order against him by the time of testing. Law enforcement obtained samples of Romero's DNA and matched it to Latest News DNA found on the shower curtain and duct tape used to wrap the young woman's body.In 2013,Romero pled guilty to manslaughter. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis • Find ETM on FacebookHow-to video:Buccal swab collection on a dog Most forensic disciplines attempt to • Follow ETM on Twitterdetermine t (only in the Digital Edition) bloodstain of a crime.But bloodstain pattern analysis focuses on Animal DNA profiling is becoming more commonplace as investigators realize that the what happened'part of a crime. the same techniques used in human DNA analysis can also be applied to animal This book is the third edition of Bkod- F( Feed stain Pattern Analysis.The authors evidence such as saliva,urine,feces,blood, and hair.Animal evidence can help solve a wide range of cases from animal cruelty or theft, to animal attacks on explore the topic in depth,explaining 11 humans,and human-on-human crimes like robbery,rape,and murder.Dog feces what it is,how it is used,and the ILLal �- Ipractical methodologies that are evidence from two different violent crimes was analyzed and presented in court to �9 help convict defendants in a triple homicide and in a rape.Dog urine from territorial employed to achieve defensible marking on a truck tire was profiled in a sexual assault case,leading to a plea deal. results.It offers practical,common- Blood evidence found on the clothing of burglary suspects who silenced barking sense advice and tips for both novices dogs by slitting their throats or by placing them in a lit oven was used successfully and professionals.www.crcaress.com by prosecutors. Read more... The scope of each investigation is only limited by the imagination of the investigator. As one of the first people to arrive, crime scene investigators have a unique opportunity to survey the crime scene and identify potential evidence. It's the investigator who thinks outside the box and wonders, 'What can this animal evidence tell us?'who comes to our door. �u< An alternate light source is used to look for biological evidence.Photo:Don Preisfer VGL Forensics is a public-service unit of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. Our DNA testing services are used by federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies as well as the general public.The majority of our cases are from the U.S.and Canada with occasional cases arriving from Great Britain,South America,Australia,and Japan as investigators reach out for assistance on hard-to- solve cases.As a part of one of the largest animal DNA testing laboratories in the world,we have databases available for dogs, cats, horses,cattle, sheep, goats, pigs,deer,elk,wolves,coyotes,bear,llamas,and alpacas—providing for a diverse range of potential cases.Despite there being more cats than dogs as pets,dogs are more likely to be involved in a case,with more than half of all our cases focusing on dogs.VGL Forensics handles approximately 100 cases a year,with cases involving up to dozens of samples.The cost of a case depends on the number of samples being tested, but averages about$2,000 and takes two to four weeks to test. In 2010, we became the first ASCLD/LAB-Intemational accredited crime laboratory dedicated to animal DNA profiling. DNA Testing and Pets y,r•P �� 's.� Itti�'�v � �4 �' , �� a r<t '4 r sF � • f S � �SY 7 'e �k3., ;. A • ba N'+ b{ f%dy N, ri�aF b 4t, IVY • r m i as3 tis T�wi��� •fi 3 1' A buccal swab is used to coded a DNA sample from a kali Pet ownership in the U.S.has more than tripled since the 1970s.Morethan 609'0 of American households now include at least one pet and those pets can help solve crimes. If you own a cat or dog, you know that their hair is accompanies you throughout the day from your home to your car,from your car to your office.Pet hair the most commonly collected item of non human biological evidence.However— is unlike humane dog and cat hairs without roots can yield enough DNA for individual (nuclear) DNA profiling. That's because when they groom themselves, they are leaving saliva on the hair shafts—and that saliva contains cells.About 1 in 15 shed dog hairs will have enough nuclear DNA for individual profiling_The more fastidious cats average about 1 in 4 hairs with enough nuclear DNA. The likelihood of getting that DNA profile goes down when those hairshave been laundered, buried, immersed, or have had prolonged exposureto the outdoor environment.Even in those cases,another type of DNA(mitochondrial)found in all animals can be tested to include or exclude at suspect.Mitochondrial DNA has many more copies in each cell and is more stable due tol its circular shape.Because it persists longer than nuclear DNA, it is especially useful when samples are degraded. It is inherited through the maternal line, so everyone—people and animals—has the same mitochondrial DNA as then mother Even though it is not unique to an individual,it can identify or exclude possible contributors and assist in the progress of the investigation. A single cat hair found in the out-turned pocket of a homicide victim helped to implicate his killer. Stephen Nolte was found with severe neck lacerations to the point of near decapitation.Upon investigation,it was found that he had engaged in a dispute with a former employee over money. His pockets were turned inside out, and $450 dollars were missing,along with his truck.When the cat hair from his pocket was tested, it failed to yield an individual nuclear DNA profile, so mitochondrial DNA testing was done.The mitochondrial DNA sequence obtained from the cat hair had never been seen before in any of the cat databases.Cats from the suspect's home and from the sung i nding community werecollected for comparison.While no matches werefound in the area cats,6 out of the 11 cats at the suspect's house had the same mitochondrial DNA type as the evidence hair A hearing determined that the cat evidence was generally accepted as reliable,and Henry Lee Polk was found guilty of first degree murder. t"Sy n^,mid,, k5. 31t} � ... , Saliva is swabbed from the sweatshirt of the victim in a dog shad(Photo:Don Preister Besides being the witness'at a crime scene,animals themselves are frequently the victims of crimes.In addition to the crimes of dogfighting and animal cruelty,many serial killers have admitted that they began their careers with animals. However, animals are also often tortured or killed by someone trying to control another person in domestic violence situations.Up to 80%of women arriving at domestic violence centers report animal abuse by their partners.In the case of Jeffrey Nally Jr.,his girlfriend's mother reported that her daughter was being held against her will and that Nally had threatened to kill her if she tried to leave.A search of his home revealed 29 dog carcasses and three live puppies.On the day he was arrested, Nally had forced his girlfriend to hold a puppy while he drilled into its head.Hair recovered from the drill was matched to the dead puppy.Nally pled guilty to a lesser charge of nine counts of animal cruelty and weapons possession. While some jurisdictions still consider animal cruelty a misdemeanor, it has been well documented that it is a significant indicator for violent criminal behavior and states are starting to address that with broader statutes and increased penalties. Animal DNA analysis can also be used to exonerate a suspect.In 1982,Wendy Lou Stark was abducted from a shopping center.Five hours later she tried to escape and was shot four times by her abductor.Witnesses saw a man bend over her body and remove a black and white puppy.A suspect was identified who shared a home with a family whose dog matched the description.Although hairs from her pants were visually similar to the dog,no further identification could be done at that time. Those hairs were analyzed by VGL Forensics when the case was reopened 27 years later.The DNA profile from the dog hair on her pants eliminated the suspect dog.The ability to eliminate suspects early in an investigation allows investigators to focus their efforts in other directions.Subsequent human DNA analysis of a vaginal swab got a CODIS hit to a man who had died in prison the previous year and had no obvious connection to the crime. Collecting Animal Evidence Even if you don't plan to test animal DNA immediately,collecting the evidence and storing it correctly allows for later testing that could make or break a case.Since DNA is the same in each cell nucleus of an animal,buccal swabs are the preferred sample type for known cats and dogs. Buccal collection kits for live animals are provided by the laboratory at no cost If you are collecting hair from a live animal, you should select the thickest hair and pull 10-20 hairs with intact roots. Hairs should be stored long-term in sealed paper envelopes. It is important that you sample all pets associated with both the victim and suspect for possible elimination later. • Transferred animal hairs are frequently found on clothing, vehicles, bodies, weapons,and bedding. o Do not permanently mount evidentiary hairs onto slides. If a visual comparison needs to be made,place a cover slip over the hair and tape the cover slip to the slide to preserve any cells on the hair shafts. • Animal DNA present on a person(for example,saliva from a bite or vaginal cells from a sexual assault on an animal)should be swabbed. o Collect these samples as soon as possible(less than 24 hours).Look for towels or pads that may have been used to wipe the skin. • Blood or urine on a large object should be swabbed.Allow smaller items to dry and submit the entire item. o When sampling from a suspected dogfighting pit,select discrete blood spots or blood smears towards the top of the pit wall to minimize contamination from multiple dogs. • Feces evidence is usually present on shoes or clothing.Those items should be allowed to dry at room temperature and stored long-term in sealed paper bags. o Freeze wet feces immediately in a leak-proof container. If that is impractical,then allow it to air dry away from direct sunlight Drying the feces is critical to prevent mold growth. • Food dishes,toys,brushes,crates,and bedding are good DNA sources when trying to place an animal at a home. o Submit the entire item or,if that's not practical,swab the item.Identify how many animals have used those items prior to collection to minimize mixtures. Animal DNA has been used many times and in many states.Sometimes it is the primary piece of evidence that drives the investigation. Sometimes it plays a supporting role, laying the groundwork or reinforcing other important evidence. Other times it can provide information that takes a case in another direction—even when that case has been cold for years.Much attention has been given to the'CSI effect',and juries have come to expect forensic science in the courtroom. Since many of them are pet owners,they are fascinated by the animal DNA evidence and they become engaged when we testify about our work. It may not be the key to solving every case,but almost every case will have some animal DNA.Yours may be next. For more information about VGL Forensics,visit www.vgl.ucdavis.edulforensics About the Author Beth Wictum began her career in animal testing in 1979 and switched entirely to forensics in 2000.She is the director of the forensics unit of the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory in UC Davis'School of Veterinary Medicine. <Prev Next> [Back] • the dodo H . . „ ,. • • , , 4':40 1,41V'4N$9,14412.$ ' BDL: Separating the numbers from the noise BY ANIMAL HISTORY MUSEUM PUBLISHED ON 04/14/2014 • VIP tm, r-4 • 4141° dodo shows • CAT o"s.2 :Orr_, t �$ i , More Episodes—4 4A01 Every time there is a dog attack that involves any breed of dog that has any resemblance to a pit bull type dog, the headline reads "Pit bull mauls" victim. The accompanying picture usually depicts a snarling, teeth bared dog that looks like it is ready to kill. The term "pit bull," however, is not a dog breed. It is a catch-all phrase for a dog that has the characteristics of the American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, or Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Reporters on deadline rely on breed description from witnesses, policemen, and other direct sources and have no time to confirm what type of dog was involved. Usually it is some kind of mixed breed, which by definition, is not a breed at all. The discussion of the inaccuracy of visual breed identification is for another article. Suffice it to say that the science on visual identification shows that its accuracy is less than chance. What this article addresses is the effect of the media's effort to show both sides of the "pit bull story" in the media has on the general public. Inevitably, the media goes to a well- known pro breed discriminatory website (dogsbite.org), and either publishes their statistics or interviews their founder. They then try to balance that point of view with some quotes from local animal rescue folks or someone local who says that pit bull type dogs are really at the mercy of their human owners in terms of behavior, and breed is not the issue. The problem is that the average reader, in finishing the article, is left with the idea that it is a fifty-fifty proposition: both sides of the argument have equal support both numerically and scientifically. They don't. If the media is going to discuss the issue of breed discrimination, they should accurately report that the pro breed discriminatory side is in the minority, and by large measure. False Equivalency: It is an issue of false equivalency. False equivalency is well illustrated in the climate change debate. If there are 100 scientists in that field, and only 10 feel climate change is not happening, in reporting the issue, shouldn't that be disclosed? Should the media in discussing the issue point out that those that don't believe in climate change are in the minority, and by 90%? That is what this article is about. It is fair to get comment from both sides of an issue. But if one side is a minority view, that should be reported too. Animal Welfare Groups: Dogsbite.org is an outlier among virtually all national animal welfare and professional groups, and the nationwide consensus against Breed Discriminatory Legislation. The list of animal welfare and professional groups that are against Breed Discriminatory Legislation is long, exhaustive and includes the CDC, AKC, UKC, the American Bar Association, National Animal Control Association, The American Veterinarian Medicine Association, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, The Humane Society of the United States, and Best Friends Animal Society among others. Scholarly Legal Analysis: Scholarly legal analysis is overwhelmingly against Breed Discriminatory Legislation. Law review articles and legal commentary have found BDL void for vagueness, lacking a rational basis, and ineffective in increasing public safety. Countries: Eighty five percent of countries do not regulate dogs by breed. Thirty countries have banned pit bulls. The consensus is that there are approximately 192 countries in the world. Thus 85% of the countries in the world do not regulate pit bulls. State Action: No state has breed discriminatory legislation on the state level. Nineteen have banned breed discriminatory law statewide including Utah, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Nevada, Connecticut, Maine, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Minnesota, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, California and South Carolina. The Maryland legislature has just overturned a court decision that found pit bulls inherently dangerous. Cities: Only 3% of cities in the US have breed discriminatory laws. A census of the total number of cities in the US varies by its definition and the source. Dogsbite.org does not define the term city. However, the list on the site includes cities of all sizes with no numerical cutoff. The total number of cities listed in a city census ranges from 18,433 to 19,429. Taking the lowest number, 600 cities represents 3% of all American cities. The corollary is that 97% of all American cities do not regulate pit bulls. Hardly a ringing endorsement of BSL. Veterinarians: Veterinarians don't want to get involved with visual breed identification either. In fact, the JAVMA published an article entitled Rethinking Dog Breed Identification In Veterinarian Practices. The JAVMA recommends that "veterinarians stop attempting to assign breed labels to mixed breed dogs whose origin they do not know." Why? "As far back as the 1960's, there was clear photographic evidence that mixed breed dogs could look nothing like their purebred parents and grandparents. More recently, surveys conducted by university researchers on both coasts have shown that guesses by animal professionals, even veterinarians, as to the breed composition of mixed breed dogs of unknown origin - correlate poorly with breed identification obtained from DNA analysis; and that professionals will frequently disagree with each other regarding the breed composition of the same dog." Public Safety: It is also well settled that BDL does not promote overall public safety. In virtually every case where overall dog bites have been analyzed after BDL has been passed, overall dog bite counts have gone up. Numerical & Financial Support: The pro breed discriminatory legislation position is neither popular on the web, nor does it receive much financial support. If you look at the numerical following on both sides in terms of numbers, the pro BDL side has relatively few supporters. Likewise, the donations to the BDL website is in the neighborhood of $20,000. Compare that to an organization like BadRap, which receives $300,000. This article has not discussed any misrepresentations or problems in methodology of the non peer reviewed statistics kept by the pro breed discriminatory position. That, again, is for another article. Conclusion: The press has allowed a small number of vocal people to create a false equivalency of their pro BDL position in the minds of the public. While it is fair to cover both sides of an issue, it is also important to report that the overwhelming scientific, objective, and popular position is against breed discriminatory laws and in favor of breed neutral laws that make communities safe from all problem dogs. Fred M. Kray, Esq. is a veteran trial attorney and animal law practitioner. His popular blogtalk radio program, Pit Bulletin Legal News, is one of the featured programs in the Animal History Museum's upcoming online media gallery. / KEE.W THE COM e4 ENT.3 318/200 5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners'Murders Mental Floss R NENt • A p' Ori �. e- 3 � h 3" `fir S a� . y 12,`:;,,,O;;:::4:,,:::::,1t.',,i17:14::::4:1;,..,,, :pSdhY < yv 17,',, ' ,,":,,,,t,,,,1,f,,,,, , , ,,,,, :.,;, : �' -..-- ,. ,i,,r,,,:z.,,f,:;,.ti,;:,711,;;;I::,-''''„''''.,,,,'.,, ,;,-:-,',',A4^-4,','''' :::,+:::.,,,,::::::: :::;11:::i4:, :1:04,1,,,,,,,.y:' ,',4 'batt (STUCK 5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners' Murders BY JAKE ROSSEN JUNE 6, 2016 MENTAL FLOSS I.c,-tt.,l.:r.t https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61811/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-Owners-murders 1/11 3/8/2020 5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners'Murders I Mental Floss While it's widely acknowledged pets can offer comfort, companionship, and fuzzy tummies for rubbing, it can also be reassuring to know your furry pals may one day provide the necessary information to find your killer. That could be the case for the late Martin Duram, whose pet parrot Bud has taken to vocalizing his owner's possible last words after a fatal shooting in May 2015: "Don't [expletive] shoot!" Bud also likes to replicate what sounds like an argument between a man and woman, leading Duram's family to 11% 1�A�rA 1+- 7. % T li.%t rf h f fl A AlAfl'% Cl4 .A https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61811/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-owners-murders 2/11 3/8/202A 5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners'Murders I Mental Floss UCIICVC IL may 114VC UCC11 t UUII1CSLIC incident gone awry. (According to Michigan NBC affiliate WOODTV, his wife, Glenna, is a suspect.) It's not yet known whether Bud's chirpy testimony will ever be admissible in court. Until then, here are five animals that made sure justice was served. 1. BIRD THE COCKATOO Texas native Kevin Butler was such a fan of NBA great Larry Bird that he ignored the potential redundancy and named his pet cockatoo after him. Friends said Bird was very devoted to Butler, and when Butler's home was broken into in 2001, Bird tried to fend off his owner's murderers before he was mortally wounded himself. One of them, Daniel Torres, denied involvement until prosecutors presented evidence linking the DNA recovered from Bird's beak to Torres. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61811/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-owners-murders 3/11 3/8/2020 5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners'Murders Mental Floss He received life in prison. Bird, just 18 inches tall, was heralded as "valiant" during the trial. 2. CHIEF THE PITBULL-LAB MIX A Seattle, Washington couple and their dog were found slain in 1998, the apparent victims of a home invasion. While standing trial, suspects Ken Leuluaialii and George Tuilefano were surprised to learn that prosecutors planned a landmark entry of evidence: Chief's DNA. Dog blood had been found on the defendants' clothing during the investigation, and forensic analysis was able to match it to the deceased pit bull- Labrador mix. In his opening argument, prosecutor Tim Bradshaw stated that "the irony will be that the witness who could never speak, even when he was alive, will present the most eloquent of evidence." https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61811/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-0Wners-murders 4/11 3/8/2020 5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners'Murders I Mental Floss 3. TWO CATS When pet shop owner Lori Auker disappeared in May 1989, her family thought the worst. Unfortunately, their suspicions were correct: After almost three weeks of searching, Lori's body was discovered near a dirt road in Pennsylvania. Police focused on her estranged husband, Robert Auker, who had been following her in the weeks leading up to her death. Surveillance footage placed a car resembling his 1984 Chevrolet Celebrity in the vicinity, and his parents reported Auker had been meticulously scrubbing the interior before selling it. Despite his efforts, forensic workers found several cat hairs that later proved to be an identical match to the victim's two felines. The fur was also stuck to a splint Auker had been wearing on his hand the day Lori disappeared. He was https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61811/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-owners-murders 5/11 3/8/2023 5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners'Murders I Mental Floss given the death penalty. 4. HIRA THE PARROT Hira was the only witness to Neelam Sharma's murder in February 2014; the attacker had also dispatched of the family dog, who had been barking during the struggle. Widower Vijay Sharma, editor of a Hindi daily newspaper, was unable to think of any solid leads to help police until his brother-in-law noticed Hira would become highly agitated whenever his nephew, Ashutosh, visited—or even when his name was mentioned in conversation. Vijay says he informed police and Ashutosh confessed to the robbery-turned-murder. "He accepted his crime and informed us that he was accompanied by an accomplice," officer Shalabh Mathur said. "They had entered the house with the intention of taking away cash and other valuables." Afraid https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61811/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-owners-murders 6/11 3/8/2020 5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners'Murders I Mental Floss his aunt would recognize him, he killed her. Police later downplayed the bird's participation, saying it was an unexplained bite mark on Ashutosh that made him their primary focus. Whatever the case, local news media initially reported Hira's name as Hercule the Parrot, a rather morbid attempt at humor. 5. AN UNNAMED GRASSHOPPER While not quite a pet, one insect found itself dying for a noble cause. According to "forensic entomologist" M. Lee Goff, a 1985 homicide in Texas resulted in precious little physical evidence—save for a grasshopper that had been found on the victim's clothing that was missing a limb. Further investigation of one suspect revealed that he happened to have a severed insect leg stuck in the https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61811/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-owners-murders 7/11 3/812020 5 Pets Who Helped Solve Their Owners'Murders I Mental Floss cuff of his pants. When Goff re- assembled the bug, he found it to be a perfect match, and the suspect was convicted. Goff went on to be a consultant for the CSI television franchise and continues to use entomology to help determine time, location, and cause of death. Animals Birds Cats j Lists Dogs f Q tyu 0 Subscribe to our Newsletter! SIGN UP NOW You May Like Sponsored Links by Taboola If You're Fighting Neuropathy With B12, Here's Why It's Not Working Nerve Renew Forget Prescription Hearing Aids Use This Instead HearTech Labs CIC Hearing Devices They Were Named The Most Beautiful Twins In The World, Wait https:l/www.mentalfloss.comlarticle/6,8„/5-pets-who-helped-solve-their-owners-murders 8/11