D-1 Minutes 09-15-1975 CON~.'OA"O <AUNA I I I 146 City of Salina, Kansas Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners September 15, 1975 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners met In the Commissioners. Room, City-County Building, on Monday, September 15, 1975. at four o'clock P.M. The Mayor asked everyone to stand for the pledge of allegiance to the Flag and a moment of silent prayer. There were present: Mayor Robert Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner C. Caldwell, Chairman Keith G. Duckers Gerald F. Simpson \.J. M. Usher Jack Weisgerber presiding comprising a quorum of the Board, also: L. O. Bengtson, City Attorney Norris D. Olson, City Manager M. E. Abbott, Acting City Clerk Absent: D. L. Harrison, City Clerk The Minutes of the Regular t1eeting of September 8, 1975 were approved as printed. THE MAYOR PROCLAIMED - Sunday, September 21, 1975 - "WORLD PEACE DAY". The proclamation was read by Rosana Tyson, Treasurer of the Spiritual Assembly of Baha'I j"s of Sa 1 i na, Kansas. THE MAYOR PROCLAIMED the Week of September 17 - 23, 1975 - "CONSTITUTION \.JEEK1'. The proclamation was read by t1r. Paul Hunton, for Mrs. Paul Hunton, Constitution Committee Chairman of the Mary Wade Strother Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. THE MAYOR PROCLAIMED the week of September 21 - 28, 1975 - "WEEK OF CONCERN FOR WORLD HUNGEæ'. The proclamation was read by Mary Ann Huffman, Secretary at St. Mary's Rectory. STAFF AGENDA AN ORDINANCE was introduced for second reading entitled: "AN ORDINANCE changing the name of a certain street located within the City of Salina, Kansas.' (Eastborough Road in Georgetown Addition to Seitz Drive). A motion was made by Commissioner Usher, seconded by Commissioner Simpson to adopt the ordinance as read and the following vote was had: Ayes: Duckers, Simpson, Usher, Weisgerber, Caldwell (5). Nays: (0). Carried. The Mayor approved the ordinance and it is numbered 8452. The ordinance was introduced for first reading September 8, 1975. AN ORDINANCE was introduced for second reading entitled: IIAN ORDINANCE levying special assessments against certain property to pay the cost of constructing certain sidewalks in the parking abutting the following property, to-wit: A concrete sidewalk on the north side of Wayne Avenue, from Norton Street East 138 feet, adjacent to the south 1 ine of Lot 28, Block 3, South Field Addition. A concrete sidewalk on the north side of Wayne Avenue, from Roach Street West 138 feet, adjacent to the south line of Lot 14, Block 4, South Field Addition. CON~.'OAHO,^.'NA I I I 147 A concrete sidewalk on the north and east sides of Key Avenue from Belmont Boulevard to Neal Avenue, adjacent to Lot 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23, 24,25, Block 24, Key Acres Addition. A concrete sidewalk on the south line of Hartland Avenue, adjacent to Lot 8, Block 25, Key Acres Addition. A concrete sidewalk installed at the curb line on the north side of Wayne Avenue and adjacent to Lot 14, Block 6; and Lot 12, Block 11, Gebhart Manor Addition. A concrete sidewalk installed at the curb line on the south side of Wayne Avenue and adjacent to Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2; and Block 3; Meadowlark Acres Addition. A concrete sidewalk on the north side of Kirwin Avenue and adjacent to Lot 14, and the South 5 feet of Lot 12, Kirwin Avenue, Grounds of Kansas Wesleyan University. A concrete sidewalk on the Southeast side of Edward Street and adjacent to Lot 16, except the Southeast 5 feet; and Lot 17 and the Southeast 5 feet of Lot 16, Block 13, Belmont Addition.11 (Engineering Project 74-573) - A motion was made by Commissioner Weisgerber, seconded by Commissioner Duckers to adopt the ordinance as read and the following vote was had: Ayes: Duckers, Simpson, Usher, \.Jeisgerber, Caldwell (5). Nays: (0). Carried. The Mayor approved the ordinance and it is numbered 8453. The ordinance was introduced for first reading September 8, 1975. ---- A MOTION was made by Commissioner Duckers, seconded by Commissioner Usher to set September 29, 1975 to receive bids on the following equipment: 3 - three-wheel traffic scooters for the Traffic Department 1 - 4-door sedan automobile for the Fire Department 1 - Pickup truck for the Street Department 1 - Dump truck for the Street Department 1 - Pickup truck for General Improvement 1 - Dump truck for Flood Control 1 - Pickup truck for the Sewerage Department 8 - Police Vehicles - 6 - 4-door sedans and 2 - station wagons 1 - 4-door sedan for the Police Department and instruct the City Clerk to advertise for bids. Motion carried. Ayes: (5). Nays: (0). THE CITY ENGINEER reported on Petition Number 3500, which was filed by Ora M. Dunkin a/k/a Ora M. Soldan, requesting city water service on Prospect Avenue from the east line of Lot 18, Block 1, Cloverdale Addition to the east end of Prospect Avenue, that liThe petition does not contain the required number of signatures to be a val id petition. Due to the past and present use of septic tanks in this area, many of the wells are becoming polluted. This fact is confirmed by a letter from Dr. William Null, Health Officer for Salina-Saline County Community Health Department, which shows 50% of the wells sampled on Prospect Avenue to be contaminated and unsafe as a potable water supply. lilt is our recommendation, in the interest of safety, health and sanitation, that this request for city water service be approved and a feasibility report be prepared.11 A motion was made by Commissioner Usher, seconded by Commissioner Simpson to accept the recommendation of the City Engineer and instruct him to prepare a feasibility report for the improvements. Ayes: (5). Nays: (0). Motion carried. CON~.'OA"O.,^.'NA I I I 14b PUBLIC AGENDA A REQUEST was received from George Etherington for permission to construct two entranceway signs on publ ic right-of-way at the intersection of Marymount Road and Country Hills Road. Mr. Etherington was present and explained he had dedicated 7-1/2 feet to the City for street right-of-way, and forgotten about an additional 7-1/2 feet dedicated shortly after that, when he built the entranceways to Country Hills Addition. He asked permission to leave them since they are already built, but said he would post a cash bond to insure their removal at the time the City did something with the street. Mr. Bengtson explained that the City Commission may, upon application, allow a person to construct on city right-of-way for aesthetic purposes under such terms and conditions as they might wish to impose such as, in the event the road is ever widened, the entranceway signs would be removed at the owners expens A motion was made by Commissioner Duckers, seconded by Commissioner Usher to allow Mr. Etherington to leave the entranceway signs on City right-of- way for aesthetic purposes until such time as the city widens Marymount Road, at which time the owner shall remove the entranceway signs at his expense. Ayes: (5). Nays: (0). Motion carried. COMMISSION AGENDA Mr. Bengtson asked the City Commissioners to add an item to their agenda for consideration concerning Industrial Revenue Bonds for the General Battery Corporation. A motion was made by Commissioner Simpson, seconded by Commissioner Usher that the item be placed on the Commission Agenda for consideration. Ayes: (5). Nays: (0). Motion carried. Mr. Bengtson explained he had received a call from Goldman, Sachs in New York, the brokerage firm that will be handling the financing of the industria revenue bond issue for General Battery, about the necessity of submitting an application to the Farm Home Administration to guarantee 90% of the financing that is to be made for the construction of this $7,500,000.00 industrial revenue bonds. The application must be made for General Battery in the name of the City of Salina to the Farm Home Administration, and this action is recommended by Mr. Jerry Powell of Stinson, Mag, Thomson, McEvers and Fizzell of Kansas City, as legal counsel for the City of Salina in the issuance of industrial revenue Ĺ“nds. He suggested that if the Commission determines the necessity to make this application that they authorize the Mayor to execute the application, subject to the final approval by himself and Mr. Jerry Powell in Kansas City, as he has not had time to go through these documents. A motion was made by Commissioner Simpson, seconded by Commissioner Weisgerber to authorize the Mayor to sign the application to the Farm Home Administration, subject to final approval by Mr. Bengtson and Mr. Powell. Ayes: (5). Nays: (0). Motion carried. There were no formal items on the printed Commission Agenda. The following items were brought up for discussion by the City Commissioners: THREE LADIES were present about the water and sewer service they requested on Woodland Avenue. The City Engineer reported the Commissioners had just approved the third petition for the project, and that a feasibil ity report would be prepared and filed, probably on September 29th. COMMISSIONER USHER asked that a report on the Downtown Beautification Project be added to the agenda for the Special Meeting to be held September 18th at Noon. .ON~.'OA"O,^.'NA I I I 14~3 COMMISSIONER DUCKERS proposed the possible use of the flood control dikes around the City for jogging and bicycling, and asked for a report back as to its feasibility. COMMISSIONER SIMPSON asked for a status report on the East Crawford Street Improvements. Mr. Boyer said he would prepare a written report, with the project broken into different segments, and his recommendation, and cost estimates to go wi th it. COMMISSIONER DUCKERS asked to have some information on the United Way survey of human services. He said he heard by the grapevine that they are into the second phase. They were supposed to make a report to the Commission before it would be committed on the second phase. A MOTION was made by Commissioner Usher, seconded by Commissioner Simpson that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners be adjourned. Ayes: (5). Nays: (0). Motion carried. ;72 7: âLL.H- M. E. Abbott, Acting City Clerk CON~.'OAHO,^.,"A I I WAIVER AND CONSENT TO HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS We, the undersigned, being the duly elected, qualified and acting Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, and constituting a majority of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby waive notice and consent to the holding of a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners on the 18th day of September, 1975, at 12 olclock Noon, for the purpose of: Adopting an ordinance to amend the Use Regulations in Section 9, Appendix A, of the Salina Code. Report on the Downtown Beautificaton Project. Dated this 18th day of September, 1975. ~-) ... -./ I ./ r/~ /' // // ~J!:'</: .-t-/ _/;L:'.:/' -~./ // .// ,- // '/,-' (" . .,/ . - ~/ ):~~"7Þ' /. ./ /--r./-~. ~""".~. --.. ~ -~-..' ,'//.:...,..". ~ç_:-' . .~.IÎ./ ' / " ~ ~dH- . , - ~¿ . ¿¿ , ,<'~~ ~.:_.. .- .- ¡'~7 en/;' l( /~~~I'(r ¿ ~/ /,/." c~(ss ioners :j /