Termination Letter for Fire Department Services only SAUNA FIRE DEPARTMENT
222 W. ELM
NOVEMBER 18,2019
To Whom It May Concern:
As you are aware, in 2013. the Salina Fire Department contracted with P\IAM to administer the fire
alarm registration and false alarm billing. In the City of Salina adopted ordinance(13-10816,Chapter 14
Article IV Sec. 14-82 "d"), it states that an annual evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness will be
conducted.At this time,the Salina Fire Department staff has completed an annual evaluation and
analysis of the services provided by P\1.AM and have made the decision to stop all services PMAM
provides for the Salina Fire Department only. Please note that this termination of services will take
effect December 31. 2019 at 23:39:59 hours. Per the contract between PMA,M and the Salina Fire
Department(Section 9 of the original agreement).we must give you 3o days notice,so please note that
we are giving PMIANI more notice than required.Thank you for your support throughout this
Dr.Trent Davis M.D.
Mayor of the City of Salina