Budget - 1982 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1982 CITY COMMISSION Mayor Merle A. Hodges, M.D. Commissioner John F. Burgess Commissioner Keith G. Duckers Commissioner Karen M. Graves Commissioner Charles B. Roth City Manager Rufus L. Nye CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS II , 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS BUDGET MESSAGE TAX LEVY Tax Levy I Tax Limit Computation II Assessed Valuation Computation III General Fund Revenue IV GENERAL FUND General Fund (Summary) 1 City Commission 2 Office of the City Manager 6 City Clerk and Finance Department Legal Department 8 10 Municipal Court 12 Buildings Division 14 Engineering Department 16 Fire Department 18 Permit and Inspection Division 22 Park Division 24 Police Department 28 Street Division 32 Human Relations Department 34 Animal Shelter Division 36 Traffic Division 38 Swimming Pool Division 40 Administration and Planning Division 42 Contingencies 44 Salina Arts Commission 46 Cemetery Division 48 General Improvement Division 50 Flood Works Division 52 Neighborhood Centers Division 54 SPECIAL FUNDS Special Funds (Summary) 57 Employee Benefits Fund 58 Utility Fund 62 Bond and Interest Fund 66 Special Liability Fund Special Parks and Recreation Fund Special Alcohol Programs Fund 70 74 78 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds (Summary) 83 Sanitation Division 85 Parking Meter Division 91 Golf Course Division 97 Special Gasoline Tax Division 103 Solid Waste Disposal Division 109 Bicentennial Center 117 Water and Sewerage 125 OTHER FUNDS Central Garage Division 137 Revenue Sharing Fund 138 * * * THE BUDGETARY PROCESS I The annual budget for the City of Salina is a one year plan for financing the operation and programs of the city government. The most significant elements in the budgetary process are: 1. The City Code requires the City Manager to prepare and present to the City Commission a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year. It is the responsibility of the City Commission, based upon the City Manager's proposed budget, to deliberate upon and to adopt an annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. The City's fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. 2. The City Commission approves the annual budget by city ordinance which authorizes the City Manager to proceed with the budget based upon the ordinance. Also, the Commission must adopt the annual tax levy which establishes city taxes for the coming year. The tax levy must be filed and certified to the Saline County Clerk by August 25th of each year. It is characteristic of governmental accounting that the many and diverse activities of the city government are financed from a number of separate sources. This is the result of legal restrictions placed upon the use of public monies by State and local laws which, in essence, require that funds raised for one purpose cannot be used for another. The General Fund is the primary and parent revenue fund of the City and it provides monies for the operation and financing of most governmental programs. The Enterprise Funds include revenues received from users of the sanitation, parking meter, golf course, special gasoline, solid waste, and water and sewerage operations and does not include tax funds. Other special funds of the city, such as special assessment and debt service funds, are used for specific purposes detailed in law. Many of these relate to the repayment of debt obligations of the city. The annual budget translates the city's municipal services into accounting terminology. Appropriations are divided into funds, departments, and divisions. These broad function and operation areas are further subdivided into personal services, contractual services, materials and supplies, sundry expenditures, and capital outlay. The City of Salina operates on what is commonly called a "line item" budget; however, the emphasis in the budgetary process is to analyze each program by its impact upon the citizens of the city. Once adopted, the annual budget serves as the work program for the city government for the forthcoming year. It also serves as a tool for evaluating the continuity of city programs and services as well as a continual measurement of organization and efficiency. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA COMMISSIONERS MERLE A HODGES, MAYOR JOHN F. BURGESS KEITH G. DUCKERS KAREN M. GRAVES CHARLES B. ROTH CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOX 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 CITY MANAGER RUFUS L. NYE AREA CODE 913 823-2277 July 2, 1981 The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City of Salina 300 W. Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Mayor Hodges and Commissioners: In accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1014 and Sec. 2-77(6) of the Salina Code, I am pleased to submit the Proposed 1982 Annual Budget. In addition to the General Fund, budgets for the Enterprise Funds and Special Funds are included. Public presentation of the proposed budget is scheduled for July 13, 1981, a regular Commission meeting, with a subsequent hearing at the regular Commission meeting on August 3, 1981. Once you approve a proposed budget for publica- tion, which you should do on July 13, it can be reduced, but it may not be increased. Kansas law requires the City Commission to certify the revenue re- quired to be raised from property taxes to the County Clerk. The deadline for certification is Tuesday, August 25, 1981. Preparation of the annual operating budget provides the City staff the opportunity to review critically existing programs and services. This review allows comparisons of the value and priority of each operation with new or improved levels of service. Comments on each of the budget activities are included in the budget message and on the pages of each individual activity. The format of this budget is changed somewhat compared to past years. The computer is used to print the budget and make the budget compu- tations. This has required a budget format change, but has greatly reduced the typing and calculation time required from City staff. The use of the computer will also make adjustments to the budget necessitated by Commission action much easier. Goals Used to Formulate Proposed 1982 Annual Budget The City Commission, at a Budget Focus Session held May 20, 1981, ex- pressed the desire the 1982 Budget be a lean one and that a property tax rate increase be avoided, if possible. With that policy direc- MEMBER. . - KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Two tion in mind, the City staff and I have honed, refined, and prepared the recommended annual budget. That budget contains no new programs, no frills, nor expansion of existing services. The following pages detail, in statistical and narrative form, a proposed program of services for 1982. The 1982 Budget contains certain recommendations and assumptions, among which the following are the most significant: * A slight decrease in the City's ad valorem tax mill rate, from 39.45 mills to 39.42 mills. * License and user fees should be set at levels which more accurately reflect the cost of providing those services. * Improved productivity and efficiency will permit the current level of City services to be maintained. * Increased efforts at cost control can help to offset inflationary and other increases. * An 8% general adjustment in the City's pay plan and a $25 per month payment for family hospital and medical lnsurance. * That the water and sewerage utility should be adequately maintained and financed. * The City should playa greater role in industrial develop- ment. The General Fund The General Fund is the primary and major fund for operating most of the City's programs. The 1982 proposed budget recommendes ex- penditures of $5,058,130. This is a $321,130, or 6.8%, increase over the 1981 Adopted Budget of $4,737,000. TABLE I compares the 1981 adopted and the proposed 1982 budgets. TABLE I 1981 - 1982 BUDGET COMPARISON 1981 1982 Dollar % Description Budget Proposed Difference Difference Personal Services $3,539,530 $3,818,840 $279,310 7.9% Contractual Services 450,990 498,610 47,620 10.6% Material & Supplies 511,620 527,400 15,780 3.1% Sundry Expenditures 103,950 84,350 ( 19,600 ) ( 18.9% ) Capital Outlay 130,910 128,930 ( 1,980 ) ( 1. 5% ) TOTALS $4,737,000 $5,058,130 $321,130 6.8% The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Three The contractual services increase of $47,620, or 10.6%, includes an additional $20,000 contribution to the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of industrial development. This doubles the City's contribution to the Chamber of Commerce, from $20,000 to $40,000. Without that $20,000 item, the increase is $27,620, or approximately 6.1% rather than 10.6%. In contrast, the $19,600 deduction in Sun- dries results from a $20,000 payment to the State of Kansas for sup- port of the Police Training Academy in Hutchinson. That $20,000 was in the 1981 Budget, but has been deleted from the 1982 Budget because the Supreme Court has ruled that such payments are not constitutional in their present form. Overall, there are no significant financing or operational changes in the General Fund other than those which will be mentioned else- where in this message. Tax Rates and Assessed Valuation As anticipated, the assessed valuation for the City did not grow significantly in the past year. The assessed valuation increased $1,800,973, from $97,437,930 to $99,238,903, or 1.8%. Based upon an average assessed valuation for residential structures in the City of $3,170, the average residential property in Salina would pay $124.96 for all City services during 1982. That is equivalent to approximately 34ç per day. The total dollar tax levy in 1982 is estimated at $3,912,260. For 1981's Budget, the similar figure was $3,843,772. This is an in- crease of $68,488, or approximately 1.8%. For the years 1979 to 1982, the City mill rate rose from 37.82 to 39.40. This is equivalent to 4.2% over the four-year period. From January 1, 1979 through December 31,1982, while these rates will be in effect, I estimate the Consumer Price Index (CPI) will grow approximately 50%. The argument is heard often that City taxes are too high. This evidence would seem to refute that argument. Because of the assess- ing practices, virtually all Salina residences will pay very little more over this four-year period for City property taxes, approximately $5.00 per household more in 1982 than in 1979. Although, the move to cut budgets and reduce taxes may be new on the national scene, it has been present in Salina for sometime. The City Commission and City staff have consistently kept both budget and the tax rate growth well below the inflation rate and less than the growth of state and national government. Revenues 1982 General Fund revenues are estimated to be $255,943 higher than 1981. Property taxes will provide $68,393, leaving $187,550 from other sources. The $65,187 necessary to balance the General Fund expenditure increase of $321,130 is obtained from the cash balance. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Four The $187,550 growth in non~tax revenues comes from a variety of sources. The most notable are: $50,000 intangibles taxes; $50,000 investments; and $28,500 franchise taxes. The most significant reve- nue losses are: $14,870 in the vehicles tax; $14,000 in Municipal Court fines; and $30,540 in transfers from other funds. This budget assumes the City Commission will approve miscellaneous license and permit increases averaging 35%. Furthermore, I will propose that licenses and permits be increased annually, the last increase was 33% on January 1, 1975, based upon the General Fund budget for each year. This will permit fees to stay current and will reduce public opposition to irregular, large percentage in- creases. Also, I will recommend higher fees for planning and zoning services to reflect the cost of providing those services. A future memoran- dum will support these recommendations. The license and fee pro- posal will increase revenue about $17,500. The planning fees will increase revenues approximately $6,000. I will recommend fees at the Gypsum Hill Cemetery be raised to re- cover more of the cost of operations. This budget requests that sanitary landfill fees be raised 25% January 1, 1982. Also, previous action of the City Commission authorized a 7% increase in water rates effective January 1, 1982. Sanitation, sewerage, golf course, and parking meter fee levels will remain the same. During 1982, the City staff will investigate other possible revenue sources in the form of user fees and, hopefully, have recommendations for the 1983 budget. The emphasis will be to identify cost of ser- vice and users and where feasible and administratively practical charge for the services rendered. Industrial Development In the past several months, concern has surfaced about Salina's in- ability to attract new industry and to assist existing businesses expand employment opportunities. The concensus appears to be that the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce should be the agency with the primary responsibility for this function. This budget contains $40,000, an increase of $20,000 from the 1981 level, for a contribution to the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of expanding their industrial recruitment and assistant programs. Saline County has a request for a similar contribution of $20,000. The Chamber of Co~~erce will increase their funding. These funds should provide the Chamber of Commerce with sufficient resources to start a viable program. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Five Employee Compensation and Staffing This budget provides an 8% increase in the City's official pay plan and an additional $25 per month for family hospital and medical in- surance coverage. The medical insurance coverage is particularly important to lower income employees because of the relative high cost of this coverage. 334 full-time positions are proposed in 1982; this is 7 fewer than the 1981 Adjusted Budget of 341 full-time positions. Since 1980, full-time staffing has declined 57 positions, from 391 to 334, or 14.6%. This budget recommends that a Humane Officer position deleted in the 1981 Budget be restored. Also, a Computer Programmer position is added. This position is required by an intergovernmental agree- ment with Saline County. The County will reimburse the City for most of this position's expenses. An Electrical Inspector posi- tion deleted in 1981 has been restored. One Custodian and 9 refuse employees are deleted. All requests for additional personnel, including a Police Department proposal to add 4 officers, have not been granted. Revenue Sharing The Revenue Sharing budget is $450,420. A list of expenditures is included in the detailed budget on Page 139. $225,000 is set aside for the Bicentennial Center, a $25,000 reduction from the current funding level. I have also suggested a reserve of approximately $25,500 in 1982. The Federal government frequently adjusts the funding formula. It appears they do so for every entitlement period and these adjustments affect the money received by the City. Water and Sewerage The budgets for the City's water and sewerage operations have in- creased substantially, approximately 12.5%. These activities are self-supporting enterprises and no property taxes are necessary for their operation. As discussed in the past, the City utility system needs major and continued maintenance. Also, we anticipate significant increases in rates charged for electricity and gas utilized by water utilities. The Future Conventional wisdom tells us cities are supported mainly by property taxes. That is not accurate in Salina. Of the total 1982 budget proposed for all City programs and services of approximately $16,500,000, property taxes will contribute less than 24%. Even in the General Fund, which is heavily dependent on the property tax, the property tax will provide slightly more than 30% of the funds. The City's $16.5 million budget is financed from a complex variety of sources, of which the property tax is far from dominate. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Six The City's dependence upon the property tax is decreasing. It is shrinking because the City has aggressively pursued non-tax revenue in the form of interest on investments, higher license and permit fees, higher fines, and has benefited from state shared revenues. Also in the past two years, improved operating efficiencies and reduction in personnel have contributed to lower revenue require- ments. The elimination of 57 full-time employees results in annual savings of approximately $800,000. Operating efficiencies have contributed to savings, although no single one is that significant. Switching from gasoline to propane will save from $30,000 to $40,000 per year. Elimination of the City's administrative fleet has re- duced costs $10,000 to $15,000 a year. Greater use of the computer will save $20,000 to $30,000 a year. Combining supervisory posi- tions saves $35,000 annually. As important as these accomplishments may be, the future does not hold proportional savings. Certainly, there is much that can be done to upgrade City productivity, but the returns diminish. Given the public's perception that cities are financed by property taxes, in fact most citizens believe all property taxes, including school and County taxes, go to the City. The resultant dislike of property taxes makes any rate increases politically difficult. Given the political realit~ that the Kansas Legislature is unlikely to require equitable assessment practicies. Given these factors, it is imperative the City seek new sources of revenue. Adjusting licenses, permits, fees, and fines to the cost of pro- viding those services or keeping step with inflation is an important step in that direction. Unfortunately, the aggregate income from these efforts, especially when offsetting costs are associated with the revenue, do not provide a significant new source of revenue. In 1982, the City Commission should seek a new source of significant revenue, to further reduce the usage of property taxes. Acknowledgements I want to express my appreciation and thanks to all the City staff members who were so helpful in their part to this budget. Recogni- tion is due to Bill Harris, Assistant City Manager; Don Harrison, City Clerk and Director of Finance; and Jackie Shiever, Secretary to the City Clerk. Special appreciation goes to Becky Hall, Adminis- trative Secretary, for holding us all together. I present the Proposed 1982 Annual Budget for your critical review, careful consideration and adoption as you determine to be in the best interests of the City of Salina and all its citizens. Rufus L. Nye City Manager RLN:bh CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUNDS GENERAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS UTILITY BOND AND INTEREST SPECIAL LIABILITY TOTAL 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET 1981 TAX LEVY FOR 1982 BUDGET 1981 TOTAL TAXES 1980 NET AD VALOREM AD VALOREM PER TAX TAX DOLLARS LEVY MILLS $100.00 LEVY $1,531,700 15.4340 1.543 15.0188 948,190 9.5539 .955 9.8807 350,020 3.5266 .353 3.2487 1,028,080 10.3587 1.036 10.6563 54.270 0.5468 .055 0.6455 $3,912,260 39.42 3.942 39.45 ESTIMATED TANGIBLE VALUATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1982 $99,238,903 I COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATIONS Check Base Year Used: (Taxes leVied in 1968 for budget year 1969) (Taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970) 1969-2- 1970- I,] 75 ,634 1. Total tangible taxes levied for the Base Year for purposes included within the Aggregate Limitations 2. Assessed tangible valuation for the Base Year. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3. Tax Levy Rate of the Base Year (Line 1 divided by Line 2). . 1.8745 %' 4. Net Change from Base Year of P~rsonal Property - from Line 10, ~S '1 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate - from Line 8, ~S '2 6. Total Assessed Tangible Valuation (Line 2 + 4 + 5). . . ~ . . 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for Budget Year 1982 (Line 3 x Line 6) Amount of Adjustments of Aggregate Limitation: 62,71 7 , 142 31,605.859 20,194,276 114.517,277 2,146,626 8. Territory added: Line 7 x 3.552 % - 76.248 from Line 5, WS #3 9. Territory excluded: Line 1 x -0- % - ( -0- ) from Line 10, WS #3 10. New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. Amount determined by the County Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Increase authorized by election -- years. voted . 19---; first levy year 19---. . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals Order No. for -- years; first levy year 19_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 14. Functions transferred: In ......................... Out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Amount levied for any function or service in the year preceding the transfer.) . . . . . . 15. Elimination of Tax on Intangible Personal Property (not to exceed the amount received in the year prior to elimination) . . . . . 16. Estimated amount of Motor Vehicle Taxes which will be allocated to those funds within the Aggregate Limitation in 1982 - from Line 7. ~S q5 . . . . . . . . . . 17. Total (Lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 - 14 + 15 - 16) 18. Total Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations for Budget Year 1980 . . 2,079,179 19. Estimated amount of Motor Vehicle Taxes which will be allocated to those funds within the Aggregate Limitation in 1982 - from Line 7, WS 115 . . . . . . . . . . ( ] 92,830 ) 20.Total(Lines18-19)....................... 21. TOTAL AGGREGATE TA.'t LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAB. 1982. (Use the larger Total amount, Line 17 or 20.) This amount appears on the Certificate. See Budget Form b. INSTRUCTIONS -0- -0- -0- -0- -u- ) -0- 192,830) 2,030,044 1,886,349 2,030,044 Suspension or substitution of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation authorized by: Election held . 19_. Charter Resolution/Ordinance No. (Attach copy to budget.) of , 19_. II IlJRKSHEETS WS 111 - Net chan2e from Base Year of Personal Property 1 I Real Personal State I Estate Pro ert Assessed 1. 1981 Est. Asses. Valuation. . .1 62,59] ,050 I 26,3 9,6 0 I 10 258,173 1 2. 1980 Percentage Factor. . . . . . . . . . , 1 66. 131 % 1 xx I 3. Adjusted Equalized Assessed Tangible I I I Valuation of Personal Property for 1980 I I , 4. Ba~~i~:a; ~~6~~e:S~~s::ev;i ~ :1(44,323,450)¡(~~:~~~:~~L~:437~(Ó2,7j7,42])1 5.!ncrease.............. 127.5]7,903*14,251,736*1 6. Adjustment for Territory: Added...... I( 163.780)I( -O-) (Line 6 WS /14) 7. Excluded 1 I -0- I (Line 7 WS 114) 8. Subtotal. (Lines 5 - 6 + 7) . . . .. . . 1 27,354,123 I 4,251,736 I 9 Add State Assessed. . . . . . . . . 1 4 251 Z36 1 <-- 10: NET CHANGE FROM BASE YEAR OF PERSONAL PROP. I 3]: 605: 859 I ' (Lines 8 + 9) '" (Personal Property, Lines 3 - 4); (State Assessment, Lines 1 - 4) I Total I I Tangible I Valuation I 99,238,903 I WS /12 - Increase by New Iorprovements on Real Estate 1,504,930119771 2,468,560 I 1,264,280119781 2,896,650 I 1.745.050119791 2.445.940 I 2.021.710119801 1.855.880 I 119811 981.9701 for 1969 thru 1981) 1 20, ]94,276 I Added. . I ( -0- ) I (Line 6, WS 114) Excluded. , . . . I (Line 7, WS 1/4) INCREASE BY NEW IMPROVEMENTS ON REAL ESTATE I 20,194,276 1 (Lines 5 - 6 + 7) '" Don't fill in if 1970 is the Base Year - (taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970) 1. . . *19691 2. .. 19701 3. ..- 19711 4. .. 19721 273,970119731 ] ,202,636119741 651.110119751 881.<;90119761 5.. Subtotal (Add all amounts 6. Adjustment for Territory: 7. 8. WS #3 - Computation of Percenta2e of Ad1ustment 1. Val. of Territory Added (Line 6, WS 114). . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 2. 1981 Est. Asses. Valuation (Line 1, \JS Ill) . . . . . . 99,238,903 3. Val. of Territory Added (Line 6, WS #4). . . . . . . . . . ( 1 404 290) 4. Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (Line 2 - 3) . . . . . . .. . 5. PERCENT.~E OF ADJUSTMENT for Territory Added (Line 1 divided by Line 4) - 3,404,290 't 6. Val. of Territory Excluded (Line' 7, WS 114) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 1981 Est. Asses. Valuation (Line 1, \JS 111) . . . . . . . . 8. Val. of Territory Excluded (Line 7, WS 114) . . . . . . . .. -0- 9. Total Valuation including Territory Excluded (Lines 7 + 8) . . . . . . 10. PERCENTAGE OF ADJUSTMENT for Territory Excluded (Line 6 divided by Line 9)- 9<;.814.6]1 3.552 % -0- 't -0- -0- % WS 114 - Assessed Tan2ib1e Valuation of Territory Added (Excluded) since the Base Year I I I Total INev Improve-I I Real I Personal I State Tangible I ments on I Year Estate I Pro1)erty I Assessed Valuation IReal Estate I 1. . . . . 19 771 1.062.2101 I 1.062:2~0 I I 2. .. . . ~ 68.3101 132.345 I 200 6 5 I I 3. . " . lLa..l 2.012,4201 31.435 I 2,0i{~~~ : I 4. . . . . . 1.L.§ 0 I 19,6701 I I 5. . . . . . 19 8] I 77,8801 I 77 : 880 I 6. . . . Territory Added I 163,780 I 3,404,290 I I 7. . . Territory Excluded I ! I 1 WS 115 1982 Motor Vehicle Taxes Revenue Estimates for Funds under the A22re2ate Tax LeV'/' Limitation Fund 1. . . . General 2. . . . 3. . . . 4. . . . 5. . . . 6. . , . 7. Total (Add all amounts.) Amount 192,830 Fund Amount 192.810 III ACCT.1I GENERAL 30- 11 0 30-120 30- L10 30-140 30-150 30- 170 30-180 30-205 30-215 30-240 30-260 30-311 30-313 30-315 30-321 30-323 30-325 30-321 30- 333 30- 334 30-335 30-338 30-339 30-341 30-342 30-343 30-345 30-347 30-349 30-350 30-351 30-353 30-355 30-357 30-359 30-361 IV CITY CF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION CURRENT TANGIBLE TAXES CURRENT INTANGIBLE TAXES DELINQUE~T TANGIBLE TAXES OELINQUE~T INT~NGIBLE TAXES BINGO GROSS RECEIPTS AUTO DEALERS TAX STAMPS VEHICLE TAX STA TE: SHARED T AXE S CITY LIQUOR TAX LOCAL AD VALOREM TAX REDUCTION ~IGH~AY MAINTENANCE CEREAL MALT BEVERAGE RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSES .HOLESALE LIQUOR LICENSES AMUSEMENT DEVICE-PINBALL ~ ETC ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES CIRCUS.CARNIVAL.TENT SHOWS DANCES - PUBLIC ~USIC MACHINE LICENSES ~IN. POOL TABLE ~ SHUFFLEBOARD POOL HALL ~ BO.LING ALLEY SKATING RINK LICENSES THEATRE LICENSES AUCTIONEER & AUCTION SALES LIQUIDATION SALE LICENSE BILLBOARD ADVERTISING CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAN LICENSES MOBILE HOME CRAFTSMAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE GAS FITTERS LICENSES TREE TRIMMING & SPRAYING PRIVATE CLUB LICENSES JUNK DEALERS. AUTO & PARTS PAWNBROKERS PLUMBERS LICENSES ACTUAL 1919 1.180.486 310.595 31.221 1 .088 9. I 76 1.161 0 118.519 0 169.255 3.090 13.953 10.550 1 .250 3.069 0 314 554 1.040 3.762 793 66 931 1.356 1.600 234 1 .035 2.490 392 0 831 323 3.300 1.000 190 2.261 AC TUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 1982 REVENUE REOtÆS T 1.795.785 399.754 39.958 1.065 10.259 3.553 0 1 30.903 51.303 184.0el 3.090 14.136 8.400 1.250 3.564 458 275 852 1.220 4.818 793 66 665 1.125 200 234 1.111 2.559 152 2.612 918 348 3.500 600 250 2.371 1.4t:3.307 400.000 30.000 1.000 10.400 7.200 1" 5.3 1.700 450.000 33.000 1.000 10.400 7.070 192.830 153.170 55.000 215.870 3.100 20.000 11.000 1.250 4.700 800 400 950 1.800 6.700 1.100 100 1.000 2.000 540 420 1.500 3.400 400 1.000 1.200 460 3.500 1.300 130 3.250 207.700 138.000 35.540 199.780 .3.100 15.000 11.000 1.250 3.200 100 300 600 1.200 4.600 800 70 700 1.100 400 300 1.100 2.500 400 2.100 850 350 3.500 1.000 100 3.100 CITY CF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR lÇ 82 ACCT." ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION AC TUAL ACTUAL REVENUE 1Ç 82 REVENUE 1 9 7Ç 1980 1981 REQUEST 317 353 340 500 248 83 200 140 64 35 60 80 70 115 110 150 2 .480 2.318 2.700 3.600 0 0 40 0 26 559 100 270 1.209 1.330 1.500 2.000 732 464 800 500 55.258 72.055 90.000 90.000 1.105 441 800 500 2.309 2.600 2.500 3.400 100 88 100 140 431 753 650 800 5.741 12.837 6.500 12.000 299.821 308.108 414.000 400.000 619.635 709.058 691.500 720.000 163 188 200 200 3.625 3.736 3.330 360 790 900 850 900 37 41 50 0 89 0 100 0 3.885 5.010 5.000 5.000 56.285 176.148 150.000 200.000 40.072 0 200.000 200..000 6.857 12.990 6.000 15.000 7.815 12.020 12.500 14.500 839 603 700 700 150 115 150 100 9.352 20.478 13.000 20.000 34.253 41.735 39.680 46.660 53.816 61.751 55.000 60.000 9.286 6.965 9.000 7.000 4.742 4..454 7.000 6.000 3.545 5.400 4.000 10.000 6.020 3.823 6.000 4.000 416 707 550 600 41 131 200 200 30-363 30-365 30-367 30-369 30-371 30-373 30-375 30-37"7 30-379 30-381 30-383 30-391 30- 393 30-395 30- 399 30-410 30-440 30-508 30-511 30-513 30-522 30-523 30-524 30-610 30-70 I 30-702 30-703 30-704 30-705 30- 709 30- 711 30-712 3 0- 71 3 .3 0- 7l 9 30- 720 30-721 30-723 30- 725 TAXICAB LICENSES TAXICAE DRIVERS LICENSES STREET ADVERTISING ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR LICENSES ~OBILE HOME COURT LICENSES TRUCK & TRANSFER LICENSES VENDOR.PEDDLER & ITINEPA~T REFUSE HAULERS LICENSES CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS BUILDING & INSPECTIQN FEES HOUSEMCVING PERMITS FOOD PERMITS BAIL BONDSMAN LICENSES MERCHANT POLICE LICENSES AN I MAL LICENSE S ~UNICIPAL COURT - FINES FRA NCH I SE T AXE S INCOME FROM LEASED LAND OFFICE SPACE RENTAL RENT - COMMUNITY THEATRE CONCESSIONS - OAKDALE PARK CONCESSIONS - SWIMMING POOL RENT - LAKEWOOO PARK INTEREST FROM INVESTMENTS ENGINEERING FEES IMPOUNDING FEES REMOVAL & BURIAL FEES GRAVE MARKER PERMITS TITLE TRANSFER FEES ADMISSION - SWIMMING POOLS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FIRE PROTECTION OUTSIDE CITY STREET CUT REPAIRS -EED CUTTING SERVICES PLATS & REZO~I~G FEES SALE OF COMMODITIES SALE OF BOOKS SALE OF SAL VAGE v CITY CF SALIN_----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.# ACCCUNT DESCRIPTION FUND TOTALS ACTUAL AC TUAL REVENUE IlJe2 RE VENUE 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST 3.355 3.325 9.000 7.000 3.458 41.633 3.500 16.000 4g9 3.048 500 3.000 15.237 18.988 17.000 le.ooo 180.000 231.303 215.540 135.000 3.Q76.064 4.439.529 4.522.397 4.778.340 342,357 394,393 279,790 4.439.529 4.622.397 4.778.340 4,781,886 5,016,790 5,058,130 4.387.493 4.737.000 5.058.130 394,393 279,790 0 30-727 30- 73 1 30- 732 30-952 30-957 SAL E OF LOTS ~ISC. SALES £ SERVICES MISC. SERVICES - COUNTY REI~8URSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES TRSF FROM OTHER FUNDS BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JA~UARY 1ST TOT AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUM8ERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 VI - ---_.~---------- CITY 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST 103,725 162,359 171,830 194,880 62,078 75,724 66,330 69,860 141,798 169,039 182,420 194,750 38,549 39,540 40,800 46,460 47,888 44,849 57,820 40,540 86,179 92,281 103,950 114,770 134,024 122,540 125,570 133,880 870,946 1,049,361 1,172,230 1,274,360 87,087 75,553 75,500 93,910 217,431 239,010 289,510 305,960 1,121,207 1,296,108 1,353,840 1,443,900 418,985 484,742 467,870 484,760 30,828 34,952 39,810 41,430 0 0 41,890 61,290 58,342 59,058 64,710 70,450 33,366 31,330 36,400 39,970 106,135 107,400 111,960 103,450 228,791 114,092 70,300 71,200 42,215 43,978 55,430 61,050 37,923 41,370 52,450 51,380 47,266 33,558 36,650 40,080 40,480 43,691 50,840 53,000 70.984 26.958 68.890 66.800 4,026,227 4,387,493 4,737,000 5,058,130 OF SALINA, KANSAS DEPT. NO. DEPARTMENT 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 28 1 CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK LEGAL MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDINGS ENGINEERING FIRE PERMITS AND INSPECTION PARK POLICE STREET HUMAN RELATIONS ANIMAL SHELTER TRAFFIC CONTROL SWIMMING POOLS ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING CONTINGENCIES ARTS COMMISSION CEMETERY GENERAL IMPROVEMENT FLOOD WORKS NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS GRAND TOTAL 2 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY COMMISSION As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the legislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances, resolutions, and other actions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brought before the Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advi- sory commissions, administrative staff, other political entities, or the general public. The City Commission exercises budgetary control through the adoption of an Annual Budget. Commission also makes appointments to various boards, authorities, and commission. The The five-member Commission is elected at large on a nonpartisan basis. Three Commissioners are elected every two years. The two candidates receiving the most votes each receive four- year terms. The third member is elected to a two-year term. Information in support of regular City Commission meeting agendas is prepared by administrative staff and is available to citizens and the news media. The City Commission meets at 4:00 P.M. the first, second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 200 of the City - County - Board of Education Building. Items for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted to writing to the City Manager by noon of the Thurs- day preceeding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public, except that those times when the Commission recesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose. * * * * * * #207 provides for attendance of Commissioners at professional meetings such as the National League of Cities Congress; the U. S. Conference of Mayors; and various Kansas League of Municipalities meetings. #211 - The Emergency Preparedness request is $28,500, which equals 35% of the $81,185 request. A total of $57,000 is requested from the City and County. State funding is estimated at $20,000, compared to $28,000 for 1981. Public Health is requesting $95,000 or 14.86% of the total budget request from each the City and County. The 1982 request is 2.98% above 1981. The balance of revenue comes from fees, grants, contracts, interest and cash carryover. In the past, the City has contributed $20,000 to the Chamber of Commerce for industrial promotion. The 1982 Budget proposes that this amount be increased to $40,000. The extra - ~ c -----==,=======~ CITY OF SAL INA - -- -BUDGE T R E QUE S T FOR 1982 ACCT." ACCCUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL AC TUAL BUOGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1990 1981 REQU EST CI TY COMMISSION PERSONAL SERV ICE S 01-120 SALARIES 500 500 500 500 ACCT-TOTALS 500 500 500 500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-201 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 10.263 7.713 10.100 10.00C 01-211 CONTRIBUTIONS 63.529 133.629 134.110 163.500 01-225 LEGAL AOVER TI SING 10.202 6.921 10.000 9.000 01-298 REVISION OF ORDINANCES 2.389 1.166 5.000 1 .00 a 01-299 OTHER CONTRACTUI\L SER V ICES 1.085 4.955 400 1.000 ACCT-TOTALS 93.468 154.984 160.210 U34.500 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 01-435 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 9.151 6.815 11.120 <J.880 ACCT-TOTAL 5 <J.757 6.875 11.120 9.A80 DEPT-TOTAL5 103.725 162.359 171.S30 194.880 3 4 .----- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY COMMISSION (continued) BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET funding will be used to assist in an expanded industrial promotion and employment program for the City. This program will include aggressively seeking new industries and encouragement and assistance to local industries to expand their employment opportunities. The objective is to increase employment opportunities for Salina residents and also to broaden the City's indus- trial and commercial tax base. #299 is for plaques for retiring board and commission appointees. It is estimated 53 will be awarded, @ $10.00 each equals $530. This also includes for the Mayor's plaque, gavel and nameplate, cards, keys, etc. Some of these items have previously been charged to Contingencies. #435 includes membership for the City in the North Central Regional Planning Commission ($2,000); the National League of Cities ($1,280); the Kansas League of Municipalities ($6,000); Management Information Service ($250); and Mo-Ark Flood Control and Conservation Association ($350). I{) 6 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER The Office of the City Manager is the general administrative unit of the City government. The City Manager is appointed by the City Commission for an indefinite term and serves as the City's chief administrative officer. As provided by State Statute and City Ordinance, the City Manager supervises and directs the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include providing liaison between the City Commission and the administrative staff, preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, keeping the Commission fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the City, processing citizen inquiries and service requests, maintaining public relations with the news media, working with other governmental, school district and State and County govern- ments, and representing the City at official meetings and conferences. The City Manager is responsible for the appointment and removal of all City employees. As chief administrative officer of the City, the City Manager is responsible for recommending such measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legislative issues, financial programs, capital expendi- tures and improvements, as well as other administrative matters. The City Manager prepares a proposed budget for the City Commission. Once the Commission adopts the budget it becomes the responsibility of the City Manager to see that it is properly administered. * * * * * * The City Manager account includes 2 full-time employees: Secretary. City Manager and an Administrative Account #207 provides for participation in professional meetings, conferences, seminars, and special training sessions. #299 has been established to cover items not included in other line items, such as maintenance of office equipment. CITY OF SALINA-----8UDGET REaUE 5 r FOR 1982 ACCT. It ACCCU"'T DESCRIPTICN AC TUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 19€ 1 REQUEST CITY MAr\AGER FERSDNAL SERV ICE S 0 2- 120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYE ES 50.221 65.706 57.300 60.390 ACCT-TOTALS 50.221 65.706 57.300 60.390 COt\TRACTUAL SERVICES 02-205 TELEPHO"'E £. TELEGRAPH 2.681 3.692 4.080 4.500 02- 20 1 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 2.080 1 .524 2.500 2.500 02-299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV ICES 1 .180 1.050 420 400 ACCT-TDTALS 5.947 6.266 7.000 1.400 þlATERIALS £. SUPPLIES 02-320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.173 1.551 1.000 900 02-331 BOCKS & PERIODICALS 610 1.573 530 600 ACCT-TOTAL 5 2.783 3.124 1.530 1.500 SUr\DRY EXPENDITURES 02-435 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 726 628 500 570 ACCT-YOTALS 726 628 500 570 CAP IT AL OUTLAY 02-509 FURNITURE £. FIXTURES 2.401 0 0 0 ACCT-TO TAL S 2.401 0 0 0 DEPT-TOTAL S 62.078 75.724 66.330 69.860 7 8 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY CLERK AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT Under the supervision of the Finance Director and City Clerk, this Department provides for the proper planning, accounting and control of all fiscal matters in the City. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, investment income, contracts, payroll, purchasing and billings are pro- cessed by this Department. Financial statements are prepared on a periodic basis. Fiscal reports are also disseminated to other governmental agencies. The documentation for all fiscal records and transactions is in accordance with generally accepted governmental accounting procedures. The City Clerk assists the County Election Officer in voter registration. Various applica- tions for City licenses are submitted to this office, are then audited for compliance with code requirements and are forwarded to the proper approving authority, such as the City Com- mission. After approval, a formal license is issued. The City Clerk is also responsible for taking the minutes of the City Commission meetings and acting as depository for all official City records. This Department also has charge of the electronic data processing equipment and supervises the computer operation. Central personnel records, advertising and processing of applications for City employment are handled by this office, as well as the central purchasing. * * * * * * This Department is budgeted for 8 full-time employees in 1982, which includes the following positions: Director of Finance and City Clerk, Director of Personnel, Data Processing Manager, Principal Data Processing Equipment Operator, Administrative Aide (2), Account Clerk, and Senior Clerk. The line items in this account do not reflect significant changes in programs or services. Other than salaries, the two major expenditures are reflected in #274 which is for rental of the xerox equipment and #320 which provides for the purchase of xerox and computer paper and supplies. Account #517 provides for an additional 50-page typewriter memory loop. .--------- -"--'.-m_. '----'--"--,,- ACCT.fI 03-120 03-205 03-207 03-209 03-221 03-252 03-274 03- 29 1 03-295 03-320 03-435 03-439 0 )- 5 1 7 9 CITY OF SALINA-----8UDGET REQUEST FOR ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 CITY CLERK FERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 106.723 ACCT- TO TAL 5 106.723 CO~TRACTuAL SERVICES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT POSTAGE PRINTING OFFICE FORMS REFAIR-FURNITURE & OFF. EQUIP RENT - MACHINERY & EQUIP AUDITING & ACCOUNTING SERVICE OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2.644 1 .2 e 1 1.404 2.559 1.9£:5 12.496 4 . 0 00 1.901 ACCT-TOTALS 28.250 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.099 ACCT-TOTALS 4.099 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ORGANIZATIONAL DUES REFUNDS 480 412 ACCT-TOTALS 892 CAPlT AL OUTLAY OFFICE MECHANICAL EQUIP 1 .8 34 ACCT-TDTALS 1.834 DEPT- TO TAL S 14 1 .79 H 1982 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST 136.343 144.900 154.550 136.343 144.900 154.550 2.420 1.275 1.403 2.494 1.195 12.960 4.500 606 2.200 1.200 1.800 2.800 1.150 14.500 4.800 2.870 2.600 1.400 1.900 3.000 1 . 600 14.500 5.000 3.000 26.853 31.320 33.000 4.858 5.200 6.000 4.858 5.200 6.000 435 1 1 400 300 400 200 446 100 600 539 300 600 539 300 600 169.039 182.420 194.750 10 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET LEGAL DEPARTMENT General legal services are provided by the legal department to the City Commission, City Manager administrative staff and advisory commission on a variety of municipal matters. These services include: legal opinions, preparation of ordinances, resolutions, contracts and agreements. The City Attorney represents the City in litigation including condemnation action and prosecution. The City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney work on a part-time basis for normal legal work connected with City business and Municipal Court prosecutions. Other specific legal services are rendered at an hourly rate. The City Attorney normally attends all meetings of the City Commission and will attend advisory commission meetings upon request when possible legal questions may be anticipated. The Assis- tant City Attorny is the City prosecutor and advises the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. * * * * * * There are no full-time personnel in this account. The salaries for the City Attorney and Assis- tant City Attorney have been increased somewhat to provide compensation for the attendance and representation before various boards and commissions. In the past, the City has not had legal representation at these boards and that lack has resulted in some unfortunate decisions. #296 is difficult to predict as it depends on court cases appealed and lawsuits filed by or against the City. ACCT." 04- 120 04-296 04-331 11 CITY CF SALINA-----BUOGET RECUEST FOR I 1982 ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION AC TUAL 1979 AC TUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST LEGAL PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 28.272 31.903 34.100 1.0.760 28.272 31.903 34.100 40.760 9.408 6.644 6.000 5.000 9.408 6.644 6.000 5.000 869 993 700 700 869 993 700 700 38.549 39.540 40.eOO 46.460 ACCT-TOTALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES ACCT-TOTALS MATERIALS ~ SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS ACCT-TOTALS OEPT-TOTALS 12 ---.-- ---'---------- u_--------- '--_u_--.----.------ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge serving on a part-time basis, hears misdemeanor cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. * * * * * * Full-time personnel include: Principal Clerk and Senior Clerk. #295 provides for periodic services of a Judge Pro-Tem and witness fees. Account #430 - The amount of $20,500 has been deleted from the 1982 Budget because of the State Supreme Court's decision that local municipal courts do not have to make contributions to the police training academy in Hutchinson. It was anticipated that the 1981 Legislature would modify the law to bring it in conformance with the Court ruling. That did not occur. I Ii I i I ,I ---=c: ::=:~==_::- :=---- ___.un_: ==:=:--c- -- --Jl ---- A CC T . Ii 05-120 05-205 05-221 05-295 05-320 05-344 05-430 13 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTU AL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BU OGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST MUr-;ICIPAL COl.RT PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 27.916 30.360 32.100 34 . 64 0 27.916 30.360 32.100 34.640 724 827 850 900 363 1.250 1.000 1.300 999 1.018 1.220 1.200 2.086 3.095 3.070 3.400 184 527 500 500 864 1.389 1.650 2.000 1.048 1.916 2.150 2.500 16.838 9.478 20.500 0 16.838 9.478 20.500 0 47.888 44.849 57.820 40.540 ACC T-TOTAL S CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHO~E & TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFICE FORMS OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCT-TO T AL S ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLE & EQUIP ACCT-TOTALS SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ASSESSMENT REMITTED TO STATE ACCT-TOTALS DE P T - TOT AL S 14 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - BUILDINGS DIVISION This fund includes the City's share of operating and maintaining the City - County - Board of Education Building which was completed in 1969. The building is operated and maintained by a Building Authority comprised of elected representatives of each of the three agencies, plus one member at large selected by the other. members. Operation and maintenance costs are shared by the three agencies prorated on the basis of square footage of floor space which each occupies. Saline County utilizes 61,810 square feet or 60%, the City of Salina 27,776 square feet or 27%, and USD #305, 13,802 square feet or 13%. The Water and Sewerage Department pays ~ of the City's 27%. The Building Fund also provides for the maintenance and operation of the Salina Community Theatre and the Police Building, exclusive of utilities. * * * * * * The fund includes two full-time Custodians. Fire insurance on all City buildings, except those belonging to the Water and Sewerage operation, is included in #228. The City's 27% or $54,300 for operation and maintenance of the City - County - Board of Education Building, appears in #299. The City-County Building Authority estimates the cost of rebuilding the roof at $150,000. The City's share will be $40,500. The plans are to do this over a three-year period, being $13,500 a year. $10,000 of this is budgeted in Account #299. $3,500 will be budgeted in the Water and Sewerage Department. CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.N ACCOUJ\T DESCRIPTION AC TUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST BUILDINGS FERSONAL SERV ICE S 06-120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 18.405 20.368 21.800 23.490 ACCT-TO TAL S 18.405 20.368 21.800 23.490 COr-.TRACTUAL SERV ICE S 06-228 INSURANCE - FIRE 19.050 15.826 22.000 21.000 06-251 REPAIR - BUILDINGS 7.158 1.047 2.200 1.950 06-295 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV ICE S 1.445 909 1.550 1 .740 06-299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV ICES 37.759 53.055 54.300 64.300 ACCT-TOTALS 65.412 70.837 80.050 S€.990 MATERIALS f, SUPPLIES 06-343 JANITCR f, Tal LE T SUPPLIES 288 278 400 430 06-359 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 92 18 300 320 06-367 ELECTRICAL f, LIGHTING PARTS 450 413 400 440 06-371 LUMBER f, LUMBER PRODUCTS 674 202 600 700 06-381 PAINT f, PAINTING MATER I ALS 858 165 400 400 I\CC T-TO TAL S 2.362 I .076 2.100 2.290 DEPT-TOTALS 86.179 92.281 103.950 114.770 15 16 ---------------- - ------------- ----- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The function of the Engineering Department is to protect the public interest by assuring that all municipal improvements and facilities are constructed in accordance with established stan- dards. The Engineering Department is responsible for coordinating all engineering services related to development projects during both the planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers is also done by the City Engineer and depart- ment staff. Proper engineering data is formulated to meet the requirements of project feasibility reports, design considerations, finál plans and specifications, and other planning and engineering pro- cedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal improvement projects which involves analyzing bids, supervising construction, certifying progress of construction, and recommend- ing acceptance of work done by a contractor. Depending upon the size of an improvement pro- ject, these services may be performed in-house or rendered by engineering consultants, or a combination of the two. * * * * * * The Department has 6 full-time employees: Assistant City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Engineer- ing Technician (2), Senior Engineering Aide, and Senior Clerk. The City Engineer's salary is included in the Water and Sewerage Department because he also is Director of Utilities. #503 provides for the replacement of miscellaneous engineering equipment such as survey chains, range poles, penpoints, etc. ----- ----------.-----------. ---.-..------.- ------~--- ----------- CITY CF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST For~ 1982 ACCT.II ACCOUI'.T DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST ENGINEERING PERSONAL SERV ICE S 07-120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 122.260 111.716 110.930 119.250 ACC T- TO TAL S 122.260 111.716 110.930 11 9. 250 CONTRACTUAL SERV ICE S 07-205 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 1.228 1.563 1 .420 1.56 a 07-207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 568 513 1.000 1.000 07-252 REPAIR - FURNITURE.OFFICE EQUI 241 342 500 380 07-299 OTHER CONTRAC TUAL SERVICES 520 258 690 820 ACCT-TOTAL 5 2.557 2.676 3.610 3. 760 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 07-320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 991 505 540 540 07-335 DRAFT ING & FNGRS. SUPPLIES 1.315 1.355 1.700 1.700 07-344 MAINf - VEHICLE & EQU I P 6.083 5.377 7.870 7.640 ACCT-TOTAL S 8.389 7.237 10.110 9.880 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 07-435 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 478 580 570 640 ACCT-TOTALS 478 580 570 640 CAP IT AL OUTLAY 07-503 ENGINEERING EQUIP. 340 .331 350 350 ACCT-TOTALS 340 331 350 350 OEPT-TOTAL 5 1-14.024 122.540 125.570 133.880 17 18 I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department shares in the local responsibility for protection of lives and property. Through inspections, public education programs, enforcement of various codes, many hazardous conditions are prevented or detected and corrected. The prevention of fires and explosions is the first priority of business with the department; second is to provide a prompt and efficient response to fires and other types of emergencies. Routine fire inspections are conducted periodically to check for code compliance. Fire in- vestigations are conducted in cases where arson is suspected. The Fire Department reviews plans with the Planning, Engineering, and Permit and Inspection Departments on all new development projects. Records are kept of every activity in the Fire Department. Rescue and first aid are rendered to affected parties, requiring highly trained personnel. * * * * * * The Department has 65 full-time firefighting personnel, a Senior Clerk, and part-time Clerk. Firefighting personnel include the following: Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Fire Marshall Captain (4) Lieutenant (18) Firefighter Engineer (18) Firefighter (22) Public Educator Account #207 provides for participation in several conferences and training programs outside of the department. #252 - The increase in this account reflects service contracts on typewriters and funds to reupholster several chairs at Fire Station #1. Account #295 provides for several services, such as testing of air paks and fire extinguisher& advertising personnel vacancies, and testing of applicants for employment. Account #344 - The increase in this line item for the most part reflects an anticipated price increase in vehicle parts and replacement of cars and several pieces of equipment. It also reflects an anticipated price increase of at least 15ç per gallon in motor vehicle fuel. ACCT.'" 08-120 08-130 08-205 08-201 08-209 08-221 08-251 08-252 08-257 08-295 08-310 08-320 08-.331 08- 34 3 08-344 08- 351 08-355 08-359 08-367 08-371 0 8- 37 .3 08-375 08-381 08-383 08- 384 08-393 08-399 19 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL I<H9 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST FIRE PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 198.170 938.700 1.037.420 1.128.420 1.212 1.192 4.000 4.000 799.382 939.892 1.041.420 1.132.420 4.703 6.448 7.300 8.400 3.909 4.728 6.000 6.500 259 325 500 650 273 441 400 450 1.419 2.884 5.500 3.200 420 729 500 1.140 1.892 2 . 479 2.500 2.000 3 .4 40 1.933 1 .75 a 3.000 16.315 19.967 24.450 25.340 874 1.037 1.500 1.600 614 774 500 600 763 912 1.000 1 . 000 2.391 2.064 3.000 3.600 20.581 26.021 34.810 37.500 202 203 300 400 1.990 9.115 11.500 16.050 2.689 1 .828 3.500 4.650 727 1.282 1.500 1.300 7 11 931 1.200 900 1.225 1.228 1 .500 3.000 256 460 600 600 602 761 800 300 908 9.044 6.300 5.200 0 0 2.600 6.850 147 290 400 600 451 1.123 900 1.100 4 1 . 1 37 57.073 71.910 85.750 ACC T-TO TAL S CO~TRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT POSTAGE PRINTING OFFICE FOR~S REPAIR - BUILDINGS REPAIR-FURNITURE & OFF. EQUIP. REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCT-TO TAL S MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOCLS OF F I CE SUPPL I ES BOOKS & PERIODICALS JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 5EDDS. PLANTS. TREES.LAWN SUPP WE AR I NG APPAREL OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PßRTS LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS MACHINERY & EQUIP. METAL & METAL PRODUCTS PAINT & PAINTING MATERIALS TRAINING EQUIP & SUPPLIES FIRE PREVENTION & INSPECTION WELD I NG SUPPL IES OTHER REPAIRS - MAINTENANCE ACCT-TOTALS 20 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FIRE DEPARTMENT (continued) BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET Account #355 provides a protective clothing allowance. This is established at $155 per person per year. In addition, the account includes funds for a two-year replacement of jackets. Account #384 provides for fire prevention and inspection supplies. The Fire Inspectors have been shifted to a 40-hour work week, rather than 1 day on, 2 days off work schedule. The major emphasis is to prevent fires through a more aggressive inspection program. This is a major new thrust of the Fire Department and this account provides for the various technical assis- tance in the form of training and materials. A gas chromatograph to analyze the flammability properties of unknown substances is included at a cost of $1,700. #503 provides for continued installation of automatic door closers, replacement of large power tools, 1 acetylene torch, 1 station air compressor, 1 metal "cut-off" saw, and 1 drinking fountain. #507 provides for replacement and purchase of additional fire hose, 4 air paks and cylinders, mask replacements, 2 acid-master suits, 1 ladder pipe, and 2 quartz area lighting units. Account #509 provides for two additional file cabinets, curtains for Fire Station #2, and four new beds with mattresses and bedding. #514 provides for replacement of 5 sets of firefighting boots, 10 firefighter outer protec- tive apparel, flashlights, and gloves. Account #517 provides for one electric typewriter, one electric stapler, and recording tapes. ACCT. /I 08-435 08-503 08-507 08-509 08-514 08-517 21 CITY OF SALINA-----aUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGE T 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST 178 249 350 350 178 249 350 350 2.754 3.290 3.100 4.550 4.214 20.454 17.600 13.750 1.025 3.114 3.300 2.700 4.961 3.071 8.000 8. 350 980 2.251 2.100 1.150 13.934 32.180 34.100 30.500 870.946 1.049.361 1.172.230 1.274.360 SU~DRY EXPENDITURES ORGANIZATIONAL DUES ACCT-TOTALS CAP IT AL OUTLAY EQUIP. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIP FURNITURE & FIXTURES PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE OFFICE ~ECH. EQUIP. EQUIP. ACCT-TOTAL S DEPT-TOTALS 22 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PERMIT AND INSPECTION DIVISION This Division was previously called the Permit and Inspection Department. In 1982, it is pro- posed to make this program a part of the Department of Community Development in order to pro- vide a more effective level of supervision and administration and to increase coordination between the permit and inspection activities and related functions. The Division is respon- sible for the administration and enforcement of the City's zoning ordinance, mechanical, housing, building, plumbing, electrical, and related codes. The permit and inspection divi- sion issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions in codes, inspects construction sites to insure codes are complied with, and the division maintains complete records on permits and applications. The division works closely with Police, Fire, and Health Departments, and other public agencies in the area of public safety. The activities of this division are under supervision of the Director of the Department of Community Development. * * * * * * There are 5 full-time employees: Chief Building and Zoning Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector, Structural Inspector, and a Senior Clerk. Although each of the inspec- tors specialize in their particular field, they are all cross-trained to fill in for each other to reduce travel throughout the City and to best utilize staff time. #274 will provide for a computer terminal to be leased at approximately $100 each month. will provide a better record keeping system pertaining to permits and inspections. This Estimated revenue of $90,000 should make this division virtually self-supporting from building permit and related fees. CITY OF SALINA-----BUOGET REQIJES T FOR 1982 ACCT.'" ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL AC TUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST PERM ITS £ INSPECTI eNS PERSONAL SERVICES 09-120 SALAR IES - REGUUI.R EMPLOYE ES 77.167 66.944 62.530 81.000 I\CC T- TO TAL S 77.167 66.944 62.530 81.000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 09-205 TELEPHO l,;E £ TELEGRAPH 1.394 1 .659 1.500 1.650 09-207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 232 153 300 300 09-209 POSTAGE 367 240 300 400 09-221 PRINTING OFFICE FORMS 372 79 300 300 09-257 REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP. 270 671 340 300 09-274 RENT - EQUIP 0 0 1.200 1.200 ACCT-TO TAL S 2.635 2.802 3 .940 4.150 MATERIALS £ SUPPLIES 09-320 OFF I CE SUPPLIES 1.425 942 800 1.000 09-344 MAINT - VEHICLES £ EOU I P 5.319 3.839 6.e70 7.500 ACCT-TOTALS 6.744 4.781 7.670 9.500 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 09- 435 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES :HO 195 310 260 ACCT-TOTALS 310 195 310 260 CAP IT AL OUTLAY 09-509 FURNITURE £ FIXTURES 231 291 400 0 09-519 RADIO EQUIP 0 540 650 0 ACCT-TOTALS 2.31 831 1 .050 0 DE P T - TO TAL S 87.087 75 . 55.3 75.500 93.910 23 24 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - PARK DIVISION The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park grounds and landscaping, including parkways and landscaped median strips in the City. In addition to caring 'for the grounds, the Division operates and maintains all buildings and facilities related to the parks. These include the Lakewood Lodge, the Kiva in Thomas Park, maintenance buildings in Oakdale and Sunset Parks and the former Stimmel School, and numerous facilities such as tennis courts, pic- nic shelters, playground equipment, etc. The Division has the responsibility for technical supervision of the cemetery, swimming pools, and the Municipal Golf Course. The Division maintains the grounds of the Salina Bicentennial Center. The City presently owns 23 parks totaling 630.61 acres. * * * * * * This Division has 12 full-time employees: Senior Maintenance Worker (2), Maintenance Super- visor (2), Lead Maintenance Worker (2), Maintenance Worker, and Laborer (5). Due to the fact that a great deal of the park work must be done during the spring and summer months, seasonal or part-time personnel are used extensively. Account #365 - The increase provides for a driveway at the Oakdale operations building, a slab for a new park shelter building, and a sidewalk from the Kenwood suspension bridge to the street. Account #503 provides for a trash compactor with a lifter for the 55-gallon drums used throughout the parks; one edger for a Hustler mower; and one cab for a truckster vehicle. ACCT." 1 0- 120 1 0- 130 10-205 10-207 10-241 10-251 10-297 10-299 1 0- 3 1 0 10-32 a 10-333 10-343 10-344 10- 349 10-350 10-351 10-359 10-365 10-367 10-371 10-381 10- 38 7 10-50 J 25 CITY OF SALINA-----BUOGET RECUEST FOR ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 PARK ~ERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 150.276 16.173 ACC T-TOTAL S 166.449 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHO~E & TELEGRAPH EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT GAS SERVICE REPAIR - BUILDINGS SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE5 708 186 1 .350 375 300 1.472 ACCT-TO TAL S 4.391 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOOLS OF F ICE SUPPL I ES CHEMICALS. DRUGS & ETC. JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES SCHILLING BASE8ALL DIAMOND SEEDS. PLANTS. TT~EES. LAWN SUP OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES CEMENT & CEMENT PRODUCTS ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS PAINT & PAINTING MATERIALS SAND. GRAVEL. ROCK & CHAT I .460 198 1 .243 1 .022 21.895 1 . 1 77 0 1.044 1.858 203 I .022 643 796 23 ACC T-TO TAL S 32.584 CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIP 14.007 1982 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST 150.990 23.439 154.480 64.220 165.160 64.200 174.429 218.700 229.360 661 354 1.780 3<H 400 1.292 850 300 2.200 2.500 750 1 .350 900 300 2.500 3.000 750 1.500 4.884 7.950 8.950 2.853 275 4.832 1 . 1 04 22.719 I .588 0 3.401 2.539 369 974 645 663 578 1.200 300 4.010 1.200 25.050 13.610 500 4.890 3.750 750 1.000 1.000 1.100 1.500 1.200 400 4.800 1.300 25.000 10.200 500 5.400 4.200 3.000 1.100 1.000 1.500 1.200 42.540 59.860 60.800 17.157 I .90 a 6.850 10 C\ CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.. ACCCUNT DESCRIPTION ACC T-TOTAL S ACTUAL AC TUAL BUDGET lq82 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST 0 0 1 .100 0 14.007 17.157 3.000 (:;.8S0 217.431 239.010 289.S10 JOS"Q60 10-S19 RADIO EQUIP DEPT-TO TAL S 27 28 .----- ---- --. --------- -.-------- ---.------.------- ----. ._- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT The Police Department is responsible for the protection of life and property. The prevention of crime and traffic offenses is the Department's first obligation. Investigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, maintaining reliable records, and the operation of an elaborate communication system are other important responsibilities. In addition to these primary activities, the Department performs innumerable services rendered in the interest of protection, safety and convenience to the public. The Department maintains close liaison with other law enforcement agencies throughout the State, Saline County, and neighboring communities. Police personnel respond to calls for medical assistance, industrial accidents, natural disasters, aids to other departments, house checks, and other calls for service or aids to the public. In striving to make Salina a safe community, police personnel maintain high visibility and fre- quent contact with the general public. The success of the Department is dependent to a great extent on the degree of support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the general public. Both the public and the Department deserve credit for a good working relationship; one which continues to make Salina a safe and enjoyable community in which to live, work, and play. * * * * * * The Police Department has 55 sworn police officers: Police Chief Assistant Police Chief Captain (2) Lieutenant (7) Sergeant (9) Police Officer (35) Other full-time personnel include: Principal Clerk and Clerk (6). one school crossing guard for 9 months of the year. Account #130 provides for Landscaping the front yard of the Police building has been included in Account #359. Account #371 allows for remodeling of the evidence room. The construction of outside entry bins, for the officers' use when turning in property, will eliminate the need for traffic in- side the evidence room which will provide more security. ------.----.---- ------.. .--- --.---------- ACCT. It 11-120 11-130 11-205 11-207 11-209 11-217 11-221 11-251 11-252 11-257 11-274 1 1- 290 11-295 11-299 11-310 11-320 11-331 11-343 11-344 11-355 11-359 11-367 11-371 11-381 11-382 11-383 29 1 I CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST POLICE PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 915.267 1.001.621 1.050.000 1.125.800 2.486 1.292 2.130 6.000 917.753 1.002.913 1.052.130 1.131.800 12.667 13.026 13.700 15.950 1.121 992 1.000 1.000 3.915 3.634 5.000 5.250 2.447 3.454 3.000 3.000 4.498 3.433 6.500 6.500 1.535 1.474 4.500 1.700 2.595 3.202 3.300 7.000 10.524 9.076 12.500 12.500 5.601 6.098 5.600 6.300 439 420 600 600 2.566 1.914 1.000 1.000 6.176 3.759 2.820 2.700 54.094 50.482 59.520 63.500 1 .736 1.100 1.700 1.700 2.849 3.965 3.100 4.000 996 1.397 1.500 1 .500 1.697 1.201 I .700 1.700 90.578 126.324 119.640 120.000 16.117 11.684 16.350 18.100 5.423 6.277 1.250 1.750 284 117 300 300 561 298 3.000 800 218 553 600 600 1.210 2.652 2.000 3.500 7.033 1.188 8.250 1 1.500 128.702 156.756 159.390 165.450 ACCT-TOTALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT POSTAGE FEED PRISONERS PRINTING OFFICE FORMS REPAIR - 8UILDINGS REPAIR-FURNITURE & OFF. EQUIP. REPAIR-RADIO EQUIP. RENT-MACHINERY & EQUIP. MEDICAL SERVI CES OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCT-rOTALS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOOLS OF F I CE SUPPL I ES BOOKS & PERIODICALS JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP WEARING APPI\REL OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS PAINT & PAINTING SUPPLIES PHOTOGRAPHY MATERIALS TRAINING & TRAINING SUPPLIES Ace f-TOTALS 30 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS POLICE DEPARTMENT (continued) BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET Outside of the normal training expenses, Account #383 will assist with the cost to Police Officers attending local colleges for credit hours toward their criminal just~e degree. This cost was previously covered by a federal grant, the Law Enforcement Education Program (LEEP), which has now been eliminated. #503 provides for emergency lights in booking area, portable air compressor, and camera for Lieutenant's car. Replacement of 8 black and white patrol units has been allowed in Account #505. Account #509 provides for the replacement of chairs used in three 24-hour-use positions, the Dispatcher, the Desk ßergeant, and the Booking Officer. The upkeep and replacement of these chairs has been a continuous expense and it is hopeful the 5-pedestal chairs will provide better performance. Account #517 calls for an electronic typewriter to help eliminate routine and repetitive typing tasks within the department and to expedite the preparation of many legal forms. ACCT.M 11-435 11-502 11-503 11-505 11-509 11-514 II-SIT II-SIc) 31 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCCU,,"T DESCRIPTION Þ-C fUAL AC TUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 571 1.100 1..000 1 . 300 ACCT-rOTALS 571 1.100 1..000 1..300 CAP IT AL OUTLAY 8UILDINGS 0 0 5.000 0 EQUIP. 7.368 4..988 7..100 740 AUTOMCBILES 1..590 77.903 64.000 73.600 FURNITURE & FIXrURES 505 1.115 1..340 1.200 OFFICERS SERVICE EQUIP. 1.736 851 1.160 3.710 OFF ICE MECHANICAL EQUIP 0 0 0 2.600 RADIO EQUIP 9.898 0 3..200 0 ACC T-rOTALS 20.097 84.857 81.800 81.850 DEPT-TOT AL S 1.121.207 1.296.108 1.353..840 1.443.900 32 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - STREET DIVISION The Street Division is the largest of the several divisions within the Department of General Services and frequently assists or supplements other divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects and activities of street cleaning and maintenance. Streets, bridges, and storm sewers are costly to construct. The cost of maintaining and protecting these facilities has become increasingly burdensome. However, neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repairs become necessary. During the winter months, snow removal and ice control are the primary concerns of the Division. Snow removal is handled on a systematic basis. Arterial and main trafficways must be cleared first, followed by the collector streets which connect residential streets with the arterial and main trafficways. Finally, if time permits and conditions require it, residential streets are cleared of snow. Intersections, hills, and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice. Salt and/or sand are applied as conditions dictate in an effort to help motorists start and stop as safely as possible. The first concern of the Street Department in coping with snow and ice on the streets has to be to clear the way for emergency vehicles such as ambulances, police, and fire vehicles so they are able to reach various areas of the community. * * * * * * There are 24 full-time employees in this Division: the Director of General Services, Street Superintendent, one Concrete Finisher, Equipment Operator (6), Maintenance Worker (14), and one Clerk. The Street Division has an inventory in excess of 50 pieces of rolling equipment, including maintainers, street sweepers, trucks, tractors, mowers, etc., in addition to numerous other items such as power saws, pumps, snow plows, and miscellaneous small equipment. Other than salaries, much of the expense involved in the operation of the division relates to operation and maintenance of this equipment. Under K.S.A. 68-141g, the unspent balance, up to 25%, of a street budget may be transferred to a street machinery fund. It is recommended that that practice be followed in order to provide funds for street equipment replacement. ~-----~------- --- -------------- ACCT.# 1 2- 120 12-205 1 2- 257 12-299 1 2- 31 0 12-333 12-344 1 2- 359 1 2- 37 1 1 2-]7 3 12-375 12-387 12-390 12-447 33 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET RECUEST FOR 1982 ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 AC TUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REDUES T STREET PERSO~AL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 309.121 325.956 329.410 353.220 309.121 325.956 329.410 353.220 422 440 490 540 453 769 700 '170 64 24 360 330 939 1.233 1.550 1.840 1.023 1.607 1.180 1.730 4'13 0 860 830 97.960 '11.602 121.680 111.'110 1.327 2.05'1 3.530 3.'160 772 43'1 600 700 1 . 1 49 1.127 1 .260 1.860 425 302 660 690 2.842 2.081 4.000 4.400 2.934 3.336 3.140 3.620 108.925 102.553 136.'110 129.700 0 55.000 0 0 0 55.000 0 0 418.985 484.742 4~7.870 484.760 ACCT-TOTALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHO~E & TELEGRAPH REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP. OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCT-TOTALS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDAELE TOOLS CHEMICALS MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS MACHINERY & EQUIP. PARTS METAL & METAL PRODUCTS SAND. GRAVEL. ROCK. SALT. SWEEPER PARTS CHAT ACCT-TOTAL S SU~DRY EXPENDITURES TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS ACC T- TO TAL S DEPT-TO TALS 34 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS HUMAN RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Ordinance #8488 passed May 24, 1976, repealed all previous ordinances dealing with human relations. The ordinance prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical handicap, or marital status, in employment, housing, public accommodations, and public contracts. The ordinance established the Human Relations Commission, the Human Relations Department, and defined their respective roles and responsibilities. It further set forth time limits and procedures for the filing and processing of complaints. * * * * * * Two full-time staff members are in this Department: Clerk. Director of Human Relations and a Senior No significant changes are anticipated in this department or the level of service which it provides. CITY OF SALINA-----8UDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.II ACCOUNT DESCR I P TI ON ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST HU~A'" RELA T I CNS PERSONAL SERV ICE S 13-120 SALAR IES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 25.467 30.157 32.900 34.900 ACCT-TOTALS 25.467 30.157 32.900 34.900 COl\TRACTUAL SERV ICE S 1 ,]- 205 TELEPHONE &. TELEGRAPH 926 1.395 1.560 1.560 13-207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPft<lENT 1.471 1.306 2.400 2.400 13-209 POSTAGE 175 135 350 350 13-221 PRINTING OFFICE FORMS 0 0 350 350 13-295 OTHER PROFESS IONAL SERV ICE S 1.609 611 700 700 Ace T-TO TAL S 4.181 3.447 5.360 5.360 ~ATERIALS &. SUPPLIES 13-320 OF F ICE SUPPLIES 225 545 500 500 13-331 ROOKS &. PER I 001 CALS 718 585 600 670 ACC T-TOTALS :}43 1.130 1.100 1. 170 CAP IT AL OUTLAY 13-509 FURNITURE &. FIXTURES 237 218 450 0 ACCT-TOTAL S 237 218 450 0 OEPT-TOTALS 30.828 34.952 39.810 41.430 35 36 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS POLICE DEPARTMENT - ANIMAL SHELTER DIVISION The Animal Shelter Division is operated for the care of stray, abandoned, or injured animals, most particularly cats and dogs. Personnel of the shelter are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facility and care of the animals being housed at the shelter. Their responsibility includes returning animals- to owners and adopting animals to new owners, both as provided for by City ordinance. They also pick up stray animals and respond to com- plaints or calls concerning animals running at large. Many of the animals taken to the shelter are not claimed by owners or adopted by someone else, in which case the personnel have the responsibility of euthanizing the animals. The shelter actually serves the County. By an agreement between the City and the County, animals can be taken to the shelter from areas outside the corporation limits of Salina. The County then reimburses the City for handling of the animals, in accordance with the agreement. The shelter operation continues to be supervised by the Police Department as it has been for many years. Operating expenses for the shelter in 1980 were included in the Police Budget. * * * * * * The Fund includes: Animal Control and Protection Supervisor; and Humane Officer (2). Account #120 provides for an additional Humane Officer. It has been our experience that two persons cannot adequately staff this activity, particularly when one of the employees and some- times even both of them must be out on call. The present telephone equipment is not adequate for the number of telephone calls handled by the shelter. Account #205 allows for an answering service to either take messages or relay emer- gency calls to the Police Department during the times when the employees cannot handle the calls. It also provides for an additional telephone line. Account #299 includes the construction of a new sign for the shelter entrance to show current information on hours, enclosed top for the dog runs to provide a shelter from the snow, and increased lighting. It also provides for gas, miscellaneous repairs, and upkeep. Account #503 calls for a pressurized water tank for cleaning the floors. ACC T. Ii 14-120 14-205 14-201 1 4- 22 1 14-290 1 4- 29 1 1 4- 299 14-320 14- 339 14-344 14-355 14- 359 14-503 14-525 37 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR ACCCUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1919 ANIMAL SHELTER PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES ACCT-TOTALS CO~TRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PRINTING OFFICE FO~MS MEDICAL SERVICES DISPOSAL CHARGES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCT-TOTALS ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES ANIMAL FOOD & SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP CLOTHING OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES .~CC T-TOTAL S CAP I TAL OUTLA Y EQUIP TRUCKS ACC T-TOTAL S DEPT- TO TAL S 1982 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST 0 24.910 43.030 0 24.910 43.030 0 360 1.000 0 0 750 0 1.000 1.000 0 2.800 2.000 0 400 400 0 3.350 4.200 0 1.910 9.350 0 370 370 0 3.000 3.000 0 4.440 4.430 0 0 0 0 400 500 0 8.210 8.300 0 860 610 0 0 0 0 860 610 0 41.890 61.290 38 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - TRAFFIC DIVISION The Traffic Division is responsible for installation and maintenance of the multitude of traffic control devices, signs and signals. These controls and guides are essential for maximum utilization of trafficways and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. Presently there are 77 electronically controlled intersections, school zones, mid-block crossings, etc. * * * * * * The Division has 3 full-time employees: and Maintenance Worker. Maintenance Supervisor, Senior Maintenance Worker, Account #207 provides for the Maintenance Supervisor to attend the Solid State Signal Light School sponsored by the Eagle Signal in Austin, Texas, two trips to MOVITE (Missouri Valley Institute Traffic Engineers), and three trips to the Kansas Uniform Traffic Code meetings. Account #295 provides for the annual contract with Howard Baker for synchronization of traffic sign~s in the CBD. The syncrhonization system is patented and the patent is held by Mr. Baker. ACCT.1í 15-120 15-205 15-207 15-261 15- 295 15-310 15-344 15-359 15-367 39 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET RECUEST FOR 1982 ACCCUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 19B1 1982 BUDGET REQUEST TRAFFIC COr-.TROL PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 410117 42.232 42.410 460190 41.117 42.232 42.410 46.190 252 696 360 340 240 295 720 650 2.227 1.471 2.000 3.500 5.413 4.846 6.380 6.910 8. 1 32 7.308 9.460 11.400 233 224 300 300 6.402 6.314 8..290 1.240 102 69 550 620 2.356 2.911 3.100 4.700 9.093 9.518 1 2 . 84 0 12.960 58.342 59..058 64.710 70..450 ACCT-TOTALS COr-.TRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHO~F & TELEGRAPH EMPLOYEE DEVELOP~ENT REPAIR - TRAFFIC LIGHTS OT~ER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCT-TOTALS ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOOLS MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL TRAFFIC LIGHT PART S ACC T-TO TAL S DEPT-TOTALS 40 --------------------------- '--' CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - SWIMMING POOL DIVISION This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and Carver Center. Current admissions are as follows: ADMISSIONS Carver Center No Charge Kenwood. Pool Students up to and including 12th grade - 75ç plus tax Pre-school children if accompanied by an adult - free All other persons - $1.25 plus tax Books of twenty admission tickets - $10.00 plus tax 1. 2. 3. 4. Hours of operation are as follows May 30 through September 1, 1981: Carver Center 1:00 to 5:00 P.M., daily 1:00 to 8:00 P.M., daily 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Mother-Child Swim Wednesday and Saturday Kenwood Pool This division has 18 part-time seasonal employees: Pool Manager (2), Assistant Pool Manager, Cashier (4), and Lifeguard clean-up people (9). Also included in #120 are break guards and substitute guards. Account #381 provides for materials to repaint Carver Pool, the Municipal Pool, and the bathhouses. #509 provides for 1 new meter diving stand for Carver, and an electronic chlorinator - automatic soda ash feeder for Kenwood Pool. --------,---- ----- ------- ACCT.íI 16-120 16-205 16-227 16-251 16-253 1 6- 295 16- 333 16-359 16-365 16-371 16-373 16-381 16-503 41 CITY OF SALINA-----8UDGET QECUEST FOR 1982 ACCCU~T DESCRIPTION ,6CTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST SW IMM ING POOLS PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 17.060 26.028 28.440 26.200 17.060 26.028 28 . 44 0 26.200 190 280 330 350 679 0 680 750 4.641 0 500 900 528 168 750 1.200 247 331 500 500 6.285 779 2. 760 3.700 527 1.149 750 1.200 0 955 550 550 12 42 500 500 563 210 500 300 917 2.068 500 500 8.002 99 2.400 2.650 10.021 4.523 5.200 5.700 0 0 0 4.370 0 0 0 4.370 33.366 31.330 36.400 39.970 ACCT-fOTALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TFLEPHO~E £ TELEGRAPH INSURANCE - LIABILITY REPAIR - BUILDI~GS REPAIR P MACHINERY £ EQUIP OTHER PROFESS IONAL SERV ICE S ACCT-TOTALS ~ATERIALS £ SUPPLIES CHEMICALS. DRUGS £ ETC OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES CEMENT £ CEME~T PRODUCTS LUMBER £ LUMBER PRODUCTS MACHINERY £ EQUIP PARTS PAINT £ PAINT MATERIALS ACCT-TOTALS CAPIT AL OUTLAY EQUIP ACCT-TOTALS DEPT-TOTAL S 42 CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING DIVISION This division provides planning and enforcement services related to various aspects of community development. The planning function provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Their goal is to help these bodies and the City Commission guide the growth and development of the City in. order to assure a more orderly, convenient, and attrac- tive community. The planning function assists other departments as a link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers, and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, minimum requirements for subdivi- sions, traffic, plus a wide range of other services for the well-being of the community. This division provides staff for the Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC). * * * * * * There are 4 full-time employees in this Division: Administrative Assistant, Director of Planning and Community Development, Assistant Director of Planning, and a Senior Clerk. #130 provides for the temporary employment of an intern or other part-time employee at $700/month for up to 5 months. #331 - The bulk of the 1980 Census material will be purchased in 1982, due to the fact it is late in being released. Other costs in this account include the Planning Advisory Service, the Planning Publication for members of the Planning Commission, and the Community Development Reporter, which has been paid through the Community Development program up to this time. . =~-=c=.~ ACCT.1t 17-120 17-130 17-205 17-207 I 7-209 I 7-252 17-295 1 7-320 17-331 17-359 17-382 17-435 17-509 1 7- 5 1 1 43 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET RECUEST FOR ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ADMINISTRATION & PLANNING ~ERSONAL SEPVIC~S SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOVEES SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 97.520 295 ACCT-TOTALS 97.815 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH EMPLOVEE DEVELOP~ENT POSTAGE REPAIR-FURNITURE & OFF. EQUIP. OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1.097 1 .57_3 669 533 2.113 ACCT-TOTALS 5.985 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 723 272 701 21-7 ~CCT-TOTAL S 1.919 SU~DRV EXPENDITURES ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 416 ACCT-rOTALS 416 CAP IT AL OU TL A V FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE MECHANICAL EQUIP ACCT-YOTALS DEPT-TO TALS 106.135 1982 0 0 0 ACTUAL 1980 8UDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST 96.889 0 98.360 .3.500 89.550 3.500 96.889 101.e60 93.050 1.930 1 .546 779 536 968 1.400 1 .800 1.200 500 1.000 1.600 1.800 1.000 800 1.000 5.759 5.900 6.200 990 766 781 130 1.500 800 500 300 1.500 1.400 550 400 2.667 3.100 3.850 777 300 350 777 300 350 0 1.308 350 450 0 0 1.308 800 0 107.400 111.960 103.450 44 ------------ -- ----- -------- ------ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET CONTINGENCIES FUND Account #404 is the City Contingency Fund. These contingency funds will be available for emergency situations or essential expenditures which cannot be anticipated at the present time. #406 provides the matching monies for three Thunderbolt Sirens to be installed on East Ells- worth, east of Ohio Street, Beech area at Schilling, and Crawford and Marymount Road. Account #447 provides for transfers to the Department of General Services - Central Garage Division for transportation costs associated with the General Fund. ACCT.II 18-239 18-290 18-404 18-406 1 8-447 45 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCCUNT DESCRIPTION AC TUAL 1979 AC TUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST CONT INGENC IES CO~TRACTUAL SERVICES INSURANCE-GROUP. TORT LIABILITY MEDICAL SERVICES 135.958 0 0 0 1 .184 483 1 .700 800 137.142 483 1 . 700 "'100 81.649 107.530 37.500 37.500 10.000 2.329 20.000 20.000 0 3.750 11.100 12.900 91.649 113.609 68.600 70.400 228.791 114.092 70.300 71.200 ACC T- TO TAL S SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CONTINGENCIES CIVIL DEFENSE WARNING SYSTEM TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS ACCT-TOTALS DEPT- TOTAL 5 46 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET SALINA ARTS COMMISSION The Salina Arts Commission was established by City ordinance in 1966. The Director of Arts is the administrative officer for the Salina Arts Commission. The Director of Arts is a City staff member. The Arts Commission promotes and encourages public programs to further the development and public awareness of and interest in the City in connection with the artistic and cultural development of the City. The City will budget $61,050 for the Arts Commission in 1982, which is approximately 38% of the total Arts Commission budget. In addition to the City share, the Arts Commission receives funding from the County, USD #305, the Kansas Arts Commission, the Mid America Arts Alliance, and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as other monies raised through private con- tributions, sponsorships, and user fees. Approximately 72% of the total Arts Commission budget is raised locally through private and public sources. * * * * * * The Arts Commission employs two full-time persons: The Director of Arts and the Special Projects Coordinator. Account #120 also includes a part-time secretary 20 hours a week for a period of 10 months. Account #211 provides for Arts Commission contributions to various community organizations and for underwriting arts related programs sponsored by the Arts Commission and includes $9,000 for the Municipal Band. ACCT.1t 19-120 1 9- 211 47 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTICN ÞC TUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST ARTS COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR E~PLOYEES 0 2R.523 34.430 39.150 0 2Q.523 34.430 39.150 42.215 15.455 21.000 21.900 42.215 15.455 21.000 21.900 42.215 43.978 55.430 61.050 ACCT-TOTALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRIBUTIONS ACCT-TOTALS DEPT-TO TAL S 48 -- ----.--- ------:=====-=--~----==- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - CEMETERY DIVISION This activity provides for the care, maintenance, and operation of Gypsum Hill Cemetery, situated at Marymount Road and Glen Avenue. The cemetery contains 70 acres and more than 12,000 internments at the present time. Based on present usage, space is expected to be available for at least another 25 - 30 ye.ars. The fees collected from sale of lots and funeral expenses account for approximately 54% of the funds for operationg this function; the remainder is from general tax funds. The Cemetery is a Division of the Department of General Services, supervised by the Director of General Services. * * * * * * The Division has 3 full-time employees: Lead Maintenance Worker; and Maintenance Worker (2). Account #501 provides for buying back unused spaces for resale by the City. Account #503 will allow the fencing or planting hedge on the east side of the Cemetery for screening. CITY CF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.II ACCOUNT DESCR I PH ON AC TU AL ACTUAL BUDGE T 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 lq81 REQUEST CEMETERY FERSONAL SERV ICE S 20-120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES .33.078 37.234 3Q.020 42.020 ACC T-TO TAL S 33.078 37.234 39. 020 42.020 CO"'TRACTUAL SERVICES 20-205 TELEPHO"'E &. TELEGRAPH 207 220 300 300 ACC T-TO TAL S 207 220 300 300 ~A TER IALS f, SUPPLIES 20-344 MAINT - VEH ICLES &. EQU I P 3.026 3.077 4.250 3.C)60 2 0-35C) OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 622 266 880 1.100 20-381 SA"'D. GRAVEL. ROCK & CHAT 0 23 500 500 ACC T- T 0 TAL 5 3.648 3.366 5.630 5.560 CAP IT AL OUTLAY 2 0-501 LAND 675 550 500 500 20-503 EQUIP 315 0 1.000 3.000 ACCT-TOTALS 990 550 7.500 3.500 DEPT-TOTAL 5 37.923 41.370 52.450 51.380 49 50 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DIVISION This fund accounts for the normal maintenance and minor improvement type activities for the various City-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget. These activities are part of the program of the Department of General Services. * * * * * * The Division has 2 full-time employees: Maintenance Supervisor; and Maintenance Worker. #130 provides for 2 part-time or seasonal employees for a period of three months. ACCT.1t 21-120 21-130 21-344 21-359 51 CITY OF SALINA-----8UDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ,tiC TUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST GENERAL IMPROVEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR E~PLOYEES SALARIES-PART TIME EMPLOYEES 43.949 30.570 27.900 31.350 1.015 1.390 4.850 4.850 44.964 31.960 32.750 36.200 2. i 03 1 .452 3.200 3.330 199 146 700 550 2.302 1.598 3.900 3.880 47.266 33.558 36.650 40.080 ACCT-TOTALS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EUIP OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ACC T-TO TAL S OEPT-TO TAL S 52 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - FLOOD WORKS DIVISION The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 commercial firms, 2 schools, and 3 churches were inundated and approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years, Salina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood of 1951 provided the impetus for the realization of the City's present flood protection system. The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961, is designed to protect the City from twice the quantity of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost of over 6 million dollars, approximately 2.3 million in local funds and.the balance federal. The project included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges, and thousands of acres of land in- volved in rights-of-way and easements. The function of the Flood Works and Levee account is one of maintaining, patroling and keep- ing in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the City of Salina. The division has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system. * * * * * * The Division has 3 full-time employees: Lead Maintenance Worker; and Maintenance Worker (2). Account #299 provides for renting equipment for the removal of sludge, rock and logs from gates and channels on the flood control system. Account #387 allows for a continuing annual program of systematically resurfacing a portion of the top surface of the dike system with gravel as required by the Corps of Engineers. -.----- ACC T. It 21-120 21- 299 21-333 21-344 27-359 27-381 53 I CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1919 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST FLCOD WORKS PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES-REGULAR E~PLOYEES 32.066 36.102 39.000 42.120 32.066 36.102 39.000 42.120 116 529 530 670 116 529 530 670 493 48 470 770 7.231 6.581 9.590 7.920 181 382 750 920 393 43 500 600 8.298 1.060 11.310 10.210 40.480 43.691 5 0 . 84 0 53.000 Ace T- TOTAL S CO~TRACTUAL SERVICES OTHER CONT~ACTUAL SERVICES ACCT-TOTALS ~ATERIALS & SUPPLI€S CHEMICALS MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SAND.GRAVEL.ROCK & CHAT ACCT-TOTALS DEPT-TOTAL S 54 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS The three Neighborhood Centers provide facilities for use by persons living in the area. The largest Neighborhood Center is Memorial Hall, which was constructed in 1921, and pro- vides numerous meeting rooms, and recreational facilities. Both Carver Center and Friend- ship Center were constructed in the late 1970's, and provide meeting places and limited recreational facilities for persons living in those neighborhoods. The Neighborhood Center facilities are available for use by community groups at no charge, on a first come, first served basis. The Recreation Commission frequently uses the Centers for conducting programs. With the creation of the Department of Community Services in 1981, it has been possible to reduce the staff and overhead in this program. * * * * * * The 4 full-time employees in this fund include: Coordinator, Senior Clerk, and Custodian. Recreation Supervisor, Activities Center Account #251 has been increased to allow for plastering, painting, screening and refinishing the gym floor in Memorial Hall. Account #295 provides for service contracts on the elevator in Memorial Hall, fire extin- guishers, cable TV, and pest control services. Account #503 provides for the purchase of a vacuum sweeper for Friendship Center. -'-'-'-.. ACC T. Ii 28-120 28-130 28-205 28-207 23- 25 1 28-252 28-253 28-295 28-343 28-359 28-503 55 CITY CF 5ALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCCUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST NEIGhBORHOOD CENTERS PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES SALARIES - PART TI~E EMPLOYEES 43.504 16.767 57.990 49.400 0 0 0 5.200 43.504 16.767 57.990 54.600 1 .107 645 500 600 683 484 600 300 1.560 2.236 2.000 3.600 178 305 300 500 355 511 400 500 19.972 3.454 3.600 3.600 23.855 7.635 7.400 9.100 1 .851 1.363 1.800 1.500 1 .240 t.193 1.000 1.300 3.091 2.556 2.800 2.ROO 534 0 700 300 534 0 700 300 70.Q84 26.958 68.890 66.800 ACCT-TOTALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT REPAIR - BUILDINGS REPAIR-FURNITURE. OFFICE EQUIP REPAIR-MACHINE & EQUIP OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AC C T - TOT AL S MATERIALS & SUPPLIES JANITOR £ TOILET SUPPLIES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ACC T-rO T ALS CAP IT AL OURLA Y EQUIP ACCT-TOTALS DE P T - rOT AL S \0 It) CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET SPECIAL FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES GRAND TOTAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST $1,071,171 $1,313,665 $1,553,600 $1,710,000 275,439 342,667 435,000 440,000 1,648,999 1,810,242 2,065,180 2,286,700 0 51,709 78,000 75,000 0 51 ,303 35,540 55,000 0 51.303 35.540 59.300 $2,995,609 $3,620,889 $4,202,860 $4,626,000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS UTILITY FUND BOND AND INTEREST SPECIAL LIABILITY SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS 5 58 ------- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND This fund was authorized by the State Legislature in 1978 for utilization by cities on an optional basis. Essentially, it allows cities to create such a fund to consolidate employer payments for those employee benefits the city's enabling ordinance or resolution describe, exclusive of salaries, wages, or other direct payments. This permits making only one tax levy for all of the benefits instead of several as was the practice in past years. The con- solidated fund has no effect on the levy or funds necessary to support the various activi- ties. This is a revolving fund. The fee-supported funds, Water and Sewerage, Sanitation, Solid Waste, and Bicentennial Center, are excluded from this fund. They make payments from their separate budgets directly to the state. All other special funds make a transfer payment to this fund to cover their costs in the appropriate account. The Employee Benefits Fund streamlines administrative procedures and defines accounting responsibilities. * * * * * * #236 is based on a total contribution of 13.4% up to a maximum of $31,800 per individual salary. The employer and employee each pay 6.7%. Account #237 - The City contributes 26.4% and the employee 7%. Account #238 - The City contributes 5.2% and the employee 4%. #239 - The City pays the full premium for medical insurance coverage on the employee. In 1982, it is estimated the premium will be $60.70, compared to $48.52 in 1981. The foregoing applies to all employees, except members of the Fire Department who are covered under a separate group policy. The optional dependent coverage is estimated to total $115.74 in 1982, as opposed to $94.35 in 1981. It is recommended the City increase its contribution toward dependent coverage from $50 to $75 in 1982. In the case of the members of the Fire Department, the City presently pays 35% of the coverage for the employee, with the Firemen's Relief Fund paying 65%. The same recommendation applies to the City's contribution to de- pendent coverage for the Fire Department as for the other departments. Along with the group medical insurance coverage, the City also provides life insurance coverage for the employees equal to the annual salary, with a minimum of $10,000. It is estimated the City's total con- tribution for group medical insurance coverage would amount to $220,400 with an additional $19,600 for the life insurance. ACCT. Ii 38- 22 1 38-236 38-237 38-238 38-239 38-292 38-294 59 CITY OF SALINA-----BUOGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCCU~T DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1919 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND CO~TRACTUAL SERVICES OFF-E~PLY LIAB INS SOCI AL SECUR I TY POLICE & FIRE RETIREMENT EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT GROUP I I\SURA"ICE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WORKMENS COMPENSATION 0 7.123 9.800 7.200 319.923 291.814 360.000 378.800 510.450 639.540 689.500 738.000 113.261 150.510 215.000 250.000 0 160.15ti 199.000 240.000 9.919 4.111 12.300 2B.OOO 51,552 60,349 68.000 68.000 1.011.171 1,313,665 1.553.600 1.710.000 1.011,171 1.313.665 1,553.600 1.710.000 ACCT-TOTAL S DEPT-TO TALS 60 ---~~ -~- - --- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND (continued) BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET #277 provides liability insurance for elected officials and employees covering errors and omissions. #292 - Kansas Unemployment Insurance rate increased from .10% in 1981 to 1.12% for 1982. This increase is primarily due to the layoffs in 1980. Accounts #941, #944, and #946 reflect payroll deductions for employee contributions to Kansas Police and Fire Retirement Fund (KPFR), Social Security, and Kansas Public Employees' Retirement System (KPERS). The employee contribution for hospitalization and medical in- surance are not included in this account and, rather, are directly expressed to other budgetary accounts. Account #944 shows employee contributions for Social Security. The Social Security rate for 1982 is $13.4%; which is 6.7% paid by both employee and employer, up to a maximum of $31,800.per individual. CITY OF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.- ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 AC TUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 1ge2 RfVEt\;UF REQUEST EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND 38- 11 0 38-130 38- 17 0 3 8- 1 e. 0 3 8- 6 1 0 38-941 38-943 38- 94 4 38-945 38-946 38-947 38-952 CURRENT TANGI8LE fAXES CELINQUENT TANGIHLE TAXES AUTO DEALERS TAX STAMPS VEH I CLE TAX INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS P & F RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE SOCIAL SECURITY-EMPLOYER SOCIAL SECURITY-EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT-EMPLOYER EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE UNEMPLOYMENT INS-EMPLOYER REIMBURSEMENT GF EXPENDITURES FUND TOTALS 491.280 743.921 962.667 948.190 8.-'55 12.227 7.000 7.000 1.978 1.472 2.930 2.930 0 0 86.040 126.850 29.694 19.476 18.000 18.000 114.646 131.321 135.000 150.000 20.567 38.582 22.000 30.000 159.086 164.534 175.000 190.000 9.425 11.011 11.000 11.000 87.101 99.371 105.000 115.000 416 323 400 400 582 5.696 1.000 1 . 00 a 923.530 1.227.934 1.526.037 1.600.370 222,924 137,193 109,630 1.227.934 1.526.037 1.600.370 1,450,858 1,663,230 1,710,000 1.313.665 1.553.600 1.710.000 137,193 109,630 0 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOT AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBEREC CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 61 62 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET UTILITY FUND A separate tax levy to cover gas, electric, water, traffic, and street lighting is permitted under home rule provisions of the Kansas State Statutes. The City adopted Charter Ordinance #16 on June 18, 1979, to provide for this levy. This levy is outside of the City's general tax lid. It is anticipated the cost of utility services will not increase significantly in 1982; however, the cost will depend upon future rate increases approved by the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC). * * * * * * Account #245 provides for street light in the City and includes approximately 2,635 lights. Kansas Power and Light Company installs and maintains the street lighting system for the City. I CITY OF SALINA-----BUOGET REQUEST FOR 1982 Accr.N ACCOUI'<T DESCRIPTION AC TUAL ACTUAL eUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST UTILITY FUND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 41-241 GAS SERVICE 20.970 23.265 52.000 40.000 41-242 LIGHT & POWER SERVICE 36.841 62.668 80.000 82.000 41-243 wA TER SERVICE 6.990 18.496 16.000 27.000 41-244 TRAFFIC CONTROL S I GNAL S 19.332 20.419 2 e. 000 26.000 41-245 STREET LIGHTING 191.306 217.819 259.000 265.000 ACCT-TOT4L S 275.439 342.667 435.000 440.000 OEPT-TO TAL S 275.439 342.667 435.000 440.000 63 ..::t \0 CITY OF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 1982 qF VEr,;UF REOUEST UTILITY FUI\D 41-110 41-130 41-170 41-180 41-610 CUQRENT TANBILE TAXES DELINQUENT TANGIBLE TAXES AUTO DEALERS TAX STA~PS VEHICLE TAXES INTEREST ON INVESTM€NTS FUND TOTALS 308.931 393.962 316.545 350.020 979 7.190 2.400 :3 .000 1.243 780 1.550 1 .550 0 0 45.570 41.720 2.871 8.790 3.000 3.000 314.024 410.722 369.065 399.290 38,590 106,645 40,710 410.722 369.065 399.290 449,312 475,710 440,000 342.667 435.000 440.000 106,645 40,710 0 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOT AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPEI\DITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 65 66 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET BOND AND INTEREST FUND The Bond and Interest Fund provides for the payment of principal and interest on the various bonds financed out of the General Fund or under the City's general obligation bonding authority. The principal and interest payments come from a variety of sources, including the property tax levy, special assessment payments by property owners (#607 and #611), and transfers from other funds. In 1982, $315,000 will be transferred from Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Parking Meter, and Golf Course to pay for the poly-kart system, landfill excavation, parking lot acqui- sition, and golf course construction. In 1982, total principal payments will be $1,535,100 and interest payments will be $710,600; or total debt service payments for outstanding debts of $2,245,700. This is equal to approxi- mately 2.2% of the City's assessed valuation. The City's debt service includes such projects as the Bicentennial Center, numerous parks and street improvements, the City-County Building, the Library, numerous special assessment projects, the poly-kart system, parking lot acquisition, landfill excavation, golf course construction, two new fire trucks, and the dike system. The Bicentennial Center is the largest single item included in debt service and in 1982, $235,000 for principal and $257,660 for interest, a total of $488,660 will be due. The Bicentennial Center is repaid entirely from property taxes. Approximately 4.9 mills of the City's anticipated 39.42 mills is due to this project. This is equal to 12.4% of the total property tax levy. A CC T. It 42-601 42-603 42-605 42-607 42-609 42-611 42-621 42-623 67 CITY OF SALINA-----BUOGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AC TU AL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST 801\0 & INTEREST CE8T & INTEREST GENERAL BOND PRINCIPAL GENERAL BOND INTEREST C. G & P PRINCIPAL CS C. G & P PRINCIPAL pas C. G & P INTEREST CS C. G & P INTEREST pas FISCAL AGENCY COMM & POSTAGE EST INT - BONDS TO BE ISSUED 546.000 574.000 585.000 360.182 350.070 343.550 166.588 156.731 It:5.950 414.412 500.269 605.100 32.599 40.021 48.160 128.411 18'3.467 2t:6.420 801 684 1.000 0 0 50.000 1.648.999 1.810.242 2.0t:5.180 1 .648.999 1.810.242 2.0t5.180 730.000 401.800 162.600 642.500 43.500 265. -300 1.000 40.000 ACCT-rOTALS 2.286.700 DEPT-TOTALS 2.286.700 CX) \0 CITY CF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1932 ACCT.# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 1982 At VF~JUF REQUEST BOND [, INTEREST 42- 11 0 4 2- 1 30 42-150 42-160 42-170 42- 18 a 42-610 42-630 42-929 42-957 CURRENT TANGIBLE TAXES DELIN~UENT TANGIBLE TAXES CURRENT SPEC ASSMNT TAXES DELINQUENT SPEC ASSMNf TAXES AUTO DEALERS TAX STAMPS VEH ICLE TAXES INTEREST FROM INVESTMENTS ACCRUED INTEREST SPECIAL ASSESS~ENTS TRSF-P M. W [, S. G C FUND TOTALS 979.350 988.282 1.03.'3.353 1.028.080 14.277 22.939 12.000 18.000 429.653 562.418 635.450 670.000 14.688 55.087 20.000 30.000 3.943 1.956 3.900 3.900 0 0 114.300 136."140 90.645 62.275 30.000 30.000 6.173 1.166 2 .000 2.000 3.461 5.455 3.000 4.000 61.000 62.380 64.850 315.320 1.603.796 1.767.958 1.923.853 2.238.140 162,171 119,887 48,560 1.767.958 1.993.853 2.238.140 1,930,129 2,113,740 2,286,700 L810. 242 2.065.180 2.286.700 119,887 48,560 0 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOT AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPE~D(TURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECE~BER 31 69 70 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE FUND The Kansas Tort Claims Act (Sub. SB76) which went into effect July 1, 1979, authorizes municipalities to pay the cost of legal defense, claims, and "other direct and indirect costs resulting from the implementation of this act", for a "Special Liability Expense Fund". The act provides that the governing body which has created a Special Liability Expense Fund may levy a tax therefore, without limitation as to rate and outside the property tax lid. In addition, monies received by the municipality "from any source whatsoever which may be lawfully utilized for such purpose" may be placed in the fund. The special fund may be a reserve fund, and monies once budgeted into the fund would not need to be annually rebudgeted for expenditure in the future. $55,000 has been budgeted for liability insurance and $20,000 for legal services. * * * * * * #957 - $12,000 has been transferred from fee-supported services (Golf Course, Water and Sewerage, Sanitation, Solid Waste, Parking Meter, and Bicentennial Center) to pay their share of liability insurance. All liability insurance can now be paid for from one "Special Liability Expense Fund". ACCT.fI 43-227 43-295 71 CITY OF SALINA-----BUOGET REQUEST FOP ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTU AL 1979 SPECIAL LIABILITY CO~TRACTUAL SERVICES INSURANCE - LIABILITY OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCT-TO TI\L S OEr>T-TO TAL 5 1982 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST a 48.231 58.000 55.000 0 3.478 20.000 20.000 a 51.709 78.000 75.000 a 51.709 78.000 75.000 N I'- 0 59.298 62.900 54.210 0 146 0 200 0 117 240 230 0 11.229 6.860 8.220 0 0 19.000 12.000 0 70.790 89.000 74.920 0 19,080 30,080 70.790 89.000 74.920 70,790 108,080 105,000 51.710 78.000 75.000 19,080 30,080 30,000 C I TV CF SAL INA ----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.1t ACCCU~T OESCRIPTtO~ AC TUAL 1919 SPECIAL LIABILITY 43- 1 1 0 43-130 43-170 4]- 1 B 0 43-957 CURRENT TANGIBLE TAXES DELINQUENT TANGIBLE TAXES AUTO DEALERS TAX STAMPS VEH ICLE TAXES TRSF FROM OTHER FUNDS FUND TOTALS BEGINNI~G CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOT AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMHER 31 73 AC TUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 1ge2 f~EVFNUf' REQUEST 74 -- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND All monies received by the state from the 10% gross receipts liquor tax goes into a state "Local Alcoholic Liquor Fund", which is distributed to cities and counties. Cities receive the tax paid by any private clubs within the city. Monies are distributed quarterly. Upon receipt of the money, the City Treasurer is to credit 1/3 to the "Special Parks and Recrea- tion Fund". The Special Parks and Recreation Fund will receive an estimated $55,000 in revenue, all of which will be transferred to the General Fund to supplement the park budget. --- ACCT.II 47-447 75 CITY CF SALINA-----BUDGET RECUEST FOR ACCCUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION SU~ORY E~PENDITURES TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS ACC T-TOTALS DEPT-TOTAL 5 1982 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET RECUEST 0 51.303 35,540 55.000 0 51.303 35.54 a 55. 000 0 51 , 30.3 35,540 55.000 \0 I'- 0 51.303 35.540 55.000 a 51.303 ,35.540 55.000 0 0 0 51.303 35.540 55.000 51,303 35,540 55,000 51 L303 35.540 55.000 0 0 0 CITy OF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.M ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AC TU AL 1979 SPECIAL PAf<KS & RECREAT ION 41- 215 CITY LIQUOR TAX FUND TOTALS BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JA~UA~Y 1ST TOr AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPEND I TURES U~ENCUMEEf<ED CASH BALANCE DeCEMBER 31 77 ACTUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 1982 REVFNUE REQUEST 78 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND All monies received by the state from the 10% gross receipts liquor tax goes into a state "Local Alcoholic Liquor Fund", which is distributed to cities and counties. Cities are to receive the tax paid by any private clubs within the city. Monies are distributed quarterly by the state. Upon receipt of the money, the City Treasurer credits 1/3 to the "Special Alcohol Programs Fund". The Special Alcohol Programs Fund will receive an estimated $55,000 in revenue. The City of Salina is entered into a contract for services with the Central Kansas Alcoholic Foundation. The entire amount in this fund will go to finance that contract. A CC T. It 48- 295 79 CITY CF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 SPECIAL ALCOHOL PRCGRAMS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES J\CC T- TO TAL S OEPT- TO TAL S 1982 AC TUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST 0 47.000 35.540 59.300 0 47.000 35.540 59.300 0 47.000 35.540 59.300 0 CO 0 51.303 35.540 55.000 0 51.303 35.540 55.000 0 4,300 4,300 51.300 35.540 55.000 51,300 39,840 59,300 47.000 35.540 59.300 4,300 4,300 0 CITY OF 5ALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS 48-215 CITY LIQUOR TA X FUND TOTALS BEGINNI~G CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOT AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENLE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPE~DITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 81 ACTUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 lqe2 REVLNUf: REQUEST (\ co CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES GRAND TOTAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST $501,110 $495,316 $615,830 $658,210 92,953 91,935 105,080 109,670 98,424 105,767 122,830 143,340 479,802 427,061 375,000 375,000 118,597 135,481 187,450 259,780 405,766 530,481 590,000 612,990 3.570.145 4.243.176 3.770.700 4.241.870 $5,266,797 $6,029,217 $5,766,890 $6,400,860 SANITATION PARKING METERS GOLF COURSE SPECIAL GAS TAX SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL BICENTENNIAL CENTER WATER AND SEWERAGE 83 .;:t to CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN (LOSS) 85 SANITATION 1982 $272,770 156,390 79,050 1 5 QLQO_O ~ 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET $644,100 658 . 2 LO (14,110) I~LQQO $ (1.11Q) 86 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - SANITATION DIVISION This Division of the General Services Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. Commercial collections, including apart- ment houses, are handled by licensed, private haulers or by the individual business. The Division is supervised by the Sanitation Superintendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex, and triplex residen- tial units on an optional basis. The Division operates four 20-cubic yard packer trucks, each with an assigned route to be serviced each day, Monday through Friday. These are supple- mented by two shuttle trucks, which permit the crews to remain on the routes while a driver takes a loaded truck to the landfill. One dump-type truck is utilized for making special pickups for piles of tree limbs and items too bulky for the packer trucks, at an additional cost above the monthly service fee. This Division is self-supporting from fees paid by users of the service. monies are devoted to this activity. No property tax * * * * * * Full-time employees for the Division include: Sanitation Superintendent, Administrative Aide, Maintenance Worker (4), Laborer Assigned as Relief Driver (3), and Laborer (10). The $107,000 reduction in expenses is caused by the City's conversion in 1981 to the poly-kart refuse collection system. This conversion has allowed the reduction of personnel from 29 to 19 and reduction of equipment from 6 packer trucks to 4. Also, the use of propane as a vehicle fuel rather than gasoline permits a reduction in Account #344. The Division is charged 10ç per monthly billing by the Water and Sewerage Department and 10ç per month per account is paid to the General Fund for general administrative services. This is reflected in #291. #297 is charges paid by the Division for use of the landfill. The increase in this account is due to the anticipated 25% increase in the landfill gate fees. Account #299 includes employee development, postage, printing office forms, water service, and medical service. #359 includes water coolers, ice coupon books, paper cups, first aid supplies, and laundry and towel service. -- ACCT." 57-120 57-130 57-205 57-227 57-236 57-238 57- 239 57-291 57-292 57-294 57-297 57-299 5 7- .3 1 a 57-32 a 57-344 57-J59 57-447 57-525 87 ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR SAt-.:ITATION FERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES SALARIES-PART TIME EMPLOYEES .l\CCT-TOTALS CO~TRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHO~E & TELEGRAPH INSURANCE - LIABILITY SOC I AL SECUR I TY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT GROUP INSURANCE BILLING & AOMINISTRATIO~ CHGS UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WORKMEN.S COMPENSATION DISPOSAL CHARGES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES A C C T - TOT AL S ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENOABLE TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ACCT-TOTALS SU~DR Y EXPEND I TURES TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS ACCT-TOTALS C AF IT AL OU TLA Y H~UCK 5 ACCT-TOTALS DEPT-TOTALS AC TUAL 19-79 1982 AC TUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST 248.936 279.539 320.800 253.240 9.401 12.301 21.150 19.530 258.337 29 1 . 84 0 341.950 272.770 491 516 600 700 2.720 1.500 2.700 1.800 15.528 22.025 23.150 18.280 13.349 18.378 20.320 15.200 12.799 14.534 20.850 21.100 12.692 13.029 13.560 25.200 777 312 2.090 520 18.794 18.174 22.000 22.000 31.000 31.000 42.900 50.600 2.653 2.768 1.320 990 110.803 122.236 149.490 156.390 1.432 1.592 1 . 740 560 1.496 1.719 1.300 3.600 66.188 76.997 95.690 72.610 451 932 2.660 2.280 69.567 81.240 101.390 79.050 0 0 0 IbO.OOO 0 0 0 150.000 62.403 0 23.000 0 62.403 0 23,000 0 50 1 . 1 10 '.95 ..3 1 6 615.830 658.210 IX) IX) CITY CF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.~ ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 1982 REVENUE REQ~EST SANI TAT ION 57-610 57-731 57- 733 57-952 INTEREST FROM INVESTMENTS MISC SALES & SERVICE SERVICE FEES REIMBURSEMENT GF EXPENDITURES FUND TOTALS 4.329 4.430 5.000 4.500 81 895 300 8.500 471.000 490.000 644.100 644.100 823 1.122 0 0 476.233 496.447 649.400 657.100 106,430 107,561 81,631 496.447 585.000 657.100 602,877 692,561 738,731 495.316 610.930 658.210 107,561 81,631 80,521 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JA~UARY 1ST TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS E XPE NO I TURES UNENCUMBEREC CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 89 0 '" CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT PARKING METER 1982 SERVICE FEES $110,000 LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 42,580 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20,810 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 9,510 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 3LLï'Q OPERATING EXPENSES ~70 GAIN (LOSS) $ 3~0 91 92 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT - PARKING METER DIVISION The Division provides for the collection of monies, parking enforcement, debt service, and main- tenance of all municipal-owned parking facilities within the Central Business District. The Division is supervised by the Police Department with assistance provided by the Traffic Engineer. There are a total of 1,544 meters in the Central Business City-owned parking lots and 627 on-street parking meters. meters (6- and 10-hours), all of which are located in the At present, there are 1,053 short-term meters in the CBD. both on-street and in the City-owned parking lots. District; 917 parking meters in the ten There are a total of 488 long-term ten City-owned off-street parking lots. The short-term meters are located The parking meter rate continues at 5ç per hour which is the same as it was when parking meters were first installed in Salina around 1946. Monthly parking permits are available for purchase at the City Clerk's Office for $10 per month. The permits can be used at 6- and 10-hour meters for all day parking. The only advantage in the use of a permit is in not having to have a coin to operate the meter. Long-term parking rates are the same as short-term. The intent of placing short-term parking on the interior of the area is to accommodate the shopper. The City has one more year to pay on the debt for the present off-street parking facilities. $39,000 of the annual parking revenue is pledged toward the payment of the principal and interest on this debt. This is in keeping with the commitment made to the people of Salina as the means of paying the city-at-large share of the General Obligation Bonds used in financing purchase and construction of the lots. All revenue derived from fines for parking violations goes to the General Operating Fund of the City. This program is self-suppornngftomfees collected; no property taxes are budgeted in this account. * * * * * * There are 4 full-time employees in this funds: Violations Checker (3). Parking Meter Repair Technician and Meter The Parking Meter bonds will be paid off in November, 1982. Prior to that time, the City Com- mission should decide whether to continue this operation or to modify it. Under the present accounting system, the parking meters are not generating sufficient revenue. However, the City debt service funds will be used to offset any deficiency in the principal and interest accounts until the bonds are retired. ACCT." 60-120 60-221 60-236 60-238 60-239 60-292 60-294 60- 299 60-)44 60-355 60- 359 60-391 60-447 60-503 93 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 PA~KING METERS PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 33.483 32.022 39.670 42.580 33.483 32.022 39.670 42.580 5.729 2.538 3.850 3.840 1.896 2.520 2.690 2.870 1.647 2.110 2.090 2.160 2.076 1 . 846 4.270 5.640 95 48 130 90 348 352 710 870 1.295 4.883 6.320 5. 34 a 13.086 14.357 20.060 20.810 3.911 5.342 5.140 7.500 691 520 750 840 847 2.31 570 570 3.409 653 500 600 8.864 6.746 6.960 9.510 35.0 00 38.810 37.790 :3 6 . 170 35.000 38.810 31.790 36.170 2.520 0 600 0 2.520 a 600 a 92.953 91.935 105.080 109.670 ACC T- fO TAL S CO~TRACTUAL SERVICES PRINTING OFFICE FORMS SOCIAL SECURITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT GROUP I,,"SURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WORKMEN'S CO~PENSAT(ON OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCT- TO TAL S MATERIALS & SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP WEARII'oiG APPAREL OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES PARKING METER PARTS ACCT-TOTAL S SUI'oiDRY EXPENDITURES OFF-STREET PARKING - B & I ACC T-TO TALS CAP IT AL OUTLAY EQUIP ACCT-TOTALS DEPT-TO TAL S """ 0\ 75.83.3 72.350 e8.000 90.000 14.820 20.849 15.000 20.000 0 0 0 0 90.653 93.199 103.000 110.000 5,050 6,314 4,234 93.199 103.000 110.000 98,249 109,314 114,234 91.935 105.080 109.670 6,314 4,234 4,564 CITY OF SALINA----- REVENUE ~EQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.- ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 PARK ING METERS 60-4S0 60- 701 60-952 PARKING METER REVENUE PARKING ~ETER PERMITS REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FUND TOT AL S 8EGINNI~G CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING dALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMEERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 95 ACTUAL 1980 1982 REVENUE REQUEST REVENUE ¡ge1 \0 0\ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN (LOSS) 97 GOLF COURSE 1982 $ 60,840 27,590 25,500 25,060 ~.~5J2 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET $112,000 L4_3. 340 (31,340) 2 L20_0 $LlO.14~) 98 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - GOLF COURSE DIVISION The increased cost of fuel and other aspects of tourism appears to be causing many people to spend their vacation and other leisure times closer to home. These conditions, along with a growing interest in physical fitness and more time for recreation, has resulted in golfing and other sports gaining in popularity among all age groups. The Municipal Golf Course pro- vides everyone the opportunity to participate in this healthful and challenging activity. The novice or occasional golfer who cannot afford or doesn't care to belong to a country club can participate simply by paying green fees. Play continues to increase since the opening of the course in August, 1970. Numerous tourna- ments are held on the courSe and the schools utilize the course for their organized golf pro- gram. Continual praise is heard concerning the layout, condition and quality of the course. As a Division of the Department of Community Services, the Golf Course maintenance is super- vised by the Maintenance Supervisor. He is responsible to the Director of Community Services and receives technical advice and assistance from the Park Department. The Golf Professional is responsible for activity on the course, supervising play, scheduling tournaments, operating the Pro Shop and is available for golfing instruction on a fee basis. The Municipal Golf Course is entirely supported by fees collected; no property taxes support this activity. * * * * * * Full-time employees of the Division are as follows: Golf Professional, Maintenance Supervisor, Senior Maintenance Worker, and Maintenance Worker. The Division al~o relies on seasonal part- time employees from Spring through the Summer months. #516 will allow for purchase of electric controls for sprinkler system, 400' of 3/4" flexible hose, commercial vacumm for club house, and electric utility and maintenance carts. Included in revenue sharing is $25,000 to purchase a hydraulic mower for fairway and rough mowing. This piece of equipment will greatly decrease the manhours necessary for mowing. -- ACCT.II 61-120 61-130 61-205 61-221 6 1 - 22 7 61-241 6 1- 242 61-243 61-292 61-294 61-299 61-310 61-344 61- 351 61-359 61-367 61-401.. 61-447 61-516 99 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGEf REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGE T 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST GOLF COURSE PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULI\R EMPLOYEES SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 43.750 50.650 49.700 5.3.480 4.412 4. 329 6.210 7.360 48.162 54.979 55.910 60..540 317 317 400 700 781 590 750 750 1.163 753 1.100 1.100 2.519 2.368 3.000 3.300 10.974 17.079 16.150 16.500 371 445 1.000 1.000 133 67 340 340 802 810 900 900 1 .183 4.574 1.690 3.000 18.243 27.003 25.330 27.590 417 355 300 300 7.478 8.330 11.260 12.000 5.027 2.377 8.110 9.000 825 1.130 2.980 3.600 1 7 23 650 600 13.764 12.215 23.300 25.500 0 0 a 10.000 14.000 11.570 15.060 15.060 14.000 11.570 15.060 25.060 4.255 0 3.230 4.350 4.255 0 3.230 4.350 <)8.424 105.767 122.830 14 .3 . 340 ACCT-TOTALS CO~TRACT~AL SERVICES TELEPHO~E & TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFICE FORMS INSURANCE - LIABILITY GAS SERVICE LIGHT & POwER SERVICE WATER SERVICE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WORK MENS COMP OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACC T-TO TALS NATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOOLS MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP SEEDS.PLANTS.TREES.LAWN SUPP OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS ACCT-TOTALS SU~DRY EXPENDITURES CONTINGENCIES PAYMENT TO BONO & INTEREST ACCT-TOTALS CAP IT AL OUTLA Y MOWER & MISC EQUIP ACCT-TOTALS DEDT-TO TAL S 0 0 .... CITY OF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AC TU AL t 979 AC TUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 1 ')82 REVF"'UE REQUEST GOLF COURSE 61-550 6 1- 56 0 61-565 61-575 61-599 MEMBERSHIP & GREEN FEES CART RENTAL CART STORAGE CART USER FEES OIL WELL LEASE FUND TOTALS 81.061 95.365 <;9.00C 112.000 718 887 3.500 1.000 3.191 3.192 4.800 3.200 4.537 9.365 9.000 to.OOO 5.401 6.520 5.000 7.000 94.908 115.329 121.300 133.200 3,489 13,051 20,421 115.329 130.200 133.200 118,818 143,251 153,621 105.767 122.830 143.340 13,051 20,421 10,281 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUAqy 1ST TOT AL qEVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 101 C\I 0 .... CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SPECIAL GAS 1982 SERVICE FEES $375,000 LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 35,720 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 117,520 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 91,760 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 1 3 0 . ~O OPERATING EXPENSES 3l~O 0 GAIN (LOSS) $ Q 103 104 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DIVISION The 1970 State Legislature provided a single formula for the distribution of fuel tax collec- tions to counties, townships, and cities. The funds are distributed on a per capita basis; no City property taxes are budgeted in this account. The Special Gasoline Tax is derived from the state motor fuel tax. Because of reduced gasoline usage throughout the state and the State Legislature's refusal to raise the 8Ç per gallon or change the tax rate, revenue from this source has not changed significantly for serveral years. All revenue derived from this source is used in street maintenance such as asphalt overlay and slurry sealing, concrete and asphalt repair work, and for the purchase of traffic control equipment. This activity is performed under the general supervision of the Director of General Services as a part of the overall street maintenance program. * * * * * * The Division has 2 full-time employees: Maintenance Supervisor; and Maintenance Worker. part-time "employees are also utilized approximately 65 days out of the year. Two Account #299 provides for resurfacing and sealing of streets. Account #353 provides for signs. Account #361 provides for the purchase of hot-mix asphalt for street repairs, and for sealing cracks and joints in paved streets. Account #365 provides for the purchase of concrete for street and curb and gutter repair. Account #381 provides for paint and painting materials. Account #387 provides for the purchase of road gravel for alleys, fill sand for dusting freshly sealed streets, and backfill for street excavations. #447 - This transfer to the General Fund provides relief to the ad valorem tax requirements. It helps offset the expenses involved in general administration, supervision, and various other aspects of street maintenance. ACCT.fI 62-120 62-130 62-299 62-353 62- 361 62-365 62-381 62- 38 7 62- 44 7 62-529 105 CITY CF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST ACTUAL 1980 SPECIAL GAS TAX PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 24.475 27.758 29.480 31.350 1.347 1.617 4.370 4.370 25.822 29.375 33.850 35.720 174.394 111.312 80.000 117.520 174.394 111.312 BO.OOO 117.520 10.066 8.967 10.500 12.780 29.168 29.954 23.650 27.200 15.254 20 . 7 I 1 22.000 24.200 15.425 18.587 20.000 21.580 4.852 4.987 5.000 6.000 74.765 83.206 81.150 91.760 180.000 180.000 IBO.OOO 130.000 180.000 IBO.OOO IBO.OOO 130.000 24.821 23.168 a a 24.821 23.168 a a 479.802 427.061 375.000 375.000 ACC T-TOTAL S CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACC T-TOT AL S MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SIGNS ASPHALT & ROAD OIL CFMENT & CEMENT PRODUCTS PAINT & PAINTING MATERIALS SAND. GRAVEL. ROCK & CHAT ACC T-TO TAL 5 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TQANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS ACCT-TOTALS CAPIT AL OUTLAY TRAFFIC CONTRCL EQUIP ACC T-TOT AL S DEPT-TOTALS \0 0 .... CITY OF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 REVENUE 1ge1 1982 REVfNtlf. REOUEST SPECIAL GAS TAX 62-220 STATE GAS TAX FUND Tor ALS 416.479 380.042 375.000 375.000 416.479 380.042 375.000 375.000 48,701 1,682 1,682 380.042 375.000 375.000 428,743 376,682 376,682 427.061 375.000 375.000 1,682 1,682 1,682 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOT AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS eXPEND I TURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 107 00 0 .... CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SOLID WASTE 1982 SERVICE FEES $219,000 LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 61,500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24,920 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 57,260 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES LL6-----L 0 Q OPERATING EXPENSES 25~780 SUBTOTAL (40,780) OTHER INCOME 1 hiliLQ GAIN (LOSS) $(21.380) 109 --- -------------.------- ------ _._-- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIVISION The City-owned and operated landfill, located southwest of Salina on Burma Road, provides solid waste disposal facilities for all of Saline County. The location and operation of this activity are in accordance with the "Saline County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Plant" as provided by the Saline County Commissioners and subsequently by the State Board of Health. The service is financed on revenues from gate fees collected from users of the land- fill, and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for the landfill operation. This division is self-supported from fees collected from users of the service. No property tax monies are devoted to this activity. This budget anticipates an 'approximate 25% increase in service fees at the landfill. The landfill is a self-supporting enterprise and it is important ot have the revenue reflect the cost of operation. As a Division of the General Services Department, the operation is supervised by the Sanita- tion Superintendent who is responsible to the Director of General Services. * * * * * * This fund has 5 full-time employees: Equipment Operator (3), and Gate Attendant (2). #291 reimburses the General Fund for administrative and supervisory services. #299 provides for crop hail insurance and real estate taxes on land leased for farming purposes. #359 provides for fire extinguishers, the service of the fire extinguishers, paint, first aid supplies, rent on propane tanks, and other miscellaneous supplies. #387 provides for 700 tons of township rock at $8.00 per ton to extend and maintain landfill roads. #447 allows for the transfer of $106,100 to the bond and interest account to cover the cost of excavation at the landfill. #450 provides for a reserve fund for equipment replacement. Account #733 (Service Fees) - This budget anticipates an approximate 25% increase in service fees at the landfill. ------- ------- ACCT.1t 64-120 64-205 ó4- 227 64-236 64-238 64-239 64-241 64-242 64-291 64-292 64- 294 64-299 64-310 64-320 64-344 64-359 64-387 64-447 64-450 111 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCCUNT DESCRIPTION ~CTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FERSO~AL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 61.631 63.961 78.100 61.500 61.631 63.961 78.100 61.500 178 169 300 300 712 350 710 500 3.734 4.942 5.290 4.120 3.588 4.069 5.050 3.690 2.989 4.065 5.520 6.430 947 1.068 1.200 1.320 633 1 .054 850 1.100 0 2.000 2.000 2.000 187 85 400 160 2.453 2.523 3.000 3.000 1.840 1.973 2.300 2.300 17.261 22.298 26.620 24.920 24 42 380 420 500 825 710 850 36.526 38.003 55.120 51.100 256 352 920 890 2.399 0 5.600 4.000 39.705 39.222 62.730 57.260 0 0 0 106.100 0 10.000 20.000 10.000 0 10.000 20.000 116.100 ACCT-TOTALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH INSURANCE - LIABILITY SOCIAL SECURITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT GROUP INSURANCE GAS SER V ICE LIGHTS & PO~ER SERVICE B(LLI~G & ADMINISTRATION UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ~ORKMEN'S COMPENSATION OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCT-TOTALS ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOOLS OF F ICE SUPPL I ES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SAND.ROCK.GRAVEL.SALT.CHAT ACCT-TOTALS SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS RESERVE FOR EQUIP REPLACEMENT ACCT- TOTALS CAPITAL OUTLAY C\I .... .... CITY OF SALINA-----8UDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.Ji ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION ACCT-TOTALS p.C TUAL ACTUAL BUOGET 1982 8UOGET 1979 1980 19tH REQUEST 7.815 32.683 0 a 7.815 32.683 0 0 126./~12 168.164 181.450 259.780 64-503 EQUIP DE P T - TOT AL S 113 ..;t ...... ...... CITY OF SALINA----- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.N ACCOUNT OESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1919 AC TUAL 1980 REVE/'I¡UE 1981 1982 Rt:V[I\.UF REQUEST SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 64-508 64-133 64-952 INCOME FROM LEASED LAND SERVICE FEES REI~BURSEMENT CF EXPENDITURES FUND TOT ALS 27.739 913 15.000 19.000 1.39.936 134.494 182.000 219.000 0 0 0 0 161.675 135.407 197.000 238.000 54,195 21,438 36,188 135.407 190.000 238.000 189,602 211,438 274,188 168.164 175.250 259.780 21,438 36,188 14,408 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JA~UARY 1ST TaT AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMEERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 115 \0 .... .... CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN (LOSS) 117 BICENTENNIAL CENTER 1982 $273,470 206,320 29,600 1 ~L~iO Q 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET $359,000 6 12. 9 90 (253,990) 22_5 LOOQ $ l2JL~99 Q ) 118 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET BICENTENNIAL CENTER The Bicentennial Center was constructed in Kenwood Park at a cost of $6.5 million and financed solely by ad valorem taxes. Salina voters approved the proposition on November 2, 1976, by a vote of 9,649 in favor and 7,469 opposed. The Center was formally opened on June 2, 1979. The building consists of an arena and exhibi- tion hall, along with supporting offices, meeting rooms, and other facilities. The arena has a maximum seating capacity exceeding 8,000. It is ideally suited for concerts, trade shows, expositions, conventions and meetings, circuses, and various types of sporting events. The exhibition hall, measuring 120' X 153', provides in excess of 44,000 sq. ft. for exhibition space and will seat 2,000 persons for a banquet. The responsibility of the Manager and his staff is to see that the property is well-maintained, contract for usage of the facility, and endeavor to keep operating costs to a minimum. Fur- ther, to provide good service to users of the building and build a reputation where businesses, individuals, and organizations will want to return repeatedly to the Center for various func- tions. The Parks Division of the Department of Community Services is responsible for the care and maintenance of the grounds surrounding the building. It is proposed that the Center be funded from a variety of sources, including rent, $121,000; revenue from beverage and food concessions, $238,000; and a contribution from the revenue sharing fund of $225,000. * * * * * * The Bicentennial Center account includes salaries for 13 employees: Assistant City Manager/ Bicentennial Center Manager, Operations Manager, Marketing/Event Coordinator, Stage Manager/ Building Engineer, Food and Beverage Supervisor (2), Senior Custodian, Maintenance Worker, Administrative Aide, Principal Clerk, and Custodian (3). Account #207 provides for expenses related to members of the staff attending technical schools and seminars, as well as district and national meetings of the International Association of Auditorium Managers. - .--------------------------- ACC T. Ii 73- 120 13-130 13-205 73-207 13-209 1.3-221 1.3-225 73-227 13-236 73-238 13-239 73-242 7.3-243 13-252 73-257 73-274 73- 292 73-294 73- 29 7 13-299 7 ]- 3 1 0 73-320 73-34 I 73-343 73-344 73- 355 13- 399 119 --- I I CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 8UCGET 1981 1982 BUOGET REQUEST BICENTENNIAL CENTER PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 154.220 l1'i2.228 214.100 231.220 3.520 32.923 25.000 (.2.250 157.140 215.151 239.100 273.470 5.490 7.106 8.000 7.500 4.177 1.504 2.000 3.000 1.565 2.704 4.500 2.700 3.200 2.31 1.000 1.000 7.218 13.705 5.000 5.000 13.479 20.943 18.000 22.000 5.093 13.063 15.500 17.300 1.500 1.826 11.400 13.400 4.513 8.691 9.500 13.750 35.899 77.464 96.500 100.000 636 1.023 2.000 1.500 400 872 1.000 870 0 179 500 300 (..583 3.428 2.000 3.500 2.300 90 700 600 983 1.560 2.100 1.700 1 .651 2..305 4.000 3.300 2.330 13.146 6.000 8.900 95.011 170.440 189.700 206.320 578 524 500 500 6.353 2.631 4.250 3.000 667 499 500 600 8.650 5.601 10.000 8.000 4.153 5.474 6.000 7,,000 2 . 190 185 500 500 9.07.3 9.900 12,,000 10.000 32.264 24,,814 3.3,,750 2<;.600 ACCT-rOTALS CONTRACT~AL SERVICES TELEPHONE EMPLOYEES DEVELOPMENT POSTAGE PRINTING OFFICE FORMS ADVERTISING & PROMOTION INSURANCE - LIAB.FIRE"VEH SOCIAL SECURITY E~PLOYEES RETIRE~ENT GROUP INSURANCE ELECT~IC SERVICE WA fER SERV ICE REPAIR - FURNITURE & EQUIP REPAIR - RADICS RENT - ~ACHINERY. EQUIP. VEHIC UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WORKMEN'S COMP DISPOSAL CHARGES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCT-ro TAL S ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOCLS OFFICE SUPPLIES FUEL & LUORS - HEAVY EQUIP JANITOR & TOILET 5UPPLI~5 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 'wE AR I NG APP AR EL MISC REPAIRS & M~INT ACCT-TOTALS 120 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BICENTENNIAL CENTER (continued) BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET Account #274 provides for rental of an office copier, postage meter head and various pieces of maintenance equipment, such as buffers, scaffolding, etc. Account #297 - The center contracts with a private hauler for refuse collection service at $180 per month, plus additional charges for special pickups. Account #299 includes the audit fee, pest control service, contract for lawn fertilization, and other types of treatment, cleaning of. personnel uniforms and snow removal. Account #355 provides, for replacement of personnel uniforms as well as purchase of new uniforms when employees are hired and uniforms are not available in the inventory in their size. Account #404 - Due to the uncertainty of the volume of activity which will be occurring in the center during the year and thereby affecting the operating expenses, as well as other very unpredictable matters to deal with such as snow removal, it is recommended a $10,000 contingency fund be provided. Account #480 - This account provides for concession supplies. time personnel who were utilized in the concession operation. part-time people has been included in Account #130. The 1981 Budget included part- For 1982, funding for these --- ACCT.N 7 ]-404 73-435 73-439 73-480 73-490 73-503 7 J-509 121 CITY OF SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGE T 1982 BUDGET 1979 1980 1981 REQUEST 0 0 0 10.000 270 935 450 800 0 0 0 0 44.268 59.410 122.000 92.800 0 25.350 5.000 0 44.538 85.695 127.450 103.600 3.250 33.781 0 0 72.957 600 0 0 76.207 34.381 0 0 405.766 530.481 590.000 6 1 2 . c)9 0 SU~DRY EXPENDITURES CONTIf\GENCIES ORGANIZATIONAL DUES REFUNDS CONCESSIONS - MI5C CENTER SPONSORED EVENTS ACCT-TOTALS CAP I T AL 0 U TL A Y EQUIP FURNITURE & FIXTURES ACCT-TO TAL S DEP T-TO TAL S C\I C\I ... CITY OF SALINA----- REVENUE HEOUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 AC TUAL 1980 REVENUE 1981 , lq~~a~~~~NUF I BICENTENNIAL CENTER 73-501 73-505 13-952 13-951 RENT FOOD/BEVERAGE REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FED REV SHRG FUND TOT ALS 11.1-363 126.082 110.000 121.000 107.529 167..091 200.000 238.000 60.420 17.415 0 0 219..293 250..000 250..000 225.000 459.105 560..588 5tO.OOO 5fJ4.000 97,411 127,518 97,518 560.588 560.000 584.000 657,999 687,518 681,518 530.481 590.000 612.990 127,518 97,518 68,528 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOT AL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE LESS E XPE"'O I TURES UNENCUMBEHEO CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 123 .q (\ .... CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT WATER AND SEWERAGE 1982 SERVICE FEES $3,150,000 LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: WATER SUPPLY $ 72,550 SOFTENING AND TREATMENT 652,350 PUMPING 161,420 DISTRIBUTION 215,510 CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION 288,060 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL 507,730 SEWAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION 518,450 BOND AND INTEREST 9~30Q OPERATING EXPENSES 2.823.370 326,630 350.00.Q. (23,370) 63.000 $ 39. 6;lQ SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN (LOSS) 125 126 ~._------- ----- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT The Water and Sewerage Department is the largest single Department in the City. The Department is responsible for operating the City's water and sewerage utility. In addition, the Depart- ment collects revenue for the City's sanitation service. The accounting for the water and sewerage activitiy is somewhat different than the general City accounting. This is because of the necessity to use utility accounting procedures required by convenants in the City's bond ordinances. This Department has three divisions: sewerage collection and treatment. water supply, customer accounting and collections, and The water supply division is composed of supply - purification - softening and distribution for the City of Salina. The water is chemically treated to meet or exceed standards established by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. Compliance with those standards is assured by continual testing in the plant proper, as well as the complete system. Salina obtains its water from two sources: the Smoky Hill River and 15 wells. Approximately 57% of the water is pumped from the river and the balance from the wells. Well water is utilized to temper the river water; however, it is the most expensive to process. Well water requires additional chemicals for softening. Additional cost is incurred for power to operate the wells. The water treatment plant is capable of producing 15 million gallons of water per day. The peak demand has been 14.6 million gallons. The plant has the capability of being expanded to produce 24 million gallons per day. Such an expansion will have to be undertaken in the not too distant future in order to keep abreast of Salina's growth and demands for water. Customer accounting and collections division reads meters each month, computes account charges, provides service assistance for individual customers, and collects all monies due the depart- ment for the sale of water and sewer use fees. The division also bills and collects for refuse collection service to residential subscribers as a part of the monthly bill. Sewerage collection and treatment division maintains all sewage collection mains and laternals, sewerage pumping stations and the two treatment plants. It is responsible for the treatment of all sanitary wastes generated by the City to standards specified by the Kansas State Depart- ment of Health and Environment. The Director of Utilities - City Engineer is responsible for the activities and programs of this Department. --- CITY OF SALINA----- WATER & SEWAGE BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.# ACCOU~T DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1919 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST wATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 110 120 130 140 150 MAI~TE~A~CE-WELL PUMPS & EQUIP wELL POWER _ELL HOUSE SIGNALS RIVER INTAKE POWER ~AINTE~ANCE-ßLDGS. & GRDS. SUB TOTAL 5.736 1.321 8.000 8.000 t 6.929 32.670 26.100 40.800 6.050 9. t e8 11.510 10.300 6.517 6.633 9.000 12.100 t. 4 7 759 750 750 35.679 56.511 55.420 72.550 SOFTENING & TREATMENT EXPE~SES 210 215 220 230 235 240 255 260 270 215 280 SAL AR I ES ELECTRIC POwER GAS SERVICE CHE ~I C ALS ~AI~TENA~CE - EQUIP. MAINTE~A~CE - EUILOINGS ELECTRIC POWER-CALCINING PLANT GAS SERVICE - CALCINING PL~NT SUPPLIES - CALCINING PLANT ELECTRIC SERVICE - SLUDGE LINE MAINTE~A~CE-SLUDGE LINE SUB TOTAL 137.440 143.987 If6.050 1 b 0.850 47.841 62.709 fO.OOO 78.400 18.917 12.548 20.000 16.300 224.027 384.156 220.000 2aO.000 16.351 14.811 20.000 18.000 2.815 7.410 15.400 7.000 9.681 1.193 15.000 18.000 26.921 967 42.000 48.300 1.520 2.321 5.500 7.000 1.580 2.104 4.000 3.500 4.253 5.076 6.000 15.000 493.346 637.282 513.950 652.350 PUMP ING EXPE~SE S 310 315 320 330 335 340 SAL AR IE'S ELFCTR IC POWER GAS SERVICE BUILDING OPER~TING SUPPLIES ~AINTE~A~CE-ELEC EQUIP & PUMPS ~AINTENANCE-STATION BLOG & GAD SUB TOTAL 72.946 17.177 86.330 93.320 31.860 41.486 32.970 59.400 960 1 . 06 1 1.170 1.300 2.002 593 2.700 2.900 5.594 925 3.500 3.500 281 2.200 750 1.000 113.643 129.442 127.420 161.420 127 128 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS . BUDGET COMMENTS WATER AND SEWERA~E DEPARTMENT (contlnued) 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET This Department is self-supporting from user charges collected from its customers. monies are diverted to this Department. No tax * * * * * * The Department has 63 full-time employees, including: Softening and Treatment (#210) - Water Systems Superintendent, Laboratory Technician, Water Plant Operator (8), and Maintenance Worker; Pumping (#310) - Water Plant Supervisor, Lead Water Plant Operator, and Water Plant Operator (4); Distribution (#410) - Water Distribution Supervisor, Maintenance Worker (7), Lead Maintenance Worker, and Water Meter Repair Technician; Customer Accounting and Collection (#510) - Office Supervisor, Senior Clerk (2), Clerk (6), Principal Data Processing Equipment Operator, Data Processing Equipment Operator, Water Meter Readers (4), and Data Processing Programmer; Adminis- trative and General (#610) - Director of Utilities and City Engineer, and Principal Clerk; Sewage Treatment and Collection (#710) - Sewage Systems Superintendent, Laboratory Technician, Waste Water Superintendent, Sewage Maintenance Supervisor, Sewage Plant Operator (7), and Main- tenance Worker (7). Account #215 provides for electric power at 25% over 1980 actual usage. #255 provides for electric power to Calcining Plant. Calciner in 1982. We are anticipating full service of the Account #260 provides for gas service to Calcining Plant. the Calciner in 1982. We are anticipating full service of #275 provides for electric power to sludge lines at 25% over 1980 actual usage. #315 provides for electric power for pumps at 25% over actual usage. Account #330 provides for supplies such as lubricants and wearing apparel. #335 - Provides for parts and labor for pumps, motors and switch gears. is anticipated due to age of equipment. Higher maintanence Account #410 provides for four extra maintenance men over 1980 Budget; three transferred from #510 and one transferred from #210. #425 provides for equipment expenses, including three additional pickups transferred from #540. #430 - Anticipating a small recovery in tapping requests for new or replacement of services. CITY OF SALINA----- WATER £ SEWAGE BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 410 420 425 430 435 440 450 455 SALARIES METER MAINTENANCE-SUPPLIES VEHICLES - EQUIP EXPENSES TAPPING SUPPLIES ~AINTE~ANCE-DISTRIBUTION MAINS MAINTENANCE-STORAGE TANKS MAINTENANCE-HYDRANTS ~ISC REPAIRS.LABOR SUB TOTAL 94.414 82.401 123.200 143.810 3.601 6.401 5.200 7.000 12.336 12.763 18.000 24.000 12.443 5.070 13.000 9.000 21.861 22.442 18.000 20.900 683 2.325 3.800 3.800 5.803 1.905 5.500 6.000 0 94 2.000 1.000 151.141 133.401 188.700 215.510 CUSTOMER ACCT £ COLL EXPENSES 510 525 530 535 540 545 550 OFF ICE SALAR IE S COLLECTION ST~TIONS ~AINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIP. OFFICE SuPPLIES VEHICLE EXPENSES LEASE ELE D P EQUIP POSTAGE SUB TOT AL 155.967 165.405 147.270 186.460 1.804 I .894 2.000 2.100 1 .097 1 .567 2.000 2.500 8.243 9.983 7.200 8.000 8.461 10.720 4.000 4.000 15 . I 32 25.045 30.000 50.000 24.870 25.229 46.000 35.000 215.574 239.843 238.470 288.060 ADMINISTRATIVE-GENERAL EXPENSE 610 615 620 630 635 640 645 650 660 SAL AR I ES TELEPHONE EXPENSES OFF ICE S UPPL IE S SOCIAL SECURITY INSURANCE - BUILDINGS SALES TAX PROPERTY TAXES ACCOUNTS CHARGED OFF EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT 40.010 3.741 1 .474 41.918 24.438 1 .623 67.500 3.301 35 . 198 49.966 6.932 3. 192 56.886 25.494 1.742 70.250 2.600 51.549 53.480 5.200 1 .700 54.860 30.000 2.000 80.000 1.500 53.540 51..810 6.000 2.000 60.150 30.000 2.000 .:iO.OOO 2.000 58.070 129 130 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT (continued) 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET Account #440 provides for maintenance of all storage tanks either towers or underground. added one new tower. Have #450 provides for repair or replacement of damaged fire hydrants and additional major maintenance. Account #455 provides for street repairs after main breaks. #510 provides for water office personnel salaries in 1982. It has been increased to include one more Clerk for the water office to handle sanitation records and a Data Processing Programmer to assist in handling the increasing computer work. #530 provides for maintenance of office quipment, raised due to inflationary costs. Account #540 provides for maintenance of four meter reader vehicles and Director of Utilities monthly car allowance. Three maintenance workers vehicles were transferred to #425. #545 - Reflects the cost of the computer system for billing and posting payments. It also in- cludes the extra cost for bringing on the County; however, the County is to reimburse the Water Department for their portion in the #940 revenue account. #550 - This is an increase of 33 1/3% over 1980 actual postage. water bills and reminders. The bulk usage of this is for Account #625 (Special Engineering) has been deleted and included in Account #675. #645 provides for franchise payment of 3% of total revenue. I #666 provides for group insurance figured on the current rate with a 15% increase. I #675 - Includes armored car service, radio equipment, railroad right-of-way leases, Kansas Depart! ment of Health bateriological and chemical analysis, plus any special engineering expenses from #625. All contracts will now be under this account, including engineering or accounting studies. #685 - The Department pays 1/4 of the City's 27% for the operation and maintenance of the City- County - Board of Education Building. The water office's share to repair the roof is $10,500, payable over three years at $3,500 per year. Account #690 - Payment to General supported departments. #695 provides for expenses of the and APWA National Congress. Fund to cover costs of services performed by General Fund II Director of Utilities and City E:~eer for meetings~:minarS'J CITY OF SALINA----- WATER & SEWAGE BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1982 ACCT.# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL 1979 ACTUAL 1980 663 664 665 666 670 675 680 685 690 695 696 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LIABILITY INSURANCE WORKME~.S COMPENSATION GROUP INSURANCE AUDITING EXPENSES CONTRACTING SERVICES ORGANIZATIONAL DUES-MEMBERSHIP MAINTENANCE-GOVERNMENT CENTER SERVICES PERFORMED-OTHER DEPTS CAR MILEAGE & TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAINING PROGRAMS 2.103 17.071 11.752 32.159 8.129 2.545 926 12.488 25.626 1.174 0 858 8.626 11.934 40.B54 6.250 19.119 934 17.685 29.625 2.168 0 SUB TOTAL 333.182 407.864 SEwAGE TREATMENT-CaLL EXPENSE 710 115 720 125 730 735 140 745 750 760 765 OPERATING SALARIES ELECTRIC POWE~ GAS SERVICE PLANT OPERATING SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE-EQUIP. MAINTENANCE-8LOG & GROS MAINTENANCE-PUMPING STATIONS MAINTENANCE-SANITARY SEWER VEH ICLE EXPENSES Q'S TV EXPENSE S PUMP STATION MONITOR 200.513 92.820 12.304 1 .891 15.286 1 .989 14.121 4.436 25.413 541 3.760 220.802 112.270 10.391 1.925 12.544 2.260 25.231 5.832 35.061 346 4.378 SUB TOTAL 373.080 431.040 BOND ORD RES REQUIREMENTS 810 830 835 840 BONO PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS SINKING FUND EXPENSES ISSUANCE COSTS INTEREST EXPENSES 0 102.518 2.231 28 7 .8 1 7 1.000 112.421 2.231 277.864 131 SUB TOTAL 392.566 393.516 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST 3.500 18.500 14.000 47.670 6.500 54.200 800 18.000 33.000 1.500 1 .50 a 2.500 10.500 14.000 80.000 6.500 40.000 1.200 21.500 36.000 2.000 1.500 481.450 507.730 248.580 115.390 15.e10 2.000 20.000 3.150 18.000 7.000 33.000 1.000 4.860 261.400 146.000 13.500 2.200 20.000 3.250 20.000 8.500 36.000 2.000 5.600 468.790 518.450 1.000 1 13.00 a 0 280.000 1.000 126.000 2.300 278.000 394.000 407.300 132 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT (continued) 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET Account #696 provides for state schools required for water and sewer plant operators, seminars and schools for water office personnel and office supervisor. This includes tuition and mile- age if out of town. #710 - Cost of living plus merit increases. Account #715 provides for electric service for both treatment plans and 47 pump stations at 25% over 1980 actual usage. #730 provides for general maintenance and upkeep of all pumping and treatment equipment. Maintenance costs continue to rise as equipment gets older. #760 provides for all films, tapes and miscellaneous parts for TV equipment. heavier use of this equipment in 1982. We anticipate The line item identified as Capital Expenditure includes a variety of equipment, supplies and improvements for all divisions of the Water and Sewerage Department. Some of the major items include: 1 pickup to replace 1/2 ton 1968 Chevy, replacement of pneumatic dry chemical car unloader, replacement of Series J300 John Deere tractor and backhoe and front loader, replacement of five (5) chemical feeders in softening building, 1 IBM Computer Display Station, replace 1 obsolete Lektriever file, replace boiler, burner and gas scrubber for Sewage Plant No.1, and new distributer arms on second clairafier at Sewage Plant No.2. -:::=====. :-=:-:===:==--======-:::=::::::-:::.::::}.J CITY OF SALINA----- WATER & SEWAGE BUDGET REQUEST FOR ACCT.# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION SUB TOTAL CASH REMITTED TO SANITATION DEPT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT-BOND MONEY CAPITAL EXPENDITURES EXTENSION & BOND RETIREMENT RESERVE NET CASH TRANSFER TO OTHER CURRENT ASSETS DEPRECIATION & EMERGENCY RESERVE SALES TAX REMITTED CUSTOMER DEPOSIT REFUNDS TRANSFER TO RESERVE FOR RETIREMENT AND EXTENSION FUND GRAND TOTAL 133 ACTUAL 1979 2,108,211 471,000 695,139 60,332 0 16,912 18,551 0 0 ~ooo 3,570,145 ACTUAL 1980 2,428,959 490,000 489,947 49,197 770,359 14,714 0 0 0 Q 4,243,176 1982 BUDGET 1981 1982 BUDGET REQUEST 2,528,200 2,823,370 472,500 0 300,000 200,000 598,500 0 350,000 200,000 0 200,000 40,000 30,000 0 200,000 40,000 30,000 Q Q 3,770,700 4,241,870 ..;t 't') ... CITY OF SALINA----- WATER & SEWAGE REVENUE REQUEST FOR ACCT.H ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 910 915 920 930 940 950 970 980 990 WATER REVENUE SEWERAGE REVENUE MISCELLANEOUS INCOME FRONT FOOTAGE & TAPPING CHGS REIMBURSEMENT OF COMPUTER COST FIRE HYDRANT REVENUE SERVICE CHARGE-SANITATION DEPT E P A GRANTS INTEREST INCOME SUB TOTAL SANITATION FEES COLLECTED RESERVE FOR EXTENSION & BOND PROCEEDS FROM BOND ISSUES RESERVE FOR DEPRECIATION & EMERGENCY SALES TAX COLLECTED METER DEPOSIT ACTUAL 1979 1,528,903 640,383 20,843 23,704 0 0 6,346 35,000 77,777 2,332,956 471,000 RETIREMENT 0 695,139 0 0 Q GRAND TOTAL 3,499,095 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE & BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 135 1982 ACTUAL BUDGET 1982 BUDGET 1980 1981 REQUEST 1,778,839 2,025,000 2,450,000 642,223 680,000 700,000 6,459 10,000 10,000 13,910 14,000 15,000 0 0 30,000 3, 110 0 0 6,514 7,000 8,000 0 0 0 23,954 0 0 2,475,009 2,736,000 3,213,000 490,000 472,500 598,500 770,359 200,000 200,000 489,947 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 30.000 30.000 4,225,315 3,678,500 4,281,500 396,829 378,968 286,768 4.225.315 3.678.500 4.281.500 4,622,144 4,057,468 4,568,268 4.243.176 3.770.700 4.241.870 378,968 286,768 326,398 \0 f") .... 137 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION The Central Garage account is a "housekeeping" fund. All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment, except that of the Fire Department, is maintained by the Central Garage. This include repair work, gasoline and oil, tires and similar items and service. The various departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage or specialized service done by contract. Each individual budgetary unit has a line item for parts, labor and fuel. The full cost of operating the Central Garage, including fuel, parts, labor and overhead, is recovere from the various departments. * * * * * * Six full-time employees operate the Central Garage: Garage Supervisor, Senior Clerk, Garage Mechanic (3), and Laborer. Two part-time employees are utilized to operate the gas pumps. Total 1982 salaries for these personnnel amounts to $96,900. SUMMARY OF VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EXPENSES De2t. or Div. Dept. or Div. Municipal Court Engineering Fire Permit & Inspection Park Police Street Animal Shelter Traffic Cemetery General Improvement Flood Works $ 2,000 7,640 37,500 7,500 25,000 120,000 111,910 4,430 7,240 3,960 3,330 7,920 Sanitation Parking Meter Golf Course Solid Waste Disposal Bicentennial Center Water & Sewerage $ 72,610 7,500 12,000 51,100 7,000 64,000 Total Enterprise Funds $214,210 Total General Fund 338,430 GRAND TOTAL $552,640 Total General Fund $338,430 138 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET REVENUE SHARING FUND Revenue Sharing is the common name for the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amend This program was originally conceived as a method of sharing the progressive Federal income tax with state and local governments which traditionally have had to depend upon more regressive taxes. Its major goal is to disburse Federal monies with minimum restrictions on their use permitting the local decision-making process to determine the programs and activities where the money is most needed. The 1976 amendments to the original Act authorizes the expenditure of approximately 25.6 billion dollars to the nearly 39,000 eligible states, counties, cities, towns, townships, Indian tribes and Alaskan native villages. The Revenue Sharing extension was signed by the President in December of 1980 for three years, to September 30, 1983 for local governments. Revenue Sharing is I an "entitlement" program. This means that no application is necessary to receive the funds. Base upon data furnished by the Census Bureau and other sources, funds are distribured by the Federal Treasury to eligible govern~ents. A complex of data and formulas are used to determine the exact allocation to each government. Each government competes with all other eligible units for a portion of the total funds to be dis- tributed. Because of the complexity of the formula and the relative impact of the data upon the allocation, each government's share is computed simultaneously with all other eligible governments. Population, per capita income, local taxing efforts and intergovernmental transfers are the ele- ments that go into the allocation formula. . The proposed budget for Revenue Sharing is as detailed in the table on the following page. The proposed allocation is subject ot final determination by the City Commission. A public hearing was held on June 15, 1981, for public input on proposed uses. The estimated 1982 revenue is $421,030 and the cash carryover is $29,390. The $29,390 carryover is primarily caused by under spent budget allocations. I have proposed approximately $424,900 expenditures for Revenue Sharing in 1982. However, the federal government's distribution formula appears to be changing rapidly; therefore, I am proposing a reserve of $25,520. The two requests, totaling $5,500, are the only requests we have received. I feel the Kansas NationalGuard is a federal and state function and is not a local responsibility. The Kansas National Guard would like to fund meeting rooms at the Armory. As you know, the City already has numerous public meeting rooms, including three neighborhood centers which are provided precisely for meeting purposes. In 1979, the City funded Abused Wives $2,000 and in 1980 funded the Abused Women's Task Force in the amount of $18,000. Thus, the City has contributed $20,000 for abused women, which were the predecessor organizations to the Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas. I recommend the Commission approve this $5,000 request, with the understanding that the City's policy of not funding organizations for longer than three years apply. --- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REVENUE SHARING FUND 13TH ENTITLEMENT PERIOD ANTICIPATED ALLOTMENT AND CASH BALANCE ENGINEERING REPLACEMENT OF 1957 TRANSIT FIRE STATION RADIOS, PAGERS & ENCODING SYSTEM 5 KW EMERGENCY GENERATOR REPAIR ROOF STATION N2 10,900 15,000 ~OQ PARK REPLACEMENT OF PICKUP CAPITAL ITEMS 5,000 5~0(LQ POLICE INTOXILIZER INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT 4,300 7. OO~ STREET PORTABLE ALTERNATOR REPLACEMENT 1968 GMC TRUCK TRUCK MOUNTED SNOWPLOW REPLACEMENT 1970 STREET SWEEPER 1,600 11,000 2,000 41. O~Q ANIMAL SHELTER REPLACEMENT OF PICKUP DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMPUTER TERMINAL GOLF COURSE SELF PROPELLED HYDRAULIC FAIRWAY MOWER BICENTENNIAL CENTER APPROPRIATION DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION RESERVE TOTAL BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1982 2,100 34,900 55,000 11,300 55,600 8,000 3,000 25,000 225,000 5,000 25 L5_2Q 1982 ANNUAL BUDGET $450,420 45~~ 420 0 139 0 """ ....