Budget - 1981 I II 11 ìi II II .1 II 'j PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1981 CITY COMMISSION Mayor Dan S. Geis Commissioner Roy W. Allen Commissioner Keith G. Duckers Commissioner Karen M. Graves Commissioner Merle A. Hodges, M.D. City Manager Rufus L. Nye CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1981 I I I I i [I !I I I ANNUAL BUDGET .~ t. ............ \. \......./ " \. RESOLUTION NUMBER 80-3502 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET. WHEREAS, a Proposed Annual Budget for the fiscal year commencing January I, 1981, has been prepared by the City Manager, and WHEREAS, said Proposed Annual Budget has been prepared and presented to the City Commission in accordance with the Salina Code and State Laws, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has examined, studied and reviewed said Proposed Annual Budget, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and conducted so as to give interested citizens a reasonable opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has, after due consideration and delIberation, made such amendments and adjustments in the Proposed Annual Budget as they consider necessary, desirable or expedient, SO NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commi$sioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: Sect ion 1. That the Proposed Annual Budget, which is hereby incorporated by reference, is approved with the following specific amendments: a. Transfer additional $120,000 from Construction Fund to Account 701 in General Fund. Decrease tax supported expenditures $193,000 by reducing employee salaries approximately 5156,000 and the Employee Benefit Fund an estimated $37,000. This reduction is to be accomplished through normal attrition; no layoffs and will involve an estimated 12 positions. b. Section 2. That the Budget Appropriations, which are incorporated in the Proposed Annual Budget, are approved. Section 3. That the City Manager is authorized to record all interfund transfers as contained in said approved Annual Budget. Section 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to implement and to administer, within the budgetary funding limits and within adopted city pol icy and relevant State and City laws and regulations, said approved Annual Budget. Adopted by day of August, 1980. the Mayor this 4th (SEAL) ATTEST: - ¿J;¡) ~ Merle A. Hodges, Commissioner D. L. Harrison, City Clerk /, -" '. "- : '- " ( ". ORDINANCE NUMBER 80-8804 --.--.. (Published in The Salina Journal , 1980) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING, ADOPTING AND APPROPRIATING, BY FUND, THE BUDGET OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1981. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: Sect i on I. The proposed budget and financial statement as shown on standard state budget forms and subsequent to notice of hearing and public hearing is approved, adopted and appropriated, by fund, as the maximum amounts to be expended for the budget year starting January I, 1981; and Section 2. The Board of Commissioners certifies that the amounts shown to be raised by ad valorem property tax levies are within statutory or duly adopted charter ordinance I imitations. ~ Amount of Tax Levied Adopted Budget of Expenditures Funds - levies Subject to Tax Lid General $1,463,307 1,463,307 $4,737,000 4,737,000 Subtota I Funds - Levies Not Subject to Tax Lid Employee Benefits Fund Ut II i ty Fund Special Liabil ity 962,667 316,545 62,900 1,342,112 1,553,600 435,000 78,000 2,066,600 Subtota I Debt Service Funds - Not Subject to Tax Lid Bond and Interest 1,038,353 I ,038,353 $3,843,772 2,065,180 2,065,180 Subtotal TOTAL TAXES LEVIED Enterprise (Util ity) Funds Water and Sewerage Sanitation BIcentennial Center Sol id Waste Gol f Course Parking Meters 3,770,700 615,830" 590,000 187,450 122,830 105,080 5,391,890 Subtotal Intergovernmental Funds Revenue Shal" i ng Special Highway Fund Special Parks and Recreation Special Alcohol Program 375,000 375,000 35,540 35,540 821 .080 Subtotal TOTAL ADOPTED BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS $15,081.750 - ~L - ._~ .. . -- - - ., . ' ~ " \, ,- ._- - .- - '-- -- ,. "": ..--, \ I I --.- I I ,/ " Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: August 4, 1980 Passed: August 11, 1980 Q7.,.A:~c ~ (SEAL) ATTEST: ~~~:.- D. L. Harrison, City Clerk '" - / . - ./ /, /. " TABLE OF CONTENTS Page BUDGET MESSAGE TAX LEVY Tax Levy Tax Limit Computation II Assessed Valuation Computation III General Fund Revenue IV GENERAL FUND General Fund (Summary) City Commission 2 Office of the City Manager 4 Legal Department 6 8 City Clerk and Finance Department Municipal Court 10 Buildings Division 12 Engineering Department 14 Fire Department 16 Permit and Inspection Department 20 Park Department 22 Police Department 26 Street Division 30 Human Relations Department 32 34 Animal Shelter Swimming Pool Division 36 38 Traffic Division Administration and Planning Department 40 Contingencies Salina Arts Commission Cemetery Division General Improvement Division Public Health Industrial Development Fund Flood Works Division Neighborhood Centers Division SPECIAL FUNDS Special Funds (Summary) Employee Benefits Fund Utility Fund Bond and Interest Fund Special Liability Expense Fund Special Parks and Recreation Fund Special Alcohol Programs Fund ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds (Summary) Sanitation Division Parking Meter Division Golf Course Special Gasoline Tax Solid Waste Disposal Bicentennial Center Water and Sewerage OTHER FUNDS Central Garage Division Revenue Sharing Fund 42 44 46 48 50 50 52 54 57 58 60 62 64 66 68 71 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 105 107 ,'~ * ,'~ THE BUDGETARY PROCESS The Annual Budget for the City of Salina ia a one year plan for financing the operation and programs of the city government. The most significant elements in the budgetary process are: 1. The city code requires the City Manager to prepare and present to the City Commission a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year. It is the responsibil ity of the City Commission, based upon the City Manager's proposed budget, to del iberate upon and to adopt an annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. The City's fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. 2. The City Commission approves the annual budget by city ordinance which authorizes the City Manager to proceed with the budget based upon the ordinance. Also, the Commission must adopt the annual tax levy which establishes city taxes for the coming year. The tax levy must be filed and certified to the Saline County Clerk by August 25th of each year. It is characteristic of governmental accounting that the many and diverse activities of the city government are financed from a number of separate sources. This is the result of legal restrictions placed upon the use of publ ic monies by State and local laws which, in essence, require that funds raised for one purpose cannot be used for another. The General Fund is the primary and parent revenue fund of the City and it provides monies for the operation and financing of most governmental programs. The Enterprise Funds include revenues received from users of the sanitation, parking meter, golf course, special gasoline, solid waste, and water and sewerage operations and does not include tax funds. Other special funds of the city, such as special assessment and debt service funds, are used for specific purposes detailed in law. Many of these relate to the repayment of debt obligations of the city. The annual budget translates the city's municipal services into accounting terminology. Appropriations are divided into funds, departments, and divisions. These broad function and operation areas are further subdivided into personal services, contractual services, materials and supplies, sundry expenditures, and capital outlay. The City of Salina operates on what is commonly called a '!line item'! budget; however, the emphasis in the budgetary process is to analyze each program by its impact upon the citizens of the city. Once adopted, the annual budget serves as the work program for the city government for the forthcoming year. It also serves as a tool for evaluating the continuity of city programs and services as well as a continual measurement of organization and efficiency. July 3,1980 The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City of Salina 300 W. Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Mayor Geis and Commissioners: In accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1014 and Sec. 2-77(6) of the Salina Code, I am pleased to submit the Proposed 1981 Annual Budget. In addition to the General Fund, budgets for the Enterprise Funds and Special Funds are included. Public presentation on the proposed budget is scheduled for July 14, 1980, a regular Commission meeting, with a subsequent hearing at the regular Commission meeting on August 4,1980. Once you approve a proposed budget for publica- tion, which you should do on July 14, it can be reduced, but it may not be increased. Kansas law requires the City Commission to certify the new budget and the revenue required to be raised from property taxes to the County Clerk. The deadline for certification is Monday, August 25, 1980. Preparation of the annual operating budget provides the City staff the opportunity to review critically existing programs and services. This review allows comparisons of the value and priority of each operation with new or improved levels of service. Comments on each of the budget activities are included in the following sections of the budget message and on the pages of each individual activity account. Goals Used to Formulate Proposed 1981 Annual Budget Almost all of the economic experts now agree that the country is in a recession. Not only is the country in an economic recession, but the value and role of government at all levels is being questioned and a developing concensus that governments should playa decreasing part in our society is emerging. In light of these factors, 1981 is not the appropriate time to advance any new programs or services; rather, it is a time to solidify and to re-evaluate what we have. Within those general perimeters, the Proposed 1981 Annual Budget has been prepared with the following objectives: The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Two 1. to continue to provide an adequate level of servicesand programs in the basic municipal functions of general government, public safety, utilities and general services. 2. to upgrade the Police, Fire, and Emergency Preparedness services. 3. to attempt to contain the inflationary pressures on the cost of goods and services purchased by the City. 4. to adjust employee compensation to partially keep pace with in- flation. The Budget in Brief The proposed 1981 Annual Budget is balanced between revenues and expenditures. The total expenditure level for all City funds and activities for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1981, and ending December 31, 1981, is proposed at $14,769,480. These are divided as follows: TABLE I Proposed Expenditures - All Funds FY1981 Fund Proposed Budget General Enterprise Special Revenue Sharing Less Interfund Transfers $ 4,893,000 5,766,890 4,239,860 375,000 505,270 ) Total $14,769,480 The proposed 1981 Annual Budget for all City programs and activities is $1,003,180 greater than the Adjusted 1980 Annual Budget of $13,766,300. This is a 7.3% increase in expenditures. Of the City's nearly $14.8 million budget, $4,156,772 or 28.1% will be financed from taxes on real and personal property. The FY1980 property tax levy of $4,027,494 was $129,278 or 3.2% less than the recommended 1981 levy of $4,156,772. Preliminary assessed valuation for FY1981 is $97,437,930. This is a decrease of $11,290,049 or 10.4% from the $108,727,979 actual assessed valuation for FYl980. The decrease in assessed valuation is caused primarily by a change in the state law governing assess- ment of automibles and light trucks. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Three Based upon total property assessed valuation of $97,437,930, the FY198l City's property tax mill rate will be 42.66 mills per each $1,000 of assessed valuation. This is an increase of 4.39 mills or 11.5% over the FY1980 tax rate of 38.27 mills. It is estimated that the average residential property in Salina is assessed at $3,000. Based on that data, the average property tax bill for City purposes in FY198l will increase by $13.17. The impact upon any specific property will depend upon that property's assessed valuation and the average increase in no way is indicative of the taxes to be paid by any specific property. Revenue and Assessed Valuation The 1979 State Legislature significantly altered the procedures and standards for assessing certain motor vehicles. Beginning in FY198l, automobiles and trucks with gross vehicle weight of less than 12,000 pounds, will be stricken from the property assessment rolls. They will be placed in a special motor vehicle tax category. Vehicle owners must pay their motor vehicle tax at the time they receive their vehicle tags. The theory is that this will reduce lost revenue from personal property assessments based on automobiles and light trucks. The money will be received each month and forwarded by the County Treasurer to the City. This change will have significant impact on City revenues from this source. In FY1980, valuation from these motor vehicles for the City was approximately $13,240,000. Furthermore, the assessed valuation for these classes of vehicles has grown at about an approximate 10% rate per year. Not only did the 1979 law remove automobiles and light trucks from the property assessment rolls, but it also modified the technical method for determining valuations. Also, the mill rate applied to the valuation is the weighted County average mill rate and not that of the City. The Saline County Treasurer estimates that the City will receive about $460,000 in FY198l from this revenue source. The $460,000 in receipts are budgeted as "vehicle tax" and are apportioned among the various tax supported funds in the same ratio as are ad valorem taxes. Based upon an assessed valuation of $13,240,000, the-normal 10% annual growth in that valuation and the FY1980 City tax rate of 38.27 mills, automobiles and light trucks would provide approximately $557,000 in tax revenues, if the law had not been changed. Thus, the net result of the state legislature modification is to reduce tax revenues to the City by about $97,000. In FY1980, the City will receive nearly 18 months revenue from the special 10% liquor tax authorized by the 1979 State Legislature. That act took effect July 1, 1979. In FY1981, the City will receive only 12 months revenue and the revenue level has not been as high as projected by the State Department of Revenue. The net result is that the General Fund will experience a $70,000 reduction in revenues from that source. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Four On the positive side, Municipal Court fines, including r1unicipal Court costs, authorized by Charter Ordinance #18, will grow by about $160,000 in 1981. In addition, the City Commission authorized a more aggressive idle cash investment policy on April 28,1980. That policy will result in an estimated $110,000 in investment income for the General Fund for FY1981, as compared with FY1980. This will be achieved despite declining interest rates through better cash man- agement practices and more aggressive investment policies. Other than the adjustments mentioned above, revenue source adjustments will be minimal during FY1981. Analysis of Tax Supported Funds Property taxes are utilized, in part, to support the City's General Fund, Employee Benefits Fund, Utility Fund, Bond and Interest Fund, and Special Liability Fund. The total expenditure for these funds in 1980 are projected to be $8,169,500. The 1981 Proposed Annual Budget anticipates an expenditure level of $9,061,780. This is an increase of $892,280 or 10.9% over the prior year. Property taxes will provide $4,156,772 or 46% of the revenue to support these funds in 1981. Table II details the expenditure comparison for these funds. TABLE II Expenditures Tax Supported Funds 1980 - 1981 Fund 1980 1981 Difference Percent General $4,461,090 $4,893,000 $431,910 9.7 Employee Benefits 1,410,260 1,590,600 180,340 12.8 Utility 402,450 435,000 32,550 8.1 Bond and Interest 1,809,700 2,065,180 255,450 14.1 Special 76,000 78,000 2,000 2.6 Totals $8,159,500 $9,061,780 $902,280 11.1% Table III shows the difference in changes in property tax levies from FY1980 to FY1981. TABLE III Tax Levy Comparison 1980 - 1981 Fund 1980 1981 Difference Percent General $1,816,752 $1,739,307 ($ 77,445) (4.3) Employee Benefits 752,510 999,667 247,157 32.8 Utility 398,530 316,545 (81,985) (20.6) Bond and Interest 999,702 1,038,353 38,651 3.9 Special 60,000 62,900 2,900 4.8 Totals $4,027,494 $4,156,772 $129,278 3.2% The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Five The tax levy for the General Fund shows a decrease of $77,445, pri- marily because of State Legislature mandated handling of assessed valuation for automobiles and light trucks. If that mandate had not occurred, the General Fund would have an ad valorem tax levy increase of $284,445 or 1.6%. The increase in the Employee Benefits Fund is caused by a reduction in the cash balance. The January 1, 1980 cash balance was $222,923. The January 1, 1981 cash balance is estimated at $27,563. The tax levy of $247,157 exceeds the budget increase of approximately $180,000 because of the $195,360 reduction in the cash balance. Federal and state mandated contributions to the Social Security System, the Kansas Police and Firemen's Fund, and the Kansas Public Employee's Retirement System cause increase in this fund. The Bond and Interest budget, as noted previously in Table II, is increased about $255,480. Of the total increase, about $186,000 are special assessment payments received from property owners for special assessment projects, principally curb, gutter, and paving, installed at the request of either the subdivider or property owner. The other $70,000 in increased expenditures is to cover principal and interest payments on bonds. Personnel The 1981 Annual Budget provides for 351 full-time City employees. This is 40 employees less than the 391 budgeted for the current fiscal year. This 10% reduction in personnel covers all City pro- grams and activities, except for the very small departments. The percentage reductions of staff ranges from 40% in the Planning De- partment and 33% in the Office of the City Manager, to less than 3% in the Police and Fire Departments. These positions were reduced through attrition or, in the case of 13 employees, a layoff in early April, 1980. None of those 40 positions are budgeted in the 1981 Budget. In order to continue to provide a quality and quantity of municipal services with a smaller work force will require a greater effort on the part of the remaining staff, greater operating efficiency, and wiser use of the resources at hand. These operational changes will be seen and unseen. It is our objective to continue the present level of service within the manpower and resources available. Some of the modifications will require Commission action. I will recommend that the monthly water billing cycle be changed to every other month. I will suggest that the City adopt a poly-cart trash collection system. There will be a greater use of part-time person- nel. Part-time personnel can be utilized when needed, reducing re- tirement, vacation, and other related expenses. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Six This budget proposes that the City's pay plan be increased by 10%. Depending upon individual circumstances and their relative position upon the City's merit pay plan, some employees will receive more than 10%. This budget proposes that the City assume an additional $25.00 per month for family hospitalization and medical insurance. This will raise the City's contribution to $50.00 per month. There are no other employee benefit adjustments contrined in this Budget. With the Consumer Price Index, the most widely and commonly accepted indicator of inflation, at an annual growth rate of more than 14.7% for the year from April 1979 to 1980, it is apparent that real buying power of most City employees is not growing. The City's present practice is to pay every other Thursday, 26 times a year. Because of this, the City has continuing payroll and bud- getary problems at year's end; 26 pay periods do not divide equally into 365 days. Therefore, effective January 1, 1981, the City will pay twice monthly, on approximately the 5th and 20th of the month; thus, employees will receive 24 pay checks rather than the present 26. Public Safety One of the major pressing needs of the City is to upgrade the public safety protection system. This budget contains some steps in that direction. The City's public safety protection services are central- ized in the Police, Fire, and Emergency Preparedness Departments. $45,000 is requested from Revenue Sharing for the Police Department to implement a computer based records system. The records of the Police Department are very voluminous and difficult to handle. The computer equipment and technical assistance is available to make the Police records more accessible, manageable, and up-to-date, while at the same time protecting the privacy rights of individuals. The exact plans and details have not been finalized as of budget time, but will be decided during the coming year. As is well known, Kansas is in a "tornado belt" and Salina is subject to tornadoes. One of the most effective warning systems is the siren system which is located throughout the City in strategic points. It has been the Emergency Preparedness' goal to update the entire system to provide modern, effective sirens which will give adequate warning. This budget proposes that 3 sirens be located at Fire Station #2, Heusner School, and the intersection of Schilling and Centennial Roads. These will be financed by the City and the federal government. The Fire Department should begin to modernize the City's firefighting equipment. The major pieces of firefighting equipment include 4 fire pumpers and 2 ladder trucks. The last pieces were purchased in 1973. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Seven The 1973 equipment, a 1250 GPM and a ladder truck, are adequate. The other 3 pumpers and one ladder truck are marginal at best. For example, during 1980, the 3 older pumpers and ladder truck were unable to pass their rated pumping test. K.S.A. 12-110 permits cities to issue General Obligation bonds to purchase firefighting equipment. I will propose that the City utilize that statute and during 1981, to purchase at least two fire pumpers. The principal and interest on the proposed bond would not be due until 1982, and therefore, are not included in this budget. Enterprise Funds The City has 3 major self-supporting funds: water, sewer, and sani- tation. There have not been rate increases in those funds for at least two years and during this fiscal year, 1980, I will recommend to you that the rates for all of those services be increased. The rate studies have not been finalized; but we are at a stage to have a tentative feel for the scope and nature of those increases. Wilson and Company is currently preparing a comprehensive rate analysis for the water and sewer utilities. Although that report is not yet completed, it will recommend a significant rate increase of probably 30% to 40%. That increase will probably have to be instituted in several steps over the next few years. I will recommend that both landfill charges and residential refuse collection charges be increased. A tentative recommendation is that the residential refuse collection charge be raised $1.00 per month, from $3.75 to $4.75 and landfill charges be increased an average 30%. That $1.00 monthly charge will permit the City the option of continuing the refuse collection in the present manner or instituting a "poly-cart" or similar collection system. The poly-cart is an 80-gallon wheeled container that would be owned by the City. It would be kept at the customer's home and rolled to the street on collection day. That program should help to improve the City's appearance, reduce job injuries to personnel, and to allow a 3 to 5 person reduction in Sanitation staff. A more detailed recommendation will be forthcoming on this matter. It is important to keep in mind that none of these funds receive property taxes; they are self-supporting businesses and should be operated in the same manner as any private business. It is essential to maintain the financial health of these activities, not only from an operational perspectiv~ but to permit financing of major capital equipment. The water system in particular needs major capital im- provements. These improvements will probably require the City to enter the bond market and the City has previously been warned by bond rating houses of the extremely narrow financial viability of the water and sewerage utility. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Eight Revenue Sharing Revenue Sharing is the great unknown for the 1981 Budget. It has not yet been authorized by the U. S. Congress, but all of the people "in the know" feel certain that Revenue Sharing will be continued. The present program expires September 30, 1980. Apparently the Con- gress will renew Revenue Sharing as a three-year program in the same level of funding for local governments and the same distribution formula. Based upon these factors, I have recommended a budget of $375,000 for Revenue Sharing. I propose that $250,000 be used to fund the Bicentennial Center; and $10,000 for Abused Children. The remaining $115,000 will be utilized for a series of capital equipment items and other operating needs of various City departments. The Department of Human Resources, consisting primarily of the three Neighborhood Centers, have, in the past, been financed out of Revenue Sharing. The Director's salary and minor operating costs and utility costs for the Centers have been paid from either the General Fund or the Utility Fund. I recommend that the entire Neighborhood Center operation be financed as a division of the Department of Community Services from the General Fund. This provides the Neighborhood Centers with a permanent source of funding. Acknowledgements The 1981 Annual Budget document is the result of the work of many staff members. All the City department and division heads have been particularly helpful and cooperative during the preparation of the Budget. Special recognition is due to Bill Harris, Assistant City Manager, for his help and guidance in all areas; and to Don Harrison, City Clerk and Director of Finance, who prepared the statistical tables. My thanks go to Becky Hall, Secretary to the City Manager; and to Jackie Shiever, Secretary to the City Clerk, who shepherded the whole process and corrected the errors and oversights of the rest of us. For all of these faithful staff members, I am most thankful and express my profound appreciation. I present the Proposed 1981 Annual Budget for your critical review, careful consideration and adoption as you determine to be in the best interests of the City of Salina and all of its citizens. Rufus L. Nye City Manager RLN:bh 1980 TAX LEVY FOR 1981 BUDGET 1980 Levy Total Taxes 1979 Net Ad Valorem Ad Valorem Per Tax Funds Tax Dollars Levy Mills $100.00 Levy General $1 ,739,307 17.8500 1.7850 17.2621 Employee Benefits 999,667 10.2595 1.0260 7.1508 Ut i 1 i ty 316,545 3.2487 0.3249 3.7871 Bond and Interest 1,038,353 10.6563 1.0656 9.4998 Special Liability 62,900 0.6455 0.0645 0.5702 TOTAL $4,156,772 42.6600 4.2660 38.2700 City of Salina, Kansas, Estimated Tangible Valuation for fiscal year 1981-$ 97,437,930 City of Salina, Kansas, Actual Tangible Valuation for fiscal year 1980 - 108,727,979 Decline -$ (11,290,049) I State of Kansas Budget Form C COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAZ !.EVY LL"!ITATION Check Base Year Used: (Taxes levied in 1968 for budget year 1969) (Taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970) 1969--L- 1970- 1. Total tangible taxes levied for the Base Year for purposes included within the Aggregate Limitation .1,175,634 2. Assessed tangible valuation for the Base Year. . . . . . 3. Tax Levy Rate of the Base Year (Line 1 divided by Line 2). . 1.8745% 4. Net Change from Base Year of Personal Property - from Line 10, WS #1 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate - from Line 8, WS H2 . 6. Total Assessed Tangible Valuation (Line 2 + 4 + 5). . . . . . 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for Budget Year 1981 (Line 3 x Line 6) Amount of Adjustments of Aggregate Limitation: 8. Territory added: Line 7 x 3.535% c from Line 5, WS H3 9. Territory excluded: Line 1 x :r. c ( from Line la, ws H3 10. New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. Amount determined by the County Clerk. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Increase authorized by election -- years, voted , 19_;firstlevyyear19_................ 12. Increase authorized by Board of T~~ Appeals Order No. for -- years; first levy year 19_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 14. Functions transferred: In ........................... Out........................ ....... (Amount levied for any function or service in the year preceding the transfer.) 15. Estimated amount of Motor Vehicle Taxes which will be apportioned to those funds within the Aggregate Limitation in 1981 - from Line 7, WS 15 . . . 16. Total (Lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 - 14 - 15) . . . . . . . 17. Total Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for Budget Year 1980 . .2,079,179 18. Estimated amount of Motor Vehicle Taxes which will be apportioned to those funds within the Aggregate Limitation in 1981 - from Line 7, WS 15 . '. . . . . (207,695 19. Total (Lines 17 - 18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. TOTAL AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1980. . . . . . . . . (Use the larger Total amount, Line 16 or 19.) 62,717,142 30,648,263 19,212,306 112,577,711 2,110,269 74,598 NA NA NA NA NA NA 207,695) 1 .977.172 1,871,484 1,977,172 II State of Kansas Budget Fo= C 1 WORKSHEETS wS 11 - Net cha~~e from Base Year of Personal Propertv I 1 Real I Estate 1. 1980 Est. àsses. Valuation. ..1 1, 72,7 0 2. Taxable Valuation of all Motor Vehicles subject to K.S.A. 1979 Supp. 79-5101 . . 3. Adjusted Equalized ~~sessed Tangible Valuation of Personal Property for 1980 (Linel+2)......... 4. Base Year 19M. Assessed Val. .1 5. Increase. . . . . . . . 6. Adjust~ent for Territory: Added..... 7. Excluded 8. 9. 10. 6 WS 114) 7 WS ;14) . . . . . Subtotal (Lines 5 - 6 + 7) . .. ..... Add State Assessed. . . . . . . . . . . . NET C~~iGE :RC~ 3ASE YEAR OF PERSONAL PROP. (Lines 8 + 9) (personal Property, Lines 3 - 4); (State Assessment, Lines 1 - 4) 4, 106, 108 30,648,263 * WS #2 - Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate 1. . . *19691 273,970 1197311,504,930 119771 2,468,560 I 2... 197011,202,636 1197411,264,280 119781 2,896,650 I 3. .. 19711 651,110 119751 1,745,050 11979/ 2,445,940 I 4. .. 19721 881,590 119761 2,021,710 119801 1.855,880 1 5. Subtotal (Add all amounts for 1969thru 1980)1 19,212,306 , 6. Adjustment for Territory: Added. . I ( -0- ) 1 (Line 6, WS 1)4) 7. Excluded. . . . . I -0- 1 (Line 7. WS #4) 8. INCREASE BY NEW IMPROVEMENTS ON REAL ESTATE I 19.212,306 I (Lines 5 - 6 + 7) * Don't fill in if 1970 is the Base Year - (taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970) WS #3 - Computation of Percenta~e of Ad1ustment 1. Val. of Territory Added (Line 6. 1o'.S 114). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1980 Est. Asses. Valuation (Line 1, \.is Ill) . . . . . . 97,437,930, 3. Val. of Territory Added (Line 6, WS 114). . . . . . (3,326,410) 4. Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (Line 2 - 3) . . . . . . .. 94,111,520 5. PERCENTAGE OF ADJUSTMENT for Territory Added (Line 1 divided by Line 4) a 3.535 % 3,326,410 + 6. Val. of Territory Excluded (Line 7, WS 84) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 1980 Est. Asses. Valuation (Line 1, WS Ql) . . . . . . . . -0- 8. Val. of Territory Excluded (Line 7, WS Q4) . . . . . . . . -0- 9. Total Valuation including Territory Excluded (Lines 7 + 8) . . . . . . 10. PERCENTAGE OF ADJUSTMENT for Territory Excluded (Line 6 divided by Line 9)- -0- + -0- -0- % WS #4 - Assessed Tan~ible Valuation of Territory Added (Excluded) since the Base Year I 1 I I I 132,345 1 31,435 I I 163,780 I I State Assessed Total Tangible Valuation I I ,026,280 I 35 , 950 I 200,655 I 2,043,855 I 19,670 f 3,326,410 I ¡New Improve-I 1 ments on I Real Estate I I I I I I I 1 I I I , I I I 1....I~nli 2. . . .1 ';¡76 & 3. . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . 5. . . . . . . 6. . 7. . . W5 115 1981 Motor Vehicle Taxes Revenue Estimates for Funds under the A~~re~ate Tax LeVY Limitation Fund Amount 207,695 Fund Amount 1. . . . 2. . . . 3. . . . 4. . . . S. . . . 6. . . . 7. Total General (Add all amounts.) 207.695 III Acct. No. 110 111 120 130 140 150 170 180 205 210 215 230 240 260 311 313 315 321 323 325 327 333 334 335 338 339 341 342 343 345 347 349 350 351 353 355 357 359 361 363 365 367 369 371 373 FUND General DEPARTt1ENT SUMMARY OF REVENUE Description 1978 Actual 1979 Actual DIVISION 1980 Budget FUND NO. 1981 Manager Commission $1,860,229 $1,689,972 $1,816,752 $1,739,307 -0- 90,514 -0- -0- 337,445 370,595 347,000 400,000 23,934 31,227 27,700 30,000 1,343 1,088 600 1,000 8,060 9,176 9,300 10,400 -0- 7,161 -0- 7,200 -0- -0- -0- 207,700 -0- 118,519 128,460 138,000 77,736 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 70,000 35,540 33,263 -0- -0- -0- 150,108 169,255 186,420 199,780 2,935 3,090 3,000 3,100 14,330 13,953 15,000 15,000 10,250 10,550 11,000 11,000 1 ,250 1 ,250 2,500 1 ,250 2,871 3,069 3,000 3,200 982 -0- 600 100 Current Tangible Taxes Current Tangible Taxes - AlA Current Intangible Taxes Delinquent Tangible Taxes Delinquent Intangible Taxes Bingo Gross Receipts Auto Dealers Tax Stamps Vehicle Tax State Shared Taxes State Cigarette Tax City Li quor Tax State Liquor Enforcement Tax State Sales Tax Highway Maintenance Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses Retail Liquor Licenses Wholesale Liquor Licenses Amusement Device - Pinball & Etc Entertainment Licenses Circus, Carnival & Tent Show . Licenses Dances - Public Music Machine Licenses Miniature Pool Table & Shuffleboard Licenses Pool Hall & Bowling Alley Lic. Skating Rink Licenses Theatre & Opera House Licenses Auctioneer & Auction Sale Lic. Liquidation Sale Licenses Billboard Advertising Licenses Concrete Construction Licenses Electrician Licenses Mobile Home Craftsman Licenses Mechanical Contractor Licenses Gas Fitter Licenses Tree Trimming & Treating Lic. Private Club Licenses Junk Dealers, Auto & Parts Lic. Pawnbroker Licenses Plumber Licenses Taxicab Licenses Taxicab Drivers Licenses Street Advertising Licenses Elevator Contractor Licenses Mobile Home Court Licenses Truck & Transfer Licenses CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 792 1,180 1,160 4,422 793 66 798 1,195 200 298 1,000 2,536 394 -0- 828 287 2,250 1,000 100 2,728 220 211 80 70 2,464 40 IV 314 554 1,040 3,762 793 66 931 1,356 1,600 234 1,035 2,490 392 -0- 831 323 3,300 1,000 190 2,261 317 248 64 70 2,480 -0- 600 1,100 1,200 4,600 800 70 950 1,100 400 300 1,100 2,600 400 -0- 850 350 2,500 1,000 100 3,100 250 200 60 70 2,700 40 1981 300 600 1,200 4,600 800 70 700 1,100 400 300 1,100 2,500 400 2,100 850 350 3,500 1,000 100 3,100 340 200 60 110 2,700 40 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTt1ENT DIVISION FUND NO. General SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission 375 Vendor, Peddler & Itinerant Canvasser -0- 26 100 100 377 Refuse Hauler Licenses 1,729 1,209 1,500 1,500 379 Concrete Construction Permits 819 732 1,000 800 381 Building & Inspection Fees 58,148 55,258 110,000 90,000 383 House Moving Permits 720 1,105 800 800 391 Food Permits 2,653 2,309 2,700 2,500 393 Bail Bondsman Licenses 105 100 100 100 395 Merchant Police Licenses 464 431 500 650 399 Dog Licenses 6,577 5,741 6,500 6,500 410 Municipal Court Fines 262, 120 299,821 255,240 414,000 440 Franchise Taxes 582,374 619,635 746,500 691 ,500 508 Income from Leased Land 188 163 200 200 511 Office Space Rental 3,330 3,300 3,330 3,330 512 Auditorium Rental 490 325 -0- -0- 513 Rent - Community Theatre 850 790 850 850 514 Rent - Tables & Chairs 519 50 -0- -0- 522 Concessions - Oakdale Park -0- 37 50 50 523 Concessions - Swimming Pools 144 89 150 100 524 Rent Lakewood Park 3,775 3,835 3,600 5,000 610 Interest from Investments 34,708 56,285 40,000 150,000 701 Engineering Fees 20,000 40,072 60,000 80,000 702. Impounding Fees 4,953 6,857 5,500 6,000 703 Removal and Burial Fees 7,738 7,815 8,000 12,500 704 Grave Marker Permits 645 839 700 700 705 Title Transfer Fees 90 150 150 150 709 Admissions - Swimming Pools 9,078 9,352 10,000 13,000 711 Administrative Service - Other Departments 32,751 34,253 41 ,000 39,680 712 Fire Protection Outside City Limits 126,540 53,816 45,000 55,000 713 Street Cut Repairs 8,234 9,286 9,000 9,000 719 Weed Cutting Services 4,265 4,742 4,510 7,000 720 Plats and Rezoning Fees 3,495 3,545 4,100 4,000 721 Sale of Commodities 5,620 6,020 5,500 6,000 723 Sale of Books 466 416 550 550 725 Sale of Salvage 494 41 500 200 727 Sale of Lots 3,330 3,355 4,000 9,000 731 Miscellaneous Sales & Service 2,358 3,458 3,100 3,500 732 Miscellaneous Services - County 410 499 500 500 810 Sale of Real Estate 600 4, 175 500 -0- 917 Public Address System 105 15 -0- -0- 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 15,469 11,047 17,000 17,000 957 Transfer from Other Funds 160,000 180,000 250,000 215,540 Grand Total $3,916,202 $3.976,064 $4,290,502 $4,678,397 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS V 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. FUND General DEPARTt1ENT SUMMARY OF REVENUE Description 1978 Actual Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Estimated Revenue Unencumbered Cash Balance and Revenue Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS VI 1979 Actual DIVISION FUND NO. 1980 Budget 1981 Manager Commission $ 342,293 $ 214,603 4,185,400 4,678,397 4,527,693 4,893,000 4,313,090 4,893,000 $ 214,603 $ -0- /981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT General DIVISION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. No. Description 1978 Actual City Commission Office of City Manager City Clerk & Finance Legal Municipal Court Buildings Engineering Fire Permit & Inspection Park Pol ice Street Human Relations Street Lighting Animal Shelter Traff i c Swimming Pools Administration & Planning Insurance & Contingencies Arts Commission Cemetery General Improvement Memor i a 1 Ha 11 Publ ic Health Industrial Development Noxious Weeds Tree Maintenance Flood Works Human Resources Neighborhood Centers 70,576 67,023 132,970 32,037 42,284 92,785 153,004 827,704 80,910 204,957 1 ,079,258 394,832 28,875 170,015 -0- 7l ,162 31 ,500 104,815 137,914 19,000 37,411 47,679 22,565 29,380 20,860 14,601 9,780 39,331 -0- -0- 1979 Actual 82,816 D 62,078 141,798 38,549 47,888 86,179 134,023 870,946 87,087 206,082 1,121,207 400,564 30,828 -0- -0- 58,342 33,366 106,135 228,791 14,215 37,923 47,266 -0- 34,000 14,911 18,421 11,348 40,480 -0- -0- 1980 Budget 53,170 D 77 ,640 171,230 37,630 47,840 87,930 152,250 1,056,530 96,170 269,780 1 ,304,490 485,860 34,400 -0- -0- 65,290 29,960 127,080 31,300 45,210 40,370 55,100 -0- 100,000 20,000 -0- -0- 45,000 26,860 -0- FUND NO. 1981 Manager Commission 171,830 66,330 182,420 40,800 57,820 103,950 137,740 1 , 199,810 90,500 289,510 1 ,396,260 490,460 39,810 -0- 54,150 64,7l 0 36,400 111,960 70,300 55,430 52,450 48,870 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 50,840 -0- 80,650 Grand Total $3,963,228 $3,955,243 $4,461,090 $4,893,000 CITY OF SALINA J KANSAS 1 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS CITY COMM I SS ION As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the legislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances, resolutions, and other actions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brought before the Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advisory commissions, administrative staff persons or residents of the community. The City Commission exercises budgetary control through the adoption of an Annual Budget. The Commission also makes appointments to various boards, authorities, and commissions. The five member Commission is elected at large on a nonpartisan basis. Three Commissioners are elected every two years. The two candidates receiving the most votes each receive four-year terms. The third member is elected to a two-year term. Information in support of regular City Commission meeting agendas is prepared by administrative staff and are available to citizens and the news media. The City Commission meets at 4:00 P.M. the first, second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 200 of the City - County - Board of Education Building. Items for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted in writing to the City Manager by noon of the Thursday preceeding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public except at those times when the Commission re- cesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose. ;~ ;'~ * * ;~ ;'~ #207 provides for attendance of Commissioners at professional meetings such as the National League of Cities Congress; the U. S. Conference of Mayors; and various Kansas League of Municipality meetings. #211 - In past years, the City's share of the Emergency Preparedness Fund, which is approximately 25% of the total budget, has been included in the City Commission budget. Another 25% comes from Sal ine County and the remaining 50% from the State. Beginning in 1981, along with Emer- gency Preparedness, the City's portion for operation of the City - County Health Department has been included in this account. Sal ine County contributes alike amount, with the balance of revenue coming from fees, grants, contracts, interest, and year end cash balance. The industrial development appropriation has previously been carried in a separate fund. The purpose of this item is to assist the Joint Economic Council of the Chamber of Commerce in industrial promotion. The intent is to provide employment for Sal ina residents and to broaden the tax base. It is recommended that the $500 which in the past has been budgeted for the National Guard be discontinued along with the$120 which went to the Amerization Center since that organization is no longer in operation. The Arts Commission was previously budgeted in this account. A separate account has been establ ished for it in 1981. The increase in Account #298 reflects work which is underway and will be completed in 1981 involving a complete review and update of our Code Book. This will result in many chapters and sections of the book having to be reproduced. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 2 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS CITY COMMISSION (continued) The reduction in Account #299 reflects the recommendation to discontinue the Annual Report. For several years it was published in a calendar form and last year in tabloid form. Either way, it involves a great deal of time. With the reduction in office staff, we feel that this is an ite~while desirable, is certainly not essential. The recommendation is also based on the fact the local news media keeps the publ ic well informed on a day-to-day and week-to- week basis on activities of the municipal operation. #435 includes membership for the City in the North Central Regional Planning Commission, the National League of Cities, the Kansas League of Municipalities, Management Information Service, and Mo-Ark Flood Control and Conservation Association. FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. 01 General City Commission SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. No. Description 1978 Actual 1979 Actual 1980 Budget 1981 Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVIC S 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Employee Development 5,608 10,263 9,500 10,100 209 Postage 1 6 30 -0- 211 Contributions 38,950 42,620 18,750 Emergency Preparedness 19,710 Public Health 95,000 Industrial Development 20,000 225 Legal Advertising 7,671 10,202 8,000 10,000 253 Insurance - Surety Bonds -0- 342 -0- -0- 298 Revision of Ordinances 809 2,389 1,500 5,000 299 Other Contractual Services 6,804 6,737 3,800 400 Subtotal 59,843 72,559 41,580 160,210 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 10,233 9,757 11 ,090 11 ,120 Grand Total $ 70,576 $ 82,816 $ 53,170 $ 171,830 I CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 3 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET I BUDGET COMMENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER The Office of the City Manager is the general administrative unit of the City govern- ment. The City Manager is appointed by the City Commission for an indefinite term and serves as the Cityls chief administrative officer. As provided by State Statute and City Ordinance, the City Manager supervises and directs the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include providing 1 iaison be- tween the City Commission and the administrative staff, preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, keeping the Commission fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the City, processing citizen inquiries and service requests, maintaining publ ic relations with the news media, working with other governmental, school district and State and County governments, and representing the City at official meetings and cønferences. The City Manager is responsible for the appointment and removal of all city employees. As chief administrative officer of the City, the City Manager is responsible for recommending such measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legis- lative issues, financial programs, capital expenditures and improvements, as well as other administrative matters. The City Manager prepares a proposed budget for the City Commission. Once the Commission adopts the budget it becomes the respon- sibil ity of the City Manager to see that it is properly administered. ,,< ,': ,,< ,,< * ,': The City Manager account includes 2 full-time employees: istrative Secretary. City Manager and an Admin- The increase in #205 reflects the installation of more versatile equipment; also, an additional outside line. Account #207 provides for participation in professional meetings, conferences, seminars, and special training sessions. Accounts #209 through #255 have been consol idated with other 1 ine items, such as Postage being incorporated with Office Suppl ies. #299 has been established to cover items not included in other 1 ine items, such as maintenance of office equipment. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 4 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET I ep Ir - - - - 299 Other Contractual Services 420 Subtotal 4,401 5,947 4,760 7,000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Suppl ies 479 1,359 530 1 ,000 331 Books & Periodicals 430 610 400 530 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr. 354 814 750 -0- 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires 76 -0- 200 -0- Subtotal 1,339 2,783 1, 880 1,530 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 436 726 480 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 419 2,281 -0- -0- 517 Office Mechanical Equipment -0- 120 -0- -0- Subtotal 419 2,401 -0- -0- Grand Total $ 67,023 $ 62,078 $ 77,640 $ 66,330 CITY OF SALI NA, KAN SAS 5 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 205 207 209 231 233 252 253 255 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES 1978 1979 1980 1981 Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees $ 60,428 $ 50,221 $ 70,520 $ 57,300 FUND General CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Postage Insurance - Motor Vehicles Insurance - Surety Bonds Repair - Furniture & Office Eq. Repair - Motor Vehicles T' re R a . 1,694 1,975 161 158 20 31 362 0 DIVISION FUND NO. 02 2,687 2,080 362 320 20 72 396 10 1,700 2,000 250 320 20 100 350 20 4,080 2,500 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 0 BUDGET COMMENTS CITY CLERK AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT Under the supervision of the Finance Director and City Clerk, this Department pro- vides for the proper planning, accounting and control of all fiscal matters in the City. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, investment income, contracts, payroll, purchasing and bill ings are processed by this Department. Financial statements are prepared on a periodic basis. Fiscal reports are also dis- seminated to other governmental agencies. The documentation for all fiscal records and transactions is in accordance with generally accepted governmental accounting procedures. The City Clerk assists the County Election Officer in voter registration. Various appl ications for City licenses are submitted to this office, are then audited for compl iance with code requirements and are forwarded to the proper approving authority, such as the City Commission. After approval, a formal I icense is issued. The èity Clerk is also responsible for taking the minutes of the City Commission meetings and acting as depository for all official City records. This Department also has charge of the electronic data processing equipment and supervises the computer operation. Central personnel records, advertising and processing of applications for City employment are handled by this office. ,'~ ,'~ ,~ i~ ,~ * This Department is budgeted for 8 full-time employees in 1981, which includes the following positions: Director of Finance and City Clerk, Director of Personnel, Data Processing Manager, Principal Data Processing Equipment Operator, Adminis- trative Aide (2), Account Clerk, and Senior Clerk. The 1 ine items in this account do not reflect significant changes in programs or services. Other than salaries, the two major expenditures are reflected in #274 which is for rental of the xerox equipment and #320 which provides for the pur- chase of xerox and computer paper and supplies. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 6 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND General DEPARTMENT City Clerk and Finance DIVISION FUND NO. 03 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees '$ 98,763 $ 106,723 $ 138,270 $ 144,900 205 207 209 221 231 233 252 253 274 291 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Postage Printing Office Forms Insurance - Motor Vehicles Insurance - Surety Bonds Repair - Furniture & Equipment Repair - Machinery & Equipment Rent - Machinery & Equipment d' . S 1,786 1,209 1,323 1,929 -0- 252 1,526 87 10,634 3 800 2,644 1 ,281 1,404 2,559 144 252 1,965 483 12,496 4 000 2,000 1,200 1,400 2,400 150 270 1,500 200 12,500 4 500 2,200 1,200 1,800 2,800 -0- -0- 1,150 -0- 14,500 4 800 Au Itlng & Accounting ervlces , , , , 295 Other Professional Services 2, J 50 1,022 700 2,870 Subtotal 24,696 28,250 26,820 31,320 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Suppl ies 4,421 3,522 4,200 5,200 331 Books and Periodicals 215 235 200 -0- 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 91 286 300 -0- 379 Ti res 10 56 70 -0- Subtotal 4,737 4,099 4,770 5,200 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 470 480 470 400 439 Refunds 146 412 300 300 Subtotal 616 892 770 700 CAP ITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 1,080 1,579 600 -0- 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 3,078 255 -0- 300 Subtotal 4,158 1,834 600 300 Grand Total 132,970 141,798 171 ,230 182,420 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 7 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS LEGAL DEPARTMENT General legal services are provided by the legal department to City Manager, administrative staff and advisory commissions on matters. These services include: legal opinions, preparation tions, contracts and agreements. The City Attorney represents including condemnation action and prosecution. the City Commission, a variety of municipal of ordinances, resolu- the City in 1 itigation The City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney work on a part-time basis for normal legal work connected with City business and Municipal Court prosecutions. Other specific legal services are rendered at an hourly rate. The City Attorney normally attends all meetings of the City Commission and will attend advisory commission meetings upon request when possible legal questions may be antici- pated. The Assistant City Attorney is the City prosecutor and advises the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. ,< ,< * ,< ,'~ ,< There are no full-time personnel in this account. #296 is difficult to predict as it depends on court cases appealed and lawsuits filed by or against the city. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 8 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. 04 General Le al SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acc t. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Comm is s i on I PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 26,031 $ 28,272 $ 30,930 $ 34,100 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 296 Legal Services 5,335 9,408 6,000 6,000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 331 Books & Periodicals 671 869 700 700 Grand Total 32,037 38,549 37,630 40,800 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 9 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS MUNICIPAL COURT The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge serving on a part-time basis, hears misdemeanor cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. 'f~ ~~ ~~ ~'~ ~.~ ~'~ Full-time personnel include: Principal Clerk and Senior Clerk. #295 provides for periodic services of a Judge Pro-Tem and witness fees. The line items under Contractual Services, along with 1 ine items #345 and #379 relating to operation and maintenance of the motor vehicles have been combined into line item #344. Charter Ordinance #18 permits the Municipal Court to assess court costs, which will generate approximately $50,000 a year in revenues; thus, to a major degree financing the cost of this operation. The $20,500 budgeted under #430 is remitted to the State for support of the police training center in Hutchinson. The Kansas Supreme Court ruled that statute unconstitutional. However, we anticipate that the State Legislature will correct the procedural error which formed the foundation for the unconstitutuionality. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 10 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET - . - - - - - , 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lub r. 294 507 500 -0- 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires -0- 61 100 -0- Subtotal 580 752 800 2,150 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 430 Assessment Remitted to State 8,602 16,838 16,000 20,500 CAP ITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 340 -0- -0- -0- Grand Total 42,284 47,888 47,840 57,820 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 11 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 205 221 231 233 253 255 295 320 344 FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. 05 General Municipal Court SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES 1978 1979 1980 1981 Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Comm is s ion PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees $ 29,927 $ 27,916 $ 28,290 $ 32,100 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph 727 724 770 850 Printing Office Forms 1,020 363 550 1,000 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 155 146 160 -0- Insurance - Surety Bonds 20 20 20 -0- Repair - Motor Vehicles 130 150 230 -0- Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 6 -0- 20 -0- Other Professional Services 777 979 1,000 1,220 Subtotal 2,835 2,382 2,750 3,070 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Suppl ies Maint & Oper Vehicles & Eq 286 0 184 0 200 0- 500 1 650 BUDGET COMMENTS BUILDINGS DIVISION This fund includes the Cityls share of operating and maintaining the City - County - Board of Education Bui]ding which was completed in 1969. The building is operated and maintained by a Bui]ding Authority comprised of elected representatives of each of the three agencies, plus one member at large selected by the other members. Operation and maintenance costs are shared by the three agencies prorated on the basis of square footage of floor space which each occupies. Saline County utilizes 6] ,810 square feet or 60%, the City of Sal ina 27,776 square feet or 27%, and USD 305, 13,802 square feet or 13%. The Water and Sewerage Department pays ~ of the City's 27%. The Community Development Department, which is operated on funds received from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, reimburses the General Fund for the office space util ized by the Department. The Building Fund also provides for the maintenance and operation of the Sal ina Com- munity Theatre and the Pol ice Bui]ding, exclusive of utilities. ,~ * * ,': ,': ,~ The fund includes two full-time Custodians. Fire insurance on al] City buildings, except those belonging to the Water and Sewerage operation, is included in #228. The City's 27% or $54,300 for operation and maintenance of the City - County - Board of Education Building, appears in #299. . CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 12 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 205 228 241 242 243 251 284 295 299 FUND DEPARTMENT General Services General SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES DIVISION Buildin s FUND NO. 06 1978 1979 1980 1981 Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees '$ 17,812 $ 18,405 $ 19,810 $ 21,800 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Insurance - Fire Gas Service Light & Power Service Water Service Repair - Buildings Laundry & Towel Service Other Professional Services Other Contractual Services S bt 1 72 17,138 2,420 10,481 595 8,390 60 5,034 27,255 71 445 71 19,050 -0- -0- -0- 7,075 12 1 ,445 37,759 65 412 90 15,700 -0- -0- -0- 2,000 80 1,500 46,250 65 620 -0- 22,000 -0- -0- -0- 2,200 -0- 1,550 54,300 80 050 u ota " " MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 50 92 1 00 -0- 343 Janitor & Toilet Suppl ies 408 288 800 400 359 Other Operating Supplies -0- -0- -0- 300 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 175 450 500 400 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 2,449 674 700 600 381 Paint & Painting Materials 446 858 400 400 Subtotal 3,528 2,362 2,500 2,100 , Grand Total 92,785 86, 1 79 87,930 103,950 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 13 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The function of the Engineering Department is to protect the public interest by assuring that all municipal improvements and facilities are constructed in accor- dance with established standards. The Engineering Department is responsible for coordinating all engineering services related to development projects during both the planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers is also done by th~ City Engineer and department staff. Proper engineering data is formulated to meet the requirements of project feasibil ity reports, design considerations, final plans and specifications, and other planning and engineering procedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal improvement projects which involves analyzing bids, supervising construction, certifying progress of construction, and recommending acceptance of work done by a contractor. Depending upon the size of an improvement project, these services may be performed in-house or rendered by engineering consultants, or a combination of the two. -1< ~'< * ~'< ~'< ~'< The Department has 7 full-time employees: Assistant City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Engineering Technicians (2), Senior Engineering Aide, Engineering Aide, and Senior Clerk. The City Engineer's salary is included in the Water and Sewerage Department because he also is Director of Util ities. #503 provides for the replacement of miscellaneous engineering equipment such as survey chains, range poles, penpoints, etc. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 14 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 205 207 209 220 231 252 253 255 257 299 320 331 335 344 345 347 371 379 435 503 505 509 FUND General DEPARTMENT Engineering SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Postage Blueprints Insurance - Motor Vehicles Repair - Furniture & Office Eq. Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repa i r - Tires Repair - Radio Equipment Other Contractual Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Suppl ies Books & Periodicals Drafting & Engineering Suppl ies Maint. & Oper. - Vehicles & Eq. Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Motor Vehicles - License Tags Lumber & Lumber Products Motor Vehicles - Tires Subtotal SUNDRY EXPENDITURES Organizational Dues CAPITAL OUTLAY Engineering Equipment Automob i 1 e Furniture & Fixtures Subtotal Grand Total CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 1979 Actual DIVISION 1980 Budget $ 135,478 $ 122,260 $ 139,880 1,043 981 119 -0- 441 317 1,743 199 206 -0- 5,049 500 192 1,506 -0- 1,909 8 40 58 4,213 422 1,103 5,871 868 7,842 153,004 15 1 ,228 568 197 104 478 241 3,036 85 219 -0- 6,156 774 217 1 ,315 -0- 2,476 8 -0- -0- 4,790 478 340 -0- -0- 340 134,024 1,330 1,000 150 240 500 300 1 ,500 280 210 -0- 5,510 400 150 1,700 -0- 3,400 10 -0-' 400 6,060 450 350 -0- -0- 350 152,250 1981 FUND NO. 07 1981 Manager Commission $ 123, 100 1,420 1,000 -0- -0- -0- 500 -0- -0- -0- 690 3,610 540 -0- 1 ,700 7,870 -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,110 570 350 -0- -0- 350 137,740 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department shares in the local responsibil ity for protection of lives and property. Through inspections, publ ic education programs, and enforcement of various codes, many hazardous conditions are prevented or detected and corrected. The pre- vention of fires and explosions is the first priority of business with the department; second is to provide a prompt and efficient response to fires and other types of emergencies. Routine fire inspections are conducted periodically to check for code compl iance. Fire investigations are conducted in cases where arson is suspected. The Fire Department reviews plans with the Planning, Engineering, and Permit and Inspection Departments on all new development projects. Records are kept of every activity in the Fire Department. Rescue and first aid are rendered to affected parties, requiring highly trained personne 1 . ,', ,~ * ,', * ,', The Department has 66 full-time firefighting personnel, a Senior Clerk, and part- time Clerk. Firefighting personnel include the following: Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Fire Marshall Captain (4) Lieutenant (18) Firefighter Engineer (18) Firefighter (23) #507 provides for fire hose, 3 booster line nozzles, 2 resusitators, 4 air-paks, 4 air tanks, 10 air masks, 8 First-Aid kits, 3 truck spotlights, rescue equipment, portable hand lanterns, rope, 1 chain saw, 1 K-2 saw, backboard and spl ints, 2 tool boxes, and 1 portable generator. #514 provides for 10 bunker coats and pants, 10 helmets, 10 fire boots, 25 flash- I ights with batteries, and protective equipment. Not included as a part of this budget is the recommendation that the City issue general obI igation bonds to purchase at least two fire pumpers. This equipment would be purchased in 1981 and timed in such a manner as the debt service would not come due until 1982. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 16 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 130 205 207 209 221 231 241 242 243 251 252 253 254 255 257 284 295 310 320 331 343 344 345 351 355 359 367 371 373 375 377 379 381 382 383 393 399 384 FUND General DEPARTMENT Fire SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees Subtotal CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Postage Printing Office Forms Insurance - Motor Vehicles Gas Service Light & Power Service Water Service Repair - Buildings Repair - Furniture & Office Eq. Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Motor Vehicles Repa i r - Tires Repair - Radio Equipment Laundry & Towel Service Other Professional Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Office Suppl ies Books & Periodicals Janitor & Toilet Suppl ies Maint. & Oper. - Vehicle Equip. Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Sup. Wearing Apparel Other Operating Suppl ies Electrical & Lighting Parts Lumber & Lumber Products Machinery & Equipment Parts Metal & Metal Products Motor Vehicles - Parts Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes Paint & Painting Products Photograph Suppl ies Training Equip. & Suppl ies Welding Suppl ies Other Repairs & Maintenance Fire Prevention & Inspection Subtotal CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual $ 645,446 ~ -0- 645,446 1979 Actual 798,170 $ 1,212 799,382 4,703 3,909 259 273 3,962 -0- -0- -0- 1,419 420 828 2,765 49 1 ,892 98 3,342 23,919 874 614 763 2,391 -0- 8,858 202 7,990 2,689 727 711 1,225 256 4,037 82 602 675 233 147 457 -0- 33,533 DIVISION 1980 Budget FUND NO. 08 1981 Manager Commission 946,890 $1,065,000 3,600 4,000 950,490 1,069,000 5,250 5,800 250 500 4,000 -0- -0- -0- 2,700 580 880 6,500 80 2,500 120 2,000 31,160 1,000 750 1,050 2,000 -0- 7,300 250 9,000 1,700 1,280 1,000 1,000 500 3,500 450 600 630 8,500 150 780 -0- 41,440 1981 7,300 6,000 500 400 -0- -0- -0- -0- 5,500 500 -0- -0- -0- 2,500 -0- 1,750 24,450 1,500 500 1,000 3,000 34,810 -0- 300 11 ,500 3,500 1,500 1,200 1,500 600 -0- -0- 800 -0- 6,300 400 900 2,600 71,910 ANNUAL BUDGET 3,896 2,349 66 88 2,588 7,936 9,350 1 ,693 9,575 268 3,264 678 470 3,199 115 1,218 46,753 748 376 773 1,444 -0- 5,574 76 8,091 1,906 418 309 1,277 48 2,955 158 157 418 -0- 168 627 -0- 25,523 17 FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. General Fire 08 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 194 178 350 350 CAP ITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 14,229 2,754 3,480 3,100 505 Automobile 17,249 -0- -0- -0- 507 Fire Fighting Equipment 52,529 4,214 20,910 17,600 509 Furniture & Fixtures 2,553 1,025 3,200 3,300 514 Personnel Protective Equipment 8,495 4,961 3,000 8,000 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 186 980 2,500 2,100 519 Radio Equipment 14,547 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 109,788 13,934 33,090 34,100 Grand Total $ 827,704 870,946 $1,056,530 $1,199,810 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 18 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET 19 BUDGET COMM ENTS PERMIT AND INSPECTION DEPARTMENT The primary responsibil ity of the Permit and Inspection Department is protection of I ife, property, and property values by uniform and reasonable administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinances, mechanical, minimum housing, building, plumbing, electrical, and other related codes. The Department issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions when not in accordance with the codes and publ ic safety, inspects construction sites to insure that all the standards of the City are being compl ied with, and maintains accurate records of all permits issued and inspections made. The Department works closely with the Pol ice, Fire, and Health Departments, and other publ ic agencies in the areas of health and safety. * * ~'~ * ~'r: ~'r: There are 5 full-time employees: Chief Building and Zoning Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector, Structural Inspector, and a Senior Clerk. Although each of the inspectors specialize in their particular field, they are all cross- trained to fill in for each other to reduce travel throughout the City and to best util ize staff time. #274 will provide for a computer terminal to be leased at approximately $100 per month. This will provide a bètter record keeping system pertaining to permits and inspections. Estimated revenue of $90,000 should make this department virtually self-supporting from building permit and related fees. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 20 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT Permits and Inspection DIVISION FUND NO. 09 Gene ra 1 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 66,657 $ 77,167 $ 85,390 $ 77,530 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,434 1,394 1,500 1,500 207 Employee Development 568 232 500 300 209 Postage 313 367 300 300 221 Printing Office Forms 279 372 300 300 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 644 762 920 -0- 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 993 1,662 800 -0- 255 Repa i r - Ti res 20 27 20 -0- 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 270 270 340 340 274 Rent - Equip. (Computer Terminal) -0- -0- -0- 1,200 Subtotal 4,521 5,086 4,680 3,940 SUPPLIES 320 294 333 400 800 MATERIALS AND Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 552 1,092 600 -0- 344 Maint & Opr. - Vehicles & Equip. -0- -0- -0- 6,870 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 1 ,749 2,320 3,350 -0- 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 12 10 10 -0- 359 Other Operating Supplies 3 -0- 30 -0- 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires -0- 538 400 -0- 382 Photograph Supplies 328 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 2,938 4,293 4,790 7,670 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 250 310 260 310 CAP ITAL OUTLAY 505 Automob i 1 e 4,649 -0- -0- -0- 509 Furniture & Fixtures 1,245 231 400 400 519 Radio Equipment 650 -0- 650 650 Subtotal 6,544 231 1,050 1,050 Grand Total $ 80,910 $ 87,087 $ 96,170 $ 90,500 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 21 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS PARK DIVISION The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park grounds and land- scaping including parkways and landscaped median strips in the City. In addition to caring for the grounds, the Division operates and maintains all buildings and facilities related to the parks. These include the Lakewood Lodge, the Kiva in Thomas Park, maintenance buildings in Oakdale and Sunset Parks and numerous facil- ities such as tennis courts, picnic shelters, playground equipment, etc. The Division has the responsibil ity for technical supervision of the cemetery, swimming pools, and the Municipal Golf Course. The Division has the responsibil ity for maintenance of the grounds at the Salina Bicentennial Center. The City presently owns 21 parks totaling 630.61 acres. ,< ,', ,< ,< ,', ,', This Division has 12 full-time employees: Park Superintendent, Maintenance Super- visor, Lead Maintenance Worker, Maintenance Worker (4), and Laborer (4). The 1981 budget proposes the creation of the position of Forester. This position will be filed by promotion from the Park Division's complement of 12 full-time employees. The Forester will oversee the City.s shrubbery, lawn, and tree maintenance programs. Part-time salaries has been increased significantly in order to provide the neces- sary seasonal manpower to properly maintain the City's parks system. Part-time personnel for park operations are far more economical and beneficial than full- time personnel. This is because the bulk of the park work must be done during the heavy spring and summer month seasons. #503 provides for 3 push mowers, 1 weed eater, and 2 chain saws. #349 provides for 75 picnic tables, 6 tennis nets, 36 trash cans with plastic liners, 48 park benches, and 12 picnic grills. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 22 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET I ¡'l.cct. No. 120 130 205 207 227 231 241 242 243 251 253 255 257 297 299 310 320 331 333 343 344 345 347 349 350 351 359 365 367 371 379 381 387 435 FUND General DEPARTMENT Community Service SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees Subtotal CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone and Telegraph Employee Development Insurance - Liability Insurance - Motor Vehicles Gas Service Light and Power Service Water Service Repair - Buildings Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Tires and Tubes Repair - Radio Equipment Disposal Charges Other Contractual Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Office Suppl ies Books and Periodicals Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. Janitor and Toilet Supplies Maint. & Opr. - Vehicles & Eq. Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Motor Vehicles - License Tags Recreational Suppl ies Schill ing Baseball Diamond Seeds, Plants, Trees &- Lawn Suo Other Operating Suppl ies Cement and Cement Products Electrical and Lighting Parts Lumber and Lumber Products Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes Paint and Painting Materials Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat Subtotal SUNDRY EXPENDITURES Organizational Dues CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual $ 123,299 15,301 138,600 572 17 273 1 , 191. 3,177 6,133 3,717 91 11,845 544 162 400 _~,2l0 32,335 863 67 -0- 1,952 912 -0- 4,481 20 951 -0- 3,210 2,161 725 475 996 106 970 54 17,943 47 23 1979 Actual $ 139,187 16,173 155,360 DIVISION Park 1980 Budget FUND NO. 10 1981 Manager Commission $ 180,880 $ 154,480 24,800 64,220 205,680 218,700 708 186 -0- 1 ,005 1,350 -0- -0- 375 12,622 500 320 300 1,072 18, 1138 - 1,460 198 -0- 1 ,243 1,022 -0- 7,225 23 1,177 -0- 1,044 1,858 203 1,022 643 261 796 23 1 tl, 1 9tl 80 850 300 450 1,200 2,000 -0- -0- 500 10,890 540 200 600 750 18,280 1 ,200 250 150 3,310 1,000 -0- 7,560 20 2,370 500 3,640 2,500 2,500 600 800 580 1,000 500 2tl,4tlO 100 1981 850 300 -0- -0- 2,200 -0- -0- 2,500 -0- -0- -0- 750 1,350 7,950 1,200 300 -0- 4,010 1,200 25,050 -0- -0- 13,610 500 4,890 3,750 750 1,000 1,000 -0- 1,100 1,500 59,860 -0- ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 503 516 519 FUND General Description CAP ITAL OUTLAY Equipment Park Equipment Radio Equipment Subtotal Grand Total DEPARTMENT Community Service SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES 1978 Actual 10,030 5,351 650 16,031 204,956 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 24 1979 Actual 12,952 1,055 -0- 14,007 206,083 DIVISION Park 1980 Budget 17,240 -0- -0- 17,240 269,780 /981 FUND NO. 10 1981 Manager Commission 1,900 -0- 1, I 00 3,000 289,510 ANNUAL BUDGET 25 BUDGET COMM ENTS POLICE DEPARTMENT The Police Department is responsible for the protection of life and property. The prevention of crime and traffic offenses is the Department's first obl igation. In- vestigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, maintaining rel iable records, and the operation of an elaborate communication system are other important responsibilities. In addition to these primary activities, the Department performs innumerable services rendered in the interest of protection, safety and convenience to the publ ic. The Department maintains close 1 iaison with other law enforcement agencies throughout the State, Sal ine County, and neighboring communities. Pol ice personnel respond to calls for medical assistance, industrial accidents, natural disasters, aids to other departments, house checks, and other calls for service or aids to the publ ic. In striving to make Salina a safe community, pol ice personnel maintain high visibility and frequent contact with the general publ ic. The success of the Department is depen- dent to a great extent on the degree of support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the general publ ic. Both the public and the Department deserve credit for a good working relationship; one which continues to make Salina a safe and enjoyable community in which to I ive, work, and play. * ~~ ~~ ~', 7' ~', The Pol ice Department has 59 sworn pol ice officers: Pol ice Chief Assistant Pol ice Chief Captain (2) Lieutenant (]) Sergeant (9) Police Officer (39) Other full-time personnel include: Principal Clerk and Clerk (6). provides for one school crossing guard for 9 months of the year. Account #130 #251 includes for replacing the front door and frame at entry to Pol ice building. #502 allows for the installation of metal screens for the front and back counters of the Records Division. This compl ies with State mandated security requirements. Account #503 calls for the purchase of rescue equipment, radar equipment, and water and chemical extinguishers. The patrol cars were not replaced in Fiscal 1980. Account #505 permits the replace- ment of 8 black and white 1979 Pontiacs in Fiscal 1981. Account #519 calls for the purchase of 13 scanners and 5 helmet radios. The activities and costs associated with the Animal Shelter were formerly budgeted in this department; but to more easily reflect the cost of the program, it has been placed in a separate budgetary account, Animal Shelter, #14. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 26 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 130 205 207 209 217 221 231 233 241 242 243 247 251 252 253 255 257 274 284 290 295 297 299 310 320 331 339 343 344 345 347 355 359 367 371 379 381 382 383 FUND General DEPARTMENT Pol ice SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees Subtotal CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Postage Feeding Prisoners Printing Office Forms Insurance - Motor Vehicles Insurance - Surety Bonds Gas Service Light & Power Service Water Service Animal Shelter Utilities Repair - Buildings Repair - Furniture & Office Eq Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Tires Repair - Radio Equipment Rent - Machinery & Equipment Laundry & Towel Service Medical Services Other Professional Services Disposal Charges Other Contractual Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Office Supplies Books & Periodicals Animal Shelter Food & Suppl ies Janitor & Toilet Suppl ies Maint & Opr. - Vehicles & Equip Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Motor Vehicles - License Tags Wearing Apparel Other Operating Suppl ies Electrical & Lighting Parts Lumber & Lumber Products Motor Vehicles - Tires Paint & Painting Supplies Photograph Supplies Training Equipment & Supplies Subtotal CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 1979 Actual DIVISION 1980 Budget FUND NO. 11 1981 Manager Commission $ 745,516 $ 915,267 51,028,250 $1,092,420 2,470 2,486 3,250 2,130 747,986 917,753 1,031,500 1,094,550 11,634 1,131 3,231 2,190 3,019 2,385 267 3,345 9,352 477 2,180 1,805 1,983 41,707 1+82 10,079 4,410 39 1 ,021 2,200 400 1,850 105, 187 1,342 3,333 810 1,509 1,221 -0- 35,373 39 15,281 678 183 52 5,704 670 2,383 2,972 71 ,550 27 12,667 1 , 121 3,915 2,447 4,498 2,917 242 -0- -0- -0- 3,200 1,535 2,595 39,901 258 10,524 5,601 7 439 2,566 300 2,427 97,160 1 ,736 2,849 996 4,291 1,697 -0- 43,512 105 16,117 1,132 284 561 3,885 218 1,210 7,033 85,626 12,000 900 3,300 1,500 3,500 2,920 270 -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,000 3,300 40,000 400 11,760 4,500 50 400 2,000 400 1,800 91,000 1,700 2,600 1,500 1,500 1,500 -0- 56,000 60 14,000 700 200 300 5,500 600 2,000 7,500 95,660 1981 13,700 1,000 5,000 3,000 6,500 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 4,500 3,300 -0- -0- 12,500 5,600 -0- 600 1,000 -0- 2,820 59,520 1,700 3,100 1,500 -0- 1,700 119,640 -0- -0- 16,350 1,250 300 3,000 -0- 600 2,000 8,250 159,390 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. General Pol ice 11 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Descr i pt ion Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 998 571 1,000 1,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buildings 92,400 -0- -0- 5,000 503 Equipment 11,609 7,368 6,740 7,100 505 Automobiles 28,146 J ,590 76,050 64,000 509 Furniture & Fixtures 1,098 505 820 J ,340 514 Officers Service Equipment 7,624 1,736 1,320 1,160 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 9,763 -0- -0- -0- 519 Radio Equipment 2,897 8,898 400 3,200 Subtotal 153,537 20,097 85,330 81,800 Grand Total $ J ,079,258 $ J , J 21 ,207 $ J ,304,490 $1,396,260 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 28 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET 29 BUDGET COMMENTS STREET DIVISION The Street Division is the largest of the several divisions within the Department of General Services and frequently assists or supplements other divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects and activities of street cleaning and maintenance. Streets, bridges, and storm sewers are costly to construct. The cost of maintaining and protecting these facilities has become increasingly burdensome. However, neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repairs be- come necessary. During the winter months, snow removal and ice control is the primary concern of the Division. Snow removal is handled on a systematic basis. Arterial and main traffic- ways must be cleared first, followed by the collector streets which connect residen- tial streets with the arterial and main trafficways. Finally, if time permits and conditions require it, residential streets are cleared of snow. Intersections, hills, and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice. Salt and/or sand are appl ied as conditions dictate in an effort to help motorists start and stop as safely as possible. The first concern of the Street Department in coping with snow and ice on the streets has to be to clear the way for emergency vehicles such as ambulances, pol ice, and fire vehicles so they are able to reach various areas of the community. ~'~ ~~ ~~ ~'~ ~'~ -!~ There are 26 full-time employees in this Division: the Director of General Services,. Street Superintendent, one Concrete Finisher, Equipment Operators (6), Maintenance Worker (15), one Custodian, and one Clerk. The Street Division has an inventory in excess of 5D pieces of rolling equipment, including maintainers, street sweepers, trucks, tractors, mowers, etc., in addition to numerous other items such as power saws, pumps, snow plows, and miscellaneous small equipment. Other than salaries, much of the expense involved in the operation of the division relates to operation and maintenance of this equipment. Under K.S.A. 68-1419, the unspent balance, up to 25%, of a street budget may be transferred to a street machinery fund. It is recommended that that practice be followed in order to provide funds for street equipment replacement. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 30 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 205 231 241 242 243 253 255 257 284 295 299 310 320 333 341 344 345 347 359 371 373 375 379 387 390 503 519 527 FUND General DEPARTMENT General Services SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Insurance - Motor Vehicles Gas Service Light & Power Service Water Service Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Tires & Tubes Repair - Radio Equipment Laundry & Towel Service Other Professional Services Other Contractual Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Office Supplies Chemicals Fuel & Lubricants (Except Motor) Maint & Opr. - Vehicles & Equip. Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Motor Vehicles - License Tags Other Operating Supplies Lumber & Lumber Products Machinery & Equipment Parts Metal & Metal Products Motor Vehicles - Tires Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat Sweeper Parts Subtotal CAPITAL OUTLAY Equipment Radio Equipment Street Equipment Subtotal Grand Total CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 279,775 399 3,969 1,920 999 112 46,720 2,801 476 43 59 ':'0- 57,498 1,762 129 -0- 177 -0- 23,695 47 1,410 289 2,995 140 1,489 4,598 2,833 39,564 1,395 698 15,902 17,995 $ 394,832 1979 Actual 299,263 422 3,703 -0- -0- -0- 48,665 3,852 453 19 45 -0- 57,159 434 102 -0- 25 -0- 33,235 40 1,225 772 1 , 149 425 370 2,842 2,934 43,553 -0- -0- 589 589 DIVISION St reet 1980 Budget 367,040 490 3,710 -0- -0- -0- 50,500 5,840 970 70 100 -0- 61 ,680 1,340 100 640 450 -0- 42,460 40 1,760 550 1,500 480 920 3,500 3,400 57,140 -0- -0- -0- -0- FUND NO. 12 1981 Manager Commission 352,000 490 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 700 -0- -0- 360 1,550 1,180 -0- 860 -0- 121,680 -0- -0- 3,530 600 1,260 660 -0- 4,000 3, 140 136,910 -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 400,564 $ 485,860 $ 490,460 31 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS HUMAN RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Ordinance #8488 passed May 24, ]976, repealed all previous ordinances dealing with human relations. The ordinance prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, rel igion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical handicap, or marital status, in employ- ment, housing, publ ic accommodations, and publ ic contracts. The ordinance estab] ished the Human Re]ations Commission, the Human Relations Depart- ment, and defined their respective roles and responsibil ities. It further s~t forth time 1 imits and procedures for the fi] ing and processing of complaints. * ,': * of: ,< ,< Two full-time staff members are in this Department: a Senior Clerk. Director of Human Re]ations and No significant changes are anticipated in this Department or the level of service which it provides. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 32 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acc t. No. 120 205 207 209 221 231 252 253 255 295 320 331 345 379 435 509 FUND General DEPARTMENT Human Relations SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Postage Printing Office Forms Insurance - Motor Vehicles Repair - Furniture & Office Eq. Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repa i r - Ti res Other Porfessional Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Suppl ies Books & Periodicals Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Motor Vehicle - Tires Subtotal SUNDRY EXPENDITURES Organizational Dues CAP ITAL OUTLAY Furniture & Fixtures Grand Total CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 1979 Actual DIVISION 1980 Budget $ 23,718 $ 25,467 $ 28,820 $ 936 2,095 211 -0- 139 65 509 -0- -0- 3,955 115 443 189 -0- 747 100 355 28,875 33 926 1,471 175 -0- 138 71 867 -0- -0- 3,648 225 518 473 60 1,276 200 237 30,828 950 2,000 200 150 150 100 400 10 70 4,030 180 450 450 70 1,150 150 250 34,400 1981 FUND NO. 13 1981 Manager Commission 32,900 1,560 2,400 350 350 -0- -0- -0- -0- 700 5,360 500 600 -0- -0- 1,100 -0- 450 39,810 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS ANIMAL SHELTER The Animal Shelter is operated for the care of stray, abandoned, or injuried animals, most particularly cats and dogs. Personnel of the shelter are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facil ity and care of the animals being housed at the shelter. Their responsibil ity includes returning animals to owners and adopting animals to new owners, both as provided for by City ordinance. They also pick up stray animals and respond to complaints or calls concerning animals running at large. Many of the animals taken to the shelter are not claimed by owners or adopted by someone else, in which case the personnel have the responsibility of euthanizing the animals. The shelter actually serves the County. Byan agreement between the City and the County, animals can be taken to the shelter from areas outside the corporation 1 imits of Sal ina. The County then reimburses the City for handling of the animalsJ in accordance with the agreement. Although the shelter operation continues to be supervised by the Pol ice Department as it has been for many years, a separate budget has been proposed for 1981. Oper- ating expenses for the shelter in 1980 have been included in the Pol ice Budget. Separation of the line items directly attributable to the shelter will give us a better picture of what is actually involved in the operation and maintenance of the facility and providing the service to the community. It will continue to be somewhat of an incomplete picture, since administrative services provided by the Pol ice Department as well as the City Clerk's Office and City Manager's Office are not reflected in this budget. 1~ ~': 1~ ~': ~': ~.~ The Fund includes 3 full-time Humane Officers. Account #253 provides for rabies observations and other medical services by veteri- narians and euthanasia suppl ies. Account #299 includes propane gas, miscellaneous repairs, and upkeep. Account #503 provides for several items required in capturing of animals and for operation of the shelter. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 34 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 205 221 290 297 299 320 339 344 359 503 FUND General DEPARTMENT Pol ice SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Printing Office Forms Medical Services Disposal Charges Other Contractual Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Suppl ies Animal Shelter Food & Supplies Maint. & Opr. - Vehicles & Eq. Other Operating Supplies Subtotal CAP ITAL OUTLAY Equipment Grand Total CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 35 1979 Actual DIVISION Animal Shelter 1980 Budget /981 FUND NO. 14 1981 Manager Commission $ 37,170 360 1,000 2,800 400 3,350 7,910 370 3,000 4,440 400 8,210 860 $ 54,150 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS TRAFFIC DIVISION The Traffic Division is responsible for installation and maintenance of the multi- tude of traffic control devices, signs and signals. These controls and guides are essential for maximum utilization of trafficways and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. Presently there are 77 electronically controlled intersections, school zones, mid-block crossings, etc. ,'< ,,< * ,,< ,'< ,,< The Division has 3 full-time employees: Worker, and a Maintenance Worker. Maintenance Supervisor, Senior Maintenance Account #207 (Employee Development) provides for the Maintenance Supervisor to attend the Sol id State Signal Light School sponsored by the Eagle Signal in Austin, Texas, two trips to MOVITE (Missouri Valley Institute Traffic Engineers), and three trips to the Kansas Uniform Traffic Code meetings. Account #295 provides for the annual contract with Howard Baker for synchronization of traffic signals in the CBD. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 36 /98t ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 205 207 231 242 253 255 257 261 295 310 344 345 359 367 379 399 FUND General DEPARTMENT General Services SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Insurance - Motor Vehicles Light & Power Service Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Tires Repair - Radio Equipment Repair - Traffic Lights Other Professional Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Maint. & Oper. - Vehicles & Eq. Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Other Operating S~pplies Electrical Traffic Light Parts Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes Other Repairs & Maintenance Subtotal Grand Total CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual $ 1979 Actual DIVISION Traffic 1980 Budget FUND NO. 15 1981 Manager Comm-ission 38,787 $ 41,117 $ 47,330 $ 42,410 255 410 318 17,348 3,003 144 162 1,082 4,034 26,756 $ 422 -0- 1,928 20 3,213 -0- 36 5,619 71 , 162 $ 252 240 500 -0- 3,326 108 162 2,227 5,251 12,066 233 -0- 2,468 -0- 2,356 -0- 102 5, 159 58,342 $ 300 400 500 -0- 2,000 80 200 2,000 5,350 10,830 230 -0- 3,600 100 3,000 100 100 7,130 65,290 $ 1981 360 720 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,000 6,380 9,460 300 8,290 -0- 550 3,700 -0- -0- 12,840 64,710 ANNUAL BUDGET 37 BUDGET COMM ENTS SWIMMING POOL DIVISION This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and Carver Center. Current admissions are as follows: ADMISSIONS Carver Pool No Charge Kenwood Pool 1. Students up to and including 12th grade - 75ç plus tax Pre-school children if accompanied by an adult - free All other persons - $1.25 plus tax Books of twenty admission tickets - $10.00 plus tax 2. 3. 4. During 1979, revenue derived from consessions and admissions accounted for 28% of the expenses experienced in operating and maintaining the two swimming pools. Hours of operation are as follows May 31 through September I, 1980: HOURS Carver Pool I :00 to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday Kenwood Pool 1 :00 to 8:00 P.M., daily 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Mother-Child Swim * ~~ ~~ * ~', ~', This division has 18 part-time seasonal employees: Pool Manager (2), Assistant Pool Manager, Cashier-Basket Clerks (6), and Lifeguard clean-up people (9). Also included in #120 are break guards and substitute guards. Account #381 provides for materials to repaint Carver Pool, the Municipal Pool, and the bathhouses. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 38 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. Genera 1 Community Service Swimmin Pool 16 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 ]980 ]98] No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICE 120 Salaries - Regu 1 a r Employees $ 18,508 $ 17,060 $ 23,070 $ 28,440 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 225 190 330 330 227 Insurance - Liability 679 679 680 680 241 Gas Service 51 -0- -0- -0- 242 Light & Power Service 1,427 -0- -0- -0- 243 Water Service 4, ]26 -0- -0- -0- 251 Repair - Bui]dings 425 4,641 500 500 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 1,599 528 750 750 295 Other Professional Services 149 247 450 500 Subtotal 8,681 6,285 2,710 2,760 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 45 24 200 -0- 320 Office Supplies 6 151 250 -0- 333 Chemicals, Drugs & Etc. 638 527 750 750 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 207 104 200 -0- 359 Other Operating Suppl ies -0- -0- -0- 550 363 Cement & Cement Products 354 12 100 500 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 5 -0- 80 -0- 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 487 284 500 500 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts 1,096 917 450 500 381 Paint & Painting Materials 1,473 8,002 1,650 2,400 Subtotal 4,311 10,021 4,180 5,200 Grand Total $ 31,500 $ 33,366 $ 29,960 $ 36,400 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 39 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND RÆPARJMENT. DIVISION FUND NO. ministration General and Planning 17 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget j'1anage r Comm i s s ion PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 86,512 $ 97,520 $ 113,170 $ 98,360 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 73 295 1,000 3,500 Subtotal 86,585 97,815 114,170 101,860 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 1,139 1,097 1,400 1 ,LIOO 207 Employee Development 524 1,573 1,800 1,800 209 Postage 686 669 900 1,200 221 Printing Office Forms 58 -0- 200 -0- 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 282 276 300 -0- 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Eq. 537 533 500 500 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 1,400 1,095 910 -0- 295 Other Professional Services 10,064 742 -~ 000 1,000 Subtotal 14,690 5,985 7,010 5,900 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Suppl ies 909 723 1,200 1,500 331 Books and Periodicals 621 272 1,000 800 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 634 667 1 ,000 -0- 359 Other Operating Supplies 95 40 .250 500 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 102 -0- 150 -0- 382 Photography Supplies -0- 217 250 300 383 Training -0- -0- 200 -0- Subtotal 2,361 1,919 4,050 3,100 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 386 416 600 300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture and Fixtures 420 -0- -0- 350 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 373 -0- 1 , 25'0 450 Subtotal 793 -0- 1,250 800 Grand Total $ 104,815 $ 106,135 $ 127,080 $ 111,960 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 41 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT This Department provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals in guiding the growth and development of the City in order to achieve a more orderly, convenient and attractive community. The Department assists other municipal departments, serves as the 1 ink between the planning func- tion and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers, and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, rezoning requests, minimum requirements for proposed subdivision plats, traffic requirements, plus a multitude of additional services to influence the well-being of the community. The staff also provides professional assistance for the Citizens' Advisory Committee and coordinates the federally funded Community Development Program. )': )I~ )': 1~ * )'~ There are 4 full-time employees in this Department: Assistant City Manager, Director of Planning and Community Development, Assistant Director of Planning, and a Senior Clerk. #130 provides for the temporary employment of an intern or other part-time employee at $700/month for up to 5 months. #295 includes funds for printing annual updates for the City's land use plan map. #509 permits the purchase of 1 unit of 1 ibrary shelving and 1 fil ing cabine at $175 each. #517 allows for the replacement of one 35mm camera ($300) and a flash unit ($150). CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 40 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS CONTINGENCIES FUND Account #207 provides a monthly transportation allowance for City Department Heads. Only the Chief of Pol ice, Assistant Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, Fire Marshall, Street Superintendent, and Sanitation Superintendent are issued 24-hour City vehicles for use only on City business. Account #404 is the City Contingency Fund. These contingency funds will be available for emergency situations or essential expenditures which cannot be anticipated at the present time. The Contingency Fund also includes $7,500 for an Internal Audit for departmental operations. #406 provides the matching monies for three Thunderbolt Sirens to be installed at Fire Station #2, Heusner School, and at the intersection of Schill ing and Centennial Roads. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 42 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. 18 General Contingencies SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Comm i ss ion CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Transportation Allowance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 11,100 227 Insurance - Public Officials & Employees Liability 7 ,004 8,007 -0- -0- 239 Group Insurance 77,172' 96,952 -0- -0- 250 Tort Li ab i I i ty Insurance -0- 30,999 -0- -0- 290 Hedical Services 1,435 1,184 -~ ,300 1,700 Subtotal 85,611 137,142 1,300 12,800 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 404 Contingencies 42,303 81,649 20,000 37,500 406 C ivi 1 Prepa redness Warning Sys t m_--1.~ 000 10,000 _10,000 20,000 Subtotal 52,303 91,649 30,000 57,500 Grand Total $ 137,914 $ 228,791 $ 31 ,300 $ 70,300 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 43 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS SALINA ARTS COMMISSION The Salina Arts Commission was established by City Ordinance in 1966. The nine Arts Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Com- mission and serve as an advisory board to the City Commission. The Arts Commission promotes and encourages publ ic programs to further the develop- ment and publ ic awareness of and interest in the City in connection with the artis- tic and cultural development of the City. The City will budget $55,430 for the Arts Commission in 1981, which is approximately 20% of the total Arts Commission budget. In addition to the City share, the Arts Commission receives funding from the County, USD 305, the Kansas Arts Commission, the Mid America Arts All iance, and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as other monies raised through private contributions, sponsorships, and user fees. Approximately 82% of the total Arts Commission budget is raised locally through private and publ ic sources. * ~~ ~~ * ~'~ ~'~ The Arts Commission employs two full-time persons: the Director of Arts and the Special Projects Coordinator. Account #120 also includes a part-time secretary 20 hours a week for a period of 10 months. Account #211 provides for Arts Commission contributions to various community organ- izations and for underwriting arts related programs sponsored by the Arts Commission. The largest Arts Commission contribution, $9,000 in 1980, was to help support the Municipal Band. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 44 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. 19 General Arts Commission SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. No. Description 1978 Actual 1979 Actual 1980 Budget 1981 Manager Commission 120 PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees _L--=.Q:. L_:.9-=- $ 28,760 $ 34,430 211 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Contributions 40,195 14,215 16,450 21,000 Grand Total $ 40,195 $ 14,215 $ 45,210 $ 55,430 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 45 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS CEMETERY DIVISION This activity provides for the care, maintenance, and operation of Gypsum Hill Cemetery, situated at Marymount Road and Glen Avenue. The cemetery contains 70 acres and more than 12,000 interments at the present time. Based on present usage, space is expected to be available for at least another 25 - 30 years. The Cemetery is a Division of the Department of General Services, supervised by the Director of General Services. ~" ~', ~', ~" ~" ~" The Division has 3 full-time employees: Worker (2). Lead Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Account #501 provides for buying back unused spaces for resale by the City. Account #503 permits the City to replace the 1965 Dodge one-ton truck. Rate increases adopted by the City Commission for this activity will produce approx- imately $22,350 in revenue. The remaining $26,520 necessary to operate the Cemetery will come from the property tax levy. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 46 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. General Cemetery 20 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manage r Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 31,698 $ 33,078 $ 35,420 $ 39,020 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 211 207 280 300 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 285 177 180 -0- 241 Gas Service 1,110 -0- -0- -0- 242 Light & Power Service 159 -0- -0- -0- 243 Water Service 109 -0- -0- -0- 251 Repair - Buildings 238 333 150 -0- 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 1,309 2,032 1,730 -0- 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 20 8 30 -0- Subtotal 3,441 2,757 2,370 300 310 320 344 351 359 365 371 379 381 387 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Office Suppl ies Maint & Opr. - Vehicles & Seeds, Plants & Trees Other Operating Supplies Cement & Cement Products Lumber & Lumber Products Motor Vehicles - Tires Paint & Painting Suppl ies Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat Subtotal Equip -0- 25 574 124 127 7 -0- 52 51 787 1 747 20 -0- 809 -0- 213 9 -0- -0- 47 -0- 1 098 30 30 1,090 130 200 50 30 170 50 400 2 180 -0- -0- 4,250 -0- 880 -0- -0- -0- -0- 500 5 630 , , , , CAPITAL OUTLAY 501 Land 525 675 400 500 503 Equipment -0- 315 -0- 7,000 Subtotal 525 990 400 7,500 Grand Total $ 37,411 $ 37,923 $ 40,370 $ 52,450 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 47 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DIVISION This fund accounts for the normal maintenance and minor improvement type activities for the various City-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget. These activities are part of the program of the Department of General Services. ~~ ~.~ * * * ~.~ The Division has 3 full-time employees: Worker (2). Maintenance Supervisor and Maintenance #130 provides for 2 part-time or seasonal employees for a period of three months. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 48 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 130 231 253 255 310 344 345 359 379 FUND General DEPARTMENT General Services DIVISlpN Genera Improvement SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees Subtotal CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Insurance - Motor Vehicles Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Tires Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Maint. & Opr. - Vehicles & Eq. Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Other Operating Supplies Motor Vehicle - Tires Subtotal Grand Total . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 1979 Actual 1980 Budget - 44,846 $ 43,949 $ 48,080 $ 741 1,015 4,000 45,587 44,964 52,080 $ 199 737 6 942 466 -0- 548 58 78 1 ,150 $ 47,679 $ 49 223 230 1 , 128 1 ,380 12 70 1 ,363 ---¡-,68õ 179 -0- 740 20 -0- 939 47,266 $ 260 -0- 1,030 50 -0- 1,340 55,100 $ 1981 FUND NO. 21 1981 Manager Commission 40,120 4,850 44,970 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,200 -0- 700 -0-' 3,900 48,870 ANNUAL BUDGET . BUDGET COMMENTS PU BLI C HEALTH The Public Health Budget has been transferred to Account #211 in the City Commission Budget. The amount that was transferred was $95,000, the same amount actually paid in 1980. BUDGET COMM ENTS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT The Industrial Development Fund has been transferred to the City Commission budget (Account #211). The 1980 appropriation for this activity is $20,000, the same as in 1980. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 50 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. General Publ ic Health 23 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation - City $ 23,380 $ 34,000 $ 100,000 $ -0- Grand Total $ 23,380 $ 34,000 $ 100,000 $ -0- I I FUND DEPARH\ENT DIVISION FUND NO. 24 General Industrial Develo ent SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. No. Grand Total 1978 1979 1980 1981 Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission $ 20,860 $ 14,910 $ 20,000 $ -0- $ 20,860 $ 14,910 $ 20,000 J- -0- Description 295 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Other Professional Services CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I 51 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS FLOOD WORKS DIVISION The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, ]22 commercial firms, 2 schools, and 3 churches were inundated and approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years, Sal ina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961, is designed to protect the City from twice the quantity of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost of over 6 million dollars, approximately 2.3 mill ion in local funds and the balance federal. The project included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges, and thousands of acres of land involved in rights-of-way and easements. Thousands of us who do not recall the ]951 or earlier floods might not appreciate the value of the project. That 6 million dollars and the 50 thousand or so we spend for maintenance each year has brought relief to thousands of people, increased property values, and made it both feasible and profitable to develop many acres of land which previously were in constant threat of flooding. The function of the Flood Works and Levee account is one of maintaining, patroling and keeping in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flòod protection system for the City of Salina. The Division has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system. -I: ~': * -I: ~': ~': The Division has 3 full-time employees: Worker (2). Lead Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Account #299 provides for renting equipment for the removal of sludge, rock and logs from gates and channels on the flood control system. Account #387 allows for a continuing annual program of systematically resurfacing a portion of the top surface of the dike system with gravel as required by the Corps of Engineers. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 52 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 231 242 253 255 257 284 295 299 310 333 344 345 347 359 365 379 381 387 503 FUND ~eneral DEPARTMENT ~eneral Services SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Insurance - Motor Vehicles Electric Service Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Tires & Tubes Repair - Radio Equipment Laundry & Towel Service Other Professional Services Other Contractual Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Chemicals Maint. & Oper. - Vehicles & Eq. Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Motor Vehicles - License Tags Other Operating Supplies Cement and Cement Products Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes Paint & Painting Supplies Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat Subtotal CAPITAL OUTLAY Equipment Grand Total CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual '$ 32,135 $ 355 229 3,506 222 -0- 9 -0- 91 4,412 -0- -0- -0- 2,348 8 80 -0- -0- 51 297 2,784 -0- $ 1979 Actual DIVISION Flood Works 1980 Budget 32,066 $ 34,980 $ 344 -0- 3,181 427 21 6 -0- 89 4,068 22 493 -0- 3,185 8 85 -0- 86 74 393 4,346 -0- 350 -0- 2,800 200 110 20 100 150 3,730 50 750 -0- 4,260 10 200 100 150 80 420 6,020 270 39,331 $ 40,480 $ 45,000 $ 53 1981 FUND NO. 27 1981 Manager Commission 39,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 530 530 -0- 470 9,590 -0- -0- 750 -0- -0- -0- 500 11,310 -0- 50,840 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS This Fund replaces the Human Resources Fund and is under the Director of Community Services. This funding provides for the operation and maintenance of three neigh- borhood centers, those being Memorial Hall, Carver Center, and Friendship Center. The 5 full-time employees in this fund include: a Recreation Supervisor, an Acti- vities Center Coordinator, one Senior Clerk, a Senior Custodian, and one Custodian. This staffing reduces the former Human Resources staff by one Activities Center Coordinator. The Director of Community Services proposes to use the one remaining Coordinator and the Recreation Supervisor to keep both the KTI-Recreation Commis- siong gym, along with Memorial Hall, open seven days a week. Lack of attendance at Friendship Center no longer warrants supervising that facility for a drop in activity. It will be used only for meetings and organized, scheduled recreational activities. ~': ~': * ~': ~', * Account #205 has been reduced by the combining of offices and removal of the intercom system from Memorial Hall. Account #295 provides for service contracts on the elevator in Memorial Hall, fire extinguishers, cable TV, and pest control services. Account #503 provides for the purchase of a floor buffing and scrubbing machine. The Neighborhood Centers previously were financed partially from the General Fund and primarily from Revenue Sharing. This budget proposes that it be financed entirely from the General Fund and removed from revenue sharing. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 54 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 205 207 209 221 231 241 242 243 251 252 253 255 295 310 320 331 343 345 347 359 367 371 379 381 503 509 517 FUND General DEPARTMENT Community Service SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Postage Printing Office Forms Insurance - Motor Vehicles Gas Service Light & Power Service Water Service Repair - Building Repair - Furniture & Office Eq. Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repa i r - Tires Other Professional Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Office Supplies Books & Periodicals Janitor & Toilet Supplies Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr. Motor Vehicle - License Tags Other Operating Supplies Electrical Suppl ies Lumber & Lumber Products Motor Vehicles - Tires Paint & Painting Materials Subtotal CAP ITAL OUTLAY Equipment Furniture & Fixtures Office Mechanical Equipment Subtotal Grand Total CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual '$ 25,081 1979 Actual DIVISION Neighborhood Centers 1980 Budget FUND NO. 28 1981 Manager Commission $ 43,504 $ 86,900 $ 69,750 1,319 847 47 49 -0- -0- -0- -0- 6,685 2,310 -0- -0- 564 11,821 3 164 3 -0- -0- -0- 978 -0- -0- -0- 22 1,170 $ -0- 145 -0- 145 38,217 $ 55 1,107 683 74 24 67 5,520 10,551 625 1,560 178 355 -0- 3, 111 23,855 190 193 16 1,851 333 -0- 447 -0- 14 -0- 47 3,091 325 209 -0- 534 1,250 500 70 50 70 -0- -0- -0- 2,000 300 430 70 3,000 7,740 200 100 50 2,000 150 -0- 500 200 50 120 50 3,420 -0- -0- -0- -0- 70,984 $ .98,060 $ 1981 500 600 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,000 300 400 -0- 3,600 7,400 -0- -0- -0- 1,800 -0- -0- 1,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,800 700 -0- -0- 700 80,650 ANNUAL BUDGET 56 Acct. I No. I FUND DEPARTMENT Special Funds SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description 1978 Actual Employee Benefits 721 ,008 266,802 Util ity Fund Bond and Interest 1 ,678, 166 Special Liabil ity Special Park and Recreation Special Alcohol Program -0- 1979 Actual DIVISION 1980 Budget FUND NO. 1981 Manager Commission 275,439 1,071,171 Þl,4l0,260 þl,590,600 435,000 402,450 1,648,999 1,809,700 2,065,180 -0- 76,000 70,000 70,000 78,000 35,540 Grand Total 2,665,976 2,995,609 3,838,410 p4,239,860 35,540 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 57 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND This fund is authorized by the state legislature in 1978 for util ization by cities on an optional basis. Essentially it allows cities to create such a fund to consol- idate employer payments for those employee benefits the city's enabling ordinance or resolution described, exclusive of salaries, wages, or other direct payments. This permits us to make only one tax levy for all of the benefits instead of several as was the practice in past years. The consolidated fund has no effect on the levy or funds necessary to support the various activities. The self-supporting funds, Water and Sewerage, and Sanitation, are excluded from this fund. They make payments from their separate budgets directly to the state. All other special funds make a transfer payment to this fund to cover their costs in the appropriate account. In this way, one check is sent to the state to cover all activities other than Sanitation and Water and Sewerage. ,~ ,~ ,~ ,'< ,~ * #277 provides 1 iabil ity insurance for elected officials and employees covering errors and omissions. #236 is based on a total contribution of 13.3% up to a maximum of $29,700 per in- dividual salary. The employer and employee each pay 6.65%. Account #237 - The City contributes 27.7% and the employee 7%. Account #238 - The City contributes 5.8% and the employee 4%. #239 - The City pays the full premium for medical insurance coverage on the em- ployee. In 1981, it is estimated the premium will be $46.50, compared to $41.87 in 1980. The foregoing applies to all employees, except members of the Fire De- partment who are covered under a separate group pol icy. The optional dependent coverage is estimated to total $90.31 in 1981, as opposed to $85.32 in 1980. It is recommended the City increase its contribution toward dependent coverage from $25 to $50 in 1981. In the case of the members of the Fire Department, the City presently pays 25% of the coverage for the employee, with the Firemen1s Relief Fund paying 75%. It is recommended for 1981 that the City pay 35% and the Fire- men1s Rel ief Fund 65%. The same recommendation appl ies to the City's contribution to dependent coverage for the Fire Department as for the other departments. . Along with the group medical insurance coverage, the City also provides 1 ife in- surance coverage for the employees equal to the annual salary, with a minimum of $10,000. It is estimated the City's total contribution for group medical insurance coverage would amount $178,600 with an additional $20,400 for the 1 ife insurance. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 58 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. Employee Benefits 38 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 227 Publ ic Officials & Employee ~ Liabil ity Insurance -0- ~ -0-:;> 9,600 $ 9,800 236 Social Security 239,435 319,923 286,000 370,000 237 Pol ice & Firemen's Retirement (KP&F) 230, 101 510,450 655,000 706,500 238 Employees Retirement (KPERS) 161,120 173,267 197,200 225,000 239 Group Insurance -0- -0- 178,780 199,000 292 Unemployment Insurance 8,358 9,979 12,180 12,300 294 Worker1s Compensation 81 ,994 57,552 71 ,500 68,000 Grand Total $ 721,008 1,071, 1 71 ~1,4l0,260 $1,590,600 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission 110 Current Tax 570,664 491 ,280 752,510 999,667 130 Del i nquent Tax 7,482 8,755 7,000 7,000 170 Auto Dealers Tax Stamps -0- 1,978 -0- 2,930 180 Vehicle Tax -0- -0- -0- 86,040 610 Interest on Investments -0- 29,694 8,000 18,000 941 Police & Fire Retirement - Emp. 102,007 114,646 123,390 135,000 943 Social Security - Employer 26,960 20,567 19,430 22,000 944 Social Security - Employee 137,102 159,086 167,470 175,000 945 Employees Retirement - Employer 17,368 9,425 17,960 11,000 946 Employees Retirement - Employee 72,823 87,101 94,440 105,000 947 Unemployment Ins. - Employer 350 416 300 400 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 2,404 582 2,400 1,000 957 Transfer from Other Funds -0- 370,564 -0- -0- Grand Total 937 , 1 60 1,294,094 " 1 , 192,900 ,,1,563,037 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 I;> 222,923 I;> 27,563 1,185,900 1,563,037 1 ,408,823 1 ,590,600 1 ,381 ,260 1 ,590,600 27,563 -0- 59 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS UTILITY FUND We are anticipating a small increase in all utility costs. However, the increase is not as significant as was anticipated when the 1980 Budget was put together. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 60 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 241 242 243 244 245 Acct. No. 110 130 170 180 610 FUND Util ity Fund DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Gas Service Light & Power Service Water Service Traffic Control Signals St reet Li ght i ng Grand Total 1978 Actual $ 26,590 $ 41,705 11, 146 17,348 170,013 1979 Actual 20,970 36,841 6,990 19,332 191 , 306 $ 266,802 $ 275,439 1978 Actual SUMMARY OF REVENUE Current Tangible Taxes Delinquent Tangible Taxes Auto Dealers Tax Stamps Vehicle Taxes Interest on Investments Grand Total Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Description 1979 Actual -0- $ 308,931 -0- 979 -0- 1,243 -0- -0- -0- 2,871 $ $ -0- 61 DIVISION 1980 Budget $ 47,400 $ 77,000 13,200 24,500 240,350 FUND NO. 41 1981 Manager Commission 52,000 80,000 16,000 28,000 259,000 $ 402,450 $ 435,000 1980 Budget $ 398,530 -0- -0- -0- 3,000 $ 314,024 $ 401,530 1981 Manager Commission $ 316,545 2,400 1,550 45,570 3,000 $ 369,065 $ 38,585 $ 65,935 405,350 369,065 443,935 435,000 378,000 435,000 $ 65,935 $ -0- 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS BOND AND INTEREST FUND Most of the increase for 1981 is attributable to curb gutter and paving, the major portion of which is charged to the property owners. ;o~ ;~ * ;~ * i~ Account #623 is budgeted each year and when the interest is actually paid, it appears in the other account numbers. The total general bond principal for 1981 is $585,000. $325,000 of this is principal due on the Sal ina Bicentennial Center. The total general bond interest for 1981 is $343,550. The Sal ina Bicentennial Center accounts for $268,612 of this amount. Of the approximately $255,000 increase in this expenditure, about $186,000 are special assessment payments by property owners. The remaining approximately $70,000 are additional expense for the City portion of the special assessments and other debts. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 62 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 601 603 605 607 609 611 621 623 Acct. No. 110 130 150 160 170 180 610 630 929 952 957 FUND Bond and Interest DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description DEBT AND INTEREST General Bond Principal General Bond Interest Curb,Gutter,Paving Principal CS Curb,Gutter,Paving Principal POS Curb,Gutter,Paving Interest CS Curb,Gutter,Paving Interest POS Fiscal Ag. Commission & Postage Estimated Interest on Bonds to be issued 1978 Actual ~ 545,000 520,868 166,652 319,348 37,029 87,571 1,698 -0- 1979 Actual 546,000 ~ 360, 182 166,588 414,412 32,599 128,417 801 -0- DIVISION FUND NO. 42 1980 Budget 1981 Manager Commission 574,000 ~ 350,070 158,490 498,520 40,410 187,210 1,000 585,000 343,550 165,950 605,100 48, 160 266,420 1,000 -0- 50,000 Grand Total 1 ,678,166 ~l ,648,999 $1,809,700 $2,065,180 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Description Current Tangible Taxes Delinquent Tangible Taxes Special Assessment Taxes Delinquent Sp. Assessment Taxes Auto Dealers Tax Stamps Vehicle Taxes Interest on Investments Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold Special Assessments Reimbursement of Expenditures Transfer from PM, W & S, GC 1978 Actual $ 885,880 $ 9,305 332,997 26,910 -0- -0- 363,631 1,786 3,210 -0- 61 ,235 1979 Actual 979,350 $ 14,277 429,653 14,688 3,943 -0- 90,645 6,773 3,116 351 61,000 1980 Budget 1981 Manager Commission 989,720 $1,038,353 14,000 12,000 617,760 635,450 23,100 20,000 3,900 3,900 -0- 114,300 64,000 30,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 3,000 -0- -0- 66,380 64,850 Grand Total $1,684,954 $1,603,796 $1,788,860 $1,923,853 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures , Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 63 $ 162,167 $ 141,327 1,788,860 1,923,853 1,951,027 2,065,180 1,809,700 2,065,180 $ 141 ,327 $ -0- /981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE FUND The Kansas Tort Claims Act (Sub. SB76) which went into effect July 1, 1979, author- izes municipalities to pay the cost of legal defense, claims, and "other direct and indirect costs resulting from the implementation of this act", for a "Special Lia- bil ity Expense Fund". The act provides that the governing body which has created a Special Liability Ex- pense Fund may levy a tax therefore, without 1 imitation as to rate and outside the property tax lid. In addition, monies received by the municipality 'Ifrom any source whatsoever which may be lawfully utilized for such purpose" may be placed in the fund. The special fund may be a reserve fund, and monies once budgeted into the fund would not need to be annually rebudgeted for expenditure in the future. $58,000 has been budgeted for 1 iabil ity insurance and $20,000 for legal services. ,,< ,,< ,,< * * ,': #957 - $19,000 has been transferred from fee supported services (Golf Course, Water and Sewerage, Sanitation, Sol id Waste, and Parking Meter) to pay their share of 1 iability insurance. All 1 iabil ity insurance can now be paid for from one "Special Liabil ity Expense Fund". CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 64 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 227 295 Acct. No. 110 957 170 180 FUND Special Liability Expense DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Insurance - Liabllity Other Professional Services Grand Total 1978 Actual 1979 Actual SUMMARY OF REVENUE Description Current Tangible Taxes Transfer from Other Funds Auto Dealer Tax Stamp Vehicle Tax Grand Total Beginnlng Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unecumbered Cash Balance December 31 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 65 1979 Actual DIVISION FUND NO. 43 1980 Budget 1981 Manager Commission $ 56,000 $ 58,000 20,000 20,000 $ 76,000 78,000 $ 1980 Budget 1981 Manager Commission I $ 60,000 $ 62,900 16,000 19,000 -0- 240 -0- 6,860 $ 76,000 $ 89,000 $ -0- 76,000 76,000 58,000 $ 18,000 89,000 107,000 78,000 $ 18,000 $ 29,000 1981 ANNUAL .BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND All monies received by the state from the 10% gross receipts liquor tax goes into a state "Local Alcohol ic Liquor Fund", which is distributed to cities and counties. Cities receive the tax paid by any private clubs within the city. Monies are dis- tributed quarterly. Upon receipt of the money, the City Treasurer is to credit 1/3 to the "Special Parks and Recreation Fundi'. The Special Parks and Recreation Fund will receive an estimated $35,540 in revenue, all of which will be transferred to the General Fund to supplement the park budget. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 66 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND Special Parks & Recreation DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. 47 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. No. Description 1978 Actual 1979 Actual J9.30 1981 Manager Commission ßuJgel 447 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES Transfer to Other Funds Grand Total $ $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 35,540 35,540 SUMMARY OF REVENUE I Acct. I No. I 215 Description 1978 Actual 1979 Actual 1980 Budget 1981 Manager Commission I I Grand Total $ 70,000 $ 35,540 I Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ -0- $ -0- Total Revenue 47,700 35,540 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 47,700 35,540 Less Expenditures 47,700 35,540 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ -0- $ -0- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 67 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET City Liquor Tax $ 70,000 $ 35,540 BUDGET COMMENTS SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND All monies received by the state from the 10% gross receipts liquor tax goes into a state I'Local Alcohol ic Liquor FundI!, which is distributed to cities and counties. Cities are to receive the tax paid by any private clubs within the city. Monies are distributed quarterly by the state. Upon receipt of the money, the City Treasurer credits 1/3 to the I'Special Alcohol Programs FundI!. The Special Alcohol Programs Fund will receive an estimated $35,540 in revenue. The City of Sal ina is entered into a contract for services with the Central Kansas Alcohol ic Foundation. The entire amount in this fund will go to finance that contract. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 68 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND Special Alcohol Programs DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. 48 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. No. Description 1978 Actual ]979 Actual ]980 Budget ]981 Manager Commission 295 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Other Professional Services Grand Total $ 70,000 $ $ 70,000 $ 35,540 35,540 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1978 1979 ]980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission 215 City Li quor Tax $ 70.000 $ 35,540 Grand Total $ 70,000 $ 35,540 Beginning Cash Balance January 1 st $ -0- $ -0- Total Revenue 47,700 35,540 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 47,700 35,540 Less Expenditures 47,700 35,540 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ -0- $ -0- J CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 69 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET 70 FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION FUND NO. Enterprise Funds SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1931 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission Sanitation 413,318 501,110 511,600 615,830 Parking Meters 91 ,283 92,953 103,560 105,080 Golf Course 89,813 98,424 106,120 122,830 Special Gas 399, 186 479,802 466,310 375,000 So 1 i d Waste 139,965 126,412 176,320 187,450 Bicentennial Center -0- 405,736 598,620 590,000 Water and Sewerage 4,833,122 3,570,145 3,539,030 3,770,700 Grand Total 5,966,687 5,274,582 5,501,560 5,766,890 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 71 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET 72 ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SANITATION 1981 Service Fees Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services $ 341 ,950 149,490 Contractual Services Materials and Supplies 101,390 Capital Outlay 23,000 Operating Expenses Subtotal Other Income Ga i n ( Lo s s ) 73 $644,100 615,830 28,270 5,300 $33,570 BUDGET COMMENTS SANITATION DIVISION This Division of the General Services Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Sal ina. Commer- cial collections, including apartment houses, are handled by 1 icensed, private haulers or by the individual business. The Division is supervised by the Sanita- tion Superintendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex, and triplex residential units on an optional basis. With the implementation of the landfill gate fee, a high percentage of the refuse previously transported by private individuals to the landfill site is now being handled by the Sanitation Division or by 1 icensed haulers. The Division presently operates six 20-cubic yard packer trucks, each with an assigned route to be serviced each day, Monday through Friday. These are supple- mented by three shuttle trucks, which permit the crews to remain on the routes while a driver takes a loaded truck to the landfill. Two dump-type trucks are util ized for making special pickups for p~les of tree limbs and items too bulky for the packer trucks. . * * ~'< ~', ~', 'k Full-time employees for the Division include: Sanitation Superintendent, Adminis- trative Aide, Maintenance Worker (6), Laborer Assigned as Rel ief Driver (3), and Laborer (17). The Division is charged 5ç per monthly bill ing by the Water and Sewerage Depart- ment and 5ç per month per account is paid to the General Fund for general admin- istrative services. This is reflected in #291. #297 is charges paid by the Division for use of the landfill. The increase in this account is due to the anticipated 30% increase in the landfill gate fees. Account #299 (Contractural Services) is a new account. This is a consolidation of the 1980 Employee Development Account (#207), the postage account (#209), printing office form account (#221), the water service account (#243), and the medical service account (#290). #359 includes water coolers, ice coupon books, paper cups, first aid suppl ies, and laundry and towel service. #525 provides for the replacement of one 1975 Ford 750 Series packer truck. Account #733 - It is projected that the cash balance will decrease from $106,430 to $71,130 through calendar year 1980. The monthly cost to service each residence was $3.92 during 1979, compared to the monthly fee at $3.75 collected by the depart- ment. Excluding the $23,000 proposed for replacement of the truck, the projected 1981 expenses exceed the 1980 budget by $81,230, or 16%. Therefore, it is being proposed that the monthly service fee be increased from $3.75 to $4.75, or 26.7%. The present fee of $3.75 per month was establ ished in August of 1978. Prior to that, the fee was $3.00 per month as establ ished in September of 1973. A full memorandum will be forwarded to the Commission on this matter. This budget anticipates that that rate will be adopted. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 74 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 130 205 207 209 221 227 231 236 238 239 243 253 255 257 284 290 291 292 294 297 299 310 320 331 344 345 347 359 379 517 519 525 FUND DEPARTMENT General Services SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees Subtotal CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone and Telegraph Employee Development Postage Printing Office Forms Insurance - Liability Insurance - Motor Vehicles Insurance - Social Security Employees Retirement (KPERS) Group Insurance Water Service Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Tires and Tubes Repair - Radio Equipment Laundry & Towel Service Medical Services Bill ing & Admin. Services Unemployment Insurance Worker's Compensation Disposal Charges Other Contractual Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Office Supplies Books and Periodicals Maint. & Opr. - Vehicles & Eq. Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. Motor Vehicles - License Tags Other Operating Supplies Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes Subtotal CAP ITAL OUTLAY Office Mechanical Equipment Radio Equipment Trucks Subtotal Grand Total CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 1979 Actual DIVISION Sanitation 1980 Budget FUND NO. 57 1981 Manager Commission $ 236,199 $ 248,936 $ 300,970 $ 320,800 8,262 9,401 8,730 21,150 244,461 258,337 309,700 341,950 . 481 42 -0- 602 1,668 2,418 14,437 11,714 10,594 214 24,043 2,076 510 910 112 12,252 679 26,972 27,000 -0- 136,724 - 1,068 538 56 -0- 20,176 825 423 -0- 23,086 -0- 650 8,397 _---Î>o47 $ 413,318 491 125 16 380 2,720 3,122 15,528 13,349 12,799 221 30,926 2,973 565 1,462 264 12,692 777 18,794 31,000 -0- 148,204 1,432 244 62 -0- 28,333 834 451 -0- 31,356 810 -0- 62,403 63,213 540 150 -0- 700 1,670 3,010 18,900 16,500 21,110 280 25,100 2,900 720 1,640 120 12,600 1,220 20,900 31,000 -0- 159,060 1,640 630 80 -0- 38,860 830 600 200 42,tl4C -0- -0- -0- -0- 600 -0- -0- -0- 2,700 -0- 23,150 20,320 20,850 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 13,560 2,-090 22,000 42,900 --LZEQ 149,490 1,740 1,300 -0- 95,690 -0- -0- 2,66c -0 101,39C -0- -0- 23,000 23,000 $ 501, 11 0 $ 51 L.&QQ ~~ 75 - 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 610 731 733 952 - - FUND DEPARn~ENT General Services SUMMARY OF REVENUE Description Interest from Investments Miscellaneous Sales & Service Service Fees Reimbursement of Expenditures Grand Total Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 1979 Actual DIVISION Sanitation 1980 Budget FUND NO. 57 1981 Manager Commission $ 4,227 $ 4,329 $ 3,700 $ 5,000 108 81 100 300 403,000 471,000 472,500 644,100 444 823 -0- -0- $ 407,779 $ 476,233 $ 476.300 $ 649,400 76 $ 106,430 $ 71, 1 30 476,300 649,400 582,730 720,530 511,600- ~J5,83Q. $ 71 ,130 $ 104,700 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT Parking Meter Revenue Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Suppl ies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay Operating Expenses Gain (Loss) PARKING METERS 1981 $39,670 20,060 6,960 37,790 600 77 $103,000 105,080 $ (2,080) BUDGET COMM ENTS PARKING METER DIVISION The Division provides for the collection of monies, parking enforcement, debt ser- vice, and maintenance of all municipal-owned parking facil ities within the Central Business District. The Division is supervised by the Pol ice Department with assis- tance provided by the Traffic Engineer. There are a total of 1,544 meters in the Central Business District; 917 parking meters in the ten City-owned parking lots and 627 on-street parking meters. There are a total of 488 long-term meters (6- and 10-hours), all of which are located in the ten City-owned off-street parking lots. At present, there are 1,056 short-term meters in the CBD. The short-term meters are located both on-street and in the City-owned parking lots. The parking meter rate continues at 5ç per hour which is the same as it was when parking meters were first installed in Salina around 1946. Monthly parking per- mits are available for purchase at the City Clerk's Office for $10 per month. The permits can be used at 6 and 10 hour meters for all day parking. The only advantage in the use of a permit is in not having to have a coin to operate the meter. Long-term parking rates are now the same as short-term. The intent of placing short-term parking on the interior of the area is to accom- modate the shopper. The basic problem continues to be inadequate parking spaces in the CBD to accommodate the needs of both the shoppers and employees. The cost of land and developing parking facil ities continues to escalate. The same is . true of expenses involved in supervision, operation and maintenance of the present parking facil ities. The City has two more years to pay on the debt for the present off-street parking facil ities. $39,000 of the annual- parking revenue is pledged toward the payment of the principal and interest on this debt. This is in keeping with the commitment made to the people of Salina as the means of paying the city-at-large share of the General Obl igation Bonds used in financing purchase and construction of the lots. All revenue derived from fines for parking violations goes to the General Operating Fund of the City. * ;~ ;'~ * * ;~ There are 4 full-time employees in this fund: and Meter Violations Checker (3). Parking Meter Repair Technician The increase in Account #299 is due to anticipated arcades and restroom repairs and repairs to the North 7th Street Arcade roof. The Parking Meter Bonds will be paid off in November, 1982. Prior to that time, the City Commission should decide whether to continue this operation or to modify it. Under the present accounting system, the parking meters are not generating sufficient revenue. However, the City debt service funds will be used to offset any deficiency in the principal and interest accounts until the bonds are retired. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 78 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 221 231 236 238 239 253 255 292 294 299 310 343 FUND Parking Meter DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Printing Office Forms Insurance - Motor Vehicles Insurance - Social Security Employees Retirement Group Insurance Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Motor Vehicles Tires Unemployment Insurance Worker's Compensation Other Contractual Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Janitor Supplies 1978 Actual 31 ,823 947 396 2,095 2,143 1 ,811 2,516 52 89 529 1,159 11,737 -0- 68 1979 Actual 33,483 5,729 445 1,896 1,647 2,076 2,438 7 95 348 1,295 15,976 18 84 DIVISION 1980 Budget 36,280 3,150 500 2,250 2,030 3,550 1,200 10 120 470 4,570 17,850 30 140 ] :OUNO NO. i 1981 Manage r Comm is s i on I I 39,670 3,850 -0- 2,690 2,090 4,270 -0- -0- 130 710 6,320 20,060 -0- 0 - - 344 Maint & Opr - Vehicles & Equip. -0- -0- -0- 5,140 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 673 908 1,240 -0- 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 43 45 50 -0- 355 I,.Jearing Apparel 803 697 670 750 359 Other Operating Supplies 28 745 330 570 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 7 -0- 50 -0- 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires 153 68 470 -0- 391 Parking Meter Parts 771 3,409 7,060 500 Subtotal 2,546 5,974 10,040 6,960 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 447 Off-Street Parking - Bond & I nt 39,000 35,000 38,810 37,790 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment -0- -0- 580 600 513 Parking Meters 6,177 2,520 -0- -0- Subtotal 6,177 2,520 580 600 Grand Total $ 91,283 $ 92,953 $ 103,560 $ 105,080 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 79 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND Parking Meter DEPARTt1ENT DIVISION FUND NO. 60 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission 450 Parking Meter Revenue 61,206 74,802 $ 85,000 $ 88,000 610 Interest from Investments 732 -0- -0- -0- 707 Parking Meter Permits 19,098 14,820 22,000 15,000 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures -0- 1,031 -0- -0- Grand Total $ 81,036 $ 90,653 $ 107,000 $ 103,000 Revenue 107,000 103,000 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 112,050 111,490 Less Expenditures 103,560 105,080 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 8,490 $ 6,410 . : CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 80 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 5,050 $ 8,490 ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT GOLF COURSE 1981 Membership and Green Fees Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services $55,910 25,330 Contractual Services Materials and Suppl ies 23,300 15,060 Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay 3,230 Operating Expenses Subtotal Other Income Gain (Loss) 81 $ 99,000 122,830 (23,830) 22,300 $ (1,530) BUDGET COMM ENTS GOLF COURSE DIVISION The increased cost of fuel and other aspects of tourism appears to be causing many people to spend their vacation and other leisure times closer to home. These con- ditions, along with a growing interest in physical fitness and more time for recrea- tion, has resulted in golfing and other sports gaining in popularity among all age groups. The Municipal Golf Course provides everyone the opportunity to participate in this healthful and challenging activity. The novice or occasional golfer who cannot afford or doesn't care to belong to a country club can participate simply by paying green fees. Play continues to increase since the opening of the course in August 1970. Numerous tournaments are held on the course and the schools util ize the course for their organized golf program. Continual praise is heard concerning the layout, condition and quality of the course. As a Division of the Department of Community Services, the Golf Course maintenance is supervised by the Golf Course Manager. He is responsible to the Director of Community Services and receives technical advice and assistance from the Park Superintendent. The Golf Professional is responsible for activity on the course, supervising play, schedul ing tournaments, operating the Pro Shop and is available for golfing in- struction on a fee basis. * * * ,,< ,': ,,< Full-time employees of the Division are as follows: Golf Professional, Golf Course Manager, Lead Maintenance Worker, and Maintenance Worker. The Division also reI ies on seasonal part-time employees from Spring through the summer months. The increase in Account #351 is due to the additional purchase of fertilizer, chemi- cal supplies, and seed for the beautification of the Golf Course. Account #359 provides for the purchase of flags and cups, irrigation line repair, golf ball washers, sand trap rakes, sprinklers, and other miscellaneous suppl ies. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 82 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 130 205 207 221 227 231 241 242 243 253 255 284 FUND DEPARTMENT Community Services DIVISION Golf Course FUND NO. 61 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES 1978 1979 1980 1981 Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees $ 37,836 $ 43,750 $ 44,140 $ 49,700 Salaries - Part Time Employees 3,002 4,412 5,410 6,210 Subtotal 40,838 48,162 49,550 55,910 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Printing Office Forms Insurance - Liability Insurance - Motor Vehicles Gas Service Light & Power Service Water Service Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Tires & Tubes Laundry & Towel Service 276 81 102 730 394 2,180 11,419 601 6,248 95 6 317 87 781 1,163 383 2,519 10,974 371 4,439 64 4 380 170 600 730 380 2,990 16,150 1,000 4,930 200 20 400 -0- 750 1,100 -0- 3,000 16,150 1,000 -0- -0- -0- 292 Unemployment Insurance 115 133 200 340 294 Worker's Compensation 1,334 802 880 900 299 Other Contractual Services 276 1,092 1,350 1,590 Subtotal 23,857 23,129 29,980 25,330 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 120 160 100 300 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 200 196 60 -0- 344 Ma i n t. & Oper. - Vehicles & Eq. -0- -0- -0- 11,260 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 1,614 2,485 2,730 -0- 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags -0- 107 110 -0- 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Sup. 4,901 5,027 6,020 8,110 359 Other Operating Suppl ies 1,366 825 1,100 2,980 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 215 17 650 650 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 64 -0- 200 -0- 381 Paint & Painting Materials 152 61 50 -0- Subtotal 8,632 8,878 11,020 23,300 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax Remitted 750 -0- -0- -0- 447 Payment to Bond & Interest 10,235 14,000 15,570 15,060 Subtotal 10,985 14,000 15,570 15,060 CAP ITAL OUTLAY 516 Mowers & Misc. Equ i pment 5,501 4,255 -0- 3,230 Grand Total $ 89,813 $ 98,424 $ 106, 120 $ 122,830 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 83 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTt1ENT Community Services DIVISION FUND NO. Golf Course 61 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission ! 550 Membership & Green Fees $ 67,625 $ 81,061 $ 87,000 $ 99,000 560 Pull Cart Rental 2,370 718 3,150 3,500 I 565 Car Storage 2,212 3,191 3,000 4,800 575 Car User Fees 5, 110 4,537 4,000 9,000 599 Oi 1 Well Lease 4,171 5,401 4,200 5,000 Grand Total $ 81,488 $ 94,908 $ 101,350 $ 121,300 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 3,366 $ 2,596 Total Revenue 105,350 121,300 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 108,716 123,896 Less Expenditures 106,120 122,830 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 2,596 $ 1,066 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 84 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SPECIAL GAS 1981 Ga so 1 i ne Tax Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services $33,850 80,000 Contractual Services Materials and Supplies 81,150 180,000 Sundry Expenditures Operating Expenses Gain (Loss) 85 $375,000 375,000 $ -0- BUDGET COMM ENTS SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DIVISION The 1970 State Legislature provided a single formula for the distribution of fuel tax collections to counties, townships and cities. The funds are distributed on a per capita basis. All revenue derived from this source is used in street maintenance such as asphalt overlay and slurry sealing, concrete and asphalt repair work, and for the purchase of traffic control equipment. This activity is performed under the general super- vision of the Director of General Services as a part of the overall street main- tenance program. ,,< ,,< ,', ,,< ,,< ,,< The Division has 2 full-time employees: Maintenance Supervisor and Laborer. part-time employees are also util ized approximately 65 days out of the year. Two Account #299 provides for resurfacing and seal ing of streets. Account #353 provides for signs. Account #361 provides for the purchase of hot- mix asphalt for street repairs, and for seal ing cracks and joints in paved streets. Account #365 provides for the purchase of contrete for street and curb and gutter repair. Account #381 provides for paint and painting materials. Account #387 provides for the purchase of ròad gravel for alleys, fill sand for dusting freshly sealed street, and backfill for street excavations. #447 - This transfer to the General Fund provides relief to the ad valorem tax requirements. It helps offset the expenses involved in general administration, supervision, and various other aspects of street maintenance. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 86 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET I i Ace t. ¡ No. I I I 120 I 130 I 299 353 361 365 381 387 447 529 FUND DEPARTMENT Genera] Services SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees Subtotal CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Other Contractual Services MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Signs Asphalt & Road Oil Cement & Cement Products Paint & Painting Materials Sand, Gravel Rock & Chat Subtotal SUNDRY EXPENDITURES Transfer to Other Funds CAP ITAL OUTLAY Traffic Control Equipment Grand Total CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actua] $ 21 ,823 $ 1,491 23,314 135,000 6,803 31,939 17,473 ]6,467 5,722 78,404 160,000 2,468 $ 399.186 87 1979 Actual 24,475 $ 1,347 25,822 ]74,394 ]0,066 29,168 15,254 ]5,425 4,852 74,765 180,000 24,821 DIVISION Special Gasol ine Tax 1980 Budget 25,950 $ 3,270 29,220 155,000 8,765 21,000 23,000 18,825 8,000 79,590 180,000 22,500 FUND NO. k? ]981 Manager Commission 29,480 4,370 33,850 80,000 ]0,500 23,650 22,000 20,000 5,000 81, ]50 180,000 -0- 479,802:í 466,310 ~ 375,000 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTt1ENT DIVISION Special Gasol ine Tax FUND NO. 62 General Services SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1978 1979 1980 1981 No. Description Actual Actual Budget Manager Commission 220 Special Gas Tax $ 385,483 $ 375,223 $ 400,000 $ 375,000 221 Pothole Money 52,114 41,256 -0- -0- Grand Total $ 437,597 $ 416,479 $ 400,000 $ 375,000 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 48,702 $ 2,392 Total Revenue 375,000 375,000 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 423,702 377,392 Less Expenditures 421 ,3 I 0 375,000 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 2,392 $ 2,392 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 88 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT Service Fees Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenditures Operating Expenses Subtotal Ot her Income Ga i n (Loss) SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 1981 89 $ 78, 100 26,620 62,730 20,000 $182,000 187,450 (5,450) 15,000 $ 9,550 BUDGET COMMENTS SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIVISION The City owned and operated landfill, located southwest of Sal ina on Burma Road, provides sol id waste disposal facil ities for all of Saline County. The location and operations of this activity are in accordance with the "Sal ine County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Plant" as provided by the Saline County Commissioners and subsequently by the State Board of Health. The service is financed on revenues from gate fees collected from users of the landfill, and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for ~e landfill operation. This service is funded from fees paid by users; no tax monies are diverted to this activity. As a Division of the General Services Department, the operation is supervised by the Sanitation Superintendent who is responsible to the Director of General Services. ;~ ;', ;', ;~ * ;~ This fund has 6 full-time employees: and Gate Attendant (2). Maintenance Supervisor, Equipment Operator (3), #291 reimburses the General Fund for administrative and supervisory services. #299 provides for crop hail insurance and real estate taxes on land leased for farming purposes. #359 provides for fire extinguishers, the service of the fire extinguishers, paint, first aid suppl ies, rent on propane tanks, and other miscellaneous supplies. #387 provides for 700 tons of township rock at $8.00 per ton to extend and maintain landfi 11 roads. #450 provides for a reserve fund for equipment replacement. Account #733 (Service Fees) - This budget anticipates an approximate 30% increase in service fees at the landfill. The last adjustment in the landfill fees was in 1977. A comprehensive memorandum will be prepared for Commission consideration on the rate increase. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 90 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 205 221 227 228 236 238 239 241 242 253 255 291 292 FUND DEPARTMENT General Services SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description 1978 Actual 1979 Actual 61,631 178 492 712 1,241 3,734 3,588 2,989 947 633 24,230 813 -0- 187 DIVISION Sol ¡d Waste Dis osal 1980 Budget 69,470 190 800 400 1,250 4,300 3,850 5,360 930 850 15,700 1,090 2,000 280 FUND NO. 64 1981 Manager Commission 78,100 300 -0- 710 -0- 5,290 5,050 5,520 1,200 850 -0- -0- 2,000 400 294 Worker's Compensation 4,547 2,453 2,700 3,000 299 Other Contractual Services 1,957 1,840 2,100 2,300 Subtotal 54,655 44,037 41,800 26,620 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 188 24 620 380 320 Office Supplies 27 8 30 710 344 Maint & Opr - Vehicles & Equip -0- -0- -0- 55,120 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr 7,221 10,242 16,000 -0- 359 Other Operating Supplies 361 2'56 400 920 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 239 -0- 200 -0- 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt & Chat 1,417 2,399 2,800 5,600 Subtotal 9,453 12,929 20,050 62,730 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 450 Reserve - Equipment Replacement 18,000 -0- 10,000 20,000 CAP ITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment -0- 7,815 35,000 -0- Grand Total $ 139,965 $ 126,412 $ 176,320 $ 187,450 CI!Y OF SALINA, KANSAS 91 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees 57,857 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Printing Office Forms Insurance - Liabil ity Insurance - Equipment Insurance - Social Security KPERS - Retirement Group Insurance Ga s Se rv i ce Light & Power Service Repair - Equipment Repair - Tires & Tubes Billing & Administration Unemployment Insurance 161 439 400 945 3,256 3,429 2,349 738 600 35,491 197 -0- 146 Acct. No. 508 733 FUND DEPARTt1ENT DIVISION Sol id Waste Disposal General Services SUMMARY OF REVENUE Description Income from Leased Land Service Fees Grand Total Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 1979 Actual ~ 12,521 ~ 27,739 $ 131,472 139,936 > 143,993 ~ 167,675 $ 92 1980 Budget 11,000 $ 140,000 151 ,000 $ $ 54, 195 $ 151 000 $ 205, 195 176,320 28,875 $ 1981 FUND NO. 64 1981 Manager Commission 15,000 182,000 197,000 28,875 197,000 225,875 187,450 38,425 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT Rent, Food & Beverage Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials and Supplies Sundry Expenditures Operating Expenses Subtotal Other Income Gain (Loss) BICENTENNIAL CENTER 1981 93 $239, J 00 189,700 33,750 127,450 $310,000 590,000 (280,000) 250,000 $ 00,000) BUDGET COMMENTS BICENTENNIAL CENTER The Bicentennial Center was constructed in Kenwood Park at a cost of $6.5 mill ion and financed solely by ad valorem taxes. Salina voters approved the proposition on November 2, 1976, by a vote of 9,649 in favor and 7,469 opposed. The Center was opened for operation in June, 1979. The building consists of an arena and exhibition hall, along with supporting offices, meeting rooms, and other facil ities. The arena has a maximum seating capacity exceeding 8,000. It is ideally suited for concerts, trade shows, expositions, conventions and meetings, circuses, and various types of sporting events. The exhibition hall, measuring 120' X 1531, provides in excess of 44,000 sq. ft. for exhibition space and will seat 2,000 persons for a banquet. The responsibil ity of the Director and his staff is to see that the property is well-maintained, contract for usage of the facility, and endeavor to keep oper- ating costs to a minimum. Further, to provide good service to users of the build- ing and build a reputation where businesses, individuals, and organizations will want to return repeatedly to the Center for various functions. The operation of the facil ity is financed in part by rental fees and other income derived from events held at the Center. The goal is to develop the Center into a self-supporting enterprise; but if this ever becomes a real ity, it is expected to be at least several years in the future. The operation is subsidized by federal revenue sharing funds and assistance from other departments in the care and main- tenance of the building and grounds. ,~ ,', ,', ,~ * ,~ The Bicentennial Center account includes salaries for 13 regular employees, plus overtime for working not only Monday through Friday, but also many evenings and weekends. The 1981 Budget provides for the following full-time positions: Bicentennial Center Manager, Operations Manager, Stage Manager/Building Engineer, Food and Beverage Manager, Assistant Food and Beverage Manager, Event Coordinator, Senior Custodian, Custodian (3), Account Clerk, and Senior Clerk (2). #238 - The increase in this account is due to the fact that the entire staff qual ifies for KPER~ having been employed with the City for a full year. #242 - The increase in this account is due to an anticipated 10% increase in electric rates. The Bicentennial Center receives approximately 45% of its operationg revenues from Federal Revenue Sharing. The other funds come from rent for use of the facilities and proceeds on the sale of food and beverage operations. Also, the Park Division of Department of Community Services is responsible for the care and maintenance of the grounds of the Bicentennial Center. The cost of those services is not reflected in this budget. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 94 /981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 120 130 205 207 209 221 225 227 236 238 239 242 243 252 253 254 257 274 292 294 297 299 310 320 331 341 343 344 345 355 399 435 480 490 FUND General DEPARTMENT Bicentennial Center SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees Subtotal CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Employee Development Postage Printing Office Forms Advertising & Promotion Insurance - Inclusive Social Security Employees Retirement Group Insurance Electric Service Water Service Repair - Furniture & Office Eq. Repair - Machinery & Equipment Repair - Motor Vehicles Repair - Radios Rent - Machinery, Eq. & Vehicle~ Unemployment Insurance Worker1s Compensation Disposal Charges Other Contractual Services Subtotal MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Office Suppl ies Books & Periodicals Fuel & Lubr. - Heavy Equipment Janitor & Toilet Supplies Maint. & Opr - Vehicles & Equip Motor Vehicles - Gas & Oil Wearing Apparel Miscellaneous Repairs & Maint. Subtotal SUNDRY EXPENDITURES Organizational Dues Concessions - Miscellaneous Center Sponsored Events Subtotal CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 95 1979 Actual $ 154,220 3,520 157,740 5,490 4,177 1,565 3,200 7,218 13,479 5,093 1,500 4,513 35,899 636 400 3,675 160 -0- 4,583 2,300 983 1,651 2,330 98,852 578 6,353 150 667 8,650 -0- 918 2,190 8,923 28,429 270 44,268 -0- 44,538 DIVISION 1980 Budget FUND NO. 73 1981 Manager Commission $ 202,850 $ 214,100 20,000 25,000 222,850 239,100 8,000 3,000 4,500 1,000 12,000 17,000 12,950 4,300 8,700 88,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 500 3,700 2,900 3,000 3,500 6,000 185,050 500 4,800 250 500 10,200 -0- 2,000 500 12,000 30,750 470 103,000 20,000 123,470 1981 8,000 2,000 4,500 1,000 5,000 18,000 15,500 11,400 9,500 96,500 2,000 1,000 -0- -0- 500 2,000 700 2,100 4,000 6,000 189,700 500 4,250 -0- 500 10,000 6,000 -0- 500 . 12,000 33,750 450 122,000 5,000 127,450 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 503 509 525 Acct. No. 501 505 957 957 FUND General DEPARTMENT Bicentennial Center SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description CAPITAL OUTLAY Equipment Furniture & Fixtures Trucks Subtotal Grand Total 1978 Actual 1979 Actual 3,220 72,957 -0- 76,177 DIVISION 1980 Budget 28,500 3,000 5,000 36,500 FUND NO. 73 1981 Manager Commission -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 405,736 $ 598,620 $ 590,000 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Description Rent Food & Beverage Federal Revenue Sharing Unencumbered Bond Monies Grand Total Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 96 1979 Actual $ 71 ,863 107,529 219,293 60,420 $ 459,105 $ 44,042 459,105 503, 147 405,736 $ 97,411 1980 Budget 1981 Manager Commission $ 90,000 $ 110,000 167,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 34,500 -0- $ 541,500 $ 560,000 $ 97,411 $ 40,291 541,500 560,000 638,911 598,620 $ 40,291 1981 600,291 590,000 $ 10,291 ANNUAL BUDGET $ 55,420 573,950 127,420 188,700 238,470 481 ,450 468,790 394,000 ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT WATER AND SEWERAGE 1981 Water and Sewerage Fees Less Operating Expenses: Water Supply Softening and Treatment Pumping Distribution Customers Accounting & Collection Administrative and General Sewage Treatment and Collection Bond and Interest Operating Expenses Subtotal Capital Outlay Subtotal Other Income Gain (Loss) 97 $2,705,000 2,528,200 176,800 300,000 (123,200) 31 ,000 $ (92,200) BUDGET COMM ENTS WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT This Department has three divisions: water supply, customer accounting and col]ec- tions, and sewerage collection and treatment. The water supply division is composed of supply - purification - softening and dis- tribution for the City of Sal ina. The water is chemically treated to meet or exceed standards establ ished by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. Com- p] iance with those standards is assured by continua] testing in the plant proper, as well as the complete system. Sal ina obtains its water from two sources: the Smoky Hi]l River and 15 wells. Approximately 57% of the water is pumped from the river and the balance from the wells. Well water is util ized to temper the river water; however, it is the most expensive to process. Well water requires additional chemicals for softening. Additional cost is incurred for power to operate the wells. The water treatment plant is capable of producing 15 mill ion gallons of water per day. The peak demand has been 14.6 mill ion gallons. The plant has the capabil ity of being expanded to produce 24 mill ion gallons per day. Such an expansion will have to be undertaken in the not too distant future in order to keep abreast of Sa] ina's growth and demands for water. Customer accounting and collections division reads meters each month, computes account charges, provides service assistance for individual customers, and collects a]l monies due the department for the sale of water and sewer use fees. The divi- sion also bills and collects for refuse collection service to residential subscribers as a part of the monthly bill. Sewerage collection and treatment division maintains all sewage collection mains and laterals, sewerage pumping stations and the two treatment plants. It is responsible for the treatment of a]l sanitary wastes generated by the City to standards specified by the Kansas State Qepartment of Hea]th and Environment. This Department is self-supporting from user charges collected from its customers. No tax monies are diverted to this Department. * ~~ ~': ~~ * ~': The Department has 59 full-time employees, including: Softening and Treatment (#210)- Water System Superintendent, Laboratory Technician, Water Plant Operator (8), Main- tenance Worker, Laborer; Pumping (#310) - Water Plant Supervisor, Lead Water Plant Operator, Water Plant Operator (4); Distribution (#410) - Water Distribution Super- visor, Lead Maintenance Worker, Maintenance Worker (3), Water Meter Repair Techni- cian, Servicemen (3); Customer Accounting and Collection (#5]0) - Officer Supervisor, Water Meter Reader (4), Senior Data Processing Equipment Operator, Senior Clerk (2), Data Processing Equipment Operator, Clerk (4); Administrative and Genera] (#610) - City Engineer and Director of UtTl ities, Principal Clerk; Sewage-Treatment and Col- lection (#710) - Sewer Systems Superintendent, Waste Water Supervisor, Sewer Main- tenance Supervisor, Laboratory Technician, Sewer Plant Operator (7), and Maintenance Worker (6). CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 98 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET ¡'Xc c t. No. 110 120 I 130 140 150 205 210 215 220 230 235 240 255 260 270 275 280 310 315 320 330 335 340 410 420 425 430 435 440 450 455 FUND Water & Seweraae DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES Maintenance-Well Pumps & Equip. We 11 Pump Power Well House Signals River Intake Power Maintenance - Bldgs & Grounds Subtotal SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES Supervision Salaries Electric Power Gas Service Chemicals Maintenance - Equipment Maintenance - Bldgs & Supplies Electric Power - Calcining Plant Gas Serivce - Calcining Plant Supplies - Calcining Plant Electric Power - Sludge Line Maintenance - Sludge Line Subtotal PUMPING EXPENSES Salaries Electric Power Gas Service Building Operating Suppl ies Maintenance - Electrical Equip. Maintenance - Sta. Bldg & Grnds Subtotal DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES Salaries Meter Maintenance - Supplies Vehicles - Equipment Expenses Tapping Supplies Maintenance - Distribution Main Maintenance - Storage Tanks Maintenance - Hydrants Miscellaneous Materials & Labor Subtotal CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual $ 1,510 17,028 6,597 5,804 744 31,683 -0- 114,058 49,874 17,238 185,376 9,107 954 11 , 117 32,247 6,790 3,425 1 , 1 11 431,297 69,706 23,309 854 1,258 544 728 96,399 88,257 3,755 10,449 11,891 6,676 2,387 2,142 -0- 125,557 99 1979 Actual $ 5,736 16,929 6,050 6,517 447 35,679 29,509 107,931 47,841 18,917 224,027 16,351 2,815 9,681 28,921 1,520 1,580 4,253 493,346 72 ,946 31,860 960 2,002 5,594 281 113,643 94,414 3,601 12,336 12,443 21,861 683 5,803 -0- 151,141 DIVISION 1980 Budget $ 8,000 24,100 7,550 8,210 750 48,610 -0- 158,500 65,700 23,570 220,000 15,200 12,850 15,000 42,000 3,500 14,400 2,000 572,720 79,270 32,970 1,170 2,320 3,500 750 11 9,980 109,130 4,500 15,500 16,000 18,000 3,800 4,000 2,000 172,930 1981 FUND NO. qo 1981 Manager Commission! I $ 8,000 26,100 11,570 9,000 750 55,420 -0- 166,050 60,000 20,000 220,000 20,000 15,400 15,000 42,000 5,500 4,000 6,000 573,950 86,330 32,970 1,170 2,700 3,500 750 127,420 123,200 5,200 18,000 13,000 18,000 3,800 5,500 2,000 188,700 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT (continued) #130 provides for telephone control line signals for all wells, telemeter and elec- tric valve controls for the water towers, and additional circuits in the north tower. #260 provides for natural gas service for operation of the calcining plant furnace. #520 has been deleted and included in Account #535. #525 - For customer convenience, bills for water, sewer, and refuse collection ser- vices may be paid at several business locations throughout the City. The businesses are paid 5ç per account collected. Approximately 3,500 accounts are collected by Ashton1s Grocery Store, Food 4 Less on Broadway, Elmore's, Sears, and Highway Sundries. #545 reflects the cost of util izing the computer system for billing and posting of payments. #550 has increased due to a 36% increase in bulk mail ing costs and a 33% increase in 1st class mail rates. #625 provides for services of Kansas State Department of Health and Environment for bacteriological and chemical analysis of raw and potable water. #645 - Being a proprietary function, the Water and Sewerage Department pays an in 1 ieu of property tax to the General Fund in the amount of 3% of total revenue. #675 provides for a fixed asset cost accounting and current appraisal of fixed assets by Kennedy and Coe. #685 - The Department pays ~ of the City's 27% for the operation and maintenance of the City - County - Board of Education Building. #690 reimburses the General Fund for in-house engineering and administrative services provided by other offices or departments such as the City Manager, City Clerk, Personnel Department, Planning and Inspection Departments. #695 provides for the training of water and sewerage plant operators. pays the tuition expenses for all school ing. The City #730 provides for the maintenance and repair of equipment at both wastewater treat- ment plants. This includes replacing the automatic recirculating regulator at Plant #1 and for the factory to cal ibrate the flow meters at Plant #1. #740 includes the scheduled maintenance, repair, cleaning, and replacement of operator units for 47 1 ift stations. #750 provides for the service and repair to all vehicles and motorized equipment. #760 - Television equipment is utilized to inspect and repair sanitary sewer 1 ines. This provides film, video tapes, and material for seal ing cracks and voids in the sewer 1 ines. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 100 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 510 520 525 530 535 540 545 550 610 615 620 625 630 635 640 645 650 660 663 664 665 666 670 675 680 685 690 695 FUND Water & Sewerage DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES Salaries Servicemen & Meter Readers Supplies Collection Stations Maintenance - Office Equipment Office Supplies Vehicle Expenses Lease EDP Equipment Postage Subtotal ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES Sa 1 ari es Telephone Expenses Office Suppl ies Special Engineering Social Security Insurance - Buildings Sales Tax Payment in 1 ieu of property tax Accounts Charged Off KPERS Retirement Unemployment Insurance Liability Insurance Workers Compensation Group Insurance Auditing Expenses Contracting Service Organizational Dues & Membershibs Maintenance - Government Center Services Performed - Other Dept~ Employee Development Training Programs Subtotal CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 143,592 187 1,834 1,879 6,282 6,142 13,103 25,773 198,792 31,169 4,001 1,450 1,862 36,456 25,790 445 65,000 1,487 31,272 1,761 9,192 21,774 25,917 5,650 5,161 599 10,221 26,625 434 -0- 306,266 101 1979 Actual 155,967 433 1,804 1,097 7,810 8,461 15,132 24,870 215,574 40,010 3,741 1,474 250 41,918 24,438 1,623 67,500 3,301 35,198 2,103 17,077 11,752 32,159 8, 129 2,295 926 12,488 25,626 1,174 -0- 333,182 DIVISION 1980 Budget 186,050 300 1,900 2,300 7,000 8,270 15,000 27,900 248,720 44,350 4,700 1,700 1,500 51,000 28,000 2,000 70,250 1,200 46,000 3,300 10,780 13,920 49,500 6,000 5,000 740 13,750 29,920 1,000 1,000 385,610 1981 FUND NO. 90 1981 Manager Commission 147,270 -0- 2,000 2,000 7,200 4,000 30,000 46,000 238,470 53,480 5,200 1,700 4,200 54,860 30,000 2,000 80,000 1,500 53,540 3,500 18,500 14,000 47,670 6,500 50,000 800 18,000 33,000 1,500 1,500 481,450 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT (continued) #830 - In accordance with a predetermined schedule establ ished in the advance refunding of Revenue Bonds in 1978, this fund is being accumulated to pay bond principal in future years. The 1 ine items identified as Extension and Bond Retirement and Depreciation and Emergency are reserve funds. The 1 ine item identified as Capital Expenditure includes a variety of equipment, supplies and improvements for all divisions of the Water and Sewerage Department. Some of the major items include: 2 IBM typewriters, pipe saw for cutting ductile pipe, a 3" trash pump used to keep water out of the ditch when making main repairs, a pipe locator, one section of hydraul ic shoring, one backhoe, a three ton truck, with 2,000 gallon tank mounted to be used for flushing sewer lines and haul ing 1 iquid sludge from treatment plants, a replacement for the one ton 1962 Ford dump truck, one complete rotary distributor with arms and spreaders to be installed on the north trickl ing filter at Plant #2~ one analytical balance to be used in the laboratory at Sewage Treatment Plant #1, one portable flow meter, and one portable automatic sampler for industrial discharge monitoring, and one communi- cation radio to be used at the new office at Plant #1. Wilson and Company are presently preparing a rate analysis of the water and sewerage funds. It is anticipated that that rate analysis will recommend increases in both of these activities. This budget anticipates a rate increase. The rate increase, line item #9]0, is expected to "balance" the budget and that revenue level is not necessarily indicative of the rate adjustment forthcoming from Wilson and Company, nor is it indicative of the City Manager's recommendation. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 102 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 710 715 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 760 765 810 815 825 830 835 840 FUND Water & Sewerage DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Description SEWAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES Salaries Electric Power Gas Service Plant Operating Supplies Maintenance - Equipment Maintenance - Bldgs & Grounds Maintenance - Pumping Stations Maintenance - Sanitary Sewers Vehicle Expenses TV Expenses - San. Sewer Lines Pump Station Monitor . Subtotal BOND ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Bond Principal Payments Bond Interest Payments Bond Interest Payments 177 Bond! Sinking Fund Expenses Issuance Costs Interest Expenses Subtotal Cash Remitted to Sanitation Dep . Capital Improvement-Bond Money Capital Expenditures Extension & Bond Retirement Reserve Net cash transfer to other current assets Depreciation & Emergency ReservE Sales Tax Remitted Customer Deposit Refunds Transfer to Reserve for Retirement & Extension Fund 1978 Actual 188,253 82,857 11,071 1,799 10,529 5,163 11,899 3,780 20,370 601 2,092 338,414 111,500 30,099 90,000 -0- 1 , 116 187,445 420, 160 403,000 1,667,500 199,063 -0- 14,991 -0- -0- -0- 600,000 1979 Actual 200,513 92,820 12,304 1,891 15,286 1,989 14, 121 4,436 25,413 547 3,760 373,080 -0- -0- -0- 102,518 2,231 287,817 392,566 471 ,000 695,139 60,332 -0- 16,912 18,551 -0- -0- 200,000 DIVISION 1980 Budget 252,960 117,200 15,150 1,820 15,000 2,850 16,000 6,570 27,430 2,500 4,480 461 ,960 1,000 -0- -0- 115,000 -0- 280,000 396,.000 472,500 -0- 150,000 200,000 -0- 200,000 60,000 50,000 -0- FUND NO. GO 1981 Manager Commission 248,580 115,390 15,810 2,000 20,000 3,150 18,000 7,000 33,000 1,000 4,860 468,790 1,000 -0- -0- 113,000 -0- 280,000 394,000 472,500 -0- 300,000 200,000 -0- 200,000 40,000 30,000 -0- Grand Total $4,833,122 $3,570,145 $3,539,030 $3,770,700 CITY OF SA~INA, KANSAS 103 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET Acct. No. 910 915 920 930 950 970 980 990 FUND Water & Sewerage DEPARTt1ENT SUMMARY OF REVENUE Description Water Revenue Sewerage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping and Front Footage Service Fire Hydrant Reimbursement Service Charge - Sanitation Department EPA Grants Interest Income Sanitation Fees Collected Reserve for Extension and Bond Retirement Proceeds from Bond Issues Reserve for Depreciation and Emergency Sales Tax Collected Meter Deposit Grand Total Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1978 Actual 1979 Actual DIVISION 1980 Budget FUND NO. 90 1981 Manager Commi ss ion i $1,530,516 $1,528,903 $1,620,000 $2,025,000 . 602,658 640,383 650,000 680,000 5,361 20,843 8,000 10,000 19,745 33,702 6,634 545, 100 64,513 403,000 -0- 1,667,500 -0- -0- -0- 23,704 -0- 6,346 35,000 77 , 777 471 ,000 -0- 695, 139 -0- -0- -0- 19,000 30,000 7,000 -0- -0- 472,500 200,000 -0- 200,000 60,000 50,000 14,000 -0- 7,000 -0- -0- 472,500 200,000 -0- 200,000 40,000 30,000 $4,878,729 $3,499,095 $3,316,500 $3,678,500 104 $ 396,830 $ 174,300 3,316,500 3,678.500 3,713,330 3,539,030 $ 174,300 $ 1981 3,852,800 3,770,700 82,100 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION The Central Garage account is a "housekeeping" fund. All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment, except that of the Fire Department, is maintained by the Central Garage. This includes repair work, gasol ine and oil, tires and similar items and service. The various departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage or specialized service done by contract. Each individual budgetary unit has a 1 ine item for parts, labor and fuel. The full cost of operating the Central Garage, including fuel, parts, labor and over- head, is recovered from the various departments. ;'< 1: ;': * ;': * Full-time employees to operate the Central Garage include: Garage Supervisor, Senior Clerk, Garage Mechanic (3), and Laborer. Two part-time employees are util ized to operate the gas pumps. Total 1981 salaries for these personnel amounts to $89,755. SUMMARY OF VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EXPENSES Dept. or Div. Mun i c i pa 1 Cou rt Engineering Fire Permits & Inspection Park Pol ice Street Animal Shelter Traff i c Cemetery General Improvement Flood Works Total Gen. Fund 1,650 7,870 34,810 6,870 25,058 119,640 121,680 4,440 8,290 4,250 3,200 9,590 $347,348 $ Sanitation Parking Meter Golf Course Sol id Waste Disposal Bicentennial Center Water & Sewerage GRAND TOTAL 95,690 5,140 11,260 55,120 6,000 55,000 $575,558 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 105 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMM ENTS REVENUE SHARING FUND Revenue Sharing is the common name for the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended. This program was originally conceived as a method of sharing the progressive Federal income tax with state and local governments which tradition- ally have had to depend upon more regressive taxes. Its major goal is to disburse Federal monies with minimum restrictions on their use permitting the local decision- making process to determine the programs and activities where the money is most needed. The 1976 amendments to the original Act authorizes the expenditure of approximately 25.6 billion dollars to the nearly 39,000 eligible states, counties, cities, towns, townships, Indian tribes and Alaskan native villages. The current legislation expires on September 30, 1980. Revenue Sharing is an "entitlement" program. This means that no application is necessary to receive the funds. Based upon data furnished by the Census Bureau and other sources, funds are distributed by the Federal Treasury to eligible governments. Revenue Sharing is divided between the state governments and the local governments. Approximately 1/3 of the total appropriation is reserved for the states, with the remaining going to local governments. A complex of data and formulas are used to determine the exact allocation to each government. Each government competes with all other eligible units for a portion of the total funds to be distributed. Because of the complexity of the formula and the relative impact of the data upon the alloca- tion, each government's share is computed simultaneously with all other eligible governments. Population, per capita income, local taxing efforts and intergovern- mental transfers are the elements that go into the allocation formula. It is estimated that the City of Sal ina will receive approximately $375,000 in 1981. The proposed budget for Revenue Sharing is as detailed in the table on the following page. This proposed allocation is subject to final determination by the City Com- mission. A publ ic hearing was held June 23, 1980, for public input on proposed uses. While Congress has not yet acted on funding beyond September 30, indications are the program will be continued pretty much as it has been. Quite 1 ikely, it will be well into August before we know for sure what the future of Revenue Sharing is to be. However, it is essential for us to budget the estimated revenues in order to be able to util ize them. In the event the Revenue Sharing is not renewed or if there is a significant reduction in the allotment, we will have to act accord- ingly, which could very well mean some difficult decisions. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 106 1981 ANNUAL BUDGET REVENUE SHARING FUND 12th Entitlement Period Anticipated Allotment Recommended Expenditures Bicentennial Center Pol ice Department Computer Equipment Traffic Department Machine to remove paint lines Truck-mounted machine to remove & straighten sign posts $ 2,500 2,500 Park Division (Replacements) 6 Weed Eaters 1 Pickup 1 F 1 ail Mowe r 1 Riding Mower 1 Turf Truckster $ 1,500 6,000 2,000 8,000 4,000 Engineering Department Replace 174 Ford Van Replace automatic level purchased in '68 $ 9,000 1,700 Fire Department Replace 1974 Chev. Sta. Wagon Resuscitation Manequin & baby Replace shop & apparatus floor windows with glass block Air compressor cylinders 3 Phase Elec. Power Sta. #1 $ 9,500 1,300 4,500 6,500 3,000 Stimmel School Rental Reserve Abused Chi Idren TOTAL Balance 12/31/1980 107 $250,000 45,000 5,000 21 ,500 10,700 24,800 6,000 2,000 10,000 $375,000 375,000 -0- 108